Ramiro said on 13/Jan/15
Kennedy and Nixon pics (same place and moment):
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And what about this photo?:
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I can prove anything with pics; one thing and the contrary.
Ramiro said on 13/Jan/15
Steve, I can show you photographs taken to Kennedy and Nixon at the same moment and place of the one you posted, where height difference appears to be small and even Nixon looks taller (another example of the deceiving world of pictures):
What I tried to say before regarding army boots is that the ones Elvis wore while filming G.I. Blues matched the regulation army boots at that moment. The "severe angle" you talk about is very common in many boots and even more in army boots all over the planet. Nothing to do with lifts or some kind of elevator.
The alleged Elvis' army measurement with footwear (shoes with some leg, not boots) appears in a Time Magazine pic caption which says: "Elvis' height measured at 6'1/2''". On march 25, 1958, and after spending all night up and without resting (maximum height loss), he was measured barefooted 71'' (height fractions wasn't recorded at that time). The previous year, on january 4, 1957, he was measured at the pre-induction physical in the same place, with the same procedure and by the same personnel under regular conditions (without spending all night up); and his height was 6' as you can see at the top of this page, because I have the official documents proving it. He was measured several more times and the results were always 6' (all proved and documented).
All people lose height throughout the day and that's the reason why anthropometric measurements are done in the morning, when all persons, generally speaking, are in the same conditions, because height loss depends on many factors, different for each person. Could Elvis be under 6' at some point in the day? Yes; not only Elvis, but every 6' even tall person.
The Elvis' height lowest estimations you'll find are those from Larry Geller (Elvis' hairdresser) and Bill Bellew (who designed Elvis' late sixties/seventies concert jumpsuits): 5ft 11.5''
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Steve said on 13/Jan/15
Carl, what's fact to you isn't to me so lets just say we disagree and end it. I believe Elvis was 5'11" and I've stated why. Lots of famous people who have as much documentation as Elvis such as US presidents lied about their height. Nixon wasn't the official height listed. He was a good two inches shorter than 6' JFK. We know JFK was 6' because of the photo evidence.
I doubt Bill Clinton was ever 6'2" or George W. Bush 5'11". But they're still listed at their official heights.
Carl said on 13/Jan/15
Elvis was and it's the opunion shared by many people that he was at least 6ft. This is the general opinion held by many a historian, expert, people whom actually knew him on both a personal and professional level. I accept this as 'FACT' as it completely verified and supported. I disagree with a minority view of one on here as they never really validate their alleged views with anything other than their own hypothesis. My view is supported in 'Evidence' not just one persons view with a photos from the Internet. Elvis was 6ft all day long period. It's public and expert view based in FACT not theories. 6ft definately without question. For the record I myself am 6ft 1ins and slim built, I've been fortunate enough to work in the media and music business for many years and know that celebrities heights etc have always been played with. Elvis himself was billed from early years throughout his as 6ft to 6ft 2ins but in reality was 6ft in socks. That's FACT.
Steve said on 13/Jan/15
Speaking of not believing official height listings, Nixon was supposedly 5'11 & 1/2". Not true. He was no more than 5'10".
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That or JFK was nearly 6'2" which would have meant LBJ was 6'5"!
By the time he was president, he was probably 5'9". In the photos with him an Elvis, we see a two inch difference in height. I can't find a shot showing what footwear Elvis had on, but let's say he wore regular shoes with one inch heels. That would mean he was 5'11" which is what I believe he was.
I know it's kind of silly to quibble over an inch. But after all, that's what people do on this website.
And Carl, we are ALL entitled to our own opinions. You have your own. I have mine. You should respect mine.
Steve said on 12/Jan/15
If by respect you mean accept what you say then we might as well not question anything.
Steve said on 12/Jan/15
Carl, when was I rude?
Lighten up.
Carl said on 11/Jan/15
Steve we all are entitled to our own opinions and you should respect that rather than be disrepectful to people whose opinion is different to yours. Elvis was six feet and that's my opinion.
Steve said on 11/Jan/15
Ramiro, that's the point. Elvis didn't wear height increasing shoes in the Army. He wore them when he acted in Hollywood.
And Carl, you believe everything officially handed to you? Just because it's official doesn't mean it's accurate. Most people inflate their own height. Celebs do it all the time. Studios do it. Publicists handling celebs do it. Officially we hear Stallone is 5'10". Do you believe it? I sure don't.
Carl said on 11/Jan/15
Ramiro I agree pretty much with everything you suggest. Elvis was one celebrity now with access to his personal records that can clearly be proven time and time again to be 6ft.
Ramiro said on 10/Jan/15
Steve, how can you compare today's army boots with those of the fifties/1960?
Look, here are the regulation army boots given to Elvis at Fort Chafee:
Click Here
Of course, the pic you provided is from Elvis' movie "G.I.Blues", where he wore army boots and regular shoes too:
Click Here
There are a lot of boots with the "severe angle" you talk about and I have a couple. And, in particular, this shape is typical on army boots:
Click Here
High heeled footwear reentered men's fashion in the sixties; specially in the world of entertainment, people concerned with fashion. In the seventies, that style went simply huge and reached all kinds of persons.
To say that Elvis claimed to be 6' tall is to not know who was Elvis. He was asked by a journalist and he simply answered. There's one thing absolutely all people who ever met Elvis say about him: He was tremendously humble. It was perhaps the most remarkable quality of his personality along with his generosity. And I'm sure that if he were alive and aware of this discussion, he would kick our asses.
Steve said on 10/Jan/15
Ramiro, platform shoes started in the 1970s. I'm talking about Elvis from the late fifties to 1970.
And those seen in photos with Elvis DO have their heights discussed. Even challenged.
You are right that some photos as well as the manner in which movies are shot do use tricks to decieve. But many of what I linked were merely snapshots.
You want to know what I think? I believe Elvis was 5'11". And that to reach six feet he wore shoes either with big heels such as boots, or had specially made shoes with lifts made.
When he was measured at the time he was inducted into the army it appears he wore shoes when his height was taken. Right there that would add at least an inch.
Ramiro said on 10/Jan/15
Photographs and footage have countless deceptive visual and postural effects, tricks, crucial parts which many times we don't see (from chest or waist down, floor or ground...). And the comparisons are done with people which their own heights are far more disputable than Elvis' one. It's funny, Elvis' height , who was measured many times by doctors, taylor, etc...is disputable, but not the people beside him on pics or footage. Elvis, despite the fact that the ones who had all his footwear in their hands deny it, wore lifs, but not the others. And, of course, Elvis was the only one to sometimes wear big heeled footwear in the sixties and seventies.
Steve said on 10/Jan/15
Notice the boots. The severe angle of the foot. Those are lifts
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I think they added about two extra inches to his height.
Now here is a soldier wearing normal regulation Army boots
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Notice the feet are not angled upward.
Steve said on 9/Jan/15
Can anyone make out the markings or the numbers?
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Ramiro, men did not wear high heeled shoes or boots as common place until the 1970s.
Notice in Elvis's 1960s features, he appears to be the only actor wearing them.
And to suggest they're not lifts must mean you're not looking at the photos. The angle of his foot proves he's been elevated, in some cases by at least three inches.
Six foot actors didn't need them. But actors who claimed to be six feet, but in reality fell short, did wear them.
Judd said on 9/Jan/15
personally i think elvis was for sure nothing under 5'11"...maybe in the range 5'11-11.5"...he was more than 4" taller than Sinatra, although here's listed 5'7.5" i think Sinatra was under 5'7"...
I think Elvis had the same size as Leonardo dicaprio: 5'11.25".
Steve said on 9/Jan/15
Photos prove nothing?
All you believe is what is officially given?
OK. Enough. Belive whatever. Like I said early on, his height wasn't what made him a star.
Carl said on 9/Jan/15
Elvis was 6ft and in boots fashionable of the time he was just over 6ft. Almost all the people whom worked or associated with Elvis or his manager to normal fans or people whom just so happened to have met him, have all said that Elvis was tall, actually many have stated very tall. I base my opinion which is just as valid as others on this website, a conclusion that I firmly believe is repeatedly validated. I'm entitled to my opinion just as much as anybody else. Elvis was 6ft.
Carl said on 9/Jan/15
Steve for every photo you produce there is thousands of photos from a different angle. Photo do NOT prove anything. I can produce a thousand photos of Elvid with people whom are over six feet and Elvis is their height. You really have an issue that is not valid. Elvis was 6ft period.
Ramiro said on 9/Jan/15
Rob, I've just posted some pages of Elvis' related books to document my statements. Despite they are only a few pages, I don't know if publishing them can cause legal problems. If so, you can use them to check my statements without showing in the forum. Thank you.
Ramiro said on 9/Jan/15
Rudolf, I agree that this discussion is somewhat stupid, up to de point I've unable to confess to my wife what the hell I'm doing here, hahahaha.
Steve; with the same accuracy as you, and using the pics you posted to claim that Elvis wore lifts, I can say that Elvis wore lingerie. The people who actually and directly took ALL of Elvis' footwear and studied them, told me that Elvis didn't wore lifts, and that the so called where "Doctor Scholl" insoles that Elvis sometime wore to cushion feet and with no relavance regarding height. But shoes, boots, etc..., didn't have any additional and hidden work inside to add height to the visible heels. Elvis wore regular shoes and boots (not all the boots have more heels than shoes), and also, depending on the costume, he sometimes wore footwear with higher heels in accordance with the fashion of the 60's and 70's and exactly the same as the rest of the stars from Hollywood and from the entertainment world. And like the rest of the human beings at the time (high heeled footwear was very common these days). By the way, how many of the men photographed beside Elvis could wear lifts? We don't know, but I bet that some of them. In many of the pics we don't even see footwear to watch heels or soles and, furthermore, I have footwear which insole lands well over sole or heel's visible upper line. And footwear which insole lands under that line.
Every 6 feet even tall person (including all listed in this web as 6'0'') are taller in the morning (perhaps slighty over 6') and shorter by the end of the day (somewhere between 5'11.75'' and 5'11''). That's the reason because for scientific and medical purposes, height measurements must be done in the morning and that's the height that counts, because the loss during the day depends on many factors that are different from one person to another. Elvis was measured repeatedly in the army and by taylor 6' in stocking feet, measures that coincide literally with Elvis' comments about his height made and recorded in 1956. I've proved all this with the original documents and recordings put in harmony with historians' work. Doing that, we know for sure that Elvis spent all 23 to 24 march, 1958 night and early morning without going to bed, resting nor eating, until he went to his induction army physicals at 06:35. If you read Peter Guralnick's "Last Train To Memphis", and Ernst Jorgensen and again Peter Guralnick's "Elvis Day by Day. The Definitive Record of His Life and Music", you'll see all of Elvis' life related almost minute by minute by these recognized historians and music experts.
Just take a look at the pages of the above mentioned books where Elvis' last hours before entering his induction physicals:
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It's difficult to imagine a situation where a man can lose more height than Elvis these hours. He surely lost the maximum. It's almost impossible to show more conclusive evidences about someone's height. We have his height repeatedly measured, even by medical personnel, 6 feet tall. And for the only one measurement where apparently failed to reach the 6' mark, we have the definitive and scientific explanation recorded by historians. What more we want? It's unfair and scientifically incorrect to pick that specific measurement to say: “Elvis wasn't 6'”. If Elvis wasn't 6' tall, then nobody is; and nobody is 6'1'' or whatever. Because nobody is the same height all of the day and in all circumstances which, if we want to be rigorous, must be taken into consideration.
Steve said on 9/Jan/15
Elvis and 5'10" Jackie Gleason
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Jackie Gleason and Steve McQueen
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Elvis and MGM studio head James Aubrey who was 6'2"
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Steve said on 8/Jan/15
Check out the boots
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Steve said on 8/Jan/15
Carl, when I worked in New York, a fellow I knew who worked in publicity told me something I never forgot. He said his job was to make sure the public knew stuff on celebs that was mostly not true, but never found out about other things that were true.
Never accept as fact what officials tells us. Always question. Governments lie. People lie.
Steve said on 8/Jan/15
Official records aren't automatically truthful. I only accept what I see from loads of evidence. If I always believed what I was officially told, I'd be more than just naive.
Carl said on 8/Jan/15
The main thing to accept on here is we all are allowed our individual opinions.As already stated I agree with what is Fact and the experts records archives. Elvis was 6ft and a little over in boots. Steve youve proven to me and perhaps others by forcing biased views and when I suggest another celebrity as John Wayne whom I actually am a fan of too, you again enforce your view as gospel.I back up my views only as a neutral party but as an historian and dealing with experts whom have had much access to Elvis personal records, I agree with their view and recorded facts of Elvis at 6ft. Its my view and experts view.
Steve said on 7/Jan/15
Check out those boots!
Click Here
Rudolf said on 7/Jan/15
I'm 179cm, i.e., about 5'10" ½ (measured in the afternoon at the hospital), 94kgs.
I wear 38" pants (waist) and length 39", which is just above the shoes. My chest is 44". Regardless, I look slightly skinnier now than Elvis did prior his death. Don't get me wrong. I am in the bulky/overweight list, but no one can point at me and accurately say how much I weigh or how tall I actually am. Some have guessed it at 5'10", others at 5'11" and my beautiful wife still in her innocent heart believes I am 6' as do many of my shorter friends and colleagues. I don't blame them. I am 6' when I have my [UK size 11] shoes (not lifts) on because it helps me maintain my straight posture.
I personally believe Elvis was no less than 5'10", and no taller than 5'11.
However, I can understand the confusion and need for discoursing on this topic further due to the existence / evidence of conflicting records elsewhere, and the fact that Elvis (to his fans) meant perfection, and therefore, it is unacceptable that there is still no definite answer on his height!
That said, I see a lot of people here who are ready to accept Elvis' height over 6'. I have a terrible feeling that even if Elvis came down from the heavens right now and said he wasn't, I'd still find some of you people going on that that's preposterous / impossible.
My last post; may you all soon get to the bottom of this, and allow this thread and Elvis to finally rest in peace.
Steve said on 7/Jan/15
Carl, I seriously doubt John Wayne wore lifts. I've never spotted them. Wayne had loads of accusations hurled at him mostly because he was an arch conservative.
Dean Martin wasn't 6'. He was barely 5'10".
I never spotted lifts on Berle except when he was in drag wearing women's high heels.
Ramiro, Elvis wore lifts. Even people who knew him claimed he did. Look at the photos I posted. Those aren't just boots with big heels. The boots he wore in the photo with Ann-Margaret are specially made. Dean Martin wore similar boots that increased his height by over two inches.
Another notorious lift wearer was Desi Arnez. He also claimed to be 6', but in reality was several inches shy of it.
Carl said on 7/Jan/15
Daniel you seem to be a rational, neautral person in this debate and I agree on many of your statements on here. I also know you have been a regular contributor as myself to this site for a number of years. We both use 'Actual' historical and hard archive evidence to help support our statements/comments on here. We both are in the fortunate position to have directly communicated with EPE GRACELAND, to further gain both evidence and validate our debate. I've been to graceland a number of times and spoken to a number of the team there and not just tour guides but mgt. As we both know photography and camera angles can be either an advantage or not an advantage to a person in whatever is being recorded. Also ground, flooring, positioning of a person all gives different impressions of height, weight perspective. I have with absolute certainty that Elvis was 6ft throughout his adult years until his tragically early death. What I find amusing is Cary Grant whom is listed variously at 6ft to 6ft 2ins was the same height as Elvis and similar build. The question on here really should not be how tall Elvis was as its well documented and validated as 6ft. The question should be is why was Elvis with such overwhelming evidence to support his being 6ft, not be upgraded back to his original listed height on here of 6ft. There are far more people on here with very dubies height claims and not half as much if at evidence to support it. Come on Rob it's time for an upgrade and for FACTS to be honoured as validated. Thankyou Carl
Ramiro said on 7/Jan/15
I want to make a correction: The fhotographs of Elvis' signing the RCA contract are from november 1955, not 1956.
Steve, what you call "lifts" are heels. Yes, at times, Elvis wore boots with heels higher than regular shoes. As did not only all the Hollywood stars, especially in the 60's and 70's, when high heeled footwear was in fashion, but everybody in the world. Myself have some footwear with more heel or sole than other. Elvis also wore white boots with more heels than regular shoes in his concerts. But HE DIDN'T WEAR LIFTS (something hidden inside shoe work to look taller). Someone here and myself were lucky enough to contact directly with Graceland Archives' personnel who have first hand access to all Elvis' stuff, including all tipe of footwear. And they told me that Elvis didn't wear lifts, but, in some cases like concert boots, heels higher than regular shoes (at the end of his life they could be almost 2'' high). And they told me too that the only thing Elvis wore sometime inside his footwear, were "Doctor Scholl" insoles to cushion feet.
It looks like Elvis didn't take any advantage in height over the others (in the 50's, 60's and 70's). If someone is taller than him, he usually looks taller. And if someone is much taller than him, he looks much taller.
Elvis didn't wear boots at his army induction on march 24, 1958. He wore regular shoes with some leg:
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The pic you show was published in Time magazine with the following text: "Elvis' height measured at 6'1/2''. But Elvis went on many more measurements in Memphis and in Fort Hood (Texas); I've found in today's army regulations that for some destinations, like
Air Forces, tanks..., soldiers' heights with footwear are taken into consideration. But I have all Elvis' army papers and documents, includig all medical records, and there isn't mention of a 6'1/2'' measurement, so it seems they passed to official documents only the barefooted measurement. Elvis, barefooted, didn't reach the 6' mark this time because he was up all night, he went to cinema, to a skating rink...; he didn't sleep nor eat anything during all night and went directly to army physicals at 6:35 in the morning. It's documented by historians, media, witnesses who stayed all night with Elvis, etc... I don't know if the scanned copies of all this documented material arrived to Rob when I tried to send them to him... But, anyway, it's a well known fact like many other historical events.
Carl said on 7/Jan/15
Steve will now argue that everybody is wrong yet again and provide yet more silly photos that prove nothing. Watch this space.
Carl said on 7/Jan/15
The funny thing that Steve mentioned was that he argues that No legit 6ft celebrity wore lifts. Haha that's so funny as many six plus celebrities have and still do. There's arguments that Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Wayne, Robbie Williams, Dean Martin and so many other men whom claim 6ft plus and wore lifts. So what if Elvis wore lifts.! He still was a legit 6ft in socks. His army physicals were both with and without boots, just the same as everybody else. Elvis was clearly tall, thin and 6ft all day long. As for Milton Berle you will find that he wore also wore lifts. Steve Allen and Elvis when he is in his tux and standing side by side without camera angle advantage are actually very similar in height and not much between them. Actually Elvis looks over six foot in his tux when Steve Allen is talking to him side by side. You can't insist with certainty about Elvis's height as how would you know any of their true heights? It's a ridiculous argument and you have a fixation on Elvis being shorter. Think before you speak and back it up with evidence as all evidence suggests Elvis was minimum 6ft.
Danimal said on 7/Jan/15
Elvis states in this 1956 interview that he's an even 6'0" (at 53 seconds): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJg6BjNz4xo
There you have it folks, right from the horses mouth.
Danimal said on 7/Jan/15
Carl says on 6/Jan/15
Some very biased comments regarding Elvis on here. Elvis was 6ft and maybe Steve just has height envy and maybe needs a lift or too. Short man syndrome. Elvis was 6ft.
He could have been 6'0" and he could have been 5'11". There's no way of telling.
He wasn't under 5'11".
Danimal said on 7/Jan/15
Rudolf says on 5/Jan/15
I am ready to accept that Elvis was between 5'10" and 5'11" ½. My personal guess is 5'10 ½.
He wasn't under 5'11".
Danimal said on 7/Jan/15
Fair to say that he was anywhere between 5'11" and 6'0.5". He's a tough one to peg.
Steve said on 7/Jan/15
It appears from this photo that when Elvis was measured and weighed by the army, he wore his boots.
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Steve said on 6/Jan/15
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Name me another famous male celeb who was a legit six feet who wore lifts.
I seriously doubt Elvis was close to being six feet.
First off, I don't accept as gospel what official publicity claims. I go by a preponderance of evidence.
Elvis was no taller than 5'10" Milton Berle.
He was considerably shorter than 6'3" Steve Allen, 6'3" Jimmy Dean and 6'3" Steve Forrest and 6'2" Edward Andrews.
And he wore lifts!
Ramiro said on 6/Jan/15
Steve, don't take me wrong. I'm not saying that you used manipulated pics being aware of that. I'm simply trying to show how swampy and deceitful is to trust on visual aprecciations (non only pics or filmings). There are plenty of visual effects, things that we don't see, cut pics that change the visual impresion with respect to the original, and yes, manipulated photos that are more common in the case of huge celebrities like Elvis (generally to ridicule or downgrade him). Another example: you recenlty posted a photograph of Elvis' signing his contract with RCA on 22 november, 1956. In that pic not only Elvis, who is leaning over his mother to receive a kiss, seems to be not shorter, but even reduced; Elvis hadn't precisely a small head, and in that photo his head looks small compared to all the rest. Then, if yo go to the rest of the pics taken at that moment, you'll see Elvis looking at a more reasonable size and many of the persons photographed looking very different in height, size...:
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Then, you have Steve Sholes looking taller and shorter than Elvis, depending on the shot:
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And Sam Phillips looking small compared the man behind him (Bob Neal):
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And looking similar in this pic:
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As you can see, is a madness to draw conclusions trusting in images. And Elvis has his height proved with different documented measurements; there's no need to go crazy with all this.
Steve said on 6/Jan/15
Ramiro, fake photos? Come on. And Hodiak wasn't 6'. If he was then Ray Milland was close to 6'3".
Look, I posted legit photos. You don't buy any of them. OK. Believe what you want. But Elvis did wear lifts. Look at his shoes.
Carl said on 6/Jan/15
Some very biased comments regarding Elvis on here. Elvis was 6ft and maybe Steve just has height envy and maybe needs a lift or too. Short man syndrome. Elvis was 6ft.
Steve said on 5/Jan/15
"My wife knows my height simply because I told her that."
I rest my case.
Rudolf said on 5/Jan/15
I am ready to accept that Elvis was between 5'10" and 5'11" ½. My personal guess is 5'10 ½.
Steve said on 5/Jan/15
Nixon was around 5'10". As he got older he lost height. Just look at him when he was photographed with Other presidents at the White House. Only Jimmy Carter was shorter.
Official president's heights are often inflated as are the heights of celebrities.
Ramiro said on 4/Jan/15
Steve, with comments like "Elvis was 5' 10'' tall" and "women notoriously misjudge men's heights" is difficult to take your arguments seriously. Obviously, nobody is saying that Colonel Parker's widow winked an eye to calculate her husband's height. If she said Colonel was 6 fell tall is surely because he told her that. My wife knows my height simply because I told her that. But in the case of Elvis all these things are almost irrelevant; because he was repeatedly measured for different reasons and the results of these exams match wiht Elvis' comments about his own height.
You say that perhaps the army boosted Elvis' height for some reason. This is nonsense and, furthermore, Elvis was almost evil for the establisment. They wanted to bury Elvis' career.
Elvis' hairdresser Larry Geller was 6'2'' in his own words; in the photograph posted he wears high heeled footwear and Elvis' legs are more open (but..., what I'm doing discussing about rough visual impressions based on pics??). And the pic you posted with Elvis arms up at army induction physicals IS COMPLETELY FAKE. Let's look at the mark where all feet stand. The "giant" is almost behind Elvis, his mark is larger and the original pic is this:
Click Here
It's funny up to what point some people go to downgrade Elvis. With the same manipulated pic, there is another version with all nude and their "little friends" hanging...
What I see is that it looks like Elvis didn't take any advantage over the others' heights. Graceland Archives confirmed that he didn't use lifts; is well known that he used to be barefooted or at most in slippers when in private places, hotel bedrooms, hollywood Studios, dressing rooms, etc... Even somebody who used to write here and worked at Hollywood Studios confirmed it (Frank2, if I remember correctly his nickname). In the pic with Robert Wagner posted recently, Elvis is dressed in something like a housecoat and pyjamas.
Definitely, photographs aren't reliable at all to our purpose and less to calculate exact heights (even more in the world of entertainment, with many people doing whatever to look taller. To do so with people we haven't reliable height data about, can be understandable to a certain degree. In the case of Elvis is simply unnecessary.
I always tried to be honest about this matter, even providing the medical exam where Elvis didn't reach the 6' mark. And, honeslty, I think that if the 6'0'' category exists, Elvis should be inside of it. He was six feet tall, and like the rest of 6 feet even tall human beings, his height was higher at the beginning of the day, and less at the end. And like the rest of the humans, he lost height that night/early morning between march 23-24, 1958, when he didn't go to bed (and the height loss can be up to 3 cm. That's more than an inch). This is not gossip, these hours were documented and followed minute by minute. If this web site brags of being rigorous and meticulous regarding height measurements, it can't be overlooked that the only measurement where Elvis didn't reach the 6' mark has a clear scientific explanation. And that there are at least six or seven more measurements stating 6' (without counting driver licences and other official documents). That's a record for a celebrity.
Steve said on 4/Jan/15
If Jack Lord was 6'2" then Sean Connery was 6'3".
He wasn't 6'3". Neither was Lord 6'2".
If you can't spot the lifts in the photos I posted of Elvis.........,
Mike F said on 4/Jan/15
My wife knows my height which is 6ft 1inch
So I have to disagree
Also when I stood next to Ed Parker to me he seemed to be the same height as myself. I was in trainers and he Ed was in normal shoes. I believe that he was 6ft tall and I definitely agree with this, and Ed Parker and Elvis appear to be very similar, even with Elvis possibly being slightly taller. There are photos of them side by side in a karate group.
Carl said on 4/Jan/15
I suspect Steve that your biased and not very realistic. Larry Geller was Elvis's hairdresser and he stands 6ft 2.5ins. I've seen a number of photos of Elvis with his hairdresser and they both are wearing boots which was typical of the time and well Elvis looked similar height maybe an inch difference. Also if you read my posts previously I was not referring to Elvis's wife but the renowned music biographer Julie Mundy. She composed the book Elvis Fashion sound 8 years ago and for almost a year was fortunate enough after Graceland was closed for the night from the public to have access to many valuable documents, clothing, stage wear etc. she told me directly on several occasions how surprised she was of Elvis's 'V' shaped build and how slender he was plus that in all his unpublished insurance physicals he had to have before concerts or movies. The only thing that fluctuated slightly was his weight. His height was consistently recorded by the medical examiners in the 60's and 70's as just a shade over 6ft. Actually mainly 6ft 1/4 inch in his socks. That's proven total 100% evidence and not from his family but from DR's and total body physicals. I think that speaks far louder than any silly photo you can show here as photos don't prove anything at all in height only that we try guess height. The simple TRUTH FACT is Elvis was one of the few celebrities whom height is actually recorded many times not only by army DR's but physicians, DR's examining him prior to a movie or concert. Rob time to put Elvis back to 6ft. Elvis is amongst the few celebrities that has hard evidence to support his recorded height. A lot of people thought Elvis was taller for many years and indeed he can be reported at times as being over 6ft which I'm sure he was in his boots. But he was a legit 6footer until the day he died. End of story.
Steve said on 3/Jan/15
If Elvis was 6' then the guy on his right must have been 6'6".
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Elvis with 6'2" Oral Roberts.
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I'm sure Elvis had a little help in his shoe department.
Ramiro said on 3/Jan/15
Oh yes, Elvis wore lifts even when sleeping in bed; but 6'2'' tall Jack Lord didn't..... And, of course, a medical exam isn't as reliable as a cut photograph (ironic mode off). Only a rough search and you can easily find that Jack Lord is one of the more suspected persons on earth of wearing lifts, along with the rest of actors and entertainers. And his height seems to vary from one situation to another. On the other hand, Elvis is summarily condemned, accused of wearing lifts. When looking at a pic where Elvis is beside other celebrities or actors, we have to assume that Elvis wore lifts, not the others. And to sustain that, and due to the fact that it looks like Elvis didn´t take any advantage in height over the others, the following step is to say that Elvis was 5' 10'' or 5' 8''.
Elvis himself was asked about his height in this interview made on august 7, 1956 in St. Petersburg. He answered literally: “Even six...” Just hear from second 50 on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJg6BjNz4xo.
On january 4, 1957, Elvis passed pre-induction army medical exam at Kennedy Veterans Hospital and his height was measured at 6'. On march 24, 1958, Elvis passed the induction army medical exam exactly at the same place, with the same procedure and assisted by the same personnel. He didn't reach the 6' mark, but we know that he was awake all night and didn´t go to bed. At least Editor Rob must know that circumstance causes a significant height loss. Furthermore, Elvis passed several more medical exams and in all of them was measured at 6'. And there are a lot of official documents stating Elvis' height at 6' or slighty more.
In addition to all that, Elvis was too measured by taylor Nudie Cohn for the gold lamé suit. His height was 6' in stocking feet:
Click Here You can see the measurements halfway of the web page.
Elvis said that he was 6 feet even and all the evidences indicate that. How many celebrities offer this amount of documented evidences regarding their heights?
Steve said on 3/Jan/15
Here it appears Col. Parker is taller.
Click Here
Going by what the wife said is meaningless. Women notoriously misjudge men's heights.
By the way, how tall was Elvis's hairdresser? He towers over both Elvis and Col. Paker.
Click Here
Carl said on 3/Jan/15
There is way too much hard evidence and facts to demonstrate that Elvis was six foot. Indeed he was billed for a long time to be over 6ft. Even 6ft 2ins on lots of people whom met him from Steve Martin to the Stamps and a number of people who met or worked with him. Elvis was 6ft and you can see that as FACT. Compared to others of the day and now he was a giant in talent and charisma
Carl said on 3/Jan/15
TJ I agree and your right on many points and as for you Steve that Elvis was 5 inches shorter than Steve Allen you only need to watch him in the tux appearence and actually standing next to mr Allen looked surprisingly almost as tall. For the record Steve Allen himself quoted that he found Elvis to be a tall lanky gangly performer with little talent.
Carl said on 3/Jan/15
Elvis was 6ft all day long. I've spoken to Graceland curator and also the lady whom created the book Elvis fashion whom was in the very fortunate position of almost a year of total access to Elvis clothing, official documents and all archives. Her name is Julie Mundy. She is tall and 5ft 9ins herself. She told me the surprising FACTS about Elvis physical statistics were his size. He was most definitely 6ft and had a very slim body for most of his life. He also wore mainly 12D boots as most of his boots were in that size. He measured in both his army physicals and jumpsuits physicals 6ft repeatedly. As for the famous muhammad Ali photo that's just angle and standing. There is also a photo of muhammad Ali with Vernon Presley after Elvis died and they both are the same height. Again you can't trust photographs as an accurate height or TV or film cameras as its all subjective to camera angle positions. If Elvis was truly anything less than 6ft he would not have had that long slender build. As Julie Mundy told me his trousers were mainly 32-34 waist with 32-33 leg. 42 chest. She said she actually measured the suits when she was there for her book and stood next to them when she fitted them onto the mannequins and she was over 3inches shorter. That is her own words from total access to Graceland archives. I tend to absolutely believe her. For the record Elvis was tall and quite slim for most of his life. He had big feet, big hands, tall lanky build and a big heart. 6ft all day everyday. That's the facts folks from historians with total access to original records and material. This also includes insurance physicals that he had to have annually for either movie or concert commitments. Carl
Ramiro said on 2/Jan/15
Steve; you have the right to not trust in army medical measurements. Give me too the right to doubt about the accuracy of measurements based on photographs. And let me say that my doubt is far more reasonable, according to the experience that all we have even with our personal pics, where one can be shorter or taller depending on almost countless visual factors. There are even differences between two versions of the same pic.
Elvis not only was measured several times at the army from 1957 to 1960. He was measured by taylor Nudie Cohn in 1957, and one of these measurements say literally: "height in stocking feet: 6'0''". And there are many official documents stating that height (or slighty above). There is too a recorded interview from 1956 where the journalist asks Elvis about his height, because he is surprised by Elvis' tallness. Elvis answers that he is 6 feet even.
Of course, a six feet person isn't a piece of steel. We all know that his height vary throughout the day and can perfectly be just over or just under 6 feet depending on the hour of the day. To put Elvis' height at 5'11.75'' is as gratuitous as putting it at 6'0.25''or whatever. Who is a "genuine six footer"? The one who is 6'1''; 6'3''? Then, let's erase the 6'0'' category; because it's impossible to be exactly 6 feet even all of the time and poor Elvis had the "misfortune" of avoiding to lay down just before his army induction. ¡Bingo! Let's forget all the other measurements, sources and documents; let's forget the minute by minute documented Elvis' life, that brings us the key explanation for a secure height loss in just one of the measurements (done in the same place, for the same personnel and with the same procedure as another done months before with the result of 6'). Let's trust on pictures of all condition where burn our eyelashes.
Mike F said on 2/Jan/15
According to Col Parker's widow he stood 6ft tall at his peak which if this is correct adds yet more evidence to Elvis being this same height
Steve said on 2/Jan/15
With 6'1" Jack Lord.
Click Here
Lord was at least an inch shorter than 6'2" Sean Connery in Dr. No.
Click Here
Steve said on 1/Jan/15
Here we see Elvis and Col. Parker roughly the same height.
Click Here
And here.
Click Here
But here where Elvis is wearing obvious lifts, he appears to be a lot taller.
Click Here
I think he was roughly 5'10" to perhaps max 5'10 & 1/2". With lifts he reached over six feet.
And later on he did wear lifts. Just study all the photos of him. No legit six footer needs lifts.
Elvis was a hugely popular star when he joined the army. So I believe it's quite possible they inflated his height.
Steve said on 1/Jan/15
"Look Steve, no lifts."
Click Here
Here looking considerably shorter than 6'3" Muhammad Ali.
Click Here
By the way, military height records are not automatically accurate. I had an uncle who served in the navy. He was 5'10" but they had him down as 5' 11 & 1/2".
Ramiro said on 31/Dec/14
In one of these pics, Cash is wearing a cowboy suit and, consequently, boots with high heels. Elvis wears smoking and, therefore, regular shoes. Anyway, photographs aren't the best way to figure out nor compare heights. Even the one I'm talking about was posted here two times (exactly the same pic), and the impression isn't the same watching one or the other. Elvis was measured repeatedly at 6' in the army. There was only one measurement where Elvis failed to reach 6'; and it is proved and documented that Elvis spent all previous night awake, standing and walking from one place to another with friends (read Peter Guralnick's "Last Train To Memphis" or whatever biography or chronology of Elvis' life). He surely suffered a great loss of height just before the medical exam. And was measured at 6' just in the same place and with the same procedure the previous year (that measurement is also documented). Very few famous people have their heights as precisely stated and measured as Elvis.
And... How many of the "giants" we see in pics would give not only inches, but almost life, to look 10% handsome and proportioned as Elvis?? Not to mention his iconic and professional stature.
Steve said on 24/Dec/14
Elvis with 5'11" Robert Wagner.
Click Here
Gx79 said on 24/Dec/14
Rob do you think elvis wore lifts in 60s,70s which could make him look in 6'2 range

Editor Rob
maybe sometimes a kind of big heel, but nothing like say elton john used to wear. Maybe with some large 2 inch heel he'd look nearer 6ft 1 to folk.
TJ said on 23/Dec/14
At least three inches shorter than Cash? There's two pics with Cash where both are standing. They look almost identical height in the first and Cash looks probably maximum two inches taller in the other. Both are here:
Click Here
Whatever the first one shows, I do believe that Cash was the taller of the two, but it is fair to note that Cash is in country gear in the second pic and Elvis is in a tux (ie Cash might well have had a footwear advantage over Elvis' dress shoes). In any case, there's no pic where Cash looks at least three inches taller. Cash's self claimed height was 6ft 1.5, which I think he was in his prime, but not in his final years. I find it much more plausible that he was around 1.5 inches taller than Elvis than 3.5 inches taller.
And you are right that it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but being geeky about height is pretty much the point of this place :-)
Mike F said on 23/Dec/14
I can't see the army being incorrect by two inches,as he is mostly listed as 6 foot with at least one record in existence also showing 6ft 1 3/4 with the word issue next to it, which to me suggests that this is with boots on, and most people who meet Elvis describe him as being tall.There are also plenty of photographs and video , such as Karate shots when Elvis is barefooted and he doesn't appear to look any different in height. With all the official records showing 6ft I do find it odd that Elvis isn't listed on this site at this height, when other stars have little evidence to support their heights, however it is interesting. Happy Christmas
Steve said on 22/Dec/14
I try to look full full shots showing feet to judge height. But most of the time they're hard to find. A lot of foooling around occurs.
Fact is Elvis was no taller than Milton Berle. And quite a bit shorter than Steve Allen. And at least three inches shorter than Johnny Cash who reportedly was 6'1".
But as I said earlier, it really doesn't matter how tall Elvis was. He was one of the greatest entertainers of pop music. There was only one Elvis.
TJ said on 20/Dec/14
Exactly Steve. We can't see footwear in the shot you posted with Forrest either and, as you say, angles can give a slightly misleading result too. I have a pic on my hard drive of Ringo looking the same height as McCartney and I'm sure someone could post that to make a downgrade McCartney or upgrade Ringo claim. It wouldn't be credible, but they could. At least with Elvis we do actually have some official documentation/height measurements to support the height claims. That's often not the case.
Steve said on 14/Dec/14
We can't see the footwear in that shot with Elvis, Forrest and Barbara Eden.
Steve Forrest was 6'3".
Here he is with his brother Dana Andrews who's peak height was 5'10":
Click Here
The photo appears to be slightly tilted to make Andrews appear taller.
TJ said on 12/Dec/14
And this pic with Forrest shows the height difference to be a little less:
Click Here
Neither are particularly conclusive as we don't see footwear or full body, but Forrest is a little nearer to the camera in the one you posted. It's clear that Forrest was comfortably taller than Elvis though and there was no effort to diminish that in the movie that they were in together as Forrest was playing the older brother and somewhat of an authority figure.
If talking about Forrest though, here he looks the same height as John Wayne, who was either 6'4 or close to it:
Click Here
I think that Forrest was probably his listed height of 6'3, but we could easily look at that image and conclude that he was nearer 6'4 or that he inflated his 6'3 height a little with lifts. Hard to say, but it's clear that movie stills and publicity shots aren't always conclusive.
I'm not seeing as much as 5 inches difference in the Elvis/Allen pic.
TJ said on 10/Dec/14
Rob has Bronson at 5'8 and notes that he often looked taller because of footwear. He could certainly look much taller than expected against tall men such as Lee Marvin, so no surprise that the same was true with Elvis in Kid Galahad.
Steve said on 9/Dec/14
Charles Bronson was 5'7".
TJ said on 8/Dec/14
Another example would be Elvis' height compared to Tom Jones. Rob has Jones listed at 5'10.5 in his prime, which seems fair when you see him against others, including members of the Beatles. Elvis was always taller than him and Tom was known to wear flattering footwear (not necessarily lifts, but he was a fan of the heeled boots etc). Do you ever see a pic of the pair together and conclude that Tom was the same height or marginally taller? I don't.
TJ said on 8/Dec/14
You seem quite hung up on those two examples Steve. Could just as easily ask why he looks 6ft next to numerous other people whose heights we know/think we know. I don't think he was 5 inches shorter than Steve Allen. There are pics where the difference looks less than that and he only tends to look 5 inches shorter on video when he's stood a little behind. Plus, again, we don't know if footwear has an impact with Allen or Berle. And are you completely confident in the 5'10 and 6'3 heights for Berle and Allen, respectively? I've seen Berle listed at 5'10 1/2 and 5'11. A minor difference, but significant when we are dealing with an inch here and there. With all the other evidence pointing at Elvis being somewhere in the range of 5'11.5 to 6ft, the 5'10 idea is weak.
Sam said on 8/Dec/14
I'm not convinced at 5'10" for Elvis, he was at least 3 inches over Charles Bronson and around 2 inches under Johnny Cash at 6'1.5".
Steve said on 7/Dec/14
Then explain why he was the same height as Milton Berle. And was five inches shorter than Steve Allen.
Gx79 said on 7/Dec/14
Elvis was 5'11 3/4 and he wore 6 cm lift whitch is 2.3inch whitch would post his height to 6 foot 2
TJ said on 7/Dec/14
You are right forest. Unfortunately, the autopsy show wasn't reliable (one document they trusted was a proven forgery) and they likely guessed the height/weight. Steve, I think Elvis looked a little taller than Berle, but hard to say by how much as both seemed to slouch. Plus, we obviously don't know whether or not Berle was a lift wearer. The heels and/or lifts that Elvis wore later made him look more like 6ft 2 than 6ft.
Rampage - Elvis claimed "an even 6ft" for himself in the 50s. The 6'2 must have been the publicity machine or someone making a wrong guess and it spreading.
Vernon Presley was probably around 6'2 in his prime. I've seen a couple of pics of Vernon with Muhammad Ali when Vernon was in his 60s and in poor health. In one pic, he looks about the same height and in the other one inch shorter. Elvis usually looked a couple of inches shorter than Vernon, unless in the big boots.
forest said on 5/Dec/14
That programme was wrong...they also listed him as 220 pounds..fact is that his height and weight are not written on the released autopsy report.
Steve said on 5/Dec/14
Elvis was five inches shorter than 6'3" Steve Allen.
And Elvis was the same height as 5'10" Milton Berle.
Conclusion, Elvis was probably 5'10".
I think later in his career he wore lifts which made him appear six feet.
But it doesn't matter if he was 5'3". He was a tremendous talent. No one today comes close.
dci said on 2/Dec/14
Autopsy programme tonight stated his bmi and height as 5"11
average slacker said on 29/Nov/14
he was probably 6ft 1/4 in his peak, in the morning...
he had a very nice physique, slim and tall
Yytt said on 24/Nov/14
How tall was vernon
Click Here

Editor Rob
could be in 6ft 1-2 range
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Nov/14
Click Here
They were reporting him 6ft2 for years and with his ego it wouldn't surprise me if he actually claimed that for himself. I'd still give him that extra ¼in, though and he might've been measured 6ft0½ early morning for that medical. Back then 6ft wasn't average at all.
rs said on 15/Oct/14
report said he was 6foot 1 160 pounds
Click Here
Carl said on 13/Oct/14
PS: Elvis's boots have been auctioned off at various auctions over the past few years. Most notably was his black 68 comeback special boots that were auctioned off. The size was a 12 and he wore those mainly throughout the entire various segments of the special. He also had another pair for the special too but they were in dark brown by mistake from wardrobe. Elvis gave the brown boots to the wardrobe girl on the show as a gift. They also went up for auction three years ago. Their size was 13D. His chest size in the 60's was 42 inch and leg size and waist size his prime was 32/32. His last waist size at end of death was 40inch. However for most of his life right up until the almost end Elvis was tall, slim, lanky and had a great physique.
Carl said on 13/Oct/14
Elvis was a true a 6ft guy and his boot size as stated previously was mainly 11-12 for much of his life and in his final years he wore a size 13 FACT due to water retention. However he wore mainly a size 12 from entering the army onwards. A true legend.
John said on 2/Oct/14
At 25 1.83m. 170lbs.
At 42 1.82m. 260lbs.
Sam said on 30/Sep/14
Rob, what about Eddie Cochran?
I read he was 5'8 somewhere .. but he looks much shorter than that. Maybe around 5'5 at most.
jlb said on 19/Sep/14
Elvis may have been 6' feet tall, but he's now 6 feet under. Just saying. I wish he was still making music. Who's songs would he be doing now? Also it me or does he 'really' have that great of a voice? I can't think of anyone else with such powerful vocals. So sad.
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 18/Sep/14
I think Elvis was a true 6 feet 0 at his peak in his twenties. "5 feet 11.75" seems almost arguable at best, and perhaps a mute downgrade. Most people's height fluctuates 1/2-inch or more throughout the day anyways, and I think if the majority of Army medicals measured him at 6 feet in the 1950's, then he was a true 6 footer. You can't ask for better records than that. Just my opinion though.
Chuckie Cheese 2 said on 13/Sep/14
Actually, when Elvis was in his early 20's, he wore a size 10 shoe, size 32 x 32 pants, 40 chest/suit, a 15.5" neck, and 7-1/4 hat. The young Elvis was 6 ft 0 and weighed 160 to 170 pounds:
Click Here
At his prime, at his 170 lb weight his blood pressure was a perfect 115/60. later in life Elvis hit 255 pounds, his shoe size increased to size 11 or 12, and his blood pressure would hit into the 180's after a performance. His weight gain and unhealthy lifestyle had caught up to him by age 40. All in all, a great singer and true talent and one of a kind - The King of Rock and Roll.
Carl said on 19/Aug/14
Elvis was 6ft and his boot size was 11D to 12 and 13D. He wore on average throughout the 60's and 70's a size 12D boot. His 1968 comeback special boots were auctioned a few years ago and they were a size 12D FACT. Made in Italy black leather. He later wore size 13D at times due to water retention at the end of his life. In his boots Elvis stood 6ft 1.5ins
Carl said on 19/Aug/14
Elvis was 6ft and his boot size was 11D to 12 and 13D. He wore on average throughout the 60's and 70's a size 12D boot. His 1968 comeback special boots were auctioned a few years ago and they were a size 12D FACT. Made in Italy black leather. He later wore size 13D at times due to water retention at the end of his life. In his boots Elvis stood 6ft 1.5ins
Jim said on 18/Aug/14
Why is he at 5'11 when he is listed a 6ft everywhere even on medical stuff I mean come on
idalil said on 17/Aug/14
Back in about 1965 it was in a magazine, that he was 5"11.. AND He wore a 10 and a half shoe
Giulio said on 11/Aug/14
Gessie says on 4/Aug/14
His own daughter said in this video that he was around 6ft2 ?
little kids see adults as very tall because of the perspective and they remain with that impression if daddy is no more when they are grown
Gessie said on 4/Aug/14
His own daughter said in this video that he was around 6ft2 ?
Carl said on 15/May/14
Elvis should be put back to his original 6ft or 183m on here as it's pretty much too obvious that there is irrefutable evidence to support his recorded height of six ft. People on this site have a tendency to take away an inch or two on here on each celebrity with ridiculous allegations. Point in question:
Robert Wadlow, the tallest recorded human being that ever lived whom was measures every few months of his early life and later life. He was last measured just before he passed away by various dr's recording his physical body weight, height etc at 8ft 11.25 inches, yet you will still find people on here whom will say he was wearing shoes, lifts and was really shorter. I mean it's just ridiculous what certain people will say of everybody including a man who stood almost 9ft tall wearing lifts? Come on get real..! I guarantee most measures celebs on here who have a six foot status on here have all mostly been suggested by people on here to be 5.11 or 5.10 etc. it's ridiculous. Carl
Hyptomized said on 5/May/14
Back in the 1980's in Memphis, an enlarged copy of Elvis' TN DL was on display(the old green paper license)and showed him to be 5'11"
Carl said on 28/Apr/14
Elvis was measured 6ft both for the army and when he was in hospital in the army. Nobody even Elvis closest friends would really know accurately how tall Elvis truly was without actually measuring him. The various heights given for is 5.11, 6,6ft 1 ins, 6ft 2ins. It's safe bet to say Elvis was bang on six foot. We could argue about this forever and all have different opinions. The same could be said about his boot size. People will say he wore 11D boots when in fact he also mostly wore 12D too and when his feet started to swell he would sometimes wear 13D. The best answer to Elvis height is basically that he was approx 6ft.
TJ said on 27/Apr/14
Only trouble with that tex is that most people don't actually know the precise height of their friends.
tex said on 23/Apr/14
I know Sonny West very well. He said Elvis was 5'11" and he wore "lifts" or shoes with built up heels. This is from a guy who knew Elvis most of his life.
gx78 said on 29/Mar/14
elvis was 5foot 11 and half
Carl said on 7/Mar/14
Elvis was a strong 6ft anyday of the week.
TJ said on 5/Mar/14
Dean looks to be around 4 inches taller, probably with a cowboy boot footwear advantage, at least in the earlier photo. I don't know how exact Dean's 6'3 is though. Look how comfortably taller a slouching Dean looks compared to Buck Owens, who was apparently 6ft (and looks it in pics with Cash):
Click Here
Looks a very strong 6'3 if Owens really was 6'0. The reality is that there are pics that show Elvis looking taller than 6ft, about 6ft bang on, and shorter than 6ft, depending on camera angle, footwear, posture, and what we know/think we know about the height of who he is next to. The same is true of most heights on here of course. It's less common to have actual official measurements though. Rob does have it about right I'd say.
Bobby... I doubt that Rob has it in for Elvis :)
Knowitall said on 1/Mar/14
Elvis with Jimmy Dean:
Click Here
Dean was supposedly six-three. I see anywhere from a four to five inch difference.
BobbyJ39 said on 1/Mar/14
Nobody is exactly any height. Obviously a listing at 5'11.75" is this website's shot at the man. Be fair go in and lower all the rest of those 6 foot stars that you know that "special" mark brings some "special" status
TJ said on 26/Feb/14
Yes, Cash very likely was the taller of the two, but it looks less definite when you look at this pic instead:
Click Here
The one you posted was the one I mentioned before with Cash in the cowboy gear and Elvis in a tux, so if anyone had the footwear advantage you would think it would be Cash.
Hard to say which pic gives us the most accurate impression of their respective sizes. Maybe it's somewhere between the two.
Knowitall said on 25/Feb/14
Cash was definitely taller:
Click Here
TJ said on 24/Feb/14
Hollywood tailor Nudie Cohn took complete measurements for Elvis when tailoring the famous gold lamé suit in 1957. Proud of his association with Elvis and the popularity of the suit, Nudie apparently displayed a poster in his store which listed Elvis' measurements. This had Elvis at 6ft in his stocking feet. The complete measurements are here:
Click Here
Mike said on 22/Feb/14
A lot has been made of the six foot and a half army medical measurement and most people are saying that this relates to when Elvis was wearing boots however I am positive that there is another measurement from this medical claiming elvis to be six foot one and three quarters with the word ISSUE in brackets next to this which could suggest that this was the measurement taken whilst Elvis had his boots on.
Carl said on 20/Feb/14
Medical records for Elvis list Elvis at 6ft. End of story. There is much evidence to support that Elvis was 6ft in his stocking feet. He wore boots in the 60's and 70's as did most people which was the fashion at the time. Elvis should be put back to 6ft on this site as there is much fact to support that Elvis was indeed 6ftf and over 6ft with his boots on. Carl
TJ said on 20/Feb/14
My view is that Elvis was probably what people here call a "weak 6'0" in that he was likely 6'0 (or perhaps a tiny bit over) when he woke, but walked around at 5'11.5 or so for much of the day.
Maio made the point about the time of day Elvis was measured when he entered the army and it's actually a valid point. Elvis was up all night before his induction according to the most trusted biography, and so he probably was at his absolute shortest by the time he was measured that day.
The point about Elvis and Johnny Cash is also true. The two pics that exist of them standing together have them looking almost identical height in one and Cash looking taller in the other (the one where Elvis is in a tux and Cash is in cowboy gear and likely cowboy boots). I think Cash was the taller of the two (Rob has him at 6'1.5), but there's probably not much in it.
And yes Mr R, Elvis did dye his hair, starting early in his career. It was never a secret.
Knowitall said on 17/Feb/14
Elvis wasn't six feet tall. More like five-eleven.
Milton Berle was around five-eleven when he was younger. But like Bob Hope he lost quite at bit of height as he got older.
Mr. R said on 17/Feb/14
Slightly off topic - But did you notice that on those medical forms his hair is listed as brown? I guess it was true he died his hair black.
Carl said on 17/Feb/14
Elvis was a true six foot man. He was tall and in his size 11D-13D boots he would have been just under 6ft 2ins. 6ft 1ins plus 3/4 inch tall. It's silly to base assumptions on photographs as you don't know what they are standing on or posture. I've seen elvis appear the same height as Johnny cash in various photos then when Johnny cash in cowboy boots and elvis in dress tuxedo shoes he was little shorter. But if you look at candids of Elvis throughout the years he was mostly quite tall and DEFINATELY 6ft. He was listed for many years in both newspaper and his movies as being 6ft 2ins but the reality was Elvis was just over 6ft and with boots on he would have been 6ft 1ins plus 3/4. Thanks Carl. PS: His boot size ranged from 11D to 13D but mainly he wore size 12D. His 68 comeback boots were sold at auction a few years ago. One pair was size 12D and another pair size 13D. Yet his designer got it wrong in a interview when he said Elvis wore size 9 boots. He was a regular 6ft guy with big feet at size 12.:-)
Jeff C said on 15/Feb/14
Has anybody seen footage of Elvis at the Milton Berle show. Berle is listed at 5'10" and they look about the same height or actually berle seems half an inch taller, unless uncle milton is wearing lifts which I doubted. This is Elvis early in his career which he wore mostly regular shoes not boots. Based on that video He looks 5'10 max. Rob, if you get a chance go to youtube to take a look, you will be surprised.
Sam said on 8/Feb/14
Well now we know he's more likely closer to 5'11 than 6ft.
jtm said on 17/Jan/14
5'11.5 tops
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jan/14
"79 uf still alive"
79 if still alive....are you a conspiracy theorist, Joe?
joe said on 13/Jan/14
rob i too met him at international 1970 aug 5'11 to 6 79 uf still alive
Jon Burrows said on 13/Jan/14
If 6' is good enough for the US Army then I am satisfied. That's The Way It Is. TB.
james said on 5/Jan/14
He was 5,11 to 6.o thats what army records saidbhe was always 6,2 7n m8viesvwith his boots on melody I think you were the luckest woman in the world
melody said on 4/Jan/14
I think elvis was around 6 he was tall. It is now 43 years since I was kissed by elvis when he walked into the crowd at the las vegas international as it was known then in august 1970 editor rob go ontonyou tube and put in thats the way is and the blood towards the end is me incredible I saw it after sll the years great man miss him
joe said on 4/Jan/14
I too saw elvis at the international in august 1970 I was not kissed by him I neve4 stood next to him but I h3lieve he was 6 tall that was the documentary elvis thats the way it is wae beingbfilmed st the ttime and I saw myself I was 24 then 43 years on still unforgettable n7ght
alex6969 said on 27/Dec/13
he was 6 foot. ali was 6 foot three and he was diminutive compared to the champ.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Dec/13
"Elvis Presley's height is 6ft 0in (183cm)"
In boots I'd say minimum 6ft2. I honestly thought he was 6ft4!
ian c. said on 30/Oct/13
Yes, yes, I'm being annoying about this, but Ernest Hemingway gets listed as six feet tall. Well, did anyone measure? Maybe he was five feet eleven and three quarters. Okay fine. Be that way. Elvis was a giant in any case. Thank yuh vera much.
Ian C. said on 23/Oct/13
I am delighted to read that Elvis was a nice man, an observation that has been repeated by quite a few people. I'm just passing through on a load of turkeys, but I think that his height should be updated to six feet even, in recognition of his pleasant personality. Like, a lousy quarter of an inch? Come on, Celebheights, be a mensch and put Elvis over the magic line.
psibet said on 13/Oct/13
I met Elvis in the early 70's in Las Vegas and he appeared to be just over 6ft. tall. But what I recall most is how pleasant a person he appeared to be. While in his presence, I had a very good feeling about him. Definitely, a good soul.
charlie said on 4/Oct/13
Elvis was a true 5'10" Flat footed.. he wore heels and lifts Making him 6'0 to
6'1/2inches. This was his true height. He was not a big framed man which also made him appear taller.My brother is a ETA and had the Aloha From Hawaii suite made and they said his measurements were 42 for chest 35 waist 32 length.
Knowitall said on 25/Sep/13
I met him back in the late 1960s. He seemed to be around five eleven or a tad over that. One of the nicest people in show biz that I ever met.
James Kinnear said on 17/Sep/13
I had the great pleasure of not just seing elvis but my then girfriend was kissed by elvis at a concert back in august 1970,at the then international hotel, it was an amazing night to be there and I still and always will remember it, honestly can't believe 43 years have past, he probably was around 6'0, it was sad to think just 7 years later he would die, a true enternater best ever
Carl said on 10/Jul/07
Elvis to be put back to 6foot, this is inly fair now with all the factual evidence that has been provided or this website is biased and does not rely on facts that are given to be taken into consideration. It has been proved once and for all Elvis was indeed 6ft tall.
Ramiro said on 10/Jul/07
It looks like Rob has cleaned the forum, I understand. But now, to clarify things again, I have to say one more time that the rules of measurements that Vandam gave below are only for the U.S. Army Weight Control Program and only for that purpose. Those rules were in force since 1981 and the form appliable for the Weight Control Program was approved in 1986. The rules to measure soldiers at their induction and for other purposes not being the Weight Control Program are the ones I gave on 4/july/2007 and you'll see them below. Stories told by soldiers have no value, they only know what their "Recording Of Medical Examination" form say and nothing about concrete procedures. It's legendary the capacity of soldiers to tell stories and not all of them are exactly accurate. We have the U.S. Army regulations and don't have to hear or read nothing more. What were the regulations in force at the time of Elvis' days in the army? We don't know for sure, but there is a big probability that were very similar to the ones on today's regulation 40-501, that contains general rules for medical examinations and a form of "Recording Of Medical Examination" very similar to the ones used with Elvis. They say clearly that heights should be measured in bare feet and rounded to the nearest quarter of inch. We don't know for sure if Elvis was rounded down or up, so it's unfair to say that he surely was rounded up. His height could be rounded down aswell. What we know for sure is that Elvis fulfilled anthropometrical standards for doctors to be considered a 6' tall man in at least three medical exams and that the only one that states 71'' or 5'11''(the one of his induction on march 24, 1958)was completely invalid due to the extraordinary circumstances surrounding it and that for sure downgraded Elvis' height, being only one of them that Elvis didn't go to bed during all the day and all the night before his induction. This is a scientifically proved cause of height loss. Also, Elvis was measured just one year before his induction exactly at the same place, with the same procedure and "Report Of Medical Examination", under regular conditions and with the result of 72'' or 6'. Which celebrity has more proofs of his height than Elvis? How many have his height stated on this site as 6' or whatever without solid proofs?
Aphrodite said on 5/Jul/07
Rob if you don't put Elvis at 6'0" your site is not reliable and you are being manipulated by a one guy name vandam!
3) Elvis passed exactly the same medical
examination in exactly the same place just one year
before for his pre-induction and he was measured at
As a conclusion it is fair to say that,
according to the medical examinations made in the
army, as historians and researchers have said, Elvis
was 6’ tall. We have evidences enough to say that,
more than the majority of the celebrities for sure."
Aphrodite said on 5/Jul/07
vandam also showed junk website stating Elvis was 5'11" where as 95% of other sites stating Elvis' height was 6'0" or 6'0.5"!
Put Elvis height back to 6'0". vandam is misleading most of the readers here! Tsk tsk tsk!
vandam said on 5/Jul/07
im sorry ramiro i will have to dissagree with you i im part of a forum where i talk with actual army men and women who just went trough the exam or did just a couple a years ago , no fantasy story (and i can read very well in english by the way even if im french )and the link you have on her about the procedure are not from the right page what you have is concerning body fat versus weight nothing to do with height the actual test they have for height is what you see below as taken on us army site (I WILL POST THE ACTUAL LINK LATER ON TODAY
found this on a us army recruits site :
Height will be measured in stocking feet on a flat surface with the chin parallel to the floor. The body should be straight but not rigid, similar to the position of attention. The measurement will be rounded to the nearest inch with the following guidelines:
If the height fraction is less than 1/2 inch, round down.
If the height fraction is 1/2 inch or greater, round up.
Weight should be measured and recorded to the nearest pound.
All measurements will be taken in the APFT( MEANING IN SHORTS )uniform.
Add 6 pounds per inch for males and 5 pounds per inch for females measuring over 80 inches tall.
as I said your document as 2 measurements 5 11 and 6 feet so it is not a conclusion without a reasonnable doubt !! it leaves alot of doubts on his height and on proceedures cause you have no idea what were the procedures cause if the people i talk to on the site dont exactly know on the us army site forum you surely dont know !
Ramiro said on 5/Jul/07
Albert Goldman?? He is the less reliable source regarding Elvis in the entire world. He hates Elvis more than any other thing. His book about Elvis has being credited with the worst critics and is regarded as a piece of **** with 0 credibility and 0 seriousness and reliability. Then we'd have to believe too in those who say that Elvis was 6'2''. Neither one thing nor the other. Anonymous, no one can accurately say that someone's height is this or that by watching at him. The only scientifical and reliable source are medical examinations made to Elvis, and there were several to make us being pretty sure of Elvis' actual height. After all this discussion, is there any reason to maintain Elvis' height stated under 6', as we still see on this page, or to put it over 6'? No, there isn't. But there are many reasons to put it back to 6', because in all but one of the medical examinations he fulfilled the anthropometrical standards to be a 6' man; and the only one where he was measured at 71'' was done under all the circumstances that it is scientifically proved that seriously downgrade height. What proof better than Elvis being measured one year before of his induction at the same place, with the same procedure and "Report Of Medical Examination" and under regular conditions with the result of 6'?
Anonymous said on 5/Jul/07
It's impossible to be sure on this one. Maybe people who knew him personally could say but they aren't going to be posting on here. Albert Goldman in his muckraking bio of Elvis said Elvis was 5'11'' and had a complex about being too short. I would guess between 5'11'' and 6ft.
Ramiro said on 5/Jul/07
I enjoyed too, thank you Vandam. The information I gave regarding military procedures on measuring heights and all physical information is exactly the official one, the way doctors have to follow. Of course, it is legendary the capacity of recruits to tell stories about their military days, stories where you can find one thing, the contrary and even the absurd very frequently; sorry if I'm being unfair with those who aren't that way. I've read those forums too. The only unquestionable thing are the official military regulations, they are clear and leave very little space for doubts. If Elvis is not recognized as a 6' tall man then nobody who is 6' tall could be recognized, because the same reasons to say that Elvis' height was rounded up are in force to say that everyone who is 6' has his height rounded up. Why? We don't have any proof to say this and Elvis' height COULD BE ROUNDED DOWN ASWELL. Do you know anybody whose height is exactly 6' or whatever, without exceeding it or being below of it by any margin, and measuring always exactly the same in all time and circumstances? If so he should be studied by science as an extraterrestrial. When someone is measured and his height is stated by doctors at 6' tall is because, according with anthropometrical procedures, he has fulfilled the standards to be considered a 6' tall man. We all are nobody to deny this. It's gratifying to see at the top of this page at least the explanation of the army records I provided, but I think that it would be fair to put Elvis' height back to 6' at the very top, because he was a legitimate 6' tall man with more credibility than perhaps many who have their heights stated without so solid proofs.
vandam said on 4/Jul/07
concerning military proceedures , i got other information from recruits themselves they got measured in ther induction in the army and they had specific ways of doing things and was not only for fat or weight measuring ! and we dont know for sure what they were at the time either (IN THE 1950'S)! So you cant say that you are sure at a 100% that is height was not rounded up or down . But lets say the difference between a 511.5 guy and a 6 feet guy really slim at plain view so who cares , this was just to try to prove a point . and my point here is that theres no garantie or proof that they never rounded up his height .
mike said on 4/Jul/07
well done Ramiro, as you have stated we now have official documentation relating to elvis' height which we don't see with other celebs.I believe that it is time for Elvis to be upgraded
Ramiro said on 4/Jul/07
Thank you for your compliments Vandam and Editor and thank you again Rob for this space on internet, it has been a pleasure for me to share all this with us. Regarding Elvis' height measured with his footwear on, it has been said that it was 6'1 3/4'' and 6'1 1/2'' aswell. By the way, did you noticed how easy is to misunderstand on spoken english "six feet and a half" and to confuse it with "six feet and one half"?. I've been reading many captions put beside Time-Life Magazine's pics at Getty Images and there are several mistakes; even the one on Elvis' measurement picture has some mistakes: it says that Elvis is only in his skivvies and it seems that he is wearing footwear; it could be a mistake or it would mean that the text is refering to another measurement made without footwear. Then, on date created it says "march 26" and Elvis passed his medical examination at Memphis' Kennedy Veterans Hospital on 24 march; on march 26 he was at Fort Chaffee. I think that those captions are only explanations of the pics but not necessarily the ones made at the moment by the magazine. Vandam, I insist, current army rules to measure recruits at their induction in the U.S. army say clearly that their heights should be rounded to the nearest quarter of inch. The rules you mention are only to determine body fat standards from time to time in the army. Just go to this site and see that those rules you mention are not used for new accessions:
Click Here
Then you can go to the next site to see army regulation 40-501 used for new accesions and scroll down to page 109, item box number 53. There you'll find current rules to determine new recruit's height at their induction (it's a Recording of Medical Examination very similar to the ones made to Elvis):
Click Here
Anyway, we don't know the rules in force at the time of Elvis' induction. Not only Elvis but everyone who is 6' tall isn't exactly 6', he could be a little less but a little more aswell. We don't have any proof to support if he was a little more or a little less. But we have several measurements stating 6' or 72'', so Elvis was tall enough for doctors to record his height as 6'. And the only one that says 71''( and very likely very close to 6' seeing the other measurements) was done under extraordinary conditions that made this measurement invalid. It's sure that being out of bed for so long before the examination downgraded Elvis' height, it's a scientifically proved consequence; and the other factors I mentioned at least didn't helped. No, I can't compare my situation when I was inducted with Elvis' one because Elvis' one was worse than mine by sidereal margin. As I've said and documentally proved, Elvis underwent exactly the same procedure, the same medical examination, at exactly the same place (Kennedy Veterans Hospital) on january 4, 1957, about one year before his induction, and he was measured at 6'. This coincides aswell with what Elvis himself said about his height even before all these measurements and after them. I honestly think that it would be unfair to be so fussy and touchy regarding Elvis' height when we have so solid proofs about his height and we even know the concrete circumstances surrounding all this. To have these proofs should be an advantage and not a disadvantage. My humble opinion is that Elvis has his height proved with a lot more accuracy than many of other celebrities have using pics, footage, someone beside them or gossip.
vandam said on 4/Jul/07
carl: the only thing ramiro as proven is that there was measurement at 5 11 aswell as 6 feet ! my post with him in front of cameras with 6.05 measurement cannot be discarded and the possibilities of him bein being rounded up is there
aswell !!
Carl said on 4/Jul/07
Ramiro has proven with 'FACTUAL EVIDENCE' that ELVIS PRESLEY was six foot! Time for an upgrade!
vandam said on 3/Jul/07
Sorry for misunderstanding the "Jibber Jabber" expression my first language is french , probably noticed by my wrtting , may not interprete your expressions the same way ! :) I aplogize
But I agree with you that it does suggest he was not 6 feet tall ,as for the 6,05 feet it is the press at the time of his pre-medical examinations that was present when the guy measuring him as you see on the pics was probably asked what was his height was by the press present and told them 6.05 feet ! and was obviously measured later on , his back on the wall (The pic from TJ) cause in the army the proceedure is barefeet , heels against a wall and chin upwards a bit to give the precise height ( got this info from an army personel I can post it if you want ) and I think the 5 11 measurements came from that day !
still it is my opinion ,even with this amzing piece of history posted by Ramiro (thanks again ) it leaves a gap !
vandam said on 3/Jul/07
Editor Rob : Yes it is nice to see these papers for sure ! :) .
But I dont considere the procedures I posted as Jibber jabber as you say and about 5 confirmations from actual military men and women (not posted here) from the us army site indicating that rounding up/down heights was a proceedure during induction .all i'm saying the theorie that Ramiro about stress and insomia and whatsoever lots of this are assumptions each person reacts differently to each situations he cant compare his reactions he had with maybe what elvis felt ! there are a 5 11 recorded and 6 as well !!
so the theorie of rounding up still stands
What is your opinion of this if I may ask ? (rob)

Editor Rob
the jibber jabber refers to stuff in the past about 'imaginary' documents with 6ft 1.5 "in boots" being mentioned. All that was a waste of people's time as it was made up. It still makes me wonder about the how/where that 6ft 0.5 came from when you've got 4 or 5 records with just 6ft and the one at 5ft 11. That might suggest he isn't quite 6ft still.
vandam said on 3/Jul/07
and by the way Ramiro : great stuff !
but only one thing you dont know for sure what was the procedures at the time and the ones I posted were the procedures for a new recruit but for todays forces , dont know for the ones half a century ago . but if you guys think he was actually 6 feet upgrade him if you want ! and why Time life magazine would write 6.05 feet ? we know that was not an official height measurement cause he was wearing his boots and explains why it is not written in his file !
vandam said on 3/Jul/07
EDITOR ROB : so now you are assuming that his height was not rounded up at all !

Editor Rob
I'm assuming that the medical records are now seen and show 6ft mostly and 5ft 11 aswell. Rounded up is of course possible, but there's been a lot of jibber jabber in the past on this thread and at long last ramiro got hold of the records.
Ramiro said on 3/Jul/07
Thank you Rob. On the text I made a little mistake: it's "Armed Forces Of The United States Report For Transfer or Discharge" and not "For Transfer or Report".
Editor Rob said on 3/Jul/07
Thanks to Ramiro who actually came through and got these documents. As we know in the past others have said some nonsense about documents having 6ft 1.5 w/boots etc mentioned in medicals or someone else not wanting to show a document.
At least now, there were 5 or so records, most listing him 6 foot, 1 showing 5ft 11. I will only post the portions of interest:
Click Here
Ramiro says:
"Official army reports of medical examinations
cover a period between January 4, 1957 and February
22, 1960. They show height in complete inches and do
not mention any fraction of inch. There are at least
four medical examinations made to Elvis where his
height is recorded, and in three of them it is stated
as 6’ or 72”; only in one (the one of his induction on
March 24, 1958) his height is stated as 71”, so they
put only the last inch reached even if there was a
little margin to reach 6’ (as it should happened
seeing the other measurements). The 6’ figure appears
not only on reports of medical examinations but on
other documents like his “Armed Forces of The United
States Report for Transfer or Report”.
Regarding his induction medical exam, there are
some very important circumstances to note:
1) With Elvis we have the luck to have those
moments of his life documented almost minute by
minute. We know for sure that he didn’t sleep the
night before his induction on March 24, 1958; he was
out of bed all the day 23 and all the night. He
suffered chronic insomnia all of his life and these
days the problems increased highly. This entire
situation is sure that affected Elvis’ height to
downgrade it on March 24.
2) During his induction, medical examination
included, there was a never before or after seen
circus of journalists, cameras… making this moment
even more oppressive for Elvis. I remember that when I
was inducted into the army here in Spain, during the
medical examination there was a mixture of nerves,
insecurity, the sensation of entering in a strange
world and this with me and dozens of other soldiers
nude, rounded of military doctors and nurses and with
two injections waiting for us. It was a difficult
moment to be straight on height chart when a martial
voice came from doctor’s mouth to say: “don’t stretch
and put feet this way!!; then I ended slouching and,
of course, I was measured under my real height. If I
were famous, a fool like me could go to archives and
think that I’m 174 cm when I’m 176. In the case of
Elvis it’s sure that all these oppressive
circumstances were not only much higher than mine, but
perhaps amongst the highest of all time. But we are
lucky enough to have his height recorded not once but
four times to arrive to his real height taken in more
regular conditions.
3) Elvis passed exactly the same medical
examination in exactly the same place just one year
before for his pre-induction and he was measured at
As a conclusion it is fair to say that,
according to the medical examinations made in the
army, as historians and researchers have said, Elvis
was 6’ tall. We have evidences enough to say that,
more than the majority of the celebrities for sure."
Ramiro said on 3/Jul/07
Vandam, I've seen these army rules of measurement you mention yet. They are exclusively for the programs of body fat standards and these rules are different from the ones they follow to measure height at induction, where they round heights to the nearest quarter of inch, as I've posted here some time ago. Anyway, military rules change from time to time and there are continuous changes and updates. As I said before, on army papers there's no trace of a measurement made with footwear and no trace of 6'0.5''. I'm now emailing Rob all the data with my comments to get it posted here. I hope that you can enjoy it.
joe said on 2/Jul/07
Estimates of Elvis's height range from 5'11" to 6'2". It is unclear from photographs of him being measured for the Army in 1958 whether he was wearing his boots at the time. While he certainly appeared quite tall on stage, he often wore built up shoes. Most estimates agree Elvis was around 6'0" even.
vandam said on 2/Jul/07
Got this on a site called : ASKABOUT.COM:US MILITARY FORUM
I'm in the Air Force, so I don't know about the Army's way of doing things. But I remember when I was first measured for my height back at MEPS. They do the measurements without shoes on. It was the same thing in basic training. When we went to get our height and weight done, we were instructed to remove our boots. However, if you go to the hospital or whatnot and you have to get your height measured for some reason or another, they don't make you take your boots off. But as for perspective military members, I would say that they have them remove their shoes/boots.
vandam said on 2/Jul/07
so what I think is that when the press was around while he did his pre-induction physical , (non-official measurement)he ws wearing he boots and was measured at 6.05 and that measurement was tranfered trough the media . then he got his official measurements barefoot and that measurement was entered in his file ! rounded up at 6 feet .that I think sound possible
vandam said on 2/Jul/07
found this on a us army recruits site :
Height will be measured in stocking feet on a flat surface with the chin parallel to the floor. The body should be straight but not rigid, similar to the position of attention. The measurement will be rounded to the nearest inch with the following guidelines:
If the height fraction is less than 1/2 inch, round down.
If the height fraction is 1/2 inch or greater, round up.
Weight should be measured and recorded to the nearest pound.
All measurements will be taken in the APFT uniform.
Add 6 pounds per inch for males and 5 pounds per inch for females measuring over 80 inches tall.
so if elvis was 6.05 barefoot it would of been rounded up to 6.1 according to military procedures! and as alot of you guys claim that he was 6 feet , then maybe he was measured at 5 11.5 and rounded up at 6 feet that might explain the 6 feet that ramiro talks about .
vandam said on 2/Jul/07
Ramiro even if you come up with a statement in your documents that says 6.05 , for sure it wont say ya he was wearing his boots , again it is logic . Time life magazine is a world known source that was present from a to z that day , and was ducumenting every step of the process knowing this was an historical moment in musical history ! so the comments on top of the pics was what was going on at that precise moment ! there were probably 2 measurements and the one you have seen his the one taken with his boots on and that is a common thing they do ( to measure with boots I've done reasearch on that ) and he was 6.05 WITH the boots !! you can bring youre scanned papers on the site if you want it will say the same probably the 6.05 will appear and as fare as I know he was measured only twice in the army not many times as you say during his service what would be the point of that ! you get you measurement when drafted for your clothes and thats it
Ramiro said on 2/Jul/07
Vandam and all of you, I already have the copies of Elvis' army papers. The National Records and Archives Administration of the U.S.A. has sent it to me, and they arrived at last. They've sent to me not only every medical exam made to Elvis but every paper of his military history. I'll scan medical exams and send them to Rob to put them in this site with comments. I'm still studying and classifying them. As long as I've been able to see until now, if Elvis was measured with boots there is no trace of that measurement in any medical exam and this has sense to me because a height with boots (if taken) hasn't any medical value and perhaps was taken only to see if the soldier fulfills the standards without recording it. Be patient, I'll scan and send all that exists on Elvis' measured height.
vandam said on 2/Jul/07
but theres no need for downgrades!!
vandam said on 2/Jul/07
carl I dont wanna be rude but you post make no sense to me thats just assumptions and wishfull thinking , from the start you wanted him at 6 foot !! just look at what i posted with his pic and exam and be logic for once ! he was measured at 6.05 wearing at least an inch height shoe so you do the math !! and the conclusion of the debate was made earlier good try Carl !!
vandam said on 2/Jul/07
i dont know what else you need Ramiro , he had his boots on and was measured at 6.05 ! his spine is not a spring fluctuating from an inch to another . the guy was measured at his dayly normal height , he probably stands at 5 11 3 quarters early in the morning but after a couple of hours he his maybe 5 11.5 !! but this pic concludes that elvis presley was not a solid 6 footer thats all it is ! and your 6 foot mark that you talk about his exactly what you see on this page this is the exam he took and was measured at 6.05 wearing his boots written in black and white what else do you need .
Carl said on 2/Jul/07
Food for thought: Now if as Vandam or Ramiro mention and stand on numerous occasions regarding the subject in matter 'Elvis', if it does not really bother you both and you believe in your comments and stand by them then why continue to add your comments on this page?
Look at this practically and rationally without emotions and passion all involved as a person looking through this site, would it not be just fair and very simply to end this silly 1/4 or 1/2 or 3/4 inch debate by doing simple math and looking at the mean average in this matter:
1) It has been stated on a number of occasions that Elvis was 6.05inch or 6.1.05 or 5.11 3/4 and finally 5.11 1/2, so really in very simple and plain terms the mean average if you use your brain rationally is that Elvis must have been 6ft even not more and not less! Also remember posture and various measuring methods can make your height vary by a good inch, I myself have been measured with doctors and for insurance companies with varying heights but it depends on time of day, what they used in terms of measuring you, your posture etc, so I always look at the mean average of all these statistics and take the mean average for my heght which is a far way realistic view of anaylizing ones height!
It's really as simple as that.
Hope this helps but guys come on stop been so defensive with such a small margin of difference, think practically and use simple math and you will get a very simple answer and conclusion to this debate! Elvis was 6ft on the nose but just! Kind Regards,
Ramiro said on 2/Jul/07
Nobody's height is exactly the same in all circumstances. It depends on the part of the day it is taken, the concrete position of body, the hours you've slept or not and many other physical and even psychological circumstances. As a consequence, we can talk about a "peak height" for everyone, and these are the ones used in this site to state celebrities' heights, but that height can be less under particular conditions. This applies not only to Elvis, it applies to every human being. Regarding Elvis, I'll prove in a few days that he reached the 6' mark on different army medical exams from january 4, 1957 to january 22, 1960. This is, at least, his peak height (because it could be even higher).
Anonymous said on 1/Jul/07
Time for a downgrade Rob..to at least 5'11.5
vandam said on 1/Jul/07
just look at this page and see the different heights you can get from shoes!
specially the ones you get from boots
Click Here
vandam said on 1/Jul/07
TJ : i was going with what I was reading on the net I nver really believed he was 5 11 3 quarters. and never mentioned 6 feet I wrote 6.05 and that measurement is with boots ! so if he was measured with boots the 5 11 3quarters is not to plausible in my mind I always thought he was around 5 11.5 by looking at pics and with from personal encounters from people !!read all the other posts and you will see that i mention 5 11.5 and what is the purpoe of this anyway by saying that , you got the pic and the height in front of you . this is the best proof posted till now on this board .
TJ said on 1/Jul/07
Case closed vandam, except you previously posted that you have two other army physical records, with one at 5'11.75 and one at 6ft, so 5'11.5 seems wrong. Of course the actual size of a heel is greater than the extra height you get from wearing them, as some of the ladies on this board keep pointing out.
vandam said on 30/Jun/07
Click Here
another cool pic of him
vandam said on 30/Jun/07
Elvis Presley
Singer/Army Pvt. Elvis Presley clad only in his skivvies as he stands on scale while Army doctor measures his height at 6 1/2 at pre-induction physical examination at Kennedy Veterans Hospital. (Photo by Don Cravens//Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)
Use information
This image is intended for Editorial use (e.g. news or commentary). Any commercial or promotional use requires additional clearance. Contact your local office to see if we can clear this image for you.
Click Here
was taken on this site :
Click Here
read for yourself when clicking on the pic !! written same thing as above
6.05 wearing his boots so minus boots take at least an inch off
so 5 11.5!!
case close!!!
TJ said on 28/Jun/07
On the lines on the pic point Vandam, I'm not sure what you don't see. I know there are four other lines above the 5ft one, but I just didn't mention the final 6'3 as it didn't seem relevant. At the risk of sending everyone to sleep, here's my explanation of why the lines are likely as I posted. There are five lines, but the gap between those five is not 1ft - it's more like 16 inches. I think the gap between the first line (at his shoulder) and the three above make up 1ft because the alternative doesn't make sense. For example, if the top line was 6ft, the three below would have to be in increments of four inches, so 5'8, 5'4 and the 5'0 under Elvis's ear. That's highly unlikely because it would mean the bottom line is 4ft 4, with no marking for 4ft 8. Not only is 4'4 too low for Elvis' shoulder, but why would they jump from 4'4 to 5'0? You can see why they would skip 5'3, but not 4'8.
TJ said on 28/Jun/07
vandam, interesting that you mention the two annual physicals - one with him at 5ft 11.75 and one at 6ft. As commonly mentioned on this site, people shrink up to half an inch during the course of a day. Do you rule out the possibility that he was actually measured at 6ft for one physical because it was earlier in the day than the other physical? Or do you think they 100% must have rounded up?
vandam said on 28/Jun/07
i dont know why you are all jumping to conclusion so fast , the last pic rob he had up here on top if im not mistaken he was in briefs and with the boots , so nothing is sure , and again you cant see the numbers at ALL on the chart ! if i wanted i could have my own conclusion and and assume otherwise with the chart ,not clear enough. and Ramiro remember this :
Anonymous says on 13/Nov/06
Something that is very humerous is that people here keep refering to the induction papers as "evidence" of Elvis's true height, forgetting of course that his height was rounded up to 6ft. There is no paper (that I am aware of) that state Elvis's height as anything over 6ft from the US Army. I have original documents from the service which include, but are not limited to the original hand filled out form from the induction showing Elvis as 5'11 3/4. I also have copies of both of his annual physicals. One listing his height as 6ft, the other as 5'11 3/4. Why is this so mystifying? I am not sure what the big deal is 1/4 of inch. When people ask me how tall Elvis was, I say 6ft. If they say, "wow I thought he was much taller than that", then I add is actual height. There is an overwhelming abundance of documents, physical artifacts etc proving:
A. Elvis was 5'11 3/4 barefoot
B. For a time Elvis wore lifts in both stage/ personal wardrobe
Ramiro time to face the music. MANY celebrities did, and still do wear lifts in thier shoes. Big deal. there is no shame, nor stigma in Hollywood about it. I was born and raised in Hollywood. My family has been in the buisness for years, as have I, what is the big deal about lifts? Bottom line, Elvis was a normal person, and was of normal height for a man.
there s two numbers that comes up 5 11 3quarters and 6.05 this pic im sorry proves nothing
Aphrodite said on 28/Jun/07
I think Rob should put back Elvis height to 6'0.5" which is accurate.
Aphrodite said on 28/Jun/07
Elvis was only wearing brief in that picture. Can you imagine a guy who was measured only wearing brief who was wearing boots. That's so hilarious! LOL!
vandam said on 27/Jun/07
I blew up the pic trying to follow the logic of TJ what he is saying about the numbers on the chart , you say TJ that 5feet3 and then skipped to 5f6 feet , 5feet9 and 6feet , after the supposutly 5 feet at his shoulders theres 4 other figures appearing on the chart . I cant see what you see sorry , i wish i could !!
ROB , do you see this ??
vandam said on 27/Jun/07
you dont knows guys if he his wearing his boots ot not !!!
cant see his feet and cant see the numbers on the chart ! you guys have good vision
Ramiro said on 27/Jun/07
Yes TJ, I've seen this before. But I think that this is one of the measurements made in Fort Chaffee to give Elvis suitable military clothes one day or two after his medical exam in Memphis. I think that both measurements of height (with and without boots) took place in Memphis at the stadiometer. In the height chart of the pic you provide you can see that Elvis is over 6 feet, but it is difficult, if not impossible, to fix the exact height because there isn't a ruler to stop it on Elvis' head. I doubt that they used it to state Elvis' height. Just remember the black guy who is behind Elvis waiting his turn to be measured (the pic with Elvis apparently wearing footwear). He is holding something in his right hand and I'm sure that they are his boots to be measured first without and then with them. Elvis also is holding a bag in his right hand while being measured.
TJ said on 26/Jun/07
We've seen the pic of Elvis being measured with the stadometer on here and seen that he was in boots for that measurement. We've also heard the claims that Elvis was measured twice in the army - once with boots and once without. This pic backs up the claim that he was measured twice.
Click Here
We know the first was in boots, so I guess that one was barefoot. Actually I've sure I've seen footage of him right about that time barefoot. It appears that the marking for 5ft is at his shoulder. 5'3 is skipped and then there are 5'6, 5'9 and 6'0 markings. Elvis is just a touch over the 6ft marking - probably 0.5 inches. The angle is a little misleading because it makes the front of his head seem quite a bit taller than that, but check that part of the back of your head and you will see it's practically the same as the tallest point of your head. If this is the second barefoot measurement, it suggests 6ft 0.5 does it not?
Aphrodite said on 26/Jun/07
LOL at the mug shot, Elvis was wearing an eyeglasses on that mugshot. Have you ever seen a mugshot picture who was wearing eyeglasses? Common sense Anonymous.
Aphrodite said on 26/Jun/07
Tom Jones is a legitimate 5'10" and Elvis was clearly taller than him by 1.5 to 2 inches. The picture posted on the site was fake. The 5'11.75" to 6'0.5" should be right.
This is a picture of Elvis with Tom Jones:
Click Here
Click Here
5'7.5" Frank Sinatra with Elvis:
Click Here
Aphrodite said on 26/Jun/07
Tom Jones is a legitimate 5'10" and Elvis was clearly taller than him by 1.5 to 2 inches. The picture posted on the site was fake. The 5'11.75" to 6'0.5" could be right.
Ramiro said on 26/Jun/07
Anonymous, the FBI photo is either a fake or a pic made for fun when Elvis visited FBI Headquarters. Of course he was with shoes on (and with glasses on too). The chart beside him looks ridiculously amateurish for the FBI headquarters (nothing more and nothing less). All this has been discussed here some time ago. Vandam, first of all thank you for your post of june 22, I've never felt offended, we only have different opinions on a little subject and I enjoy the exchange of ideas, it makes me learn many things and it's a pleasure to talk about Elvis whatever is the subject. On the other hand, I don't give credit to an Elvis' height looking at the percentage of times it appears on internet or other sources (but if I did that, 6' and up would win by a great margin). It isn't necessary to see the original army records where Elvis' height was taken down, historians and researchers have done it for us and we only have to read what they've written about. Under the 6' mark all is gossip, rough appreciations and darkness; the light and the precision belong to the measurement made with scientifical methods by the medical staff. The burden of proof belongs to those who insist that Elvis was under 6' and they have nothing minimally solid. It's true that the 6'0.5'' figure appears quite less, that's because almost all army records used the rounded 6'.
Anonymous said on 25/Jun/07
In a picture posted on this site. shows Elvis standing in front of a height wall chart, ( i think he is in barefeet). It was taken at the FBI HG and it clearly shows him to be 5ft 10in tall, probably 5-11 in normal shoes. In the US height is given in shoes.
vandam said on 25/Jun/07
Ramiro said on 25/Jun/07
Here we go again. There are three kinds of persons: 1) Those who, impressed by the celebrities or some of them, tend to see them taller than they really are. 2) Those who are scepticals about celebrities, more critical or even against some of them and tend to see them shorter than they really are. 3) Those balanced persons (a vast minority) who see celebrities as they are, but this does not mean that they are exact in their appreciation, because of the lack of accuracy of the human eye and the many physical and phsychological factors that distort human appreciations. That's the reason why doctors prefer to use stadiometers to measure heights. The only height to consider regarding Elvis is the officially stated when scientifically measured by the medical staff in the army. According with that source, Elvis' height was listed from 6' to 6'0.5'' and never under that. Nobody has proved the contrary and all who use the army records to support their statements say 6' (rounded) or 6'0.5''. The page of EIN that you mention, Vandam, isn't the main page but one that belongs to a guy called Charmain, these facts are only in his particular page of graphics. Anyway, to have a site in internet even if it is about Elvis and has the recognition of EPE does not mean that all the data inside are correct.
vandam said on 23/Jun/07
Oh I apologize aphrodite I read your post wrongly , I taught you were refering to the administrator of Celebheights , you are talking about EIN , I already did 2 days ago cause they have a pic of lady that is associated with the site posed with elvis in the 70 , i was asking them to post the pic and tell us how tall she was to compare !
vandam said on 23/Jun/07
What is the Elvis Information Network (EIN)?
The Elvis Information Network (EIN) is a non-profit, fan club established in Australia in 1989.
EIN is an officially recognised fan club with Elvis Presley Enterprises (Graceland). We publish a quarterly newsletter for financial members and publish this web site,
Click Here
Aphrodite said on 23/Jun/07
Okay vandam, I think we should all agree to the 5'11.75". Sorry for the previous arguements.
vandam said on 23/Jun/07
and if you go on the site allexperts and search for all the height questions that was asked you will find approx 3 of them where it says Denis , thats me ! they are not all experts trust me . Elvis was a tall and handsome and really talented man ! this height thing here is all for fun gives something to do and reasearch on the net for . I dont try to crush anybody here , trying point out that theres as much evidence everywhere that he could of been in the 5 11 range than he could of been in the 6 feet range . He is the Brad Pitt of the 60 s , we cant really pin point his exact height cause of so many rumors like lift and type of shoes . is it fare to say then that he was between 5 11 and 6 feet would
but not over 6 feet ?
vandam said on 23/Jun/07
look aphrodite believe what you want , this is my opinion you dont have to accept it and please respect the people on this site !I dont know why you have to bother Rob with the proof of my site you already went on it to get the drivers license on it and i explained to you how to get to the info i managed to get so what is the big deal with this !!!
and the ALL expert site that you went on , went there and talked with 3 different people they gave me 3 different answers , BIG experts alright . And i have an email from the administrator of the site called Elvis Postcards .com and she wrote me saying he was 5 11 aswell ! so maybe some dont agree and that is fine .
Aphrodite said on 23/Jun/07
I just emailed the administrator of the website that vandam has posted and let's see what he will answer when I asked the source or proof of Elvis height. ;)
Aphrodite said on 23/Jun/07
There are more thousands of reliable websites than the only amateurish website you have posted. If you will search the google. Most of them Elvis was listed 6'0.5".
Aphrodite said on 23/Jun/07
This came from AllExperts.com
Click Here
how tall was elvis?
Hello, thanks for writing. Sources typically list Elvis's height as 5'11", 6', or 6'1", but the majority cite six feet even, so that is what we might assume to be the "official" statistic. Short of verifiable medical records, however, we cannot really say for certain. I hope this answers your question.
Aphrodite said on 23/Jun/07
LOL at vandam trying to post a link of a website just to prove his point. If you are basing on a website, there are thousands of websites listed Elvis at 6'0.5".
Mr. R said on 22/Jun/07
so I am "honorable" now? That sounds like one step from retirement or worse!
TJ said on 22/Jun/07
That driver's license is just a mock up though Aphrodite, not a scan of the real thing or anything.
vandam said on 22/Jun/07
Click Here
this is the direct link to the page im talking about
vandam said on 22/Jun/07
type in google : elvis facts from EIN and look what they say ! the drivers license is a merchandise product that EPE created to sell to the public thats all it is .this is what is written on the left side of the screen when you scroll down and no I did not invent this look closely you will see it
Elvis Facts:
Elvis was 5' 11" tall
Elvis' natural hair color was dark blond
Elvis' blood type was O Positive
Elvis' shoe size was 11D
One of Elvis'( maternal) ancestors, Morning White Dove (born 1800, died 1835), was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian
Elvis' uncle, Noah Presley, became Mayor of East Tupelo on January 7, 1936
The Presley family moved to Memphis on November 6, 1948
Elvis was issued a Social Security card in September 1950 with the # 409-52-2002
In 1954 some of the shows played by Elvis & The Blue Moon Boys were at the Overton Park Shell; the Bel-Air Club; Sleepy-Eyed John's Eagle's Nest Club and the Louisiana Hayride
Aphrodite said on 22/Jun/07
Okay, this is from Elvis Information Network and in the Elvis driver's license, he was listed 6'0".
Click Here
vandam said on 22/Jun/07
No problem M.Paul
Right now im trying to contact some people at the Elvis information network , located in australia they have there own site , you should maybe go look at it they have a section called : elvis facts and they have some interesting facts about him .and theres a site called : Elvis Postcards.com , they have few interesting facts there to .sorry again for the trouble
vandam said on 22/Jun/07
By the way I just want to apologize to anyone that I may have offfended by trying to prove my point , like Ramiro he believes strongly in one thing and sticks to it I am the same way i dont downgrade anybody opinion here , i have all the respect in the world for peoples opinion ! BUT PLEASE LETS STICK TO DIPLOMATIE AND POLITE ARGUYING this site was made to discuss and bring ideas or even help this site give the most accurate height possible on a celeb. I just go with instinct and personnal encounters and take in acount that the world of showbusiness is not all what they it is and we dont have to accept how tall anyone is . again sorry if i offended anyone was not my goal !
Vandam ( denis)

Editor Rob
this thread was going nowhere the last 2 weeks, I will reset it back to the honorable Mr. R's comment and hope folk can not get too worked up over elvis height.
Mr. R said on 10/Jun/07
Years ago, Kurt Russell did a movie where he played Presley. He reported (I think to the Philadephia Enquirer) that Elvis was "almost six foot, but not quite". Russell stated that Elvis wore lifts to put him over the 6 foot mark.
vandam said on 9/Jun/07
there was never any proof just a pic of him being measured with boots i have been on it here since they had him at 6 feet even and with all the argument and eye witness they dropped it , you will never make any sense aphrodite , and cat stevens there is an angle on the screenshots looking upwords makes him look taller and wearing heels !
and the difference between 5 11.5 and 5 11 3quarters is nothing just by looking at someone he was not 6 feet deal with it
Aphrodite said on 9/Jun/07
Someone had already showed the proof of Elvis real army height in barefoot that's why the administrator of this site put Elvis height at 5'11.75" I wish the administrator would put back the screenshot so that Vandam would totally get owned when his thinks Elvis' height is 5'11.5' maximum. lol!
Aphrodite said on 9/Jun/07
Elvis was measured in the army 6'0.5" barefoot. Vandam is still crying lol!
Cat Stevens said on 9/Jun/07
No way in hell he's less than 6'1, he looked huge here:
Click Here
vandam said on 9/Jun/07
who was your father Ed ? not george kline i hope ? if it was i never read any documents stating he inlisted in the army . cool that your father actually met him
vandam said on 7/Jun/07
and when you are famous you can add an inch or 2 to your height , specially when you are elvis presley who will argue except us 30 years later on celebheights .com !!
vandam said on 7/Jun/07
Ed : first elvis went in the army at 23 , so the growth technically stopped ! and he was obviously not 6 and one quarter ( your dad had a good eye wow) when he was inducted cause his dad (vernon) was 6 1 and it was noticieable that elvi was shorter by 2 inches or maybe 1.5 inches. and theres pics of elvis measured in his boots and some in his socks and the guy his holding a tape over his head up in the air , how precise is that !!!
vandam said on 7/Jun/07
aphrodita : is this a joke ? are you really aphrodite the one that hates my guts lol! you want my opinion ? ok well i think he was between 5 11 and 5 11.5 in his prime due to friends of mine that actually met him or knew people that worked with him and based on some pics but as said many times pics are to debatable because he wore high heels shoes or lifts. and i studied alot of material of him before his army days he wore loafers and was not taller than people that were 5 10 or 11 so i find it hard to believe that he grew 2 inches in 2 years being in the army ! so that is my opinion max height 5 11.5
Anonymous said on 7/Jun/07
I think Elvis was exactly 5'10.75. when he himself said 6' even that was probably in normal dress shoes with 1.25 inch heel. Americans always give their height in shoes. (or could have been low as 5'10 barefoot and with his boots add the 2 inch heel and that makes him 6' even!)
Aphrodita said on 7/Jun/07
In your opinion, how tall is Elvis?
vandam said on 6/Jun/07
that means nothing that he said it in an interview ! lots of actors and singers say they are 6 when they were not !
anita said on 6/Jun/07
elvis presley was 6 foot tall even 180 pounds eyes greenish blue told by elvis himself in an interview i have on a (cd and lp ELVIS CONFIDES IN YOU 1956)
lrua said on 5/Jun/07
Elvis was never 6' or taller, 5'11" at most, wore lifts during his Vegas years, I have 18 of his 32 movies he made (1956-1969) and if you look closely and compare his height to other actors in those movies, he was 5'11" max, not a short guy but not a giant either, and the producers tried to make sure he "looked" tall in all his movies.
vandam said on 3/Jun/07
and people go read what aprhodite wrote on lee majors pages , do not pay attention to his or her comments non sense !!
vandam said on 3/Jun/07
sorry JA the point is already proven look at the measurement on the top of the page LOL dont quit your day job ! and keep up the comments we are having a nice laugh with you 5 11.5 BOyaaaaaaaa.
Aphrodite said on 3/Jun/07
vandam, stop crying and don't use multiple usernames on this board just to prove your point. Elvis is 6'0.5".
vandam said on 2/Jun/07
aphrodte: lol I just caught on about the using another username , you have to understand that i dont live alone and they use my computer have many many people backing what i say and check out this site and read what i wrote ,you should read from the bottom on this page half of them are people i contacted and asked t give there 2 cents , people that have a lot of knowledge . oh by the way we are having a good laugh with your comments .
Aphorodite said on 2/Jun/07
I knew it! vandam is also curious lol! Elvis is 6'0.5". You better stop crying.
vandam said on 2/Jun/07
aphrodite : you indicated on Lee majors section elvis was measured at 5 11 and a half inch barefoot and now 6 05 hmmmmmm i think someone here needs to get there story straight , but theres no point in having a inteligent argument with you cause you have no idea what you are talking about and no solid arguments to bring on other than rudeness .
Aphorodite said on 2/Jun/07
It looks like vandam is now using another username curious. Elvis was officially measured 6'0.5" barefoot in army.
curious said on 1/Jun/07
funny how everyone tht just saw pics or news clips or videos of him assume he is bigger than life , but the people that actually met him and stood close to him say well he was normal size or shorter than they thought he would be ! i think an actual witness or encounter is more valuable than trying to compare pics and assumptions
just my opinion
elvisinsider said on 31/May/07
But TJ : you are probably right concerning the exact height cant say by only looking at someone but you can give an approx. guess , only thing thatis sure is he was not over 6 feet !! and he felt that he was not at his height . the rest well i only can take his word for it , and like I said below he is not in the habit in inventing stuff and has a pretty good memory , specially that event , why i say this well it was Elvis , IN OTTAWA ! he expected him to be big and was surprise that he wasnt !all I can say and i trust his word
elvisinsider said on 31/May/07
well he did not feel that he was same height as him at all cause he had other coworkers at the same height as him that what he used to compare
he said he was skinny and shorter than him , and he aint no lyer trust me
TJ said on 30/May/07
elvisinsider, the grandfather story is interesting but come one! Not only is it a 50 yr old memory, but no-one can possibly stand opposite someone and know if they are one half inch taller or shorter than them. You would literally have to be both in front of a mirror to make a judgement that accurate. When we look at people we don't see the top of our heads, so we don't even know ourselves how tall we are. Even if eye to eye with someone we can't be accurate to within those tiny margins, because we don't all have the same size foreheads. I have a friend who numerous times has said he's the same height as me, until one day I stood us both in front of a mirror to point out I'm more than an inch taller.
elvisinsider said on 30/May/07
like my grandpfather stated , he was shorter than him and ma GF was a solid 6 footer , and he met him in his 20's , was at his peak height .so 511 would make sense !wish he took a pic with him but i guess my GF was to busy doing security in the building for him .
MarkyMark said on 26/May/07
Have you seen the movie kid galahad with Elvis and Charles Bronson ? Elvis doesn't appear a lot taller then Bronson (who is 171 cm). I think Elvis was about 5'11 (180 cm) , 6'0 is the max. That's tall for someone who was born in 1935.
gautden said on 25/May/07
why say he was when he was not ! like saying Brad pitt was 6 feet when he is obviously not some here on this site are stated as 5 11.5 and 5 10.5 , why not him ? why make taller than he is ! because he was elvis ?? and 6 feet is not just above average , 5 9.5 is average in america !
Alucard said on 25/May/07
john: My point exactly. 6 feet is just above average height...it's nothing special being it so why put so much effort into talk about it? And so what if he is 182 or 184...put him on 183 cm then, and get over it.
elvisinsider said on 22/May/07
My grandfarther was in charge of security when he was about 25 years old at the beacon arms appartement hotel in 1957 in Ottawa canada , the year elvis(he was 22 years old then ) came to town april 3rd 1957 last concert he did in canada, my grandfarther met him face to face , said to me he was wearing a white jacket ,pink shirt , black pants white loafers , not to much heal on it
and said he seemed a bit shorter than him , my grandfarther was 6 ' tall and was wearing normal healed shoes to and that was official cause he had to get measured with his doctor to get the job ,recalled that he looked around 5'11.5" to him .
So the pics concerning Tom jones he could of been 5'10" and elvis 5'11.5" at that height people can easally think your 6' tall with the right shoes .
Aphrodite said on 20/May/07
To Anonymous,
In the photos with Tom Jones, Tom Jones was also wearing high-heeled boots. Tom Jones was knows to wear high-heeled boots. You better ask Tom Jones yourself to know the fact that Elvis was taller than him by 2 inches.
vandam said on 18/May/07
to the anonymous saying he was measured at 6 0.5 have any proof of that ??
to many confusion surrounding these measurements . theres pics of him getting measured with boots , cant base anything on that .
Anonymous said on 18/May/07
In the photos with Tom Jones, elvis was probably wearing high heeled boots. He was about the same height as Jones.
Anonymous said on 18/May/07
Tom Jones is a legitimate 5'10" barefoot, while Elvis was measured 6'0.5" barefoot in army.
Anonymous said on 18/May/07
He was 5-10 to 5-11 barefoot.
Aphrodite said on 15/May/07
Yes, that's the right height of Elvis. Elvis is 6'0" tall while Tom Jones is a 5'10" tall.
Brad said on 13/May/07
Tom Jones was 5' 10" right in front of me....add 2": 6' for Elvis. I saw Elvis in '76, he wore 2" boots. He held a tall height.
Jason said on 12/May/07
The Australian army measures soldiers' heights in boots. Don't know about other countries.
vandam said on 11/May/07
to Anna: this site is design and specially made to have some friendly discussion on any stars height ! you must of had nothing to do to come here and write that !
Duhon said on 10/May/07
Why would army medical officials measure anyone while in boots? sounds a bit ridiculous. you'd think they would procede like any doctor would.
Anna said on 10/May/07
You all are discussing Elvis' height for so long time because you really have nothing else to do.
It doesn't matter was he 180 or 183. It doesn't change anything
Ramiro said on 10/May/07
We don't have to fall in the trap of pictures and footage. They can show one thing and the contrary. But yes, on most pictures Elvis looked clearly taller than Jones, and I think that Jones would do everything to look as tall as he could beside Elvis. He used to wear high heeled footwear.