How tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger - Page 30

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Average Guess (1339 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 1.04in (185.5cm)
Current: 5ft 11.06in (180.5cm)
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
Arnold wouldn't shrink only a quarter of an inch from morning to evening. He was 6-2 out of bed and 6-1.5 in the evening. I'm sure he measured 6-1.75 at some point, maybe an hour or 2 after waking up in his prime.
Danimal said on 23/Feb/09
Ejel Khan says on 23/Feb/09
Arnie has lost a lot of weight of recent .... he looks 200lbs .... max was 225llbs bodybuilding days. He's still 6'1" though, having lost 3/4-1" from his prime.

WHAT??????????? MAX 225 pounds bodybuilding days? Where did you pull that out of???? He was 250-260 pounds OFFSEASON during his bodybuilding days and 230-240 pounds in contest (with exception to 1969 Mr. Olympia, where he weighed 250 pounds and the 1980 Mr. Olympia where he weighed 220 pounds). You obviously have NO idea what you're talking about.
TELLEM said on 23/Feb/09
arnold would claim 6'2 if he was THAT out of bed. but he just wasn't. he was 6'1 3/4 outta bed.
SuperAnonymous said on 23/Feb/09
Ejel: Max 225 lbs in bodybuilding?? You are way off buddy!!! Arnold weighed 225 lbs in the 1980 and 1975 Olympia because he came out of retirement and trained for only 8 weeks in 1980 and in 1975 Olympia, he lost 40 lbs for the "Stay Hungry" movie and could not put all of his muscle weight back on in time. By the time he dieted, he was down to 225 lbs.

Arnold's peak contest weight was 251.4 lbs at the weigh-in of the 1971 Olympia. His best contest shape was 1974 Olympia ever and he weighed 235 lbs at the prejudging and then he quickly put on 4 - 5 pounds by eating lots of carrot cake his girlfriend Barbara brought for him for the evening show in his pose-down with 260 lbs Lou Ferrigno. He appeared on stage at a ripped 241 - 242 pounds for the evening show next to Ferrigno.

Arnold's peak off-season weight was 250 - 260 pounds as stated by Arnold in "David Letterman show" in the early 1990s.
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
You make some good points Roger, but a man who doesn't even like Arnold admits to measuring him at 6'1.5" in the evening so I doubt he'd lie and say he's taller than he really is. It's very unlikely that a man who is 6'1.5" in the evening won't hit 6'2" out of bed.

I only own Total Recall on DVD, I can't afford a Blue-ray player. I use to have it on VHS as well.
Ejel Khan said on 23/Feb/09
Arnie has lost a lot of weight of recent .... he looks 200lbs .... max was 225llbs bodybuilding days. He's still 6'1" though, having lost 3/4-1" from his prime.
Roger said on 23/Feb/09
RisingForce, for him to be 6'2'' out of bed would mean that he either had already shrunken in 1990 or that Ronnie Cox is taller than 6'2''. It'd also mean that noted german BB promoter and publisher Albert Busek, who knew Arnold from when he was around 16, wrongly had him at 6'1''. This is entirely possible, of course, but you would think that a journalist like him who considers himself one of Arnold's mentors would make him taller than he is, not shorter.

Because of this, and also because of Arnold being 5'11.5'' today, I simply cannot believe Arnold ever was 6'2'', not even fresh out of bed.

I hope you own Total Recall as a Blue-ray rip (or disc), the original dvd transfer was not so good.
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
That's a very common trick Roger. Yeah I own Total Recall too. That's my favorite of Arnie's movies.

215 sounds right for Arnold in T2. I've read many time that during the late 80's/early 90's Arnie was in the 210-215. Even around the time of Last Action Hero when he was thinner he was listed at 208-210 I believe.

As far as Arnold's height, well I doubt he was only 6'1 3/4" out of bed because he was measured 6'1 1/2" in the evening. He was likely 6'2" out of bed.
Guy said on 22/Feb/09
They got the heights right, but either Patrick is not very observant or their weights are switched. There's no way Patrick was 208 and no way Arnold was only 195.

Arnold still looks pretty big next to Moeller here. Click Here Moeller is what, 6'6" and he's still closer to the camera.
stephen said on 22/Feb/09
robert patrick is insane. sure arnie had boots in T2, but i've seen T2 too many times. not only is he quite taller but he is well bigger body size wise.

after seeing recent pics too, it seems Arnie has lost so much height. minimum of two inches. he used to seem like a giant, not just in films, look at the pic above!
Danimal said on 22/Feb/09
Arnold was 215 pounds during the filming of T2. He stated so on David Letterman in 1991. He also stated he was 240 pounds for the original in a 1984 Muscle and Fitness article.
Roger said on 22/Feb/09
RisingForce, I am now enjoying Total Recall in HD - as you probably own it too, maybe skip to 1:24:38 - Cohagen is played by Ronnie Cox, listed here as 6'2''. And there's no doubt that Cox has a strong inch on Arnold. However, in the next scene, the camera is held in an angle that actually makes viewers think Arnold is the taller of the two. See my two screenshots:
Click Here and Click Here

Makes it once again obvious how movies can distort heights - and opinions about them.
TELLEM said on 22/Feb/09
arnold wasn't even 6'2. the man has stated in a recent interview that he "used to be 6'1 and three coo-arters" thats not 6'2. that was most likely his morning height also.
derek d said on 22/Feb/09
There Is no way he was under 6'1.5 in his prime, just look at the countless youtube videos of him barefoot towering over everyone at the gym. However in his recent video of him saying he went from 6'1 3/4 to 6'1 flat, I think he lost a lot more than that and just doesn't want to admit it. I think its more that he went from 6'1.5 to about 6' nowadays.
Roger said on 22/Feb/09
195 lbs in "Terminator 2", that is complete BS. Sorry, but not even the staunchest Arnold haters will be able to support this. I just read the interview, they either misprinted what Rob Patrick said, or he's a douche.

The Moeller photos are great, but not worth that much for height estimates, as you wrote yourself, riskman. However, it is obvious that Arnold's upper body is much shorter than Moeller's. Moeller is a strong 6'5'', btw. Check out this photo that I believe must have been shot in the early to mid 90s showing Arnold, Moeller and 2 Bon Jovi's: Click Here
SuperAnonymous said on 22/Feb/09
Rob found this quote from Robert Patrick who was T1000 in T2:

Editor Rob says on 30/Oct/08
In Ability magazine he says his height:

"[Arnie is] about my size. I'm 6 feet, 208 pounds. I think he's about 6 foot 1. When we were making the movie he was about 195 pounds"

Although, I do not believe Arnold was only 195 pounds in T2 since he was atleast 215 pounds in T2. Robert Patrick size-wise looked tiny and skiny next to Arnold.
riskman82 said on 22/Feb/09
Arnold with ralph moeller again..Yes the ground is very tiltet, but still notice the general body really seems that he has lost a lot of height recently..hope this link works.
Click Here
Ejel Khan said on 21/Feb/09
Arnie was 6'2" in his prime as the picture above suggests.
Guy said on 21/Feb/09
Again we have Steve Jobs who appears about the same height as Arnold here.....
Click Here
But from a side to side, doesn't look so tall.
Click Here
Seems to lose about as much as Tiger in this photo...
Click Here
Again the top photo is inconsistent with yet another photo. Makes you wonder...
Guy said on 20/Feb/09
Robert Patrick is barely 50 years old. The chance he's lost 1 1/2 inches is not likely if he's lost anything at all.
Anonymous said on 20/Feb/09
Fan says on 20/Feb/09
Robert Patrick has been listed as 182 cm tall, but he may have been shorted by aging his age. he'll be now as 179 or 178 ...Arnold is a little bit taller than Patrick these days. so If Arnie weared a lift something, Arnie is 178 these days, if not, he's about 180 at most.

Robert isn't old enough to have shrunk up to 4cm (almost 2"). That is ridiculous, unless he had some serious surgery.
RisingForce said on 20/Feb/09
I don't think that 2nd picture with Eastwood applies to that other picture taken from a distance. The 2nd picture with Clint is obviously taken from a bad angle while the picture with Tiger is just taken from a distance. I'm not convinced the picture I posted with Tiger was taken from a distance though.

It's clear that the first picture with Eastwood is much better for comparing. They look about eye to eye the same height, or maybe Arnie is a hair taller. Then again Clint could be losing some height because of posture as his posture is rarely good these days.

I still see Tiger losing about a half inch in just posture and then atleast another inch because of his head dropping in that last picture.

I don't think it's unlikely for Arnold to appear 5'11" at an event just because he usually appears 6'0.5"/6'1". Everyone can look shorter or taller than they are.
Fan said on 20/Feb/09
Robert Patrick has been listed as 182 cm tall, but he may have been shorted by aging his age. he'll be now as 179 or 178 ...Arnold is a little bit taller than Patrick these days. so If Arnie weared a lift something, Arnie is 178 these days, if not, he's about 180 at most.
Guy said on 20/Feb/09
Take a look at these photos again.
Click Here
Click Here
Is Eastwood in fact as tall as he looks in the second photo. You could use it as a stand alone that he is. But he isn't. A high angle shot can actually make the person behind seem taller. This is a fact I've just proven above. Arnold is standing in front here....
Click Here
This shot is clearly skewed in the same way the Eastwood Arnold photo above is. It is hardly the perfect photo. Tiger would have to stand on his tip toes to reach his presumed height from the other photo.
Click Here
Look how far back and straight Tiger's back is and how also his chest and shoulders are back and not hunching. This looks like pretty good posture. Why does he look so much smaller here then the other photo? Its just his head that is hanging. It makes the other photo seem all the more suspicious.

I agree we're likely not going to agree on this. But Arnold appearing 5'11" at such an event is highly unlikely given other photos where he looked marginally taller than 6' Tony Blair, and even your photo with Robert Patrick.
Ejel Khan said on 19/Feb/09
That pic with Glenn just proves, Arnie was a legit 6'2" in his prime.
miko said on 19/Feb/09
I think for midday height, Arnold is just under 6"0 nowadays.
RisingForce said on 19/Feb/09
Well I never agreed with what you were saying about the Tiger Woods picture. I thought that was the best from the night because their posture is both good(although Arnold's is a little better) and the angle seems to be the best aside from the other one with Tiger's head down. Arnold just seems 5-11 there to me, I don't see much throwing it off. Obviously I don't think he is 5-11, but everyone can look shorter or taller than they are.
Guy said on 19/Feb/09
The ground or photo is tilted.
Click Here
Sly is getting a boost from this. End of story.

You think Tiger is going to get 3 inches here by standing straighter and raising his head? You never answered that question.
Click Here
It is more reliable because they are standing side by side. Tiger is hardly slouching at all, its his head that is hanging. And like I said, even if he is slouching horribly as you think he is, is he going to make up for it as much as he should according to you.

As far as this photo....
Click Here
I've explained it enough. Here's another example. Clint Eastwood and Arnold are looking eye to eye here in a perfect side to side shot. Overall Arnold's hair is higher and probably his cranium. Definitely his overall form which includes hair height is higher.
Click Here
Compare to this photo from the same event taken from a higher angle with a zoom lens.
Click Here
Suddenly Eastwood gains an inch and even now his eyeline is higher than Arnold's. This the exact same scenario as the the other photo. It's really not that difficult to understand.
SuperAnonymous said on 18/Feb/09
NEWSFLASH: Just found out news officially that Arnold Schwarzenegger is set to appear in a cameo role in the next Slyvester Stallone movie.
riskman82 said on 18/Feb/09
Click Here
RisingForce said on 18/Feb/09
For those of you that still think Arnold is 6-1. This picture supports your belief about as well as any.

With Robert Patrick who is listed 5-11.75 here.
Click Here

He looks every bit of 6-1 there and in many other pictures still. So there are 2 possibilities in my opinion. One being that he's around 6-0 at best and wears lifts sometimes which can make him look taller. The other being that he's 6-1 and can look shorter sometimes because of posture.
RisingForce said on 18/Feb/09
Well Arnold has perfect posture so Tiger is losing atleast a half inch besides hanging his head. I still don't see how you think these Click Here Click Here are more reliable pictures than this. Click Here

As far as the Sly picture, well I'm not seeing much of a tilt still. Certainly not even to cancel out Arnold's advantages from being closer to the camera and having his head tilted up.
Click Here

Again we're probably never going to see these pictures the same but I still see Arnold looking 5'11" with Tiger Woods and a half inch max taller than Sly(although Sly has the .75" footwear advantage). You obviously disagree, and that's fine. We're obviously not going to agree on this.
Guy said on 18/Feb/09
So you really think Tiger would grow this much.......
Click Here
....which is his height advantage in the other photo, with just better posture? His posture is not that different than Arnold's. Whatever many inches you think Tiger is losing from horrible posture is just not realistic. It's his hanging head that drops him below his actual height. His posture is not much different than Arnold's. There is no way he could get the same effect from the other photo with just straightening up when his posture is not much different as is.
Guy said on 18/Feb/09
RisingForce: This reconfiguration is better than the original that you claimed as a milestone. Its even and fair. I'm sorry if you would rather have the original uneven photo, but that wouldn't be very accurate would it.
Click Here
What can you say about this photo?
RisingForce said on 18/Feb/09
It's interesting that Arnold's daughter would be so surprised about Arnold measuring under his claim of 6'1 3/4" if he was 6'1".

Maybe he measured more like 6'0" or 6'0 1/2" and that's why she was surprised.
RisingForce said on 18/Feb/09
Brad, Sly doesn't have a posture advantage here. Click Here
Brad said on 18/Feb/09
If Jack would get great posture that gap between he & Sly on the links would evaporate. It did on the other photo straight on. 5' 8.5" for Sly n Jack is right around there. Both would love to be 6' but Jack doesn't give a shi$ and Sly wants the moon.
RisingForce said on 18/Feb/09
Guy, I think it's best that we agree to disagree on the pictures of Arnold with Sly and Tiger Woods. We obviously just view them differently and nothing will change that.
Danimal said on 17/Feb/09
I see Sly at somewhere between 5'8"-5'9" barefoot. Lifts can do magical things. Ask most women who wear high heels ;).
RisingForce said on 17/Feb/09
Guy, I still don't agree with what you're saying regarding the Arnold and Tiger Woods pictures. I certainly don't agree that Tiger's posture is equal to Arnold's in the last one. As you pointed out the head position isn't equal which gives Arnold an advantage, but Tiger is also slouching more, you can see it in his shoulders and upper back.

I've never agreed with your opinion of how much the picture with Sly was tilted or what you based it o either. Pots like that aren't always level on the bottom and they'd have to be to base it on that. I also think you're using too much of Arnold's hair, don't forget his hair is pretty high.

And the picture with Sly and Arnold doesn't have to add up to the picture with Tiger and Arnold for me to have my beliefs. Not all pictures add up to eachother.
Brad said on 17/Feb/09
Even in custom boots Sly can't top Arnie in sneakers. Believe me, he'll have 2.5" at lowest in those boots.
Anonymous said on 17/Feb/09
Guy says on 17/Feb/09
RisingForce: you're in a dilemma. In this photo......
Click Here
Arnold was 2 inches taller that day.

My God are you people biased. Did you even look at how crooked that picture is. It COMPLETELY favors Arnold. Straighten the picture out and they're even in height. Favor it in Sly's favor and BAMM, it's Sly that has the 2" advantage.

My take is this: Guy wants to raise Arnies height. Rising wants to lower it, while wanting to raise Sly's and you both ignore all pics and videos that go against your OPINIONS. It's actually quite comical how you go on and on for HOURS and HOURS typing paragraphs and paragraphs worth of the same redundant points.
Ejel Khan said on 17/Feb/09
Arnies over 60, so has lost some height .... defo was 6'.1.5-6'2" in his prime. As he admits, he's 6'1" now.
Guy said on 17/Feb/09
This photo is obviously a product of a long distance telephoto lens.
Click Here
The photo crew is situated some distance back as evidence from this photo....
Click Here
....and Arnold is standing ahead of both Jobs and Tiger. From this distance, wide angle lens, and the fact that Arnold is standing a little closer he appears very big there. A high angle zoom shot can easily create a different affect. Take a look at these telephoto shots and observe how the objects in the background change size.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Thats why the photo at the top is very convenient if you want to downgrade Arnold's height, but it is more an illusion based on camera lens and angle. This photo is probably the most accurate.....
Click Here
as both Arnold and Tiger are standing side by side and everything else (except Tiger's head position) is about equal.
Guy said on 17/Feb/09
RisingForce: you're in a dilemma. In this photo......
Click Here
Arnold was 2 inches taller that day. If you want to promote Sly as 5'10 3/4" then he was minimum 6' 1/2" that day with 1.75" boots (lifts not accounted for). That would make Arnold 6'2 1/2" with his 1 inch sneakers. Arnold might easily have achieved this in peak height but I thought he was supposed to have lost height. If Sly was wearing lifts, Arnold would be even taller?

Now you want to promote that Arnold is 1 inch shorter than Tiger Woods who is listed on this site as 6' 1/2". That makes Arnold now 5'11 1/2" and 6' 1/2" in sneakers. So that now makes Sly 5'10 1/2" in his big boots and 5'8 3/4" without those 1.75" boots. If we assume Sly had lifts in those boots we can bring his height down around 5'8" under the Tiger Woods configuration. Take your pick. Will you concede Sly is that short? It makes more sense Arnold is between those two numbers at around 6' 1/2".

He certainly looks it here looking almost straight on with Tiger Woods.
Click Here
Arnold still looks a little taller but maybe he's favoured a small amount so we give Tiger another inch. Tiger is definitely not looking down there either. This next photo is very fair.
Click Here
Both postures are actually very similar. The only difference has Tiger lowering his head and if raised might meet Arnold's height. He's not going to gain 2-3 inches by standing differently especially if his actual posture is not any different than Arnold's.

So basically you have your choice. If Arnold is in fact 1 inch shorter than Tiger Woods, Sly can't be nearly 5'11" in socks and then big heeled boots. This is especially if he was wearing lifts. This is also in light of you thinking Arnold is 6'.
nick said on 17/Feb/09
i honestly dont have a problem seing sly upgraded to 5'10 here, all evidence points to it
anonymous said on 17/Feb/09
Impossible Arnie is 6'0. His peak 188 cm for sure but now he is 186-187cm. He admitted that he is 6'1 (186cm) lately.
glenn said on 17/Feb/09
exactly leonari.people have my head scratching least he isnt 5-7 to that person.
brotha said on 17/Feb/09
Guy, your last post was great. I see where you're coming from. At work my boss has a picture with him and Tiger on his wall and it's similar to the one where arnold is standing closer to the camera (looking shorter). In the picture with my boss Tiger appears an inch taller and it drives me nuts, cause my boss for sure is a legit 6'2". Just shows you how angles and feet position are deceiving in many pics. Arnold is clearly as tall as Tiger looking at all the photos.
RisingForce said on 17/Feb/09
Interesting post Guy, but I feel that the 2nd, 3rd and 6th pictures are from really bad angles. I get the impression that Arnold is shorter in each of them and that the other guys are looking down at him in those pictures anyway. I really don't think those pictures are nearly good enough to be compared to the one I posted because of the angle. I honestly don't see how you think Arnold is taller in those pictures either.
RisingForce said on 16/Feb/09
Right, SuperAnonymous because that is really an accurate picture of judging height.... Look at the pose they're doing, do you honestly think they're standing straight there. If you do then I feel bad for you. Here's a better one.

Click Here

Not exactly struggling there, Sly is looking down at Kurt.

Here is a video from Tango and Cash.

Click Here

From 1:02 to 1:06 they're walking barefoot. Sly is about an inch taller there, especially factoring in Kurt's hair. They look about the same in the shower scene though. You'll also notice them walking to the prison and Sly is noticeably taller.

HAHAHA 0.5" to 1" taller than Glenn? In the more recent picture where Glenn was 5'8", Glenn's head didn't even come particularly close to reaching Sly's hairline, Glenn's eye level was also below Sly's noses. That's an easy 2 inches. Then look at the older picture from 1991 where Glenn was 5'7" and confirmed that Sly was wearing sandals. Glenn also admitted to tip toeing in the picture and yet his head is BARELY above Sly's eye level. That's an easy 4 inches.

Click Here

He looks 5'10", 5'10.5" in the recent picture and atleast 5'10.75" in the older picture despite Glenn tip toeing.

You mentioned 5'9" Jack Nicholson and Sly in golf shoes. Here they are on that day and Jack's eye level is at the bottom of Sly's nose. Click Here

That certainly looks like 5'10.5" there.

I'm not saying your estimate of Sly is wrong, but you are 100% wrong when you say it's been established that he's not that tall. That would require a measurement. So no it's not the same as saying Arnold was taller than 6'2". It's been established he wasn't based on the fact that he never claimed to be taller than 6'2", he also claimed 6'1.75" and he was measured in the 6'1.5" evening. If Sly claimed 5'9" or 5'9.5" or was measured at that height then yes his height would have been established. I'm not going to argue your estimate of 5'9.5" is wrong when I have always found that figure possible myself. Just don't make false statements like his height has already been established. There are plenty of posters who think he's atleast 5'10" such as myself and Glenn and Leung who have each met him in person.
leonari said on 16/Feb/09
Superanonymous: Sly is bending his legs hardcore. Are you blind or wtf?
Roger said on 16/Feb/09
RisingForce had posted those Arnold/Tiger Woods photos already. Does anyone know how tall Steve Jobs is?
Roger said on 16/Feb/09
SuperAno, pretty worthless picture as Sly bends forwards strongly here.
SuperAnonymous said on 16/Feb/09
Here is proof that Sly was never taller than 5'9.5" without lifts back in the 80s. Celebheights supports this argument so Sly is definitely no taller than 5'9" tops. I am still giving him 5'9.5".

Sly with 5'9" Kurt Russell. Sly is struggling to even be as tall as 5'9" Kurt:

Click Here

Sly's picture shows Sly barely 0.5 - 1 inches taller than 5'8" Glen. Sly being taller than 5'9" is like saying Arnold was taller than 6'2", which he never was.
SuperAnonymous said on 16/Feb/09
RisingForce: There is no way Sly was anything more than 5'9.5". That is what celebheights has listed him at. I believe it. He was no taller without lifts than 5'9" Jack Nicholson in pictures who is a weak 5'9". In "Tango and Cash", Kurt Russell and Sly were identical in height and Kurt is 5'9". I could go on forever. Barefoot, he was never taller than 5'9.5" tops.
Guy said on 16/Feb/09
This photo is interesting
Click Here
because other photos from the same series don't show this. Here's Steve Jobs looking not as tall as Arnold face to face....
Click Here
And Tiger in a more even face to face with Arnold.....
Click Here
Arnold might still be favored a small slight bit but also appears taller so they might be the same height.

What I noticed with the group shot is that Arnold is standing further in front....
Click Here
Ordinarily you might assume he'd be favored and appear taller but not always is that the case. If the camera is situated high and a zoom or telephoto lens is used the objects behind can appear larger than they are in reality. Just like if you take a picture of some mountains with a zoom lens, they suddenly look huge in the photo compared to a regular lens. What it comes down to is this photo....
Click Here
.....needs a lot to explain itself with. It is not a stand alone photo and it is the only shot from this series where Arnold appears this short. All others Arnold is taller than Steve Jobs and appears equal or taller than Tiger Woods. They can't be ignored. Arnold is taller than Tiger here, but compensating for Arnold being a little favored they are probably the same height...
Click Here
Tiger is not going to lose that much height due to slouching or bad posture here....
Click Here
What it comes down to is there are plenty of other photos from that series that need attention too, and using only one photo doesn't prove anything in light of many others.
glenn said on 16/Feb/09
i agree risingforce.the comments i read from that person is silly to me.
RisingForce said on 15/Feb/09
Guy that first angle isn't very good comparing. Tiger seems to be looking down at Arnold anyway. The second picture is a good find though, I've never seen that one. Tiger may be shorter because he's slouching though.

This picture shows Arnold more than an inch shorter(not including his spiky hair)
Click Here

I'd say he looks more like 5'11.5" there.
Ejel Khan said on 15/Feb/09
Arnies 6'.1.5" and that's legit!
RisingForce said on 15/Feb/09
Anonymous says on 14/Feb/09
Arnold was shorter than 6'0
Tiger Woods. How do you explain that one?

Easy, Woods is 6-1.
Guy said on 15/Feb/09
Don't necessarily believe that.
Click Here
Tiger's definitely not taller here either.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/09
Arnold was shorter than 6'0
Tiger Woods. How do you explain that one?
RisingForce said on 14/Feb/09
I'm a fan of both Sly and Arnie and calling either one of them a fake isn't accurate at all. Both of them are responsible for all of their success. Each of them are huge celebrities and icons because they made themselves that. I certainly wouldn't call a self made man fake.

So Sly being vain certainly doesn't make him fake. In fact if you type in the "Arnold Schwarzenegger Plastic Surgery" in google you'll find a lot of people who think Arnold had plastic surgery, it's very possible Arnold wears lifts as well as that has been discussed. Would that make him a fake? No, almost everyone is vain in some way or another, especially men with images like Sly and Arnie.
Ejel Khan said on 14/Feb/09
Guy you're right, Arnie's not a fake like Sly!
RisingForce said on 14/Feb/09
I think Arnold is a flat 6'0" honestly. I use to insist he was still 6'1" here, so I have nothing against Arnold if that's what you think. In fact I'm a huge fan and have many of his movies on DVD.

I already told you how that's possible. Arnold appears 3 inches taller because they're mid-stride, Arnold has the pavement advantage and Arnold is closer to the camera. Mid-stride pictures alone can vary a couple of inches. This was proved when myself and another poster on the Sly page took the video of Sly and Kurt Russell walking and took stills. There were stills that showed Sly as much as 2 inches taller and others that showed Kurt as tall or taller. That's why mid-stride pictures can throw things off a lot. Then factor in the pavemtn and camera advantage.

Once again I have made the mistake of posting mid-stride pictures in the past, sometimes without realizing it, but in reality they can be off by a couple of inches based on where the people are in their stride. That's how Brad Pitt looked 5-9ish mid-stride with Gwyneth Paltrow in sandals and Brad was closer to the camera.
Guy said on 14/Feb/09
RisingForce: Nope it's not tilted too much in Arnold's favor. The way the picture is cut at an angle, because it was adjusted, gives the illusion. Its also the paint lines on the pavement mid-way and also in the foreground. The difference is Arnold tilting up and back VS Sly straight and forward. Whether you think Arnold is tilted up must also be coupled with him tilting back a little compared to Sly. We aren't talking about several inches, but maybe he gets half an inch lost. Its really not a great photo comparison at all. Their stances are different enough that we can't ever be as sure as them standing back to back to make this a perfect photo.
Guy said on 14/Feb/09
RisingForce: I think Arnold is probably between 6' and 6'1". Likely he's about 6'1/2" now. I doubt he's below 6' in stocking feet and he stated he's about 6'1" in that interview with Bronstein.

Like I said before, the photographic advantage is not major, but supposed 1/2 inch taller Arnold appears like this.....
Click Here
.....Come on. Be realistic. How is that possible? Is the picture Photoshopped?

Sly was obviously boosted that day by large boots and probably lifts. He does look it here.......
Click Here
RisingForce said on 14/Feb/09
Plus relying on where pots are placed is hardly an accurate way to judge a picture.
RisingForce said on 14/Feb/09
Guy, you tilted the picture too much and tilting your head up doesn't make you lose height, it adds height. He isn't tilting his head back he's tilting it up.
Guy said on 13/Feb/09
Here's that photo of Arnold and Sly fixed for the tilt. You can see what difference it makes. Arnold now looks pretty much exactly 2 inches taller there.
Click Here
Click Here
This still doesn't take into consideration Arnold's head is further back than Sly's so it might be a little more.
RisingForce said on 13/Feb/09
There really isn't much of a tilt in that picture. There's a slight tilt, but then again there is in almost every picture. It's certainly the best picture we have from that series.
Click Here

Look at the line from Sly's head, that isn't more than a half inch. They both have advantages in that picture, but each advantage is very minor.

As far as the picture where you say it looks like he's standing on his tip toes, no it doesn't at all. His feet are planted on the ground and in that picture Arnold's knees are still higher so that's not exactly the best picture to prove that point.

For the last picture. Yes you can be a half inch shorter and end up like that in the last picture. First of all Arnold is obviously closer to the camera, unless you honestly believe that Arnold's head is atleast an inch and a half bigger than Sly's. Now if you want to talk about tilts, look at the tilt in that picture. For reference look at the backround or look at Arnold's visible pavement advantage. Then we have the mid-stride factor. Using that picture as an example is really bad.

If you want to exclude all mid-stride pictures that's fine by me, but I didn't realize how off mid-stride pictures can be when I posted those pictures of Arnold and George Bush so I'm not trying to prove anything against Arnold.

Out of curiosity Guy, how tall do you think Arnold is today?
Danimal said on 12/Feb/09
miko says on 12/Feb/09
To set the record straight as of February 2009, I think Arnold is 5"11.5 today (down from 6"1.5) and Sly is 5"9.

Arnold therefore can reach about 6"1 in a normal shoe, and Sly in his 3"+ munsters is pushing 6"0, which would explain the 1" gap we are regularly seeing nowadays. If Stallone gets a favourable camera angle it looks even less. Arnold doesn't force his ribs through his chest either which can make Sly look taller.

I agree.
Guy said on 12/Feb/09
RisingForce: I explained what the problem with this photo was.
Click Here
Its tilted. Look at the planters on either side of the photo. I explained this. Then you asked again later as if this question was not and cannot be answered. This photo is really quite bad for comparison when you look at it but since it seems to gratify you in your way you'll ignore all the junk. Its the same with a lot of the photos you provide. Low shots of Arnold and GWB that favor GWB where they look very close in height. The photo with the rock where Arnold is in mid stride and the Rock is standing straight. And then there's this photo. Here's what's wrong with it.
1)the ground or the camera are tilted. You have to be blind or RisingForce not to see this.

2)the difference is more like an inch. 1/2 inch would not be as obvious from that distance. I measured the distance from my bottom lip to the bottom of my chin and it was about 2 inches. From that distance 2 inches really doesn't look like much if you assume both Arnold's and Sly's chin dimensions are about the same (I don't have a huge chin BTW). Arnold looks about an inch taller there minimum with this consideration.

3)Arnold's head is tilted back and Sly's is forward. Automatically Arnold will lose photo advantage because Sly's head is closer to the camera. So if Arnold looks about 1 inch taller we have to now give him a little more.

4)Its pretty obvious especially in this photo that Sly is wearing either very high heeled boots or a lift. Look at the angle of his front lead leg. He might get 1.75" from those boots on their own but 2.5" possibly with a lift. Looks like he's standing on his tip toes here......
Click Here
One thing is for certain is that Sly had a substantial footwear advantage that day and seemed to be trying very hard in those photos to look as tall and straight as possible. Arnold on the other hand didn't seem to care. So in the end your perfect picture is not so perfect. With those variables it is ridiculous to think Arnold was just 1/2 inches taller that day and was more like around 2 inches taller. Its just impossible for someone just 1/2 taller to look like this........
Click Here
.....just absolutely impossible. Sly looks like he's looking up to Arnold. The photo itself shows Arnold about 3+ inches taller so give Sly an extra inch for being (slightly) out of favor. You get 2.
RisingForce said on 12/Feb/09
I didn't realize at first that the picture of Arnold and the Rock was mid-stride.

And in this mid-stride picture Click Here it does reflect what the picture of them standing still did, plus they seem to be equal distances from the camera, they seem to be in the same part of their stride and Sly doesn't have a posture advantage.

However if they want to disregard that then fine, I can see why because mid-stride pictures are never as accurate. Then we're left with this as the best picture and Sly looks just half an inch shorter. Click Here

If you don't think that leg length is an accurate way to judge then how about the fact that Arnold's knees aren't really any lower than Sly's?
miko said on 12/Feb/09
To set the record straight as of February 2009, I think Arnold is 5"11.5 today (down from 6"1.5) and Sly is 5"9.

Arnold therefore can reach about 6"1 in a normal shoe, and Sly in his 3"+ munsters is pushing 6"0, which would explain the 1" gap we are regularly seeing nowadays. If Stallone gets a favourable camera angle it looks even less. Arnold doesn't force his ribs through his chest either which can make Sly look taller.
Guy said on 12/Feb/09
RisingForce: what about your mid-stride photo of Arnold with the standing straight Rock that you posted several times to prove a point....
Click Here
In light of the better face to face standing straight photo that was much more accurate you clearly ignored for some reason?
Click Here
You also posted this photo as a stand alone to make your agenda several times.
Click Here
but ignored this photo
Click Here
To guesstimate whether Sly was wearing lifts by comparing his legs face value to Arnold's legs is ridiculous. Arnold was very leggy and Arnoldheight suggests he has legs comparable to men in the 6 1/2 foot range. His tailor said his inseam was some 36". I would safely say Sly's isnt.
RisingForce said on 12/Feb/09
SuperAnonymous, there was not one picture from that day where Arnold didn't have a huge camera advantage on Sly.
RisingForce said on 12/Feb/09
Roger, I don't have a problem with your statement that Arnold would have 2 inches on Sly barefoot. That would only require maybe a half inch lift inside those boots which is very possible.

However I personally don't believe he has any more than the advantage work boots give over sneakers because Arnold's legs are still longer. So I'm not sure how much of a footwear advantage Sly would have.

I do have a problem though with mid-stride pictures being posted trying to disprove my picture of them standing still. Everyone knows that mid-stride pictures aren't as accurate. Those can vary an inch or 2 depending on where they are in their stride.
Anonymous said on 11/Feb/09
jesus Christ mother Mary of God, Arnold has shrunk so much that they pratically look the same height, I mean thats if you just look mat the picture.
Ejel Khan said on 11/Feb/09
Arnies not a fake like Sly. Arnie is natural as they come. Sly has had facelifts, wear toupes and lifts.
RisingForce said on 11/Feb/09
SuperAnonymous, there was not one picture from that day where Arnold didn't have a huge camera advantage on Sly.

Guy, pictures of them standing still are far more accurate then a picture of them walking. That's common knowledge, but it doesn't fit what you want to hear so you ignore it.

Once again, 1st picture Arnold is standing closer to the camera and their knees are bent while they're walking.

In the second picture again they're walking, again Arnold has the camera advantage and look at how much Sly is looking down there.

The third picture is a complete joke. The picture is tilted, they're most likely walking again and neither are standing straight.

In the 4th picture, Sly has no real advantage, Arnold is tilting his head up which gives a slight advantage, but in that picture they're standing still and Arnold is max 1/2 an inch taller. That's an accurate picture.

In the next picture Sly has the camera advantage but you can see clearly that Arnold is standing on higher ground.

You can't compare that next picture to the one where they're standing still either because they're walking in that one.

I explained something wrong with every single one of your points. Now explain what throws off this picture. Click Here

And now Sly doesn't have the pavement advantage there, they're standing pretty much perfectly side by side. They're not walking either. Arnold doesn't seem more than half an inch taller.

Everyone knows that pictures of them standing still are more accurate. For proof of this, take a video of 2 people walking and take several screen shots of them mid-stride you'll get a ton of different results as far as height. That explains how there height changes so much in the other pictures.
Roger said on 11/Feb/09
Danimal, I had this lenghtening surgery believe, too - just thought dismissed it in the end because I found it too improbable.

Is it possible that some growth took place due to the HGH he injects, or is this totally out of question once you have reached a certain age?
TELLEM said on 11/Feb/09
c'mon danimal, someone on here already posted that the most sly has been unseen is 2 weeks. limb lengthening takes months to recover, your wheelchair bound in those months.
Danimal said on 10/Feb/09
Arnold had at least 3-4" on Sly up until the late 90's. WHAT HAPPENED!!!????

MANY people on Click Here believe that Sly had leg lengthening surgery a few years ago which would account for his INCREASED height in almost ALL pictures. Apparently it's quite common surgery in Europe and Asia.
SuperAnonymous said on 10/Feb/09
Slyvester Stallone was wearing monster lifts at the Rocky Balboa premier and had numerous pictures taken of himself with Arnold in casual dress shoes.

Even with the huge elevator shoes Slyvester was wearing, he was 3 inches shorter than Arnold in casual dress shoes.
Guy said on 10/Feb/09
Rising Force: look at their foot placement. They are standing exactly side by side.
Click Here
Click Here
Only 1/2 inch difference is ridiculous
Click Here

If anything Sly has the posture advantage as Arnold was mostly relaxed in all the photos as compared to Sly who's posture seemed very straight for some reason. If you want to give this photo here the definitive advantage.....
Click Here
....then you have to 1) concede that Arnold is already one inch taller 2) admit that Sly has either the pavement or camera tilt advantage (whatever is the reason for there being a tilt and Sly being higher in the photo). Look at the planter pot on the very left of the photo and compare the its base height to the planter on the very right. Its several inches higher. Its self explanatory. Arnold loses about 1 inch there because of this.

How does Sly only get a little height advantage here......
Click Here
....when he's clearly standing closer to the camera. Then Arnold suddenly looks huge with only a small if any camera advantage here.....
Click Here
Can this be possible if Sly and Arnold are about the same height? With this last photo I can't see how one of two men of about the same height can appear so much bigger due to no real massive advantages (Sly's foot is actually closer to the camera). Sly never appears that much larger than Arnold. Even in this photo....
Click Here
.....where it is perfectly clear he is standing much closer to the camera, he still doesn't. What it comes down is that photos are fickle. There are any number of variables that can distort a photo and give an illusion that isn't correct by reality. You can go from a photo that looks distorted but nonetheless gives a certain impression....
Click Here
To this......
Click Here
....which suddenly changes things dramatically.
Hugh said on 10/Feb/09
6ft1 or close nowadays. I can buy 6ft2 in his prime.
Roger said on 10/Feb/09
Rising, Guy's photos are not that bad, posture wise. I see an inch between Sly and Arnold. Now, while Sly wears those work boots that give him 1.75'' - there is still the possibility of him being elevated inside those workboots. A barefoot Arnold would have a strong 2 inches on Sly.
RisingForce said on 10/Feb/09
Guy, in that first picture you can see their knees bent and Arnold is obviously closer to the camera. With that said Arnold still isn't much taller there.

In that second picture Arnold is closer to the camera too and look at Sly's posture there! He isn't even close to standing straight.

I'm sorry but those 2 pictures are terrible for height comparison. The last one is good. They're standing still, Arnold even has the advantages in that picture and he looks half an inch taller max.

On that day in 1 inch sneakers Arnold was about half an inch taller than Sly was in 1.75" work boots. Those are the facts. 2 inches between the 2 is absurd and delusional. You need pictures with Sly bending over(the 2nd picture) and with his knees bent(the 1st) plus Arnold being closer to the camera to justify a 2 inch difference.

Besides pictures of them standing still are always much better for comparing height than mid-stride pictures. So yes this still remains the best picture for judging height. Click Here
Guy said on 10/Feb/09
RisingForce: they are not even in height. I know you really, really want Sly to outsize the supersized Arnold but it simply is not the case.
Click Here
This series of photos has clearly displayed a high discrepancy where Sly and Arnold walking look only about 1 inch difference and then another walking photo shows Arnold several inches taller. I don't think Arnold looks a whole lot taller but he is roughly about 2 inches taller there.
Click Here
2 inches is not a lot so if there is a tilt to the camera or if the ground slopes such as in this photo....
Click Here
....Arnold loses an inch. You can see yourself a tilt that favors Sly and Arnold already looks minimum 1 inch taller as it is. I would conclude Arnold was still 2 inches over Sly that day despite wearing ordinary sneakers while Stallone wore large boots with a possible lift inside. If Stallone wore ordinary sneakers like Arnold that day, he would probably be 3 inches shorter or more.
TELLEM said on 9/Feb/09
u know how ridiculous that would be? sly would be EVEN MORE LAUGHED AT if he was seen taller than arnold.
TELLEM said on 9/Feb/09
no matter how hard stallone tries, he'll never be taller than arnie, with or without lifts.
RisingForce said on 9/Feb/09
Guy, they aren't standing straight there, it's not a full body shot like the other and we can't see if they're walking or not.

This full body shot of them standing still is the best.
Click Here
Guy said on 9/Feb/09
Another photo from the same series but this time they are both standing side by side unlike the others where they are walking and standing in different positions.
Click Here
The camera is at a good level and neither appears to be favored to a great degree. Arnold still looks minimum 2 inches taller. In regular shoes Arnold looks 6' 1/2" and Sly looks 5'10 1/2" in very large boots.
Brad said on 9/Feb/09
Superstar Billy Graham & Hulk Hogan have lost much of their height through the injected stuff, operations, bangin' up and down in the ring with 250+ pounds held over their head, weights, etc.. Arnold is lucky he's only lost about 2" with all what he's dealt with with in his career. He doesn't look bad in the face. I think if he kept up the acting as his only job he'd do the botox, plastic surgery in a matter of time. Sly buys the best lifts.
Danimal said on 8/Feb/09
anonymous says on 8/Feb/09
Arnold schwarzenegger is definitely taller than 6'0. look at him compared to Glenn, he looks pretty big.

You'll probably never be back on here again Anonymous, but that pic of Glenn and Arnold is from almost 20 years ago, when Arnold was at his peak height (6'1"-6'2"). He's probably 5'11.5"-6'0.25" today.
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
lynn-is it a possible mid stride thing going on?
RisingForce said on 8/Feb/09
I'm still not sure Sly has lifts with Arnold in that picture, I think he just has the 3/4 inch advantage that work boots give or regular sneakers. Arnold's knees are still slightly higher than Sly's so how much of an advantage could Sly have?
anonymous said on 8/Feb/09
Arnold schwarzenegger is definitely taller than 6'0. look at him compared to Glenn, he looks pretty big.
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/09
Roger says on 7/Feb/09
Total Recall is a Top 3 Arnold movie, for sure. I wonder if Arnold - if he had the drive, the self-motivation - would be able to bring himself in to comparable shape again, or if his flabiness is now a no-return street.

That movie was filmed 20 years ago. Comparable shape would be impossible. His enture body composition/structure seems to have DRAMATICALLY changed. His upper torso seems to be shorter and other dimensions just don't seem the same any longer...

Sly on the other hand seems to have lengthened his limbs (his legs) and seems to have become a better candidate for looking more proportioned than he used to.
Doug said on 8/Feb/09
I don't think Arnie looks as low as 5'10" but Stallone is looking 6'1" in the below pictures!!!!
Doug said on 8/Feb/09
OMG he is struggling to look taller than Stallone these days. lifts aside, Stallone has undoubtedly grown since the 80s not lost height!!
Doug said on 8/Feb/09
In this photo Arnie looks a strong 6'2" compared to Glenn in my view.
Ejel Khan said on 8/Feb/09
Arnie doesn't wear lifts! Sly does!
Guy said on 8/Feb/09
I think it's strange how we have such discrepancies. Sly is obviously closer to the camera in this photo.
Click Here
Pavement advantage? If anything Stallone has pavement advantage as drainage is towards the center of the street.
Click Here
The big difference is the position of the camera. It is low in the first shot and higher in the second. Stallone never appears taller than Arnold but Arnold looks several inches taller in the second shot.
RisingForce said on 7/Feb/09
It's simple Guy, look at who is closer to the camera in the 2nd and look at the pavement. Here's one where they're standing still. Click Here

Arnold is actually standing a little straighter and has his head tilted up, but they look very close in height.
Anonymous said on 7/Feb/09
Im 3 quarters of an inch-1 inch taller in tthe morning
Halb said on 7/Feb/09
Good pics Guy. From one pic where difference is negliable, to one where it's 3 inches? As one would expect of 5'9 Sly and 6ft AhNold.
Guy said on 7/Feb/09
Sorry my last post was supposed to compare these photos. The first was from another project by mistake.
Click Here
Click Here
Roger said on 7/Feb/09
Total Recall is a Top 3 Arnold movie, for sure. I wonder if Arnold - if he had the drive, the self-motivation - would be able to bring himself in to comparable shape again, or if his flabiness is now a no-return street.
SuperAnonymous said on 6/Feb/09
Guy: Not withstanding Sly's plastic surgery and botox treatment on the face, it is so difficult to tell Sly is actually in reality older than Arnold in that picture. Arnold aged so badly and it took its toll on his physique that he looks MUCH older than Sly almost as if Arnold has joint problems. Arnold looks 10 years older than Slyvester Stallone when Arnold is 2 years younger than Sly.
RisingForce said on 6/Feb/09
Guy, look at how much closer to the camera in the second picture plus the picture is on a slight angle and Arnold seems to be on higher ground. Notice how ridiculously big his head looks there? That's because of his camera advantage.

Look at all of these other pictures from the same day.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

The first picture I posted is the best from that day because they're standing still. Arnold actually has the camera and posture advantage there, but they still look about the same height. The second picture is also good as they're both standing straight and seem to be in the exact same part of their stride.

Arnold also looks a hair taller than Blair because of posture. Blair isn't hunched over, but he doesn't have Arnold's military posture. They're both 6 feet even.
Ejel Khan said on 6/Feb/09
Still 6'1", and still a legend!
Guy said on 6/Feb/09
Photography is funny. Its funny how we get a picture like this.
Click Here
And then a picture like this.
Click Here
Maybe Stallone really didn't look that tall next to Arnold that day.
Guy said on 5/Feb/09
The Arnold/Blair series of photos is the best indication that Arnold is bare minimum 6 feet, as he cannot be any lower than that beside Tony Blair. Again you cannot be absolutely proof positive of their accurate heights, as both of their hairstyles hide the true top of their heads. If they both had bald heads I would probably think Arnold would be a hair taller at about 6' 1/2" vs Blair at 6'-6' 1/4".
Click Here
Click Here
Arnold does appear a shade taller and I think Blair's posture is good enough not to make a big difference.
Click Here
Arnold looks overall to have a larger head than Blair.
Click Here
Contrary to popular belief Arnold's hair really doesn't give him a huge boost.
Click Here
It is clear Arnold is slightly taller than Tony Blair.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Arnold's shoes look like ordinary dress shoes here so his footwear is on par with Tony Blair's.
Click Here
Overall these photos with Tony Blair are excellent proof that Arnold is still between 6' and 6'1" today. They both have similar footwear, there are several photos in the series to cross check, there are no strange angles where one is favored or distorting low shots, there are numerous face to face and side to side photos which are most ideal for height comparison, and Tony Blair is a definite strong 6 footer without dispute. It is also clear that Arnold is not 6'2" or even still 6'1 1/2" as he does not look it next to Blair.
klem said on 5/Feb/09
Donatello says on 3/Feb/09
Alex I think an average height man (5'10") would lose .75 of an inch through out the day. A taller man whos over 6'2" would probably lose around an inch and shorter man below 5'6" would probably lose a half inch. I don't see many people at all losing over an inch through out the day unless their over 6'6"-6'7". Arnold was definately close to 6'2" at peak and probably close to 6'1" these days, he hasn't seemed to have lost a lot of height through out

Actually it doesn't depends on height, it depends on torso length. If you have bigger torso you will lose more since its the spine which "shrinks". Arnold seem to have long legs bot so big of a torso. Some swimmers for examples have big torsos I believe they can lose over an inch.
Danimal said on 5/Feb/09
Anonymous says on 3/Feb/09
plus you do have a morning height when younger its when your about 16 -17 you lose that you become your morning height and stay like that forever untill you lose a day of proper sleep and become like how you was younger having a mornig height.

Can you please translate that into something that makes a tad of sense please?
RisingForce said on 5/Feb/09
Arnold had better posture than Blair so I wouldn't say Arnold is taller.
Keith said on 4/Feb/09
Can someone tell me who this Glenn guy is and his business, I'm just curious because I've seen him in many many pics on this site with many different stars, this site must belong to him and he must live in Los Angeles.
ACG said on 4/Feb/09
It wouldn't surprise me at all if Arnold was a bit over 6'2 in his prime after a decent night's sleep.
Ralph said on 4/Feb/09
Blair is more than 6' and Arnold is almost half an inch taller. So currently he is 6-1.
RisingForce said on 4/Feb/09
He did look like a solid 6 foot in full body shot pictures next to Tony Blair.

Maybe he's just a flat 6 feet, nothing more, nothing less.
Donatello said on 3/Feb/09
Alex I think an average height man (5'10") would lose .75 of an inch through out the day. A taller man whos over 6'2" would probably lose around an inch and shorter man below 5'6" would probably lose a half inch. I don't see many people at all losing over an inch through out the day unless their over 6'6"-6'7". Arnold was definately close to 6'2" at peak and probably close to 6'1" these days, he hasn't seemed to have lost alot of height through out the years but thats just my 2 cents.
glenn said on 3/Feb/09
alex-you obsess too much on that low and peak height.give it a post it everyday all over the site.with all due respect.
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/09
plus you do have a morning height when younger its when your about 16 -17 you lose that you become your morning height and stay like that forever untill you lose a day of proper sleep and become like how you was younger having a mornig height.
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/09
when you are at your peak height you dont have a morning height but if you lost alot of sleep in a day you will start having a morning height again.
RisingForce said on 3/Feb/09
Nice article Roger, Total Recall is my favorite Arnold movie.
Ejel Khan said on 3/Feb/09
In the 80's arnie was rounded up to 6'2", but as he admits himself, he was slightly under. He's lost height with age, also. Don't forget, he's 62!
Alex said on 2/Feb/09
Everyone has a peak and lowest height for the day even if its as low as just 1/2 inch. Most tend to be .75-1 inch from morning to night.
Roger said on 2/Feb/09
I've found this highly interesting piece from 1990, an EW cover story:
Click Here

I guess most of you have seen Total Recall, it was awesome. Now, Arnold being 215 pounds on what back then was an almost 6'2'' frame made him look fantastic.
I don't think he's more than 215 pounds, max 220, today, but the body composition has changed dramatically.
DEXTER said on 2/Feb/09
Saw an excellent picture of Arnold in the mid 1970`s standing completely relaxed in posing trunks. Although there was nothing else in the picture to use as reference I would guesstimate he is standing 6'0.5 to 6'1. Pretty big feet but normal looking in terms of height.
Danimal said on 2/Feb/09
anonymous says on 1/Feb/09
6 foot 2. There is no such thing as morning or evening height. You're the same height the whole day.

You're obviously EXTREMELY ignorant and close minded if DOZENS of people differ with you. Why not try and measure yourself in the morning and then at night. BTW, the earth is FLAT and always has been...
Uther2 said on 1/Feb/09
I think he's a sturdy 6 ft 0, and maybe closer to 6 ft 1 in the morning. I certainly feel his peak was around 6 ft 1.5 or more when he was in his twenties and thirties.

I myself, measure 6 ft 0.25 in the morning, and by 6 pm in the evening I often measure at 5 ft 11.5 in-- And I am 40 years younger than Arnold!
Chaz said on 1/Feb/09
Well if there is no such thing as morning or evening height how come,Guinness have to measure a clamment,4 times over a day then take an avarage of the 4 to make him or she a recored,and how come Im 5'10.75''morning and only 5'10''evening,your tallking like a fall,the more weight you are and taller,the more you lose over the day,it's not uncommon for giant's over 7' to lose over 2''over the day.
anonymous said on 1/Feb/09
6 foot 2. There is no such thing as morning or evening height. You're the same height the whole day.
Alex said on 31/Jan/09
I agree with his peak but I think he may be a bit under 6'0 today. 5'11-5'11 1/2.
k mart said on 31/Jan/09
Ejel Khan is right that Arnold was 6ft 1 3/4in but has lost 3/4in ... still he is tall and suave and is good looking for his age... where Arnold states i'm 6'2" i give him the benefit of the doubt for his claim
Hugh said on 31/Jan/09
6ft2 peak. 6ft1ish now.
Metric said on 31/Jan/09
anonymous (without laptop) was me
Anonymous said on 31/Jan/09
Won't be posting for awhile. My laptop blew up (!!) Typing this from a public computer at the library. Bugger.
anonymoose said on 31/Jan/09
@ RisingForce...u r bang on dude!!!
RisingForce said on 30/Jan/09
I agree 100% Danimal. Arnold was measured 6-1.5 in the evening and the man who measured him said he may have been 6-2 in the morning. That all makes sense with Arnold's 6-2 and 6-1.75 claims. His peak height doesn't seem like much of a mystery, it's just a metter of if you think morning height, midday height or evening height is the most accurate.

6-0 today fits the best as well.
Danimal said on 30/Jan/09
I firmly believe that Arnold fluctuated between 6'1" and 6'2" depending on the time of day. Today I see him at a flat 6'0".

These annoying kids claiming Arnold is only 5'8" or 5'9" should be Banned for trolling.
Anonymous said on 30/Jan/09
I think when people put him as 5 ft 6 makes sense because why would they say it in the first place, huh, huh
Ejel Khan said on 30/Jan/09
Arnie's 6'1" now, peak height 6'1.75".
Ralph said on 30/Jan/09
In the '80 Bush senior was almost 6'4". So the 2" difference with Arnold is correct.
RisingForce said on 30/Jan/09
I'd be surprised if Arnold lost height by the 80's and he was measured at 6-1.5 in the evening, so I'm not sure I'm still convinced that Arnie was 6-2 out of bed until about the last 10 years. He usually looked 6-1.5/6-2 in the 80's.

Everyone on this site who met Arnold in the 90's including Glenn, Frank2 and Brad all agreed on about 6-2 peak. So if a 5-8 guy, a 5-11 guy and a 6-5 guy all saw 6-2 then either he's one of the best lift wearers or he was still around that mark even in the 90's. We know he was in the 60's/70's.
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
bush sr was also mentioned at 6-4 alot in the past.
Vegas said on 29/Jan/09
Danimal says on 29/Jan/09
How tall was Bush Sr.?

everything i have read says bush sr was approx 6'2, bush sr would have already been 64 years old during the 1988 campaign
Anonymous said on 29/Jan/09
I think armold was 5 ft 9 1/2 at best, they definatly add 4 inches, otherwise the same site that listed famous bollywood actor mithun chakraborty at 6 ft wouldnt make sense because everyone who knows him especially my uncle as hes a big fan of him say that hes 5ft 8 max.
Bert said on 29/Jan/09
Vegas, you are clearly wrong.
In the'80 Arnold was almost 6'2", so he was the same height than Bush Senior.
Danimal said on 29/Jan/09
Vegas says on 29/Jan/09
i was watching a special on the uk bio channel yesterday on arnie, one part stood out for me, it was during george bush sr's presidental campaign of 1988, arnie is standing beside bush and is clearly 1.5-2 inches shorter than bush, arnie would have been 41 at the time

i was convinced arnie was at least 6'1 in the 1980s, after this video evidence not so sure, anyone else see this program, it was broadcast 3 times yesterday

How tall was Bush Sr.?
Chaz said on 29/Jan/09
yes i saw the Bio, Vegas and there did look about 1.5''diff,but we cannot be sure of the footwear and Bush was a full 6'2.5''as a young man,but one thing is for sure you can forget any 5'10''rubish,cos he looked at least as tall has 6'1''ish Reg Park.
Vegas said on 29/Jan/09
i was watching a special on the uk bio channel yesterday on arnie, one part stood out for me, it was during george bush sr's presidental campaign of 1988, arnie is standing beside bush and is clearly 1.5-2 inches shorter than bush, arnie would have been 41 at the time

i was convinced arnie was at least 6'1 in the 1980s, after this video evidence not so sure, anyone else see this program, it was broadcast 3 times yesterday
Ejel Khan said on 29/Jan/09
Arnie is 6'1" now. George has posted a vid on 25/1/09, where Arnie admits to shrinking. He states his peak as 6' 1.75", and that he's now 6'1", as measured by is daughter!
RisingForce said on 29/Jan/09
It is interesting to note that Arnold's Terminator 3 co-star 5-11 Kristanna Loken said Arnold was a bit taller than her. So maybe 5-11.5 minimum for Arnie now?
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/09
Danimal: What are you talking about? Little Muscle left? haha

Pictures taken like 9 months ago
Click Here
Click Here

Look at his biceps and musclemass, incredible for someone who is 61 better then everyone on this board i can tell, and way better shape then me who weighttrain for 3 years.
Chaz said on 28/Jan/09
I do not know what all the talk about him not weighing this or that is about,we know what he weighed because in NABBA and IFBB they have a weighin,at his first Mr Universe he was 251.4lbs about 18st.
Vibram said on 28/Jan/09
6ft1 peak is right. In Commando a cop in a mall said "6ft2, brown hair...real big guy".
Danimal said on 27/Jan/09
miko says on 27/Jan/09
At 5"11, Arnold could be down to 195-200 now.

Minimum 5'11.5" and 200 pounds today. Surely very little muscle left on his frame. He could very well be 210-215 pounds, but it would be more fat than anything really.

His PRIME (mid 60's-mid 70's), this man carried around 250-260 pounds year round (with exception to his reduced competition weight (230-240 pounds). From 1975 up until the late 1990's he slowly reduced from 240 pounds (1984) to 210-215 pounds while still maintaining a good amount of muscle. There's no telling what he weighs today at a reduced height and having replaced his muscular frame with a somewhat flabby body. I say he is still over 200 pounds, but probably barely much more than that. I DO KNOW for a fact that he reduced his bodyweight to 199 pounds in the late 70's when he took up running and down to 212 pounds during one scene when filming Conan The Barbarian. I remember a scene in Twins (1988) where Danny Devito calls Arnold a 230 pound virgin. By 1991 (T2) he was down to 215-220 pounds and lost even more in the next 2-3 years (going down to 210 pounds).
Ian said on 27/Jan/09
SuperAnonymous says on 26/Jan/09
Metric: Yes, 250 pounds today is believable. Much of which is fat. In his competitive days, he used to weigh 250 - 260 pounds with only 7 - 10% body fat. Which means, over 90% of his 250 pounds was pure muscle.

So 90% muscles and 10% fat. So no % bone weight not forgeting other things. You really haven't thought this through have you?. I guess you just made all that up then.
Ian said on 27/Jan/09
miko says on 27/Jan/09
At 5"11, Arnold could be down to 195-200 now.

That would make him lighter and smaller than me. Lol you are funny man.
Anonymous said on 27/Jan/09
I met Arnold back in the 80's. I am 5'10. He was wearing NORMAL tennis shoes
and had me by at least 3 inches.
miko said on 27/Jan/09
At 5"11, Arnold could be down to 195-200 now.
SuperAnonymous said on 27/Jan/09
Lynn: You do understand Arnold was much lighter at the 1975 Olympia than his usual competition weight right?? Obviously, you don't. Otherwise, you would not say his competition weight was inflated. Besides, his off-season weight was 20 - 25 pounds more than his cut and chiselled competition weight.

In the 1974 Olympia, he was 15 pounds heavier than 1975 at 238 - 239 pounds before the pre-judging and then ate lots of carrot cake to bring his weight quickly well over 240 pounds for the night event against 265 pounds Ferrigno. The heaviest Arnold ever was for an Olympia was back in 1971 when he weighed 251 pounds for the competition.

FYI, Arnold had already retired after the 1974 Olympia and was doing the movie "Stay Hungry" in which the director told him that he was too big for the role and had to bring his weight down to 210 pounds. The movie "Pumping Iron" was set to be filmed for 1975 Olympia and they told Arnold to compete one last time, if he wants to be in the movie. Arnold decided to compete one last time and started training again. He could not regain his weight in time and came in over 10 pounds lighter in the 1975 Olympia.
Guy said on 27/Jan/09
250 pounds of muscle looks much different than 250 pounds of fat. I doubt Arnold has enough muscle these days to be 257 pounds. He would require quite an obvious gut and fatness of the face and neck which he doesn't seem to have. He's starting to get the old man body where muscle is deteriorating and being replaced with fat cells, but I wouldn't call him a fat man.

I believe Predator is the film where Arnold made the transition from his more hulking build to a leaner more refined one. In Conan the Barbarian he was asked to not be in full Olympia shape as to appear more realistic. Someone who was completely ripped and looked like they'd spent hours a day in a gym would have just seemed silly and detracted from the film. This obviously wasn't the issue with Destroyer as Arnold obviously increased his size and proportions. But then again the film was more light popcorn fair that placed no emphasis on seriousness. He was probably at his largest in that film as well as the Terminator at probably 235-240 lbs. Thats still nowhere near his 250-260 lbs in his prime before cutting phase.
RisingForce said on 26/Jan/09
Arnold looks far from 257 pounds in this June 2008 picture.
Click Here

I read 210-212 pounds a lot for Arnold from about Red Heat era to Last Action Hero. He slimmed down quite a bit around Red Heat.
Lenad said on 26/Jan/09
I'm going to say a flat 6'1 prime. Whos with me?
Lynn said on 26/Jan/09
It is a well known fact that at the '75 Olympia Arnold was MAX 102 kg ( 225 pounds)
Click Here

His height, arms and weight...all inflated!
SuperAnonymous said on 26/Jan/09
Metric: Yes, 250 pounds today is believable. Much of which is fat. In his competitive days, he used to weigh 250 - 260 pounds with only 7 - 10% body fat. Which means, over 90% of his 250 pounds was pure muscle.

Muscles weigh a lot more than fat, which is he used to look a lot slimmer when he went down to 220 pounds after retirement from bodybuilding ('Stay Hungry', for example), but had only 11 - 14% body fat as opposed to now where almost 20 - 25% of his weight is fat.
Metric said on 26/Jan/09
SuperAnonymous: BTW what do you think Arnold weighs today?? I have read as high an estimate as 257 lbs (!!). With that belly he is sporting nowadays and considering he looks huge (fat) sometimes I can believe it.
Metric said on 26/Jan/09
SuperAnonymous: 225 lbs at 6'1.5" IS overweight. And quite so. According to medical textbooks the ideal weight for this height is something like 175-185 lbs. And to make matters worse Arnold was probably under 6'1.5". So yes, he was massively overweight. He was only lean in bodybuilder terms. Compare him to Harrison Ford. They are around the same height but Ford weighs only 180-185 lbs. He has the ideal/perfect body for a man his height and still looks fantastic at 65yrs age! Why? Because he hasn't abused his body with insane training routines and steorids. Happens to many old bodybuilders. The body burns out, they stop training and completely detoriate. A well trained, natural physique such as Fords will always win the quest for longevity over a bloated up, steorid eating monk*y like Arnold.
Danimal said on 26/Jan/09
I see him at 5'11.5" today.
miko said on 26/Jan/09
I'm not sure if Rob is considering it, but perhaps it may be time for a small downgrade, although the thought of Arnold under 6ft is hard to swallow.

5"11.5/75 seems about right considering recent pictures, although his posture is poor nowadays.
Metric said on 26/Jan/09
Stevey: Yeah funny about his daughter. The diehard fanboys who think Arnold 6'1"-6'2" probably has the daughter pegged at 6'3" !! lol.
SuperAnonymous said on 26/Jan/09
Metric: Arnold is definitely really overweight today, but for most of his life, Arnold weighed at a height of 6'1.5" weighed only 210 - 220 pounds in his "adult life" after retiring from bodybuilding (age 28 - 50s). His physique always had been reported to be "lean" by reporters back in the 80s. He used to put on 10 pounds for movies going up to 220 - 225 pounds, but no more than that.

That is not over weight for his height of 6'1.5".
Stevey said on 26/Jan/09
His daughter is HUGE then. She's wearing flat ballerina shoes while he has some huge running shoes on and she's still the same height as him.
Metric said on 26/Jan/09
Good pic, Rising. Arn is nowhere near 6'1" today. I believe Glenns 5'11" sighting. Even if Mccain is 5'9" Arn looks max 5'11" there. He has been massively "overweight" (even if muscles) all his adult life. He has had multiple surgeries; hip, back and femur. He is advancing in age. Is it really any wonder that he is down several inches from his prime?? Not really if you ask me...
RisingForce said on 26/Jan/09
Another picture where Arnold looks surprisingly short.
Click Here

If McCain is 5'8" then Arnold does look under 5'11" there, although many claim McCain is 5'9".
Metric said on 26/Jan/09
Arnold looking...erhm not tall: Click Here
glenn said on 25/Jan/09
whats the point of ali ever proving anything? his claims dont make sense.not worth the time to discuss or read his posts.though,he isnt the only one claiming arnold at 5-10.he was mentioned at that since the early 80s.even though arnold was clearly 6-1.5 barefoot in the 70s.
George said on 25/Jan/09
Click Here

He talks in detail about shrinking in height during the last two minutes or so.
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/09
Oh yeah and I think your the one whos jokoing around here since they're nothing like theyre height how could you say that I was joking since they dont look like the height anyway so it would be a point not a joke.
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/09
I mean , okay this aint a lie someone saw bruce forsyth in surrey shopping and said that he was 5 ft 6 maximum and when you grow old you lose 2 inch maximum and the guy who msaw him said maximum 5 ft 6 so could be 5 ft 5 also because bruce is 80 years old meaning must of lost 1-2 iches so if you take minimum 1 inch off, he was only 5 ft 7 when younger and that is maximum but do you know what they put him down as 5 ft 11 pe ha.There , you , are.The proof is on bruce forsyth height on this site , do you know what , personnally I already belived him, I dont have to look it up.Cause he looks nothing like 5 ft 11 nonetheless 6 ft I mean they do trie hard to make him taller by putting high shes on.But that pathetic too cause it doesent make 5 ft 11 ,ha.And remember you can only lose 2 inch maximum for men.
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/09
oh yeah and someone called david prowes is 6 ft 1-2 well thats what he looks like not 6 ft 6 what hes put as, people who are 6 ft 5, 6, 7 are and look much, much bigger cause theyve got that gigantic gland thing or something.
SuperAnonymous said on 25/Jan/09
Rob: Please ban Ali. I am not sure why you don't ban his IP address. He always sporadically shows up and makes ludicrous claims without any kind of merit whatsoever.
Chaz said on 25/Jan/09
yer sure Ali,and I sopose,as 99% of pics of Arnold were bear foot,up to the 1980s,he had lift feet on,and Steve Reeves and Reg Park were only 5'9''yet no one,as them less than 6',Ali Arnold was 6'1-2''peak,that is for sure,it is how much height he has lost is the thing now.
Guy said on 25/Jan/09
Ali: Prove it. You have never given evidence for your claim. Prove it.
RisingForce said on 25/Jan/09
Ali is a troll, ban him.
Ali said on 24/Jan/09
Arnold was never tall. Average height + good lifts.
Nothing more. He may have lost half an inch.

5'10 max + 2 inches lifts = 6 foot
George said on 24/Jan/09
Click Here

He actually looks taller than Letterman who was 6'2 or 6'1.5 at peak.
Metric said on 24/Jan/09
WOW! We've been fooled all these years: Click Here . Definitive proof that Arnold is really 7'0" tall!! LOL.
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/09
The picture with Moeller, who is at least 6'5 Arnold is a strong 6'2.
George said on 24/Jan/09
In terminator he really did look like a 6'2 guy, I think was 6'2 or no less than half inch under it at his peak. And I don't think almost 2 inches at 60 is a rare thing, I have read in a few places that on average, a man will have lost a little over an inch and a half in their 60s. My dad is almost 63 and has lost 1.75".
Guy said on 23/Jan/09
Have you guys read any of Deano's other posts? Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Zero said on 23/Jan/09
from 6'1.25 (186) to 6'1.5 (187) at his peak
probably 5.11.5 (182) to 6'0 (183) now
He lost almost 2 inches at 60,and that's a rare thing.
Maybe bodybuilders shrunk much more than normal people,because of their weight....
Hugh said on 23/Jan/09
As of the 1970's I would've put Arnold at 6ft2 (188cm) and Ferrigno at 6ft4.75 (195cm).
SuperAnonymous said on 23/Jan/09
deano: Because Arnold has over 5000 pictures of himself completely barefoot next to general public and other bodybuilders. He always stuck out like a needle in a haystack towering over 99% bodybuilders.

The only bodybuilder to be slightly taller than him (about 3 inches) was 100% legit 6'4.5" peak Lou Ferrigno who still looked similar in his bone structure and frame to Arnold. Only slightly taller.
TELLEM said on 23/Jan/09
who the hell's throwing these 5'8 5'9 estimates for arnold?! not surprisingly they came after ali's comments
Henk82 said on 23/Jan/09
Click Here

Holy ****, Arnold peak 5.10 and looking 6.1 - 6.2 next to ralph Moeller. That
RisingForce said on 23/Jan/09
Yeah Glenn, I still haven't figured out Burt. He probably wans't under 5'11" peak though.
RisingForce said on 23/Jan/09
Please ban Ali
Henk82 said on 22/Jan/09
Peak height Ali 4.10, with lifts 6 feet.
"Hey i
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
thats the tallest i ever saw burt too.cause of that growing up,i thought dom was 5-8. 2nd tallest i ever saw burt was in to 6-3,6-4 voight,he looked flat footwear.i think.
deano said on 22/Jan/09
Actually Im really concerend about these heights, I think that celebritys have 4 or 5 inch added to their height one because they look nothing like the height given and two they really dont look like the heights given I mean Arnie could be a 5 ft 8 1/2 inch guy and I think yes thatbcould be exactly right for arnie or 5 ft 9 1/2, but seriously, thats all.My opinion anyways.
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/09
or 5ft 8 1/2 was his peak is either one of those two as far as Im concerned.
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/09
I think arnies peak height was 5 ft 9 1/2
Ali said on 22/Jan/09
peak height 5'10 ish. 6 feet with lifts.
RisingForce said on 22/Jan/09
Actually you're probably right. It was likely from 1991-1993 but Sly looked tall in comparison to both of them a lot around that time. He looked among the shortest he's ever looked in some 1995 pictures next to them though. Now that I can't figure out because he had a footwear advantage in the 1995 pictures as well!

Yeah Metric, Burt could look very tall. I'm not sure that I buy just 5'10" for him peak. I think he was more likely 5'11" or even a bit over. Maybe he stood on a box next to Roger Moore? Burt wore cowboy boots with 2 inch heels and probably an extra inch and a half lifts inside. As a result he walked like he was on stilts when he appeared on those 70's talk shows. He had 3" on 5-10.5 listed Johnny Carson once I remember and he towered over 5-11.5 listed Dom Deluise several times.
Metric said on 22/Jan/09
Rising: That pic you posted of Sly, Willis and Arn from the "80s" looks more like mid 90s...
Metric said on 22/Jan/09
Strangely Burt Reynolds looks like a GIANT in "Cannonball Run". In the end he absolutely TOWERS Roger Moore (!!??) He looks close to 6'4" in that scene. Completely ridicoulus. He must have been on stilts.
RisingForce said on 22/Jan/09
That's true, but with Sly it may have not been a coincidence considering his footwear in later years. I heard he went to that famous shoemaker for elevator shoes first in 1985 when he met Brigitte Nielsen. Not surprisingly he looked considerably taller in his post '85 films.

For example he looked a weak 5'11" in First Blood, but then 5'11.5" or 6'0" in Rambo 2. He looked 6'1" in Cobra as well.

However many actors wore big heels and lifts inside the shoes like Burt Reynolds. Reynolds wasn't a short man either, I suspect he was 5'11" back then.
Metric said on 22/Jan/09
Good point, Glenn.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
everyone wore big heels in the 70s.even tall men.that was the style.nothing to do with height.
RisingForce said on 22/Jan/09
SuperAnonymous, Sly wore huge shoes in the 70's/80's too. Click Here He didn't seem to be wearing them in the recent pictures I posted with Arnold though. His knees were no higher than Arnold's which means that he likely had an inch max footwear advantage.

Using Hulk Hogan as an example isn't that good considering he admits to srhinking about 3 inches. I've never seen any pictures of Sly and Sigourney Weaver.

it's not like he never looked tall next to Arnold and Bruce in the 80's either.
Click Here

I don't see your points with Lundgren or Weathers either.

Sly and Dolph in equally flat boxing shoes.
Click Here

Dolph is 6" taller when they stand facing eachother.
Click Here

Now at the Rocky Balboa premiere
Click Here

Their shoes
Click Here
Click Here

Dolph also said that he was 195 cm(6'4.75") peak and now he's 193-194 cm(6'4"-6'4.5"). So lets assume that Rob's listing of 6'4.25" is now correct for Dolph.

Sly in liftless slippers next to Carl Weathers who is about 6'1.5". Sly looks less than 3" shorter.
Click Here

Now in a recent picture(almost surely in lifts).
Click Here

So lets recap. In even shoes he's 6" max shorter than 6'4.75" Dolph Lundgren. At the Rocky Balboa premiere Sly was about 3" shorter. Dolph was in normal 1"/1.25" dress shoes, Sly was in monster elevator shoes with lifts that maybe added 3"/3.25". So he had a 2.25" footwear advantage max and was about 3" shorter. That would make him a little more than 5" shorter barefoot. That adds up with him being 6" shorter in even shoes and Lundgren losing about ahalf inch like he said.

Sly was less than 3" shorter than 6'1.5" Carl Weathers in slippers. In the recent pictures he likely had a 2" max footwear advantage and he was 1" max shorter. That'd put him still likely a little less than 3" shorter barefoot.

I'm sorry but those examples add up perfectly with Sly at 5'10.75".
Mike said on 21/Jan/09
Risingforce 1st pic of Arnold is a fake second one is most likely real Sly is in better shape But in 2002-2003 (last yr b4 being governor) for T3 Arnold's physique kills any Sly's best physique, Glenn says Arnold more 5'11 Phil Bronsteing says 6'1 so hes prolly 6 even
Metric said on 21/Jan/09
Stallone = Mother of all riddles.
Metric said on 21/Jan/09
rock: TROLL
rock78 said on 21/Jan/09
Arnie has maybe lost 1-2 cm. His peak was 188cm (6'2). I think today he would be around 186-187cm. 2 years ago he & Bill Clinton 188cm had a wellness program they were standing next to eacher and with same height. I remember 10 years ago he looked taller than Evander Holyfield who is 189cm.
SuperAnonymous said on 21/Jan/09
Slyvester Stallone looks taller against everyone he used to look very small next to. Bruce Willis, Carl Weathers, Dolf Lundgren, Hulk Hogan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sigourney Weaver and the list goes on. These people used to simply dwarf Slyvester Stallone's 5'8.5" - 5'9" small frame.

Now unless all of these people have shrunk a stupid, which is pretty much impossible or Slyvester Stallone wears huge lifts he did not back in the 80s.

Everyone knows Sly's lifts have become huge and there is photographics evidence of him wearing huge, deep and steep-topped shoes.
RisingForce said on 21/Jan/09
They used tricks in Rocky 3 to make Hogan seem even taller in comparison to Sly. Before the match in the movie they bill Hogan as "almost 7 feet".

The best shot of Sly and Hogan in the movie is at the end when they take the picture together, although if I remember correctly Hogan was closer to the camera. Hogan was never a head taller than Sly in reality.

Most importantly Arnold looks visibly shorter than he did in the 80's, Sly doesn't. That leads me to believe that Arnold has shrunk while Sly hasn't.
Henk82 said on 21/Jan/09
Edit: Stallone is like Benjamin Button, grows as an old man instead of Shrinking.
Henk82 said on 21/Jan/09
Risingforce: Yes, i agree SLy is in better shape these days(thanks to HGH) impossible to look like that at 62 without roidz. But, what has fitness level to do with height? Nothing at all. Arnold doesnt get shorter just because he doesn
Steve said on 20/Jan/09
Great pic Zach its obvious stallone's got lifts in those boots no wonder he looks only an inch shorter than arnold. sly is no more than 5.9 arnold no more than 6'0 these days although was taller back in the day.
RisingForce said on 20/Jan/09
Henk, Sly has stayed in MUCH better shape in recent years than Arnold for one. Sly in recent years.

Sly- Click Here Click Here Click Here

Arnold- Click Here Click Here

Arnold also lifted A LOT more weights than Sly throughout his life which could cause him to shrink. Arnold has also weighed A LOT more than Sly throughout his life which could also cause him to shrink after many years.

Then look at this list of injuries Arnold has had that SuperAnonymous posted.

1972 - Broke his knee when he fell as result of the posing platform breaking down.

December 9, 2001 - Damaged rib cage and broke his 6 ribs.

December 23, 2006 - Schwarzenegger broke his right femur while skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho with his family. He underwent a 90-minute operation in which cables and screws were used to wire the broken bone back together

January 8, 2006 - Collided with a car while riding on his motorcycle.

And finally the most important point. Arnold looks VISIBLY shorter than he did in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's, Sly DOESN'T! In fact if anything Sly looks taller now than he did when he was younger! That has even led many regular posters here to speculate that Sly had his legs lengthened.

So yes it is likely Arnold has lost a lot of height while Sly hasn't really lost any. Just because 2 men are about the same age it doesn't mean that they both lose about the same amount of height. Hulk Hogan is younger than either Arnie or Sly by quite a few years and he's easily lost 2-3 inches.
Red said on 20/Jan/09
Zach says on 18/Jan/09
Arnold is wearing standard sneakers there with Sly. Sly's boots alone might add 1.75-2inches as people below who also own similar boots say, but he also definitely packs some hefty lifts in there on top Click Here heck the angle his insteps are at makes the lady's heels next to him seem modest.

I don
SuperAnonymous said on 20/Jan/09
No matter which way you look at it, Stallone is wearing huge lifts in those shoes with Arnold. First of all, he is wearing big boots a part of which is hiding under the pants. Secondly, he is no taller than 5'9 - 5'9.5" so if Arnold is really only 1 - 1.5 inches taller than him then it means Arnold is 5'10.5" - 5'11" today, which even after considering he has shrunk we know is not true. Arnold's true height today is around 5'11.5" and Stallone's true height without lifts today is 5'9" after shrinking a bit.
Guy said on 20/Jan/09
The thing with Stallone is that I really don't know exactly how tall he is. He's listed as low as 5'7" by some sources and claims 5'10 3/4" at times. He's claimed 5'10" and 5'10 1/2" on other occasions. Why would someone who's measured 5'10 3/4" claim a flat 5'10" for their height on other occasions? Most men, especially in the short and average range, desire to be closer to the 6' tall benchmark. Especially given Stallone's action muscle bound film persona and obsession with elevator shoes and lifts, you wouldn't think he'd downgrade his height at times. Just as Arnold off the cuff described himself as 6'2" while acceptably embellishing his measured height by a half inch, why wouldn't Stallone walk around claiming 5'11" as his height? If he is actually 5'10 3/4" barefoot, then he has every right to do so.

The fact is 5'11" is too close to that 6' "tall" benchmark. You have to kind of look 6 foot to claim 5'11" and I doubt Stallone does barefoot. But he figures he can get away with claiming 5'10 3/4" because it's close enough to 6' without having to stretch it too far claiming 5'11". This is the issue with someone in the 5'9"ish range. Likely Stallone was never more than 5'10" as he has claimed this height before, and was likely a little under. 5'9 1/2" sounds about right.

In this photo I never thought Stallone was a leggy guy. His legs look about the same as Arnold, and Arnold is an exceptionally leggy guy.
Click Here
Stallone is wearing boots that could easily give him 3 inches off his barefoot height and Arnold appears to be wearing normal sneakers that at most would give one inch max. Stallone might very well still be 5'9 1/2" and with those boots 6' 1/2". Arnold still looks an inch taller so he is 6'1 1/2" in shoes there with a one inch heel (6' 1/2" barefoot).

Here's another photo from the 80's.
Click Here
Arnold has very relaxed, slouching, leaning posture with shoes that are not very different from barefoot, and still looks minimum 3 inches taller than a very large shoe wearing Stallone. Yes the difference isn't that much if you look at it. Its hard to say if those are lifts Stallone is wearing or just very large shoes. If Stallone is 5'9 1/2" there we might give him 5'11" - 5'11 1/2" min with those shoes. It's impossible for Stallone to be 5'11" (5'10 3/4") barefoot as he claims, and then add those big shoes. That would make Stallone almost 6'1" there (with those shoes)and Arnold almost 6'4" (with 1/4 inch heel).
Henk82 said on 20/Jan/09
Risingforce: Yeah sure, arnold has shrunk massive amount u say, but Stallone hasn
RisingForce said on 20/Jan/09
Right Henk, Arnold hasn't shrunk much....which is why he looks shorter compared to EVERYONE and not just Sly. Almost everyone here agrees that Arnold is nowhere near his peak height.

The reason I don't think Stallone has anymore than a .75" footwear advantage is his knees aren't higher than Arnie's and his legs aren't even as long. That's why it seems likely to me that Sly is in 1.75" work boots with no lifts and Arnie is in 1" sneakers. Otherwise Sly's legs would look unusually long.
Metric said on 19/Jan/09
Zach: Actually I think it's one of Arnold's few positive traits that he doesn't seem to give a sh*t about his body these days. Just shows he is not obsessive compulsive about it. Unlike other oldtimers; Ferrigno and Nubret for instance.
Metric said on 19/Jan/09
Henk82: Agreed. Stallone is a douche.
Henk82 said on 19/Jan/09
Zach: i found another pic where its very clear that his shoes are 3 inches lifts, looking for it at goole now. One time 5 years ago, i played a lot of online computer games with a truckdriver in nashville. We chatted a lot and i remember he mentioned that he once lived in Pasadena, CA where he had met Mr Stallone in a elevator, the truck driver was 6.4 and told me that he dwarfed Stallone with almost a head, and he had no reason to lie to me, i wasnt even intrested in celebrity height back then. i bet 1000 bucks Stallone is 5.9, its not Arnold who has shrunk 2 inches, its stallone who wears 3 inches lifts, and arnold have always been around peak 6.1 and lost about 1 cm, so now stallone is looking an inch shorter. THere are several pictures from the planet hollywood era during the 90s where arnold dwarf stallone with 4 inches, and arnold looks huge in size.
brotha said on 19/Jan/09
Danimal, I didn't find a link to Nubret, but I assume that you back my last statement up. In summary, lifting super amounts of weight for years WILL make you lose more height than an average person, and I believe like others have said that most of this height loss is due to compression of the spine.
Danimal said on 19/Jan/09
brotha says on 18/Jan/09
Lynn, Arnold hasn't lost more than 2 inches. Also Serge Nubret has personally posted in a weightlifting forum that he has lost 3 inches (6ft to 5'9")of height before he was 65. It can happen with weightlifters.

Click Here
Zach said on 19/Jan/09
Henk82, I'm not so sure about 3-4 inches in terms of lifts alone or the breast implants and other stuff you mention. I was just pointing out from that pic its clear he has lifts in them Click Here and with boots that big its quite possible to get good sized lifts in there, certainly the angle his feet are at in the picture above suggest he has. Added to the 1.75-2inch size of the boot itself and its not difficult to see why Sly looks the height he does. Arnolds sneakers on the other hand look fairly normal. Infact it seems he really doesn't care how he dresses at times these days and given up on maintaining his physique which is a shame. Probably doesnt have time.
Henk82 said on 19/Jan/09
Zach: good pic :D those lifts are like 3-4 inches to regular sneakers. Stallone is like 5.8-5.9 and with lifts he is 180-182 cm, thats why arnold only seem to be like 1 inch taller then stallone these days. Stallone is a FAKE with breasts implants, HGH and lifts.
brotha said on 18/Jan/09
Lynn, Arnold hasn't lost more than 2 inches. Also Serge Nubret has personally posted in a weightlifting forum that he has lost 3 inches (6ft to 5'9")of height before he was 65. It can happen with weightlifters.
josh said on 18/Jan/09
i met arnie in iraq in 2003 when he was on a uso tour. i stood right next to him for a picture and he seemed to be exactly the same height as me, i was 6'1'' at that time
Zach said on 18/Jan/09
Arnold is wearing standard sneakers there with Sly. Sly's boots alone might add 1.75-2inches as people below who also own similar boots say, but he also definitely packs some hefty lifts in there on top Click Here heck the angle his insteps are at makes the lady's heels next to him seem modest.
Lynn said on 18/Jan/09

Seriosly speaking, the very first pic I saw of Arnold was a Double Biceps with Sergio Oliva from the 72 Olympia. I remember my frind said me " look at this guy he is 190 cm tall...", His height was always inflated

Well, Arnold stopped using heavy weight on 1975 at 28 of age. I cannot justify his loss of 2.5" before he was sixty.

I believe he currently is still more than 5'11"
Hugh said on 18/Jan/09
6ft0.5 tops nowadays. But in his prime he looked an easy 6ft2.
MasterT---// said on 18/Jan/09
looks 6'2 in this pic.
but in a pic with President Bush (5'11") Bush is an inch taller than Arnold. Either Bush is taller is 5'11 or Arnold is shorter than 5'11 nowadays
Tim said on 17/Jan/09
I always thought Arnold was 6 ft 2 in. I would give him 6 ft 0.5 tops.
Da Man said on 17/Jan/09
Mike says on 17/Jan/09
"It's debateable how much/what are in Sly's foootwear BUT lets switch it up put Arnold in boots and Sly in sneakers Non Munsters and see them side by or Sly's footwear do give an advantage over sneakers but the question is how much???"

The boots alone, I'd guess a 1/2" advantage. If Sly is packing custom made insoles that could probably another 1/2"-3/4". I can't see Sly's boots giving him anymore than maybe 1.25" over Arnold's. And that's assuming Sly is even packing anything in his boots.

In the pics, Sly's knee is no higher than Arnold's.
Hugh said on 17/Jan/09
6ft2 seems okay as his peak. Nowadays 6ft1 give or take a quarter of an inch.
RisingForce said on 17/Jan/09
Mike, Arnold was in normal sneakers that give about an inch. Sly's boots probably give about 1.75", maybe a hair more. I know because I have boots very similar. So Sly's footwear advantage is likely a little under an inch therew.
Mike said on 17/Jan/09
It's debateable how much/what are in Sly's foootwear BUT lets switch it up put Arnold in boots and Sly in sneakers Non Munsters and see them side by or Sly's footwear do give an advantage over sneakers but the question is how much???
Danimal said on 17/Jan/09
Lynn says on 16/Jan/09
Yes I know that I have no credibility...

But in this case things are very simple.
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Having followed Arnold's career for years now and seeing 1000's of his bodybuilding pics, I see in these recent pics of him and Sly that Arnold's height loss in more in his UPPER torso than in his legs. His spine appears to have compressed. Does anyone know if he had some vertebrae FUSED? It reminds me of some wrestlers who have lost 3" in height.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.