Danimal said on 29/Jul/06
BTW, Boyer Coe was 5'8". That last pic of the 1980 Mr. Olympia lineup shows a 5-6" difference between him and Arnold.
Anony said on 29/Jul/06
Here's a great pic with barefoot Arnold in 1980 Mr. Olympia:
Click HereArnold is clearly the tallest, he a has several inches over 5'9 Frank Zane (2nd to right), which at least proves Arnold couldn't have been as short as 5'10, or 5'11 even ...
Anony said on 29/Jul/06
Great pic Danimal!
Your pic also shows Arnold to have 1-2" over 6' Ken Waller, which is also consistent with this one:
Click HereHere are the same men in dress clothes at Ken Waller's wedding (Arnold far in background):
Click HereAccording to
Click Here here's a list of all classic body-builders and their heights and weights:
Click HereArnold = 6'2
Mike Katz = 6'2
Dave Draper = 6'
Lou Ferrigno = 6'5
Reg Park = 6'2
Ken Waller = 6'
Glenn said on 29/Jul/06
Thanks for clearing that up Zach.5-10 comes up alot on Arnie.notice that?
D. Ray Morton said on 29/Jul/06
Good interview; thanks for posting.
Katz always seemed like a classy guy.
(Btw, who the hell is Loren Franc? He looks totally smooth.)
Danimal said on 29/Jul/06
Read this article from Iron Age. It's Mike Katz being interviewed. He was widely known as being 6'1" and even states his stats and further down in the interview he talks about his relationship with Arnold and as a training partner for legs and how they were the same height and the same weight. Here's the article. It's a great read:
Click Here
HelloKitty said on 29/Jul/06
I'm not sure of the "gorgeous elf" from Lord of Rings is 5'10 he looks shorter between 5'8 to 5'9, arnold towers over him by a lot.
Danimal said on 28/Jul/06
Look at Arnold next to 6'0" Dave Draper.
Click Here
Danimal said on 28/Jul/06
Do you see only a 2" difference here Zach?
Click Here
Danimal said on 28/Jul/06
Zach, for someone who's been into bodybuilding for years, your estimate of Andre and Lou sucks! There was WELL MORE than 2" difference between them in 1974-1975 when on stage.
Zach said on 28/Jul/06
I wouldnt believe any of that Joe. I've been into bodybuilding for years and have seen countless instances of Lou and Arnold next to each other barefooted - theres NO WAY that theres 6 inches between them, infact I wouldnt say theres more than 2 inches between them. The director probably just didnt like Arnie and took a cheap shot at him.
Danimal said on 27/Jul/06
The man was the same height as 6'1" Reg Park. Arnold was measured at 6'1.5". We all know this. This measurement was taken late in the day. We also know that we all lose height throughout the day (some more than others). We also know that Arnold has always claimed he was 6'2". Looking at all the above pics, the man does appear over 6'1". I do think he is perhaps at SHORTEST just over 6'0" today, but no less than that. He has stood next to too many very important people in his life and has always maintained a 6'1" to 6'2" stature, which I believe he is. We've all provided the evidence to back that up. The guys who claim 5'10" (especially in the political arena), are clearly not Arnold advocates.
Glenn said on 27/Jul/06
Alot of 5-10 claims for this guy.in the early 90s he always appeared 6-2 to me.
Anony said on 27/Jul/06
I'll only agree with Gramps if he meant Arnold was 6'0.5 barefeet using 1" lifts to match Dave.
Joe said on 26/Jul/06
I know this is sure to cause some controversy but I was watching the Incredible Hulk season 1 commentary with the director and he talks about how Lou is 6'4 and then goes on to mention that originally they had talked to Schwarzenegger but he didn't work because number one: he was working on Conan and two: "he was much shorter than Lou, only about 5'10." - I had started to believe he really is 6'1 but I don't know anymore. I think he's invested in some good lifts.
Danimal said on 26/Jul/06
Gramps, you're saying that Arnold is 6'0.5" WITH LIFTS??? So, you believe the man IS 5'10". He's not.
dmeyer said on 24/Jul/06
i have never seen arnie apear as short as 6 feet aleast 6 1 to 6 2
Gramps said on 24/Jul/06
Yes, maybe 6'0.5" with lifts! Arnold knew he would be seen by millions of people alongside a guy widely thought to be 6'2" tall. If he was ever going to play the "lift card," this would be it!
Stevie G said on 24/Jul/06
Letterman looks to be about 1 inch taller than Arnold. About 6 ft seems to be correct
Zach said on 23/Jul/06
Well Gramps you always see Arnold as a few inches shorter than everyone else does.
Even if he is an inch shorter than 6'1.5, that puts him at 6'0.5
Gramps said on 23/Jul/06
Zach: Letterman looks 1" taller to me.
Danimal said on 22/Jul/06
Actually, that was aired in November of 1994. The guy who posted that on Youtube screwed up. Junior came out in the fall of 1994. Here he's promoting T2 back in 1991:
Click Here & the continuation:
Click Here
Zach said on 22/Jul/06
Pretty much exactly the same height as Letterman, back in 1995
Click Here
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/06
i think arnie is steel 6 feet 1 nowadays
martin said on 21/Jul/06
I agree that he once was near 6'2. Now he is a 6-footer. There's a picture of him with Austrian football player Ivica Vastic (he is 6' - definetly, I saw him many times) on Vastic' homepage. This was in 1999. They are approximately equally tall.
Click Here - Galerie -> Ivo Privat

Editor Rob
megatron said on 19/Jul/06
bush jr. could wear lifts to, so could bloom
mike said on 19/Jul/06
i do not who MAX is, but he may have just summed up a complicating guessing/knowing of arnold's height, as i've stated earlier i dont think arnold wears lifts, but boots with a "nice sole", when he was a solid 6'1 with "nice boots" he looks 6'2, 5'10 is still ridiculous in my opinion. Thats why with pics with Bush Jr.(5'11) arnold can look up to 3 inches taller, and in some pics basically the same height as bush, bush only once looked taller then arnold
Anonymous said on 18/Jul/06
i have a friends who is a strong 5 11 pushing 6 ft and arnie looks almost 3 inches taller
Max said on 18/Jul/06
Okay, here's the deal. Arnold was never 6'2", His peak height was 6'1" and now due to too many heavy squats and aging he's 6 feet even.
Zach said on 18/Jul/06
Bloom did look considerably shorter next to 6'2.5 Eric Bana than he does next to Arnie. But like others pointed out maybe he's wearing funny footwear.
TheMan said on 18/Jul/06
I still belive arnie is atleast 185cm though even now. He just always looked like a tall guy to me and in most pictures it's proved. He's more than 183cm thats for sure. I know some celibrites have lied about their height like stallone but arnold is a big guy IMO in height as well.
Glenn said on 18/Jul/06
Your forgetting Bloom can look 5-11.
mike said on 17/Jul/06
hey guys we could do a "Arnie Meter" on this page next to all of his pictures, it would/could go like this "People that have met Arnold, estimated heights"..... Glenn 6'2, Frank2 6'2, Jonathan 6'1, Jim close to 6'1, Shaquille O'neal 6'0 (that one might be a joke) Roger Ebert 5'10 to 5'11, Some Random Democratic Strategist dude, 5'10. Rob I don't know if you have met him, but if u have put your estimate in there, I'm sure Sly and Bruce will have Arnold at atleast 6'1, if not 6'2 also, then when we get people that for a fact have met arnold we can add their names and estimates up there
mike said on 17/Jul/06
hahahaha good call on that elio with arnold's proportionately long legs regardless of his height (5'10 to 6'2), and the stallone's rentals, im shocked stallone hasnt recieved alot of phone calls, asking wear he gets his boots/shoewear, showing he can come real close to arnold, bruce and travolta in height, when in fact if they all went barefoot, stallones defintely the shortest
elio said on 17/Jul/06
Interesting that Orlando seems to have a very short looking upper-body and arms in those pics, and where his legs meet his groin seems higher up than on Schwarzenegger. Given that Arnold has proportionally long legs (no matter what his height) then Orlando must have either incredibly long legs or some impressive footwear on. Is Stallone renting out his footwear these days?
Zach said on 17/Jul/06
Think you're right funkmonk, Rob seems to have gotten Arnie spot on, 6foot no less these days but 6'1-2 back in his heyday
funkmonk said on 17/Jul/06
Woah! Wait an minute. Arnold is looking only 2 inches taller than Bloom who is, what 5'9" 5'10"? I say Arnold 6 foot now, 6'1" in prime.
mike said on 16/Jul/06
if arnold is not 6 feet then every actor/actress reported heights are a few inches shorter then they are, i guess bruce willis is 5'8 to 5'9, travolta's 5'10 to 5'11, george clooney is 5'8, tom arnold is 5'11, orlando bloom 5'6 this is a little silly, arnold is the same height or in more cases taller then everyone i just listed above
Zach said on 16/Jul/06
Arnold with Orlando Bloom
Click Here
Editor Rob
there were a few more shots:
1 and
Anonymous said on 16/Jul/06
Here's another picture or Bush and Arnold together. Excatly the same height. Aslo: I'm a little over 5' 11", and I've stood next to many pro bodybuilders: Jay Cutler, Ronnie Coleman, Dexter Jsckson, Gunter Schliercamp etc. I was easily taller than all of them except for Schliercamp, who looked about 6' 1". It's very easy for arnold to tower over most bodybuilders these days because they're not that tall, especially on stage in their bare feet. Arnold is definitely not over six feet.
Mike said on 9/Jul/06
Actually i think schwarzenegger under estimates his height here he is with 6'4 jesse ventura arnie looks 6'8...www.canoe.ca/.../
venturap20.html,......lol that pic was a joke but seriously how could someone who competed in his sport barefooted, and met millions of people, exagerated his height by more then an inch or 2 and gotten away with it, that's like saying john travolta, (pretend he was a bodybuilder back in the day) whose a good 6 fet even, now and when he was younger (maybe 6.05) which pretty much every agrees with, claiming he's 6'4, no way could he have gotten away with it
Mike said on 9/Jul/06
Whether or not arnold wears lifts, or whatever else people may say (pics with him towering over stallone, or looking almost the same height as sly, or arnold being as much as 3 inches taller then george bush to looking 1 inch smaller then him), the only consistent person he always matches up to is bruce willis, whose a legit 5'11,.... in every pic they have together, whether it's 1980's to 2006, whether they wear sneakers, loafers, or boots, there's always 2-3 inches in arnold's favor,in every pic. my opinion arnold was at least a solid 6'1 in is prime, maybe a spec more, but could look 6'2, now of days 6 even or 6.05, 5 years from now when arnold's approaching 65 years old ... he probably will be under 6 by then ...lol/maybe just a guess, i still dont why him and stallone get scrutined harshly for their height's
megatron said on 9/Jul/06
arnold is a 6 footer wannabe 6-4 jus like stallone a 5-9 wannabe 6 footer
Viper652 said on 8/Jul/06
Arnold does wear "special shoes" half the time.
Rick said on 8/Jul/06
Interesting comments from a Democratic strategist: Bob Mulholland, senior advisor to Democratic nominee Phil Angelides, aims for controversy this morning, saying: "With North Korea leader Kim Jong-Il back in the news, it reminds me that he and Schwarzenegger have something in common. Both have their shoes specifically made to add a couple inches of lift. What we don
Viper652 said on 6/Jul/06
Some say Bloom might only be 5-9.
elio said on 6/Jul/06
He's certainly a good 3 inches taller than the 5'10" ish Bloom.
mike said on 6/Jul/06
Arnold towers over (close to 5'11???) orlando bloom in their new pics at the pirates of the carribean movie premiere pics are on the arnoldfans.com
elio said on 5/Jul/06
There's no way a 5'10" guy could have stood up to a 6'3"+ guy in a movie, the way Arnold looked next to Bill Duke. Not even with lifts. The guy was over the 6 foot mark and still is.
Larry said on 1/Jul/06
Viper652 - Thanks, that's him! Bill Duke! :-) I saw the new X-Men , movie & (come to think of it) he WAS in it. OK: Bill Duke was 6'4" when I saw him.
Viper652 said on 30/Jun/06
His name is Bill Duke Larry. He was recently in the new X-men movie, hes a cool guy.
Larry said on 30/Jun/06
Well, it takes more WHATEVER to wear Speedos than "I" EVER had! :-) I assume most bodybuilders must shave their bodies too? Stands to reason. I wasn't making fun of Arnold, I was really more terrified of the thought of anyone seeing my Sasquatch ass in a bathing suit that revealing! Hey: maybe Sasquatches are really OTHER big, hairy Highlanders running around nude?!
Larry said on 30/Jun/06
Well, I've NEVER seen Arnold, but I have seen Bush Sr. & he WAS a solid 6'2" (and quite slender) in 1988. Bill Clinton aso looked 6'2" to me in 1992 & 1996. I'm trying to remember the other black dude in PREDATOR (NOT Weathers). Bill Something? Anyhow, we saw him in a play in Austin in 1998 called BLOODKNOT (good play). I didn't meet him, but he looked about 6'4". Don't know WHY I can't remember his name? Senility? Meds? :-)
Mike said on 30/Jun/06
Don't go frank!!!!!!!!! i like ur input seriously i want u to stay,,,, but if u have to go, say ur most coolest individual experieriences with these celebrities, on arnold's forum, especially his, because i'm sure u got many for him, then take off my buddy if u have too, but please stay!!!! i agree with 95% of ur ratings same as glenn
Frank2. said on 29/Jun/06
I saw Bush Sr. standing next to Arnold and they were almost the exact, same height.
Look, Arnold is 5'4", Sly is 6', Elvis was 6'4" and Marilyn Monroe was 5'10".
This forum is now far too silly for me to continue wasting my time with.
Have fun!
Tom said on 29/Jun/06
I remember seeing Arnie on a podium with George Bush senior at a political event some years ago, and noticing that he was at least a couple of inches shorter, maybe three inches. It was a view of the entire podium, so you could see that they were on the same level. Bush senior was reckoned to be about 6'2".
RE: Maria comment: Prince Charles is 5'9", but you can't come to any conclusions from pictures that don't show if people are standing on level ground or if they are wearing stacked shoes. Also, most photographers, doing close up work, use wide-angle lenses which distort the image, making things that are closer look huge. This is why people shot at head height often look like they've got huge heads (skinny and short legs), and people at the very edges of pictures tend to look taller. This is evident in a huge number of band photos. See the multiple bond pics on this site for an example of this, where the bonds at the extreme edge of the frame are also closer to the camera rendering the image pretty unreliable on two accounts (plus you can't see their feet!).
The Arnie and Bush pic mentioned above was shot from a reasonable distance, and included a lot of the surroundings, so the comparison was reasonably reliable. Arnie is 6' maximum, possibly a little less.
elio said on 28/Jun/06
Frank2 ... the photo is not a complete fake... but taken from a set of photographs of Arnold within a year after his heart surgery. It is the most unflattering photo of the set, where for a split second they caught him in the worst pose ever after having a major heart operation. I believe that the photo has been altered somewhat ... in particular Arnold still had an even tan at that time of those photos, but this version has been altered to make him look washed out and sickly.
There exists another set of photos taken about a year or so ago where Arnold was carrying quite a bit of excess flab, but still looked pretty big. Again, I've seen press versions of these which appear to have been doctored to make him look washed out. Having a tan gives the appearance of being leaner and show muscle better( which is why all bodybuilders get extreme tans - usually fake ). Looking very pale can cause all muscle definition to be washed out and make the body look flabbier.
Glenn said on 28/Jun/06
Orlando appeared to be 5-11 to me.
D. Ray Morton said on 28/Jun/06
Frank2 - yeah. It was just a joke. Real or fake, the side-by-side comparison is kinda...surreal.
I'm not out to denigrate Arnold (though I'm not sure I'd qualify as a member of the "Arnia," either). Fer chrissakes, I've been one of the few defending the legitimacy of his advertised height!
Mike said on 28/Jun/06
yeah i was just wondering about Maria, in some pics she does look tall, others short. hey anyone know how tall orlando bloom is??? Arnold towers over him on the pics in his website thearnoldfans.com, also ive noticed with arnold forget about shoewear when his posture is good he looks tall, when his posture is sh*tty,or slouches he looks of average height. I didnt believe that pic of him was real, although arnie has put on a couple of pounds but still looks in good shape
Frank2 said on 28/Jun/06
Maria with 5'10" Prince Charles:
Click HereI met him when he toured Universal Studios many years ago. He was an inch shorter than me.
Here's Maria with Arnold:
Click HereArnold and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson:
Click HereRichardson is about 6'.
Richardson with his staff:
Click HereAs you can see, he's a big man.
JT said on 28/Jun/06
D. Ray Morton, Arnold doesn't look too bad for a 60 year old but I could have done without that picture. Plus, I think Arnold has a bit more on his plate right now than he did a few years ago. If Arnold looked like he did 30 years ago, us California taxpayers would start questioning how much time he's devoting to the governorship vs. the gym.
Frank2 said on 28/Jun/06
The photo's an obvious fake. It ran in the tabloids until they were forced to pull it and apologize. Someone did it using Photoshop. Arnold's still in great shape. And Maria is on the tall side.
Larry said on 28/Jun/06
Another height chamelian? :-) I've looked and looked at these photos & I'll be darned if I can tell how tall Arnold is??? But I DO now know why their should be an age limit on wearing Speedos in public! I'm a big, HAIRY Scotsman, so bathing trunks ALWAYS seemed the right choice for me. :-)
Glenn said on 27/Jun/06
Sounds too tall.dont I tower her?
Mike said on 27/Jun/06
Thanx Glenn just wondering about maria b/c her height varies almost as much as arnie's, guys the "slysystem" put up a nice picture of the predator crew on the stallone page eveyrone should check it out especially those who think arnold's 5'10
D. Ray Morton said on 27/Jun/06
A good indicator as to how much, er, height he's lost over the years:
Click Here
elio said on 27/Jun/06
Maria Shriver's height is given as 5'7" in the 'Fantastic' biography of Schwarzenegger. I dunno if this is accurate or not.
Glenn said on 27/Jun/06
Good question.dont remember.certainly not tall.not too short.5-5?
Mike said on 26/Jun/06
hey frank and/or glenn do u guys know how tall maria shriver, arnold's wife is around??(Ballpark figure) it's funny because in some pictures he towers over her ( the glenn pic) and in others he's not that much taller then her just curious, because Arnold is a tough one to figure out
Mike said on 26/Jun/06
Frank will like this picture, it isn't the greatest picture but look at arnold and 5'4 to 6'4 sylvester stallone, it's a recent picture this shows their true height gap news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=78745
Frank2 said on 26/Jun/06
Gramps says on 24/Jun/06
Go get him, Julie!
I'm surprised you didn't say, "You go girl! Get him!"
Anonymous says on 25/Jun/06
A girl with brains... at last!
After reading some of your inane posts, I can readily understand why you never seem to meet any.
Jamesy said on 26/Jun/06
Comparing that image of Arnie/Bush and Hedman(6'0")/Bush, it shows that Arnold isn't the full 6'0" anymore.
My2Cents said on 25/Jun/06
If Joe Weider is 5'10", then there's no doubt in my mind that Arnold was 6' minimum and probably 6'1" or so in his prime. Arnold barefeet looks to have had 2" or so over Joe with shoes. All deductive logic and reasoning would at least suggest that a 5'10" Arnold is ridiculous ...
Frank2. said on 25/Jun/06
Here's George H. W. Bush with Bruce Willis and Arnold:
Click Here6'2" Bush and Arnold look to be the same height while Willis is obviously shorter.
Arnold with Willis, Demi Moore and Sly:
Click HereIn this rare photo you can see the true height difference.
Remember people that when official photos are taken of Stallone, they are carefully screened so as not to ever show him looking short. This was common practice at Fox where I knew publicity people who's job it was to go through tons of photos in order to remove anything that could be damaging to a celeb's image. All photos not used were shredded and the negatives destroyed.

Editor Rob
MHouillon said on 25/Jun/06
Nice quote, Frank2 ! They are not awfully, but awfully expensive. But I don't think, they have a 5cm (!) heel, the standart Cowboy boot heel is 3,5cm - 4cm. (1.5 inch max.).
I can not imagine, why people want to have him smaller than he really is. Does anybody know, from where this allegedly "Governer measuring" with the ridiculous 5'10 claiming comes ?
Gramps said on 24/Jun/06
Go get him, Julie!
Jamesy said on 24/Jun/06
Frank, you have forgot to mention the extra padding in the soles to go with it.
Frank2 said on 24/Jun/06
Where did that come from? I haven't mentioned politics regarding a celeb in quite some time, especially Arnold. I think I did say something weeks ago about how conservative celebs are attacked more often which is true. I should know since I worked in the biz for forty years and saw first-hand how anyone who doesn't tow the liberal line is treated.
If you must know, I'm an indedendent who supports traditional values and despise far left loonies like Cindy Sheehan. I also cannot stand the far right crazies either, especially those who use religion as a ploy to gain power. I'm sure God has a special place for such folks after they depart this existence. I'd advize them to pack nothing warm.
Frank2 said on 24/Jun/06
Jamesy, Those are cowboy boots with the usual two inch heel. And I supsect they're awfully expensive too.
MHouillon said on 24/Jun/06
But that f***ing heels doesn't make a 5'10 man look 6'+ ! With these on, he looks easily a 186cm, because without them Arnie is a straight 6 footer, da**it !
weezer said on 23/Jun/06
weider is about same tallness as current 5-10 mr olympia ronnie coleman
Click HereClick Here
MHouillon said on 23/Jun/06
On the link below, look at page 2, lower third.
MHouillon said on 23/Jun/06
Look at this page. It's just as someone said on this thread. He wears heavy heels. Not 2 inches, mor like 1.5 maximum. See the pic beside the tall man ? Arnie is never 5'10" ! People, accept the 182-183cm. He is definitely no less.
Click Here
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/06
Toby, those shoes are in Stallone's closet.
Jamesy said on 22/Jun/06
" Recent ...
Click Here
Click Here "
Those pictures prove that he wears lifts.
Gramps said on 22/Jun/06
Yes, it's clear from those Arnold/Weider photos that Arnold is now wearing "magic shoes."
Viper652 said on 22/Jun/06
If Reg is only 6-0, then a 5-11 1/2 barefoot peak height for Arnold is possible.
Toby said on 22/Jun/06
These are what Arnold wears.....
Click Here
Cunns said on 22/Jun/06
I think Arnold might be placing slips in his boots for extra height -- not lifts.
My2Cents said on 22/Jun/06
Oh yeah ... and Arnie wasn't just tall back in the day, he could sure move as well:
Click Here8^P
Jamesy said on 22/Jun/06
Reg might of said 6'1" to make his long time friend, Arnold, look good.
Leung said on 22/Jun/06
Recently there was a picture of Arnold in a magazine, he was shirtless on a beach. He has really let himself go, it appears that he doesn't even exercise at all anymore.
Gramps said on 21/Jun/06
If you examine all 10-15 photos on the web of Arnold with Reg Park, Reg is clearly the taller man in about 80% of the photos. If Reg was 6'1" at his peak (in the 1950s when Reg was early twenties to early thirties), then Arnold could not have been any more than 6'0.5" MAX standing a notch shorter with Reg in 1970. It is therefore very plausible that Arnold is not a full six feet tall today, 35 years later.
piwo81 said on 21/Jun/06
Arnold wears cowboy boots all the time, look:
Click Here
Jason said on 21/Jun/06
So, where'd the 6'0'' listing come from?
elio said on 21/Jun/06
Jamesy, Reg Park was 6'1", NOT 6'0".
Frank2 said on 21/Jun/06
Yep. I'm still 5'11". If anything, maybe slightly over. And Arnold is over 6'.
Gramps said on 21/Jun/06
Forensic: you've got me convinced! I would say your photos put him at about 6'1.135", maybe even 6'1.136".
Gramps said on 21/Jun/06
You've probably shrunk, Frank2, and don't even realize it. That, and Arnold's ever-present lifts makes him "tower" over you.

Editor Rob
I do think Frank2 measured himself recently and said he's still walking tall at 5ft 11...
Jamesy said on 20/Jun/06
I have met him. I've seen his walking along the beach in his barefeet.
Jamesy said on 20/Jun/06
Frank, he was about 6'1" at his absolute peak. It seems you didn't take notice of his barefoot pics with the 6'0" Reg Park?
Mike said on 20/Jun/06
first off i always thought of arnie as over 6 feet, even now of days, the only thing i and other people wonder about him was he really only 220-230 pounds for most of his movies/career??? my point is someone at his height 6'0 to 6'2, and his muscle mass, would easily be 240- 260. I know glenn isnt an expert on weight, but he even thinks arnold "looks" more then the 220-230 listings he gets, frank u dont have to say ur weight, but what would u guess arnold's weight around??? His look/build at 6'1 to 6'2 only 220-230 pounds..something doesnt add up, i think he's lying bout his weight not height (well maybe 1 inch for his height considering now of days). Arnie, Dolph Lundren, and steven seagal are the few action stars who are over 6 feet tall.
Frank2 said on 20/Jun/06
Jamesy, Have you ever met him? If and when you do, then come back and tell us he's under six feet.
I mean I read such absolute nonsense on this website. Arnold is a big man! He's taller than most people when he walks into a room. He's a lot taller than me, that's for sure!
Jamesy said on 20/Jun/06
Forensic, those pics don't show S!!T. Arnold only looked 6'0" in all of his barefoot pics.
ForensicNYC said on 20/Jun/06
When Arnold was young, he was quite tall...at least 6'1"...
Click HereAround 1976...
Click HereAnybody remember BLACK AND WHITE Television?...
Click HereHe is surely over 6 ft. or more even today...
Click Here
Jamesy said on 20/Jun/06
Frank, he slots some kind of lift in his shoes. I am 186cm in my barefeet, and measure 193cm in my shoes. He might of been 6'0" in his hey day. But, nowadays, he is short of it.
Jordan said on 19/Jun/06
I met Arnold 6 years ago in florida and he was the same height as my Dad who is, and has always been measured at 6'0 3/4. Arnold was in sandels and my dad was in sneakers so arnie had maybe a half an inch or so on my Dad making him a solid 6'1.
Mike said on 19/Jun/06
i don't think arnold wears lifts but i do think he wears "nice" boots, meaning theres a decent sized heel on it, nothing huge but nothing small, i swear in some pictures he looks more then 6'2 really, other pictures right around the 6 even mark, once again i'll believe arnold's 5'10 once bruce willis george clooney, and other 5'10 to 5'11 celebs are 5'7 to 5'8, i'll say it once again with arnold he's one of the FEW celebs who thousands of people have met being barefoot, meaning as short as possible you can look, no sneakers, boots, sandles or possible lifts
Frank2. said on 19/Jun/06
Jamesy, there are no lifts around that can make a 5'10" guy appear 6'2" without being noticeable. Each time I saw Arnold, his shoes looked absolutely normal. Now, with Stallone, he wore boots that bent his foot at such an extreme angle that it looked like when a woman wears extremely high heels.
One more time: Arnold is well-over six feet. I'm 5'11" and had to look up at him to talk.
TNTinCA said on 18/Jun/06
This still seems fishy to me. To lose an inch and a half in height due to age related shrinking? Seems somewhat unusual. Plausible, but unusual.
I still think Arnold was 6'1" in his prime and is around 6 foot now. The Pumping Iron DVD I have shows Mike Katz adjacent to Arnold and they are the same height. Mike Katz was listed at 6'1".
Mike said on 18/Jun/06
Arnie, Travolta, Steve Tyler, maybe Tim Allen??? Arnold is easily the tallest, give me a break with this 5'10 crap, he doesnt have short legs regardless whatever his height is, ps i love all those 5'8 to 5'9 arnold stories in that "by george big arnie is small" article on this site, and how everyone thats 5'9 to 5'10 is eye to eye with him
Click Here
Anonymous said on 18/Jun/06
Click HereHere's a new picture showing Arnold at Sly's 60th birthday. Looking easily taller than both accepted 5'11" Bruce Willis and 6'0" John Travolta. I'd say he was 6'2" at his peak and now 6'1" or just under.
Cunns said on 17/Jun/06
I remember years ago when Arnold was measured on TV in his barefeet. He came just below the 6'2" mark.
Jamesy said on 17/Jun/06
There is noway Arnold could be 6'0" nowadays. He is about 5'10" and wears those ridiculous lifts. Frank, next time you see him, ask him to take his shoes off for inspection; I'll guarantee he is short of the 6'0" mark.
Jason said on 16/Jun/06
Rob has KPH at 7'3''. Even if he was that, it puts Arnold at 6'0'' back in the 80s.
Frank2 said on 16/Jun/06
He's well-over 6'.
MHouillon said on 16/Jun/06
5'10 for Arnold Schwarzenegger is just ridiculous. Don't you have eyes ? No matter, how many sites lists Arnold Schwarzenegger a 5'10, that doesn't make him this. He is over 5'11.
sam said on 16/Jun/06
Kevin Peter Hall was probably well over 7 feet tall, so he made almost everyone look like a child. It depends on how tall Hall was, people on this site seem to debate anywhere from 7 feet even to 7'4". He definitely has more than a foot advantage over Arnie.
Jason said on 13/Jun/06
Yeah, that's Arnold in the pic with Kevin Peter Hall. Kevin Peter Hall is the guy who played Predator for anyone who doesn't know. Arnold's leaning into him a little bit, but even so, around 15'' there at least.
Mike said on 13/Jun/06
viper and gramps arnold could be 5'10 i doubt it but it could be true, but all's im saying if arnold really was 5'10 then i can gaurantee clooney, denzel travlota pitt willis and these other 5'10 to 6 feet celeb guys r definitely a few inches smaller then what their listed at or what they claim, that website also had julia roberts at 5'9?? idk what she is listed on this website,but u seen the height difference between arnie and clooney now look at roberts and clooney
Click Here so she is supposively almost as tall as arnold hahahaha, also frank can u tell us how many times (around) u met arnold and the last year u seen him, we know glenn hasnt seen him since early 1990's
Mike said on 13/Jun/06
that stupid/dumb site has george clooney brad pitt john travolta uma thurman and denzel washington taller then arnie????? yeah right and my biceps and bank account is bigger then arnies too (mine r only 16 inches... solid but not huge..lol and i have under 10 grand in my bank acc, im only 23 yrs old and finishign up college) demi moore at 5'5??? ..arnie towers over her in all of the planet hollywood pics. george clooney gets listed 5'10 to 5'11 pretty much everwhere including this site ,which i believe george is somewhere in that range and his footwear isnt the shortest, well look how tall he looks near arnold, arnold would've needed stallone lifts if he were only 5'10
Click Herepromotion/promotion.htm im glad my2cents and frank agree with me, if arnie is only 5'10, theres pictures of him in sneakers ive seen taller then 5'11 bruce willis by a couple of inches, if arnold really is only 5'10 then george clooney brad pitt denzel and travolta have got to be like 5'7 to 5'9 seriously, ive got the predator special edition dvd theres plenty of pics in there where arnies the same or taller then carl weathers, by the way everyone in the pic is wearing boots b/c of the jungle and the running all the actors have to do, especially arnold b/c he did the most running, u cant run in awkward boots, and guys i think frank has met arnold numerous times, if i can recall although i cant speak for frank himself
Frank2 said on 13/Jun/06
"There are some sites that officially list Arnold at 5-10 now"
That dumb site lists Brad Pitt at 6' and John Travolta at 6'2". Nonsense. But it does list Stallone at 5'7" so there they're correct.
Viper652 said on 13/Jun/06
I think when people see Arnold over 6-0 now is with his lifts on, when Frank met him.
Viper652 said on 13/Jun/06
Arnold looks 5-10 there to me
Gramps said on 13/Jun/06
Arnold looks a good 16" shorter than Kevin Peter Hall in Jason's pic.
Jason said on 13/Jun/06
Click HereArnold (I think?) with ~ 7'2'' Kevin Peter Hall.
My2Cents said on 13/Jun/06
Right again Mike. Good point about the "huge villains", because in sci-fi/fantasy films which is Arnold's primary movie genre, a hero usually faces fantasy villains which usually must exceed normal human size (e.g. 7' predator, Wilt Chamberlain in "Conan The Destroyer", etc..).
I can accept Arnie slipping perhaps below 6' currently, but in his prime there's just no way. We've seen very CLEAR barefeet Olympia pics below of Arnie matching and exceeding other 6'+ bodybuilders in the 60s/70s (Chris Draper, Reg Park, etc..) and he's always stacked up well with 6'4"/6'5" Lou Ferrigno.
Viper652 said on 12/Jun/06
There are some sites that officially list Arnold at 5-10 now.
Click Here
Viper652 said on 12/Jun/06
Its possible that Arnold just wears lifts Mike.
Jason said on 12/Jun/06
I don't believe Arnold's as short as 5'10''. That would have came about from people suprised at how much shorter he is than they expected. Some people probably think he's 6'4''.
Mike said on 12/Jun/06
everyone is entitled to their opinions, but if arnold is really 5'10, what is bruce willis's height around???? every arnie/willis picture thers a solid 2-3 inch difference favoring arnie, dont use stallone for comparision hes somehwere between 5'7 and 6'2 depending on the day/event..lol, arnold is alil taller then 6 feet john travolta in their couple pics of each other one being from 2002 and the other from sly's new pics, and look at the glenn pic if arnold was only 5'10 he would have to have like bigger lifts on then stallone, which is IMPOSSIBLE
Frank2 said on 12/Jun/06
Not when you meet him. That I can guarantee you.
Viper652 said on 12/Jun/06
I really can see Arnold below 6-0 now.
Jason said on 12/Jun/06
People have indeed been saying Arnold's shorter for decades now, it's nothing new. I remember reading a magazine article in 1996 that claimed he was 5'10''.
Mike said on 8/Jun/06
Granted no one ever knows whats in these celeb shoes but if i can remember the "rumors" of arnold being 5'10 to 6'0 instead of 6'2 came out in 2002 articles/news, meaning he was 55 years old. if arnold was under 6 feet, he would have been caught out along time ago, either in the 1970's when many people met him barefoot on stage, or early in his movie career, early 1980's when he was in his early/mid thirtees, im not saying hes a full 6'2, but he is/was at least 6'1
dmeyer said on 8/Jun/06
there is a great pics that proves that stallone is 6'9 or 10 and willis 6' and arnie 6'2" willis is wearing sleepers arnie low heeled like converse and he looks 2.5" taller than willis i think willis was 6' at peak arnie like 6'2" at peak and sly 5'10
Larry said on 8/Jun/06
So, that puts Bruce at 5'11", Arnold at 6'0.5", and Sly at anywhere from 5'7" to 5'11"??? :-) Just kidding!
Frank2 - You're not talking about a "black box" are you? My cousin talks about a "black box" into which Schrodinger placed his cat. Or is it the box sly's height goes in? Then, ONLY when you open the box do you see how tall he is that day?
Buckeye Don said on 7/Jun/06
Back in the late 1970's I stood next to Arnold Schwarzenegger on a Downtown Columbus streetcorner when he was in town for a body-building event. I recognized him from his minor celebrity he had built then. I stand 6'3" tall and Arnold was at least three inches shorter, probably four. I'd say he was a god-given 5'11" or so. I've heard he can afford lifts now! (smirk!)
Mike said on 6/Jun/06
zach that was a good laugh though i must admit, zach what do u think r arnie/ sly/ willis heights around? im tired of people bustin on arnie's height, arnie is ALWAYS at least 2 inches taller then willis in every pic i see them 2 in, sometimes 3, so if someone is sayin arnie is 5'10 or 5'11, whats willis supposed to be 5'8 to 5'9???, frank i know what a box is, if i ever get a pic with stallone, i'd be smarter then arnie and willis...i'd wear big boots AND go on my tip toes at the last second of the pic...lol
D. Ray Morton said on 6/Jun/06
"Austrian Actor, US Politician."
Oh, THAT Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Frank2 said on 6/Jun/06
Does anyone know what a box is?
Zach said on 6/Jun/06
Yeah course Sly is wearing lifts, humungous ones at that, I just posted that for a laugh really lol.
Ed said on 6/Jun/06
There's an intereseting picture of Arnold and Harrison Ford on
Click Here If you go to gallery 1, click under Harrison, go to premieres, and then look under 1997, it's a pic of them standing face to face talking at the Air Force One movie premiere. There's at most an inch difference between these two, favoring Arnold. You can't take footwear into account since it's a waist up shot, but if that's the case they can't both be listed at 6ft these days. Granted that's almost ten years ago. If Arnie was 6ft1.5 at his peak, which I've never doubted, I don't get how Ford can be the same at his, well at least 6ft1. I think Ford is 5ft11.5, and Arnold is 6ft0.5, in this pic, and maybe in the ten years since they've both gone down a little more.
My2Cents said on 6/Jun/06
I guess that means Bruce Willis and John Travolta are all 5'6" too! ;P
Gramps said on 6/Jun/06
Although I think Sly is really around 5'9", it's obvious he's wearing lifts in Zach's photos.
Mike said on 5/Jun/06
Also, even one of the readers says "flippin heck, sly's grown!!!!!!"
Mike said on 5/Jun/06
Awesome pics Zach!!!!!!, but remember stallone can look as tall as 6 feet denzel washington, ps if stallone is 5'7, does that make bruce willis 5'6???? Bruce is easily the shortest of the 3 in the pictures does that pic make travolta look only 5'9??? come on now, arnold is better compared to willis, he's always a solid 2 inches taller then willis, whatever wilis is, arnold is alittle taller, never compare stallone to anyone seriously, look at the body building pic of stallone and arnold from the early 80's with some other dude theres clearly 3-4 inch difference, both have to have sneakers on, no boots/lifts
Zach said on 5/Jun/06
Austrian Actor, US Politician. "I'm 6'2". I've heard rumors that I'm really much shorter in real life - like 5'6" or something like that - which is ridiculous. I can assure you this is not the case."
Well here he is next to 5'7 Sylvester Stallone.
Click HereAhem.
My2Cents said on 2/Jun/06
looking at d morton's photos, it clearly shows what gramps said about camera distortion. it amazes me how much camera perspective can vary someone's apparent height. in one photo arnold dwarfs reg, in another vice versa .. which leads me to not take glenn or jonathan's photo with arnie as a good reference, as in the first one arnold is closer to the cam than glenn, in the second jon is closer than arnie .. check out this optical illusion, each block is the same height in 2d on paper, but which "looks" tallest/shortest?
Click Herep.s. arnie is 6'1" in case your forget! :)
Viper652 said on 2/Jun/06
Why does Arnold look so much shorter with their backs to the camera?? Is it the angle? He looks considerably shorter then Reg and Draper, but looks their height in the other.
KAZ said on 1/Jun/06
saw lou at comicon two years ago, he charged too much to get a photo with him. looked 6-3 to 6-4
Alex said on 1/Jun/06
Lou was nothing under 6'4 back then and yea he probably is only 6'2.5-6'3 today. Arnold was only 6'0 at his peak and I think and now only about 5'11.
Larry said on 1/Jun/06
Jason - You are correct about shoe size vs. height. I'm 6'5" at midday and my shoe size is 12 EE. I have a pair of 12.5 E's that fit too. I never thought about whether or not my feet were "big". I have a cousin who is 6'4" who wears a whole shoe size LARGER than me. My younger brother is 6'1" and wears size 10.5 D (I think). Shoe size only LOOSELY correlates with height.
My2Cents said on 1/Jun/06
Check this "Arnold vs. Lou" clip in their prime:
Click HereThere's a good pose-down shot at the end of Arnold next to 6'4"-6'5" Lou. You can freeze-frame to do a height-comparison between the two .. looks 2-3 inches shorter than Lou to me ...
Gramps said on 31/May/06
Jason: understood. What I was really getting at is they were probably wearing special "period" boots that MAY have been much thicker for one guy vs. another. For example, maybe they wanted Wilt to look even taller than he really was so they may have built up the height of his boots. Or maybe they didn't really want Arnold "dwarfed" by the other two so they might have built up his boots. Etc.
Jason said on 31/May/06
Arnold was almost 4 inches shorter than Lou Ferrigno in Pumping Iron. Lou is only 6'2 1/2''-6'3'' today as Rob's encounter with him in March showed. Has Lou shrunk 2-2 1/2 inches? Somehow I doubt it.
J-Dog said on 31/May/06
Watch Pumping Arnold for Arnold's peak height, he looks 187-188 in it at the very least.
Jason said on 31/May/06
There's not an inch disparity in Arnold's and Wilt's shoes - I wear size 15 shoes myself and the difference in height they give you compared to a way smaller shoe is very minimal. A friend of Wilt's said he only wore size 15 shoes or there abouts. I read Arnold wears a size 12 which means the difference is likely only be a few sizes which renders any difference due to shoe sizes negligible. Looking at Wilt's shoes in the colour version of the pic where you see more, they don't look anything bigger than what I'd wear - 16 at best. They're not very big at all in comparison to his stature and body size. Shaq wears size 22's and they make him look like Ronald McDonald, even at 7'0'' 350lbs with the frame of Godzilla. Shoe size doesn't always correlate that much with height; it can be all over the place.
dmeyer said on 31/May/06
the 186 guy next to arnie have his arm around him wich can make him look taller arnie can steel be a lthel taller than him
dmeyer said on 31/May/06
6'1.5" seems very acurate for his peak height
My2Cents said on 31/May/06
You're absolutely right Gramps .. an approximation at best. But the intention is mostly to give a "ballpark approximation", which you maybe could at least use to surmise that Arnie's above 5'10" but less than 6'2", or something like that, and not the ridiculous 5'9" or even 5'10" some folks have guessing ...
Gramps said on 29/May/06
My2Cents: Nice try, but no cigar. This photo is completely useless for estimating Arnold's height:
1) There could be up to a 2" difference in their footwear.
2) Their hair/wigs distort their real height.
3) The combination of VARYING distances from the camera, the actual DISTANCES from the camera, and HEIGHT of the camera lens makes estimating their heights with accuracy nearly impossible, even if you knew 1) and 2) exactly!
The photo is a nice laugh piece but offers nothing more (unfortunately).
My2Cents said on 27/May/06
I'm surprised nobody's gone through this exercise (I'll post image twice at two different places just in case):
Click HereClick HereUsing 7'0.5" = 84.5" and 6'11" = 83" ...
AS_based_on_Wilt = (10.8 / 12.6) * 84.5" = 72.43" = 6'0.5" approx.
AS_based_on_Andre = (10.8 / 12.45) * 83" = 72" = 6'
However, Andre is a bit closer to the camera which would scale up Arnold's height slightly if he were at Arnold's distance. I should mention too, that a 7-footer most likely wears size-30 shoes or something like that, which would probably have 2-inch heels to be proportionate, and a 6-footer would probably sport the usual size-12 shoes with 1-inch heels .. based on all this, my final guesstimate for Arnold in the early 80's is a barefoot solid 6'1".
mike said on 27/May/06
the pic with jonathan with regards to footwear, arnold is def a little taller, kinda like jim is a little taller then arnold in the 1988 pic, i myself have "slumping shoulders" like arnold, his shoulder r def lower with jim, but with jonathan his shoulders r defintely higher, but like we said we cant see the footwear in either of those pics, jonathan is leaning in/down alittle in their pic, but is closer to the camera, kinda like how arnold is closer to the camera in the glenn pic, i havent met arnold, unfortunately, but frank2 and glenn have both say 6'1 minimum more like 6'2 but my best estimate for arnie in his prime 6'1 to 6'1.5 now 6 feet even or 6'0.5, maybe hell be under 6 feet 5 years from now, but i doubt hes under 6 right now, maybe in a few years, no ways hes like 5'10, even in those body building pics he towers over most of them in bare feet, he does have long legs, also when he has his pics taken next to kristanna loken the t3 chick his legs r just as long if not longer then hers and shes a good 5'11, women the same height as men always have longer legs then men, glenn and frank2 r one of the few legitimate people on this site that can verify these celebs heights on numerous occasions, they agree on most of them, except for stallone (who could really agree on him anyways???lol) the only celebs i could verify for fact, besides making smart/guessing comments are some wrestlers kurt angle is really 5'10 not 6'2, hulk hogan looked 2 inches taller then my 6'2 in his boots, i had regular sneakers on 2 years ago making him look 6'4 in boots, nowhere near 6'7 or 6'8, also the thing with arnold is he looks/ is kinda tall, but doesnt "tower" over everybody in the world, some of my friends think he is like 6'3 or 6'4 or so,maybe if they met him in person and he looked barely over 6 even theyd say hes alot smaller in person then on camera, i told them to go to this site and look at peoples comments and pics to prove hes not that tall (6'3 or 6'4), but no ways hes 5'10 or 5'9, i even told them some people say hes def under 6 feet, but its just opinion, if arnold was really only 5'10 though, hed have to have a 3 inch gap over jonathan's footwear, ps rob did jonathan say what kind of footwear arnold was wearing in that pic, or that they just were around the same height?
Frank2 said on 26/May/06
Jason, once you meet him and stand next to him as I have, your suspicions will vanish.
Gramps said on 26/May/06
Jason, Wilt could very well have been right about not shrinking "one iota." My son measured me at age 58 and I was perhaps 1/8" shorter than at I was back in the '60s.
Jason said on 26/May/06
Yeah, Gramps? Wilt always used to say his height as 7'1 1/16''. Maybe he was 7'0 1/2'' all along and the 7'1'' measurements were morning measurements? I do recall reading in a Sports Illustrated article about him (from 1986 when he was 50 years old) that said he hadn't shrunk an iota as far as he knew. Given he knew his height to 1/16 of an inch, he probably did! He did appear a couple of cm shorter than Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who has both 7'2'' and 7'1'' listings.
Viper, he sure does.
Frank, John Wayne having been 6'0'' really is silly and I don't think anyone with half a clue gives that any serious consideration. I agree Arnold isn't as short as 5'10'' (and the 5'9'' and below stuff is truly out there), but I think it's fair to have your suspicions about him given the evidence and information available.
KAZ said on 26/May/06
if y'all thought wilt makes 6-1.5 arnie look smallish, see that he does the same to 6-3 cassius clay aka muhammed ali.
Click HereClick Here
Zach said on 26/May/06
Gramps if Jonathon himself reckons Arnie was the same height as him (see Rob's comments below) then your claim that he's 1-2inches taller doesnt hold much credence does it.
Curt...would be nice if you could post that polaroid.
ER. said on 26/May/06
Again, I advice everyone here to take a look at his barefoot scenes in the The Running Man, especially the one in the beginning of the movie, right after he has broken into the girl's apartment and tied her to some kind of exercise machine. In one shot there he's opening a closet door barefoot and he's standing up almost 100 % straight, and there's just no way in hell he under 6-1 there.
Jonn said on 25/May/06
Gramps, you'll also notice that Jason is closer to the camera. But Arnold could be wearing lifts......
Gramps said on 25/May/06
Jason: It could be right for that point in time. I followed Wilt from the time he turned pro, and I recall his height was listed then as 7'1-1/8".
Frank2 said on 25/May/06
If Arnold is no longer 6' then I'm no longer 5'11' and that means Brad Pitt,
Matt Damon, and a host of celebs are shorter than people think.
This entire debate on Arnold's true height is just about as silly as the argument that some fools have made that John Wayne was in reality just 6' and wore huge lifts to look 6'4".
Viper652 said on 25/May/06
Gramps, you are right. It looks like Arnold would be shorter then 6-0 If he did stand straight up. And Jason, its pretty amazing that Arnold was not wearing lifts standing next to Wilt and Andre. He truly looks 5-11 there next to those giants.
Jason said on 25/May/06
Nice photo, Rob (and Chris of course!). Beats me how one could figure Arnie as tall as 6'1 1/2'' or 6'2'' next to Wilt, though. Interesting the tidbit underneath says Wilt was recently (at the time of course) measured as 7'0 1/2''. Any idea when that text is from? Sounds like back in the 80s seeing it says the photo shows Andre to be etc.
Gramps said on 25/May/06
I just noticed the new photo at the top with "Almost 6ft 1 Jonathan." If you notice how Jonathan is leaning sideways to crop better with Arnold, he would be at 1"-2" taller than Arnold if standing straight. This again suggests Arnold is no longer 6 feet tall.
Curt said on 24/May/06
I would say that Arnold is 6'0". I had a Polaroid taken with him the same year that Jim (picture above) did - 1988 - at the first Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic. Unlike Jim with his "poofy" hair, Ah-nuld and I both were sporting "flattish" hairstyles. I'm 6'1" and am visibly taller in my Polaroid - I'd guess by at least an inch.
mike said on 24/May/06
the photo that zach posted may/may not prove arnie is taller/shorter then reg park but he has by far the longest legs of those body builders, regardless of his height now/then he doesnt have short/tiny legs like some people have suggested
Gramps said on 24/May/06
The other guy who could speak very authoritatively about Arnold's peak height is Dave Draper. But again, I think they are still pals, so he might not confirm that Arnold was really only 5'10" back then. ;-D
Zach said on 24/May/06
Regardless of whether they athletes back in the day exaggerated their heights en mass, I think the three pics above pretty much confirm Arnie's past and present 6+ sightings. He's towering over Glenn, pretty much same height as Jim (slightly less) and Jonathon reckons he's same as his almost 6'1. I think his current height is 6.05, possibly with his hair and a little bit of extra heel taking him upto his old 6'2.
p.s. Another great find Rob with regards to Jonathon pic! Where d'you find this one if you dont mind me asking?

Editor Rob
I didn't find it, it was emailed
ER. said on 24/May/06
I think that 6-1.5 measurement of Arnold is legit. I just saw The Running Man again last night, and there is some scenes where Arnold is barefoot there. In one scene he i standing up almost fully straight, and he really looks close to 6-2 there. So, 6-1.5 at peak looks dead on to me.
D. Ray Morton said on 24/May/06
Gramps - Yeah, I suspect that Reg wouldn't dish any dirt on Arnold (were he under 6'1").
A-Bomb said on 24/May/06
I really am beginning to see him as a strong 6'0 to 6'0 1/2" now, and a 6'1 1/2" back in the day. Strange becuase I was would have bought all those 5'10, 5'11 sightings a few years back
My2Cents said on 24/May/06
Here are various early pics featuring "Dan Lurie", a former bodybuilder who trained many top bodybuilders in the 70s:
Click HereToo bad they're not all in the same pic, but in the 1st, 3rd, 4th he's seen with 6'3"-6'5" Lou Ferrigno, in the 2nd with Arnie. To me, he looks to be up to Arnie's nose and Lou's Chin, a difference of about 2". For the sake of argument, let's say Lou was about 6'4" in his prime. Using this relative difference, then Arnold was probably 6'2" in his prime. A weak premise I know, but even a 6'3" Lou would suggest Arnold to be at least 6'1", I cannot see him any shorter than that in his prime.
Interestingly, the 3rd pic also featues Dan and Lou with Reg Park (probably in shoes and closer to camera). You can decide for yourself how to extrapolate Reg's height from that one, but to me there was no way he was only a 6-footer back then ...
Gramps said on 24/May/06
I agree with Jason. I think bodybuilders are like professional wrestlers - - they're listed at about 2" taller than they really are. I suspect the 6'2" listings for Reg Park were of this variety. I too think 6'0" to 6'1" is close to what Reg measured barefoot 50 years ago. I was thinking that we (Rob?) should contact Reg to get his opinion about Arnold's peak height, but I think Reg is still pretty close to Arnold and might just espouse the "party line."
Gramps said on 24/May/06
Since Reg has not been in the public eye (bodybuilding or major movies) in decades, and is nearly eighty years old now, I have to believe his listed height is from when he was active (1950-70). IMHO visitors to his web site would be much more interested in his size when he competed and acted - - not as an elderly man.
Jason said on 23/May/06
Probably his height from way back as he's listed elsewhere at having been 6'0'', too. I would figure he was in between 6'0'' and 6'1'' which would account for him being measured at the 6'1'' he said.
Zach said on 23/May/06
That's a very interesting find Gramps, just a question of whether Reg is using his current height or back 40 years ago.
Gramps said on 23/May/06
Actually, on Reg Park's own website (link below), he is listed as 6'0":
Click Here
Jason said on 23/May/06
There's a 6'0'' listing for Reg Park, as well. He's most likely about 6'0 1/2''.
Gramps said on 23/May/06
Zach, I think you missed my post below illustrating how that photo is tilted (look at the edge of the stage to see how it is out of kilter with the bottom of the photo). My 'correction' of that same photo, including a horizontal line from the top of Arnold's hair, clearly does NOT show him taller than the 6'1" Reg Park. In this corrected photo I would conclude they are equal. However, the majority of numerous other Arnold/Reg barefoot photos posted here over the past several months are in Reg's favor, not Arnold's.
Click Here
Viper652 said on 22/May/06
I thought Arnold looked shorter then 6-1 Carl weathers in Predator.
TheMan said on 22/May/06
If you look Arnold is down abit from the level wilt is standing on giving Wilt the greater height advantage over all of the three. That would make Arnold appear a few inches shorter.
Zach said on 22/May/06
Gramps, I think the picture most people are giving credence too recently is this one:
Click HereThere's obviously no dodgy footwear here.
He is the tallest of all those, including 6'1 Reg Park. You said it yourself Draper's 6'0 yet look at the height difference there.
Which are these 'barefoot pictures looking far shorter than 6'2' that you talk about?
Jason said on 22/May/06
Arnold looks much the same height next to Shaq as he does to Wilt. Wilt was also in a wide stance in that pic and not even standing fully straight. Wilt and Shaq are way out of Arnold's height league either way, but the pics are very relevant to anyone who knows how to estimate large height differences as you can see plain as day there's in excess of 12 inches in the Wilt pic and a solid 12 inches with Shaq. Speaking of Shaq, I remember reading an interview with him where they were talking about the prospects of him being the next terminator and the interviewer mentioned Shaq as being 7'0'' and Arnold 6'2'', Shaq then interrupted and said Arnold is 6'0'' and not 6'2''.
Gramps said on 22/May/06
Arnold was never 6'2" on his best day, getting out of bed, 25 years old, or whatever. MAYBE 6'1", but that's it. There are too many barefoot photos of him looking far shorter than 6'2" to give any credence to more recent photos of him wearing all sorts of unknown "footwear."
dmeyer said on 22/May/06
it means arnie was 6'2" on morning so he wasnt lyng
mike said on 22/May/06
yeah in my opinion arnie was def over 6 feet when he was younger, prolly pushing/almost 6'2, arnies only "bad/small" photo of him is the one with bush, where bush is an inch taller, but ive posted other photos of those 2 where arnies like a couple inches taller, the question i have to anyone is, has arnold really shrunk 1.5/2 inches in the past couple of years in his mid/late 50's, is that confirmed or just speculated? how has hulk hogan shrank like 2.5 inches, and hes only in his early 50's, very young for someone to shrink that much, even though i know hes had numerous back/knee surgeries, and someone like sean connery whos gotta be in his mid 70's hasnt even shrunk an inch/maybe half an inch at his age ???? somethings strange here just curious for your opinions, also glenn and frank2, was arnie real cool and funny in person ???
Glenn said on 21/May/06
Your right Zach.
Zach said on 21/May/06
Come on guys, is there really much point comparing Arnie to guys a foot taller? You have to take people with known heights very close to his. Looking at that pic from My2cents, if Reg is 6'1 then its quite possible Arnie was 6'2, for one Reg's hair is adding some height and secondly as we all know posture can play a part in perceived height...Reg's neck is fully extended, whilst Arnie is very slightly hunched relative to Reg. Draper's got the poorest posture there out of the lot with his leg bent n all.
Funny how back 30 years ago some of those guys were really big compared to some of the short mr olympia contenders we see these days.
My2Cents said on 21/May/06
Hey Jason, I agree with ya there actually, Arnold did look unusually small next to Wilt and Andre, my guess may perhaps be that like many pics including the Mr. Universe one (which I posted and Gramps doctored), could have been slightly rotated. The same exercise in counter-rotating may probably undo the gross difference between Wilt and Arnie (while greatening the difference between Arnie and Andre). Also, what I also notice about that pic, is that Wilt has his shoulders in a "shrugged" pose, which would raise them higher than usual (notice they're higher than his chin), which could mislead you if you're reading Arnie's height from the top of Wilt's shoulders ...
Arnie next to 7' Shaq (with relaxed shoulders from clear, frontal shot) didn't seem THAT extreme:
Click Here
Wobble said on 21/May/06
My2Cents: your frontal Olympia shot shows clearly and beyond any doubt that AS is the tallest of them all. Perfectly reliable. Everybody's convinced, now - or nothing can convince them.
Gramps said on 21/May/06
I just modified that great Mr. Universe picture from My2Cents. I had to rotate it 0.9 degrees and then add a horizontal line from the top of Arnold's hair. Although the line falls below the top of Reg Park's hair, perhaps the only difference is indeed "hair!"
Click Here
Height Tracker said on 21/May/06
After seeing the photos of MY2Cents, I really believe Arnold may have been close to 6-2 in his prime.
Jason said on 21/May/06
Yeah, but a 6'1''-6'2'' guy wouldn't be dwarfed THAT much next to Wilt.
D. Ray Morton said on 21/May/06
Nice pics.
I believe that's Ken Waller (also 6') in the third one.
Zach said on 21/May/06
Those pictures by My2cents are a lot more reliable to judge heights from than the others posted, taken from angles. Arnold clearly has a couple of inches over Draper and you're right 2cents, he seems to also have half an inch over Reg Park. Great pics My2Cents, they correlate perfectly with Basille's account of Arnold being measured at 6'1.5.
My2Cents said on 21/May/06
Arnold barefoot with 6'1" Reg Park:
Click HereThey're about the same height, maybe Arnold has 0.5" or so over Reg, especially at the shoulders ...
Another clear barefoot, frontal Olympia shot with Reg Park driving the point home:
Click HereNotice the magazine article prints Arnold competing in the "tall man's division" ...
Arnold barefoot with 6' Draper in shoes:
Click HereArnold seems to have an inch or two over Draper.
Arnold with 6'3" Lou Ferrigno:
Click HereJason, ANYONE standing next to Wilt Chamberlain and 6'11" Andre The Giant shall be dwarfed!
Wobble said on 21/May/06
Yes, Zach. Exactly. Thanks Jason, for this TERRIFIC shot! Why not asking Dave directly about Arnold's height? He or his wife Laree, who's the webmaster of the site, could definitively withdraw the curtain (
Click Here including some elbow-to-elbow shots with AS). This is just a suggestion.
Take a look a the bios on the excellent site classicbodybuilders.co.uk, though. Almost all measurements of BB-stars of the past are shown there. It will give you an idea about the average height of the "Olympians" in 1980.
TheMan said on 21/May/06
Hey guys check this interesting pic with arnold swazzenger with Jackie Chan. Arnold towers over chan by atleast 4 inches. And chans sopposed to be 5,9 insnt he.
Click Here
Glenn said on 21/May/06
They mention he is 6-2 in Total Recall as well.
Jason said on 21/May/06
Arnold only looked in the 5'11-6'0'' at best next to 7'1 1/16'' Wilt Chamberlain.
Here's a photo of them together:
Click HereArnold's utterly and completely dwarfed, there's about 14 inches difference between them. And that was in 1984.
Gramps said on 21/May/06
Olympia photos? Let's have a look...
Arnold with the 6'0" Draper and 6'1" Park:
Click HereAgain with Draper:
Click Here
Zach said on 20/May/06
Wobble, I agree with you, even though I referenced from it, Predator isnt the ideal film to judge heights from particularly as 90% of the film was in the jungle with an obviously uneven, fluctuating terrain. He was in an office at the start though remember with Carl Weathers and he did have an inch over him there. Weathers was a tall man back then, and still is.
With regards to Pumping Iron, remember he was in the same training room as Farrigno before one of the shows, both of them were clearly barefooted, and yet big Lou only had a couple of inches on him.
If Lou Farrigno was 6'5 and Arnold was only 6'0 (or even the absurd 5'10 some are claiming) Farrigno would completely TOWER over Arnie, not just in height but remember a guy five inches taller than you would naturally have a much bigger frame and bone structure than you, but thats not the case. Both Farrigno and Arnold look like huge men, both barefeet, with 2, perhaps at most 3 inches between them.
Anonymous said on 20/May/06
Dex is absolutely right. And D Ray Morton, too. Contest photographs and videos just can't lie - which is of course not the case of the artistic photos we can see in magazines or of Hollywood movies. They're not intended to be broadcast, but to help the referees judge a physique. Arnold apparently bought the rights of the contest video (Mr O 1980) and released it under the name of Pumping Iron 2. On this video he looks apparently like he's ca 186 cm tall... that is 6-2, as D Ray Morton writes. Serge Nubret who's 182cm and had the chance to meet him personally and to fight against him and Columbu for the Olympia title told me so, too.
TheMan said on 20/May/06
Yeah Bill Duke is tall real tall i think he must be about 6,5. You can't really tell to much in predator but you can see how much he towers over swazzenger in commando. Ventura is 6,2 though.
D. Ray Morton said on 20/May/06
"The man was 6-2 in his prime."
Agreed. Look at his old Olympia photos. It's obvious.
Any arguments to the contrary are silly.
Frank2 said on 20/May/06
Not in the various publicity photos I saw. In one the entire cast is standing next to each other and Arnold is only shorter by a couple of inches when next to Ventura and Duke. I met Bill Duke at a screening of Predator II and he's huge! I'm 5'11" and if I had to be within two inches of his height I'd need to wear Frankenstein boots!
Dex said on 20/May/06
Be careful when you use movies to judge people`s heights. Hollywood can do anything with a camera, make short people tall and tall people short. Arnold or other actors may have been standing on a small box or something in some pictures!
Wobble said on 20/May/06
Watching Predator in order to deduce Arnold's height may seem a curious choice. You'd better watch a contest video like Pumping Iron 2, where Arnold appears barefoot on stage very close to other barefoot contestants. Average height was 176cm, back then. How big does AS look next to others?
Gramps said on 19/May/06
Yeah, here's the 6'2" Arnold next to the 6'3" Superstar Billy Graham back in the '70s. I guess Superstar has a big advantage, though, with the 1/4" flats he's wearing. (Although Superstar was credited with being 6'4" in the world of pro wrestling, his height is widely listed on the web as actually being 6'3".) Despite how tall Arnold "looked" in the Predator, et al., you can plainly see he has no footwear 'engineering' at work with Graham. I think giving Arnold 6'0" here may actually be generous!
Click Here
Zach said on 19/May/06
I did notice though in predator, they never shot him next to Ventura directly. But you're right Frank, several times next to Weathers he had a good inch on him and even next to Bill Duke when they were fireblazing away at the Predator he didnt look smaller at all. In Commando however, where Arnie was clearly wearing sneakers Duke did have a solid couple of inches on Arnie.
Not that it means anything but I remember when one of the coppers in the shopping centre was radioing for help, he reports Arnie as 'white male, six two, two hundred pounds'.
MaxB said on 19/May/06
Zach - the photo you've provided is very bad for guessing height. It just doesn't look right - the angle is very bad and they are not at the same distance from the camera - if you try to put yourself into that space, you actually can see a difference of 2-3 inches. And that doesn't exclude that they might not be standing od the same level (to me it actually looks as if Arnie is standing on something).
Frank2 said on 19/May/06
Yep, he was 6'2" I just watched Predator and the cast was mostly made up with huge men. Carl Weathers was at least 6'1". Bill Duke was at least 6'4". So was Jesse Ventura. Sonny Landham was 6'3". RG Armstrong back then was at minimum about 6'1". Arnie never looked short next to any of them. And in many shots he's standing right next to these men in wide angles. If he was just 5'10" then no lifts could make him appear to be that tall without being obvious Frankenstein-styled boots!
This whole debate is such a silly waste of time.
Zach said on 19/May/06
I agree with you Glenn on this one, Arnie was 6'2 in his prime, perhaps in the 6'1 range when doing his blockbusters in the 80s but no less.
Glenn said on 19/May/06
The man was 6-2 in his prime.
Zach said on 19/May/06
Either way Bir would have to have shrunk by 6 inches to be an inch taller than Arnold if, as a lot of people are trying to claim on here, he is 5'10. Bir's probably 6'2 now, Arnie 6'0 with his hair adding an inch.
J-Dog said on 18/May/06
I believe that tall model is a fitness model, I think I heard of her and asked a guy on another website her height, he said she said she was 6'5" but wears heels, so looks 6'8" - 6'9". I am not sure if that is here I am almost certain though, gigantic. That guy looks 6'5". Frank2 is right, Arnold at 5'10" is a ridiculous claim that doesn't deserve any thought.
Zach said on 18/May/06
Scroll down to the last two pictures and comments from Roger Bir, Arnolds' primary body guard. In the pic with the tall model he says he's 6'5, and then in the next pic you seem with Arnie himself...
Click Here[Editor Rob: maybe he's clinging to 6ft 5 of his youth?]
Frank2 said on 17/May/06
No. Arnold was always at least two inches taller, possibly even three. And at no time was he wearing what appeared to be lifts or shoes with big heels. I'm telling you, he's a big guy! All this crud about him being as short as 5'10" and making it up with lifts is ludicrous to say the least. Granted he might have lost an inch as of today, but he's still over six feet tall barefoot. Few actors who claim to be six feet can match him without using lifts or huge shoes.
Here's Arnold next to former President Nixon and Bob Hope:
Click HereBy the time of this photo, Nixon was about 5'9" and Hope was 5'7". Arnold is clearly four inches taller than Nixon and at least six inches taller than Hope.
mike said on 15/May/06
me too Gotxo screw the news, hey frank2 ur a solid 5'11 and have met arnold on numerous occasions, was he ever once the same height as u???, or was he always a couple of inches taller then you every time u seen him face to face??
Gotxo said on 15/May/06
If you knew for sure that arnold was less than 6'1" you wouldn't care what news says. Anyway i'm of the same opinion.
Gramps said on 15/May/06
The evidence is clear: 6'0.5" in 1970 barefoot, and 5'11.5" today.
mike said on 15/May/06
if arnie is only 5'10 or 5'11 hed have to have on major lifts here he has jay leno by about 3 inches
Click Hereimages.aspx?id=51149533 and i remember the clooney pic that was up here on this site a couple of months ago where arnold was barely 2 inches taller then clooney i got a better one but hes like 4 inches taller
Click Herepromotion/promotion.htm and about 3 inches taller then our president here
Click Here i still dont know bout that one bush pic where bush is taller then arnold but any other pics i see between them 2 arnolds taller my opinion arnold was a legit 6'1 now 6 even i dont buy the 6'2 5'10 stuff, who knows maybe in a couple of years he might shrink an inch and be below 6, but not right now
Adam said on 14/May/06
my dad met arnold... he is less then 6"1' i would say 5 11 from what my dad says. oh and what the news says
Gotxo said on 14/May/06
I've raw deal on dvd, i enjoy bad movies :D !
And yes he struck me as shorter than Davi (not by much), i don't think Davi was shorter than Dalton, but anyway that puts Arnie under 6'2".
The problem is that our keen members Glenn and Frank2 have personally met him and say he's as tall as he claims.
Could that guys be fooled by a discrete raisers (or lifts depending the idiom)?
as i can't see this guy any less than 6' but not over 6'1".
Jason said on 14/May/06
Discounting the known heights of any other actors from Raw Deal (I wasn't familiar with any), I thought Arnold mostly looked 6'1'' in that movie.
piwo81 said on 14/May/06
In "Raw Deal" from 1986 Arnold was a bit shorter (in my opinion 1 cm to 1 inch) than Robert Davi. Both men were wearing normal shoes, as I remember. There are few good shots to compare their heights in that movie. Davi is listed 6'2 on this site but in "Licese to Kill" from 1989 he was an inch shorter than Timothy Dalton, who is 6'2". I think it would be advisable to find out the exact Davi's height. I don't believe he is, or ever was, as tall as 6'2", more probbably 6'1" in prime and 6 now.
Elio said on 13/May/06
Even in Arnold's later movies he appeared with tall(er) co-stars. Such as 6'3"+ Michael Rappaport in 'The 6th Day' ... whom Arnold only appeared an inch shorter than. A 5'10" guy could not do that ... only a 6'0" guy minimum (with lifts) could stand next to someone 6'3"-6'4" and not be dwarfed.
Also, in 'Around the World In 80 days' he stood barefoot (possibly in sandles) next to a shoe wearing 5'10.5" Steve Coogan and looked noticeably taller.
reports of 'eye to eye' contact with celebs are the bane of these message boards in my opinion.
Cobra said on 13/May/06
@ Tristan: always rather short actors in his movies?
Sven Ole Thorsen, Ben Davidson, Robert Davi, Bill Duke and Carl Weathers are way over 6ft. James Earl Jones was 6ft1, Robert Patrick is 6ft, James Belushi is nearly 6ft- I don`t know what you are talking about.
187 said on 13/May/06
schwarzie is 5'10". These pics really get you and believe me. I've seen him before at the 24 hour fitness. I'm 5'10 exactly and he stood directly eye to eye with me.
But he is not 5'6", that's a bit too short.
mike said on 13/May/06
but most of us have seen the stallone arnold working out photo with some other dude, where arnold's at least 3-4 inches taller, they both must have had sneakers on
Tristan said on 12/May/06
As for Arnold's height, if you look at him in his movies, the cast is always rather short actors. and he's always shot from below. If you look for it (as I have) you'll see it.
It seems that alot of actors (and bodybuilders) are fairly short, and they lie about it for some reason. Probably the lack of confidence that made them seek out such an exposed and looked up to career. Or turn their own bodies into freakish lumpy things...
Elio said on 10/May/06
Anyone else agree that everyone's completely drifted off topic? Howabout we talk about Schwarzenegger's height instead of imposing our political beliefs on people.
Frank2, I respect your opinion ( I even agree with you on Arnold's height) and recognise that you were right to question Gotxo comments about you, but what you said to Gramps in your previous post was a blatent insult directly at him, when all he did was give an opposite opinion to your own (wrong or right).
Frank2 said on 10/May/06
Gotxo, you sound like a very perceptive as well as caring individual. I'm sorry I called you clueless since it's obvious you have more on the ball than most people. Speaking of Hugo Chavez, I hear he's a little guy who wears huge lifts.
Gotxo said on 9/May/06
Ok sir, i see your point. It's basically the burnout sindrome caused trying to explain thick skulled people things. Try to take it easy, this forum is also plenty of worthy people.
I can understand your anger by how the media bashes your country. In Europe that kind of propaganda gets a lot of audiece by some reason, but i'm aware of what America represents to international politics & wellfare.
The thing that amazed me is that my lincolnshirer friend in the same case would make the same strong comments but concealing much more his emotions.
I thought the only ones that showed them were we the mediterraneans (Spanish,French,Italians & Greeks), that's all it takes.
As i said pretty much different from english that i expected, new to me.
One adicional comment:
Michael Moore's documentarys had a great success in Europe, being literally belived. That's quite hard to understand when that guys populism its at the same level of Hugo Chaves one (Venezuela's president).
You showed that he was even able to manipulate a man that was no longer master of his mind to support his points. That was unknow to me and most of audience i think. so its fair someone counterbalance that.
That's another hidden face of showbussiness i lie to have news of.