leonari said on 17/Jan/09
DaMan: Have you tried? Do you even know what you are talking about? 3 inch increase is hard, very hard, But a full 2.5 inches is not that much of a problem.
leonari said on 17/Jan/09
3 inches are possible. 2 days ago a guy showed pictures where he stuffed 2 inch lifts in converse al stars. They have 0.5 inch sole. He was close to 2 inches taller with the heel. Now take the same big lifts some big heeled shoe like oXS and you are i 2.5-2.75 department. Not quite 3 inches but close.
RisingForce said on 16/Jan/09
Christ Lynn, Those AREN'T 3 inch shoes! If they were Sly's legs would look unusually long, and they don't. Sly's boots add about 1.75" over your barefoot height and Arnold's add about 1". That's likely the footwear advantage, give or take a little.
Da Man said on 16/Jan/09
Lynn says
"Very easy to gain 3" from barefoot with Oxs. Any doubts?"
Yes, I have doubts.
-You aren't getting 2" from OXS boots, 1.5" tops.
-You aren't getting 1.5" from insoles.
3" isn't happening.
SuperAnonymous said on 16/Jan/09
Slyvester Stallone is wearing monster lifts in those work boots (they give 2 - 2.5 inches boost themselves + 1.5 - 2 inches lift).
I agree that his legs especially from the knees to ankle look disproportionately longer than the rest of his body. His legs have small bones and joints, but his shin bone looks disproportionately long making it completely plausible that he is wearing lifts.
TNTinCA said on 16/Jan/09
Give me a break. Arnold was NEVER 5'11". Not even with his height loss due to age.
Are you honestly telling me that in all the Mr. Olympia competitions where everyone is barefoot, nobody noticed a 5'11" guy trying to pass off himself as 6'2"??
My suspicion is that Arnold was 6'1.5" at his peak and is now closer to 6'. There are tons of photos of Arnold posing with various people during his tenure as Mr. Olympia. Not to mention the movie 'Pumping Iron' shows Arnie and many others in Golds Gym working out, most of the time barefoot. So was everyone including Arnie lying about their height?
RisingForce said on 16/Jan/09
Fair enough miko.
I agree Metric but Sly has always had an unusually long torso for his height. You'll see many pictures where he's shorter at the waist than someone but ends up the same height because of his longer torso. In the interview that he claimed 5'10.75", he also claimed to have a 73 inch reach. You'll notice his arms are very long for his height too, just like his torso.
You're right though that he's a height enigma, his odd proportions and fondness for elevator shoes make him difficult to figure out.
Metric said on 16/Jan/09
Insane pics, Rising. Sly must surely have grown from his HGH abuse?? Or is it surgery?? It may be that his legs don't look unusual but try looking at his torso/upperbody. It his EXTREMELY long and out of proportion with his legs. Looks weird. To say the least. I know they lengthen the legs to make you taller not the torso. But you gotta admit there is something fishy about this? Sly is for sure the greatest height enigma and continues to boggle the mind. In 10 yrs he will be comfortably TALLER than Arnold. Guaranteed...
miko said on 16/Jan/09
Yes Sly is in boots there, its not 100% of course, but the chances are he has at least a small lift in there. If not then well, Arnold could be 5"11 today.
I'm not on your case RisingForce, its good to have a positive sensible argument on here about how tall Sly/Arnold are.
I just can't see Sly over 5"10, possibly he could brush it out of bed - maybe. Of course I think anything below 5"9 is very hard to believe. I don't personally think Sly to be tiny or have anything against the guy. If anything I'm a huge fan of Arnold and would make him taller, but I think he's lost a massive amount of height.
Mike said on 15/Jan/09
IN regards to Glenn seeing Arnold 5'11 Sly and Willis 6'1...well Willis best night to Arnold is 2 inches shorter and Sly's best night is pretty close to Arnold, Im still waiting for Arnold to be 2 inches shorter then those 2 not gonna happen
Mike said on 15/Jan/09
Risinforce barefoot Ill garantee Arnold has Sly by 2-3.5 inches, Sly can come close to Arnold in height, but what you dont understand is Sly's been easy 1 inch taller then Willis the past 3-5 yrs, no way has Willis shrunk, Willis is arguably 5'11 or 6 so I guess that would make Sly look 6 or 6'1, Arnold easily has Willis by 2 sometimes 3 inches..point being whatever is in Sly's footwear is working, he should not be taller then Willis in fair footwear
Metric said on 15/Jan/09
Arn looks 5'11" in that pic. Moeller has bad posture and hunches forward. Still he TOWERS Arnold about 5 inches. He would easily have another inch over Schwarzenegger if he straightened out his spine and stood straight. And don't forget Arnold is closer to the camera than Ralph!! It looks pretty bad for poor old Arn here. Gotta say...
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
miko look at this
Click HereClick HereArnold is maybe 1/4 inch taller. Arnie is in sneakers that add about an inch while Sly is in work style boots which add about 1 3/4 inches. What does that make Arnold? An inch taller? You can see that Sly's legs don't look unusually long either so it's unlikely he has anything in those boots.
So no, I doubt Arnie has 2.5" on Sly and no Sly likely isn't in "4 inch lifts" which don't exist by the way. Look at Rob's articles like Hollywood Shoe Lifts and Heel Height Truth.
Arnie today is about an inch taller than Sly. Arnie is probably a weak 6'0" or a bit under.
miko said on 15/Jan/09
Actually, look at the tilt in that pic, I've just noticed it's tilted massively in Stallones favour. Look at the beams behind them. Untilt it, you get a 1" difference BEFORE you factor Stallone being closer, footwear and posture.
Hopefully someone could untilt it and show the true difference.
miko said on 15/Jan/09
Riskman82 pic, Arnold still edges out Stallone there. Arnold is slouching and Sly is closer to the camera and still turns out 0.25" taller. Stand them side by side, stand Arnie up straight, you'll see an inch. The floor looks uneven too but "some" people on here fail to take those things into account.
All evidence points to Arnold being is around 5"11.5 today (sadly) down from his 6"1+ peak, so he pulls out the lifts at events/meetings.
The sad fact is though, barefoot Arnold is probably still a solid 2.5" taller than Sly, its a shame we'll never see that difference due to Sly having a pair of 3.5" breezeblocks glued to his ankles.
Henk82 said on 15/Jan/09
riskman82: Cool pic, first i thought arnie looked very small, then i looked up the guy at the left what his height was, 205 cm, (6.9) and ralf moeller is 197 cm (6.7), stallone is wearing 4 inches lifts. So Arnie looks about 6.1 there.
Metric said on 15/Jan/09
GREAT pic! Arnold looks NOTHING 6'2" (LOL LOL), 6'1" (LOL) or even 6'0" in this picture!! He actually looks kinda...well uhm "shortish". Ralph has stated himself on German Television (2006) that he is 6'5". He absolutely TOWERS Arnold by about 5 inches!! Now if he stood with a straight spine that would make for a 6'0" Arnie...BUT Ralph is hunched forward and has pretty bad posture. Furthermore he is standing farther away from the camera than Arnold!! If he stood up straight he would EASILY gain another inch over Arnold! Arnold actually looks like he is struggling with 5'11" in this pic! Poor guy. When will you fanboys wake up and smell the beans??? Arnold NEVER was 6'2". He was 6'0" prime and 5'11" today (as Glenn sa him for the xx-millionth time!). BTW for those of you who keep talking about Vince Basilles allegedly "legit" measurement of Arnold (YAAAAAAWN) check out this link:
Click Here It's an interesting thread discussing what some of us rational people have suspected for a long time: That Arnold is a self inflating ballon and that he and Weider lied about his measurements, poundages...and yup you guessed it: his height! Getting back to Vince Basille: As one poster cleverly points out: Why should we believe Vince Basille just beause he SAYS he measured Arnold???????? LFMAO. It's actually painstakingly obvious when you think of it! And completely ridicoulus that some people on here have been swearing to Vinces email as if it was the worlds most infallible "proof" of something EVER!! LFMAO. I ask again: WHY should we believe what comes out of Vinces mouth??? It's only words nothing else. Is there any proof of the measurement ever having taken place??? Does IN FACT a pic exist where Arnold is standing against a stadiometer and the height 6'1.5" is clearly seen (THAT would be proof, not some deluded email)???? NOOOOOOO!!!!!! There is no proof WHATSOEVER to back Vinces big mouth up. I just love the answer one poster gives to him on the thread I linked to. Refreshing to see some people have an opinion and brain of their own. They don't just swallow up ALL of the deluded bodybuilding gospel as pure "fact" and unquestionable truth. Well, go read for yourselves. Quite interesting really.
riskman82 said on 15/Jan/09
Click HereThat's just few days ago..
Rillo said on 14/Jan/09
Wondering if the confusion is to do with the general inability of people to visualise an inch?? In the gym where I train there is a height measuring machine. I measured myself at 175 cm barefoot. I then set the machine to show 6 feet 1 (like Arnold). The first thing that struck me is that the difference from my height to Arnold's reputed height is not that great - my brain imagined I would have to look up further. I repeated with 6 feet 6 and again "I always imagined six feet six people to be bigger than that" Just as a theory I wonder if that is why when some people are lucky to meet celebs in person they appear shorter than their, potentially correct heights?
Danimal said on 14/Jan/09
Lynn says on 13/Jan/09
Thank you for your contribute.
It is since 1975 that I know for sure Arnold peak height was 183-184 cm (6'- 6.05" ).
What I and others KNOW FOR SURE is that you lie A LOT.
Guy said on 13/Jan/09
Henk82: great photo. Arnold's statue definitely doesn't look average sized there. This at least shows Arnold's life sized statue is over 6 feet. Now a salesman making a quick eye estimate gives a four inch difference. I would probably wouldn't give him full benefit of the doubt for being completely accurate as one inch either way can easily be overlooked just by eye estimation. This goes for everyone including myself. We would probably think he was a weirdo if he said 4.41 inches. Most likely the Statue is to represent a 6'1" man. If through the salesman's rough estimate it puts the statue at 6' 1/2" than that's pretty close and there of course is required a margin of error.
Lynn said on 13/Jan/09
Thank you for your contribute.
It is since 1975 that I know for sure Arnold peak height was 183-184 cm (6'- 6.05" ).
Scott B. said on 13/Jan/09
Roger: You need to get your eyes checked. Bush SR NEVER had 3 inches on Arnold.
The pictures I have seen, Arnold had him by an inch.
RisingForce said on 13/Jan/09
jellybean, Arnold may very well be 5'11" now. I don't doubt that but he was certainly around 6'2" in his prime. He was measured at 6'1.5" in the evening by a guy who didn't even like Arnold back in the late 60's. Even he said that Arnold could have been 6'2" in the morning and he likely was.
Now he was lost a lot of height.
At his peak he was 6'2" in the morning and 6'1.5" in the evening. That's a fact.
Now he's likely no more than 6'0" in the morning and 5'11.5" in the evening.
Henk82 said on 13/Jan/09
Picture of henk82 and "lifesize?" statue of arnold in terminator 2. The guy who sold it on this scifi convention said it was made after arnolds measurements from the movie. Henk82= 6.3.5 (192 cm) 207 pounds there, with shirt and thick pullover under jacket. Arnold= stood on a 7 inch plattform, i asked the salesman what our height difference were, about 4 inches he said. The picture is misleading cuz it a bad photo angle. That makes arnold about 184 cm. THe statue doesnt stand straight with it legs, but had bigger boots then me converse sneekers, so i call that an even. You can also see arnold is much wider over shoulders then me and i have weighttrained for 3 years, so he is kind of big.
oh well, enjoy
Click Here
glenn said on 13/Jan/09
seemed to be casuals roger.
glenn said on 13/Jan/09
well i rubbed shoulders with the guy.he was close to 6-2 in the early 90s.now he is around 6ft,maybe slightly under,giving me the illusion of 5-11.i hope.
Roger said on 12/Jan/09
Glenn, I don't know whether this was answered by you before, but: did you notice what kind of shoes Arnold was wearing when the photo with you was shot?
Because, I remember photos of him and the elder Bush from the late 80s, where Bush senior seemed to have around 3 inches on him. Same with Clint Eastwood.
OtherGuy said on 12/Jan/09
Jellybean: the only people here who think there is a conspiracy around Arnold's height are you, Metric, Ali, Roger, Lynn, and various Anonymous jokers who pop in from time to time. Hey, there's one from yesterday. Same thing, just gives Arnold 5'10" without any evidence or proof. This is just like Ali, who pops in with a statement and leaves it at that. Like his last post where he gives no plausible reason for believing his statement, its just the declaration itself that is his proof. Thats all he does, and yet he believes he's better than everyone.
Arnold was measured 6'1.5" in his bodybuilding days and claimed 6'2" for much of his film career. There are thousands of barefoot photos of Arnold from his bodybuilding days where he never looks short next to 6'4.5" Lou Ferrigno and was taller than almost all other competitors of the time. He never looked strangely short where he shouldn't have in his films, and they very often had very tall casts. We have Glenn's observation of Arnold in the early 90's and, yes, the photo to prove it we can all see above. The webmaster Rob has solidified Arnold's peak at 6'1.5" and sees Arnold no less than 6' today. So why is it a conspiracy to believe Arnold was 6'2" peak morning and no less than 6' today. These are the facts. Why is it a conspiracy to believe the broad existence of facts?
I don't think you clearly understand the definition of a conspiracy. Look up the definition. With the idea of massive lifts (as Ali described "magic" lifts), agents and publicists ALWAYS exaggerating celebrities height, photos and films being staged so that Arnold ALWAYS appears taller, they are all clear signs of a conspiracy theorist. Conspiracy is the only thing the aforementioned lot above have to bolster their claims.
Jellybean said on 12/Jan/09
Oh, lordy.
Carl Weathers says he's about the same height as A.S. 'Cos, you know, he's gonna admit that he's also 5'11.
It's not necessary to get nasty SuperAnonymous. I mean, jeez. People will say you're in love.
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/09
i would give this guy 5'11 in the right footwear, he's a legit 5'10
SuperAnonymous said on 12/Jan/09
jellybean: Carl Weathers himself said in an interview that "Arnold and him are about the same height". They did a full movie together and they used to train in the gym together when they were shooting Predator. That means he must be lying and inflating Arnold's height for no reason?
So you are basically pulling stuff out of your a**.
OtherGuy said on 12/Jan/09
I stumbled on this site by accident but thought I could contribute to Arnold's page as I've worked with him on many of his films. He always seemed tall but always wore giant cowboy boots on set. One time I saw him in his trailer in stocking feet and was shocked that he looked so much shorter than before. I happened to glance down into his cowboy boots that were sitting there by the door and noticed a massive built up lift inside. On set he looked like a 6'2" guy but before me in his socks he didn't look much more than 5'10". He was though, a really sweet kind man and I enjoyed working with him. True story.
Guy said on 12/Jan/09
Jellybean: for myself, a photo is more reliable than someone's opinion. I don't know you. Why are you reliable? Why does you hearsay override actual photographic evidence I can see with my own eyes. If you want to prove Arnold is actually 5'10", then prove it with hard evidence. The whole idea that experts are working behind the scenes to "cover" this up, so therefore you're exempt from providing proof we can all see, is unacceptable. I could log on next post as another username and explain that I worked with Arnold closely on most of his films. I could easily say I noticed he was no more than 5'9" when he took off his massive platform shoes. Easy as that. What it comes down to jellybean is the evidence for the above stated height is very solidly supported. In order to deviate so much from it as you and many others attempt to do, you need much more evidence than a nice little story and your own personal visual estimation. So don't be so shocked that people don't believe you.
Hugh said on 12/Jan/09
I can't see him lower than 6ft. 6ft0.5-6ft1 now and 6ft2 in his prime.
Metric said on 12/Jan/09
Good and eloquent post, Jellybean. To use an Arnold expression: stick around.
Ali said on 11/Jan/09
Might have been 5'11 peak. With elevator shoes
he was about 6'1
jellybean said on 11/Jan/09
Guy-- I disagree with you. Unless you've stood next to the guy, rubbed shoulders with him and got a good look at his shoes in real life, then you can't say that comparison photos are more "solid". Arnold appears to be the same height as Carl Weathers, et al, because that's what they "do" in Hollywood.
Look, there are three things old-school actors and politicians never, ever out each other on: hair, height and homosexuality. Even sworn enemies and spurned lovers rarely out them on the 3 Hs. Publicists automatically add 2 inches to their heights. An old trick is to lift the heels a little when a photo is taken.
Anyway. You're married to the idea that he is 6'+ and even believe that there's some conspiracy to contradict that. I'm obviously not going to change your mind.
glenn said on 11/Jan/09
no clue shredder.
the shredder said on 10/Jan/09
Rob or Glenn , how tall is Rae Dawn Chong ?
The Game said on 10/Jan/09
Yeah one could argue that I am all those people but I'm not. I found this site by accident searching for pics of Erika Christensen, she's hot. Well like I said I'm basing my estimates on his height based on my father having met him on several occasions and comparing their heights. He doesn't usually walk around with a tape measure. He simply told me that Schwarzenegger was big but not as tall as you would think he is watching his movies.
Guy said on 10/Jan/09
If that were the case The Game, Arnold would be as you said 5'11" in the photo above. I don't see that. Why does Arnold appear the same height as Carl Weathers, Tom Arnold, David Letterman etc etc. The fact that Arnold was measured 6'1 1/2" (to which no other celebrity can probably claim being measured on this site)and has back up testimony from his friends and thousands of photos, pretty much establishes his peak height as near 6'2". And if you look at the top of the page, you'll see this established as Arnold's height. The Game, Jellybean, and Hollywoodfan drop in with various anecdotes but nothing at a level necessary to challenge what is solid. One could even argue they're all the same person, I haven't seen Ali here for a while.........
The Game said on 10/Jan/09
Arnold can't be more than 5'11" to 6' tall. My father's empllyer did work for Arnold for many years and when he would make an appearance at the office my dad said that he (6'2") "towered" above Schwarzenegger the future governor.
glenn said on 9/Jan/09
i dont doubt that he is under 6ft today,as i saw him that low.but in his prime,he mightve been a full 6-2 when he woke.
glenn said on 9/Jan/09
acg-yeah,im lucky.arnold was tough to get then,and is way tougher to get now.but he takes hundreds of photos at events and functions,so alot of people do have it.in the street he is tough.
ACG said on 9/Jan/09
jellybean says on 9/Jan/09
How is saying Schwarzenegger is 5'11 outrageous?
You said he is 5'11 on a very good day and more likely 5'10....that is impossible, imho. I see Arnie as 5'11.5 at night being very bare minimum, but most likely still taller. He did lose some height, though.
adam said on 9/Jan/09
He has been measured 6-1
Vibram said on 9/Jan/09
He wears some quite think formal shoes I notice recently. He's aware of strikingly fast shrinkage and falling below 6ft in governement roles could be bad eggs.
jellybean said on 9/Jan/09
How is saying Schwarzenegger is 5'11 outrageous?
Alex said on 8/Jan/09
Glenn, I think Arnold has always looked at least 6'1 in all of his older movies. It wasn't until probably the late 90s where he looked to have lost a bit of height.
ACG said on 8/Jan/09
Yeah, I agree with rodrigo, this pic rocks! Def one of your better ones, glenn. Some of your pics show neither you or the celeb exactly looking thrilled to be there, but in this Arnie one, you guys look like family. A happy family. If I didn't know who glenn was, I'd think he was Arnold's son at some family get-together...
The whole picture radiates warmth and friendliness...never in a million years would I have guessed that the guy in the middle was a complete stranger to the Schwarzenegger/Schriver clan!!
ACG said on 8/Jan/09
Hollywoodfan says on 7/Jan/09
In regards to jellybean's post, someone I met who worked with the special olympics a number of years ago said that Arnold was a flat 5'11".....
You two worked with the Special Olympics? Were either of you on a winning team?
All joking aside, there's no way Arnold was only 5'11 "years ago", and even today that's the barest of bare minimums for him. I'm actually willing to bet that he never dips below the 6'0 mark at any time of the day in 2009.
glenn said on 8/Jan/09
thanks rodrigo!
glenn said on 8/Jan/09
didnt mean to sound snotty chris.
Hollywoodfan said on 7/Jan/09
In regards to jellybean's post, someone I met who worked with the special olympics a number of years ago said that Arnold was a flat 5'11" without shoes but was visibly several inches taller when wearing his shoes. Can't vouch for the accuracy since I wasn't there.
Alex said on 7/Jan/09
Just saw him in Commando again. He's easily over 6'0. 6'1, maybe pushing 6'2 at most. No way under 6'1 at his peak.
jah_know said on 7/Jan/09
his body is shaped in a geometry that is incompatible with Euclidean geometric schemas of specificity; further his height follows a quantum probabilistic wave function rather than a discrete linear coordinate system, which profoundly complicates accurate measurement.
but a heuristic approximation can be found yeilding the followin: 1949 - 1m; 1965 - 1.2m; 1971 - 2.999999m; 1979 - 6foot &negative 2 inches; 2025 - 6 foot 2 inches; 1992(1) - 6 foot 2.5 inches; 1999 - 5 foot 9.5 inches; 1992(2nd iteration) - 5 foot [1/(2^-1)] inches; 2009 - 5 foot 19 centimetres.
sry but if u disagree ur wrong and me, schwarzenneggah (trad. spell'ng.), & steven hawking will prove you to be an idiot on 10*10^10^100^1000 public forums so don't try to argue
Hugh said on 7/Jan/09
I buy 6ft2. easily. I'd say he was that height up till about 1995/1996. When his movie career was beginning to sink.
ACG said on 7/Jan/09
jellybean says on 5/Jan/09
I work for the state of California. I've been in meetings with the governor many times. I've gone to state parties, fundraiser picnics and other events where Mr. Schwarzenegger was present. I've stood next to him, sat next to him in chairs and even once on the grass. He's a really nice man. I'm a staunch democrat but I agree with a lot of his policies on reform and don't think he's been bad for CA. I like him.
He is 5'11 on a good day. 5'10 is probably more accurate. The reason he walks like Frankenstein is because the soles of his shoes are so thick. He wears lifts, even in his sneakers. I'm 5'5" and the shortest person in my family so I am obsessed with measuring height. His honor is a sweet guy, just not very tall.
Gotta at least give this person credit for attempting to pump up their credibility before making an outrageous claim. Nice try.
Chris said on 7/Jan/09
Yes ofcourse 6'1 3'4 is almost 6'2''. My mistake.
rodrigo said on 7/Jan/09
Glenn, this is a great picture!
sid said on 6/Jan/09
jellybean Your lying cause I am 5'10 I saw arnold here when there were opening up planet hollywood, arnold looked 6 to 6'1 he was taller then me, i wasn't too far, i guessed little over 6ft
jellybean said on 5/Jan/09
I work for the state of California. I've been in meetings with the governor many times. I've gone to state parties, fundraiser picnics and other events where Mr. Schwarzenegger was present. I've stood next to him, sat next to him in chairs and even once on the grass. He's a really nice man. I'm a staunch democrat but I agree with a lot of his policies on reform and don't think he's been bad for CA. I like him.
He is 5'11 on a good day. 5'10 is probably more accurate. The reason he walks like Frankenstein is because the soles of his shoes are so thick. He wears lifts, even in his sneakers. I'm 5'5" and the shortest person in my family so I am obsessed with measuring height. His honor is a sweet guy, just not very tall.
RisingForce said on 5/Jan/09
Arnold could have been and probably was 6-2 in the morning.
The man who measured him stated this.
"Several of the guys there claimed certain heights and everyone was at least 1/2 inch shorter on Mit's scale. Arnold claimed 6' 2" but measured 6' 1 1/2" that evening. I did say that he might be 6-2 in the morning."
6-1.5 evening means he likely was 6-2 in the morning. I agree with Glenn though, you can't tell 6-1.75 from 6-2.
glenn said on 5/Jan/09
cause 6-1 3/4 is pretty much 6-2,he looked 6-2 to me in the early 90s,and thats what he usually claimed.read the very top of the page.
Hugh said on 5/Jan/09
In his prime he was easily 6ft2.
linebacker40 said on 5/Jan/09
I thought Arnold was a solid 6'2" guy. Guess he must have shrunk or was never really that tall. Still a big guy no matter what.
Chris said on 5/Jan/09
Why would Arnold be 6'2'' when he clearly said he was 6'1 and three quarters tall when he was younger.
anonymous said on 4/Jan/09
in the arnold-bridges shot, there is max one inch between them, and bridges is closer to the camera (and obviously in shoes). take all into consideration, and arnold is certainly taller.
Ian said on 4/Jan/09
MHouillon says on 17/Dec/08
The pic with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is a great one, guy ! They have their knees at the same level, where Arnie's should be def. lower than Dwayne's. So Arnie clearly wears lifts in this pic.
How should they be def. lower. Everyone has different propotions. I've seen people with massive long legs and tiny bodies and people with short legs and really long bodies.
Guy said on 4/Jan/09
Obviously Steve Jobs is not 6'2".
Hugh said on 4/Jan/09
181-182cm is ridiculous. He clearly looks no shorter than 184cm. I think he was easily 6ft2 at his peak. Tiger Woods I think is at least 6ft1.
Chris said on 4/Jan/09
Great job James. Arnold looks 6'1''. I belive 6 feet today, maybe a tad under.
Lynn said on 3/Jan/09
Steve Jobs was not 6-2 that night.
Guy said on 3/Jan/09
Something is fishy with the Tiger Woods photo. Steve Jobs is supposed to be a tall guy at 6'2". Arnold looks the same height as him there( not to say Arnold is still 6'2"). Tiger Woods appears really only a little more than 1 inch taller and probably about 1.5 inches. Why does tiger look that much taller than a supposed 6'2" guy (Jobs). Is Tiger 6'3.5"? Even if Jobs is only 6' (a stretch) than Tiger still looks 6'1.5". Then we have another photo from the same night where it is very clear Arnold and Tiger are the same height. I hope these photos show up.
Click Here Click Here Click HereSo what is the deal with that? What better evidence is there than two people looking eye to eye. I'd say my photos are more accurate and reliable. Arnold even looked a little taller than Steve Jobs, which puts Job's height under consideration.
Click HereIts hard to say whether there is optical distortion due to a telephoto lens with the other photo, but it certainly isn't (as has been mention), the "best" evidence for Arnold being under 6'. If anything that day shows too many contradictions.
glenn said on 3/Jan/09
i told you guys he looked 5-11 to me.
sid said on 3/Jan/09
SuperAnonymous jeff bridges and aronld is staying hungry, they looked the same height in that movie, maybe jeff edging him abit
MHouillon said on 2/Jan/09
@ RisingForce AND James: GREAT PICS !!!! It really seems, that Arnie is a 181-182cm (5'11.25 / 5'11.5) nowadays... A WEAK (VERY WEAK) 6 footer in the morning. And I think the 187cm was a little too generous measured. I guess he was more like 186cm at his peak.
Metric said on 2/Jan/09
Arnold looked 5'11" with Tiger Woods.
SuperAnonymous said on 2/Jan/09
James: Jeff Bridges was 6'2" peak back in the 70s and not 6'1". He has shrunk now to 6'0.5" - 6'1". With both people barefoot Arnold would have been 0.5 - 1 inches shorter.
Get your facts straight.
Lynn said on 2/Jan/09
Jeff Bridges never was 6'2". He was 6'1" Max.
Your arguments are the best proof that Arnold was around 6' peak.
henk82 said on 2/Jan/09
James: the first picture is the only pic where arnolds height can be judged properly. It shows bridges with 1 inch shoes and arnold is barefoot, and i wonder how u can say Jeff is being 3 inches taller HAHA. LOOK at their noses, bridges nose-tip is 1 inch higher then arnold, and take off him his shoes they are the SAME HEIGHT, wtf man. I have seen that clip myself and they are about the same height, or maybe bridhes is 1/4 inches taller. Gah please
nick said on 2/Jan/09
wow lol. He himself stated 6'1 3/4. This was his max height. Close enough to say 6'2, i think rob may have paid this guy to ask him this question, good job rob. 6'0 now would make sense
Anonymous said on 1/Jan/09
I am not sure Arnold was 6'2"/1.5" peak. He could have been as low as 5'11.5" - 6'0"/0.5" peak. now he does not look more than 5'11"
ralph said on 18/Oct/06
Arnold Schwarzenneger was 6'1" and Is 6'1". He is very close to that height.
Ed said on 10/Oct/06
Well, I think tha everyone will gonna turn a little shorter with the pass of the years, so what is the reason to figth agaist Arnol tall, he was 6`2` in his best days nowadays he is 6
Anonymous said on 5/Oct/06
I think there's no doubt given the shot with Sly below that Arnie was a tall man. 6'1'' to 6'2'' seems on the money.
MHouillon said on 5/Oct/06
To "THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS" : Clint Eastwoods posture in one of your pics is very, very slouching! Clint is a minimum of 186-187cm (6'1.5") these days, (I think he was a weak 6'4 (6'3.5) in his prime. So he should still tower a little over Arnie.
Answer said on 4/Oct/06
Sly is 5'9". But I do believe Arnie is 6' or 6'1. I don't think he's 6'2 though. I think he's around 6'1 MAYBE he still is 6'1.5".
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 4/Oct/06
Ok, I've used this pic on the Sly page but it's also quite a gem for proving Arnie was AT LEAST a 6-footer
Click HereAs you can see, Arnlold's CLEARLY WEARING *NO LIFTS* in what looks like 0.25" slips. He still has several inches over Stallone, who in WORST case is 5'8" and wearing no lifts. In that scenario, Arnold looks to be around 6' even. But I believe Stallone to be really 5'9" in his prime and who knows what he packs in those white trainers, meaning Arnold is probably even taller than 6' in that pic.
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 4/Oct/06
Barefoot on stage with 6'5" Lou Ferrigno and Joe Weider from almost a decent angle
Click Here
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 4/Oct/06
With some pretty big bodybuilding buddies
Click HereQuote from the site:
"Arnold's Gladiators Sven Ole Thorsen (left from Arnold in the yellow suit) and big Ralf Mueller (right from Arnold). Also on the picture are Arnold's stunt double Peter Kent (behind Arnold) and two other boydbuilding friends (I think that's Tom Platz in the yellow t-shirt)"
Original page
Click Here
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 4/Oct/06
Arnold towering over Nicole Kidman, Clint Eastwood, Gerard Depardieu, Whoopi Goldberg and Sly Stallone
Click Here
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 4/Oct/06
For all those who believe Arnie is now old, shrivelled up and lost lots of height, here's a recent pic of him and his wife on vacation taken by Paparazzi
Click HereNowhere near his Olympia form but still in helluva good shape for being almost 60. I'm sure his height hasn't shrunk as much either, I'm guessing 6'0.5" barefeet these days, and definitely 6'1.5" in his prime.
dmeyer said on 3/Oct/06
so pundog thinks arnie is 6 feet 2 or 3
Max said on 3/Oct/06
I've measured my height numerous times and I'm 6 feet even. I met Arnold 2 yrs ago, and he was slightly taller than me, but not by alot. My best guess is 6'1-6'2.
mike said on 3/Oct/06
i hope this article goes through, i couldn't link it but here is an interesting article on arnold's height, i just copied and pasted it, i don't know any of these people, but the 2 reporters have interviewed arnold this year say hes a strong 6 footer, and this tall person in the government whose 6'4 says Arnold's 6'1 ish... read on people "Shoshana Lombardi, a manager at a Washington public-relations agency who found herself standing just inches from Schwarzenegger during the filming of "True Lies" in D.C. a decade ago, agrees, saying he's "5-9 -- 5-10 max."
And Laura Noss, once the PR manager for Planet Hollywood in D.C., says she stood next to the restaurant's celebrated co-owner several times in 1995 and was struck by how similar Schwarzenegger was in stature to her 5-7 1/2 sibling.
"It was like looking at my brother -- except Arnold is like three times his size in terms of width," Noss says. "I can assure you, though, that Arnold is not even 5-10. He comes in at a strong 5-8."
Or does he? Could it be that Schwarzenegger's vertical shortcoming is just a tall tale? Edie Lambert and Kevin Riggs both conducted one-on-one interviews with Schwarzenegger this year for Sacramento's KCRA Channel 3, and the reporters are convinced he's around 6 feet.
"That's our best guess," says Lambert, who is 5-10 sans shoes.
Riggs, Lambert says, is about 5-11 1/2. "And Arnold," she says, "definitely is a little taller than both of us."
Tony Strickland, who has a unique vantage point of California's political lineup as one of the state's tallest legislators, says his best guess is 6-1 or 6-2.
"He does wear high boots a lot of times," says Strickland, the 6-4 1/2 Republican assemblyman from Moorpark. "But those guys are crazy if they say he's 5-8 or 5-9.
"I think it's an expectations game. They expect him to be big because he's huge in the movies. Maybe people are surprised he's not 6-7, 6-8. But he's a legitimate 6-1. He's a tall man."
Pundog said on 3/Oct/06
I am 6foot 6 and when i met arnie he was a good 3-4 inches shorter than me
Height Detective said on 1/Oct/06
Arnold and Bon Jovi
Click Here
Answer said on 28/Sep/06
Here's a picture of Arnold with Clint Eastwood (Eastwood is reported to be 6'1.5" nowadays, he was taller in his younger days):
Click HereMaybe a bad side on the picture, but yeah, whatever...
jo jo said on 22/Sep/06
Arnold looks to be about 6 feet even. Watch for the scene where he boards a private jet in "Eraser". The 6'3" Nick Chinlund towers over Arnold.

Editor Rob
chinlund only claims 6ft 2 though...
Meinhart said on 22/Sep/06
Guy's, Arnold is not and as an adult has never been 6'2, 5'10, 5'11, 6'!!
He is 6'1 and probably 6'1.5 10-20 years ago but no more than that. Anecdotal reports and doggy photos prove nothing, take the pic posted by Ola below of Arn with Ferrigno and you can see that the pic is taken from a low vantage point, this make the difference between their heights seem geater than it is.
Oh and who the hell can tell the difference between 6'1 and 6'0.5 without getting out a tape measure! Answer nobody. If you say you can you are a lier simple as that!
MyKat said on 21/Sep/06
I don't know anything about how shoes are made, but I saw Arnie in Germany, he seemed shorter than my 5' 11". But we were a few feet away. I'd guess about 5' 10".
Ola said on 18/Sep/06
If Arnold was 6'2 then Lou was atleast 6'6. Lou was meassured as 6'5 in his body building contests, seems logic to me... couse its atleast 4 inch between them(maybe even 5):
Click HereSo i give Arnold 6'1 back in the days. and 6'05 today
Glenn said on 17/Sep/06
I havnt seen the guy since 1992.so hard to say.wouldnt surprise me if he was 6ft now.would explain the 5-10 claims.he was 6-2 for sure.
H said on 17/Sep/06
About that Arnold should be 6'3" or 6'4" as Jone says:
Arnold was supposed to play The Hulk, but was "not tall enough". 6"4.5' Lou Ferrigno got the part instead. So forget that he should be that tall.
The Judge said on 16/Sep/06
Hello Glenn!...D'you think Arnold has shrunk an inch or more?
He's 59 years old, okay, so it's normal for a man to lose 1, maybe 2 cm but more...
kene said on 15/Sep/06
i beleive his a barefoot 185 in his 20s.. but not 183 is asure.. most body builder are pushing down heights with carry weights..
H said on 14/Sep/06
Tom Arnold is 6'1" (185 cm):
Click Here
Anonymous said on 14/Sep/06
Hi Mike, I am sure Arnold was that height. Arnold weighed 260 lbs back then. He had an old Opel Rekord car and I always sat in the back because he drove so wildly back then! I still have a Gibson guitar which he played a bit.
Danimal said on 13/Sep/06
He's been listed in the Guiness Book of World Records for over 25 years at 6'1" and 235 pounds in peak shape, as the world's perfect body.
Answer said on 13/Sep/06
Arnie has said that he was 6'1.5" when he was a bodybuilder. When he became a movie star he rounded it up to 6'2", just to make it easier, and (probably) make it sound much taller. If he has shrunk now, I don't know.
Danimal said on 12/Sep/06
Mike, he's stood barefoot on stage for 15 years against legit 6'0"-6'2" men. What more proof do you need that he was over 6'1".
TheMan said on 12/Sep/06
I think he may of rounded up to 6,2 for sure.
mike said on 12/Sep/06
roger if u really were good friends with arnold, how tall around would u have guessed him to be in ur own opinion???, and guys look at funny arnold clips on you tube where he's talking about "pumping and coming...lol", many of his clips have him exercising barefoot, so manyyyyyyy people have seen him barefoot, and know ballpark what he stands around
Roger Field said on 12/Sep/06
I was a good friend of Arnold Schwarzenegger in Munich in 1968 when he was a bodybuilding trainer at Rolf Putzinger's gym in Munich. I asked Arnold how tall he was and he told me 1m 87cm which is almost 6'2." There are many articles about us on the internet. I haven't shrunk since then and I'm sure that neither did he.
dmeyer said on 11/Sep/06
the man is right like 187 at peak and 184-5 now
Anonymous said on 10/Sep/06
arnie was about 6 fr 1.5 and now 6 0.5
TheMan said on 10/Sep/06
I think arnold thought he was 6,2 and i belive he was near on it like a cm out. Even in commando they say on the radio around 6,2 arnold would of wanted them to say that. Now i think he's probably 185cm 6,1. Shrinkage slightly probably due to the heavy weights and abit of age now. Anyway i still think he's pretty tall.
Danimal said on 10/Sep/06
Arnold is at least 6'1". Here's the proof. This is him talking with Kevin Levrone. World Class Pro bodybuilder who is between 5'9" and 5'10" LEGIT. How many inches do you think Arnie has on him? Fast forward to 3:35
Click Here
Viper652 said on 10/Sep/06
I gotta admit, the guy has had one HELL of a life coming from nothing. Hes pretty blessed.
Zach said on 9/Sep/06
Arnolds not 6'4 Jone, he was dwarfed by a legit 6'4 guy in Commando and also here
Click Here scroll down to third row.
I do reckon he was very close to 6'2 back in the 80's. Even now he never looks anything less than 6ft. I reckon Rob's original estimate of Arnie being 6.05 these days was spot on.
mike said on 8/Sep/06
www.sabah.com.tr/2003/11/06/d11.html, arnold with bush looks to be on flat ground
mike said on 8/Sep/06
one more thing if arnold is/ was only 5'10 then stallone is barely 5'6 b/c all the pics from the 1980's and so forth have arnold over sly by at least 4 inches
mike said on 8/Sep/06
most people love arnold viper, i remember frank liked him, he was cool with u right glenn??? but theres some people that dont like him, or want to find a flaw b/c he's the biggest action star of or time, some women dont like him, b/c he is/was a womanizer and a few guys don't like him for whatever reason i read an article in one of arnold's "groping" cases where the woman said arnold's this tall man over 6 feet tall, when describing him, but there also was a lady who clamed to have met him and said hes barely 5'8
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
How could anyone not like Arnie?
Danimal said on 8/Sep/06
To make him look small than he is, because not everyone likes the man.
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
I agree D.but whats to make of the rash of short sightings? some from credible sources,such as industry types?
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
No ankle poppin Viper,but yes,he walks funny.humpty dumpty as someone else said.
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
Oh,yeah.he appeared 6-2.
Danimal said on 7/Sep/06
NO Glenn, Arnie was a tall guy. He appeared in TOO MANY international competitions with legit 6'0", 6'1" and 6'2" guys. I believe that he was 6'1.5" in his younger days. Today he is still over 6'0", but by how much, I'm not sure.
Joe said on 7/Sep/06
Glenn, didn't you say he was definitely 6'0+ when you met him?
H said on 7/Sep/06
You do shrink a half inch when you train your knees. The spine is shrinking down, and straighting out again when you sleep. Maybe that's why Arnold was 6'1.5" and not 6'2"? He maybe was measured during the bodybuilding contest just after a knee-workout?
brent said on 7/Sep/06
I have seen Arnold in person numerous times, the first time in the 1980's. I am 5'11" he is no taller than 5'10". Believe it or not. The last time I saw him was on the set of the Batman movie he did, he was wearing platform shoes, part of the Mr. Freeze costume, He was 6'3" in those shoes
mike said on 7/Sep/06
first off jg, arnold is taller then 5'8 or 5'9, glenn is 5'8, arnold's footwear would have to be 6-7 inches bigger then glenn's footwear (even stallone cant pull that off...lol) if he was only 5'8, every arnold and bruce willis pic excpet the digging one where theres a huge angle he always has bruce by 2-3 inches, and glenn says willis is close to 6, sometimes appears over 6, and is listed here 5'11.5 but now rumors are coming out bruce is barely 5'10, anyway arnold was with tony blair recently and their both around the same height, and blair is 6 even or 6'0.5 max, and if arnold was measured lets say at least 6'1 back in 1970, theres no reason to think hes barely 5'10 now of days, and remember even frank2 had arnold well over 6 feet, who has lower estimates then glenn sometimes
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
Glenn, didnt you say Arnie walked funny with his ankles popping out of his shoes?
Glenn said on 7/Sep/06
Is it possible arnie shrunk Danimal? or is he another SLY guy? enough short claims to get me suspicious.
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
JG, are you absolutely positive?
JG said on 6/Sep/06
I just met Arnold at a recent press conference in CA - and all of us present we struck by how SHORT he is. I am 5'6", and when I shook his hand, he couldn't have been more than 2 or 3 inches taller than me.
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
For those of you who are interested, go to this link and look what happened to once 5'10"-5'11" Joe Weider. You have to scroll down a bit. It's sad.
Click Here
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
What shocked me is how much Joe Weirder has shrunk. At a recent event, Arnold presented Weider with an award and Weider was shorter than 5'4" Franco Columbo. Joe used to be 5'10"-5'11". It's SCARY. He couldn't even hold his own microphone. The man is in his mid 80's today and looks like he could be blown over by the wind.
megatron said on 6/Sep/06
apologies judge misread your comment.. we both agree anyways, peace.
The Judge said on 6/Sep/06
Hi Megatron...I just said that Arnold is probably 6' or 6'0,5" THESE DAYS.
I think he was 6'1" or 6'1.5" in the 80's, during his Mr.Olympia's reign. Excuse me if you did'nt understand. Sayonara...
megatron said on 5/Sep/06
this site lists kristanna loken at 5-11
Click Herepic below shows arnie to have good 1-2inches over her and she prolly wearing big heels too
Click Here
megatron said on 5/Sep/06
judge, how can mr olympia pics prove arnold is at 6 or 6-05 these days if his last olympia was in early eighties? 6 or 6-05 today maybe, but def around 6-2 during olympia, conan, t2, etc......
Henry said on 5/Sep/06
Believe it or not, but Arnie is MAX 6'2". I believe 6'1,5" as the artice says is right. No matter how tall he is, he doesn't LOOK so tall anymore on some pictures. Don't know why...
The Judge said on 5/Sep/06
Mr.Arnold is at least 6'7"...No, no I tried to make a joke! Actually, I think that many photos proves that our Mr.Olympia is around 6'or 6'0,5" these days. The photo with Bush is not a solid proof cause the president is on the foreground, don't forget this!!
Jone said on 5/Sep/06
You don't have to believe me, but Arnold is no sub-six footer!
Jone said on 4/Sep/06
That's because Stahl is wearing steep platforms, while Arnold is Barefooted.
Mr. Principle Of Perspective said on 4/Sep/06
Henry, if I use your same argument tactics I can prove Nick Stahl is small as a Smurf ...
Click HereBut let's get real, shall we?
Click HereClick Here
Glenn said on 4/Sep/06
I still agree with Frank2 on that.one of many agreements actually.it was the disagreements that caused attention.
Mr. Principle Of Perspective said on 4/Sep/06
O Gawd Henry, RU seriously using that pic to argue Arnie's shorter than Bush?!
Then Arnie must only be short as his wife also ...
Click HereLet's turn the tables shall we?
Click Here
dmeyer said on 3/Sep/06
arnie is the only one that frank 2 thinks is taller than listed i cant see arnie under 6'0.75" even nowadays
Anonymous said on 3/Sep/06
arnie was probably 187 and now 184
Glenn said on 3/Sep/06
Yeah Mike and I believe he appeared and was measured at 6-1.5 correct? and looked this near others?
mike said on 3/Sep/06
yeah glenn he has thousands of barefoot pictures out there with people and other bodybuilders, and another thing in pumping iron, arnold taunts lou ferrigno, b/c arnold won all the time,lou was always close but never won, i think if arnold was under 6 feet, ferrigno to get back at arnold would've said something like this after a contest "he may have won, but at least i'm over 6 feet tall"
Glenn said on 3/Sep/06
Henry-anything is possible.even Sly at 5-7 is possible.but highly unlikely.one thing is certain,Colin Farrel isnt 5-8 or 5-9.he is 5-11.this 5-10 Arnie thing is intrigueing.the thing is,Arnie has been barefoot alot early in his career correct?
Viper652 said on 3/Sep/06
Jone has been saying 6-4 the whole time. Hes the ultimate Arnold fanboy.
mike said on 2/Sep/06
glenn i know u saw arnold many times always lookin 6'2 or close to it, u don't buy that 5'10 to 5'11 crap right???? i mean frank also had him 6'1 to 6'2, and he and u have differed on heights with urs being alil higher, his being a lil lower
Glenn said on 2/Sep/06
Jone,you and your Friend are Wrong.in his prime he was 6-2 TOPS.now maybe a hair less.I met him many times in the early 90s.
mike said on 31/Aug/06
aussie arnold looks shorter then jim but taller then jonathan, and with the vince thing, remember when arnold visited smackdown, back in 1999, he was taller then stone cold steve austin by an inch and was the same or a spec shorter then mcmahon i think, but mcmahon changes his footwear on occasions b/c hes actually taller and more muscular then some of his wrestlers..lol,
Glenn said on 31/Aug/06
Whats interesting is that its not Ebert that says 5-10.at least 2 others have.in the political world and movie industry.he has a Sly myth thing going.I saw 6-2 in the early 90s.
Anonymous said on 31/Aug/06
Some one working on the set of True Lies said Arnold was in the 5'9 to 5'10 range!....some one posted on this site sometime ago!
I think those who see Arnie close up, those that worked with him on film sets have a better idea about his true height!
They have seen him probably barefoot and up close and are in a better position to make a more accurate estimate about his height!
Anonymous said on 31/Aug/06
I've seen some of the pic postings of Arnie and Weigner. You can't say Arnold wears lifts. In the past pics, Arnold is comfortably taller than the guy when Arnie is barefoot and the guy is in chunky shoes. Knock off 2 inches for Weigner and get Arnie standing straight like Weigner, then a 5 inch difference emerges.
This fits in with the recent pics, where if anything Weigner has lost 1 inch height anyway ALONG with Arnie.
Aussie Bloke said on 31/Aug/06
Am I blind, or does Arnold appear marginally taller than Jonathan in that picture. If this is the case, albeit Jonothan is on a slight slant, Arnold must be above 183cm. Also, does Arnold have a small head, or is it just JIM and Jonathon have MASSIVE heads, because in both pictures Arnold's chin is higher up by around an inch, yet he is supposed to be shorter than both of them. CREEPY DUDE, JUST PLAIN SCARY!!!!
Viper652 said on 31/Aug/06
Dkko, it would be cool If you could upload those pics where supposedly Vince towers over Arnold.
Danimal said on 30/Aug/06
Vince is not 6'4". He's at most 6'2". He could have been over that in his younger years however. I agree that Arnold is floating around 6'1" today, or slightly under that.
Ola said on 30/Aug/06
Vince just towers over "Mr Governator" ..really? good luck if there is more than 1 inch between them!
Anonymous said on 30/Aug/06
At one site, they have got Arnold listed at 5'10!
Doug said on 30/Aug/06
Vince is 188 not 193 cm. Arnold is now about 6ft 1 maybe 6ft 0 1/2
Viper652 said on 30/Aug/06
Vince isnt 6-4.
Dkko said on 30/Aug/06
I have some photos of Arnold posing together with Vince McMahon (WWE owner) Vince just towers over "Mr Governator" and since Vince is a good 193cms, Arnold
simply can't be any taller than 180, I give him 178cms if that
The Judge said on 29/Aug/06
Hi!...I think rwfender is right. At 59 years old, Mr.Arnold has shrunk an inch MAX!!! I saw Pumping Iron 2 and he's clearly taller than the others champions. In Guiness book Mr.Arnold was described at 6'1" and 235 lbs.(107 kg). I'm sure of that.
rwfender said on 29/Aug/06
Is it really possible for Arnold to be his age and have shrunk 1.5 inches already?? that seems a little extreme...my grandpa is in his early 70s and he says he has shrunk an inch...how has arnold lost 1.5 inches at his age? maybe he was 184 cm in his prime and lost a 1/2 inch but I cant see more than that??
mike said on 29/Aug/06
i agree with u dmeyer, i don't think he's 6'2 or 6'1 anymore but he's prolly like 6'0.5 my guess, but his spokespeople prolly just round his height down so when government people meet him and he looks 6'0 or over their not disapointed, anonymous3 yeah there are a couple of pics where bush and arnold are around the same height, but...there are some pics where arnold truly is 3 inches taller, u don't see that with bush, time to take a barefoot pic of those 2 together, Viper652 i heard that before too about roger ebert having him under 6, but frank, glenn, jim, jonathan, mike katz and many other people have him def over 6
Viper652 said on 29/Aug/06
Its interesting how Roger Ebert says Arnold is only 5-10-5-11.
Anonymous4 said on 29/Aug/06
Unless you can see their feet, have a full view of where they're standing and know what's in their shoes then nothing is conclusive. Big company CEO's and big world leaders are all renowned for wearing huge heels and lifts. The barefeet Arnold pics are the best reference and they all show Arnie to be at least 6' in his bodybuilding days. End of story.
DMeyer said on 28/Aug/06
i dont get whi you list him only 6 foot
Anonymous3 said on 28/Aug/06
A lot of people on this site have short memories1 where is the picture which headed this site, showing Arnold and President Bush standing next to each other and Arnold was just about the same height as Bush!
Making him 5'11 in shoes! He also looked the same or if not slightly shorter than the 5'11 American chat show host! (whose name i can't remember at this point!)
DMeyer said on 28/Aug/06
in the diging pic bruce look 6 feet1 and sly 5 feet 8 tops
mike said on 27/Aug/06
and i believe u gotxo movies can do special tricks with heights and angles but i've seen the 6th day 5 times starring arnold and he is alil shorter then michael rappaport in all their scenes together (their friends in the movie so it's not like the director had to make arnie look bigger or smaller) i think and he's like 6'2 to 6'3,
mike said on 27/Aug/06
anonymous 5'10 is a little ridicoulous for arnold but one thing i will agree with u on is where u compare his height to weight ratio, one time i asked glenn what he guessed arnold weighed around b/c glenn always saw him as 6'2 or close to it in person and he guessed like 250 or alil higher just because arnold has alot of muscle and of his tall height, and glenn did say hes not that good at guessing weight, but anonymous no one would want to admit there above 240 in weight, whether their 5'10 or 6'2, and come on he towers over glenn in their pic, and is alot thicker
mike said on 27/Aug/06
thank u anonymous2, everyone seems to forget that arnold has thousands of pictures taken barefooted for crying out loud, i'd maybe think arnold could be 5'10 if he never did bodybuilding, and both glenn and frank have arnold over 6 feet, and frank who seems to be accurate or lowers peoples heights by an inch or 2, agrees arnold's over 6
Anonymous2 said on 27/Aug/06
Tell me Arnold is under 6' with this pic!
Click HereIf Arnold is only 5'10 that makes Frank Zane and most other top Olympia competitors like 5'5! NOT!
Gotxo said on 27/Aug/06
I find terrible hard to belive Ahnuld being under 6', it makes a lot hard to appear so tall on screen, no matter wich the reality is.
BTW i don't think is much over that.
ralph said on 27/Aug/06
I dont understand why arnold is listed as a 6 foot. He is clearly taller than 6'1" jonathan, and look at the pic with jim, jim is kind of pushing arnold down (Ian McKellen technique)
J-Dog said on 27/Aug/06
Can we all agree on one thing, that Arnold in his prime which is his late 20's and 30's Arnold was 6'1.5"?
J-Dog said on 27/Aug/06
Guys take a look at this picture with Andre and Wilt the Stilt baby!
Click Here
Anonymous said on 26/Aug/06
I always belived Arnold was around the 5'10 mark! at his peak he was probably 5'10.5! he has never weighted more than 235 - 240lb! but was huge in size! if he was genuinely 6'.1.5 or 6'2 he had to weight around 280 - 300lb to be that big. having a chest of 60 inches at his peak!
he is probably 5'9.5 to 5'10 at the present time!
I have never for one second accepted or beleived he was 6'1 or 6'2
I beleive the Aspen guy of the 5'10 listing!
Anony said on 26/Aug/06
Aspen, as a ski-tech haven't you often encountered people who over/under'ed their heights on paper because they prefer a longer/shorter pair of skis? The important question was, how tall did Arnie LOOK to ya, since you've seen him a couple times?
Aspen 86 ski tech said on 26/Aug/06
I met Arnold in Aspen on many occasions. I was working as a ski tech for two winters. Funny thing was, besides his penchant for good, dirty jokes and cigars, he always listed his height as 5' 10" when filling out the form for his bindings to be set. I personally did the work and he always filled the forms out the same each time. Now the bodyguard man who always went with Arnold was a man over 6'!!. You should check your yardstick...
Ola said on 25/Aug/06
yes mike thats sounds good. lou 6'4 (6'5 prime). Actually i think lou was meassured to 6.5 legid. Arnold 6'1 (6'2 prime)
iam not harsh on arnold ;)
mike said on 24/Aug/06
ola i'd say there is anywhere between 3 to 4 max, prolly 3 or 3.5 inch difference between arnold and lou, ferrigno was built up as 6'5 meaning he was prolly 6'4 in change arnold was built up as 6'2 meaning he was prolly 6'1 in change, but alot of people are harsh on arnold, but he is one of the VERY FEW celebs/famous people to be photographed routinely being BAREFOOT, and come on ferrgino and all those bodybuilders know whether's arnold close to 6'2 or was barely 5'11, it just depends on their own real height, the pics with arnold and reg park.....some arnolds taller some reg's taller, depends on angle and posture, but their both in the same ballpark, while ferrigno COULD be barely 2 inches taller then arnold to 5 inches taller then arnold, prolly 3
Ola said on 24/Aug/06
I have the bodybuilding video with both arnold and lou ferrigno.
i can tell you guys that big lou is atleast 3 inch, maybe 4... taller than arnold
TheMan said on 15/Aug/06
To be fair to Arnold he was atleast 6,1 in he's prime thats for sure IMO.
mike said on 14/Aug/06
arnold with (6'0???) dave draper and 6'1 mike katz...www.davedraper.com/photo-archive-2.html 5th pic down on the page, working out/hanging out in id imagine sneakers at the gym
mike said on 13/Aug/06
the thing with arnold is that he IS tough to judge for height, i guess it depends on his posture, i seen the pics of his 55th b-day with jim cameron (I'm guessing he's 6'1 to 6'2 i think...???) and in 1 pic arnold's 2 inches taller in another pic jim's 2 inches taller, but arnold def can't be that short in real life b/c he went almost everywhere barefoot when he was bodybuilding and actually in alot of his NON movie premiere/parties/function events he does wear sneakers out in public, unlike stallone
dmeyer said on 13/Aug/06
in the begining i thaught frank2 was under estimating celebs height but since he thinks arnold is 6 1 or 6 2 traolta and cage around 6 1 willis 5 11 hanks 5 11.5 even thaught i think hanks is around the 6 ft mark it means he is a good height judger
Danimal said on 11/Aug/06
Viper, Arnold has always been the same height (over 6'1"). It's Sly if anyone who has had his bones lengthened, if that's even possible. Sly isn't only catching up with 6'1" Arnold, but 6'3.5" Hogan as well, which is insane for a man who some claim is 5'7". You all realize that Sly would have to be wearing 7" lifts next to Hogan if he was only 5'7".
Que said on 11/Aug/06
Viper652, for hundreds of years thousands of people believed the earth was flat, but believing it didn't make it so!
mike said on 11/Aug/06
arnold defintely didnt have his bones lengthened, sly's catching up to him for crying out loud,.... he was described as 6'2 in the 1970's so that means he was prolly just 6'1 or 6'1 in change and now i'd say 6 even or 6.05, frank and glenn who have differed on more heights now, both agree he was at least 6'1 minimum, pushing 6'2, arnold is def taller then jay leno esp during 2003 when he was running for governor
Viper652 said on 11/Aug/06
The thing is, there are to many reports of Arnold being 5-10-5-11 to not take some kind of creedence to it. Whether Arnold wears lifts, had his bones lengthened, whatever. It still has me suspicious.
Shib said on 11/Aug/06
I see Arnold and Blair as the same height. Both about six feet even, no more, no less. Even Arnold's press office give his height as six feet. Why would they lie?
elio said on 10/Aug/06
I see Arnold at at least an inch taller than 6ft blair in the majority of the pics. With Bruce Willis he looks 2 inches taller.
Gramps said on 10/Aug/06
Mike: yeah, Frank tells us a lot of things.
mike said on 10/Aug/06
gramps any normal pic between arnold and willis is at least 2 if not 3 inch difference favoring arnold, there's like 10-15 planet hollywood pics of them, and frank will tell you arnold was at least 2 inches taller
Gramps said on 10/Aug/06
Let's see now...Willis is 5'11" and he and Arnold look about the same height. So, I guess that makes Arnold 6'2". Wait...someone check my math.
slysystem said on 9/Aug/06
to shib
no, Stallone looks like a "5.9 Sly" to a "6.2 Schwarzenegger"...
do you know what does 5 inch (12.5 cm) of difference represent ?
mike said on 9/Aug/06
stallone is very hard to tell, i will say one thing though frank, sly's legs def dont look that long, regardless of his true height, which everyone debates about i'm just amazed at how in some pics arnold towers over sly and in more recent years/pictures he's barely taller then sly, or the same height, AND to all the people that say arnold wears huge lifts, (frank doesnt think so, he couldve been able to spot them) please explain how sly keeps gaining inches on arnold, if they both have the same huge lifts on, their should be a decent height gap between the 2
Frank2 said on 9/Aug/06
Anyone with eyes can clearly see from that photo that Sly is short. Let's just say for argument sake that Arnold isn't 6'2" as he claims, but is just six feet even. Sly is several inches shorter. What does it take to sink in that Stallone is short?
One more time. Bruce and I are the exact, same height. I'm 5'11". Willis was photographed with President Bush who's 5'11" and they're the same height.
Shib said on 8/Aug/06
Bruce looks almost as tall as Arnold in these pics, though in most others he is shorter. maybe they were both wearing lifts that day? Stallone looks strangely short here too.
Click HereClick Here
mike said on 8/Aug/06
Bruce willis claims he's 6 even to 6'1 i think, this site has him 5'11.5, glenn has him at 6 even frank has him 5'11, which makes sense for 5'11.5... please someone find me one picture where bruce is the same height or taller then arnold, that arnold looks 5'10 to 5'11 arnold always has him by at least 2, sometimes 3 inches but bruce doesnt seem to have nice boots like arnold or lifts like stallone, the only person that has Arnold 5'10 to 5'11 that has met him is Roger Ebert, (anyone know his height???) but hey both glenn and frank have met arnold many times and say he's 6'1 to 6'2
omholt35 said on 8/Aug/06
I watch a talk show in the Sacramento area and the one host is 6'1". He claimed when standing next to Arnold he was shorter than Arnold. Granted The Gov. could have been wearing his boots then helped him to the 6'2" range. Theres no doubt hes still around 6' at least maybe more. I have never met him and am taking this guy at his word. Trust me if he was taller then Arnold they would have been all over it.
Danimal said on 8/Aug/06
Arnold and Blair:
Click Here
Gotxo said on 7/Aug/06
Danimal- Blair is not taller than Clinton, but he always take a lot of care to
figure in better position than others at pics.
Que- Blair is a terrible good politician, that is, a profesional liar.
Spain prime minister Rodriguez Zapatero really is 6'0.5",in most pics
Zapatero and Blair share, Blair looks equally taller or even a bit above
But when you finally find full body shots you realize Blair is slightly
shorter, 1,5cm to 1" in fact.
Que said on 7/Aug/06
Blair has said on British TV a few years ago that he's just a touch over 6', were talking say half an inch so hes about 6'0.5. Most people on here say Arnolds between 6' and 6'2. Seeing as hes pretty much always claimed to be 6'2 lets just take the average of 6'-6'2 because we will never really know for certain anyway, so lets call him 6'1, thats pretty fair, which isn't a giant in height but is still much taller than the average height in the usa/uk at 5'9/10.
PS I'm only 5'9 so to me he is a giant!
Anonymous said on 7/Aug/06
Where is that picture with Arnie standing next to the 5'11 Bush and being the exact height!..both probably wearing lifts! To me Bush does look to be of average height! I think he is 5'9 barefoot and wears cowboy boots to appear taller!
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
Shib, Blair if anything looks taller than Tubby (Bill Clinton) and Clinton is 6'2", which would make sense for Arnold to look shorter than a 6'2" man today. I think he's struggling with 6'1" today.
Gramps said on 7/Aug/06
Great pic, Shib. I'd say Blair is 6'0.5" and Arnold 5'11.75".
Click Here
Shib said on 6/Aug/06
Hmm. In the second one, Arnold is closer to the camera, so on balance I'd say they are the same height.
mike said on 6/Aug/06
shib arnolds def shorter in your pic but blairs standing upright while arnolds walking in midstride with his knee bending and only one foot on the ground, when arnold stands upright/staright like in tenaciousC pic's or even the otrher arnold/blair pic u posted hes tall, even the pics from stallone's b-day, you gotta look at how arnold stands... the first one pic where arnolds slouching, he actually is shorter then stallone no joke, but in the second pic where arnolds got a goofy face and his hands in the air, hes standing upright and has willis and sly by 3 inches, i'd say the best blair/arnold pic is tenaciousC 2nd one, where arnolds 2 inches taller, b/c it looks like their on level ground but id say these 2 gentlemen are close in height, arnolds prolly a half inch taller, just a guess
Shib said on 6/Aug/06
Not in this one. Arnold looks shorter here.
Click Here
mike said on 5/Aug/06
thank u tenacious c, 5'10 is still ridicolous for this man, if he's really 5'10 then most of hollywood's actors are like 5'6 to 5'8
Que said on 4/Aug/06
Arnold IS to the nearest inch 6'2 even today, if you look at the pics on yahoo images you can see hes got Blair by nearly 2 inches. The 6 feet listing is too short for him.
mike said on 3/Aug/06
hey everyon/anyone curious to see the arnold/tony blair pics go to yahoo the images section and just type "arnold schwarzenegger tony blair" it has several view pic shots and guess what...there the same height or arnold is taller by alittle bit in every one
UK Terminator fan said on 3/Aug/06
Unless some1 who is a def 6ft 1 stands next to the man himself, barefoot - then I suppose we can only estimate. 2 me Arnold is a big man, realitively tall and a shade under 6ft to the average man is still relatively tall.
mike said on 2/Aug/06
In that Arnie/blair pic shib posted up they look equal or arnold by alittle bit....arnold's shoulders are higher then blairs even with the leaning down, and arnold's shoulders naturally slope down..again if somehow arnold is only 5'10 to 5'11 then sly stallone is 5'7, bruce willis is 5'8 george clooney is 5'8, john travolta is under 6 ...all these statements are ridicolous, i cant back that up b/c i havent met most of them like glenn, but he'll tell u these stars are close to their claiming heights, not exactly but nothing ridicolously off and Anonymous i agree exactly with what u said your last sentence if theres some pics with arnold currently looking 6'1 to 6'2 while theres others 5'11 to 6'0, he's prolly inbetween, def at least 6'1 when he was younger, Exp if someone can look 5'11 to 6'1 in photos with knowledge and comparision of other people's heights that person is prolly 6 even
Anonymous said on 2/Aug/06
I saw Blair and Arnie on TV and to my eyes Arnie looked taller by an inch or two. However it perhaps wasn't a great angle to compare them from. UK term fan below says the opposite so maybe I've got it wrong. I think Arnie is one of the most difficult celeb heights to guess. There's convincing evidence that he's about 6'2'' but there seems to be equally convincing evidence he's under 6 ft.
TheMan said on 2/Aug/06
I think Arnies larger and life charecter would make you belvie he's a giant he is but not in height. But i think there was alot of lies about he's height. He had to be atleast 185cm 6,1 in he's prime though.
tenaciousC said on 2/Aug/06
for cryin out loud CEOs+presidents in companies all wear lifts (read 'general height' or 'elevator shoes' articles)!!so presidents or PMs more than likely do...
tenaciousC said on 2/Aug/06
does blair wear lifts? most politicians do specially presidents/primeministers to appeaar taller than da common people...
UK Terminator fan said on 2/Aug/06
I am 6ft 1inches tall and have had the pleasure (English pleasentry - not really pleasureble) of shaking our PM's hand a coup0le of times. The first was when I was at High School in 2002 and was 180cm tall. Mr Blair was bang on the same height. When I last seem him up close, it was last year in Middlesbrough town centre, England, and my 6ft 1 had at least an inch or 2 on him (a forehead taller).
I watched the news 2 and to me when both Blair and Arnold were standing up str8, head raised , Blair was marginally taller.
To conclude a 6ft even Tony Blair = a 5ft 11 possibly 5ft 11.5 inch Arnold.
I believe that Arnold was and always has been no taller than 5ft 11.5 and 6ft prime and prsent.
He still Big Arnie 2 me tho!!!
Larry said on 2/Aug/06
Tony Blair is supposedly 6' even.
Shib said on 1/Aug/06
They are literally head to head in this pic:
Click HereMaybe Blair is slightly taller 'cause he's looking down.
dmeyer said on 1/Aug/06
i cant see arnie smaller than 185 cm 6 ft0.75 in and defenetly 187 188 range in peak
TheMan said on 1/Aug/06
I never actually belived he was ever below 185cm 6,1 but it's possible he is 183cm 6 foot. He just doesnt tower over these guys like he should do unless Blairs taller than what their saying. But to be fair the ground could be diffrent as the pic i saw was outside and i couldent see the ground. One things for sure he's not 6,2 thats deffinate i don't think he ever was. I know a 6,2.5 friend and he looks really tall agaisnt even a 6foot even person. If bush is 5,11 then maybe he's nearly 6 foot as he didnt seem to much shorter than blair maybe a few cm like 2. So the reading 183cm here might be nearer to the truth than i thought.
mike said on 1/Aug/06
i havent seen the arnold/blair pic but i want to bring up an interesting point, some people match up better with others, let's say blair is an inch or 2 taller, but for Exp As recently as the past month or 2, Arnold looks 3 inches taller then 5'10.5 orlando bloom, for which it was Bloom's movie premiere so he better/is going to be looking his best, arnold still has bruce willis by a a couple of inches whose listed at 5'11.5, arnold can be negative 1 to positive 3 with our president bush whose 5'11 even, arnold can be negative 1 to positive 8 with 5'6 to 6'4 sylvester stallone....my point is some people look better next to others with similiar height, Arnold also had john travolta by a solid inch at stallone's b-day part whose at least 6 even or closer to 6'1 and arnold def didnt have lifts on for sly's party b/c that was the first time ever in sly was even with arnold in the first pic but in the second pic with arnold inbetween willis and sly he had both by a few, like i said some people match up better with others, if u go by willis/bloom pics with arnold he's easily 6'1 at least if u go by this blair pic he's 5'11, do the math he's 6 even
TheMan said on 1/Aug/06
I saw that to Mojo and parker lol. He actually did look half an inch shorter he just keeps getting shorter.
Anonymous said on 1/Aug/06
Here's a better link, in case the first two don't work:
Click Here
mojo said on 1/Aug/06
bbc breakfast tv,saw arnold and tony blair together.Arnold looked at least 2 inches shorter.Reporter said the same thing ie Arnold shorter by 2 inches at least.Blair is reported to be 6ft.Something does not add up.......
Parker said on 1/Aug/06
Interesting full length photograph of Arnold and Tony Blair on front page of Daily Mail in UK today. Blair actually looks marginally taller.
Danimal said on 31/Jul/06
Zach, those are great videos of Arnold and Lou.
The Judge said on 30/Jul/06
Happy birthday to our Mr.Olympia ! He's 59 years old today !
I agree with this 6'1.5" when he was younger, or maybe 6'1"..Certainly he loses 2 or 3 cm since the 80's, ok...
Personally, Mr.Arnold is one of my favorite actors. I'm 5'10.5" and I can't believe he's my height, even 5'11". He's a good 6' I think...
Zach said on 30/Jul/06
Yep, thats an awesome pic danimal, getting a pic from shin level proves everything. Watch this clip (minutes 4-5) where Arnold and Lou stand next to one another barefooted. Theres no way Lou is 6'4 and Arnold 5'10.
Click Here
Bleemo said on 29/Jul/06
I love the way people use other actor's heights as a means to prove someone's heights. I've no doubt Orlando Bloom is 5'10 max based on a number of pics where he looks short and some dody footwear. Even if he was 5'10, it would only take a 6' Arnie in relatively small lifts too look say 3-4 inches taller in those pics.