Doug said on 30/Apr/09
Yeah I tend to neglect by triceps more than biceps or chest. Thats also me weak part so if you want more definition you must do the exercises. I'm found rowing to be excellent for shoulders, astonishing. If you outstretch your arms and row slowly too you can work the tri's.
Daniel said on 30/Apr/09
Of course I'd like to visit your country, Metric, which I hope to do sometime in the future, even though at 1.68m I would be dwarfed by almost everyone, hahahah. Here in Peru I'm almost average, and not regarded as short by everybody, even though I consider short myself. My opinion about men's height is:
Less than 1.70m very short
1.70m - 1.74m somewhat short
1.75m - 1.79m medium height
1.80m - ... tall
What do you think about it?
Alex says on 30/Apr/09 said on 30/Apr/09
In Red Heat,Arnold is about 2 or 3cm taller than Ed O
Metric said on 30/Apr/09
The queen of Denmark is 6-1.5 !! Shes HUGE. Her sons are very tall too.
Guy said on 30/Apr/09
The average height in Denmark is just a shade over 5'11". Remember only 20-30 year old Dutch measure 6'1" on average. With the rest of the population they are a little under 6'.
Halb said on 30/Apr/09
Anyone who wasn't aristocracy were smaller. The elite have been the same height for centuries, prolly millennia.
Metric said on 30/Apr/09
Daniel: They were shorter in older generations but not that much. WAAAY back in the middle ages they were even shorter than you mention, though. 5-6 or something around 1500. That's what you get for living off oatmeal and bad beer all your life! Lol. If you don't believe what I'm saying about modern danish men and women I suggest you book a vacation here! It's a wonderful , country but I promise you will get a SHOCK when you step on danish soil and see the gargantuan people!! We're friendly though :) When posters on here say that 5-10 for a man is "the start of tall" and at 5-8 you are taller than most women I'm just shaking my head in disbelief!? It's not a reality I'm used to. Sometimes I wish I was born in another country. In Asia I would be considered tall I guess?? Lol.
Daniel said on 29/Apr/09
It's funny what you say about modern dannish men's height, because I've read that older generations (maybe that of your granpa's, Metric) were rather short, 5'7'' - 5'8'' on average.
Metric said on 29/Apr/09
Doug - You sound like you have your training routine together, man. I always get the best triceps development myself when I train them together with shoulders. Heavy military and behind the neck presses really gets the triceps prepumped and ready for action! My program for tris revolve mostly around the lying down triceps extension and behind the neck triceps press with a single heeavy dumbbell (going up to 85-100 lbs). So far it has worked like a charm. Many people don't realize that triceps are 2/3 of the equation when it comes to getting big guns! But I see you have that one figured out, Doug! So go for it, yeah, and you will have those 17 inch babies in no time! :) Unfortunately my biceps are kinda my weak bodypart. In comparison to my chest, back and shoulders my arms always look a little thin IMO. If I had 17 or maybe even 18 inch guns they would probably look alot more proportional? But I don't obsess about it. I think 210 lbs is a good, respectable weight. I will never forget the first time a girl called me "big guy" (she was obviously referring to my weight NOT height - lol)! Made all the hours at the gym and the endless eating all worth it! :) Peace, man.
Doug said on 29/Apr/09
Very interesting brotha. I thought Sven was at least 6'4". Perhaps somebody could find that image.
Doug said on 29/Apr/09
Hey your 5-8, 200 lber guy sounds rather like Oddjob from Goldfinger. He was supposed to weigh 260 in his prime though at 5'8"ish but he was a professional sports wrestler I think. He was solid.
Doug said on 29/Apr/09
Thats great Metric, I was expecting you to come up with a bunch of 6'5" dudes! Judging by that I'd say I'd still be above average in Denmark but not by much. 5'11" and 210 is pretty bulky, good size.
Doug said on 29/Apr/09
I'd say 5'11.5" for Arnie now too. So it seems most agree.
Metric said on 29/Apr/09
Excuse me, my university class. I always get the two mixed up. College is what you attend right after public school, right?? I didn't mean that one.
Roger said on 28/Apr/09
Yes, 182 cm is common sense by now. He might drop as low as 181 cm.
GF said on 28/Apr/09
He seems 6 ft 1 now glenn.
Lucio said on 28/Apr/09
Thanks Roger, but what is strange in your opinion?
The only thing I can detect is the skin tone a little 'relaxed, but after all we are talking about a person of almost 62 years.
brotha said on 28/Apr/09
Doug it's funny you mention Sven as a man mountain. Ironically someone posted a pic of him and Arnold together in the late 60's posing together. They looked almost the same height and they are both barefoot and appear to be on level grounnd. Sven was at least 6'3" and looks it in most movies, which is more proof the Arnold was almost 6'2" peak. Can anybody find this pic online?
glenn said on 28/Apr/09
thank you glad you and roger believe me.
glenn said on 28/Apr/09
lol.well said rillo.
Metric said on 28/Apr/09
Yeah, Hogans biceps are awesome! Despite his age he looks like the meanest mother beep beep in earth! I think he could have been a champion bodybuilder easily had he pursued that path. But why would he? Made much more smackaroos and fame in wrestling. Smart man.
Rillo said on 28/Apr/09
Hope I look as "bad" as he does when I am 60 :)
MHouillon said on 28/Apr/09
More people seem to agree on the most likely 182cm (5'11.5.)
Doug said on 28/Apr/09
Metric what would you say average height is then amongst college students in Denmark? I'm a weak 6'2", 6'1.5" by evening and weigh 213lbs, would I be considered barely average in Denmark?
Doug said on 28/Apr/09
OK he wouldn't be seen as "really big" in Denmark, hell the land of man mountains like Sven Ole Thornssen and Peter Schmeicel of course he isn't. But not "short" or "little" either as such, anywhere unless you compare him to guys like Ralph Moeller. At his peak Arnie was one of the world icons for a "huge physique" you can't deny that, most guys in the 70, 80s and 90s would have referred to Arnie as a huge guy even if he wasn't that tall. When I was younger my dad always used to say things like "hey you'll be looking like Arnie before long" when I was doing press ups at aged 12. "Looking like Arnie" was common language for developing a very muscular physique. He has shrunk today and is betwene 5'11 and 6'0" likely, but hardly "short". We do share one thing in common though Metric, 16" arms. I wasn't vain enough to ever measure to be honest until a week or two ago when Hugh claimed to have 18" arms at peak and I didn't believe him at first as that is world class body builder level. Arnie was said to have had 19" biceps at peak, Hogan was recently measured as still having 20" biceps at aged 55 although at peak he was 21-22" (not 24" pythons).
I agree though Metric that most body builders these days are shorter squat guys. Most of the guys who compete in world weightlifting alot of them in the smaller weight divisions are barely 5'3" I noticed when watching the olympics this year. Few of them except in the 105+ division were over 6 ft as a low center of gravity is considered better for international weightlifting anyway even if not so important in bodybuilding. Bring back the 6'5"-6'7" body builder you think like David Prowse, Ralph Moeller and Dolph Lundgren Metric?
Roger said on 28/Apr/09
Great finds, Lucio. But boy, he does look short. And look at the biceps in the first picture - looks somehow weird.
Lucio said on 28/Apr/09
Even in these pics, Arnold shows a good shape, a sign of good training.
Click HereClick Here
Guy said on 28/Apr/09
Good post metric. Also the reason Arnold's legs looked skinny was because of the detriment of his height. He was leggy which meant much more effort was needed to make them look thick. A bodybuilder who's 5'8" can more easily create a thickness than a guy near 6'2". I don't think Arnold would make it today in pro bodybuilding because of this even though I would much rather have his body to a modern freak you see today. Even more is to see a near 6'5" guy compete today like you saw with Ferrigno.
Metric said on 28/Apr/09
A photo from Arnolds skiing accident:
Click Here His biceps and forearms look massive. I have 16 inch guns myself and they don't look like Arnolds sweet babies in this pic. I would say he looks to have at least 18 inch guns in that pic? Probably 19 when flexed? Also the size of his chest and overall broad frame is clearly evident in this pic. As for the "skinny" pic, Roger, I disagree. It clearly shows a man who works out. Look at his muscle tone and definition (forearms, neck): Excellent! Impossible to look like that if you don't do weights (and massive cardio)! He may not be as massive as he used to but remember he can't use heavy weights anymore because of his heart. Also when you reach your 50s and 60s the muscles tend to take on a different shape: They naturally get saggier and not as full and buff looking as they used to. That's just age. I think many people (including Danimal) make the mistake of thinking Arnold doesn't touch weights anymore just because he has gotten that old man saggy look. Gonna happen to all of us! I would be happy to look like Arn in your "skinny pic", Roger, when I reach 60 yrs age! He still looks better than 80% of the general population.
Roger said on 28/Apr/09
Wanted to add this - Arnold today, in this photo, does not look as if he ever touched a barbell. Almost scary:
Click Here
Roger said on 28/Apr/09
I do remember, and this photo
Click Here confirms it, that Arnold legs tended to look surprisingly skinny when he was not in preparation for a contest (this photo was prolly shot in the early 80s).
His arms are timeless, I believe, those full and big biceps simply enviable.
I do acknowledge that Joe Weider showed good instincts when deciding to push Arnold as his posterboy, although handing him the 1980 Mr O. was a bit too much.
It was basically a clear message "He who wins the Mr Olympia does not have to be the best built on stage, but the one most useful to the Weider business".
In a field like today's, Arnold would not have a chance as you simply have to be a 100% genetic freak - there are no shortcomings allowed.
RandomLeftCoastGuy said on 27/Apr/09
Schwarzenegger is 5' 10" to 5' 11" when not wearing lifts. Not sure where all the claims of 6'+ come from, but compare his height on the Leno show (= to Leno, who is about 5' 10").
Danimal said on 27/Apr/09
There was a guy on here about 4+ years ago who used to claim Arnold was 6'4" and that he himself measured Arnold at the beach barefoot at that height...
Metric said on 27/Apr/09
Roger: Good post. I agree that from a genetic view point Arnold was never the best bodybuilder. He didn't have the best shape or symmetry (Boyer Coe, Frank Zane, Danny Padilla), he didn't have the most mass (Roy Callendar, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva) and certainly NOT the best legs in the business (Tom Platz)! Sometimes I wonder how on earth he got his reputation as "king of the bodybuilders"!!?? He had strong arms and chest, yes, but that was about it. Olivas arms were at least equal. The one area where Arnold had everyone beat was his charisma and personality. This was - of course - cleverly spotted by Joe Weider who ruthlessly promoted Arnold with the sole purpose of turning him into a money making cash cow for the Weider fitness empire. Maybe that's where he got his reputation from?? I'm not saying that Arnold wasn't an awesome bodybuilder back in the day because he certainly was! I'm just saying that he wasn't at all in a league of his own compared to the other greats of yesteryear. They were all pretty f*ck*ng great if you ask me!!? Anyway, Roger, try checking out Arnolds legs in the pic I posted (the one with the HUGE soles). The size and width of his thighs is clearly visible through the fabric of his trousers. To say he has legs as toothpicks (Danimal) simply is NOT in line with reality!
Metric said on 27/Apr/09
ACG: Yeah, lol. Arn will probably get a paycheck for not even showing up on the set! Gotta hand it to the man: He's got it figured out.
Metric said on 27/Apr/09
Doug: Yes, the key word being AVERAGE! Arnold will never look like a big guy around here (Denmark). Put him in a random group of young male college students and he will most likely be dwarfed by the better part of them! Average height in Denmark is 5-11 to 5-11.5 - true - but ALOT of these young males are taller. I don't think you are considered really big in Denmark unless you are 6-3+. BTW excellent post of yours.
josh said on 26/Apr/09
I waz @ universal studios when the govenator showed to take photos of the olympics team recently and he walked rite by me couldnt have been more then 6ft tall topz..this waz in late 08 im back in mast the job i work @ i work with a guy who is literally the same size as arniee.and this guy topz off at 6ft flat..
Alex says on 26/Apr/09 said on 26/Apr/09
To be honest, i am not sure about what arnold
Jim said on 25/Apr/09
He is the same hgt as Jay Leno when he comes on the tonight show they are the same.
Doug said on 25/Apr/09
In Denmark he would be roughly average height. However much it may seem all Danes, Norwegian, Swedes and Dutch are 6 ft 4 the average is actually around 5'11". He would still not be considered short unless it was in comparison with tall Scandinavians like 6'3" plus of which there are of lot of in these countries in particular but this is NOT the average. Nobody above 5'11" will ever look "short" on average anywhere in the world. 5'11" or 6' may look short compared to many very tall people but certainly not compared to most.
Guy said on 25/Apr/09
Red Sonya wasn't actually a part of the Conan series. Arnold's role in the film was similar to Conan but had a different name and story. I guess you could say it was a general sword and sorcery trilogy. Arnold was angry because he only came on as supporting role and ended up getting top billing which he thought was unfair to Bridgette Nielsen. On top of that the film was atrocious in most every way and was universally panned by the critics.
glenn said on 24/Apr/09 in for a treat with sure itll hit your top 5 for your list.if not top 3.the other 2,were not too good.not terrible though.predator was great.
Metric said on 24/Apr/09
Oh yeah, and just another pic from CeBit. Don't think it got posted last time??:
Click Here Arnold is DWARFED by the 6-1.5 old man in the background. Camera angle, perspective, indeed EVERYTHING in this pic favors Arnold but still he is DWARFED!! Just waiting for Guy now to explain some delusional theory about Arnold being really 6-3 in this pic.
Metric said on 24/Apr/09
Look at his shoes!!
Click Here Looks to be the same kind he wore in the pics with Blair? HUGE soles! And his strange gait seems to suggest a wedge of some sort inside! These babies just barely made him come up to Blairs 6-0. Anyone still think he is 6-1?? Lol.
Danimal said on 23/Apr/09
adam says on 23/Apr/09
Both Conan films are good. Very different kinds of films but good ones. Conan the Destroyer is a fun adventure film with magnificent score.
There were 3 Conan movies. Red Sonya was the 3rd installment of the trilogy.
Metric said on 23/Apr/09
Danimal: You are so wrong! It's so obvious that Arnold still trains from time to time. You can see his chest, arm and shoulder size changing in pics all the time. Bigger - smaller - bigger - smaller etc. Indicative of a person who does weights albeit in an unconsistantly manner. For most of the time he still looks quite massive. NO ONE can look like that without using weights! NO ONE! If Arn had the time and started lifting with determination he could get real massive in probably 3-6 months. Remember his body is not like that of the average person. His muscle memory is second to none and he just needs to touch a weight before he will balloon all up. Calling his legs sticks is just plain ignorant! They still look pretty huge to me. I train with heavy weights but I would think twice before challenging him to a "face off" using the measuring tape! I'm willing to bet he has you beat on most - if not all - measurements as well!?
bam said on 23/Apr/09
bush is over 5'11. He was measured at 5'11.5 for a white house physical. I would assume that this is closer to bush's morning height however.
adam said on 23/Apr/09
Both Conan films are good. Very different kinds of films but good ones. Conan the Destroyer is a fun adventure film with magnificent score.
Danimal said on 23/Apr/09
I've never seen Conan The Barbarian, The Destoyer, Red Sonya or Predator.. I KNOW, it's CRAZY!
Alex2, yes, Arnold has no muscle left to speak of. Even his limbs have changed size. his upper torso has compressed. He virtually has a much shorter neck/back. His arms look to be maybe 15-16" today. His chest is saggy and his waist is large. His legs are sticks... If he started lifting weights today the only thing imo that would improve would be his arms. MAYBE his chest as well.
Alex2 said on 23/Apr/09
Danimal, would you say Arnies lost all of his size too? You think he still workouts out today?
Metric said on 23/Apr/09
Doug: Not in Denmark he wouldn't.
Guy said on 23/Apr/09
What I notice here is a lot of opinion. Arnold's present height is estimated above and has not changed for some time, but many come here estimating Arnold at even a little under 5'11". This is all opinion. Anyone can have an opinion but it can't be taken seriously without evidence. It's easy to just provide your personal opinion because of what you think, but to just leave it at that is not very convincing. I notice a lot of people providing their estimates that Arnold is 5'11" or even less and not providing good reason. This is in light of Arnold's height compared to Blair, Bush Jr, and even the most recent video of Tiger Woods. If you think Arnold is 5'10 3/4", than back it up. Otherwise, we can assume it is just your opinion.
Doug said on 23/Apr/09
BTW Arnie was noticeably taller than George W. Bush. Bush is 5'11" and in comparison to Tony Blair ,Arnie also looked 6'-6'1" in shoes anyway. I still think he is around 6', 5'11.5" at lowest I'd say.
Doug said on 23/Apr/09
The funny thing is lots of people now call Arnie "short". Don't know what world they are living in but even if he is only 5'11" barefoot today he will still be at the start of tall for a guy. His huge torso and physique and relatively short legs have always made him look shorter than he really is. He was pushing 6'2" in the 70s, 80s and most of the 90s. Today seems to have lost two inches from all the years of bodybuilding compressing the spine. Still a big man overall even if he has shrunk considerably since his prime. In most countries Arnie would be regarded as a big guy, still.
Danimal said on 22/Apr/09
Favorite to least favorite Arnold movies I have seen:
1. Terminator
2. Running Man
3. Terminator II
4. Commando
5. Total Recall
6. Twins
7. Pumping Iron
8. Kindergarten Cop
9. Last Action Hero
10. Red Heat
11. True Lies
12. End of Days
13. Batman and Robin
Anonymous said on 22/Apr/09
5'11/11.5 peak, now about 5'10.5 barefoot
glenn said on 22/Apr/09
anon is precise.
glenn said on 22/Apr/09
mk-not sure.sounds right though.
Ace said on 22/Apr/09
"Fact is he is shrinking faster than the box office receipts for his final "blockbuster" movies"
Skip the analogies next time metric. Anyway, i highly doubt he is 5`11. Fact is, next to a legit 6`0er (Tony Blair), he looks the same height, if not slightly taller. Both of their shoes were similar, and I think that is better evidence then a (lousy) film without any real reference points in which to properly determine his height.
Danimal said on 22/Apr/09
He seems to have lost the majority of his height in his UPPER torso. His neck and back are significantly shorter than they used to be.
Metric said on 22/Apr/09
Thank you, bam. Yes, it's strange about his body.
bam said on 22/Apr/09
metric, very clever post. To me it appears as if the man's entire body got shorter.
Lucio said on 22/Apr/09
Metric: watch the photos with 6 footer Tony Blair and 6'3" "The Rock"
Click HereClick Hereand you might notice that he isn't "short" as you say, and that 6'1" is quite plausible for him.
Then if the theory of height fluctuation is right, here explained the reason.
Anyway, in my opinion, he can not be under 6 feet.
Metric said on 22/Apr/09
All I know is he looked very "shortish" in "Around the world in 80 days". Barely taller than the woman. Check out bath tub scene. NEVER a 6-2, 6-1 or even 6-0 man!! He looked 5-11 tops. Could be as low as 5-10.75 today. Fact is he is shrinking faster than the box office receipts for his final "blockbuster" movies! The man is obviously in denial and desperate to keep alive his public image of being a huge guy. Worship is everything to him.
Doug said on 22/Apr/09
I agree 100% with Anon's estimates. Absolutely exactly what I would have said.
MK said on 22/Apr/09
glenn says on 22/Apr/09
i loved hercules in new york.
Was'nt that the one his was billed 'Arnold Strong' and they dubbed him with an American voiceover? Pure cult gold i hear.
yoyo said on 22/Apr/09
due to weight lifting i believe Arnie has drop 2.75inch in height. now 5ft10.75(180cm) ,before 187cm(6ft1.5). he don't look as tall as strong 6ft guy like Val Kilmer.
Metric said on 22/Apr/09
Roger: lol
glenn said on 22/Apr/09
i loved hercules in new york.
glenn said on 22/Apr/09
for you roger,ill capture him on his next nyc trip.its hard cause of the secret service.
anon said on 21/Apr/09
I'll just summarize it all:
Peak morning height: 6'2"
Peak afternoon height: 6'1.5" - CONFIRMED
Current morning height: 6'0 1/2" (IMO)
Current afternoon height: 5'11" (IMO)
Again, I believe Arnold shrinks a lot during the day, partly because he still has a lot of muscle compressing his spine down, and it is not a young spine anymore. Add the fact that he's lost an inch or an inch and a half due to age, and it explains everything.
Roger said on 21/Apr/09
Lol, my "link" just consisted of the letters w w w (surfing the world wide web).
Metric said on 21/Apr/09
Roger: Your link doesn't work
Alex2 said on 21/Apr/09
Danimal says on 15/Apr/09
miko says on 14/Apr/09
Arnold never made a terrible movie, some poor ones maybe. They were all watchable.
Hercules in New York (1970) was not watchable.
LOL I loved it, funny :)
Alex2 said on 21/Apr/09
Haha thats cool Glenn, I happen to own every Schwarzenegger movie ever made.. Just love him lol, yea I love Kindegarten Cop, watch it over and over lol, love Twins too. Pumping Iron si great too lol. Anyone seen Hercules in New York? His first movie.
Roger said on 21/Apr/09
Same here, Metric. Watching english spoken movies played a role, but most importantly it was and still is reading books in english, and of course, surfing the
Click Here you don't come far if you struggle with that language.
I wanted to spend a year in a U.S. highschool when being a teenager, but was not able to do so as it was too expensive for my family to afford.
I hope Glenn will meet Arnold again, would love to see a new photo.
Doug said on 21/Apr/09
Watched Terminator 2 last night. He looked a strong 6'1" I thought.
glenn said on 21/Apr/09
excellent point tubbs.
glenn said on 21/Apr/09
yes,running man.the first conan had dark elements too.
Daniel52 said on 21/Apr/09
Kindgarten Cop was great. You're nuts
Arnie can do both action and comedy. I think people underrate him as an actor a lot. And hes probably the greatest action star of all time anyway.
But of all else, the guy is THE American dream. Coming from Austria to America and being the greatest bodybuilder of all time, to being a huge movie star, and then being Gov. of a state. Pretty unreal.
Danimal said on 20/Apr/09
Darkest movie Arnold ever made was Terminator Part 1. Running Man was also pretty dark.
tubbs said on 20/Apr/09
Someone mentions the T3 premiere.....he looked only 2 inches shorter than the 6'4" Vernon Kaye at the London premiere.....still near to 6'1 peak. I think he has the problem of height fluctuation. My dad is the same, some days he looks nearly 6'2", and then he can look 5'11", his actual height is 6.05", my dad has probably never even heard of lifts, it just goes to show that height fluctuations can't always be put down to lifts.
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
forgot about kindergarten
Metric said on 20/Apr/09
Roger: I notice your english is quite excellent (almost on par with my own - lol ;). Since neither of us are from a native english speaking country I must ask you your secret? Have you ever attended university level english courses? Or did you - like me - pick up the great language from wathcing (too many) movies and surfing the internet?? Lol.
Roger said on 20/Apr/09
Austrian obviously meant 5'10''. While certainly too low, it is imaginable that a strong 6'3'', say 191 cm , maybe with shoes giving him another 3/4 of an inch really dwarfs Arnold that much that he thinks "Arnold is not even 5'11''".
I do believe though that if we see this trend continuing, 5'10.5'' after 12 hours of being awake is entirely possible for Arnold.
Don't forget that Ali claimed 5'10'' MAX for Arnold, while Austrian has him there now, so Austrian is not a
troll like Ali.
Oh, Arnold, why have you shrunken so much???
Metric said on 20/Apr/09
Junior was CR*P! But still better than Kindergarten Flop. That movie was absolutely horrible! The darkest film Arn has made is probably End of Days. Not a good movie to see if you are suffering from a depression. But awesome it is!
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
roger-dark compared to junior and true lies at
Guy said on 20/Apr/09
Austrian: For starters, get your conversion in order. If you're saying Arnold is 5'6", than we can all rest assured you're just a clowning
troll trying to be obnoxious. The same can be said if you're saying he's only 178cm (5'10"). You can keep Ali company as he's all alone with his delusions.
These personal claims people make, especially if they are outrageous, are so simple to refute. This Austrian guy says he's himself 6'3" and Arnold was well under 6' and yet Arnold doesn't appear as such next to 6'3" the Rock. The Rock even claimed 6'5" during his wrestling years.
Click HereSo it's as easy as that to reveal Austrian as a joker. Who are we to agree with?
Austrian said on 19/Apr/09
He is 178cm (5'6) "tall". I met him 6 years ago in Germany. I am 6'3 and he was much smaller than I. Believe what you want, but he is a small man.
derek d said on 19/Apr/09
Great post anon, I agree with that. He still can come across as 6'1 in pictures and sometimes as low as 6' even, so 6'.5 makes sense for his current height.
anon said on 17/Apr/09
I tend to think that Arnold loses a lot of height throughout the day. When he gets out of bed he might be a little over 6', but he might lose even 1.5 inches by the end of the day. Some people's spines just compress more than others. It would explain why his height seems so variable. I don't think he wears lifts, I don't think he was ever one to wear lifts. He always seemed very comfortable barefoot.
I also don't think Arnold was lying about what his daughter measured him as (6'1") if you consider that it might have been in the morning, and that their home measuring scale might not have been put up at the exact correct height (you have to use a ruler to get it at the right height and there might be 1/2" of error there).
My theory: 6'0 1/2" out of bed, 5'11" at the end of the day.
RisingForce said on 17/Apr/09
I loved Commando as well. "I eat Green Berets for breakfast, and right now I'm very hungry!" is one of Arnold's best lines.
Roger said on 17/Apr/09
Yes, yes, Guy, Arnold is slightly taller than Blair. He is for sure 184 cm at least and only got almost dwarfed by 184 cm max Tiger Woods because of bad perspective.
Glenn, "Raw Deal" wasn't dark, it was plain silly like "Commando". Commando actually might be Arnold's funniest movie ever, there's even a great fan site for it:
Click HereLet off some steam, Glennet! ;)
glenn said on 17/Apr/09
alex2-i loved it actually.with most of anyones movies,i saw these all in the theater.true lies was too family,commercial for me.i liked the darker ones.raw deal, recall was great then.played out for me now.
Guy said on 17/Apr/09
Roger: and the also Sun revolves around the Earth, and smoking doesn't give you cancer. You similarly are in denial and it's baffling and at the same time interesting to see someone in this state. I post a series of photos and you nothing less than
troll your way around it by straight up denial. No. Arnold is slightly taller there and the proof I provided is sufficient. You simply saying, "Duh no he isn't, they're the same", isn't a rebuttal in light of what everyone can see with their own eyes. As far as the Tiger Woods photo, I've said all along it was an photographic illusion. I've posted other photos from that night where Tiger didn't look that tall. Here's more proof that can't be
trolled. You can compare both Steve Jobs and Tiger's height near the end of this video....
Click HereAgain Tiger doesn't look that tall. Both Jobs and Tiger don't look as tall there as in the Tiger photo. This is even further proof that the one photo you all parade around is not at all reliable.
glenn said on 16/Apr/09
metric is right about stay hungry.
glenn said on 16/Apr/09
roger-ill give it a try.i might have a tape of it.
Alex2 said on 16/Apr/09
Lol Glenn, you liked Raw Deal? I hear most people say it's Arnold's worst movie, although I enjoyed it personally.
RisingForce said on 16/Apr/09
Guy, there's no way that Blair's posture is equal to Arnold's. They're about the same height in that series of pictures when you consider posture. Arnold's shoes did look atleast a little suspicious.
Click Here They aren't huge, but he could be getting a slight boost from them. Arnold was wearing them the day he looked taller than 6-1 Clint Eastwood.
Click Here So I'm suspicious of those shoes, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they had a lift inside.
These are suspicious shoes.
Click Here Could you imagine if Pitt or Stallone wore those? They'd automatically be assumed to be 3" elevator shoes.
For a while Arnold was wearing cowboy boots a lot(probably around 2003 or 2004). I'm not saying that means he wears lifts, but the 2 inch heels on those make you look about an inch taller compared to someone in normal shoes.
I'm fine with 6-0 for Arnold, but over that? I don't buy it.
Rillo said on 16/Apr/09
Roger - why if Arnold wears lifts doesn't he just wear them big enough to make himself 6-2? It makes no sense (to me) that you would wear lifts that still make you shorter than you claim?
Cobra said on 16/Apr/09
Yeah, Red Sonja is ****. But the sad thing is, it is not bad because they hadn`t any money for it. John Milius would have made a tremendous film.
And that sucks.
Roger said on 16/Apr/09
Glenn, in a way most Arnold movies were "predictable garbage". Certainly no arthouse stuff. But True Lies was really good, not trashy like "End of days".
If you can, give it a try.
And Guy, you win a gold medal, for least useful post in a longtime. All those photos are known, and proof what does not need to be proofed. Arnold is - in suspicious shoes - equal in height to Blair. Not taller and not shorter, but equal in height. He cannot be 6'.5'' if you look at the Woods photos.
Let's forget here that Woods is a weak 6'.5''.
However, it is by now very likely that Arnold does wear lifts also as he has noticed people scratch their head at how short a man many believe to be still 6'2'' in reality is.
I have one idea - maybe utter garbage, I don't know as I'm no physician, but is it possible that muslces or heavy bodyweight in general put pressure on the spine, especially when one is small boned? Because Arnold is, as surprising as it may sound, rather small boned (and narrow shouldered!)
Lucio said on 16/Apr/09
Very good work Guy!
Guy said on 16/Apr/09
Arnold is very close in height to Tony Blair but I think he is just a slight bit taller. For one thing Blair never appears taller in any shot that is fair for comparison but Arnold does. Right away the odds favor Arnold being a little taller, and that he definitely isn't shorter. What we are arguing is probably just a mere half inch which is very difficult to tell in person let alone in photographs. It is also very difficult to be accurate with both hairstyles obscuring their true head heights so we have to make estimations. For all intents and purposes they are standing pretty much in identical fashion here.....
Click HereAgain pretty much identical posture and head tilt here....
Click HerePlus we have this one. Bare in mind Blair never has this kind of advantage.
Click HereAnother good one where they are standing comparably.
Click HereBasically Arnold looks around 1/2 inch taller on average. This photo he looks closer to one inch.
Click HereAnd these Arnold is clearly a little taller
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click HereSo it's ridiculous to maintain that Arnold and Blair are exactly the same height when with too many examples we see otherwise. It's safe to say if Blair is 6 feet than Arnold comes in around 6' 1/2". As far as Arnold's shoes. They just look like regular dress shoes.
Click HereIts easy to accuse anyone you want for wearing lifts. Lifts are secretive and elusive so even if the shoe looks normal you can feel justified with accusations because it "might" be in there. Even merely having a good sole or heel on a shoe or boot can therefore jump the barrier into lift accusation. Maybe it's just a shoe or boot with a good heel? Suddenly it's a crime. A good sized sole or heel does not automatically equal a lift. These.......
Click Herejust look like large dress shoes. I highly doubt Arnold would be wearing pants that rode up so high above his ankles wearing lifts. If they were lifts, his heel would be near the top of the back of the shoe. That's how a lift works.
Click HereHis shoes lack the overall characteristic height of a lift. Check out Stallone's lifts (even that's just suspicious and not a fact).
Click HereYou can see how far above the ground and tall Sly's shoes rise to which Arnold's shoes don't resemble.
glenn said on 15/Apr/09
i thought true lies was commercial,predictable garbage.sorry.then again i only saw pieces of it on and there.maybe i need to see it again.raw deal was great.
Zach said on 15/Apr/09
Roger I agree, Arnold isn't 6'1, not anymore anyway. He is fractionally taller than Blair but that can perhaps be accounted for by his footwear. They're certainly a unique design, but are they really elevators? If they are they dont appear to add too much.
Zach said on 15/Apr/09
Predator, Terminator 1 and Terminator 2 are all in a league of their own for me.
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/09
I liked Raw Deal too, although not many people did. Hugh, Arnie is 6-0 max these days.
Metric said on 15/Apr/09
Raw Deal was sweet. Stay Hungry a forgotten gem.
Hugh 190cm said on 15/Apr/09
6ft2 up until the 90's. Now he's about 6ft0.5 (184cm).
Roger said on 15/Apr/09
Danimal, to which I may add "And still is not watchable", as isn't The Jane Mansfield story.
Danimal said on 15/Apr/09
miko says on 14/Apr/09
Arnold never made a terrible movie, some poor ones maybe. They were all watchable.
Hercules in New York (1970) was not watchable.
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/09
I wasn't much into the Batman movies aside from the Bale ones either. They were too cheesy, but Batman and Robin sticks out as easily the worst to me. I didn't really like any of Arnold's comedies either.
el toppo said on 15/Apr/09
Arnolds best movie is T2. No ****ing doubt. One of the greatest films ever made. His next best are Predator and Total Recall. His last great film was True Lies. BUT, Eraser was also a lot of fun.
Roger said on 15/Apr/09
Yes, Rob, that pretty much sums it up. It was a steady upward slope for Arnold from 1982 to 1991, with few bumps. Then the came setback in the form of "Last action hero", a big budget flop. True Lies was good and also a blockbuster. I did not watch most of what came afterwards, in fact only Eraser and T3 in the cinema. They were solid, but the old "Arnold Magic" was long gone by then, and I'm sure Arnold himself knew it.
And miko, Arnold did make horrible movies. "Red Sonja" and of course the unspeakably bad "Batman & Robin", for example. They were truly bad, without if and when. Arnold himself joked that to punish someone, he'd "make him watch Red Sonja a dozen times"!
Zach, Blair is no less than 6ft, you say adressed to me. Did I doubt it? I said he might a strong 6 footer, and that Arnold looks equal height max, with his suspicous shoes. Again, the photos with Blair are in the endless line of photos showing Arnold is not 6'1'', as he claims.
silva said on 15/Apr/09
Zangief from Street Fighter is nearly 7ft. Based on this, I think Arnold is about 6ft even.
Lucio said on 15/Apr/09
The best film, for me, is and remains Terminator 1!
Arnold was right in his "role".
Let's leave crap as "Twins", "Junior" and "Collateral Damage".
glenn said on 15/Apr/09
that batman movie,or any of the batman movies for me except the bale ones,were terrible.hercules was fine.its bad but good.
Roger said on 15/Apr/09
I did not even watch Junior, 6th day, or Collateral Damage.
And wish I had kept my hands off "End of Days".

Editor Rob
for me the last good movie Arnie made was True Lies followed by 10 years of mediocrity at best.
Zach said on 14/Apr/09
Roger - Blair is no less than 6ft. When he was 'President' in these parts (UK) he was all over the media, seen him next to too many people who are 6ft and he's never any shorter, nor taller either.
miko said on 14/Apr/09
Arnold never made a terrible movie, some poor ones maybe. They were all watchable.
RisingForce said on 14/Apr/09
My favorite Arnold movie of all time is Total Recall, but I also really liked Commando, the first 2 Terminator movies, Red Heat, Eraser, The Running Man and True Lies.
I liked End Of Days and I thought Collateral Damage and The Last Action Hero were alright. I'm shocked nobody has mentioned Batman and Robin as one of Arnold's really bad movies. That was terrible. Not as bad as Junior, but worse than Hercules In New York because atleast you can laugh at Hercules In New York.
Metric said on 14/Apr/09
Roger: I loved Days!! I don't care what other people think about it! "I tell you what I wan't!? I WAN'T YOU T0 GO TO HELL!" LOL. Pure genious!
Roger said on 14/Apr/09
Metric, End of Days rocked??? We must be talking about a different movie. The one I mean has this average rating on rottentomatoes:
Click HereThis review might sum it up best:
Click HereCraptacular!
glenn said on 14/Apr/09
eraser was my thing.conan was my all time for him.
Lucio said on 13/Apr/09
I believe that you can not attribute to Arnold lifts only when it suits you.
Guy showed us several photos of Arnold and a variety of characters, in which it is clear that his height is around 185 cm.
But in the picture with Woods, according to you, he doesn't wear lifts.
So, try to be more consistent and not to deny the evidence when you are sitting in front of us.
RisingForce said on 13/Apr/09
Nice picture Zach. Arnold looked tall throughout that movie. I just watched it again not long ago and at times he had as much as 3 inches on Belushi.
Metric said on 13/Apr/09
I would say the only movie for which I could really hate Arnold is the abysmal Junior. The end where he gives birth while crying and looking scared is just pathetic beyond words. Arn made some semi-good action flicks during his career but he became way too mushy and touchy-feely in the end. A mistake none of the other action buffs ever made. As a result Arnold never achieved the same kind of manliness as say a Dolph Lundgren or a JCVD. Basically he betrayed hardcore action fans towards the end. NOBODY wanted to see the terminator have emotions. But in his self importance Arnold didn't understand this. Or maybe he just didn't give a s*it?? Either way it destroyed his movie career. Arnold: If you're reading this: Hire me as your agent - I will bring you back!! Lol.
Metric said on 13/Apr/09
I thought End of Days rocked! Saw it in the cinema back when it came out. One of Arns greatest! 10 x better than the trash that was Collateral Damage! Days was the last movie where Arnold really kicked ass. (Terminator 3 doesn't count because he beats up on a woman in that one! lol)
Zach said on 13/Apr/09
Here's a screenshot of Arnold next to 5'11 James Belushi
Click Here He certainly looks a solid 6'1 there to me.
Roger said on 13/Apr/09
For the 1000th time - the photos with Tony Blair show Arnold being around the same height as Blair. If Blair is a strong 6 footer is not known, but for the sake of convenience say he is. Arnold would then be a 6 footer with his suspicious footwear, to which RisingForce repeatedly pointed out.
Arnold cannot be 6'1''. That's all there is to it, and it surprises me - and yes, disappoints me a little bit - that he feels it is neccessary to lie about his height. Glenn's shocking 5'11'' sighting is totally understandable as Arnold probably did not wear lifts back then.
Also, do you remember the piece about the T3 premiere party in L.A., back in 2003? Where the reporter said "The first surprise: Arnold is only slightly taller than our own Joerg Langer (another reporter from the magazine), and that should mean a lot if you take a look at photos showing our magazine staff".
Well, I did, and Langer was of medium height. Then there was the piece, even older, from 1999. And again "boy, he is short, is what I thought...."
These people had, as opposed to Glenn, not met Arnold before and thought of him as being around 6'2'' - which he could look early in his career.
Arnold is at the very max. 6' fresh out of bed, and seems to lose solidly during the day when he shrinks to 5'11.5'', possibly 5'11.25''.
Sam said on 13/Apr/09
Tellem that is interesting. If Rock is only 6'3, than Arnold is no taller than 6'0.5 in that vid.
glenn said on 13/Apr/09
roger-exactly.would explain why i saw arnold at 5-11 late afternoon and night.maybe he was up since 6am.end of days was alright i thought.compared to last action hero that that i thought was bad.thanks for backing me on dramatic height loss.
Lucio said on 12/Apr/09
So as do explained that Steve Jobs that appears with Arnold and Woods is 188 cm. high?
Look here
Click HereThen Tiger Woods in this photo should be high at least 1.90 m.
In my opinion, some doubts about the validity of this photo should have it.
Roger said on 12/Apr/09
What is very likely is that Arnold, being vain as he is, will start wearing lifts regularly if either he shrinks another cm or realizes that by now almost no one believes in his 6'1'' lie anymore.
Roger said on 12/Apr/09
Thanks, Ejel.
Guy said on 12/Apr/09
Tiger merely LOOKS taller than Arnold in the exact same way Maria Shriver just LOOKS this tall next to Arnold here.
Click HereIts camera angle and its a proven fact (as I've shown above) that it does exist. Why is the Tiger photo the only photo I've seen where Arnold looks this short? He doesn't look this short next to 6'1" now Clinton
Click Here6'1"-6'2" Stephen Harper
Click HereStrong 6' Tony Blair
Click Here6'1 1/2" Obama
Click Here5'11" (medical has him 5'11 1/2") George W Bush
Click HereThe point isn't to get out the ruler and exact Arnold's height next to these people. It's more the fact that Arnold absolutely doesn't look 5'11" compared to any of these people who's heights are all very solid. So if you guys want to keep posting that Tiger photo, go right on ahead because it's all you've got. Obviously you'll all ignore the myriad of other photos that straight up contradict this ONE photo. Remember one photo out of dozens doesn't confirm anything.
Ejel Khan said on 12/Apr/09
Roger & Risingforce are right with their estimate of Arnie being in the 5'11" -6 range.
sidewinder said on 12/Apr/09
186-187 cm at his peak (70ies and 80ies). Around 183-184 (or a little less) nowdays.
RisingForce said on 12/Apr/09
Arnold's posture was better than Tiger's posture in that picture Lucio.
sid said on 12/Apr/09
TELLEM arnold looks taller then steve austin i think is 6'1 arnie looked a inch taller
Lucio said on 11/Apr/09
Guys, I want you to consider an expectation that we could have overlooked all that is: when you're tired you tend to take a more relaxed posture, which was lower than when it was fresh and reposed.
I will not support that at all costs that Arnold is actually 1.85 m high as he says, could be, as many of you say, 1.83 m, but in my opinion, we should also consider this aspect.
So in the famous photo with Tiger Woods
Click Here could also be tired and be short than Woods but in fact not be.
Hugh 190cm said on 11/Apr/09
Roger I'm looking at photos with President Obama who he looks eye level with.
derek d said on 11/Apr/09
Chad - George H.W. Bush was never 6'4 lol. and Cj - Arnold 5'11 max in that group shot with Ralf, possibly 6' even if he's lucky.
Roger said on 11/Apr/09
I'm just now watching "End of Days" for the very first time, and after around 70 min. into it, I might actually become an Arnold hater. This movie is so bad, it's not even funny anymore. What devil (no pun intended) rode Arnold to star in this crappola "movie"?
adam said on 11/Apr/09
He was slightly under 6-2 peak. He said that himself. He was measured 6-1
Doug said on 11/Apr/09
I think he was the full 6'2" at peak or close to it. How does anybody explain how Arnie had 2-3 inches on Reagan in 1984? If Reagan was 6'1" Arnie was 6'3.5" which I'm sure you'll agree is too. I think its time you downgraded Reagan as in the 80s he was barely 6'. He looks short compared to a lot of 6'2" guys, Nobody can dispute that Arnie was near 6'2" at peak.
Roger said on 11/Apr/09
Hugh 190cm, you write "Perhaps he's 186cm now"... what photos are you looking at???
Roger said on 11/Apr/09
Doug, 5'11.5'', that's where I have him for quite some time now. I think that this is his lowest height, though, so 6' straight out of bed is in the cards.
The shrinkage occuring during the day can be dramatic, just witness the photos of Glenn that Rob has shot.
Hugh 190cm said on 11/Apr/09
I can definitely buy 6ft2 (188cm) peak.
Hugh 190cm said on 11/Apr/09
Arnold has lost height. But I don't think his bodybuildng career is to blame. I'd say it's just old age. Throughout the 90's Arnold looked 6ft2. SO he began losing height Sometime in the late 90's or early 2000's. Perhaps he's 186cm now like Robby said?
Ali said on 10/Apr/09
Roger says on 10/Apr/09
Yes, Rising, the 5'10'' stuff is of course nonsense. That would make a lifted Sly 5'8'' then, and Glenn 5'4'' - but those who make these claims come here only for
trolling reasons.
Roger the 5'10 is without lifts! Arnold is 6 feet because of the big
shoes he wears with inside lifts.
Arnold is 6 foot with his special shoes. So how tall is he without those
magic shoes? This is the million dollar question.
Ali said on 10/Apr/09
Roger says on 10/Apr/09
Yes, Rising, the 5'10'' stuff is of course nonsense. That would make a lifted Sly 5'8'' then, and Glenn 5'4'' - but those who make these claims come here only for
trolling reasons.
Roger the 5'10 is without lifts! Arnold is 6 feet because of the big
shoes he wears with inside lifts.
robby said on 10/Apr/09
His peak was 188 cm. Now he is 186 cm because he admitted that he lost almost an inch. but not less than 185. He is taller than Stephen Harper who is 185cm.
Doug said on 10/Apr/09
He looked about 2 inches shorter than Vince and 4 inches shorter than the Rock. Therefore the evidence points to 5'11.5" which is what I think he is today. At peak he was close to 6'2".
Roger said on 10/Apr/09
Yes, Rising, the 5'10'' stuff is of course nonsense. That would make a lifted Sly 5'8'' then, and Glenn 5'4'' - but those who make these claims come here only for
trolling reasons. I hope you have checked out the great photos Rob has shot of him and Glenn.
RisingForce said on 10/Apr/09
Thanks Roger. I wanted to believe Arnold when he said he was 6'1" these days, but I can't. And as interesting as those 5'10" sightings are, there's no chance he's that short as well. I think with Arnold at this point it's obvious that he's a minimum 5'11" and a max of 6'0".
Ejel Khan said on 10/Apr/09
As Arnie was a championship bodybuilder .... I think his body has taken it's toll. He's lost alot of height ... you can see it when he walks. He admits to haven lost height ... he seems to have lost height with age, more than any other celeb. I'm worried he may have osteoporosis, or something. Arnie can't attribute his height loss to anything either.
Roger said on 9/Apr/09
Very good post, RisingForce. You, EjelKhan and quite a few others were or are willing to let the facts speak. Let's see when someone here comes up and writes "I met Arnold recently, he's almost 6'3''" .
TELLEM said on 9/Apr/09
WOW @ :55
Click Here the rock is much taller than arnie...
Anonymous said on 9/Apr/09
WOW @ :55
Click Here the rock is much taller than arnie...
RisingForce said on 9/Apr/09
How much do you think The Rock is losing in posture in this picture.
Click Here Their footwear seems normal by the way.
Click HereBefore considering posture I'd say Arnold looks around 2 inches shorter there, maybe a little less. But The Rock is slouching heavily and Arnold looks like he's reaching for the stars. Arnold also seems like he's a little closer to the camera. It seems unlikely to me that The Rock wouldn't be over 3 inches taller if he straightened up.
I use to believe Arnie was still 6'1" and even argued it on this page, but I'd bet he's either 5'11.5" or 6'0" with a small chance of 5'11" flat. Anything over 6 feet seems unlikely if you keep in mind The Rock at 6'3", Tiger Woods at 6'0.5" and Tony Blair at 6 feet flat. If he looks 6'1" at times these days then I'd imagine it's his good posture or thick footwear
Click Here
Lucio said on 9/Apr/09
Tiger Woods is listed here at 184 cm not at 183 cm.
Chad said on 8/Apr/09
George H.W. Bush is listed now at 6'2" , but when he was president in 1991 he was in fact 6'4 inch tall . I remember arnold going to the white house to meet president bush and back then he only looked about 2 1/2 or 3 inches shorter than 6 foot 4 president bush . That what have put arnold's peak height at 6'1" to 6'1 1/2" . Not 5'11" or 6'flat like some people like to claim .
Clyde said on 8/Apr/09
Rob's got Arnold's height correct here.
Anonymous said on 8/Apr/09
Rillo says on 3/Apr/09
Also recent picture - guy on right is 6'1 and will be barefoot in this picture
Click Here
Recent picture??? HAHA... That is YEARS old (about 7 years old)....
Hugh 190cm said on 8/Apr/09
Arnold is not under 6ft. He looks similiar to Barack Obama. In his prime he was probably 6ft2.
Andr said on 8/Apr/09
Idd say 6 foot now and 6 foot 2 at his prime.He mayby lost couple of inches when gettin older.
Roger said on 8/Apr/09
Arnold can look 6' today, most here agree. He is though, without a doubt, not even a milimeter above 6' fresh out of bed and possibly slightly shorter. Glenn knows it, everyone who can look at the relevant photos cannot possibly come to another conclusion.
For those "I've met him, he's 6'2'' today" folks, stop wasting our time please.
Halb said on 8/Apr/09
AhNold might have been wearing lifts for the big stage there.
Doug said on 8/Apr/09
OMG did anybody know there is actually a website started dedicated to Arnie and Stallone's changing heights.
Kratos said on 8/Apr/09
He sayied that he was beetween 6'1.25 and 6'1.5 in that interview.
So why people insist that he was 6'2? He was tall,a strong 6'1 but not a 6'2 guy.
Guy said on 8/Apr/09
Arnold and Obama look pretty close
Click Here Click HereThe previous shot of Arnold and Obama can only be entertained as a rough estimate as the shot is low. These shots are side by side and so pretty good for referencing. One thing is for sure is that Arnold doesn't look 5'11" there if Obama is at around 6'1 1/2". Again he looks about 6' 1/2"-6'1" depending on the example. This also fits in with Arnold looking about 6' 1/2"ish next to strong 6 footer Tony Blair. You see there is a lot of rhyme and reason here and it all fits together. If Obama is around 6'1 1/2" (what he is usually and officially listed) than Arnold easily looks close to 6'1" here even if the situation looks a little weird
Click HereSo the idea Arnold doesn't even look 6' these days is pretty ridiculous.
Roger said on 7/Apr/09
Yes, Alex, true. And no, Jake, no 184 cm today for Arnold. I urge you to check out Arnold standing next to 183 cm Tiger Woods, and then telling us how you can possibly have Arnold at 184 cm.
Just as a reminder, here's, for the gazillionth time, the photo that shattered the "Arnod is still 6'1''" crowd to pieces:
Click HereAnd here's Tiger Woods with a 186 cm man - Roger Federer:
Click HereI'd like to ask all visitors to this site - how can anyone seriously tell us Arnold stands 185 cm after seeing those photos? It's embarrassing, to say the least.
RisingForce said on 7/Apr/09
Ali is just a
troll. Vince Basille has no reason to lie. He admits to not liking Arnold. Get over it, Arnie was measured at 6'1.5" barefoot one evening in 1969. That means that Arnold likely did hit 6'2" in the morning. These days he's nothing over 6 feet though.
Jake said on 7/Apr/09
Arnold once was 6'2"(188cm). He was a quite tall guy but he seems to have shrunk to 6'1/2".(184cm)
Alex said on 7/Apr/09
I have no problem believe Arnold at 6'1 1/2 for his peak but today no way. He'd be lucky if he was 6'0 today.
MHouillon said on 7/Apr/09
@ Ali:
No way, Arnie is just 5'10 nowadays. He's a 5'11 MINIMUM, more a 5'11.5 - 6 ft.
Doug said on 7/Apr/09
In relation to that 6'4" guy (who did look very tall as you'd expect) I definately couldn't see a 4 or 5 inch difference. It looked about a 3 inch difference to me maybe 4 max. That would still mean Arnie is a 6 footer.
TheMan said on 6/Apr/09
Ok i thought arnold was still edging 6,1 but recently i saw a video clip with him standing next to no more than 6,2 lesnar. Lesnar wasn't even standing that straight was a clear 2 inches taller maybe even 3 from what i could tell. The videos on brocks bio they met at the arnold classic. I know in prime though arnold was at least 6,1 by this now he must be barely 6,0.
crystal said on 5/Apr/09
I thought he was alot taller than that about 6ft2.
Anonymous said on 5/Apr/09
Arnold is definitely 6 foot even now.
Roger said on 5/Apr/09
Glen (no, NOT GLenn), don't write such BS. Arnold is dwarfed even by 6'1.5''ers, and you have him at 6'2'' - why do you make yourself a fool?
You have never met him, just be a little more creative when you come up next with nonsensical stuff.
RisingForce said on 5/Apr/09
Arnold's head is tilted up and Obama is slouching, plus we can't see their footwear. Arnold be 6'0", but I'd be shocked if he was any taller.
Ali said on 4/Apr/09
Arnold is 5'10 ish with 2 inch magic lift making him
about 6 foot. Barefoot 5'10.
6+ height claims are without any proof. The only thing is that
Vince Basille has measured him. That is no proof. Everybody
can see that Arnold was never close to 6'2.
Even with his lifts Arnold is 2 inches shorter than 6'2.
Rillo said on 4/Apr/09
Fianally - Arnold and Obama who is 6'1 or 6'2
Click Here In my mind he is about 6'05 - 6'1
Glen said on 4/Apr/09
I've shook his hand a looked up to him standing in my military boots at 5' 10'' he is definantly about 6' 2"
Rillo said on 3/Apr/09
Also recent picture - guy on right is 6'1 and will be barefoot in this picture
Click Here
Rillo said on 3/Apr/09
Check out this video - guy on left is listed as 6 feet 4
Click Here
brotha said on 2/Apr/09
Guy is right about the bale pictures, pure garbage for comparison's sake. The Arnold Blair pictures are the best we've got recently and that puts Arnold right at 6ft, give or take a half inch.
Ian said on 1/Apr/09
RisingForce says on 30/Mar/09
I still see Arnold clearly shorter than Bale in that series of pictures.
And bale is 183cm. So it really does look like arnold is down to 182CM these days. The tall end of 5f11 then. 5ft11 3/4.
Thomas said on 1/Apr/09
In those photos there is Arnie's elder daughter I met her and she was 5'9
Ejel Khan said on 1/Apr/09
Arnie's lost height by all estimates ... does he wear lifts? Because his height fluctuates.
derek d said on 1/Apr/09
I just watched "Raw Deal" the other night and was waiting for a good comparison of him and Robert Davi. In the scene where Arnold kills him, Arnold surprisingly looks about 1 - 1.25 inches shorter.... And this movie was made in 85' - 86' which backs up my theory that Arnold's height lost actually started in the 80's.
RisingForce said on 1/Apr/09
You do have a valid point about the Bale pictures Guy. I didn't think about Maria in the backround. That's a good point.
Roger said on 31/Mar/09
Guy's a lost case. And Lucio - Glenn has Arnold at 5'11''!
Guy said on 31/Mar/09
Again with the Bale/Arnold photo, I am always surprised(not really) at the attention and nail in the coffin attitude to these kinds of photos. Arnold and Bale are never standing side by side. I ask you this. Since everyone here thinks the person in front is ALWAYS going to look taller, why does Maria Shriver look so tall considering how she's much further away than Arnold. Compare Shriver and Arnold's height here
Click HereShe looks as tall as Arnold here despite the fact she should look much shorter being farther from the camera. She clearly should look shorter but is as tall.
Click HereCompare to here
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click HereAnd yet Shriver, wearing only sneakers, looks just fractionally shorter if that than Arnold in the bale photo. The most important thing is that her head is at Arnold's in height, but her feet are well above Arnold's feet. This suggests a high angle shot. Take a look at Arnold's daughter. Looks taller than she should here. Why does she look as tall or taller than Arnold if she's further away from the camera?
Click Here Click Here Click HereAnd yet standing SIDE BY SIDE doesn't even look as tall as Arnold even if she stood up straight.
Click HereWhat it comes down to is the Arnold/Bale photo is another faulty photo comparison with again too many glaring glitches. A high angle Paparazzi shot using a telephoto lens will create such a distortion. It is a ridiculous concept to draw a straight line across from Bales head to Arnold's when the two never adequately stand side by side.
Lucio said on 31/Mar/09
Roger, for me the range of height varies from a minimum (not less) of 1.83 m in the evening and a maximum of 1.85 m in the morning fresh out of bed.
So the Glenn evaluation of 1.83 m is substantially correct.
RisingForce said on 30/Mar/09
I still see Arnold clearly shorter than Bale in that series of pictures.
Roger said on 30/Mar/09
So Lucio, Arnold is shorter than 1.84 m MAX Tiger Woods - you know the picture, but according to you still 1.85 m. Must be sad to be that diluted.
Christian said on 30/Mar/09
@mamonazo: I think it's got something to do with his bodybuilding past. If you gain and lose that much muscle within 20 years time, 3 inch shrinking could indeed be possible.
mamonazo said on 30/Mar/09
we got a case here. arnold did shrink 3 inches? i believe u can shrink when ur over 60 but not THAT much. Arnold always wore huge shoes in his movies so to look taller but in some movies u can see hes not that tall. I give him a 5-11 no less no more. the pics with maccain prove it.
Roger said on 30/Mar/09
What is the point of discussing a photo that is close to 17 years old? We are talking about the Arnold of 2009, and most of us by now know he is 1.825 m fresh out of bed and can shrink to 1.815 m during the day.
Metric said on 30/Mar/09
He is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY closer to the camera, you fool! Use your eyes!! Pardon my danish heh.
ToMetric said on 30/Mar/09
No, he's not "WAY in front of the camera" (which actually makes very little sense). I'll assume you mean he's standing "WAY" in front of Glenn. Even still, he's really not. He's simply much bigger than Glenn.
glenn said on 29/Mar/09
ammo-what have you accomplished or contributed to the site besides hot air? have you ever met a celebrity or arnold for that matter? or me? arnold was 6-2 or close to it in his he is 5-11,5-11.5.
Ace said on 29/Mar/09
Metric, the camera is also facing down, which will negate some of the height difference. Arnold truly was 6`2 (or 6`1.75) in his prime.
Danimal said on 29/Mar/09
Billy Graham admits to having lost 4" in height, going from 6'4" to 6'0" even (this is what is happening to Arnold and Lou and Hulk Hogan):
Click Here
Metric said on 29/Mar/09
Arnold is WAY in front of the camera. This exaggerates the height difference.
Roger said on 29/Mar/09
Ammo, has it gotten through to you that this photo is from the early 90s??? That Glenn himself said Arnold could look 6'2'' back then, but that he's shrunken dramatically? Check out photos of Arnold with Tiger Woods, of Arnold with 5'8'' John McCain, and tell me where you see him standing 6'2''.
Ammo said on 29/Mar/09
He's got Glenn by 6" above, so he's 6' 2" assuming Glenn is 5' 8" which seems very unlikely by 2" or so.
glenn said on 28/Mar/09
thanks metric!
Roger said on 28/Mar/09
Arnold and no end, found this interesting piece, 22 years old, on Arnold and his weight back then:
Click HereEW wrote 3 years later that Arnold is 215 lbs, so it should have some credibility, though 210 is imaginable also.
Roger said on 28/Mar/09
Wanted to share this - some funny comments, but the photos are valuable (guess not all are new, though):
Click Here
Roger said on 28/Mar/09
It's very reassuring to see how the undeniable truth now has found its way to most people here. And no, with some exceptions, no one here has an "Anti-Arnold" agenda. It's all about interpreting facts, and coming to conclusions based on overwhelming evidence.
I'm also glad to see Glenn did never back down from his "shocking 5'11''" estimate, despite some seriously questioning him because of it.
Lucio said on 28/Mar/09
Arnold is relaxed in the picture, for me anyway, in the morning out of bed is plausible to a height of 184 (6'05 ") / 185 (6'1"), which is reduced in the evening around 182 (5'11 .5 " ) / 183 (6 ').
In any case, we can not deviate much from these measures, so I think 183/184 during the day is correct.
RisingForce said on 28/Mar/09
When was that Tony? I'm not doubting you, but I only remember calling people
trolls when they come here and say he's 5'9" or 5-10ish. Or did you say that Arnold was only 5'11" peak?
RisingForce said on 28/Mar/09
When was that Tony? I thought I called someone a
troll for saying he was 5'10".
Tony said on 28/Mar/09
"RisingForce says on 27/Mar/09
It does appear that Arnold is shorter than Christian Bale.
Click Here
Click Here
He really does seem 5-11 there. Bale in those sandals is virtually at his barefoot height. Arnold is in sneakers that look to give a half inch or a bit more."
Hey I remember you called me a
troll and that I
trolled this board for suggesting arnie is 5'11 now, But hey thanks for Compromising what you claimed (Y)
miko said on 27/Mar/09
I don't know if Rob is taking much notice of the Arnold debate at the minute, but the majority feel that with all the given evidence, that Arnie has dropped below the 6ft mark. It is certainly worth looking into I feel. Perhaps 5"11.5 or 5"11.75 would be the best listing at present.
In 10 years time we'll all be debating if he's 5"10 or 5"11!
Metric said on 27/Mar/09
Glenn was right all along! He is 5'11".
Roger said on 27/Mar/09
Ejel, you re-evaluate him after the Bale pics? So what did your mind tell you when you saw the pictures of him and Tiger Woods? This man is never ever, never, 6' or even taller anymore.
RisingForce said on 27/Mar/09
His peak height is not a question in my opinion. He was measured in the evening. His current could be anywhere from 5'11" to 6'0" depending on the time of day.
miko said on 27/Mar/09
I still think Arnold was over 6"1 at his peak. But he seems to edge closer to 5"11 by the day.
Halb said on 27/Mar/09
Current height should be dropped to 5'11
Ejel Khan said on 27/Mar/09
I'm starting to re-evaluate the Austrian oak's height after seeing the Bale pics!
RisingForce said on 27/Mar/09
It does appear that Arnold is shorter than Christian Bale.
Click HereClick HereHe really does seem 5-11 there. Bale in those sandals is virtually at his barefoot height. Arnold is in sneakers that look to give a half inch or a bit more.
glenn said on 27/Mar/09
arnold doesnt look too tall to me in that bloomberg pic.probably an illusion.
Metric said on 27/Mar/09
True enough, Roger. The thing with Arnold is that as soon as he opens his big austrian mouth you can almost ALWAYS assume some sort of lie will come out of it! I mean he is so well known for distorting the truth that even reporters always writes in articles about him (in danish newspapers anyway); "With Arnold you never really know if he is telling you the truth or just messing with your head??..." and etc etc. He is a shallow, conniving piece of work. But then again, I guess you have to be in order to make your living as a posterboy 24-7. Now, that's what I call manly. Err, well NOT...
RisingForce said on 26/Mar/09
Yeah, it looks like Bloomberg to me.
Roger said on 26/Mar/09
Metric, the question - can we trust Arnold on what he says? He might have felt that 210 lbs sound too little, so simply added 10 pounds. We won't know for sure.
He looked like 210 lbs on a 6'1'' frame for most of his late 80s to T3 career, around 215 lbs in T3 (he was 6' max. here already).
glenn said on 26/Mar/09
is that 5-6 bloomberg in the background risingforce?
Metric said on 26/Mar/09
Roger: Later in the interview Arnold specifically says he weighs 220 lbs
Click Here BTW I become UPSET about the deluded fanboys . Not AROUSED! That word could imply something entirely different... :)
Kratos said on 26/Mar/09
Letterman never was 6'2,he was more like 6'1.5,he looks to have only half an inch over Bill Murray (who is a legitimate 6'1).
On YouTube there is a video where you can compare the height of the two.
Arnold never was 6'2,he was more like 6'1.25 ""as he claims"" (Letterman was a bit taller than him as you can see in another video of YouTube).
In the photo with The Rock (6'3) we can't see what tipe of shoes they wear.
This is Arnold true height:
Peak 6'1.25 (186) - 6'0 and 6'2 are ridicoulus estimation.
Now 5'11.5 (182) - Looks shorter because of his weight and posture.
3rd and final:
He was tall but not 6'2. I'm also his fan,but the celebrities tend to lie about their real height.
RisingForce said on 26/Mar/09
Arnold's shoes looked suspicious that day he posed with Obama. Look at his front foot. His shoes have big heels.
Click HereThat explains how he measured up well to Obama.
Ali said on 25/Mar/09
Metric, David Letterman is not 6'2. He is 6'1
at most.
I remember very well when Bill Clinton a year or so
ago was on the letterman show. Letterman and Clinton
stood side by side and they were exactly the same height.
Clinton is a slightly under 6'1. About 184 cm.
Barack Obama is taller than Clinton and he is about 186 cm.
Clinton's 6'2 claims are incorrect. Google ''blair clinton'' and
you will see pictures where Clinton is only at most an inch taller
than 6'0 Blair.
Here are a few:
Click HereClick HereClick HereGeorge Bush senior is a full 6'2 and he is clearly taller and bigger
than Clinton.
Click HereClick HereClick Here
Roger said on 25/Mar/09
Metric, I'm amazed you can get so aroused by the "Arnold is still 6'1'' and was min. 6'2''" crowd. Those guys are deluded, and nothing will change their mind. I mean, what else can you say after the Arnold / Woods and Woods / Federer photos.
However, what you write about Arnold looking small is not neccessarily right.
First, he sometimes was as low as 200 pounds in the 80s (just read the intro to the interview Playboy magazine did with im in 1988). Secondly, he shoulders are not that broad. That accounts for a lot. Someone like
Michael Jordan, who was 215 lbs standing almost 6'6'', could look bigger back then thanks to his naturally wider shoulders.
It should be noted that what makes genetically gifted people like Arnold special is that they can build up mass quite easily. Just witness Kevin Levrone as another example.
Or Arnold in 1980. He did not win this Mr Olympia deservedly, but still, for slightly less than 80 days preparation, it was quite a body.
Lucio said on 25/Mar/09
Miko, but where do you see that Clinton is taller than Arnold?
More clearly so you can not!
It's really true that some people deny the truth even in the face.
Arnold is 6'1" and it is a myth!
Roger said on 25/Mar/09
Just on a sidenote, here's German BB hopeful in a 2009 video with "The Masterblaster" Joe Weider. Funny is how there are statues and (painted) pictures of Uncle Joe as a physical maverick when he now looks as if straight out of the walking dead:
Click Here
RisingForce said on 25/Mar/09
I don't agree that it's sad to see him slip below the 6 foot mark. He's still a good height and his height loss doesn't make him any less great.
I agree though that 5'11.5" or 6'0" is accurate. You're still wrong about his peak height Lynn, he's lost a lot of height.
miko said on 25/Mar/09
Erm Lucio, in that video, Clinton is "clearly" taller than Arnold. If you factor Clinton's poor posture he could be as much as 1.5" taller than Arnie.
Clinton might not even be a full 6"1 these days. Im a huge fan of Arnold but the guy appears to have slipped fractionally below the 6"0 mark which is sad to see. He makes up for the loss with lifts at events/photo shoots where he will be against other "lifted" people.
6"1 is fantasy these days. 5"11.5 or 6"0 it is.
Lynn said on 25/Mar/09
Click HereSo do some guys still think that Arnold has lost 2" or more from his prime?
He was 183-184 cm ( 6'-6'.05" ) peak. And currently if he stand straight he still is aroud 6'.
So with good shoes it is easy for him to be the same height of Obama who is no more than 6'1"
Vibram said on 24/Mar/09
If your carry more weight on the upper body (like arnie) do you lose more height with age because of the extra compression on the spine and develop a dowagers hump?
RisingForce said on 24/Mar/09
Arnold has lost more than just an inch. 6'1" is highly unlikely for Arnie at this point.
miko said on 24/Mar/09
Arnold with 6"1 Obama. A weird angled photo I'll admit.
Click Here
Ejel Khan said on 24/Mar/09
Roger2 ur right Arnie was the same height as Clinton .... I remember pics of them together back in the day, and now. Clinton hasn't lost height, but Arnie has, due to his strict physical regime during body building, which has taking it's toll on his body. This explains his height loss. Still 6'1" though, and still a legend!
Metric said on 24/Mar/09
This b*llsh*t has to end! How can Arnold be 188-189 cm when he was ALWAYS shorter than legit 188 cm David Letterman!!?? ALWAYS! I know many of you say "Nooo, they are the same height" but they are not!
Click Here It's so obvious that Arnold is AT LEAST 2-3 cm shorter than David in this vid! And he probably wears lifts here because he knows that his height deception will be on serious scrutiny in a major television broadcast. But little does it help our "hero". He is just DWARFED! To make matters worse Letterman even has horrible posture most of the time while Arnold is standing straight as hell. You can easily imagine what would happen if Letterman stood straight? Yes, Arnold would be pulverized! This is clearly NOT two men of equal height (188-189 cm). Look at the difference in the size of their frames: This is 1986-version of prime 220 lbs beefy Arnold. Still he does not at all look intimidating to the degree that you would expect from a huge bodybuilder squaring of against a thin-type body like Lettermans. Why is this the case? Because David has the larger skeletal frame and naturally looks bigger than Arnold. Obviously I'm not talking muscle or weight where Arn has him beaten. Bottom line 189 cm for Arnie is nothing but deluded fanboys wet dreams. Here's a handkerchief for y'all. Lol.
Lucio said on 24/Mar/09
Check out this video: Arnold and Bill are equally high, even, Arnold a little more.
Click Here
RisingForce said on 24/Mar/09
Do I even have to mention how much closer to the camera Arnold is? He's not as tall as Bill Clinton anymore.