How tall is Kane - Page 15

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Average Guess (670 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.86in (202.9cm)
Current: 6ft 6.91in (200.4cm)
James B said on 16/Jan/16
I have JBL at 6'4.75 today and 6'5 peak
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 16/Jan/16
JBL and Wade Could be the same height
Here probably both in dress shoes
Click Here
rikashiku said on 16/Jan/16
@Vegas on Cesaro.

Click Here Before they hug, both in ring gear, Swagger maybe has an inch on Cesaro. If Swagger is 6'5". Cesaro is 6'4". Maybe a weak 6'4".

Click Here Randy Orton with JBL. Looks to be an inch between them. Both in dress shoes.

Click Here Again, but in wrestling gear. The gap in height is pretty close.

Click Here Orton with Sheamus both in wrestling gear. Sheamus I've always thought is about 6'4".
John said on 15/Jan/16
@James B
Cesaro is nowhere near a legit 6'5". He's most definitley 6'3 1/4" or 6'3 1/2" at the most.

Strowman was the same height or even a bit taller than Kane during their staredown one episode of Raw, so no way Strowman is under 6'7". 6'7 1/2" or a weak 6'8" would be the best guess for him.


Click Here JBL edged 6'4" Orton only a slight bit in this promo, but even if Orton was in thick wrestling boots, and JBL was in thin dress shoes, I don't see JBL being any taller than 6'5".
rikashiku said on 15/Jan/16
I just checked out the JBL&Cole show, both Barrett and Swagger are clearly taller.
James B said on 15/Jan/16
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 14/Jan/16
JBL in dress shoes is taller than Barrett and Swagger
So,A 6'6 Barrett give us a 1,99 tal Jbl but i don't think this is true
Swagger 1,96-1,97
Barrett 1,96-1,97
JBL 1,97-1,98

JBL was a shade shorter than Barrett in a video they did together. Not to mention shorter than Sid at raw anniversary.

I think 195cm for JBL today and 196cm peak
Vegas said on 15/Jan/16
i saw cesaro and kane standing up talking with each other in a hotel lobby (both out of gear)...kane had more height on cesaro in 2013 than he had on my 6'4 friend back in 2004 so based on that i doubt cesaro is more than 6'3 range. i was behind a velvet rope so didn't get to see him up close however

maybe its me but swagger looked noticeably taller than cesaro when they tagged Click Here
rikashiku said on 14/Jan/16
@A man said on 13/Jan/16
"Show is carrying more fat and is structurally thicker due to his acromegaly."

Ah yes you have a point. I checked out the scene again with Big SHow facing the camera and on the side, and same for Strowman. Big SHows legs are very thick. His chest and abdomen are also much thciker than Strowmans. I can see him being about 430-440lbs.

@James B said on 13/Jan/16

Swaggers Mugshot has him at 6'6", like I said before. He's very likely 6'5" or 6'5.5". When he was teaming with Cesaro, they looked very close in height. He maybe 2cm taller than Cesaro.

A few years back, Swagger and Barrett were in a survivor series team, both standing side by side and the first time we see Barrett next to someone of similar height. Swagger at the time being listed as 6'6"-6'7" and Barrett at 6'5". Barrett was clearly taller than Swagger. An inch or more. Barrett is not 6'5" as you claim. I even made a point about this with him next to Mada. I posted about Mada yesterday but it hasn't come through yet. Barrett is clearly just taller than Mada, who is 198cm tall and about 5 years ago, weighed 110kg. He was a personal training in New Zealand, he trained Jason Mamoa for Game of Thrones. He played basketball for a local team in Taranaki. Most sources put his height at 6'6". Barrett is just taller than he is.

@James B said on 13/Jan/16
Yeah maybe strowman is 6'7.5

Maybe all the guys you've been underselling are taller than you think.
mrtguy said on 14/Jan/16
A man said on 13/Jan/16
The weight difference between Strowman and Show is probably bigger than you think. Show is carrying more fat and is structurally thicker due to his acromegaly.

I'd put Strowman at 360-375lbs and Show at 435-450lbs

Big Show is more of an athlete than Strowman or as I like to call him "Slowman", who is a weight lifter.
Paul said on 14/Jan/16
Strowman - 6'7.5"
Big Show - 6'11"
Kane - 6'7"
Undertaker - 6'7"
Mark Henry - 6'2.5"
Rowan - 6'6.5"
Harper - 6'4.75"
Cesaro - 6'3.5"
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 14/Jan/16
JBL in dress shoes is taller than Barrett and Swagger
So,A 6'6 Barrett give us a 1,99 tal Jbl but i don't think this is true
Swagger 1,96-1,97
Barrett 1,96-1,97
JBL 1,97-1,98
James B said on 14/Jan/16
Actually I am not sure about 6'7.5 for strowman because there is not much between him and undertaker. Taker is 6'6.5 max these days.
James B said on 14/Jan/16
Big show will be no walk in the park for strowman to defeat
A man said on 13/Jan/16
The weight difference between Strowman and Show is probably bigger than you think. Show is carrying more fat and is structurally thicker due to his acromegaly.

I'd put Strowman at 360-375lbs and Show at 435-450lbs
James B said on 13/Jan/16
Swagger does not look 6'5-6'6 compared to cesaro
James B said on 13/Jan/16
Yeah maybe strowman is 6'7.5
rikashiku said on 13/Jan/16
James B said on 11/Jan/16

"Which wrestler are you referring is 6'5-6'6?"


"Barrett is 6'5 not 6'6"

Barrett is a legit 6'6". He slightly edged Mada who is often listed at 6'6". Here is an article 4 years ago talking about Mada, a 198cm 110kg basketball player in Taranaki. Click Here Other stats place him at 196cm and 197cm.

"Just because rowan is listed at 6'6-6'7 does not mean he is"

That's why I said LISTED. In the past Rowan was LISTED at 6'6" and 6'7" before coming to FCW where he was listed for a long time at 6'7". I think he's more 6'6" now IMO, but Strowman is definitely a strong 6'7" or a weak 6'8". Also if Big Show is 400lbs, STrowman is at least 30lbs lighter. They look very close in thickness.
Shuvayu said on 12/Jan/16
strowman massive boots & massive physique makes him look tall..... similar to sid's but will be shorter than kane by an inch for sure
rikashiku said on 12/Jan/16
About Strowman.

Here he is with 6'8" listed Brian Shaw. Click Here Very similar in height. The bandana doesn't help get an accurate measurement.

With 6'6" listed, 6'3" actual Hulk Hogan Click Here I don't know about you 6'6" believers, but I don't see 3" there.

With 5'8" listed Hideo Itami and 6'3" listed Dylan Miley Click Here

With Zack Deal who is 6'5". Click Here Note that Deal puts Strowmans stats at 6'7" and 375lbs.

With 5'11" Finn Balor and 6'3" Dylan Miley. Click Here a much closer picture next to Strowman that gives a big more accuracy to how tall each of them are.
James B said on 11/Jan/16
Yeah misheard lol that was rybacks weight
James B said on 11/Jan/16
rikashiku said on 11/Jan/16
@James B said on 4/Jan/16

Around 6'5"-6'6". It's a little hard to tell sometimes since he is rarely around guys similar in height. His Mugshot had him at 78" tall, his footware gave some added height but we don't know how much. He could be wearing Sandals or Boots. BEtween 6'5" and 6'6" is fair, even next to who I think is a legit 6'6" Wade Barrett. His career over the years have had him listed between 6'4" and 6'7". Even Swagger on his debut he was announced by the commentators as being 6'4" and 250lbs.

I also don't see Strowman at 6'6" at all. Higher than that for sure. 6'7" at the lowest. Next to Rowan he seems to have an inch over him and I remember a while ago when he was listed as the red haired Viking he was listed between 6'6" and 6'7" 320lbs before going to FCW. Luke Harper seems to be weak 6'5". Slightly taller than Randy Orton, similar in height to Cesaro, taller than Sheamus who in a documentary was listed at 6'4" and 190lbs when he was about 20 years old.

Which wrestler are you referring is 6'5-6'6?

Barrett is 6'5 not 6'6

Just because rowan is listed at 6'6-6'7 does not mean he is
Slim said on 11/Jan/16
Wow didn't think he'd stack up that close in height to big show. Good stare down. Both have big footwear. Btw Kane has been wearing flats lately and standing very straight for the most part. All photos and vids I've seen of Kane in a suit and tie with big show have him close to shows height. I knew Kane was always monstrous even without lifts.
rikashiku said on 11/Jan/16
@James B said on 4/Jan/16

Around 6'5"-6'6". It's a little hard to tell sometimes since he is rarely around guys similar in height. His Mugshot had him at 78" tall, his footware gave some added height but we don't know how much. He could be wearing Sandals or Boots. BEtween 6'5" and 6'6" is fair, even next to who I think is a legit 6'6" Wade Barrett. His career over the years have had him listed between 6'4" and 6'7". Even Swagger on his debut he was announced by the commentators as being 6'4" and 250lbs.

I also don't see Strowman at 6'6" at all. Higher than that for sure. 6'7" at the lowest. Next to Rowan he seems to have an inch over him and I remember a while ago when he was listed as the red haired Viking he was listed between 6'6" and 6'7" 320lbs before going to FCW. Luke Harper seems to be weak 6'5". Slightly taller than Randy Orton, similar in height to Cesaro, taller than Sheamus who in a documentary was listed at 6'4" and 190lbs when he was about 20 years old.
Lyle said on 10/Jan/16
@James B that was Ryback JBL announced at 291lbs when he had him I'm his finishing move
A man said on 10/Jan/16
Wasn't he talking about Ryback when he said that?

Strowman looks a legit 350 so you'd expect them to bill him at least that
James B said on 9/Jan/16
By the way I cant see rowan over 6'6 if Vegas saw strowman as noticibley taller in person.
James B said on 9/Jan/16
JBL announced strowmans weight at 291 pounds......... That's seems a bit low
mrtguy said on 9/Jan/16
Big Show clearly had a disadvantage Click Here here's a recent pic of him and kevin durant
Frank Ruiz said on 8/Jan/16
Kane admitted to being 6 foot 8 recently. He has very large soles on his boots,3-4 inches to make him appear 6'11-7'0
Abdi said on 7/Jan/16
Did you guys see the stare down between the big show and Braun strowman
Click Here
James B said on 7/Jan/16
uy said on 6/Jan/16
I think Height Challenger 15 is taller than Braun Strowman

Taller than Luke harper but strowman? No way
mrtguy said on 6/Jan/16
I think Height Challenger 15 is taller than Braun Strowman
Shuvayu said on 6/Jan/16
@Dan ... strowman wears high boots ...morgan any day is taller
Sammy Derrick said on 6/Jan/16
Click Here
Click Here
They are times when he looks shorter,but I don't know why.What do you think Rob?
Sammy Derrick said on 6/Jan/16
Click Here
mrtguy said on 5/Jan/16
rikashiku said on 1/Jan/16
@mrtguy said on 25/Dec/15

If we get pics of Cass with other big guys it will be easier to tell how tall he really is. I can buy 6'9" max for him. He is a very tall person having shoulders above some of the other NXT talent.

big cass was listed 6'8'' in basketball, anything over it is ridiculous
James B said on 5/Jan/16
Shuvayau - I actually think 6'6.5 is best fit for braun strowman. He only had 1.5-2 inches on luke harper who I think is 6'4.5-6'5 range

Eric Rowans is nearly 5 inches shorter than now 6'10.5 big show so 6'5.5-6'6 range fits for Rowans.
Shuvayu said on 5/Jan/16
The best would be to measure any one of these athletes against cricketers curtly ambrose is a solid 6'7" , mohammed irfan is 7'1" & while they do suffer injuries they dont lose height....
:D said on 4/Jan/16
There is a photo of Cass and Hafthor Bjornsson
James B said on 4/Jan/16
Jack swagger is not over 6'5
Shuvayu said on 4/Jan/16
@James B half an inch to your predicted heights
6'2 Dan said on 3/Jan/16
I have 2 questions for all of you Guys and i quote: Between Braun Strowman and "the blue print" Matt Morgan, 1. Who wears thicker boots? 2. Who's taller in real life?
rikashiku said on 1/Jan/16
@mrtguy said on 25/Dec/15

If we get pics of Cass with other big guys it will be easier to tell how tall he really is. I can buy 6'9" max for him. He is a very tall person having shoulders above some of the other NXT talent.

@James B said on 27/Dec/15

Luke Harper could even be a solid 6'5" considering how close in height he is to Cesaro, and how close in height Cesaro is to solid 6'5"-6'6" Jack Swagger(Swagger slightly edges out Cesaro).

I don't see Strowman at 6'6". 6'7" definitely though. I remember a while ago that Rowan was also listed at 6'7" too for sometime. He was doing this Red Headed Viking gimmick.
James B said on 1/Jan/16
Vegas said on 29/Dec/15
strowman is noticeably taller than rowan out of gear in person

That would mean strowman is 6'5 then?
James B said on 30/Dec/15
Shuvayu said on 30/Dec/15
@James B add .5 to make this accurate

Add 5 to what?
Shuvayu said on 30/Dec/15
@James B add .5 to make this accurate
Vegas said on 29/Dec/15
strowman is noticeably taller than rowan out of gear in person
James B said on 27/Dec/15
braun strowman 6'6.25
Eric Rowan 6'6.25
Luke harper 6'4.5
Undertaker 6'6.25 peak 6'7
Kane 6'6.75 peak 6'7.5

I think this is an accurate listing
Abdi said on 27/Dec/15
On this video you can see the height difference between Kane, the undertaker and Braun strowman.
Click Here
mrtguy said on 25/Dec/15
that big cass guy is like blake griffin, a solid 6'8'' guy getting listed/billed at 6'10'' in the wwe and hyped as 7 foot tall.
mrtguy said on 25/Dec/15
that enzo amore guy doesn't look 5'11''. He looks more 5'9'' and about 190 lbs.
Shuvayu said on 23/Dec/15
Raw and smackdown kane featured against the wyatts ...clearly looked taller than strowman
Omid said on 20/Dec/15
Guys some more pics of Kane's footwear

Click Here

As you can see he is wearing the same boot as the Bigshow

Click Here

Click Here

As you can see in all different eras he's been wearing the same kind of boots as all big guys, he did wear some huge platforms but the last I saw him in them was 2001 or 1998
NCL said on 19/Dec/15
WhoKnows said on 7/Dec/15
@ Rikashiku, I agree completely that he definitely appeared taller and heavier than Taker in that match. Unlike a lot of people on here I have no intention of getting in a pissing contest with other posters. I could be mistaken but I believe it was NCL who said he had some mags with that listing of 6 ft 7, as do I. I'll dig them out of my shed and post as soon as I get them. To be clear, im not saying I agree with the listing, however it was in them for sure.

Yup that was me :>) I can't find mine unfortunately
Tarinator said on 19/Dec/15
Can he pull off looking 203 - 205 cm barefoot?
James B said on 19/Dec/15
Kane I think measured 6'8.75 with his big boots in the attitude era.
mrtguy said on 17/Dec/15
@rikashiku I knew that big cass guy wasn't 6'10''. After seeing his basketball ID, it just gave away the fact that he is 6'8'' max NO MORE.
mrtguy said on 17/Dec/15
Big Cass (Bill Morrissey) can't be over 6'8''. Always thought he was in the 6'7-8 range . Strowman to me looks no taller than 6'6''
rikashiku said on 17/Dec/15
@mrtguy said on 15/Dec/15

About a decade ago, Chris Masters revealed that WWE do indeed add a few more inches and pounds on a wrestlers stats to make them sound more impressive.

@Shuvayu said on 15/Dec/15

WWE has his height listed at 6'10", always at 6'10", and even NBA can get heights wrong.

About Baron Corbin, he might actually be 6'7". He's definitely much taller than 6'5"-6'6" Matt Bloom, and very close in height to Strowman, and Big Cass(who also looked like he was just taller than Strowman).
mrtguy said on 15/Dec/15
WWE usually boosts wrestlers height by at least two inches
mrtguy said on 15/Dec/15
Click Here 7'4''? please LOL
A man said on 15/Dec/15
Strongman heights are exaggerated just as wrestlers are, so they can't be taken as gospel. Hafthor Bjornsson is listed everywhere as 6,9" but Rob has him at 6,7.75" with photographic proof.
181cm Lift Wearer said on 15/Dec/15
Vegas, yeah, Strowman should have been billed at least 6'9, considering the fact that WWE wants Strowman to seem that more imposing and massive.
Omid said on 15/Dec/15
Tuga I agree, Kane definitely sold Strowman's height

The best I can see between Taker and Kane at their prime is 0.5 some may argue 1 but I think 0.5 is reasonable with either:

Taker 6'7.25-----Kane 6'7.75


Taker 6'7---Kane 6'7.5

Vegas before they gave him these new boots Strowman had a lot of issue going over the ropes to the ring and I've seen Kane do it easier, I think 6'8 is a little bit too much but 6'7 is a very big possibility
Vegas said on 15/Dec/15
strowman was listed 6'8 in strongman prior to being signed by wwe, thats the official american strongman site Click Here

yes some wrestlers are listed 2 inches more than their non-wwe sports listings but not everyone is, some are listed more (kurt angle went from 180cm to 6'2 in wwe), some less, some exactly the same e.g cena who was listed 6'1 in college football and 6'1 in wwe, ditto roman reigns who was listed 6'3 in college football and 6'3 in wwe (though measured 6'2.5 barefoot at the combine)
Derek said on 15/Dec/15
Kane has always been a solid 6'8 guy. 203 cm.
Undertaker always looked more like 6'7- 6'7 1/2 201-202 cm range.
Kevin nash looks solid 6'9 to me.. which is 205-206 cm range..
Big show is a weak 7 footer.. in the 212 cm range.
Great khali is strong 7'1 ., 216 cm.
A man said on 14/Dec/15
Kane has never been 6.11". Even in his biggest boots he would have measured max 6,9.5", and that's probably being generous.
Tuga said on 14/Dec/15
Slim said on 10/Dec/15
Tuga... The taker and unibomb photo was horrible. How about lookup the vidoe. Unibomb was taller. Yankem was taller. Kane was WAY taller bc of his boots. Bare feet Glenn would be taller than mark. Geez.

I´ve seen the video quite a few times for a long time now, picture isn´t the best obviously, but please show us a better height comparison.

So kane was "WAY" taller:

Click Here
Click Here

No camera advantage for anyone, BOTH with good posture.
Its from the December 15 1997 wwe raw.

About kane and strowman, its clear kane "sold" strowman´s size, its a fine example of how posture can affect ones perception of height differencial.
tut tut tut said on 13/Dec/15
Kane is 6'11 without boots and undertaker is 6'9 without boots think about it. its because the boots dont make you grow and they arent allowed to give a false height in the application they do get checked you know. I could say im 6'3 when im 6'1.5 it will be the correct billed height
James B said on 12/Dec/15
rikashiku said on 10/Dec/15
@Shuvayu said on 9/Dec/15

Pretty much. Even in his match with Undertaker in 2002, he wore very flat boots compared to what he wears now and he looked tiny by the Undertaker.

@James B said on 9/Dec/15

That would make Edge about 6'2" and Mike Knox about 6'2" as well when they're clearly taller than that.

6'2 in comparison to who?
josey wales said on 12/Dec/15
Kane looks like a 2meter guy. Same with taker when one can get him to stand decent.
Strongman said on 11/Dec/15
They likely enhanced Kane's height in the movie to make him appear taller than he really is. Can't believe what you see in movies. Kevin Nash is more like a legit 6'8" (nowadays), and similarly Matt Morgan. Kane's still a 6'6"er to me.
Omid said on 11/Dec/15

Great pic here...
Click Here
As you can Harper, Wyatt and Rowan all have the same kind of footwear (Wyatt's has a different design but the the shoe is the same) and these shoes are exactly the ones Kane is wearing now currently meaning whatever difference they had between them is real but Braun's boots seem a bit weird to me

See I know Braun's a big.....well huge guy but these boots are a little bit too big and correct me if I'm wrong but don't they look like they can have hidden platform inside?
Editor Rob
the angle can be a little tricky as it's nearer the guys on the right than left there.
rikashiku said on 10/Dec/15
@Shuvayu said on 9/Dec/15

Pretty much. Even in his match with Undertaker in 2002, he wore very flat boots compared to what he wears now and he looked tiny by the Undertaker.

@James B said on 9/Dec/15

That would make Edge about 6'2" and Mike Knox about 6'2" as well when they're clearly taller than that.
SID said on 10/Dec/15
Shuvauyu 5 inches from 6'3 would make kane 6'8. Look how much kane towers over Tom Welling
Slim said on 10/Dec/15
Tuga... The taker and unibomb photo was horrible. How about lookup the vidoe. Unibomb was taller. Yankem was taller. Kane was WAY taller bc of his boots. Bare feet Glenn would be taller than mark. Geez.
Omid said on 10/Dec/15

Why Kane is the only one whose boots are being acknowledged here? Yes Kane used to wear massive boots at....1998! you are free to check for pictures he has worn smaller boots ever since then or early 2000

Undertaker..... hell even the 7 foot Bigshow wears some boots and to a good eye and with a good angle it is obvious Kane even before becoming Kane was taller than Taker MAX 1 inch

My best bet is 0.5 inch with Taker being either 6'7-6'7.25 prime and Kane 6'7.5-6'7.75
Shuvayu said on 10/Dec/15
How about this ...tom welling listed around 6'3" (1.90 meters ) with kane ...clearly 5 inches plus Click Here
rikashiku said on 9/Dec/15
@Shuvayu said on 8/Dec/15

That's what I said earlier quite a few times. Strowman with the lifts, posture, and Sid staredown still looks really about the same height as Kane who hasn't worn lifts for years.
Tuga said on 9/Dec/15
Click Here
How is taker shorter?

Click Here
This footware diferencial plus kane´s "sid like monster posture" gave the illusion that he was taller.
He was supposed to be taker´s baby bigger brother.
They did it similar with braun strowman, he´s not taller than kane but with some footwear advantage and that monster posture there you go.

I´m surprised people see this with braun but not what they did with taker and kane and kane´s footware even today is bigger than taker´s:
Click Here

Also with the bald kane:
Click Here
Kane still has some footware advantage and taker still has to have his neck bent a bit to kane look even a tiny bit taller at all.
Click Here
Click Here

Taker´s response to this nonsense:
Click Here
"I´m gonna take those boots " ;)
James B said on 9/Dec/15
Rob you saw drew McIntyre in person as looking 6'5 yet Vegas saw him at 6'4 without ring gear.

Do you belief Drew is really 6'5?
Editor Rob
I can't recall exactly how big his footwear was, but standing tall he looked quite big to me.
James B said on 9/Dec/15
orton these days looks closer to 6'3 than 6'5
Shuvayu said on 9/Dec/15
right rikashiku orton did wear flats in 2002-2004 or how else dave batista edge him out in 2004 and look shorter than him in 2014
Icehole73 said on 8/Dec/15
I was looking at 2001 pic of Kane at his best. What I wouldn't give to see that Kane vs Braun. Would have destroyed him all round.
rikashiku said on 8/Dec/15
WhoKnows said on 7/Dec/15

That'll be great if you do have the magazines with that height listing for Unibomb. Even when he was ISsac Yankem, the announcers still said that he was bigger than the Undertaker and were surprised by it, still making the 6'9"-6'10" claim for Taker. In the Rumble at 95 or 96, they said he was 6'9" coming out. A few times Undertaker has been listed at 6'8". I remember one time in 2002 or so, there was a tale of the take with Taker and Kurt Angle. Taker listed at 6'8" and 305lbs and Angle listed at 6'0" and 220lbs.
Shuvayu said on 8/Dec/15
@rikashiku ... strowman is no way taller even with those massive lifts... its just that his size & posture makes him look big .... If kane wore those lifts he wud edge strowman by 2 inches least ...anyways wwe live event to india will have kane battle harper and show on 15th & 16tgh Jan so u cud get an idea
rikashiku said on 8/Dec/15
@hyperion said on 6/Dec/15

Kane was always listed between 6'10" and 7'0". When Big Show debut he was listed at 7'2" and Kanes boots got a bit thicker. With Braun Strowman, Kane was never 2" shorter than Braun. posture played a role, and Strowman using the Sycho Sid stance made him look bigger than he really was, even though they looked similar in height, and Strowman still wore the new thicker boots.

@James B said on 6/Dec/15

I remember that a few times Orton was listed at 260lbs back when HHH was listed at 287lbs. Orton was definitely bulkier back in 2004-2005. He had a thicker neck and much bulkier upper body than he does now. Orton was one of the few guys to be listed with his legitimate height. Hell, he could even be a weak 6'5" but it's really hard to tell now because he has been wearing thicker boots for about 8 years. Back in 2003 and early 2004 he wore flatter boots.
Slim said on 7/Dec/15
Hyperion where have you ever seen Braun stand 2" over Kane? Only vid of them in a stare down was on RAW and Kane was slouching, with head tilted down a bit and STILL edged Braun. Kane wasn't even wearing his big boots. Kane is slightly taller now and 97-02 Kane would totally make Braun quiver in his BIG BOOTS.
WhoKnows said on 7/Dec/15
Also, would anyone here be interested in doing a poll, as far as who is taller than who, without stating a number or estimate of height. The point being to come to a general consensus conclusion without nitpicking. From there, between all of us im sure someone could come up with an actual measurement of a wrestler for comparisons sake. For example I attend independent shows frequently and could probably nail someone down that doesn't care about kayfabe and would allow a legit measurement, then take that and get a pretty reasonable estimate of others.
WhoKnows said on 7/Dec/15
@ Rikashiku, I agree completely that he definitely appeared taller and heavier than Taker in that match. Unlike a lot of people on here I have no intention of getting in a pissing contest with other posters. I could be mistaken but I believe it was NCL who said he had some mags with that listing of 6 ft 7, as do I. I'll dig them out of my shed and post as soon as I get them. To be clear, im not saying I agree with the listing, however it was in them for sure.
Shuvayu said on 7/Dec/15
Any one has wrestlers standing next to cricketers ..... may be the west indies .... this will clear all doubts
Omid said on 6/Dec/15
Rob even before becoming Kane, Jacobs had met Undertaker in the ring several times and in all of them you could notice he was taller.....what makes you not either pushing Kane up to 6'8 or Taker down to 6'7 peak?
Editor Rob
it is a strong argument for 6ft 7 undertaker peak and 6ft 6-6.5 range today.
hyperion said on 6/Dec/15
Kane was billed as 7" 0 in 1997-03. In his Wrestlemania 14 staredown with the Undertaker, he stood two to three inches taller than him. I think he is 6" 7 without boots, and Undertaker is now 6'8
James B said on 6/Dec/15
Of topic for a moment

I get the impression from looking at old YouTube videos that randy orton did seem just a tiny bit taller back in 2005. I dunno it could be that he seemed more muscular back then or his hairstyle was different but I'd say he looked a legit 6'4 in 2004/2005.

These days orton looks leaner and does look more 6'3 range than a solid 6'4. Could it be possible he could be starting to drop a fraction of height?
hyperion said on 6/Dec/15
Kane in 1997-2002 was 6" 10-7" 1 ,but now he is about 6" 6-6"10. I saw Braun Strowman standing about two inches over him, and the undertaker is about 6" 8 now. In Kane's case, he wore boots which gave him an extra 2-4 inches to his height, and he got older, but in the Undertaker's case, he got older, and lost two inches, and also he usually doesn't stand up straight anymore.
rikashiku said on 6/Dec/15
@WhoKnows said on 4/Dec/15

I don't recall him ever having a listing. Looking at the match against Taker, Unibomb was definitely taller and it's pretty funny that the announcers would say that Taker has a size advantage when Unibomb is clearly bigger between the two, though Taker was wearing a vest making him seem smaller than he really is. IN times Taker does go barechest, he looks pretty freakin huge.
James B said on 5/Dec/15
nathaniel said on 3/Dec/15
how the hell did they claim he was 7 foot he is probably 6 foot 6.5 or 6 foot 7

When he debuted as Kane his wrestling boots he wore boosted him to 6'8.5-6'9 that's why
rikashiku said on 5/Dec/15
@Strongman said on 3/Dec/15

Kane hasn't worn those lifts for 3-4 years. Strowman was actually wearing thicker boots with his face to face with Kane and they just looked about the same height.

@nathaniel said on 3/Dec/15

Taker was listed at 6'10" and Kane was often seen as being 1-2" taller than Taker. Before he took that persona, he was Issac Yankem and listed at 6'9". Before that his height had been listed between 6'8" and 6'10". He's a huge man. I don't see 6'6", but definitely 6'7" and over today. Even the Undertakers height has usually been listed at 6'8" from time to time instead of 6'10" or 6'11" and as Mean Mark Callos he was listed at 6'8"-6'9".

What WWE did is they added 2" and 15-20lbs onto their real sizes. Years ago they would actually add 4" instead because it made the performers sound more impressive and draw more people into the seats.
WhoKnows said on 4/Dec/15
I remember a ton of listings around '94 or '95 in the Apter mags for Unabomb, when he teamed with Al Snow in Smokey Mountain as 6 ft 7 consistently.
Slim said on 4/Dec/15
Strongman Kane doesn't wear big lifts anymore. Actually.... Braun wears the biggest ones now.
rikashiku said on 4/Dec/15
@Vegas said on 2/Dec/15

You trust that site? With the picture next to HHH it does look to be about 4-5" difference. Though next to Mada who has been listed at 6'6" also in the past, in the show and their face to face moments, Josh looks slightly taller. Unless Mada in his bodybuilding career has also added an inch or more to his actual height.

James B said on 2/Dec/15

So your opinion is based on a 5 year old post of the opinion of someone else. You know Mark Henry is 6'3", right? His professional career before going into wrestling has usually listed him at 6'3" and 6'4", not 6'1". With Zack Ryder, I wouldn't put him at 6'0" unless you want to say Hugh Jackman is 5'11.5". With Mike Knox, he's actually shorter than Luke Gallows and in the Survivor Series team with Edge and Randy Orton who are both over 6'3", he didn't look to be taller than they were. Hell Randy looked taller than Knox did.
nathaniel said on 3/Dec/15
how the hell did they claim he was 7 foot he is probably 6 foot 6.5 or 6 foot 7
Strongman said on 3/Dec/15
I know for a fact Braun Strowman is a legitimate 6'7 flat. Can't see Kane being over 6'7", considering he sports the biggest lifts.
James B said on 2/Dec/15
Here's the link

Click Here
Vegas said on 2/Dec/15
bredl's nfl combine numbers are here with height stated at 6060 which is 6'6 flat Click Here

even without that looking at him with hhh you would know he isn't 6'8 or 6'7, bredl does not have a head or forehead as big as big show e.g Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Dec/15
James B said on 30/Nov/15
Go to 2:00 mins onwards in this video Click Here

Kane does not look that much taller than 192-193cm randy Orton in that particular segment. He could even look 6'5 there maybe?

Camera angle...
2:21 Kane looks at least 2.5" taller, standing straight 3". Orton I can´t see taller than 6´3.5", but he wears weird boots so probably no footwear advantage to Kane.

Kane peak 6´7.5" , In his 1997 Munsterboots ~ 6´10", always looked 1.5" taller than Taker who was ~6´8.5" in normal 1" soled boots.

Today Kane looks to wear 1.5"-1.75" boots and wouldn´t measure over 6´6.75" barefoot
rikashiku said on 2/Dec/15
Still looks 3-4" between them, James. Orton has also been wearing so rather thick soled boots for quite a while now. He ends up looking taller in the Ring than he does in real life.
Slim said on 1/Dec/15
Wow one video with random camera angles to go by? Kane actually looks allot taller than Randy in every scene from that vid. There are too many other videos and photos proving his 6'8 claim.
Shuvayu said on 1/Dec/15
Click Here people opinion vary
rikashiku said on 30/Nov/15
@James B said on 29/Nov/15

And we're supposed to take that guys best friends word for that? Post the link to that forum at least.
James B said on 30/Nov/15
Go to 2:00 mins onwards in this video Click Here

Kane does not look that much taller than 192-193cm randy Orton in that particular segment. He could even look 6'5 there maybe?
Robby said on 30/Nov/15
Kane was listed as 6'7" in the PWI Magazines when he was Unibomb in SMW. Though they also listed Scott Hall and Hulk Hogan at 6'8" and Earthquake (John Tenta) at 6'4" I never took PWI's listings seriously.
Shuvayu said on 30/Nov/15
Pic with vince is in a funny angle... still 3 inches... the original click was not from a close distance ....look at the pic carefully... u will see kane taller by 3 inches... lets not get a close snapshot of the same to debate
James B said on 29/Nov/15
Taken from a wrestling forum

"Kane is nowhere near 6'8'' without boots on. My best friend is between 6'5'' and 6'6'' and when he stood beside Kane (who was in gear) Kane barely cleared him. Kane has the largest soles of any pair of boots Ive ever seen"
rikashiku said on 28/Nov/15
I've only found 6'7" and 6'8" for Josh Bredl myself and these are NFL listings.
A man said on 27/Nov/15
It was the Vince Vaughn pic that really killed it for me. He looked hardly any taller.

Really difficult to believe anything over 6,6'.5"
Shuvayu said on 27/Nov/15
Yes Brothers are taller than the wyatts... they shud bill luke harper as 6'7"
Vegas said on 24/Nov/15
josh bredl was measured 6'6 barefoot at his years nfl combine...
DFens said on 23/Nov/15
I'm confused, Undertaker, which is shorter than Kane, looked the same height or taller than Strowman on Survivor Series.
rikashiku said on 23/Nov/15
I don't think either Kane or Taker are anywhere near 6'6". 6'7"-6'8" looks much more believable. There's a video and picture of Taker with 6'8" Wes Sim, though I think Sims was barefoot, Taker still looked very tall next to him.

Big Show next to Rowan seemed to have the same height difference as he had with josh bredl who's about 6'7"-6'8".
James B said on 20/Nov/15
kane MAYBE was 6'8 peak but as for undertaker too much evidence suggests he was never over 6'7.5.

people will say he looked at least 6'7.5 with razor romon but scott hall i think was a weak 6'5.

undertaker these days is heading towards the 6'6 mark. likewise big show will soon be 6'10
rikashiku said on 20/Nov/15
Like I showed in links before, when he was Issac YAnkem wrestling Undertaker, they both wore flat shoes and Issac was still at most an inch taller. This was around the time Taker waas listed at around 6'8" to 6'10". In WCW Mean Mark was listed at 6'8"-6'9". In later years as the American Badass, he was listed a few times at 6'8".
NCL said on 20/Nov/15
Slim said on 18/Nov/15
NCL please show proof where Kane was 6'7 in a magazine

I actually didn't say that I was quoting Vegas' post from 14/Nov/15 . That being said, I do agree with him, I've seen Kane posed 6'7" there as well. And like I said, the PWI listings were all over the place.

I'm going to see if I can dig up an old magazine and post pics here - probably 90% posting here are wrestling fans. Anyone else have PWI copies laying around?
James B said on 20/Nov/15
kane could now be creeping under 6'7 slightly.

2 years ago he lookeda little taller in ring gear then he does now

in 2013 6'7.25
2015 6'6.75
Omid said on 19/Nov/15
Guys these days Kane doesn't wear the same platform boots he used to wear back at AA, if you look closely his boots are equal to those of Harper, Rowan..hell even the bigshow wears some big boots

Next to Taker Kane had a good 1 inch on Taker and Taker doesn't wrestle barefoot like Rusev either, so if we take Kane's boots 1.5 and Undertaker's 1 Kane today has at least half an inch on Undertaker

As for their prime, Kane was wearing his 2 inch platforms and Taker his usual 1 so my best guess

Prime Kane 6'7.75 to 6'8
Prime Undertaker 6'7.5

2015 Kane 6'7.25
2015 Undertaker 6'6.5 to 6'6.75
Phenom! said on 19/Nov/15
Kane had some footwear advantage standing beside the undertaker. Undertaker looked only about half Inch shorter than kane. Undertaker didn't have massive wrestling boots like Kane did, wwe probably still wants to use the facts from 18 years ago, that Kane is more massive than undertaker. I believe undertaker lost more height than Kane, but essentially during their prime they were 6'8". Braun strowman may be undertaker's height without his massive lifts. Wade Barrett is taller than Harper btw. Rowan is the most confusing so I'd rather not talk about him.
Slim said on 18/Nov/15
NCL please show proof where Kane was 6'7 in a magazine
rikashiku said on 18/Nov/15
I would have figured Hall was 6'5" peak, 6'3" now. Terrible posture.

With Rowan and Show, it can look 3"-4". In the pic Vegas posted it's looking 4". Rowan could be a weak 6'7".

There are, or were pics of Strowman with other tall NXT and WWE stars on his Instagram. Baron Corbin and Big Cass among them. Strowman looked VERY close in height to Cass.

Luke Harper can look 6'5" most of the time, even out of the ring he is clearly taller than Sheamus who is anywhere from 6'3".5 to 6'4" solid, and Harper can be similar in height to Cesaro, who himself measures up very well to 6'5" Swagger.
James B said on 16/Nov/15
Harper is 6'4.5-6'5
NCL said on 16/Nov/15
Vegas said on 14/Nov/15
looks more than 4 inches between show and rowan to me but i digress

kane was listed 6'7 in pro wrestling illustrated back in the late 1990s..i still have magazines from that time-period which shows that. i don't remember an individual wrestling company billing him that height

here is another kane and taker staredown from 1995 circa 2 minutes 30 seconds, those guys like sid were all in or around same height back in the day..imo none of them saw 6'8 or above 6'7 for that matter Click Here

I wouldn't trust PWI with their height and weight billings. I have some of their old stuff too - they had Undertaker at 6'9", Viscera at 6'10", and Gene Snitsky at 7'
Strongman said on 15/Nov/15
Judging by Smackdown on the 12th,

Click Here

You can clearly see, at around 1:42 that Harper is about an inch shorter than Rowan, who is about an inch shorter than Strowman. Of course the discrepancies might be more or less depending on lifts and maybe subtle angle factors, but you could say Harper is 6'5.5", Rowan 6'6'5" and Strowman about 6'7".
Ali Baba said on 15/Nov/15
Vegas said on 12/Nov/15
seeing as rowan and big show has being brought up recently, here are both side by side, certainly more than 3 inches between the two unless big show has a really really small forehead...

Click Here

That's probably close to 5 inches difference.
ken-6-4 said on 14/Nov/15
Kane and Taker both seem to be 6'7"-6'8"
No way either of them are shorter then 6'7"
James B said on 14/Nov/15
On last raw kane looked more withered and similar height to undertaker. Taker did not look a proper 6'7 compared to Ali Baba more like 6'6.5 so that means kane could be 6'6.75 now. perhaps undertaker was 6'7-6'7.5 range in the 90s and Kane was closer to 6'8 like 6'7.5-6'8.

If you stood a 1998 Kane in ring gear next to a present day kane there would a good 2 inch difference

Both have men have lost height
Omid said on 14/Nov/15
I thought Taker looked more shorter than Kane this time, it's possible he is losing so significant height
James B said on 14/Nov/15
Suprised Eric rowan would be just 6'5
James B said on 14/Nov/15
vegas i guess strowman is 6'6.5 then?
Vegas said on 14/Nov/15
looks more than 4 inches between show and rowan to me but i digress

kane was listed 6'7 in pro wrestling illustrated back in the late 1990s..i still have magazines from that time-period which shows that. i don't remember an individual wrestling company billing him that height

here is another kane and taker staredown from 1995 circa 2 minutes 30 seconds, those guys like sid were all in or around same height back in the day..imo none of them saw 6'8 or above 6'7 for that matter Click Here
Slim said on 13/Nov/15
James B no matter the angle or the way taker is standing, you can see that Yankem is looking down at taker. Yankem looks bigger no matter what in every angle too.
Vegas said on 13/Nov/15
james as i didn't get to stand next to him i can't comment on his exact height. i had however a great view of all 4 guys (rowan, barrett, strowman and swagger) coming out of the same door within seconds of each other and comparing how tall they were to the door

top of strowmans head was basically at the top of the door whereas top of rowan, barrett and swagger head's were at least an inch or more lower

there was also a tall security guy that would escort the wrestlers to the bus. now he looked 6'4ish (guess because i wasn't standing next to him either) but he towered guys like cody rhodes/fandango/adam rose yet he looked couple of inches shorter than strowman while measuring up very well to harper/barrett/swagger etc
Slim said on 12/Nov/15
rikashiku I agree 100% and I've never heard him being "billed at 6'7" like some on here claim they've heard lol
James B said on 12/Nov/15
Rowan looks 4 inches under big show in your pics Vegas.

As for Kane could he be dipping 6'6.5-6'7 range today since taker and him looked close in height recently?
James B said on 12/Nov/15
In the video taker has flatter hairstyle than Yankem and his legs are spread a bit further apart in there staredown

Kane reminds me a bit of sid in that video
Vegas said on 12/Nov/15
seeing as rowan and big show has being brought up recently, here are both side by side, certainly more than 3 inches between the two unless big show has a really really small forehead...

Click Here
James B said on 12/Nov/15
Scott hall I think was a weak 6'5
rikashiku said on 11/Nov/15
@James B 8/Nov/15

Click Here The best picture I can find that show his footware. Yankem is wearing no visible lifts.

Click Here Face to face.

Click Here Video of the match. Neither are wearing lifts, their footware is quite flat from what I can see. Issac is clearly much bigger in size, and as for height it could be as much as an Inch. The close up of their face to face doesn't really do much justice since its on an angle, but with the shots on the hard camera, you can see that the size difference favors Yankem.

Click Here At 57m45s Issac Yankem joins the '96 Rumble where he is said by commentary to be 6'9" and 300lbs, so he was not billed at 6'7" with that gimmick.

IMO he could even be 6'8" at his peak. Undertaker could have also been peak 6'8".

Here is Taker with a young Scott Hall Click Here who was listed at 6'5".

With Zeb Colter Click Here

Click Here Scott Hall again

Click Here HAll with a barefoot Snuka.

Click Here HAll, Benoit, Calaway.
harsh said on 11/Nov/15
I think that Kane was 6.5 because when he was stand in front of edge when he looks just 2 inches taller than him and edge is 6.3 it is he is 6.5 but I can't understand one think is that when he was stand in front of big show then he looks only 4 or 5 inches shorter then him I am really confuse that what is the real height of Kane is any body know so tell me
James B said on 11/Nov/15
Rob someone commented that at this weeks raw kane and taker looked similar in height

Do you think now that Kane is not over a flat 6'7?
Editor Rob
he ain't getting any taller, that's for sure, and with age comes (in some cases) great height loss
James B said on 11/Nov/15
Vegas how tall did he look?
Vegas said on 10/Nov/15
I saw Strowman up close the other day out of gear but didn't get to stand beside him.

Comparing him to Rowan, Barrett and Swagger he was noticeably taller. Absolute monster in person though
NCL said on 10/Nov/15
Kane and Undertaker looked around the same height to me on Raw last night - I think Kane wasn't wearing his usual boosters you can kinda see at about 3:28 and at 3:31 they're side by side Click Here couldn't really tell about Strowman - looks like he had the camera angle advantage and he had on fairly large boots again but at 4:40-4:44 he looks to be pretty much right across from Undertaker, they may be at the same level from the camera angle. You can kind of see 'Taker's boots at about 4:54-55 look pretty normal to me
Omid said on 10/Nov/15
James not just 98, 2001 would have destroyed him too
Shuvayu said on 10/Nov/15
Brithers were clearly taller than wyatts
Slim said on 10/Nov/15
I didn't see the episode Omid but who was saying he's taller than Kane? Commentators?
rikashiku said on 10/Nov/15
"After that night everyone was like "look at this guy!, he is taller than Kane!" and that alone gave the poor fella further credibility, as of slouching, it could be a sign of his injuries in these years too you know "

I noticed this week on Raw that he is more withered and used than what he used to be. Less mass, worse posture, but still a hard worker. If anyone gets the chance to see him in person, you'll realize how massive he really is.
James B said on 8/Nov/15
rikashiku said on 4/Nov/15
James B. Where do you see 4" between Rowan and Big Show? 3" maybe. then look at him next to other wrestlers like 6'1-6'2" Ryback. Rowan has to be at least 5" taller than he is.

As for why Strowman looks taller, just look at the footwear. Recently Strowman has been wearing much thicker footwear, he had the Sid staredown(he raises his head back to look taller) while Kane had his head down.

There are images where Undertaker is just taller than Strowman and as for Issac Yankem being 6'7". He was billed 6'7" once, maybe twice, but with the confrontation with the Undertaker, Issac Yankem was taller by an inch. Even the commentators take note of it saying Issac is bigger than the Undertaker.

As for Kanes weight that Chan wanted to bring up. Here are brothers, Jonny and Richie Gray Click Here . Jonny is 6'6" and 280lbs. Richie is 6'10" 277lbs. and here Click Here

Here is Kane with Strowman Click Here and here from earlier in the year Click Here Kane might actually be sitting on 300lbs.

May I pose some questions for you

Was taker more 6'7.25 peak?
Did Isaac yanked have thicker wrestling boots?
Any photo comparison?
James B said on 8/Nov/15
A 1998 Kane would have destroyed Strowman with one arm tied behind his back
Omid said on 7/Nov/15
Kane is a wrestler who doesn't feel the need to constantly put himself over, unlike others like "coughing" Triple H "coughing" he isn't consumed with ego and he does his job and puts other people over and does it without blinking

That night for example with Strowman, sure he could have simply raised his eye level to level the ground but he didn't wanna crap all over the young talent, after all how can someone like Strowman get over like that?

After that night everyone was like "look at this guy!, he is taller than Kane!" and that alone gave the poor fella further credibility, as of slouching, it could be a sign of his injuries in these years too you know
Slim said on 5/Nov/15
Omid I agree with you 100% and well said. Idk why but he has always let the younger talent take the spot. I understand him needing to take it easy, but he can at least still straighten his back and raise his eye level ya know? He slouches in every segment!
Kunal said on 5/Nov/15
Nah kane is a little over 300 pounds
Omid said on 4/Nov/15

Ofcourse it's ok and I'm a big Kane fan too....I just wanted to calm you down a bit

You asked what has happened, he is just getting old that's all, at this point Kane is 48 and no one outside of Japan has had more wrestling matches than him (according to wrestling database he is the 10th in the world and all the other 9 are from Japan) and given his move set and a lot of other factors it's pretty natural for him to NOT look the same way as he did in 2001 or 98

So to protect himself more from injuries (and not worsening them) he has to cut back on power moves and now his focus is making younger talent look good at this moment as he is a established veteran and a wrestling legend

That's what happened and still he is in a better shape than Taker (much better) and Taker himself have had literally half the number of matches as him in a longer time...That's how Tough Kane really is
Omid said on 4/Nov/15
Kane is 280 now I believe, Strowman could be around 380 though
rikashiku said on 4/Nov/15
James B. Where do you see 4" between Rowan and Big Show? 3" maybe. then look at him next to other wrestlers like 6'1-6'2" Ryback. Rowan has to be at least 5" taller than he is.

As for why Strowman looks taller, just look at the footwear. Recently Strowman has been wearing much thicker footwear, he had the Sid staredown(he raises his head back to look taller) while Kane had his head down.

There are images where Undertaker is just taller than Strowman and as for Issac Yankem being 6'7". He was billed 6'7" once, maybe twice, but with the confrontation with the Undertaker, Issac Yankem was taller by an inch. Even the commentators take note of it saying Issac is bigger than the Undertaker.

As for Kanes weight that Chan wanted to bring up. Here are brothers, Jonny and Richie Gray Click Here . Jonny is 6'6" and 280lbs. Richie is 6'10" 277lbs. and here Click Here

Here is Kane with Strowman Click Here and here from earlier in the year Click Here Kane might actually be sitting on 300lbs.
Shuvayu said on 4/Nov/15
strowman is no where taller than kane

(1) highest lifts ever in wwe
(2) Superior built.... had the kane of 97-2003 stood with strowman with the same lifts ...he wud look 2 inch taller
mrtguy said on 3/Nov/15
Rob, don't you think Kane is another example of someone like Andrè The Giant who is being over billed when it comes to height?
Editor Rob
many wrestlers have been overbilled, although Kane's own claim might not be far off the truth.
Strongman said on 3/Nov/15
Again, after meeting Strowman in person (His real name is Adam Scherr), he definitely stands close, if not 6'7" stout barefoot. Big ****ing guy. He weighed a legit 400lbs at one point in his amateur strongman days.

He could also deadlift around 850lbs, which for comparison, is 200 more pounds than John Cena's best deadlift.
James B said on 3/Nov/15
Kane looked heavier in 98
Chan said on 3/Nov/15
Kane looks 270lb at most next to showman as well. Pro wrestlers are greatly overbilled in both height and weight
Slim said on 3/Nov/15
Omid it's the wwe universe and as a fan it's okay for me to make a statement like that.
Chan said on 3/Nov/15
Showman and Kane were both billed 6ft 8 inches outside WWE in there respective sports so why are people surprised they are the same height. Both are wearing boots in that takedown and would be 6ft 7 inches or so without footwear
Neelrup said on 2/Nov/15
Why dids Strowman looks tall then Kane ?!?!
James B said on 2/Nov/15
Omid said on 2/Nov/15
Josey, Kane is 6'7, there are some pictures with Orton here that strongly supports it and you can only call Harper a big man if you consider Orton, Barret big men also, he is sure tall but for one to be called bigman in wrestling they should be 280+ and 6'6+ in my opinion and Harper is neither of those

Actually a large built 6'5 man can look impressive in wwe. Do you remember JBL as Bradshaw? He could look as impressive as Kane and undertaker in terms of size. Even billy gunn at times in the attitude era looked impressive too so I disagrees bit with your comment.

I do agree though that 6'2 and 6'3 guys like the rock and lesner never looked like giants

Too me Luke Harper looks a very big man on tv cause I think you underestimate how tall 6'4.5-6'5 range is.
Omid said on 2/Nov/15
Josey, Kane is 6'7, there are some pictures with Orton here that strongly supports it and you can only call Harper a big man if you consider Orton, Barret big men also, he is sure tall but for one to be called bigman in wrestling they should be 280+ and 6'6+ in my opinion and Harper is neither of those
Kunal said on 2/Nov/15
Look at this pic dear brothers u will realise issac is taller . Click Here
Shuvayu said on 2/Nov/15
James B ... Taker & kane well over 6'7" for sure
Champ88 said on 1/Nov/15
Hi everyone new guy here. I was an owner in a gym where many of the wrestling guys trained. We also had our share of NFL & NBA guys off season so I know what legit tall guy can look like. 15 years ago when I first met many of the wrestling guys I'd say Kane was every bit of a legit 6'8 and undertaker pretty much the same. I am 6'2 almost 6'3 and both of them towered me.
James B said on 1/Nov/15
Kane is not over 201cm today. Harper at 6'4.5-6'5 is nowhere near a giant but he can look huge on tv because of his large build. Still very tall.

6'8 is the start of a giant for a man.
A man said on 1/Nov/15
@ NCL, Kane's 7 foot billing has been laughable for years.

The 6,10,5" or 6,11" billing JR gave him at KOTR 1999 was more believable.
josey wales said on 1/Nov/15
Im not convinced kane is over 6'7". That said only show , khali and nash would be taller with taker a hair below.. . Luke harper can be classed as a big man wrestler in the scott hall size category...but not giant offcourze..
Omid said on 1/Nov/15
Slim, Its just wrestling don't take it seriously, Josey, Kane is definitely 6'7 + and also I'm not sure we can really label Luke Harper a BIGman
James B said on 1/Nov/15

Khali 7'0.3/4
Big Show 6'10 3/4
Kevin Nash 6'8
Kane 6'71/4
Taker 6'6 1/2
Sid 6'5 1/2
strowman 6'6 1/4
Eric rowan 6'6 1/2
Luke Harper 6'4 3/4
James B said on 1/Nov/15
Undertake r who is 6'6.5 today has 1 inch on strowman so maybe 6'5.5 for him?

When you see Kane in corporal clothing hard to believe he's taller than all those guys
sachin said on 1/Nov/15
strauman is not higher than kane he wered the weigh lifts
josey wales said on 31/Oct/15
Yes taker is "only" 6'6" and so is kane. In WWE kane and yankem is different people. They bill a wrestlers height to fit his character. Yankem was just a big guy. Kane was to be a monster. Btw yankem never towered taker they was identucal in height. As kane there was about an inch difference due to kanes massive boot heel. The big guys woul measure today as follow i beleive:
Khali 6'11"
Big Show 6'10"
Kevin Nash 6'8"
Kane 6'6 1/4"
Taker 6'6"
Sid 6'5 1/2"
Strowman 6 5 1/2"
Erik Rowan 6'5 1/2"
Luke Harper 6'4"
on a side note, to me Harper is the best bigman wrestler today. Far better than he gets credit for.
Phenom! said on 31/Oct/15
kane never towered over undertaker, if anything he had about a half inch on taker but even that was due to undertakers poor posture. Undertaker only had large footwear during big evil and ministry era. Standing straight I've seen undertaker only about 4-5 inches difference between khali and undertaker on judgement day 2006 ppv. Khali is 7'1". I've seen staredowns on smackdown between BOD and they looked exactly the same. Let's face facts, strowman is at most a hair over baron Corbin's height. Who is also billed at 6'8", but in nfl he was 6'6". I'm guessing now wwe gives a two inch boost to any wrestler. I still think given same footwear undertakers about at least half inch taller than strowman. Same goes for Kane, he just looked different cuz strowman had huge soles. Strowman and Rowan are equal. Just know one thing when there's going to be a staredown, wwe is going to boost up the shorter person.
NCL said on 30/Oct/15
WWE's lack of logic astounds me - they have on the website Strowman and Rowan as 6'8" each and Kane at 7'. If they were going to purposely make Strowman as tall or taller than Kane with ring gear, why not just bill him as 7'?
tony t. said on 30/Oct/15
They have strowman all but on stilts. When he debuted I never saw him as over 6'7.
JV3 said on 29/Oct/15
Riaisng the eye level is trick old as time. Sid was a master of it
Kunal said on 29/Oct/15
How is it that as Issac yankem kane was build 6 feet 7 and then 7 feet tall as kane I mean how the hell did he run after wearing 4 inch lifts? ? I remember he towered the undertaker too when he was issac yankem so is taker only 6 feet 6???
James B said on 29/Oct/15
Rob your guess on Strowman?
Editor Rob
I'm not sure this moment
Omid said on 28/Oct/15
Strowman did raise his eye level though....I call about 6'7 barefoot for him
Kunal said on 28/Oct/15
Kane is almost the same as strowman brothers in that pic kane is looking down while strowman up look at kane's shoulders they r higher than Strowman and kane comes into the ring from the top rope much easily than Strowman!!
JV3 said on 28/Oct/15
Strowman looks silly wearing basically high heels. He can barley walk in the ring .He has had to catch himself a few times to stay up right. Sheamus eat your heart out!
Shuvayu said on 28/Oct/15
OMID ...did u look at the lifts strowman was wearing... possibly the biggest lifts ever in wwe ... bigger than what drew hankinson wore when we played imposter kane
rikashiku said on 27/Oct/15
The segment with Strowman, Strowman has been wearing thicker boots recently, and a difference in posture makes a difference.
James B said on 27/Oct/15
Yeah I guess Strowman is 6'7 then not 6'6

Click Here

All I will say though is I wonder if he might have thicker boots than kane?

These days I don't think Kane is a full 6'7.5 but more like 6'7.25 so Strowman could even be a tiny bit over 6'7 flat
James B said on 27/Oct/15
Cesaro looks a fraction over 6'4 but the full 6'5 seems extreme.

6'4.5 I think is right
NCL said on 27/Oct/15
RoelC said on 27/Oct/15
Here's Kane and Strowman from last night.

Click Here

Kane doesn't look taller to me. He looks around the same height as Strowman.

This was from Undertaker's page

Their footwear looks pretty comparable, probably a 2" - 2.5" boost each. You can see clear shots from 4:00-4:10 (WWE convienetly left out the staredown between the two in the video) Click Here

Strowman originally was wearing smaller footwear: Click Here and looked only 1.5" - 2" taller than Harper Click Here Harper footwear: Click Here

I think they gave Strowman larger boots so they'd be even in height and so Strowman would be taller than Rowan. I think it's possible Strowman might be slightly taller than Kane
Strongman said on 27/Oct/15
@Shock. Keep in mind, with setting up for the chokeslam, Undertaker will be closer to the camera and Braun will be offset to the other direction.
Omid said on 27/Oct/15
Guys on Raw Strowman was extremely close to Kane, I upgrade him from 6'6 to anywhere between 6'7 and 6'8....
Gazz L said on 27/Oct/15
Kane looked about 0.5 inches taller than Braun on RAW last night. Considering Braun had a footwear and age advantage I'd say Kane in his prime easy 1-1.5 inch taller. No lower than 6'8 in my opinion.
Shuvayu said on 27/Oct/15
yup even in the segment last raw kane looked taller than the wyatts
Slim said on 27/Oct/15
I still never found where anyone has said Isaac Yankem was billed at 6'7"
rikashiku said on 26/Oct/15
With Kane and Undertaker. Even when he was Issac Yankem, he was still an inch or two taller than the Undertaker who's height was billed between 6'8" and 6'10". Yankem was billed at first as 6'7", but in the match with Taker, the commentators stated that Yankem was even bigger than the Undertaker. At the rumble, he was stated as being 6'9"-6'10" and 320lbs.

With Strowman, I see a lot of 6'5"-6'6" listings going around and I do think he is around 6'6", but if that is so, that would make Orton only 6'2". Strowman could be 6'7" perhaps? He certainly has a lot of height over 6'1"-6'2" Bray Wyatt, and 6'2"-6'3" Roman Reigns.

There's also a picture of Luke Harper with Cesaro and Sheamus. Sheamus was at one point in the UK listed as 6'4" and 194lbs. He could be 6'3.5" at night, he's deceivingly tall. Luke Harper was taller than Sheamus even though he was barefoot. He could be 6'4"-6'5". Cesaro next to Hogan looked about as tall as Joe Mang- I dunno his name, the stripper guy who's 6'5". Next to Swagger who is about 6'5" himself, maybe 6'4" on a bad day, Cesaro is still the same height. Actually almost exactly the same height. Though Swagger was twice stated to be 6'4" while on ECW and then changed to 6'6" and 6'7" later on.

Cesaro next to 6'4" listed Chris Hero, still looks much taller. Hero might actually be 6'3".
Shuvayu said on 26/Oct/15
wwe is making a mockery of BOD ... both lost yesterday
Vari said on 24/Oct/15
Kane said himself he was 6'8'' in an out of character interview, he is 2,03 m
Omid said on 24/Oct/15
James its very possible yeah
James B said on 22/Oct/15
Omid- so Strowman 6'6 then?
Markus said on 22/Oct/15
In the pics with Ali Baba (1,98/6-6), Taker's head seemed to be slightly tilted forward.
Rob´s estimation of 2,01/6-7 seems to be correct, except for his peak height (2,03/6-8
is more likely).
Omid said on 21/Oct/15
James, Strowman had bigboots on Raw, I think they were given to him ao that would counter Rowan's taller stature
Shuvayu said on 20/Oct/15
Taker not taller than kane... also check out the latest raw pics on wwe . com for 2 reasons... strowmans lifts & height comparision with erick rowan
Omid said on 19/Oct/15
No way Taker's taller than Kane today, at best and I mean absolute Best they might be the same height
James B said on 19/Oct/15
Shock- Strowman had an easy 5 inches on roman reigns
Omid said on 19/Oct/15
Phenom! completely agree with your point about Undertaker, he does give a taller expression however in case of Strowman, Just check how they enter via over the ropes next time, Strowman does it much harder than Kane, he could be 6'6 but I thought 6'5.5 is a better option

Still check for yourself.....
Shuvayu said on 19/Oct/15
Click Here
Shuvayu said on 19/Oct/15
post pics and vids of the mexico tour ..... all will be clarified... BOD vs wyatt family
Shock said on 18/Oct/15
No Kane in this pic but with all the Strowman talk, this is the best pic I can find right now of the tour in Mexico.

Here is Taker with Strowman in the chokeslam. Click Here

Strowman appears to be standing very straight, Taker has some mild positioning separation with his stance, but I'm willing to say it's offset by a fraction of an inch of footwear advantage from what I've observed (Strowman 1", Taker 1.2"-1.5"). Regardless, I think it's pretty safe to say that Taker is taller than Strowman, and Strowman is probably around 6'6" and the difference here is in the 2" range. This guy has some serious illusionary height bonus, similar to Sid, and he stands rigid straight at all times. I have never seen more than 1" between Strowman and Harper, and Harper I put right around the 6'5" mark. If Strowman is 6'6.5" like a lot seem to think, then Taker is unquestionably still negotiating with 6'8". I'm convinced the perceived 6'6=6'7" range is all about his posture in staredowns with people shorter than him.Several years ago when JBL held the IC title up and Taker looked it, and his full height was revealed. Taker as tall as JBL with his hat on.

These are my estimates for this group:

Taker: right around 6'8"
Kane 6'7.5"
Rowan: at least 6'6" and change
Strowman: 6'6"
Harper: 6'5" give or take a cm
James B said on 18/Oct/15
Believe it or not I think Kane would have 0.75 inches on undertaker today

Kane 6'7.25
Undertaker 6'6.5
Phenom! said on 17/Oct/15
Omid no way is Strowman under 6'6". if anything he's as tall as baron Corbin who is 6'6", if not more. I think he maybe a bit taller though. As for Rowan, he is shorter than Kane and undertaker. Undertaker gives appearance of being tall, because of his forehead. I think he's at same height as Kane. Only person taller is big show
SID said on 16/Oct/15
EdM98 Kane was never 6'10, he's 6'8, in boots 6'9
Shuvayu said on 16/Oct/15
rowans no way taller than kane... check out wyatt family feud with kane... plus he had a match with kane on superstars
Omid said on 16/Oct/15
There is no way either Rowan or Strowman to be taller than Kane, in Rowan's case it's close, within less than an inch probably but for Strowman, well for him just pay attention to hpw hard he enters the ring via 3th rope while seeing Kane also do it with more ease

Kane's feet at least reaches the ground although not completely but Strowman's leg is well above the ring, you can pay attention next time

Watching these guys:

Orton 6'4.25
Harper 6'4.5
Rowan 6'6.75
Strowman 6'5.5
Wyatt 6'1
Reigns 6'2.5
Kane 6'7.25
Undertaker 6'6.5 OR 6'6.75
kane _5388 said on 16/Oct/15
Kane is taller than Rowan. There is matches where Kane and Rowan are on the same team, standing side by side out on the ropes, and Kane is clearly taller.
James B said on 15/Oct/15
Someone said rowan was undertakers height

Taker today I think 6'6.5?
EdM98 said on 15/Oct/15
On Kanes Debut at Bad Blood 97' he was a solid 6,10 (2 inch higher than undertaker who was 6'8) . Today due to age and mostly back problems he's closer to 6,7/6'8 . 6,9 at most with Masked attire and boots
tony t. said on 14/Oct/15
James B they are very close in height. I'd give rowan about 3/8 edge over kane. Both are taller than strowman though. Rowan would have a solid inch on strowman.
Shuvayu said on 13/Oct/15
Kane 6'4.75 ??? No way ...
James B said on 11/Oct/15
Tony wasn't Kane slightly taller than rowan?
James B said on 10/Oct/15
If you could argue both then I'd say 6'4.75
tony t. said on 10/Oct/15
The way I see it is Rowan would edge Strowman. Kane would edge strowman. I'm not convinced strowman is over 6'7.
IthinkIknow said on 7/Oct/15
I watched a real video of Kane and he said "I'm about6'8' and I watched another video of Kane and undertaker and Kane's souls on his boots make him 4 inches taller and undertaker make him look 2 inches they are both 6'8'
James B said on 7/Oct/15
So maybe then more 6'4.5 for haper rob?

Surprised he does look a legit 6'5 to me
Editor Rob
you could really argue both figures
Strongman said on 6/Oct/15

Yeah, maybe slightly or within a half inch give or take.
SID said on 6/Oct/15
Shuvayu from looking at kane and strowman, I see kane a tad taller
James B said on 6/Oct/15
Strowman might edge kane
James B said on 5/Oct/15
Any guess on Luke harpers height rob?

I'd guess 6'5 myself
Editor Rob
he might not be far from that mark.
Shuvayu said on 5/Oct/15
Strong man ... u saying strowman taller than kane ??
shane porch said on 2/Oct/15
to b honest n realistic guys,both kane and taker between 6 ft 8 to ft 9.u can clearly see the height difference of these 2 men compared to rest of the locker room,though kane has a larger body frame between the two,this website has underbillt everyones height by atleast half an inch
Strongman said on 1/Oct/15
Trained with Adam Scherr (Strowman) a few times at a gym here in Denver, NC (Iron Physique) that he frequented in his amateur and pro strongman days. I'm 6'5" barefoot and he had me beat by at least an inch, although our footwear discrepancies are unknown. There are also pictures around the web of him next to guys like Brian Shaw and Hafthor Bjornsson who are both legitimate 6'7.5-6.8" guys. He's within reach of that will little difference.

I'm sure if Braun stood next to Kane they'd be within an inch of eachother, in favor of Braun.
James B said on 1/Oct/15
Yeah 6'7.5 then for Strowman

He makes reigns looks tiny height weight wise/muscle wise...... But then reigns never struck me as being that bulky compared to other guys on the roster like Brock Lerner or john cena. Yet roman is advertised to be some saught of superman. He looks leaner than many wwe wrestlers.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Sep/15
James B said on 28/Sep/15
Strowman easy 6'7? Not sure about thar since someone on this site pointed out he had 1 inch on Luke harper who I think is 6'5?

Click Here
Looked more like easy 2 inches at NoC between Strowmann and Harper and exactly 5 inches between Strowman and Reigns, imo Reigns has a footwear advantage, so a under 6´7" Strowman would make Reigns 6´1.5"
Shuvayu said on 30/Sep/15
Only one video of kane & Sid... this would have made the equation easy
Ben said on 29/Sep/15
I do think Kane is 6ft 7in barefoot standing straight and 6ft 8in, in his boots and then with his mask he adds up to .5.
James B said on 28/Sep/15
Strowman easy 6'7? Not sure about thar since someone on this site pointed out he had 1 inch on Luke harper who I think is 6'5?

If strowman is 6'7.5 then that would make harper 6'6.5
Kunal Rathaur said on 28/Sep/15
Guys Kane is about 6 feet 8 inches without shoes
James B said on 26/Sep/15
Nah I think 6'7.25 today and 6'7.5 peak
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 25/Sep/15
Taker & Kane will face Strowman and Harper during the Mexico tour, hope we´ll get some staredowns :)
Strowman looked easy 6´7" next to Roman Reigns.
BorkLaser said on 25/Sep/15
Looked very tall backstage in front of Triple H and Rollins, so I'd say 6'7.5" is spot on. Probably could have measured closer to 6'8" some time back though
Shuvayu said on 25/Sep/15
Rowan is no way taller than kane... neither of the wyatt family @immortal ... btw the brothers will be teaming together vs waytt family from 16-18th oct, 2015 @ house shows
SID said on 23/Sep/15
Shuvayu he looks 6'8, probably 6'9 in shoes

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.