tony t. said on 21/Aug/16
@Slim I'd like to see that picture
MikeV10 said on 19/Aug/16
I think its time to downgrade Kane to 6'7 , peak closer to 6'8
Nash to 6'8,5 , theres no way nash is 7cm taller than taker today.
And Sid's peak height closer to 6'7 there was never a full inch difference between taker and sid
Taker today about 199- max 200cm
dewie said on 18/Aug/16
Rob kane isnt 3cm taller then taker bove are 6ft8 tall in real live
Gman56 said on 15/Aug/16
Came across this guy backstage in 04/05, Now I stand at 6ft tall and Kane looked at least 8.5in taller then me
mrtguy said on 14/Aug/16
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Aug/16
Kane's old boots made him edge out UT slightly and come to around 2 inches shorter than a peak Big Show.
There was 3 inches between them and it looked so especially when Big Show stood straight
Phenom! said on 13/Aug/16
@James B I think Kane was around 330 lbs by 2002 and probably a little under 320 in 1999, after injury in 2002 he was probably 310, after losing so much mass. Big show was a solid 500lbs, and got even heavier around 2006.
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Aug/16
Kane's old boots made him edge out UT slightly and come to around 2 inches shorter than a peak Big Show.
The Man said on 11/Aug/16
No way Kane is a solid inch taller than Undertaker today. Kane's a flat 6ft7
dewie said on 10/Aug/16
Taker 6ft6.5 kane 6ft6.75 now
Typhoon said on 10/Aug/16
200 cm right now 6'6.75.
Slim said on 6/Aug/16
You can't say what's true in reality if you were never there... Like I've said before, I have 2 co workers who one claims 6 foot 6 and a half on the dot. The other is an older man that claims 6 foot 7 yet he ducks to go under doorways... The 6'6+ guy thinks he's ever taller than that but he still says nope I'm 6 foot 7! He's crazy anyways but we all think he is taller than 6'7. What I'm trying to say here is I know for a fact I know the difference and I believe I have the best guess for kanes height. If everyone would like to see a photo of the 2 standing together, just ask!
James B said on 5/Aug/16
Guys what would you guess for big show/Kane weight when they both wrestled each other in 1999-2002?
James B said on 5/Aug/16
In reality there is only 1 inch between Kane and Corbin
Canson said on 3/Aug/16
@Dewie: if Taker had better posture maybe he's taller
Slim said on 2/Aug/16
James B Kane looks much bigger than Corbin. He's hunching forward most of the time too I knew Kane was bigger than people thought. He's also in regular boots as you can see. No lifts. Good find!
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Aug/16
bob said on 30/Jul/16
kane (isaac yankem) vs taker not wearing lifts...kane is taller.
Click Here
Click Here
Look at Yankems boots, pretty thick heel, not Kane style but pretty thick.
Taker is selling Yankems/Kanes height there, look at his wider stand
dewie said on 1/Aug/16
Yes kane 3inch boots taker 1inch real height undertaker 6ft8.75 205cm kane 6ft7.5 202cm taker 3cm taller then kane barefoot
Canson said on 30/Jul/16
I'm with Danimal on this one. He's not a full 6'7.5 but an easy 6'7 no worse than 6'6.75 at his lowest. Prob similar to Lebron in height
bob said on 30/Jul/16
kane (isaac yankem) vs taker not wearing lifts...kane is taller.
Click Here
Click Here
James B said on 28/Jul/16
At 2:21 here Kane looks 2.5 inches taller than 6'6 baron Corbin but Kane has much thicker wrestling boots
Click Here
James B said on 28/Jul/16
In those boots he wore in the attitude era he would have appeard a legit 6'10.
Omid said on 28/Jul/16
Those boots haven't been worn by him since 2000, since then his foorwear has been similar to Bigshow's
James B said on 27/Jul/16
I think Braun strowman is 6'7.5 because 6'8 Cass was only 1 inch taller with boot advantage.
WWE I think make Cass wear quite thick wrestling boots to make the 7ft idea seem more believable.
Attitude said on 26/Jul/16
Kane's boots during the attitude era:
Click Here
Probably gives 3 inches at the highest point of the heel but gives more or less 2.5 inches.
dewie said on 24/Jul/16
Kane bigger boots than taker undertaker 6ft8.5 kane 6ft7.75 barefoot
Omid said on 24/Jul/16
Kane gives a shorter impression than Nash does for some reason....I think we should keep that in mind
As for them, peak height for Kane is 6'8 minimum in my he can pass as 6'7
Danimal (176-178cm) said on 24/Jul/16
Just shy of 6'7" Penn Jillette with Kane:
Click Here (Kane's a flat 6'7")
Jacko said on 23/Jul/16
I disagree about Nash s height, i saw a stare down with big show many years ago ,2 inches between them max,
Kane looked more than 2 inches shorter,
college basketball records stated 6-10 for Nash, he himself said in his prime he was 6-10,
at least an inch between nash and kane,
Slim said on 22/Jul/16
Caden spot on
James B said on 21/Jul/16
Shuvayu said on 21/Jul/16
@James B ... Make test 6'3", Kane 6'5" , Nash 6'7" and you become godzilla
Shuvayu said on 21/Jul/16
@James B ... Make test 6'3", Kane 6'5" , Nash 6'7" and you become godzilla
Canson said on 20/Jul/16
he can look similar to Tyler mane in some pics and Undertaker
Caden said on 20/Jul/16
Albert is a 6'5 1/2 peak. Today around 6'5. Test was just under 6'5.
Taker - 6'7.25 peak
Kane - 6'8 Peak, Today - 6'7.5
Nash - 6'8.5 peak - Today 6'8.
(I always thought that Kane had to have been severely close to Nash's height as Vince probably wouldn't have wanted a smaller Fake Diesel to portray the character after the original left),
And for people who say that Taker is taller than Kane, keep in mind, in Kane's Yankem days, Jacobs was always taller than Taker in staredowns).
Also, the weird thing is, Kane has always matched up better height wise to Big Show than Kevin Nash.
I think that the WWE had Kane wear the lift so that it would be even more apparent that Kane was bigger than Taker.
Big Show - 6'11.75 vs Kane peak 6'8 + 1.5 inch lifts = 6'9.5 Kane. So it makes sense, their first ever staredown and KOTR '99, Show had only about 2.25 inches on Kane.
heightchecker34 said on 19/Jul/16
I have always thought Kane was a legit 6 ft 8. I don't know if the 6'7.5 listing is referring to his height now, because he might have lost half an inch over the years of wrestling. The 7'0 claims are complete nonsense, however the WWE will usually start that listing if the guy is over 6'8. He always looked a bit taller than the Undertaker and at least 4 inches shorter than the Big Show. But if Rob thinks he was 6'7.5 in his prime, I would not argue it.
Strong 5ft9 said on 18/Jul/16
Test looks about 6'4" next with John Cena.
James B said on 18/Jul/16
Rob I know this is a tough question but what would you bet more money on 6ft4, 6ft4.5 or 6ft4.75 for Test?
He looked bigger than a guy like randy orton didn't he?
James B said on 15/Jul/16
Wow just realised that Albert is a bit closer to the camera so that's why he looks taller next to test
James B said on 15/Jul/16
rob you think Test could have been 6ft4?

Editor Rob
yeah he might have been that range, he fought lashley once but I don't know if you could compare them.
Slim said on 14/Jul/16
It's clear his footwear isn't thicker than tests. If anything, Tests looks thicker.
James B said on 13/Jul/16
Albert does look over 6'6 there in Mikes pic compared to Test but he might be in thicker footware?
Slim. said on 10/Jul/16
Albert was called 6'8" for a reason. Even in Japan. Y'all are some downgrading people geez. Funny how short people think I'm 5'9" but in reality I'm 6 foot. See how that works? I think that's what's going on here.
James B said on 9/Jul/16
Actually Albert and test were closer than you think in height. Vegas mentioned Albert used to wear huge ring gear and out of gear in person looked 6'5.
Albert 6'5.25
Test 6'4.75
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jul/16
Test and JBL were both roughly 6ft5.
Shane said on 8/Jul/16
Kane has been billed 7 feet at times even recently but has obviously never been near that even in shoes.
MikeV10 said on 7/Jul/16
If Test realy was 6'6 , that would make Albert close to 6'8
Click Here
Alex said on 6/Jul/16
There is a pic of Kane next to Vince Vaughn. Why he looks barely taller than Vaughn? He's supposed to be 202 cm.
James B said on 6/Jul/16
I think test was closer to 6'5 than 6'4 but I am certain there is no way he was a true 6'6 barefoot.
Omid said on 6/Jul/16
If test is 6'4.5, Nash wouldn't be 6'9...that's not 3 and half inches between them.
Slim said on 5/Jul/16
Please. That's too low for test. He himself said he was 6'6. Billed to 6'8. If you think he's 6'4 then Nash is nowhere near 6'8 HA
James B said on 2/Jul/16
Both 6'6 are 6'8 are exzagerrated billings for test given he looked not over 6'4.5 compared to Brock lesner.
Slim said on 1/Jul/16
Shuvayu great find! Interesting. But everytime I've seen Kane with test, he looks way taller than test than Nash did! Btw test was billed 6'8"
James B said on 1/Jul/16
When that match took place I think test was 6'4.75 and Nash 6'9.
Shuvayu said on 30/Jun/16
A good sequence here ...its nash vs test (a legit big guy billed at 6.6), if nash is 6'10" and test is 6'6" then kane should be 6'8". check from 1:05 to 1:15
Click Here
6'2 said on 24/Jun/16
kane was given bigger boots than taker ever since his kane debut at badd blood 1997 so he could be given the 7ft billing since taker was billed 6'10.5. he was originnally billed 6'11 as dr yankeem dds and sometimes 6'9. i think as corperate kane in normal dress shoes you can see hes clearly not a 7 footer so a solid 6'7 id say nowadays 6'8 possibly 15-20 years ago.
James B said on 8/Jun/16
Scott hall 6ft5, taker 6ft7.25, Kane 6ft7.5
Johan said on 8/Jun/16
Shaw is only slightly smaller than Thor who we have confirmed at 6'7.75". So I would say a decent 6'7" for Shaw so if Strowman was the same then he isn't under 6'7".
dewie said on 7/Jun/16
Scott hall 6ft5 taker 6ft8.25 kane 6ft8 barefoot
Jim Bob said on 7/Jun/16
A good comparison between Big show, Kane, and HHH
Click Here
Shuvayu said on 7/Jun/16
There are other videos where Kane stands taller than strowman, check out house shows with taker or recent matches with show against wyatt family
Slim said on 6/Jun/16
Kane didn't have the "high camera angle" geez..
James B said on 6/Jun/16
Vegas how tall do you think Brian shaw is then?
James B said on 6/Jun/16
Rob 6'4.75 not ruled out for Scott halls peak either?

Editor Rob
he could look close enough to 6ft 5 I think, I doubt he'd have been only 6ft 4.
Vegas said on 6/Jun/16
Kane has the high camera angle advantage @3.43 in that video..have strowman switch places with Kane there and he would look couple of inches taller
Strowman was same height as Brian Shaw out of gear, I bet Kane isn't couple of inches taller than Shaw out of gear
dewie said on 6/Jun/16
Taker 6ft8.25 kane 6ft8 strowmen 6ft7.5 rowan 6ft6.75 barefoot today
Strat said on 4/Jun/16
Click Here
check at 3.43. Kane is definitely taller than both. Just shows how ridiculously tall they made Braun Strowman look during S-Series feud/face off
dewie said on 4/Jun/16
No md taker is taller 2.04m today 2.01m kane 2.03m today 2.00m barefoot
MD said on 4/Jun/16
Kane :- Peak height 6'8.25" Now 6'7.25"
Undertaker:- Peak height 6'7.75" Now between 6'6.5"-6.7"
dewie said on 3/Jun/16
Taker 6ft8.25 kane 6ft8 barefoot
James B said on 3/Jun/16
Rob do you think Scott hall was a full 6'5 peak? Because I remember there was only 2.5 between him and undertaker in the 1980s.

Editor Rob
he could have been 6ft 5 and today heading around 6ft 4
Omid said on 3/Jun/16
Rob at their peak, who was more likely to be taller (even slightest), Kane or Undertaker?

Editor Rob
sometimes I would think one, then the other...they really might have been very close if you measured them in their 20's.
berta said on 1/Jun/16
this guy could really be 6 foot 8 absolutetly not shorter than this listing. he is a Little taller than undertaker
dewie said on 31/May/16
Khali 7ft1 big show 7ft0 taker 6ft8.75 kane 6ft8 barefoot height back in 2006
James B said on 31/May/16
Rob what height would you guess Kane is today?

Editor Rob
there's a chance he's not over 6ft 7
Shuvayu said on 30/May/16
Where do u guys see 4 inches between kane and show... the difference was max 3 inches.... with khali kane was low by 5 ...6'8" to 7'1"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/May/16
"Peak height was 6ft 8in (203cm)"
Jacko said on 27/May/16
Big Show peak 7ft now 6-11
Nash 6 -10 now 6-8.5
kane 6-8 now 6-7
Shuvayu said on 25/May/16
@jamesb make him 5, that makes TBS 5'2" and you godzilla
James B said on 23/May/16
today Kane I think is 6'6.5-6'7.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/May/16
Peak: 6ft7½-6ft7¾
Today: 6ft7-6ft7¼
Shuvayu said on 23/May/16
Kane was a monster ...if you look at him before his unmasking (97-2003), even when he went toe to toe with TBS , he matched up physically too.... while show was flab, kane was pure solid muscles
James B said on 22/May/16
I think Kane in his prime was a 'weak giant' at a solid 6'7 1/2.
someone like Kevin Nash on the other hand was a legit giant. Big show has near 4 inches over 6'8 was more than just a giant.
Leo said on 21/May/16
6'7-6'8 is giantish. He is from Spain and the spanish people are near of 5'8, so he is one feet taller!!!
rikashiku said on 21/May/16
@Shuvayu. That was a pretty good match for Four Big wrestlers. As for height, Kane definitely looks taller. Though his boots are thicker. I have a ton of evidence suggesting that Strowman isn't under 6'7". He's at least a weak 6'8" and maybe 6'7.5" min. It's had to tell actual height in that video but I'd say he's at least the same height as Kane if they were barefoot.
When playing Issac Yankem, he was announced as being 6'9" and over 300lbs, but to the shock of the commentators, he was bigger than Undertaker. Both wearing flat shoes.
Slim said on 20/May/16
Shuvayu great vid. Kane looks taller than both guys
mrtguy said on 19/May/16
I wouldn't consider Kane a giant, to me he is just a big guy. Certainly does not compare to Big Show or Andre in terms of being a giant and look
Shuvayu said on 19/May/16
Click Here this should sort it ,,,, please dont say strowman even looks tall like kane
Shuvayu said on 18/May/16
Kane was easily 6'9" during 95-2003 6'10.5" with gear .... post that reduce an inch due to injuries and half an inch from gear so 6.8 and 6.9 with gear today ... poor psoture makes strowman look taller when in reality it is not
Dan said on 12/May/16
Great post Leo, awesome interview! I'd agree with you Rob, being as modest as Glenn is he probably does mean barefoot. Still it proves he's no more than 6'9" in conventional footware, at least at this point. He has had a relatively injury free career, no serious back or leg injuries that would take away from his height. Perhaps he was a shade under 6'10" in his prime.
dewie said on 12/May/16
I am 5ft9.4
dewie said on 11/May/16
Kane 6ft8.1/4 taker 6ft7.1/2 barefoot height in the morning. Real height kane billed 7ft0 taker billed 6ft10 in wwe/f
Dave260 said on 11/May/16
Speaking from 2006-2011, Kanes a comfortable 204cm in boots , 6'8 just over, 6'8.5. Looks 2.5 inch shorter than 6'11 big show, Due to age and Height decreasing NOWADAYS they could both of shrunk by 2cm each. Today Kane 202cm barefoot, Big show 207cm.
Shuvayu said on 11/May/16
Collin Cassady is built @7 .... when kevin nash clearly mentioned him as 6'10" ... lets see how tall he stands
Dan said on 10/May/16
Rob - Awesome site, really appreciate all the research and work! Being around most attitude era superstars from the mid 90's through 2004, Kane's peak height (1997-2001) in conventional footwear was about 6'10", and he weighed a legit 325+ lbs. He was billed at 7'0" the majority of his career, now at 49 years old I'd give Kane a solid 6'8.5" - 6'9" in a typical sneaker / dress shoe (minimum heel). To help with ageing and some old injuries he has trimmed down to the 310 lb area. He always had 1.5 - 2 inches on The Undertaker (In wrestling gear), and was always 1.5 - 2 inches shorter than the 6'11.5" / 7'0" Big Show. Like you Rob, I am 5'8" and Kane definitely had over a foot on me. A true giant of the industry!

Editor Rob
just noticed in the previous comment by Leo (thanks) that Kane did go with 'about 6ft 8', I will put this quote at the top. I'm sure he's probably talking barefoot.
Venom said on 10/May/16
I always go back to taker vs isaac yankem both wore flat boots n yankem was n inch taller than taker n as kane he wore 3 inch platforms make him taker n just under 7 foot.
Leo said on 9/May/16
Click Here
Kane: I'm about 6'8
Minute 4:50
Slim said on 8/May/16
Glenn was also taller than mark when they both wore flats as different gimmicks. Kane always stands very comfortably around taker. Never standing 100% straight.
dewie said on 5/May/16
Kane 6ft8.5 2.04m taker 6ft8.5 2.04m nash 6ft10 2.08m barefoot height
James B said on 5/May/16
Kane would probably be similar to Kevin Nash in terms of height during the attitude era when he wore huge ring gear to promote his 7ft image. He was clearly taller than undertaker at wrestle mania 98 in his thick boots.
He looked taller than cass in my opinion in his gear back then and had much more impressive build.
Jacko said on 4/May/16
Kane and Undertaker are similar in height,Nash has stood face to face with the undertaker and is clearly at least
2 inches taller, no way is Kane taller than Nash,
James B said on 2/May/16
I think Nash was just about 2 inches taller than kane and maybe close to 2.5 inches taller than undertaker.
Kane as Isaac yankam had a match against Kevin Nash and he also had a very brief encounter with Nash here
Click Here
Click Here
Slim said on 2/May/16
Whoa wait I've actually seen a match of Kevin Nash and Glenn. Someone posted it on here, or undertakers or Kevins height page. Nash was diesel I think and I can't remember what gimmick Glenn was. Looked the same height but Nash did look bigger in mass.
dewie said on 2/May/16
Taker 6ft8 2.03m kane 6ft9 2.06m nash 6ft10.25 2.09m
josey wales said on 2/May/16
I think a glen / nash match would of been interistin to those of us who enjoyed both guys and fir a height comparrisson. Fact is nash could only work well with smaller guys and glen only became a good worker as kane and afte extensive work with taker.. so it wouldve been a slugger match thay wwe wouldnt booked nevwrmind the viewers who watched it as fun re beleive it was real even back then
josey wales said on 2/May/16
I think a glen / nash match would of been interistin to those of us who enjoyed both guys and fir a height comparrisson. Fact is nash could only work well with smaller guys and glen only became a good worker as kane and afte extensive work with kane.. so it wouldve been a slugger match thay wwe wouldnt booked nevwrmind the viewers who watched it as fun re beleive it was real even back then
Slim said on 1/May/16
I'm not buying that Nash was way taller than Kane... Kane was always way closer in height to big show than Nash was and you cannot argue that. Nash looked so big because yes he was so tall but his upper body was big and lower body (legs) were small, giving an even better impression that he was tall. He looked a max 2" taller than taker. Glenn looked 1" taller than taker while Glenn was in flat boots. So that being said, Kane in his biggest boots would have an inch to 2" on Nash. My opinion.
tony t. said on 30/Apr/16
6'3.5 is more likely for Cesaro.
dewie said on 30/Apr/16
Today takers height in the morning is 6ft7 midday 6ft6.5 but back in the 90s was 6ft8.5 barefoot
A Man said on 30/Apr/16
@ icehole73, I agree I would have liked to see Kane v Kevin Nash match. Think WWE missed a trick a bit with that one.
dewie said on 29/Apr/16
Back in the day kane was 6ft8.25 taker was 6ft9 nash 6ft10.5 barefoot morning height
Phenom! said on 29/Apr/16
@James B I couldn't agree more, occasionally the lowest undertaker can be is 6'6." Him next to Marc Colombo looks every bit 6'6.5" so I guess by the end of the day undertaker is 6'6" without any footwear. Undertaker next to Ali baba also looks 6'6" regardless of footwear.
Slim said on 28/Apr/16
I have 2 co workers who are 6'6 and the other claims he's 6'7 but looks a bit taller than that standing next to the 6'6 guy. The 6'6 guy says he's got to be joking bc he too thinks that guy is a good bit taller than that. After looking at some of his pics on fb, mainly it's him and his girlfriend, but he does NOT look 6'6 in pictures! In reality he is every BIT of 6'6 in person bc I work side by side him everyday. My point, well Kane looks very big in every single photo I've seen of him. 6'9 prime legit.
dewie said on 28/Apr/16
Taker is 204cm kane monster boots 203.3cm strowman 203cm rowan 200cm morning height barefoot
icehole73 said on 27/Apr/16
I saw Sean Waltman over the weekend and told him I would have loved to have seen a Kane/Kevin Nash Stare down back in 2001/2002. Kevin is taller no question according to Sean. In Ring gear it may have looked close though. I have no problem believing that a peak Kane was the 6'8".25 he mentioned and Kevin being a hair over 6'10" peak but Im not sure about the 6'11"+ claim of his peak but its certainly possible. ANy thoughts?
James B said on 27/Apr/16
Taker 6ft6.25 199cm Kane 6ft6.75 200cm rowan 6ft6.5 199cm strowman 6ft7.5 202cm
Shuvayu said on 26/Apr/16
@dewie ... u alrite???
dewie said on 24/Apr/16
Taker is taller 6ft8.5 204cm kane 6ft7.75 203 rowan 6ft6.75 200cm strowman 6ft7.75 203cm
James B said on 22/Apr/16
New WWE wrestler baron Corbin seems like a guy who is 6'6 in the afternoon and who might drop to 6'5.5 at night. So I wouldn't call him a 'strong 6'6'.
Shuvayu said on 22/Apr/16
@dewie true ...
For guys who still debate kane's height here's a review.... Recently Kane and Big Show on 27th March, 2016 took on rowan and bray at a live event .... watch the match for claririties
DFens said on 21/Apr/16
Wwatch WWE Main Event 4/19/16 - Kane and Show vs Strowman and Rowan. Kane was taller than Rowan and same height as Strowman
dewie said on 20/Apr/16
Kane 6ft7.75 203cm. Big show 7ft0 213cm
sid said on 19/Apr/16
Slim where did you hear, that Vince Vaughn was on his tippy toes, and commented on how big Glenn Jacobs was?
dewie said on 19/Apr/16
Kane 6ft7.5 taker 6ft8.25 tall
Crane said on 19/Apr/16
Pretty sure he's a German-American, 6'7 1/2 looks about right to me.
Shuvayu said on 19/Apr/16
@Phenom ...kane 6 inches shorter than shaq???
Phenom! said on 17/Apr/16
I honestly stopped coming to this thread a while ago. But seeing Kane around shaq, I only saw about 5-6 inch difference in their height. That would probably make Kane like 6'6.75."
Slim said on 17/Apr/16
Here we go with the Vince Vaughn pics again... He claimed and quoted he was standing on his tip toes in that pic and commented on how big Glenn was compared to him.
Sean said on 15/Apr/16
Kane - peak: 6'7.5", current - 6'6.75"-6'7". There were some pics with Kane and Vince Vaughn in the last couple of years which show Kane not too much taller than Vince who now probably is 6'4.5".
Vegas said on 15/Apr/16
james, i would never try to pin someone down to within 1/4 inch
James B said on 15/Apr/16
Oh yeah Vegas you made an interesting comment on the undertaker page in regards to strowman. You said how he was the same height in NXT as 6'6 measured baron corbin............
rikashiku said on 15/Apr/16
@Ali Baba said on 12/Apr/16
It also helps that the mats give a slight boost over the audience
James B said on 14/Apr/16
Vegas- 6'4.75 on the money for swagger then?
Vegas said on 14/Apr/16
I met and talked with swagger, got a photo with him (pretty sure I already posted it?)
Swagger looked around 6'5 in person (6'4 1/2 - 6'5)
Certainly shorter than guys like Corbin, heidenreich or Penn jillette who all looked over 6'5 in person
James B said on 12/Apr/16
Vegas how tall did swagger look to you then? Was swagger standing still or was he walking? Because editor rob quite rightly pointed out that the reason why wrestlers can look shorter in person is because they are walking and not standing at there best.
Ali Baba said on 12/Apr/16
rikashiku said on 29/Mar/16
@JAmes B
If Barrett is only a fraction over 6'5", even though I proved it to you several times he is 6'6", then that makes the entire roster, and the audience in general, MUCH shorter.
Because the audience IS much shorter in general. When you have someone who is anywhere near 6.5 feet tall standing with a bunch of more average height people it looks ridiculous. The difference is extemely noticeable.
James B said on 11/Apr/16
Edge 6'3 peak 6'3.25
Goldust 6'3.5 peak 6'3.75
Kane 6'6.75 peak 6'7.5
Vegas said on 11/Apr/16
I met goldust in 2009. I can confirm he ain't 6'4 or over
Swagger is max 6'5, met him too
Click Here
Shuvayu said on 11/Apr/16
@HeightCrazy, Goldust & edge both are 6'4" if not more .... kane's above 6'7"... check the raw episode when show hugged kane.... just 3" difference max
James B said on 10/Apr/16
6'3.75 bang on for goldust
James B said on 9/Apr/16
sid said on 7/Apr/16
Omid I see 3 inches between Kane and Edge. that would make Kane 6'7
You mean 6'6 since edge is nothing over 6'3 today
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Apr/16
Can´t see Edge at 6´4".
Nice pic, Goldust is imo pretty flat 6´4" and Kane has less than 3inches on him.
Question how much could Kane stretch out? He didn´t look taller than 6´6.5"-6´7" out of gear for quite a time.
Shuvayu said on 8/Apr/16
Hey Omid this was the pic i was talking about... Kane's clearly 3 inches taller
Omid said on 8/Apr/16
Rob I think edge is around the same height as Goldust right?
How many inches do you see between those two? (Kane and Goldust?)

Editor Rob
at times golddust could look 6ft 4
sid said on 7/Apr/16
Omid I see 3 inches between Kane and Edge. that would make Kane 6'7
James B said on 7/Apr/16
Goldust might be 6'3.5 judging by how tall he looked with r truth (assuming r truth is 5'11)
Compared to goldust I'd say Kane still looks 6'7
James B said on 7/Apr/16
Scott Hall 6'3.75
Undertaker 6'6.25
Omid said on 6/Apr/16
Rob, what do you think of this?
Click Here

Editor Rob
a few inches further away from edge will make him look a bit smaller there.
Shuvayu said on 5/Apr/16
@rikashu plenty of photos frm wm season... hall with barret, taker ...hall still a god 6'5" taker still a weak 6'8"
Shuvayu said on 4/Apr/16
@JamesB the andre the giant trophy match will lay clarity to all your doubts... i have an image saved ...can sme 1 guide me as to how i put it inhere
rikashiku said on 4/Apr/16
How recently? That one time he was with Undertaker or the his pic was snapped with Hall?
Click Here
Hall still looks like a solid 6'4" guy next to 6'1"-6'2" Ryder.
Marshawn said on 2/Apr/16
Titus Oneil looks shorter than 6'3 Vernon Davis in 2 pics on Vernon's instagram.
James B said on 1/Apr/16
Barrett looked shorter recently than undertaker who is more like a legit 6'6 today
rikashiku said on 29/Mar/16
@JAmes B
If Barrett is only a fraction over 6'5", even though I proved it to you several times he is 6'6", then that makes the entire roster, and the audience in general, MUCH shorter.
Kane_5388 said on 24/Mar/16
That pic with Kane and Undertaker is a fake. It's an exact copy of the Kane/Swagger picture but with a filter. You can clearly see in the neck where Undertakers head was poorly Photoshoped on Swaggers body. Also I really doubt Undertaker and Swagger would be wearing the exact same attire, exact same colors, and standing the exact same way.
Mj said on 23/Mar/16
@shuvayu ....don't be stupid....that's edited....100%
James B said on 21/Mar/16
Barrett could even be a small fraction over 6'5
miko said on 18/Mar/16
Hall is looking taller than I expected there as Barrett is nothing under 6'5.
Shuvayu said on 18/Mar/16
@dfens .... that aint fake...cant there be more than 1 celebrity in an event
TJE said on 18/Mar/16
Considering his advanced height, I wouldn't be surprised if he lost a good fraction by 48.
6'7.5 peak 6'7 today
Looks it with Jack Swagger.
James B said on 17/Mar/16
Undertaker does not look over 6'6 in shuvayus photo but I think his posture is quite poor.
When that photo was taken I think Kane was 6'7.25.
DFens said on 17/Mar/16
Shuvayu, this pic is fake.
This is the original.
Click Here
Shuvayu said on 17/Mar/16
yes... barret with gear shoes will be 6'7" ....
James B said on 14/Mar/16
Scott hall still does look close to 6'5 with wade
Vegas said on 12/Mar/16
staredown between wade barrett and scott hall..pity we can't see feet
Click Here
steve said on 10/Mar/16
Nope he's 6.8,5 he
Shuvayu said on 9/Mar/16
So in 3/4 years he looses more than an inch @HeightCrazy
nathaiel said on 8/Mar/16
i would say 6'6'' at these days
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Mar/16
6´6.75" today, peak 6´7.5"
near 6´10" in his biggest boots.
Albert said on 4/Mar/16
6 ft 11.3 in
Chris said on 28/Feb/16
I've been a fan of Kane from day one - after years of gathering evidence in to his real height comparing to other people about his height, I can see with my eyes he is absolutely somewhere between 6ft7.5 to 6ft8
James B said on 27/Feb/16
Big is heading towards 6'10 today Omid
Jan said on 26/Feb/16
Compared to his Brother who is also billed at 202 cm I Think 206 cm ( like Strowman ) is fair
Omid said on 26/Feb/16
Watching fastlane tag match...Kane is definitely at least 6'7, I'd say a bit taller if Bigshow is still full 6'11
Shuvayu said on 22/Feb/16
check the match at fast lane.. a lot of questions will be put to rest ...tag team vs wyatt family
James B said on 19/Feb/16
rikashiku said on 18/Feb/16
@James B said on 15/Feb/16
LOL rob in regards to Titus oneil and vince mcmahons recent scuffle they describe titus as being near 7ft
Oh that is the worst. I remember an article about Titus O'Neil where he was described as 6'9" and over 350lbs. I laughed at that very much when I looked at pictures of him in his NFL days looking no more than 6'4". He can get away with higher listings like 6'5"-6'6" only thanks to his long arms and legs. It's like Jack Swagger who is really about 6'5" but he can look much taller due to his long limbs, but then you see him next to 6'6" Wade Barrett and it turns out he isn't as giant as advertised.
Swaggers hairstyle helped too
Shuvayu said on 19/Feb/16
@kane .... camera angles
Slim said on 18/Feb/16
Kane looks taller than Morgan. Or the same height. Morgan has HUGE lifts inside his boots as you can tell. Keep in mind Kane is allot older.
rikashiku said on 18/Feb/16
@James B said on 15/Feb/16
LOL rob in regards to Titus oneil and vince mcmahons recent scuffle they describe titus as being near 7ft
Oh that is the worst. I remember an article about Titus O'Neil where he was described as 6'9" and over 350lbs. I laughed at that very much when I looked at pictures of him in his NFL days looking no more than 6'4". He can get away with higher listings like 6'5"-6'6" only thanks to his long arms and legs. It's like Jack Swagger who is really about 6'5" but he can look much taller due to his long limbs, but then you see him next to 6'6" Wade Barrett and it turns out he isn't as giant as advertised.
rikashiku said on 16/Feb/16
@kane said on 14/Feb/16
Those comparison pictures are shockingly awful. I'm not sure if you're joking or serious.
@Tarinator said on 11/Feb/16
It's really hard to tell because of the shifting camera angles, but when Kane does eventually catch Morgan for the Chokeslam and he stands up straight, it does look like Morgan is a little taller. I've always figured Morgan was about 6'9", maybe 6'8.5".
Slim said on 15/Feb/16
A man what makes you think that? Seen them face off? I have. Both wear big boots. They were dead even in height and Kane wasn't even standing too straight.
James B said on 15/Feb/16
Morgan today would have 1.5 on kane
James B said on 15/Feb/16
LOL rob in regards to Titus oneil and vince mcmahons recent scuffle they describe titus as being near 7ft
Big difference between 6'4 and 7ft HAHAHAHA
Shuvayu said on 15/Feb/16
@mj he surely does
Vegas said on 14/Feb/16
Tarinator said on 11/Feb/16
Who is taller, Kane or Matt Morgan (looking at RR 2004)?
met both out of gear in same hotel on same day back in 2004. morgan is taller
A man said on 14/Feb/16
Matt Morgan is taller than Kane
kane said on 14/Feb/16
sehwag is 5'7''
kane said on 14/Feb/16
guys hey now look at these 2 pics 1st sehwag and kane
Click Here
now cricketer Ishant sharma who is 6'4'' with sehwag
Click Here
now u can clearly see the difference is the same hence shockingly kane is only 6'5'' in real life without boots with 2 inch lifts hez 6'7'' back in attitude era wore 4 inch lifts to look 6'9''
James B said on 11/Feb/16
Nash looked taller for sure than undertaker at mania 96
Mj said on 11/Feb/16
Sehwag is just 5'7...kane doesn't look 1 foot taller
Tarinator said on 11/Feb/16
Who is taller, Kane or Matt Morgan (looking at RR 2004)?
Slim said on 10/Feb/16
Well how tall is sehwag?
Fred said on 10/Feb/16
I just calculated the average billed height of the entire WWE active roster (not counting Divas, announcers, commentators, and dwarfs) and I found out it was around 74.6" (189.5cm), so that means 6'2.6". But that's the billed height. And since the average wrestler gets their real height inflated about 2 inches, I would estimate the average WWE wrestler's real height to be around 6'0.5" (184.2cm).
Shuvayu said on 9/Feb/16
one has to have a pic of undertaker with nash which gives a clear picture of their heights u had taker sid....nash is 1 inch shorter than TBS
rikashiku said on 9/Feb/16
@Vegas said on 5/Feb/16
I've actually posted pictures that basically prove Strowman is definitely not under 6'7".
Shuvayu said on 8/Feb/16
Kane will be around 6'8" he is with sehwag, a decorated international cricketer
Click Here
This if when wwe toured india recently
James B said on 7/Feb/16
Vegas I think Kane is not over 6'7 today
rikashiku said on 6/Feb/16
@Shuvayu said on 3/Feb/16
Yeah Ryback usually gives the impression of being 6'1" or 6'2". He's not quite as tall as Roman Reigns but he is about the same height as Bray Wyatt who I also pegged at 6'1". Ryback has been billed at 6'3" for a really long time, even in the Nexus days which was funny to see because at the time Wade Barrett was listed at 6'5" and we saw a massive height difference between them.
@universalstar said on 1/Feb/16
Good pic. It makes Kane look a solid 2" taller. Snitsky could be believed to be around 6'6" solid(I used to think 6'4" until I saw him tower over Randy Orton and Mike Knox, both around 6'4"-6'5").
@Slim said on 1/Feb/16
My work boots are about 5cm thick and my running shoes almost 6cm thick. Never seen 3" footware myself, but I don't doubt that they don't exist. I do think Strowman has worn them from time to time, as you can tell when he is around Erik Rowan or The Big Show, usually Strowman will look much taller than Rowan and almost the same height as Big Show. Then we see him in the boots he wore for his first two months where there was an obvious 3" or so height difference between him and Big Show.
James B said on 5/Feb/16
Ryback is more 6'1
Vegas said on 5/Feb/16
strowman and kane were both listed 6'8 outside of pro-wrestling, strowman in strongman and kane in college basketball in his 20s. that in itself suggests there isn't much between them
strowman out of gear is same height as brian shaw (also listed 6'8 in strongman). shaw had a couple of inches on ralf moller
Omid said on 5/Feb/16
I have not seen one photo or video or anything in which Taker is taller than Kane...there are some in which they are the same height but in most of what I've seen Kane has been consistently a little bit taller
maybe 0.5 or 1 inch at most
Shuvayu said on 5/Feb/16
I said this before... compare with cricketers
James B said on 4/Feb/16
Shuvayu said on 2/Feb/16
@james B u mean kane is 5 inches shorter than show .... are u crazy
Probably more like 3.5 inches shorter
Shuvayu said on 4/Feb/16
@Tababitha ... what makes u say that taker was taller than kane
Shuvayu said on 3/Feb/16
Guys all short but bulky or muscular wrestlers have to wear lifts to look REAL big ...take a look at the new ryback look .... ryback is no bigger than 6'2" ...but will shortly be billed as 6'4"
Click Here
Tabitha O'Brien said on 2/Feb/16
I think Kane is 6ft 7 cause undertaker is 6ft 8 and I saw that undertaker is taller than Kane.
Shuvayu said on 2/Feb/16
@james B u mean kane is 5 inches shorter than show .... are u crazy
universalstar said on 1/Feb/16
kane and snitsky.....good comparison
Click Here
Slim said on 1/Feb/16
It wouldn't surprise me if his lifts measured 3" total. A guy I work with has a total of 3" in footwear. He wears 2" lifts in his boots and the outsole is 1". So don't think Braun can't "wrestle" in them.
Jan said on 1/Feb/16
I Think you Should change the height from Kane Rob. He is bigger than Undertaker and nearly the same like Strowman. I think 206 cm for him is perfect
Shuvayu said on 1/Feb/16
Just saw the rumble... kane was clearly taller than strowman ....@paul i think ur misguided
LoganNoll1996 said on 31/Jan/16
Strowman is shorter than Kane without lifts. As for Strowman's lift size, 1 - 1.5" would be my guess.
James B said on 31/Jan/16
These days when Kane is not in ring gear and is in corporal clothing he looks 6'6 to me.
James B said on 31/Jan/16
Paul that list is nearly perfect except I think big show is now 6'10.5 not a full 6'11
rikashiku said on 30/Jan/16
@John said on 29/Jan/16
It's pretty obvious that no one expects him to wrestle in 3" lifts. But again, you can tell when he is wearing them, even when he doesn't wrestle most of the time, he just stands there or he either picks someone up or just throws his forearm at them and that's it. For some of the time, he's literally just there to look tall.
There is no way he is under 6'7".
Paul said on 30/Jan/16
Ten tallest wrestlers in WWE today
1. Big Show 6'11"
2.Braun Strowman 6'7.5"
3.Kane 6'7"
4. and 5. Undertaker and Erick Rowan 6'6.5"
6.Wade Barrett 6'5.25"
7.Jack Swagger 6'5"
8.Luke Harper 6'4.75"
9. and 10. Randy Orton and Titus O'Neil 6'4"
John said on 29/Jan/16
Do you really expect a huge guy like Strowman to wrestle in 3 inch lifts? He would've been moving like a robot if that was the case. If he was wearing any lifts, it would be like an inch maximum. Maybe he was wearing them during the staredown with Big Show and Kane. But not over an inch, I can guarantee you.
mrtguy said on 28/Jan/16
Strowman can pass as being 6'9''.
Shuvayu said on 28/Jan/16
Brock is above 6'2" by every means
rikashiku said on 27/Jan/16
@Yam said on 26/Jan/16
Looking at the rumble again and Strowmans footwear isn't that thick anymore. They seem to be changing that a lot now. You can even see it when he sizes up Big Show. There's not an inch between them anymore, there's about 3" between them.
There is no way Strowman is under 6'7". The pics I posted, even if the guys he's with are half an inch shorter than I listed, will still show Strowman being near the 6'8" claims.
@James B, you need to consider footwear differences and camera angles because those are the two things you have never brought up but I have. Look at the first time he sizes up Kane, he does have the footwear advantage. Even with Big Show. HE's been wearing them since Rowan joined the Wyatts again. In other times he's looked shorter than both of them, especially in that Mexico tour last year with Undertaker, he was just shorter than Kane who himself claimed 6'8" some 2-3 years ago and was listed at 6'9" as Issac Yankem.
The first time he sized up Big Show, he wore the thicker soles. The Rumble, you can see the soles are much thinner and Show had about 3" over him.
The picture with Zack Deal, who is listed at 6'5" shows that Strowman is certainly above 6'6".
E184 said on 27/Jan/16
Kane today 6ft 5.75 . 6ft 7 with boots on.
John said on 26/Jan/16
Reigns is 6'2.25"-6'2.5", there are more than enough photos to prove it. He was even measured as 6'2 5/8" in his football days. His wrestling boots are pretty thin-soled compared to most wrestlers, giving him the appearance of being sub-6'2".
James B said on 26/Jan/16
Reigns is a legit 6'2
He edged out Brock lesner
Yam said on 26/Jan/16
Kane was tall as strowman if not tiny bit taller in the rumble vs him
A man said on 26/Jan/16
@ slim, Kane at his heaviest (either 1998 or early 2002) was not as big as Strowman is now. Strowman looks an easy 360 lbs, Kane never looked above 330. I'll concede Kane's arms looked on par or bigger, but Strowman's chest and shoulders are definitely bigger.
They look about the same height, can't call it either way. Don't forget Strowman comes from strongman. He is a monster.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 25/Jan/16
Only way Strowman is under 6´6.5"-6´7" is when roman reigns is barely 6´1"
though I still doubt Reigns is a legit 6´2", I don´t see him under 6´1.5" either
Slim said on 25/Jan/16
There is a reason Glenn was billed at 6-10 7ft in the past... Bc he was close to it. I've seen videos of his very early wrestling career where he was announced as 6'8 to 6'10. The fact that he wore lifts on the outside of his boots has nothing to do with undertaker. What I'm saying is, is that people think it was to make him bigger than undertaker, he already was. He was always taller than mark. Plenty of early photos and vids to prove it. In actuality, undertaker wore lifts inside his boots. Trust me I can tell. So therefore Kane needed a boost to bring their height back the way it was like barefoot. Glenn was always 1"-2" taller than mark. If y'all claim taker was 6'7 peak then there should be no more debate that Glenn was in fact 6'8 6'9.
James B said on 25/Jan/16
Kane can look shorter than he is in reality but i think he is not over 6'7 today
rikishiku- I never said strowman was 6'4-6'5 I just thought 6'6 range was not impossible given how tall he looked next to Kane.
rikashiku said on 24/Jan/16
mrtguy said on 22/Jan/16
Still a good thing I said listed height. I still don't know his actual height or seen him next to others around similar height.
@James B said on 22/Jan/16
Then you're implying that Strowman is only 6'4"-6'5" which he is clearly not from what I've shown.
Slim said on 24/Jan/16
A younger Kane would definitely be much larger than strowman in every way. It's been proven that Kane is taller than Rowan. Not much shorter than big show, he claims 6'8" I mean... Why is it a debate who's taller between him and strowman? Kanes arms a quite a bit longer than strowmans as well. Lifts+back straightened+head tilted back= strowman BARELY edging Kane? Please.
James B said on 23/Jan/16
Rob given that strowman has bigger boots and superior posture in poster DFens picture could that indicate that strowman might be more 6'6 range than near 6'8?
Kane today I doubt is over 6'7
rikashiku said on 23/Jan/16
@mrtguy said on 22/Jan/16
I haven't seen him that much. Any pics of him with other near height athletes?
@James B said on 22/Jan/16
So what you're saying is Strowman is only 6'4"-6'5" then... If he has bigger footware and only just looks the same height as Kane. Kane is probably closer to 6'7.5" now a days. He's said himself he's 6'8" in an interview so he could be anywhere from 6'8" to 6'7". Definitely not under 6'7".
@Vegas said on 21/Jan/16
Links if possible? I'd like to see this. Also, would you happen to know how often Basketball height listings are accurate or not?
As for Shad, in the pictures he's mostly looked about 6'5". I've met him in person and I'd say anywhere from 6'5" to 6'6" seems right for him.
mrtguy said on 22/Jan/16
@rikashiku I doubt it's wrong, he always looked no more than 6'10''
James B said on 22/Jan/16
rikashiku said on 21/Jan/16
@James B said on 20/Jan/16
Wow, you're really downgrading them now. Strowman did have footware advantage. He's been wearing them for months now, since Rowan came back. The pictures I've provided definitely show that he is above 6'7" and near 6'8". As for Kane, they did look very similar in height. STrowmans posture made him look a little more than an inch taller.
@mrtguy said on 20/Jan/16
Good thing I said 6'11"-7'1". And even Basketball listings get heights wrong from what I've seen in these forums from the past. He could be 6'10.5" at night and 6'11" in the morning?
I don't think so.......strowman looked dead on same as Kane with bigger footware and footware advantage.
DFens said on 22/Jan/16
Click Here
Same height. Kane looks shorter because he's getting old and is offently in a "tired" posture when in ring.
I bet Kane in Strowman's age was even bigger than Strowman today.
mrtguy said on 21/Jan/16
A man said on 21/Jan/16
I suspect some downgrades will be on the way for Kane, Taker and Show in the near future. All three are struggling for their listed heights in recent pics.
yeah, generally guys that tall will further lose more height than the average.
James B said on 21/Jan/16
A man - I think today
Kane 6'6.75
Undertaker 6'6.25
Big show 6'10.5
Vegas said on 21/Jan/16
josh was measured 6'6 barefoot at the combine so his height we don't need to guess
shad looks 6'4-6'5 next to kofi kingston who i met and have been photographed with
rikashiku said on 21/Jan/16
@James B said on 20/Jan/16
Wow, you're really downgrading them now. Strowman did have footware advantage. He's been wearing them for months now, since Rowan came back. The pictures I've provided definitely show that he is above 6'7" and near 6'8". As for Kane, they did look very similar in height. STrowmans posture made him look a little more than an inch taller.
@mrtguy said on 20/Jan/16
Good thing I said 6'11"-7'1". And even Basketball listings get heights wrong from what I've seen in these forums from the past. He could be 6'10.5" at night and 6'11" in the morning?
A man said on 21/Jan/16
I suspect some downgrades will be on the way for Kane, Taker and Show in the near future. All three are struggling for their listed heights in recent pics.
Omid said on 21/Jan/16
James His boots did appear bigger and he was raising his eye level though
James B said on 20/Jan/16
Kane I doubt is over 6'7 today and if anything could be 6'6 3/4 now.
Did strowman really have larger footwear than Kane? If he was the same height as Kane then with footware advantage plus much better posture he would have pulled of looking much taller but yet he looked the same size.
That to me would indicate that strowman is under 6'7 but then Vegas saw him as noticibly taller strowman in person
Shuvayu said on 20/Jan/16
In the recent wwe tour to india kane went one on one with TBS ... TBS had 3 inches max on kane
John said on 20/Jan/16
Shad Gaspard=6'5.5"
Connor Mcgregor=5'8.5"
Mike O'Hearn=6'2.5"
Alex Stephenson=6'9"
Hulk Hogan=6'2.5"
Mike Ryan=6'2.5"
Joe Manganiello=6'4.75"
Aaron Reed=6'7"
Wade Barrett=6'5.25"
Josh Bredl=6'6.5"
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 19/Jan/16
@rikashiku said on 18/Jan/16
Shad in 2008 ws billed 6'7 and JTG 6'1
By your pics,he can look in the 6'6-6'7 area
rikashiku said on 18/Jan/16
Click Here
Edge and Kane with some fans.
rikashiku said on 18/Jan/16
I'm not sure how much it will help but here is Shad GAspard with 190cm Mike O'Hearn
Click Here
Shuvayu said on 18/Jan/16
@john ... I could bet my life that strowman is not taller than kane
John said on 17/Jan/16
The camera angle in that video is clearly in favor with JBL. He looks an inch taller than Barrett. I can't find a video or a photo of the two where there's no camera angle advantage. I agree with James B, Barrett edges JBL only a tiny bit, like a quarter inch. So JBl=195cm Barrett=196cm
rikashiku said on 17/Jan/16
@pablo77bar(184cm) said on 16/Jan/16
Hard to tell because Barrett is closer to the camera and when JBL is moving around like that he either looks smaller or looks nearly the same height as Barrett. Perhaps 6'5.5" to JBL and 6'6" to Barrett? or 6'5" to JBL and 6'5.5" to Barrett?