How tall is Kane - Page 13

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Average Guess (670 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.86in (202.9cm)
Current: 6ft 6.91in (200.4cm)
James B said on 12/Apr/17
Just because he claims 6'2-6'3 doesn't mean he is that tall
Shuvayu said on 11/Apr/17
@James B ... Have you seen table for 3 with the giants ??? Henry claims to be 6'2"-6'2.5"
Slim said on 10/Apr/17
Mark Henry wore big outerlifts.
Backstage said on 10/Apr/17
Kei, this is their barefoot height. If you are 6'8 like you claim, you, Big Show would ofcourse tower over you at 6'10.25, with shoes, he'd be 6'10.5, with boots, just under 7 feet. I myself am 6'4, and i have a friend who is 6'6.5 and they tower over me. Nash with shoes is around 6'9, but no more than that.
Kei said on 9/Apr/17
I used to be a big WWE fan and trust me Big Show is a good 6'11 7 feet now, I met him 5 years ago he towerd me and i'm a barefoot 6'8 also Kevin Nash is about 6'10. The others I never met.
James B said on 9/Apr/17
That would make mark Henry 6'0.5 but does his weight effect his posture?
Dave said on 9/Apr/17
Kane and Mark Henry standing side by side.. Kane makes Henry look pretty small. Looks to me around 7 inches of difference in height? Click Here
Backstage said on 7/Apr/17
Peak Taker: 6'7.5
Peak Kane: Just a mm under 6'8 (With lifts - 6'9.25)
Peak Nash: 6'8.5
Peak Paul Wight: 6'10.25 (Most of the time, Paul had wore boots that added 1.5 inches making him roughly just under 7 feet)
Slim said on 4/Apr/17
When Vince originally posted the pic with him and Kane, he clearly states that he was on his tip toes. Look at his face and body and then look at Kane kind of laughing.
Dave said on 3/Apr/17
@Alan Clarke yes i believe Vince was tippy toeing and Kane was relaxed because Vince is similar height to Randy Orton, maybe half an inch taller and Kane is at least 3 and a half inches taller than Randy, so Kane would be noticeably taller than Vaughn if they were both standing the same Click Here
Ryan Clarke said on 2/Apr/17
Does anybody think the photo of him and Vince Vaughn, that Vince is on his tippy toes
dewie said on 25/Mar/17
Sid 201cm kane 202cm taker 203cm nash 207cm
Shuvayu said on 24/Mar/17
Wwould be interesting to see this guy in action babatunde aiyegbusi. Even NFL lists him at 6'9"
Phenom! said on 23/Mar/17
Peak undertaker was at LEAST 6'7.25." 6'7" is a downgrade for undertaker, you're talking more like Sid or strowman at 6'7." Undertaker I feel was closer to 202cm than 201cm. His head outstretched nearly everyone except Kane and diesel back in the 90s, and if it wasn't for Kane's footwear, they would've been nearly identical.
rikashiku said on 23/Mar/17
@DFens said on 13/Mar/17

Kanes posture isn't that bad in the pic, so it's entirely believable that Kane is 6'7".
Slim said on 23/Mar/17
I am 24 years old. If I lean to one side (all weight on one foot) slouch my back and relax my neck it's pretty easy...
Canson said on 22/Mar/17
@Slim: how is that possible? 3.5"? How old are you?
Slim said on 20/Mar/17
I can shrink down to 5'9 with bad posture. I'm 6'1.5 in the morning.
Omid said on 18/Mar/17
Kane isn't standing straight in that picture.

Anything less than 6'8 prime and 6'7 now and you need to downgrade virtually everybody, Randy Orton for example would be 6'3 instead of 6'4.
Slim said on 16/Mar/17
Kane has probably lost at least 2 inches. My dad is 42 has already lost 2 inches and he hasn't even done as much wresltling as Kane has all throughout his life
Chad said on 16/Mar/17
@Braun Stroman - Kane was taller than peak Taker (6'7) by .25-.5 inches
dginzu said on 16/Mar/17
Lee Smith was measured at 6'5.6 in the morning, so not even 6'6.
A Man said on 16/Mar/17
I love how everyone clambers to find a way to make Kane look taller there. He obviously isn't, even if they had identical posture they'd be about the same.

It's like the pictures of Undertaker with the basketball players. Next to legit 6,6", 6,7" and 6,8" guys Taker and Kane are gonna come up short.
Braun Strowman said on 14/Mar/17
This Lee Smith guy is standing with a very good posture, Kane Didn't. Kane is about 200 cm right now. 6.6'75. And peak Kane was never taller than Undertaker.
Chad said on 14/Mar/17
@Dfens - It looks like Kane is leaning in for the picture, but, Lee Smith is 6'6.. Looks like Kane has him by about an inch, or about 1.25 inches. Which makes Kane today 6'7.25 roughly. Which is exactly where he should be. His peak was 6'7.75. He lost about .5 inches over the years.
Chet said on 14/Mar/17
I think Kane was slouching in that pic with Lee Smith and standing with his feet apart. He's probably 6'7 these days before he goes to bed and maybe wakes up at about 6'8
DFens said on 13/Mar/17
If Lee Smith (Oakland Raiders) is really 6 ft 6 in, i'm very sad...

Click Here
DFens said on 13/Mar/17
Kane wasnt wearing his ring boots.

Vegas said on 11/Mar/17
Kane and Eric Rowan with the same guy
Click Here
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Joey34 said on 12/Mar/17
Kane and Big Show with the same guy from 2002

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This guy also had a picture with Randy Orton which I can't find at the moment but he was around 2 inches shorter than Randy
James B said on 12/Mar/17
Yeah Eric looks taller than Kane compared to that guy
Joey34 said on 12/Mar/17
Kane looks a good 3 or 4 inches taller than Albert/ A Train in this segment Click Here Click Here
Lowe said on 12/Mar/17
Kane and Road Dogg Click Here
Shane said on 11/Mar/17
Wwe official roster on still has Kane at 7'0".
Vegas said on 11/Mar/17
Kane and Eric Rowan with the same guy
Click Here
Click Here
Brothers of destruction said on 11/Mar/17
Kane is always 1 inch taller than the Undertaker

During their prime (attitude era)(with boots)
Kane: 6'10
Undertaker: 6'9

During their prime (attitude era)(without boots)
Kane: 6'8.75
Undertaker: 6:7.75

Today(getting older)
Kane: 6'8
Undertaker: 6'7

Considering the fact that they never wore boots with 2 inches lifts and they only had 1 inch boots
And you cant base your guess on pictures since we really dont know the angle,quality of the pics
Kane is taller a little bit than corbin and strowman but not obvious while undertaker is little smaller and little obvious than them
Brothers of destruction said on 11/Mar/17
Kane is always 1 inch taller than the Undertaker

During their prime (attitude era)(with boots)
Kane: 6'10
Undertaker: 6'9

During their prime (attitude era)(without boots)
Kane: 6'8.75
Undertaker: 6:7.75

Today(getting older)
Kane: 6'8
Undertaker: 6'7

Considering the fact that they never wore boots with 2 inches lifts and they only had 1 inch boots
And you cant base your guess on pictures since we really dont know the angle,quality of the pics
Kane is taller a little bit than corbin and strowman but not obvious while undertaker is little smaller and little obvious
Chad said on 9/Mar/17
If anyone goes back to Royal Rumble '96, Kevin Nash and Glenn Jacobs are in the match and interact a lot. From the looks of it, Glenn at this point is about 6'8, and Nash was about 6'9.5.

I would say it goes like this:
Kevin Nash: 6'9.5
Kane: 6'8.5
Undertaker: 6'8
Sid: 6'7.75
Sterlo said on 3/Mar/17
How big would Kane's head be? He's a tiny bit more than a whole head taller than the just shy of 5'10 Chris Jericho. Click Here Click Here
dewie said on 28/Feb/17
Taker peak 6ft8 2.03m kane 6ft8.5 2.04m barefoot
Chad said on 24/Feb/17
Taker was always 6'7.25 until recent years. He's probably around 6'6.5 today. The reason he looked huge during the rumble against Reigns and Goldberg, you have to remember Reigns is around 6'2 and so is Goldberg. Taker looked exactly 4.5 inches taller than both. Kane was always 6'7.75, today around 6'7.25. I had e-mailed Paul Bearer while he had his Percy Pringle site, and he confirmed that Kane was taller but not by much.
A Man said on 23/Feb/17
Yeah Kane could have legit been 330+ lbs in his initial run in 1997-98 and again in 2001-early 2002. He was massive during those times, and strong as hell.

He looked sub 300 lbs in 1999 and after he came back in August 2002 though.
Tubaki said on 22/Feb/17
Kane at his biggest could make Taker (who's a massive dude himself) look like a freakin stringbean at times, this guys arms were impressive as hell, no pun intended .
I'd be surprised if at around 203/204cm tall, Kane never hit the 150Kg mark at some point.
Click Here
Bradshaw said on 22/Feb/17
In my opinion:

Kane PRIME: 6'8.5
Taker PRIME: 6'7.75

and now Kane is about 6'7.75 and Taker is 6'6.5
Omid said on 22/Feb/17
Bear in mind that Taker is sorta enhancing his height with that bandana, the hair that would've fallen is standing higher because of that.

EVEN with that the best Taker pulls off is equal height, guys, Kane was and is taller by a fraction, a mere CM but taller nevertheless.
Mcnallz said on 22/Feb/17
Both men's posture is terrible there in the rumble, especially Kane's . They are VERY close in height but i think Kane edges him out slightly
Philip McMullin said on 22/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft Yet you still dont mention the fact taker wore lifts here and kane had a wider stance
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/Feb/17
Click Here
56min onwards

Click Here

Both in equal footwear and Kane is for sure not taller
Omid said on 21/Feb/17
Kane's been wearing the same standard big man boot as someone like Bigshow after 2000 or 2001 and don't take my word for it:

Click Here

In every single occasion when the camera angles are decent, they are either the same height or Kane's slightly taller which strongly suggests that Kane is a fraction taller.

Taker being taller argument has not merit whatsoever.
Kane and Abel said on 21/Feb/17
Yeaton. Post a picture from SMW match, and prove it that Kane was Taller.
Kane and Abel said on 21/Feb/17
JoetT. You're funny guy LOL. Kane in 2010 stil had thicker footwear, and Taker lost more height than Kane by 2010, and Kane looks only .25 taller.
JoeyT said on 21/Feb/17
In 2010 Kane and Undertaker had the exact same footwear, Taker's might have even be a small fraction bigger and Kane was still taller (even when he's bald and Taker has hair)
Click Here
Slim said on 20/Feb/17
HeightcrazyRed6ft when did I get proven wrong? Lol you are confused and clearly your eyesight needs adjusting.
Slim said on 20/Feb/17
BIG SHOW are you blind? He's clearly taller lol wow.
Yeaton said on 20/Feb/17
As far as the SMW match, Kane was clearly taller. Both guys are standing in the same stance. Kane was obviously taller.

Reason behind the lifts in 1998, the WWF at the time wanted Kane to look even more gigantic than he already is. Kane was taller than Taker by .5 inches. Undertaker at the time was 6'7, Kane was 6'7.5. They added 2 inch lifts to Kane, which made him 6'9.5. Thus Taker being billed as 6'10 and Kane being billed as 7 feet tall. Nobody can really tell between a man who is almost 6'10 in ring gear, and a 7 footer.
BIG SHOW said on 20/Feb/17

Kane footwear was at least inch thicker :D
Joe said on 20/Feb/17
JoeyT - Simply wrong. Kane had atleast 1.5 inches footwear advantage at wrestlemania 1998.

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Also, the one time i've seen Undertaker look taller than kane was in the royal rumble 2003 where he helped kane up. Kane looked just a little shorter due to them having them same footwear. Undertaker peak - 6'8 - kane peak - 6'7.5
JoeyT said on 20/Feb/17
Kane and Undertaker's footwear were pretty similar in their match at Wrestlemania and Kane was taller that day. I think Mark was a weak 6'8 barefoot and Glenn was a strong 6'8 when they were in their prime Click Here
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Tuga said on 20/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft is right.

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Full video:
Click Here

Good camera angle and BOTH standing straight.
Take away the footware advantage from kane:
Click Here
And the result is obvious.
BIG SHOW said on 20/Feb/17
Slim. I Notice that when Kane didn't Wore his monster boots Taker was Taller than him(SMW Unabomb vs Taker).
Fui said on 19/Feb/17
Kane is much taller than Taker here Click Here and his boots couldn't be any smaller/flater Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 19/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft The day you ACTUALLY show us a pic of kane and taker with kanes head below takers, NO SOLE advantage on EITHER man in different gimmics is the day we'll all believe you, you've produced no HARD factual evidence that shows kane being the shorter man. You can remove yankems hair all you want hes still taller
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Feb/17
Slim said on 19/Feb/17
HeightcrazyRed6ft do you not realize that it's fishy how Glenn was taller than Mark back when neither wore lifts under different gimmicks? Do you not notice that?

Do you notice that you were porven wrong and now just trolling and bitching around with nonsense?!
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Feb/17
Fui said on 19/Feb/17
Kane when he was with Xpac in 1999 was not wearing big boots...
Click Here


Just look at the pic you posted, Kane is clearly in big 2" soled boots and still only 2cm taller than Taker Click Here
Slim said on 19/Feb/17
HeightcrazyRed6ft do you not realize that it's fishy how Glenn was taller than Mark back when neither wore lifts under different gimmicks? Do you not notice that? Do you also not notice how Kane was bending his knees and hunched for some reason when taker got in his face? Lifts or no lifts, show me where takers head was EVER over Kane's. I'll wait.
Ray Rocker said on 19/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Feb/17
Click Here

1:25 onwards, Kane in bigger boots and the top of their heads are equal ..."

Good video, I agree peak Taker was just a little bit taller than Kane (talking less than 1/2 inch and maybe even 1/4 inch). Also during that time/video, not only was Taker slightly taller, but he looked to be more massive/heavier than Kane at that point in time as well. Today it may be reversed and Kane may be the slightly taller one.
Fui said on 19/Feb/17
Kane when he was with Xpac in 1999 was not wearing big boots, he slimed down significantly and was doing much more athletic moves, no way he'd be doing that stuff in them.
Kane has obviously always been taller than Taker, idk why some people don't accept that.
Click Here
Kane and Abel said on 19/Feb/17
But Kane still wore thicker than Taker.
Philip McMullin said on 19/Feb/17
Again your comment has a hole in it. (you forgot to show the face to face head levels AAAANNND sole advantages. Taker wore pretty big boots in his ministry days
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Feb/17
Click Here

1:25 onwards, Kane in bigger boots and the top of their heads are equal ...
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Feb/17
Click Here 6min onwards, Kane clearly in bigger footwear - put away the wron hair and their boots and Kane for sure isn´t taller
Slim said on 15/Feb/17
Take away his puffy hair all you want but he's still taller with a bald head. Lol fail.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Feb/17
JoeyT said on 11/Feb/17
Isaac Yankem was absolutely taller by a small amount and Taker's footwear was thicker than his


Yeah Taker could´ve a bit more footwear, but he has also a much wider stand, wouldn´t surprise me if he would gain 2cm by closing his feet...
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Feb/17
Click Here

Lets take away Yankems puffy hair advantage....
Kane and Abel said on 13/Feb/17
LOL at this guys, PEAK KANE WASN'T TALLER than Peak Taker, you guys are so funny LOL
Alex Marlin said on 13/Feb/17
6'7".75 but 6'8" at the most
Tarinator said on 12/Feb/17
Yep! Just verified. Kane's eye line is 2.5" taller than the top of Miz's head so he must be 6'0.5" + 2.5" + 4.75" = 6'7.75" right now. Your thoughts Rob? For sure he has lost at least 1-2 cm from his 204 cm peak.
JoeyT said on 11/Feb/17
Isaac Yankem was absolutely taller by a small amount and Taker's footwear was thicker than his at this time Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 11/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft youre still wrong, go look at a few of their current staredowns notably the NEWEST one!
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Feb/17
Philip McMullin said on 10/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft If you wanna know whos taller, kane has stood taller next to big show than taker ever did, and still does!

I don´t talk about how tall Kane in special made boots is, I talk about their barefootheight.
Kane in big big heeled boots onls comes out 1-1.5" taller than Taker, so not taller barefoot
Click Here
Kane and Abel said on 11/Feb/17
Peak Kane was NOT taller than Taker, and no way Kane is the same size as Nash. Now Kane is max weak 6'7 and maybe even under this mark. Nash 6'8.5.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Feb/17
Don´t see Unabomb taller - do you really see were Undertakers top of the head is in the high angle pic...

Click Here

If anything Taker looks taller in equal footwear, they´re nose to nose and Taker has the longer head...

Glen doesn´t look any different to what 6´6.5"-6´7" Sid Eudy looked next to Taker in 1997...
Slim said on 10/Feb/17
Why would UNDERTAKER be selling YANKEMS height??? What an excuse. With or without lifts, Kane has always been seen obviously taller than taker.
Yeaton said on 10/Feb/17
For anyone who think that Nash is anything above 6'8, please refer to the photo below.. Here is Nash, Crush and Wrath, 3 gigantiv men who over the course of their careers had been billed anywhere from 6'7 to 6'11.. Crush looks the tallest in this backstage photo

Click Here
Vegas said on 10/Feb/17
I also met Penn jillette in person over a decade ago and he clearly stated on stage that night he was 6'6. In person he looked 6'5.5-6'6 not 6'7

Kane was also not 4 inches taller than Ben, Kane still in ring gear obviously given he has the elbow pads and contact still in looks about 2.5 inches taller Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 10/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft If you wanna know whos taller, kane has stood taller next to big show than taker ever did, and still does!
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Feb/17
Glenn said on 9/Feb/17
Kane and Abel, peak Kane WAS taller than peak Taker by about .75 inches to 1 inch. If you don't believe me, look up Mike Unabomb Vs Undertaker from Smoky Mountain Wrestling back in 95. The staredown, you can clearly see Kane is taller than the Undertaker by an inch (no lifts)


WRRRRRRROOOONNNNNGGG, stop spreading out such nonsense as fact.

There´s no camera angle or quality shot proving Kane as Unabomb to be taller. As Yankem, Kane was already in ~1.25-1.4" soled footwear and Taker was selling Yankems height with a wide stand.

For Facts, look at WM 14, watch close at their gap AND their footwear! Click Here

The gap is 1.5" and thats about Kanes footwear advantage, Taker and Kane were within a fraction the same height barefoot.

The only question is how much over 6ft7in they could measure peak barefoot evening.
Kane and Abel said on 10/Feb/17
LOL, in This Staredown SMW in 95, Kane isn't taller than Taker, not even half inch taller.
JoeyT said on 10/Feb/17
Just a reminder that Kane is not any shorter than the 6'6.5 or 6'7 Penn Jillette. Click Here Click Here
Slim said on 9/Feb/17
Vegas we've seen Kane with Big Ben. The 6'4.75 guy you posted a pic with snitsky and the 6'7 guy. Kane was at least 4" taller.
Slim said on 9/Feb/17
Peak Kane has been proven taller than taker. We all saw the staredown of him as Isaac Yankem vs Taker.
Kane and Abel said on 9/Feb/17
Funny thing is that Peak Kane wasn't Taller Than Peak Taker, and you people try to make Kane the same height as Nash, even that Nash was taller than Taker by two inches.
Joey said on 8/Feb/17
How tall do u guys think Edge is? Click Here
Click Here I thought he was a good 6'2 or 6'3 but Kane has a lot of height on him so I'm not sure.

Also what about JBL? Click Here I can't find the video of this segment atm but JBL usually looks 2 inches shorter than "Corporate" Kane,
Apparently Tom Phillips is a legit 6'0 which is why he crouches down when interviewing guys that are 6'0 and shorter
Kosta188 said on 8/Feb/17
@heightcrazy6ft there, now that comparison is much better.
As u said there is about a inch difference there where as the oversized version showed a much bigger difference, so yes it does make a big difference to the comparison. I'm sure It's common knowledge that Nash is slightly taller than Kane( I believe it's an inch difference but that's just my opinion) despite there never being a staredown between the 2.
Philip McMullin said on 8/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft Kane doesnt wear HUGE heeled dress shoes, but nash does wear quite largely heeled trainers/sneekers. Nash will have a footwear advantage
Vegas said on 8/Feb/17
The guy on the left is a measured 6'7.2 barefoot, the chap on the right 6'4.75 Click Here

Kane wasn't 6'8 when I met him in person 13 years ago for first time never mind in 2017 at nearly 50 years old
Slim said on 7/Feb/17
Coming from someone who actually played football (myself) middle school all throughout high school, they do not fudge heights. They always measure you and do not bill it at all.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Feb/17
Click Here

Nash was within 1.5"-1.75" of Big Show not to long ago...

Wich I believe was always their barefoot gap, The Giant had 1" footwear advantage in WCW so it looked 2.5"

Peak Big Show 6´11-11.25"
Peak Kevin Nash 6´9.5"
Peak Kane 6´7.5"
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Feb/17
Click Here

the famous Kane Strowman staredown, with their footwear zoomed. Strowman has insidelift but still no footwear advantage over Kanes boots.


Kosta188 said on 7/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft that comparison doesn't work at all, the pictures are waaaaay different in size and so is their posture and the position of them (HHH is standing way closer to Kane which lessens the height difference)


Didn´t read such nonsense in a long time. look at HHH head, the size is good. Nash has one of the largest heads, nothing wrong there. its a rare case of Nash standing tall, he can lose alot with a slouching back... Click Here and still comes out an inch taller than Kane.

HHH always comes out under Nash´s nose if both stand straight.
HHH always comes up to Kanes eyeline if both stand straight. Don´t count Kane in his munsterboots...

Its a 2inch difference, minimum 1.5 but closer to 2"

Kane today 6´6.75-6´7"
Nash today 6´8.5"-6´9"

And don´t post crappy angle pics, they don´t show anything close to reality
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Feb/17
Vinny said on 6/Feb/17
No @HeightcrazyRed6ft it wasn't a typo Click Here he was listed 6'7 in college football...

it was sarcasm...
Snitsky was never more than 6ft5in, college football listings prove nothing, most of them are made up to gain attention.
TK said on 7/Feb/17
I took another stab at a Kane/Nash comparision where the posture and camera angle is the same. Click Here Once again i think that (currently) Nash is a good 6'9 and Kane is about 6'8.
Kosta188 said on 7/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft that comparison doesn't work at all, the pictures are waaaaay different in size and so is their posture and the position of them (HHH is standing way closer to Kane which lessens the height difference) Kevin Nash IS taller but he isn't dramatically taller than Kane, they would be similar
Philip McMullin said on 7/Feb/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft So inacurate! @A Man had it bang on!
Tarinator said on 6/Feb/17
I would say Kane would hit around 6'8.5" at his peak and 6'7.5" as his current height. He still seems to be pulling off a strong 6'7" or maybe a little taller.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Feb/17
1:49 HHH is up to Kanes eyeline
Click Here

Nash with good posture is way taller than Kane without his big boots.

Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Feb/17
Vinny said on 5/Feb/17
@heightcrazyred6ft Kane is taller than the 6'7 measured

might be a typo??? Snitsky is 6ft5 in reality
Philip McMullin said on 6/Feb/17
@A Man, i disagree both are taller than taker and stack up equally next to show
Vinny said on 5/Feb/17
@heightcrazyred6ft Kane is taller than the 6'7 measured (Billed 6'8) Gene Snitsky Click Here
Click Here
and is taller than Viscera who Rob lists as 6'6.5 on this site
Click Here Click Here Click Here
A Man said on 5/Feb/17
Nash would still come out at least an inch taller than Kane. Those comparisons aren't the best because the angles are different.
Philip McMullin said on 5/Feb/17
@TK thats more than enough so we can now silence those nash is taller than kane rumours!
dewie said on 3/Feb/17
Nash 6ft9 2.06m kane 6ft8 2.03m barefoot
TK said on 2/Feb/17
@PhilipMcMullin, i did the best i could haha, here's Kane and Kevin Nash face to face based on them with HHH Click Here. Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 2/Feb/17
@TK Could you make an image with kane and nash face to face like superimposition
TK said on 1/Feb/17
Kane And Kevin Nash are basically the same height now.
Click Here Click Here

I think Nash would be just a fraction taller, not even an inch.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Feb/17
Click Here

Kane Big Show in equal big soled boots ~3.5inches

so 6ft7 and 6ft10.5in back then
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Feb/17
Click Here


Miz is up to Kanes nosetip so between 6 and 6.5inches no more...

Kane 6ft6.5-6ft6.75in today, peak 6ft7.25in, 6ft9.75in in his biggest boots 1997
Miz 6ft0.25-6ft0.5in
Vinny said on 31/Jan/17
Kane is also more than a whole head taller than Ric Flair . Flair looks to be up to Kane's shoulder if Kane was standing straight. Click Here. Click Here
TK said on 30/Jan/17
Kane is more than 6 inches taller than the Miz
Click Here Click Here
Click Here Click Here

I think he'd be very similar to Kevin Love, While Kane and Taker were very similar in height in their prime, Kane is now at least an inch or 2 taller than Undertaker.
Indy said on 30/Jan/17
Kane Towers over 6'2.5 measured Roman Reigns by a good amount and also the rest of the Sheld Click Here. Click Here. Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 30/Jan/17
Somebody please create a Kane and Nash height comparison both at their peaks!
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Jan/17
Ali Baba said on 26/Jan/17
The comparison between the two pictures doesn't really work. Miz's posture is not the same in both pics.


Agreed, Miz/Kane in normal clothes looks ~6inch as the Miz is around Kanes nose tip

Kevin was measured without shoes at 6ft7.75in Click Here

Click Here
Kevin has a full head on 5ft9in Ric Flair, so Kevin is not taller today than his draft measurement.
Miz looks solid 2 inches taller than Flair, as he comes up to Kevins mouth-level.

Kane side by side with Kevin would look like Taker did ~2inches shorter, maybe 1.5in shorter Click Here
Wes said on 30/Jan/17
Definitely a 6'8 guy currently IMO.. Undertaker also measured up very well with Goldberg during their staredown in the match which was a little surprising
@Shuvayu YES exactly, I was pretty annoyed when I realised that Kane had missed his first Royal Rumble PPV in 20 or 21 years while guys like James Ellsworth and Mojo Rawley were in the royal rumble match.
TK said on 28/Jan/17
Kane is around 4 inches taller than Randy Orton who's a strong 6'4, even when Kane was in his flat dress shoes and Randy was in his ring gear Click Here Click Here
Ali Baba said on 26/Jan/17
The comparison between the two pictures doesn't really work. Miz's posture is not the same in both pics.
ZED said on 25/Jan/17
He actually looks taller than Kevin Love by about .5 inches in that photo
Slim said on 24/Jan/17
Cool edit Tim. I knew Kane was being downgraded lol
Chad said on 24/Jan/17
Tim, judging by that picture, it looks like Kane might even be slightly taller than Kevin Love
CED said on 23/Jan/17
I think Rob has got it right.. Peak height of Kane was about 6'8.25
Current Height: 6'7.25

Undertaker Peak Height was 6'7.75
Sycho Sid was 6'7.5
Nash: 6'9.5
Tim said on 23/Jan/17
Kane nowadays is the same height as Kevin Love? Click Here
Slim said on 23/Jan/17
Good idea ZED! Wish someone would do that! Has to be same time frame tho, with Nash Kane and show.
Omid said on 23/Jan/17
See guys, here's the deal with Kane, with two guys that are nearly the same height (within .25 inches) you can see how with even the most reasonable viewing angles they both can look taller than the other (depending on who the angle is benefiting at the time)

I've seen many, many pictures and videos of Taker and Kane together and I say that I have NOT seen one with a decent angle in which Taker is taller than Kane.

They're always either the same height or Kane looks slightly taller.

That's why I think if they were to be measured by big Rob, Kane wouod be within half a inch talker than Taker.
ZED said on 23/Jan/17
Moishe, you're probably right but i do believe that Glenn Jacobs is indeed taller. As Fake Diesel and Isaac Yankem, with no lifts, i believe he was .5 inches taller. Its really weird w him. I know that Kevin Nash is taller but, Kane has always faires better in staredowns w Big Show than Nash. I wish i can put up a shot of a Nash-Show staredown and a Kane-Show statedown side by side, but i have no idea how to do that
Moishe Doyle said on 19/Jan/17
CED I promise Kane isn't an inch taller than taker.
Slim said on 18/Jan/17
Gerry I think Kane would be at least 1" taller than that in a staredown... nice though.
James B said on 18/Jan/17
Prime Kane looks 6'9.5 compared to strowman
Gerry said on 18/Jan/17
i think that a prime Kane having a staredown with Strowman would look something like this Click Here
Yoda said on 17/Jan/17
Click Here

At 0:21

Kane > Braun > Undertaker in height
CED said on 16/Jan/17
Kane - Peak: 6'8.5 | Now: 6'7.25
Kevin Nash - Peak:6'9.25 | Now: 6'7.5
Taker: Peak: 6'7.5 | Now: 6'6.25
Sid: Peak: 6'7.25 | Now: 6'6.25
Big Show: Peak: 6'11.75 | Now: 6'10.5
Kurgan: Peak: 6'9.25 | Now: 6'8.25
Slim said on 16/Jan/17
Nice find Gerry! I could tell in the televised staredown between Kane and Braun, that Kane was selling Brauns height. He's always been known to push younger talent. He said it himself.
Jordan87 said on 16/Jan/17
If Kane said he is about 6'8", he is not taller than this mark.
Shuvayu said on 16/Jan/17
@Gerry terrific .. puts all doubts to rest ... Kane will easily have an inch on Braun, not to forget the high heels braun wears
rikashiku said on 14/Jan/17
@GErry 14/Jan/17

Kane likely wore his thick soled boots, as Strowman has stopped wearing his lately. However, in most instances where they have faced off Kane has mostly looked taller than the 6'7"-6'8"(mostly 6'7" though) Strowman.

Strowman is certainly not much taller than Kane. Even 6'7" Erick Rowan isn't taller, even though some people tried to point it out despite Kane looking taller, but again, thick soles.

When they started using Strowman the first time round he was wearing the thick soled boots too. It was very notable when Erick Rowan came back.
Big Benz said on 14/Jan/17
Kane barefoot is taller than Strowman even now, I think kane is still 6'7 range, and 6'8 peak.
dewie said on 14/Jan/17
Kane 6ft8 strowmen 6ft7 barefoot
Gerry said on 14/Jan/17
heres a Strowman/Kane Staredown u guys probably haven't seen. Kane is NOT any shorter than Strowman infact he looks taller than him. People always downgrade Kane for some reason. Can we lay the whole "Braun is way taller than Kane" nonsense to rest now?
Click Here
Slim said on 13/Jan/17
I agree.... the man isn't gonna stay the same height forever. Hell im only 24 and I have to really try to stay my peak height. Standing straight, good posture etc. so no doubt after all these years of wear, he's at least 1 inch and a half shorter than his prime.
Jordan87 said on 13/Jan/17

Exposed hairline or not, I think Strowman is the taller man. Keep in mind Kane is aging, but I never had Kane over 6'8". I always saw it as:

Big SHow: 6'10.5" ( Clearly more than an 1" shorter than Shaq-especially in the recent Pics)
Kane : 6'7.5" ( In Most pics is 3" shorter than Big SHow-in all eras)

Kane is nearing 50, has carried 300 pounds around for most of his adult life, and has plenty of wear, especially on the knees. I could see him at 6'6-1/2" ish now. In his prime, a tad taller than Strowman however.
Shuvayu said on 13/Jan/17
Jordan, you think that pic is rite inspite of all the comments here ???
Omid said on 13/Jan/17
Strowman is vloser to the camera than Kane, look at the feet.

Also people, he is selling Strowman's height.
Nick said on 12/Jan/17
in a podcast interview with Roddy Piper, Jim Cornette said Glenn Jacobs was "6'10, 320 pounds" when he first started working for his Smoky Mountain wrestling promotion in 1995.
Here's Glenn next to Jim,
Cornette in the past has said that he's 6'0 (billed at 6'1) Click Here Click Here
Vinny said on 12/Jan/17
I saw Kane and Braun have a staredown at a live event in Mexico where Kane was actually standing straight unlike that staredown on Raw people keep bringing up where his posture is terrible and Kane was slightly taller than Strowman and is noticeably taller than legit 6'6 guys so there's no way he's a flat 6'6. Not now not ever
Canson said on 12/Jan/17
200-201 today
Jordan87 said on 10/Jan/17
Rob has Strowman at 6'7, this would make Kane around 6'6 Tops nowdays.

Click Here
Shuvayu said on 8/Jan/17
Kane will be 6.7.7" today, undertaker 6'7 flat today
mrtguy said on 8/Jan/17
Bozmoz said on 7/Jan/17
Kane looks 8 foot tall here the size difference is RIDICULOUS 😂
Click Here

Looking at the girl in the middle, it looks as if she is slightly sitting on the stool, just looks at the the position of their legs. This is what real 8 footers look a like.
Click Here
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 8/Jan/17
Pious Satan said on 3/Jan/17
What I've figured from the pics of Kane-Strowman staredown Strowman seems to be wearing secret lifts I clearly see Kane's arms and legs being longer than Strowman he wears secret lifts so he could appear taller than 6'8 and in that staredown he has the cuz his head is bigger than Kane even his shoulders are not higher than Kane's


I agree that Strowman was wearing lifts, but both are around the same height barefoot. Having longer arms and legs than someone doesn't necessarily indicate that a person's taller than them. I know someone who is a legit 6ft6, but he only wears a 34" inseam in pants, compared to my 37" inseam. He's a quite bit taller than me, but my legs are 3 inches longer than his.
Guyster said on 7/Jan/17
Looking at Kane i would have thought peak height at 6'8, current 6'7.25, even without the lifts i believe he was a fraction taller than the Undertaker.
Bozmoz said on 7/Jan/17
Kane looks 8 foot tall here the size difference is RIDICULOUS 😂
Click Here
MIR said on 7/Jan/17
Looks a good 5 inches taller than Cesaro who's 6'3 at worse Click Here.
Click Here
DFens said on 6/Jan/17

Click Here
Pious Satan said on 3/Jan/17
What I've figured from the pics of Kane-Strowman staredown Strowman seems to be wearing secret lifts I clearly see Kane's arms and legs being longer than Strowman he wears secret lifts so he could appear taller than 6'8 and in that staredown he has the cuz his head is bigger than Kane even his shoulders are not higher than Kane's
Duncan said on 29/Dec/16
U look at him with Big Show over the years and Kane's at least a strong 6'8 barefoot IMO, maybe even 6'9 in his prime Click Here

seeing him with guys 6'4 and over rather than with normal sized guys gives a good indication that he's a good 6'8 at worst
Click Here
James B said on 27/Dec/16
Rob one day might you give Kane 6'8 peak or are you certain you will always stick to 6'7.5?
A Man said on 26/Dec/16
Sorry I was referring to that pic of Kane with Penn Jilette, it's tilted so the difference appears greater at a glance.

Kane doesn't come out well against Strowman but yes with the line drawn in they look about the same height, it's amazing what an exposed hairline and good posture can do for people's perception of height. If anything it's probably good confirmation of Kane being no less than 6,7", as Strowman looked a legit 6,7" next to Brian Shaw.
Shuvayu said on 26/Dec/16
@firecracker 5 inches lesser than 7'1" is 6'8" ... its 12 inches in a feet
IrvineT said on 25/Dec/16
He's never looked more than 3 inches shorter than the legit 7 foot tall Big Show
Joey said on 24/Dec/16
I think this is the original photo, Click Here

Kane would be taller than Braun if his head was tilted up like Strowman's was
Teo74 said on 24/Dec/16
I Met Kane a really long time ago. I didn't ask him how tall he was but I'm 6'0 and i was looking into his chin so yeah he's a giant, not just height-wise. he was also built like a freakin TANK.
I'd guess that he was 6'9 or maybe even 6'10 (barefoot) in his prime and after getting older, the knee and back issues he has had, probably around 6'8 nowadays.
Slim said on 24/Dec/16
It's photoshopped. I've seen the original. How is it tilted in Kane's favor? It's in strowmans favor.
James B said on 23/Dec/16
I think next strowman Kane was dropping posture making more 6'6
Zed said on 23/Dec/16
I think this is the original photo Click Here
Kane's shoulders are higher than Strowmans so I'd say he's probably taller if they're both standing normally. He also has his head down and Braun is lifting hid head up to look taller, if both their heads were level they might be exactly the same height. Kane was just slouching to sell Braun's size
Zed said on 23/Dec/16
Kane's shoulders are higher than Strowmans so I'd say he's probably taller if they're both standing normally. He also has his head down and Braun is lifting hid head up to look taller, if both their heads were level they might be exactly the same height. Kane was just slouching to sell Braun's size
MDV said on 22/Dec/16
The height of Strowman is very discussed! You can make a case for each height from 6 ft 6 to 6 ft 8!
With Kane he looked a solid 6 ft 8 with big boots...
But he looked at least an inch shorter than 6 ft 8- 6 ft 8.5 Big Cass so he looked more 6 ft 7....
With Orton he looks 6 ft 6.5 range unless Randy is more 6 ft 4.25 than 6 ft 4....
For me he is close to 6 ft 7, between 6 ft 6.5 in and 6 ft 7.25. WWE wants him bigger so gave him big boots and told Kane to lose posture in their stare down.
firecracker said on 21/Dec/16
Kane CAN'T be taller than 6'6"(198cm).

with shaquille o'neill:Click Here
Considering shaq 7ft-7'1"(212-216cm), kane looks at least 5 full inches shorter than shaq.
A Man said on 21/Dec/16
I don't think it's photoshopped, but tilted slightly in Kane's favour so at a glance the gap between the two appears bigger.
Slim said on 20/Dec/16
Lmao miko that photo was photo shopped. you can tell. I've seen the original pic!
James B said on 20/Dec/16
Strowman looks more 6'6 than 6'8 next to bray wyatt and randy orton
Shuvayu said on 20/Dec/16
Strowman is 6'8" legit .... Also his boots were huge
Joey said on 19/Dec/16
Kane slouches alot. every time since that first staredown with Strowman he's looked about the same height as Braun.
I'd give them both 6'8

Wasn't Vince Vaughn standing on his toes in that picture with Kane? because Here's Kane with the 6'5 sign guy, Click Here
Kane isn't standing straight and he's behind the sign guy but u can still see a noticeable difference between them

Kane's noticeably taller than the 6'6 Baron Corbin Click Here

He was taller than Penn Jillette a few years ago who claims 6'7 and is listed 6'6.5 on this site Click Here

And He towarded over Rock and Hogan Click Here

Rob how tall would u say Joey Mercury is? Click Here
Joey always looked a whole foot shorter than Kane
miko said on 19/Dec/16
Strowman had noticeable height on Kane recently. Strowman cant be a flat 6'6 unless his boots are huge and they don't look that big.

Click Here

Strowman has consistently looked 6'7 in WWE so far to me.
James B said on 17/Dec/16
I wonder if the 6'6 measurement for Corbin was earlier in the day? I find 6'6 for Corbin hard to get my head around because he looks more 6'5 range on TV.
Joey said on 16/Dec/16
Kane always looks noticeably taller than Baron Corbin who was listed as 6ft 6 by the NFL.

Why no pages for Corbin, Strowman, Harper, Rowan and others?
Harper's interesting because he was billed as 6'7 before WWE and WWE has always listed him as 6'5. Not many people get their heights downgraded when they come to WWE haha. I wouldn't scoff at 6'7 for him tbh he has looked taller than guys like Orton and Swagger in the past
James B said on 15/Dec/16
Guess that conforms that strowman is 6ft6 range rather than 6ft7.

care to add strowman to the site rob? Maybe put him at 6'6.25?
James B said on 14/Dec/16
Rob if bray wyatt is 6'1 how tall would you strowman looks in comparison (strowman might have footware advantage)

Click Here

Click Here
Editor Rob
big James, there could be a good 5 inches between them there.
ZED said on 13/Dec/16
@A Man, i totally agree. If you go back to KOTR '99 when Show and Kane went toe to toe, Show had Kane by most 2.5 inches. (Granted: Kane's 1.5 inch thick boots, But, Show had some thick boots on too, probably about 1 inch.) Let's just say that at that point Show was at 6'10.75, + 1 inch from boots = 6-11.75. I believe Kane was at his peak here, so 6'8 + 1.5 = 6'9.5. Show did look about 2.25 inches taller there. With Nash, i'd say he always looked taller than Nash by about 3 inches. Maybe a little less. I think that Nash back in 96-97 was more wider and muscular so that would help the illusion that he was taller, until Glenn became Diesel and packed on 30-40 pounds of muscle. But to take a wild guess, i think they were the same height. Nash MAYBE had .5 inches on Kane at Nash's peak
Omid said on 13/Dec/16
Rob what's stopping you from giving him that 0.5 inch at peak?

He has looked it even with pre-Kane gimmicks.
A Man said on 10/Dec/16
It's cool footage to see two giants going at it like that, but nothing conclusive.

Big Show is a perfect gauge of height between Kane and Nash anyway, as they've both had so many staredowns with him.
ZED said on 9/Dec/16
Click Here

^^ I found some footage of Diesel Vs Isaac Yankem. It's really hard to tell whose taller as they never had a staredown, but, it looks like Nash and Kane are just about the same height from this video. Nash maybe has .5 inches on Kane here
Shuvayu said on 6/Dec/16
Sorry I meant taker and nash
Shuvayu said on 6/Dec/16
@Zed would still say 3.5 inches between taker show and around 4.5-5 with khali, lets have a f2f pic with show and nash instead of kane and nash
ZED said on 5/Dec/16
@Shuvayu, yes 4 inches between Taker and Show. When Kane and Show went toe to toe at King of the Ring '99, there was about 2.5 inches between them. Kane in his lifts was 1.5 inches taller than Taker as clearly shown in the picture that Heightcrazyred6ft posted.

I always wondered how Kane and Kevin Nash would fair in a height staredown. Anyone have any good pictures from them 2?
dewie said on 5/Dec/16
Taker is 4.5 shorter than khali taker was max 6ft8.5 2.04m in that stardawn
day day said on 4/Dec/16
He was billed 6'9 and 6'11 as yankeem
Shuvayu said on 2/Dec/16
@heightcrazy ... 5.5 inches between khali and taker ... no ways max 4.5 and 3.5-3 with show
dewie said on 1/Dec/16
Khali 7ft1.25 show 7ft0.25 nash 6ft9.5 taker 6ft8.25 kane 6ft7.75 sid 6ft6.75 barefoot
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Nov/16
Big Show had 4inches on Taker, Khali had 5.5inches on Taker and Kane in his monster soled boots was about 1.5 inches taller

Click Here
Shuvayu said on 29/Nov/16
@ZED, 4 inches between taker and show ???? are you serious , max 3 inches. 1 inch shorter than nash and 3 than show, 4.5 from khali and shaquel ... btw anyone has a close up of taker and nash
berta said on 24/Nov/16
to me he was 2 cm taller than undertaker. i thin he could have been 202-203 cm and maybe 1 cm shorter today but could very well still be at his peak.
ZED said on 22/Nov/16
Kane - Peak Height: 6'7.75 - Today: 6'7 (In original boots that added 1.5 inches of height - made him about 6'9 pending posture)

Undertaker - Peak Height: 6'7.25 - Today: 6'6.25
Big Show - Peak Height: 6'11.5 - Today: 6'10.25
Kevin Nash - Peak Height: 6'8.75 - Today: 6'8
Sid - Peak Height: 6'7 - Today: 6'6.25
Shuvayu said on 21/Nov/16
How about this pic ...really close Click Here
dewie said on 19/Nov/16
Cobra look clsely at kanes footwear slitely thicker than takers 0.5 footwear kane footwear is 0.75 so both ar 6ft8 2.03m barefoot
cobra said on 19/Nov/16
Undertaker vs. Isaac Yankem(Kane) in 1996:
Click Here

Pause at 1:36.
dewie said on 17/Nov/16
Kane said he is 6ft8 2.03m taker 6ft7.5 2.02.m in that staredown but kane had bigger boots on.
Booker said on 12/Nov/16
199-201cm range should be right..
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Nov/16
6ft8in was probably his height in footwear, he never looked as tall as 6ft7.75in measured Kevin Love next to Taker.

Click Here Here he looks max 0.5in taller than Taker despite having at least 0.75in footwear advantage.

Taker was 6ft7in peak, maybe 6ft7.25in. Never looked taller in the memphis clips and staredowns with 6ft6.5-6ft6.75in Sid.
Kane always looked that amount taller than Taker that came from his footwear advantage.

As Yankem he was in solid soled footwear too and Taker was selling with a wider stand.

I really doubt he edged Taker barefoot during their peak. Today he may be a little taller thanTaker who looks 6ft6in max.

Peak Taker 6ft7.25in, today 6ft6in
Peak Kane 6ft7in, today 6ft6.5in
Peak Sid 6ft6.75in, today 6ft5.75in
Peak Nash 6ft9in, today 6ft8in
Slim said on 8/Nov/16
NCL Orton wears internal lifts in his boots. It's almost painfully obvious if you look. I've seen him twist his ankle a time or 2 on raw.
NCL said on 8/Nov/16
I think 6'7" is accurate for right now and easily 6'7.5" at peak. Anyone got any good photos or videos of Kane and Orton? Kane always looks 2"-3" taller than him to me and I peg Orton at 6'4".

Kane boots: Click Here Orton's boots: Click Here

A few Kane and Orton photos, but none of both them standing fully straight:

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Kane and I think 6'2" Triple H: Click Here

Nick said on 5/Nov/16
He needs to be upgraded here.
In an interview earlier this year he said that when he finished high school he was 6'8 and 225 pounds (he started lifting weights in college and put weight on pretty quickly) here in this video at 24:11 is where he says it Click Here .
And u have the quote above from the interview he did last year where he said he was 6'8 and 300 pounds currently so I think it's pretty safe to assume that in his prime he was at least 6'8 barefoot, possibly an inch or 2 taller, before he got older and he damaged his knees and threw out his back. He's a whole head taller than Jason Jordon who's billed at 6'3 (I'd post the recent picture i have of the 2 but I don't know how to)
S.J.H said on 4/Nov/16
He was always 6'7 for the first time i see him in WWF to WWE
Grady said on 29/Oct/16
6'7? I disagree he's a strong 6'8 at the very least
Ray Rocker said on 26/Oct/16
In my opinion, Kane is probably around 6'7" today. Could be slightly taller than that with good posture but may have been closer to 6'8" years back during his prime. Kane and The Undertaker are very close in height and I always thought Taker was just slightly taller but very close.
Shuvayu said on 26/Oct/16
I guess this link will solve a lot of doubts..... Click Here
James B said on 25/Oct/16
6'8 is not impossible peak but I think 6'8 1/2 is pushing it.
Shuvayu said on 25/Oct/16
@Alex2 I second you .... there is no way a 4 inch difference between taker and show .... 3 - 3.5 max ....
Guanzo said on 24/Oct/16
How much Kane lose height? Billed 7ft now 200cm
dewie said on 24/Oct/16
So kane 6ft8.5 204cm taker 6ft8 203cm barefoot kane 1cm taller
Ricky said on 23/Oct/16
Kane's always been slightly taller than Taker, even when he wrestled him as Unibomb, Fake Deisel and as Isaac Yankem he was bigger and Taker was a strong 6Ft 8
dewie said on 18/Oct/16
Taker said he is 6ft8.5 and kane said he is about 6ft8 barefoot
Alex 2 said on 17/Oct/16
I think peak height needs to be upgraded to 6'8" or 6'7.75" at the lowest; there is more than enough evidence that he was around 6'8" and was always slightly taller than Undertaker and stacked up too well against 7'0" Big Show to be anything less. Personally I think he was a hair over 6'8" peak and there is strong evidence to support this. Time for an upgrade Rob.
Biffz said on 15/Oct/16
Before becoming Kane he was always billed as between 6'8 and 6'10 so that's where I'd put him
Damon Catone said on 14/Oct/16
Bray Wyatt ( 6ft 1in )
Shuvayu said on 13/Oct/16
Sos show is 3.5 inches taller than kane and 4 inches on taker ??? which idiot makes these readings ... show max 3 inches on taker and kane.... kane and taker will have the same height
rikashiku said on 9/Oct/16
@kingkong56 said on 3/Oct/16
"he was always using elevated footwear to everyone else"

Not always. When he was Yankem he wore pretty standard boots. His height wasn't announced very often but when he had a match with the Undertaker he was stated to be bigger than expected. Much bigger and taller than UT. When he came out for the '96(?) Royal Rumble he was listed as 6'9" and 320lbs. He was in at the same time as Diesel and the size difference was more in favor for Yankem in thickness. Height is hard to see though but Nash is definitely taller.

As for Luke Harper. I'd say he's a weak 6'5". He's just taller than Cesaro and Sheamus, even without footwear Harper always looks to be taller than both of them.

@Shaun C said on 6/Oct/16

Swaggers height had him at 78 inches, so about 6'6". Probably closer to 6'5.5" which would still put Kane at around 6'7".
Freak said on 7/Oct/16
I'd put Kane today at 6.7 and peak 6.8,Mark Henry I'd put him at 6.2 no way he is 6.3 and Show at 6.11 peak at 7..
Icehole said on 7/Oct/16
Nash is gonna be at Chiller Theatre in NJ at the end of the month. I'll take a pic with him and check his shoes. Then I'll compare my height with another pic to get his true height.
Shaun C said on 6/Oct/16
He's definitely at least 1.5 inches taller than Swagger who was 6 Foot 7 in his Mug shot afew years ago when he was arrested
Slim said on 5/Oct/16
In the early days of his wrestling, Glenn was always announced as 6'9 to 6'10. Whether that's billed height or not we don't know. As he claims he's 6'8 now present day, is believable.
MitchL said on 5/Oct/16
He's said he's 6 Foot 8 nowadays a few times, probably an inch or 2 taller when he was younger
Kingkong56 said on 4/Oct/16
Why not have a page for Luke Harper? He looks a strong 6'5.
kingkong56 said on 3/Oct/16
V.difficult to accurately gauge his peak height as he was always using elevated footwear to everyone else, but probably 6'8 at best.
At present, his height loss isn't as noticeable at Taker's. So, I'd say that he's still possibly a solid 6'7, although he looked noticeably shorter as corporate Kane. So, more likely 6'6.75
Shuvayu said on 3/Oct/16
@JamesB tall is godzilla
dewie said on 29/Sep/16
Kane 6ft8 taker 6ft8 barefoot
James B said on 28/Sep/16
Rob do you think Kane was hovering on 6'7.25 for a long time before he dropped down to 6'7?
Editor Rob
loss is gradual, sometimes it might be as a result of injury and more sudden (but still small fractions), other times a few mm a year.
Shuvayu said on 27/Sep/16
Some more interesting revelations

Click Here
rikashiku said on 27/Sep/16
On Table for 3, the Big Show, Mark Henry, and Kane are talking and honestly, watch these episodes they are good, especially when some of them discuss height and weight. Ryback said he was 6'2" 292 in one episode and both Ziggler and Bryan scoffed at the thought.

In this episode, Mark Henry lists them out, because a comment Kane said about being the smallest guy there, as Mark Henry being 6'3.5" and 420, Big Show being 7'0" and 440, and Kane being 6'7"-6'10" and 315.

Their discussion really goes deep into wrestling and how intelligent they all are.
Omid said on 25/Sep/16
Any estimate on Corbin Rob?
Editor Rob
best with questions like this on height request or rob paul :) Corbyn maybe 5ft 9.

Kane...probably no more than 6ft 7 now.
wallace said on 24/Sep/16
kane is 6ft 8in , and the undertaker is 6ft 6.5in the undertaker is the same height of viscera
Danimal said on 24/Sep/16
Kane and Vince Vaughn. Again Rob, there is NO WAY that Kane has 2.5" on Vince. Either Vince is 6'6", or Kane is under 6'7": Click Here
Editor Rob
Kane is likely to have lost a bit of height
James B said on 20/Sep/16
Rob I know this question must get boring but would you consider giving him 6ft7 flat for current height?
Editor Rob
yeah he might be creeping towards 6ft 7 soon.
Bogs24 said on 8/Sep/16
When kane first debuted in 1997, He had a 2 inch advantage on UT who stood atleast 6'8.5 in ring gear. Making the original masked Kane a towering 6'10.5 in ring gear(Hence 7'0) . Probably lost an inch or 2 due to wrestling to this day.
dewie said on 1/Sep/16
25 years old and i am 5ft9.5 taker 6ft8 nash 6ft10 barefoot
MikeV10 said on 31/Aug/16
Hey dewie, how old are you ??
dewie said on 30/Aug/16
Nash 6ft10 taker 6ft8 kevin 1.5 inches taller peak
Shuvayu said on 29/Aug/16
@James B are you out of your mind all times... nash max 1.5 above taker at peak
Shuvayu said on 25/Aug/16
Saw Nathan Jones today, couldnt take a pic courtesy security, was at the hotel where my office is... came to promote an Indian Movie where he is the antagonist ... (Flying Jatt movie name), looked nothing less than 7 foot with shoes .... Had to bend to pass through the security check gate
James B said on 24/Aug/16
Nash looked around 2.5 inches taller than undertaker at mania 96
dewie said on 24/Aug/16
Nash 208cm taker 203cm nash 5cm taller
Slim said on 23/Aug/16
Stepping over the top rope, idk why Kane looks like he has trouble doing it now. Maybe it's age.... Maybe it's his tights.
Shuvayu said on 23/Aug/16
Nash at most was 5 cm max taller than taker
NCL said on 22/Aug/16
Man180 said on 22/Aug/16
Rob , Back in 99/00 Kane was easily stepping over the top rope, These days it can look a struggle for him as the top rope is near his upper abdominal area. What height does a wrestler have to be to able to get over comfortably and where should the top rope be in comparison to them?

I've noticed that the ropes up until about 2000 or so were lower and looser. I think the rings were different back then. Guys as "short" as 6'4" would step over the top rope (i.e. Kama, billed 6'6" probably somewhere between 6'4"-6'5" IMO) and lots of guys 6'5" and over (IMO JBL, Barry Windham).

Mick Foley wrote in his book that new rings were made to help protect the wrestlers around 2000. Since then, I've noticed the ropes are taller and more stiff. I think that's why it's such a struggle for Kane to step over the top rope now.

It seems that more of the younger guys are getting back into this trend, despite the high/stiff ropes. Guys like Braun Stroman, Big Cass, and ocassionally even Doc Gallows.
Man180 said on 22/Aug/16
Rob , Back in 99/00 Kane was easily stepping over the top rope, These days it can look a struggle for him as the top rope is near his upper abdominal area. What height does a wrestler have to be to able to get over comfortably and where should the top rope be in comparison to them?

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.