sid said on 30/Jun/06
Jason you don't run this site i can post all i want there my friends and my room mates. Viper you could tell if Kane where wearing massive lifts. his boots only can tell about 2 inches on lifts or 1. 4inches on your wrestling boots its alot to show. so therefore you could from 4inches from 2inches clrealy tell kane doesnt have massive lifts. Kane's legit 6'8 bare 6'9 gear maybe low he's 6'7. batista is 6'4 in my opion. kane had about 4 inches on batista. maybe 3.
Viper652 said on 30/Jun/06
Kane being 6-5 like Jason says isnt that far out there. This is wrestling we are talking about. Kane could be wearing massive lifts in his boots.
Jason said on 30/Jun/06
Jiga, it's merely because Google haven't yet updated LOP's updating of Drew Hankinson's listing. Could it have been a mistake? Possibly. However, it just as likely could be a former listing.
Jiga said on 30/Jun/06
can't you just ignore Jason's comment about Frekin Deacon being 6'3 the first day lords of pain released the info of the Fake Kane being Drew Hankinson aka Frekin Deacon i immedeatly search his name on google and the first or second site that came up said 6'3 then when i went into the site that had 6'3 it said 6'7 so it could've easily been a mistake and btw everywhere else has or had 6'7 even before Frekin Deak was the Fake Kane.
Jason said on 30/Jun/06
I do. Sid, you've already been exposed as a
troll with your ''doug'' and ''JOHN'' aliases - why are you still posting here?
Alex said on 28/Jun/06
I also think Orton is a legit 6'4 guy too. Kane at 6'5 I will never believe, LOL.
Jordan said on 28/Jun/06
I would have to say by Kane looking 3 inches taller then Orton( 6'3-6'4) there is no way Kane is 6'5, he is probobly 6'7.
sid said on 28/Jun/06
Kane isn't 6'5 no way. how can he look almost as tall as big show. that would make no sense, he would have 4 inches lifts which i doubt he has. Jason do u even know what your talking about. Kane towers over lots of people. Kane can't be low as 6'6 maybe low as 6'7. 6'8 bare. 6'9 lifts.
Viper652 said on 28/Jun/06
I think Randy is more 6-3. That would still put Kane at about 6-7 which I think he is.
Jordan said on 27/Jun/06
Well as of raw, Kane looked 3 to 4 inches taller then Randy Orton who I think is legit 6'4 so Kane gotta be 6'7 or 6'8, I dont think as high as 6'9 or as low as 6'6
Viper652 said on 27/Jun/06
Jason says Kane is only 6-5 Kingnick.
eric said on 27/Jun/06
I give kane an easy 315 right now. AS i said when he came back from bicep injury he could of been as low as 260 but i have seen him in person he is an easy 300. I give kane 6ft8 and 300 pounds.
KingNick said on 26/Jun/06
I find it extremely fishy that the "Imposter Kane" was originally posted as 6'3" some place, but I dont know now, maybe the guy is closer to 6'7".
Ok try to follow me here
I watched Raw tonight and he wasn't much shorter than the real Kane. Maybe by an inch, possibly 2. His boots didnt give him more than 2 inches in height. If the guys 6'3", say for arguement sake that would make him 6'5".
The real Kanes boots appear to give him about 2 inches. He only appeared 2 inches taller than "Imposter". So that would mean that Kane is 6'7" in his boots and 6'5" without them.
I'm sorry, but I just don't see the real Kane being that short. I don't see him being lower than 6'7". If for arguement sake he is, "Imposter" must be 6'5" (6'7" in shoes) and Kane must be 6'7" now (6'9" in boots).
I always thought Kane was a full 6'8", but I'm baffeled. I wish the guy would just wear normal shoes.
Alex said on 26/Jun/06
Kane weighs more than Batista but also he is a couple of inches taller too. Also I see Batista 280-285lbs, no more than that as he can look it though. So if hes that then Kane would be about 300lbs but could be more.
sid said on 26/Jun/06
Doug, John, there all fans as i am i told them about this page they wanted to know, besides there my room mates we all share this computer. And no doug never met Kane before. He just didn't wanna hear about Kane being short. Bone head came from me i always call John and Doug that they abdaped that from me.
sid said on 26/Jun/06
No I told him about this page bleemo so what he wanted to see what was all the fuse about Kane's height. he is a big fan of Kane. Jt Your right he's Kane's about 310 to 320 mark as I said. you could clearly tell.
sid said on 26/Jun/06
Kane looks heavier now. He looks bigger then the undertaker. Kane can't be 295 he looks bigger then batista, batista is 290 Kane's around 315 320 mark now he's got a gut now
Bleemo said on 26/Jun/06
Hmm odd Rob not sure what you mean, I've never posted as anybody else on here and that's a fact. I think you must be getting me mixed up with someone else or I've misunderstood you. I've been itching to post and forgot to put my name a couple of times mind, but i've never acted like it wasn't me.
I have a few IT qualifications so I am too well versed in IP Addresses and Mac addresses to pull a stunt like that. Besides if I did have an alter ego it sure wouldn't be a guy named Elio, unlike Bleemo that would just be...ridiculous :0).
Alex said on 25/Jun/06
Jordan, yea I can't see Kane under 6'7 and 6'8 is still pretty possible. His weight the man is struggling to hit 300lbs now I think and could be as low as 290-295lbs now, but def in the 320-325lb range in his first couple years. When he took off in 2002 from the bicep injury he came back and was smaller than he is now.
Jason said on 25/Jun/06
Two ''friends'' you mean. ;)

Editor Rob
there was another 'friend' I think, JOHN or something, used the term 'bone heads' posting from exact computer ;-)
not that I'm really that bothered...
Bleemo said on 25/Jun/06
So your friend came onto your computer, just happened to visit a site you also visited about celebs heights, not only that he came onto the exact same celeb you were posting about i.e. Kane, pretended to meet him, then came on and did the same thing as another guy, all without you being able to stop him?
......I believe you!!!

Editor Rob
lots of people have friends
how is your friend Elio doing, is that your brother I take it ;-)
JT said on 24/Jun/06
Kane looked about 330 lbs. when he debuted and around 280 lbs. when he came back from his arm injury. He's not as muscular as he was 5 years ago, but he looks like he's put some weight back on and is around 310-320 lbs. now.
sid said on 24/Jun/06
Ya that was my bone head friend. Anyways doesn't matter I still think Kane's 6'8
hero said on 23/Jun/06
i disagree,kane looks heavier an taller than taker who is 285 an 6'7.5,if you compare both you will find that kane still is heavier than taker by good 20 kane is deff over fact i would give him 305-310.
Jordan said on 23/Jun/06
It seems that Kane can be as low as 6'7 but I do think he is actually 300lbs or more. When Kane first showed up in the Federation he looked about 325, but now maybe 290 or so.
Jiga said on 21/Jun/06
back to Kane's height - 6'8.5 give or take half an inch current.
6'9 peak as Isaac Yankemin match against Taker
Bleemo said on 20/Jun/06
I wonder if he knows what he's doing or whether they are all different personalities in one head that aren't aware of one another, either way it's kind of sad and scarey.
Can the real Doug, John, Sid whatever your real name is please stand up and quit yanking our collective chains here.
Alex said on 20/Jun/06
Rob, how can you tell if someone is creating another name and using it?
deadman said on 20/Jun/06
i agree with doug, i am 6' barefoot, and thats the height i give. i wear workboots a lot which make me taller by 2 inches, and i always laugh when people tell me that theyre 6'. it is obvious that this is their shoed height, unless they go to a doc that measures them with their shoes on, which i
Jason said on 20/Jun/06
[Editor Rob: you mean the recent Doug comments...yes, that is Sid creating another name.
LOL ... I suspected ''Doug'' was just telling a tall tale!

Editor Rob
and JOHN aswell...Sid is to John what Doug is to Sid
ever see that movie Identity?
Doug said on 20/Jun/06
Lot people tell there heights with or with out shoes, I 6'ft that barefeet even when im wearing shoes i still tell people i'm 6ft who would tell people there heights in there shoes, I know he meant barefeet u don't think about shoes when u tell peoples heights.
Alex said on 19/Jun/06
Viper, I remember when you said you get guessed at 6'4 plus a lot and I can see that as many guys your height are guessed at 6'4, even 6'5 for those who overestimate more. I am guessed at 6'1 at the very least but more often its 6'2. Even 6'3 a few times which is crazy and 6'4 once which is the craziest. But then I am guessed at 5'11 one time.
Let me tell you the story of how I was guessed at 6'4. I was talking to this guy who was in the 5'8-5'9 range and he swore he was 6'0 and this guy was almost 70 years old too so maybe he was close to 6'0 when he was younger and still thought he was, that or he just was never near it and thought he was so I tell him I am 6'0 and he's like no you gotta be 6'3-6'4! LOL
Alex said on 19/Jun/06
Viper, many people call their height in shoes and if they're in the middle of 2 heights they'll round up so you'll see many guys 6'2.5 like your height claiming to be 6'4. My friend is 6'3, maybe as short as 6'2.5 barefoot but I think hes a solid 6'3 but he calls his height in shoes I am sure of.
Viper652 said on 19/Jun/06
Yeah, but a lot people call their height in shoes without thinking about it.
Doug said on 19/Jun/06
I asked him foreal he said 6ft8 he didnt say anything about his shoes, wearing your shoes u have about half a inch. my guess he was 6'8'5 his street shoes was flat, as i said he had about 1 or 2 on my friend, my friend is 6'7 bare maybe with shoes 6'7'5, kane had to be 6'8'5 or 6'9 more 6'8'5
Viper652 said on 19/Jun/06
When Kane said he was 6-8 he could have been calling his height in shoes.
Doug said on 18/Jun/06
Hello eric i see you also have a friend name fred who plays ball only thing is my fred not in that way lol is a inch taller then yours. You said Kane had 2 inches on your friend, see that proves it Kane has to be around 6'8 thats in street cloth
Jordan said on 18/Jun/06
Doug I think it is possible for kane to be 6'8 if he was two inches taller then your friend and I actually have seen 6'8 and even 6'9 lstings everywhere.
Doug said on 17/Jun/06
Hello my name is doug i was reading you people debating of Kane's height, Kane isn't 6ft7 if you people believe that then you people are not very bright. I live Virgina. Raw came here a few months back and i brought my friend fred he's 6f7 he plays ball in college, we saw Kane night before the show, he was walking towards the bar in the hotel this was at the regency, we found out where the they staying at. Anyways we walked towards Kane, we asked him can we have a moment with you he said sure,he shook both our hands, he had a strong grip. He told my friend that he was tall.Kane stood side by side next my friend, Kane had a good inch or 2 on my friend, this is in street cloth, i was reading someone saying he doesn't wear lifts in street cloth it's true why would he, whomever said wearing lifts in street cloth needs there head checked. We asked how tall he was foreal he said 6ft8 we asked him why do Wwe bill you as 6ft10 or 7ft he laughed he said thats how WWE works to bill us taller to make us look better. My friend said he plays ball in college, Kane said he played ball to, funny thing is he was out of character, seems like we where talking to Glenn Jacobs not kane, he's actally a nice guy, although he looked bigger and taller on tv, he was still big not as tall as i thought he would be. All in All Kane's a nice guy. Kane's 6ft8 and this is in street cloth
Jason said on 17/Jun/06
He's also been listed as 6'3''. Why's it ''GREAT NEWS'' lists him as 6'7''? We're meant to be examining their heights without bias...
sid said on 16/Jun/06
We know that he was freakin deacon. Real kane had about 2 good inches on the fake kane, that would make him 6ft9, If deacon 6f7, then kane is 6'ft8 in realife or 6ft9. kane had 2 inches on deacon, kanes boots doesn't look like he could have 2 inch lifts maybe a inch lift, that would make him at 6ft9 in boots, barefeet 6'8, kane had about 2 good inches on deacon.
Goro said on 13/Jun/06
GREAT NEWS GUYS the FAKE KANE is played by a wrestler called The Freakin' Deacon he is listed here as 6'7 and who knows how tall he is with his lifts. Here'S the site with his info:
Click HereIf this website doesn't work us a good search engine like google and type in "The Freakin' Deacon wrestler" and seach than go to "obsessed with wrestling" page. Also does anyone notice that Kane bends his knees a lot when he is standing? Latley he has been doing that with the fake Kane face to face.
Goro said on 13/Jun/06
Someone said that Big Show doesn't look he could be 7ft tall because of his body mass. Well Keevin certainly look he good get away with 6'10 and every picture with Big Show and Nash Show was always the taller one. Kane looks like a guy that ould definetly be around 6'8 now but in his prime as the wrestler Unabomb or Yakeem he was 6'9.
sid said on 13/Jun/06
Jordan i saw that 6'11 1/2, then you scroll the the bottom it saids he's 6ft10 they screwed up.
sid said on 12/Jun/06
Nash cleary had 2 inches on taker, cant you measure right.
Seaton said on 12/Jun/06
Kane just wrestled Randy Orton on RAW. How tall is Randy, 6'4" legit maybe? If so I would put Kane at 6ft7, 6f7.5 tops.
Alex said on 12/Jun/06
I think Nash is at least 6'9, can't see him under that and 6'10 some years ago is very possible too.
eric said on 12/Jun/06
He was at the comic convention.
sid said on 12/Jun/06
was this backstage after the show or before eric?
Bleemo said on 12/Jun/06
Viper I could imagine 6'8.5 for Nash because he looked 1.5 inches taller then Taker who I believe is about 6'7.
eric said on 12/Jun/06
when i saw kane he was in his wrestling gear with a raw tshirt on . His boots were flat however. He didnot have the huge platform boots.
sid said on 12/Jun/06
eric when you saw, was he in street cloth or gear?
sid said on 11/Jun/06
Nash had about 2 inches on taker when they had the staredown, kane always had a inch on taker
Viper652 said on 11/Jun/06
Does anyone on here think Nash is only 6-8 like me??
eric said on 11/Jun/06
I agree sid and jiga with or without lifts kanes slightly taller. Like i said a thousand times kane had a good inch on him back as isaac yankem as of now
i think kane only has undertaker by less then an inch. I would say about half an inch now.They are sooo close in height its actually like telling the WHOS ON 1st joke . Your not gonna get anywhere cause its by a very small margin now and i do agree that kevin nash is 6ft9 and change almost 6ft10 . I also agree Big Show is 6ft11.
Frank said on 11/Jun/06
Taker puts his head down alot but when he stood straight up and was looking at Nash Taker was alittle shorter I have that staredown on tape
sid said on 10/Jun/06
Chris you saw Kane after the show, he looked 6ft8, Kane's always been taller then taker with or with out gear, remember on america's most wanted, Kane's and taker where in street cloth, and no they don't wear lifts in there street cloths whats the point, anyways Kane looked taller then taker thats with street cloth, there you have it Kane is taller then taker with or with out street cloth. Nash 6ft10 legit I saw every match that nash had, he didnt wear any lifts, his shoes where flat didnt look like it could be wearing lifts, Nash is legitmently tall 6ft10
D.J. said on 10/Jun/06
Frank- I agree with you about Nash being 1 1/2 inches taller than UT.
I was watching Nash's Wrestlemania XII match with Taker and he was wearing boots while UT was wearing his flat funeral shoes and there was about 3 inches difference but if you take away Nash's boots, he is probably about 6'9" with UT being 6'7 1/2".
Alex said on 10/Jun/06
I think Nash had more 2 inches on UT. But not going to argue over 1/2 inch.
Frank said on 10/Jun/06
Kevin Nash is about an inch and ahalf taller than Taker i posted a staredown of them awhile back and i believe Kane wears lifts so im not sure Jacobs is taller than Taker legit ??
Jiga said on 10/Jun/06
Kevin Nash at 6'10 then Kane at 6'8-6'9 and Taker at 6'6.5-6.7.5
chris said on 10/Jun/06
kanes definately no shorter than 6'8. recently i was at a raw house show and he walked out of the arena and walked straight past me. im 6'2 and his massive. his alot bigger when you see him in person rather than on tv
sid said on 9/Jun/06
Diseal forsure ekims999, nash had about 2 or 3 inches on taker when he wrestled him, kane would stand pretty close to nash, Kane's abit taller then taker with or without gear.
sid said on 9/Jun/06
Diseal forsure ekims999, nash had about 2 or 3 inches on taker when he wrestled him
hero said on 9/Jun/06
kane deff is the tallest,6'8 6'8.5 for kane,undertaker 6'7.5 and diesel the same..
eric said on 9/Jun/06
Diesel Being the tallest Kane in 2nd undertaker right behind in 3rd.
ekims999 said on 9/Jun/06
i just wonder who's the tallest among these 3 monsters, kane? undertaker? or diesel? what's your answer?
lloyd said on 9/Jun/06
lmao i just saw raw and the fake kane looked tiny!, he looks outofshape and has nowhere near the muscle mass real kane HAD!, when he was behind real kane for maybe 5 seconds or sumthin you could see that kane had 3 inches easy on him, so its probably true that fake kane wears lifts to be 6 foo7, and the real kane wears lifts to be 6 foot 9 or 10, o yr and did you check out the video from when kane impersonates rock and hogan, kanes muscle mass looked huge!!!!! he was massive!! but now he seems to have lost it, i think back then kane looked at his billed height of 7ft as he was so huge, i mean if you stood next to hogan you would see how big he is in muscle mass, but kane dwarfs him in that video!.
Richard said on 9/Jun/06
I'm sure a lot of us are gonna miss John, he was a real nice guy. I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to chat with him on the wrestlecrap board.
KingNick said on 8/Jun/06
Haha too true Eric. Does this remind anyone else slighty of The Undertaker vs. Undertaker build back in 1994 or is that just me?
Jason said on 8/Jun/06
Yeah, I just found that out on another page here before you said, Paul. :( Terribly sad news. Though I was aware, as most of us would have been, that John had been sick with cancer for a while now. I think he actually lived quite a bit longer than doctors predicted he would a while back. Earthquake ... what a good old wrestling legend.
eric said on 7/Jun/06
Kingnick its funny you bring that up I was thinking that same thing. The fake kane this weeked looked alot better. He was just a joke the 1st week with the wig. When they do fight kane and fake kane its gonna be horribe cause the fake kane cant even walk right in those lifts.
sid said on 7/Jun/06
Kane's 6'8 forsure going what eric said
Paul said on 7/Jun/06
Sad news guys, John Tenta passing away.
Bleemo said on 7/Jun/06
Well I went back to the Wrestlecrap pro wrestling boards and asked the big question about wrestler's heights again....
Click HereLike I said before a lot of these guys have met wrestler's before because they are hardcore wrestling fans and already they haven't let us down. There's a lot of folks having met Abyss and all agree he is well under 6'8-'6'10 range. Infact the heights claimed range from 6'2-6'6. They agree that Benoit is shooooort too as is TNA wrestler AJ styles.
Alex said on 7/Jun/06
Fatman you're right about UT. I saw him with
Mark Henry and he looked thin and hes still a big guy. I could buy close to 330lbs. 320-325lbs for UT at his biggest but over the years he's gotten lighther and you know he did since they billed him at 305lbs for a few years now. He is def under 300lbs now. 280lbs maybe?
Alex said on 7/Jun/06
Eric you're right actually.Kane is bigger than he was when he came back from the bicep injury but still not as big as he was before that. He could be 300lbs, but I doubt over that. Def a good 320-325lbs before the bicep injury. I don't think Kane was ever over 330lbs.
KingNick said on 7/Jun/06
Eric, good points man. I love everyone's opinions here they're all great. Oh and btw, I think Raw did a MUCH better job with the false Kane this week. They wet the wig so it wasn't sticking up. It actually looked like the old Kane but smaller.