Stephanie: Tallest to Shortest

Average Stephanie: 5ft 5.51in (166.4cm)
Height of Stephanie Corneliussen
Stephanie Corneliussen
5ft 11 (180 cm)
Avg Guess (36 Votes)
5ft 11.04in
Height of Stephanie Czajkowski
Stephanie Czajkowski
5ft 10 (178 cm)
Avg Guess (11 Votes)
5ft 9.52in
Height of Stephanie Paul
Stephanie Paul
5ft 9 ½ (177 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 8.9in
Height of Stephanie March
Stephanie March
5ft 9 ⅛ (176 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
5ft 9.1in
Height of Stephanie Romanov
Stephanie Romanov
5ft 9 (175 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 9in
Height of Stephanie Seymour
Stephanie Seymour
5ft 9 (175 cm)
Avg Guess (18 Votes)
5ft 9.08in
Height of Stephanie Sigman
Stephanie Sigman
5ft 8 ¾ (175 cm)
Avg Guess (28 Votes)
5ft 8.72in
Height of Stephanie Abrams
Stephanie Abrams
5ft 7 ¾ (172 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
5ft 7.67in
Height of Stephanie Beatriz
Stephanie Beatriz
5ft 7 (170 cm)
Avg Guess (25 Votes)
5ft 7.34in
Height of Stephanie Pratt
Stephanie Pratt
5ft 7 (170 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 7.2in
Height of Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie McMahon
5ft 6 ¾ (170 cm)
Avg Guess (142 Votes)
5ft 7.05in
Height of Stephanie Cayo
Stephanie Cayo
5ft 6 (168 cm)
Avg Guess (15 Votes)
5ft 5.82in
Height of Stephanie Nur
Stephanie Nur
5ft 6 (168 cm)
Avg Guess (10 Votes)
5ft 5.72in
Height of Stephanie Szostak
Stephanie Szostak
5ft 6 (168 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
5ft 5.71in
Height of Stephanie Beacham
Stephanie Beacham
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (7 Votes)
5ft 5.14in
Stephanie Niznik
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (1 Votes)
5ft 5in
Height of Stephanie McIntosh
Stephanie McIntosh
5ft 4 ½ (164 cm)
Avg Guess (4 Votes)
5ft 4in
Height of Stephanie Zimbalist
Stephanie Zimbalist
5ft 4 ½ (164 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 4.5in
Height of Stephanie Gatschet
Stephanie Gatschet
5ft 4 (163 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 4in
Height of Stephanie Kurtzuba
Stephanie Kurtzuba
5ft 4 (163 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 4.8in
Height of Stephanie Quayle
Stephanie Quayle
5ft 3 ½ (161 cm)
Avg Guess (1 Votes)
5ft 3.5in
Height of Stephanie Jacobsen
Stephanie Jacobsen
5ft 3 ¼ (161 cm)
Avg Guess (19 Votes)
5ft 3.01in
Height of Stephanie Bennett
Stephanie Bennett
5ft 3 (160 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 3in
Height of Stephanie Hyam
Stephanie Hyam
5ft 2 ¾ (159 cm)
Avg Guess (3 Votes)
5ft 2.08in
Height of Stephanie Leonidas
Stephanie Leonidas
5ft 2 ¾ (159 cm)
Avg Guess (13 Votes)
5ft 2.37in
Height of Stephanie Davis
Stephanie Davis
5ft 2 (157 cm)
Avg Guess (7 Votes)
5ft 0.57in
Height of Stephanie Styles
Stephanie Styles
5ft 2 (157 cm)
Avg Guess (1 Votes)
5ft 2in
Height of Stephanie Waring
Stephanie Waring
5ft 1 (155 cm)
Avg Guess (10 Votes)
4ft 11.8in
Height of Stephanie Hsu
Stephanie Hsu
4ft 11 ¾ (152 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
4ft 11.88in

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.