British actress best known for roles in TV shows such as Dynasty and Seaquest DSV. In film she appeared in The Nightcomers, Dracula 1972 A.D., Super Bitch and Troop Beverly Hills. She once said
"I'd like better legs and I'd add six inches to my height" and in the Daily Mail was quoted giving her height and weight, saying
"I am 5ft 5in and always weighed 8 1/2 stone, but am now just over nine."

Photos by PR Photos
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Nov/22
Amazingly, I have spotted Stephanie in Coronation Street, as part of the acting club!
I think she’s shrunk a bit.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Sep/22
I saw Stephanie in ‘Dracula 1972 AD’ the other night. She was blonde and not as tall as Caroline Munro. I’d say 5ft5.25 is a safe bet for those days, though she’ll be less now.
She was mighty funny in ‘Bad Girls’, escaping from prison with Amanda Barrie!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Feb/20
🎈 Correction Time! 🎈
Eek! 🐀 That should have been too with two "o's", instead of to as in "going to the lavatory."
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Feb/20
"Look what we've become! Trading cream cakes for favours with riff raff like that!" says Stephanie to Amanda Barrie in 'Bad Girls'! 😂😂😂
Well, she was making a trade with 'Crossroads' Benny! 😆 He tried to take it a step to far and got clobbered over the head by Stephanie's friends, who then proceeded to raid the cream cakes from his van! 🍥🍰🥞 🍥🍰🥞🍥🍰🥞
This is FUNNY!
Stephanie gets 5ft5.25. 😁👍
Littlelee5ft6 said on 22/Jun/19
She may be shorter now as her and Jane horricks looked pretty similar in height in
trollied certainly not 3 inches between them
Mister lennon said on 1/Jan/19
About 5'5 peak.
Very hot woman.
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Jan/19
🔔 Ha ha! Whoever saw Stephanie as a five foot niner simply MUST have included her high heeled shoes! 😂
5ft5 on the dot; no more, no less - in her heyday.
little sue said on 11/Feb/12
Photographed with Joan Collins in the week, similar heights and heels, Steph may have been 1/2 taller if that
CelebHeights Editor said on 5/Oct/05
Bournemouth Echo said, "Stephanie got into acting so she "could be 5ft 9ins". But the 5ft 5ins actress..."