Gerald S said on 27/Apr/23
Rob, would you consider a downgrade for Collins’ peak?
She struck me as 5’3” range in Island in the Sun.

Editor Rob
Strangely my Mother today (I'm typing on 27th) mentioned she never realised Joan Collins was in a film called Island in the Sun!
But from all I've seen, I think 5ft 4 range looks likely to me.
little sue said on 8/Mar/23
5ft 4 in her prime but between 5ft 1 and 2 in her latest pics, good old Joan always immaculately turned out, one of the few left of the old school glamour girls
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Mar/23
Joan’s use of Rob’s shoulder as a leaning post is very funny indeed, and shows me more clearly than ever that Joan can’t be - or ever have been - the 5ft6 I’d read for her in the early 80s.
That’ll have been down to her publicity agents. Joan has nothing to prove! She’s shown us what a great, and entertaining actress she is over and over again, and she still looks the same as she did then, so 🤪 to her publicity agents!
5ft4. 😁👍🏼💐
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Sep/22
I’m watching that same film again; when Joan fears the revolting little brat could be her ex boss’s, he comes to see the Monster, and gets promptly punched on the nose, which draws blood. “The little ba💲tard !” he says of the baby!
I’ve already called him that, and plenty more besides!!! 😂
Before Joan joined Dynasty, horror films were her main forte, and she was darn good at them. 😃👍🏼
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Sep/22
😌 Correction Time! 😌
At the the second paragraph of my comment of today’s date, I should have written ‘…and even that WOULD be unusual.’
Many apologies! 🤓
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Sep/22
How can a 5ft4” woman and a 5ft9” man (Ralph Bates) have a huge baby weighing in at nearly 12 pounds?
Such is the case for Joan’s Lucy and Ralph’s Gino in the movie ‘The Monster’ aka ‘I Don’t Want To Be Born’. Apart from being so abnormally massive, the little terror is born with pitch black eyes, indicating that the baby ‘playing’ him is much older, as all newborn mammals have blue eyes. The beastly baby scratches Joanie across her lovely face, YET HE HAS NO FINGERNAILS! He bites, but with what? He’d hardly have anything more than one or two teeth, and even that with be unusual.
We find out what a Monster the baby is as the film progresses. Definitely worth seeing, this movie hails from 1975.
5ft4. 😃🌹
stiggles said on 25/Aug/22
Dear Joan was never more than 5ft 2.. bless her.. a real english beauty in her day..
Mercia said on 4/Jul/22
How tall would you say Jon-Erik Hexum looked next to her?

Editor Rob
He could look under 6ft 1 with Joan
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Nov/21
Christopher Biggins is telling the Countdown audience about the fact that he knows Joan and what a fantastic person she is!
5ft4. 👩💐
Lee Parker said on 3/Sep/21
Jackie Collins was in no way 5ft 7. Both are about 5ft 4 barefoot
Mary R said on 12/Aug/21
I just saw the documentary Ladyboss: the Jackie Collins story. In the photos with Jackie, who is 5’7, Joan is substantially shorter. There is definitely a 2-3” difference between these sisters:
Click Here
And this one:
Click Here
5’4 to 5’4 1/2 sounds right to me in her prime.

Editor Rob
yeah maybe 5ft 4.5 peak is arguable for her
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Jun/21
I've been sounding off on William Shatner's page about how a young voice makes a supposedly elderly person seem much younger, citing Joan as one particular case in point. Just look at her in 'AHS Apocalypse'! She looks middle age and always very elegant, not to mention incredibly quick-witted.
🎂 I missed her Birthday, on the 23rd June, so Belated Birthday Wishes to Joan! 🎂
Almost 180cm guy said on 23/May/21
Well Joan is 88 today so I think it's time to give her peak height. However, she made Jonathan Ross really look over 6ft 1. Here are their photos together from 2001:
Click Here Click Here
Here are their shoes, Joan was wearing high heels:
Click Here Click Here
I also found this video from 2006 (see from 18:46):
Click Here
And these photos from 2008:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
Joan wore high heels on every occasion. Rob, I still think Ross deserves 186cm as his peak height and Joan's list should be updated.
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 17/Jan/21
What loser had the time and motivation to write a play downgrading her?
Tunman said on 6/Sep/20
So she was 76 on that pic?Wow,people would guess 55-60 tops from her face.Well looking at the part just under her neck there are signs(like spots,skin looking kind of wrinkled) that betray older 65 but even then remarkably young.
Almost 180cm guy said on 16/Aug/20
I think Joan isn't over 5ft 3 today but in her prime she might have been 5ft 4.25. I wonder how long she kept her height without any loss. I found some photos of Joan with Tony Blair from 1994:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
In the first photo you can see her heels and Tony's shoes. Tony was only 41 at the time but Joan was 61 at the time and I don't know how much she could have lost her height (if anything). Rob, would you say full 6ft is still possible for Tony's peak height?
Arch Stanton said on 11/Aug/20
Definitely one of the most glamorous in the business, there's very few left who have that old Hollywood vibe about them.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Aug/20
I've just caught the last two 'Tales That Witness Madness' again, which includes the one in which Joanie is traded in for a rank old tree - with a pair of tit$ and a semblance of a face, albeit a very odd and ugly one.
To favour a stupid old tree over Joan Collins is madness itself, and no wonder the husband ended up in a psychiatric institution!
5ft4, but taller those days.
Genny said on 15/Jul/20
Just watched a film from 2016 starring Joan Collins and Pauline Collins, not related of course. Fantastic performances. In the last scene, on a beach, Joan is barefoot. Pauline is 5ft 2 and in flat shoes in the scene. I think that Rob is exactly right about Joan’s height. I think she’s always seemed taller due to high heels and being slim.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/May/20
💝💐🎈🎂 Happy Birthday Joan! 🎂🎈💐💝
Wishing Joan Collins a Very Happy Birthday! She's such fun in AHS 'Apocalype', as she was in the many horrors she made before, starring alongside Peter Cushing, Ralph Bates and many others. I never watched 'Dynasty'!
5ft4 🌹😃👍
Arch Stanton said on 10/Mar/20
Saw one of her early films earlier, even very young she was very intimidating, most lads would have been scared stiff asking her out! I'm surprised any Hollywood agents ever made a move on her as she seems the type who would give you a hard slap with hitting on her!
asdlkfjaslfkj said on 4/Feb/20
@Paul Wood
You're absolutely wrong about that. Why don't people realize that proportions can differ a lot? The deciding factor of a woman's height is NOT just her legs. Sometimes the head can add a couple inches and there's also the TORSO. My sister is taller than me but her legs are shorter than mine. Everyone is different and to generalize women like that is so stupid.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Nov/19
Huh! I'd like to know which woman would warm to a pair of dowdy flat shoes as a Christmas present from her husband because he's sensitive about his height? Well, that what Joan Collins gets from her husband when she makes her second appearance in AHS 'Apocalypse', as a completely different character called Bubbles McGee. She doesn't respond too well at all!
It turns out to be a hyped-up version of a horror I saw fairly recently. Then when she leaves the stage, the insults continue. She says to a man "Taking a 💩 is a bit like reproduction to you!"
Yes, it would have been a mighty waste if Joan had just had the one part, who, alas, gets killed off early in the series. Well, she's back, so let the fun continue....😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Oct/19
@ Rob - This show is a stroke of genius. Each Season is utterly different, but at the same time, they are interconnected, but none so much as Season Eight, which takes trips back to Seasons One (Murder House), Three (Coven) and Five (Hotel).
Tonight when I looked for my Season Eight, I hunted around for ages, and typically, it was right at the very bottom of one of my DVD Boxes! I look a bit like an English Horror Story after my fall on Tuesday, having sustained a black left eye, a sore and bruised nose, an uncomfortable injury below my nose and another one on my chin! My mouth is mauve - and for the first time ever, I think that wearing lipstick would be a little on the superfluous side!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Oct/19
On learning that the stew they are eating is actually a human being, (called Stu!) Joan's Evie comes out with, "This is absolutely devine! I don't care what it is! It's full of fibre; I'm going to finish every drop!"
I'd sooner stick with the usual food cube...😮🕋
This is Joan at her amusing best.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Sep/19
Thanks, Rob, for adding the lovely Joanie to the AHS Page. She so deserves to be here!
I wrote a very long comment on Joan and the parts she plays in Season Eight, but unfortunately, it was written on one of those unusual and rare days where many comments got lost! The only time I did a comment comparable to that one was on July 17th, 2018, when I selected Ellen Sandweiss from the original 'Evil Dead' movie, who came up as a Random Celeb, and wrote about all three girls in the film, and that was never to be seen again! 😭
Well, I'm so happy to see that Joan has been added that to celebrate in style, I am going to see 'Apocalypse' (Season Eight) again sooner than I had planned. I was going to watch 'Coven' next, but this is going on beforehand now so that I can retrace the thoughts that were going through my head when I wrote my original comment on Joan.
I shall leave her box blank for the time being.
Cheers Rob and thanks once again - and for adding Little Les Jordan!

Editor Rob
I haven't watched later seasons of the show so haven't seen her yet in it. It's interesting they continued the show for so many seasons!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jul/19
I'm mighty excited to seeing Joan in AHS Season Eight!
When I think about it, Joan has been in some pretty scary stuff throughout her career, but it's Dynasty she's most remembered for. Well, NOT by me! 😁
Paul Wood said on 26/May/19
I always knew she couldn't be the 5ft 6in she used to claim. Her legs have never looked long enough to be that height, and the deciding factor in most women's height is the length of their legs.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/May/19
💐😁🎂 Happy Birthday Joan! 🎂😁💐
Wishing Joan a very Happy Birthday today. She looks amazing!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Apr/19
Joan could have passed for 5ft5 in the 'Tales of the Unexpected' episode I saw today.
I think she is deserving of 5ft4 though because there is only one box.
Paul Wood said on 7/Sep/18
She appears unusual in that she doesn't seem to have lost very much height at all with age.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Sep/18
Lucky lady! She used to star with the late Ralph Bates!
Lucky Rob for meeting the lovely Joan Collins!
david said on 15/Sep/17
saw her in Nice airport a few years ago , flat shoes , she is a good 5'4
mister_lennon said on 19/Feb/17
I think that she was 5'4 prime. Now, maybe 5'3.
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Feb/17
I know for a fact that Joan used to be written up as 5ft6!
I read it in a dieting magazine from the 80's and a newspaper from some time in the 90's.
I can understand that she's lost some height now and as she had shoes on in the above picture, then she's probably about 5ft4, or even less now, say 5ft3. I'll go for 5ft4 for her, based on the above picture. She does go for the bouncy haired look which gives a better height impact! That's what I always ask for, but then it falls flat! 💇 😖
Rojina said on 2/Sep/16
5"4 is rather generous don't you think? I had her down as 5"1'even during her prime.........
Peter 179cm said on 14/Jul/16
About 165 with 4cm more footwear so closer to 161cm,imo.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Mar/16
Thought she was hot in the 50s, she was WAY hotter in the 70s IMO. Like Liz Taylor in the 60s and early 70s she matured and became a more attractive woman. In films like Tales and Empire of the Ants she was super sexy!!
Arch Stanton said on 20/Feb/15
There's a scene in The Wayward Bus in which she's in the bathtub. Wonderful. :-)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Dec/14
Reed is listed 6ft4 but next to Collins I'm not sure there's as much as 1ft between them. But in Sea Devils he does look near 6ft4 beside Hudson...and yeah I think it is true what happened. Obviously what he did before the marriage but also he used her to jump start his own no avail
Maybe 6ft3 for him, Rob?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Dec/14
Rob, how tall would you say her ex-hubby Maxwell Reed was?
Click Here
Click Here
He also starred in Sea Devils with Rock hudson
Click Here

Editor Rob
he could look over 6ft with Joan...seems a strange one about her and Maxwell, if what she said was true about him!
Arch Stanton said on 18/Nov/14
She looked at her hottest in the 1970s IMO, like Liz Taylor she looked much hotter in her 30s and 40s that she did in her 20s.
Arch Stanton said on 29/Oct/14
Rob can you add some more films like The Virgin Queen, The Opposite Sex, The Bravados, Seven Thieves, Road to Hong Kong, Tales from the Crypt and Empire of the Ants?
littlesue said on 8/May/14
She interviewed in this month's 'Woman and Home' and she says this: "I always wanted to be taller, I'm 5ft 6 but would like to be 5ft 7', obviously measuring herself in one of her mighty wigs!!
Crash said on 2/May/14
Don't you think she lost height? Isn't the height loss around 3 inches on average for a woman at this age?

Editor Rob
today she looks less yes, maybe 5ft 3, but she maybe had less loss than average at mid 70's.
truth178cm said on 8/Jul/13
5ft4 sounds right.
lol said on 12/May/13
In the Bravados. Joan Collins and Gregory Peck are both wearing cowboy boots.
But her height stops at the height of his chin and slightly taller than his shoulders
Jupitar said on 20/Feb/13
I remember in a documentary she said she was the perfect height for an actress, 5'6". I always thought this was an exaggeration. I would put her at around 5'4". 5'2" seems too short for her.
J.Lee said on 7/Dec/12
rob she has big hair. You look 4 inches taller than her and if she has a 1 inch advantage, then that's 5 and a half
Arch Stanton said on 26/Nov/12
The blood looks about as unrealistic as you can get! It looks like the red paint from High Plains Drifter! But that's what makes it an enjoyable movie I think, that it is corny. The blind people's home seeking revenge by setting a trap and all, hardly likely!
Arch Stanton said on 25/Nov/12
Have you got the DVD Rob?
Click Here
Full movie here if you haven't. 10 minutes onwards. Impossible to watch without wanting to prod and press her!! All a red blooded male can do at 15:15 is just watch and admire!

Editor Rob
I have it somewhere in my house.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Nov/12
Watched Tales from the Crypt yesterday and actually she looked near 5 ft 6. One of the most attractive female bodies I've ever seen. Difficult to watch her in her youth without pure lust! So pert and firm, grrrrr.

Editor Rob
might need to dig that dvd out now...
mcfan said on 24/Nov/11
Joan was not 5'2. She was average.
Shaun said on 13/Sep/11
Joan Colllins and Honor Blackman are the hottest over 70s I've ever seen LOL.
Josh B said on 21/Jul/11
If you don't want to talk about height, then leave the height website.
Mr. Tempus said on 15/Jun/11
yep she looks 5'3 or 5'4, and i hope not to sound like a pervert but i think she looks sexy for her age.
Lenad said on 11/Jun/11
yep 5'4-ish. Top of her head is level with robs eye

Editor Rob
today she's not quite 5ft 4. That day she had on around a 2.5 inch heel, so near 1.5 inches footwear extra.
Tony said on 19/Apr/11
All this talk about height is really superficial. Height is not the measure of
the person.
Brad said on 31/Mar/11
Looks 1972.
jamie said on 29/Mar/11
joan has never had any Plastic surgery????????????????? I've never said it before but seriously laughing my ass off at that. check out the wrinkles on her chest- if keeping out of the sun was that effective it would be smooth and plump like her face, lips, cheeks, brain...if she believes anyone buys that! nothing wrong with surgery, its a persons choice but lying to someones face is ugly.
Seven said on 25/Mar/11
@mofo, JC has never had any PS. She credits her stunning complexion with not having exposed her skin to sunlight since age 21. As for ht, she's no more than 5/4"...and stunning.
mofo said on 21/Mar/11
Rob the only reason she looks young is PLASTIC SURGERY! And in all honesty I think it makes people look stranger than if they just age naturally to be honest(because of all the un-natural stretching!). I agree though she looks 5ft4 flat!
Demiere said on 21/Mar/11
Joan is at least 5'2.5 She wears wigs.Come on
anon said on 20/Mar/11
I know she's hard surgery but still, not many people look that good afterwards, she looks unbelievable.
little sue said on 20/Mar/11
She is the same age and body build as my Mom, my mom has lost about an inch since she went through the Menapause, Joan probably lost a little bit too say maybe just over 5ft 3 now
Brad said on 17/Mar/11
As listed. She wears wigs.
Big T said on 15/Mar/11
Take away the excess hair and draw a line across, she is just above Rob's eyeline, or bang on 5'4". Take away footwear and you get 5'2 1/2". I'm confused. Did she look taller in person?

Editor Rob
I believe she was 5ft 4 and is a bit under that today.
leonari said on 15/Mar/11
Nice One Rob! She Looks amazing.

Editor Rob
for 75 she did look remarkable!
SAK said on 15/Mar/11
Matt says on 14/Mar/11
wow! 75! she looks like 55 max.
Thats because shes had so much bloody surgery,
Anyway regarding her height, I thought she was 5ft2 as well, but 5ft4 seems more accurate standing next to Rob
Matt said on 14/Mar/11
wow! 75! she looks like 55 max.
with her show adv and hair taken away shed be more like 5ft 3.5 but at 75 she could have been close to 5ft 5
Brad said on 14/Mar/11
Met her after her play with Linda Evans, as listed. Looks incredible in person let alone the photos.
Mathew said on 14/Mar/11
I don't see 5'4" if there's a 1.5" footware advantage over Rob. Maybe the students were on to something lol. Although I'd say 5'3" sounds more realistic than 5'2".
Brad said on 26/Jun/09
I've stood next to her at twice, she's as listed.
littlesue said on 25/Jun/09
I would have put her minimum 5ft 4, she looked taller in Dynasty as she was very slim then, she has a short body with slim hips and slim legs which gives a taller appearance that a pear shape
Doug said on 25/Jun/09
Really? I thought she was smaller and around 5'1" or 5'2".