James said on 20/Jul/11
1.5 over hanks i don't see how he could be just 6'1 flat?
Alex said on 20/Jul/11
Lilo, I agree on 6'1 for Will.
lillo thomas said on 20/Jul/11
Kobe Briant is 6-5 not 6-6 or 6-6.5 . In that pic Will look 6-0 with Kobe . Jeff Goldblum is 6-4 not 6-5 and Will was 3 inches shorter than Jeff in Independence day film. James Avery was 3 inches taller than Will in Fresh Prince . Will is 6-1 at best . Rob listed him as his morning height at best . People here insisting that he is 6-2 are fanboys or don't have a clue how tall is really 6-1 and 6-2. End of History.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Jul/11
Tom Hanks is 6ft flat, not 6ft0.5.
Matt Damon is a little under 5ft10.
Rob what is the easiest way to post pictures?

Editor Rob
if you want to post a link to a photo copy the link to tinyurl.com and then paste the resulting short link it gives you.
James said on 20/Jul/11
Hanks is not 6ft 1/2 he's 6ft flat but still Will Smith looked 6'1.5 or 6'1.75 next too him.
jake said on 19/Jul/11
Not over this listing, 186-187 cm max. Was clearly shorter (by a few inches or a bit more) than James Avery on Fresh Prince of Bel Air and he's 6ft4.75 I believe.
jason said on 19/Jul/11
Click Here
Kobe bryant is 6'6 or 6'6 1/2 and will is only 5 inches shorter so that makes him 6'1-6'2. Will never has more then 5 inches between him and kobe.
jason said on 19/Jul/11
Jeff goldboom has just over 3 inches on will, 3 1/2 inches in nearly every scene from the independence day.
Jeff goldbloom is 6'5 or near enough
will smith looks 6'1 1/2 or 6'1 in comparison
jason said on 19/Jul/11
matt damon is a 5'10 or 5'10 1/2 thats why. Will is clearly 3 inches taller so that would make him 6'1 1/2 . Tom hanks is very close to his sons height. Tom is 6'0 and a half and was 6'1 when he was younger. Will is an inch taller so that makes will 6'1 1/2 again.
Hanks: 6'0 1/2
Matt damon: 5'10 1/2
Will smith: 6'1 1/2 whose exactly 3 inches taller then matt and 1 inch taller then tom hanks.
James said on 19/Jul/11
A lot of the time he did look all of 6'1 1/2 compared to James Avery. Taller than Evander holyfield as well. Stop this 6'1 flat and 6ft garbage Will could pass for a legit 6'2 when lean.
James said on 19/Jul/11
Matt Damon i think could be a legit 5'8.5 or 5'9 at best.
James said on 19/Jul/11
Hanks is 6ft
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jul/11
Matt Damon is at least 5ft9
the shredder said on 19/Jul/11
He is under 6'1.5
wayne said on 18/Jul/11
hanks is 5'10 and 3/4s and smith is between 5'11 3/4s and 6.0 and 3/4s, maybe even 6'1
johno said on 18/Jul/11
- well the pictures are there for everyone to see. Will smith struggles to even look 4 inches let alone 5 inches above damon in those pictures and throughout that movie.
Tom Hanks is not 6-0 i believe and never was, even in splash. In that movie, he hardly beats daryl hannah by 1 inches and shes 5'10.
Smith is 1 inch taller then hanks.
Hanks 5'11
Smith 6'0.5
James said on 18/Jul/11
lordrandall91 says on 18/Jul/11
Yeah with shoes on maybe! James, did you see independence day? If he were like that, jeff goldblum would be at least a strong 6ft5 in the morning! 6ft6 with shoes! I never saw jeff goldblum over 6ft4! He looks almost an inch shorter than 6ft4.5 vincr vaughn!
Will he has a shaven head in that film whereas goldblum on the ohter hand has a curly perm. that could easily make him look 1 inch taller than he actually is.
James said on 18/Jul/11
Now you see i think tom hanks might be 6ft becuase he is only 1 inch shorter than his 6'1 son Colin Hanks.
I think Will Snith would have 5 inches on
Matt Damon so.....
Matt Damon 5'8.5 (174cm)
Will Smith 6'1.5 (187cm)
Tom Hanks 6'0 (183cm)
Not sure if Will Smith is 6'1.75 though? He's not quite a full 6'2 even though he is close.
lordrandall91 said on 18/Jul/11
Yeah with shoes on maybe! James, did you see independence day? If he were like that, jeff goldblum would be at least a strong 6ft5 in the morning! 6ft6 with shoes! I never saw jeff goldblum over 6ft4! He looks almost an inch shorter than 6ft4.5 vincr vaughn!
johno said on 17/Jul/11
Again, heres will smith with tom hanks.
Click Here
He seems to edge hanks by about an inch.
Click Here
And here to, the difference is an inch. Tom hanks is guy who drifts around the 5'11 mark, he can appear taller then this and at times shorter for instance with the 5'10 Daryl Hannah in ''Splash''. Hank is in his late 50s so he is not as tall as he was in that movie. Again, smith does not seem 6'1.5 with hanks unless hanks is actually a strong 6'0
johno said on 17/Jul/11
Heres will smith with matt damon
Click Here
The movie was good. Throughout the movie will had 2-3 inches on damon. Heres the type of footwear both wore.
Click Here
and this
Click Here
Obviously smiths footwear is flatter then damons but damons was clearly golf shoes. I believe Damon to be 5'8-5'9, so around 5'8.5. He is certainly shorter then both brad pitt and george clooney and both of these guys struggle with 5'10 themselves, more rather weak 5'10s, or possibly 5'9.5s. To give damon anymore height then this would clearly push the other two into or approaching 5'11 range.
Will looks a flat 6'0 with damon in this movie and throughout it but most importantly, not quite the lanky 6'1.5 he is billed at. I still stick with the 6'0.5 for now.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jul/11
I reckon Will is 188.5cm out of bed and just before bed time he's hovering around 187cm flat.
That basically makes him 6ft1.5 or 6ft1.75
James said on 17/Jul/11
more like 186 before bed.
goldblum did have hair advantage over will smith as well in Independance Day...
Will Smith 6'1.5 (187cm)
Jeff Goldblum 6'4 (193cm)
although i am not sure cause Goldblum can look weak 6'4 at times.
James said on 16/Jul/11
possibly 188-189cm out of bed and 188cm for most of the morning.
lordrandall91 said on 16/Jul/11
Maybe 186 out of bed! No more! Come on! He looks much shorter than jeff goldblum, that is no more than 193! If you see the last scene of independence day, you realise he cant be more than 185!
James said on 15/Jul/11
I agree for now keep Will at 187cm. 189cm out of bed morning is not impossible?
Truthman said on 14/Jul/11
Watched "Ali" last night, Will look every bit of 187cm in that movie.
Vegas said on 13/Jul/11
trump looks taller in 2011 than he did in 1989, hmm interesting
gRANT said on 13/Jul/11
Yeah, 6'2 set in stone, not jello!
johno said on 12/Jul/11
............Now for the bits where he looks below 6'0.
If you ever watched the episode of american chopper, the one where will smith came in it, you would see various clips of paul teutal snr (cool dad) and will smith close together. Throughout the clips will looks 2 inches taller then snr and sometimes 3 inches. Heres the clip, i knw its a video but please watch bits of it, it aint that long..
Click Here
Paul senior claims he's 6'0 but the funny is, his son whose the same height claims 5'9 and 3/4s. Clearly one of them dnt knw how to tell height
Paul teutal snr is only 5'8-5'9 as evident by this picture with the 5'9-5'10 ronnie coleman
Click Here
To reiterate, paul snr is between 5'8-5'9, will smith does not exactly tower him, granted snr wears motorbike boots, still the advantage would only be 0.5 inches. Will smith throughout that video does not even look 6'0 and in T-H-A-T S-P-E-C-I-F-I-C V-I-D-E-O looks 5'11 the most.
Can anyone care to comment why this maybe so? My point was not to illustrate will is 5'11 but more rather he isn't 6'1 since he can look that short to someone like paul teutal snr, who looks 6 feet wide :S
Danimal said on 11/Jul/11
Mohammed says on 3/Jul/11
Needs a degrade to 185-186 cm.
The word you're looking for is downgrade.
lillo thomas said on 9/Jul/11
Yep Donald trump look 3 inches max next Tyson in 1988 in those pics . No way in hell the difference is 4 inches . Trump look 6-1 in the pics and Will is 6-1 max.
Lenad said on 9/Jul/11
in the fresh prince he and Trump looked very much the same height. If anything Trump was 1cm taller. Trump was probably 6'2 on the dot then. Smith should be kept at 187cm
tell-em said on 8/Jul/11
interesting how will was taller than 6'2" peak gene hackman in ENEMY OF THE STATE.
James said on 8/Jul/11
will smith used to look 188cm in the Fresh Prince not nowadays though.
johno said on 7/Jul/11
- Judging by those pictures with Donald Trump and Tyson, i see about 2.5 inches in height difference between tyson and Trump, i believe its closer to 2. Both probably are wearing dress shoes. Mike being 5'10 as proven by this site, would make Trump 6'0.5 max. Will smith and Donald were similar in height in the fresh prince, i really didn't notice smith being shorter. I would put smith at 6'0.5. I can see how he can look a weak 6'0 in some movies.
Terryman said on 7/Jul/11
some people have actually never measured themselves/been measured and say their height according to how they think they measure up in relation to other people,since will smith is lean and lanky that gives him the impression that he could be 1,88 meters and above which he definately aint!
James said on 3/Jul/11
Clay says on 3/Jul/11
Yeah James thats why I think Will is 6'1.25-6'1.5 max.
Yes Clay good chance Will is 6'1.5 max but at the same time he's just a very small amount over a flat 6'1. Also in the Fresh Prince i think the difference between him and Evander holyfield looked bigger than it actually was because will was very lean compared to evander who was much more muscular and stocky..... all that said though you can't see if Will is wearing timbs or not in the scene with Trump??????
I think the 6'3 claims for Will Smith are just completely ridicolous and 6'2.5 is exzaggerated. I heard once Will Smiths father was 6'4 so maybe that is why will smith is disatisfied with his height even though he is legitimatley tall man.
Mohammed said on 3/Jul/11
Needs a degrade to 185-186 cm.
Clay said on 3/Jul/11
Yeah James thats why I think Will is 6'1.25-6'1.5 max.
James said on 3/Jul/11
a 6'1.25 guy i think could easily look 6'2 if he had a lean frame like Will.
James said on 3/Jul/11
did look 188cm when he lean in the fresh prince
Alex said on 2/Jul/11
186cm barefoot is my best bet.
James said on 2/Jul/11
Will is over 6'2 in shoes
James said on 1/Jul/11
what footware did Will have on in that scene with trump?
the shredder said on 1/Jul/11
He really looks close to The Don there ... To be fair He might be closer to the camera and in timbs which is making him look it ... I agree with 6'1.75 for The Don ... Smith I think is a legit 6'1 , 6'1.25 could be right though he can look weak 6'1
lambert said on 1/Jul/11
he was above 6.2 becoz he was slight shorter than dwayne johnson(the rock)and the rock was 6.4 feet proof:see in google images
James said on 1/Jul/11
Seriously u guys have no idea really how big a 2.5 inch difference is do you? Remember the old photos of Editor Rob with glenn? There was not even a 2 inch difference between G and Rob and you could clearly see that rob looked the taller man and there looked a fair gap between them.
James said on 1/Jul/11
lillo thomas says on 30/Jun/11
First of all Donald trump doesn't look 6-2 next to 6-4.5 ( peak) James Avery .James Avery is clearly 3 inches taller . That means that Donald Trump was never 6-2 . 6-1.5 peak max . Will Smith is a bit shorter than him , about half a inch . So the result is that Will is looking 6-1 max in that clip .
donald trump had 4 inches on mike tyson in 1988 and taller than vince mcmahon a few years ago.
Click Here
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then again here he looks under 6'2 with tyson.....
Click Here
as for the difference between him and james avery? there is a lot more than you think in 2.5 inches.
Lenad said on 1/Jul/11
Well Trump was definitly not over 6'2. Personally i think he was 187-188cm then. But considering how close Smith and Trump look in height, Smith couldnt be under 6ft1
Lenad said on 1/Jul/11
If Trump was 6'2 on the dot then Smith is definitly 187cm
lillo thomas said on 30/Jun/11
First of all Donald trump doesn't look 6-2 next to 6-4.5 ( peak) James Avery .James Avery is clearly 3 inches taller . That means that Donald Trump was never 6-2 . 6-1.5 peak max . Will Smith is a bit shorter than him , about half a inch . So the result is that Will is looking 6-1 max in that clip .
James said on 30/Jun/11
there is always the chance of course that will's lean frame makes him look taller
ANDREA[ITA] said on 30/Jun/11
truthman i think you're heights are spot on! :) james you should buy a pair of eyes! hahaha how can you say the diff between will and goldblum is only 6 cms? in some shots, will even looks 10 cms shorter (but he's probably only 8)...
James said on 29/Jun/11
LOL how does will look 184-185cm next to 6'2 Donald Trump on the Fresh Prince? I might have to rethink 186cm after seeing him here with donald trump.
Go to 2:30.
Click Here
Rob would you agree that will smith looks the same height as Donald Trump?

Editor Rob
he doesn't look much smaller.
James said on 29/Jun/11
Will Smith would be 190cm in Timbs.
James said on 29/Jun/11
Will Smith 186cm
Jeff Goldblum 192cm
James Avery 194cm
David Hasselhoff 193cm
Will Ferrell 190cm
Truthman said on 28/Jun/11
Will Smith 185cm
Jeff Goldblum 193cm
James Avery 194cm
David Hasselhoff 193cm
Will Ferrell 189cm (maybe 190cm)
the shredder said on 28/Jun/11
Yes Ka , That Hancock mugshot kills his 6'2 claims ... 6'1 flat , I knew he was not 6'2 years ago watching Fresh Prince and films , Whoever looks 6'1 max next to legit tall men and don't tower Martin Lawrence is not 6'2 !
lordrandall91 said on 28/Jun/11
Well next to david hasselhoff he looks min 8 cms shorter! Next to goldblum he looks like 8-9 cms shorter! Maybe in independence day time he was 194... Next to will ferrell he looks strong 186! I think he's 185! Next to james avery, he looks at least 8 cms shorter! 185 no more for him!
Chameleon said on 28/Jun/11
Smith is not over 6'1
Ka said on 28/Jun/11
This guy's height, though is legit tall, is tricky to peg, especially his posture. Half the time this guy looks 6'1.5-6'2, but the other half looks 6'1-6'1.5. I thought he's as listed on the dot, but the Hancock mugshot and Independence Day made me think again... 185-186 might be right?
James said on 27/Jun/11
WOW i am watching the 1993 film six degress of sepreation and will smith looks looks nowhere near 6'2 in it.
James said on 27/Jun/11
If Will Smith is 184-185cm then Will Ferrell is no taller than 6'2
James said on 27/Jun/11
At least 185cm but i still think he is a weak 187cm so 186cm fits him well.
James said on 27/Jun/11
minimum 6'1
ANDREA[ITA] said on 26/Jun/11
well, he's not 187 for sure in my opinion! in indipendence day, in the final scene, he looks strong 8-9 cms shorter than jeff goldblum! i think 184-185 is spot on for him!
Chameleon said on 26/Jun/11
Shredder how about 185cm no more?
James said on 25/Jun/11
the shredder says on 25/Jun/11
This is so not bias , But I think Denzel is like 5'11.75 , Check out Glory Morgan Freeman Has 3 " on him ... Even though Will can look a flat 6'1 max , I think Legit 6'1 is the truth ... meaning 185cm or 186cm , He is under 6'1.5 , Looks 6'1 too much next to legit heights and The Hancock Mugshot all he did was clear 6'2 and was a few feet in front of it which made him taller ... If he really was 6'1.5 minimum he would have cleared 6'3 , Throw away the 6'2 ... Thats Rampage and Jazzy crazy talk or G trying to be 5'8 ... 6'1 or 6'1.25 .
YES Shredder i would for sure throw away the 6'2. Maybe fresh out of bed after a good nights sleep he would hit the 188cm mark. I woulden't even say he's minimum 187cm. Then again he might be 187cm its not impossible but i think possibly a weak 6'1.5 is very much on the cards for Will Smith. So basicly Will is 6'1-6'1.5 range rather than 6'1.5-6'2 range.
If you stood Will Smith next to a true 6'2 man like say Benecio Del Toro you could detect a difference even though a small gap.
Terryman said on 25/Jun/11
1,86.5metres appears 6'2 because he is so lean and his daughter has the misfortune of having no bodyfat like him!
the shredder said on 25/Jun/11
This is so not bias , But I think Denzel is like 5'11.75 , Check out Glory Morgan Freeman Has 3 " on him ... Even though Will can look a flat 6'1 max , I think Legit 6'1 is the truth ... meaning 185cm or 186cm , He is under 6'1.5 , Looks 6'1 too much next to legit heights and The Hancock Mugshot all he did was clear 6'2 and was a few feet in front of it which made him taller ... If he really was 6'1.5 minimum he would have cleared 6'3 , Throw away the 6'2 ... Thats Rampage and Jazzy crazy talk or G trying to be 5'8 ... 6'1 or 6'1.25 .
Nils said on 24/Jun/11
Anything under 6'1 for will is joke. BIG JOKE.
I think he could very well be 6'2
James said on 24/Jun/11
lillo thomas says on 23/Jun/11
Anything over 6-1 for Will is a joke . BIG JOKE.
Taller than denzel washington.......
lillo thomas said on 23/Jun/11
Anything over 6-1 for Will is a joke . BIG JOKE.
gRANT said on 23/Jun/11
Stop this downgrading... Will is 6'2 ez, brushd into several times face 2 face ( Quit grippin this player )
James said on 22/Jun/11
i am not sure if will smith is 6'1.75. i think 186cm is very much possible.
James said on 22/Jun/11
6'1.25 is more likey than 6'1.75.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jun/11
6ft1.75 does look closer, Dmeyer. When standing straight Will usually looks nearly 6ft2.
Terryman said on 22/Jun/11
185-6cm anything over 187cm is mental illness!
Dmeyer said on 21/Jun/11
To me this Guy dosnt look a flat 6 ft 1 Rob do you think 6 ft 1.75 is mire likely than 6 ft 1.25
James said on 21/Jun/11
Danimal says on 20/Jun/11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 18/Jun/11
6ft1.5-6ft2. 185cm with a slouch
As usual an inch too high.
I think Will Smith is 6'1.25-6'1.5.
the shredder said on 21/Jun/11
Those are hard pics , look at Will's shoes and Quinton slouching even worst then Will is and that is a very overweight guy compared to Will who being lean is going to come off taller then he is ... Both of them standing at there best we would see easy 6 " or more ... To be fair at worst it puts Will near 6'1 ... Will has bigger footwear so we still do not get him 6'2 there .
Lillo thomas said on 21/Jun/11
quinton aaron is listed as 6-8 in many places but We don't know if he is a legit 6-8 . 6-8 could be his height in shoes.
Danimal said on 20/Jun/11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 18/Jun/11
6ft1.5-6ft2. 185cm with a slouch
As usual an inch too high.
Danimal said on 20/Jun/11
Jazzy says on 20/Jun/11
your a idiot.
Learn to write proper English before calling someone "A IDIOT". It's "your AN idiot".
James said on 20/Jun/11
JaZZy says on 19/Jun/11
James is right Will was slouching in those pics with chris tucker but still looked slightly taller. I bet all the money in the world that will is 190cm out of bed
No 188cm out of bed
lillo thomas said on 20/Jun/11
That's right Shredder . Will only can hit 6-3 with elevators shoes. With normal shoes he is 6-2 max . Barefoot 6-1 max.
Lillo thomas said on 20/Jun/11
Only in the third pic Will look clearly taller than Chris and he is closer to the camera in that one . He is slightly taller in the other pics . Chris Turcker isn't a legit 6-1 guy . He is more in the 6-0 range.
Chameleon said on 19/Jun/11
1.85 .........................
James said on 19/Jun/11
Rob is it possible that will smith has lost a fraction of height since the 1990's because of his crazy posture?
I saw I am legend last night and he looked shorter in that film compared to how he did in Enemy of the state. He's 42 (will be 43 in september) so height loss is not impossible? Then again of course will smith has gotten a lot wider and bulkier since the 90's so that might make him look shorter these days?
1cm of height loss is not impossible given that he is

Editor Rob
I think if he had a lot of injuries or back issues he may have lost a small fraction.
I don't know though, I think if he was 52 there's be more chance of a fraction lost.
Lillo thomas said on 19/Jun/11
"he's 190cm out of the bed, solid 6-2 guy midday"
HA , HA ,HA , HA , HA , HA , HA , HA
Terryman said on 19/Jun/11
bill pulman and will smith are 185-6cm range!
James said on 19/Jun/11
lillo thomas says on 18/Jun/11
James you really need eye glasses if you see Will Smith at 6-1.5 6-2 with Chris Tucker . I don't see a difference between the two . At most Will is barely taller.
really? Will Smith is slouching in some photos of him and tucker and he still looks taller. Not a big difference between him and tucker but it is noticible. Maybe Chris Tucker is shorter than 185cm?
the shredder said on 19/Jun/11
Rampage ... Please , He is 6 ft a slouch ... You are so delusional its funny .
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jun/11
6ft1.5-6ft2. 185cm with a slouch
lillo thomas said on 18/Jun/11
James you really need eye glasses if you see Will Smith at 6-1.5 6-2 with Chris Tucker . I don't see a difference between the two . At most Will is barely taller.
Mohammed said on 18/Jun/11
Well, he doesn't look to be 187 cm tall. He's probably 185-186, 6'2 with shoes on.
James said on 17/Jun/11
Terryman says on 17/Jun/11
no way in hell is he 187cm he was completely owned by 1,93m jeff goldblum in independence day in the end scene where they walk together in same footwear,I say celebs that need a downgrade to 185cm,will smith,ll cool j and jonathan ross to name a few!
Goldblum to me looked 6'3ish even in his early film carrier. Liam Neeson on the other hand always looked 6'4.
Terry I would not say he was OWNED by Goldblum. At times there looked no more than 2 inches between them and then again at times there seemed 3 inches.
James said on 17/Jun/11
the shredder says on 17/Jun/11
Morning , after noon , night , up for days ... He is not 6'2 barefoot ... He is only in footwear ... James of course he looks under 6'1.5 , Looking at him with Thomas my vote is 185cm .
Yeah but he does look slightly taller than 6'0.75 (185cm) Chris Tucker
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Looks 6'1.5-6'2 compared to tucker
Terryman said on 17/Jun/11
no way in hell is he 187cm he was completely owned by 1,93m jeff goldblum in independence day in the end scene where they walk together in same footwear,I say celebs that need a downgrade to 185cm,will smith,ll cool j and jonathan ross to name a few!
the shredder said on 17/Jun/11
Morning , after noon , night , up for days ... He is not 6'2 barefoot ... He is only in footwear ... James of course he looks under 6'1.5 , Looking at him with Thomas my vote is 185cm .
James said on 16/Jun/11
In Bad Boys 2 did look under 187cm. Again though maybe it was becuase he was bulky?
James said on 16/Jun/11
he might be 6'2 in the morning?
tell-em said on 16/Jun/11
if hes 6'15" in the morning then that does not make him a weak 6'1". weak 6'1" would mean he'd wake up at 6'1".
James said on 16/Jun/11
will smith is minimum 6'1
Chameleon said on 16/Jun/11
More like 184/185 range.
the shredder said on 16/Jun/11
Will is a weak 6'1 ... 6'1.5 is his morning height .
James said on 15/Jun/11
6'3.5 if he borrowed robert downey jrs elevators.
Smith is somewhere in the 186-187cm range.
miko said on 15/Jun/11
Maybe 6"1.5 out of bed, 6"0.75/6"1 in the day.
Can occasionally look 6"2, but in reality a weak 6"1 guy.
James said on 15/Jun/11
In Hitched appeared 6'1 (185cm)
J-Dog said on 15/Jun/11
Below is a clip of Fresh Prince where 6'1" listed Isiah Thomas plays him one on one, but keep in mind that basketball players almost always measured in their basketball shoes. I have seen a barefoot height for Isiah Thomas on the
Michael Jordan page here as 6'0". If so that would put Isiah Thomas as 6' barefoot and 6'1" in shoes, as you watch the end of the clip you can see them both walking upright with their backs facing the camera. For example John Stockton was listed at 6'1" as well, but without shoes he measures 6' and 1/8th essentially just a solid 6 footer.
Click below to see:
Click Here
So what do you guys think, from my look this puts will smith at 6'.05" to 6'1" flat barefoot and in shoes he probably hits the 6'2" mark or very near it. Remember in this clip due to Will's flat top he may have a hair advantage but their heights are very similar.
I think 6'1.5" is a morning height, first thing out of bed at the most. For example I am 6'2.75" or virtually a weak 6'3" after a really good nights sleep but, I fall to a flat 6'2" by the evening and if I push it I can fall to 6'1.75"
That is not a 6'2" guy walking by Isiah Thomas. I can notice a 2" difference quite apparently I notice it when I am around solid 6'4" guys.
Lenad said on 14/Jun/11
measured during normal part of day i bet the farm this guy is scraping 187cm like 186.8cm
Danimal said on 14/Jun/11
@people says on 13/Jun/11
6'3.5 in shoes
Danimal said on 14/Jun/11
I still say 6'1" listed Isaiah Thomas was 100% taller than Will Smith in the early 1990's on Fresh Prince. Smith was thinner back then, but definitely fully grown by then. He's never been over a flat 6'1" barefoot and in reality he's probably under that.. In the late 80's when he was in his rap group (still in his late teens) he was listed at 5'11" and 165 pounds in a teen magazine. Take that for what it is..
James said on 14/Jun/11
Remember he was identical in height to 6'1.5 listed bill pullman in Indepedendance Day.
James said on 14/Jun/11
6'2 in shoes??
6'1 flat is not out of the question but neither is 6'1.5.
the shredder said on 14/Jun/11
Rob , you think 6'1 or 6'1.25 is better ? He has looked 6'1 countless times with normal posture ...

Editor Rob
6ft 1-1.5, it's a question of whereabouts, if it's just 6ft 1 or as high as 6ft 1.5.
Danimal said on 14/Jun/11
The 6'2" he claims for himself is obviously with shoes on. Barely 6'1" flat..
James said on 13/Jun/11
6'3 is ridicolous for will smith. maybe 6'3 in lifts?
Will Ferrell is 191cm by the way
Sam said on 13/Jun/11
Smith, Pullman and Connick Jr. all look a solid 6'1" compared to Goldblum in Truthman's photo
the shredder said on 13/Jun/11
Truthman says on 12/Jun/11 Where is 6'3 came from? ...
Dumb fan boys ? ... He is not 6'3 in shoes ... How does he look it ?
Truthman said on 12/Jun/11
He is on tip toes, standing completly straight while Hoff is slouch, closer to camera AND STILL good inch or two shorter. Where is 6'3 came from?
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Mohammed said on 12/Jun/11
6'1-6'1.25, he likes to stand on toes on pictures for some weird reason. Will ferrel is a solid 189-190 and Will looks to be 185-186 next to him.
Can't believe he claims to be 6'2.5, probably with shoes on.
James said on 12/Jun/11
truthman that proves that pics can be deceiving since i think goldblum looked more 6'3ish to me on screen and in photos. sometimes can look 6'4 in pics though but often looks 6'3.5 as well.
as for will smith he might measure at 186cm before bed?
the shredder said on 12/Jun/11
Owns meaning destroying His claims ... Will looks strong 6'1 if Ferrell is really 6'3 .
Truthman said on 12/Jun/11
3.5 inches shorter than Godblum
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Lenad said on 11/Jun/11
floats between 186 and 187cm
Dmeyer said on 11/Jun/11
186.5 fits him looping anywere 6'1 6'2
James said on 11/Jun/11
the shortest he has looked was in I Robot when he looked 6'0 or 6'1 flat with all that bulk and not great posture.
In I am Legend as well in the Prision scene he appeared 6'0/6'1.
James said on 11/Jun/11
the shredder says on 11/Jun/11
Yes James he is over 6 ft ... He is 6'1.25 tops ... 6'3 in timbs ? He might measure an easy 6'2.5 in them , but look 6'3 ? That would make him measure more then 6'3 which is extreme ... To me in timbs he can look an easy 6'1.5 , In flats with decent posture he looks barely 6'1 ... He looks weak 6'1 to strong 6'1 a lot which makes 6'1 most likely his height ... If he really is a legit 6'2 with his lean body and great shape he would always look minimum 6'2 or 6'2.5 ... I bet if you did met him in person you and any of us would think he is his claims , then let a real 6'2.5 guy stand near him and Will Smith would get destroyed .
Timbs give 1.5 inches so i don't think it would unreasanble to assume he would reach 6'3 in them....... then again though 6'2.5 could be a possiblity in timbs as well. i remember when he wore them on the fresh prince he looked not much shorter than james avery.
the shredder says on 11/Jun/11
Yes James he is over 6 ft ... He is 6'1.25 tops ... 6'3 in timbs ? He might measure an easy 6'2.5 in them , but look 6'3 ? That would make him measure more then 6'3 which is extreme ... To me in timbs he can look an easy 6'1.5 , In flats with decent posture he looks barely 6'1 ... He looks weak 6'1 to strong 6'1 a lot which makes 6'1 most likely his height ... If he really is a legit 6'2 with his lean body and great shape he would always look minimum 6'2 or 6'2.5 ... I bet if you did met him in person you and any of us would think he is his claims , then let a real 6'2.5 guy stand near him and Will Smith would get destroyed .
Getting destroyed by 6'3 Will Ferrell?
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Check out these new pics he looks higher than 6'1 like 6'2 but maybe the black clothing he is wearing is making him look leaner and taller?
Click Here
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One thing is for certain he is a legit tall man and unlike brad pitt he does not need lifts to make him look tall.
lillo thomas said on 11/Jun/11
6-2 max in normal shoes.
James said on 11/Jun/11
lillo thomas says on 10/Jun/11
Rampage is a Joker . Will doesn't reach 6-3 in shoes.
Maybe 6'2-6'3 in shoes?
Chameleon said on 11/Jun/11
I dont think he's over 6'1.
the shredder said on 11/Jun/11
Yes James he is over 6 ft ... He is 6'1.25 tops ... 6'3 in timbs ? He might measure an easy 6'2.5 in them , but look 6'3 ? That would make him measure more then 6'3 which is extreme ... To me in timbs he can look an easy 6'1.5 , In flats with decent posture he looks barely 6'1 ... He looks weak 6'1 to strong 6'1 a lot which makes 6'1 most likely his height ... If he really is a legit 6'2 with his lean body and great shape he would always look minimum 6'2 or 6'2.5 ... I bet if you did met him in person you and any of us would think he is his claims , then let a real 6'2.5 guy stand near him and Will Smith would get destroyed .
lillo thomas said on 10/Jun/11
Rampage is a Joker . Will doesn't reach 6-3 in shoes.
James said on 10/Jun/11
overall i think after giving it more thought 184cm is too low for will smith. physically he looks like a guy who is over 6ft for sure in pics.
on screen too me he can look 6ft, 6'1 and maybe 6'1.5 sometimes. Never strikes me as looking a legit 6'2 in his more recent films and i agree 6'2 is extreme for will smith even in men and black he did not look 188cm. can even look betweeen 5'11-6'0 if he is all bulked up and not standing very well but like i said that is an ILLUSION.
in the early episodes of the fresh when he was skinny and lanky and had his hairstyle all buffed up he could pull of looking a legit 6'2.
I think possibly 6'1-6'1.5 range for will smith seems accurate. Do you think will smith could pull of looking 6'3 in timbs? in men and black only looked 187cm when he wore timbs which is strange.
I think will smith is defenintly taller than a legit 6ft man.
James said on 10/Jun/11
Well i think given that lennox lewis is 195cm and will smith is on tip toes and looks the same height that would mean he is 187cm like he is listed here.
then again though lewis is not really standing at this tallest. In photos will smith can look like between 6'1-6'2 like hugh jackman but in his movies he looks 6ft range esspecially in indepedance day and I robot etc etc.....
i thought in the fresh prince will smith always looked over 6ft.
Truthman said on 10/Jun/11
Solid 6'1 sounds good, 6'2 only in shoes. He was OWNED by Hoff, he also was way shorter than Jordan recently.
the shredder said on 10/Jun/11
OMG LMAO ... This page is just really dumb , Will does not even look 6'2 ... How is he pulling off 6'3 ? He would not measured 6'3 in footwear ... Man the height Chart from Hancock proved that all he can do is clear 6'2 in footwear and being a few feet in front of it ... Which makes him look even taller and all he got was strong 6'2 ... It is BEYOND FRICKING OBVIOUS that he would measure 6'1 range in barefeet ... His 6'2.5 claim is just to support the 6'2 , IMO he could measurea legit 6'2 in a decent pair of shoes ... Will has looked 6'1.5 or under countless times with decent posture and has consistantly looked looked 6'1 TOPS next to other tall guys with varying from 5'11 to 6'0.5 with lose posture with him purposely slouching ... He is as close to 6'1 as you can get ... So throw away the 6'2 .
Clay said on 9/Jun/11
6'3 is pushing it big time.
I'm a Rampage supporter but you're earning the hate with quotes like that man.
Mr will said on 9/Jun/11
i don't think he's over 6'2 we might be same height but still a bit shorter than him i'm nothing but solid 6'1
Mr will said on 9/Jun/11
i don't think he's over 6'2 we might be same height but still a bit shorter than him i'm nothing but 6'0.5
James said on 7/Jun/11
6'3 for will smith?
Truthman said on 7/Jun/11
Good 3 inches shorter than Hoff. 6'2? Hahahaha, of course.
He looks 6'6 near Lewis
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Oops! Tip toe again
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Guys, don't be fools! Will is 6'1, everything over sounds stupid.
Lenad said on 6/Jun/11
If he straightend up he looks at most 3 inches shorter than 6'4 David Hasselhoff. 2.5-3 inches would be my guess. Those people saying Will is 6ft1 max really cant judge height
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Jun/11
Sorry James, But I think Smith is looking a legit 6ft2 next to Hoff...if he had better posture I'd say could even look around 6ft3.
lillo thomas said on 6/Jun/11
Rampage you really need eyeglasses . There is no way that he look 6-2 next to Hoff . He is atleast 3 inches shorter.
James said on 6/Jun/11
Yeah i'd say will looks 6'1 flat compared to the hoff. although is will standing at this best next to him?
solid 6ft2? i don't know about that when you see him next to adam baldwin
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jun/11
Does look 6ft2 with The Hoff.
lillo thomas said on 3/Jun/11
He is clearly 3 inches shorter than David.
Truthman said on 3/Jun/11
Even tip toes doesn't help him looks just close to Hoff height on vegas pictures. 6'2? bad joke
Jazzy says on 2/Jun/11
Hahaha! If you want to loose 3 inches you need bent your knees, bent your spine and leaning your head down.
Vegas said on 2/Jun/11
i think we need to be a bit fair to will here and post the rest of the shots from that i robot premiere in london
Click Here Click Here
® said on 1/Jun/11
His full grown son is listed at 6 but looks more 5'11.
Lillo Thomas said on 1/Jun/11
Jazzy you are a very deluted fanboy . With David he looked 6-0 at best with his head leaning a bit down . With his head looking forward the difference is at least 3 inches . He is 6-1 at best.
James said on 1/Jun/11
Truthman says on 31/May/11
James stop it, David still always looks 6'4.
He was for sure or maybe still is a legit 6'4 but he is nearly 60 so he might have lost a fraction from his peak????
Chameleon said on 1/Jun/11
He looked 6'0 with Woody Harrelson also
6'1 max for this guy!
lillo thomas said on 31/May/11
With David Hasselhoff Will look 6-0 at best .
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/May/11
I still think he fluctuates between 187cm and 188cm
the shredder said on 31/May/11
Was it the same magazine that has Cruise at 5'6 and 3/4 ? ... LMAO , The danimal Digest .
Truthman said on 31/May/11
James stop it, David still always looks 6'4.
Chameleon said on 31/May/11
He looks 6'0 next to 6'4 Hasselhoff. Funny how he also looked 6'0 with Woody Harrelson
Chameleon said on 31/May/11
6'1 max for this guy
the shredder said on 31/May/11
Yea and Shaft is 6'3.5 ... Get real lol ... 6'1 barefoot .
James said on 30/May/11
LOL he looks 182cm next to now 192cm David Hasselhoff
Clay says on 28/May/11
LOL@between 5'11-6'0 James.
Danimal mentioned that a magazine in the 80's listed will smith at 5'11 not that i think he is that short.
Clay said on 28/May/11
LOL@between 5'11-6'0 James.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/May/11
I think 6ft1.75 is perfect for Will. From that height he would easily reach 6ft2.5(189cm) in regular shoes which is probably why he claims it.
Truthman said on 28/May/11
Near David Hasselhoff
Click Here
the shredder said on 27/May/11
Anything taller then 6'1.25 is crap ... He looks 6'1 flat in fresh Prince next 6'1 Thomas and MAX 6'1 next to " Almost 6'2 SHAFT " ... Will was pretty slim with decent posture in his 20's ... So his peak was strong 6'1 max with the 6'2.5 supporting his 6'2 ... He is 6'2.5 or less in shoes .
Mohammed said on 26/May/11
Will smith isn't 6'2.5, don't fool yourself.
I would pin him down to 186 tbh.
Wayne said on 26/May/11
I've met Jay-Z several times his height is def. 6'1, I'm 6'4 my twin is 6'3 and my older bro is 6'1 and they're the same height both in dress shoes. I don't know what the comparison between Jay and Will is but you can run with this. Will does look pretty short in I, Robot Him and Bridget Moynihan look the same height in some scenes, she's in heels of course.
James said on 25/May/11
When he made an appearence on the sitcom 'All of us' in roughly around 2004 he looked 6'0 but he was all bulked up and not standing with very good posture.
Put it this way he looked quite a bit shorter compared to how lanky he looked in the early seasons of the fresh prince.
Someone on this page earlier in the year said that will smith was between 5'11-6'0 low cut trainers in I Robot.
Joseph said on 25/May/11
Haha, you people are terrible on this site. LOL at Will Smith being 6'0 lol, he's a legit 6'2 probably even 6'2.5. You guys really love downgrading people's heights smh. Soon you guys will be saying Will is 5'10 smh lol
Chameleon said on 25/May/11
I dont think he's over 185cm either.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/11
Rob what is the largest upgrade you've given to a celeb on this site and who was it?

Editor Rob
the longer you do this site that is harder to remember, I'm sure there was a couple of mistypes by a few inches, a 6 instead of a 3 or something but revising by more than 2 inches I can't recall.
walter said on 24/May/11
ROB,would you say that wax models(example London museum tussauds) are 99% height accurate?

Editor Rob
well, if they measure a celebrity barefoot then it's got to be pretty accurate.
but what about the celebrities who don't visit them for measurements? Not every celebrity who has a waxwork has been measured.
Jake T. said on 24/May/11
I would put him just 1 cm less than this at 6'1.25 because he is as tall as Jay Z and looks about 5 inches taller than Jackie Chan.
Lenad said on 24/May/11
James are you serious?
Mohammed said on 22/May/11
He's definately not 187 cm tall. Downgrade him to 184-185 cm, he's about as tall as Obama.
Chuck said on 22/May/11
186 at lowest..
James said on 21/May/11
i personally don't think will is over 185cm.
Lenad said on 21/May/11
I highly doubt this guy is under 185cm
Danimal said on 20/May/11
Chameleon says on 18/May/11
I highly doubt this guy is over 185cm.
Dural said on 20/May/11
Kobe Bryant is 6'4.75", not 6'5.75" and Will Smith 4 inches shorter.
Chameleon said on 18/May/11
I highly doubt this guy is over 185cm.
Danimal said on 17/May/11
How is Will Smith still listed at 6'1.5" when 6'1" Isaiah Thomas was taller than him?
James said on 17/May/11
rob do you think that will smith is probably the celeb with the most upradges/downgrades on this site?
Will Smith's height does seem to be a bit of mystery dosen't it?

Editor Rob
I don't know, but one thing I think most agree on - 6ft 2.5 barefoot is unlikely.
the shredder said on 17/May/11
Rob ... I agree , go with 186cm ... It fits with him being 6'1 to 6'1.5 and also If he really measured 6'2.5 in shoes
Ali said on 17/May/11
He is a tall dude, but no 187cm.
I think 6'0 to 6'0.5
Guys a 6'0 guy is a tall guy, most actors
are a couple of inches smaller.
In that Robot movie he made, he said something like
I am a 6'2 guy. THen another time he is 6'2.5 according
to himself. He gives conflicting information.
Since hollywood stars usually add 1-2 inches and Will Smith
does not look 6'1.5 at all, he is probably just 6'0. 6'0
is a great height IMHO.
James said on 16/May/11
Rob if you did suddenly decide to downgrade him from 187cm would you chose to lower his height too 185cm or 186cm?

Editor Rob
James said on 16/May/11
he looks 6ft with kobe bryant
CJ said on 15/May/11
This isn't the best pic but its one I dug up of him with 6'4.75 Kobe Bryant.
Click Here
the shredder said on 15/May/11
Rob , Are you thinking 185cm ? ... Look at Adam Baldwin with you then look at him With boot wearing Smith ... Rob , this guy is no more 6'1.5 then you are 5'9 .

Editor Rob
he can be 6ft 1-1.5, somewhere in that. It may turn out he drops nearer 6ft 1 than 1.5
Clay said on 15/May/11
Viper says on 9/May/11
Amazing how many people think a 6-0 guy like Will is 6-2. Just proves how tall 6-0 is.
Amazing how many people you under-estimate by at least an inch...
James said on 14/May/11
looks 6'2 if patrick is 6'3
Truthman said on 14/May/11
I estimate him at a strong 186cm, he looks that tall.
jay said on 14/May/11
Will Smith with 6'3" Patrick Warburton:
Click Here
Viper said on 13/May/11
Will 99 percent of the time looks 6-0 with measured athletes. Hes like Jay Z in that way.
Just another long list of 6-0 guys who people peg at 6-1-6-2
the shredder said on 12/May/11
LOL Will Smith is 6'1 ... I saw pics of him on Getty where he had 5 inches on Seacrest and BOTH in VERY flat shoes .
Lenad said on 11/May/11
measured by a doctor hes probably very close to 187cm like 186.7cm or something like that
James said on 11/May/11
he looked 6ft range in Independance day
marko said on 11/May/11
maybe 187 cm...
Chameleon said on 10/May/11
Yeah ty James I really dont think hes more then that.
the shredder said on 10/May/11
HAHA , some of you still think 6'2 lol ... He is 6'1 .
Viper said on 9/May/11
Amazing how many people think a 6-0 guy like Will is 6-2. Just proves how tall 6-0 is.
James said on 9/May/11
Yeah true jeff was not standing that well in Independance Day.
marko said on 9/May/11
solid 6 ft 2
James said on 9/May/11
185cm could be spot on
Truthman said on 7/May/11
It's even more Funnier James
Click Here
When Goldblum stand actually straight, he OWNS every 6'4 claimer guy. He is absolute minimum 6'4, but because of his awful posture, he can look shorter
the shredder said on 5/May/11
He is about 185cm or 6'1 even ... 6'2 or slightly higher in shoes , he looks taller do to his built ... He looks barely 6'1.5 with Baldwin with boots on ... 6'1 is his real barefoot height , maybe 184cm or 186cm ?
James said on 4/May/11
Lenad is sexy says on 4/May/11
Will is at least 6'1 barefoot. So that should put Goldblum at 6'4ish
Funny though if Will Smith is 184cm then goldblum looked 189 or 190cm max taller in Independance.
Lenad said on 4/May/11
Will is at least 6'1 barefoot. So that should put Goldblum at 6'4ish
James said on 3/May/11
Danimal says on 2/May/11
Slightly under 6'1" barefoot.. With shoes, slightly over 6'2"..
most shoes don't give 2 inches in height more like 2 or 3cm.
Lenad is sexy says on 2/May/11
Looked closer 3 inches than 2 inches shorter than Goldblum. 6'1.5 max
In the Independance Day i think he could look just 2 inches shorter than goldblum or 2.5 at push a lot but yeah in the desert scene when they were walking i think there looked 3 inches between them. remember as well will smith had a buzzcut in that film and goldblum had kinda permed curly hair giving him an advantage of looking taller.
i hate to say this as well but if will smith is 6'1 max barefoot then that means goldblum is not the full 6'4.
Toxic said on 3/May/11
standing next to Warren Beatty who was about 189cm at his peak, now about 186 - 187 cm, Will is def 6'1...
Click Here
Danimal said on 2/May/11
Slightly under 6'1" barefoot.. With shoes, slightly over 6'2"..
Lenad said on 2/May/11
Looked closer 3 inches than 2 inches shorter than Goldblum. 6'1.5 max
James said on 2/May/11
for sure did not look 6'2 in Independance Day
Lenad said on 2/May/11
Might measure solid 188cm out of bed. No more than that though. But 187cm morning height is a safer bet.
James said on 1/May/11
tell-em says on 30/Apr/11
give me a break. go watch the final minutes of ID4 when will smith and jeff goldblum are walking side by side. 3 inch difference.
Okay tell-em i am just saying in that one photo there looks no more than a 2 inch difference to me.
how could have richard roundtree have been near 6'3 when his peak was 187cm?
the shredder said on 1/May/11
LOL Rampage , Shaft claims almost 6'2 ... Will looks barely 6'1 ... maybe its Shaft thats honest and Will 6'1 ? ... Rob , really should think about Will , Look at Will with Baldwin and Will is in BOOTS .
Lenad said on 1/May/11
I would say out of bed in the morning he measures at a solid 187cm. Scraping 188cm after a really good sleep. But he isnt a legit 6'2 thats for sure
the shredder said on 1/May/11
LOL I know lillo thomas ... 6'1 flat ... 6'2 is in shoes , the .5 is him supporting his claim
tell-em said on 30/Apr/11
give me a break. go watch the final minutes of ID4 when will smith and jeff goldblum are walking side by side. 3 inch difference.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Apr/11
James perhaps Roundtree was near 6"3 in his prime?
James said on 30/Apr/11
Hate to break it to you guys but poster Brad who is the man of knowledge said that Will Smith is at least 6'1.......
James said on 29/Apr/11
Goldblum only looks 2 inches taller than will smith and does not look 6'4 at all in comparison more like 6'3 max.
Adam Baldwin on the other hand looks 4 inches taller in vegas picture.
CJ said on 29/Apr/11
6'0.5 with measured athletes.
James said on 28/Apr/11
I think rob mentioned that compared to Roundtree on the Fresh Prince will smith looked 6'1 max.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Apr/11
6"0 flat isn't really a fair argument...184cm is probably the lowest he could be
But I think 6"1 on the dot
lillo thomas said on 27/Apr/11
Will fanboys are funny as hell . Will at 6-2 lol. He is 6-1 at best.
CJ said on 27/Apr/11
I don't get the 6'1.5 measurement here. He looks 6'0.5 with Isiah Thomas in video.
Im sure its been posted, but also the same with 6'0 measured Thomas Davis and and Chris Harris of the carolina panthers.
Click Here
James said on 26/Apr/11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 24/Apr/11
He looks close to an inch taller than 6"1(185cm) Johnathan Ross....
hmmmmm i wonder if jonathan ross is 6ft flat???
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Apr/11
He looks close to an inch taller than 6"1(185cm) Johnathan Ross....
d wade said on 21/Apr/11
jonathan ross was 3 inche shorter than the rock who is 6,2 1/2
James said on 21/Apr/11
but adam baldwin had 3 inches on him?
im 183cm said on 20/Apr/11
6'2 is tall, no point downgrading him as much as u can coz i actually met him in person b4..he was definitely two inches taller than me, i was on flip flop n he was on a normal shoe without any lifts or height increase thingy...very friendly guy...the worst part is that just when my gf pressed the snap button to take a pic of me n Smith, my camera's battery went ****ing ****ing dead !!! the rest is history.....but then yeah Will Smith is a convinving 188cm guy
James said on 20/Apr/11
6'4 Jeff Goldblum had just about 3 inches on jonathan ross i think?
Luke Warren said on 19/Apr/11
Hey! Idiots. Will Smith is most definitely 6' 2". He was taller than Jonathan Ross when he made an appearance on his show. And Jonathan Ross is 6' 1" 1/2 lol. You lot are full of ****e lmao!!
the shredder said on 19/Apr/11
Rampage Clover , Man he is 6'2 with shoes ... height chart Hancock ... lillo thomas , when did James Avery claim that height ?
James said on 18/Apr/11
here he is near chevy chase
Click Here
lillo thomas said on 17/Apr/11
Close to 6-3 in shoes . hahahahaha . I never saw that James . Still James Avery never claimed anything over 6-4.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Apr/11
Close to 6"3 in shoes
Chameleon said on 16/Apr/11
Yeah Smith is 6'1.
James said on 15/Apr/11
lillo thomas says on 15/Apr/11
James Avery was 6-4 peak . He never claim anything over 6-4 . Will Smith was atleast 3 inches shorter . So he is 6-1 at best.
Yeah i agree but wasn't james avery taller than Chevy Chase in the 80's?
lillo thomas said on 15/Apr/11
James Avery was 6-4 peak . He never claim anything over 6-4 . Will Smith was atleast 3 inches shorter . So he is 6-1 at best.
James said on 15/Apr/11
Avery was quite heavy which of course probably made him look shorter than he is.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Apr/11
185cm with poor posture...
the shredder said on 15/Apr/11
The 6'2 Will and the 6'3 Avery is coming Mr.R ... nuff said lol
James said on 13/Apr/11
Mr.R saw Avery at 6'3.......funny though how he saw will smith at 6'2 and avery at 6'3 aslo :)
Legend said on 10/Apr/11
He's 6ft0.5 exactly on the dot. Or 185ish...
James said on 10/Apr/11
With james avery even when standing well looked 3.5 inches smaller