Chameleon said on 10/Apr/11
Yes I agree 185cm.
Johan Cruyff said on 9/Apr/11
I'm agree with Milky: 1.87 m in the morning and 1.85 m at night.
I think there're a lot of proofs he's not over these measurements!
mohammad said on 9/Apr/11
He's 6'1, needs a downgrade
the shredder said on 9/Apr/11
Viper , the 6'0 for Will is poor posture ... he is around 6'1 ... this listing needs to be 185cm !
Milky said on 8/Apr/11
187cm morning height, solid 6'1" at night
James said on 8/Apr/11
Will Smith is accurate at knowing his own height when he said 6'2.5. Only 4-5cm off :-)
Viper said on 7/Apr/11
Not to mention the fact that he looks 6-0 with every measured athlete out there, not just 6-1 Tony Parker.
James said on 6/Apr/11
He did look 184cm at times with James Avery
Johan Cruyff said on 6/Apr/11
Guys do you think 6ft0.5 (184cm) is a possiblitly for Will Smith?
It's one chance, but he seems 6'1" to me so probably 6'1.5"-6'1.75" out of bed, so 1-1,5 cm upper you said!
Chameleon said on 6/Apr/11
He clearly is not more than 6'1, whether thats 184 or 186 I dont know but its 6'1 and thats what he is.
the shredder said on 6/Apr/11
Will Smith is still listed 6'1.5 ... is this a joke ?
anon said on 5/Apr/11
How can he be this height if Tony Parker is taller than him?
James said on 5/Apr/11
Guys do you think 6ft0.5 (184cm) is a possiblitly for Will Smith?
Johan Cruyff said on 5/Apr/11
I worked for five years as a stuntman so i learnt to recognize how tall are the actors nd actress!
However I don't know how tall is Will Smith, obviously...this is my opinion...
Chameleon said on 5/Apr/11
Yeah right how do you know how much he shrinks ahahahha XD
Johan Cruyff said on 4/Apr/11
Will Smith height's are:
Morning (out of bed)= 6'1.75" (1.87,5 m)
After 1,5-3 hrs= 6'1.5" (1.86,7 m)
After 5-10 hrs= 6'1" (1.85,4 m)
the shredder said on 4/Apr/11
He is 6'1 ... He looks 6'1 with Adam with boots on ... 6'1.5 ? please 6'1 flat
Chameleon said on 2/Apr/11
He's 186 max!
James said on 1/Apr/11
i think will smiths 185cm
the shredder said on 31/Mar/11
Rob , since you can't choose 6'1 or 6'1.5 ... go with 186cm ?
the shredder said on 30/Mar/11
Rob , why do you still think 6'1.5 even though He looks 6'1 tops with Shaft and Adam Baldwin ?

Editor Rob
6ft 1.5 might be more an earlier part of the day, I still go back and forth on him, one time I think 6ft 1 then 6ft 1.5
James said on 29/Mar/11
danimal has a point since at times he struggled to look a full 6'1 with james avery.
Danimal said on 28/Mar/11
Dural says on 24/Mar/11
Will looks clearly shorter than Tony Parker in all of their pics together and Parker claims to be 186cm. Meanwhile I even doubt a legit 6'1" for Will. He's not 6'2", that's for sure.
Will has never seen 6'1"... The 6'2" claim probably comes from his height in big basketball sneakers.. He WAS shorter than 6'1" Isiah Thomas and that's a fact...
the shredder said on 28/Mar/11
Jazzy he if 6-2 - 6-2.25 ... In shoes ... barefoot is whats laughable !
James said on 27/Mar/11
Jay Z looks 6'2.5 with 6'1 Jonathan Ross
the shredder said on 27/Mar/11
Jazzy ... You have no clue ... He is 6'1 ... how people debate taller then 6'1 is funny
Viper said on 26/Mar/11
Jay Z was shorter than a weak measured 6-1 NFLer Larry Johnson. Jay Z is not 6-1.
Dural said on 24/Mar/11
Will looks clearly shorter than Tony Parker in all of their pics together and Parker claims to be 186cm. Meanwhile I even doubt a legit 6'1" for Will. He's not 6'2", that's for sure.
James said on 24/Mar/11
Put will smith next to tim robbins and there would be around 4 inches between them.
runt said on 24/Mar/11
I'll reiterate, here's the paradox:
if a guy is the height that most people think is 6-2, then if he says he's actually a weak 6-1 (which is the perfect truth in this case) then he will give people the wrong impression of his height--they will think of him as shorter than he actually is until they physically see him. When they see him, they'll say "actually, he's more six-two than six-one" That's because "Six-two" IS a weak 6'1"
Viper said on 24/Mar/11
jay z isnt 6-1
Chameleon said on 24/Mar/11
Yes clearly this guy is at most 186cm...
James said on 24/Mar/11
if will is 6'1 at best then goldblum looked barely 6'3 in comparison.
the shredder said on 24/Mar/11
OMG ... lol ... some really think he is 6'2 ? ... He is clearly 6'1 anything more then 6'1.25 is crap ... this listing is just to please the guys that think he is 6'2 !
James said on 23/Mar/11
Put it this way i think Jay Z is a stronger 6'1 guy than Will Smith
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Mar/11
Wow Smith really does look about 6ft1 at best next to Baldwin who may very well stand a little under 6ft4....weird
runt said on 23/Mar/11
Give him a break. I would bet anything that he is just as tall as the vast majority of people who claim 6'2" or are considered 6'2". It's one of those heights that is recognized by consensus and not by a tape measure :) I know several of them and the only problem is, only us height experts realize they aren't really 6-2 :)
Tony Parker is the real mccoy. A real 6'2" is plenty tall and most people don't realize it.
Click Here
Vegas said on 23/Mar/11
in ID4 he looked ~3 inches shorter than goldblum and baldwin and taller than bill pullman, he was also wearing those big army boots in the movie though, baldwin and pullman are in dress-shoes
the shredder said on 23/Mar/11
Rob , how come you think 6'1 is not fair ? ... I can understand if he looked it once in a while ... but please ... SO much has killed his claims ...
1. height chart 6'2 in shoes
2. looking same height as 6'1 guy ... Will in boots
3. 6'1 in boots next to Adam Baldwin
4. Guy you met that claims " almost " 6'2 making him look 6'0.5
You list yourself 5'8 though you are over it ... yet you list Will 6'1.5 though he is clearly fighting legit 6'1 !
James said on 22/Mar/11
I know Will Smith is tall but look at him next to a massive guy like Adam Baldwin.
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Rob would you agree Will Smith looks no bigger than 6'1 (185cm) compared to 6'4 Adam Baldwin?

Editor Rob
at times he didn't look more than 6ft 1, I'd need to rewatch it again to see.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Mar/11
He's 187cm to 188cm
Same height as Jay Z...
the shredder said on 22/Mar/11
Will Smith is 6'1 ... Please Shaft killed his claims !
James said on 21/Mar/11
If Will Smith is 6'2 then Adam Baldwin must be pushing 6'6.
the shredder said on 21/Mar/11
Rob , you really think 6'1.5 ? ... 6'1 barefoot ... look at the height chart ... Shaft made him look 6'0.5 ... dude is 6'1 sorry !
James said on 20/Mar/11
well 3.5 inches taller than jamie fox
Chameleon said on 19/Mar/11
James a long time ago u provided pics with him and Jamie Foxx and many others, a lot of pics.
All of those as me and The Shredder said, it pointed out to Will being 6'1...
James said on 19/Mar/11
almost 4 inches shorter than james avery
SolidSnake said on 19/Mar/11
haha he has increased his height in 2006 at 38 years old?
the shredder said on 19/Mar/11
Rob ... 6'1 or 6'1.25 ? ... 6'2 in shoes
the shredder said on 18/Mar/11
Hows about we all agree that Will is 6'1 barefoot and 6'2 in footwear ? ... lillo thomas is right ... it is that simple ... plus the height chart in your faces ... He is not 6'1.5 !
James said on 18/Mar/11
If Will Smith is 6'0.5 or 6'1 flat this would mean
James Avery 6'4-6'4.5
Tommy Lee Jones 5'11.25-5'11.5
Jazzy Jeff 5'8.5-5'9
Al Gore 5'11.25-5'11.5
Forest Whitaker 6'0.5-6'1
Jamie Foxx 5'9-5'9.5
Vince Vaughn 6'4.5-6'5
Woody Harrleson 5'8.5-5'9
David Beckham 5'11-5'11.25
Jeff Goldblum 6'2.75-6'3
Cuba Gooding Jr 5'9-5'9.5
Adam Baldwin 6'4-6'4.5
Denzel Washington 5'11.25-5'11.5
Lennox Lewis 6'4.5-6'5
Jonathan Ross 6'0-6'0.5
P-Diddy 5'9-5'9.25
Alfonso Ribearo 5'6.5-5'7
Jay Z 6'0-6'0.5
Bill O'reily 6'4-6'4.5
Jazzy Jeff 5'8.5-5'9
Bruce Willis 5'10-5'10.5
Martin Lawrence 5'7-5'7.5 (odd in 1994 will smith looked 7.5 inches taller yet more recently only looks 5 or 5.5 inches bigger?)
Will Ferrell 6'1.5-6'2
Stevie Wonder 6'0-6'0.5
Chris Tucker 5'11.5-6'0
Djmoun Honsou 6'1.5-6'2
Then again though estimates for these actors could be innaccurate because we all know will smith likes to wear quite big footware.
Guys have you seen these pics of will smith with 6'2.5 Ted Danson before?
184-185cm vs 189cm?
Click Here
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Maybe will smith is standing on tip toes in some of these pics?
James said on 18/Mar/11
This is so suprising, just looking at him back in the Fresh Prince days i thought he was a legit 6'2 guy. just shows how fake hollywood really is when it comes to movie stars heights amongst other things.
Look here in the elevator scene. now james avery was 194cm in the early 90's and he appears 4 inches taller or 3.5 inches taller than will smith
Click Here
So guys do you think 184cm or 185cm is will smiths height? I think maybe 6'1 (185cm) could be on the money? Remember though he was slightly taller than jonathan ross.
that said here with james avery he looks 6'1.5 but will could be wearing like basketball trianers boosting his heihgt a little? that and his hairstlye is deceiving.
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Will Smith is a tall guy but i think he is a 6'1 man wanting to be 6'2 so tends to wear Nike air basketball shoes and timbs :)
truth said on 18/Mar/11
6'1 FLAT WITHOUT SHOES----------
kris said on 18/Mar/11
You guys are all idiots fighting over this little thing.Can't we all agree that Willl smith is between 6.1 and 6.2
lillo thomas said on 18/Mar/11
If Will is 6-2 Sly is 5-10 . lol
the shredder said on 18/Mar/11
Rob , theres no way he is 6'1.5 if he is in shoes in that shot !
Viper said on 17/Mar/11
Hell, better chance Will is 6-2 than Sly being 5-8
lillo thomas said on 17/Mar/11
James you believe that Will Smith is a legit 6-2 . I don't think you will accept that he is 6-1 tops even if I post pics of him with several legit 6-2 guys . So I will not bother . The shredder that height chart speaks for itself. Will only reach 6-2 with shoes.
James said on 17/Mar/11
6'1 max does seem extreme for will smith
the shredder said on 17/Mar/11
Rob , Look at the height chart ... do you agree that he looks 6'2 tops ?

Editor Rob
at the 2 second mark, he looks 'over' 6ft 2 but the angle looks like it adds height so he could potentially be 6ft 2 in shoes.
Will said on 16/Mar/11
Smith is 6'1 1/2". No, he is not a full 6'2".
the shredder said on 16/Mar/11
I know lillo thomas ... Will's "I'm 6ft 2.5" claim is was just to support his 6'2 claim in shoes ! ... He clearly is not 6'2 barefoot most likely weak 6'1 ... Those saying he is 6'1.75 are trying to get him to 6'2 because they think he is 6'2 !
James said on 16/Mar/11
lillo thomas says on 15/Mar/11
I don't understand what's the problem accepting that Will is 6-1 max . When he claims 6-2 is his height in shoes. Will is shorter than legit 6-2 guys so 6-2 for him barefoot is impossible. 6-1 is a very good height for guys . Taller than most guys ( in the USA ) but not by a large margin.
Which 6'2 guys is he shorter than?
lillo thomas said on 15/Mar/11
I don't understand what's the problem accepting that Will is 6-1 max . When he claims 6-2 is his height in shoes. Will is shorter than legit 6-2 guys so 6-2 for him barefoot is impossible. 6-1 is a very good height for guys . Taller than most guys ( in the USA ) but not by a large margin.
James said on 15/Mar/11
Vegas says on 14/Mar/11
bald guy in that prison scene is david mattey how is listed almost everywhere at 6'10
Yeah but they also have Scott L Scwhartz at 6'10 as well........
tell-em said on 14/Mar/11
yup looks 6'1" and who knows if he had on shoes or not. that vid proved two things.: smith is nothing over 6'1" and hes a big fat liar.
Vegas said on 14/Mar/11
bald guy in that prison scene is david mattey how is listed almost everywhere at 6'10
the shredder said on 14/Mar/11
James , you have Holyfeild 6'0.5 but Will Smith at 6'1.5 ? They looked the same height ... Look at the height chart ... 6'1.25 or under barefoot ... He had shoes on while being way in front of it ... All he looked was look a legit 6'2 with those factors !
Clay said on 13/Mar/11
Sly at 5'10.75is harder to believe than Will Smith at 6'2''.
James said on 13/Mar/11
the big bald guy in the prision scene looks like 6'8?
i think possibly
will smith 6'1.5 (187cm)
Jonathan Ross 6ft.75 (185cm)
Evander Holyfield 6ft.05 (184cm)
the shredder said on 13/Mar/11
Yes we are jealous ... Will is clearly NOT 6'2 BAREFOOT ... Mugshot with footwear
Click Here
Will was the Same height as Hollyfield ... Will 6'2 is just as funny as Sly being 5'10.75 ... 6'1 !
James said on 11/Mar/11
the shredder says on 10/Mar/11
Will had the same posture as Hollyfield ... and yes when he are skinny he look taller then what you are ! Ive benn saying it ... I bet Will is only 6'1 !
If your very muscular as well you can look a few inches taller than your actual height.
the shredder said on 10/Mar/11
Will had the same posture as Hollyfield ... and yes when he are skinny he look taller then what you are ! Ive benn saying it ... I bet Will is only 6'1 !
James said on 10/Mar/11
the shredder says on 9/Mar/11
James says on 9/Mar/11
but he was taller than evander hollyfield
No he was not ... they were roughly the same and Will was like 160 lbs lol ... He is 6'1 because he is clearly not 6'2 !
Are you sure? Will was standing with lose posture next to evander and still looked 3cm taller. was it his skinny frame making him look taller?
Viper said on 9/Mar/11
6-0 range, never 6-1. Clearly shorter than 6-1 Isiah Thomas on video
the shredder said on 9/Mar/11
James says on 9/Mar/11
but he was taller than evander hollyfield
No he was not ... they were roughly the same and Will was like 160 lbs lol ... He is 6'1 because he is clearly not 6'2 !
Chameleon said on 9/Mar/11
James werent you the one providing a lot of pics of Will Smith for example next to Jamie Fox and others a while ago? In all those pics he looked 6'1.
James said on 9/Mar/11
but he was taller than evander hollyfield
the shredder said on 9/Mar/11
I don't see whats so hard to see him 6'1 ... he is clearly not 6'2 but yet some still say bs like 6'1.75 ... please ... he is 6'1 !
tell-em said on 8/Mar/11
Clay says on 7/Mar/11
He isn't inflating a lot by saying 6'2, lol, and it's probably just a round up from 6'1.5.
well he isn't 6'1.5"...hes 6'1"
lillo thomas said on 8/Mar/11
He is shorter than legit 6-2 guys . He is 6-1 at best
dmeyer said on 8/Mar/11
6 ft 2.5 might be in a 1 to 1.2 in trainer
dmeyer said on 8/Mar/11
6 ft 1.25 to 6 ft 1.75 is arguable for this guy he is not 188cm and he is not 185 cm
the shredder said on 8/Mar/11
No round up from 6'1.5 ... his height in shoes , 6'1 barefoot , 6'2 is a joke barefoot !
Lenad said on 8/Mar/11
Nope. He is 6-1 min case closed. I would not be surprised if Will is over 6-1 barefoot
Clay said on 7/Mar/11
He isn't inflating a lot by saying 6'2, lol, and it's probably just a round up from 6'1.5.
James said on 6/Mar/11
Well to me Will did appear to have an edge on Kevin Kline in Wild Wild West.
Detox said on 6/Mar/11
6'1.5" Max, 6'1" even at night time.
James said on 5/Mar/11
Well 6'0 6'1 or 6'2 he's still a very good height that a lot of men can't reach. i think the issue is him inflating his height so much that he leaves himself a target to get scrutinized.
lillo thomas said on 4/Mar/11
Nope . He is 6-1 at best case closed . I would not be surprised if Will is under 6-1 barefoot.
tellem said on 4/Mar/11
you can't re-close a case thats already closed. hes 6'1". its been verified
James said on 4/Mar/11
the shredder says on 1/Mar/11
Looking 6'2 and being 6'2 are 2 different things ! ... Look at him next to legit guys , even Shaft that claims almost 6'2 made him look barely 6'1 and Will had decent posture and was rink thin with tall hair !
Yeah in the Fresh Prince he looked 6'2 but that was only becuase he was rake thin in the early seasons on the show. 6ft guys with a lanky frame can give of a 6'2 impression.
Erin Sloane-Lear said on 3/Mar/11
the man is 6'2" just like my husband, case closed.
clayricio said on 2/Mar/11
Rob do you think he is pretty tall, tall, or really tall?

Editor Rob
I'd call him tall.
the shredder said on 1/Mar/11
Looking 6'2 and being 6'2 are 2 different things ! ... Look at him next to legit guys , even Shaft that claims almost 6'2 made him look barely 6'1 and Will had decent posture and was rink thin with tall hair !
Clay said on 28/Feb/11
Ali was on TV here over the weekend and in that movie he does look 6'2''.
the shredder said on 28/Feb/11
I think he is barely 6'1 !
James said on 25/Feb/11
Well clay i think all that bulk made him look shorter
the shredder said on 25/Feb/11
Will only looks 5'11 with really bad posture ... check out the pic with Vince Vaughn ... other times with bad posture can look 6'0 ... Still I think he is 6'1 ... anything over about 186cm to me is too much !
Clay said on 24/Feb/11
James says on 22/Feb/11
funny how he said 6'2 in I robobt because he looked between 5'11-6'0 in that film.
No he didn't. He didn't look anything but his usual self in that movie.
matt said on 24/Feb/11
hes shorter than the guys on American chopper if that helps.... they built a bike for i robot he looked really small compared to them
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Feb/11
Looked 6"0.5/6"1 in Bad Boys and I Robot...
Otherwise he's always looked 6"1.5 or 6"2
the shredder said on 24/Feb/11
Rob , are you still sure on the 6'1.5 ? ... He sure can be 6'1 flat ! ... Not 7 inches taller then Martin Lawrence barefoot in Bad Boys 2 !

Editor Rob
of course 186cm isn't ruled out, in the end he could be it, but for the moment I'm not going to change it.
James said on 22/Feb/11
funny how he said 6'2 in I robobt because he looked between 5'11-6'0 in that film.
AMERIAH said on 21/Feb/11
In I Robot will smith says that he is 6ft 2 and 200 pounds that why I asked how tall will smith is P.S I am a big fan of Will and Jada Smith.
DejaVu said on 21/Feb/11
There is always a constant hunch with this guy. There is a big chance that he is the listed height if he stands straight.
James said on 20/Feb/11
GUYS the presenter of the UK show 'Balls of Steel' who is 6ft4.5 stood next to will smiths waxwork in London and he was not that much taller given that will smith waxwork model was in a slouched positon.
here is the guy i am talking about
Click Here
James said on 20/Feb/11
Here is robbins next to colin farrell. look how small he makes him look and colin is normal sized at 5'10 and you tell me robbins does not look super tall there?
Click Here
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Here is jeff goldblum who is 193cm next to normal sized actors just to give you an idea of how big 6'4 looks compared to regular sized guys.
Click Here
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James said on 20/Feb/11
Oh come on i think anybody who is 6 or 7 inches over average is more than just 'normal sized' and 6'7 alot more so at 6'7.
Maybe 6'4 is not so much 'super tall' in Holland or the Netherlands but in the UK and the US and 6'4 you will make regular tall guys look normal.
Normal/regular tall is 5'11-6'2.
Viper said on 18/Feb/11
6-7-6-8 is super tall. 6-10 is where giant starts
tell-em said on 18/Feb/11
well norton doesn't look 6'0" next to 6'4.5-6'5" tim robbins.
lillo thomas said on 18/Feb/11
6-10 is in the gigantic range . world record is beyond 7-2.
Anonymous said on 18/Feb/11
6'4 and 6'5 isn't super tall. At this height you would probably tallest guy almost everywhere or at least as tall, as another tall guy in your group, but you still "normal sized" man, you're average for a lot of sports, all young guys are tall e.t.c
lillo thomas said on 18/Feb/11
I agree with Vegas . Nobody in those pics is 6ft . Robbins will make legit 6 footers short but put him next to Shaq and he would look like a dwarf.
James said on 17/Feb/11
well 6'10 is like gigantisim/world record kind of size isn't it?
Will Ferrell could also be 190cm?
I am sure as well that Adrian in the pics i posted is 6ft solid.
lillo thomas said on 17/Feb/11
I saw the pics you posted . Yes robbins makes 6 foot guys short but he isn't super tall . Super tall to me is aproaching the giant range . 6-4 and 6-5 guys look short
next to 6-10 and plus guys .
Vegas said on 17/Feb/11
lillo is right, 6'4/6'5 is tall but not supertall, will ferrell is a tall man, not that much shorter than robbins and look at him next to shaq now imagine ferrell next to neil fingleton
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james i don't think anybody in that shot is 6ft, woody is probably 5'9 range, dennis hooper looked extremely short next to dwayne johnson
Click Here and its really debatable whether ed norton is 6ft looking at him next to brad pitt, thats not to say robbins isn't very tall, he is but he ain't supertall, put him next to kareem even a near 70 year old kareem and he would look short
James said on 16/Feb/11
Well he did say "Your 6ft? 6ft2?" Jay Z makes Jonathan Ross look 6'1 at most.
Also Clay and llillo thomas tim robbins is 6'4-6'5 and woulden't you say he looks super tall next to a medium height guy.
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i mean look how small he makes legit 6ft guys look in these pics
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Vegas said on 16/Feb/11
james, ross guessed jay z at 6'2 on that show, 40secs onward
Click Here
Clay said on 16/Feb/11
Ahhh another vote that 6'4 isn't super tall. Take notice James.
the shredder said on 16/Feb/11
I can't see how some of you see think 6'1 is too low ... he is not 6'2 barefoot and the proof is him next to legit heights and the Hancock mug shot he was only over 6'2 because he was in footwear and closer to the camera ... I really don't think he is more then 6'1 if measured barefoot and I love to see Rob next to him !
tell-em said on 15/Feb/11
will's footwear looks questionable next to 6'1" jay-z
James said on 15/Feb/11
llillo thomas says on 15/Feb/11
Will is way closer to the camera than Keanu Reeves in thst pic . 6-4 and 6-5 aren't super tall heights . Super tall heights are 6-7 , 6-8 and plus.
well to a 5'10 guy 6'4-6'5 will look super tall
llillo thomas said on 15/Feb/11
Will is way closer to the camera than Keanu Reeves in thst pic . 6-4 and 6-5 aren't super tall heights . Super tall heights are 6-7 , 6-8 and plus.
James said on 14/Feb/11
looks taller than keanu reeves (dodgy camera angle)?
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I know Keanu is listed at (185cm) i think he's 184cm personally but i know a french magazine listed him at 182cm back in the 90's.
James said on 14/Feb/11
Jonathan Ross guessed Jay Z's height at 6ft when he made an appearence on his show back in 2008 (coincidentally at the same time when will smith made an appearence on the show).
shredder i remember when 6'2 donald trump made a cameo on the fresh prince will smith did look a little more than just half an inch shorter than donald.
the shredder said on 14/Feb/11
James , yes he looked like a kid with Tim Robbins ... and to be fair thats the shortest Martin has looked , Martin is below average but not really short ... Martin next to guys like Michael J. Fox or Joe Pesci will not look that short ... I think Martin could range from Stiller to G , under 5'7 ... If we go with 5'6 Martin then Will is not even 6'1 ... the 6'2.5 makes Martin 5'8 to 5'9, lol and Martin only claims 5'7-5'8 so Martin is in Sly footwear or Will is 6'1 !
BBSMOOTH said on 13/Feb/11
Pic of Will and Jay-Z, even straightened, I think Jay is taller.
Click Here
chantal said on 12/Feb/11
i have seen will. i am like 5'8 and i am sure that he was at least 4 inches taller then me.
James said on 12/Feb/11
shredder remember how short Martin looked next to tim robbins?
the shredder said on 11/Feb/11
Martin Lawrence at 5'6 or 5'6.5 makes it even worst for Will being TOPS 6'1 flat ... clip from Bad Boys 2 ... and I think Lawrence is even barefoot ?
Click Here
Will at even close to 6'2 makes Lawrence 5'8 , lol !
James said on 11/Feb/11
yeah but martin lawrence could be standing on a plank of wood or something?
jtm said on 11/Feb/11
martin lawrence is not 5'7 more like 5'6 maybe 5'6.5 and is true will didn't look that much taller than him but i also notice that lawrence was no more than an inch shorter than 5'8 joe pantoliano and the same height or even taller than 5'7 michael imperioli.
the shredder said on 10/Feb/11
Rob , check out 5:33 on here ... Does this look like 5'7 vs. 6'2 ?
Click Here

Editor Rob
he doesn't look 7 inches taller in that clip
James said on 10/Feb/11
lillo thomas says on 9/Feb/11
pretty tall fellow ? Will look pretty short next to legit 6-4 and 6-5 guys . In fresh prince James Avery dwarf Will most of the time.
6'4 and 6'5 are 'super tall' heights and even legitly tall guys like will smith or keanu reeves will look normal next to guys 193cm and over.
James said on 10/Feb/11
Even if Will Smith was as low as 6ft he is still a tall man.
the shredder said on 10/Feb/11
lillo thomas , watch Bad Boys with Martin Lawrence ... I can't see 5'6 vs. 6'2 , but I can see 5'7 vs. 6'1 !
lillo thomas said on 9/Feb/11
pretty tall fellow ? Will look pretty short next to legit 6-4 and 6-5 guys . In fresh prince James Avery dwarf Will most of the time.
the shredder said on 7/Feb/11
Not right ... He is clearly NOT 6'2 ... more 6'1 !
James said on 7/Feb/11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 6/Feb/11
I little over 6"2 out of bed....
you mean a little over 6'3?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Feb/11
I little over 6"2 out of bed....
Anno said on 6/Feb/11
6'2'' is about right.
Maybe he's 6'2.5'' in the morning and started to say this nowadays.
@Rob :
Do you think 6'2'' could be right for him? He's a pretty tall fellow
the shredder said on 5/Feb/11
Rob , are you still thinking about 186cm ?

Editor Rob
at the moment I'm leaving it, but 186 is still a real possibility
Ali said on 4/Feb/11
He looks taller than 180cm, but shorter than 187cm. I think
6'0.5 or 6'1.
the shredder said on 4/Feb/11
He looks 6'0 with LL Cool J ... but he is not that low ... 6'2 for Will is as realistic as Glenn's 5'8 LOL !
James said on 4/Feb/11
but is will smith standing with bad posture?
johno said on 3/Feb/11
Click Here
Ok, repost. LL cool j and will smith, the first link didnt display anything
James said on 3/Feb/11
he does look 6ft0.5-6ft1 in those photos
the shredder said on 3/Feb/11
He does NOT look more then 6'1 in all them photos !
johno said on 2/Feb/11
Click Here
Here he is listed with the 5'9 jamie foxx. Foxx ssys himself that he's 5'9 but he could be low as 5'8. I believe will smith has 3 inches on jamie foxx in that picture and mostly throughout that night. But i let you lot judge that for yourselves.
johno said on 2/Feb/11
Click Here
He is also clearly shorter then ll cool j
johno said on 2/Feb/11
Click Here
Heres the same scene different angle.
johno said on 2/Feb/11
Click Here
I'm not sure if this picture has been posted before or if its in the archives but drawing attention to this, i notice that david beckham looks about 0.5 inches shorter then will smith in here.
Beckham looks like his footwear is around 1.3 inches and wills are around, 0.5. That would give beckham an 0.8inch advantage. 0.8 inches plus the 0.5 inches will has over beckham would mean will smith is around 1.3 inches taller then beckham.
Beckhams top listed height is 5.11.5 which i believe is a stretch but even with that, will smith looks around 6'0.8. But i also believe beckham could be as low as 5'10.75 ie around 179 cm meaning will smith might hover around the 6'0.3 mark.
Anyhow, i knw the above figures are not exactly science and precise but my point was not to illustrate will smith is 6'0.3 but rather, he can look low as 6'0, certainly not the 6'2.5 he claims and i struggle believe he is above 6'1 either. I think he around holyfields height and jonathons ross's height 6'0.5.
If will smith came tomorrow said, ok im not above the 6'0 milestone, i wouldn't be shocked. He's a low 6-footer.
the shredder said on 1/Feb/11
Look at there heads ... Same height and Holyfield is standing just as bad , even if you guys see Will slightly taller , if Holyfield is 6'0.5 or 6'1 then it still buts Will closer to 6'1 then 6'1.5 , Will is rank thin too so he is going to seem taller even if he is same height at best !
James said on 1/Feb/11
Maybe Will might be taller than we think?
jtm said on 1/Feb/11
i agree james.will is definitely taller than holyfield and holyfield is at least 6'0.5 because he was 3 or 3.5 taller than 5'9.5 george clooney but we don't see what footwear they are both wearing.
James said on 1/Feb/11
shredder but will is standing with worse and still looks slightly taller????
the shredder said on 1/Feb/11
James I think they are both 6'1 , Evander Holyfield was measured 6'1.25 , barefoot ? With shoes ? ... who knows ... Will is NOT taller , look at the top of there heads ... LOL at 6'1.5 minimum !
James said on 31/Jan/11
Evander i think could be under 6'1.
the shredder said on 31/Jan/11
Holyfield is about 6'1 and Will does not look taller ... it is clear that Will is about 6'1 , so no 6'1.5 minimum , 184cm to 186cm is about Where Will averages !
Nicolás said on 31/Jan/11
Rob here's another one
Click Here
Smith opposite Evander Holyfield in ''Fresh Prince''
They both claim 6'2''; i think Will looks slightly taller.
Anyway, if Evander's height is listed right (6'1''), then
will couldn't be less than 6'1,5''
James said on 30/Jan/11
I think in I robot looked 182cm.
the shredder said on 30/Jan/11
He is not 6'0 or 6'2 , 186cm is fair ... could be 6'1 flat or a little under !
Clay said on 29/Jan/11
Viper has him cemented at 6'0..
James said on 27/Jan/11
2017 is not really that far away and since this debate has been going on since 2006 i see no reason why it should not continue for another 6 years LOL.
Lenad said on 26/Jan/11
2017?? Hope not!!!
the shredder said on 26/Jan/11
James , by then he might only be 6'0 LOL !
James said on 26/Jan/11
In 2017 we will probably still be having this debate
the shredder said on 25/Jan/11
LOL James , yup from Viper's 5'11 to Glenn's 6'3 lol , As for Will's claims ... I would only buy it if there was proof that he measured that barefoot , till then Im calling like I see it , BS !
James said on 25/Jan/11
LOL shredder funny to think this debate over will smiths has been going since 2006 LOL.
pretty kool said on 25/Jan/11
ehhh I think he is just a SOLID 6-1 MAX. esp. during youth
and now maybe 6 foot and half inch or just 6-0 ??
the shredder said on 24/Jan/11
Rampage , sorry he is not , Height Chart Hancock , strong 6'2 only do to shoes and being closer to the camera and look at him next to measured guys ! Im open to see a little over 6'1 , but I personally think 6'1 flat and would bet that he would look that if Rob or Mumun had a pic !
Lenad said on 24/Jan/11
Looked 6'1-ish near Baldwin i thought
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Jan/11
6"1.75(187cm) is on target
Probably 189-190cm in shoes
James said on 23/Jan/11
Adam Baldwin made him look no more than 6'1. Don't say Adam is 6'4.5 because he really is not.
Larry said on 23/Jan/11
Jeff Goldblum does seem to tower over him in Independence day, Will could be 6 1 but prob not much shorter
Clay said on 21/Jan/11
Danimal says on 21/Jan/11
You're Canadian?
Born and raised my friend.
James said on 21/Jan/11
don't know about that clay isn't the average in your country 5'8.5? Here in the UK where the average is 5'9.5 you don't really see many 6'4 guys.
Danimal said on 21/Jan/11
Clay says on 20/Jan/11
You will see plenty of 6'4'' guys daily if you hang out in a mall or a supermarket or some other large store. Maybe you guys just live in a shorter part of the world? 6'2-6'3-6'4 isn't eye-popping tall in Western CAnada.
You're Canadian?
john said on 21/Jan/11
they always try and add a little height lol, and guys check an average height chart over the world before going off about where its normal to see tall guys and not, the average statistics doesnt lie, but some of you guys definitely do
somebody new said on 20/Jan/11
yeah the 6'1,25'' listing was probably closer to the truth. Still at some point of the day Will is 6'1,5'' for sure.
James said on 20/Jan/11
you have a point shredder in the past will really has looked like more of a tallish guy.
jtm said on 20/Jan/11
matt damon at 5'10 is utter garbage and stallone at 5'10 is even more utter garbage.
the shredder said on 20/Jan/11
The Glenn pic might have been utter garbage to some people , but Will at 6'2 is even more utter garbage !
Clay said on 20/Jan/11
You will see plenty of 6'4'' guys daily if you hang out in a mall or a supermarket or some other large store. Maybe you guys just live in a shorter part of the world? 6'2-6'3-6'4 isn't eye-popping tall in Western CAnada.
We knew Glenn was a weak 5'8 at best based on pics where both he and Rob had with the same celeb. Glenn wore huge boots a lot of the time so his claim of 5'9 in shoes probably wasn't far off.
SAK said on 19/Jan/11
James says on 19/Jan/11
shredder in england as well its rare to see guys over 6'2. if you went to denmark or poland u would see more guys over 6'2.
It is not rare 2 see guys over 6ft2 in England, i personally many guys over 6ft2,
Will Smith is the ideal height of 6ft1.5/187cm
Lenad said on 19/Jan/11
If Glenn was 5'7-ish then Will would be 6'1 range
James said on 19/Jan/11
glenn could have been 5'6.5.
Will gives 6'2.5 guys a bad name :)
the shredder said on 19/Jan/11
Glenn being 5'7 tops , well 5'6 3/4 , puts Will at 6'1 even more !
tell-em said on 19/Jan/11
that pic w/ glenn was utter garbage. first of all, will smith was bending over to the max. 2nd, glenn 99.9% of the time had stealth boots that stallone would wear.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jan/11
The reason he was listed as 6"2(188cm) was because he looked 6-7 inches taller than Glenn who we all believed was 5"8(173cm) at time when really he was 5"7 tops
James said on 19/Jan/11
shredder in england as well its rare to see guys over 6'2. if you went to denmark or poland u would see more guys over 6'2.
the shredder said on 19/Jan/11
Yea I agree , anything over 6'2 you rarely see , and Will being 6'2.5 is a joke , he is closer to 6'1 , even if he is 6'1.25 or a flat 6'1 max like some think !
Efi A said on 19/Jan/11
I have met him in person He's 187-188 cm
My friend who is 6'1 was short than him by 2-3 cm.
Clay said on 19/Jan/11
6'1.25 probably spot on!
James said on 18/Jan/11
Johno's right 6'4 guys are rare to see. 6'2 you will probably see more than twice a day but the amount of guys you see over 6'3 are a hell of a lot rarer.
look at time robbins for example you never see anyone taller than him in photos.
the shredder said on 18/Jan/11
Rob , then why did you change it ? That was your best listing then !

Editor Rob
it was too low for him then, at least I thought it was
the shredder said on 18/Jan/11
Rob , you never had him 6'1.25 , only 6'2 then 6'1.75 then 6'1.5 then back to 6'2 because of Glenn then 6'1.75 then back to 6'1.5 !
Also guys , some of you blame his posture even when its normal , Rich Roundtree made him look 6'1 and Will had Normal posture and Rich claims almost 6'2 ! 6'1.75 or 6'2 for Will is a joke , he is a strong 6'1 max !

Editor Rob
I did list him 1.25 for a short while in 2006
Johno said on 17/Jan/11
- For me, will smith is between 5'11 and 6'00. In i-robot when he was wearing his sneakers, he did not give me the impression someone over 6 foot. The problem is, most of society estimate thier heights so our opinions of heights are usually 2-3 inches off. I'm 5'9.25 in the morning, most people assume i'm 5'10 and i get away with saying 5'11 with some lot. So can my friends who actually quote 5'10 and 5'11 and believe it to! A natural,legit, tape measured at 72 inches is very tall, 6'2 almost lanky and 6'4 ie 76 inches, forget about it, you never see true 76 inchers around, maybe once or twice a day casually. My friend is 6'4 as measured by me and he is gigantic. Thus whenever i hear, 6'1, 6'2, 6'3 and even 6'4 and 6'5 :S being brandished around by nearly every other male celebrity and people actually dignifying it with a debate, it irritates the hell out of me. (Please people, get a tape measurer and mark out 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 etc inches and you will realize what i mean)
James said on 17/Jan/11
I remmeber when will smith returned to philidelphia in one episode someone commented he grew taller. that would make me think maybe in 1989 will was 184 or 185cm?
James said on 17/Jan/11
HEY GUYS remember when donald trump made a guest appearence on the fresh prince? Will Smith looked 1-2cm shorter so 186cm is not impossible but then again wills posture may not have been good?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jan/11
Looked about 6"2 next to Johnathan Ross
Lenad said on 16/Jan/11
Looked the same height if not a tad taller than Jonathan Ross
Lenad said on 14/Jan/11
Measured at a doctor he's probably 186.8cm or something like that
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Jan/11
6"1.5 or 6"1.75 is on the money
6"0.5(184cm) with bad posture
James said on 14/Jan/11
rob did you have will smith at 6'1.25 (186cm) before?

Editor Rob
for a short while
Lenad said on 14/Jan/11
I'd say he's scraping 187cm
Lenad said on 14/Jan/11
I reckon his height floats between 186 and 187. Probably a weak 187cm barefoot i'd say
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/11
Don't see him being lower than 6 feet 1.5 inches Rob...where you have him is good. You've downgraded him quite a bit already lol!

Editor Rob
he's changed height from 6ft 1.25 to 1.5 to 1.75 to 2 to 1.75 to 1.5.
you see the pattern going on here for 6 years ;)
James said on 13/Jan/11
i agree 5'11.5 with poor posture
the shredder said on 13/Jan/11
Rob , you thinking about 6'1.25 ?

Editor Rob
it's a possibility, but not this moment
the shredder said on 13/Jan/11
6'1.25 is better for him , downgrade !
Larc186-188cm said on 11/Jan/11
He looks 186-187cm with 193cm O'Brien.
the shredder said on 11/Jan/11
Rob , To me 6'1.25 is closer , that would make him 6'2.5 with shoes .

Editor Rob
and then Will can say 'see I'm telling the truth...I just forgot to mention 6ft 2.5 was in shoes'
Lenad said on 11/Jan/11
Rob do you think Will is closer to 6'1 than 6'2?

Editor Rob
at this moment I think 6ft 1.25 or .5 is closer than 1.75 would have been.
unless he's a guy who shrinks 3cm a day
James said on 10/Jan/11
Hmmm I am skeptical of James Avery being 6'4.5 in the Fresh Prince.
Lenad said on 9/Jan/11
I would say absolute min 185cm. But 186-187cm is a safer bet
Mister said on 8/Jan/11
whats ya'lls deal guys, yea hes anywhere between 6'0" ta 6'2" wat diffrence does it make
Lenad said on 6/Jan/11
He's in the 6'1 range. 186-187cm would be my guess
Vegas said on 6/Jan/11
vaughn was taller than 6'4.3 barefoot measured tom brady at the espys one year
Clay said on 6/Jan/11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 5/Jan/11
Vince Vaughn 6"5(196cm)
Conan O Brien 6"3.75(192cm)
The Rock 6"3.25(191cm)
Will Smith 6"1.75(187cm)
Vaughn - 6'5
Conan - 6'4
Johnson - 6'2.5
Smith - 6'1.25
James said on 5/Jan/11
vince is 194cm at night
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jan/11
Vince Vaughn 6"5(196cm)
Conan O Brien 6"3.75(192cm)
The Rock 6"3.25(191cm)
Will Smith 6"1.75(187cm)
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 5/Jan/11
It's only your opinion. But if he 194cm tall, then will is only 6ft and rock 6ft2.
James said on 4/Jan/11
Truthman I think Vince is more 194-195cm range personally. i think 196cm is a stretch for Vince.
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 4/Jan/11
Only in
Nike Shox he can reach 6'2.5 mark. He is 6'1.
here is my chart
Rock: 190cm
Will: 185-186cm
Tommy Lee Jones: 184cm (182cm now)
Jonathan Ross: 185cm
Conan: 193cm
Vince: 195-196cm
Will & Rock
Click Here
Rock & Vince
Click Here
Clay said on 3/Jan/11
I find myself agreeing with Hugh more than posters like Dan, Viper, jtm etc.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jan/11
he's calling he height in shoes when he says 6"2.5(189cm)
James said on 2/Jan/11
Listen I don't think will smith is 6'2 but you have to remember in Independance Day in a scene with Bill Pullmam he looked identical in height if NOT even a hair taller........ But still maybe Will Smith was wearing army boots or something because often he wears quite big footware? Belive it or not i think will smith has a thing about his height despite being tall he inflates his height and says 6'2.5 which is ridicolous. Maybe its because (or so i have heard) that will smiths dad was 6'4?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jan/11
I downgrade aswell...
SAK said on 1/Jan/11
Smith is solid a 6ft1.
the shredder said on 1/Jan/11
Hugh and Danimal are just alike , but one downgrades to the lowest a celeb can look , and the other upgrades just for the fun of it !
Clay said on 1/Jan/11
Danimal says on 31/Dec/10
hahaha.. Typical Hugh (needing everybody to be as tall as possible (by the .25")), so that you feel less self conscious about your own tall frame..
Why do you want everyone as short as physically possible?
DejaVu said on 31/Dec/10
I don't think Will is that conscious about his height, at least not as much as Brad Pitt. Will slouches in all the pictures and doesn't care to appear shorter.
Danimal said on 31/Dec/10
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 30/Dec/10
6"1.75(187cm for Will Smith and 6"3.25(191cm) for The Rock
hahaha.. Typical Hugh (needing everybody to be as tall as possible (by the .25")), so that you feel less self conscious about your own tall frame..
d wade said on 31/Dec/10
the rock looks easy 3 inches taller than jonathan ross
the shredder said on 31/Dec/10
Richard Rountree claims " almost 6'2 " and Made Will like 6'1 !
Mathew said on 30/Dec/10
This listing is right on.
James said on 30/Dec/10
Vegas you have to remember though that the rock is standing ALOT straighter than Will Smith. As we all know Will slouches.
here is what i think
Rock Dwayne Johnson 6ft3 (191cm)
Jonathan Ross 6ft1.25 (186cm)
Will Smith 6ft1.5 (187cm)
Will Smith does look to edge out jonathan ross a bit. I would imagine if will smith and the rock stood side by side there would be a 4cm difference between them. Will Smith seems like a stronger 6'1 guy than jonathan ross. Jonathan really does not look 6'1.5 or 6'2 when he sized up to solid 6ft4.5 Vince Vaughn because there was 3.5 between them.
Also Will Smith even when he is slouching has 1cm on Ross in your pic Vegas. So i think considering how tall will looks next to jonathan ross i think 187cm is still accurate for will smith. that said though will smiths footware looks quite big when he appeared on that show. i think will smith is a self concious about his height despite already a tall guy.
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 30/Dec/10
He is 6'1.
lillo thomas said on 30/Dec/10
The rock pic isn't the best pic but still look 2 inches taller than will . 1 inch is not very notable and the difference between the two is notable 2 inches .
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Dec/10
6"1.75(187cm for Will Smith and 6"3.25(191cm) for The Rock
the shredder said on 30/Dec/10
6'1 range barefoot !
James said on 29/Dec/10
Rock 6'2.5 (189cm) and Will Smith 6'1.25 (186cm)?
Clay said on 29/Dec/10
lillo thomas says on 29/Dec/10
the Rock is clearly atleast 2 inches taller than smith
That is a dreadful pic to guage height. Will Smith is 6'1'' Dwayne is 6'2.5''.
michael said on 29/Dec/10
Looks about 6-1 flat in most movies I have seen
lillo thomas said on 29/Dec/10
the Rock is clearly atleast 2 inches taller than smith
DejaVu said on 29/Dec/10
I still think that he is 187cm with bad posture.
James said on 29/Dec/10
I think 6'1 max is silly. 186cm could be his height?