Nik said on 17/Oct/19
She lights up celebheights!
Nik said on 16/Oct/19
She's quite tall!
Nik Ashton said on 5/Oct/19
@ Heidi - Too true!
even said on 22/Jul/17
your legit
Heidi said on 16/Mar/17
She is taller than the average woman
Nik said on 8/Nov/16
I envisaged her to be about 5'5 or 5'6 before I find out her height on this site. So with her being 5'6 I was more or less correct on that one which makes a change considering how bad I am at judging some people's heights. One good thing about the Jeremy Kyle show is that at least you can switch it off.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Nov/16
@ Arch Stanton - Ha ha! What a bunch of Kyle fans we are!
(He's a self-righteous know-all, and though I try to find something nice about most, his show is really just about self- glorification!)
Trisha was different though and was there because she cared!
Arch Stanton said on 7/Nov/16
I used to watch her shows (and Jerry Springer's and Ricki Lake's) in the late 90s/early 2000s. Always thought Trisha was a beautiful person, that came across in the shows. She's had a hard life I think in some aspects. Stopped watching when her shows moved to Channel 5 I think. Rarely watched Jeremy Kyle as the people are just trash and his obnoxious demeanour and biting voice winds me up LOL. I had thought Trisha tallish, I'd have thought 5 ft 7 or 8 but 5 ft 6 possible.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Nov/16
@ Rojina - I'll drink to that!
Rojina said on 6/Nov/16
Probably about correct . The guests on her show were more relatable and less brain-dead than the chavvy fodder on Kyle. She was less judgemental than Kyle as well. On her show she appears taller as she normally wore 3 inch courts.
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Nov/16
I never knew Trisha Goddard started off as a journalist! Neither did I know for sure how tall she is, but I would have guessed that she's above average and 5ft6 is a nice height; I read just now that she finds high heels restrictive, and it must be good not to have to rely on them in order to be taken seriously!
I remember her for her talk show, which was gentler and easier to watch than the Jeremy Kyle show we have now! She was more sympathetic to the guests' problems and at least you didn't end up with a headache come the end of the show!

Editor Rob
yes, she worked as an air hostess, then a journalist in Australia. I only probably seen 1 or 2 episodes of her chat shows, I never watched stuff like that much.
Nik said on 5/Nov/16
It's good that she has got a page. Nice lady.