How tall is The Undertaker - Page 4

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Average Guess (951 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Sep/21
But posture is literally never accounted for whenever Undertaker slouches in any of his face offs with shorter guys by anyone? 🤔🤔
Alex 6'0 said on 14/Sep/21
Brian lee looked 6'4-6'5 with peak undertaker
UntertakerFrank said on 14/Sep/21
Brian Lee was about 2 inches Shorter than 6ft 5 Bryan Adams ( Crush) Yes Lee was listed @ 6ft 6 &
6ft 7 but i did see a 6ft 3 listing which is probably accurate
Carlo12 said on 14/Sep/21
Brian Lee was billed 6'6-6'7, and he was probably bit taller than 6'4, he was never listed 6'3.
Olli said on 14/Sep/21
BRIAN LEE WAS 6,5 not 6,3 way to Low for him
Olli said on 14/Sep/21
BRIAN LEE WAS 6,5 not 6,3 way to Low for him
Canson said on 13/Sep/21
Battery6565 said on 12/Sep/21

Nice try dude. Big show is listed 7 foot peak not 6'11" lmao . Just downgrade everyone else from their actual height to attempt to prove something?

Ok but Taker is listed 6’6 and you’re upgrading him. What’s better about what you’re doing versus Robbe?
Robbe said on 13/Sep/21
@He1ghtexpert49,i was counting their postures as well. Show is slouching there, while Taker is not. Standing tall Show would hit the 7ft line. There you go! :D
Canson said on 13/Sep/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 10/Sep/21
And again the same cherrypicked pics and we go in the same cycle. For the 99th time, you are judging him from his low eye level. If you saw him without the hat, him and Love would appear much closer.
Click Here

Keep in mind, this was just a week after a knee or hip surgery he had anyway.

No i'm not Battery whatever, I assume it's some inside joke I don't get and neither does it have anything to do with his height, so why should I respond to that?

You are actually
UndertakerFrank said on 12/Sep/21
Dewie Fake Undertake Brian Lee was listed @ 6ft 3
He1ghtexpert49 said on 12/Sep/21

Nice try dude. Big show is listed 7 foot peak not 6'11" lmao . Just downgrade everyone else from their actual height to attempt to prove something?
He1ghtexpert49 said on 12/Sep/21
this guy lmao . Kevin love is 6'7.75". How does this look like 2.25"? This is literally his worst pic 1 week after a hip surgery and cos of the low eye level due to his hat and even here it's 1.5" max if I'm pushing it .
ChaosControl said on 12/Sep/21
Hats make people taller not shorter
Alex 6'0 said on 10/Sep/21
Undertaker looking 6'5.5 with kevin love
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 10/Sep/21
Fake undertaker was 6ft5 the real undertaker was 6ft8 3inches taller.
Jordan87 said on 10/Sep/21
@ ChaosControl,

I could see Taker at 280 by around 1996-1997. 1990-1994 he looked a Bit Leaner, 265ish. Eventually past the 2000's he could have been pushing 300. Kane always looked more muscular. to me than Taker. Sid however may have had one of the best Physiques. Sid Admitted he was 6'6, looks 6'5 in a mug shot when older, whether he was 6'5 or 6'6", all i know is he had " The Look".
He1ghtexpert49 said on 10/Sep/21
And again the same cherrypicked pics and we go in the same cycle. For the 99th time, you are judging him from his low eye level. If you saw him without the hat, him and Love would appear much closer.
Click Here

Keep in mind, this was just a week after a knee or hip surgery he had anyway.

No i'm not Battery whatever, I assume it's some inside joke I don't get and neither does it have anything to do with his height, so why should I respond to that?
Robbe said on 10/Sep/21
Taker vs Big Show. Footwear about the same Click Here
MichaelMyers said on 9/Sep/21
6'8" peak, a hair over 6'6" current. Comparing Taker back in the late 1980s & early 1990s, and how he looks in recent years, the height difference is quite noticeable. Tho I do believe he's always looked shorter than he actually was, considering how men with "tall heads" tend to look shorter than they actually are. Hulk Hogan, & especially Andre the Giant & Big Show also have this problem. They will always look shorter, compared to men who are the same height as them, but with a shorter head. For examples, the guy with the taller head's jawline is gonna be below the other guy's jawline, & the guy with the taller head will also often times have his eyeline below the other guy's eyeline.
ChaosControl said on 8/Sep/21
@Canson it’s not worth the time for me to correct it to be honest
Canson said on 7/Sep/21
ChaosControl said on 28/Aug/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 28/Aug/21
Lol, do you guys ever go on a page and NOT think the person is shorter than their listing? Every page I go on, the same three or four guys are claiming every celebrity is shorter than their listing. And no, Cena's listing is fine.

Bold worse from a guy shouting for upgrades on every page he sees

Lol notice how I always reply to Battery6565? He’s never denied that he is and I’ve called him that in posts so the disguise is gone 😂 😂
Canson said on 7/Sep/21
Battery6565 said on 4/Sep/21
Do you go on a page and not think the person is taller than their listing?
Why do you accept listings?

Pick one.

You just admitted Undertaker makes people look shorter than their listings and that's a step in the right direction. Maybe that's why I think he's taller than his listing? Lol.

To answer your question, yes I have commented on pages saying they aren't taller than their listings. And maybe it didn't occur to you but heights are meant to comply with each other. If one is listed 6'10" and the other 6'6" and they are 2.5" apart in person then of course I'll call for an upgrade on one or downgrade on another.

But of course in your case, it’s always to upgrade one. And that’s BS what you just said because Taker does not always make people look shorter than their listing. Look at Tristan Thompson James Jones and Kevin Love with Taker below

Click Here

Love in front of 6’4.75” (I’m predicting you make an excuse that Kobe is taller than his Listing)

Click Here

Love measured 6’7.75 but is likely a morning measurement. Here is Dan Majerle calling him 6’7. I don’t think he’s 6’7 flat but he doesn’t look 6’7.75” there

Click Here

Click Here

Tristan Thompson measured 6’7.5 when he was drafted. He may have grown and may be 6’8” now but Taker actually makes him look taller than he is so your excuse failed.

Thompson with 6’7.25 LeBron James

Click Here

James Jones (estimated 6’7) with Taker

Click Here

Taker looks max 6’6 in any pic
Carlo12 said on 6/Sep/21
Alex 6'0
How many times somebody will post this picture again?
That's photoshopped picture, Real Picture is Kane with Jack Swagger. Kane wasn't taller than Taker, when they both were younger.
Edward Mullen said on 6/Sep/21
Anyone know how tall Brian lee the “fake undertaker” was
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 5/Sep/21
Taker looks taller than listed 6ft6.75 200cm.
Sup6 said on 5/Sep/21
Well if you see taker in his peak back in the day, i think he doesn’t look above 6ft7 flat. I mean sometimes he looked near an inch taller than sid but he was in big footwear.
Click Here
Click Here
While sid wore a flat boots
Click Here
Different when they wore the same boots
Click Here

6ft7 flat seems an accurate measurament for undertaker peak. He doesn’t look above this mark. Even next to crush (brian adams) listed here 6ft5 and for sure doesn’t look above this mark
Click Here
Here you can see him next to peak taker
Click Here
Undertaker seems a couple of inches taller at most. I mean 6ft7 flat could be possible for his peak, but over it i really don’t know, probably not in my opinion
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Sep/21
Undertakers heaviest weight was definitely lower 300s at a point. He hovered around 300 for years i believe. 280 i definitely believe later on in his career. Nowadays prob less.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Sep/21
Do you go on a page and not think the person is taller than their listing?
Why do you accept listings?

Pick one.

You just admitted Undertaker makes people look shorter than their listings and that's a step in the right direction. Maybe that's why I think he's taller than his listing? Lol.

To answer your question, yes I have commented on pages saying they aren't taller than their listings. And maybe it didn't occur to you but heights are meant to comply with each other. If one is listed 6'10" and the other 6'6" and they are 2.5" apart in person then of course I'll call for an upgrade on one or downgrade on another.

Undertaker's listing could stay as it is but then it only makes sense that everyone else is downgraded. And it's far more convenient to upgrade one than downgrade 10. Ever heard of Occam's Razor?

Either Big Show, Khali, Michelle McCool, Mark Henry, Nathan Jones, Hogan, Scott Hall, JBL, Viscera/ Big Daddy V, Lesnar and many others I can't be bothered naming should all be downgraded or Taker upgraded.

You'll probably reply with some essay with nothing to do with his height or some debate that's already been had and I cba tbh, I've already said my points before. If you're gonna say something that's already been said then please just refer back to my past comments because I'm not gonna re-iterate.
Canson said on 3/Sep/21
Battery6565 said on 27/Aug/21
Do you guys ever go on a page and not think the person is shorter than their listing?


Do you ever go on a page and not think the person is taller than their listing? Or better yet why do you accept listings and then inflate the person who makes the others look shorter than listed?
ChaosControl said on 3/Sep/21
I will admit, Height “Expert”, that Taker could be 6’6.5 today. To measure him at it you would have to get him straight out of bed and make sure he stood with his best posture
ChaosControl said on 3/Sep/21
The first time I saw Taker wrestle it was a match from 2005 (Wrestlemania) they billed him at 6’10 305. I thought “this guy doesn’t look like he’s pushing 22 stone. Over 20 stone but not 21-22”. Also in the Last Ride, Kane describes him as 6’10 and 280lbs which I think is worth mentioning
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 2/Sep/21
Taker 6ft8 270 pounds 1990s 2003 310 320 pounds.
Jordan87 said on 2/Sep/21
@ NCL,

Yeah , the whole thing with Him is Odd. I remember when he " ended Hulkamania" , They had him at 328.....I was a kid and doubting that. He was very agile no doubt, but was def not a 300 pounder in the early 90's . I was even going to guess him at 265 lbs from like 1990-1994ish.
Alex 6'0 said on 1/Sep/21
Can't see footwear but its out of wrestling gear. Kane looking an easy inch taller than undertaker. This pic doesn't look anytime recently though but shows kane was always an inch taller than taker.

Click Here
NCL said on 31/Aug/21

I totally agree! I always thought he looked way lighter than what he was billed. Guys like Kane, Nash, Sid, all looked heavier to me but we’re billed as lighter. I never understood the 328 billing.

I’m going to guess 270-280 up until the late 90s maybe? I have an old WWE book where he said when he took time off before he became ABA that he got up to 345. I do believe that, he was rather heavy by that point but I think he quickly got down about 300 and has hovered around there ever since.
Canson said on 31/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: oh yea I see it. The funniest is the straw man he’s making against Viper. Viper just said he’s 6’1 and yet it’s “Well you just said he’s 6’1.5 in the morning yet you say he’s under 6’1”. Viper didn’t say that. Viper called him 6’1” flat and 6’1.5 morning heigh. Either way even if he is 6’1.5 out of bed, he’s likely 6’0.75” in the afternoon. Recycled posts from when he was Battery6565. He’s never denied that he is which is funny. The closest thing to a denial was when he said that he didn’t know anything about Ali Baba which is a lie
Jordan87 said on 30/Aug/21
Anyone have a good Estimate of his weight, around 1995? They always billed him at 328lbs ( More or Less) until he was the American Bad** Version, which I think they changed him to 305 ( He looked bigger as that version oddly Enough.

Also FYI, when Kane first came around and faced the Undertaker ( Looking taller and thicker), they had Kane at 326 and undertaker at 328 still.

Does anybody think they went waaaaay Overboard with the 328?

I Kane was listed at 326 on his debut, His real weight was likely around 300 pounds, Taker seemed to be around 280 pounds ( IMO). They gave him 50 pounds of weight potentially? That's Insane!
ChaosControl said on 30/Aug/21
Canson if you wanna see some top quality stupidity from Height “Expert” 49 check this page: Click Here he’s literally so obviously being a fanboy
ChaosControl said on 30/Aug/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 29/Aug/21
Click Here

Undertaker is clearly 6'3"

You’re learning well
Canson said on 30/Aug/21
@Chaos: that and the fact that you’ve done nothing wrong to anyone here and you’re a liked and respected poster. The opposite of someone Else lol
ChaosControl said on 29/Aug/21
Canson said on 29/Aug/21
ChaosControl said on 28/Aug/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 28/Aug/21
Lol, do you guys ever go on a page and NOT think the person is shorter than their listing? Every page I go on, the same three or four guys are claiming every celebrity is shorter than their listing. And no, Cena's listing is fine.

Bold worse from a guy shouting for upgrades on every page he sees

Lol don’t worry. Battery6565 has no credibility. We all know it is him. I’d bet money Rob even knows if we can tell

My change to J2Frenzy was better disguised
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 29/Aug/21
Rob can taker still measure 6ft6.75 200cm he looks taller than 6ft6 lately.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 29/Aug/21
Click Here

Undertaker is clearly 6'3"
Canson said on 29/Aug/21
ChaosControl said on 28/Aug/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 28/Aug/21
Lol, do you guys ever go on a page and NOT think the person is shorter than their listing? Every page I go on, the same three or four guys are claiming every celebrity is shorter than their listing. And no, Cena's listing is fine.

Bold worse from a guy shouting for upgrades on every page he sees

Lol don’t worry. Battery6565 has no credibility. We all know it is him. I’d bet money Rob even knows if we can tell
ChaosControl said on 29/Aug/21
Height “Expert” I don’t know how you can call us downgraders when you upgrade so much, if we were saying 6’6 you’d probably assume it was still making him shorter than you want, you are a bit delusional, you think you’re an Expert after all, and you think Undertaker is taller than 6’6 when he’s that at most
Robbe said on 29/Aug/21
Taker running on empty with Cena 😁 Click Here 😁
ChaosControl said on 28/Aug/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 28/Aug/21
Lol, do you guys ever go on a page and NOT think the person is shorter than their listing? Every page I go on, the same three or four guys are claiming every celebrity is shorter than their listing. And no, Cena's listing is fine.

Bold worse from a guy shouting for upgrades on every page he sees
Canson said on 28/Aug/21
ChaosControl said on 24/Aug/21
Battery6565 said on 24/Aug/21

Correcting the username you replies to
Canson said on 28/Aug/21
Battery6565 said on 28/Aug/21
Lol, do you guys ever go on a page and NOT think the person is shorter than their listing? Every page I go on, the same three or four guys are claiming every celebrity is shorter than their listing. And no, Cena's listing is fine.

Him with 5'11.5" listed Vin Diesel:
Click Here

you keep on saying “listed”. So that’s a double standard. You won’t accept that people say someone is shorter than they are but here you are saying “listed” for Big Show etc and saying Taker is “taller than his listing”? Seems like a double standard Battery
Rounak Singh said on 28/Aug/21
Rob,how much you think Undertaker would have measured in 2010s,i believe around 6'7".
Editor Rob
At that time, he could have fallen to barely 6ft 7 and just under it.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 28/Aug/21
Lol, do you guys ever go on a page and NOT think the person is shorter than their listing? Every page I go on, the same three or four guys are claiming every celebrity is shorter than their listing. And no, Cena's listing is fine.

Him with 5'11.5" listed Vin Diesel:
Click Here
He1ghtexpert49 said on 27/Aug/21
Do you guys ever go on a page and not think the person is shorter than their listing?

dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 27/Aug/21
Taker is 6ft6.75 200cm peak was 6ft8 203.2cm
Canson said on 26/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: for sure
ChaosControl said on 26/Aug/21
If making Taker 6’5.75 rather than 6’6 is downgrading then making him 6’6.5 is definitely upgrading
Canson said on 25/Aug/21
I agree with Ali Baba. Maybe Cena was 6’.25 peak but not now. Viper posted this pic of Fernando Tatis Jr. he’s taller than cena and 6’1”

Click Here
Canson said on 25/Aug/21
I agree with Ali Baba. Maybe Cena was 6’.25 peak
miko said on 25/Aug/21
Taker is a tough one.

No doubts he can look under 6'6, but I certainly wouldn't rule out him managing just over it in military posture. The one time he did stand straight was with Lesnar and he looked huge near 6'7, but that was obviously quite some time ago now.
Canson said on 25/Aug/21
I doubt Taker is as low as 6’5 with Love but he surely isn’t over 6’6 with him. That’s not a 1.5” difference either
Robbe said on 25/Aug/21
Wonder if Taker is barefoot with Cena 🙄 Click Here 🙄
He1ghtexpert49 said on 24/Aug/21

The fact you are claiming that :
a) Undertaker is not at a posture disadvantage.
b) Undertaker has a footwear advantage

Click Here

Tells me everything I need to know about how objective you are, lmao .
Click Here
Canson said on 24/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: I agree. Hogan could’ve been 6’5 and change but I doubt 6’6 after he claimed 6’5”. Tiny Lister said they were the same height. Maybe Hogan lost height early from his peak and was 6’5.5” perhaps but not 6’6”. I could see 6’6 out of bed though in his prime and 6’5.25 in the afternoon and evening or even 6’5 if he lost an inch or up to 6’6.5 if he lost a full inch or as low as 6’5.75 out of bed if he lost 3/4” and got to 6’5”. My money is 3/4” though.
Canson said on 24/Aug/21
@Ali Baba: wasn’t Taker only about 6’6.5 when you met him in 2014? He only looked slightly taller than you and you were only a solid 6’6 peak height.
Ali Baba said on 24/Aug/21
Alex 6'0 said on 21/Aug/21
Ali baba, i remember the pic with cena too. He looked 6'0ish

Yeah, I’d say Cena was right at 6’0 even.
ChaosControl said on 24/Aug/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 24/Aug/21
I'm looking at the listings of everyone else and either everyone else is shorter or Taker is taller. Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is that UT is taller.

I'm sorry but if you think Undertaker is looking 6'5" next to 6'7 3/4" Love, then you need to really re-evaluate the picture because you are extremely mistaken. This barely looks 1.5" to me if i'm generous.
Click Here

And UT literally has worse posture than Ike in that photo. He's craning his neck forward like that other guy would say. How come this is never taken into consideration for UT but excuses are made for everyone else?

The reason that “excuses” as you call them are made is because you can’t accurately judge differences in height or correctly understand footwear advantages so what are objective facts appear to be heavily opinionated to you
He1ghtexpert49 said on 24/Aug/21
I'm looking at the listings of everyone else and either everyone else is shorter or Taker is taller. Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is that UT is taller.

I'm sorry but if you think Undertaker is looking 6'5" next to 6'7 3/4" Love, then you need to really re-evaluate the picture because you are extremely mistaken. This barely looks 1.5" to me if i'm generous.
Click Here

And UT literally has worse posture than Ike in that photo. He's craning his neck forward like that other guy would say. How come this is never taken into consideration for UT but excuses are made for everyone else?
ChaosControl said on 24/Aug/21
Robbe said on 24/Aug/21
It's still a bit mystery why Taker looks so short next to Kevin Love. Taker has more footwear, but appears only 6'5.5 range, means he is no more than 6'5 there Click Here

With Ike he appears at least 6'6.5. Go figure. He could be favored by the camera angle, perhaps.

That’s cause your chart has Ike at 6’9 when he’s really 6’7.5
Robbe said on 24/Aug/21
It's still a bit mystery why Taker looks so short next to Kevin Love. Taker has more footwear, but appears only 6'5.5 range, means he is no more than 6'5 there Click Here

With Ike he appears at least 6'6.5. Go figure. He could be favored by the camera angle, perhaps.
Canson said on 23/Aug/21
Battery6565 said on 23/Aug/21
Just lol , you guys are downgrading everyone like Hogan and Show from their listings to suit your claims.

Either everyone else should be downgraded or UT should be upgraded. End of story.

So Battery, how is everyone downgrading anyone? And if that’s the case then why are you upgrading Taker? Since you say we are not using Rob’s listing for Show (6’10”) and Hogan (6’6) then why are you not using the listing Rob has for Taker here? So now that we’ve confirmed that you are truly Battery6565, This sounds very familiar because we went through this previously where you accused Chaos Edwards and me of doing the same thing and in the same manner when you were posting as Battery. Same song and dance and identical arguments and writing style. Just a more relaxed and less hostile and combative tone to keep yourself from being banned again, huh?
ChaosControl said on 23/Aug/21
Hogan was described as 6’5. I’ve definitely quoted the Sex Lies and Headlocks passage on here before. Keep dreaming
He1ghtexpert49 said on 23/Aug/21
Just lol , you guys are downgrading everyone like Hogan and Show from their listings to suit your claims.

Either everyone else should be downgraded or UT should be upgraded. End of story.
Canson said on 22/Aug/21
Yes Hogan has lost even more height than Taker. Hogan, if not into the 2” category, is at least 4cm shorter than he was at his peak. And I only give that if he’s 6’3.25” today and only 6’5 at his prime. However I lean more toward a solid 2” or 2.25” or 2.5” loss being 6’5.5 peak (afternoon height) and 6’3.25 or even 6’3 or being 6’5 peak and 6’3” today. Taker may have just lost an inch if he was 6’7 peak and 6’6 today but max 1.5” if he was 6’7.5 and 6’6 today or 6’7.25 and 6’5.75” today. It’s somewhere between 1-1.5”. Rob had the range pretty well defined above.

And no we don’t need to imagine anything because we know that Taker isn’t over 6’6” today
ChaosControl said on 22/Aug/21
Hogan has been described as 6’5, that’s all he ever was in the afternoon
Alex 6'0 said on 21/Aug/21
Ali baba, i remember the pic with cena too. He looked 6'0ish
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 21/Aug/21
Out of bed taker 6ft8 203.2cm afternoon 6ft7.25 201cm night 6ft7 200.7cm barefoot.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 21/Aug/21
Imagine thinking Big Show can be 4/5 inches taller than Undertaker in prime or even now.

He appears significantly taller than Hogan, what are you even saying lmao
He1ghtexpert49 said on 21/Aug/21
So you agree that Taker and Show are not 4 inches apart clearly then? Either one of them is taller than their listing or the other is shorter - that much is pretty clear to see, and based off how Show looks with other people and how Taker looks with other people; I have come to the conclusion that UT is taller than his listing.
Robbe said on 20/Aug/21
Taker holds up pretty well with Ike and Show Click Here
ChaosControl said on 19/Aug/21
@Canson remember how I made insanely low guesses to get Pierre to admit Tyson Fury as 6’7.5? Well... Undertaker was 7’0 peak and is currently 6’10 Reigns is 6’6.25 and Big Show was 7’5 peak and 7’3.5 current
ChaosControl said on 19/Aug/21
@Height “Expert” I could show you the full-on gallery of photos where unlike your pictures, Taker and whoever he’s with have equal footwear and they’re the same distance from the camera, but I know you’ll just refute it so I’m best off telling you you’re wrong and to find pictures yourself. Take it from a massive Taker mark, he ain’t 6’6.5 nowadays, and move on with your life
Canson said on 19/Aug/21
As far as Show, you just said “who’s supposed to be 6’10”? Where does it say that he’s 6’10”? Here on Celebheights? So why do you accept Rob’s listing for him but not for Taker? Taker is supposed to be 6’6 if that’s the case
Canson said on 19/Aug/21
Battery6565 said on 15/Aug/21
If he's 6'6" then what does that make Big Show who is supposed to be 6'10"?
Click Here
Click Here

Or Khali who is supposed to be 7'
Click Here

Or Mark Henry who is verified to be 6'2" and is struggling to reach Taker's eye level
Click Here
Click Here

Or McCool who is 5'9" and yet Taker has a full head on her?
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

If he is only 6'7 1/4" peak then why am I struggling to see Nathan Jones who is at 6'9 3/4" being taller than him? Why do I see him as being at least two inches taller than Hogan?
Click Here
Click Here

I can keep doing this with hundreds of other people but frankly the truth is painfully obvious and I've posted it probably before so not gonna bother.

Of course you choose pics where Taker appears taller. What about with Hulk Hogan or 6’6.25 Sid? I’m struggling to see 6’7” peak with him. But I’ll leave him at 6’7.25”. And Sid can look taller on occasion although I’m sure he wasn’t. If anything Taker had 1” on him. You also ignore the pics with Reigns where he does look under 6’6 as a matter of fact. So why should Any of us respect or even entertain your evidence when you make excuses about the pics where he doesn’t look as tall as you want him to?
Canson said on 17/Aug/21
@Chaos: “could” is operative word
Ali Baba said on 17/Aug/21
Canson said on 8/Aug/21
@Alex: Ali Baba looked slightly shorter than him. But it was back in 2013 or 14. Ali said it’s likely Taker was between 6’6 and 7 back then. Then again it was hard to see a significant difference. Ali said he”felt taller”. 199 cm back then is reasonable


I did say he felt taller, but when you’re used to looking at the top of most people’s heads it can be deceptive. To be fair even at 52 I still hit my head on stuff because I underestimate how tall I am compared to objects or other people.
Canson said on 15/Aug/21
@Chaos: of course! At an extreme low I’d say he could dip below 6’7 peak
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Aug/21
If he's 6'6" then what does that make Big Show who is supposed to be 6'10"?
Click Here
Click Here

Or Khali who is supposed to be 7'
Click Here

Or Mark Henry who is verified to be 6'2" and is struggling to reach Taker's eye level
Click Here
Click Here

Or McCool who is 5'9" and yet Taker has a full head on her?
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

If he is only 6'7 1/4" peak then why am I struggling to see Nathan Jones who is at 6'9 3/4" being taller than him? Why do I see him as being at least two inches taller than Hogan?
Click Here
Click Here

I can keep doing this with hundreds of other people but frankly the truth is painfully obvious and I've posted it probably before so not gonna bother.
ChaosControl said on 14/Aug/21
Canson said on 14/Aug/21
@Chaos and Alex: let me say justifiable more than reasonable because this is Celebheights after all. He would just be a strong 6’7 like listed or flat 6’7 at worst peak height

You say that but Taker may well have been 6’8 out of bed and 6’7 at his low, going slightly under after an intense wrestling match
Canson said on 14/Aug/21
@Chaos and Alex: let me say justifiable more than reasonable because this is Celebheights after all. He would just be a strong 6’7 like listed or flat 6’7 at worst peak height
Alex 6'0 said on 13/Aug/21
Canson, yea alot are not their claimed height. A fraction off is ok because some will round up but most the time its at least an inch off and up to 2 inches sometimes. Most people think I'm 6'1-6'2 and are surprised I'm 6'0. When i go to work in the morning I'm up 1.5-2 hrs so they will see me at like 6'0.5 or close but that's short lived lol
Canson said on 12/Aug/21
@Alex: we’re on the same page. I would claim 6’4 regardless and challenge someone to pull tape. I can see a lot of people not being as tall as they claim
Sharuyan said on 12/Aug/21
Undertaker has a large head for his height and stature you think it's 10.5'' if not very close?
Editor Rob
well it's not looking like 10.5-11 inches, but then over 10? Yeah I can believe it.
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Aug/21
Canson, yes we go by what height you are for most the day. Outta bed and up 1-2 hrs don't last long at all.
ChaosControl said on 11/Aug/21
Canson said on 11/Aug/21
@Alex: a 6’8” claim is reasonable for his peak being he would be 6’8 out of bed and likely 6’7,5” at least if he measured at the doctor earlier in the morning (1 or 2 hours or so after waking). But our perception in his prime would’ve been that he was 6’7” of course being we use afternoon heights

Yeah if I can claim 6’3, he can claim 6’8 if it’s morning height
Canson said on 11/Aug/21
@Alex: a 6’8” claim is reasonable for his peak being he would be 6’8 out of bed and likely 6’7,5” at least if he measured at the doctor earlier in the morning (1 or 2 hours or so after waking). But our perception in his prime would’ve been that he was 6’7” of course being we use afternoon heights
UntertakerFrank said on 10/Aug/21
Alex, he told me he was 6ft 9 back in 94 but i would say he was 6ft 6 .5 to 6ft 7 Peak
I met Big Cass about 2 Years ago & he told me he was 6ft 9 but i would say 6ft 8 was more Accurate He was listed @ 6ft 8 as a Senior when he was playing Basketball for NYU Cass & Taker Appeared close in Height
Alex 6'0 said on 10/Aug/21
Undertaker has claimed 6'8 in the past too which seemed more honest considering he was billed 6'10. Then has also claimed 6'9 and 6'10 so lol. 6'7.5 is the most i could seen him peak no more.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 9/Aug/21
Thanks rob 6ft7.5 202cm still a very tall man. But taker climed 6ft8 manytimes rob you should list takers peak height at 6ft8 currend 6ft6.75.he still measured will next big show kevin nash and that other tall 6ft9.6 guy.
ChaosControl said on 9/Aug/21
Click Here
@Height “Expert” is Seth Rollins weak 6’2 then? It would be required for Roman to be 6’3 and Taker to be what you guessed
Alex 6'0 said on 8/Aug/21
Reigns is probably strong 6'2 like 6'2.25 if he measured 6'2 5/8 mid to late morning.
Canson said on 8/Aug/21
@Undertaker Frank: at that point he probably still held 6’6.5 or maybe 199cm at worst. He looks to have lost height today tho. Rob is probably right as he can look sub 6’6” at times
Canson said on 8/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: he measured 6’2 5/8” at the combine. His thick hair may have given him 1/8” or busting a gut. I can believe it being an hour or so out of bed. But I do agree that he’s not under 6’2”.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 8/Aug/21
Rob dit you list taker at 6ft8 barefoot long time ago.
Editor Rob
without trying to look up old databases, which are huge in size, I don't know but he has been stuck on 7.5 for a fair while anyway.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 8/Aug/21
Ali babe 6ft6 198cm taker looked 2cm taller 6ft6.75 200cm peak was 6ft8 203.2cm.
Editor Rob
Baba could look strong 6ft 6 range from what I recall
UndertakerFrank said on 8/Aug/21
Alex 6"0 Taker was Taller than Ali Baba so 6ft 6.5 back then was accurate Baba said he was 6ft 6 & he Towered Cena
ChaosControl said on 8/Aug/21
Canson said on 7/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: and now he’s trying to upgrade Reigns being I pointed out that Taker doesn’t have as much of an advantage on him as he tried to make it seem. Desperate measures I tell you?

To be for I can’t see Reigns as anything under 6’2, but nearer 6’3 than 2 when he measured 6’2 5/8 in the mid-late morning is comedic.
ChaosControl said on 8/Aug/21
Canson said on 7/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: and now he’s trying to upgrade Reigns being I pointed out that Taker doesn’t have as much of an advantage on him as he tried to make it seem. Desperate measures I tell you?

To be for I can’t see Reigns as anything under 6’2, but nearer 6’3 than 2 when he measured 6’2 5/8 in the mid-late morning is comedic
Canson said on 8/Aug/21
@Alex: you got me beat by 10 years
Canson said on 8/Aug/21
@Alex: Ali Baba looked slightly shorter than him. But it was back in 2013 or 14. Ali said it’s likely Taker was between 6’6 and 7 back then. Then again it was hard to see a significant difference. Ali said he”felt taller”. 199 cm back then is reasonable
Alex 6'0 said on 8/Aug/21
I'm now thinking strong 6'7 range peak taker this listing is good. But currently i think 6'5.5 is looking more accurate
Alex 6'0 said on 8/Aug/21
I can't remember the picture with Ali and undertaker. I remember ali with Cena pic
Alex 6'0 said on 8/Aug/21
When i had come in September 2005 guys like Viper were already here. I been pretty consistent posting. There was a period in recent years that i only posted seldom.
ChaosControl said on 7/Aug/21
@Height “Expert” whatever happened to that photo of 6’7.5 (confirmed by Rob) Ike Catcher with taler where Taker looked 2 inches shorter? You can’t even analyse your own evidence you fool
Canson said on 7/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: and now he’s trying to upgrade Reigns being I pointed out that Taker doesn’t have as much of an advantage on him as he tried to make it seem. Desperate measures I tell you?
Canson said on 7/Aug/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 7/Aug/21
So a 6'6" commenter met Undertaker and said he was 6'5"-6'6". Then he met him again, took a photograph and this time he was shorter.

Lmao 😂

Ali Baba actually pegged him 6’6-6’7” when he had the picture with him. He admitted he’s taller than he was. That was 7-8 years ago
Canson said on 7/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: I do. And there are many long time posters who have been around longer than I have such as Alex, Rampage, Viper, Arch. Not sure if Connor has been here longer but I believe he has as well. Bobby is another one who has been here about as long as I have or longer
Canson said on 7/Aug/21
@Riccardo: yea Ali said he looked 6’6-6’7 next to him
He1ghtexpert49 said on 7/Aug/21
So a 6'6" commenter met Undertaker and said he was 6'5"-6'6". Then he met him again, took a photograph and this time he was shorter.

Lmao 😂
Alex 6'0 said on 7/Aug/21
September is 16 years for me on celeb heights!
Editor Rob
not many have made it that long!
ChaosControl said on 7/Aug/21
@Battery (oops, typo, I meant Height “Expert” 49) take it from a huge fan of the Undertaker, he’s nothing past 6’6
Canson said on 6/Aug/21
@Chaos: time flies! Happy one year! I’m coming up on 6 years in the early Fall
Riccardo89 said on 6/Aug/21
Ali Baba met undertaker one year before and said Taker looked 6'5 to 6'6.
A year later, 2014, he took a picture with Taker who did look sligtly taller.

The bottom line is that Taker's height it has always fluctuated between 199cm and 200cm ( 6'6.5) barefoot at his peak absoluetly no way he was 6'8" or close.
And today its impossibile, being consistent with what I think, that Undertaker is taller than 197cm or 6'5.5. Barefoot.
I saw enough.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 6/Aug/21
Keep believing what you want.

Yeah looks about 4.5"-4.75" there. DJ is listed at 6'3" peak by the way, not 6'2.5".
ChaosControl said on 6/Aug/21
@Canson funny thing is he’s trying to make a bigger change to the listing than us, yet he’s called me a downgrader, so if he’s making a bigger change he’s basocally admitted to being an upgrader
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 6/Aug/21
Taker looks 3inches shorter than big show show 6ft10 taker 6ft7.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 5/Aug/21
I'll agree to disagree , I personally don't see what y'all are seeing, the evidence is overwhelming for my argument.
Ben Bell said on 5/Aug/21
Berserker just said on the Hannibal show that he was legit just over 6’5 bare foot. Says he’s around 6’4 today. He also said that they built a heel in to his boot to give him more height and it was hard to run in.
Canson said on 5/Aug/21
@Editor Rob: he knows who he is. He tried to make him 6’6.5 before when he was Battery
Canson said on 5/Aug/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Aug/21
Undertaker is slouching way more than Roman in the other pic, he's literally looking down and has loose shoulders which drops height ( as seen in other video) . Roman can barely be even considered to be slouching, man's literally looking up lmfao with his shoulders back
Click Here

He literally has the same posture as Taker here 🤣

No he doesn’t and you know that. He’s slouching more
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Aug/21
From 1999. Undertaker definitely peak here. Rock to some was near 6'3 then. Personally i wouldn't go over 6'2.5. This aint the best pic but looks like 4.5 inches maybe

Click Here
ChaosControl said on 5/Aug/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Aug/21
You can't be picking and choosing which parts of that guy's story you want to believe.

Let’s hope you’re never in a court of law
He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Aug/21
Undertaker is slouching way more than Roman in the other pic, he's literally looking down and has loose shoulders which drops height ( as seen in other video) . Roman can barely be even considered to be slouching, man's literally looking up lmfao with his shoulders back
Click Here

He literally has the same posture as Taker here 🤣
He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Aug/21
Who is Ali Baba?

I can't even find any wrestler by that name lmao
Editor Rob
a former commenter, who was 6ft 6 or thereabouts and met a few wrestlers
ChaosControl said on 4/Aug/21
Oh look, the one photo where you can see footwear has Taker standing closer to the camera with a hat on. What a shocker

Canson said on 4/Aug/21
@Chaos: yup I remember when you were Julian! That was when we were on this page and Battery6565 was here under his original name lol. Taker was listed 6’6.25 as recently as earlier in 2020 and 6’6.5 as recently as late 2019

Fun fact: on the 16th I’ll have been on for a year, feel old yet?
Canson said on 4/Aug/21
Battery6565 said on 2/Aug/21
You keep posting the video where he's taller than Strowman rofl

Nah he looks like he's slouching more than Roman

You need to consider the taller man standing straight cos often they'll be looking down

Otherwise big show isn't 4.75" taller than Taker either
Click Here

Yep I keep posting it because you ignore the fact Reigns is slouching in yours and losing height. This is the norm for you though as you did the same when you were posting as Battery last year even lying and saying Ali Baba was 6’6,5 when he’s always been in his prime 6’6 flat
Canson said on 4/Aug/21
@Chaos: yup I remember when you were Julian! That was when we were on this page and Battery6565 was here under his original name lol. Taker was listed 6’6.25 as recently as earlier in 2020 and 6’6.5 as recently as late 2019
He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Aug/21
You can't be picking and choosing which parts of that guy's story you want to believe. According to him Mark Henry is a legitimate 6'3".

So what does that make Undertaker presently then?
Click Here
Click Here

Henry is just below Undertaker's eye level and even if i'm being very strict, Undertaker has a 5+" eye level. So you're admitting Undertaker is 6'8"+ presently according to this guy? And considering his height loss, he was 6'9"+ in his prime? LOL.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Aug/21
2006 Undertaker was 18 years into his career as a wrestler, lmfao. Far from his peak. This is in no way, shape or form a 5.75" difference even at this point.
Click Here

With regards to current Undertaker, here is a photo from a few years ago from him and currently listed 7 foot Khali. Again. This is NOT 6 inches.
Click Here

Recent photo of Undertaker and 6'10" listed Big Show
Click Here

4 inches? Clearly not.

The evidence of Undertaker being above his prime and present listing is overwhelming while people just use the same one or two instances which have been debunked several times to claim his listings are legitimate or even generous. LOL!

If Undertaker is 6'5.5" then is Big Show 6'8" MAX right now?

Here's another photo just to add to this:
Click Here

If we are arguing Undertaker 6'5.5" then that implies downgrades for Show, Khali, Michelle McCool, Goldust, Mark Henry, Dr Disrespect, Strowman just to name a few.
ChaosControl said on 4/Aug/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 3/Aug/21
Which celebrity says their height to the nearest quarter inch 😂

There’s quite a few claims of quarters on here

And is there any proof of this supposed meeting? 🤣🤣🤣

Is there any proof your estimate is correct?

Otherwise yeah dude I met Undertaker he was actually 7' .

Yeah I saw him too and he’s actually 8’0

Source: Just trust me bro

That’s you in a nutshell
ChaosControl said on 3/Aug/21
@Canson it was current 6’6 when I joined in August. You might remember me, I was using the name 6’3 Julian then I changed to J2Frenzy and later ChaosControl when i found out I wasn’t a real 6’3 guy
He1ghtexpert49 said on 3/Aug/21
Which celebrity says their height to the nearest quarter inch 😂

And is there any proof of this supposed meeting? 🤣🤣🤣

Otherwise yeah dude I met Undertaker he was actually 7' .

Source: Just trust me bro
ChaosControl said on 3/Aug/21
Khali’s peak was certainly strong 7’0 not 7’1. If he said he’s 7’0.75 and nothing more then it’s more than likely it was a measurement earlier in the day.
ChaosControl said on 3/Aug/21
Khali’s peak was certainly strong 7’0 not 7’1. If he said he’s 7’0.75 and nothing more then it’s more than likely it was a measurement earlier in the day.
Alex 6'0 said on 3/Aug/21
Khali 7'0.5 i can see and 7'1 was rounded though gets 7'2 listing too
Alex 6'0 said on 2/Aug/21
Lunchtime as in 12 noon you should lose another small fraction by evening but afternoon height is fair to claim. Undertaker could even dip to 6'5.5 evening
Alex 6'0 said on 2/Aug/21
Chaos, since 2005 yea lol. I can't remember what he was listed at then. I remember Rock was the first page i ever seen on here and he was listed the same as now
ChaosControl said on 2/Aug/21
Click Here

A guy on here met Khali and said Khali admitted to no more than 7’0.75. Khali has also claimed 7’0 for himself. So 7’1 is not possible
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 2/Aug/21
Khali 7ft1 taker 5inches shorter taker was 6ft8 in 2006.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 2/Aug/21
Undertaker is at Khali's eye level in 2006 which is past his prime. If Khali is 7'1" then no chance this is a 5.75" difference.

He1ghtexpert49 said on 2/Aug/21
You keep posting the video where he's taller than Strowman rofl

Nah he looks like he's slouching more than Roman

You need to consider the taller man standing straight cos often they'll be looking down

Otherwise big show isn't 4.75" taller than Taker either
Click Here
ChaosControl said on 1/Aug/21
@Height “Expert” the only way your trolling could be more obvious was if you were saying Yao Ming is 7’8. Hopefully if we ignore you enough you’ll fade into irrelevancy
Canson said on 1/Aug/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 1/Aug/21
He looks taller than Strowman in thay video and its quite clear.

You want to consider that video of Undertaker where he is clearly slouching and looking down but not this pic where he is actually standing straight rofl
Click Here

So why do you only call out the stills where Taker is slouching or tiling his head but not the person you’re comparing him to? Since you resurrected yourself as the Expert, you must know right, that Reigns is doing that here pretty badly? Why do you neglect to call out camera advantages and disadvantages or issues when they work in Taker’s favor but not when they don’t? Why do you use pics with the “other person” wearing no footwear but the one you’re favoring has flats on but never address that with Taker when he’s got an advantage?

Compare the pics

Reigns has his head tilted here. More so than Taker has his tilted in the next

Click Here

Click Here

Quit making excuses
ChaosControl said on 1/Aug/21
You want to consider that video of Undertaker where he is clearly slouching and looking down but not this pic where he is actually standing straight rofl
Click Here

Roman Reigns is slouching a little, his head is forward and he’s looking to the side. And Taker’s chin is up
Canson said on 1/Aug/21
@Alex: yea today that’s a good possibility more so around 6’5.75”. 6’6 is the max imho. If he kept him at 6’6 flat it’s par for the course being other wrestlers may be slightly over listed by 1/4”. If he dips below 6’6 to 6’5.75” then 6’6 is late morning or lunch being he can lose more at that size
Canson said on 1/Aug/21
@Chaos Control: since I’ve been here in 2015, his listing was changed. Rob had his peak at 6’7.5 (I believe). Then when he reduced his current to 6’6 his peak went down to 6’7.25”. Just as recently as 2019 or early 2020, his current was 6’6.5” then 6’6.25 before Rob reducing him to 6’6 last year sometime
He1ghtexpert49 said on 1/Aug/21
He looks taller than Strowman in thay video and its quite clear.

You want to consider that video of Undertaker where he is clearly slouching and looking down but not this pic where he is actually standing straight rofl
Click Here
ChaosControl said on 1/Aug/21
Alex you’ve been here since the beginning of time was he always listed as this?
Alex 6'0 said on 31/Jul/21
Canson, i definitely agree with his listed peak but current 6'6 is maybe pushing it a bit. I wouldn't rule out 6'5.5 in recent years.
Canson said on 31/Jul/21
ChaosControl said on 27/Jul/21
Oooh, what’s this, another Height “Expert” picture where you can’t see footwear and both guys are hunched over? Guess you’ve gotta keep busting out the classics

That’s pretty consistent with everything else he posts lol
Canson said on 31/Jul/21
Battery6565 said on 28/Jul/21
I mean you can clearly see he slouches down to look at people shorter than him like with Lesnar, it's obvious he's doing the same with Reigns .

Using your basis, there's no chance there's 4.75" between him and prime Big Show who is listed at 7 ft.
Click Here

Anyone who is looking at this can tell that there is a pronounced difference in the two. One is deliberately tilting his neck and is clearly moving his body to look down. Taker is not moving his neck that much with Reigns. Taker’s likely lost height in his neck from his peak height which is common for a very tall guy. He has a curvature which is obvious so it won’t go back to normal. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Peak height is at most what Rob lists him and current height is max what Rob lists him
Canson said on 31/Jul/21
Battery6565 said on 27/Jul/21
He's looking down at Roman, you can't ignore that, like I said in my previous comment he's doing the same with Lesnar then when he stands straight the difference is much more

Even if we took that into account, it’s much less than a 4” difference when he is. If we adjust for that it’s still slightly less than 4”. There’s nothing that makes it more than 4”. Rob has them at 3.75 which is as much as he would ever have

Click Here
Canson said on 31/Jul/21
Battery6565 said on 27/Jul/21
He's looking down at Roman, you can't ignore that, like I said in my previous comment he's doing the same with Lesnar then when he stands straight the difference is much more

Even if we took that into account, it’s much less than a 4” difference when he is. If we adjust for that it’s still slightly less than 4”

Click Here
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 31/Jul/21
Both taker and kane are 3inches taller than orton 6ft4 barefoot 6ft7 fore taker and kane peak 6ft8 6ft8 1/4 barefoot.
Canson said on 31/Jul/21
@NCL: Corbin was never that tall. He measured 6’6.5 at the combine which is early morning. 6’6 flat afternoon
Canson said on 31/Jul/21
@NCL: I’ve always had Orton as a weak 6’4. Maybe he hit 6’4” at his peak though and he’s lost a fraction
He1ghtexpert49 said on 31/Jul/21
Here he looks taller
Click Here
NCL said on 29/Jul/21
I love this site!! I haven’t posted in ages - this is going to be a long one!

I'm going to go with 6'6" flat as a current height for 'Taker. I’m going to examine some other heights too to make my part. I'm going to start with Randy Orton, who I think most can agree is 6'4" barefoot, and take it from there.

Strowman and Orton: Click Here I think there is about a 3” difference here. I agree with Rob's estimate at 6'4" barefoot for Orton. I don't have a footwear picture unfortunately but I remember this Raw I feel like their footwear was close. Orton has been wearing the same boots for years. I’m guessing they give him 1.25” boost: Click Here

So far: Orton 6’4” barefoot, 6’5.25” in ring boots. Strowman is 3” taller in ring boots, putting him at 6’8.25” in ring boots. I think 6’6.5” barefoot is a fair guess for Strowman. I put Tyson Fury at 6’7.75” Click Here

Strowman and Undertaker: Click Here They look more or less the exact same height to me (hard to tell with 'Taker's hat on but he has a very long head). This picture shows their footwear: Click Here I think ‘Taker has a bit of a footwear advantage. Different night but they typically wore these boots during this era.

Undertaker: (in ring boots) 6’7.5”. Current barefoot height: 6’6”, shrunken from 6’8”.

Strowman and Kane: Click Here if Kane stood straight, I think he may have .5" on Strowman but that's only because of a footwear advantage on his end.

Kane in ring boots: 6’8”. Current height: 6’6.5” shrunken from 6’7.5”.

Strowman and Big Show: Click Here (pic 3) and Click Here. I think that's just under a 4 inch difference. I think Big Show has an advantage with footwear. His shoes have to give him at least 2”, I’d say 2.25”. See pic 7. That would put Show at 6’11.75” in his boots.

Summary for current heights and what I think the boost in their boots gives these wrestlers:

Big Show: 6'9.5" barefoot, 6’11.75” in ring boots
Braun Strowman: 6'6.5" barefoot, 6'7.5" ring boots
Kane: 6'6.5" barefoot, 6'8.25" in ring boots
Undertaker: 6'6" barefoot, 6'7.5" in ring boots
Randy Orton: 6'4" barefoot, 6'5" in ring boots

I’ll throw a monkey in the chain that’s going to aggravate everyone : ) Peak heights IMO. Maybe I’ll post about this another time. Barefoot guesses:

Giant Gonzalez: 7'7"
Great Khali: 7'1"
Andre the Giant: 6'10" at death (7' peak)
Big Show: 6'9.5" current (7' peak)
Kevin Nash: 6'9" current (6'10" peak)
Big Cass: 6'7.5"
Kane: 6'6.5" (6'7.5" peak)
Braun Strowman: 6'6.5"
Baron Corbin: 6'6.25"
Undertaker: 6'6" Current (6'8" peak)
Drew McIntyre: 6'4.5"
Hulk Hogan: 6'4" Current (6'6" peak, down to 6'3" for a while prior to back surgery)
Randy Orton: 6'4"
The Rock: 6'3"
Brock Lesnar: 6'2.5"
Roman Reigns: 6'2.25"
Edge: 6'2" Current (6'3" peak)
HHH: 6'2"
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Jul/21
Reigns definitely strong 6'2. 6'2.25-6'2 3/8 but undertaker looks 6'6 tops. I could even see near 6'5.5 there
He1ghtexpert49 said on 28/Jul/21

I'm struggling to see Strowman at the same height as Undertaker, let alone any taller.
Click Here

He is barely looking the same height as Taker in the pic you posted. I'm being objective. I'm struggling to see why you feel Strowman is taller.
Click Here
He1ghtexpert49 said on 28/Jul/21
I mean you can clearly see he slouches down to look at people shorter than him like with Lesnar, it's obvious he's doing the same with Reigns .

Using your basis, there's no chance there's 4.75" between him and prime Big Show who is listed at 7 ft.
Click Here
He1ghtexpert49 said on 27/Jul/21
He's looking down at Roman, you can't ignore that, like I said in my previous comment he's doing the same with Lesnar then when he stands straight the difference is much more
ChaosControl said on 27/Jul/21
Oooh, what’s this, another Height “Expert” picture where you can’t see footwear and both guys are hunched over? Guess you’ve gotta keep busting out the classics
Canson said on 26/Jul/21
The only reason Taker ever looks taller is in the eye level. His eye level is higher than Strowman’s. It’s clear who the taller guy is and it’s Strowman. Their listings are decent enough here. 6’6 and 6’6.5

Click Here
Canson said on 25/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 25/Jul/21
Here you can see Undertaker looking up at the Wrestlemania sign (and Roman too) instead of looking down and slouching to look at Reigns. Again, you can see the difference is quite apparent just like with Lesnar.
Click Here

I unfortunately have to agree with Chaos Control. You choose pictures that favor the person you’re trying to make taller. You can easily tell that Reigns is not standing straight there. Here is a better representation of how they look. FF to :50. That’s clearly not a 6’6.5 or 6’7 guy with a 6’2.25 max guy. Taker struggles to look over 6’6”.

Click Here
He1ghtexpert49 said on 25/Jul/21
Look, the truth is the truth, and the evidence is eventually gonna present itself and be overwhelming.

Undertaker with 6'4" listed Goldust.
Click Here

Let's also conveniently ignore this and forget about it.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 25/Jul/21
Taker is 6ft7 there both lesner and roman 6ft2.5 6ft3.
ChaosControl said on 25/Jul/21
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 10/Jul/21
Every time Height “Expert” makes a nonsense comment Taker gets a little bit shorter. He’s down to 5’5 right now

Make that 4’6. You’ve shrunk Taker by 2 feet “Expert” (sorry, I meant 1 foot and 11.75 inches, being a downgraded is tough work to remember)
ChaosControl said on 25/Jul/21
How come in the every photo “Expert” posts where you can see footwear the guy he’s trying to upgrade has straighter posture and he conveniently ignores it
He1ghtexpert49 said on 25/Jul/21
Here you can see Undertaker looking up at the Wrestlemania sign (and Roman too) instead of looking down and slouching to look at Reigns. Again, you can see the difference is quite apparent just like with Lesnar.
Click Here
He1ghtexpert49 said on 25/Jul/21
He's literally slouching down while looking down at Reigns and jutting his neck forward. And he looks taller than Strowman

Look here in this video from 4:10, he's doing the same with 6'2" Lesnar while looking at him and then he stands up straighter while looking up at the Wrestlemania sign and the difference becomes so much more
Click Here

If you saw him looking at Lesnar like he was with Reigns you'd say he's 6'5-6'6
Click Here

When he stands up straight the difference becomes much more clearer and his real height is displayed:
Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 24/Jul/21
Canson yea and when i was with my friend it was rare to see someone taller. A few times seen him near 6'6-6'7 guys and even he felt weird lol.
Canson said on 24/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 24/Jul/21
I don't know why you would be so sure that Taker is shorter than Strowman or Ford when:

A) He held up to Ike better than tiptoeing Ford (also Ford had footwear advantage over Ike while Taker had a disadvantage in footwear AND posture)

B) When Taker and Strowman just stood face to face, right next to each other, one was clearly taller than the other.

Now having looked at this evidence, why would you think Taker can be shorter than Strowman?

What evidence? In some pics Strowman looked taller. You have to use multiple pics and angles to compare. Not just ones that conveniently make Taker taller
Canson said on 24/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 24/Jul/21
I don't know why you would be so sure that Taker is shorter than Strowman or Ford when:

A) He held up to Ike better than tiptoeing Ford (also Ford had footwear advantage over Ike while Taker had a disadvantage in footwear AND posture)

B) When Taker and Strowman just stood face to face, right next to each other, one was clearly taller than the other.

Now having looked at this evidence, why would you think Taker can be shorter than Strowman?

People can meet him all they like, but unless he clearly tends to slouch a lot in his photos with shorter men and I mean considering his history with injuries and surgeries, it's questionable whether he's going to be walking around on a casual day with his best posture.

Of course, his posture is gonna suffer from the fact that he's
- Already a tall guy so more likely to have back issues.
- Had many injuries and surgeries in body parts directly linking to how well he can stand and walk.
- Big guy, carrying a lot of weight.

So if someone just saw him casually walking around and he still looked 6'6" then you don't think it's possible that he would be comfortably more than that if he was busting a gut and measured under a stadiometer?

Rob had friends who said he looked under 6’6” as well. He did look 6’6 with Dan Trojan but not over that.

Here he is with Reigns who Rob lists 6’2.25”. JoeyB33 posted a pic with Reigns a while back and he himself is that. He said Reigns could be 6’2 flat but max he was 6’2.25”. That is not 4 inches

Click Here
ChaosControl said on 24/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 24/Jul/21
I don't know why you would be so sure that Taker is shorter than Strowman or Ford when:

A) He held up to Ike better than tiptoeing Ford (also Ford had footwear advantage over Ike while Taker had a disadvantage in footwear AND posture)

Ford has a massive posture disadvantage. In the photo it looks like his head is coming directly out of his t-shirt
He1ghtexpert49 said on 24/Jul/21
I don't know why you would be so sure that Taker is shorter than Strowman or Ford when:

A) He held up to Ike better than tiptoeing Ford (also Ford had footwear advantage over Ike while Taker had a disadvantage in footwear AND posture)

B) When Taker and Strowman just stood face to face, right next to each other, one was clearly taller than the other.

Now having looked at this evidence, why would you think Taker can be shorter than Strowman?

People can meet him all they like, but unless he clearly tends to slouch a lot in his photos with shorter men and I mean considering his history with injuries and surgeries, it's questionable whether he's going to be walking around on a casual day with his best posture.

Of course, his posture is gonna suffer from the fact that he's
- Already a tall guy so more likely to have back issues.
- Had many injuries and surgeries in body parts directly linking to how well he can stand and walk.
- Big guy, carrying a lot of weight.

So if someone just saw him casually walking around and he still looked 6'6" then you don't think it's possible that he would be comfortably more than that if he was busting a gut and measured under a stadiometer?
Canson said on 23/Jul/21
@Alex: that’s about right
He1ghtexpert49 said on 22/Jul/21
I really don't see a 2 inch difference in the Ike and Taker pic considering Ike clearly has better posture, footwear and even still looks 1.5" taller to me.

Even ford and Strowman should be downgraded then
Alex 6'0 said on 22/Jul/21
Backstage photos anything is possible. Can't see footwear. Johnathon coachman a tall guy would stand feet further apart to make other guys look taller they said
Alex 6'0 said on 22/Jul/21
Canson, usually the eye level is 4.5 give or take 1/4. My friend would have no more than 1/2 inch on you and possibly just 1/4 depending if 6'4.5 or 6'4.75 exactly
Alex 6'0 said on 21/Jul/21
Canson agreed 6'5.75 he'd be before 6'6.25 but again its difficult to tell 1/2 inch. He just looks 6'6 tops in recent years. I remember in 2002 him not looking over maybe 4.5 on 6'2 lesnar
Alex 6'0 said on 21/Jul/21
Canson, yea both 6'4.5 and 6'4.75 claims. I'm right around the eye level so you being only a fraction smaller a 6'0 guy should come right under your eye brows
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 21/Jul/21
Thing is with backstage face offs is you can’t see footwear
Lorne??? said on 21/Jul/21
A few years ago he was billed at 295lbs

At one-point in early.90's he was billed at a whopping 320

I think.295 range is what he weighed in 90s, 280ish after he trimmed down

Today, not.sure
He1ghtexpert49 said on 21/Jul/21
Yeah he holds up well to 6'9"-6'10" listed guys on the site like:

6'9.5" listed Kevin Nash with who I see a 1.5" difference approximately
Click Here


6'9.75" listed Nathan Jones:
Click Here
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 20/Jul/21
As Ike is 6’8 according to you, then Taker is logically around 6’6. If Ike is 6’7.5 and claiming 6’9 (massively common trend at that height, look at how many 6’7-7.5 male pages have 6’9 claims on) then Taker is 6’5,5-75. I personally believe Ike to be around the 6’7-6’7.5 range so Taker at 6’5.5-6’6 sounds reasonable
Canson said on 20/Jul/21
Undertaker is not taller than Strowman. Otherwise Rob would list him at 6’6.75 or would bring Strowman down to 6’5.75. Taker and Baron Corbin are both shorter than Strowman which is why he’s listed that way
Canson said on 20/Jul/21
@Alex: the fraction under 6’6 is definitely more likely than 6’6.25” at this stage
Canson said on 20/Jul/21
@Alex: I’d say it depends. If someone’s forehead is smaller. But I agree with my case being mine is normal size. That’s about where my 6’0” friend comes up to on me. Maybe a hair under the eyebrow but usually almost right to my eyebrows. I look similar. I’d say he could be a hair taller. Maybe he’s 6’4.5-.6 range if he has claimed 6’4.5 as well or 6’4 5/8”.

@Chaos Control: 😂
Canson said on 20/Jul/21
@Alex: I’d say it depends. If someone’s forehead is smaller. But I agree with my case being mine is normal size. That’s about where my 6’0” friend comes up to on me. Maybe a hair under the eyebrow but usually almost right to my eyebrows. I look similar. I’d say he could be a hair taller. Maybe he’s 6’4.5-.6 range if he has claimed 6’4.5 as well or 6’4 5/8”.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 20/Jul/21
Kevin nash climed 6ft11 in high school taker was max 2inches shorter taker climed 6ft9 rob what do you think about this nash said he is 6ft9.5 now that makes taker 6ft7.5 now.
Alex 6'0 said on 19/Jul/21
Canson yes 6'6 but like we said fraction under 6'6 is possible too. Not like we can tell 6'5.75 vs 6'6. In pic i posted with guy almost 6'5 would you say you look that way almost with 6'0 guys? 6'0 guys should come right above your eyes
He1ghtexpert49 said on 19/Jul/21
No we don't know for sure what Strowman's height is but what we can clearly see isUndertaker looks taller, at least in that video.

I'm being objective here and to me he's holding up to Ike better than tiptoeing Martyn Ford, I don't think UT being 3/4" shorter than Martyn and 1/2" shorter than Strowman is justifiable based on the evidence at hand.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 19/Jul/21
Canson said on 19/Jul/21
Yea but How do we know for sure that Strowman is 6’6.5?

Would you perhaps say he’s making... a Strowman argument?
Canson said on 19/Jul/21
Yea but How do we know for sure that Strowman is 6’6.5? He could be 6’6.25” or 6’6 3/8”. You wouldn’t see 1/4” difference between two people that easily. But Taker looks at most 6’6”. This listing is fair like Alex said. Rob had him at 6’6.5 two years ago and reduced it to 6’6.25 then 6’6” flat. He lost 1/4” each year as he himself said he knows people who’ve met Taker and said he’s not over 6’6 along with pics
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 19/Jul/21
Peak taker 6ft8 current 6ft6 3/4.
Alex 6'0 said on 18/Jul/21
Robs 6'6 listing for undertaker seems most accurate
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 17/Jul/21
Now we need a photo of Undertaker and Martyn Ford to complete the Height “Expert” photo trilogy
He1ghtexpert49 said on 17/Jul/21
Ike looks taller compared to Martyn Ford than with Taker and this is without taking into account Martyn has the footwear advantage on Ike and is tiptoeing.

If Ford is 6'6 3/4" theb I don't see how it is possible that Taker isn't above 6'6" when in all honesty I'm getting the impression he's taller just based off these pics (not saying he is, but solely based off a comparison of both men with Ike, it looks like it)

Click Here

Click Here

Again, we already know Martyn is legit with his listing considering he's taller than 6'6 1/2" Strowman.
Click Here

I mean Undertaker is clearly taller than Strowman too but people will choose to ignore it anyhow. Don't see how it can get any clearer than this.
Click Here

Till now I've seen 0 evidence of him being 6'6" or below but so much proof he's above.
Alex 6'0 said on 16/Jul/21
Canson, this pic from 2004 with a 6'4.75 guy. Claims 6'5 but admits he rounds up and has claimed 6'4.5 and also said been measured 6'4.75. Could undertaker only be an inch taller than someone like this? It looks very possible

Click Here
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 16/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Jul/21
Lmfao you're a jokeman.

Ironic coming from you

ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 10/Jul/21
Every time Height “Expert” makes a nonsense comment Taker gets a little bit shorter. He’s down to 5’5 right now

You have successfully made the Undertaker measure 5’1. Good job
Edward Mullen said on 16/Jul/21
Rob any idea on UT’s Weight?. He wasBilled at 305. I believe it’s usually 20lb over their real weights. Do you think he could be in the 285-290lb range ?
Editor Rob
I don't know if I'd have a good guess on his weight
Canson said on 16/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Jul/21
Lmfao you're a jokeman.

1) this is not two inches even just judging the pic as it is
Click Here

2) undertaker is ACTUALLY craning his head forward which youre using as an excuse for tiptoeing, air max 720 wearing Martyn Ford and Ike is ACTUALLY standing fully straight in this pic.

You choose to ignore these facts where convenient .

That is minimum 2” looking at it. Maybe Taker is “craning” his head but if that is ignored in other pictures where he looks over 6’6”, I’m not seeing why it’s being addressed here when he looks less. The only variable is footwear. Catcher has more than Taker assuming he isn’t wearing an orthotic. But furthermore is Catcher really 6’8”?
Canson said on 16/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Jul/21
Love is listed 6'7 3/4" and there's no chance Taker is under 6'6" based off that one pic, and it's the least favourable pic when it comes to judging his height because his hat hides his huge his forehead is and people just judge the difference in eye levels.
Click Here

Love has a small skull and Calaway has a big skull and much bigger forehead, that barely looks 1.5" between the tiptops of their skulls.

Even in this worst pic he's more than 6'6", to me.

I don’t understand what you mean worst pic. Yea it’s not great but in reality it’s for other reasons. This is just like the one you posted earlier where one is further from the camera than the other. Love in reality looks at minimum 2” taller. That’s it Love is really 6’7.75” like you say he is. Maybe he is but the standard is an afternoon height. I agree he doesn’t look much under 6’6 with Love but 6’6 is not the minimum he looks it’s the maximum. He really can look a weak 6’6”
Lorne??? said on 15/Jul/21
I have trouble believing he was shorter than Kane (Glenn Jacobs?)

Remember Rob, Kain wore lifts the first few years he wrestled, specifically to appear taller than. 'Taker; if he really WAs taller

over 20 years ago, why would he need lifts?

What do you make of this Rob, and again, glad
to be back

And all.other posters be aware Kane wore.lifts (how he wrestled in them, he.must have

I think Taker was CLOSE to 6ft8 peak, though not quite the full cigar

He was no shorter than Kane, I can say that

And I think Andre may have been a bit over 7ft because of his, I forget the name , Acromegaly I think which was not fixed like Big Shows

And Big Show has already lost a.couple of inches, I guess his back had a lot of extra room to.lose

It is worth noting that Big Show/Paul Wight was listed UNDER 7ft in College Basketball, 6'11 I think

Oh well.good day to everyone

And Taker Peak.height 2.02.meters plus /6ft7.5-.75

Current close to 199cm

Thank You
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Jul/21
Lmfao you're a jokeman.

1) this is not two inches even just judging the pic as it is
Click Here

2) undertaker is ACTUALLY craning his head forward which youre using as an excuse for tiptoeing, air max 720 wearing Martyn Ford and Ike is ACTUALLY standing fully straight in this pic.

You choose to ignore these facts where convenient .
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Jul/21

0 evidence that he's under 6'6" and heaps of evidence he's over.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Jul/21
Love is listed 6'7 3/4" and there's no chance Taker is under 6'6" based off that one pic, and it's the least favourable pic when it comes to judging his height because his hat hides his huge his forehead is and people just judge the difference in eye levels.
Click Here

Love has a small skull and Calaway has a big skull and much bigger forehead, that barely looks 1.5" between the tiptops of their skulls.

Even in this worst pic he's more than 6'6", to me.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 15/Jul/21
Big ed said on 15/Jul/21
Not sure of his current height but was in 6'8 range in the 90s

*early in the morning
Robby said on 15/Jul/21
Ok I am sure some of you are aware that on Kevin Love had a listed barefoot height of 6'7¾". Also listed Love was listed 6'10" in shoes. Is it out of the question in the pics with The Undertaker that Love was 6'10" in the picture due to footwear? I guess we will never know if Love was wearing the same type of footwear he wore during his draft combine. I have seen others state that Taker had a footwear advantage. Is that speculation or can it be proven that Undertaker was wearing footwear that added more than Height than Kevin Love's footwear. I know there is pictures of Taker's footwear from that day, but does anyone truly know how much height his footwear added to his height? In my opinion I feel Taker in his prime was a solid 6'7" barefoot height. With wrestling boots a solid 6'8". In 2021? I think he is barely hitting 6'6". At night he could drop down in the 6'5" range. Wrestlers shrink. Look at Hulk Hogan. Look at Big Show. The most compelling case has to be Rowdy Roddy Piper. He lost a ton of height by the time he passed away in 2015. Just my opinion.
Big ed said on 15/Jul/21
Not sure of his current height but was in 6'8 range in the 90s
Canson said on 15/Jul/21
@Alex: I think with Kevin Love is where he can look 6’5.5” although I’m not sure how much of that is posture related. I’ve heard others say Love isn’t but 6’7 which means likely a strong 6’7” since he measured 6’7.75 maybe after laying down. My guess would be 6’7.5” since he’s slightly taller than Lebron. I have LeBron 6’7”
Canson said on 15/Jul/21
@Alex: agreed! I think somewhere in the 197 range is possible. Could be near 6’5.5” too since that’s just a hair under. But I rule out anything above maybe 198-198.5
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 15/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 14/Jul/21
A) Never said Taker was 6'8" peak but clearly you look like you believe that from the pictures I posted.

What’s your guess for Taker’s peak and what makes you believe I think he’s 6’8? I’m sure Rob can confirm that I didn’t leave a 6’8 vote
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 14/Jul/21
For Taker to be 6’6+ Ike would have to be 6’8+. The video Click Here with Ekaterina Lisina where she is in max 0.5” slippers (and that’s generous, they’re hardly Nike super slippers) while he’s in trainers and she clearly edges him out (the smallest difference that’s visible side by side is 3/8-1/2”) so if she’s 6’8.75 as listed she’s max 6’9.25 in slippers, which makes Ike 6’8.5-75 in trainers and therefore 6’7.5 range barefoot. Minus about 2” or just under, and you get Taker at 6’5.5-75. Considering that the hat conceals his supposedly giant forehead, he might be 6’6 and I overestimated the difference. Case closed
He1ghtexpert49 said on 14/Jul/21
A) Never said Taker was 6'8" peak but clearly you look like you believe that from the pictures I posted.

B) That's no way a 2 inch difference with Ike even without factoring Taker has worse posture on those pics.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 14/Jul/21
@Height “Expert” and there’s people on every page (namely yourself) who want people to be upgraded. A general consensus that someone is half an inch over listed is a far cry from a single individual believing that Taker is what, 6’8? That’s nearly a full inch over what most people think he was. What if I argued Taker was 6’8.5 peak, and 6’7 now, would you still be claiming I’m wrong? Have a look at “6’8 or even a bit more” Ike with Taker again, let’s say you guessed him right Click Here that looks a 2 inch difference. If Ike is 6’8, then Taker is 6’6. If Ike is 6’7.5, then taker is 6’5.5. Ie max 6’6 as many have guessed
He1ghtexpert49 said on 14/Jul/21
" “Waaah this stranger on a height forum agrees with a legitimate listing made by someone far more experienced than me and refuses to agree with my stupid arguments” "

Aren't these your words? I'm simply going with Rob's listing and assuming he's 6'6 3/4". There's people on every page who want the celebrity to be downgraded.
Alex 6'0 said on 13/Jul/21
Canson yea when i say low i mean typically afternoon to evening low not extreme low. 6'5.5 is possible or 6'5.75.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 13/Jul/21
Just thought I’d mention for @Height “Expert” that Martyn Ford’s average guess is approximately 6’6.25 and many commenters on his page seem to think he’s a solid 6’6....
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 13/Jul/21
I really can’t see a full 6’8 for Ike
He1ghtexpert49 said on 13/Jul/21
Over 6'6" is 100 times more likely than below 6'6" and there's tonnes of evidence to back this fact up that cannot be refuted.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 13/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 13/Jul/21
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 11/Jul/21


Just ignore the fact hes wearing air max 720s and on his tiptoes and make it look like Ike is the one trying to look tall

And let’s see him when he isn’t hunched over. Seriously, posture needs to be taken into account. Ford had his head forward (we’re talking that hunchback guy from 300 here) and I’d be surprised if Ike isn’t busting a gut
He1ghtexpert49 said on 13/Jul/21
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 11/Jul/21


Just ignore the fact hes wearing air max 720s and on his tiptoes and make it look like Ike is the one trying to look tall


No he probably isn't 6'9" but 6'8" or even a bit more is likely .
Canson said on 12/Jul/21
@Chaos and Alex: that’s a good way to put it. I say minimum 6’7” peak height and 6’7.25 is a strong possibility still.
Canson said on 12/Jul/21
@Alex: 6’5.5” is possible for Taker at his afternoon/evening but that’s the lowest I could possibly see. I would call that possibly an extreme low but it’s possible it’s his normal these days. I would say that’s a stretch but much over 6’6” is also a stretch. 6’5.5-6’6 is a good range for him
He1ghtexpert49 said on 12/Jul/21
That's your opinion, however, to me I've seen more than enough pics and videos with other people which makes me think he's more than his listing, both prime and current.

Some examples why I think his current height is underlisted:

With 6'10" Show:
Click Here
Click Here
Doesn't seem anywhere close to 4 inches.

With 6'6 1/2" Strowman:
Click Here
They stand face to face, right next to each other and if anything Undertaker looks like the taller man. Braun does not look taller at all.

With 6'7 1/2" Dr Disrespect:
Click Here
Their chins seen quite level when they stand face to face.

With Ike:
Click Here

6'6 3/4" listed Martyn Ford (on his tiptoes and Air Max 720s which add 1.6 inches) with Ike for reference:
Click Here

With 5'9" listed McCool:
Click Here
Again, he very clearly has a full head of height on her.

With 6'2" listed Henry:
Click Here
The tiptop of his head is slightly under Undertaker's eye level. And Undertaker isn't even standing fully straight either clearly.

These are just a few reasons which makes me think how any of this would be possible if he really was a flat 6'6".
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Jul/21
Undertaker Frank, yea usually the taller the wrestler its more of an inflation 3-4 inches. You met taker i remember the pic. He was on a ramp and still significantly taller than you. Definitely a 6'7 peak guy but 6'7 can pass 6'8-6'9 though
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Jul/21
Canson 6'5.5 for undertaker now is possible and would mean almost a 2 inch loss since we agree on 6'7.25. Yea early afternoon to evening 1/8 is commonly lost.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 11/Jul/21
Canson said on 11/Jul/21
@Height Expert: while you may not agree with Chaos Control’s estimates, it seems that all of your estimates are above the listings here and above Rob’s to be fair. Taker is certainly not over 6’6” today anyway we want to slice it. 6’6 is fair. Best case is that it’s his normal low for the day afternoon/evening. Worst case is that it’s a lunchtime or very close to lunch and he dips to 6’5.75” by afternoon/evening. Typically people lose 1/8” between lunch and afternoon/evening but for a bigger and taller guy like that, he may come down 1/4”

Yeah funny isn’t it how off Height “Expert”s guesses always seem?
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 11/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 11/Jul/21
Maybe someone is forgetting their own words. Here's a reminder:
Click Here

I should’ve specified that if Ike is busting a gut and Martyn’s head looks like it’s sticking directly out of his T-shirt, especially if Rob (who is good enough at this guessing that he made a career out of it) confirms that he thinks Ike is 6’7.5-6’8 (meaning Rob believes 6’7.5, which I guessed, is possible) then I won’t believe he’s 6’9
Canson said on 11/Jul/21
@Height Expert: while you may not agree with Chaos Control’s estimates, it seems that all of your estimates are above the listings here and above Rob’s to be fair. Taker is certainly not over 6’6” today anyway we want to slice it. 6’6 is fair. Best case is that it’s his normal low for the day afternoon/evening. Worst case is that it’s a lunchtime or very close to lunch and he dips to 6’5.75” by afternoon/evening. Typically people lose 1/8” between lunch and afternoon/evening but for a bigger and taller guy like that, he may come down 1/4”
Canson said on 11/Jul/21
@Height Expert: while you may not agree with Chaos Control’s estimates, it seems that all of your estimates are above the listings here and above Rob’s to be fair
He1ghtexpert49 said on 11/Jul/21
Maybe someone is forgetting their own words. Here's a reminder:
Click Here
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 11/Jul/21
@Height “Expert” I’d believe Ike at a strong 6’7 over a weak one, but 6’9 is what he dreams of
Canson said on 11/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 10/Jul/21

Drew is standing way in front right near the camera while Ford and Strowman are literally side by side . Who said anything about Drew.

You don't agree with Rob though? You claimed Ike was 6'7" and Rob said he would guess him to be 6'7.5" in the absolute worst case scenario.

Even that should be ruled out with the Ford pic.

Catcher can generally look anywhere from 6’7-6’8. Chaos’s estimate of 6’7” is a good estimate and if Rob is saying the lowest he can look is 6’7.5 that’s his perception. Rob is giving his best estimate. Doesn’t mean hes that high or low but what he sees
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 11/Jul/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 10/Jul/21
Yeah no, it's good I comment frequently on here otherwise you guys would find some way to claim that he's actually 5'10"

Taker’s now down to 5’4.75, and it’s all because of you
Alex 6'0 said on 10/Jul/21
Chaos, 6'6 today would be the most. I wouldn't rule out 6'5.5. I agree on the peak over 6'7. In 02 he didn't look more than 4 inches on Lesnar.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 10/Jul/21
Yeah no, it's good I comment frequently on here otherwise you guys would find some way to claim that he's actually 5'10"
UndertakerFrank said on 10/Jul/21
Lets Face all these guys are nowhere near there listed height especially the taller guys
The tall guys are usually listed 4 or more inches taller than they actually are Taker was never 6ft 10 or 6ft 9 but i do believe he was 6ft 6.5 or 6ft 7 Andre 6ft 10 listed @ 7ft 4 Giant Gonzalez 7ft 6 to 7ft 7 listed close to 8ft Sid 6ft 6 listed 6ft 9 & 6ft 10 Kevin Nash 6ft 8 or 6ft 9 listed @ 7ft Big Cass is 6ft 8 listed & 7ft
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 10/Jul/21
Every time Height “Expert” makes a nonsense comment Taker gets a little bit shorter. He’s down to 5’5 right now
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 10/Jul/21
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 3/Jul/21
@Rob what’s the lowest you’d go for Ike, 6’7.5? That’s the most I could see him as to be honest

Guess someone forgot this comment exists

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.