How tall is The Undertaker - Page 6

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Average Guess (951 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
Alex 6'0 said on 8/Apr/21
Undertaker looked 2 inches tops shorter than nash in 1996. If nash 6'9 then Undertaker a solid 6'7 at least
A.Lawrence said on 8/Apr/21
Equaled the height of the Big Show several times!
Undertaker Frank said on 8/Apr/21
I dont Believe Strowman is 6ft 6.5 maybe 6ft5 .5 he was more than a Half inch shorter than Aaron Judge who listed @ 6ft 7
He1ghtexpert49 said on 8/Apr/21
Dont forget that big guys don't necessarily stand tall all the time in photos or walking around especially with smaller guys .

Recent Taker video with 6'6.5" Strowman:
Click Here
He1ghtexpert49 said on 8/Apr/21
People talk about Sid all the time but don't mention Sid even looked 6'9 next to 6'3 dibiase so if anyone is wearing lifts , it's very likely to be Sid considering how high his knees look too and how he stands with very straight posture :)
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And not only is relaxed taker taller than Sid too
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But also taller than 6'6.5 viscera
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Personally Don't see him being 6'7 flat even at worst
Robbe said on 8/Apr/21
All would match much better if Richters is only 7ft range, that would make Ike 6'7 range, and Taker as listed. Ike can indeed look quite often much shorter than 6'9, here only 6'6 with 6'2.5 Dolph Lundgren, and 6'5 JJ Watt.

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Looking those pics it seems impossible Ike is 6'9. But with Richters he really looks that height. Assume Richters was really measured several times during the day, and average was 7'2. If i've understand, that's how it goes in Guinness Records.
Undertaker Frank said on 7/Apr/21
We seen the Photo of him with the 6ft 6 ALI BABA Taker was clearly taller by 1/2 inch or maybe an inch
Scott Hall could have been 6ft 4 barefoot minimum He looks aleast 6ft 7 with Hall
Linke said on 6/Apr/21
Around 0:28 mark he says 6'8" on Joe Rogan podcast.

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Today, he's 6'6 max
Canson said on 5/Apr/21
@Chaos and Christian: it’s the highest I would go too but wouldn’t go lower than 6’5.75” perhaps. Not sure I see 6’5.5” yet. But Just maybe 6-7 or maybe max 8 years ago when Ali Baba met him he still looked 6’6.5” perhaps then at his peak an easy 6’7” range
Robbe said on 5/Apr/21
7'1.5 Olivier Richters with Ike Catcher. Ike claims 6'9 and that what he appears there.

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Taker doesn't look anywhere near 3in shorter than Ike. Looks more like 1-1.5in. That's a bit confusing. Richters is now confirmed 7'2 by Guinnes Records, so surely he can't be under listed 7'1.5. More confusing is Big Show is like 2in taller than Ike lol.

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Something is not matching here lol 🤣
Resurrection of Edwards said on 3/Apr/21
My honest personal estimation

big show peak 6’11.25 and 6’9.25/6’9.5 currently
kevin nash peak 6’9/6’9.25 and 6’8.25 currently
kurrgan 6’8.5
matt morgan 6’8.25
big cass 6’7.75
kane peak 6’7.25 and 6’6.5 currently
undertaker 6’7 peak and 6’5.75 currently
baron corbin 6’5 7/8
braun strowman 6’6.25
syco sid 6’6.25 peak and 6’5.25 currently
Resurrection of Edwards said on 3/Apr/21
6’7 flat peak and 6’5.75 today with a chance of 6’6.but i’ll still lean towards former or 6’5.75 currently.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Apr/21
So would I
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 1/Apr/21
These listings are the highest I’d go for Taker
Resurrection of Edwards said on 29/Mar/21
i personally think morgan was at absolute most 1” taller than peak.that’s just me though.i personally think it is 0.75 between morgan and peak kane.folk might have encountered morgan or peak kane and have their personal estimation.
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Mar/21
6'8 peak still possible. Today no more than 6'6
Vegas CH said on 24/Mar/21
Resurrection of Edwards, I met both out of gear in same building within minutes of each other and saw them standing next to my friends.

100% Morgan was minimum an inch taller than Kane.

Your video is really low angle yet Morgan is still noticeably taller.
recapa said on 23/Mar/21
200.5-201cm peak,197.5-198cm today.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 22/Mar/21
@Editor rob

i wanna ask you two question’s
1)who could seems to have an edge between a peak kane and big cass?
2)kane didn’t looked 1.25 inch shorter than morgan,it wasn’t even an inch difference between peak kane and matt more like like 0.75 between them.i doubt even an inch difference between peak jacobs and you think it was 0.75 between morgan and kane?if,you’re interested then here is the clip.Click Here
Editor Rob
I do give Big Cass the edge, but really, with guys that size, if you came to measure Kane at his peak, who knows, maybe they are closer than I give them.
Canson said on 12/Mar/21
@Chaos Control: depends on how solid is defined. He may be but I wouldn’t be surprised if he went below the mark either to 6’5 3/4 or 6’5 7/8”. I could still give him 6’6 flat afternoon but no higher
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 11/Mar/21
Not sure about a solid 6’6, maybe 6’6 flat
Dicko said on 10/Mar/21
Peak Taker stands taller against Shane McMahon then Braun Strowman. Even Taker in his last Match at mainia stacked up better then Braun did on Raw this week. If anyone could post pictures to compare you would all see what I mean. Peak Taker 6.7.25 now still a solid 6.6 guy. Braun Stowman probably in the 6.6 category as well.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 8/Mar/21
undertaker being lesser than 6’7 or barely 6’7 is crap.he is minimum 6’7.rob’s listing is probably the most accurate or bang.he looked over 6’7 in the 90s.6’7.25/6’7 is very very accurate.he has never ever looked under 6’7 at his tallest.looking him next to kane,nash and other legit big guys.he seems to stack with them pretty way was he under 6’7.he was likely 6’7 or 6’7.25 at peak.rob has listed accurately and safely.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 6/Mar/21
i doubt undertaker at peak was lower than 6'7.he typically looked 6'7/6'7.25 at peak.i doubt he ever looked 6'7 barely at peak.he looked 6'7 most of the time.i wouldnt estimate peak taker to be barely 6'7.i do agree that current undertaker is barely 6'6 peak was easy 6'7 or over 6' his own words,he claimed he was barely shorter than kane at peak.mark has been described 6'7 several numerous times.he was described at 6'7 by his the manager bruce pitchard.somebody has mentioned that undertaker's ex wife sara's father too defined him "tall 6'7" 6'7/6'7.25 at peak looks to be pretty much bang.
Ethan99 said on 5/Mar/21
peak:6'6.75-6'7 (about 2m)
now: 6'5.25-6'5.5 (196-197 cm)

that's my guess
Covvvid1984. said on 4/Mar/21
Strong 6-7 to Sids strong 6-6 to Hogans strong 6-5.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 4/Mar/21
Peak sid 6ft6 1/2 taker 6ft7 1/4 kane 6ft7.75 nash 6ft9 big show 6ft11.
SeanR said on 2/Mar/21
Hi Rob,

Is there a possibility that taker was 6’6 3/4” at peak?

He doesn’t look much taller than Sid during their peaks
Editor Rob
I can see why some people might give him barely 6ft 7
ced said on 1/Mar/21
Taker Peak - 6'6.8
Sid Peak - 6'6.2
Kane Peak - 6'7.3 (with lifts - 6'9)
Kevin Nash - 6'9.3
Big Show - 6'10.8
Kurgan - 6'9
Ron and Don Harris - 6'6
Brian Adams - 6'5.5
Brian Clark - 6'5.75
Resurrection of Edwards said on 23/Feb/21
i’m sorry i mean to say 6’7.25 and 6’6 is the “absolute highest “ i feel undertaker can measure.6’6 flat is the absolute highest currently and 6’7.25 at absolute highest at peak.but i will still lean towards the latter.6’5.75 currently and 6’7 flat at peak is my estimation.i dont see peak undertaker being any higher than flat 6’7 especially after sid admitted of being hair over 6’6.a 0.75 difference between these guys.i still give taker a chance of doubt and say 6’7.25 at absolute highest.but i personally still feel he was flat 6’7 peak and 6’5.75 currently with a chance of 6’6.
Riky said on 22/Feb/21

It's just the way I see it, if Sid wasn't taller than what himself claims then Taker peak was not 6'7.5.
But not even super far from it.
Sure no taller than Rob listing.

If some posters here likes to play the protagonist part saying he was 25'feet tall its fine
Heightchecker35 said on 22/Feb/21
He's literally being pulled back by someone in that clip while Sid is leaning in ? And plus his knees appear at a higher level 🤦‍♂️

Did you look at their footwear?

Here's both of them with same footwear
Click Here
Canson said on 22/Feb/21
@Chaos Control: in his prime easily was out of bed
Resurrection of Edwards said on 22/Feb/21
Leon11 said on 20/Feb/21
Riki: Nope, Peak Undertaker was about inch taller than Sid. Sid was always trying to look as tall as possible next to Taker(also was standing on his tip toes or raised his head). Undertaker always had more relaxed posture.

but it wasn’t an inch difference though.more like 3/4 or 0.75 between taker and sid.
Covvvid1984. said on 22/Feb/21
Looked 1” on sid. 6-7 approx peak
Resurrection of Edwards said on 21/Feb/21
i personally think a peak height of flat 6’7 and current height of 6’5.75 would be a good bet.but of course i don’t rule out 6’7.5 for peak and 6’6 currently.but that’s the absolute highest i feel he could measure at peak and currently.
Tacofuo said on 21/Feb/21
You can see someone was pulling him from behind while Sid is leaning in during that staredown . Also he has higher knees which are a sign in elevator shoe wearing

Taker taller than Sid
Click Here
Leon11 said on 20/Feb/21
Riki: Nope, Peak Undertaker was about inch taller than Sid. Sid was always trying to look as tall as possible next to Taker(also was standing on his tip toes or raised his head). Undertaker always had more relaxed posture.
miko said on 20/Feb/21
If Sid was 6'6.25 prime then Taker never saw 6'7. Not much height between them at all and they looked pretty much identical in staredowns. Sid looked taller in the first staredown pre WWE for what that is worth.

I had Sid at 6'6.5/6'6.75 and Taker a flat 6'7.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 20/Feb/21
C’mon he’d have been 6’8 in the morning
Harry Sachs said on 20/Feb/21
Click Here 2:35 Timestamp. It is funny how people keep saying Sid only looks taller because of his hair. Sid's whole body is higher than the Undertaker.

Mark looks taller as the Undertaker because of the thicker sole shoes. Kind of why Braun looks taller than he is. He wears thicker shoes because for the most part he is portrayed as a monster.
Riky said on 19/Feb/21

Personally I don't think he was ever 6'7.5.
Now honestly I don't think Sid was taller than what he claimed recently. We will never really know what kind of footwear they had back at their stare down but it's safe and reasonable assume that Taker was never ever above 6'7" peak and I never ruled out a hair less.
Sid once also claimed his height as a 6'8". Well that was obviously his height is shoes (6'7.25/5) rounded up since he really was 6'6.25.
Taker did something similar, actually he still claiming he's 6'8" opposite to Sid but that's his prime height in shoes.
MRD said on 15/Feb/21
6'6.25" current.Peak height 6'7.5" is the highest and 6'7.25" is the lowest I can guess for Taker.
Vincent Caleb said on 13/Feb/21
That is the highest I would go as well the lowest would be a half inch lower for both of them.
David Garcia said on 12/Feb/21
Tbh it’s weird because he would he either look really tall or not that tall in most cases and that’s probably because of his bad posture but I digress.
Undertaker Frank said on 10/Feb/21
Id give Taker 6ft 7 maybe he was wearing lifts ?? Triple H IS NOT 6FT 3 MAYBE WITH Lifts He was on the Drew Carey show had he was shorter than the 6ft 2 actor he was next to So 6ft 1 is probably right for Triple H
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 10/Feb/21
I think Taker may have been 6’7.5 at his peak and Kane 6’7.75, but that’s the highest I’d go
Dred__ said on 10/Feb/21
I can believe even 6ft5.5 today for taker
KITCHI said on 9/Feb/21
He was bigger in 90 taker,big show had four inches on him in 99. Big show is 7'0",that makes taker 6feet8.but,next to McMahon Austin who say they're six two, takers 5 inches taller. Triple h is six three,taker has four inches on him,this means takers 6foot7.
Canson said on 9/Feb/21
@Chaos Control: I would say 6’7 flat is fair for LeBron
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 8/Feb/21
@Riky don’t care for the guy, but I think we can safely assume Lebron is at least 6’7
Tizwaxxx said on 8/Feb/21
Proof hogan was never over 6-6 when they stood together
miko said on 8/Feb/21
Taker has never had neck fusion surgery, that's fake news.
Canson said on 7/Feb/21
@Chaos Control: yea could be anything up to 6’6 imho but more than likely in one of the two ranges you gave. 6’5.75-6’6” as opposed to 6’5.5-.75 imho. 6’5 7/8 could be as good an estimate as any. In that case Rob’s listing is pretty good being it’s a lunchtime height for him
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 7/Feb/21
Peak taker 6ft8 kane 6ft8 1/2 barefoot. Current taker 6ft6 3/4 kane 6ft7.25.
Riky said on 6/Feb/21
Heightchecker32 said on 1/Feb/21
I'm seeing two things that need to be acknowledged asap.

#1 The Kevin Love - Undertaker Photo (everyone must see the link below)
Click Here

Seriously Undertaker is clearly not 2.75" shorter than Love, who is listed at 6'7.75"


I think that the kavin love / Taker picture is a smoking gun picture. Not only with love but also with the others Cleveland's players Undertaker does look short in every posture you want. Undertaker has footwear advantage, wich i guess many here don't want to accept.
And yes, as big Rob said it was around 2 inches at least. It could have been 1.75.
The problem is that Love isn't 6'7.75 necessarily, but more 6'7.25/5 since he is barely taller than 6'6.75/6'7" LeBron.
The chances Taker is just 6'5.5 are a lot bigger than many of you wants, but I think 6'6" or 6'5.75 it's a perfect listing.
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 5/Feb/21
I’d say his current height is 6’5.87-6’6 over 6’5.75-6’5.8
Riky said on 3/Feb/21
Leon11 said on 2/Feb/21

Not in his debut in my opinion, but I agree that around 1999 it was suspect. But in my opinion, compare to others, I'm almost sure he is "clean".
Canson said on 3/Feb/21
When he stands straight he looks too tall to only be 6’5 flat
Tizwaxxx said on 3/Feb/21
6-7.5 peak maybe. Now 6-5.75
Lyle said on 3/Feb/21
I'd definitely say 1999 was the year
Canson said on 2/Feb/21
Danimal 176.7 said on 30/Jan/21
Canson said on 29/Jan/21
@Rampage: I could see 6’6” flat like listed at his afternoon best case. His bad posture makes him look shorter but I doubt he’s as low as 6’5” flat like some say

At best 6'5.5" today and that's being generous. I honestly give him a flat 6'5" barefoot today.

Maybe his posture and he can look it with Kevin Love but he doesn’t with Dan Trojan. He looks 6’6” with him and with other wrestlers he still does. 6’5” imho is too low for him. Maybe 6’5.5 at a stretch but an under 6’6 imho would mean more 6’5.75
Canson said on 2/Feb/21
Danimal 176.7 said on 30/Jan/21
Canson said on 29/Jan/21
@Rampage: I could see 6’6” flat like listed at his afternoon best case. His bad posture makes him look shorter but I doubt he’s as low as 6’5” flat like some say

At best 6'5.5" today and that's being generous. I honestly give him a flat 6'5" barefoot today.

Maybe his posture and he can look it with Kevin Love but he doesn’t with Dan Trojan. He looks 6’6” with him and with other wrestlers he still does. 6’5” imho is too low for him
Big ed said on 2/Feb/21
Ye he always referred himself to 6'8 so can't see why he'd lie when mainly billed at 6'10.5"
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 2/Feb/21
@Joe yeah Battery got Banned for being a delusional idiot
Heightchecker32 said on 1/Feb/21
I'm seeing two things that need to be acknowledged asap.

#1 The Kevin Love - Undertaker Photo (everyone must see the link below)
Click Here

Seriously Undertaker is clearly not 2.75" shorter than Love, who is listed at 6'7.75". Nobody even points out that he has an unusually low eye level and a gigantic forehead. That combined with the hat made him look shorter than he is.
That difference is in the 1.5 inch range, give or take. Combine that with the fact he apparently had some form of surgery just before that and even his posture may have been loose.

#2 Second myth is that Undertaker is 6'5"

Here is a person who met Tom Hopper listed at 6'5" on this site, and who also met Undertaker. Now compare Hopper to Taker and tell me how much of 6'5" he looks.
Click Here

Hopefully this debunks all these claims. Now granted those pics are from a few years back and he may be a tad shorter but I still don't see him measuring 6'6" flat even at worst if he was asked to Bust a Gut.

Over and out.
Joe W said on 1/Feb/21
@ ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 - it’s cool man I don’t take offence. Haven’t seen many of his comments but in fairness there’s over 8k worth of comments on this subject lol. Be safe.
Vincent Caleb said on 1/Feb/21
6’5” flat is too low. He hasn’t lost two inches yet, at absolute most 1.5, but even 6’5.5” is low. 6’5.75” is way more likely than 6’5”.
Danimal 176.7 said on 30/Jan/21
Canson said on 29/Jan/21
@Rampage: I could see 6’6” flat like listed at his afternoon best case. His bad posture makes him look shorter but I doubt he’s as low as 6’5” flat like some say

At best 6'5.5" today and that's being generous. I honestly give him a flat 6'5" barefoot today.
Danimal 176.7 said on 30/Jan/21
Joe W said on 21/Jan/21
Said on Joe Rogan show he was 6’8” and 315lbs when playing basketball. I believe this to be accurate in 1990. Three hip surgeries later I can believe now 6’6” 1/2.

He's had more than hip surgeries. His neck has been fused (that is why it is so short today), he's had knee replacements and he's had several spinal fusions (back surgeries). He's not 6'6.5" (taller than a peak Sid). He's at best 6'5.5" today.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 30/Jan/21
@ben bell

i think he was 6'7 flat at peak.he was 0.75 taller than 6'6.25 sid, 5 inch taller than guys like hhh and lesnar.2 inch taller than someone like 6'5 crush at peak.while i can agree with rob on his history,6'7.25 is the absolute highest a peak taker could measure barefoot exclusing his thick tied hair at peak.i "personally" have taker at 6'7 flat at peak.peak mark calaway was also 2" taller than 6'5 dan spivey.we've seen taker next to measured basketballers,he was noticeably smaller than i can agree,currently he is 6'6 flat at absolute highest or at most.
TRNA/6'2 said on 30/Jan/21
Saw this on Viscera's (listed 6'6.5") page. Looks comfortably an inch taller minimum. Looks like it's from the early 90's. Watch from 2:48.
Click Here

With Hogan (listed 6'6") from early 1990s. Always looked like he had about 2 inches, if not more on Hogan. Hogan may need a downgrade.
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With Batista (listed 6'2.75", staredown from late 2000s). Watch from 3:45.
Click Here

I would say here, the top of Batista's head is level with Undertaker's eyes, tbh. But Undertaker's stance is questionable. He isn't standing with as good posture as Batista.
Click Here

Another photo without wrestling attire of Undertaker, Batista (6'2.75) and Ricky Hatton (5'6").
Click Here
TRNA/6'2 said on 30/Jan/21
There is not a gap of 4 inches between Undertaker (listed 6'6") and Big Show (listed 6'10"), seriously Big Show looks 2.5 inches taller than him at best. Hopefully we can all agree that Big Show is not 4 inches taller.
Click Here
Click Here

Khali (listed 7') doesn't look 6 inches taller either and hes the same as Shaq, although this pic is a few years old like 3 years ago I think with Undertaker.
Click Here

So therefore, Khali, Big Show, Shaq need to be downgraded.

His wife is Michelle McCool (listed 5'9"). She looks tiny next to him. Maybe she is due in for a downgrade too . We can all see that the tip top of her skull doesn't even reach his chin. She requires heels for that.

Most of these pics of Michelle and Mark are within the last year or so. So fairly recent.
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Ben Bell said on 30/Jan/21
Taker at peak height face you face with 6’6 and a hair Sid gives Taker a peak of 6’7.
Perhaps he stretched out and scraped 6’8 with this hair.
Meeting him in 2019 he was 6’6 at the most.

Giving him the benefit of if the doubt I’d say peak 6’7.5.
I have a family member who’s 6’7.5 bare foot. I may get a pic with him and compare it to my Undertaker photo. See who’s tallest.
Canson said on 29/Jan/21
@Rampage: I could see 6’6” flat like listed at his afternoon best case. His bad posture makes him look shorter but I doubt he’s as low as 6’5” flat like some say
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 28/Jan/21
@Joe W 6’8 in the morning for sure. Also I only said your comment sounded like something Battery would say, I’ll pull it up as proof
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 21/Jan/21
@Joe W sounds like something Battery would say

See? SOUNDS LIKE something he would say
Joe W said on 28/Jan/21
No I’m not impersonating anyone else I’m just adding my opinion in with the so called experts who seem to provoke arguments looking at the feed below.
All for being nice but online mockery and bullying doesn’t seem fair and in keep with standards of practice.
I believe he was closer to 6”8’ in his prime. My opinion. Based on how wwe has exaggerated other wrestlers heights 6”10’ doesn’t seem likely and 6”6’1/2 now doesn’t make it impossible for the guy to have been 6”8’ in 1990.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Jan/21
I think Taker could still manage a fraction over 6ft6 today
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 28/Jan/21
In the last ride part 5 taker said lam 6foot8 315 pounds.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 27/Jan/21
Canson said on 26/Jan/21
@Chaos Control and Edward: 😂 😆 😆 😆

TRNA/6'2 said on 27/Jan/21
With 6ft5 JBL in late 90s and early 00's

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Video of JBL and Undertaker together for a better perspective, perhaps .
Click Here
Click Here

Also Great Khali himself (listed at 7ft tall) posted a couple pics of himself with other people recently.

Here is:
7' Khali with Undertaker
Click Here

7' Khali with 7'1/4" Shaq. I wouldn't go by their eye levels, but the top of their heads. I think Khali might even slightly edge him.
Click Here

Resurrection of Edwards said on 26/Jan/21
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 25/Jan/21
How is HHH under Taker’s eye level there? HHH is just above the bottom of Taker’s hat and I’m not sure he’s all of 6’1.5 these days

agreed.triple h is over undertaker’s eyebrows and hhh isn’t even 6’1.5 today.lmfao🤣🤣😂😂
Riky said on 26/Jan/21
Ike Catcher with King Slatan Ibrahimovic.
Ibra is 6'4.5 max.
Click Here

Ibra with his team mate Donnarumma, who is 1.96cm or 6'5".
Click Here.
Donnarumma is the taller man, I watch them every week. Ibra could be even more than 0.5 shorter to be honest. Nearly an inch sometimes.

I can't find Ike/ TAKER picture, but I remember Ike was at least an inch taller. But I would say 1.5 almost.
Ike is 6'7" to 6'7.5 in my opinion.
Undertaker is best case 1.98cm not higher. But 197 it's just my opinion.

Kavin Love i think could be 6'7.5(max). Taker had footwear advantage when he met Love ( poster Sotiris Gravas posted both footwear time ago) and he was around 2 big inches shorter no excuses.
Of course Taker does look also 6'6" sometimes, reason why in my opinion he is everywhere in the 1.97/1.98 max range.

Ps: I have one brother who is same height as me, but I use to wear more higher shoes than he does. Everyone think I'm the taller one but in reality we are same height. Always attention to footwear, most of all when guys so close in height are pictured together.

No problems, it's also just my opinion.
Leon11 said on 26/Jan/21
Ressurection of Edwards: It looks like that Taker was more than one inch taller than Tony Longo. I Put him little above 6'7, 6'7.25 is safe.
Click Here this pic is better. in your Picture Longo is standing bit higher than Taker, look at his boots.
Undertaker Frank said on 26/Jan/21
Taker @ 6ft 7 makes sense he looked about 2 inches taller than Bruiser Broady who was listed @ 6ft 8 but was really 6ft 5 Taker was called Texas Red @ the time
Canson said on 26/Jan/21
@Chaos Control and Edward: 😂 😆 😆 😆
Canson said on 26/Jan/21
Duhon said on 22/Jan/21
He seems to reference the 6'8" figure quite a bit now when talking about his non-wrestler persona. Not the worst exaggeration for man if he was 6'7.25" like Rob has him.

@Duhon: Agreed. He has said 6’8/6’9 before too. And 6’10 once. I think the 6’8 keeps him on par with Kane’s 6’8 claim since they were relatively close in height. Kane may have just had 1/4 or 1/2”
Dicko said on 26/Jan/21
If HHH is 6 foot 1.5 then that picture would have Taker every inch of 6.6.5 feet. If HHH is 6.1 these days than Taker is a strong 6.6. The top of his head is level with Takers eye line. Easily 5.5 inches between them.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 26/Jan/21
here is flat 6’6 listed tony longo with peak mark calaway aka undertaker.both guy’s were at peak and y’all can see the footwear.the footwear looks exactly similar.peak undertaker looks 1 inch taller than 6’6 longo.a peak height of 6’7 flat seems to be bang but listing by rob is fine.he is playing it safe incase.Click Here

want to gear next excuse from battery6565
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 25/Jan/21
How is HHH under Taker’s eye level there? HHH is just above the bottom of Taker’s hat and I’m not sure he’s all of 6’1.5 these days
TRNA/6'2 said on 24/Jan/21
Roman Reigns at 1.87 and Undertaker at 1.97 doesn't seem right to me, no offense.

When Taker isn't slouching to look down at him and with both standing tall, the difference is quite apparent.
Click Here

Perhaps his injuries as noted on the podcast make him look shorter than he really is due to bad posture and gait.

To be honest, the average guy I see walking around doesn't have great posture and may end up measuring taller than what they normally stand around at so I guess it's fair to assume when you take a giant of a man with all that weight worn down by injuries over a 30+ year career then they wouldn't be walking around as tall as they could measure.

Just my thoughts.
TRNA/6'2 said on 24/Jan/21
Recent backstage photo with Triple H. Both wearing casuals. 6'1.5" HHH appears to be below Calaway's eye level.
Click Here

I believe Nathan Jones got mentioned who I looked up is listed here at 6'9.75" but he barely looks taller than Undertaker to me.
Click Here
Ressurection of Edwards said on 24/Jan/21
undertaker being 6'8 or over will now surely blow out of,it would be great if folks stayed civil.i bet that battery6565 is back to the site.i dont know whether he is trna 6'2 or joe w,but i know one thing that battery is back to the side.i'm avoiding the argument with battery or his alt alc to avoid escalation like in the past.i would request my partners especially canson and christian to avoid the argument before the 6'8 argument for me,no amount of evidence nor anything gonna prove that taker is 6'8 or over.i'm sorry and bty taker himself has admitted he is bit shorter than kane.i diagree that taker is 6'8 and i would love to keep it civil.hopefully,the new poster whoever he is will keep civil and acts reciprocal.


it would be great i we dont get dragged in the argument.i dont wanna interact with guys like wilies or it would be great if we ignore.
sahibfaberoutlook said on 23/Jan/21
Recent backstage pic of Undertaker and HHH.
Click Here
Riky said on 23/Jan/21
ced said on 19/Jan/21

here is a pic of Sid and Kane in 1995 during a battle royal. Yankem/Kane looks 1.5 inches taller than Sid here.

Kane wore at least 2 inches boots during his career. Barefoot, in 1995, i guess Kane would have been max 1 inch taller than Sid I think.
Leon11 said on 23/Jan/21
Looks pretty close to 6'8 next to 6'5 Scott Hall imo. 6'7.25-6'7.5 for sure at his peak. But what is interesting, he said in Joe Rogan interview, that his hip was in poor condidion even in 1990 in his match against Luger(he was still in WCW). Dude have problems with hip since he was in his early 20s. Also he injuried his knee when he was playing Basketball, so it possible that he lost fraction before his 30s.
miko said on 23/Jan/21
Never looked anywhere near 6'8 at any point.
DarkM said on 23/Jan/21
Does anyone know the real the height of Tony Longo who was alongside Taker in Suburban Commando? The say 6' 6"
Joe W said on 23/Jan/21
Also Kane now I would say was slightly taller but interview with Jim Cornette he mentioned that during his initial run he always wore lifts to look taller than Undertaker. There’s a lot of keyboard warriors and gobby people on here when people make estimates. Unless you go and measure the guy yourself you can only ever estimate. Try being nice.
Joe W said on 23/Jan/21
@resurrection of edwards. He’s had both hips done and knew surgeries. I’m not really bothered what height he is but he was billed at 6’10” which was never likely. Look at images of him next to Kevin Nash and Big show. Its likely with all the surgeries and fuses he’s had to lose height over a 30 year career not to mention he’s now 55.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 23/Jan/21
@Editor rob

i was just scrolling and found this photo.this photo is around 2019/2020 .this was taken from undertaker’s last ride are two photos between seth rollins and mark calaway.both of the dudes are out of gear much difference between seth rollins and taker in 2019/20.
Click Here
Editor Rob
the first photo I'd have said it could have been more than 5 inches based on seth a bit nearer...
TRNA/6'2 said on 23/Jan/21
Joe Rogan Podcast was very interesting. Mark makes it pretty clear though that he struggles with injuries and all nowadays. The surgeries certainly took a toll on him.

Gotta respect him and his work.

An interesting photo of Taker, Batista - 6ft2.75in and Ricky Hatton 5ft6 .
Click Here

Crazy how huge these guys look in comparison to Hatton! Taker seems to have over a foot of height on him. The gap appears to be more than that of Taker and the notorious Giant Gonzales..
Click Here
Duhon said on 22/Jan/21
He seems to reference the 6'8" figure quite a bit now when talking about his non-wrestler persona. Not the worst exaggeration for man if he was 6'7.25" like Rob has him.
Riky said on 21/Jan/21
Riki's mentors list 😂 ( heights in centimeters)

Undertaker 2.00 / 1.97 today.

Kavin Nash 2.06 / 2.04 today.

Hogan 1.95 / 1.90 today.

Big Show 2.10 / 2.06 today.

Kane 2.00 / 1.99 today.

Strowman 1.99

Triple H 1.87 / 1.86 today.

Sid Vicious 1.99 / 1.96 today.

Randy Orton 1.93

The Rock 1.89 / 1.87 today.

Goldberg 1.88 / 1.85 today.

Baron Corbin 1.98

H.B.K 1.79 / 1.77 today.

The Great Khali 2.13 / 2.08 today.

JBL 1.95 / 1.94 today.

Roman Reigns 1.87

Batista 1.89 / 1.87 today.

Jhon Cena 1.84

Stone Cold 1.85 / 1.83 today.

Heidenreich 1.96 /?

Natan Jones 2.05 / 2.04 today.

Scott Hall 1.95 / 1.93 today.

Breat Hart 1.82 / 1.79 today.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 21/Jan/21
just because they claim certain height means they are that height?.undertaker also claimed/indicated he was barely shorter than kane at peak in stone cold a 6’8 taker means 6’8.25 kane and 6’7.25 sid lmfao.a peak 6’8 guy can now all of a sudden look 6’5 flat next to kevin love and the cavaliers?
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 21/Jan/21
@Joe W sounds like something Battery would say
Joe W said on 21/Jan/21
Said on Joe Rogan show he was 6’8” and 315lbs when playing basketball. I believe this to be accurate in 1990. Three hip surgeries later I can believe now 6’6” 1/2.
Danimal 176.7 said on 20/Jan/21
Mark (Undertaker) claimed in this brand new interview from TODAY with Joe Rogan that he was 6'8" in college: Click Here

And here's another instance of him saying he was 6'8": Click Here
JayHay said on 20/Jan/21
I think he’s probably around 6’6 3/4 now at a low, but in his younger years I think he could have hit 6’8 1/4 barefoot in the morning and maybe sinking to 6’7 1/2 in the evening.
TRNA/6'2 said on 20/Jan/21
Some photos of Undertaker standing with 6'5" Scott Hall in his younger days
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Resurrection of Edwards said on 20/Jan/21
it is worth highlighting that undertaker is wearing ring gear in this photo and corbin is dressed casually. So it’s pretty much obvious that taker has the footwear advantage.still with footwear advantage,undertaker looks 0.25 shorter than corbin.Click Here

it’s surprising and hard to believe at the same time that undertaker now struggles to look noticeably taller next to guy like drew mcintire.
ced said on 19/Jan/21

here is a pic of Sid and Kane in 1995 during a battle royal. Yankem/Kane looks 1.5 inches taller than Sid here.

Click Here
Resurrection of Edwards said on 18/Jan/21
undertaker is in ring gear while corbin is out of gear.dont forget that undertaker is nearer to camera.corbin still edges him out.Click Here

i want to see the next argument by TRNA/6’2

ofcource he’ll post the following

1)undertaker and ike catcher with measuring stick that doesn’t make sense and insist ike is 6’9 and taker 6’6.5/6’7

2)nathan jones and taker insisting nathan is 6’10/6’11 and taker is 6’8 or over

3)roman reign and taker photo where reigns is tilting his head down and taker tilting his head up.

4) he’ll claim and inflate 6’3.5 bros of destruction to 6’4 or over and claims bros of destruction was much shorter than taker.

5) he’ll say “undertaker edged 6’6.5/6’7 ali baba” just to make taker 6’8 but in reality we all know baba was 6’6 and attimes has dropped a fraction under 6’6 but taker was half inch taller than him and it was in 2013/14 and taker taker had a footwear advantage.

6)he claims the reason undertaker looked 3” shorter than kevin love in some video clip was that undertaker was having hip surgery.this is the first time i heard from someone that having a hip surgery makes you 3” shorter.
Riky said on 17/Jan/21
Probably this man was barely 6'7" at his peak, looking at him with guys like 6'6" "an a hair" Sid or with 201cm peak max Kane.
Honestly he towered the 90% of the guys he faced in his career.
In 2021 i think he is heading the 6'5.5 zone, probably 197cm. But Rob listing is fair enough to be honest.
Rob rubs said on 15/Jan/21
This is where Pierre posts the pic again of kane and vince Vaughn
Resurrection of Edwards said on 14/Jan/21
lol here is baron corbin next to mark henry.corbin looks minimum 4.5 or possibly 5” taller than mark henry.Click Here

so now,am i supposed to believe that corbin is 6’6.5/6’7 lmfao.
what i meant to say is that other guy might be at his low whereas the other might be still at his morning height.

corbin looked nearly 5” taller than henry.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 14/Jan/21
i bet that the next photo TRNA/6'2 will post is ike catcher and taker and taker and nathan jones.he will now insists that ike catcher is 6’9 and post a photo with measuring stick and make peak taker 6’8 and current undertaker at 6’6.5/6’7.hopefully,that laughable photo will not be posted🤣🤣😂😂😂
Resurrection of Edwards said on 14/Jan/21
welcome back battery lmfao.dude,you can try as much as anyone else but it is what it is,undertaker isn’t as tall as what you have thought
Resurrection of Edwards said on 14/Jan/21
undertaker might have been 0.5 taller than corbin in 2013/14 because a poster by name “ali baba” met taker and said he was half inch taller than him.undertaker did have a footwear advantage over baba and ali baba also said he attimes dip fraction under 6’6 at 2017-currently,i bet corbin is taller.
TRNA/6'2 said on 14/Jan/21
Maybe it's also worth highlighting Corbin is wearing ring gear in this photo and Taker is dressed casually. So obviously Corbin has the footwear advantage.
Click Here

I've uploaded the video where he's looking taller than Strowman already too.

Here's a photo of him and Big Show from his recent farewell event:
Click Here

I don't think anyone will buy a 4 inch gap between these two.

Even in their prime they didn't look as much as 5 inches apart. See this from 56 seconds onwards:
Click Here

Here's a photo of him and Mark Henry who is listed at 6'2".
Click Here
Click Here
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 14/Jan/21
Iam no troll taker looked taller still looks 0.5 taller corben measured 6ft6 1/2 strowman measured 6ft7 1/2 barefoot.
Leon11 said on 13/Jan/21
Resurrection of Edwards: Are you Kidding me?, you can't say who is taller at this pic, bad camera angle, Postures, looks like you have an obsession about Undertaker height lol. This pictures, that you posted are worthless.
Jordan87 said on 13/Jan/21
Taker Looks Taller Than Corbin based on the pics I've Seen. Its close, but I would say Taker.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 13/Jan/21
@Res of Edward wasn’t there. TRNA 188 who got busted for being a Battery alt?
Resurrection of Edwards said on 12/Jan/21
looks like battery is back.this TRNA/6’2 is battery if i’m not mistaken.anyways welcome back to site lmfao.
Lyle said on 12/Jan/21
I may be the only one who believes that Corbin is taller than both Taker and Strowman
Undertaker Frank said on 12/Jan/21
Trna/62 I agree with you Corbin & Braun do not look Taller!! I Believe Braun is 6ft 5 to 6ft 5. 5 @ Best Corbin Maybe 6ft 6 Taker 6ft 6 .5 Maybe Taker wears Lifts He was about a Half inch Taller than the 6ft 6 Ali Baba Strowman looked a good amount shorter than 6ft 7 listed Aaron Judge so 6ft 5ish could be right !!
Resurrection of Edwards said on 12/Jan/21

do you have any evidence to back your claim?it would be intresting to see that.i and everyone here is intrested to to see where baron corbin has wore lifts.because baron corbin out of gear edged boot wearing undertaker.lets see what excuse you have to make next.corbin easily edges can watch the latest taker documentary kiddo.corbin again edges him here and taker is closer to camera.Click Here
TRNA/6'2 said on 11/Jan/21
That pic of Corbin and Taker was when they were moving around. As someone correctly said his posture wasn't straight. With a straighter neck he was clearly taller.
Click Here

He looked taller than Strowman even as recently as 2018
Click Here
Leon11 said on 10/Jan/21
Resurrection of Edwards: What about one thing that Baron Corbin was in his wrestling boots before wrestling match(probably with litfs) and Taker was not?. Corbin was using lifts before, Strowman used lifts before too. Not to mention camera angle, Corbin head is clearly closer to the camera, Undertaker have way bigger head than him, but in this angle their heads look similar(and in reality, Taker head is way longer).
Dred__ said on 9/Jan/21
I don’t agree with @dewie but i’m not sure that corbin is taller back to 2014-2015. I mean corbin looks the taller of the two but taker posture isn’t Great so i think both are the same height in that moment. Obviously undertaker doesn’t look an inch taller than him. I still think strowman corbin undertaker have the same height 6ft6 flat for corbin, taker and 6ft6 1/4 but not over than that for strowman
RJT said on 8/Jan/21
The only way peak Taker could measure 6'10 is fresh out of bed of which he could've reach 6'8.5" ish and wearing 1.5" boots.

Just your usual WWE inflation.
Big Lul said on 8/Jan/21
Resurrection of Edwards said on 8/Jan/21

corbin edged the undertaker and it wasn’t in was 5-6 years ago around 2014/2015.
Click Here

corbin edged taker by 0.25 inch in 2015.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 8/Jan/21
@dewie 5ft9 175cm

are you troll?have you seen the right picture.undertaker looked shorter than baron corbin and it was 2015.
Big Lul said on 8/Jan/21
Resurrection of Edward said on 6/Jan/21
DarkM said on 4/Jan/21
That Kevin Love picture is a strange one. Love looks like he would be taller than Kevin Nash if Nash stood next to Love rather than Taker.

that just proved that wwe guy’s aren’t as tall as advertised or we would have thought.remember,the undertaker also had footwear advantage over kevin love.maybe kevin love was still at his morning height or the undertaker was his extreme low.but it does proved that undertaker might measure 6’5 flat at his extreme low.dont get me wrong,i ain’t saying he is 6’5,i have him at 6’5.75 today but love photo did proved at mark calaway might measure 6’5 at his “super extreme low”.

Agree. People like Sid, taker, Kane Corbin, braun and big show don’t look there build. The only person how looks there build most of the time is drew McIntyre
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 7/Jan/21
Taker looked taller thane 6ft6 corben backstage in the last ride full 1inche still 6ft7. Peak 6ft8.
Undertaker Frank said on 6/Jan/21
Maybe Kevin Love is taller than 6ft 7 Taker looked taller next to Nanthan Jones & Kevin Nash than he looked with Love I do Believe alot of Wrestlers do where lifts in there Wrestling Boots !!!
Resurrection of Edward said on 6/Jan/21
DarkM said on 4/Jan/21
That Kevin Love picture is a strange one. Love looks like he would be taller than Kevin Nash if Nash stood next to Love rather than Taker.

that just proved that wwe guy’s aren’t as tall as advertised or we would have thought.remember,the undertaker also had footwear advantage over kevin love.maybe kevin love was still at his morning height or the undertaker was his extreme low.but it does proved that undertaker might measure 6’5 flat at his extreme low.dont get me wrong,i ain’t saying he is 6’5,i have him at 6’5.75 today but love photo did proved at mark calaway might measure 6’5 at his “super extreme low”.
DarkM said on 4/Jan/21
That Kevin Love picture is a strange one. Love looks like he would be taller than Kevin Nash if Nash stood next to Love rather than Taker.
Canson said on 2/Jan/21
@Vincent: I don’t quite rule out a full 6’6” if he stood straight but I think any higher than Rob lists him is also pushing it. But while I agree with you and Edward, I could see why Roderick estimates 6’5”. The pic with Kevin Love where he looks shorter is an example of how bad his posture is. Ive seen more than two people say Love is only around 6’7”. To me he’s closer to 6’7.5 maybe 6’7.25-.5 range and 6’7.75 early AM and I do feel Love likely had a camera advantage if not footwear too.However I agree with Edward that that isn’t always the case with his posture. Posture can only go so far. Meaning He does have poor posture but that only really explains why he can look 6’5 or lower, but not why he only looks around 6’6” and not taller. A guy wouldn’t look 6’4-5 at times and be 6’7 still. He really is only around 6’6 (6’5.75 is a very good estimate for him). He’s not over 6’6 like some claim and according to Rob he knows people who’ve met him and it’s the most he looks which often times signals that someone is a bit under the mark. 6’5.75 will come eventually I’m sure. Talker guys like that lose more height In a lifetime. Id like to see Rob get a pic with him and accurately gauge him. Even then he may leave him at 6’6 if he can’t tell the difference between 6’5.75 and 6’6 but if he were to concede that it’s the most he could be or that there was footwear advantage or that it was late morning or early afternoon, I think we will begin to see
Resurrection of Edwards said on 2/Jan/21

thanks brother.happy belated new year to you and everyone in the site dude.

i agree that 6'5.75 is most likely for taker in 2020.while i dont rule out 6'6 for him,6'5.75 is looking likely for him you,me and christian said earlier,he is likely in 6'5.5-6'6 range or anywhere in between that.
Canson said on 1/Jan/21
Happy New Year Edward!

I agree 6’5.75 is more of a possibility than 6’6.25
Vincent Caleb said on 1/Jan/21
6’5.75” is perfect for him. 6’5.5” already is pushing it, 6’5” flat is way too low. I agree with you.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 31/Dec/20
there are more chances that he is just 6'5.75.while i dont rule out 6'6 for him today.i have seen enough to say and believe that he is shy of 6'6,how much exactly though?chances are very high that he is 6'5.75 today.9/10 people who met mark claims he is fraction under 6'6.only one dude who i know personally claims he is 6'6 or solid 6' of the folks who met him 2017-currently claimed he is under 6'6 or say 'shy' of 6'6.however its all i have said that i dont ruleout 6'6 for him,i would say he "might" be 6'5.75 today.he also looked "almost" inch shorter than kane.
Dred__ said on 30/Dec/20
Today There are more chance that taker is 6ft5.75 up to 6 or 6ft6 up to 6ft6.25 ?
Editor Rob
it's the never-ending question...whilst he can look 6ft 5.5-6, will he measure within that in 2020, or could he still manage to unleash a bit of extra posture and measure near 6ft 6 flat...
Resurrection of Edwards said on 26/Dec/20
lasttime some one in instagram met undertaker and kane a year ago.if anything,the folk might visit celebs height soon.he does have a photo to back his evidence.he guessed undertaker at flat 6'6 or even strong 6'6 if he really Bust a Gut.he guessed kane at 6'6.75,i dont have any reason to lie.if this dude's estimation is true then the listing in celebs height is quite a bang.accrding to him,undertaker is taller than someone like drew mcintire and wade 6'5 is myth for taker.he can look that mark attimes.thanks to his bad posture though.he also said kane was 0.75 or 3/4 taller than undertaker.he said undertaker is exactly similar to baron corbin.he also added that strowman isnt much taller than both corbin or taker.maybe 1/4 between strowman and taker,corbin.
Dred_ said on 24/Dec/20
Any chance for you to meet undertaker ?
Editor Rob

he may well do another show in UK in 2021-2, so never say never.
recapa said on 24/Dec/20
-200.5-201cm peak,197-197.5cm today.
Vincent Caleb said on 23/Dec/20
@Big Lul:
Agree with all of those estimates. Spot on imo.
Canson said on 21/Dec/20
@Chaoscontrol: that’s where I have him. 6’6 is realtistic today and 6-5.75 maybe a worst case. He does walk around at about 6’5 at times and stands at it which is why Roderick guessed it so I agree with you
Big Lul said on 20/Dec/20
Vegas' said on 20/Dec/20
Roderick said on 18/Dec/20
He could be just 6'5".

That video I posted of clips from past year would suggest 6'5 flat is out of question, too tall next to HHH, Styles, Bret, Henry among others.

Plenty of people Rob is photographed with there, Finlay I met too Click Here

Taker nowadays is at best 6’5.5-6’5.75 max. Do is still identical in height with Baron Corbin who I have as 6’5.75-6’5 7/8. Also looked dead even if not a max .5 shorter than 6’6-6’6.25 Braun Strowman. 6’5 for taker is laughable. Cause if taker is 6’5 what does that make Baron Corbin 6’5.25? Or does that make Braun 6’5.5, Kane 6’5.5-6’5.75?

Taker peak: 6’7 and now 6’5.5-6’5.75
Corbin: 6’5.75
Braun: 6’6-6’6.25
Kane peak:6’7.25-6’7.5 max and now 6’6.25-6’6.5 max.
Vegas' said on 20/Dec/20
Roderick said on 18/Dec/20
He could be just 6'5".

That video I posted of clips from past year would suggest 6'5 flat is out of question, too tall next to HHH, Styles, Bret, Henry among others.

Plenty of people Rob is photographed with there, Finlay I met too Click Here

Pity we don't get a good comparison with Jordan Omogbehin at 1 minute 50. That guy is taller than peak Shaq/Khali/Big Show or Silva.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 19/Dec/20
I’d say he’s a flat 6’6 today, not exactly overstating his height is it? He can look strong 6’5 range because his posture isn’t as good
Canson said on 19/Dec/20
Roderick said on 18/Dec/20
He could be just 6'5".

Not yet. 197 range is the worst case and even then mid to upper
Roderick said on 18/Dec/20
He could be just 6'5".
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 17/Dec/20

Show's posture is terrible and the angle is weird.
Nash looks taller than Show here, and we know he was at least 2 inches smaller in their respective primes
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 17/Dec/20
Taker looks 3inches shorter than andrei 6ft8 undertaker andrei 6ft11.
Canson said on 16/Dec/20
@Edward: lol
Vegas' said on 13/Dec/20
Undertaker and Andre is photoshop created by our very own Roel
Resurrection of Edward said on 13/Dec/20
TRNA/188CM said on 12/Dec/20
Here is a real photo of Undertaker and Andre The Giant from Prime Time Wrestling 1991. It is shared by someone in the industry (Sean Mooney). This is not 5 inches.
Click Here

lol that photo is photoshopped if i'm not mistaken.
TRNA/188CM said on 12/Dec/20
Here is a real photo of Undertaker and Andre The Giant from Prime Time Wrestling 1991. It is shared by someone in the industry (Sean Mooney). This is not 5 inches.
Click Here
James B 172c, said on 11/Dec/20
Maybe Khali has shrunk even more?
sahibfaberoutlook said on 10/Dec/20
Great Khali just share this on his instagram
Click Here

He has hat on but doesn't looks like 6-6 vs 7 .
head appears just over Khali's eyes
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 10/Dec/20
Taker looks 2.5 inches shorter than big show
Roderick said on 9/Dec/20
@vvshredded I agree. I have no clue how people can still think Show is 6'10".
vvshredded said on 7/Dec/20
Undertaker and Big Show almost never look 4 inch apart whenever they meet nowadays ?

Click Here

Click Here

6-10 Show and 6-6 Taker doesn't sound right to me.

Here's him and Show when they were young:
Click Here

They have a full staredown from 0:57 Mark. I struggle to see 4 and 3/4" gap from any angle.

Even wih Kane in his Unabomber days before he comes to WWE, they were the same height . See video below from 3:05 mark
Click Here
Canson said on 5/Dec/20
@Big Lul: I’d say Kane had Sid by an inch (minimum) at his peak. You have very decent estimates too imho.

Taker: peak 6’7 (imho) maybe at a stretch, he slid into the 201 range, today (imho) 6’5.75 maybe with the best posture possible he gets to 6’6” but no higher

Kane: peak 6’7.25 (max 202cm)
Today 199 cm approximately; maybe best case 6’6.5

Sid: mine are almost identical to yours. 6’6.25 peak with a current of 6’5.25 perhaps. Rob could be very close too. So I’ll say he’s a strong 6’5 today with a max up to around 196.5 perhaps and a low of 196 or so
Soda machine said on 5/Dec/20
6-7 peak. .75 over Sid vicious.
Resurrection of Edward said on 5/Dec/20

anyways,you want to push peak taker towards 6’8 by posting anything it are battery6565 if i’m not mistaken.because you and battery conclude same ike catcher photo and claimed ike is 6’9,you guys post same nathan jones photo not to mention both of you have same way of interacting with others.
Big Lul said on 4/Dec/20
@canson and @edward since we know that Sid peak was 6’6.25, do you think that Kane was 1-1.25 inches taller than Sid peak? I would’ve love to see a face off with them in the wwf back in 97.

Sid peak: 6’6.25 and now 6’5-6’5.25 max
Undertaker peak: 6’7 and now max 6’5.5-6’5.75
Kane peak: 6’7.25-6’7.5 max and now 6’6.25-6’6.5 max
Resurrection of Edward said on 4/Dec/20
looks like battery is back to the site with different name lmfao.welcome.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 4/Dec/20
Peak taker 6ft8 203.2cm current 6ft6.75 200cm
Canson said on 3/Dec/20
@Roderick: I rule out anything above 6’6”
Canson said on 3/Dec/20
@Edward: I agree a peak 6’7” and 6’6.25 peak for Sid. It usually doesn’t look an inch but maybe somehow. I agree Rob is playing it safe
TRNA/188CM said on 2/Dec/20
Sid Kneebreak was always way higher than Undertaker so he was probably wearing lifts. Same with Kane. Although kane probably did edge him by quarter jnch
TRNA/188CM said on 2/Dec/20
If he's 6'4-6'5 then show must be 6'7" range..

I'll ask again, can someone show me where he said Nash was two inches taller than him? I watched the interview again and definitely didn't hear him say that.
Resurrection of Edward said on 2/Dec/20

agreed.i could settle with with 2 cm difference between sid and taker.there is no way that undertaker is inch taller than sid.attimes,there looked even half inch difference between these guy’s.i think rob has listed undertaker fraction over 6’7 just to play it safe incase otherwise.i don’t how people can think there is an inch difference.ofcourse i could be wrong but i doubt an inch difference,more like 3/4 or 0.75.a 6’6.25 for sid would put taker around 6’7 flat.6’7 flat is what he stayed in most of his career.he stayed in 6’7 for most of his career and i doubt he was ever over 6’7 but i could be wrong though.I am happy for people to disagree with me though.i agree with everything you said dude.
Vegas' said on 2/Dec/20
Here is good backstage clips from last year or so. Definitely looks taller than 6'5 flat
Click Here
Canson 6'4.25 said on 2/Dec/20
@Danimal: if Sid was 6’6.25 maybe a hair over 6’7.25 but to tell you the truth he looks less than an inch taller than Sid (in their primes)
Big Lul said on 1/Dec/20
I don’t see taker being 6’5 flat today. Then that would make Kane and Strowman 6’5.5 and Corbin 6’5.25. That would also make Sid 6’4.5-75 nowadays. Just doesn’t sound right. But I will say this, taker since the end of 2016, has looked 6’5.5 to a max 6’5.75 if he stretches out himself. Sometimes an extreme low of 6’5.25-6’5.5 especially with them basketball players in 2016. But lately he has held his own with 6’6-6’6.25 guy like Braun Strowman and 6’5.75 guy like Baron Corbin. And only 2.5-3.25 shorter than 6’9-6’9.25 big show. But yes he has looked a max 6’5.25-6’5.5 with 6’1.5 Goldberg ( but I do think that bill had footwear advantage) and only had 6’4.25-6’4.5 Drew McIntyre by an inch to a max 1.25.

Peak: 6’7
Now:6’5.5 to 6’5.75 max
Canson said on 1/Dec/20
@Roderick: he looked small next to Kevin Love but next to Baron Corbin who is about 6’6 he looks similar
Resurrection of Edward said on 1/Dec/20
Roderick said on 29/Nov/20
@Canson I personally rule out 6'6" because he simply, for me, just doesn't look that tall. He seems 6'5" range and even sometimes even 6'4" range. A 6'6" guy just looks taller than him.

@edwards Exactly! He looks too short to be 6'6". Watch some basketball games and go and look at 6'6" range guys when they're in crowds or next to guys in the 6-foot range, they look much taller than Taker does when he's near guys who are 6-foot range.


dude,i partially agree with you.but again,undertaker bad posture need to taken into consideration aswell.i rule out anything over 6’6.i can agree with you that he has looked shorter than 6’6-6’7 guy’s at times.blame to his posture though.i personally can still see that he can measure 6’6 at absolute most busting a guy.he might reach that but again i wouldn’t be surprised if he was under 6’6 though.


i agree with you dude.
TRNA/188CM said on 1/Dec/20
If we take Undertaker to be 6'4" range like some are saying then Big Show must be 6'6.5" range
Click Here
TRNA/188CM said on 1/Dec/20
By the way, Sid is listed at 6'6.25" and Viscera at 6'6.5" and he looked like he's an inch or more taller than those guys. I personally think Viscera may have been same as Sid.
TRNA/188CM said on 1/Dec/20
Is it really a good idea to compare an old muscled up man with a layer of fat now, with injuries who slouches most of the time to slim and lean, young athletically built basketball players in their prime? Doesn't Sounds legit.

Doesn't matter about his appearance, there's no conceivable way he can be less than 6'6" when he stood next to Ike Catcher who's more than 6'8", if not 6'9" when he measured himself. Same next to Big Show in his recent photo or next to Kane when they met. Unless you argue that Big Show is 6'8" right now as well or Kane is just over 6'5". Even then, how do you explain him being just about 1.5 inches shorter in what looked like looser posture next to the verified 6'8" range or above bodybuilder?
Big Lul said on 1/Dec/20
Danimal 176.7cm said on 30/Nov/20
In his prime he edged out 6'6" Mabel/Viscera, so I'll give him 6'7" at best for his prime. As for today he's at most 6'5.5" and that's being generous. Everything about him is shorter/more compressed today (his neck/his upper torso/his hips/femur bone, etc).

I agree with everything you said. Taker was only an inch taller than 6’6 viscera. And .5-.75 of an inch taller than 6’6.25 peak Sid. Nowadays taker often now walks around at 6’5.5 since the end of 2016. He got dwarfed by them 6’7+ basketball players. And on top of that only looked 4 inches taller than 6’1.5 Goldberg and barely edged out 6’4.25-6’4.5 drew mcintyre by a max inch. But i do think that if taker straight himself out then he could be 6’5.75-6’6 max, usually he’s around 6’5.5.
MikeV10 said on 30/Nov/20
Click Here
Andre the Giant in Front of the Undertaker
I dont know if that is fake, it looks real.
But it also looks like Andre is on crutches
Danimal 176.7cm said on 30/Nov/20
In his prime he edged out 6'6" Mabel/Viscera, so I'll give him 6'7" at best for his prime. As for today he's at most 6'5" and that's being generous. Everything about him is shorter/more compressed today (his neck/his upper torso/his hips/femur bone, etc).

So, 6'7" in his prime (I used to think he was 6'8" but knowing that Side was only 6'6", I can't see Taker being over 6'7" in his prime) and I give him a flat 6'5" today.
Danimal 176.7cm said on 30/Nov/20
In his prime he edged out 6'6" Mabel/Viscera, so I'll give him 6'7" at best for his prime. As for today he's at most 6'5.5" and that's being generous. Everything about him is shorter/more compressed today (his neck/his upper torso/his hips/femur bone, etc).
Roderick said on 29/Nov/20
@Canson I personally rule out 6'6" because he simply, for me, just doesn't look that tall. He seems 6'5" range and even sometimes even 6'4" range. A 6'6" guy just looks taller than him.

@edwards Exactly! He looks too short to be 6'6". Watch some basketball games and go and look at 6'6" range guys when they're in crowds or next to guys in the 6-foot range, they look much taller than Taker does when he's near guys who are 6-foot range.
Vincent Caleb said on 29/Nov/20
@Big Lul
I agree with all those estimates 100% except for Big Show. I think Big Show could still be pulling off minimum 6’9.5” standing straight.
Resurrection of Edward said on 29/Nov/20

well said dude.
TRNA/188CM said on 29/Nov/20
Also Undertaker admitting Nash was 2 inches taller than him would be quite telling!

Can someone post the proof for when he said that?
TRNA/188CM said on 29/Nov/20
How can somebody look too short for 6'6" and yet look 2.5 inches shorter than someone who is listed at 6'10" and 1.5" shorter than someone who has posted proof of them being close to 6'9"? And that as well nowadays, not even peak..?
Resurrection of Edward said on 29/Nov/20

agreed with everything you said dude that The Undertaker persona is often regarded as one of Vince's greatest is also probably the greatest gimmick is pro wrestling world aswell.i doubt there is any gimmick that is more famous than the undertaker.
Big Lul said on 28/Nov/20
Big show might just be 6’9 max nowadays since he really didn’t look that much taller than 6’5.5-6’5.75 max undertaker in the backstage picture. So I think it’s like this nowadays

Drew McIntyre: 6’4.25-6’4.5 max
Sid: 6’5-6’5.25 max ( 6’6.25 peak)
Taker: 6’5.5-6’5.75 (6’7 peak)
Corbin: 6’5.75-6’6
Kane: 6’6.25-6’6.5 (peak 6’7.25-6’7.5)
Strowman: 6’6-6’6.25
Nash: 6’8-6’8.25 (peak 6’9-6’9.25)
Big show: 6’9 (peak 6’11-6’11.25)
Canson said on 28/Nov/20
@Roderick: while his 6’6 can look questionable at times it’s likely due to his posture but he doesn’t look 6’5. One thing I’ve noticed is a guy who measures 6’5.75 won’t look different from a 6’6 guy. He looked around 6’6 with Dan Trojan. Arguably he’s what Edward and a lot of us have said in the 197-198 range. While I rule out over 6’6, I think the listing Rob has is fair being that’s the most he could look and being he at worst can still measure it around lunch or just before

Looks like we may have another Alt here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 28/Nov/20
True. The Undertaker persona is often regarded as one of Vince's greatest creations.
Resurrection of Edward said on 28/Nov/20
sorry but taker looks very very short for 6’6 guy nowadays.
Roderick said on 27/Nov/20
He's noticeably shorter nowadays. He's not 6'6" anymore. He's 6'5", at the most.
Szanki11 said on 27/Nov/20
Taker is 6'6, Nash 6'8.25 to 6'8.5, Big Show 6'8.75 to 6'9 max, in this picture, Show was taller than Taker by max 2.5-3 inches, and thats MAX. Show is even bit closer to the camera, it could be less than 3 inches.
TRNA/188CM said on 27/Nov/20
Are the 6'5.75" guesses for Undertaker meant to be satire or serious? I genuinely can't tell, lol.

Where is the timestamp where Taker says that Kevin Nash was 2 inches taller because I never heard him say that..?
TRNA/188CM said on 27/Nov/20
No way that there's 4 inches between Show and Taker. Looks more like 2.5 inches or 3 inches at a stretch.

And Taker never admitted Kane was taller, I watched the whole interview. He said Kane used to wear platform boots and the famous staredown photo had a camera advantage. It was obvious from their kneebreaks anyway. Jokes.
Resurrection of Edward said on 27/Nov/20

agreed with everything you said dude. guys like Flair and Hogan wrestled for different promotions after their "retirement" from WWE.taker is probably the most loyal guy vince/wwe universe has known.mark wouldn’t wrestle in any promotion except wwe.i fully agree with everything you said. but he might come out of retirement for another match in WWE in the future.never say never.i personally think undertaker’s deadman gimmick might have been retired but you still have the guy mark calaway.i think he might appear future as badass/big evil though.
Szanki11 said on 27/Nov/20
I watched this interview with Stone Cold three times, and he never said that Kevin Nash was over two inches taller than him, LOL. Only about HBK 5'10, and Kane little bit bigger than Him, and Kane was wearing platform Boots.
Big Lul said on 26/Nov/20
@Resurrection of Edward,@vincent Caleb, @christian

Here’s a picture of undertaker with big show and Kevin Nash, but mainly big show. If taker today is 6’5.5-6’5.75, then big show looks no taller than a 6’9 max here. Also show and Nash look identical nowadays, and I have Nash at 6’8-6’8.25 nowadays peak 6’9. So yet again another alarming picture of big show.

Click Here
Resurrection of Edward said on 26/Nov/20
i’m the latest podcast,taker describes shawn michaels as 5’10/5’11 guy.he also said kevin nash was over 2 inch taller than him.he also said “kane,he wasn’t much taller than me”.i think this opens much of height.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Nov/20
Mind you that guys like Flair and Hogan wrestled for different promotions after their "retirement" from WWE. Not saying that Taker will do the same, but he might come out of retirement for another match in WWE in the future, similar to what HBK did in 2018 after he "retired" in 2010.
Public Enemy said on 25/Nov/20
Looks huge and built here.
Current and peak as listed
Click Here
A true wrestling icon.
Resurrection of Edward said on 24/Nov/20
@vincent caleb

i fully agree what you dudes said.hopefully,taker may appear in wwe occasionally attimes like guy’s like michaels,flair or hogan.2020 is really a pain.If only WWE could build legendary characters like the undertaker these days. They should have waited till they could’ve had a stadium with real people cheering for him it would have been the proper way to say good bye or proper way to sendoff to such a great performer/entertainer.i loved The moment Vince introduced him to the ring was the most emotional moment for me. The repeated gong sound was thrilling and I couldn't help but shed tears of joy. He Taker will always be in our hearts.

Vince: They say nothing last forever but not with the Undertaker, his legacy will remain eternal.

Thanks for the memories and it did broI know all good things must come to an end but I am truly sad that he won’t be performing anymore. Yes I know wrestling is entertainment but to do what he did for so long and at such a consistently high level is beyond words. He is the reason I started watching wrestling and he will be sorely missed. Just a pity he didn’t get the send off he deserves (like Ric Flair did). Maybe sometime isn’t the future.ught back memories when they showed paul bearer hologram.

J2Frenzy said on 24/Nov/20
@Res of Edward I’ve seen it now. That hit deep. I’m definitely glad that I became a fan of his during his career so and not 10 years down the line
Ali said on 24/Nov/20
On the recent Stone Cold podcast, he described Shawn Michaels as 5'10, Kane as not that much taller than him and even said Kane may have been wearing big boots when describing a picture where they had a confrontation and even Kevin Nash/Diesel was 2 inches taller than him.

Personally, I think Shawn was closer to 5'11 in his prime but got downsized by guys as a rib, Kane to me was closer to 6'8.5 in his prime and edged out 'Taker even when not wearing big boots and Nash to me has always been in the 6'9 - 6'10 range.

Undertaker then also said on TV he was 6'10 but then referred to himself as 6'8, so I believe he was closer to that claim in his prime and has an inch or 2 over the years and can even appear 6'5ish when not standing straight.

Undertaker 6'8 prime, 6'6.5 today
Shawn Michaels 5'11 prime, 5'10 today
Kane 6'8.5 prime, 6'7.5 today
Kevin Nash 6'10 prime, 6'8.5 today
Resurrection of Edward said on 24/Nov/20
J2Frenzy said on 23/Nov/20
@Res of Edward thanks to time zones and WWE PPVs coming out at midnight where I live, I haven’t seen Survivor Series yet, and now you’re spoiling it for me?

@j2frenzy must watch survivor series 2020 as it was booked as final appearance or say farewell fo taker.i loved that part where they showed the late pail bearer.taker paid tribute to him.wwe will never ever be the same again with out taker.hopefully,taker may appear in wwe occasionally attimes like guy’s like michaels,flair or hogan.
Vincent Caleb said on 23/Nov/20
@ Resurrection of Edward:
Very sad news indeed.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Nov/20
I'm sure he'll be back for another match somewhere down the road though.
NCL said on 23/Nov/20
Resurrection of Edward said on 22/Nov/20
this hurt deeper than it needed to. the greatest there ever was, the greatest there ever will be. thank you for all you’ve done for us. one of the reasons i became a wrestling.even the greatest can’t beat Father Time. .My love for pro wrestling is officially dead .taker was the only reason I got into wrestling thank you for the memories #ThankYouTaker .Taker then, Taker now, Taker forever.

I couldn’t have said it any better myself! I’ll keep watching, but it’ll never be the same. I’m hoping he’ll pop up occasionally and give someone a choke slam.
J2Frenzy said on 23/Nov/20
@Res of Edward thanks to time zones and WWE PPVs coming out at midnight where I live, I haven’t seen Survivor Series yet, and now you’re spoiling it for me?
Resurrection of Edward said on 22/Nov/20
this hurt deeper than it needed to. the greatest there ever was, the greatest there ever will be. thank you for all you’ve done for us. one of the reasons i became a wrestling.even the greatest can’t beat Father Time. .My love for pro wrestling is officially dead .taker was the only reason I got into wrestling thank you for the memories #ThankYouTaker .Taker then, Taker now, Taker forever.
Resurrection of Edward said on 22/Nov/20
we just withnessed the greatest of all times final farewell in wwe.
after three decades of giving his soul and body to wwe,the undertaker finally rides into the a lifelong taker fan,all i could ever say is thankyoutaker.6’7.25 peak and 6’5.75 currently.

Canson said on 21/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy: 🤣 😂 i love it!
Vincent Caleb said on 21/Nov/20
Big Lul said on 20/Nov/20
@Vincent Caleb
100% agree with your estimates same as mine. Also what’s your estimates for guys like Kane, big show and Sid? Just curious

Thanks! I always feel Kane is 6’7.25” peak and 6’6.25” current. Big show around 6’11.5” peak current 6’9.5”. Sid Eudy is currently 6’5.25” and at peak 6’6.25”.
PLk4521 said on 21/Nov/20
My reasons for his peak height are that, Taker and Nathan are both wearing sneakers there. Nathan is wearing 1 inch shoes that makes him 6'10.75". Those sneakers Taker is wearing which are low tops are not adding 2.5". That clearly isn't true. 2.5 inches is a huge amount to gain from shoes let alone move around and run plus wrestle in as comfortably as Mark was. In his early days he cleared Hogan by at least 2-2.5 inches. He cleared the likes of Big Daddy and Sid Vicious by a comfortable 1 inch too.

For his current height, he held up well against the supposedly 6'9" bodybuilder, Ike Catcher. There is a photo on his Instagram page but it's also down in the comments section here. I personally don't think it's arguable for him to be 6'5.75" and look 1.5" at most shorter than a 6'8"-6'9" guy. Someone else posted a video where he looked taller than Strowman when they were together. He looked to be taller than Kane when they met and so on. In his photos with Mark Henry he clears him by 4 inches comfortably in recent photos. That's why I believe he is a smidge more than 6'6" flat. He edges out Corbin but not by so much so he isn't that much higher than 6'6" at most though.

Just my thoughts. 👍
Big Lul said on 20/Nov/20
@Vincent Caleb
100% agree with your estimates same as mine. Also what’s your estimates for guys like Kane, big show and Sid? Just curious
J2Frenzy said on 20/Nov/20
@Vincent we’ll set “Canson & co” on him and see how he reacts
J2Frenzy said on 20/Nov/20
@PLk4521 there’s this thing called footwear, and some people have more of it than others
Vincent Caleb said on 19/Nov/20
Guaranteed it is a battery alt account.
Editor Rob
I'm not so sure about that.
PLk4521 said on 19/Nov/20
Your estimates are pretty close to what I would guess. Maybe I'd knock off quarter inch off both.

Peak maybe about 6'7.5" or 6'7.75" at MAX
Currently I don't see him as a flat 6'6" to be honest. He edges out Kane when they met and even edges out Strowman. He even held up against that tall bodybuilder guy pretty well who's apparently 6'9". The difference between them looked 1.5" at most and he was even standing taller than Mark, in my opinion.

What I do know for sure is that the people claiming a 6'7' peak sure have some explaining to do on why he only looks an inch at max shorter than Nathan Jones here despite the listed difference being 2.5"!
Click Here
Resurrection of Edward said on 19/Nov/20
Vincent Caleb said on 18/Nov/20
6’7” peak 6’5.75” current.

agreed.very very good estimation.
J2Frenzy said on 18/Nov/20
@Marius4598 I can think of a certain other poster who believes the same and that guy isn’t popular here
Vincent Caleb said on 18/Nov/20
6’7” peak 6’5.75” current.
Resurrection of Edward said on 18/Nov/20
boots are always suspects.these guy’s are never taller or bigger than most of us has ever thought.
Marius4598 said on 18/Nov/20
I think Undertaker is 6’6.5 now and 6.8 at his peak.
If look closely at the picture with drew mccyntire where they look close in height. Drew has thicker boot, standing straight and he’s tippy toeing.

At his peak he wasn’t far in height from Kevin nash who I think was a legit 6’9.5. Looks 6’8 with 6’9 Nathan Jones.

I think all the leg drop, dives and surgeries especially hip surgery made him lose a bit of height.

I was watching Raw 1998/1999 and he looks huge
Canson said on 20/Oct/20
Editor Rob
Could look 11-12 inches taller, somewhere between that. If his posture is a bit looser, then you could argue he

I can see how He could look a solid 6’6” with Dan Trojan and with Brosofdestruction Who claimed 6’3.5” but all of a sudden he’s 6’3.5-6’4 just because certain people think Taker is 6’6.5-6’7
Kan said on 20/Oct/20
Ali baba is 6ft6 flat not 6ft6.5, undertaker looked about 6ft6.5 in that photo 7 years ago. I doubt today is any taller than 6ft6 flat. With dan trojan looks about 11-12 inch taller, i believe in good posture is 12 inch taller, so if dan trojan is 5ft6 i Think taker is a full 6ft6, but not over than that
Resurrection of Edwards said on 20/Oct/20
honestly undertaker poor posture has had been widely exaggerated just to make an excuse by some guys.honestly.
Ben Bell said on 20/Oct/20
Stood next to Taker twice.
Had my pic in here. 6’6-ish today. Could be 6’5.5. Still a very large man.

People can twist comments, use favourable photos all they want.
If you go by the majority of people who’ve met Taker. Taker on video with 6’7 ballers. Taker eye to eye with peak 6’6.25 Sid in 89 and 92 you can see taker is 6’6-ish.

For those who want to pick photos that suite their agenda instead of the most accurate pics then there’s not much all the great people on here can do.

As far as Ike being 6’9, he may be. The pic with taker must have been favourable towards taker. Ike was roughly the same height as big show and we know there’s a big difference between show and Taker.
I can’t use one pic with Ike as the be all and end all of pics with takers height when we have multiple videos from many angles, angles that are balanced and also the multiple people who’ve met Taker and say 6’6-ish.
Canson said on 20/Oct/20
Lol funny how Taker is now “6’6”. It had been 6’6.5 or 6’7” all along but of course that argument has been exhausted. And the exhausting factors (Dan Trojan’s pic and Brosofdestruction’s claim of 6’3.5”) go unmentioned. They never will be mentioned either. The attention now turns to other evidence. As far as “faking a pic”, it’s only fair being Dan Trojan was also asked for one simply because he didn’t go along with 6’6.5 or 6’7”, but had he, it would’ve been taken for granted. As far as “detectives on a site” 😂 😂 if you can argue facts and belittle others who post them, you can take the time to look for facts here that are posted
Canson said on 20/Oct/20
@Kan: with Dan Trojan or Brosofdestruction, Taker looks exactly what Rob lists him imho. He looked more Near 199 with Ali Baba But that was 2013/14. I also remember Rob saying once that people he knows said he didn’t look as tall as he used to be when they’ve seen him at Comic Cons and other events. Rob considered a picture with him but said it was out of his price range
Canson said on 20/Oct/20
@Kan: I remember him saying he was 5’6”
Resurrection of Edwards said on 20/Oct/20
@ battery

why are you ignoring my post,delusion has clouded your judgement.there was a time when posters had some respect for you but i’d doubt there is any respect’ve lost all your credibility on this site.right here is where the devil is in the’re upgrading everyone just to fit the agenda.delusion has lead to your downfall in the site.
before saying anything bad to my brother@canson
you need to watch your mouth cowboy.

HERE IS UNDERTAKER NEXT TO 6 FEET BEN BELL.Doesnt it look 5.5 inch difference at most son Click Here


how tall does taker look son 6’8?6’5.5 max next to these guys.before making any excuses,check yourself?
FriedChicken said on 19/Oct/20
How would Current Undertaker look with Bo Burnhan?
Editor Rob
They may look closer than we imagine
JT said on 19/Oct/20
1997 Click Here

2008 – looks like around a 6 inch difference
Click Here
Canson said on 19/Oct/20
@Dan Trojan: nice pic. Funny part is he’s going to ignore it just as he ignored my proof that Bros of Destruction is 6’3.5 and not 6’4. It’s not something he can work with.
Dan Trojan said on 19/Oct/20
Rob yeah that's the one btw battery I'm 5'6" so there I wanna hear your thoughts on the photo
Editor Rob
Could look 11-12 inches taller, somewhere between that. If his posture is a bit looser, then you could argue he is at least 6ft 6 range
Kan said on 19/Oct/20
@dan trojan
I forgot your height, but taker seems about 12 inch taller than you i think
Resurrection of Edward said on 19/Oct/20
@ editor rob and canson

how is the undertaker even 6’6 if bell’s friend is 6’2,bell said that his friend is 6’2 the lasttime.undertaker looks 6’5.5 at most with brendan aka hoody monster.undertaker and 6’2 bell’s friend.Click Here


now,you can go and make next excus and post some cherrypicked wwe photos which most of the people doesn’t give attention to.
Editor Rob
yeah with Ben's friend 6ft 5.5 is arguable, however this is something being in photo ops let's you's a question of whether Undertaker has worse posture or not...something that isn't always apparent.
Kan said on 18/Oct/20
I really doubt ike as tall as 6ft9, espacially next to big show who can had clearly more than an inch in him. But 6ft7 1/2 - 6ft8 isn’t impossible. Though undertaker still not over 6ft6 flat
Dan Trojan said on 18/Oct/20
Battery ok you want a photo Rob I'm gonna need your help here because I don't know how to post photos if you have the photo of me and the undertaker can you please post it so I can show battery
Editor Rob
This is your photo i presume?
Resurrection of Edwards said on 18/Oct/20
@Editor rob,canson,christian,dan trojan,kan ,julian,big lul and eveyone in the site

how the hell is the undertaker over 6’6 if ben bell’s friend is 6’2
here is undertaker with 6’2 bell’s friend and i think this photo was posted last year.ben bell’s friend met the undertaker last year.Click Here

does undertaker looks over 6’6 here?

does undertaker struggle’s to look 6’6

now ,id bet that the guy will post takers photo next to other 6’2 guys like lesnar and reign to back his evidence.i wouldn’t even watch his photos as it has always been cherrypicked.people need to be aware that these guy’s wear lifts to appear taller than they really are.

here is undertaker next to 6 feet ben bell,is this 6.5/7” difference like some guy’s are claiming.Click Here
looks 5.5 inch at most taller than 6 feet guy.

now,go on making next excuse as old one ain’t enough and doesn’t work.dont troll yourself by posting wwe photo’s as lifts are evidence.last time when i brought ben bell,you were sweating and attacking me saying i kiss other posters back and that got into my head.go and make next excuse,is it poor posture...
@editor rob
respectfully undertaker looks 6’5.5 at “absolute most”with 6 feet ben bell and his 6’2 friend last year.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.