How tall is The Undertaker - Page 3

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Average Guess (951 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
Novaz said on 3/Mar/22
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dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 19/Feb/22
But both taker and kane when standing straight thay are 4inches taller than 6ft4 orton 6ft8 203cm. 4inches is 10cm.
ChaosControl1 said on 18/Feb/22
I’m clips from the 2000s, 6’6 7/8-6’7 makes sense if he was 6’7.25 at his 90s peak
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 18/Feb/22
Sorry 6ft6.94 is 200.5cm
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 18/Feb/22
6ft4 193cm plus 7.5cm 6ft6.90 200.5cm
ChaosControl1 said on 18/Feb/22
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Theres a pretty strong consensus on the site that Randy Orton’s a legit 6’4 and Taker looks max 3” taller (most of the clips are from the 2000s I believe)
Canson said on 18/Feb/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 16/Feb/22
3/8" according to who?

Either way why are you so obsessed if I said he's slightly over 6'3" when he wakes up

Well according to Rob. He’s between 1/4-3/8” And I also only lose 3/8” and I’m over 8” taller than Rob 8 1/8” to be exact. It’s something called rounding.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 17/Feb/22
Taker is 5inches shorter than khali taker 6ft8 khali 7ft1.
ChaosControl1 said on 17/Feb/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 16/Feb/22
3/8" according to who?

Either way why are you so obsessed if I said he's slightly over 6'3" when he wakes up

Cause you insist on this tiny fraction like it actually would make a difference and I find it really funny
He1ghtexpert49 said on 16/Feb/22
I really never saw anything close to a 6" gap between Taker and Khali.
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Henry is confirmed 6'2" by Rob. We all know Taker has a giant forehead. Even with his neck slouched, Henry isnt quite at Taker's eye level.
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He1ghtexpert49 said on 16/Feb/22
3/8" according to who?

Either way why are you so obsessed if I said he's slightly over 6'3" when he wakes up
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 15/Feb/22
Ppl loss 2cm in one day taker out of bed 6ft8 203cm afternoon 6ft7.25 201cm peak height today 6ft7.25 201cm out of bed afternoon 6ft6.5 199cm.
Canson said on 13/Feb/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 10/Feb/22
I said he's slightly over 6'3" out of bed then you just did some calculations proving the same thing. Congrats 🤣

No that was not what you did

He1ghtexpert49 said on 9/Feb/22
Why are you talking about Reigns here?

Do you need me to talk you through simple calculations or what?

1 cm added to his measured height is a bit over 6'3". Is it so hard to understand?
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Either way it’s 6’2 5/8 plus 3/8”
He1ghtexpert49 said on 10/Feb/22
I said he's slightly over 6'3" out of bed then you just did some calculations proving the same thing. Congrats 🤣
Canson said on 10/Feb/22
ChaosControl1 said on 7/Feb/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 5/Feb/22
Ah yes. He must be 6'5.5"

Did I ever guess him as 6’5.5? No. I’ve quite adamantly said 6’5.75 as a minimum if not 6’6, just not over 6’6

ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 25/Sep/21
I think 6’6 is a possibility today but he’s more likely to be in the 6’5.75 range

Chaoscontrol. said on 15/Nov/21
Catcher 6’7.5-6’7.75 range
Undertaker 6’5.75-6’6 currently

Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 14/Oct/21
You're getting so insecure and defensive about this. If you legitimately believed the undertaker was 6'7 at his peak and is 6'5.5" currently, you wouldn't come here and argue every day

Hey fun fact those aren’t the guesses I left. I put 6’7.25 peak in and 6’5.75 current, and I don’t think 6’6 is impossible as I’ve said and Rob can confirm

Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 12/Oct/21
He might well be 6’6 today, just not more than it

@Height “Expert”
Please pull up a comment featuring me saying he’s anything under 6’5.75. A real comment please, that says at the top that I said it, not some fake bait argument of him being 6’5 that you just made up. Causing I’m noticing a trend here if pretty I consistently sticking to 6’6 or just under for Taker and I’m perfectly happy to agree on 6’6 flat

He can’t pull one up because you likely never said that. He likes to put words in people’s mouths and claim they said things when they didn’t. Very dishonest. But that’s what people have to do when they are unsuccessful with arguments and need to try to discredit people because they don’t agree with them. Not to mention Hypocrisy. Running to Rob when someone says something to him in retaliation but disregarding the things he says to others that have precipitated the attack
ChaosControl1 said on 10/Feb/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 9/Feb/22
How can anyone say he isn't above 6'6"? There's barely a difference between him and 6'9 3/4" listed Nathan Jones
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Hmm interesting now I’ve proven I didn’t say he was 6’5 you’re going for “he’s almost as tall as a 6’9.75 guy” even though the lack of difference is cause Jones is hunched forward when they’re talking. But you changing your arguments proves you’re just here to argue
Canson said on 10/Feb/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 9/Feb/22
Why are you talking about Reigns here?

Do you need me to talk you through simple calculations or what?

1 cm added to his measured height is a bit over 6'3". Is it so hard to understand?
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🤩 wow. You really can’t do math can you? And you obviously aren’t very intelligent. Rob and others such as myself are rounding when we say 1 cm. Rob has said before his loss is between .25 and 3/8 after the first hour. Mine is a full 3/8”. That’s .375. 1 cm is .3937 but .375 is rounded to 1 cm for simplicity. I don’t understand what’s so hard about understanding it on your end.

Even if his measured height was 6’2 5/8” on the nose (it may or may not have been), 6’2 5/8” is 6’2.625. Add .3937 to 74.625 what does that give you? 75.0187. Your example shows 75.09. And again, the 3/8” is rounded to 1 cm for simplicity. Meaning if a guy is 6’3 out of bed, they’d lose 3/8” and be 6’2 5/8”.

Just stop and embarrassing yourself, please. You don’t sound intelligent at all
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 9/Feb/22
in 2015 both taker and kane were taller than strowman if strowman is 6ft8 taker kane both 6ft9.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 9/Feb/22
Taker climed 6ft8.5 back in 2001 and he's billed height was 6ft10.5 you guys are wrong 6ft5.5 taker is 2inches taller than 6ft5 guy currently 6ft7 today.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 9/Feb/22
Why are you talking about Reigns here?

Do you need me to talk you through simple calculations or what?

1 cm added to his measured height is a bit over 6'3". Is it so hard to understand?
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He1ghtexpert49 said on 9/Feb/22
How can anyone say he isn't above 6'6"? There's barely a difference between him and 6'9 3/4" listed Nathan Jones
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He1ghtexpert49 said on 9/Feb/22
How does Strowman look taller ? Do you even know who Strowman is? He's the guy with the beard fyi.
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ChaosControl1 said on 9/Feb/22
Why does Taker barely look 4 inches taller than 6’2-6’2.25 Roman Reigns if he’s not around 6’6?
Canson said on 9/Feb/22
Strowman looks taller than Taker in that video. That’s a terrible way to compare them as well
James B 171.5cm said on 8/Feb/22
Even if a peak undertaker was not that much over 6’6 he’d still be considered legitimately massive by most people.
Canson said on 8/Feb/22
@Chaos: Battery’s “charge” has remaimed
He1ghtexpert49 said on 8/Feb/22
He's taller than Strowman even today

Everytime they stand together or with a common person, taker is taller.

I mean what more evidence is needed than this
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He1ghtexpert49 said on 8/Feb/22
My man wrote a whole PhD tier thesis when I wasn't even speaking about him 😂😂😂😂
Canson said on 8/Feb/22
universalstar said on 7/Feb/22
@he1ghtexpert49 change ur name from height expert to height novice.

I wouldn’t even say novice. That’s too generous.

He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Feb/22

2) If @Rob is shrinking 1 cm between waking up and 1 hour after measuring then it only makes sense Reigns shrinks more. Why don't you add at least 1 cm to 6'2 5/8" and see what you get 🤣 What are you even saying

By the way I’m just over 8” taller than Rob and I lose 3/8” in one hour which is essentially 1 cm so how would Reigns being shorter than me automatically lose more?
universalstar said on 7/Feb/22
@he1ghtexpert49 change ur name from height expert to height novice. Random photos with no clear idea about angle and ground could gice misleading estimates. There are multiple photos with both standing on same ground, and there is approx 4 inches between them. Undertaker curent strong 6'5 and peak strong 6'6. Show current 6'9 and peak strong 6'10. This is a fair and realistic estimate for both
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 7/Feb/22
The number of people trying to argue prime Mark was 6'6 is laughable, and I'm not even mentionning the ones saying Strowman is " 2 inches taller " when in most videos he actually looks at best as tall if not shorter than old 2018-2020 taker... LOL
ChaosControl1 said on 7/Feb/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 5/Feb/22
Ah yes. He must be 6'5.5"

Did I ever guess him as 6’5.5? No. I’ve quite adamantly said 6’5.75 as a minimum if not 6’6, just not over 6’6

ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 25/Sep/21
I think 6’6 is a possibility today but he’s more likely to be in the 6’5.75 range

Chaoscontrol. said on 15/Nov/21
Catcher 6’7.5-6’7.75 range
Undertaker 6’5.75-6’6 currently

Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 14/Oct/21
You're getting so insecure and defensive about this. If you legitimately believed the undertaker was 6'7 at his peak and is 6'5.5" currently, you wouldn't come here and argue every day

Hey fun fact those aren’t the guesses I left. I put 6’7.25 peak in and 6’5.75 current, and I don’t think 6’6 is impossible as I’ve said and Rob can confirm

Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 12/Oct/21
He might well be 6’6 today, just not more than it

@Height “Expert”
Please pull up a comment featuring me saying he’s anything under 6’5.75. A real comment please, that says at the top that I said it, not some fake bait argument of him being 6’5 that you just made up. Causing I’m noticing a trend here if pretty I consistently sticking to 6’6 or just under for Taker and I’m perfectly happy to agree on 6’6 flat
ChaosControl1 said on 7/Feb/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 5/Feb/22
W/ 6'7.5" listed Dr Disrespect

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Ah yes 6’7.5 Disrespect’s head is tilted down and he only edges out Taker, that must mean Taker is underlisted
Robbe said on 6/Feb/22
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He1ghtexpert49 said on 5/Feb/22
Ah yes. He must be 6'5.5" and 6'10" listed Big Show must be 6'7.5" then.
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He1ghtexpert49 said on 5/Feb/22
W/ 6'7.5" listed Dr Disrespect

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ChaosControl1 said on 5/Feb/22
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 3/Feb/22
@ChaosControl1 he's leaning but still look easy 6 inch taller, he may've close to 8 inch taller when standing tall

Nah mate Shawn’s standing further back and is still almost up to Taker’s eye level. That looks like 6 inches st the absolute max
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 3/Feb/22
@ChaosControl1 he's leaning but still look easy 6 inch taller, he may've close to 8 inch taller when standing tall, i believe these days he's only 6'5,5 range.
Mike voorhees said on 31/Jan/22
6-7.5 peak now looks 6-6.
ChaosControl1 said on 29/Jan/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 27/Jan/22
Recent pic of head tilting Taker with 6'4" current Hall
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If I’m honest he doesn’t look 8 inches taller than listed 5’10 current Shawn Michaels unless his head is literally almost a foot long
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 28/Jan/22
Hall 6ft5 taker 6ft8 plus 6ft8.5.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 27/Jan/22
He looks 3 or 4 inches taller than Hall in some pics but obviously nobody would acknowledge it
He1ghtexpert49 said on 27/Jan/22
He probably didn't meet Taker in his prime and even if he did, we all know Taker has a tendency to slouch when talking to shorter people.

Here's young him with 6'5" Scott Hall in case a reminder is needed:
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Recent pic of head tilting Taker with 6'4" current Hall
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ChaosControl1 said on 25/Jan/22
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 25/Jan/22
6ft5 196cm plus 2inches 5cm 6ft7.25 201cm is takers current height peak was 6ft8 203.2cm.

How on earth do you get 2.25 inches from “approximately 2 inches if even that”?
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 25/Jan/22
6ft5 196cm plus 2inches 5cm 6ft7.25 201cm is takers current height peak was 6ft8 203.2cm.
ChaosControl1 said on 23/Jan/22
Michaelw said on 22/Jan/22
I myself am 6'5 and have met Mark a few times. Hes approx 2 inches taller than me if even that. Between 6'6 and 6'7. I am almost eye level with him. His physique on the other hand. He is much bigger than he looks on tv. An incredibly nice guy to boot.

Yeah I can imagine when you’re always seen next to other buff pro wrestlers you’re not gonna look as big as you are
Michaelw said on 22/Jan/22
I myself am 6'5 and have met Mark a few times. Hes approx 2 inches taller than me if even that. Between 6'6 and 6'7. I am almost eye level with him. His physique on the other hand. He is much bigger than he looks on tv. An incredibly nice guy to boot.
RL said on 21/Jan/22
Do you think Undertaker could have been closer to 6-6 as a night time height and 6-7 or maybe 6-8 after a full sleep?
Editor Rob
At peak I'd be surprised if he were only 6ft 6 flat at night.
Canson said on 20/Jan/22
@Chaos: yea that’s the closest of the three since 6’6,5 is too low for his peak
Canson said on 19/Jan/22
@RL: I can agree that they’ve both lost height now but I think they were 6’7” peak height
RL said on 18/Jan/22
I mostly agree with the universalstar estimation of the undertaker but maybe he had already lost some height by the 2000s due to being a veteran full-time pro-wrestler. Maybe Mark Calaway was at least 6-7 before he established himself as The Undertaker.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 17/Jan/22
Batista is 6ft3 191cm taker was 5inches taller 6ft8 1/5 203.5cm.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 15/Jan/22
Brock Lesnar 6ft2.75 190cm taker 5.1inches taller 2014 stardawn plus 13cm 6ft7.75 203cm.
universalstar said on 14/Jan/22
Undertaker and kane were never over 6'7 in their entire life. They both were between 6'6 and 6'7 in their peak. Most probably 199 cms. There are numerous proofs.
1. Miz and kane: kane appears max 198 cm with 182 cm miz. Kane would have probably lost q cm by then from his peak
2. Kane with 214 cm peak khali. Kane with a footwear advantage looked 14 cms shorter
3. Kane with 195 cm snitsky: even with footwear advantage kane didn't look more than 2 inches taller.
4. Taker with 6'2 batsista: looked max 4 inches taller
5. Taker with 6'4 drew recently: looked only an inch taller. Might have lost an inch from peak.

There are numerous other proofs. Both kane and taker were only strong 6 '6 peak
Jay Mon said on 14/Jan/22
Standing with 6ft 3 1/8in Dallas Cowboy Micah Parsons. Your thoughts Rob?
ChaosControl1 said on 14/Jan/22
drader said on 12/Jan/22
He was billed as 6'10.5 in wwf. Why the half inch? I wonder if this means his real height was 6'8.5, 6'7.5 or 6'6.5...who knows.

Out of those I’d probably pick 6’7.5 peak
drader said on 12/Jan/22
He was billed as 6'10.5 in wwf. Why the half inch? I wonder if this means his real height was 6'8.5, 6'7.5 or 6'6.5...who knows.
Andrey200 said on 12/Jan/22
@fjgf566 because WWE inflates height for many
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 12/Jan/22
Wwe billed him 6ft10 real height barefoot 6ft8 280 pounds billed weight 309 pounds.
fjgf566 said on 11/Jan/22
but he billed as 6ft10 why
Canson said on 8/Jan/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 7/Jan/22
Yeah indeed your opinion won't change the truth

Trying to show you the light is like trying to argue with a flat earther

You’re the flat earther If anything
ChaosControl1 said on 7/Jan/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 7/Jan/22
Yeah indeed your opinion won't change the truth

Neither will yours

Trying to show you the light is like trying to argue with a flat earther

You know how ironic this claim is right?
He1ghtexpert49 said on 7/Jan/22
Yeah indeed your opinion won't change the truth

Trying to show you the light is like trying to argue with a flat earther
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 6/Jan/22
yes taker is taller than listed 6ft6.75 2.00m.
ChaosControl1 said on 6/Jan/22
Clearly opinions on him don’t affect how tall he is. Unless you love him so much you personally bought him some shoes or something I suppose…
He1ghtexpert49 said on 5/Jan/22
Yeah man

And I'm a hater of Undertaker ...

But I think he's taller than his listing
ChaosControl1 said on 5/Jan/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 5/Jan/22
Lesnar is slouching with Taker even though his back and shoulders are fully straight

But it's never factored in when Undertakers literally slumping his shoulders and looking down at people like Reigns or posing with fans 🤣🤣🤣

Bruh what did undertaker do to you that you're so biased, does your girl (assuming you have one) have a crush on him or something

Why would I be biased against my favourite professional wrestler? I have comments from over a year ago on this site stating such

J2Frenzy said on 23/Nov/20
My top 10 (I’ll include height guesses)
1. Undertaker. He has all of the traits I like. Cool character and personality, devastating finisher, good look, and charisma. I think many people will agree with me when I say the Undertaker is the greatest professional wrestler of all time

I said this over a year ago what are you gonna say I was pre preparing evidence or something?
ChaosControl1 said on 5/Jan/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 5/Jan/22
Lesnar is slouching with Taker even though his back and shoulders are fully straight

But it's never factored in when Undertakers literally slumping his shoulders and looking down at people like Reigns or posing with fans 🤣🤣🤣

Bruh what did undertaker do to you that you're so biased, does your girl (assuming you have one) have a crush on him or something

Why would I be biased against my favourite professional wrestler? I have comments from over a year ago on this site stating such

J2Frenzy said on 23/Nov/20
My top 10 (I’ll include height guesses)
He1ghtexpert49 said on 5/Jan/22
Lesnar is slouching with Taker even though his back and shoulders are fully straight

But it's never factored in when Undertakers literally slumping his shoulders and looking down at people like Reigns or posing with fans 🤣🤣🤣

Bruh what did undertaker do to you that you're so biased, does your girl (assuming you have one) have a crush on him or something
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 5/Jan/22
he maybe a weak 6'6 now, and slouching he maybe just like 6'5 flat with Roman Reigns, and peak height is 6'7+
ChaosControl1 said on 4/Jan/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 3/Jan/22
He's literally looking up at Taker 🤣🤣🤣

How is he slouching

…because his head is forward? That’s what slouching means
He1ghtexpert49 said on 3/Jan/22
He's literally looking up at Taker 🤣🤣🤣

How is he slouching 🤣🤣

Excuses overload🤣

And please remind me of the pic where someone was wearing shoes and the other person wasn't?

You are a confused person. Take some time off and give your brain some relaxation. Maybe you'll be able to judge things more accurately then.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 3/Jan/22
Rob lka measured 6ft9.5 in shoes barefoot 6ft8.75 he can not be 6ft7.5 6ft8 taker is taller than 6ft6. 6ft6.75 6ft7 is takers currend height.
ChaosControl1 said on 2/Jan/22
Undertaker’s posture is no worse than Roman’s in that clip and he’s closer to the camera (it’s almost like very low camera angles make gauging height more difficult but I know you’ll ignore this cause part of the clip makes Taker look 6’7) also Ike is 6’7.5-6’7.75 which is a lot closer to 6’7 than the 6’9 you were claiming he is. Even Rob agreed on 6’7.5-6’8 range for him. Trust me I’m not the mistaken who has things spoon fed to him
Canson said on 2/Jan/22
It’s pretty clear that leaner isn’t standing straight either. Speaking of having to spoon feed someone, didn’t we have to point out that someone (who you were trying to make taller of course) was wearing shoes in a pic and that the other wasn’t?
He1ghtexpert49 said on 1/Jan/22
Cos he's looking down and tilting his head with Roman 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

I need to spoon-feed you all information boyo, I can't tell if you're doing this on purpose or you're genuinely so mistaken

He's doing the same here with Lesnar (watch from 4:07) and then watch when he stands up straight 🤣
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UT has always been Taller than Strowman and still is, proof is out there from direct comparisons or comparisons through Ike who you used to claim was 6'7" too 🤣🤣🤣.
ChaosControl1 said on 31/Dec/21
It’s so weird. And interestingly his eye level is only an inch above Roman’s and his head seems to end a couple of inches higher. If you showed me the first half of the clip I’d have thought Take was an easy 6’7 but in the seconds half he looks like a strong 6’4. Split the difference, say he’s 6’6 perhaps and the low angles are a bit confusing? Doesn’t sound implausible
ChaosControl1 said on 30/Dec/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 29/Dec/21
If Taker ain't taller than Strowman then what's going on here? Black magic?

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Editor Rob
He pulled it off, looking 6ft 7 there.

That clip has me torn on your guesses because he looked taller than Strowman but definitely didn’t look 4.5 inches taller than listed 6’2.25 Reigns
He1ghtexpert49 said on 29/Dec/21
If Taker ain't taller than Strowman then what's going on here? Black magic?

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Editor Rob
He pulled it off, looking 6ft 7 there.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 29/Dec/21
Peak sid 6ft6 1/4 taker 6ft7 1/4 kane 6ft7.6 kevin nash 6ft10 big show 7ft0.
Canson said on 27/Dec/21
@Chaos: the more I see I think 6’6 flat
Chaoscontrol 6'2.75/190cm said on 26/Dec/21
Robbe said on 25/Dec/21
6'2.5 Brendan Hood with Taker, Tom Hopper, and Sid.

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Tom holds up pretty well there

You’re counting the hat. Taker probably is 6’6 if you take it off
Robbe said on 25/Dec/21
6'2.5 Brendan Hood with Taker, Tom Hopper, and Sid.

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Tom holds up pretty well there 🤨
Canson said on 24/Dec/21
@Dewie: Taker is not as tall as Strowman. Taker was 6’7 range peak but around 6’6 like he’s listed today
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 23/Dec/21
Taker peak 6ft8 currently 6ft6 1/2 6ft6.75.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 22/Dec/21
Okay taker 6ft6 1/2 199cm kavin love 6ft7.5 202cm.
Chaoscontrol 6'2.75/190cm said on 21/Dec/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 20/Dec/21
Yes you have it mistaken buddy, but it's no surprise, you seem to have a lot of things mistaken.

You think I’ve got stuff mistaken? Coming from you I feel complimented given your lack of credible guesses. I don’t know what “he might well be 6’6 today, just not more than” means to you but I intended it as he’s the listing or 0.25 inch under instead of being an upgrader who doesn’t actually look at his photos like you are
He1ghtexpert49 said on 20/Dec/21
Yes you have it mistaken buddy, but it's no surprise, you seem to have a lot of things mistaken.
Canson said on 18/Dec/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 13/Dec/21
That cavaliers pic is 1 In 100,000 and a week after his hip or knee surgery and if you look at it without a hat it isn't even so bad. Love is 6'7.75".
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I'm extremely confused why people choose to go by 1 photo rather than 99,999.

Of course, photos will keep coming out where Taker looks taller than his listing because he really is taller than 6'6". Especially if you went to measure him and asked him to bust a gut. But of course 2/3 people on here will keep ignoring them and spamming the 1 or 2 already debunked photos out of 4 million or so.

Or the photos you post with Catcher wearing shoes and someone next to him not or someone bending a leg next to Taker where you automatically proclaim he’s taller
Canson said on 18/Dec/21
@Dewie: that’s more than an inch in that pic but Taker doesn’t have the best posture. But I also don’t know if love is an afternoon 6’7.75 either. I don’t think he is. As for taker with him in a different pic it could be closer to 1” but not that one
King Spattan said on 18/Dec/21
Doesn't it look like Undertaker has crutches similar to Sultan in this picture of his surgery??
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Editor Rob
If it was after some hip surgery I think it is wise using crutches back then.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 16/Dec/21
Taker looks 6ft6.75 200cm there kevin love 6ft7.75 203cm yes taker is taller than 6ft6.
Chaoscontrol. said on 16/Dec/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 13/Dec/21
That cavaliers pic is 1 In 100,000 and a week after his hip or knee surgery and if you look at it without a hat it isn't even so bad. Love is 6'7.75".
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I'm extremely confused why people choose to go by 1 photo rather than 99,999.

Clinging to one bad pic? Isn’t that something you’re known to do? Or do I have you mistaken for someone?
Canson said on 14/Dec/21
@Robbe: with Dan Trojan he looked max 6’6”. I don’t doubt he was a peak 6’7 range though. He may be like Hogan and surprise us though due to bad posture
He1ghtexpert49 said on 13/Dec/21
That cavaliers pic is 1 In 100,000 and a week after his hip or knee surgery and if you look at it without a hat it isn't even so bad. Love is 6'7.75".
Click Here

I'm extremely confused why people choose to go by 1 photo rather than 99,999.

Of course, photos will keep coming out where Taker looks taller than his listing because he really is taller than 6'6". Especially if you went to measure him and asked him to bust a gut. But of course 2/3 people on here will keep ignoring them and spamming the 1 or 2 already debunked photos out of 4 million or so.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 9/Dec/21
Taker looks a full 1.25inches taller than the 6ft6 guy 6ft7.25 201cm but taker is not even standing straight there look takers head is on the 6ft7 line.
Jimbo Lee said on 8/Dec/21
6'7 ½ peak, 6'5 ½ now.
Canson said on 8/Dec/21
@Chaos Control: wonder why?
Robbe said on 8/Dec/21
Quiet indeed lately.. Well, i believe this guy who often poses with wrestlers, is 6'2.5. here he is with 6'4 Scott Hall, and Taker Click Here

This other guy is also keen on taking pictures with wwe wrestlers. He looks to be 5in taller than Hacksaw, so he is most likely 6'6. Here he is with Kevin Nash, Taker, and mentioned Hacksaw Click Here

Taker looks slightly taller than that 6'6 guy. I also think taker should be listed at least 6'6.25. If we forget those Kevin Love/Tristan Thompson pics, Taker generally looks over 6'6. Maybe he had a really bad day when he visited Cavaliers lol 😁
Chaoscontrol. said on 6/Dec/21
Hmm this page has got quieter lately
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 5/Dec/21
Rob kivin nash climed 6ft11.5 age 17 taker was 2inches shorter 6ft9.5 and nash said he is just under 6ft10 now 6ft9.5.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 3/Dec/21
Rob you sound list taker 6ft6 3/4 2.00m peak was 6ft8 2.03m.
Canson said on 20/Nov/21
Chaoscontrol. said on 18/Nov/21
I never said he was over 6’8. I’ll split the difference with you and say 6’8 for Ike even though I think he’s just under it like 6’7.75 range. That puts Taker at about 6’6. His torso is a little bit closer to the camera cause of how he’s standing and he does have a hat on. Guess what I’ve been saying this whole time? Taker is 6’5.75 to 6’6. Please point out where I ruled out 6’6 for him and suggested 6’5.5. I think you’ve mixed people up man cause I don’t recall saying that and I’m pretty sure I’ve been saying he’s 6’5.75-6’6

It’s hard to take him seriously when he uses a pic like this

6'5.5" VS 6'8.25" . Yeah TOTALLY!
Click Here

Click Here

I don’t hear him saying anything about the Undertaker’s hat and we don’t know if he’s 6’8.25. Rob said he can dip under 6’8”.

He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Nov/21
Ike likely isn't that low
Taker isn't 6'6"+

Even if Ike is 6'7.5-6'8 which I think we all now know that he is more than, you can argue Taker is 6'6"+, nice job contradicting yourself again🤣
Click Here

Canson said on 9/Nov/21
@Editor Rob: given the fact Ike said 6’9” in the morning when he wakes up and both of the videos, what would you estimate his afternoon height to be? Would you say near 6’9 or closer to 6’8”?
Editor Rob
Could JamesB171.5cm said on 16/Nov/21
Rob is 6’7 flat peak still a possibility?
Editor Rob
That could be the lowest range. be a guy who does shrink a good inch at least, so 6ft 9 to under 6ft 8 at night, afternoon maybe he is just over 6ft 8

And then this?

He1ghtexpert49 said on 9/Nov/21
Still struggling to figure out why so many people are listed at heights that clearly don't match with this listing here. The height listings of the people on here just aren't compatible with each other.

Eg: Big Show at 6'10"
Click Here
Click Here

Nothing about Show leaning in but of course the fact that taker is closer to the camera also isn’t addressed

And here

He1ghtexpert49 said on 12/Nov/21
Reminder this guy was claiming Ike is 6'7"-6'7.5" for the longest time.
Click Here

Based off this pic, where he looks taller than 6'8.75" listed Ekaterina Lisina in sandals (not barefoot)
Click Here

Nothing about the knee being bent? Sore knee being bent and major footwear advantage.

Click Here

He1ghtexpert49 said on 17/Nov/21
Nice strawman argument.

Strawman arguments? And who’s saying emphatically that he’s 6’5.5?

Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 12/Oct/21
He might well be 6’6 today, just not more than

Canson said on 21/Sep/21
Below is a pic with poster Dan Trojan. Great poster btw and I miss interacting with him!

Click Here

Taker looks 6’6 as listed next to him being he has said many times he’s 5’6”

Canson said on 23/Sep/21
@Alex: 6’5.5 looks a bit low but within the realm of possibility still. I’d say 6’6 or 6’5.75. He may be a guy who doesn’t stand at his tallest but with Kevin Love I agree he can look the weak 6’6 range perhaps

Hmm. This is exactly what Battery did when he was here the first time

Click Here
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 19/Nov/21
6ft9.5 207cm in shoes barefoot 6ft8.75 205cm taker 1.5inches shorter 6ft7.25 201cm.
Dicko said on 19/Nov/21
FAO Rob. I think the recent pictures of Taker show he is certainly over 6.6” on a good day and an upgrade is needed even if it’s only to 6.6.25” If you are happy to downgrade you should be also happy to upgrade when evidence suggests you are wrong or too low.
Chaoscontrol. said on 18/Nov/21
I never said he was over 6’8. I’ll split the difference with you and say 6’8 for Ike even though I think he’s just under it like 6’7.75 range. That puts Taker at about 6’6. His torso is a little bit closer to the camera cause of how he’s standing and he does have a hat on. Guess what I’ve been saying this whole time? Taker is 6’5.75 to 6’6. Please point out where I ruled out 6’6 for him and suggested 6’5.5. I think you’ve mixed people up man cause I don’t recall saying that and I’m pretty sure I’ve been saying he’s 6’5.75-6’6
Canson said on 18/Nov/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 17/Nov/21
Nice strawman argument.

I didn't say he's 6'9" barefoot though?

What you do not seem to understand is he doesn't need to be 6'9" for Undertaker to look over his listing? Even if he was 1 mm over 6'7.5", it makes Taker look taller than his listing.

Over 6'9" in shoes in the afternoon = Roughly a fraction over 6'8" barefoot in afternoon, which you yourself agree with now.

And he looks 1-1.5" taller than a slouching Undertaker.

Now you yourself are agreeing that he looks 6'8/6'8.25", and then you claim Undertaker doesn't look over 6'6". Please. What's worse is a lot of people had the audacity to even say he looks 6'5.5"!! LOL!

6'5.5" VS 6'8.25" . Yeah TOTALLY!
Click Here

What's being proven now is what I said all along ...

I didn’t agree with anything. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said that’s what Rob would list him at. Go back and read. That’s if you are able to without trying to slant an argument or someone’s comments in your favor which you always do. Rob said himself that he may fall under 6’8 as well but you don’t consider that. And how is Taker over 6’6 if he’s a hair under 6’8? You don’t even appear to be able to estimate properly Battery. And they said over 6’8”. That doesn’t mean the measurement was accurate as Rob doesn’t feel either one of them is perfect. He implied that they should use a stadiometer. Until then we do not know.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 17/Nov/21
Nice strawman argument.

I didn't say he's 6'9" barefoot though?

What you do not seem to understand is he doesn't need to be 6'9" for Undertaker to look over his listing? Even if he was 1 mm over 6'7.5", it makes Taker look taller than his listing.

Over 6'9" in shoes in the afternoon = Roughly a fraction over 6'8" barefoot in afternoon, which you yourself agree with now.

And he looks 1-1.5" taller than a slouching Undertaker.

Now you yourself are agreeing that he looks 6'8/6'8.25", and then you claim Undertaker doesn't look over 6'6". Please. What's worse is a lot of people had the audacity to even say he looks 6'5.5"!! LOL!

6'5.5" VS 6'8.25" . Yeah TOTALLY!
Click Here

What's being proven now is what I said all along ...
Chaoscontrol. said on 17/Nov/21
Expert please get better at bait comments cause your current ones wouldn’t be more obvious if they had a whole fishing boat attached. Tell you what though you’ve talked me into giving him a .1mm upgrade, so good on you for having such charisma and abilities to convince
Chaoscontrol. said on 16/Nov/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Nov/21
Click Here
"Find a picture of Ike next to Martyn Ford. If he looks taller i'll believe he's 6'9" "

Click Here

Isn't it funny, how the excuses and coping mechanisms are never ending. This guy knows he's wrong but will just keep dragging on arguments anyway because he doesn't want his ego hurt, lmao. He's probably a flat earther too.

Top tier bait mate. Top tier bait
Canson said on 16/Nov/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Nov/21
My estimate of Undertaker being a fraction over 6'6" currently and 6'7.5/75" peak is apparently terrible and draws up so much controversy even though trillions of random pics keep coming out proving this
Click Here

He isn't even standing straight here. He's slouching, lol.
But this guy's estimation of someone comfortably above 6'8" being 6'7" is "not so bad". These hypocrites are amusing.

Lol nice spot of the clock. They just want to assume it's out of bed for no apparent reason, these geezas are so weird.

I bet even if it were in the morning and the sun were just coming up, there’d be an excuse that it didn’t matter being you used it below. I see you disregarded him saying he’s 6’9” out of bed in the morning. I already answered that though. But I’ll give you a glimpse of how rob does things

I'm not sure about you @Canson but normal people do normal things ya know? Using the toilet, washing their face, brushing their teeth? Besides you start losing height like 10-15 minutes after getting up anyway, quite quickly, so what even were you getting at.

So you lose 3/4” or up just doing those rudimentary Daily tasks? I think not

course ;-)

Q: Are the heights listed with shoes?
A: No. Assume every height as though the celebrity was measured barefoot. This isn't the NBA! I make no claim as to whether any listed height is an evening or early morning one, but technically I think you are better off saying your height based on the time when people get measured on average, which obviously wouldn't be out of bed, but might be about 5 hours after waking. After you've been standing for 5-6 hours you won't shrink much more during the rest of the day compared to how much you shrink in the time period from waking up till lunchtime.
As of November 2017, there are around 5100 Male and 5100 Females listed, with an average peak height of 5ft 10.75 for the Males and 5ft 5 and 1/4 for the Females.
Canson said on 16/Nov/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Nov/21
My estimate of Undertaker being a fraction over 6'6" currently and 6'7.5/75" peak is apparently terrible and draws up so much controversy even though trillions of random pics keep coming out proving this
Click Here

He isn't even standing straight here. He's slouching, lol.
But this guy's estimation of someone comfortably above 6'8" being 6'7" is "not so bad". These hypocrites are amusing.

Lol nice spot of the clock. They just want to assume it's out of bed for no apparent reason, these geezas are so weird.

Who just gets up straight out of bed and goes straight to a shop recording themself buying measuring tape without doing anything anyway?

I'm not sure about you @Canson but normal people do normal things ya know? Using the toilet, washing their face, brushing their teeth? Besides you start losing height like 10-15 minutes after getting up anyway, quite quickly, so what even were you getting at.

I can’t take you seriously when you say that Show isn’t slouching in a pic you handpicked. Then you didn’t even catch on to the fact that the lady in the pic in sandals has her knee bent. And you don’t lose height that quickly. If he wakes up to 6’9” like he has said before, then he would lose maybe 3/8” in an hour so that’s not that quick. He’s gonna lose 2 in one hour. Rob said himself below that he would be around 6’8”. Best case he’d be listed at maybe lunchtime height or afternoon and be 6’8-6’8.25. So I’m not going to go against conventional wisdom. He wouldn’t be 6’9 by his own logic.

Canson said on 9/Nov/21
@Editor Rob: given the fact Ike said 6’9” in the morning when he wakes up and both of the videos, what would you estimate his afternoon height to be? Would you say near 6’9 or closer to 6’8”?
Editor Rob
Could be a guy who does shrink a good inch at least, so 6ft 9 to under 6ft 8 at night, afternoon maybe he is just over 6ft 8
JamesB171.5cm said on 16/Nov/21
Rob is 6’7 flat peak still a possibility?
Editor Rob
That could be the lowest range.
Canson said on 16/Nov/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 12/Nov/21
"Taker has camera advantage in the first one."
No, he doesn't? They are the same distance from the camera.

These are the pics you posted and in this order.

He's tilting and looking down"
Click Here

Uhh no, he is not. They're almost looking each other in the eyes and their neck postures look almost equal. Also funny how you bring up people looking down at UT when they're literally not but when Taker REALLY looks down at people shorter than him, it's almost always ignored.

Click Here

If you look closely, Show is not standing straight as mentioned. Look at his neck and how far out it is
Chaoscontrol. said on 15/Nov/21
Catcher 6’7.5-6’7.75 range
Undertaker 6’5.75-6’6 currently
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Nov/21
Ike likely isn't that low
Taker isn't 6'6"+

Even if Ike is 6'7.5-6'8 which I think we all now know that he is more than, you can argue Taker is 6'6"+, nice job contradicting yourself again🤣
Click Here
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Nov/21
My estimate of Undertaker being a fraction over 6'6" currently and 6'7.5/75" peak is apparently terrible and draws up so much controversy even though trillions of random pics keep coming out proving this
Click Here

He isn't even standing straight here. He's slouching, lol.
But this guy's estimation of someone comfortably above 6'8" being 6'7" is "not so bad". These hypocrites are amusing.

Lol nice spot of the clock. They just want to assume it's out of bed for no apparent reason, these geezas are so weird.

Who just gets up straight out of bed and goes straight to a shop recording themself buying measuring tape without doing anything anyway?

I'm not sure about you @Canson but normal people do normal things ya know? Using the toilet, washing their face, brushing their teeth? Besides you start losing height like 10-15 minutes after getting up anyway, quite quickly, so what even were you getting at.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 15/Nov/21
Click Here
"Find a picture of Ike next to Martyn Ford. If he looks taller i'll believe he's 6'9" "

Click Here

Isn't it funny, how the excuses and coping mechanisms are never ending. This guy knows he's wrong but will just keep dragging on arguments anyway because he doesn't want his ego hurt, lmao. He's probably a flat earther too.
Chaoscontrol. said on 15/Nov/21
I forgot Heoght “Expert”’s comments were satirical for a minute there. Thought he was presenting legitimate arguments and evidence
Chaoscontrol. said on 14/Nov/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 12/Nov/21
Reminder this guy was claiming Ike is 6'7"-6'7.5" for the longest time.
Click Here

Based off this pic, where he looks taller than 6'8.75" listed Ekaterina Lisina in sandals (not barefoot)
Click Here

Because Ike is completely and totally barefoot and Ekaterina is definitely not leaning backwards with her knees bent or anything like that, no, that would be silly...
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 14/Nov/21
Lesner 6ft2 188cm plus 5.1inches 12cm taker was 6ft6.75 200cm there.
Canson said on 14/Nov/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 12/Nov/21
Reminder this guy was claiming Ike is 6'7"-6'7.5" for the longest time.
Click Here

Likely he’s not that low but nobody is perfect. You’re also still saying Taker is over 6’6” when he doesn’t look that tall so again nobody is perfect. But Rob also said catcher May potentially dip below 6’8 at night so Chaos isn’t as far off as you’re making it sound. Catcher said himself that he’s 6’9” in the morning when he first wakes up. That rules out anything more than a 6’8” listing here on Celebheights assuming he really is 6’9 out of bed.a guy that size loses more than average
Canson said on 14/Nov/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 12/Nov/21
Reminder this guy was claiming Ike is 6'7"-6'7.5" for the longest time.
Click Here

Based off this pic, where he looks taller than 6'8.75" listed Ekaterina Lisina in sandals (not barefoot)
Click Here

He looks taller than her but the difference is nowhere near what it looks. Her knee is clearly bent. And his footwear is significantly more than what she has despite her wearing thin sandals
He1ghtexpert49 said on 12/Nov/21
Reminder this guy was claiming Ike is 6'7"-6'7.5" for the longest time.
Click Here

Based off this pic, where he looks taller than 6'8.75" listed Ekaterina Lisina in sandals (not barefoot)
Click Here
Canson said on 11/Nov/21
Canson said on 9/Nov/21
@Editor Rob: given the fact Ike said 6’9” in the morning when he wakes up and both of the videos, what would you estimate his afternoon height to be? Would you say near 6’9 or closer to 6’8”?
Editor Rob
Could be a guy who does shrink a good inch at least, so 6ft 9 to under 6ft 8 at night, afternoon maybe he is just over 6ft 8

So that said, Chaos’s estimate isn’t all that bad.
Chaoscontrol. said on 11/Nov/21
Canson said on 9/Nov/21
@Chaos: barefoot measurements were mandated only for the one season 2019-20 and only in the NBA. Some players are listed close to their barefoot listing still while others were given shoe listings again. I see Bradley Beal (6’3) is one of them as he’s listed 6’4” now. College players are still listed in shoes. Cade Cunningham was an example as he was 6’8 in college and 6’6 in the Pros and Scottie Barnes was listed 6’9 at times and I saw 6’8 once or twice. He’s listed 6’7” in the pros.

Phil Green’s one was from 2014 though. I looked at him a bit more and I’m gonna say either 6’8.75 or 6’9. Ike could be 6’7.5-67.75 range but I’m just not seeing a full 6’8 if we put Taker at 6’6
Vegas' said on 11/Nov/21
We can definitely rule out Taker being 6'5 range today next to 6'3 1/8 barefoot measured Parsons
Chaoscontrol. said on 10/Nov/21
Rob has him listed fine. I’ve been saying that this whole time. I just wouldn’t go ABOVE the current list
Canson said on 10/Nov/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 9/Nov/21
Still struggling to figure out why so many people are listed at heights that clearly don't match with this listing here. The height listings of the people on here just aren't compatible with each other.

Eg: Big Show at 6'10"
Click Here
Click Here

Taker has camera advantage in the first one and Show isn’t standing straight in the second. He’s tilting and looking down at Taker. That should be around 4” between them if Show is 6’10 today. Worst case is he’s 6’9.5 but 6’10 or near 6’10 is still possible. I don’t believe Show was 7’0 peak though. Likely 6’11” range and more like a 4” difference.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 10/Nov/21
Rob you sound list taker 6ft7 now and peak 6ft8.
miko said on 10/Nov/21
A fully erect Taker is a very big man.

He could still clear 6'6, but not 100% sure.
Robbe said on 10/Nov/21
Click Here
Canson said on 9/Nov/21
@Editor Rob: given the fact Ike said 6’9” in the morning when he wakes up and both of the videos, what would you estimate his afternoon height to be? Would you say near 6’9 or closer to 6’8”?
Editor Rob
Could be a guy who does shrink a good inch at least, so 6ft 9 to under 6ft 8 at night, afternoon maybe he is just over 6ft 8
Canson said on 9/Nov/21
@Chaos: barefoot measurements were mandated only for the one season 2019-20 and only in the NBA. Some players are listed close to their barefoot listing still while others were given shoe listings again. I see Bradley Beal (6’3) is one of them as he’s listed 6’4” now. College players are still listed in shoes. Cade Cunningham was an example as he was 6’8 in college and 6’6 in the Pros and Scottie Barnes was listed 6’9 at times and I saw 6’8 once or twice. He’s listed 6’7” in the pros.
Canson said on 9/Nov/21
@Chaos, :D, Editor Rob and Robbe: he said that he’s 6’9 when he wakes up in the morning (in the video where the guy measured him at 6’7.5”). If he’s really that maybe he’s 6’8”. As for the other video where he measured himself we don’t know how long he’s been on his feet. I’m gonna assume it’s not right out of bed but don’t know if an afternoon height either

@Robbe and Chaos: if Reed is listed 6’10 which he was when he played in college. Likely he’s not that tall but he doesn’t look much under 6’9” if at all. Then again he’s super thin too

Editor Rob
6ft 9 out of bed is a believable claim for him
Canson said on 9/Nov/21
@Robbe: yea I see it now. Didn’t know that before. Still don’t know how long he’s been on his feet which is a variable.

@Dicko: that’s not quite 4” but As for Parsons that’s likely not a low either but he’s prob not much under 6’3 if he managed (assuming it’s legit) 6’3 1/8 at the combine. They’re held in the AM. Worst case maybe 6’2.75” but I’d say Taker is def looking 6’6 range with him.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 9/Nov/21
Still struggling to figure out why so many people are listed at heights that clearly don't match with this listing here. The height listings of the people on here just aren't compatible with each other.

Eg: Big Show at 6'10"
Click Here
Click Here

How is this 4 inches? Barely looks like 2.5 inches currently if that even.

And for their peaks, it's very clear looking at them in motion that there's clearly not 4.75" between them lol. Just see this faceoff video.
Click Here

This is just one example of 10,000.
Dicko said on 8/Nov/21
Click Here

Taker still looking close to 6 foot 7 here.
Dicko said on 8/Nov/21
Undertaker looking near 6.7 with 6 foot 3 Micha Parsons.

Click Here
Chaoscontrol. said on 8/Nov/21
After doing a bit of research, Phil Reed was listed as 6’10 by a basketball team. However this listing is from 2014, which is before the mandated barefoot measurements, so it’s likely in shoes and he’s in the 6’8.5-6’9 range barefoot
Click Here
Robbe said on 8/Nov/21
@Canson, there's a clock on the wall where Ike buys his measuring tape. It's afternoon Click Here
King Spattan said on 7/Nov/21
Does Undertaker look to have a big forehead or do you think his hairline is receding??
Editor Rob
He does have a greater than average forehead, accentuated by some hair recession.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 7/Nov/21
He looked comfortably over the 6'9" mark in shoes, and this isn't the first time either.
Robbe said on 7/Nov/21
Ike looks the same here as in his measuring video Click Here

6'9 range with Richters Click Here

Phill Reed claims 6'10. Ike doesn't look much shorter Click Here
Editor Rob
I'd be surprised if he were only 6ft 7.5
Canson said on 5/Nov/21
@Chaos: yea but even if they measured him at 6’9 in shoes like Battery claims in the video, was it a full 6’9 is the question and the time of the day it took place is another variable. If he only measured 6’8.75-6’9 range and it was earlier in the day, we could really be talking about a guy who was similar to a peak Kane at maybe 6’7.25-.5 range barefoot going off an afternoon/evening measurement like we claim
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 4/Nov/21
Enes kanter 6ft11 said taker is 6ft7 in reality peak was 6ft8.
Chaoscontrol. said on 4/Nov/21
Catcher’s own measurement is on a pavement, not exactly even ground. And he had some shoes in that I’m sure would give him easily an inch if not a little more
Vegas' said on 3/Nov/21
Chaoscontrol, that video is awful. Doesn't prove anything because we see no measurements just a number on screen.

Catchers own measurement video is better but again not proof of anything
He1ghtexpert49 said on 3/Nov/21
He looks way taller than Michelle, much over his listed height. I find it hilarious how people want to ignore 999,999 people and focus on one or two people. Crazy.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 3/Nov/21
Lol if u knew anything about the "independent source". He claims 6' when he's like 5'10-5'11. I only know him cos of his old buddy Connor Murphy who's clearly much taller. Also two other "independant sources" measured Ike in shoes at 6'9".
King Spattan said on 1/Nov/21
Do you think Undertakers forehead is possibly more than 5 inches he's got big head for his height??
Editor Rob
I wouldn't go much over that...5.1 at most
Chaoscontrol. said on 1/Nov/21
Ike Catcher was measured and verified by an independent source at 6’7.5. Even if he was at his low (which we can’t prove) then he’s at the max barely 6’8. But you could just as easily say it was in the morning and he’s only 6’7
Robbe said on 1/Nov/21
Im starting to believe Ike is really 6'9. He looks that height with Olivier Richters. Ike also appears head taller than Arnold's son, Joseph Baena, who is supposed 6'1. If you look at him next to Ike, there is zero chance he is that height Click Here
Chaoscontrol. said on 31/Oct/21
@Height “Expert” if your comments are t satirical why do I find myself laughing when I read them?
Robbe said on 31/Oct/21
Taker with Michelle Click Here
He1ghtexpert49 said on 30/Oct/21
Click Here

Then why is he above the 6'9" mark in the video Rob posted?
He1ghtexpert49 said on 30/Oct/21
This is the only staredown with Sid where no pushing and pulling is involved.
Click Here

Funny how even casual viewers on the YouTube comments section can tell how Sid is trying his best to look taller while UT is chilled but people who spend their entire life on this site every day can't seem to notice.

Also what's the obsession with Sid when there's a 100,000 other people to compare to?

Need a reminder?

With 6'6.5" Strowman
Click Here

With 7'1" Khali
Click Here

With 6'5" JBL
Click Here

With 7' Big Show
Click Here

With 6'6.5" Viscera
Click Here

Watch how everyone as always ignores all this (and this is just the tip of the iceberg, I can't be bothered copy pasting 2,000 people over and over again).
He1ghtexpert49 said on 30/Oct/21
What's the point of those pics when he's bending his neck so much
He1ghtexpert49 said on 30/Oct/21
Nope, I don't recall posting pictures of Undertaker with a barefoot woman, unless you're referring to his 5'9" wife (only woman I've compared his height to in pictures directly) who he's comfortably more than a full head taller than.
Click Here
Click Here
UndertakerFrank said on 28/Oct/21
The guy who post those Videos says he 6ft & he looks shorter than that when he measures guys that are 6ft or 6ft 1
Robbe said on 28/Oct/21
Same 6ft guy with Taker, Kane, and Strowman Click Here
Robbe said on 28/Oct/21
Same 6ft guy with Taker and Joonas Suotamo Click Here
Chaoscontrol. said on 27/Oct/21
D said on 27/Oct/21
Ike Catcher measured with tape Click Here at 8:40 min mark.He comes at 6'7.5 with shoes on.
Editor Rob
Ike did a kind of reply in a way with his own measurement Click Here.

The guy should just buy a stadiometer and

I said Ike was 6’7.5 and fake expert 49 (sorry, I meant satirical genius) didn’t believe me. I knew it
:D said on 27/Oct/21
Ike Catcher measured with tape Click Here at 8:40 min mark.He comes at 6'7.5 with shoes on.
Editor Rob
Ike did a kind of reply in a way with his own measurement Click Here.

The guy should just buy a stadiometer and do it at home...
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 24/Oct/21
List of tallest professional wrestlers said taker 6ft8 2.03m sid 6ft7.5 2.02m.taker was just 1cm taller.
miko said on 22/Oct/21
Taker was never a full inch taller than Sid.

In the first staredown they had they looked pretty much identical, and if anybody was taller it was Sid.

In most WWF/E staredowns Taker appeared to have a very tiny edge, but it was still very close.

If Sid was legitimately 6'6.25, Taker is seriously struggling with 6'7. Personally I've got Sid at 6'6.75 peak and Taker at 6'7 or a hair over.
Canson said on 22/Oct/21
Chaoscontrol. said on 21/Oct/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 19/Oct/21
You'll be taller even if you're tiptoeing on one foot, try it yourself. LOL at trying to relieve plantar fascitis while having a pic taken. Are you listening to yourself. Not to mention his air max 720s. And yeah he just decided to do all that the one time he had s pic with someone taller than him. Sureee.

UT looks taller next to Ike than Ford, end of discussion.

Love your comments. All time greats for satire. So funny

He1ghtexpert49 said on 19/Oct/21
In which pic did Taker have footwear and the lady didn't??

This one not so much, is the joke supposed to be that you’re faking memory loss?

Canson said on 22/Oct/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 21/Oct/21
Nope, higher knees (meaning bigger footwear) and still shorter than UT

Click Here

He is shorter than him hence why Rob has him listed shorter. That’s stating the obvious.
Carlo12 said on 22/Oct/21
Harry Sachs: LoL Sid is clearly closer to the Camera and Taker is still taller in that video.
Sid was like 6'6.25, and Taker was about inch taller, Sid also used lifts often back in 90s.
Harry Sachs said on 22/Oct/21
Click Here There is another picture of Sid Vicious who is listed at 6'6 and the Undertaker. Clearly Sid is taller. But yeah The Undertaker was 1.5 inches taller because people here want to believe that.
Harry Sachs said on 21/Oct/21
Go to 4:07 of the video. Sid Vicious is clearly taller than The Undertaker. Click Here
He1ghtexpert49 said on 21/Oct/21
Nope, higher knees (meaning bigger footwear) and still shorter than UT

Click Here
Chaoscontrol. said on 21/Oct/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 19/Oct/21
You'll be taller even if you're tiptoeing on one foot, try it yourself. LOL at trying to relieve plantar fascitis while having a pic taken. Are you listening to yourself. Not to mention his air max 720s. And yeah he just decided to do all that the one time he had s pic with someone taller than him. Sureee.

UT looks taller next to Ike than Ford, end of discussion.

Love your comments. All time greats for satire. So funny

He1ghtexpert49 said on 19/Oct/21
In which pic did Taker have footwear and the lady didn't??

This one not so much, is the joke supposed to be that you’re faking memory loss?
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 20/Oct/21
Taker back in the day was wearing 0.5 footwear today wearing 1.25inch footwear taker never weared 2inch footwear you are wrong.
UndertakerFrank said on 19/Oct/21
Harry Sachs Taker looks Taller is most photos ive seem of them not much taller Ive seen Sid in Street clothes he he looked 6ft 5 to 6ft 6 He looked alot shorter than i imagined
He1ghtexpert49 said on 19/Oct/21
In which pic did Taker have footwear and the lady didn't??
He1ghtexpert49 said on 19/Oct/21
You'll be taller even if you're tiptoeing on one foot, try it yourself. LOL at trying to relieve plantar fascitis while having a pic taken. Are you listening to yourself. Not to mention his air max 720s. And yeah he just decided to do all that the one time he had s pic with someone taller than him. Sureee.

UT looks taller next to Ike than Ford, end of discussion.
Chaoscontrol. said on 18/Oct/21
Imagine trying to use someone’s own words against him and getting his guesses wrong
Harry Sachs said on 17/Oct/21
It is still funny to me how even though I proved that Sid Vicious a 6'6 guy was taller than a prime Undertaker yet the Undertaker is still listed at 6'7 plus in his prime. The Undertaker also wears thick sole shows because of his gimmick. That is why he looks similar in height to guys like Baron Corbin who wears think sole shoes because of his gimmick.
Robbe said on 17/Oct/21
Taker looks pretty tall with Mike Tyson.

Click Here

Standing tall he would easily brake the 6'6 line. But, the problem is his head size, which appears 11.5in there. Means he is closer to the camera, and therefore favored. Taker's head is big, but not that big lol 😁
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 16/Oct/21
Stroman is taller than 6ft6.75 ford and taker looked 6ft7 with 6ft9 guy. Just 2inches shorter.
NCL said on 16/Oct/21
Undertaker and arm wrestler Michael Todd. Not the best angle for a height guess but a fun video. I read 6’3” for Todd. Click Here
Canson said on 16/Oct/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 13/Oct/21
"You’re getting so insecure and defensive about this. If you legitimately believed the undertaker was 6’8 at his peak and is 6’6.5 now you wouldn’t come here and argue every day"

You're getting so insecure and defensive about this. If you legitimately believed the undertaker was 6'7 at his peak and is 6'5.5" currently, you wouldn't come here and argue every day.

You’re one to talk given the bad pics you use that clearly favor your argument. Taker is not taller than Strowman. Hmm. I do remember Battery6565 posting the same thing before. Wait I forgot. That was you posting that actually before Rob gave you the all expenses paid vacation for a few months and you came back and resurrected yourself as the Height Expert
Canson said on 16/Oct/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 14/Oct/21
It's quite funny actually.

Ike with 6'6 3/4" listed Martyn Ford who is on his tiptoes:
Click Here

Wrong. Only one foot is elevated. The other is flat. So no He’s not on his tippy toes. He appears to just be relieving the weight from the ball of his feet which is normal for someone who has plantar fasciitis. So this kills your entire thesis and argument once again. This is just as bad as the pic you used where Taker had footwear and a lady didn’t
Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 16/Oct/21
I’m just gonna assume everything Height “Expert” says is intended for satirical purposes. If it’s not, why’s it so funny to read?
Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 16/Oct/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 14/Oct/21
It's quite funny actually.

Ike with 6'6 3/4" listed Martyn Ford who is on his tiptoes:
Click Here

Ike with apparently 6'5.5" Undertaker who has his head tilted
Click Here

Also it's clear that Martyn has bigger footwear than Taker.

Yeah definitely makes sense that Taker is 1.25" shorter than Ford.

Just for confirmation:

Video of Undertaker and 6'6.5" listed Strowman:
Click Here

Martyn Ford and Strowman:
Click Here

Yeah 6'6.75" VS 6'5.5" makes complete sense, it's not like he doesn't appear taller when standing next to the same people as Ford.

You seriously think he’s 6’6.75 minimum today?
James B 171.5cm said on 16/Oct/21
Rob who would win a stare down these days Anthony Joshua or undertaker?
Editor Rob
With eyelevels, I feel it's going to be closer than you imagine...similar with posture maybe that will make them seem very close.
Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 14/Oct/21
You're getting so insecure and defensive about this. If you legitimately believed the undertaker was 6'7 at his peak and is 6'5.5" currently, you wouldn't come here and argue every day

Hey fun fact those aren’t the guesses I left. I put 6’7.25 peak in and 6’5.75 current, and I don’t think 6’6 is impossible as I’ve said and Rob can confirm
Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 14/Oct/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 13/Oct/21
"You’re getting so insecure and defensive about this. If you legitimately believed the undertaker was 6’8 at his peak and is 6’6.5 now you wouldn’t come here and argue every day"

You're getting so insecure and defensive about this. If you legitimately believed the undertaker was 6'7 at his peak and is 6'5.5" currently, you wouldn't come here and argue every day

Haha you’ve got no valid argument of your own
He1ghtexpert49 said on 14/Oct/21
It's quite funny actually.

Ike with 6'6 3/4" listed Martyn Ford who is on his tiptoes:
Click Here

Ike with apparently 6'5.5" Undertaker who has his head tilted
Click Here

Also it's clear that Martyn has bigger footwear than Taker.

Yeah definitely makes sense that Taker is 1.25" shorter than Ford.

Just for confirmation:

Video of Undertaker and 6'6.5" listed Strowman:
Click Here

Martyn Ford and Strowman:
Click Here

Yeah 6'6.75" VS 6'5.5" makes complete sense, it's not like he doesn't appear taller when standing next to the same people as Ford.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 13/Oct/21
"You’re getting so insecure and defensive about this. If you legitimately believed the undertaker was 6’8 at his peak and is 6’6.5 now you wouldn’t come here and argue every day"

You're getting so insecure and defensive about this. If you legitimately believed the undertaker was 6'7 at his peak and is 6'5.5" currently, you wouldn't come here and argue every day.
Jw said on 13/Oct/21
Think we need to all chill out a little bit. Unless a brave soul wants to stand next to Taker with a measuring tape we will not know for sure!
Personally from seeing him at live events I think he’s 6ft 6.5 still today. With being a qualified photographer I know first have one single photo does not certify someone’s size.
Let’s all be grown ups and be a bit more respectful.
King Spattan said on 12/Oct/21
How long does Mark head look would you say it looks big for his height??
Editor Rob
With his hairline, I think it accentuates the length of his eye-top of head, but of course compared to an average height man his head is an inch longer, but a 6ft 6-7 guy, it might be a fraction or so longer than expected.
Chaoscontrol 6'2.5 said on 12/Oct/21
He might well be 6’6 today, just not more than it
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 10/Oct/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 8/Oct/21
I would assume you do care considering you come back to comment on this page and reply to every comment aimed at you, everyday.

You’re getting so insecure and defensive about this. If you legitimately believed the undertaker was 6’8 at his peak and is 6’6.5 now you wouldn’t come here and argue every day and, by your own admission, “aim things at people” (whatever that means) to try and validate your guesses with objectively terrible evidence
He1ghtexpert49 said on 8/Oct/21
I would assume you do care considering you come back to comment on this page and reply to every comment aimed at you, everyday.
Canson said on 7/Oct/21
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 7/Oct/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Oct/21
To save time and discussion on the godfathers pic I'll write the response of certain two posters on their behalf

Does anyone care?

😂 😂 nope. But We’ve come a long way. He now freely admits he is/was Battery like we suspected. Same arguments and recycled posts etc
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 7/Oct/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Oct/21
To save time and discussion on the godfathers pic I'll write the response of certain two posters on their behalf

Does anyone care?
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Oct/21
Canson, yea. I'm thinking 6'7.25 peak and today 6'5.5-6'5.75 so a good 1.5 inch loss.
Jw said on 5/Oct/21
@ He1ghtexpert49
Yeah assumed he was around 6ft 3/6ft 4.
Taker is looking a good 6ft 6.5. He wears hats a lot but if you look into it, he does have a high forehead so the hats don’t give him much extra.
MarkJJ said on 4/Oct/21
Mark was recently on Joe Rogan's podcast and said he is currently 6ft8
He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Oct/21
He looks ever so slightly taller than 6'4" Orton
He1ghtexpert49 said on 4/Oct/21
To save time and discussion on the godfathers pic I'll write the response of certain two posters on their behalf

@Battery /Height "expert"49
"It's just bad angles, terrible picture and Undertaker is wearing high heels and jumping invisibly using his magical powers to look 3 inches taller than The Godfather bro. Also the godfather is slouching on purpose and he photoshopped his picture to look shorter than he really is.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 3/Oct/21

Looks atleast 2+ inches taller
He1ghtexpert49 said on 3/Oct/21
How come photos at terrible angles like that are acceptable when somebody else posts them to go against Undertaker but when I post normal full body photos then apparently they're bad pics?
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 2/Oct/21
Robbe said on 30/Sep/21
@Mow, do you really think Taker is the same height as 6'8 Tristan Thompson? Click Here

And Taker’s hat level is 6’6 by that comparison let alone his head, I’d like to see what the upgrades have to say about this
Canson said on 2/Oct/21
I’m not seeing how Chaos is wrong. Rob does not have Battery’s ip saved so he cannot confirm whether he’s the same person as HeightExpert or not. And Chaos isn’t the only one who said that. I did too because it’s pretty obvious.
Editor Rob
It is saved on past archives, but it takes time looking through it and frankly, as long as folk can keep to rules, many do come back and post again.
Robbe said on 2/Oct/21
@Jw, Godfather is 6'4 range, so Taker appears around 6'6 there Click Here
UndertakerFrank said on 1/Oct/21
Jw I met The Godfather he looked about 6ft 4 Taker always had atleast 2 to 3 inches on him
Dicko said on 1/Oct/21
Click Here
Taker still looking 6.6 at least with The Godfather who is still a decent 6.3 today.
Jw said on 30/Sep/21
The question now is, how tall The Godfather is aka Pappa Shango as I believe he’s said he’s 6ft 6” and has just uploaded a picture with the Undertaker today and taker looks a good inch or two on him.
UntertakerFrank said on 30/Sep/21
Taker is old school he will never admit his real height !! I met him in 94 he told me he was 6ft 9
I believe he is 6ft6 .5 to 6ft 7 Peak
Robbe said on 30/Sep/21
@Mow, do you really think Taker is the same height as 6'8 Tristan Thompson? Click Here
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 29/Sep/21
DaMan said on 28/Sep/21
ChaosControl is once again proving he can’t accept being corrected with facts nor is he insightful enough accurately deduce sock accounts, his false accusations are being exposed.

Chaos, please continue to explain to Rob how VPNs work.
Then explain to me again how Converse All Stars add more height over barefoot than Nike Off Court Slides.

Cue the battery or heightexpert sock account accusations… and you’ll be wrong again.
Is it so hard to believe that different people will call you on your OFTEN wrong statements?
Editor Rob
Well it's true in the past you had guys like YaoIs9ft or whatever using VPN to try to inflate some votes.

And a couple of other banned users repeatedly try to evade through VPN's. As a result of wasting my time and posing a threat to CelebHeights, comments originating from a web server will get blackholed.

Ooh, look who’s back. It’s the super-slippers guy. For the record I didnt accuse Height “Expert” of anything whatsoever, I asked Rob to confirm if he was someone or not. Again, you talk so much but don’t find evidence to back it up, like the absolute crap about being here 10 years ago. Funny how you talk BS about me making false accusations (and if I somehow dud, find evidence for them, I know it’s not your strong suit) while making them
Mow said on 28/Sep/21
Undertaker Said In A interview Last Year He Is 6'8 And Kane Also Said Hes 6'8. They didnt lie about there height.

Don't khow where you guys get false information.
DaMan said on 28/Sep/21
ChaosControl is once again proving he can’t accept being corrected with facts nor is he insightful enough accurately deduce sock accounts, his false accusations are being exposed.

Chaos, please continue to explain to Rob how VPNs work.
Then explain to me again how Converse All Stars add more height over barefoot than Nike Off Court Slides.

Cue the battery or heightexpert sock account accusations… and you’ll be wrong again.
Is it so hard to believe that different people will call you on your OFTEN wrong statements?
Editor Rob
Well it's true in the past you had guys like YaoIs9ft or whatever using VPN to try to inflate some votes.

And a couple of other banned users repeatedly try to evade through VPN's. As a result of wasting my time and posing a threat to CelebHeights, comments originating from a web server will get blackholed.
Alex 6'0 said on 27/Sep/21
Whether 6'5.5 or 6'6 or in between theres no way to tell by just looking at him. With measured athletes hes 6'6 max today. Pic with kevin love puts him sub 6'6
Canson said on 27/Sep/21
@Editor Rob: I didn’t think he was Cansont to be fair. Never have. I thought he was Battery6565 and still do
Canson said on 27/Sep/21
Alex 6'0 said on 26/Sep/21
Canson, I'm not saying he definitely is 6'5.5 but its possible as he looks it with Kevin love. 6'6 still possible but no more than that

@Alex: I’ll def say 6’5.5 is better than 6’6.5 or 6’7 today 😂. 6’5.5 is a reasonable estimate for him actually
Alex 6'0 said on 26/Sep/21
Canson, I'm not saying he definitely is 6'5.5 but its possible as he looks it with Kevin love. 6'6 still possible but no more than that
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 26/Sep/21
But VPNs exist though
Editor Rob
And you can browse the site from most VPN's, however commenting from them is a different matter.
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 25/Sep/21
I think 6’6 is a possibility today but he’s more likely to be in the 6’5.75 range
Canson said on 25/Sep/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 23/Sep/21
Number 1
He looks more than a foot taller than this guy. How are you not gonna point out his craned neck and slouched shoulders either?

Number 2
What would I get by writing comments under "cansonT" and making claims that upgrades him when you think everyone is shorter than their listings ? I'm happy posting and writing whatever I want from one name, thanks.
Editor Rob
I can safely say Cansont is halfway across the world compared to Expert49

I’m not getting this? Are you saying that I’m Cansont as well? Or did Rob Just call you out on you really being Battery6565 disguised as HeightExpert49,
Editor Rob
The username Cansont was posting from a country like for instance say Japan, whilst HeightExpert is posting from a country like they ain't using VPN's or anything like that.
Canson said on 25/Sep/21
UndertakerFrank said on 24/Sep/21
We Keep Forgetting Taker was Taller than 6ft 6 Ali Baba I believe hes 6ft 6 .5 No Lower than 6ft 6

Yea he was probably a full 6’6.5 or at worst a solid 199 cm back when Ali met him but that was either 2014 or 2013. Today though he’s probably down to 6’6” flat
He1ghtexpert49 said on 25/Sep/21
Is calling me a battery meant to be an insult?

Weird one, but alright.
ChaosControl 189.3cm said on 24/Sep/21
Number 2
What would I get by writing comments under "cansonT" and making claims that upgrades him when you think everyone is shorter than their listings ? I'm happy posting and writing whatever I want from one name, thanks.
Editor Rob
I can safely say Cansont is halfway across the world compared to Expert49

Nice but can you tell us if he’s really Battery6565? I’m sure Canson’s dying to know
Editor Rob
Well I don't know if Battery mentioned his country before so I won't say it, but yeah they can't be the same person.
UndertakerFrank said on 24/Sep/21
We Keep Forgetting Taker was Taller than 6ft 6 Ali Baba I believe hes 6ft 6 .5 No Lower than 6ft 6
Canson said on 24/Sep/21
Lol Cansont also guesses differently and writes completely differently. And is from a different country as Rob eloquently pointed out. You on the other hand guess identical to Battery6565, inflated Taker because of Show, etc being listed a certain way (he did the exact same) regurgitate the same talking points, use the same bad pictures, and have the exact same writing style. You came on this site with guns blazing on a mission (out of the gate) to make Taker 6’6.5 or at least over 6’6” which is how he was when he left. Oops. Sorry meant to say when he (you) was banned
Canson said on 24/Sep/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 23/Sep/21
Number 1
He looks more than a foot taller than this guy. How are you not gonna point out his craned neck and slouched shoulders either?

Number 2
What would I get by writing comments under "cansonT" and making claims that upgrades him when you think everyone is shorter than their listings ? I'm happy posting and writing whatever I want from one name, thanks.
Editor Rob
I can safely say Cansont is halfway across the world compared to Expert49

Lol Cansont is obviously not me. Rob said himself that he banned the username so that’s clear. And I actually don’t downgrade every listing. I’m one of the few who has Taker near 6’6 and Hogan at a solid 6’3 and even said he may be 6’3.25”. You on the other hand upgrade every listing. And yes you are Battery6565. Everyone here knows.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 24/Sep/21
I am from south africa.
Canson said on 23/Sep/21
@Alex: 6’5.5 looks a bit low but within the realm of possibility still. I’d say 6’6 or 6’5.75. He may be a guy who doesn’t stand at his tallest but with Kevin Love I agree he can look the weak 6’6 range perhaps
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 23/Sep/21
Undertaker peak 6ft8 203cm current 6ft6.75 200cm.
He1ghtexpert49 said on 23/Sep/21
Number 1
He looks more than a foot taller than this guy. How are you not gonna point out his craned neck and slouched shoulders either?

Number 2
What would I get by writing comments under "cansonT" and making claims that upgrades him when you think everyone is shorter than their listings ? I'm happy posting and writing whatever I want from one name, thanks.
Editor Rob
I can safely say Cansont is halfway across the world compared to Expert49
Robbe said on 23/Sep/21
Taker would probably hit the 6'6 line standing tall Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 22/Sep/21
Undertaker peak 6'7.25. Current 6'5.5
Canson said on 21/Sep/21
Below is a pic with poster Dan Trojan. Great poster btw and I miss interacting with him!

Click Here

Taker looks 6’6 as listed next to him being he has said many times he’s 5’6”
Canson said on 21/Sep/21
ChaosControl said on 19/Sep/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 18/Sep/21
It wasn't me writing comments from his name, why don't you ask Rob to check the IP addresses?

Nobody said it was. I was just calling out the guy who did it

Lol this pretty much confirms it

He1ghtexpert49 said on 18/Sep/21
It wasn't me writing comments from his name, why don't you ask Rob to check the IP addresses?
Editor Rob
It's not a big deal, just remember if somebody comes back and sticks to rules, then it makes things easier.
Canson said on 20/Sep/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 18/Sep/21
It wasn't me writing comments from his name, why don't you ask Rob to check the IP addresses?

Rob doesn’t have IP’s saved from that long ago. You probably are aware of that
UntertakerFrank said on 19/Sep/21
Height Expert it dosent matter what Lee was listed @ The Fact he is 2 inches shorter than Bryan Adams who's about 6ft 5 I dont remember where i read he was 6ft 3 but i believe thats probably accurate
ChaosControl said on 19/Sep/21
He1ghtexpert49 said on 18/Sep/21
It wasn't me writing comments from his name, why don't you ask Rob to check the IP addresses?

Nobody said it was. I was just calling out the guy who did it
He1ghtexpert49 said on 19/Sep/21
Nice pic, Taker and Tyson look equally taller than that guy and keep in mind this is current UT not prime and Tyson is still listed more than prime UT, lmao.
Canson said on 18/Sep/21
ChaosControl said on 17/Sep/21
Cansont said on 17/Sep/21
@heightexpert, yes he looks shorter than kevin love, and his hat his big so you say he's 6'5 6'4, but you maybe forget that undertaker had a super long head, so 6'6 is still make sense, but i understand why you all say he's 6'5 now. Peak imo 6'7.75. so he can go anywhere above 6'9 in the morning, and rounded up to 6'10

If you’re gonna pretend to be Canson at least spell his name right, nobody believes Canson would guess that high or have such awful grammar

Lol true and I wouldn’t guess a “6’7.75 guy” at 6’9+ out of bed 😂
He1ghtexpert49 said on 18/Sep/21
It wasn't me writing comments from his name, why don't you ask Rob to check the IP addresses?
Editor Rob
It's not a big deal, just remember if somebody comes back and sticks to rules, then it makes things easier.
Robbe said on 17/Sep/21
Taker and Tyson with a same 6'7 guy Click Here
ChaosControl said on 17/Sep/21
Cansont said on 17/Sep/21
@heightexpert, yes he looks shorter than kevin love, and his hat his big so you say he's 6'5 6'4, but you maybe forget that undertaker had a super long head, so 6'6 is still make sense, but i understand why you all say he's 6'5 now. Peak imo 6'7.75. so he can go anywhere above 6'9 in the morning, and rounded up to 6'10

If you’re gonna pretend to be Canson at least spell his name right, nobody believes Canson would guess that high or have such awful grammar
Cansont said on 17/Sep/21
@heightexpert, yes he looks shorter than kevin love, and his hat his big so you say he's 6'5 6'4, but you maybe forget that undertaker had a super long head, so 6'6 is still make sense, but i understand why you all say he's 6'5 now. Peak imo 6'7.75. so he can go anywhere above 6'9 in the morning, and rounded up to 6'10
He1ghtexpert49 said on 17/Sep/21
Where is Brian Lee listed as 6'3"? I don't see it anywhere.
UntertakerFrank said on 16/Sep/21
Vegas thank you i knew i wasnt going Crazy !!! He was 2 inches shorter than Crush so 6ft 3 is very Possible !!
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 16/Sep/21
Fake takers billed height is 6ft7 201cm real height is 6ft5 196cm.
Vegas' said on 15/Sep/21
I too remember 6'3 listings for Brian Lee in the 90s. Whether that was by feds or in magazines I don't recall.

Lee was couple inches shorter than the Harris brothers anyway so legit 6'5 he wasn't

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.