How tall is The Undertaker - Page 13

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Average Guess (951 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
Xpac99 said on 22/Jul/19
Pause: 6:22 is no sense to looks Who is taller, taker is very near ti the camera than corbin.
Click Here
Pause: 11:44 with the same distance make sense to judge who is taller and taker is a fraction taller infact when shakehand with strowman, he looks taller than corbin did on raw
Click Here
edwards said on 22/Jul/19
If the person is a bit height concerned then somebody may able to estimate someone height and rob is the example,he meets celebrities and list them on certain height.their judgement may be reasonable if they are height concerned.meeting and estimating and listing is rather reasonable than just looking at photos and videos and listing atleast imho.personn who may meet someone have a bit idea than someone who just sees photos or videos of that person even if that is not exactly accurate
Johan 185 cm said on 22/Jul/19
Riccardo 5'7" said on 20/Jul/19
Interesting the comparison with a 5'6 guy between Pippen and Taker.
I really think undertaker struggles for a 6'7 peak. Let's say he was 6'7, but in reality he looked 6'6.5 max.
Loosing one inch since then, being 6'5.5 today. It's really possible.
I'm reading that Undertaker is over 6'6 after the pics with Big Andy. No hopes he is going to be downgraded here.

I followed the wrestling only because of Undertaker. I was a fan and also im not tall enough for enter in a kind of jelousy or compatition. So I genuine start thinking he was far from 6'7.5 peak, actually i think it's impossible.

Probably he used to wear lifts but now he has to many knees problems and he did stop to wear them. Looking shorter of course.


Taker had 2 inches on a peak Hogan and was circa 2" smaller than a 6'9.5" Kevin Nash. I have him at 6'7.25" peak as Sid is listed 6'6.75" peak. I didn't see more than a 1/2 inch between them. Sid was also 1.5 inch approx taller than Hogan so Hogan was 6'5.25"-6'5.5" peak. Which adds up to my taker estimate of 6'7.25" although rob's listing would be my highest guess at 6'7.5".

He does look 6'5" today in pics, after seeing someone that Rob knows next to him you can see he drops 2 inches at times in pics. He walks around like a 6'5" guy but when straightens he doesn't look less than 6'6" if that guy is at least my estimate of 5'11.25". I would say Taker then 6'6.25" but Rob maybe thinks Big Andy is taller than 5'11.25 by a 1/4 or so or he thinks Taker can stretch out even more.

My mind is now set on 6'6.25" today.

And the reason people reference Ali Baba is because

a: He was close in height to taker so easier to give a close estimate and
b: He looked his height claim with multiple wrestlers/bodybuilders/actors
edwards said on 22/Jul/19
@xpac99 taker is catching rope and tiptoeing at first video you posted,Pause 4:51
everyone can see it,watch when taker was about to chokeslam his move toward corbin and taker is clearly shorter lol.not trying any excuses just figuring it.
edwards said on 22/Jul/19
@xpac99 dude in the first video you posted, at 4:51 lmfao taker is tiptoeing and anyone can see it,a big lol when taker is about to chokeslam and both are in straight posture and taker is bit shorter,lol
Chris Naw said on 22/Jul/19
Anyone can estimate someone’s height when meeting them, does not mean their judgment is absolute. I have met fellow people that the same height as me, 6’2, however they claim they are 6’4.

I was in a casting agency for a TV ad casting recently, holding up the piece of paper with my name on it for the photo. Next to me was a guy that was a little taller than me, around 6’4 or 5. He said 6’8 when the casting agent asked us our heights on camera. Made himself look dumb.

IMO taker is still over 6’6
edwards said on 22/Jul/19
@xpac99 you or any one can easily see that taker isnt looking taller than corbin in that segment,dude no offence and if you dont mind,why are you so serious in making peak taker as 6'8 and current taker as 6'6.5,i aint saying nothing thats your personal opinion and i would like to know that?not trying for excuses and starting arguments just figuring it out.the camera angles are quite accurate between taker and strowman,you can see the great segment between them dudes at can see the segment between taker and strowman at raw before wrestlemania 33,takers hat is not even as high as strowman's head.see that segement dude.see that segement when strowman calls roman reigns and taker appears instead and bty taker was never 6'8 at peak,maybe in the morning but no way was he ever 6'8,when people say near or almost 6'8 that means he was 6'7.25 or 6'7.5.he was 6'8.5 at boots tho at peak.
edwards said on 22/Jul/19
@xpac99 dude not trying for no excuses but pause at 6:22 and both of them dude are straight and taker is half inch to maybe cm shorter than corbin.taker is taller than only for you today.both maybe equal if measured but no way is taker taller than corbin.anyone can see can corbin is taller than taker at that segment
Riccardo 5'7" said on 22/Jul/19

Sotiris Gravas said on 21/Jul/19
@Vegas Dude, I'm saying that a 62-year-old Bret Hart in the year 2019 is max 5'10" now. As for 2010/2011, he certainly could have been taller. Any time he looks taller than 5'10" now is 100% b/c of footwear.
Carls110 said on 21/Jul/19
Undertaker again with 5'6 Regis Philbin(way closer to the camera, Sotiris did not mention that) Undertaker is way way taller than him, he got almost full head on Paul Bearer who is easily two-three inches taller than Regis Philbin
Click Here

Undertaker with 6'2 Triple H(little camera advantage) back in 2002
Click Here

So Sotiris Gravas is posting Undertaker pictures with him looking down on somebody, or not standing at his tallest, I think his peak height was 6'7.5(202 cm), right now 6'6 or 6'6.25 if he stands tall.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 21/Jul/19
Strowman at 6'8 in gear is possible of course, he wears nice shoes to be honest so I doubt he is almost 6'7 barefoot. For me he is about 199 max.
Kanter can be just 6'9 or you belive at 6'10 listing? Personally I don't know
Roderick said on 21/Jul/19
Undertaker is visibly shorter than Corbin. I'm starting to believe he is under 6'6" and more like 6'5.5"-6'5.75", MAX.

Lower 6'5" range (6'5"-6'5.25") is very unlikely, but far from impossible at the same time.

I don't know how or why he is still listed at 6'6.5", it just blows my mind. He proves this wrong staredown after staredown, year after year, month after month, appearance after appearance, etc.

Kane should also be downgraded to 6'6.5", he's no way in hell 6'7" today.
edwards said on 21/Jul/19
@riccardo 5.7
Glad dude you got it👍Not trying for excuses and anything but taker obviously had bigger footwear than mcintire’much can look takers photo with gold berg at super show down and both of them dudes have similar normal shoes.yes one of the mexican dude who i knows was at supershowdown in saudi arabia,that mexican dude said that gold berg was around 6,1.5 and taker looked 4 inch taller than gold berg.both of them dudes have quite normal footwear.he said he Said berg was around 6’1.5 and taker looked 4 inch taller.i personally think that we can all agree with canson that taker is somewhere in 6,5.5-6’6 range,so imho 6’6 flat is best bet considering today.dan trijan also said that 6’6 is what he is at today.
edwards said on 21/Jul/19
yes he maybe 6'6 for sure but i can see his posture dosent align with him often.yes 6'6 is possible but over 6'6 i doubt.6'6 flat is best best today .just recently dan trojan met him and peg him at 6'6 flat not over and not under.before there was a poster named bros of dedtruction,who also claimed that taker is around 6'5.5-6'6 flat and the same way there was a mexican dude from la who i known from way back,he said he met taker at supershow down few months ago at saudi arabia against him match with gold berg and peg him at same 6'6 not over it and maybe at extreme low 6'5.75,so all of them dude has claimed taker to be flat 6'6 or atleast closer to it.i personally dont see that he is over 6'6,he seems like a 6'5 dude but it is due to his bad posture.if he stretch for measurement maybe flat 6'6 is looking likely ir atleast closer to it.we call all agree with canson that he is likely 6'5.5-6'6 bet is 6'6 today,i fully 100% agree with canson and my personal estimation is same as canson dude.
i fully 100% agree with you dude.
Xpac99 said on 21/Jul/19
Click Here
Pause 4:51
Click Here
Pause 11:44
Undertaker is taller than corbin today for sure and if standing straight isn’t shorter than strowman. Maybe same height. I think strowman as 6 ft 6 1/2 is ok, at time didn’t looks 200 cm with corbin, orton and mcintyre.
Click Here
Pause 9:26
Roderick said on 21/Jul/19
Baron Corbin looks like a legit 6'6" to me.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Jul/19
You can still be a wrestler at 5'7". Rey Mysterio's barely 5'2" and he became a successful wrestler.
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Jul/19
A Reminder:

Brendan Hood w/ 6'1.5" Eddie Hall... Click Here
(Ben Bell said his friend, Hood, was 6'3", same as Hall, same footwear, lol.)

Hood w/ 5'10.5" (Google says 6'1", lol) Henry Thomas... Click Here
Hood w/ Ben Bell (claims he's 6'0.25" and was 6'1.25" before back surgery, lol.) Click Here Funny how Bell and Thomas are around the same height.

Hood w/ Taker (2019)... Click Here
Bell w/ Taker (2019)... Click Here

Andy Kleek w/ Taker... Click Here Funny how Rob said this guy is 5'11" range, yet Ben Bell looked taller w/ Taker.

Kleek w/ 6'2.5" Dolph Lundgren... Click Here

Taker is max 6'5.5" today.
Vegas' said on 20/Jul/19
Riccardo 5'7, Enes Kanter measured ~6'11 in shoes at 2011 NBA combine Click Here

That would put Strowman no less than 6'8 in gear Click Here

Canson, yes he did. I have heard Cena on tape claim 6'1 more than once. I am pretty sure I linked a radio interview over on his page where he claimed 6'1 back in day, maybe 2010ish
Riccardo 5'7" said on 20/Jul/19

"No way in hell" seems too much :)
You have right, I saw that match at MSG and in that moment I saw Corbin taller then Undertaker.
But he is non taller then strowman. And strowman was, in every staredowns or kind of, no more then 0.25 taller then Undertaker. Never almost an inch if you look with attention.
But everything is possible, or almost(Hogan will never be 6'7🙂).
It's really possible that Im wrong, because I've seen pictures and videos that gives more confusion then answers.

Except for Undertaker with Love and Thompson, those were nice pics.
Or pics like the Ben bells friend who, living alone his real height, showed that today taker is taller comfortably then Sid.

At his peak really hard see him more then 6'7", i think 6'6.75 barefoot. 265-270lbs with a peak in 2000 of 290.
But he still has a chance of surprising most of us, like myself, during a measurement (6'6").
Just because he always stands as he has the entire weight of the world on his head.
Vegas' said on 20/Jul/19
Sotiris, Rob met Bret in 2010 (same year as video I posted) and I met him in 2011 a year later. He was definitely taller than 5'10 max then. Are you claiming both of us are wrong? My 5'11.5 brother was next to me and Bret was wearing normal enough looking shoes.
Xpac99 said on 20/Jul/19
I think undertaker today looks over 6ft 6 if standing straight. Yes of course maybe he was in footwear advantage but drew is in wrestling boots not barefoot. The difference possible is 1 cm max 2 and repeat max. Undertaker is 3-4 cm taller in bad posture. Today 6 ft6 for sure. Peak height i think about 6 ft 8 according to rob listing, if sycho sid was 200 cm in every staredown with him, undertaker looks 1 inch taller. In my opinion 6 ft 7 3/4 is reasonible
Roderick said on 20/Jul/19
@Sotiris I actually do think he was 7'0" peak, now 6'11". Sorry that was a mistake.
Canson said on 20/Jul/19
My guesses for current heights:

Strowman: 199cm flat
Corbin 6’6
Taker 6’6 is possible but 6’5.5-6’6 range is the lowest. He isn’t over 6’6” either
Canson said on 20/Jul/19
@Edwards: agreed!

@Riccardo: Strowman is taller than Taker today. As far as Pippen and Taker, Pippen is taller today. Peak not sure. I’m not sure if Pippen was ever a full 6’7” afternoon height peak. I would’ve said Taker was though
edwards said on 20/Jul/19
there is no way in hell that corbin is shorter than can see those guys in madison square garden and corbin looks to to half inch taller than taker.there is not difference between these three personal estimation for corbin,taker and strowman are
braun strowman:6'6.75
baron corbin:6'6.25
undertaker:6'6 flat.
but these are my personal estimation.there is only minimum difference between these guys.if measure they are in same range but only there is difference of cm,which is difficult to notice unless they measured.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 20/Jul/19
Ps: I also changed my mind on Strowman. He isn't taller then Undertaker, in my opinion they are identical in height.
Corbin give the impression to be really tall, and he is, but no taller then strowman and Undertaker. All 3 guys are in 0.5 of an inch. They are same height, between 6'5.5and 6'6.
When I read about strowman being 6'7.5 I lose hopes in this world
Riccardo 5'7" said on 20/Jul/19
Interesting the comparison with a 5'6 guy between Pippen and Taker.
I really think undertaker struggles for a 6'7 peak. Let's say he was 6'7, but in reality he looked 6'6.5 max.
Loosing one inch since then, being 6'5.5 today. It's really possible.
I'm reading that Undertaker is over 6'6 after the pics with Big Andy. No hopes he is going to be downgraded here.

I followed the wrestling only because of Undertaker. I was a fan and also im not tall enough for enter in a kind of jelousy or compatition. So I genuine start thinking he was far from 6'7.5 peak, actually i think it's impossible.

Probably he used to wear lifts but now he has to many knees problems and he did stop to wear them. Looking shorter of course.
edwards said on 20/Jul/19
@ sotiris gravas I saw that taker wore a similar kinds of shoes ,the shoes looks quite similar he had when he met kevin love and cavaliers.and still people are finding excuses by looking at shoulders.yes it is obvious that taker will be taller since he had such a big footwear advatage ,his shoes looked kinda similar with the shoes he wore when he met love and still people are finding excuses by looking shoulders of taker and mcintire.smh.
A nice photo bty dude,i dont know how tall is wade barett but he looked quite same as taker in the photos posted.both taker and wade barett seems similar with is so hard for some people to accept truth that taker is not 6'6.5 currently,some poster are insisting so hard for taker to be certain height which seems so simple words,taker is not taller as listed.some people here dosent have any answar when you post photos where taker has good posture and still looking shorter .
@dan trojan and canson people keep talking about ali baba photo quite since that photos is now pretty old.the photo with baba is good but is a bit out dated .baba said taker is 6'6.5 since it was back in 2014,taker is visibly shorter now than in 2014.dan trojan dudes photos is quite good .trojan dude said taker is 6'6.not less and probably not more.trojan is quite accurate since trojan net taker not a long ago.baba's photo ia old.trojan is someone who met taker and peg him at 6'6 not less and more than 6' can someone insist and say that he is over 6'6 .6'6 flat is best .good photo bty dan trojan👍people still talking about photos from 2014 but no one paying that intrest to dan trojan's photo.smh,baba's photo is out dated.
Roderick said on 20/Jul/19
Repost from Kane's page:

Sid edged out Undertaker in every single staredown they had, we can't just pretend he didn't and say Undertaker was taller without any photographic evidence. Lets be realistic and not lie to ourselves. We are all trying to find out how tall he was, together.

Sid did usually tilt his chin and stand taller, yes, but in the 1989 staredown they had, Undertaker was at his peak and was standing straight and Sid still edged him out without any monkey business.

In my honest opinion, I believe Sid was 6'7" peak height. He had 2" on Hogan and was 2" shorter than Kevin Nash, so the math works out fine to me.

Sid did appear to wear flatish boots but maybe there was a small heel. Fair enough. Undertaker always wore flat boots so I would say the footwear advantage goes to Sid. Thats a factor we have to consider.

The height difference between Sid and Kevin Nash is bigger than it is when Undertaker faces off Nash. I can clearly see 6'7.25"-6'7.5" vs 6'7".

For now, to stay safe, I will still go with 6'7.5" peak for Undertaker because I would rather barely overlist than barely underlist him. The Undertaker vs Sid thing is always going to confuse me so Im going to let you guys help me Lol
edwards said on 19/Jul/19
Its so funny that people are saying taker’s shoulders are taller than mcintire,lol it obviously is taller because takers boot is far bigger than that of drew’s.
Dan Trojan said on 19/Jul/19
Riccardo it's called opinion which everyone's entitled too btw i've actually met the undertaker and in my opinion he's still 6'6" of course i could be wrong he could be slightly under but not by much
Sotiris Gravas said on 19/Jul/19
@Roderick On this page (16/Jul/19), you said that Khali was 7'1" peak and now 7'0"... yet over on Khali's page (11/Jul/19) you said you were being "generous" by giving him 6'11" now and 7'0" peak. You sure do change your mind pretty quick.
Sotiris Gravas said on 19/Jul/19

Here's Bret Hart w/ max 5'10" Ted Cruz... Click Here

Hart and Cena... Click Here

Hart was 100% max 5'11" peak and is now 5'10". When he looks taller, it's 100% thanks to footwear. And no, I'm not wrong. Not even slightly.
Sotiris Gravas said on 19/Jul/19
@Vegas Dude, you say there's maybe an inch or so footwear advantage between Hayward and Apter...
I already posted a full-body pic that gives a better look at her footwear than your video. She could have easily been wearing 3-inch heels, and Apter could have been in loafers for all we know... Also, she's closer to the camera, making her look much bigger.

The pics I supplied were perfect full-body pics w/ footwear visible on an even surface. Full stop. To even insinuate that what I posted might not be good enough is LAUGHABLE.

A fan and Hayward at same event as Apter (2010)... Click Here
Same guy w/ 6'7" Tyler Mane... Click Here
Fan w/ 5'5.5" Danny Trejo... Click Here

Take a good look at how tall she is in maybe 3-inch heels w/ that fan and compare said fan w/ Tyler Mane. Allow it to be burned into your memory and know that NO WAY in hell is this chick really 6'8.25" barefoot, regardless of what a scam like Guinness World Records has to say.

Another look at those heels w/ another fan... Click Here
Same guy w/ Viscera (2009)... Click Here


Again, Taker and 5'6" Regis Philbin (1991)... Click Here

6'7" Scottie Pippen w/ 5'6" Henry Winkler (1997)... Click Here

Pippen isn't even standing straight and he TOWERS OVER a 5'6" man... MORE than Undertaker.

Oh, no, maybe an annoying fanboy like ken6-3 will try and get me Banned from here b/c I don't try and inflate everyone... Pathetic!
Johan 185 cm said on 19/Jul/19
From Rob's pic with Big Andy I would have said Mark was between 6'4.5"-6'5" but then he is again dropping posture and so over 6'6" is still possible. Not sure about 6'6.5" but I still say he is min 6'6".
Johan 185 cm said on 19/Jul/19
Here's a guy who runs some cons in the UK, Big Andy, who is taller than someone like Tyson: Click Here.

How much Undertaker might drop in some poses is hard to tell, he could easily lose 2 inches in the pose above. You can see Andy with a few other people on his Site.


How tall is Andy in person Rob? I wouldn't have guessed more than 5'11.25" from those pics.
Editor Rob
I'd have guessed around 5ft 11 range.

Here's another shot of Andy and Undertaker leaning: Click Here.

But then Undertaker standing better with the belt: Click Here.

No less than 6ft 6, and I still think the guy can measure over it if pushed for a measurement and stood at his very tallest.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 19/Jul/19
Mcintire 6ft4 1/2 taker 2inches taller 6ft6 1/2 peak 6ft7 1/2
Xpac99 said on 19/Jul/19
Braun strowman has 3 inches on mcintyre? Came on you said that peak taker wasn’t 6ft 8 and in this moment you say strowman looks 6 ft 7 1/2 with drew 😂 if you listed strowman that height, undertaker was 6 ft 8 1/2 peak height.
Click Here
Puase: 0:55
If you see 3 inches go buy some new glasses
edwards said on 18/Jul/19
Taker’s picture with dan trojan dude says it all.taker isnt undertaker 6’6 and that’s for sure and same way he isnt above 6’6.actually dan trojan was accurate and he said taker isnt undertaker 6’6 and isnt above 6’6.flat 6’6 is best bet today
@dan trojan again it was a great pic bty,both of you dudes looks cool and great👍
edwards said on 18/Jul/19
He cant be under 6’6 and that for sure.and sameway he cant be over it.flat 6’6 is best bet considering today atleast i personally think that.
Canson said on 18/Jul/19
@Vegas: I’ve never heard Cena claim 6’1”. Only 6’0”. He said he’s 6’1” with shoes
Canson said on 18/Jul/19
@Edwards: I agree for all of them
Canson said on 18/Jul/19
@Johan: he maybe could still stretch to 6’6” flat but doubt he’s over that mark
Carls110 said on 18/Jul/19
Undertaker is still 6'6 even maybe more, but he has awful posture, remember that he got long neck but his posture this days is awful.

Click Here with 6'4.5-6'5 Mcintyre, Mcintryre was standing almost on his tip-toes, to be at his tallest.
Click Here
Mcintryre with 6'6.75 Strowman, Strowman posture is great, i think he isn't much taller than Undertaker right now, maybe .25 to 0.5 half inch max
Canson said on 18/Jul/19
@Miko: that’s assuming McIntyre is 6’4.5 at a low still. But if that’s the case he’s still close.
Acid Cry said on 18/Jul/19
Come on...if drew mc intire is 194cm taker with the head straight is at least a legit 6.6, probably also 6.6,5 like strowman.
Looking at the shoulders of the two wrestlers i see 4/6 centimeters between taker and drew.
taker is one of the few fighters who don't care to look taller during staredowns, he prefers to look the opponent straight in the eye to intimidate them, at the cost of bending his head when he looks at lower opponents.
Canson said on 18/Jul/19
@Sotiris: thanks! And to be fair many of your estimates are also bang on! At least you aren’t out there trying to make Hogan 6’7” lol or Taker 6’8-6’9”
Canson said on 18/Jul/19
@Johan185: yes I agree. When he met Taker, Taker was probably still 6’6.5 worst case 199cm flat. Today he’s max 6’6” and 197cm would not surprise me. I think anything over 6’6” even with good posture can be safely ruled out tho. I think he would only hit 6’6” if he stands his best
Roderick said on 18/Jul/19
@Johan That's an old photo. Undertaker could have been 6'6.5" there. He has shrunk a lot since 2013-2014.
edwards said on 18/Jul/19
No way taker’s boot is only 1 inch lmao
Riccardo 5'7" said on 18/Jul/19

Absolutely yes, I often read about "optimistic" people that claims heights that are not really believeble.
Excluding few posters here, the avarage seems to thinks Kane was 6'8" and 6'7 today wich means have a wrong idea also about others wrestlers..logically.

Infact one of the sentences I read more often here is " Not because he claims that he really is". Most of all about peaks heights.

How so Taker was at his peak taller then kavin Love now? Someone did cut his legs?
How so guys like Hogan are still potentially 6'6 if he was clearly not?
Or Andre, who was 6'10 range...
Khali is standing near a 7 foot guy, looking 2 inches shorter but I still read 7 foot for Khali... Am I blind?
Same as big show with Shaq....

I didn't say he is 6'5, wich btw would not be crazy. I said that his is 6'5 range that means also 6'5.5/6'5 3/4. Everything from 6'6.25 going up is simply fantasy or a morning measurement at most.
Johan 185 cm said on 18/Jul/19
Click Here

With 5'10" Mike Tyson with a huge lean. He isn't under 6'6"
Editor Rob
Here's a guy who runs some cons in the UK, Big Andy, who is taller than someone like Tyson: Click Here.

How much Undertaker might drop in some poses is hard to tell, he could easily lose 2 inches in the pose above. You can see Andy with a few other people on his Site.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 18/Jul/19
Rob, not for disturb you but I would find interesting know the reasons why he still for you 6'6.5 today. I think it's because that picture with Ali Baba (wich is taller then Sid today, Sid listed at 6'6). But in that picture taker had slightly footwear advantage and he is only a fraction taller. Also at his peak he was not that tall, looking at pictures with 6'5 range Spivey.
edwards said on 18/Jul/19
@rob do you agree on my personal estimation for both 6’6 guys baron corbin and is pretty much obvious that both of them dudes are pretty much equal that you need measurement to say who is taller and my estimation for both of them dudes are
Sir,do you agree on my same estimation for taker and corbin?do you agree on my estimation,wanna hear from you sir?
edwards said on 18/Jul/19
there is staredown between braun strowman and drew mcintire in youtube.only photos of staredown will do no justice s y'all dudes can go and see the full staredowns and braun stroman has 3 inch on mcintire.not trying to upgrade strowman just figuring it out.takers boots looks tmuch bigger than that of there is also corbin and drew's staredown with corbin and corbin has normal shoes and still has 2 inch or even more than 2 inch over mcintire,whose boots is bigger than corbin.corbin and braun strowman looks much taller next to mcintire than with taker.i'm not starting any arguments just figuring it out.6'6 flat is likely for taker.
Canson said on 17/Jul/19
Hogan still looks taller than 6’2.5 to me. I still wouldn’t go under 6’3” tbh
Canson said on 17/Jul/19
@Dan Trojan: I wouldn’t have been able to tell you want him to be that. You made a great estimate. If anything the argument could be that Daniel Reynolds wants Hogan peak to be 6’7” and He inflated Taker to make him taller.
edwards said on 17/Jul/19
@canson yes dude,i 100% agree with you.I do think something like 197cm range is very possible for him, I think 6’6” flat still is. I honestly believe 6’5 flat or anything sub 197 cm at a low is too low for him.i personally think it would be a very good start if taker is downgraded to flat 6’6,it looks reasonable and would be a great start for mr rob .even at last raw for example taker had great footwear advantages over mcintire and looked max 1.5 to max 2 inch taller than mcintire with footwear advantages.if we remove boots the difference will be like 1.5 to max 2 inch that puts taker to 6’5.5 to max 6’6 this point of life.i personally dont think he would measure even a mm over flat 6’6 no matter how tall he stands,i personally dont see it.i personally think there is 0% chance of taker measuring 6,6.5 or atleast over 6’ you i dont want taker to be certain height like some of the poster here wants.yes some may thing i may be upgrading taker height while some may think i am downgrading him,but to be honest i am you we are here to determine current height not downgrade or upgrade.i 100% agree on all of your estimation.some poster want him to be certain height but thats hard to believe and digest.some dudes want him to be certain height but its hard to accept estimation is 100% same as yours.
tree said on 17/Jul/19
Heres a good view of his boots Click Here
Maybe gives just 1 inch
Vegas' said on 17/Jul/19
Not sure what Guinness gains by claiming Hayward measured 6'8.25 barefoot if she didn't.. wouldn't that bring pretty much all their records especially height and weight ones into disrupt?

Hayward at least at peak was taller than Mane (she has had alot of health problems). She measured up well next to Mike Jarvi who himself had quite a bit of height on Mabel.

Many problems with photos and videos taken outside. These are better comparisons with Bill Apter
~6'4 Billy Gunn Click Here
~6'6 past peak Sid in 2010 Click Here
Hayward with maybe one inch or so footwear advantage Click Here
Vegas' said on 17/Jul/19
Canson said on 15/Jul/19
@Vegas: that’s assuming Cena is as tall as Rob lists him. He says he’s just 6’0” which is believeable

Go to 11 minutes 20 in this clip where Cena and Bret Hart are standing side by side...that looks 2 inches difference to me Click Here

When I met Cena in 2004 he had big basketball shoes like that on and looked close to 6'2 in them. In recent years he has dropped the oversized footwear. Bret looked ~6 foot in shoes last time I met him in 2011. Cena has claimed both 6 foot and 6'1 as his barefoot height over the years. I think Rob going in middle is fair at least for peak
Johan 185 cm said on 17/Jul/19
@ Riccardo 5'7

Strange I don't see many people here upgrading him, the vast majority believe he is 6'6-6'6.5".

A few people will believe his claim of 6'8" and then there are others such as yourself who think 6'5".

@ Canson

I was a regular poster when Ali Baba posted his pics and he was still legit 6'6" at that time. He did say that at his lowest he could dip under but I think that was his extreme low ,as he did say he had a heavy vest on and was on his feet the whole day. He did security I believe.

Taker did look taller and so he would have came out at Rob's listing at that time. Lately he can look closer to 6'6" flat but sometimes I am not sure as his posture isn't the best at times.
Chris Tobman said on 16/Jul/19
Judging by Drew’s boots, his posture. UTs boots and awful posture.

My opinion is, if UT stood straight including His big ass head, he would be around 6’6.5

Robs estimate on this site is correct
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Jul/19
@Vegas Here's the other Ratzenberger/Trebek pic that I straightened by one degree, instead of that Taker/Love pic I accidentally posted... Click Here

Also, same fan w/ 5'5" 79-year-old Regis Philbin (2010)... Click Here

@Canson I respect your opinion, dude, and know that you're impartial and almost always bang-on w/ your estimates.

As for that interesting Taker (footwear advantage)/ max 6'4.25" McIntyre staredown...

Here's McIntyre w/ 6'1" Triple H... Click Here

Staredown w/ 6'0.5" Bobby Lashley (2018)... Click Here

The fact that Editor Rob still lists Taker at 6'6.5" is pretty funny. A measurement of 6'5.5" is more in keeping w/ reality.

P.S. 6'6" Deontay Wilder w/ Wade Barrett (2016)... Click Here

Barrett and McIntyre... Click Here , Click Here
SeanR said on 16/Jul/19
Taker peak height: 6’7.25”
Current height: 6’6”
Canson said on 16/Jul/19
@Edwards: I understand where Sotiris is coming from. My estimate however is the same as yours. While I do think something like 197cm range is very possible for him, I think 6’6” flat still is. I honestly believe 6’5 flat or anything sub 197 cm at a low is too low for him
Meat said on 16/Jul/19
If anything Drew McIntyre has the boots that would be better for hiding lifts. Taker is wearing old man boots built for comfort to move around. The spot to examine is their shoulders. Takers' shoulders are easily 2" higher than McIntyres. Taker with height loss, poor posture, surgeries and craning neck down is still 1.5-2" taller than Drew McIntyre. The listing is fair at this point.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 16/Jul/19
If you back at page 11 you find this:

"Ali Baba said on 18/Jan/16
Tugs, I did say he felt taller. However I don't often meet people in my own height range and they often give the initial impression that they're taller. I've met people taller than me who felt I was the taller one just because of that. The picture used to compare Taker's head length to mine gives a false impression of his actual head length. In the picture where he had long hair he has his head tilted slightly more forward, which makes it look longer than it actually is. He also has a badly receding hair line that also makes his forehead look longer than it is. I'm not saying he's not taller than me, but if he is it isn't by an inch. The top of his hat is not the top of his head. Nor is the top of my hair the top of my head. If you look where the front of my hair goes from light to dark that's a good indicator of where the top of my head is. I would guess he had nearly half an inch more shoe than me as well. I can't confirm that part though."

He also added that sometimes he dropp under 6'5 3/4 but that basecly he is 6'6".
Ali Baba also said that Taker was wearing work boots, giving taker half inch advantage but he couldn't be sure about it.
However he guessed undertaker max half inch taller then him but even less probably.

So this could means 2 things.
Best scenario for taker in that Pic with Baba 6'6.25, worst scenario 6'5 3/4 already in 2014.
Depending on how tall was in that moment Ali Baba and how much footwear advantage Taker really had.
He could already be under 6'6.5 back than.
Roderick said on 16/Jul/19
Bored so here we go

Undertaker: 6'7.5" now 6'5.5"

Kane: 6'7.75" now 6'6.5"

Big Show: 7'0" now 6'10"

Kevin Nash: 6'9" now 6'7.5"

Scott Hall: 6'5" now 6'3.5"

Shawn Michaels: 5'10"

Goldust: 6'4" now 6'3"

Paul Heyman: 5'9.5"

Paul Bearer: 5'9"

Triple H: 6'1.75" now 6'1"

Randy Orton: 6'4"

Batista: 6'2.75"

Ric Flair: 5'11" now max 5'9"

Andre the Giant: 6'10.5"

Hulk Hogan: 6'5" now 6'2.5"

Jinder Mahal: 6'3.5"

The Great Khali: 7'1" now 7'0"

Billy Gunn: 6'4"

DDP: 6'4" now 6'3.25"

Bret Hart: 6'0"

Brock Lesnar: 6'1.75"

Bobby Lashely: 6'1"

Braun Strowman: 6'6.5"

Drew Mcintyre: 6'4.75"

Seth Rollins: 6'0.5"

Kofi Kingston: 5'11"

Dolph Ziggler: 5'9.75"

Shane McMahon: 6'1"

Vince McMahon: 6'1" now 5'11"

The Miz: 6'0"

Elias: 5'11"

R-Truth: 5'10"

Drake Maverick: 5'4"

Titus O Neil: 6'4"

John Cena: 6'0"

Giant Gonzalez: 7'7"

Giant Silva: 7'1"

Daniel Bryan: 5'6.5"

Erick Rowan: 6'6.5"

Kurt Angle: 5'10" now 5'8.5"

The Rock: 6'3" now 6'2"

Stone Cold Steve Austin: 6'0" now 5'11"

Test: 6'5"

A-Train: 6'5"

Finn Balor: 5'9.25"

Santino Merralla: 5'8"

Big E: 5'10"

Xavier Woods: 5'7.5"

Roman Reigns: 6'2"

Dean Ambrose: 6'0.75"

Those are the numbers IMO
Roderick said on 16/Jul/19
How tall is Drew Mcintyre? He looks very close to his billed height.

Im just going to go by Rob's listing and say 6'4.5".

Undertaker did have a little extra footwear. He really did look 6'5". I would say 6'5.5" is a good height for Undertaker
Dan Trojan said on 16/Jul/19
It's funny in that picture with undertaker and drew mcintyre reminds me of the staredowns between him and sid where sid would stand as straight as possible to look taller than the undertaker mcintyre is doing just that in that picture and the undertaker is more relaxed and he's still taller
edwards said on 16/Jul/19
taker had huge footwear advantages over mcintire last night.if you remove both of them dudes footwear then taker is 1.5 to max 2 inch over mcintire who is 6'4 or hair over that put taker to 6'5.5 to max 6'6 currently.some people are inflating mcintire and other guys height just to make takerr over 6'6 which i see 0%.i cant get it why some are inflatung guys like mcintire just to make taker over 6'6,i dont get it.LOl,imho taker is likely 6'5.75 to 6'6 range currently.
Alex 6'3.25 said on 16/Jul/19
He never was more than 201-202 cm, some bad injuries might made him shrunk, now he's 199-200 cm.
miko said on 16/Jul/19
Taker looked bare minimum 6'6 with 6'4.5 McIntyre when you consider posture.
Xpac99 said on 16/Jul/19
Click Here
Click Here
Today how is the difference in height between strowman and taker? Of course imagining undertaker stay standing straight
Riccardo 5'7" said on 16/Jul/19

I don't think Drew is 6'5",he is more 6'4. And today doesn't seems a full 2" between him and taker.
I gived a look at Drew vs Taker, back to 10 years ago and it seems taker lost something in height in this period
tree said on 16/Jul/19
Drew is 194 looked it with hhh years ago..
edwards said on 16/Jul/19
taker too had footwear advantages over mcintire last night at wwe xtreme rules,some people wont notice that and tries to make taker taller than he is currently.lmao.even at msg last year taker with good posture was half inch shorter than corbin,bty i aint speaking in favour of someone who down grades taker and also i aint speaking in behalf of someone who upgrades
edwards said on 16/Jul/19
lol taker taller than corbin today.i cant believe it.last year at madison square garden corbin edged somebody is saying taker is taller than corbin too has a bit larger lift in xtreme rules last night.
Canson said on 15/Jul/19
@Johan185: yea he did say he was 6’6 I believe. I know he was when he met Mane but I also think when he met Taker. He did say he could drop to 6’5 7/8 some days tho. Either way Taker was 6’6 and change back then still
Canson said on 15/Jul/19
@Vegas: that’s assuming Cena is as tall as Rob lists him. He says he’s just 6’0” which is believeable
Canson said on 15/Jul/19
@Sotiris: you know that I am not someone who wants him to be a certain height. But I look at him in the ring and he still looks 6’6” not 6’5”. Again I don’t rule out the 197cm range but anything less I do. Just like I rule out anything above 198 range
Dan Trojan said on 15/Jul/19
Honestly maybe in the end i could be wrong about the undertaker and guessing him at 6'6" maybe i do want him to be but when i meet celebrities i try to guess their height as accurately as i can i won't upgrade a celebrity if i feel they are shorter than i originally though like take kane hodder for example for the longest time i thought he was 6'4" so when i was about to meet him i was surprised by how much shorter he was than i thought i pegged him at the most 6'1" like what rob has him listed i'd even say as low as 6'0.5" now with the undertaker i've met other celebrities that are or at least claim to be 6'5" or over and undertaker appeared slightly taller than them so in reality i go by that like i said i could be wrong but if he is under 6'6" it's not by much
tree said on 15/Jul/19
Takers head is way bigger then Mkintyres

Is that a 27cm head Rob? Click Here
Editor Rob
Looking at some photos of Taker with normal headed guys, 26-27 at times could seem very likely.
tree said on 15/Jul/19
With Drew Mckintyre and Takers boots look a bit thicker.
Anyway he looks 6ft6 today Click Here
Meat said on 15/Jul/19
Click Here

Extreme Rules. Drew is listed at 6'5" which seems 100% legit. Taker, as usual, cranes his neck down. No question about the height lost but if he straightened out I still think the listing is fair.
NCL said on 15/Jul/19
I’m sure a million posters will beat me to this but Undertaker and Drew McIntyre staredown: Click Here

Couldn’t find footwear photos from that night but this is the footwear they’ve been wearing lately:

Click Here
Click Here
Riccardo 5'7" said on 15/Jul/19

Yeah I already saw both footwear of that day. I knew undertaker had an advantage but call the undertaker's posture "fine" it's maybe too much.
Sometimes you can't almost see his neck...
During the ministry era, 1999, he had sure a better posture then now.
But don't make mistake about it, I'm not giving him an excuse. In my opinion with bad posture he looks 6'5 max, 197 if he stands straight today.

About his peak i seriously think he wasn't 6'7 but 6'6.3/4 or btw between 6'6.5 and 6'7. I've hard time to see him at 6'7.5.

Ps:I'm an undertaker's fan that thought he was 6'10 back in the days when I used to watch wrestling. Even if, to be honest, I always wondered how a 208cm guy could dive between the ropes crashing over opponents for years with that agility...
But even if he is was not that tall, chapeau..
Roderick said on 15/Jul/19
I dont think Undertaker is 6'6" today, i honestly think he might be 6'5" now after Extreme Rules. I just keep insisting that there is no way he is 6'6.5" today and should be at least downgraded to 6'6".
Roderick said on 15/Jul/19
Sid Eudy: 6'7.5"
Undertaker: 6'7.25"
Kane: 6'7.75"

That should be fine... I hope.

If Sid is 6'6.75" then Undertaker is 6'6.5" no question, but I think Sid was taller than that.

Last night, Undertaker looked every inch of 6'5" in the staredown with Drew Mcintyre. His downgrade is so blatantly obvious....

Even my step brother was like "Wtf they're the same height??" Although Undertaker had an edge over him.
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Jul/19
@Vegas I didn't even spell her last name right (Hayward) -- influencing you to misspell it (all part of my master plan).

Here's Hayward w/ Nancy Mulkey, who might be the 6'9" she claims. Nancy's in flats but Hayward has heels on... Click Here Hayward's footwear: Click Here There's no way Hayward is really 6'8.25", regardless of what Guinness says.

Here she is w/ a guy (footwear visible) in 2013... Click Here On Instagram she says she's wearing 4.5" platforms, but in this video footage, she claims 6"... Click Here
Same guy w/ 6'7" Tyler Mane... Click Here

W/ 6-0.25" Keegan-Michael Key (2016)... Click Here

W/ Arnie (2014)... Click Here
Arnie and maybe 6'7.5" Hafthor (2014)... Click Here

Here w/ a fan (footwear visible) in 2010... Click Here
Same fan w/ 6'6" Viscera (2009)... Click Here

W/ 6'6" Colleen Smith, both in small heels, and 5'5" Regis (2015)... Click Here ,
Click Here Again, compare this to Taker and 5'6" peak-height Regis in 1991.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 15/Jul/19

Don't be disappointed, I don't care if undertaker is 6'6 or 6'5.
The picture was made in 2014, when probably Undertaker was 6'6.25 and Ali Baba 6'6/6'5 3/4.

5 years after undertaker probably lost already 2 cm.

But about you talking of downgrading, agendas and other stuff let me tell you that is just the opposite. Here there are more people who upgrade then people who downgrade.
If you think undertaker is 6'6.5/6'7 you are just one of them.

Ps: Today I'm not sure Ali Baba still shorter...
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Jul/19
@Vegas I actually saw that footage before and forgot how Trebek did look taller than he should have... (He was standing closer to the camera.) I have Mean Gene at 5'8" peak, but maybe he was actually shorter.

Here's a young Trebek w/ maybe 5'9" peak-height John Ratzenberger (1990)... Click Here Click Here

W/ maybe 6'3" peak-height Jesse Ventura (1996)... Click Here

W/ 5'5" Regis Philbin (2010)... Click Here

W/ 5'8.5" Edward James Olmos (2010)... Click Here

W/ 6'4.5" Joe Manganiello (2014)... Click Here
edwards said on 15/Jul/19
@ xpac there is a difference in being legit 6'8 or being near 6'8,near 6'8 means taker was around 6'7.5,if taker was 6'8 then he must have been only an inch shorter than legit 6'9 kevin nash whom rob has met,personally i can see 2 inch difference between taker and if you dont mind,man why are you so desperate in proving that taker was 6'8,are you on a serious mission on proving that taker was 6'8 lol i personally can get it.
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Jul/19
@Canson and Riccardo... We do see footwear for Taker and Kevin Love. I've already posted these pics before... Taker: Click Here Love: Click Here

As for Undertaker's supposed bad posture, I'm obviously not seeing what others see, b/c to my eyes, his posture is perfectly fine, he's just not as tall as ppl want him to be... Click Here

Taker had a footwear advantage over Love, had nothing wrong w/ his posture IMHO, and was clearly shorter. Given that Love is max 6'7.25", there's zero chance that Taker is 6'6" today.

He's max 6'5.75", and I really do think he's no more than 6'5.5" today... Click Here The Love pics were a smoking gun, yet ppl refuse to accept it.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 15/Jul/19

What do you think about this?

Click Here

Seems that Taker struggles to be 197 cm here, leave alone 198.
How hell is tall this Drew McEntyre? I saw him near Barret and he was to short for be true.
If, as I think, he is 6'4 max undertaker would be max 6'5.5 today. Best case scenario.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 15/Jul/19

Hahaha man, undertaker is 7 and Kane is 7'2" right?

Click Here
Nha...i think more 197 MAX for the dead man and probably 1 cm more for Kane.
Prove me I'm wrong
Xpac99 said on 15/Jul/19
Click Here
Pause 00:23
Click Here
Pause 04:28

Big rob taker even today if stay in bad posture still very tall next to 6ft 4 1/2 drew. If taker stay standing straight i think is about the same size of strowman, it’s hard to tell who is taller and for sure taller than baron corbin
Editor Rob
Unfortunately wwe do block a lot of clips like those you linked to....
edwards said on 15/Jul/19
@ canson yes man,at times he even looks to be struggling to be 6' looks to be hard for him to pull 6'6.yes i agree with you.We all agree he needs a downgrade to 6’6” flat as he’s not more than that. He may be slightly less like 197cm range but he’s not any lower than that. I don’t rule out 6’5.5 but I think 6’5.75 is more likely than 6’5.5. He’s not 6’5” flat like people are saying nor was he ever 6’8” like people are saying here.i dont agree with rob's high listing nor i agree with mr sotiris gravas low estimation.
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Jul/19
Just a reminder: Taker w/ 5'6" Regis Philbin (1991)... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here Funny how taker doesn't look very tall next to a 5'6" guy.

Height-loss Karl Malone and 5'5" Manny Pacquiao... Click Here

Fan and 5'5" Regis (2010)... Click Here
Same fan and 6'6" Viscera (2009)... Click Here
W/ Taker (2017)... Click Here

In this video, Taker (aka The Master of Pain) was touted as being only 6'8", and the Godfather (aka The Soultaker) as 6'7" (1989)... Click Here
Roderick said on 14/Jul/19
He looked 6'5" next to Drew Mcintyre. There was a staredown at Extreme Rules. How is he STILL listed at 6'6.5"??
Vegas' said on 14/Jul/19
Cena was about ~6'2 in those 1.5 inch sneakers and Morrison at least 6 foot in his shoes Click Here
Xpac99 said on 14/Jul/19
Show me that pic with taker and legit 6’ 8 guy. Undertaker peak height was always near 6ft 8 than 7.
Click Here
Scoot hall listed by rob 6 ft 5 with undertaker. For sure undertaker was over 6 ft 7 and in my opinion was over 6ft 7 1/2, i can see over 6,3 cm of difference (6ft 5 = 195,6 cm / 6ft 7 1/2 = 201,9 cm) rember taker have a huge forehead and in this photo was probably over 2 1/2 inches difference
Johan 185 cm said on 14/Jul/19
Riccardo 5'7" said on 10/Jul/19
No, Ali Baba said that he had the sensation to be slightly shorter the undertaker.
No way 6'7 for taker in that picture, no more then 6'6.25 that btw still strange most of all now that he looks 6'5.75/6'5.5.
I think Ali Baba is somewhere between 6'5.5 and 6'6. He also said that Undertaker had footwear advantage on him.


So now downgrading Ali Baba to fit the agenda. He said many times that he was a legit 6'6" at that time and he certainly didn't look any lower than 6'6" next to Lou Ferrigno or John Cena. He was also not sure about the footwear so lets keep to the facts shall we.
edwards said on 14/Jul/19
Riccardo 5'7" said on 12/Jul/19
dude you mean that that taker is 6'5.5 and kane is 6'6
Vegas' said on 13/Jul/19
Trebek looks taller than 5'8 in those clips or here unless Gene was like 5'4.. Click Here

I know nothing about Trebek but online height listings aren't the best evidence Glenn Loovens is listed 5'8-5'10 online Click Here Click Here

Thats him on right with Rob looking more 6'2 Click Here

Howard was measured 6'8.25 average over three measurements Click Here
Canson said on 13/Jul/19
We all agree he needs a downgrade to 6’6” flat as he’s not more than that. He may be slightly less like 197cm range but he’s not any lower than that. I don’t rule out 6’5.5 but I think 6’5.75 is more likely than 6’5.5. He’s not 6’5” flat like people are saying nor was he ever 6’8” like people are saying here
Canson said on 13/Jul/19
@Riccardo: he doesn’t even look 6’6” with Love. But that’s probably his posture and we can’t see footwear. Love is not as tall as Rob lists him. Likely morning height. He’s as tall as Lebron or maybe just a hair taller. I have Love 6’7.25. I think taker is 6’6” max but could be weak 6’6” worst case but not less
Canson said on 13/Jul/19
@Riccardo: I am pretty sure that Ali said he was still 6’6” when he met Taker. He’s 6’5.75 today I believe or 6’5 7/8
Roderick said on 13/Jul/19
Also YES, The Great Khali was wearing Jordans lmao.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Jul/19
Probably Undertaker doesn't know his own height. He measured once around 6'8 in shoes and he still claims that.

With Kavin love there are also other pictures from different angles. In that occasion, cause his posture, he did drop some height compere to Love that is standing straight. But even counting this detail, if Love is (as I think) 6'7.25/6'7.5, Taker still 4 cm shorter. At least
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Jul/19

Unless Khali's legs problems took away from him 3 inches, I doubt he was ever 7'. In shoes yes, he was.
I agree that Undertaker at 6'6.5 today is simply a gift for him, probably Rob thinks guys like Love are around 6'8"more then 6'7 (wich is also Kavin Loves listing here).
So, following this logic, undertaker could be 6'6.25/6'6.5. But he isn't.

These combine measurement are strange.
I recently saw a picture of Corbin near a 6'6/6'6.25 guy (Ford) and he was shorter. There he did look 6'5.5/6'5.75.
Kane,Corbin, Strowman, Taker claims all 6'8. They are all at least 2" inches shorter.
Also Roman Reigns measurement at 6'2.5 seems half inch more then reality.
miko said on 13/Jul/19
Khali was 7'1 peak, or very close to it.

Today with his leg issues & general posture, he might be 7'0 or a tad under, still huge.

Talk of him wearing lifts its beyond ridiculous.
edwards said on 13/Jul/19
Mark Calaway was never 6'8 at peak ,there's plenty of photographic evidence of calaway next to people that are legitimately in the 6'8 range like tyler mane,calaway is at least half inch shorter than mane so no way calaway was 6'8 at peak.
edwards said on 13/Jul/19
@riccardo no way corbin is that low,how can you say corbin is only 197 when he is visibly taller than taker and maybe only 1 cm shorter than strowman.corbin and strowman look similar and awfully close at times.even at extreme low at worst,i personally think corbin is 6'6 flat at worst while most of the day corbin is over 6'6 flat'i could buy 6'6.25 for corbin personally.
Xpac99 said on 13/Jul/19
Click Here
With 6ft 5 jbl
Pause 8:37
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/Jul/19
6'9.25" Enes Kanter w/ 6'4.25" Colin Kaepernick (2019)... Click Here

Kanter w/ Taker (2018)... Click Here

Kanter w/ DDP (2019)... Click Here

DDP and Big Cass (2019)... Click Here
Riccardo 5'7" said on 12/Jul/19

You have to count also the fact that in shoes he is 6'7 easy, normal shoes i mean.
6'8 with his monster boots on.
Think about it for a moment, he doesn't look more then 6'6 barefoot.
Roderick said on 11/Jul/19
@Riccardo I have met Khali and he is definitely not under 6'10" when standing straight now I personally think he was 7'1" peak, 7'0" now, but I can respect 6'10" estimates. I haven't really looked at pictures of him, I just go based off of when I met him and how he looked to me. He was wearing Jordans, so maybe 6'11.25"-6'11.5" but that's as low as I'd personally go.

I can't see how Undertaker is still listed as 6'6.5" when week after week, staredown after staredown, match after match, and appearance after appearance that he constantly looks like he is struggling for 6'6" (6'5.5"-6'5.75"). He definitely isn't taller than 6'6". Zero chance. Even in photos with basketball players such as Kevin Love which was taken in 2015, he looks all of 6'6" max. I have no clue how he is listed at a current height of 6'6.5" in 2019, no clue.

He is obviously not this tall, Rob. Do you consider a possible downgrade? Thank you for running this site. 👍
Canson said on 11/Jul/19
@Ricardo: Taker while not 6’7” with ali Baba was probably around 199cm at the time. Ali said Anything 6’6-6’7”. He didn’t believe he was 6’7” but that he was 6’6 and change and slightly taller than he was
Canson said on 11/Jul/19
@Ricardo: l highly doubt Baron Corbin is only 197 cm. He was 6’6.5 at the combine. He’s probably a solid 6’6 or maybe 6’5 3/4-6’6 is a worst case. He’s near enough 198 (6’6). Your estimates aren’t bad but I would probably add a Centimeter to each one. Taker 201/198 Show 211/208 etc
Canson said on 11/Jul/19
l highly doubt Baron Corbin is only 197 cm. He was 6’6.5 at the combine. He’s probably a solid 6’6 or maybe 6’5 3/4-6’6 is a worst case. He’s near enough 198
Dan Trojan said on 11/Jul/19
Riccardo i remember ali mentioning that he did think undertaker was taller than him and with the footwear advantage he said he thought maybe but didn't know for sure
edwards said on 11/Jul/19
Riccardo 5'7" said on 10/Jul/19 there is no way kane is only 198
edwards said on 11/Jul/19
@ yes dude agreed
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Jul/19
@184guy2 Click Here Followed by Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Jul/19
Here's 5'6" peak-height Regis Philbin from WrestleMania 7 (1991) at the beginning of this video... (Also, check out Smash and Crush w/ 5'8" Alex Trebek at 1:00, as well as Jake "The Snake" Roberts w/ Trebek at 3:55 into it.) None of these wrestlers look as tall as advertised here!!! None! LOL! Click Here

Now, compare that to 5'5" height-loss Regis w/ 6'6" Colleen Smith and Lindsay Kay Howard (aka Isis the Amazon), who used to claim 6'9", now claims 6'8.25", but is maybe only 6'6.5", both in similar footwear... Click Here
edwards said on 11/Jul/19
taker looking a bit under 6'6 is certainly different than measuring under it. That's a problem with guys like him,he may look 6'5 but he may still creep out another cm when asked to measure and still be 6'6 or atleast a weak 6'6.
Canson said on 10/Jul/19
@Edwards: yea my guess is he may have been 6’6.5 around 2010. That to me still constitutes weak 6’7 if they don’t go under at a normal low
Riccardo 5'7" said on 10/Jul/19
I personally think that Taker is really no more then 197cm, going down even to 196cm sometimes.
In the 80' he didn't look 6'8, but more a hair under 6'7.

Sid peak height 198cm 195 now.
The guy was clearly not same height as Taker in real life.

Kane peak 200cm 198 now.
Without wrestling shoes is an other story...

Taker peak 200cm 197 now.
We have enough proves he is this range.

Big Show peak 209cm 206 now.
Same as André, probably at his peak even taller but obviously "far" from 7'.

Nash peak 205cm 202 now.
About 2" taller then Taker, and 2" shorter then Show.

Strowman 199cm.

Corbin 197cm real height.
He is shorter then Strowman, probably 198cm morning height.

Khali peak 211cm now 207/208. Huge legs problems for him I think. He looks short near real 7 footer.

I think that those guys, literally everyone of them, are shorter then many of you here hopes. What you think?
Riccardo 5'7" said on 10/Jul/19
No, Ali Baba said that he had the sensation to be slightly shorter the undertaker.
No way 6'7 for taker in that picture, no more then 6'6.25 that btw still strange most of all now that he looks 6'5.75/6'5.5.
I think Ali Baba is somewhere between 6'5.5 and 6'6. He also said that Undertaker had footwear advantage on him.

The bottom line is that Undertaker must measure 1.75" shorter then Kevin Love.
Many of you say that Love is just 6'7,but same people that say this list Undertaker at 6'6 at least. Wich make no sense.

Undertaker is 6'6 only if Love is 6'8.
edwards said on 10/Jul/19
@ canson yes dude he was likely 6'6.75 till 2010.
edwards said on 10/Jul/19
@ canson yes dude ali baba himself have said that taker was 6'6.5,baba said he was 6'6 and taker was half inch taller than baba which means he was 6'6.5 at that time.i have already told that he was 6'6.5 till 2014 or 2015 before.from 2016 he looked flat 6' i agree with you that he is 6'5.5 to 6'6 flat currently.ali said that taker was 6'6.5 but under 6'7.he was veryy likely 6'6.5 to be exact when ali babavmet him.
edwards said on 9/Jul/19
yes dude i was saying it since long time ago.
@roderick taker's height loss is too much exaggerated here.
Demon87 said on 9/Jul/19
Click Here
Pause 7:25
How tall was undertaker in this segment if sycho sid was 6ft 6 3/4
184guy2 said on 8/Jul/19
Very rude your comment . You are the one entering in contradition with the photos that you provide to the site ... I strongly believe that you have cramps downgradeing EVERY celeb that you comment . Taker looks and WAS easily taller than Ralph ...
Canson said on 8/Jul/19
@Edwards: maybe he was weak 6’7” into the early 2010s. With Ali Baba it could look anywhere in the 6’6-6’7 range in 2013 or 14
Canson said on 8/Jul/19
@Roderick: then you have one photo where he and Taker look almost the same. But 6’6.5-.75 is possible with Ali baba. I agree Triple H is 6’1”. He looked that when Ali Met him too
Roderick said on 8/Jul/19
@Edwards Honestly you might be right, he does look 6'6.5"-6'7" with Ali Baba if he is a legit 6'6". Today 6'6" max, I agree on that.
Johan 185 cm said on 8/Jul/19
Click Here

Masked Sid face to face with Mark Calaway before he was famous.
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Jul/19
Satnam Singh w/ 6'5.25" Metta World Peace... Click Here Compare this to my previous post.
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Jul/19
6'9.25" Kevin Durant and 7'0" Satnam Singh Bhamara (2017)... Click Here

Satnam and Khali (2018, I think)... Click Here , Click Here
Footwear... Click Here

Undertaker and Khali... Click Here
2006 match... Click Here
Canson said on 7/Jul/19
@Roderick and Edwards: I think the first step is for Rob to downgrade him to 6’6”. He’s for sure not higher than that today. It’s debatable if he’s less but if he is it’s not under 197cm
Meat said on 7/Jul/19
Click Here

Peak Taker close to 6'8". He towers Rock and Austin.
Listing is fine.
Roderick said on 7/Jul/19
@Canson I seen the photo and yeah he did look taller than him. If Ali Baba is 6'6" then since Undertaker is slouching I could actually buy 6'7" for Undertaker in that photo, strange.

At the same time, he only looked 6'6.25" max with guys like HHH and HBK.

I think Triple H is 6'1" and HHH is 5'10" peak, and currently 5'9".
Roderick said on 6/Jul/19
I don't know how you can list Undertaker at 6'6 1/2 still when he only looked an inch taller than Drew McIntyre. 6'6" max today
Canson said on 6/Jul/19
@Roderick: Ali Baba a poster here met him in 13 or 14 and Taker was taller than him. Ali was still a legit 6’6” when he met him I believe. Ali guesses him 6’6.5ish too. Today tho 6’6” is my guess max. He may be 6’5.5-6’6” today really
edwards said on 6/Jul/19
@canson yes dude i 100% agree with you
@roderick he was still solid 6'7 till 2013 imho,even at 2007 he still looked 4.5 or even 5 cm over 6'2 or maybe 6'2.5 at that time batista.still strong 6'7 at that time.he lost a noticable height from 2016;he begain to look flat 6'6 from 2016-17 imho
Xpac99 said on 6/Jul/19
Click Here
Again taker looks at least 1 inch taller than sid. At least 6ft 7 3/4 was arguable
Canson said on 6/Jul/19
@Edwards: that’s very reasonable until 2015. He slightly edged Ali Baba and he said the same 6’6-6’7”
Roderick said on 5/Jul/19
@edwards He didn't look 6'6.5" with HHH or Brock Lesnar. But I can't imagine him shrinking down to 6'6" flat by 2011 or so. Here, take a look at this.

1990: 6'7.25"
1995: 6'7"
2000: 6'6.75"
2005: 6'6.5"
2010: 6'6.25"
2015: 6'6"
2019+: Weak 6'6"

edwards said on 5/Jul/19
@canson and dan trojan
i personally think that 6'6.5 was reasonable till 2015,he looked 6'6.5 till 2015.
edwards said on 5/Jul/19
@dan trogan
dudes i think taker was 6'6.5 till 2015,from 2016 he looked flat 6'6.even at 2017 wwe royal rumble,he looked exactly same as 6'6 flat baron corbin.he looked visibly shorter from 2016-2017.i agree with canson dude that today he is between 6'5.5 to 6'6 or max 6'6 flat .
Roderick said on 5/Jul/19
I think we can all agree that he should be lowered down to 6'6" flat today. He is just visibly shorter than 6'6.5" and he sometimes even struggles to look a full 6'6".
Roderick said on 4/Jul/19
Thanks guys, maybe Undertaker was 6'7" flat too and Kane was 6'7.5" as listed. Those estimates are the lowest I would go and I think 6'7.25 for Undertaker peak is a lot more likely and Kane 6'7.75". For their current heights, I think Undertaker should be listed as 6'6" at a maximum, and Kane should be 6'6.75" at a maximum, probs more 6'6.5". Both brothers of destruction are not 6'7" anymore and are both definitely under the mark.
Dan Trojan said on 4/Jul/19
Canson i agree one thing's for sure he's definitely over 6'5"
Vegas' said on 4/Jul/19
Speaking of Ralph Moeller here he is with Dwayne Johnson nearly 20 years ago Click Here
Xpac99 said on 4/Jul/19
If you wouldn't rule out 6 ft 9 1/2 for jones or you listed jones 6 ft 9 1/2 and downgrade Matt Morgan at 6 ft 8 because the difference between matt and nathan was over 1 inch or if you don’t change the list, undertaker was 6 ft 8... i think we all agree
Roderick said on 3/Jul/19
Undertaker peak was 6'7.25", or even just 6'7". Guys, Kane was 6'7.75" and he had more than just 1/4 on Undertaker, it usually looked like near an inch difference. I'm going to post again saying that I think you should change Undertakers peak to 6'7.25" and Kanes to 6'7.75". Again, its not my website and you're entitled to your own estimates, but don't you think it makes sense?
edwards said on 3/Jul/19
i also noticed taker has a bowed legs which makes him appear like 6'5 guys or even 6'4 guys at times but standing straight this dude is flat 6'6 atleast imho.horrible posture and bowed legs make him appear shorter.
tree said on 3/Jul/19
Young Taker and scott hall Click Here
Canson said on 3/Jul/19
@Dan Trojan: I agree with Edwards on his estimate. It’s the same as mine. Anywhere 6’5.5-6’6. The latter is still a good possibility but over that mark I doubt. And something like 6’5.75 is very much possible. 6’5.5 while a stretch is still possible but that’s as low as he would fall. He wouldn’t be any lower. Meaning he definitely is not a strong 6’5”. He’s easily at least weak 6’6 or full 6’6. In a nutshell 197-198 looks ok or 198-198.5 high end. I think we can agree amongst the three of us and others here with what Edwards said that 6’6.5 is too high today for Rob to list him, But if Rob lowered him to 6’6, it would be highly accurate. I could say it the other way for Hogan that Rob has him listed well but he may even be underlisted by 1/4”. However, 6’3 in casual conversation covers 6’3.25. I’m 6’4.25 and I claim 6’4”. But on this site being specific I’d have to see him with better posture. But his estimates are much better than the guys on Hogan’s page saying that he’s 6’7 peak. That’s absurd
Canson said on 3/Jul/19
@Roderick: agreed. I’ve always had Taker at his peak at 201cm at a normal low meaning he’d be 6’8” or over out of bed so 6’7.25 would be his listing
Dan Trojan said on 3/Jul/19
Edwards it's all good i wasn't trying to cause an argument either
edwards said on 3/Jul/19
i fully agree with you.kane was and is taller than taker in past and times both seems to edge the other or either seems to have an edge but most of the time.kane seems to have an edge most of the time or you can essily see kane is taller.
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Jul/19
@184guy2 Not based on those photos. That's just you talking out of your (bleep) again. Kinda like this:
Click Here Do you ever get cramps doing that?
Canson said on 2/Jul/19
@Cmillz: that’s my guess is that he’s max 6’6” today but probably not less than maybe 6’5.75. I think absolute lowest normal height 197 cm and max 198-198.5 maybe
Roderick said on 2/Jul/19
You honestly know what I think would be best for Undertaker and Kane for their peak listings... Is having Kane at 6'7.75" and Undertaker at 6'7.25". Kane was definitely taller than Undertaker by a good half inch. Kane was almost a full inch shorter than Matt Morgan who was probably 6'8.5" legit at peak. By almost a full inch, I mean 3/4 of an inch, which places Kane at 6'7.75". Seeing that in every staredown, Kane was taller than Undertaker by 1/2 inch, that would mean Undertaker was 6'7.25" peak, instead of 6'7.5". What do you guys think of that?
Heisenberg89 said on 2/Jul/19

It's true that he looks 6'4/6'5 in some occasions because of his posture. But the guy has never been 6'8 either. Today he is close to 6'6. The weaker 6'6 around today.
I agree on Kane, wich is absolutely not 6'7 today
edwards said on 2/Jul/19
@ Roderick i agree with what you said,taker never stands straight. notices that Undertaker never stands straight in staredowns and he is usually slouched over, looking down at his opponent, making him appear shorter. He definitely gives off the impression of being 6'5" or even 6'4" in some situations at times like last raw,he didnt appear taller than mcintire because he wasnt standing straight,standing straight i think 6'6 is reasonable today.not more but not less,maybe at worst 6'5.75 at extreme low,i still leave him full 6'6 at low as he dosent stand straight .due to his horrendous posture he appear similar to mcintire in raw but it wasnt staredown tho.
Dan Trojan said on 2/Jul/19
Heisenberg yeah you're right i could be wrong but i'm 5'6" and i feel he had a foot on me
edwards said on 2/Jul/19
6'6.5 is too high considering today but 6'6 flat is looking likely for him.6'6 is best bet but due to his horrendous posture,he looks like 6'5 guy but standing straight 6'6 is what he is at today
edwards said on 1/Jul/19
@dan trojan
Dude i aint trying to tell that he is not 6’6 ,i am just saying that he wore a bigger heels than before in last raw.i aint saying that he is same as mcintire.i am only saying that he didnt look taller next to mcintire.he may still be 6’6.i am not being hard and starting arguments just figuring it out.
184guy2 said on 1/Jul/19
Good pics @Sotiris
Taker looks easily taller than Ralph Moeller
Canson said on 1/Jul/19
@Dan Trojan: I believe you. He still looked at least 6’6” with Ali Baba. If he’s less than 6’6” today it’s somewhere in the 197cm range meaning weak 6’6”. I don’t rule out 6’5.5-6’6 range but I also don’t rule out 6’6” flat at a low either. His posture makes it very difficult to accurately gauge his height. I mean look at him with Kevin Love. Love is closer to 6’7 than 6’8”. He’s not noticeably taller than Lebron and he’s shorter than Tristan Thompson. I have Thompson at 6’8” today (6’7.5 pre draft but he likely gained an inch meaning he’d probably get 6’8.5 today in the morning).
Xpac99 said on 1/Jul/19
Sorry rob but in the segment with Nathan and taker you said “Most I'd have said that segment was 2 inches between them” you listed jones 6 ft 10 therefore undertaker peak height was 6 ft 8...

Click Here
Pause 2:28 do you think that morgan was taller than taker did in the segment with nathan jones or maybe they was about the same height
Editor Rob
There is a good chance of Nathan at 6ft 9.5, I wouldn't rule that out.
Roderick said on 1/Jul/19
I'm probably the only person who notices that Undertaker never stands straight in staredowns and he is usually slouched over, looking down at his opponent, making him appear shorter. He definitely gives off the impression of being 6'5" or even 6'4" in some situations at times. However, if he were to stand straight, I believe he would still measure 6'6" easily. Peak listing is fine, but Mr Rob, do you think taking 1/2 off both Undertaker and Kane is reasonable? 6'6 for Taker, 6'6.5 for Kane?
Canson said on 1/Jul/19
@Sotiris: Taker still looks near enough 6’6” if we compare to Ewing who is 6’9.5-6’10” maybe 6’9.5 today
Heisenberg89 said on 1/Jul/19
Dan Trojan

I said it about Takerand drew McIntyre, you're obviusly right. There were no staredown, but I didn't felt a lot of difference between the two.

I believe you, he is about 6'6. But since you didn't measured him, about 6'6 can means also 6'5 range. Strong.
cmillzz said on 1/Jul/19
I doubt he’s 6’6.5” today, 6’6” MAYBE if he stands tall with good posture.
Dan Trojan said on 1/Jul/19
I see people talking about the undertaker's appearance on raw and how he didn't look much taller than drew mcintyre i've watched the video and there is no clear staredown so it's hard to tell honestly u still stick by what i saw undertaker is still 6'6" i saw it with my own eyes people don't wanna believe me that's fine but i won't change my mind
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Jul/19
Taker and Chuck Zito (confirmed cowboy boots) (June 8, 2002)... Click Here , Click Here Younger 6'5.5" Ralf Moeller w/ Zito (and Arnie) Click Here

Seen wearing cowboy boots w/ The Rock on same day as Undertaker... Click Here
These cowboy boots... Click Here

Zito (cowboy boots) w/ Mike Tyson on January 22, 2002... Click Here
I'm assuming no cowboy boots here... Click Here

W/ 5'9" Tony Danza (2002)... Click Here

W/ 5'8" Sean Penn... Click Here

W/ 5'7" John Belushi... Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Jul/19
Forgot to post these pics of that fan w/ a few guys:

Bob Backlund (2008)... Click Here

Eric Bischoff looking short (2008)... Click Here

Mean Gene (2008) Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Jun/19
Here's the same fan from my previous post in pics taken from an upward angle:

W/ Undertaker (2017)... Click Here

W/ 6'7" Stephen Merchant (2014)... Click Here

W/ maybe 6'7" Mikhail Prokhorv (2014)... Click Here

W/ 6'4" Vince Vaughn (2012)... Click Here

W/ 6'3.5" Jinder Mahal (2011)... Click Here

Same fan w/ other wrestlers I forgot to include:

Dustin Rhodes (2011)... Click Here

Cesaro (2011)... Click Here

Sheamus (2012)... Click Here

Alberto Del Rio (2012)... Click Here

Edge (2011)... Click Here

Bray Wyatt (2016)... Click Here

Stone Cold (2011)... Click Here

Miz and Maryse (2012)... Click Here

Dolph Ziggler (2012)... Click Here , (2011) Click Here

Chris Jericho (2012)... Click Here

Ric Flair (2008)... Click Here

Roddy Piper (2011)... Click Here , (2008) Click Here

Larry Zbyszko (2008)... Click Here

Bruno Sammartino (2008)... Click Here

Some height-confirmation pics for said fan:

Max 5'10.5" (w/o lifts) Arnie (2018)... Click Here

Maybe 5'9.5"" Mike Tyson (2014)... Click Here

5'9.5" Jason Patric (2011)... Click Here

Listed 5'9" online John Scurti (2010)... Click Here

5'9" Jared Leto (2017)... Click Here

5'8.5" Milo Ventimiglia (2012)... Click Here

5'5" Regis Philbin (2010)... Click Here

Just for fun... same fan w/ Ron Reis (2010) Click Here as compared to fan w/ Jared Padalecki (2013)... Click Here
edwards said on 30/Jun/19
did any one of y'all noticed on last raw that taker wore a shoes with bit high heel than he used to wore taker too begain too feel short in ring and i think taker too know that his height is quite discussed among folks and he wore a taller heel in last staredown.bty he didnt look tall next to mcintire,he looked imho looked max 1.5 inch taller than mcintire.i think taker too knows that his height us bit concerned so he wore a bit high heel than before.
Xpac99 said on 28/Jun/19
Click Here
Rob in this segment how was the difference between taker and jones in your opinion? I think is another proof where taker looks legit 6 ft8 with listed 6ft 10 nathan jones. 6 cm of difference seems too much i think
Editor Rob
Most I'd have said that segment was 2 inches between them
Sotiris Gravas said on 27/Jun/19
I guess I should've included pics of Hogan w/ said fan, to compare w/ Taker:

(2014) Click Here
(2013) Click Here

Nash, Hall, Xpac (2009)... Click Here

Hillbilly Jim (2009)... Click Here

Tiny Lister aka Zeus (2009)... Click Here

Kamala (2009)... Click Here

Sgt. Slaughter (2009)... Click Here

Barry Windham (2009)... Click Here

Tugboat (2009)... Click Here

Samu (2009)... Click Here

Chuck Palumbo (2009)... Click Here

Lex Luger... (2013) Click Here , (2009) Click Here

Tony Atlas... (2011) Click Here

King Kong Bundy (2011)... Click Here

Brutus Beefcake (2008)... Click Here

Sting (2009)... Click Here

Don Muraco (2012)... Click Here

Jim Duggan (2009)... Click Here

Ultimate Warrior (2012)... Click Here

Val Venus (2009)... Click Here

Tito Santana (2008)... Click Here

Bob Orton Jr. (2009)... Click Here

Piper (2012)... Click Here

Al Snow (2011)... Click Here

Christian (2009)... Click Here

Scott Steiner (2011)... Click Here

Paul Orndorff (2011)... Click Here

Eugene (2009)... Click Here

Ric Flair (2008)... Click Here

Bob Backlund (2009)... Click Here

Rick Martel (2009)... Click Here

Pat Patterson (2009)... Click Here

Tatanka (2009)... Click Here

Jimmy Snuka (2008)... Click Here

1-2-3 Kid/Xpac (2012)... Click Here , (2009) Click Here

Shawn Michaels (2011)... Click Here

Kurt Angle (2009)... Click Here

Marty Jannetty (2010)... Click Here

Eric Bischoff (2009)... Click Here

Ricky Steamboat (2009)... Click Here

Bruno Sammartino (2008)... Click Here

Carlito (2010)... Click Here

Ray Rougeau (2009)... Click Here

Mean Gene (2013)... Click Here , (2010) Click Here

Powers of Pain and Mr. Fuji (2008)... Click Here

The Demolition (2014)... Click Here

Bruce Prichard and Conrad Thompson (2017)... Click Here

Heisenberg89 said on 26/Jun/19
@sotiris gravas

Trying to image undertaker standing straight I would say that he is shorter then strowman, absolutely not shorter then Kane and same height as Witten
Xpac99 said on 26/Jun/19
Click Here
Taker did looks taller than spivey for sure
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Jun/19
Taker and a lucky fan w/ deep pockets (2015)... Click Here

Same fan w/ others:

Braun Strowman (2018)... Click Here

Jason Witten (2011)... Click Here

Kane (2015)... Click Here

Kobe (2019)... Click Here

Randy Orton (2015)... Click Here

Goldust (2018)... Click Here

DeMarcus Ware (2013)... Click Here

Godfather/Papa Shango (2017)... Click Here , (2012) Click Here

Titus (2013)... Click Here

Chevy Chase (2013)... Click Here

Derek Jeter (2013) Click Here

Viscera (2011)... Click Here , (2009) Click Here

Big Cass (2018)... Click Here

Horace Grant (2015)... Click Here

Height confirmation of fan:

5'11" Christopher Lloyd (2016)... Click Here

5'10" Tyson (2012)... Click Here

5'8.5" Ralph Macchio (2016)... Click Here , (2013)... Click Here
Heisenberg89 said on 25/Jun/19
He didn't look much taller then drew McIntyre last night. Footwear?
Canson said on 25/Jun/19
@xpac99: that may be true or maybe not. Mane may have been a touch taller if anything
Heisenberg89 said on 24/Jun/19
If you look at Taker and Spivey together in the 89-90 taker looks even 6'6.5
Xpac99 said on 23/Jun/19
@vegas tyler mane was about the same height of taker, i don’t think he was taller.
Click Here
Pause 1:59, i don’t see difference beetween this staredown and nash taker staredown
Vegas' said on 23/Jun/19
Taker looks noticeably shorter next to Nash than Tyler Mane did in 1993 so if Taker was 6'8 peak
1. Mane was taller than 6'8 then
2. Mane wore footwear enhancement

6'8 Taker would make Sid ~6'8, Crush ~6'6, Gonzales 7'7, Big Show 7 foot+ in 99..unless of course all those had footwear enhancement too
Heisenberg89 said on 22/Jun/19

I think there were 4-5 cm between taker and Nash back in the days. When I belive taker was 200cm at his peak, Nash was 205cm that is not 6'9" i think , I don't caunt 6'10.
Canson said on 22/Jun/19
@Sotiris: agreed. Michael Jordan may have been billed that here if Rob met him (he used to be billed 6’4.75 until he changed it) but he measured 6’4.5 when he was drafted. I still believe a peak Jordan was 6’4.5 or at absolute best 6’4 5/8 at a low. He has been guessed 6’4-6’5 or 6’4 range by several people who’ve met him and for a guy 6’4.75 at a low that’s not likely unless the person can’t gauge height. A 6’4.75 guy will always look 6’5”. Even at my height if I saw someone who’s 1.5” taller than me I would call them around 6’6” even tho it’s 6’5.75.
edwards said on 22/Jun/19
@ Xpac99 said on 22/Jun/19 dude i dont think full 6'8 is possible at all,he is clearly 1.5 to 2 inch shorter than legit 6'9 nash,maybe he will wake up at 6'8 but noway he was ever full 6'8 or atleast 6'8.he is tad shorter than glen jacobs.he has inch to max 1.5 on 6'6 viscera aka big daddy v that puts him to max 6'7.5,personally i can see 1.5 to 2 inch difference between legit 6'9 nash and taker.not trying for excuse or starting arguments just figuring it out.
edwards said on 22/Jun/19
@ MikeV10 said on 21/Jun/19 there is easily 2 inch between taker and nash
Xpac99 said on 22/Jun/19
Most of the people estimate young nash at 6ft 10. Even if nash was really 6 ft 9 1/2 it’s impossible the distance between this 2 is over 2 inches and maybe is 1 inch and 1/2 . Undertaker 6 ft 7 peak is no-sense, 6ft 8 or near 6 ft 8 is ok.
The eye level of undertaker is in the range of nash nose and the distance between the eye level until the nose level is about 5 cm for everyone. Remeber taker have a long forehead respect to nash. In this segment for sure isn’t over 5 cm between this two and 4 4,5 cm it’s a possibility. Almost 6ft 8 is possibile for young taker
Canson said on 21/Jun/19
@Johan185: that’s what I have is 6’7.25 at a low. He would measure 6’7.5 earlier In the day in his prime however. I have him similar to a peak Magic Johnson at 201cm as he looked around 4-5cm taller Hogan. Hogan could be 196 range up to 197 imho in his peak. Today I have Hulk 191ish. Probably not much over 191 and if below, it’s by maybe a couple mm. He may not even be as low as Rob lists him at a solid 6’3” but that’s a good possibility for him, but he’s probably not over 6’3.25 either
Canson said on 21/Jun/19
@Johan185: that’s what I have is 6’7.25 at a low. He would measure 6’7.5 earlier In the day in his prime however. I have him similar to a peak Magic Johnson at 201cm as he looked around 4-5cm taller Hogan. Hogan could be 196 range up to 197 imho
MikeV10 said on 21/Jun/19
Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 20/Jun/19
Monster said on 18/Jun/19
Click Here
Taker and Kevin nash. How tall is undertaker in this segment? If nash was 6ft 9 1/2 (6ft 10 for most of the people) undertaker was near 6 ft 8 in this segment i think


1.14 min A good 2 inches with Nash at 6'9.5" peak and Taker listed at 6'7.5" peak. Apologies Rob i have him at 6'7.25" peak my other post was wrong.
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Jun/19
Taker w/ max 6'3" (billed 6'6") Lex Luger (maybe only 6'2.5") in 1990... Click Here (You can also compare Taker to 5'9" Paul Heyman.)

Luger football height... Click Here

Luger and max 6'4.75" Michael Jordan... Click Here

Luger and max 6'6.75" Sid Eudy (1991)... Click Here
edwards said on 20/Jun/19
@xpac99 dude there is easily 2 inch difference between nash and taker in the video you posted
edwards said on 20/Jun/19
@monster dude there is atleast 1.5 to 2 inch difference there between taker and nash.
edwards said on 20/Jun/19
lol if peak taker was 6'8 then peak nash should be 6'10 and nathan jones should be 6'11 .even glen jacobs aka kane should be 6'8.5 which is unbelievable.rob listing is quite accurate 6'7.5 for peak taker.
Heisenberg89 said on 19/Jun/19
In less words...if I have to tell how tall is taker I say about 6'6.

If I have to list him, I list him 6'5.5
Heisenberg89 said on 19/Jun/19
I do believe that 6'6.5 is definitely to high for taker.
From the other hand also 6'7.5 for his peak is to high imh.

197 cm now and max 200/200.5 cm on the best day of his life.

At his peak, in wrestling attire, he was 204cm.
Today 200cm its fine, I even thought he struggled to be 6'7 in shoes today but I exaggerated probably.

I clearly can't consider serious the 6'8 claims for his peak barefoot...
Monster said on 18/Jun/19
Click Here
Taker and Kevin nash. How tall is undertaker in this segment? If nash was 6ft 9 1/2 (6ft 10 for most of the people) undertaker was near 6 ft 8 in this segment i think
edwards said on 17/Jun/19
@ canson yes dude,that mexican dude was from west adams part of south central la (now known as south los angeles) los angeles, i found he has delicious tacos restaurent in Adams-Normandie in south central la,i went to his tacos restaurent in south central la in 2015 when i was in los angeles and from that time i know him .lets get back to topic,he said he was lucky to see gold berg and taker in personal,according to him goldberg was 6'1.5 and taker was in 6'5.5-6'6 like you said.he was a mexican dude .he is 5'11.he wasnt sure on takers height but he said the max he imagined and guessed for current taker is 6'6 but chance of under seems likely.he said he was in 6'5.5 to max 6'6 range.he often claimed that he was wwe diehard fan.he wasnt sure either taker was 6'5.5-6'6 or is between like you said.
Canson said on 16/Jun/19
@Cmillz: I agree with you and Edwards. Taker 6’7.25 for me in his prime and today I think Rob would make a good start dropping him to 6’6” flat. He’s for sure not above that standing straight. I’d be more inclined to say 6’5.5-6’6 but I’ll give him benefit of the doubt and say he may still be the full 6’6 at a low. I think his posture is a lot like Hogan and people guess him lower because of that. He’s still close to 6’6 at worst
Canson said on 16/Jun/19
@Edwards: I agree with your friend. 6’5.5-6’6
Dan Trojan said on 15/Jun/19
Sotiris yeah he does it was 160 for an autograph and 180 for the photo
Dan Trojan said on 15/Jun/19
Honestly i could careless what people say about my height to suit their own needs it doesn't bother me i know how tall i am they don't wanna believe me that's fine i won't change my mind
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Jun/19
Here's another look at Dan Trojan/Taker that I cropped and blew up... Click Here

Vince Vaughn was 6'4.5" peak (not 6'5") and is currently 6'4". Here he is w/ 5'6" Ben Stiller (2004):
Click Here and (2012) Click Here

Vaughn and maybe 5'10.75" Jimmy Kimmel (2015)... Click Here
Kimmel and 6'7" Magic (2017)... Click Here

@Trojan Dude, how much did that pic w/ Taker set you back? I hear he charges a lot.
Xpac99 said on 15/Jun/19
Click Here
Rob in this segment how was the difference? Not over 2 inches and maybe 1 inch and 1/2 . Remember nash was 6ft 9 1/2 (for most of the people was 6ft 10) Undertaker in peak height at low is 6 ft 7 1/2, but is possible even 6ft 8 i think
Editor Rob
Could have been 2 inches there I thought.
cmillzz said on 14/Jun/19
Peak listing of 6’7.5” looks pretty spot on to me, but current is too high. He really looks to be struggling for 6’6 these days. Even looks 6’5 range a lot.
Johan 185 cm said on 14/Jun/19
@ Dan Trojan

Nice pic of you and Mark. Btw I mean nothing by this so feel free to ignore it but would you consider doing a height measurement and sending it to Rob? Noone else here needs to see it but it would confirm alot as some will start attacking your height claim to justify their own opinion.

He does still look solid 6'6" there next to you.
Dan Trojan said on 14/Jun/19
His head was huge that's for sure
Dan Trojan said on 13/Jun/19
I'm 5'6" and the eye level i couldn't really tell you i was able to guess his height that's about it but if i was to guess probably 6'4" or 5 i really don't know his line was pretty rushed
edwards said on 13/Jun/19
@dan trojan
yes dude,i agree with you .i personally always thought that taker was 6'6 since long time ago.i always wanted to prove that very long time a ago.hopefully,someone met him and said that taker is still 6'6 .i respect your thought man.great pic bty,both of you dudes look cool and great in those photo.finally someone else met him and said that he is 6'6.i believe you mate.his posture have help him in looking shorter.yes i agree with you man.what eye level do you think he have?
edwards said on 13/Jun/19
@dan trojan
good photo dude btw,he still look 6'6 if not full.both of you look great.i personally still believe he is 6'6,glad somebody met and posted where taker look 6'6,how tall are you ?
Dan Trojan said on 13/Jun/19
Edwards it's just my opinion i truly believe he is still 6'6" he does have really bad posture which can make him look under it so it's not a surprise that people will mistake him for it i don't know if you've seen it yet but rob posted my picture with him if you wanna take a look just scroll down a bit keep in mind i'm 5'6" make your own estimation there's no judging here i'll respect your opinion
Dan Trojan said on 12/Jun/19
Honestly i haven't really looked much into kevin love i didn't even know who he was until i saw the picture with him and the undertaker because honestly i haven't followed basketball in probably 20 years but i do agree that he probably is just over 6'7" and doesn't have anymore than an inch and a half on the undertaker
Xpac99 said on 11/Jun/19
Click Here
Click Here
Today 6ft 6 1/2 is nosense. Look at the difference. Undertaker about 6ft 5, 6ft 5 1/2 seems more reasonible
Canson said on 11/Jun/19
@Dan Trojan: I’ve been saying that about his posture for close to a year now. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why he looks so short with Kevin Love. That’s probably not more than 1.5” tops between them if he stood straighter (I have Love as 6’7.25 like Sotiris does) the 6’7.75 is a morning height as Love looks Lebron’s height or a tiny fraction taller at best
Canson said on 11/Jun/19
@Dan Trojan: that’s believable for him to still be up around 198cm but I wouldn’t go higher. If anything 197-198
Dan Trojan said on 11/Jun/19
Btw my photo is in imgur my account name is dtrojan19840 if anyone wants to check it out
Editor Rob
That's cool you got to meet him, here is your Link
edwards said on 11/Jun/19
@ canson well said dude,you told what i was going to say since long time a ago.
Heisenberg89 said on 10/Jun/19
I noticed that in 2017 staredown between taker and Goldberg taker did look taller compare to this last one I saw.
Chris Ian said on 10/Jun/19
If you are about 4 to 5 inches taller than someone, you look down to them, they look up to you, in a stare down = the gap shortens considerably and the taller appears shorter

If Undertaker was standing tall to Goldberg, which he never really does to anyone, he would still be every bit of 6’6.5
tree said on 10/Jun/19
They went from this Click Here
to this Click Here
MRD said on 10/Jun/19
not 6.5", may be 6'6" or little above it also possible.
Johan 185 cm said on 10/Jun/19
Monter said on 8/Jun/19
How long is undertaker’s face?


He has a low eye level we know that from seeing him next to Ali Baba. His eye to chin looks smaller in comparison, can make you look shorter than people with a regular/high eyelevel.
Canson said on 10/Jun/19
@Heisenberg89: he’s def still 6’7 in shoes. Maybe just not at a low. In the AM he’s over the mark. He may dip to 6’5.5 today barefoot at a low but really would call it more like 6’5.75 or 6’5.5-6’6
Chris Johns said on 9/Jun/19
Ok children you can now leave all your keyboard warrior squealing out the door this is a site for humans heights, back to topic at hand. Undertaker looked just under 6’6.5 next to William Goldberg
Dan Trojan said on 9/Jun/19
Just met the undertaker and in my personal opinion he's 6'6" no more no less take that how you want it's my honest to god opinion he looked 6'5" when i seen him coming in but he was hunched over a bit but standing straight i swear he's still 6'6" and btw he was wearing regular shoes with a 1 inch heel
Canson said on 9/Jun/19
@Edwards: agree with everything you said. And my estimates are the same for Taker 6’7-6’7.5 peak 6’5.5-6’6 today. As for Sotiris getting bashed it’s because his estimates are below Rob’s. Reynolds inflates people on the other hand. I’ve been on this site now for 4 years and it’s always been that way. They bash someone like Viper but there are several other posters who always think a celeb or shall I say want a celeb to be taller than Rob lists them and they try to negotiate with Rob etc or argue with everyone else and almost nothing is ever said to them by other posters. It’s pretty sad if you ask me but that’s the society we live in. Where taller is better and any time you say someone isn’t as tall as they claim, you hear about it even when you are 100% correct. Or it’s that someone else who is honest about their height is actually taller than they’re claiming to be. How stupid does that sound? Lol? It’s widely known that very few people undercut their height but that most guys inflate themselves. Oddly enough people are too lazy to pull out a tape measure to find out the truth. That said, I don’t agree with all of Sotiris’s estimates but he’s not as far off as someone saying Hogan was 6’7 or Taker 6’8/6’9 just because “they say they’re that height”. That last statement is about as ridiculous as it gets knowing that people lie like they do
edwards said on 9/Jun/19
@ sotiris gravas thanks buddy,its ok to stick with personal opinions.we all are sticking with personal cool,dont argue with them dudes who tries to bash you.just stick with your opinions.everyone is free to express with their personal estimation regarding height.there is nothing wrong with sticking with personal many grown up dudes acting childish and bashing without any reasons just like kids bashing each other for candy's.this is height related site.every one is free to express their opinions.chill out dude
Demon87 said on 9/Jun/19
Undertaker when he was in peak height, he possible had a full head respect to 5ft 9 guy??
tree said on 8/Jun/19
Not over 6ft6 now Click Here
edwards said on 8/Jun/19
yes dude i dont get why sotiris and daniel reynolds ,both of them dudes are expressing their personal opinion but reynold is safe and why every one is bashing sotiris.both of them are sticking with their personal opinion,isnt it height related and debated website?everyone is free and are expressing their personal views and estimation while everybody is bashing sotiris?cough......sotiris is just entitled and is sticking to his personal opinion as we are sticking to ours?are there any reason to bash???personally i dont get that.everybody is free to express their opinion on height.why so much bashing on sotiris?if snyone dont agree with sotiris then dont argue with sotiris buddy.if anybody wanna argue just please show some respect.have i or have you canson dude seen sotiris bashing anyone??well no,he is justing sticking with his personal opinion like we are doing our.why so much heat.SMH,i am just a dude who is getting into early 50s abd seen so many folks acting childish,grow up guys' yes canson dude,its too much dude.
Monter said on 8/Jun/19
How long is undertaker’s face?
edwards said on 8/Jun/19
@ canson dude, i agree There's pictures of Mark Calaway in the 80's with 6'8 Tyler Mane, and mark Calaway was shorter ... and even IF Calaway was 6'8,i would imagine him being 6'8 is in the morning at peak, he was 1.5 to 2 inch shorter than guys that were legit and 6'9 like kevin nash, and Nathan Jones... so it's very very unlikely he ever was a full 6 foot 8 inches. Maybe in his wrestling attire, but barefooted I don't see Calaway ever being any taller than 6'7.5 peak honestly Recent videos and pictures of Taker next to baron corbin who is legit 6'6 himself and even gold berg the day before suggests he's lost a considerable amount of height since the 90's and early 2000s. In my opinion Taker was 6'7 maybe 6'7.5 in his prime like you said, but is now 6'5.5 or 6'6 max,i personally think that.
Xpac99 said on 8/Jun/19
Click Here
I think today is about 6 ft 5... rob downgrade undertaker
edwards said on 7/Jun/19
it looks like taker will max out at 6'6.honestly,not trying to upgrade or downgrade him.he looked taller than gold berg but not that taller.i will be surprised personally even if he measure 6'6.he has even horrible posture than before.he can barely move and it was harder for him even to lift gold berg and i can see he cant even stand for long time.personally i think he is between 6'5.5-6'6.i am more than sure taker greatly struggle in looking 6' times he pulled off 6'6 but more times he seems to be under 6'6 even with good looks like his knees are awfull problem even than his hips.not talking that he is 6'5 but generally he looked in 6'5 to max 6'6 range.i dont why but personally i think it is even hard for taker to pull 6'6 atleast for me personally.not saying that 6'5 but i can personally say that he is somewhere between 6'5.5-6'6.idk why but it looks lile it is hard to pull 6'6 today for taker.even with good posture it was hard for him to pull 6'6.he will maybe max out at 6'6.i dont know what measures but he struggles to appear 6'6.i never thought this guy is less than 6'5.75 but he is greatly struggling to look 6'6 even with ring gear.his knees are such in bad condition through out years

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.