How tall is The Undertaker - Page 11

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Average Guess (951 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
Sotiris Gravas said on 28/Sep/19
Dan Trojan said on 27/Sep/19
You know what i don't get people keep bringing up the kevin love pictures but they never seem to bring up the pictures of the undertaker with legit 6'9" enes kanter where kanter looks no more than 2 inches taller than taker in fact it looks the same height difference between love and taker not saying love is the same height as kanter but it has made me wonder of course taker probably had a footwear advantage over kanter but he did with love too something just doesn't add up maybe it's camera angles too but every picture i've seen with taker and kanter it looks the same idk it's just kinda been bothering me of course those photos get ignored

Only 2" between Taker and 6'9" Enes Kanter....? Um, hahaha... No.

This was Taker (in big boots) next to max 6'8" Tristan Thompson... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here
Riccardo 5'7" said on 28/Sep/19

I know you predicted it, honestly Rob doesn't downgrade someone by a full inch directly because of a pair of reasons. But the problem with Undertaker was and is not only about 0.25. Its always a start btw
Riccardo 5'7" said on 28/Sep/19
Dan trojan

In one picture seems 2 or 3 inches between taker and Kanter, but in an other full body picture there are at least 4 inches. At least 4
edwards said on 28/Sep/19
@sotiris gravs
@riccardo 5'7

Just a reminder that Kane wasnt any shorter than the 6'6.5 or 6'7' Penn Jillette.
kane with 6'6.5 /6’7 penn jillete.Click Here ,Click Here
Canson said on 28/Sep/19
@Harry Sachs: i would say Taker was 6’7”. Not sure about 6’7.5”. I could buy something like 201cm but not much higher
Nishanth Hegde said on 28/Sep/19
Here is a pic of Golddust with Kane.
Click Here
Compare that with Undertaker and Gold dust photo and we can say that either Taker and Kane are the same height or Undertaker is taller.
Canson said on 27/Sep/19
@Riccardo: I think a solid 6’6” should be the start but both Edwards and I predicted 6’6.25” would happen over 6’6” and I predicted this year it would
Roderick said on 27/Sep/19
IMO No way was Undertaker over 6'7" peak, he was for sure 6'7" max.

It seems like Undertaker has had this peak listing for like 15 years though (literally), so I doubt Rob will lower it, he seems convinced. Maybe I'm wrong and he was closer to 6'7.5"... I can't say for sure.
Dan Trojan said on 27/Sep/19
You know what i don't get people keep bringing up the kevin love pictures but they never seem to bring up the pictures of the undertaker with legit 6'9" enes kanter where kanter looks no more than 2 inches taller than taker in fact it looks the same height difference between love and taker not saying love is the same height as kanter but it has made me wonder of course taker probably had a footwear advantage over kanter but he did with love too something just doesn't add up maybe it's camera angles too but every picture i've seen with taker and kanter it looks the same idk it's just kinda been bothering me of course those photos get ignored
Harry Sachs said on 26/Sep/19
Here is a great video of early 1990's Undertaker. He is wrestling against Mable/Big Daddy V/Viscera who this sight claims to be 6'6. The Undertaker is maybe 1/2 inches taller. So how could The Undertaker be 6'7 1/2 in his prime?

Click Here
Riccardo 5'7" said on 26/Sep/19

Well if Kane isn't an inch taller than Undertaker as you said, he also can't edge strowman by a logical thought.
Since the moment you showed, via video, and said that strowman is 0.5 taller than Calaway wich actually was evident in that video.
Kane at very most is same height as strowman, but probably a fraction less. Sure not 6'7" in my opinion today
Riccardo 5'7" said on 26/Sep/19
Downgrade Undertaker from 6'7.5 peak to just 6'7", and his current height from 6'6"1/4 to 6'5"3/4 would be perfect.

Now Rob is a serious person and this is a serious site, reason why he won't risk to downgrade or upgrade someone every 5 minutes. But those heights i gave for Taker i think are just perfect.
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Sep/19
Fan w/ Undertaker (2019)... Click Here
Poster The Ben/Ben Bell w/ Taker (2019) comparison... Click Here

Same fan w/ maybe 6'0.5" Ted DiBiase (2019)... Click Here
Ben Bell /DiBiase and Duggan (2017)comparison... Click Here

Bell w/ max 6'0.5" Carl Weathers height confirmation... Click Here
Fan w/ max 5'10" Bret Hart height confirmation... Click Here

Max 5'10" Ted Cruz w/ Hart... Click Here
Cruz w/ 6'0.5" Trump... Click Here

Taker beside top rope (4'6" off the mat) in 1999... Click Here
edwards said on 25/Sep/19
Yeah dude agreed,I personally still feel kane is tad or fraction taller than braun strowman
Carls110 said on 25/Sep/19
Undertaker got a full hip replacement surgery before that Love picture, week before he met Love in Cleveland, he was walking with a cane, maybe that was a factor too.
Canson said on 25/Sep/19
@Edwards and Riccardo: the most I could see at Kane’s prime is 6’7.5 and Taker’s 6’7.25. I would really say 201 for Taker and 202-202.5 for Kane. Today I would say Taker 197-198 or max 198 Kane 199-200 maybe a full 200 best case. I’d like to see Kane and Strowman to see who is taller between the two and I would put money on kane. Strowman at times looks 199 max
edwards said on 25/Sep/19
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Sep/19
If we go by Kevin Love listing here of 6'7 3/4 then Undertaker is nothing over 6'6 but if we go by haters estimate for Love being 6'7 then Taker is 6'5.25" nothing up. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm telling the truth. 6'6 1/4 is too generous.

Is estimating under rob’s listing is called hating?
edwards said on 24/Sep/19
Agreed with everything you’ve said.
edwards said on 24/Sep/19
Riccardo 5'7" said on 24/Sep/19

That was the reason why I was so shocked when I saw those pictures of love and taker.
First, like everyone here, I immidiatly thought there was something wrong there. Ground, footwear or btw something.
After I realized that if there was something wrong there it was in Taker's advantage.
The only thing I can say is that Love in those pictures is standing really streight, but what it changes? 2 inches difference instead of 2.5"/3 inches?


I must say that probably taker wasn't and isnt taller than Kane. But sure as hell I bet all I have that he isn't taller by an inch. No way. Only inside WWE but outside they are pretty much same height (6'6"/6'5.75 vs 6'5.5/6'5.75 best case ever for Taker)


I have never said kane is an inch taller or he ever was inch taller than taker lol.i have only said both were same with kane being tad taller.i have always said kane was 0.25 or 0.5 inch taller than taker.
Canson said on 24/Sep/19
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Sep/19
If we go by Kevin Love listing here of 6'7 3/4 then Undertaker is nothing over 6'6 but if we go by haters estimate for Love being 6'7 then Taker is 6'5.25" nothing up. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm telling the truth. 6'6 1/4 is too generous.

@Junior: how is 6’7” a “hater estimate”? I don’t get what a “hater estimate” is? If someone isn’t as tall as they are then they aren’t as tall as they are. Love will measure 6’7.75 but likely not at the low which is the standard. I personally believe 6’7.25” for his low but I don’t see why other people who say 6’7” is a “hater estimate”?
edwards said on 24/Sep/19
@dan trojan
I dont know what other think but nothing and nobody can change my mind that taker is taller than kane.idc what other think but me personally nothing can change my mind and make me believe that taker is taller than kane.there's no way anybody can change my mind no matter how much photo are being posted.sorry dude,i personally cant see that.its ok you have your opinion and i have mine.for you,taker maybe taller than kane .i aint here to attack no one,i dont wanna attack anybody,i ain’t childish.i dont want either kane nor taker too be certain height i am just expressing my personal ,yourself have recently said that camera angles can be tricky.but nothing,i mean nothing can change my mind.maybe not much difference,probably around 1/4 or 2/4.sorry pal
Dan Trojan said on 24/Sep/19
I agree that some people do exaggerate undertaker's poor posture he definitely doesn't drop 2-3 inches 1 at the most you're right i won't argue with anyone on that
Riccardo 5'7" said on 24/Sep/19

That was the reason why I was so shocked when I saw those pictures of love and taker.
First, like everyone here, I immidiatly thought there was something wrong there. Ground, footwear or btw something.
After I realized that if there was something wrong there it was in Taker's advantage.
The only thing I can say is that Love in those pictures is standing really streight, but what it changes? 2 inches difference instead of 2.5"/3 inches?


I must say that probably taker wasn't and isnt taller than Kane. But sure as hell I bet all I have that he isn't taller by an inch. No way. Only inside WWE but outside they are pretty much same height (6'6"/6'5.75 vs 6'5.5/6'5.75 best case ever for Taker)
edwards said on 24/Sep/19
Dan Trojan said on 23/Sep/19
Edwards no offence but you sure change your mind a lot just a few short months ago you were saying he looks shorter because of posture now you're telling people to stop using that excuse make up your mind


lol dude chill out , i know that taker has a bad posture.bad posture for a guy of his height,bad posture compared to guys in his height range like corbin,strowman and even kane but not as bad as many has expected . There are rare cases where a person may look around 4cm shorter than they really are because of posture. His posture isn't that bad but only bad compared to other guys of that height.I can see a 2cm to max 3 cm drop in posture for him but no more. yes he loses height like cm or two but i doubt he loses inches or two or three. if Taker is slouching in photos with people, that doesn't mean other people are always standing with perfect military posture (they too can be slouching, which negates the whole argument).yes i have always said he had bad posture but not as bad as people exaggerate.not has bad as he drops 2-3 inches.ibty i havent changed my mind,i know he has bad posture but his posture excuses are over exaggerated.i have always said he is 6'6 maybe tad lower at night.dont get me wrong pal lmfao.
Dan Trojan said on 23/Sep/19
Back to the taker and love pictures i won't deny that some of the pictures look like there's 2 or more inches but other look like max 1.5" and being someone who has met the undertaker if love is 6'7" or a little bit over than i truly believe there's no more that i won't use the excuse of bad posture what it shows is camera angles can be tricky there's not as much height between them as some of you think and there's no way you can change my mind
Dan Trojan said on 23/Sep/19
Edwards also i see how you keep arguing about kane being taller than undertaker i'm not saying he isn't but we really can't ignore the photos of them outside the ring with the same footwear and you talk about using the undertaker's posture as an excuse it seems you've used every excusr in the book to prove kane is taller including that in all honesty we really don't know who is taller but i wouldn't rule out the possibility of taker being taller i know you're gonna attack me for this but that's fine
Dan Trojan said on 23/Sep/19
Edwards no offence but you sure change your mind a lot just a few short months ago you were saying he looks shorter because of posture now you're telling people to stop using that excuse make up your mind
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Sep/19
If we go by Kevin Love listing here of 6'7 3/4 then Undertaker is nothing over 6'6 but if we go by haters estimate for Love being 6'7 then Taker is 6'5.25" nothing up. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm telling the truth. 6'6 1/4 is too generous.
edwards said on 23/Sep/19
@sotiris gravas
Totally agreed that people exaggerate Taker's poor posture. Way too many people use it as a psychological crutch to justify inflating his height,
Xpac99 said on 23/Sep/19
Rob i have a question for you.. you said that taker looks a couple of inches shorter than Kevin love, even in some shots 3 inches.. minimum 2 inches or even 3 inches it means that taker looked about 6ft5, but we all agree that taker looks at least 6ft6. in your opinion why taker looks so short in those shots
Editor Rob
Maybe Love was taller that moment, some of these guys can shrink 1.5 inches, or posture had a role?
Vegas' said on 23/Sep/19
Here is Taker last week on ESPN game day, looks in good shape Click Here
Canson said on 23/Sep/19
@Sotiris and Ricardo: my bad. I never saw that. In the pic Love still looks 2” taller which is odd and yes Taker does have a slight footwear advantage. So either Taker’s posture is poor or there could be another underlying issue. Rob only lists the two 1.5” apart. I don’t rule out a weak 6’6” for Taker today and that may be starting to look more likely to me than the full 6’6”
Riccardo 5'7" said on 23/Sep/19
Don't forget also that these wrestlers sometimes use to sell height to others... Undertaker tryed to do it with McIntyre for example, who isn't more than 6'4" and who has to appear equal with taker in the fiction
edwards said on 23/Sep/19
The people who thinks taker dosent wear lifts are either trolling or a fanboy honestly.bruce pitchard revealed taker wears inner lifts while kane wears outer visible.taker’s boot size recently. Click Here

Its funny that some of the people only think kane wears lifts because he wears outer visible lifts unlike taker who wears inner lmfao
Canson said on 22/Sep/19
@Roderick: I doubt Gronk is a genuine 6’6”. He is prob 6’5.75” tooZ Was 6’6.25 morning height. He does have better posture than Taker today so he gives off a taller impression
edwards said on 22/Sep/19
I wanna add something,dont say taker has bad posture,its an excuse used by every fanboy to claim taker taller than he really is.i am tired of hearing that.sorry
edwards said on 22/Sep/19
Dude,dudeLet me get this right, It's all good , I am just trying to check my facts here— so I am posting crappy photos and trolling, i didnt answar you,That's what in your head? You may not understand this, because probably no one's ever told you this before,fanboy but you're not as big of a deal as you think you are. And this is the fact - I don't care How much photo you post,no one ever gonna agree with you.i agree that at times either seems to edge the other but everybody knows this.kane was always the taller one.not by much but maybe 1/4 or 2/4.
Dude,,You're right - no he's right! He's right! You don't need to agree with me, you are the high exalted . everybody back there knows it,kane was always taller one .You see mr carl every week there are posters that 'cause they stand for their personal opinion and i respect that. and then there are posters that because they don't, and then every single week you can audibly hear those people so desperately wanting to make taker taller than he is lol.. But with you, it's different. I don't know if anyone's ever told you this .go and watch bad blood pod cast by bruce pitchard.

According to you,I didn’t answar you and i was trolling and posting crappy picture.then you go and find single photo of taker-kane staredown pic in good when both of them were at peak in the early 90s.dude,dont get me wrong.dude, you're just a guy. A guy
"You see, you see, There's an old saying ‘it's better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're stupid, than to open it up and prove 'em right'. You of all people, you walked down here and use the same pathetic excuse that every other single fanboy before you has done .you have the gall to blame me saying i am troll and posting crappy photos, That's fine, that's fine congratulations. It took you lot Of words calling me troll and trolling halfway but now I'm about to shrink you down to size. Okay, so everybody here knows that kane is taller than taker maybe not by much but atleast 1/4 or 2/4.

I have answar for you calling me trolling.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajahahaha.But, you gotta blame me, fine I have been hearing that that from quite a couple of fansboys sometimes now.

Its ok dude,its ok pal.i want you find a photo of kane and taker wearing similar shoes and staredowns.find a photos from the peak in good quality.find the photos from early 90s between these dudes and peak,post the photos of shoes too.according to you i am copying and posting in crappy photos lol.i want to add one thing,dont say taker has bad photos,its sn excuses used by every fanboys.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 22/Sep/19

Click Here Undertaker footwear.

Love's footwear
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 22/Sep/19

Dude, I've already posted pics of the footwear for Love/Taker at least 2 times before...

Undertaker was wearing big boots... Click Here

Love was wearing sneaks... Click Here

Taker/Love for folks who never saw the pics... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here , Click Here

Editor Rob said that Taker looked 2", even 3" taller in some pics.

There's zero chance that Taker is 6'6", given he had 0.25" footwear advantage. He's max 6'5.5".


Totally agree that ppl exaggerate Taker's poor posture. Way too many ppl use it as a psychological crutch to justify inflating his height, lol. His posture was perfectly fine w/ Love. There was absolutely nothing wrong w/ it. Also, even if Taker is slouching in pics w/ ppl, that doesn't mean other ppl are always standing w/ perfect military posture (they too can be slouching, which negates the whole argument).

Obviously Editor Rob won't downgrade Taker more, despite smoking gun pics, if he mistakenly believes Love to be 6'7.75", which he most certainly isn't. That said, seeing a slight downgrade is a small step in the right direction. Excelsior! (Pun intended.)
edwards said on 22/Sep/19
@riccardo and roderick

pause at 2:54 Click Here kane is still very tall compared to undertaker
Roderick said on 22/Sep/19
A genuine 6'6" guy like Gronk gives a much taller impression than Undertaker. I think Taker is max 6'5.75" now.

@Canson I think he walks around at sub 6'5" range, like 6'4.5"-6'4.75", but can easily stretch up for 6'5.5" or 6'5.75". I'd say 6'5" flat is a bit of a stretch, seeing as he edges out legitmate 6'5" guys by a tad. There's a very good chance he's 6'5.5", I think 6'6" might be ruled out for me. It seems impossible going by the pics of him with Tristan Thompson. We don't see pics of Undertaker with measured people often, but when we do, he certainly doesn't look 6'6".
Riccardo 5'7" said on 21/Sep/19
Btw I shared a picture with guldust and Undertaker about 2019 in wich undertaker is no less than 3 inches taller, what do you think?
I think guldust can be easy under 6'3" today
Riccardo 5'7" said on 21/Sep/19

He drops something when he stands in pictures or however. With my height I also do notice it. Since when I discovered this site probably I became crazy and I started pay attention to few things. When I'm bored or when I'm talking to someone or taking a picture that I wont i stand always poore, after few seconds I always use to correct my posture but still...

Now Im imagening how a 6'5/6'6 or more and 270 current pounds 54 years old guy who is tired (injured) and bored to take pictures, after 30 years can stands during meetings or things like that...

I think he also doesn't care if someone is an inch taller or shorter than him when he stands for pictures or anything else, making our guesses harder lol.

So for me his posture is definitely a factor, reason why he looks sometimes barely the height of guys like Bryant.
But still not 6'6" standing at his best today in my opinion. I thought same size as Gronk but i don't know at this stage, probably with Ali Baba he was sure.


Well now I think I saw enough for say that also undertaker wore "nice" boots, but sure didn't have an advantage on Kane talking about footwear.
BTW between taker and Kane I can see max half inch in Kane advantage, and taker isn't 6'6"1/4.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Sep/19
There are rare cases where a person may look around 4cm shorter than they really are because of posture, but it's certainly not the case with Undertaker. His posture isn't that bad. I can see a 2cm drop in posture for him but no more.
Carls110 said on 21/Sep/19
Also we got a guy here who got picture with Kane and Undertaker from Knoxville,
he was 6'3.5 i think, and he said that Undertaker was taller than Kane, it was posted here before,
i will not answer to you again, you said that Kane kane is tilting his down and poster photoshopped Picture, Kane was never taller than Undertaker, he wore huge boots in Attitude Era, and you posted Kane and Undertaker at peak with similar footwear, which is false Kane boots were over inch bigger than Undertakers in Attitude Era.
Carls110 said on 21/Sep/19
Edwards i know that you are trolling right now,
I give you picture from Wrestlemania XIV, Kane boots were bigger over 1 inch bigger than Takers, and you posted Undertaker Kane face to Face FROM Wrestlemania XIV LOL, Kane wore over one inch bigger soles than Undertaker in 1998-1999, first you copied photos with crappy Quality, then you didn't even answer me, when i posted you that Undertaker looks taller than Kane outside the Ring on a picture,

And in that picture with same fan, Undertaker head is leaning down, Kane got much better posture.
Canson said on 21/Sep/19
@Christian: when someone guesses your height before you tell them, is it normally 6’6” or 6’7”? I know you said before that people guess you 6’7” but then you tell them 6’5.5” and they don’t challenge it. I’ve noticed if I say 6’4.5” I never really had an issue with it being challenged but I was often asked why I claim the half? Meaning why not just say 6’4” or round to 6’5”. I’ve gotten both before
Creeper said on 21/Sep/19
I apologize if I came off disrespectful or cocky of some sort so here I will try again.

I get that NBA measures their players in the morning preferably, so yes 6'7.25 or 6'7.5 for Love is possible. But just my personal opinion, I think Love didnt get measured in just the morning I think it was afternoon because he can actually look an easy 6'8 next to some players so without the footwear I believe 6'7.75 is safe.

As for him and Undertaker, he had Undertaker by 2 inches, which would place Undertaker at 6'5.75, but Undertaker couldnt stand tall in 2016 bc of his new hips he was getting used to.

Even if you look at him and Kane the same time period of the year, the difference was noticeably larger than it has always been, which IMO was no more than 0.5 of an inch. In 2016 however, it was more than an inch, more like 1.25 of an inch.

Then fast foward a few months, after Undertaker should have been healed with his new hip, he did look 4.5 taller than Roman Reigns. Roman Reigns is 6'2, i think we can all agree on that. Also, if you go into last year where Undertaker met Kane again, you can see the height difference is back to normal. If Kane is 6'7, then Undertaker is 6'6.5. He could be 6'6.25 but I doubt just 6'6 or under. I personally think hes 6'6.5.

Briefly, he couldnt stand well in 2016 and walked around at 6'5~ but now he can stand straight back up to 6'6.5 again.

He towered Roman Reigns at Extreme Rules and next to 6'4.5~ Drew Mcintyre, Id say it was 1.5 with bad posture so Undertaker standing tall easily 2 inches.
Canson said on 21/Sep/19
Roderick said on 21/Sep/19
I would be surprised if Undertaker measured 6'6" honestly. He could be as low as 6'5.25" and even 6'5.75" seems hopeful at times. There is definitely a good chance he's just 6'5.5".

I wouldn’t be surprised if he were able to stretch up 198cm. 199 I’d be very surprised if that’s at a low. I’ve seen guys that walk around a bit shorter than they stand then I’ve seen some that walk at what they measure. Taker has some back issues which may cause him to not be able to stand straight like he once did.
Canson said on 21/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/19
I think the whole "bad posture" argument has been blown out of proportion. Undertaker does have slightly bad posture compared to the average guy his height, but it's not like he's walking around 1-2" shorter than his true height. The same argument is made for Kane, even though Kane has even better posture than Undertaker does.

@Christian: I’m thinking he may look an inch shorter in pics but not 2”. Some guys have that type of posture though. I know a guy who is easily taller than both of us 197 range at a low and at times when I’ve seen him out (which is infrequently) I thought I was taller than him. I’ve only seen him stand completely straight maybe twice and he’s taller than me even with him in flats and me in sneaks once. As for Taker, the posture may only be one of the issues. The pic with Kevin Love is not good for comparison imho because we really can’t see ground level and I’ve never seen the footwear either guy has. I would guess Love May possibly have basketball sneaks on but don’t know what Taker is wearing in the pic. If anything maybe it’s 1.5” difference or 1.75”. I’ve never ruled out 197cm for Taker but I think going below that mark is too low imho. I can still conceivably see a solid 6’6” if he stood straight but that’s a big “IF”. He may not be able to stretch that tall anymore and could really just be weak 6’6”. I do like the downgrade but I think 6’6” was probably the better decision. I doubt at this stage that he’s above that mark no matter the posture
edwards said on 21/Sep/19
@christian and canson
Agreed dude’s,i would safely rule out even a strong 6’6 considering today.i wouldnt rule out something like 6’5.75 or anything between 6’5.5-6’6.yes,i agree its better than no downgrade at all and still putting insanely high 6’6.5.i think he pulled 6’6.5 till only 2015.from 2016,he looked flat 6’6 and now at 2017/18 under 6’6 is possible.i still feel even 6’6.25 is too high,i even doubt solid 6’6.weak 6’6 is possible but i would personally safely ruleout even strong strong.6’6 is still possible but i am slightly turning towards 6’5.75 than solid 6’6 .but weak 6’6 is possible.i doubt he is 6’7 in boots today.taker should consider himself lucky if he ever managed to hit even 6’6 today
Roderick said on 21/Sep/19
I would be surprised if Undertaker measured 6'6" honestly. He could be as low as 6'5.25" and even 6'5.75" seems hopeful at times. There is definitely a good chance he's just 6'5.5".
edwards said on 20/Sep/19

In 2010 Kane and Undertaker had the exact same footwear, Taker's might have even be a small fraction bigger and Kane was still taller (even when he's bald and Taker has hair),kane snt even standing straight and still very tall next to undertaker. Click Here kane is for sure taller than taker,both has similar dont always believe what you hear that only kane has footwear.
kane and taker at peak with similar footwear Click Here ,Click Here ,Click Here

another photo with taker Click Here sorry pal,i cant agree with you.

undertaker and kane both at peak ,undertaker has footwear advantages over kane as yankem and still kane is taller Click Here

taker with same dude Click Here
kane with same dude Click Here

dude,i have answar for your question hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah,pardon the photo you posted kane is tilting his down and taker is tilting his head off,sorry there is no chance of kane being similar to taker. taker and kane at knoxville,taker is closer to camera.Click Here

kane and taker 2009 with same footwear in same year,some guys here thinks only kane were lifts which is funny hahhahahaha Click Here ,Click Here

sorry to disappoint some of the fanboy.buahahahahahahahahahaha
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/19
I think the whole "bad posture" argument has been blown out of proportion. Undertaker does have slightly bad posture compared to the average guy his height, but it's not like he's walking around 1-2" shorter than his true height. The same argument is made for Kane, even though Kane has even better posture than Undertaker does.
edwards said on 20/Sep/19
Agreed dude.i personally feel that strowman has 3/4 or 0.75 inch on taker today.same way corbin has 1/4 or 0.25 on taker today but i could be wrong.but i personally feel that.
Canson said on 20/Sep/19
edwards said on 19/Sep/19
@canson and christian
I want you guys to look this clip,Rob has made a great decision in downgrading taker.6’6.5 was fantasy for him.taker was 6’6.5 only till 2015.

Here is taker with 6’5 listed wade barett.barett can be low as 6’4.75 .taker dosent look more than half inch taller maybe even equal to barrett.taker is tilting his head up. Click Here Pause at 5:52

Another clip.pause at 0:44 Click Here

You and I called it! We both said 6’6 1/4”. That’s still too high imho because at times he can look weak 6’6”. I think 6’6” was the perfect start but 6’6.25 is better than 6’6.5
edwards said on 20/Sep/19
Sorry dude,taker is taller than kane only for you but we aint buying it.i agree at times either seems to edge other but jacobs was always taller one.sorry in the photo you posted taker is tilting his head up and kane isnt standing straight.sorry buddy,sorry pal not buying it
edwards said on 20/Sep/19
Sorry dude,dont pick one or two beneficial photo to back your claim.everybody knows jacobs was always taller than calaway at peak.not by much but maybe 1/4 or 2/4
I am sorry
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/19
I wished that it would've been downgraded to at most 6'6", but at least it's better than no downgrade at all.
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Sep/19
Editor Rob also downgraded Michael Cudlitz by 0.25" recently. He's on a roll!
Canson said on 19/Sep/19
@Christian: in those shoes I would be right under 6’5” so I see what you’re saying. I’m just saying those who guess you in your shoes would still guess you 6’6”. Of course if I saw you I would look at the shoe first and guess barefoot
Sakz said on 19/Sep/19
Standing straight I don't see him being under 6'6. He stands quite loosely a lot of the time which is why he's guessed shorter.
Public Enemy said on 19/Sep/19
Click Here
Peak 6’7.5
Current 6’6.25
edwards said on 19/Sep/19
@canson and christian
I want you guys to look this clip,Rob has made a great decision in downgrading taker.6’6.5 was fantasy for him.taker was 6’6.5 only till 2015.

Here is taker with 6’5 listed wade barett.barett can be low as 6’4.75 .taker dosent look more than half inch taller maybe even equal to barrett.taker is tilting his head up. Click Here Pause at 5:52

Another clip.pause at 0:44 Click Here
Canson said on 19/Sep/19
@Edwards: 6’6.25 is better than the current but to me is still too high. But I agree with you Strowman is taller and it’s a noticeable difference not just 1/4” like he has them. I doubt Strowman is even as tall as he’s listed. I’d say 6’6.5 is the max and that may be a stretch. 199 flat perhaps
Carls110 said on 19/Sep/19
Edwards Kane isn't 6'7 today
he was never taller than Taker, outside the ring Undertaker even looks taller than Kane standing solid
Click Here

And in attitude Era nobody wears bigger boots soles than Kane
Click Here (Wrestlemania XIV)
Click Here
you gotta to be kidding me, you said that they wore equal boots in Attitude Era...
Alpha89 said on 19/Sep/19
Others wrestlers

Giant Gonzalez 7'6"
The Great Khali 6'10" was 6'11"
The Big Show 6'9"1/2 was 6'10"1/2
André the Giant 6'9"1/4 was 6'10"1/2
Kavin Nash 6'7"3/4 was 6'8"3/4
Tyler Mine 6'7" was 6'7"1/2
Kane 6'6" was 6'7"
Strowman 6'6"1/4
Corbin 6'6"
Hogan 6'2"3/4 was 6'4"1/2
Scott Hall 6'3"1/4 was 6'4"1/4
HBK 5'9" was 5'10"
Jhon Cena 5'11"1/2 was 6'0"
Steve Austin 5'11" was 6'0"
CmPunk 5'10"3/4
The Rock 6'1"1/2 was 6'2"1/4
Triple H 6'0"3/4 was 6'1"3/4
Bre Hart 5'11" was 6'0"
The miz 5'11"
Jericho 5'8"was 5'8"1/2
Ric Flair 5'8" was 5'10"
Alpha89 said on 19/Sep/19
Hi to everyone, cool site this one.

If Chris Bosh is 6'10"1/4 as I think, Kanter i feel is 6'9"1/2.
Click Here

Kanter eye to eye with Durant
Click Here

Kanter looks 6'9" here with 6'7" LeBron
Click Here

LeBron 6'7" confirmed with 6'6"1/4 Carmelo Anthony
Click Here

Kanter with Undertaker in 3 angles
Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Nice pictures of Undertaker and Big Show in the backstage
Click Here

Click Here

And Also with Batista (backstage)
Click Here

Click Here

With 6'0" peak Breat Hart, backstage
Click Here

Undertaker 6ft5 1/4 today, I think he was 6'6"1/2.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Sep/19
I believe I was either in a pair of loafers or canvas sneakers, both of which added around 5/8", so I wasn't over 6'6" in them.
Meat said on 18/Sep/19
Click Here

Given the convos on here, I feel like o have to repost this every once in awhile. The listing is fine as is. Taker is undoubtedly shrinking with age. But was a huge man for sure. I met him in 1994 at a show, and at the time it felt like he was the biggest human I had ever seen. In his hay day, he dwarfed Austin and Rock. Lots on angles, poor posture and bad photos are used here. This is the most accurate I can find. It was in his biker days when he definitely didnt wear lifts like later on. Also, the Kevin Love comparison dialogue is just wrong. Love is not as short as ppl here claim. In gear definitely far above his draft listing.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 18/Sep/19
Click Here

Undertaker and Goldust, I never saw this picture i think it's about 2018/2019
Roderick said on 18/Sep/19
FINALLY! Undertaker has been downgraded! We can partially celebrate, as although it's not 6'6" flat, it's a start
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Sep/19
Cousin Sal w/ 6'6" Deontay Wilder... Click Here
W/ 6'5.25" Metta World Peace... Click Here
W/ 6'4.5" Lonzo Ball et al. Click Here
W/ 5'9" Roddy Piper... Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Sep/19
Undertaker (cowboy boots) w/ 5'7" Cousin Sal on "Jimmy Kimmel" (2003):
Click Here

Sal w/ Lamar Odom (2009)... Click Here
Sal w/ Ben Simmons (2018)... Click Here
Both players are listed at 6'10" -- Taker's billed height.

Simmons w/ maybe 6'6.75" LeBron... Click Here
Odom (footwear advantage) w/ maybe 6'6.5" Vitali Klitschko (2009)... Click Here The thing is Vitali actually said he was 6'6"... Maybe he doesn't know his own height. Kinda reminds me of someone... :) (Editor Rob lists him at 6'7".)
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Sep/19
Henry Simmons w/ Jimmy Fallon (2004)... Click Here , Click Here

Undertaker w/ Fallon (2015)... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here

I have Simmons at 6'4" while others say he's only 6'3.5", and Fallon at 5'11", while Rob lists him at 5'11.5".
edwards said on 18/Sep/19
what made you decide in downgrading him to 6'6.25,what made you change your mind in downgrading him rather than keeping the insanely high 6'6.5?i never though you would downgrade him? it would be intresting to know
Editor Rob
I think there's enough out there to see Taker is heading towards 6ft 6, though I think he might still measure a tad above it.
edwards said on 18/Sep/19
Great start,now it is quite reasonable and a great start.6’6.5 is insanely too high considering 2019.taker is same as baron corbin who is listed as 6’6.25 in the cant even separate who is taller between corbin and taker.good job rob


I already told you before that rob will downgrade taker to 6’6.25 rather than flat 6’,it is reasonable than insanely high 6’6.5
edwards said on 17/Sep/19
@canson and riccardo
Dudes’s i have posted a clear clip of strowman and taker at msg and taker with full posture looks almost an inch shorter than strowman,they appear similar only dude to camera taker was tilting his head up and strowman was looking down and still strowman is taller.when both of them were standing in same position taker was 0.75 to almost an inch shorter like riccardo said.canson,i wouldnt rule out 6’5.5 for taker today,he maybe weak 6’6 with forced military posture but 6’5.5 isn’t exactly impossible.i agree with you and christian,even a guy like corbin maybe 6’5.75 then there is chance of. taker being 6’5.5.ofcourse now i will get heat from some of the dude but i agree with riccardo.he said taker was 6’6.25 with ali baba which isn’t exactly impossible.baba said baba was wearning normal shoes and taker was wearing working boots type shoes and still only half inch taller.i have to say he was any where from 6’6-6’6.5 when meeting baba.even 6’6.25 isn’t exactly impossible.i say 6’6 maybe possible but i will safely rule out even strong 6’6 and anything over it is fantasy.christian has posted kane and corbin photo in corbin page and both are similar even kane has footwear advantages and wig advantage.taker is noticeably shorter than the guys like corbin,strowman and kane.i have posted a clear clip where taker looked 0.75 shorter than strowman maybe almost and inch.
Sotiris Gravas said on 17/Sep/19

Lol, I love it. I guess that makes us kindred spirits, dude... but on opposite ends of the spectrum. In all honesty, I really doubt most ppl know their actual, legit height -- only what they think it is. Ppl who measure w/ a book might not hold it properly... and even at a doctor's office, a floor might not be level and the height rod might not even be set at the correct position.

Maybe that's why you thought Khali was taller than the height I give him... Is your 6'10" friend 100% sure that he's that height?

That said, there's always guys like The Rock who do know, but don't want others to find out from this site.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Sep/19
How tall did many people guess you at, 5'11"?
Canson said on 17/Sep/19
@Christian: even then it’s an honest person who guessed you 6’5. they may guess you as 6’5-6’6 or even close to 6’6” if you had thicker footwear. Being as you would be right around 6’6” or a bit under even in thinner footwear
Riccardo 5'7" said on 17/Sep/19
Well, I saw few things and I also did read really old posts on this page. Most of all I did read few posts of Ali Baba who seems that met many of these wrestlers. And I'm talking about 2009/2014 posts on this page.

Probably I'm wrong, but I think my current estimations are the follows.

Undertaker 6'6.5 prime 6'5.25 today

Dan Spavey 6'5"

Scot Hall 6'4.25 prime 6'3.5 today

Kane 6'6"3/4 prime 6'6" today

Sid 6'6.5 prime 6'5" today

Strowman 6'6.25

Nash 6'9" prime 6'8" today

Kurragan 6'8"

Tyler Mine 6'7.5 prime 6'6"3/4 today

Goldust 6'3.5 prime 6'3" today

Edge 6'2" prime 6'1.5 today

Batista 6'2.25 prime 6'1.75 today

Jhon Cena 5'11.5

Triple H 6'1.75 prime 6'0.75 today

Randy Orton 6'3.75

Swagger 6'4.25

Barret 6'5"

Corbin 6'5.75

Stone Cold 6'0.5 prime 5'11" today

Hulk Hogan 6'4.5 prime 6'2.5 today

André the giant 6'10.5 prime 6'9.25
before death

Big Show 6'11" prime 6'9.5 today

Khali 6'11.25 prime 6'10"25 today

Shaq 7'0.5 prime 6'11.5 today
Johan 185 cm said on 17/Sep/19
Hmm, why are people discussing a poster's height when they are not posting pics with celebs? Let people claim what they want, they aren't harming the site even if it is false. Sotiris does have a point, I don't remember anyone over 6'4" ever proving their heights with a measurement video, only guy who was in any way verified was Ali Baba.

Then again if you don't use pics to try and prove a height, it doesn't matter. Some posters here on the site grow and shrink with the years.

I still think Taker is a comfortable 6'6" just not sure of 6'6.25" anymore.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Sep/19
I did get guessed 6'5" on a few occasions when I wore thin shoes.
Canson said on 16/Sep/19
@Edwards: I think you and I are on the same page. Christian mentioned before that a guy at the combine could lose 3/4” from his listing which I agree with for some. So Corbin could be as low as 6’5.75 perhaps or the full 6’6” which I agree with a bit more. I think the 6’6.25 was too much for him. As for Taker, while I still don’t rule out something like 197cm I do rule out 199 today. When he met Ali Baba he was 199 plus perhaps but not now. Rob will likely make a move this year if I had to guess but I see only 6’6.25 and still too high if you ask me. The compromise? 6’6” flat which is a very likely outcome even today. Strowman is prob 199 if I had to guess but no higher. Meaning if he’s considered 6’6.5 it’s a weak half like Christian or I measure. Meaning he may be over 1/4” over but prob not even a full 3/8” over the mark. He has little on either guy imho
Canson said on 16/Sep/19
@Edwards: I think you and I are on the same page. Christian mentioned before that a guy at the combine could lose 3/4” from his listing which I agree with for some. So Corbin could be as low as 6’5.75 perhaps or the full 6’6” which I agree with a bit more. I think the 6’6.25 was too much for him. As for Taker, while I still don’t rule out something like 197cm I do rule out 199 today. When he met Ali Baba he was 199 plus perhaps but not now. Rob will likely make a move this year if I had to guess but I see only 6’6.25 and still too high if you ask me. The compromise? 6’6” flat which is a very likely outcome even today. Strowman is prob 199 if I had to guess but no higher. Meaning if he’s considered 6’6.5 it’s a weak one like Christian or I measure. Meaning he may be over 1/4” over but prob not even a full 3/8” over the mark
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Sep/19
Old pics:
Maybe 5'10.5" Jerry Lawler w/ 6'0" Andy Kaufman... Click Here
W/ Undertaker... Click Here

More recent pics:
Lawler w/ maybe 6'3" Joel McHale (2012)... Click Here
W/ Mchale and maybe 6'4.5" JBL (maybe in cowboy boots) in 2014... Click Here

McHale w/ mabye 6'4.75" Nick Young (listed 6'7")... Click Here
Roderick said on 16/Sep/19
I actually found out I was only 5'10" a few weeks ago, had always thought I was 5'11", lol
Dan Trojan said on 16/Sep/19
The best way i can describe what taker's footwear was similar too is if you look at pictures of him and kane standing together at that event when kane was running for mayor there's one where you can see both their footwear and if i remember correctly his shoes were quite similar to the one's he was wearing that day
Riccardo 5'7" said on 16/Sep/19

Hmm, I never saw that clip with Undertaker and Strowman before. I must say that I'm a bit surprised, there is an inch difference looking at the clip
Dan Trojan said on 16/Sep/19
Riccardo yes i did mention it i didn't get the best look at his footwear but they looked like regular running shoes not sure how big the heel was
Canson said on 16/Sep/19
@Christian: I was in the same boat always being told at least 6’5 although I actually did measure at 6’4.5 or likely was rounded up at times from more 3/8”. I think in our cases when you’re over the mark and wear thick shoes you would end up over 6’6.5 and I would end up right at 6’5.5 so people automatically would assume 6’6 and 6’5 even being honest. Most people do not look at the type of shoes you’re wearing or that they wear. It’s worked both ways where I’ve gotten max 6’4” if I’m in flats and even 6’3-6’4” before when I’m on my feet all day and go out at night That’s even before we get into shoe measurements
Canson said on 16/Sep/19
@Christian: I was in the same boat always being told at least 6’5 although I actually did measure at 6’4.5 or likely was rounded up at times from more 3/8”. I think in our cases when you’re over the mark and wear thick shoes you would end up over 6’6.5 and I would end up right at 6’5.5 so people automatically would assume 6’6 and 6’5 even being honest. Most people do not look at shoes. That’s even before we get into shoe measurements
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Sep/19
There's nothing creepy or weird about simply looking at Tweets. I enjoy Sotiris' old Tweets about heights, so that's why I searched. It's not like I'm stalking him or anything, lol.
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Sep/19
I'm not angry or anything if someone questions my height -- it's understandable , given what I said on Twitter, it's just that it's embarrassing having to explain. I will say this, though: if I really wanted to lie about my height, I would have done so 3 decades ago, not just spring it on ppl in my late forties for no apparent reason. It's not like I take fan photos with celebs and post them here, whereby my height has any bearing on my estimate of them...


Hahahaha... It's all good, dude, thanks. Sometimes clicking on pics gets linked to my Twitter account, so I doubt it's stalking... I hope not, lol.

As for Big Show blocking me, I feel bad about that, b/c I am a fan. He probably thinks I'm a hater. Hogan also blocked me. I follow Kevin Nash, Undertaker, and Ric Flair... and should have followed Hogan and Show prior to making my Twitter comments... maybe then they wouldn't have blocked me. I don't really blame them, though. They have an image to maintain and don't need guys like me pulling back the kayfabe curtain and exposing the Wizard of Oz, so to speak. John Cena's a cool dude -- I just followed him this very second.

What's funny is that LL Cool J (very nice guy), who I do follow, was very polite w/ me on Twitter when I prompted Google to downgrade him and tagged him in the tweet. He immediately said there were no hard feelings, basically, if I wanted to think he's only 5'11", even though I never specified that height -- which I think is very telling. I really do think he's 5'11", however, and posted as much over on his page. Poster viper agrees. He only looks taller via footwear. Anyways, that's my 2 cents.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 15/Sep/19
@Sotiris gravas

I think you know I'm not a fan boy.
With your mum you are not standing at your best, but undertaker with Dan Trojan seems almost on your same boat.
Because his head is leaning down and most in general he isn't standing as Dan Trojan does.

Undertaker looks to me no less than around 6'6" in that comparison, assuming you are around 6'7".

@Dan Trojan
Sorry man I don't remember, but sure you did, if you talked about undertaker's footwear that day
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Sep/19

You're a voice of reason in a sea of chaos. God bless you.

Dan Trojan said on 14/Sep/19
Sotiris you're a hipocrite you say no one's willing to believe this poster that says the undertaker is 6'4" with no proof might i add but when people meet him with more credibility than this guy you say they're lying that's so hipocritical just sayin

Not once did I ever say anyone was lying -- those are Dan Trojan propaganda machine words, not mine. As for that poster, Steven Clarke, having "no proof" -- he says he saw Undertaker up close. He's credible in that I doubt he's trying to mislead anyone, but granted, his guess was too low.

It just goes to show that folks can be mistaken.
Pierre said on 15/Sep/19
@Sotiris =

And your posture is not looking particularly very straight in the pic next to your mom (legs etc).

Nice pics
edwards said on 15/Sep/19
i big laug out loud to those who stil thinks taker is same as kane.its a joke

pause at 2:42 Click Here both of them are in same posture and similar footwear and taker is shorter


i agree with you dude,kane is easily taller than taker
edwards said on 15/Sep/19
@ canson
@ ricardo

taker appeared similar to strowman due camera angles,here is the real clip taker is much shorter than braun strowman Click Here pause at 4:15

taker is more than half inch shorter than strowman,almost 3/4

taker is much shorter than strowman,taker is tilting head up and braun is looking down and stil braun is taler,its just camera angles pause at 0:15 Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Sep/19
I understand, it's quite rare though that people find out that they're taller than what they thought they were. Most often, it's the opposite. I used to believe that I was 6'6" in my late teens when I finished growing, because many people told me that I was at least 6'6", and that was before I knew much about height.
I found out that I was below it once I went to the doctor and they measured me.
rawdshaq said on 14/Sep/19
Not gonna lie its so weird how you guys are finding old conversations of Sotiris on Twitter that date back ages ago.... Seriously what are you people doing?

I used to think Big Show was a legitimate 6'11" before I came across CH last year. I thought Kane and Undertaker were both minimum 6'8" peak heights. We all start somewhere. Jeez.
rawdshaq said on 14/Sep/19
Can we all stop stalking Sotiris's Twitter LOL Seriously give the man some privacy... Lmao. Stop being such creeps.

@Sotiris I find it funny how Big Show blocked you on Twitter... seeing as you exposed his actual height of 6'9", lolz
Canson said on 14/Sep/19
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/Sep/19

JT already brought up my tweet and I addressed it when I first came on CelebHeights, which anyone can check. I always thought I was 6'6" b/c that was what I was at the end of high school (not realizing that ppl can can grow taller after their teens) -- something I discussed when I first came on this site. I actually never bothered to measure myself until I was in my late forties (now 47) -- I don't go for annual physicals. I measured off a door, thinking all doors were standard 6'8" -- which they aren't. The height I subtracted was off a 6'9" door.

Here's a tweet that I posted later on, that anyone can verify... Click Here

Here's me next to the door at night, a pic I already posted... Click Here At night I can easily drop to 6'6.75". I was at least 280 lbs when that pic was taken.

This was my bro next to a wax figure of Morgan Freeman... Click Here
Freeman w/ Tim Robbins... Click Here
Me and my bro from several years ago when I weighed about 305 lbs and had 0.25" footwear advantage:
Click Here My head is at least 10.5" long.

Trust me, I'm 6'7", dude. From what I understand, Bill de Blasio thought he was only 6'5", when he's more 6'6". We like to zig when other ppl zag.

@Sotiris: That’s not all that surprising since it can happen. Unfortunately you would get more grief for the perception that you undercut, when you really aren’t, than someone who is 6’3” barefoot claiming to be 6’4/6’5 (shoe height). People would take the latter’s claim as gospel while you would be the “liar” unfortunately and it’s unintentional on your part while it’s not on theirs.
Canson said on 14/Sep/19
@Christian: I remember Sotiris mentioning that previously that he hadn’t measured for a period of time and grew. I don’t think he lied though
Canson said on 14/Sep/19
@Edwards: I still think he was taller than Taker peak too. I have a peak Taker 6’7.25 max. I don’t even rule out 6’7” flat or 6’7 1/8” (201)
RP said on 14/Sep/19
Sotiris is correct, Taker is only 6’5.5” on a GOOD day. Has been proven many times in recent public appearances with other people of known height. Example on ESPN game day Saturday 09/07/19...with David Pollack who has a documented morning barefoot height of 6’2”...making him likely 6’1.5” late afternoon height. Taker was only 4” taller than David. (Footwear not known)
Point Blank:
Undertaker Peak: 6’7”
Undertaker Current: 6’5.5” (tops)
Dan Trojan said on 14/Sep/19
Steven clarke no offence but your claim is absurd i've met the undertaker and i know 100% he is taller than 6'4" i could be wrong about the 6'6" even but he was most definitely over 6'5" honestly you were probably just mistaken and it could've been his posture
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/Sep/19
Dan Trojan said on 13/Sep/19
Christian i find it funny what you posted i think someone just got busted lying about their height lol

Me and my mom... Click Here (My mouth is open, meaning my chin is higher up, and leaning back on my heels, not standing as straight as can be, w/ my knees slightly bent.)

Undertaker and 5'6" Dan Trojan... Click Here

Pretty sure I'm the taller man. No, I'm 100% the taller man.

Looks like Dan Trojan will have to stifle that misplaced lol of his.

(And don't be fooled by Taker's headgear w/ the shades which makes his head look bigger than it really is.)

For the record, I'm done jumping through hoops defending my height, something I had to go through w/ poster JT when I first came on this site.

This was the very last time. I'm done.

Looks like Christmas won't be coming early for Dan Trojan. When Dan Trojan mistakenly assumed I had called him a liar regarding his height, he was OUTRAGED. Now, my height claim is called into question and Danny Boy is all smiles. How cute of him.

@Christian There's nothing to be confused about, dude. I measured off a 6'9" door which I thought was really 6'8" (which I now know actually hangs 0.25" off the ground) and subtracted what's left from the top of the door. The tweet where I later say I'm actually 6'7.5" to 6'7.75" morning height was from maybe a year ago. I actually considered not revealing that I had measured incorrectly on Twitter b/c I feared it would make me look like an idiot.

I never lied. There's nothing to lie about. I grew taller after high school and didn't realize it until many years later. It's as simple as that. I was never height-obsessed and only started to become interested when I stumbled across CelebHeights. Over a year ago is when I became really interested and started to post here.

As for any troll who loves to get their digs in me -- go for it. Like I said, I'm done. I have nothing to prove.

How many of the "tall" guys on this site have actually even bothered to post pics proving their height? I'd be interested in knowing. When I first did over a year ago, I was even accused of photoshopping them.

I'm tired of being anyone's whipping boy. I refuse to play that game. It ends here.
Canson said on 14/Sep/19
Peak Magic was prob 201-202 whereas Rodman was prob 199 peak
Dan Trojan said on 14/Sep/19
Sotiris you're a hipocrite you say no one's willing to believe this poster that says the undertaker is 6'4" with no proof might i add but when people meet him with more credibility than this guy you say they're lying that's so hipocritical just sayin
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Sep/19
@Dan Trojan
I don't know if Sotiris lied or not, but I'm still confused.
edwards said on 14/Sep/19
Even at peak,out of character glen jocobs was half inch taller than mark calaway.
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/Sep/19

Here's another one of my tweets regarding my height... A pic of me and my mom vs. Andre the Giant and Mike Graham... Click Here

If any other tall guys on this site have pics proving their height, I'd love to see them.
edwards said on 14/Sep/19

but baba said taker has footwear advantage over baba.
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/Sep/19
houss said on 13/Sep/19
The Undertaker witg a 6'2,25" guy
Click Here


That guy isn't 6'2.25", as seen here w/ max 6'1.5" Eddie Hall (2018)... Click Here
The guy's friend, poster Ben Bell, who last year said that his own height was 100% 6'0.5", now claiming 6'0.25"... Click Here

Again, Hall is only 6'1.5"

Ben Bell w/ Undertaker (2019)... Click Here
Again, Bell's friend w/ Taker... Click Here Keep in mind, Eddie Hall looked taller than this guy...

Ppl are not always as tall as they think.

Ben Bell, his pal, Brendan, and The Godfather... Click Here
Godfather w/ maybe 6'1" Mark Henry... Click Here
Godfather w/ maybe 6'0.5" Ted DiBiase... Click Here
Maybe 6'4" Bobby Mitchell w/ Godfather... Click Here
Bobby Mitchell w/ max 6'3" Cesaro (2016)... Click Here

Look at how short Ben Bell looks next to The Godfather... then compare to the Bell/Undertaker pic. Taker actually looks max 6'5" there -- Steven Clarke said he looked max 6'4.5" when he saw him up close. NOBODY is willing to believe Steven Clarke, but if someone says anything which suggests Taker is at least 6'6", if not over... every fanboy is jumping up for joy.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Sep/19
Chek this picture, Rodman with magic jhonson who is a legit 6'7" range.
Click Here

Click Here

Magic Jhonson is obviusly the taller guy, I would say 6'6" vs 6'7.25.

Now Rodman I'm sure has an edge over Undertaker, but I don't know how much.
Probably 0.5 but he has an edge.

Undertaker is 100% under 6'6" in 2019.

I see teddy long listed at 5'7". Here with prime Undertaker.
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/Sep/19

JT already brought up my tweet and I addressed it when I first came on CelebHeights, which anyone can check. I always thought I was 6'6" b/c that was what I was at the end of high school (not realizing that ppl can can grow taller after their teens) -- something I discussed when I first came on this site. I actually never bothered to measure myself until I was in my late forties (now 47) -- I don't go for annual physicals. I measured off a door, thinking all doors were standard 6'8" -- which they aren't. The height I subtracted was off a 6'9" door.

Here's a tweet that I posted later on, that anyone can verify... Click Here

Here's me next to the door at night, a pic I already posted... Click Here At night I can easily drop to 6'6.75". I was at least 280 lbs when that pic was taken.

This was my bro next to a wax figure of Morgan Freeman... Click Here
Freeman w/ Tim Robbins... Click Here
Me and my bro from several years ago when I weighed about 305 lbs and had 0.25" footwear advantage:
Click Here My head is at least 10.5" long.

Trust me, I'm 6'7", dude. From what I understand, Bill de Blasio thought he was only 6'5", when he's more 6'6". We like to zig when other ppl zag.
Canson said on 13/Sep/19
@Edwards: I still think kane is taller than Taker too. I agree with everything you said! Even if Kane is 6’6” range he’s still a much stronger 6’6” than Taker today
Dan Trojan said on 13/Sep/19
Christian i find it funny what you posted i think someone just got busted lying about their height lol
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Sep/19
Steven Clarke

I think 6'4" is definitely to low.
6'5" would be a "tragic" discover and 6'5.5 start to be reasonable. I don't go down 6'5" range for him worst case scenario
edwards said on 13/Sep/19
Yes dude,posture maybe the issue
edwards said on 13/Sep/19
@sotiris gravas
I agree with you dude but no way was kane and taker similar neither at peak nor now.
edwards said on 13/Sep/19
@sotiris gravas
Dude,i respectfully disagree on claim that kane and taker were similar.kane is obviously taller between the two.maybe 1/2 or even 1/4 but he sure is taller than taker at peak and is still taller now.its funny that baron corbin looked taller next to foley than taker or even kane did.but kane is 100% taller than taker

Agreed dude
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Sep/19
Click Here

Nice picture with Foley
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Sep/19
Rob@ you also have Jef Jarret at 5'10" 2" taller then you. I don't think there are 2 inches looking at the picture, btw the gap between Love and Taker is way bigger then the gap between you and Jarret according with that Pic you have with him...
houss said on 13/Sep/19
The Undertaker witg a 6'2,25" guy
Click Here
Pierre said on 13/Sep/19

Curiously he looks as tall as Ali Baba(same heels?) but looks under 6"6' next to Brian Mcgattan.Is Ali

Baba really 6"6' during the day or more 6"6' the first hour of the day ?

He's imo more than two inches shorter than Kevin Love in this pic by counting imo he's standing a

little bit closer to the camera than Kevin Love and Kevin Love is standing apparently a little bit in a

poorer posture
Steven Clarke said on 13/Sep/19
I have had the privilege of seeing the Undertaker up close in Melbourne. Sad to say this, but he did not look more than 6ft4. The best I would give him is 6ft4.5 on a good day. I am 6ft 0.75 ( 185cm to be precise) in the afternoon and could have sworn Taker did not have me by more than 3 to 4 inches.
I am willing to upload my medical certificates which have the stadiometer measured height.
And coming to the footwear, we had similar footwear with Taker probably having a 0.25 inches footwear advantage, if any.
I knew WWE fudges the height of superstars to give them a larger than life aura, but the real shock is having to see the many people who have met him in real life still peg him 6ft5 plus.
edwards said on 13/Sep/19
@sotiris gravas
here is kane with braun strowman,
Click Here ,Click Here ,Click Here

kane with 6'6 lee smith Click Here

kane with 6'2 mark henry bty rob has met henry and pegged him to 6'2 flat.Click Here

kane with 6'4 randy orton,orton hasnt lost height at the time when this photo was taken Click Here

In 2010 Kane and Undertaker had the exact same footwear, Taker's might have even be a small fraction bigger and Kane was still taller (even when he's bald and Taker has hair)
Click Here ,kane is for sure taller than taker,both has similar dont always believe what you hear that only kane has footwear.

kane and taker at peak with similar footwear,Click Here ,Click Here ,Click Here

another photo with taker Click Here
undertaker has footwear advantages over kane as yankem and still kane is taller Click Here ,Click Here

'Just a reminder that Kane is not any shorter than the 6'6.5 or 6'7' Penn Jillette
kane with 6'6.5 penn jillete Click Here ,Click Here


dude kane is for sure taller than taker at peak and now and if i was a billionaire,i could bet the whole billion on that kane was taller than taker


kane may no longer be 6'7 but he is def taller than taker whether by half an inch or 0.25
Riccardo 5'7" said on 12/Sep/19
Click Here

Minute 6.35

I think it was year 2001, hogan/Taker last staredown ever I think with footwear /lifts that we don't know of course.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 12/Sep/19

I think you can't measure the gap between Kane and taker by pictures comparison.
If you payed attention I always said they look equal answering to who said there was an inch or more between the two guys wich is impossible outside WWE.

Also Kane is not just 6'5", I would say 6'5.75 6'6" and for taker 6'5.5 6'5.75.

Brosofdestruction could have been wrong but not by much.

Let's say that Kane-Undertaker is similar to Kavin Love - LeBron situation with Kane playing the part of K. Love.

But forgot 6'7" 6'8" stories
edwards said on 12/Sep/19
I mean to say that kane was and kane is taller than taker .maybe not by much but maybe 1/2 or few mm .but he is taller than taker at peak and at now
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/19
I thought you were a legit 6'7" at your low? On Twitter, you say that you're 6'6.5" morning and 6'6" during the day, I'm confused. Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 12/Sep/19

As for Taker w/ "same dude"... Here's Taker w/ 5'8" Dutch Mantel... Click Here At 6'7", 5'8" is 1 inch under my chin. Funny how Taker in his prime looks nothing like a 6'7" man there.

Same guy w/ Kane as Doomsday (1994)... Click Here

Just a reminder:

Kane w/ listed 6'6" (maybe 6'5.5") Lee Smith... Click Here
Kane w/ listed 6'6" (maybe 6'5") Donovan Smith... Click Here
Devon Still (listed 6'5") w/ Donovan Smith... Click Here

IMHO Kane is now max 6'6", maybe as low as 6'5.5" barefoot. He was never more than 6'7" peak, and neither was Undertaker.
Sotiris Gravas said on 12/Sep/19

I think Strowman and Corbin are max 6'6"... and don't think that Bobby Mitchell is a "legit" 6'6", or that David Hull is really 6'5".

As for that supposed 5'10" "Indian" dude w/ Kane... that's Erik Estrada (of Puerto Rican descent), who Rob lists as 5'9". Funny how Kane looks 6'7" there when he looks like this next to 5'6" Rand Paul... Click Here Something tells me Kane has a BIG footwear advantage over Estrada. Either that or his feet were cold and decided to wear multiple layers of very thick socks (kidding).

Here's Estrada w/ 6'1.5" Mick Foley (2018)... Click Here
Foley w/ Kane and Al Snow (2018)... Click Here

Foley w/ UNDERTAKER... Click Here

W/ Baron Corbin... Click Here
W/ Gene Snitsky... Click Here

Foley w/ bigger guys:
W/ Shaq (2013)... Click Here
W/ Enes Kanter... Click Here
W/ Kevin Nash... Click Here
W/ Robert Maillet... Click Here
W/ Matt Morgan (1999)... Click Here
DarkM said on 12/Sep/19
What do you guys think of Taker next to 6'6" Tony Longo from Suburban Commando. Around 1.5inches taller, maybe more? There are lots of pics on google
edwards said on 12/Sep/19

taker with legit 6'6 ali baba Click Here
Click Here anoether photo

with maybe 6'3,5 brian mcgattan Click Here
with a legit 5'9 dude Click Here

he is only 1.5 inch shorter than kevin love not 2 inch Click Here

with maybe 6'5 jbl in 2006,he looks 6'6.75 in 2006

bottomline,if he stand at his tallest and bust his gut then still flat 6'6 maybe at worst scenario at night 6'5.75.still 6'6 not less
Roderick said on 11/Sep/19
Is it just me or does Undertaker actually look taller in the outside world with normal clothes than he does in the ring with his attire/boots. He is consistently looking 6'6" but he's not taller than that IMO. But I can see why Rob thinks he is 6'6.5".

6'5.5" still isn't ruled out though
Pierre said on 11/Sep/19
Undertaken and Kane ,Undertaken with a little bit more heels(sneakers same type as Air MAx then

probably around 0.5 inches advantage of heel) =
Click Here Click Here Click Here

Kane and Vince Vaughn = Click Here

Vince vaughn Snoop Dogg listed 6"3.75' = Click Here Click Here

Snoop Dog /Magic Johnson 6"7.5'= Click Here Click Here Click Here here Magic slouching more imo = Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here .I asked me if Snoop is really as tall as 6"3.75' and Vince Vaughn?
Riccardo 5'7" said on 11/Sep/19
edwards said on 9/Sep/19
i agree on tall do you think ali bana was?taker was half inch taller than him in 2014


He looks 199cm vs 198cm, I remember about some suspect about his footwear. But few years after he did look 197 MAX with 201/202cm Kevin Love, with bad posture but also with footwear advantage.
So who knows dude, this guy can be everywhere from 196cm and 198cm depending on the day and on the health.

About his peak I'm 100% sure he wasn't as tall as current k. Love and I seriously think he was just 6'6"3/4.

But if I have to add something about undertaker i say that he doesn't look "solid" anymore in the way he moves or stands apposite to his prime and also opposite to other big guys that still stand better then him.

This happen because of the age of course, injuries.
But standing and moving always in a body that is not a solid structure anymore let you turn always in the smallest version of yourself.
edwards said on 11/Sep/19
Yes i agree with you.i have always said he is 6’6 but not over it.he is flat 6’6 today.dan trojan also said he is 6’6 but not more.he is max 6’6 but over it i doubt.
edwards said on 11/Sep/19
@ canson

now more excuse in claiming kane 6'5 and so on.he was a legit 6'7.75 dude at peak with chance of hitting almost 6'8 on a good day.all those 6'5 claimas and taker being taller than kane claims are bullox and nasty more excuse.kane always was taller than taker and still is.i can see how everyone is finding excuses and making kane shorter than he is and shorter than taker.

Click Here here is kane with 5'10 claimed and swore indian dude.

taker with same dude, Click Here

kane with same dude, Click Here

kane with 6'2 alberto del rio Click Here

bty some people will try to make del rio short to make kane shorter but bty rob has met del rio and pegged him at 6'2 and kane looks 6'7.25 here

taker with same dude, Click Here

taker and kane at knoxville,taker is closer to camera Click Here

kane and taker 2009 with same footwear,some guys here thinks only kane were lifts which is funny hahha Click Here

footwear of taker Click Here

knae with big show Click Here

buttomline,kane was taller than taker is still weak 6'7 and at worst 6'6.5 or 6'6.75
at peak almost 6'8
edwards said on 10/Sep/19
kane is barely taller than corbin.even with footwear advantages over corbin,he was max half inch or even less thsn half inch taller than baron corbin.i say corbin and taker at 6'6 and kane at 6'6.5
rawdshaq said on 10/Sep/19
He looked about 6'7" in his boots. I suppose they give 1.25"-1.5" so therefore he gave off an impression of a weak 6'6" guy. I just seen him at MSG. Dope night, won't forget my time here!

FYI: The dude next to me was 6'5" range who was wearing a black T with a hat, and I could tell Undertaker was easily taller than him. Although Undertaker was wearing thick boots and TOWERED Sami Zayn, I doubt he was taller than 6'6" considering footwear, but now I can easily understand how people who meet Undertaker and Kane will guess them at 6'7".

He looks much bigger in person than he does on TV too, btw. I'd guess 280ish for his weight.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Sep/19
Do you live under a rock? Lol, Undertaker just had 2 matches in 2019, and I don't really keep up with WWE like I used to, but even I know this.
Dan Trojan said on 10/Sep/19
Roderick you're right there's plenty of pictures of undertaker looking really tall but they rarely get posted here and when they do most people on here tend to ignore them if i knew how to post pictures i would show them but of course they i'd have people saying oh we don't know about the footwear or the other guy's posture same thing of why people say he looks short in pictures it's hipocritical by the way i'm not centering anyone out here just stating facts
Carls110 said on 10/Sep/19
Sotiris Nice One with that Batista and Undertaker photo from 2007, when Undertaker was looking down at him, you always post here Undertaker pictures when he is looking down at somebody, Batista face is way up, Taker is way down
Real pictures with Good angle, not this close shot (Batista with Better Posture)
Click Here
Undertaker with good posture
Click Here
Canson said on 10/Sep/19
@Sotiris: Boris is (by Rob’s admission too) 2-3” shorter than his brother. Maybe it’s only a solid 2 at the end of the day which is the lowest possible argument anyone could make. But see the pic with just those two and Boris has the footwear advantage. Christian guesses 2.25” which is about what I have. Around a 6cm maybe 5.5-6cm difference. Either way I highly doubt (having played college basketball myself) that a 6’7” listed guy is really that tall. I was listed 6’6” when I played and my 6’7” teammate was listed both 6’8” and 6’9”. Everyone on our team gained at least 1” most were 2-3”. One was listed 6’3” coming in and then lowered to 6’2”. He was probably 5’11.5 max. While he can look closer to 6’4” he can look closer to 6’3 with Jordan Barkley and Kobe despite Barkley having a slight footwear advantage but prob only 1/4”. All three are clearly taller. Boris looks max 6’3.5 with any of them and even possibly 6’3” with Barkley
Riccardo 5'7" said on 10/Sep/19
Vegas' said on 8/Sep/19
Whatever about Taker, a hair taller than 6'7 is too low for Love. He was measured 6'7 3/4 barefoot (6'9 1/2) in basketball boots. He measures up to 6'9 guys too well in bb boots to be 6'7 1/4

I think he can be 6'7.5, no more then that because he is in my opinion clearly shorter then 6'8.25 max T. Thompson, even if i don't know so much about them.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 10/Sep/19
@Nishanth Hegde

If that guy is really 6'4" Undertaker looks easily 6'6"
Roderick said on 10/Sep/19
In Rob's defense, there are plenty of normal shots of Undertaker in a pair of jeans with normal boots on looking close to this listing. He can still look 6'6" at times and Rob simply believes that if he was pressed against the wall for a measurement he could even achieve higher.
Carls110 said on 10/Sep/19
Picture with Love was from October 2016, he didn't had any match since april 2016,
and he was barely walking at Royal Rumble 2017 four months later, he also retired after this, because he got problems with is hips, he got full hip replacement in 2016, and other hip in 2017, so i think that was huge factor, he's still 6'6 easily tho.
Sotiris Gravas said on 10/Sep/19
Undertaker/King Kong Bundy staredown (1995)... Click Here

6'5" Abyss w/ King Kong Bundy... Click Here

King King Bundy w/ 6'5.5" Big John Studd... Click Here ,
Click Here Video footage (1986)... Click Here

Listed 6'1" Ed O'Neill as Al Bundy w/ King Kong Bundy... Click Here , Click Here

Ed O'Neill (barefoot) w/ maybe 6'3.5" Michael Clarke Dunan (socks) in 2012... Click Here
Click Here
Duncan w/ 6'2.5" Geoff Stults... Click Here , Click Here

Ed w/ around 6'4" height-loss Rick Barry... Click Here
Barry w/ 6'4.5" Charles Barkley... Click Here
6'6" peak Height Rick Barry w/ Studd... Click Here
Ed O'Neill w/ 6'8" Scott L. Schwartz... Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 10/Sep/19

In the 1st pic you posted, Boris Kodjoe's brother doesn't look 6'7", the following ones he does, but seems to be wearing cowboy boots... the last one where they're both in sneaks, that's a good representation of a potential 6'7" if Boris was/is, in fact, 6'4"... Similar to this w/ Magic (2002):
Click Here

Ppl don't always look as tall as they should.

Here, Magic looks much taller than Bird (2019)... Click Here Bird is closer to the camera, yet is TOWERED by Magic.
But not here... Click Here
Here's a better representation of them... Click Here

In a lot of pics, Kodjoe really does look closer to 6'4" than 6'3". I know viper thinks Michael Clarke Duncan was 6'3", not 6'4"... Even he looked closer to 6'3" in pics.

W/ listed 6'2.5" Geoff Stults... Click Here , Click Here

@viper Maybe Duncan was only 6'3.5".
Sotiris Gravas said on 10/Sep/19
Younger Bautista/Taker staredown... Click Here

Older Bautisa/Taker "staredown"... Click Here Funny how Taker looks nowhere near the height ppl want him to be.

Staredown w/ The Coach (billed 6'3")... Click Here

Kevin Love looking max 6'7.25" w/ Dwight Howard (2010)... Click Here , Click Here

W/ Kevin Durant... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here

Ppl say, "Well, Undertaker has bad posture... he ALWAYS has bad posture." They'll say, "Kevin Love HAS to be taller than 6'7.25" b/c Taker looked so short next to him." They'll even say, "Kevin Durant HAS to be AT LEAST 6'10" b/c Love looks 2" shorter."
edwards said on 10/Sep/19

Here is glen jacobs aka kane with legit 6’6 guy named @bobbymitchelldx

Click Here

Here is again kane with legit 6’5 guy @david hull

Click Here

@rob,sorry to disturb but kane still pulls 6’7,need your opinion rob?please ,he definitely is taller than guys like taker,corbin and strowman.still 6’7 maybe at worst 6’6.75
Dan Trojan said on 9/Sep/19
Roderick actually you're wrong those pics with kevin love are from 2016 no offence but i don't know how you thought that when clearly undertaker has long hair in the pictures with kevin love and it 2015 his hair was a lot shorter just sayin
Pierre said on 9/Sep/19
@Sotiris =

Click Here = Now Eddie Hall and Arnold(probably max 5"10.25' now) = Click Here Here probably Eddie Hall wearing only socks = Click Here

Click Here = Arnold and Kristanna Loken

Arnold's shoes and Kristanna's shoes = Click Here

Josh 5"10.25' and Kristanna = Click Here
Riccardo 5'7" said on 9/Sep/19

No I think he took those pictures with Love before wrestlemania 33,he had a surgery few months before.
But, btw, doesn't change a lot
Carls110 said on 9/Sep/19
Canson: There's many people(wrestlers) to downgrade before him,
for example Kane isn't 6'7 right now, i give him 6'6.5 at max, last year in Knoxville he looked shorter than Taker, he looked max inch taller than Corbin in way bigger boots also, he's 6'6.5 at max right now.
edwards said on 9/Sep/19
@sotiris gravas

how tall do you think is guy like strowman and baron corbin?
edwards said on 9/Sep/19
i agree on tall do you think ali bana was?taker was half inch taller than him in 2014
edwards said on 9/Sep/19
yes,i am pretty sure rob will downgrade him to 6'6.25 rather than fat 6'6.i'm sure on that.if you ask me,even 6'6.25 is foo hih for him today.
Nishanth Hegde said on 9/Sep/19
Here is a pic of Undertaker with Ethan Downs who is listed as 6 foot 4. Taker looks 6ft6 here Click Here
Roderick said on 8/Sep/19
Tbh, the "hip problems" excuse for the Kevin Love pics make no sense. Those pictures were from 2015 I believe, the same year he did the BOD reunion with Kane and the fued with Brock Lesnar and the Wyatt family. That's a lot of work for someone with supposedly severe hip problems.

Undertaker took those pics around the same time he did Survivor Series, and clear as day Kevin Love TOWERS Kane. Not a single chance Kane is 6'7". He's lucky if he's still 6-FOOT-6.

Seriously this BS is getting super old. Undertaker looked 6'5" next to Kevin Love. I'd say the most Undertaker would be is 6'5.75" (100% not 6'6.5") and Kane is definitely max 6'6", (probably 6'5.5"-6'5.75").

I don't know how people can still think Kane is 6'7". Makes no sense. And 6'6.5" for Undertaker is hilarious. If he's 6'6.5", then Kevin Love is well over 6'8" lmao
Vegas' said on 8/Sep/19
Whatever about Taker, a hair taller than 6'7 is too low for Love. He was measured 6'7 3/4 barefoot (6'9 1/2) in basketball boots. He measures up to 6'9 guys too well in bb boots to be 6'7 1/4
With Dwight Howard Click Here
With Kevin Durant Click Here
Riccardo 5'7" said on 8/Sep/19
Nathan Jones is absolutely not a solid 6'10" barefoot, in his prime he was 1.5 inches taller then Undertaker.
Back than, Undertaker already dropped to 6'6.5 in my opinion (year 2003)
Wich, in my opinion, means he was 6'8"/6'8.25 back than.
6'10" is a joke
Canson said on 8/Sep/19
@Sotiris: Rob needs enough evidence to downgrade him though. One or two pics probably aren’t enough. Taker doesn’t always look as low as 6’5 sometimes he does look 6’6”. Also Kevin Love while I also believe max 6’7.25-.5 range (tops), Rob still believes he’s 6’7.75. I’m in agreement that a downgrade is necessary here, but 6’6” is probably where it should begin
Riccardo 5'7" said on 8/Sep/19

About me keep saying that my height is important for guess someone else height...

In my country, in my town most of all, the avarage height is probably around 5'9.5. At most I can meet few 6'3" guys but it's very rare meet someone over this range.

So if I suddenly meet a 6'6" guy he will appear HUGE! And if I haven't a comparison between him and someone else same range I will probably guess him taller then he is. I'm not saying that it works like this for everyone, but for me sure.

Example: If I would see a picture of Taker next to 6'5.75 Joshua or someone else I can have a better perception of his height. If I meet Taker in the street, looking up almost at the sky for catch his eyes, I will clearly struggle to tell how tall he is accurately.

Since I'm on this site probably I improved my ability to guess heights. But everyone above 195cm for me looks basecly 2 meeters. At first shot.
Canson said on 8/Sep/19
@Edwards: lol I’ll bet that Rob lowers him to either 6’6.25” or 6’6” by the end of the year
edwards said on 8/Sep/19
i dont think in any occasion that taker has looked taller than 6'6 atleast not from 2016 onwards.he looked over 6'6 only till 2015.i doubt he is solid 6'6,with footwear advantage he was barely taller than 6'4 mcintire.i think taker is under 6'6 but rob dosent downgrade taker any low than flat 6'6,flat 6'6 is still possible than awfully high ridiculous and fantasy 6'6.5.i doubt he has ever look over 6'6 from 2016 onwards.o mean from 2016,he looked flat 6'6 but from 2018 he svsn begain to look under 6'6.
i agree with you that 6'6 is good listing.
edwards said on 8/Sep/19

so sotiris defence tho,i cant see taker being anywhere over 6'6.chances are he will measure under 6'6 or maybe a fraction under.sorry dude,its hard to accept reality but it is what it is.i would consider him lucky if he measures 6'6 at this stage of his life.sorry
Riccardo 5'7" said on 7/Sep/19
Click Here

What you guys think about this picture.
Carls110 said on 7/Sep/19
Sotiris Gravas
Undertaker before that picture with Love got full hip replacement surgery, he was walking with Cane days before he met Love,
And he still is 6'6, he was taller in 2014 than legit 6'6 Alibaba, it is impossible that he is 6'5, zero chance, his posture is awful, but he's not 6'5, some of your pictures are funny, weird angles...
if somebody guess him 6'5.5, there is a great chance he's over 6'6, because his posture is awful,
his real height is another story compared to when he is walking.
Riccardo 5'7 said on 7/Sep/19
I know you never ruled out 6'6", but you never did the step in that direction and Im honestly really interested to know your point.

The problem is that he is under 6'6" actually, and as the following pictures will show I have some doubt about even 6'5.5 sometimes. I thought 6'5.75 but still a little bit high.

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

... Click Here
Editor Rob
There are some people who surprise you in how much hidden height they might have. Maybe Undertaker looks 6ft 6-5.5 to some folk, but they never see him in military posture mode.
Canson said on 7/Sep/19
Editor Rob: I haven't ruled out 6ft 6 today for Undertaker, it's a figure he has looked a fair bit with people...

6’6” is probably the appropriate listing. Maybe on occasion he can look taller; but also on occasion he can look 6’5” although that has more to do with his posture (I would guess). Example with a guy like Kevin Love as he’s likely not even his listed height here at a low. Other times 197cm. I think 6’6” is the appropriate listing being he looks that often enough and a 197 range low for him is consistent with other listings here being several of the celebrities on the site may fall 1/4” below their listing at a low and even if he were maybe a hair over lunchtime, falling to 6’6” is still likely for a big 6’6” range guy who theoretically stands to lose an inch in a day
edwards said on 7/Sep/19
@sotiris gravas
Dude,how tall do you think baron corbin is?
edwards said on 7/Sep/19
Its ok dude,but taker did look 6’6.5 with a poster named ali baba.baba said he was 6’6 and taker was half inch taller.taker looked 6’6.5 till 2015.
He looked flat 6’6 from 2016 and onwards.ali baba said taker is 6’6.5 that time.
edwards said on 7/Sep/19
I with all due respect agree that taker is no longer 6’6.5 as listed.same goes to kane,he may no longer be 6’7,but with all my confidence i can say that “kane is taller than taker”and it was bros of destruction misconceptions .whether it is half inch or 1 millimeter.he (kane) definitely matter how much photos are posted or how much anyone insist.taker was never taller than kane neither now nor at peak.he towered undertaker maybe due to his lift but out of character kane was half inch or 0.25 taller at peak.not starting arguments just figuring it out.
edwards said on 7/Sep/19
Riccardo 5'7" said on 7/Sep/19
When, outside or inside WWE world, strowman was noticeably taller then Undertaker?

Kane and probably max 6'8" Nathan Jones.
Click Here

Sorry dude,i cant see nathan jones being only 6’8,he is solid 6’10 guy or atleast minimum 6’9.5 guy and in the photo you posted.kane looks1.5 inch shorter.kane looks 6’7.25 there.he looks minimum 6’7 there.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 7/Sep/19
When, outside or inside WWE world, strowman was noticeably taller then Undertaker?

Kane and probably max 6'8" Nathan Jones.
Click Here
Canson said on 7/Sep/19
@Edwards: I still have a hard time seeing 6’5” for Kane
Vegas' said on 7/Sep/19
Here is Kane next to Orton (both in dress-shoes) from 5 years ago this week Click Here
Riccardo 5'7 said on 7/Sep/19

Maybe I write to much and I know its easy to miss understand me. My point is basically this...

I think Undertaker is around 6'5.5 wich means that guess him at 6'6" as Dan Trojan did in person is a great guess.
He could have mistaken it by 0.5? Yes of course. But still a good guess.

Rob, most of all, sure is really good guessing height but there is the possibility that he did guess Nash just a little bit taller then he is? Of course, why not?
Nash doesn't look almost 6'9" today. But maybe I'm wrong.

I didn't mean to insult you saying fanboy, I was joking using this word:)
But if someone says that Undertaker slightly edge Kane, who isn't 6'7" clearly, you don't believe him...

Rob is great guessing height, but some of his estimates I think are wrong and not only by 0.5.

Kane is 6'5.5/6'6" not 6'7"
Peak Hogan should be at most 6'5" not 6'6" wich is 100% wrong.
Khali is a current 6'10" comparing him with real 7 footers.
Undertaker is not 6'6.5,maybe not even 10 years ago.
Nathan Jones is at least 2" shorter then how Rob listed him, wich confuse me.
Editor Rob
I haven't ruled out 6ft 6 today for Undertaker, it's a figure he has looked a fair bit with people...
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Sep/19
But is Kodjoe even 6'3.5"? I get that he looks 6'3.5" in a lot of pics, but he can also look more 6'3" flat or less in pics with Kobe, Barkley, Magic and Merriman to name a few.

@Christian I honestly feel him looking as low as 6'3" has more to do w/ camera angles or not standing straighter. I can't see him being under 6'3.5". I would argue that there are more pics of him looking taller, not shorter.

Here's listed 6'1.5" Djimon Hounsou w/ 6'4" Alexander Skarsgard (2016)... Click Here , Click Here

Boris and Hounsou (2003)... (Hounsou's head tilted up slighty) Click Here , Click Here (maybe Hounsou was even taller than 6'1.5" back then), and here Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Sep/19
A height of 6'6.5" for Undertaker is ridiculous... it's a joke.

Here's maybe 6'5.5" (listed 6'5.75") Anthony Joshua w/ 6'1.5" Eddie Hall (2017):
Click Here , Click Here , Click Here

Poster Ben Bell's friend, Brendan Hood, w/ Eddie Hall (2019)... Click Here

Brendan w/ UNDERTAKER (2019)... Click Here

Brendan Hood looked shorter than Eddie Hall, and was definitely not 6'3", the height Ben Bell claimed for his friend. And Ben Bell is definitely not the 100% 6'0.5" he once claimed, given this is how he looks next to Brendan Hood... Click Here In other words, ppl are not always the height they claim... making Undertaker not the height they say he is.

It's as simple as that.

@Editor Rob W/ all due respect, if you want your site to be more accurate, you should really downgrade ppl when folks such as myself demonstrate that your listing is 100% wrong. It's not a chance that your listing is wrong -- it IS wrong.

There's NO WAY Taker is taller than Joshua. ZERO CHANCE.

Taker should have been downgraded to max 6'5.5" the SECOND those Kevin Love pics surfaced... To even suggest that Taker (in big boots) is anywhere near 6'6.5" next to a legit 6'7.25" Kevin Love is BEYOND laughable. You're basically saying that the 100% smoking gun Taker/Love pics aren't good enough -- which defies all logic. I honestly don't understand your thought process, given that there's literally NO WAY your listing is even remotely correct.

CelebHeights is a cool site, kudos, but the way you refuse to downgrade ppl when you absolutely should makes no sense.
edwards said on 6/Sep/19
@dan trojan
agreed dude
edwards said on 6/Sep/19
say whay y'all want but cant be low as 6'5,if kane is 6'5 than randy ofton should 6'1.75 or 6'2,triple h should be 5'11 and even bigshow should be 6'7.5/6'8 which is just unbelievable.i mean every wwe superstar needs a a certain posters who is in blind belief that only kane wears lifts,they dont have any idea of any superstar who wears lifts.yes ofcourse kane have his visible lifts.i am simply not simply seeing kane as 6'5.even someone find a single photo where kane is looking shorter,they uses it as an excuse in proving him shorter while forgeting every other photos and making it a big issue.taker is noticeably shorter than strowman where kane have edged strowman out of character outside wwe.people forget that couples of photos are in celebs height from begaining of the page where kane is taller than taker.some poster finds one single photo where kane is looking shorter than calaway and creating a big issues.smh,kane may not be 6'7 anymore but he definitely isnt 6'5 like some posters claim who picks one beneficial photos and uses pathetic excuses in making him shorter.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 6/Sep/19
Click Here

Here is a promo from 2001, they look equal with maybe but MAYBE a 0.25 in Kane advantages
Canson said on 6/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Sep/19
His brother could be in the strong 6'5" range. It's not uncommon at all to get listed 6'7" in basketball if you're that height. Would like to see him added on CH.

@Christian: I feel 6’5” range as well. I think almost anyway that he came out 6’5/6’5.5 that it would put Boris max 6’3.5 or as low as 6’3” as opposed to 6’3.5/6’4
edwards said on 6/Sep/19
height has nothing to do with guessing right/wrong.yes ofcourse it may be easy for tall people to guess correctly but i aint sure on that.lets say"rob is a 5'8 guy and he meets a guy like nash who is legit and 6'9 and according to you,rob would have guessed nash to be 6'10 or 6'11 which he havent.unless a person isnt much to height ,a person who is conscious on height can guess right and rob is example.not starting argiment but lets say dan trojan was only 5'1 or 5'2 and if he had said taker is only 6'4 or 6'5 then you would agree with him despite his height .trojan said taker is 6'6 so you are saying he may have guessed wrong smh.if trojan was even shorter and even low as 5'1 and said taker is 6'5 ,you would believe despite of his height.and i can clearly see that.dont get me wrong.i am nor a fanboy nor a yesman and thats just my opinion.
Canson said on 5/Sep/19
edwards said on 5/Sep/19
I respectfully disagree with bros of destruction ,taker was wearing a beanie and boots.he also added that taker is 6’6 at most and chances are likely 6’ the same time there are two other posters in kane’s page who have met kane in knoxville just recently and both of them swore that kane is still 6’7 or even more if he stood straight.both of them dudes just met kane just recently in knoxville.the dudes swore kane is 6’7 if taker is taller or atleast same as kane,which according to bros of destruction taker is taller.that means taker is 6’7 or 6’7.5 still which i dont see in this lifetime atleast for now.the dudes in kane’s page swore kane is still 6’7 .if taker is still 6’6.5 then baron corbin is also 6’6.5,strowman is 6’7 and mcintire 6’5 or 6’5.25 which i dont see and is troll.and even so kevin love must be 6’8 or 6’8.5 snd most of people who have met love said he is 6’7.25 or max 6’7.5 and there is easily 1.5 difference and taker has footwear advantages.i may get enough heat but personally and simply i dont believe.i say taker 6’5.75 with normal posture and if he stretched and stood straight with full posture than still 6’6 but not more.not even 1mm more.

Agreed dude

I still find it odd that Taker could be taller than Kane?? I would’ve surely thought Kane was still (if not 6’7) at least maybe 200cm or at a stretch 6’6.5 worst case. If Kane is shorter, it means he’s 6’5” range which really seems low
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Sep/19
His brother could be in the strong 6'5" range. It's not uncommon at all to get listed 6'7" in basketball if you're that height. Would like to see him added on CH.
Dan Trojan said on 5/Sep/19
Edwards not saying i disagree with you because i do think kane is taller but there is a photo of their footwear and they're both wearing running shoes i think it's just the camera angles that make taker look taller
Riccardo 5'7" said on 5/Sep/19
On kavin love page Rob clearly said that seems 2 or even 3 inches between Love and Undertaker.
In my country we use to say "There is no worse deaf than those who do not want to listen"
Some of you decided that Kane is 6'7" and you can't help it. While he is 6'7" because of footwear, no one of you met him barefoot.

Many of you seems to understand, but immidiatly after they back on their past opinions.

If 5'6" Dan Trojan meet undertaker and says he is 6'6" everyone belive it.
But if a supposed 6'3.5 guy like brosofdestruction says that your Kane isn't taller than taker you all disagree...

This is a fan boy attitude right?
edwards said on 5/Sep/19
I respectfully disagree with bros of destruction ,taker was wearing a beanie and boots.he also added that taker is 6’6 at most and chances are likely 6’ the same time there are two other posters in kane’s page who have met kane in knoxville just recently and both of them swore that kane is still 6’7 or even more if he stood straight.both of them dudes just met kane just recently in knoxville.the dudes swore kane is 6’7 if taker is taller or atleast same as kane,which according to bros of destruction taker is taller.that means taker is 6’7 or 6’7.5 still which i dont see in this lifetime atleast for now.the dudes in kane’s page swore kane is still 6’7 .if taker is still 6’6.5 then baron corbin is also 6’6.5,strowman is 6’7 and mcintire 6’5 or 6’5.25 which i dont see and is troll.and even so kevin love must be 6’8 or 6’8.5 snd most of people who have met love said he is 6’7.25 or max 6’7.5 and there is easily 1.5 difference and taker has footwear advantages.i may get enough heat but personally and simply i dont believe.i say taker 6’5.75 with normal posture and if he stretched and stood straight with full posture than still 6’6 but not more.not even 1mm more.

Agreed dude
Creeper said on 4/Sep/19
He can still pull of 6'6.5 on the stadiometer. Walking around it's a different story.
Roderick said on 4/Sep/19
I agree with Dan Trojan and Edwards that he's not over 6'6". I would say there is a good chance of 6'5.75" too
edwards said on 4/Sep/19

(6'6.5 measured at a combine)
evening:6'6 still or at worst maybe 6'5.75

in the ring,he generally looks 6'6 in the ring and 6'7 in boots.
edwards said on 4/Sep/19
my bad you dont get what i was saying.he was measured 6'6.5 at a combine at nfl which means 1 hours after waking .not immediately after waking up,after one hour after waking .it is likely that he may already lose half inch after waking up at that size and height.immediately out of bed he is or maybe 6'7.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 4/Sep/19

OK, so neasuring56'6.5 in the morning means be around 6'6" or even less during Raw/Smackdown /PPv episodes
Riccardo 5'7" said on 4/Sep/19
No no, no one had ever footwear advantage on Kane
edwards said on 4/Sep/19
Sorry if i posted again but,
Pause at 48:30
Kane has a footwear advantages but is struggling to look taller than corbin,kane obviously has a higher shoulders but head of both kane and corbin are same and kane has footwear advantages over corbin

Click Here

Pause at 48:30 or even 48:20
edwards said on 4/Sep/19
@bros of destruction

at first you said taker is not over 6'6,6'6 is max for taker snd again you said you are 6'3.5 and taker has max 3 inch on you.i really cant get what you are saying,DO you think he is max 6'6 or what?
edwards said on 4/Sep/19
taker may have footwear advantages on kane.
canson,i posted a video of kane and baron corbin face to face at royal rumble and both of them seems equal and even kane has foot wear advantage on corbin.
edwards said on 4/Sep/19
@dan trojan
i believe you and i agree with you.i dont care whether someone is 6'3 or 5'6/7 as long as the person is concerned in height as guesses right👍.
edwards said on 4/Sep/19
i'm sorry,i mean he measured 6'6.5 after one hour of waking.i mistakenly said 2-3 hours.
Canson said on 4/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Sep/19
But is Kodjoe even 6'3.5"? I get that he looks 6'3.5" in a lot of pics, but he can also look more 6'3" flat or less in pics with Kobe, Barkley, Magic and Merriman to name a few.

@Christian: I still think closer to 6’3” than 6’4” with his brother as well. Still not sure exactly how tall his brother is though.
Roderick said on 3/Sep/19
@brosofdestruction Are you 6'3" range? How tall are you?

If Undertaker is taller than Kane, at least in your eyes, then there is ZERO chance of Kane being 6'7". How tall did you think Kane looked? We got people on here who think he was at least 6'7" in person, Lol.
Dan Trojan said on 3/Sep/19
So i know some people not all may question me accurately guessing undertaker's height because i'm 5'6" but you have brosofdestruction which if i remember correctly said he was 6'3.5" and he definitely looks it saying the same thing i think at this point we can all agree undertaker is definitely in the 6'6" range possibly slightly under
Public Enemy said on 3/Sep/19
Click Here

With 5’11.5 listed Fallon who comes up to Takers nose.

Peak 6’ 7.5
Current 6’6.25
Canson said on 3/Sep/19
edwards said on 3/Sep/19
glad you're back,i'm happy that you're back.i started to miss you

Thanks Edwards! I missed you too while I was out!

I agree with everything you said! Those two fit perfectly. 6’7.25 for Taker and Kane May have been 6’7.5”.

Interestingly enough, I hadn’t seen the post Riccardo 5’7” said below without Bros of Destruction. I didn’t realize he had Taker taller than Kane in person? That’s a shocker!
Canson said on 3/Sep/19
edwards said on 3/Sep/19
glad you're back,i'm happy that you're back.i started to miss you

Thanks Edwards! I missed you too while I was out!
Carls110 said on 3/Sep/19
Undertaker with Fallon
Click Here

Rodman with Fallon
Click Here

Undertaker also got larger forehead, it is almost impossible to Rodman be taller than Taker Even Now,
i think they are close gap is maybe .25 inches between this guys.
Undertaker sill is 6'6, and lost easily over 1 inch(probably 1.25 or even 1.5) of his height.
edwards said on 3/Sep/19
dude i mean corbin measured 6'6.5 at combine that means he measured 6'6.5 after 2-3 hours of waking up.he measured that in nfl.out of bed i'm sure corbin is 6'7.codbin maybe 6'7 out of bed given that he measured 6'6.5 at combine.with in 2-3 hours of waking up he may have already lost half inch and measured 6'6.5 in nfl at combine dude.
edwards said on 3/Sep/19
@bros of destruction
dude do you think taker is over 6"6,last time you said he is not over 6'6.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 3/Sep/19
brosofdestruction said on 3/Sep/19
I keep seeing me being mentioned lol, so I’ll chime in again. In person, Taker slightly edges Kane on height due to his longer neck and larger head. I think Kane’s massive shoulders make him appear ‘bigger’. Having trouble uploading a link, but there is also a video on YouTube of me standing next to Taker. Clearly there is no more than 3 inches difference. Just search: Mark Calaway makes special appearance in Knoxville.

@edwards @Canson @Sotiris and everyone on here...

Even if brosofdestruction guessed wrong, wich I doubt, it's clear that Kane doesn't edge Taker like a 6'7" does with a 6'5.5/6'6" guy.

Means Kane isn't 6'7".
edwards said on 3/Sep/19
glad you're back,i'm happy that you're back.i started to miss you.i personally felt something is incomplete in celebs height without you.
as for taker i feel he is struggling to pull 6'6 .anything over flat 6'6 maybe out of the window..he is 6'6 at most considering today.i feel glen jacobs is 6'6.5 and mark calaway is 6'5.75-6'6 considering 2019.canson i think taker loses 1/4 or simply .25 every year or two due to his posture and maybe some kind of injuries and surgeries.taker has looked shortest now thsn he had ever looked in last three peak easy 6'7 and even chance of 6'7.5 in good day but i have him at 6'7.25,lets say peak taker at 6'7.25 and peak kane at 6'7.5,i feel that kane could hit almost 6'8 in a good day that means he could hit 6'7.75 in a good day but generally lets say peak taker at 6'7.25 and peak kane at 6'7.5,what is your thought on this dude.
brosofdestruction said on 3/Sep/19
I keep seeing me being mentioned lol, so I’ll chime in again. In person, Taker slightly edges Kane on height due to his longer neck and larger head. I think Kane’s massive shoulders make him appear ‘bigger’. Having trouble uploading a link, but there is also a video on YouTube of me standing next to Taker. Clearly there is no more than 3 inches difference. Just search: Mark Calaway makes special appearance in Knoxville.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 3/Sep/19
I said 6'5" for heidenreich because of this
Click Here
edwards said on 3/Sep/19
sorry but he didnt looked 5 inch taller than lesnar.he looked 4 to max 4.25 inch on lesnar.whie slouching he looked 3 inch taller but standing straight he was 4 to max 4.25 inch taller than lesnar.6'7 is moving towards peak lol
Riccardo 5'7" said on 3/Sep/19
Strowman and McIntyre with Fallon. With McIntyre wearing Kane's boots probably...

Click Here

Undertaker with Fallon looking 6'5.5 max.
Click Here

Fallon and Cena.
Click Here

Fallon and Rodman, looking comfortably 6'6".
Click Here

Rodman with Clooney.
Click Here

Fallon with Clooney, not a great picture.

Click Here
Riccardo 5'7" said on 3/Sep/19

Of course I take in consideration Dan Trojan Pic.
But meet both taker and Kane has a little bit of value more because you can compare them.

Dan Trojan can be right, but also he could have guessed Taker half inch more. That would still be a great guess.

1 foot difference is not easy
Riccardo 5'7" said on 3/Sep/19

Taller than test means 6'5.5 or above it?


Hmmm, I think Kane is not above 6'6"/6'5.75 and he would measure basecly same height as Corbin.
Corbin has the best posture.
6'6.5 for Corbin is a morning measurament?
They are equal for me
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Sep/19
But is Kodjoe even 6'3.5"? I get that he looks 6'3.5" in a lot of pics, but he can also look more 6'3" flat or less in pics with Kobe, Barkley, Magic and Merriman to name a few.
Tarinator said on 2/Sep/19
Looks 6’7” range now and used to be 6’8” due to kyphosis. I wonder how tall he he is in comparison to the Big Show. I can’t see more 4 inches between them. I still think the Big Show is around 6’10.5-11” tall. The Undertaker looked 5 inches taller than Brock Lesnar in 2015. May have lost height in his late 40s. 6’8” is believable as his peak. 6’9” is pushing it but I still believe he looks a fraction taller than Brain Strowman.
Vegas' said on 2/Sep/19
I met Heidenreich in person and he was taller than 6'5. He was taller than Test in person side by side at same show.

As for Jones he wasn't 6'10 but at least he was listed 6'10 well before becoming a wrestler in strongman. I seriously doubt Hogan would have gotten 6'8 had it not been for pro wrestling.
edwards said on 2/Sep/19
my bad,maybe i didnt get whst you were was riccardo who said taker is 6'5.its ok dude,everybody has their own personal opinion ,its all good good lol.its all good dude my bad both of you dudes riccardo and roderick are free to estimate on height.

we havent seen corbin footwear neither fords.corbin was measured 6'6.5 at a combine and he may wakeup at 6'7 or close to it.he still holds solid 6'6 in the ring.he stacked against kane or atleast looked similar to kane.kane has footwear advantage over corbin and still both sre looking similar in height in a video i posted or even vegas posted.kane has a footwear advantages on corbin and still corbin looks similar to kane.corbin dosent wear such a huge lifts like taker,kane or can watch the video dude and lone wolf bsron corbin towers almost everyone in royal rumble,dude who do you think is taler corbin or taker,who do you think i personally think kane is half inch taller than can watch video i posted and kane and corbin are looking similar.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 2/Sep/19
Sotiris gravas@

Thank you!

In the video footage, if Rodman is only 6'6", I guess 6'5.5 more than 6'5.25 for Undertaker there. But no less than that in my opinion also because it was probably afternoon not even evening.
Both footwear seems pretty much equal.

Btw 6'6" Rodman is the taller guy, any chances he can be above 6'6"?


Bruce Pichard said Kane was bigger, he didn't say taller. And that he was one of the few guys that could match undertaker in height.

Undertaker could have wore lifts, I don't doubt it, but sure he didn't wore 3 inches boots and sure he didn't wore 6 lifts in his shoes...

So if Kane sometines looked 1.5 inches taller was absolutely thanks to the footwear.

He claims his height with shoes on at his peak , he can't be above 6'6". 6'7" is a joke.

Strowman is clearly a 6'6" guy and Corbin drops under 6'6" like 6'5.75 often. He is Shorter than Ford, who isn't above 6'6.25.

My personal opinion is that Nash is sn inch shorter than how Rob listed him today and 6'9 max peak. I'll go to hell because of this?

Hulk Hogans page is the most ridiculous one here. Rob has taker peak at 6'7.5 wich is definitely to much. Hogan is at least 2" shorter in 1991 so how can many of you claim 6'6"??
Hogan is 6'4.75 peak, call the doctor for the guy who did claim 6'9" for him.

Nathan Jones is definitely an other "Hogan" case.
Click Here
Here with 6'5 Haidenreich. How he is supposed to be 6'10"?

With your max 6'6" Kane, looking less and not above 6'8" but probably 6'7.75.

Believe me, Im not a downgrader
edwards said on 2/Sep/19
@dan trojan
agreed dude

at first glance both of them are equal and even if rodman is taller it is by 1/4 or .25
Roderick said on 2/Sep/19
Why do you keep putting words in my mouth edwards, Lol. I don't downgrade anyone. I simply state how tall I think a certain individual looks in a given picture. In the video Creeper posted, if Seth Rollins is 6'0.5", then yeah Kane can look pretty close to 6'7" there. I'd say 6'6.5" or maybe even 6'6.75" in that video.

But that's from 2015. Age 48 to age 52 could be a period of height loss. Remember, a picture taken this year of Kane with Zack Ryder, Kane only looks 6'5" at best. Now I'm not saying that's what he would MEASURE 100% but he certainly does not look the weak 6'7" range you guys are talking about.

Here's what I think

1997: 6'7"-6'7.25"

2012-2015: 6'6.5"

2016: 6'6.25"

2019: 6'6" max
peter chanoul said on 1/Sep/19
I wouldn’t recommended judging someone’s actual height based on what you see in 1 or 2 or more photos.

I’m 6’2, my friend is 6’0. Every photo between us tells a different story. Sometimes I appear only an inch taller than him. Sometimes We appear the same height, sometimes I appear 3inches taller than him, etc. So many dependencies and factors come in. Camera angles, posture, shoe lifts etc.

Just saying
Roderick said on 1/Sep/19
@edwards Lmao here we go again


I personally think Kane is 6'6", not 6'5". Stop saying that, Lol.
rawdshaq said on 1/Sep/19
So it's confirmed I got 2nd row seats at MSG to go to both Raw and Smackdown on Sep 9th and Sep 10th and to see the Undertaker. I am pretty excited because this will be my first time ever seeing him in person. Now I'm 5'8.75" and my wife is 5'6" so Idk if any of us would be a good guage honestly and I won't be insanely close either although I'm in the 2nd row. I'll try to get close for a second and see how tall he looks during his enterance. I'll pick up other heights too while I'm there 👍
edwards said on 1/Sep/19
@roderick and riccardo

dint get me wro g dudes,its your opinion but you guys are downgrading every big guys in wwe like nash,corbin,taker and strowman and even hogan guys can argue million times and post thousand of picture but kane definitely isnt in 6'5 range.who said taker dossnt wear lifts ,go and watch bruce pitchard podcast in 1999 and he says kane wore outer visible licts while taker wore inner lifts.he also added both were similar but kane was tad taller between the two.

also you are now going by bros of destruction photo,same way dan trojan has also met taker and he said he is 6'6 and why would you deny that if gou are going by someone who have met 2014 s poster named ali baba who was 6'6 met taker and he said taker edged him by half inch and taker was still 6'6.5 till 2015.if you believe bros of destruction ,you also should believe baba and trojan.seriously dude
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Sep/19

I welcome feedback from informed posters like you. I don't want feedback from fanboys who think Hulk Hogan was 6'9" barefoot, etc.

As for Rodman w/ Taker... ppl don't always look the height they should... Here's maybe 6'3.5" Boris Kodjoe looking taller than 6'4" Tyler Perry (2006)... Click Here You'd expect Perry to look taller given that he's closer to the camera, but that isn't the case. When their positions are reversed, Perry (tilting head up) looks taller... Click Here

As for the ground maybe not being level in one photo, I think it's more a case of Taker being closer to 6'5" than 6'6". Here's video footage of that other pic: Click Here

Rodman's footwear that day... Click Here
Undertaker's footwear... Click Here
edwards said on 1/Sep/19

who said taker dosent wear lifts?listen to 1999 podcast by bruce pitchard and he say kane wears outer visible lifts while taker wears inner.both wears lifts,taker wears inner lifts .he said both wear lifts.dont be fooled,taker wears inner licts which was revealed by pitchsrd,he also said both were similar and awfully closed in height with kane being tiny smidge or fad taller than taker at peak.
Dan Trojan said on 1/Sep/19
I really don't see how everyone keeps saying rodman looks taller than undertaker in those pictures are you people blind no offence not trying to attack anyone am i the only one who thinks taker looks taller in those pictures i know he's closer to the camera but in the one where they're shaking hands he's not much closer i honestly think if they were standing side by side they'd be the same height just my opinion
edwards said on 1/Sep/19
Roderick said on 31/Aug/19Did we forget how tall Undertaker looked next to Drew Mcintyre? Undertaker looked 6'5". People who still go over 6'6" for this guy.... .....

he seems to be 1.5 inch taller there.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 1/Sep/19

Dude you cant look at WWE staredown between Kane and others wrestlers.

Glann Jacobs character has been built for be slightly taller than Undertaker and more near as possible to guys like big show.
He wore almost 3" inches boots and you want take in consideration his staredown?

Kane has been 1", 0.5, 0.75, equal, 0.25, 1.5 inches taller than Taker in his life.... Do you think is really believable??? Of course not.

Brosofdestruction, a poster, meet both of them and said Taker was taller.

The Knoxville picture between Kane and taker is way way way way better than every single staredown you are talking about.
edwards said on 31/Aug/19
at first glance i think rodman and taker are similar and even if rodman is taller it is not by much that people are assuming maybe 1/4 or simply .25,imho they are awfully closed.
Roderick said on 31/Aug/19
I wanted to say Undertaker looked 6'4" next to Rodman but I didn't want to deal with all the torches and pitchforks I usually get when I say someone looks a certain height in one specific photo, Lol.

Obviously those photos dont do much height justice but Taker does look short there. I don't think his actual height is under 6'5"
Tarinator said on 31/Aug/19
Looked 6’8” when he was wrestling in his prime but now may have shrunk to 6’7”. Kane was maybe half and inch taller than the Undertaker (at 6’8.5”). But the Undertaker may have been 2” shorter than Kevin Nash.
Roderick said on 31/Aug/19
Kane's WWE staredowns mean nothing. That dude ALWAYS has a footwear advantage, especially over Undertaker and at Crown Jewel. They were CLEARLY similar in height in Knoxville. Wake up people, Kane is NOT taller than 6'6.25".
edwards said on 31/Aug/19
yes dude,agreed with everything you said.Christian 6'5 3/8"said on 30/Aug/19@EdwardsRight. And if you need evidence that Kane's not under 6'6", see him next to Strowman. Strowmandefinitely isn't anything under 6'6",as he's no shorter than 6'6" Corbin. If Kane's only 6'5" like some here are saying, then that means Strowman and Corbin would both have to be around 6'5"as almost every photo or video,kane has half inch on strowman.dude,i seriously think its laughable and there is enough photographic evidence to prove that like you said.

you said kane is 6'5 and again strowman is 6'6 which make no sense christian said,there is enough proof that kane is taller than strowman and you can notice in almost every staredown between them dudes kane and strowman.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 31/Aug/19
In that picture with Rodman Undertaker looks to short to be true. He looks 6'4" if Rodman is 6'6" and he stands closer to the camera.
I guess there is something wrong with the ground level there, infact when they are shaking hands the gap is definitely less.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 31/Aug/19

If I give you my feedback is because it's like this that works. If you won't means that you should write private messages and not on here where everyone can reply:)

But I give you an other feedback... I agree that Undertaker would not towers over Bryant today and he is clearly under 6'6" today.
1.97/1.96cm seems to be his current height
Xpac99 said on 31/Aug/19
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Are you sure ? Rodman taller than undertaker i don’t think so
edwards said on 31/Aug/19
yes dude i agree with you,when the last time kane and taker met,which was in super showdown in melbourne,kane has 3/4 on taker when both guys were standing straight.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.