How tall is The Undertaker - Page 12

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Average Guess (951 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
Sotiris Gravas said on 31/Aug/19
A reminder of Undertaker and Kevin Love's footwear that day... Click Here , Click Here In other words, we do know who had a footwear advantage. As you can see, the heels on Taker's boots are quite big. Undertaker looked max 6'5.5". Don't agree w/ me...? Cool. No worries.
Roderick said on 30/Aug/19
Wow, I might have been wrong about the Sid/Undertaker situation.

Skip to 2:36, Undertaker clearly looks taller than Sid.

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But he didn't look taller in 1989.

He really didn't, still confuses me. I could be wrong however, maybe Undertaker was the taller of the two.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 30/Aug/19
Right. And if you need evidence that Kane's not under 6'6", see him next to Strowman. Strowman definitely isn't anything under 6'6", as he's no shorter than 6'6" Corbin. If Kane's only 6'5" like some here are saying, then that means Strowman and Corbin would both have to be around 6'5" as well.
Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Aug/19

That guy w/ Undertaker is 6'8.5" Chris Webber, a pic I already posted.

Here he is w/ 6'4.75" Kobe Bryant (2011)... Click Here Funny how Taker doesn't look that much taller than Taker... Funny, indeed. Taker's current listing of 6'6.5" is BEYOND ridiculous. Taker is MAX 6'5.5" now. If any fanboy disagrees... good. Keep posting whatever it is you're selling and leave me out of it. I don't want or need your feedback.

Here's Webber getting TOWERED by 7'6" Shawn Bradley (1993)... Click Here

BTW, Rodman is max 6'6" now and he was definitely taller than Taker... Click Here
Xpac99 said on 30/Aug/19
In prime taker looks 6ft7 at least and for Kevin love we don’t know how thick was your shoes.. he was in basketball shoes. Undertaker isn’t shorter than 6ft6, he looks 6ft6 today in recent pic.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 30/Aug/19
Click Here

Who is the guy near Undertaker in this picture?

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Undertaker with 6'6" Rodman. I think he is slightly shorter but I don't know.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 30/Aug/19
What make me think is that Kevin Love had no footwear advantage on taker that night.
He wasn't 6'9.5 in those shoes, and Undertaker had probably 1.75 inches boast.

Let's say that Love had 1.25 inch boast max. We saw a picture here posted by Sotiris few times in wich we can see their shoes.
Being 6'7.25/6'7.5 barefoot he did reach 6'8.5/6'8.75.

He was at least 2"/2.5 inches taller, probably also because undertaker's not good posture.
But posture, in this case, has been almost replaced by Taker's footwear advantage.

So Undertaker was around 6'6.75/6'6.5, with shoes on, being 2" shorter then Love

So, minus 1.75 inches shoes, he was no more then 6'5.5 barefoot but even a hair less considering that probably the meeting was placed in the evening.

Is phisically impossible that he is 6'6" today. I would bet my money on 197 flat today and a solid 2 meeters guy in his prime or just 6'6"3/4.

What you think?
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Aug/19
Hopping hopper said on 30/Aug/19
6-10??? Hahaha.


Seemed to be a thing at times, take a measurement then add 2 inches for thicker footwear. Thats your height claim move along. Except with the really big guys they would stretch it further.

Remember Kevin nash's 7'1" billing?
edwards said on 30/Aug/19
dude,kane cant be 6'5 .i agree with you.i simply cant see that.
Hopping hopper said on 30/Aug/19
6-10??? Hahaha.
Xpac99 said on 30/Aug/19
For sure kane is near 6ft7 than 5. Sometimes isn’t in a good posture and he can looks 6ft6 or less, but he’s taller than that. And for Kevin love we don’t know how thick his shoes because he was measured 6ft 7 3/4 barefoot and 6ft 9 1/2 with shoes on (near 2 inches taller).
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In my opinion is not over 2 inches taller than taker. I can see taker 6ft6 but not 6ft5 or 4 and kane is 1/2 an inch taller for sure than taker
edwards said on 30/Aug/19

i agree on everything you said dude.i agree on everything.kane at 6'5 claim is ridiculous as it can be.

i maybe wrong dude and kane may not be 6'7 anymore but kane sure is definitely not 6'5 like you christian said kane cant be lower than 6'6.25.i simply cant digest 6'5 claim.he sure is not in 6'5 range.sorry
edwards said on 29/Aug/19
pause kane and taker at 5:53 in takers video
pause 48:20 in corbin and kane video
Roderick said on 29/Aug/19
@edwards You are confusing me.

You are saying that Corbin is only .5" shorter than footwear advantage Kane, but Corbin is not taller than 6'6"?

Also, you love to say Kane can still measure 6'7", which means Kane is the same height as Kevin Love, right? LOL dude, look at a picture of Undertaker and Love and then look at a picture of Undertaker and Kane, dude LMAO. No way in HELL is Kane 6'7".

Undertaker is lucky if he can measure 6'6", he's probably under it now. Kane looks 6'6" now
Xpac99 said on 29/Aug/19
Yes i agree! Same height it’s a possibility. It’s very difficult because sometimes taker looks taller and sometimes corbin looks taller. For sure they are very close. Strowman is a bit taller then both and kane i don’t think he is 6ft 5 or anithing like else, but still looks 6ft7 or near that anyway. Kane even today in my opionion is taller than strowman, taker and corbin
edwards said on 29/Aug/19
Like rob said Taker and corbin really need to measured to see who is taller but i am pretty sure both are same today if measured.
Xpac99 said on 29/Aug/19
I don’t know because taker and kane stand in a bad posture sometimes and corbin stand in a military posture... for sure corbin in his posture looks taller than taker did, but i’m not sure if taker standing straight he is shorter. Interesting to understand the difference of footwear betwenn this 2. Maybe are equal in height, but is very hard to guess Who is taller.. we hope in a face to face in the future. for when it concerns mahal I think he is little shorter than drew and i don’t know if he was in wrestling Boots in the segment or maybe in elegant shoes
edwards said on 29/Aug/19
i mistakenly said 4:20 ,pause at 48:20 and look staredown between corbin and kane.
then see again kane and taker and pause at 2:52 in takers video
edwards said on 29/Aug/19



look here is undertaker with kane at 2018. pause at 2:52

Click Here

here is again kane with baron corbin in 2018. pause at 40:20

Click Here

corbin is clearly taller than taker in the year 2018 and 2019.
edwards said on 29/Aug/19

its so funny that kane has footwear advantages on corbin and even hair ofcourse wig advantages and looks only half inch taller.
Vegas' said on 29/Aug/19
Here is a staredown between Corbin and Kane from last year. Corbin has higher eye level but it's hard make out where top of Kane's head is under the wig @ 48 minutes 40 seconds on Click Here
edwards said on 29/Aug/19

dude,corbin has neck craned down in video you posted and still looks 2 inch taller than mcintire.mcintire has footwear advantage too
edwards said on 29/Aug/19

dude here is the photo corbin and mcintire

Click Here


Click Here

dont foreget,mcintire has footwear advantages on corbin.

Click Here taker and strowman

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sorry dude,i cant see taker taller than corbin atleast on in 2018/19
maybe both are equal

reminder:i have already posted corbin appearing 2 inch or more taller than 6'4 jinder mahal who is same as mcintire.taker has footwear advantages on mcintire,
mcintire has footwear advantages on corbin and still 2 inch shorter.
edwards said on 29/Aug/19

dude,mcintire has footwear advantages on corbin and still lokks 2 inch shorter.
in second photo,taker has footwear advantages on mcintire

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lets assume mahal and drew mcintire are similar
edwards said on 29/Aug/19
its ok dude,no worries we can all agree to disagree on certain height.
sorry,i cant see taker being taller than corbin atleast not in 2018,2019
both maybe equal but taller.lets say drew mcintire and jinder mahal are same as listed.both are 6'4

see,corbin has more than 2 inch or atleast 2 inch on 6'4 mahal

pause at 2:30

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edwards said on 29/Aug/19
no need to drag kane in takers height loss.
Xpac99 said on 29/Aug/19
@edwards @sotiris gravas
Guys if you felt offended i apologize to you. We are simply guess hieght and sometimes we don’t have the same idea but of course is my opinion vs your opinion.. we don't know who's right. If i said that you downgrade everyone probably don’t pay much attention, but it was not an accusation and I would not take these things on staff. the accusation are different in life and for more important things, not because you have a different idea from me about a people’s height! One last thing if i don’t understand you is just because i’m not english! Sorry

By the way i think undertaker Was taller than corbin even today
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Chris Thomas said on 28/Aug/19
@edwards I think Goldberg is 6’2 in shoes there and I see undertaker 4.5 inches taller

Robs estimate is correct
Riccardo 5'7" said on 28/Aug/19
Undertaker 2019

Morning height:6'6.25"
Afternoon:6'5 3/4
I would list him on this site at 6'5 3/4.

Undertaker in his prime

Afternoon:"6'6 3/4
Evening: 6'6.25 /199cm
I would list his peak on this site at 6'6 3/4

Kane in 2019

Morning: 6'6.5
Afternoon: 6'5 3/4
Evening: 6'5.5
I would give him the 6'6" listing here, at most.

Kane in his prime


Peak 6'7"


Morning:6'6 3/4

6'6.25 at most.


Morning 6'6.5
Afternoon 6'5 3/4
Evening 6'5.5

6'6" max.

HHH 6'1.25.
Orton 6'3.75
Bautista 6'2"
Reigns 6'1.75.
The Rock 6'2 peak.
Kavin Love 6'7.5(for me)
Thompson 6'8".
Le Bron 6'6"3/4.
Big Show 6'9.5 /6'10 3/4 peak 7' in shoes.
Nash, who probably i downgraded in the past, 6'9" peak 6'7 3/4 today.

Those are people who I ofter read about here, and those are my final opinions about their heights.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 28/Aug/19
He looks easily 2" shorter than Cass, as Baron has camera advantage.
edwards said on 28/Aug/19
i personally think he may measure under 6'6 with relaxed and normal posture but Busting a Gut and standing tallest for measurement and stretching he is still 6'6.
edwards said on 27/Aug/19
There is no way in hell is kane 6’5.he is minimum 6’6.5 and still a weak 6’7,if he bust his gut and stretch for measurement,even a full 6’7 is possible for him.idc whether you believe it or simply is ridiculous troll of kane being 6’5.
Vegas' said on 27/Aug/19
As stated before I met Corbin in person, on the street in New Orleans after Wrestlemania 30. It was 1-2am and he still looked 6'6 range then. He was noticeably taller in person out of gear than say Drew McIntyre or Randy Orton.

Strowman I didn't meet but saw him leaving hotel and I was standing across the street. He was taller out of gear than Eric Rowan as I saw both leaving the same smallish back door.
edwards said on 26/Aug/19
here,again taker is here with 6'1.5 goldberg

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Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Aug/19
I just wanted to remind all the delusional fanboys on this site that poster Xpac99 asked Editor Rob how tall Kevin Love was next to Taker over on Kevin Love's page... Rob's response was that Love looked 2 maybe even 3" taller in some pics.

First off, Kevin Love is max 6'7.25" (NOT Rob's listing of 6'7.75"), and Taker had a footwear advantage by wearing big boots.

So, assuming it was only 2" inches separating both men, not even factoring in the footwear advantage... there is NO WAY that Taker can be 6'6" now. ZERO CHANCE.

Kane is obviously not 6'7" and Taker isn't 6'6".

It's time to wake up. This isn't an "Inception" movie. It's real life. Calling me a downgrader each time I prove you wrong isn't going to make your idols any taller.
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Aug/19
Poster Ben Bell's friend, Brendan Hood, w/ now 6'3.5" Adam Baldwin... Click Here

W/ Undertaker... Click Here

W/ 6'1.5" Eddie Hall... Click Here

Undertaker obviously isn't 6'6".

Recently, a poster who goes by the name of Dan Trojan got VERY upset b/c I said that he was "supposedly" 5'6"... meaning he claims to be 5'6". His inference was that I was calling him a liar by doubting his claim. Obviously, I never called him a liar, nor doubted his claim, I simply referenced his height which has not been verified, never once insinuating that he isn't what he claims.

As for poster Ben Bell... I did call him a liar for saying that his friend, Brendan Hood, was 6'3", the exact same height, in similar footwear, as 6'3" Eddie Hall. Problem is, Eddie Hall isn't 6'3", and neither is his friend. The thing is, maybe Bell wasn't lying... maybe he just thought he and his friend were taller. Similar to guys who have claimed a certain height, only to be measured by Editor Rob, and be told that they were, in fact, shorter. So, perhaps apologies are owed to Ben Bell in this respect if his intent was never to willfully deceive (not that I would ever bother to apologize to someone I can't stand). But it just goes to show that ppl are not always the height they think.

@Editor Rob, I'd welcome you chiming in w/ some anecdotes on what I'm describing if you're so inclined.
edwards said on 26/Aug/19
@canson and christian

i know you guys wont agree with me but personally i think rob's listing in fine for baron he is with 6'8 listed big cass and looks 6'6.25 but ofcource i maybe wrong and you dudes maybe right.i think he is not less than flat 6'6

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edwards said on 25/Aug/19
@ rob sir last question sir,how much difference between corbin and big cass cash here? is it 2 inch or 1.5 inch difference her Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Aug/19
Actually, Kane always have looked taller than Strowman. And 6'5.5"-6'6" for Kane seems impossible given that he's taller than Undertaker and two people here claimed to have seen him at over 6'7".
edwards said on 25/Aug/19
Dude,What you said is absolutely possible but taker has lost more height in 2018-2019 since we havent seen kane for a while.i personally think kane has more height on taker now than he has before because taker has shrink at faster rate.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 25/Aug/19

If Kane is 6'7" undertaker can't be under 6'6.5/6'6.3/4. Wich he isn't.
Because, excluding WWE, between the 2 guys there isn't absolutely an inch difference.

About Who said Kane is 6'7" in person I would ask only one thing.
He did look, in their opinion, 6'7" barefoot or 6'7" with shoes on.
Since the moment they met him in shoes and not barefoot
Riccardo 5'7" said on 25/Aug/19
Click Here


This is how he used to stand and walk 20 years ago.
This man lost height, 1.5 inches if you ask me. Wich, in my opinion, means 6'5.5 today.
He did look a legit 6'7" 285/290 lb back in 1999
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Aug/19
If Kane's 6'7" like Dream and Yoinkers have claimed he looked, then I can't see Undertaker under 6'6" since they don't look more than an inch apart.
rawdshaq said on 24/Aug/19
@Canson I've said all along that Braun Strowman can't be much taller than 6'6".
Kane is 6'5.5"-6'6" and Strowman didn't look taller than him at all.
edwards said on 24/Aug/19
I am very sorry to say this but rob if i have ever violated celebs heights rules,you can Banned me from celebs height and i will be happy with that and accept my mistake but this guy @xpac99 is pushing it a bit,i have never ever bash anyone here and he still drags me wanna create feud with me,honestly i cant digest it?i have stopped paying attention to this dude sometimes ago.
Editor Rob
I think it's best not to get dragged to the point of throwing any insults on here. As I mentioned on another thread, sometimes you don't have to reply and can just end it.
Canson said on 24/Aug/19
@Edwards: actually Christian made a good point in that Strowman May be under that mark. One poster here on CH met him and said he’s only 6’6”. If that is true, it would mean the others are even shorter but I’m thinking something like 6’6.25 is a possibility for him and it would mean Corbin and Taker are 197cm range maybe just under 6’6 (6’5 7/8)
Canson said on 24/Aug/19
@Riccardo: it’s definitely the truth with very tall people that they don’t always walk as tall when they get older. This isn’t everyone but posture plays a major factor. And we’ve proven that Hogan and Taker have very poor posture and Show despite being younger, is following suit now a days. You proved it for Taker when he walked into the ring. I still have him at 6’6” or at least 6’5.5-6’6” range. If he somehow were to end up over 6’6”, it would be just a mm or so
edwards said on 24/Aug/19
Xpac99 said on 17/Aug/19
@sotris gravas
5ft 11 is your height. The miz is over. He possible looks 6ft at worst. You and edwards downgrade everyone for no reasone. I met the miz and the top of my head is on the miz eyelevel. I’m about 174 cm at night and it isn’t possible to see the miz under 6ft.

Mr xpac,you said this in big cass page,looks like you are re igniting the brawl.when have i downgraded every celebs I comment?which celebs have i downgraded?name the celebs,name it just now.i have only said 6’6.5 is high for taker today.which celebs have i downgraded.i have also said 6’6.25 or over is high for rob to list you really wanna brawl?do you really wanna brawl with said i that i and sotiris downgrade every celebs.this xpac guy really need serious help,seriously this is free height site and everyone is free to express their opinion on height?have i said anything that hampers you?do you still wanna feud with my opinion.bring it on.which celeb have i downgraded,according to you i and sotiris have downgraded every celebs with out any reason.if my estimation creates problem to you,sorry i cant help seriously

@sotiris gravas
Dude,stop arguing with @xpac99,he says that you and me downgrades every single celebs with out any reason creating no sense.honestly leave it.i am stopping to pay attention to this guy honestly.


Yes dude,as i was saying.imho taker and corbin are exactly same today with flat 6’6 being max and braun strowman being 6’6.5 imho .both of corbin and taker being similar at 6’6 flat at afternoon or atleast close to for night or even at night corbin and taker maybe same at 6’5.75 snd imho corbin may measure a 1 mm or 2 millimeters over taker at night as taker has horrible posture and may lose more height than corbin at night but both are exactly same from my estimation.and i fully agree with you and christian dude.
Canson said on 23/Aug/19
@Edwards: that could be like 1/2” max. A CM is a very good estimate though. 1/4” is possible but that looks like a lot. But you made a good point. The hair. 1/4-1/2” is the max it could be
edwards said on 23/Aug/19
Kane still pulls 6’7 with good he looks 6 inch taller than triple h.

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I acan see some people downgrades kane everytime taker shrinks or appear shorter.taker losing much height at fast rate dosent mean kane is also losing or shrinking in same rate.for example if taker is 6’6 that dosent meant kane is 6’6.25 and again of taker is 6’5.75 that dosent mean kane is 6’6.every time taker shrinks dosent mean kane will also shrink,dosent meant that they will shrink in same rate.every time taker shrinking dosent mean kane is also shrinking.kane have clearly edged and is visibly taller than 6’6 guys like taker,strowman and corbin.he still pulls atleast weak 6’7 inside the ring.taker shrinking dosent mean kane is slso shrinking same,i can see people downgrading kane everytime’s they see taker appearing way kane is flat 6’6
Creeper said on 23/Aug/19
Undertaker is not 6'5 Riccardo hes still a weak 6'7
edwards said on 23/Aug/19
I aint saying that corbin is taller than strowman.i know strowman is taller but almost all staredown between strowman and corbin.strowman has footwear advantages not saying that corbin dosent wear lifts.corbin is bald but strowman has a ponytail which may add a cm or two.yes strowman is taller and i know that but barely

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edwards said on 22/Aug/19
@canson and christian
actually you guy's are right,my bad.i agree that strowman is taller than corbin but not by much.max 1 cm,i maybe wrong but persinally i dont think strowman is over 6'6.5 and at the same times,strowman has a footwear advantes on corbin in almost all staredowns,not saying that corbin dosent wear lifts.strowman at 6'6.5,taker and corbin at 6'6 flat or even 6'5.75 and kane at 6'6.75 sounds good today and thats my personal opinion.
Canson said on 22/Aug/19
I think the consensus here is that he needs to be downgraded to 6’6” flat to start
Canson said on 22/Aug/19
@Edwards: extremely likely! Very good estimate too because at that size he may lose a full inch
Riccardo 5'7" said on 22/Aug/19
"Riccardo 5'7" said on 21/Aug/19
Interesting what Crandon said on big shows page about people that walk around shorter then they are."

Sorry, my phone's foult. I meant to write Canson
edwards said on 22/Aug/19
in the photo you posted,corbin and strowman looks similar and awfully closed and bty strowman always has a footwear advantages.bty braun has a ponytail type of hair at back whereas corbin is bald.i dont care whether corbin is taller than strowman or strowman taller than the photo you posted both looks similar and strowman is looking upto corbin.strowman may and can edge corbin,i know that but not by much.maybe even less than cm in my personal opinion.corbin has a higher eye level.
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 22/Aug/19
Click Here.. Pause at 8:50 n can anyone say who is taller??
Riccardo 5'7" said on 21/Aug/19
Edwards @

Hmmm, I don't think he edges strowman there. Side by side Strowman has better chances to edge Corbin.
BTW they are equal
Riccardo 5'7" said on 21/Aug/19
Im thinking that when taker walks around he stands at 6'4"/6'4.5".
Can he stands good until reach 6'6"?Hmmm...

Riccardo 5'7" said on 21/Aug/19
Interesting what Crandon said on big shows page about people that walk around shorter then they are.

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If you look at this video at minute 4.20 you can see how, when he walks to the ring, undertaker drops probably 2"
Xpac99 said on 21/Aug/19
Click Here
1/4 difference between strowman and corbin?
Came on it’s funny
edwards said on 21/Aug/19
how likely is this for current taker
Roderick said on 20/Aug/19
The chances of Kane measuring 6'7" barefoot today is 0%. It's simply not possible. He looks 6'5" with Ryder.
edwards said on 20/Aug/19
@canson and riccardo
I dont think strowman is a cm taller than corbin,maybe .25

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Ofcource strowman has hair advantages as corbin is bald.
edwards said on 20/Aug/19
Dude,i dont think there is a cm difference between corbin and strowman.corbin is bald and at the sametime ,in most of the staredowns between corbin and strowman,strowman has footwear advantages and still struggle to look cm taller than corbin.maybe .1/4 or simply .25 difference between them.of course i maybe wrong.
edwards said on 20/Aug/19
@riccardo and canson

Here,corbin edges or looks taller than strowman.he edges 6’5 Matt Bloon too.strowman dosent looks to be much taller than corbin.
Both are same maybe difference of .25

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Roderick said on 20/Aug/19
6'5.5" is more realistic than 6'6.5".

I would bet a million bucks that Undertaker doesn't measure over 6'6". IMO, zero chance
edwards said on 19/Aug/19
he dosent even look 6'7 in boots anymore.from the last time on couple of matches,even with thick and bigger boots,he dosent looked 6'7 in those short he would be barefoot?he dosent looked 6'7 in boot nowdays.
Canson said on 19/Aug/19
@Riccardo: he may very well just be something like 6’6.25. Christian even made a very valid point before about Corbin in that he may dip under the mark and for a guy his size if he measured around an hour after waking at 6’6.5, there’s a fair chance that he could go under 6’6”. He may just be 6’5 7/8” if Strowman is 6’6.25 or Corbin 6’6 and Strowman 199cm. I doubt it’s more than a CM between the two though. Taker falls around where Corbin would fall or perhaps even a shade less. Taker is anywhere from 6’5.5-6’6” imho
Nishanth Hegde said on 19/Aug/19
When the photo of Undertaker with Kevin Love and other basketball players were taken, Undertaker was still within the 90 day healing period required for a person who has undergone a full hip replacemenr surgery. Could this be the reason he looks comparitvely shorter? Kevin Love and Taker seem to have the same height difference as Enes Kanter and Taker which is weird.
Canson said on 18/Aug/19
@Edwards: I agree with both of you. Better chance he’s 6’5.75 or even 6’5.5 than 6’6.25 or 6’6.5
Riccardo 5'7" said on 18/Aug/19

I have a strong sensation that Strowman is max 199 but definitely more 198.
I think he often has footwear advantage and he isn't more then 1 cm taller then Undertaker
Riccardo 5'7" said on 17/Aug/19

Yeah Thompson is taller then guys like Love, probably not a full inch but sure he is taller.
But I repeat, for me Love can be 6'7.5.
Even if I know that people who met him guessed him at 6'7"
Riccardo 5'7" said on 17/Aug/19

I doubt there is someone that use to wear bigger boots then Kane, I really doubt. Jake the Snake maybe?


I think you can notice, even with bad posture, if someone is an inch o 2 shorter/taller then you.
But of course footwear and lifts can make you do a mistake, definitely.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 17/Aug/19

Yeah, he is getting old. I don't really know how much height he lost, but definitely he lost height and now 6'5.75/6'5.5 seems a good guess for him.
At his peak I'm in doubt between 6'7" and just 6'6"3/4.
He was about 2" taller then Hogan, who in my opinion was absolutely no more then 6'5" if not 6'4 3/4
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Aug/19
Basketball shoes aren't that thick, otherwise you would struggle to play basketball in them. Sure, they are thicker than the average shoe, but not that thick.
Canson said on 16/Aug/19
@Christian: very good estimates for both!
edwards said on 16/Aug/19
agreed with everything you said dude
edwards said on 15/Aug/19
agreed dude
at this stage of his life,taker has looked under 6'6 than over 6'6 most of the time even with good matter how tall he stand i personally think there is 0% chance of taker measuring over 6'6 honestly.i dont think i am the only one who noticed he has a bit shorter legs than be honest,he may still be 6'6 or somewhere in 6'5.5-6'6 but he looks under 6'6 most of the time.i wouldnt be surprised if he measured 6'5.75 currently.he struggles to pull 6'6.
Canson said on 15/Aug/19
@Riccardo: I would if the person has poor posture or footwear difference that I don’t pay attention to. Otherwise if they wear lifts etc
ced said on 15/Aug/19
Guys, let's not forget 1 thing here.. NBA players wear some shoes with MASSIVE platforms. I mean, take a look at Shaq and look at the bottoms of the shoes he usually wears.. They make Kane's lifts look like child's play lol
Riccardo 5'7" said on 15/Aug/19
Edwards I'm 1.70cm.
I guess really good the height of someone when he is 4-5 inches taller then me. Above that I start to struggle a bit.
But I confuse easily 195cm guys with 200cm guys, I do it everytime.

I work on a pool, in an hotel and in this moment there is a tall guy. My head doesn't reach his chest completely.
I fell he is well over 200 cm, but I would not be surprise if he is just 6'7".

This is not a way for ignore the opinion of Dan Trojan, who guessed taker at 6'6" max wich is correct. But I think many short guys have my own problem.
For this reason I prefere comparisons between tall guys and tall guys.
edwards said on 15/Aug/19
i agreed with everything you said.6'7.25 is more reasonable for peak taker if sycho sid is listed as 6'6.75 by mr rob.because there was half inch difference between peak sid and peak taker.either rob should downgrade peak taker to 6'7.25 or upgrade peak sid to 6'7 because there was only half inch difference between them.
as for now,i have posted photo where baron corbin edges 6'5 matt bloom and corbin also edges strowman in the photo i corbin and taker are like 6'5.5-6'6 range whereas strowman maybe 6'6.25-6'6.50 .
Riccardo 5'7" said on 15/Aug/19
Dan Trojan

Of course I didn't say you are non good to guess heights. I said only that at 5'7" I can guess a 6'5" guy at 6'6" making a mistake. While Canson would never make a mistake in the same case, being 6'4".
1 foot difference it's not easy to guess
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Aug/19
I don't think that Undertaker has more than an inch on Kobe these days. I can believe 6'5.75" and 6'4.75" for them respectively.
Canson said on 14/Aug/19
@Riccardo 5’7: quality of the pics is also important but I do agree Kobe is about 195cm (6’4.75 is equal to 194.945) and Taker may be exactly that range of 6’5.5-6’6”
Canson said on 14/Aug/19
@Riccardo 5’7: yea Thompson I’ve suspected for a long time is 6’8”
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Aug/19
Kobe Bryant should be an inch shorter then Undertaker, doesn't seems in the Sotiris Gravas comparison. But I struggle to much imagening taker in the 6'4" range. I think Kobe is 6'4.5/6'4.75 and Calaway 6'5.5/6'5.75.

Thompson - Love - Taker pictures are really important.
Thompson looks 6'8" for me, not less honestly
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Aug/19

I'm 170 cm.

There is a friend here in my city that always claimed 193cm.
I always believed him because he really looks a tall guy.

I met a belgian girl, wich looks really tall also because skinny and long legs.

I saw her near my 193cm friend and she was sligty shorter then him like 2cm. But she had just 1cm footwear while he had 3-4 cm shoes on.
I asked her how tall she was, and she told me 186cm barefoot.

With this boring story I mean to say 2 things :

1) It's never easy judge only with your eyes when you are a short guy next to a giant. So it's important look at that person near other tall guys.
It's in that moment that you realize how really tall is someone. In my case, my friend wasn't 193cm.

2) My ability to judge heights next to tall people su*KS.
Roderick said on 13/Aug/19
@edwards That's pretty good evidence that supports 6'7" range for peak Undertaker. I can't deny that. I think he was anywhere from 6'6.75"-6'7.25". Nice pics.

Also, I don't think Kane is 6'5".

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

I don't think he is 6'7" today, but certainly not 6'5" either.
Dan Trojan said on 13/Aug/19
Riccardo you keep using the excuse of your height not being able to guess heights accurately that's not always the case i'm 5'6" and i've met the undertaker by what you're saying you'd think that i would think undertaker's 6'8" right wrong in my opinion he was no more than 6'6" i'm pretty good at guessing heights being a short guy has nothing to do with it
edwards said on 13/Aug/19
Actually,i agree on some of your opinion dude.kane maybe shorter than 6’7 but not in 6’5 range ,not even at worst.and dude,how tall are you?
edwards said on 13/Aug/19
Dude i am 6 feet and 183 cm to be exact.and bty how tall are you?
edwards said on 13/Aug/19
Dude,My simple answer to your question is post a pic where he look 6’5 or 6’5.5 he may look 6’5 because of his horrible posture same like taker.ihe is at worst 6’6.75 or under it.
edwards said on 13/Aug/19
Yes dude i agree on you,christian and sotiris that under 6’6 is possible for corbin .it is 100% possible but at the same times he towers everyone in wwe roster.he maybe under 6’6 but still looks every bit of 6’6 in the ring.i have posted photo of corbin where he has possibly edged 6’5 matt bloom and even has edged strowman .some dude has asked slammed me in the past to find a photo of corbin edging strowman.
edwards said on 13/Aug/19
Some dude ones said me find a photo where corbin edges strowman
Then my answer is,here it is

Click Here

Here corbin edges 6’5 matt bloon bloom whatever he,corbin edges strowman.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Aug/19

Sorry but I don't like that Pic of big show and Kane. And btw will not be a picture to change reality, also because even big show is shorter then you think.

The reality is that those guys are not that tall.

Look at pictures between magic jhonson and flair. Then look at Kane with that 5'6" guy.
Kane is obviously not 6'7", absolutely not. And he isn't absolutely 1" or more taller then Taker, no way. He never was, except wearing bigggggggg boots.

Meeting directly the person it's really better then look a picture, but depends on how good you are in judging heights.
And yes, also about how tall you are.
If I meet Kane he would easily appear to me as 200cm. He isn't.
Canson said on 13/Aug/19
@Sotiris: Titus only has an inch on Reigns there. Maybe he’s 6’1.75” worst case. As for Tristan Thompson pre draft was 6’7.5 meaning 6’7” flat afternoon and he grew an inch is what he claims. He looks 6’8” next to Kobe and Love and Lebron.

I can guarantee you that Taker is taller than Kobe Bryant is. His posture probably is the factor there
Canson said on 13/Aug/19
@Edwards: to be honest i give Strowman max 199cm 6’6 3/8”. Some say he’s only 6’6” in person meaning maybe just 6’6.25 may be it. Christian is right. Sotiris saying Corbin is under 6’6” is possible. But 6’5,75 is the extent. Pictures with Taker aren’t always reliable because of his posture and the fact that he may also be weak 6’6”
edwards said on 12/Aug/19
@sotiris gravas
Some of your estimation is bang on peak taker,you said taker is 6’7 peak he is with 6’6 listed tony longo .he (tony) may still be lesser than 6’6.calaway is struggling to appear even one inch taller than 6’6 tony longo.

Click Here

Again here is calaway with 6’6 tony longo and is max 1 inch taller

Click Here

Actually sotiris estimation are reasonable than some dudes who claims taker is over 6’8.taker looks max 1 inch taller than 6’6 longo.

@canson i agree on your estimation dude.6’7 to 6’7.25 is like for peak taker.even sotiris claim of 6’7 is far reasonable.both if them dudes taker snd longo are in same boots and calaway tooks max 1 inch taller
edwards said on 11/Aug/19
I found this somewhere in takers page.the dude beside taker is tony cummings whose height is between 6’5.-6’6 range some one reffered.taker edges him.since-this photo was of 2005-2006 .taker stills looks 6’6.75 here

Click Here
edwards said on 11/Aug/19
Braun strowman may not be over 6’6.5
Here he is with 6’6 baron corbin

Click Here

Here he is with 6’6 undertaker

Click Here

Bottomline,strowman maybe 6’6.5 today maybe possibly a tad lower
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Aug/19
@Christian While I doubt Reigns is more than 6'1.75", I'm left wondering why he can look as low as 6'1.5" next to a 6'3" guy like Titus... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here

@Carls110 Look at Reigns in the pics I just posted w/ Titus... Now look at the pic you posted of Reigns w/ Taker. I have news for you, Taker doesn't look 6'6" or 6'6'.5" by comparison.

This was only 6'4.75" Kobe Bryant w/ Tristan Thompson (2016)... Click Here

This was Undertaker (in big boots) w/ Thompson... Click Here, Click Here

And I'm supposed to believe Taker is WAY taller than Kobe...?


This game of where I post proof that Taker isn't as tall as ppl think and yet ppl continue to deny reality is becoming increasingly tiring, if I'm being quite honest. Same goes for Hogan.

I get that Rob will maybe downgrade him to 6'6"... maybe... one day. Problem is, he doesn't look taller than Kobe Bryant. How can a guy be 6'6" or even 6'6" when he doesn't even look taller than a 6'4.75" guy -- all while wearing big boots. I'm not asking you to take my word on anything... I'm simply posting photographic evidence which proves my point... that ppl constantly refuse to accept.
edwards said on 11/Aug/19
Again,here is kane with bigshow

Click Here
edwards said on 11/Aug/19
Riccardo 5'7" said on 10/Aug/19

Hmmm, maybe Kane looks comfortably taller then Taker in a wrestling ring.
Outside the WWE i doubt kane is as tall as you think
Kane still looks 6’7 or atleast weak 6’7.he is still 6’8 in the boots.rob listing is accurate.i dont see him below 6’6.75 at worst.taker losing height at fast rate dosent men kane is also losing height in same.if some said taker is 6’5.5 that dosent mean 6’6,any time taker shrinks height dosent mean kane will also shrink.there is no reason to downgrade kane everytimetsker shrinks.
I personally believe kane is still 6’7 .

Here he is with bigshow

Click Here


Click Here
Canson said on 11/Aug/19
I would say that also because of how thick his hair is. It may have been 6’2 3/8 or even a pinch less and be 6’1 5/8 at a low but that does seem too low with JoeyB
Canson said on 11/Aug/19
@Christian: we could possibly make an argument for the 6’1.5 or 6’1.75 range. Michael Sam and Aaron Rodgers have senior bowl measurements at 6’1 5/8 I think and combines of 6’2. At least Sam does. The senior bowl is also early morning now a days so it’s possible Sam either got the Kyler Murray treatment or it is more 6’1.25” at a low. I always figured Reigns was 6’2” based on how he looks with JoeyB33
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Aug/19
How tall do you think Reigns is? I have him at 6'2" or 6'1 7/8" at the lowest. The 6'1" and 6'1.5" estimates are a bit too low for him though.
Canson said on 10/Aug/19
@Johan: I think if anything the 6’6” listing today is the catch all. He really never looks above that and can look well below it at times. I think that is fair for him now
Canson said on 10/Aug/19
@Christian: oh. I didn’t know
edwards said on 10/Aug/19
Mark calaway was never 6’8
Here he is with maybe 6’5 dan spivey

Click Here

Noway was calaway 6’8,canson is 100% correct and taker was around 6’7.25,another photo with 6’5 spivey

Click Here

May i supposed to believe that peak taker was over 6’8?
Noway lol
edwards said on 10/Aug/19
Here is taker with maybe 6’1.5 goldberg at supershow down in arab

Click Here

Click Here

In shortwords,taker is not 6’6.5 now.yes 6’6 flat is looking likely with good posture
edwards said on 10/Aug/19
@rob sir
Sir are you sure strowman is 6’6.75,here is him with corbin?sometimes i doubt it?how much difference here

Click Here
Riccardo 5'7" said on 10/Aug/19

Hmmm, maybe Kane looks comfortably taller then Taker in a wrestling ring.
Outside the WWE i doubt kane is as tall as you think
Carls110 said on 10/Aug/19
Sotiris, this is a real difference between and Reigns right now, not that picture you posted with this poor camera angle.

Click Here
edwards said on 10/Aug/19
Yes dude,i ones said that and i wasnt into height that much.infact,anybody would have guessed taker to be 6’5 if they only go by love photo.and there was love/taker photo everywhere in taker’s page.but from last 10-11 months,i have always said taker is 6’6.
edwards said on 10/Aug/19
Yes i ones said that taker is 6’5 since it was a year ago and i really wasnt much into height .taker/love photos were posted everywhere so infact anyone could have believe taker was 6’5 in that photo.but the more i looked it,the more i noticed that he has a bad posture so immediately i changed my mind and from that time i have always said that taker is flat 6’6 with good posture and maybe at worst 6’5.75 at worst.
edwards said on 10/Aug/19
i mistaken said kane is 6'6,kane sure is atleast weak 6'7 but personally i still think he is 6'7 even today with good posture.he is visibly taller than 6'6 guys in personally i doubt kane is only 6'6.
yes i ones said taker is 6'5 unknowingly and i wasnt much into height and it was maybe a year ago but from last 10-11 month,i have always said taker is 6'6 flat with good posture and maybe at worst 6'5.75.
edwards said on 9/Aug/19
I think 90-95% of the posters in celebs height can agree that taker is not above 6’6 let alone 6’6.5 at this stage of his life.
edwards said on 9/Aug/19
@sotiris gravas
Dude the reason i see taker struggling to appear taller next to Roman Reigns is camera angles.reigns is a legit 6’2 guy and he seems similar in height with brock lesnar.both of them lesnar and reigns are 6’2.taker has appeared 4 inch taller that 6’2 brock lesnar who is similar to reigns that still puts taker to 6’6.even by going reign photo,standing straight taker has 4 inch on 6’2 reigns.
Johan 185 cm said on 9/Aug/19
rawdshaq said on 7/Aug/19
It's been a little while since I posted

Undertaker so far in 2019 looks like he is struggling to measure 6'6". 6'6.5" might be out of the window now.

Rob how does 6'6" flat for Undertaker sound?
Editor Rob
I still feel he might measure over it, though within a few years he likely will look more and more that mark.


Surely not under 6'6" if Big Andy is 5'11" range? I can still see 6'6.25" for him but if he keeps walking around the way he does ,I agree in a few years he will lose more height.

I don't see either how anyone can argue 6'8" for peak, 6'7" flat seems more reasonable although 6'7.25"-6'7.5" at most considering other wrestlers. He was always 2" at least under Nash and he wasn't more than 6'9.5".
Sotiris Gravas said on 9/Aug/19
I goofed and didn't post listed 6'1" Todd Gurley w/ 6'7.25" Calais Campbell...

Here it is... Click Here
Also, Gurley w/ maybe 6'7.5" Brandon Ingram... Click Here

Again, Gurly w/ Roman Reigns... Click Here

Reigns w/ Undertaker... Click Here

I'm supposed to believe that Taker is 6'6" or 6'6.5" when compared to Campbell and Ingram...?

edwards said on 9/Aug/19
One thing someone over here needs to keep in mind when posting (especially those who keep insisting Taker is over 6’8 peak and over 6’6.5” and using those pics to prove it) Just because he may look 6’8 at peak, that does not mean he actually is. A 6’7.25 or 6’7.5 guy could easily give off an impression of being 6’8 at times .and same goes to someone who think he is 6’5 currently,One thing everyone needs to keep in mind when posting pics (especially those who keep insisting Taker is only 6’5 and using that Taker does not have good posture in recent years. Just because he may look 6’4 or 6’5 today that does not mean he actually is. A 6’5 1/2 or 6’6” guy could easily give off an impression of only being 6’4 or even 6’3” at times if they don’t stand straight and have the back issues he has. I will say based off what Bros of Destruction and Dan trojan posted he definitely looks taller than a 6’5 guys hold 6’6 well but over it i doubt.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Aug/19
Edwards used agree with Sotiris that Undertaker's 6'5" a long time ago, but his opinion changed.
edwards said on 8/Aug/19
Riccardo 5'7" said on 7/Aug/19

Yes he sure can't be more then that(6'6) today (peak 6'7")in my opinion he is about 0.5 shorter then that but we agree on 6'5.5/6'6. But Canson we saw the footwear of Love and Taker.
Sotiris also showed it, sure Love doesn't seems to have an advantage.
But in part i believe Love can be 6'7.5, wich gives to Taker the definitely 6'5.75 listing (same as Gronk).
The most safe, the most logical. With more chances in a 6'5.5 rather then 6'6".

In wrestling gear i have him at 6'7.25 wich is a kind of answer at Creeper's message :)

I would also invite you to look very good at strowman taker staredown, if it's possible watch it in a video made live on YouTube, that I noticed it's better then TV.
Undertaker has a slightly shorter eyes level, but I guess his head isn't shorter then strowman one.
Wich would make Corbin, strowman and Taker about the same height in real life with probably max a little fraction for one instead of an other (0.25 for strowman it btw max 1cm).
Same as Kane, 6'6"/6'5.75
Dude,i personally doubt that kane is low as 6’6 flat or 6’5.75.
He has clearly edged and is visibly taller than 6’6 guys like taker,corbin and strowman.i agree that corbin ,taker and strowman are similar today.
But i know kane is low as 6’6.
edwards said on 8/Aug/19
Its pretty funny that taker has choke slammed corbin with full posture and corbin head is fully tilted and still appear same as taker or maybe ever taller.
Bty i aint any fanboy nor yesmen to corbin or anyother wrestlers.idc how tall he is ,i am just curious to know how tall are certain wrestlers
edwards said on 8/Aug/19
Dude even you bashed me with out any reason saying my only reason for living,i still respect you as a poster but honestly from now on,i honestly dont want to interact with you,honestly i can still believe that taker is over 6’6.5 and peak taker over 6’8 then thats good for you but i am generally talking about reality currently so i dont buy that.i would have bashed you 100 times more than you bashed me and believe i can,but I dosent wanna bash nobody and i am also not a fan boy nor yesmen.infact i dont wanna be.when i say something that is not appropriate i admit the point i have never said taker is 6’5.
edwards said on 8/Aug/19
Thank you again dude,Dude you can Pause at 11:43 and you can clearly see taker is standing straight and corbin has a bent knee with one leg back and still both of them look similar .taker with good posture and corbin isnt even standing straight and still both are honestly i dont have any desire to argue with someone who bash other without any reason and attacking someone personally.yes dude and i swear i havent said taker is 6’5 like xpac has been saying that i have said 6’5,i havent said taker is 6’5 and I personally dont know when Have i said taker is 6’5.dude really if i was someone who who would upgrade taker,i would have said he is 6’6.5 and if i was someone who downgrades taker then i would have said he is low like 6’5 or 6’5.5 but i have always said that he is 6’6 with good posture and at worst 6’5.75.i have been bashed and i also know how to bash other but i have no intention to bash anybody honestly .like you,i dont want taker to be certain height
edwards said on 8/Aug/19
Thanks dude for agreeing with me .
edwards said on 8/Aug/19
At 4:51 taker is catching rope and tiptoeing lmfao
edwards said on 8/Aug/19
At 11:44 taker is standing straight and corbin has bend knees and isnt standing time try some new excuses,old ones aint enough
edwards said on 8/Aug/19
If somebody honestly think that Taker is still over 6'6.5" and peak taker over 6’8 then cool. Run with that; no one is stopping you, certainly not me. On the other hand, if you want me to believe in something that is obviously not in keeping with reality, then sadly... hard pass.i'm not here to argue or bash someone or make personal attacks all i was saying is i don't agree on fanboys claiming whatever comes in mind.i also know how to bash but i aint bashing and sameway i too can attack someone personally but i dont have intention to personally attack someone like some of the posters are doing here.What's absurd is someone dissenting opinion to what I already proved via fact. I'm tired of this nonsense and personal attacks.i really had bad temper honestly when people attack someone personally..i cant honestly tolerate when someone bash in topic that aint height related.we are here only to discuss about height and every body have different opinion.

And bty anyone of y’all know when did i say that taker is 6’5?
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Aug/19
Roman Reigns struggling to look 6'1" here w/ 6'3" Titus... Click Here

Reigns w/ maybe 6'3.75" Michael Strahan... Click Here , (2018) Click Here

Strahan w/ 6'4.75" Kobe Bryant... (2017) Click Here , Click Here

REIGNS and UNDERTAKER... Click Here Taker has the advantage of being closer to the camera.

Reigns w/ listed 6'1" Todd Gurley... Click Here
Gurley w/ 6'2" Von Miller (slight tiptoe)... Click Here

Gurley w/ 6'7.25" (listed 6'8) Calais Campbell... Click Here So, no, Taker obviously isn't as tall as ppl think.
edwards said on 8/Aug/19
Creeper said on 6/Aug/19
Larry he probably was slouched over with you. What year was this? Are you talking about prime or new Taker? If it was prime Undertaker then he would be as tall as you. If it was new Undertaker, he would be just a little bit shorter.

I can completely understand where people go wrong with Marks height. People voting 6'5 or 6'6 or even some dudes vote 6'4, its kinda ridiculous. Undertaker still stands around 6'7 when he stands straight and tall to be measured. He is around the same height as his brother. I would vote a current height of 6'6 3/4 for Undertaker or 6'7 if he stands tall, maybe. Im only voting 6'6 3/4 to be safe.

You guys cant just look at photos and determine how tall they are. You actually need to meet the wrestlers. I plan to meet some of them some day and would like to see myself how tall they are rather than a picture. I know that Kane is 6'7, I have no doubt but Undertaker confuses me. Maybe someday I will try to meet him and see with my own eyes.
Acutually dude,here is a dude who have met taker personally and peg him to 6’6.yes he also has a photo with taker,if you wanna look it,just go a few pages back from here dude.and personally i dont think he is 6’7 now.
Canson said on 7/Aug/19
@62B: pretty much how I guess him. I could give maybe a hair over 6’7” 201cm peak absolute best but 6’7 is also very possible. Today 6’6” is very possible but I could see something like 197cm as a possibility but no less
Canson said on 7/Aug/19
Edwards has never said that Taker was 6’5. He has always said the same as me. 6’6” is very possible and 6’5.5 is possible but somewhere in between the two of he does fall under the mark. He mentioned that clearly with 6’5.75. That means he doesn’t believe he’s 6’5. It is not right to go putting words in other people’s mouths
Dan Trojan said on 7/Aug/19
Creeper i've met the undertaker and honestly i don't think he's over 6'6" 6'7" is definitely going overboard in his prime he for sure would've been that but not now
Riccardo 5'7" said on 7/Aug/19

Yes he sure can't be more then that(6'6) today (peak 6'7")in my opinion he is about 0.5 shorter then that but we agree on 6'5.5/6'6. But Canson we saw the footwear of Love and Taker.
Sotiris also showed it, sure Love doesn't seems to have an advantage.
But in part i believe Love can be 6'7.5, wich gives to Taker the definitely 6'5.75 listing (same as Gronk).
The most safe, the most logical. With more chances in a 6'5.5 rather then 6'6".

In wrestling gear i have him at 6'7.25 wich is a kind of answer at Creeper's message :)

I would also invite you to look very good at strowman taker staredown, if it's possible watch it in a video made live on YouTube, that I noticed it's better then TV.
Undertaker has a slightly shorter eyes level, but I guess his head isn't shorter then strowman one.
Wich would make Corbin, strowman and Taker about the same height in real life with probably max a little fraction for one instead of an other (0.25 for strowman it btw max 1cm).
Same as Kane, 6'6"/6'5.75
Xpac99 said on 7/Aug/19
You are in a mission to prove that corbin is taller than taker 😂
Click Here
Pause 4:51
Click Here
Pause 11:44
By edwards dudeeee
Came on insist 😂
Canson said on 7/Aug/19
@Edwards: I agree with everything you said
rawdshaq said on 7/Aug/19
It's been a little while since I posted

Undertaker so far in 2019 looks like he is struggling to measure 6'6". 6'6.5" might be out of the window now.

Rob how does 6'6" flat for Undertaker sound?
Editor Rob
I still feel he might measure over it, though within a few years he likely will look more and more that mark.
Xpac99 said on 7/Aug/19
To Drag Rob?? You write 10000000 Messages where you say that corbin is taller than strowman, undertaker is 6ft 5. No sense Messages. You even went to the corbin’s page, pleading rob for a answer. there is only you to write In this page. I hope this is not your only reason for living
62B said on 7/Aug/19
6'7" peak, still 6'6' range today, probably a fraction under.
edwards said on 6/Aug/19
I havent said that corbin is taller than strowman,i said corbin has appear taller next to strowman than the undertaker .go and watch the photo posted by tree on strowman’s page and you can see that corbin has appear taller next to strowman than taker did.dint find any excuses.dont distract from the fact that corbin has already edged taker snd everyone can see it,dont find more excuses by saying camera angles and so on.dont make me wanna bash you,you have already bash me.corbin has clearly edged taker no more excuses bro.
NCL said on 6/Aug/19
Not sure where else to post this - does anyone know anything about this guy?? Click Here
To Riccardo 5'7" said on 6/Aug/19
This is Canson. Two things to remember are that we can’t see the footwear in the pic but also footwear. 1.75” is possible I guess but I would guess more 1.5” max. Love is said to only be around 6’7” by people who meet him but I guess there’s a chance for anything up to 6’7.5. Taker could be 6’5.5-6’6” range still but not lower and has a good shot at 6’6” still
Creeper said on 6/Aug/19
Larry he probably was slouched over with you. What year was this? Are you talking about prime or new Taker? If it was prime Undertaker then he would be as tall as you. If it was new Undertaker, he would be just a little bit shorter.

I can completely understand where people go wrong with Marks height. People voting 6'5 or 6'6 or even some dudes vote 6'4, its kinda ridiculous. Undertaker still stands around 6'7 when he stands straight and tall to be measured. He is around the same height as his brother. I would vote a current height of 6'6 3/4 for Undertaker or 6'7 if he stands tall, maybe. Im only voting 6'6 3/4 to be safe.

You guys cant just look at photos and determine how tall they are. You actually need to meet the wrestlers. I plan to meet some of them some day and would like to see myself how tall they are rather than a picture. I know that Kane is 6'7, I have no doubt but Undertaker confuses me. Maybe someday I will try to meet him and see with my own eyes.
Canson said on 6/Aug/19
@Xpac99: I’ve never seen Edwards say that. In fact, he’s said just the opposite that Strowman is taller than Corbin which he is. Corbin I doubt is over 198 whereas Strowman may be a hair overlisted. I’m thinking more 199 or 6’6.5 than 200. I think what you misinterpreted was him saying Corbin was taller than Undertaker which he can look with Taker’s poor posture. However, both guys may be very close or even identical in height in reality. Strowman however I believe is taller than both of them
edwards said on 6/Aug/19
I’m pretty sure you changes your topic quite easily.i havent said that corbin is taller than strowman,i am saying corbin is taller than taker considering today 2019 to be exact.i am only saying that corbin has appeared more taller next to strowman than undertaker boys like you wont get that.everyone knows that corbin is taller than taker today.dont let me bash you,like you are bashing me saying blind or crazy.this kid is surely a tesmen and fanboy
edwards said on 6/Aug/19
Bty dude dont change topic,i aint saying saying that corbin is taller than strowman.i only said that corbin has appeared taller next to strowman than undertaker the photo posted by tree on strowman’s page and dont ignore it.
edwards said on 6/Aug/19
@xpac99 when i say corbin has edged taker in msg,you try excuses like a camera angles are not good and so on.then in taker strowman case,i will say that camera angles are not good.dont distreact in the fact that corbin has edged taker in that particular staredown
Chris Nehme said on 6/Aug/19
Yes @Edwards I’m 6’5 in the morning and 6’2 at night. 😒
edwards said on 6/Aug/19
No disrespect but when nobody agrees with you ,you drag rob to believe your claims.rob has already answered me in the past and you can watch those comments by rob.rob has said that flat 6’6 is looking likely for taker.
You also ignore those who have met taker and have photo with him,rather you insist everyone to believe your ridiculous claim of taker still over 6’6.5 currently and peak taker over 6’8,dont ignore taker/love photo and see a corbin strowman photo posted by tree.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Aug/19
Nevermind, Rob already lowered Triple H.
Canson said on 5/Aug/19
@Larry: at his peak I think he was 6’7” but today 6’6” is the most he could measure. Maybe he didn’t stand straight or there was a footwear advantage although I’ve never ruled out him only being 6’5.5-.75
Xpac99 said on 5/Aug/19
Click Here
This is the photo that tree posted..
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Rob you can tell him that strowman is a bit taller than corbin.. isn’t by much of course, but shorter is a joke
Canson said on 5/Aug/19
@Ricarrdo 5’7: that’s exactly how I have Triple H 6’1.25. Agreed. Looks about 2.5” shorter than Randy Orton who I have weak 6’4 (6’3.75)
Xpac99 said on 5/Aug/19
Only you believe that corbin is taller than strowman😂
I posted 3 pics andò in every videos when this 2 went face to face, corbin is shorter. you are the only one who says that corbin is taller.
If you see a staredown between taker and corbin today and taker was taller, you would say that corbin is still taller 😂
Came on or you are blind or you are crazy for not being able to see that strowman is taller
edwards said on 5/Aug/19
Here are posters who wants taker to be certain height rather than coming to much any one insist and argue there is no way taker is 6’6.5 now ,no way there is 0% chance of taker being 6’6.5 unless it is in the morning.morning he may clear 6’6.5 quite easily tho
Larry said on 5/Aug/19
He's definitely shorter than 6'8. I'm 6'8 and saw him once at a show when he walked out, from about 3 feet away. I was about 2 or 3 inches taller.
Larry said on 5/Aug/19
He's definitely shorter than 6'8. I'm 6'8 and saw him once at a show when he walked out, from about 3 feet away. I was about 2 or 3 inches taller.
Chris Nehme said on 5/Aug/19
If UT took his hat off, and stood stiff nose to nose with Kevin Love. I bet there would be under 1.5” difference. Again it’s angles, its posture etc
edwards said on 5/Aug/19
dude,do you have any words on taker/love photos?
taker looks 6'6 with forced posture
edwards said on 4/Aug/19
Glad dude,you told everything i wanted to say for a long dosent matter whether some body agree’s with rob or not,it honestly dosent matter,because the site is fully height dedicated and everybody is free to estimate their personal opinion about problems in that whether the estimations are above or under rob’s estimation.I Fully agree that if sotiris estimates were above what Rob has he wouldn’t receive the comments he are people who want taker to be certain height rather than finding out real height.i i too dont like a yes man,i honestly dont.sotiris estimation are near to be true for current taker rather than some one who say’s he is still 6’6.5 and peak taker 6’8.sotiris estimation falls within the range 6’5.5 which is not bad at all.i too I just don’t like how the “yes man” to Rob and the people who inflate heights don’t get that but those who dosent matter whether whether estimations are under or under rob’s estimation,finding the current height is only thing that nomatter.sotiris is free to say whatever he likes regarding height,if people got problem with that than i would like to say stop arguing with sotiris ,argue with same fanboy as themselves who want taker to be certain height for real.i noticed that people who bash mr sotiris is either a fan boy or a yes men.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 4/Aug/19

6'1.25 for HHH sounds perfect.
Roderick said on 4/Aug/19
Thanks @Sotiris

Some people don't like to accept reality, like Undertaker has never looked taller than Sid, ever. Sid has always edged him out. It's not by much, but he's definitely taller.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 4/Aug/19
Love/Taker pictures was important.
Kavin Love is supposed to be same height as Calaway at his peak.
Wich, looking at pictures, I doubt.

Rob answered to a poster saying that in that picture it can appear like 2 inches or more. It can appear.
But it's clear that, excluding posture, Taker is shorter by 1.75 more 2".
6'6" woukd still not a super fair listing today.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 4/Aug/19
Sid wasn't taller then Taker in my opinion.
199 vs 200 cm.
Now the gap is even a little bit more.

Probably in their staredown in 1989, bookers wanted to make Sid taller.
In fact I don't remember others occasions in wich he was taller.
The taller guy doesn't need to put his head always more up as possible when face to face with someone of the same size.
Johan 185 cm said on 4/Aug/19
Dan Trojan said on 1/Aug/19
Edwards there's no question about it when i first seen him come out he was hunched over i honestly think he was trying to hide behind the security guards because he didn't want his picture taken except for the professional ones but yeah he appeared 6'5" when i first saw him but he stood straighter when i stood beside him


Same as with "Big Andy", he can look 6'4.5"-6'5" in one pic with bad posture but then in another with the same guy look at least 6'6.25". Sid Eudy is another who walks around smaller than he is.
Roderick said on 4/Aug/19
@edwards Honestly, I don't like the Kane/Vaughn photo at all but for the Taker/Love one, I can see Love having at least 1.5" on Undertaker. I think Undertaker is 100% 6'6" MAX now... but probably more sub 6'6" like 6'5.5"-6'5.75".

Rob, maybe downgrade Undertaker to 6'6.25"? It's really unlikely that he is still 6'6.5".

@Sotiris Kane wasn't anything over 6'7" because I know someone who worked in the WWF (you can read the story) and it was wel known that Kane was really only 6'7".

Kane 6'6"-6'6.5" today IMO, I list him as 6'6.25".
edwards said on 4/Aug/19
@sotiris gravas
Some of your estimation are bang and accurate and i agree on them dude,unlike some of the poster here who tries to make peak taker 6’8 and current taker 6’6.5 which is 0% chance.
edwards said on 4/Aug/19
Even in photo you posted,even taker’s hat is not tall as strowman lmfao
Go to strowman page snd look photo posted by tree and dont ignore this
edwards said on 4/Aug/19
In the third photo you posted,admit it you or anyone can see that corbin and strowman are similar .now you are in mission to downgrade corbin and insist everyone to believe that taker is still 6’6.5 ,there is 0% chance of taker being 6’6.5 no matter how much you and anyone insist,there is 0% chance.before you said that rob still believes taker is same as strowman and possibly taller than you are dragging rob to the argument since no body agrees on your claim of taker being 6’6.5 and over.bty rob has already said that it is likely that taker is flat 6’6 today and even in sid page rob has said taker maybe 6,6 flat today and mr paul has answered to
Lanny123 said on 2/May/19 on syco sid page now ,you are all posting photos where corbin is appearing can watch corbin and strowman clear shot photo posted my poster named tree on strowman page in 8/jul/19.dont ignore this photo posted by mr tree.

Now to the point,you are completely ignoring soneone who have met taker and peg him to max flat 6’6,now i can trust someone who have met taker personally than some fan boys like you who want him to still be 6’6.5,thats your opinion but i aint buying downgrade/up grade every celeb you comment just to make taker still 6’6.5 and ignore the people who have met him and insist everyone to believe he is still 6’6.5 ,yes i respect your opinion but it is hard for anyone to believe your claims,i am ready to take this argument to next level
Canson said on 4/Aug/19
@Christian: triple H’s downgrade is long overdue. 6’1.5 is a good start but I think 6’1.25 or 6’1” really.
Canson said on 4/Aug/19
@Edwards: problem is that Taker doesn’t stand straight. I guess in his case he adds to a perception of him being shorter so If he claimed a height and is told he doesn’t look it then I could agree. However in the ring he looks 6’6” still
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Aug/19
As per Roderick's request... Here's Sid obviously looking taller than Taker way back in 1989... yes, we've all seen it before, but let's see it again... Oh, no, here he comes... RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
Click Here
edwards said on 4/Aug/19
Go to braun strowman page and and there is a poster named tree and see a photo posted by poster named tree
tree said on 8/Jul/19
With Drew Mckinyntire Click Here
And Corbin Click Here
Corbin easily looks taller than strowman and easily looks taller than taker staredown with strowman
Dude go and look just now
Now you are insisting everyone to believe taker is still 6’6.5,
Dont ignore and go and watch staredown between strowman and taker in raw when braun strowman calls roman reign and undertaker appears.there is clear angle in that staredown,dont ignore it dude.just go and watch it
Chris Nehme said on 3/Aug/19
I did not realise how much of a difference camera angles and body placement in photos makes, until I saw a bunch of recent photos with myself 6’2 and my 6’0 friend. in some photos I looked barely 6’0 next to him and in some photos I looked over 6’2 next to him. It surprisingly does make a big difference. We see it with UT next to some others. Particularly him next to that Kev love? guy. Taker look barely 6’5
edwards said on 3/Aug/19
I can see people really want to use taker/love snd kane/vince vaughn photo comparision as a reason to downgrade taker’s and kane height.smh
edwards said on 3/Aug/19
Dude ,you told all what i was going to say.100% agreed
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Aug/19
@edwards Given that Love was measured at 6'7.75" w/o shoes in the morning, I seriously doubt he's more than 6'7.25", max. I see at least a 1.75" height gap between Love and Taker... and Taker had a .25" footwear advantage w/ his big boots. In other words, Taker is MAX 6'5.5" today. There is ZERO chance Undertaker is 6'6" now, on that I am 100% certain. Rob should definitely consider changing his current listing.

Also, I 100% disagree w/ everyone who says he had bad posture w/ Love. That's a tired go-to excuse everyone uses to justify him looking shorter. Undertaker was never more than 6'7" peak height, that's for sure, probably only 6'6.75", max. Sid was always taller than him by at least .25" IMO. And I doubt Kane was ever more than 6'7". If I'm wrong, then max 6'7.25" peak for Kane.
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 3/Aug/19

I'd doubt it. If Rob still won't downgrade Triple H (who many agree that he's lost height and in the 6'1" range now), then it's very unlikely that he will lower Undertaker.
Editor Rob
Triple has a current 6ft 1.5, I said a few times in last month that it seemed a good shout today for him.
Xpac99 said on 3/Aug/19
Corbin is shorter than strowman in every videos and pics
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Stop edwards came on.
this is the staredown between taker strowman
Click Here
Click Here
The camera is near to strowman but you see the same eyes level and remeber taker’s forehead is maybe bigger than strowman and the same shoulder high. if you imagine taker at the same distance from the camera, they look the same height or almost higher at that time
edwards said on 3/Aug/19
@dan trojan
Totally agreed dude
I totally agree with you dude on your responce to creeper
edwards said on 2/Aug/19
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/Jul/19

You said I posted a pic of Taker not standing at his tallest next to Regis.. So what do you do...? You post a pic of Taker when Regis is looking down and slouching. How is what you posted supposed to be a better take on his height? In other words, don't cherry-pick one beneficial pic b/c it suits your needs and pretend that it represents the norm. Don't be the guy you accuse me of being.

Here's the video footage of Taker and Regis -- most of the video is them standing straight, not the part in the end that you conveniently felt was the best part, lol... Click Here

Kevin Love, who's 6'7.25", TOWERED Taker. Do you know what TOWERED MEANS? So, no, Taker's not the height you think he is.

P.S. Here's video footage of Taker w/ 6'0" Cena (2002)... Click Here Funny how Taker doesn't look that tall next to a guy who's only 6'0". Funny, indeed. Maybe he forgot to wear his lifts.

@sotiris gravas
as your responce to carls 110,dude love never towered taker.i agree that love edged taker but not towered.I can see at first glance how it looked like a bigger height difference, due to Love's shoulders and eyebrows higher. But the top of the head is where you need to look and I see around 1.5 inch advantage to Love there. But could be less if/when Taker is able to stand straight. So I'd say could be as close as an 1.5 inch difference.Let's not forget Taker had horrible posture and still has trouble standing fully straight .i have love at 6'7.5 or minimum 6’7.25 and thats my personal estimation and taker looked 1.5 inch shorter not more that puts taker to 6'6 not less even if you compare love photos.yes he did edge taker but i wouldnt call it towered.dont get me wrong dude.
Canson said on 2/Aug/19
@Roderick: Taker was bare minimum 6’7 peak height. Kane was likely at least that too
Canson said on 2/Aug/19
@Dan Trojan: the way you summarized it is the same way Alan32080 summed up his first encounter with Hogan. As he got closer and stood next to or in front of him, he matched his posture. I’ve been saying for quite some time that both guys Taker and Hogan, do not walk tall, Both have very poor posture, and both guys likely have trouble standing completely straight or well for extended periods of time. Both guys have had very dramatic back injuries and surgeries likely due to the lives they have led. Another one that is beginning to look like this is Big Show. He was easily 6’11” range maybe close to 7’0” peak and today he’s probably barely 6’10” if even that tall. No less than 6’9.5 though. Alan has met both guys but didn’t stand in front of Taker long enough to size him up. He estimates Hogan to be 6’3 and change 6’3.25-6’4 and Taker around 6’7 but that was way back when he met him and he probably didn’t pay as much attention to his height. He was definitely 6’7” range peak. Hogan 6’5-6’6 range peak. Probably afternoon height closer to 6’5
Canson said on 2/Aug/19
@Dan Trojan: the way you summarized it is the same way Alan32080 summed up his first encounter with Hogan. As he got closer and stood next to or in front of him, he matched his posture. I’ve been saying for quite some time that both guys Taker and Hogan, due not walk talk. Both have very poor posture and both guys likely have trouble standing completely straight or well for extended periods of time. Both guys have had very dramatic back injuries and surgeries. Alan has met both guys but didn’t stand in front of Taker long enough to size him up. He estimates Hogan to be 6’3 and change 6’3.25-6’4 and Taker around 6’7 but that was way back when he met him and he probably didn’t pay as much attention to his height. He was definitely 6’7” range peak. Hogan 6’5-6’6 range peak. Probably afternoon height closer to 6’5
Roderick said on 2/Aug/19
Somebody post some video or photo of Sid looking taller than Undertaker... Lol thanks
Canson said on 2/Aug/19
@Edwards: I agree for all peak heights. I’d prob add

TAKER- you hit on the head strong 6’7” 6’7.25 maybe max 6’7.5 but I’d lean more toward 201
Sid- 6’6.5 to 6’7. He never looked a full 6’7” but a weak 6’7 yes
Kane- you hit on the head weak 6’8” or maybe just 6’7.5
Canson said on 1/Aug/19
@ChrisT: I have little doubt that Rob will downgrade him within the next year. Probably to 6’6” flat which he may still be. I agree with Edwards on everything he’s said for probably the past 6-12 months as he could still be 6’6” but absolutely no less than 6’5.5 and he probably is in between if anything. Probably more 6’5.75 if he falls below the mark. And he would likely measure taller than he walks at this stage in his life

@Creeper: I do not think he was ever 6’8” by this site’s standards which is afternoon height. I have little doubt he was 6’8” out of bed and probably around 6’7.25 afternoon height would be my guess for how he should be listed. But 6’7.5 is ok because he would have measured that in the mid to late morning
Canson said on 1/Aug/19
@ChrisT: I have little doubt that Rob will downgrade him within the next year. Probably to 6’6” flat which he may still be. I agree with Edwards on everything he’s said for probably the past 6-12 months as he could still be 6’6” but absolutely no less than 6’5.5 and he probably is in between if anything. Probably more 6’5.75 if he falls below the mark. And he would likely measure taller than he walks at this stage in his life
Dan Trojan said on 1/Aug/19
Edwards there's no question about it when i first seen him come out he was hunched over i honestly think he was trying to hide behind the security guards because he didn't want his picture taken except for the professional ones but yeah he appeared 6'5" when i first saw him but he stood straighter when i stood beside him
Roderick said on 1/Aug/19
@Creeper WWE doesn't always add just 2 inches. It's sometimes 4-5 inches or even 6.

Undertaker was definitely not 6'8" or even 6'7" and a fraction. I'd say Kane and Undertaker were both 6'7" peak height. Undertaker might have been a weak 6'7".

Before anyone calls me out, yes my original estimates were higher, but the more I dig and the more I find, these guys really weren't much taller than 6'7" is what I've come to learn.

Kevin Nash was 6'9.25" max IMO and he had Undertaker by at least 2 inches
edwards said on 1/Aug/19
Just a minute dude,you said taker appeared taller than corbin appeared with strowman,wait a minute go to braun strowman page and look a photo posted by a poster named tree.
tree said on 8/Jul/19
With Drew Mckinyntire Click Here
And Corbin Click Here
Corbin easily looks taller than strowman and easily looks taller than taker staredown with strowman
Dude go and look just now
Canson said on 1/Aug/19
It’s obvious inside of the ring that he’s lost height. He has extremely poor posture and his neck is curved. In his prime, you could tell a difference as he really did look a 6’7” guy or possibly even a 6’7-6’8 range guy 6’8 or a hair over morning height. I would say peak afternoon height was 6’7.25.
edwards said on 1/Aug/19
There are staredowns in youtube where corbin looks exactly similar to strowman and you cannot separate the two,i would recommend you to watch taker and strowman staredown in raw for clear shot.the one when strowman calls roman reugn and taker appears.go and see that staredown.just go and see that staredown.
edwards said on 1/Aug/19
@sotiris gravas
as your responce to carls 110,dude love never towered taker.i agree that love edged taker but not towered.I can see at first glance how it looked like a bigger height difference, due to Love's shoulders and eyebrows higher. But the top of the head is where you need to look and I see around 1.5 inch advantage to Love there. But could be less if/when Taker is able to stand straight. So I'd say could be as close as an 1.5 inch difference.Let's not forget Taker had horrible posture and still has trouble standing fully straight .i have love at 6'7.5 and thats my personal estimation and taker looked 1.5 inch shorter not more that puts taker to 6'6 flat not less even if you compare love photos.yes he did edge taker but i wouldnt call it towered.dont get me wrong dude.
edwards said on 1/Aug/19
Xpac99 said on 29/Jul/19
Undertaker for rob is taller than corbin, if him considered taker shorter he listed taker like 6ft 6 or less. In 2018 taker was closer to strowman than corbin did infact even big rob paul said they was very close to judge Who is taller when they shakhands. Corbin is shorter then strowman for sure. In 2019 i’m not sure if taker is taller, but in my opionion even today is taller or max the same height, but no short

Then dude ,you can also watch raw staredowns between taker and strowman when reign called strowman,i wanted to say in the year 2019,taker is max flat 6’6.yes camera angles can be quite tricky at times.if you want clear shot ,watch the raw segment between taker and strowman,you think i’m downgrading taker i am not,everbody know that a peak taker is easily taller than corbin,no doubt in that but i am talking about the year 2019,i have always said that we can believe someone and have their words of someone who have met taker and there are two of them,one is our good dude dan trojan and other named bros of destruction and both of them has personally met taker and peg him at 6’6 flat and you are hust insisting him to be taller than he really his.dont get me wrong ,its just your personal can see photos of them dudes.why wont you believe that?
edwards said on 1/Aug/19
I dont think sid is taller than taker,yeah his shoulders are quite higher and taller than taker but takers head is a bit higher than sid
Peak height
Taker 6’7.25 to 6’7.5
Kane 6’7.5 to 6’7.75
Sid 6’6.75 to 6’7
edwards said on 1/Aug/19
yes agreed dude
Canson said on 31/Jul/19
@Johan: I would say 204 range today for Nash. But Rob being off 1/4” isn’t impossible even after he’s met them. I doubt an inch but I’m sure it’s happened a half before. That’s a pretty big difference with a 5’8” guy. I know if I saw a 7’4 range guy that I would have a hard time even though I am probably not as good as Rob at judging because he does it for a living. But I believe probably 6’8.5 for Nash today 6’9” range peak. He did reduce Anthony Joshua and Joe Mangianello well after he met both. He even said Joe looked 6’4.5-6’5” around lunchtime before so it’s possible Joe is 6’4.5 at a low which another poster on his page said he was 6’5.5 and that Joe was about an inch shorter. Also he had Ray Fisher 6’2.5 (now 6’2.25) before when he can look sub 6’2” on occasion which shows that the pic with Rob May make him look shorter than he actually is
Editor Rob
All heights have a range, some might be wider than others.

I think seeing people in person can help you narrow it - there are many listings I have adjusted by 1/4 or 1/2 inches over the years from seeing somebody, and it's not always 'downwards'. If I think a listing is a fraction too low I will increase it.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 31/Jul/19

The reason why we are allow to put comments on this page, except for insult, is because everyone has eyes and fingers and brain for write what he thinks is better and what he wants.
Trust or not.
I respect your and Rob's point of view. But I desagree with it.
I don't show pictures just because in these years I think we already saw everything.

Love 6'7.5 2"(more and no less then that) on 6'5.5 footwear advantage Undertaker.
Creeper said on 31/Jul/19
Well genuinely, to find how his true height, you would have to do the math/science like this.

Knowledge that WWE always has a 2 inch add rule is first step.

So Undertaker's billed height is 6'10.

Take 2 inches off and you get 6'8.

Compared to Big Show and Diesel, 6'8 seems about right for Undertaker.

My guess for Undertaker in his prime is 6'8, what do you guys think?
Vegas' said on 31/Jul/19
Waltman was taller than 5'7. I met him about 10 years ago and he was wearing paper thin flip flops so I had about inch footwear advantage
edwards said on 31/Jul/19
Why are you ignoring that some of the dudes here have met taker and peg him at flat 6’6 max and why are you insisting so hard,you cant deny the truth.i would rather believe someone who have met taker rather than someone who always tries to upgrade/downgrade him.if you think i am downgrading taker you can look all of my comment , i dont agree on high as 6’6.5 and low as 6’5.i have always told that taker is max 6’6 flat max.simply 6’6 flat,like you i am not someone who want taker to b certain height and willing to do anything to prove him that height.
edwards said on 31/Jul/19
Every body knows that peak taker is easily taller than corbin,i am talking about currently.i have already said that i have asked rob few month ago and rob has replied and you can see that comment and rob has replied on 11/apr/19 that rob has said both are awfully closed and similar today.i have even asked a week ago and rob has replied again in baron corbin page that taker and corbin is same can visit corbin page,you are downgrading or upgrading everyone just to make taker 6’6.5 to fit the agenda and dont get me wrong.I am talking about current state of taker not about peak
edwards said on 31/Jul/19
Taker is a guy who measures taller than he stands and walks. He may be able to stretch to 6’6” still atleast to weak one.looking a bit under 6'6 is certainly different than measuring under it. That's a problem with guys like him, he may still creep out another cm when asked to measure.infact he may look 6'5 but when asked to measure he is still6'6.
Chris T said on 30/Jul/19
Maybe next year he’ll be 6’6 then the year after 6’5.5 then then the year after 6’4.5 then the year after 6’3
Wlrn said on 30/Jul/19
He is a little taller than Drew McIntyre.
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Jul/19
Riccardo 5'7" said on 25/Jul/19

For kavin Nash I mean 205cm peak 202-203 now, maybe more 203 cm. This is my opinion.
You talk about trust in this and in that, but trust is a word that has nothing to do with guessing the height of someone.
Leave the word trust for more serious things.
I don't doubt Rob has guessed many heights but he also didn't in other few occasions, wich is completely normal.
Sure as hell Undertaker, André, Khali, Kane, Hogan, HHH are not that tall( peak /current)

Sure meeting someone of them would be nice, but from my view (I'm not a tall guy) everyone of them would appear huge. If I meet Taker he could easily appear to me around 6'8".
If you want try to guess an height look a tall guy with others tall guys.
Infact is in these occasions that Taker or Hogan start to look shorter then many people thought.


Trust in the editor of a site like this is very important. Rob meets them in person and has a good eye for height. If I am going to make an educated guess on a celebs height I will look at pics/clips but if Rob has met them it helps alot to get accuracy to the cm.

You speak with conviction over your own estimates while you have never met or know anyone who has. I am open to reasonable posters and their estimates but I expect some good evidence to back it up.

If Rob tells me that "Big Andy" is 5'11" range and I guessed the same by comparing him with 5'10" Billy Dee Williams in that link....well thats good evidence. And Billy is 5'10" Rob met him and has a pic on the site, Andy was an inch taller so I assumed 5'11.25".

Back to Taker, with the belt in hand he looked 7 inches taller than Andy. 6'6.25" minimum with good posture.
Canson said on 30/Jul/19
@Edwards: agreed!
edwards said on 30/Jul/19
Dude Glad to have you back ,why were you absent in celebsheight for a long time?
Roderick said on 29/Jul/19
Undertaker posted a pic of him and Macho Man during his prime and I think Macho Man was about 5'11.5" peak height, maybe I'm wrong and he was 6'0" but not taller IMO.

Undertaker doesn't even look 6'7" in the pic and Savage is slouching. He looks short.
Xpac99 said on 29/Jul/19
Undertaker for rob is taller than corbin, if him considered taker shorter he listed taker like 6ft 6 or less. In 2018 taker was closer to strowman than corbin did infact even big rob paul said they was very close to judge Who is taller when they shakhands. Corbin is shorter then strowman for sure. In 2019 i’m not sure if taker is taller, but in my opionion even today is taller or max the same height, but no short
Canson said on 29/Jul/19
@Roderick: I think Rob will eventually downgrade him to 6’6” but not below. He will eventually because it’s obvious now he’s dropped height and will only become more obvious
Editor Rob
By the time I get round to that, maybe Undertaker will have shrank even more and actually be sub 6ft 6!
Canson said on 27/Jul/19
@Riccardo: no. He is always listed at 6’6” which he should be. I have seen 6’7” for him before but that’s not accurate. What I said is that he’s likely not a full 6’6” at a low especially a guy his size if he measured 6’6.25 early morning like he did, chances are better that he’s 6’5 1/2-3/4 range. Someone that size bare minimum height loss in a day is 3/4” but usually it would be more like 7/8” or 1”. I have a 6’6” friend who only loses about 3/4-7/8 which at 6’4 I also only lose about 3/4 on a normal day.. my guess for Gronk (if the 6’6.25 was complete and not closer to 6’6 1/8) that he wakes to 6’6 5/8 and dips to 6’5 7/8 absolute best case but worst 6’5 5/8. He looks only max 4cm on Brady in pics. I have Brady right at 6’4” so for him probably around 197-197.5. What I was saying about Taker is that he may be 197-197.5 at a low worst case. Best case he’s 198-198.5 range
Canson said on 27/Jul/19
@Riccardo: no. He is always listed at 6’6” which he should be. I have seen 6’7” for him before but that’s not accurate. What I said is that he’s likely not a full 6’6” at a low especially a guy his size if he measured 6’6.25 early morning like he did, chances are better that he’s 6’5 1/2-3/4 range. Someone that size bare minimum height loss in a day is 3/4” but usually it would be more like 7/8” or 1”. I have a 6’6” friend who only loses about 3/4-7/8 which at 6’4 I also only lose about 3/4 on a normal day.. my guess for Gronk (if the 6’6.25 was complete and not closer to 6’6 1/8) that he wakes to 6’6 5/8 and dips to 6’5 7/8 absolute best case but worst 6’5 5/8. He looks only max 4cm on Brady in pics. I have Brady right at 6’4” so for him probably around 197-197.5
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Jul/19
So just because Rob thinks so, it necessarily must be true?
Riccardo 5'7" said on 26/Jul/19

Your is definitely a good guess
Dan Trojan said on 26/Jul/19
Xpac 99 honestly that video you posted is not a good comparison between taker and corbin you really can't tell who's taller edwards is right i met the undertaker and i truly believe he was no more than 6'6" now as for corbin i believe he can honestly measure over it possibly if i recall a staredown he had with kane he stood pretty well with him they looked very close in height
edwards said on 26/Jul/19
While kevin Love did edge Taker, I doubt it was really by as much as the most of the posters here suggest. I would say more like 3.5 cm maybe 1.5”inch. A 6’7.25 Love would make Taker more like 6’5.75. Anything 6’5.75-6’6 fits really. Taker still looks around 6’6” with guys on the ring like corbin and strowman, I think strowman will barely edges taker and corbin.strowman looks max 1 cm taller than corbin and both of them looks exactly same and you couldnt seprate the two and even taker. 1 cm is not visible and is not a big issue on a such a big and tall at the point,love looks to be around 1.5 inch taller than taker and taker still looks 6'6 in the ring .
edwards said on 26/Jul/19
in simple word,i only wanted to tell that taker is not over max flat 6'6
edwards said on 26/Jul/19
@xpac 99
dude,rob has never said taker is taller than corbin today,i have already asked rob who is taller today and rob have replied on 11/Apr/19,rob said both of them really need to be measured so he could see how either would appear taller,according to rob both of them are similar today.they really need to measured according to rob.
edwards said on 26/Jul/19
don't pick only beneficial photos to back your claims and suits your needs and pretend that it represents the normal.nothing is more reasonable than the words from some one who have met him.we are just going it by photos,taker is not 6'6.5 today how much you insist and make everyone believe he is.tbh he is not,and i am not saying that he is not 6'6,he still maybe 6'6 but over that mark i doubt.i have told before and i will tell it now,the photos with love are living proof.if he was 6'6.5 then he mush have been only half inch shorter than 6'7 love but personally i can see more like 1.5 inch between them,i dont believe in 2 inch difference claim because he wasnt standing straight if he was stand at his tallest with love ,the difference would be 1.25-1.5 inch,either way taker is no over max 6'6 or love is over 6'7,what do you think about this,6'6 flat is reasonable bet today.the dude looks like 6'5 guy but if he stands tallest for measurement he is 6'6 and i dont believe he could measure even 1 mm over 6'6.6'6 flat is good bet today but normally he is 6'5.5-6'6 rangd today like canson dude told,i fully agree with him.
Roderick said on 25/Jul/19
I posted the story on Kane's page. Go check it out.

Honestly I'm beginning to doubt Kane and Undertaker were ever over 6'7" the more I dig and the more I find. One of my long time friends, Michael, who I mentioned on Kane's page, told me straight up said that Kane was 6'7" and Undertaker was around 6'6.5". He was a security guard for WWF if anybody wanted to know his backround. If anybody knows who I'm talking about (full name is Michael Gonzalez, posting with permission of course), can you please help confirm the story. I'm sick of trolls coming onto here and making up stories and I promise on everything this one is completely legitimate. The reliability of a poster telling a legit story is very low now, so I don't blame you if it sounds like BS.

What makes the most sense to me?

Kane: 6'7"
Sid Eudy: 6'6.75"
Undertaker: 6'6.5"

Fyi, Sid at his peak was definitely taller than Undertaker at his peak, Idk how people can insist Undertaker was an inch taller, lol.
Roderick said on 25/Jul/19
@Sotiris Woah, Undertaker looks extremely short next to Cena in that clip. In 2007 in the ring however he did look 6-7 inches taller than Cena.

He only looks 6'4" range in that clip. 6'5" at best
Riccardo 5'7" said on 25/Jul/19

For kavin Nash I mean 205cm peak 202-203 now, maybe more 203 cm. This is my opinion.
You talk about trust in this and in that, but trust is a word that has nothing to do with guessing the height of someone.
Leave the word trust for more serious things.
I don't doubt Rob has guessed many heights but he also didn't in other few occasions, wich is completely normal.
Sure as hell Undertaker, André, Khali, Kane, Hogan, HHH are not that tall( peak /current)

Sure meeting someone of them would be nice, but from my view (I'm not a tall guy) everyone of them would appear huge. If I meet Taker he could easily appear to me around 6'8".
If you want try to guess an height look a tall guy with others tall guys.
Infact is in these occasions that Taker or Hogan start to look shorter then many people thought.
Roderick said on 25/Jul/19
@edwards Facts honestly. I don't think he's gonna be downgraded but I know for certain he isn't 6'6.5" and obviously struggles for 6'6" today. He's likely 6'5.5"-6'5.75" range max. 6'6" kinda seems hopeful today without the help of footwear. I actually used to believe Undertaker was still 6'6" solid before I came upon this forum, but not anymore after looking at your guys pics.
Onepunchbob said on 25/Jul/19
Peak 6ft 7
Current 6ft 5.5
Riccardo 5'7" said on 25/Jul/19

I see Gronk listed at 6'6 almost everywhere.
Do you think he is taller then 198cm?
Canson said on 25/Jul/19
@Edwards: I doubt Corbin is over a flat 6’6” but 6’6 1/8 normal low is a remote possibility. He would, if not a full inch, lose about 7/8” or very close meaning 1/2” if not 5/8” would come after he was measured at the combine. I’d stick to 6’6” flat tho as I doubt he’s below that. I would give Strowman more of 199cm. Maybe 6’6.5 absolute best case. Taker if he’s shorter than Corbin likely is 6’5.5-6’6 or around 6’5.75. It may be enhanced by his poor posture but I doubt it’s that much difference
Xpac99 said on 25/Jul/19
Undertaker taller than corbin isn’t my personal opinion. Even rob paul think that taker is taller than corbin 😉
Johan 185 cm said on 25/Jul/19
Riccardo 5'7" said on 23/Jul/19

I agree with you but only in part. Nash for me wasn't 6'9.5 but a bit shorter. He is today, in my opinion, a strong 6'7 and was a strong 6'8 at his peak.

The reason why I see these guys shorter is because of this:
They don't give me the sensation to be that tall.
Sotiris, in fact, is around 6'7 and he clearly feel that Undertaker for example is far from his height.
Pictures gives him right, but before this he feels to be taller.


6'7" For Nash is impossible. Rob met the guy and gave him 6'9", he also met Joe Manganiello who is at worst a weak 6'5". Nash has 4" on Joe so he got downgraded when Joe did.

6'8.25-6'8.5" is arguable today he has lost a bit but no less than that. Not under 6'9" peak, he was only a few inches shorter than Big Show in WcW and Show had huge footwear back then.

He towered over Hogan and Scott Hall.

Maybe you should go and meet these guys in person? Looking at them on screen doesn't really tell you a thing.

Rob met the guy and I trust him 100%, he has earned that trust, along with a few others who used to be on the user heights page who posted height measurements. Through the years many liars and trolls have been exposed here on Celeb heights.

In Taker's case here he is with a 7" Great Khali.

Click Here
edwards said on 25/Jul/19
takers boot was quite large than mcintire but smaller than kane as we all know kane is known to wear monster heels.but taker's boot was also too large at that segment.kane wore a normal shoes with his match with gold berg,i think even wwe fans begain to notice that he has become shorter so he wore a bigger heel last time lol .
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/Jul/19

You said I posted a pic of Taker not standing at his tallest next to Regis.. So what do you do...? You post a pic of Taker when Regis is looking down and slouching. How is what you posted supposed to be a better take on his height? In other words, don't cherry-pick one beneficial pic b/c it suits your needs and pretend that it represents the norm. Don't be the guy you accuse me of being.

Here's the video footage of Taker and Regis -- most of the video is them standing straight, not the part in the end that you conveniently felt was the best part, lol... Click Here

Kevin Love, who's 6'7.25", TOWERED Taker. Do you know what TOWERED MEANS? So, no, Taker's not the height you think he is.

P.S. Here's video footage of Taker w/ 6'0" Cena (2002)... Click Here Funny how Taker doesn't look that tall next to a guy who's only 6'0". Funny, indeed. Maybe he forgot to wear his lifts.
edwards said on 24/Jul/19
Thats what i am saying,these three guys are in same range.but strowman having a bit advantages if measured.and again,there are some staredowns in youtube where corbin is similar to strowman,sometimes,camera angles can be a bit tricky thats why i peg these three guys at same range of 6’6,taker at flat 6’6,corbin at 6’6.25 and braun at 6’6.5 or 6’6.75,since this a a little difference between such tall dudes,these dudes can look quite similar and awfully closed in height and only way to findout is by measuring for taker,i believe to dan trojan dudes and bros of destruction ,according to them taker is max 6’6 so.
Canson said on 24/Jul/19
@Riccardo: same size as Gronk is a very good guess. I also have Gronk at around that height. 6’6.25 is his morning measurement
edwards said on 24/Jul/19
Some poster still wanna prove him 6’6.5 rather than accepting the reality.they dosent agree on words from someone who have met taker,rather they insist everyone to believe that he is still around 6’6.5 smh,people who have met him peg him at max 6’6 and still some are still finding excuses.
edwards said on 24/Jul/19
Dude,He struggle to look even 6’6 let alone 6’ matter how tall he stand and no matter how much photos are posted i personally dont think he would measure 6’6.5 at this stage of his life,no matter how straight he stand.he even struggle to look 6’6 and is visibly shorter than guys like corbin and strowman.
edwards said on 24/Jul/19
@xpac99 People who have met taker have said he is max 6’6 flat or simply 6’6 flat today and you are still in a mission in proving him 6’6.5 which makes no sense.dude dont get me wrong,it is rather reasonable to believe to person who have met him rather than videos.
edwards said on 24/Jul/19
@xpac99 lol i think taker is taller than corbin only in your personal opinion but for the rest its very hard to believe.when both corbin and taker goes face to face you ignore that and say stuff like with the same distance make sense to judge who is taller and taker is a fraction taller infact when shakehand with strowman, he looks taller than corbin did on raw'.see when both are standing and face to face while taker is going to chokeslam.any one can see that point of match,all your videos make no senseyou are sticking to your opinion like everybody is sticking theirs and i aint saying that taker is not 6'6,i only said over 6' matter how many videos or photos posted here,nothing gonna prove that he is 6'6.5 and i aint trying any excuses.he is flat 6'6 with good posture and thats my personal opinion
edwards said on 24/Jul/19
Smh ,people are still talking about baba photos,smh baba’s photo was too good but the photo is outdated since it was back in 2014.raker has lost a lot height since 2014 or in simple word taker is shorter than than he was 2014.i hear people having reference Ali Baba photo.dont get me wrong,its their personal opinion but to be honest baba photo is outdated and taker is shorter now than with baba.some people wont get that.taker has lost half inch till now from the day he met baba.imho he looks bit shorter than he was at 2014.imho taker is max 6’6 flat now.i mean 6’6 flat is best bet considering .there are also people here who have met taker recently including our good dude mr trojan and one poster named bros of destruction and both of them peg him at flat 6’6.bros of destruction said he wasnt sure on taker’s height but the max he guessed was 6’6 and same goes for trojan.he said taker is flat 6’6 not less and not more.some people wont notice and accept that tries to make taker taller than he really is and insisting everyone smh.yes i aint saying he is under 6’6 or over 6’6.max 6’6is what he is short ,flat 6,6 is best bet today.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 23/Jul/19
I think Undertaker is around the same height as Gronk, that I guess at 6'5.75 too. And in my opinion is the most I can arrive to for him. No 6'6.
More realistic is definitely 6'5.5.
Again in the picture with Philibin 5'6 he didn't look extremely tall.
At 5'7 where the top of my head should be opposite to a 6'7.5 guy?
Riccardo 5'7" said on 23/Jul/19

I agree with you but only in part. Nash for me wasn't 6'9.5 but a bit shorter. He is today, in my opinion, a strong 6'7 and was a strong 6'8 at his peak.

The reason why I see these guys shorter is because of this:
They don't give me the sensation to be that tall.
Sotiris, in fact, is around 6'7 and he clearly feel that Undertaker for example is far from his height.
Pictures gives him right, but before this he feels to be taller.

Corbin in that moment was taller, but why in the same night Taker was equal with strowman? If strowman is taller then Corbin?. Btw I still don't see this huge boots for Undertaker against McIntyre. After I've seen kanes boots for me all the others are flats lol.
McIntyre in my opinion is 6'4 max.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 23/Jul/19

Don't compare me with Mysteryo. I tower over him (finally I can say this to someone xd). WWE would list me at 5'9.5", and I would easily claim 5'11😅. This is a lesson for everyone that thinks Undertaker was near to 6'10" or Andre at 7'+ or Hogan at 6'6/6'7
Canson said on 23/Jul/19
I doubt over 6’6” still but he’s still right around the 6’6” mark. If over means 1mm or so maybe but not more. 197 range is more likely than 6’6 1/4 let alone 199 at this stage
Canson said on 23/Jul/19
@Vegas: i didn’t know. But he came clean when he said 6’0” and 6’1 in cool shoes
Roderick said on 22/Jul/19
Xpac is a 5'7" range guy who got billed at 6'1" lmao

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.