Sandy Cowell said on 17/May/23
“….otherwise you’ll have to retract my foot!” 😂👌🏼
So says Steve at the thought of his daughter retracting the true accusation that his daughter was assaulted while plied with drink.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Feb/23
I think I’d been equally annoyed if I’d had a bet at Barlow’s Bets and Peter Poopface refused to pay up, completely disowning the fact that he’d had a bet in the first place!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/May/22
I’ve noticed that the Police 👮♂️ officer is absolutely civilised to Jim McDonald. Although his beating of murderer Quigley went too far, Jim handed himself in, saving a lot of the country’s money. Quigley left behind a grieving mother, whose only child was murdered by him, and then he had the audacity to have the young guy who stood up in Court to try and get the mother justice, and also relate the fact that he’d been threatened, beaten up by himself and a gang he rounded up.
How much does it cost to keep violent scum like this fed and housed in jail? They don’t have to fret as to where their next meal is coming from or worry about hot water facilities etc etc. The Yorkshire Ripper cost this country untold money, and that makes me very angry. He had a cushy life in a mental health facility for many years, until they put him in the prison he should have been sent to in the first place.
The law really can be an arse, though this particular storyline is reflective of a fairer attitude to people who lose their control with violent thugs. A huge big bloke could break into my house and I’d be in trouble if I retaliated to defend my cats, myself and my property.
I feel America has a BETTER attitude.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/May/22
I’m going to have to see yesterday’s second Classic Coronation Street to find out exactly what happened, but the large-built father of Steve, ex Army bloke Jim McDonald, has given Quigley such a pasting that he died.
I don’t know what to say, other than thank goodness this is only a Soap. Furthermore, let’s hope that hooligans like Steve’s attackers learnt from this revenge attack, but I somehow doubt it.
Quigley was a coward, and loaded up a gang to do his dirty work, which was a disgusting thing to do in the first place, the murdering 🐖🐕🦺. 😝
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Apr/22
Poor Steve received a terrible beating in today’s Classic Coronation Street, from the likes of murderer Jez Quigley, who got off the charge of killing Denise Welch’s character, Natalie’s son Tony.
Luckily, Steve’s father, Jim, found him just in time to save his life. Steve had at least 7 broken ribs, yet the doctors said he was lucky - obviously to be found in time - and massive bruising.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Dec/21
Well done, Simon, for coming second in this year's Celebrity Castle Competition. 🥈
He was SUCH a laugh!
In the end, I really didn't mind whether Simon or Danny took the crown because I liked them both equally.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Dec/21
"The cow's vagina wasn't the best I've had!" says Simon.
Everybody laughs!
Be careful how you phrase things Simon!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Dec/21
LOVyFgL! 👁️👁️🤭
That was DISGUSTING tonight! Simon and Danny had to stick fish eyes in their mouths, pop 'em, spit the contents out into a cocktail glass and drink the muck!
Simon gave out some super loud burps and came back to camp and farted! Ant and Dec LOVE that sort of thing and were in hysterics! So was the country......
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Nov/21
Hey, Steve - you SHOULD give Emma some of Oliver's fund to help her boyfriend. A life is a life, and this boy is only 22.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jul/21
C'mon Steve! Man up and tell your daughter, Emma, why the guy is really calling it a day. She'll find out soon enough, anyway.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/May/21
In Classic Coronation Street, Steve's horrid father, Jim McDonald, had an accident and he's unconscious in hospital.
I can't stand the guy, played by Charles Lawson, who is reputed to be 6ft, but I wouldn't go higher than 5ft11.5 for the bullying piece of nastiness. My only regret is that I missed yesterday's episode, when it happened! 😝 Needless to say, he was drunk at the time. When isn't he? 🥃😵
Simon gets 5ft11.
Charles gets a kick up his ample behind!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Feb/21
Oh dear! Steve has just been told by his father, played by the slightly taller Charles Lawson, that, not only has he slept with Fiona, the same girl as he's been dating, but he's also IN LOVE with her! (Today's Classic Coronation Street).
Steve reacts by smashing a mirror. I think his Dad got away somewhat lightly, especially when you think how free and easy he's been in the past to use his own fists. 😝
Simon's Steve proved to be the bigger man in that respect. 😉👌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Nov/20
You could see that Simon's Steve's heart was breaking too, but he had to keep strong for the sake of Leanne.
This has to be one of the saddest storylines in the history of Soap Operas, involving a terminally ill three-year-old little boy. 😢
Simon gets 5ft11.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Apr/20
Poor young Steve was on the receiving end of a terrible pasting yesterday in 'Classic Coronation Street' - from a member of a loan shark firm. The silly boy had been borrowing in order to finance a lifestyle beyond his means, but then it can't be much of a confidence booster to have a rich girlfriend, in the shape of Bet's redheaded stepdaughter, Vicky (Chloe Newsome) who claimed to be a 'pocket-sized redhead of five foot three', but I think she's about an inch less!
Steve, or should I say Simon, was found by his father, who seems to be a touch below 6ft, if not 6ft. In the mid-nineties, Simon wasn't far off that mark himself. It just goes to show how badly a lazy, stooping posture can be detrimental to your height, even in early middle age.
Steve/Simon's Dad, Jim, played by Charles Lawson, found his son with his head awash with blood and he carted him off to the hospital, and rightly so. There really was very little difference between the two.
Simon gets 5ft11. 🦈💰❌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Feb/20
Simon's character's twin brother, Andy, has just called a house "an 'ouse."
Down south of the country, it gets called "an 'arse"! 😃
Simon can have 5ft11 this morning. He looks it in the classic episodes. He hadn't perfected the art of slouching back then!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jan/20
"I didn't think, 'Oh, I'll go and cop off with Sean!'" said Steve to wife Tracy in an argument about her recent dalliance with a woman! 😂😂😂
Simon, who plays Steve, can have 5ft11 - but only when he stands up STRAIGHT!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Dec/19
Steve had an argument with his horrible father, Jim, in today's Classic Coronation Street and was clobbered by the brute in the face. 😝🖕
The guy who plays Jim, Charles Lawson, is a believable 6ft, so I don't think that 5ft10.5 is too little for Simon Gregson.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Oct/19
🎁🎂🎉🕯️ Happy Birthday Simon! 🕯️🎉🎂🎁
Wishing Simon a very Happy 45th Birthday today!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Sep/19
On being told by daughter Amy that he eats with his mouth open, Steve replies, "How else am I gonna get food in it?"
Five foot eleven. Dreadful posture, but very funny! I know which curries favour with me! 😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Aug/19
Now this guy, as opposed to Ben Price, has a very good heart. God bless him. XX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Aug/19
"Ah bless!" That's all I've been saying since I've watching how Stevie has been dealing with finding out that he is little Emma's natural father. 😿
When saying goodbye to Steve, Emma mentioned that his daughter, Amy, was very lucky to have a Dad like him.
Somehow, I predict a happy ending.🤞
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jul/19
Ha ha ha ha! Simon's character, Steve, has just stacked a car - hardly his, as I'm talking about 'Classic Coronation Street', when he was in his teens!
Anyway, he gave the Police Kevin Webster's name! 😂😂😂
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Jun/19
"You make me sound like an old fart!" Steve says to his daughter Amy upon receiving a disappointing grooming kit for a birthday present, and she goes on to describe what he can use it for!
5ft10.5. His posture ain't great!
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Jan/19
Watching 'Classic Coronation Street' as I am at the moment, there's no way that the young Simon Gregson was fully grown yet. The year is either 90 or 91, and I reckon he still doesn't have to shave!
Now, on the other hand, he probably wakes up at just over 5ft11, going down towards 5ft10.5 or slightly above that. He doesn't hold himself as well he might, and stands sort of 'slobbishly' - but he's a great fun character and I thought it was hilarious when someone's tiny dog kept on turning up on his doorstep and he would talk to him; he ended up adopting the tiny mutt!
5ft10.75 🐕👏😋
Nik said on 4/Oct/18
@ Rob - Is Simon Gregson more likely to be:
a) 5 ft 10 1/8
b) 5 ft 10 7/8

Editor Rob
I'd say a greater chance nearer B than a.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Oct/18
@ Jason Jeffers: Kevin Kennedy looked a strong 6ft for sure.
GUK said on 2/Oct/18
I've met Charlie Lawson who plays his dad and he is easily 6ft tall. Probably makes this listing about right
Sakz said on 2/Oct/18
Hmm initially I'd have thought the actor who plays Adam Barlow is 5'11. The character once repeatedly claimed he's 6'0 on the show although I knew he was most likely below it. I guess 'about 5'11' would cover him then.
Sakz said on 1/Oct/18
Accurate listing. Doesn't look 5'11 let alone 6'0.
Jason Jeffers said on 1/Oct/18
Rob, what height would you put Kevin Kennedy at? (Played Curly Watts). I've heard everything from 6'-6'2", but never thought he looked more than Simon Gregson.

Editor Rob
Kennedy used to list himself as 6 feet tall in the late 80's.
CD said on 30/Sep/18
This listing is about right, although I could buy a weak 5'11" for him considering his posture; 5'10.75 is more likely than .25 IMO.
Zampo said on 30/Sep/18
Around that. Looks tallish in Coronation Street because the cast was relatively small. If I was told estimate his height prior to this listing, would have guessed 5'10.25, so I can buy this listing.
Littlelee168cm said on 30/Sep/18
If he's 5ft 10.5 the actor who plays Adam Barlow must be 5ft 10.5 too they look the same height. Do you reckon they'd be the same height Rob?

Editor Rob
He can look near 5ft 11 at times.
Nik said on 30/Sep/18
What a fantastic addition he is to celebheights, thanks Rob! I certainly think that Simon is 5'10" - 5'11" range and my gut feeling is that he is about 5'10.5"! Therefore this is what goes in my box for this "Coronation Street" legend!
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Sep/18
I don't believe my eyes! He's HERE! Well done Rob! I know that this will be the first of many visits to Simon's page. I am watching both the 1990 version of 'Coronation Street', wherein he's definitely not fully grown and the today's version, in which he must be one of the most entertaining cast members around.
Okay, so he hasn't been blessed with the best posture, but it's great to know that he's now on Celebheights and officially 5ft10.5!
That's what he gets from me then! 😁👍

Editor Rob
6ft is hard to swallow for Simon. He looks a bit above average, but never looked 6ft.