Sandy Cowell said on 8/Feb/23
The tale of Tim’s and Sally’s role-playing as part of their sexual antics couldn’t have been more boring. Then when Tyrone and Fiz try to copy them….. I nearly went to sleep!
The only good thing about it was Maureen Lipman’s character and Roy going along to watch their shenanigans!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jan/22
If anyone banned Sally from backing campaigns on the grounds of taking a public pee then I would feel compelled to switch to supporting the opposing team. It shows just how human she is! Ha ha HA!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jan/22
⭐ Come on now Sally - it's time for us to see the genuinely nice side of you when you find out about your husband, Tim's, heart problems.
Not surprisingly, she will have every right to feel hurt that he didn't tell her before, and share his burden. She'll be only too willing to. 😢
5ft1.75. 💓💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Dec/21
Unbelievable - what a stuck up old cow! She compares herself to Margaret Thatcher and even tries to speak like her; the Baroness herself did her best to mimic the Queen!
Some of us remember how common she was when she joined Coronation Street! 👅
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Nov/21
Sally's character, Sally Metcalfe, shouldn't patronise Maria the way she does, and accept that others can and WILL compete for the seat of local MP!
Dean doe said on 29/Aug/21
Hey Rob can Sally reach 5ft3

Editor Rob
I wouldn't have guessed that tall, though I suppose the idea of 5ft 2.5 is a figure you could argue she looked
Dean doe said on 29/Aug/21
She looks more 5ft3
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jul/21
Poor Sally is being ripped off something frightful in the Classic version of 'Coronation Street', going out with Les Battersby's son. Tall he might be, which is just the same as Sally's last fellow, Chris, but at least Chris didn't take over £30K out of her inheritance, and genuinely loved her and was good to her two little daughters. This new guy, Greg Kelly, (played by Stephen Billington), really is the pits, and as false as hell! 👅
5ft2. 👱♀️🥀 There's a possibility of some height loss now. Next time round, I'll probably go for a bit less. I'll keep my eyes peeled during tonight's show....
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jun/20
Sensible Sally has homed in on nasty Geoff's bullying ways; I thought she would, having led a selfless and sensible life, always siding with what is right.
There have been opportunities galore this week to compare Sally to Ian Bartholomew, who I can't see as being much above 5ft7, if that. His son Tim, played by Joe Duttine, is quite a chunk taller than Ian. Never do the two look nearly the same height, which would surely happen if there was just an inch between the two men. No, there's a stark difference of at least 2 inches, and Sally's 5ft2 looks quite 'average' next to Ian, when she is actually bordering on the petite. With 'husband' Tim, she DOES look small!
Sally gets 5ft2 and I doff my hat to her for her astuteness and common sense!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jun/20
Come on Sally! Take a look in your dustbin for the incriminating evidence! It's all there.....😉
Sally gets 5ft2. 👱♀️🌹
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Feb/20
I noticed this all the three times I watched it!
Nik Ashton said on 25/Feb/20
@ Sandy Cowell - I noticed this too! (2!)
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Feb/20
Sally certainly didn't look more than 2" shorter than Sally Carmen in tonight's episode.
5ft2. 👱♀️💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Feb/20
Those shoes can't exactly add much to her height! She clearly doesn't mind being petite! 😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Jun/19
Time flies so quickly on 'Classic Coronation Street'; it's already Guy Fawkes Night, so Christmas is just round the corner - AGAIN!
Sally gets 5ft1.75, though it's not impossible that the younger version I see before me is 5ft2. 😁
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/May/19
It's GRANOLA Sally, not granula!
As for falling for those cholesterol-eating sweat vests, the words 'snow' and 'eskimo' spring to mind!
But she only means well for her Tim...😊
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jan/19
@ Nik - Another thing her fellow prisoners are going to take an instant disliking to is Sally's social standing, which I hope is reinstated afterwards, when the truth comes out. In the Soaps, that's a guarantee!
Hardened criminals are also USED to fighting, and Sally is completely non-violent. She has reached her position through hard slog, and over the years, she has cultivated an accent more befitting of an upper crust person. Many inmates will pick on her for that as well. I noticed that the female who attacked Sally was little taller, but she's an experienced fighter, and that's what counts in these situations. While she had Sally Carman as her cellmate, who is only a couple of inches taller than her, she was protected. Even at 5ft4, and as slender as a whip, Sally Carman, who plays Abi, is used to being able to stand up for herself.
Finally, to end up in prison after leading a virtuous life really sucks, but with Deirdre Rachid, later Barlow, first Langton, played by the late Anne Kirkbride, it was even discussed in Parliament after making the papers for an innocent woman doing time. She was around 5ft7, and had a height advantage over Sally, and her time inside wasn't as bad as Sally's.
I hope they sort out this eh, kerfuffle, as soon as possible!
Cheers Nik!
Nik said on 13/Jan/19
@ Sandy Cowell - Thanks for telling me this, I do think that Sue Nicholl's peak height was somewhere around the 5'8" level, I am not sure she is so tall nowadays though!
Sally has been really badly treat all round, firstly she was sent to prison for something she never did and then to add insult to injury she has been bullied and beaten up in prison, she is a really nice person however nobody deserves to be treat the way that Sally was treat. She is probably weaker than some of the women in her prison so it seems like some of the other women have cruelly taken advantage of this. It's not on Sandy, it really isn't!
Hey, a few online sites describe Sally Dynevor as 5'5", I wonder if you are correct in estimating her to be 5'1.75"!
I love the word kerfuffle!
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jan/19
Aha! I have just been staring at them and Bryan looks just under 6ft or even 5ft11.5 and Sue looks 5ft8.
Poor little Sally getting beaten up in prison. I remember the kerfuffle that took place when Deirdre Rachid as she was known then, was wrongly sent to prison - it was in the newspapers, for crying out loud, yet little Sally has to grin and bear it! It's NOT ON!
I have read 5ft4 and 5ft2 for Sally, but I don't reckon she was ever 5ft4. She was described by Nigel Pivaro as a 'small blonde', shortly after joining 'Coronation Street'.
🏢 OUT! 🏡 IN!
Nik said on 11/Dec/18
@ Sandy Cowell - I like your "Correction Time!"!
It looks like I am missing out on a treat by not watching "Classic Coronation Street", it would be interesting to watch Bryan Moseley and Sue Nicholls in order to work out their heights and in order to compare them to Sally Dynevor!
How tall do you reckon Bryan Moseley and Sue Nicholls were in 1991?
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Dec/18
😣 Correction Time! 😣
Two names spelt wrongly! That simply isn't good enough!
It is Sue NICHOLLS and BRYAN Moseley!
Sozz about that!
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Dec/18
@ Nik - She's always looked rather small, especially when she worked as a cashier in the local shop and stood next to huge Alf (Brian Mosley) and a full-size Audrey! (Sue Nichols) It says she was 5ft2 in the early 90's up top. Well, it's February 1991 right now in 'Classic Coronation Street'! Take a look sometime!
Nik said on 10/Dec/18
@ Sandy Cowell - That's very interesting to know, her on-screen husband is a right rat and half, toe rag, snake in the grass, toad!
Maybe Sally was 5'2" in the early 1990's, however nowadays she may be slightly smaller!
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Dec/18
I found out the other day that Sally's other half is also a Tim, just the same as her on-screen husband, rat that he's turning out to be! 🐀😝
Sally gets 5ft1.75 from me tonight. I've upped her by a quarter-inch!
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Sep/18
You soppy lady! You thought your solicitor friend had been making out with your ex, as planned by your good self! You should be delighted that your young daughter has found herself a decent girlfriend at last! It's the break now, so I have no idea how Sal will react! Isn't it exciting?
Nik said on 19/Sep/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Jaffa must be a very big enterprise in the citrus fruit industry, they must have cornered the market!
It will be interesting to compare Sally to cast members who are around the 5'1.5" level to see if there is any difference in height! That is a very interesting observation by you!
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Sep/18
@ Nik - I reckon Jaffa specialise in all citrus fruit.
You should see how tiny Sally looks in 'Classic Coronation Street'! She can look Lynne Perrie, who played Ivy Tilsley/Brennan straight in the face, and Lynne was the shortest cast member back then at 4ft11.5. I read it! That is why I can't see Sally as any taller than 5ft1.5.
Nik said on 16/Sep/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Oh, do they specialise in Satsumas too? Jaffa the Bumble Bee is supercool and if you want more fruit fun visit Missi Pyle's page!
Sally is 5'2" at tops!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Sep/18
@ Nik - ...and neither are Jaffa satsumas! 🍊
How about Jaffa the Bumble Bee? He's supercool! 🐝
Nik said on 15/Sep/18
@ Sandy Cowell - I once thought that Sally was 5'5"! Also I have seen a few 5'5" listings for her on the internet!
Your estimation of her height ties in nicely with the average guess!
She can 'ave her 10th comment!
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Sep/18
When she was Sally Whittaker (her maiden name), as you see her in the 1990 version, she looks shorter than she does today, but she can't have grown because she was in her 20's then!
And to think - I even read back then that she was FIVE FOOT FOUR! What balderdash!
Sally gets 5ft1.5.
Nik said on 19/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell @ Gladstone Screwer
Jaffa's oranges aren't bad too!
anyonmious said on 18/Oct/17
peak height maybe 5'2" present height is 5'1"

Editor Rob
I had to clean this thread up (recent and past comments), it went wildly off-topic unfortunately. Sorry guys.
As for Sally, a height loss of 1/2 inch at her age may be possible.
Nik said on 15/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi Sandy!
How delightful to see Sally Dynevor here, and I must start by saying that it is good when celebrities have the same name in real life as their characters on the TV do! Everybody knows and loves Sally Dynevor as Sally on Coronation Street so I am sure that we will all be glad to know she has the same first name in real life and that all her family and friends will be calling her this same name. I am sure that everyone in her life, as well as Sally, will be glad too that she has the same first name both on and off screen!
I must say that you have raised a great point in saying that it will be worth if just one life was saved as a result of Sally's storyline on Coronation Street concerning her having breast cancer and the subsequent screening she had in real life which caught the cancer at an early enough stage for her to recover, however I am confident that countless lives will have been saved by this storyline on Coronation Street as well as Sally's own personal story. Sally has ensured that in the future so many more people of both genders will have the necessary checks done regularly to try and help those who have got breast cancer be diagnosed at hopefully an early enough stage for it to be ultimately cured. I hope her story lives on and that as many people in society as possible are aware of the importance of breast cancer checks and how regularly they should be done. It is also important, like you said, that everyone knows that men can get breast cancer as well as women and that men should take the possibility of having it just as seriously as women.
In terms of Sally's height I have to say that I had always believed that she was 5'5" before her page on this website was set up, this is not Sally Dynevor's fault and instead I must have been fooled by an inaccurate source in the internet! When my Mum and I were recently (a few months ago) discussing the height of different Coronation Street stars my Mum asked me "how tall is Sally?", to which I replied "5 foot 5" although as I said it I imagined her to be a few inches smaller, but I wasn't sure. I was certainly surprised to know that Rob has her down at 5'2", that Sally herself claimed 5'2", and that most people think that she is slightly smaller than that. Sally is of an under average height and she is a little bit petite but there is nothing wrong with that!
As we all know on celebheights the height of people is irrelevant to beauty, both inner and outer beauty, but we are all fascinated by it! In any case Sally is of a very common but under average height for a UK woman, not that it matters!
Finally, I agree with you in that Sally is probably 5'2" at most and is more likely to be in the 5'1.5" - 5'2" range. I am not totally sure what her height is but I will go down the middle and opt for 5'1.75"!
Nik said on 13/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell
I will chat with you later, we are off to do the weekend shopping!
Csimpson 6ft said on 12/Oct/17
Solid 5ft 2 and she could maybe pass for 5ft 2.25 possibly, its a toss up for me but I think I might vote for 5ft 2.25 since she never really looks below the mark.
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Oct/17
Ha ha! I was seconding lee168cm's request for Sally Dynevor not five minutes ago! After a trip to the lavatory and the opening of a can of energy drink, I've come back to find she's here! Plus more soapy people! Nice one, Rob! 😀L👀👀k Nik! Can you believe it? I think Rob's started his work-load a little later than usual today!
Well, let's see about Sally then! Firstly, what a wise choice of hers to accept the part of a character with the same name as she herself has! She has been married a couple of times in both the drama and in real, but as for the first name, there are no chances of getting that mixed up for her family and friends! I have often thought "What a brilliant idea! She takes on a long-term part and has been Sally all the way! Bravo to her for that!"
Now, if you youngsters out there have caught a glimpse of Sally in the ITV3 afternoon double showing (also at 6 in the morning!), you will see how petite she was then - which she still is now! Hats off to her for keeping her figure! It is a figure she, in part, owes to the soap for keeping, in respect of her breasts, that is, for if it hadn't been for the fact that Sally's acting part was given the storyline of a woman suffering from breast cancer, she reckoned she wouldn't have checked out her own breasts, and even if she had, it wouldn't have been done so soon! She spoke about that at the time of her own cancer being cured to encourage other women to get their breasts screened. So if she just saved one life, what an achievement that is! Oh, it must be mentioned that men also get breast cancer, so they should examine away for any lumps as well!
So she has kept her 5ft2 figure throughout her career, having never been noticeably plumper, which is all the harder when you are small! I have read that she is 5ft4 and 5ft2, and that has gone on since the 80's! She might have been nearer 5ft3 in the 80's and 90's, but I would be incredibly surprised to see her as any more than 5ft2 now! I was quite expecting to find her height written down as 5ft1.5, but there are plenty of similar-sized actresses in the Street to compare her to, if we aren't 100% satisfied with the height we enter into the box today, and I, for one, am not! Helen Worth is the first to spring to mind, being 5ft1.5 herself, and then there are the Platt girls, Sarah - 5ft1; Bethany - 5ft2.5, all smashingly similar heights just waiting to do the comparing job for us!
I am settling for 5ft1.75, though I fully intend to find a height that I feel more sure about for Sally!
CD said on 11/Oct/17
I actually guessed closer to 5ft 3, a weak one mind you, but an honest 5ft 2 is probably accurate!