James B 172cm said on 2/Oct/24
Rob A hair over 6'6 could definitely mean 6'6.5 right?

Editor Rob
That's an awfully thick hair :)
Usually I'm thinking if somebody comes out with that term, it's like 1/8th to 1/4.
James B 172cm said on 2/Oct/24
Derek he looks 6'6 with you an̈d you are also standing with great posture
Derek said on 30/Sep/24
Click Here
That’s a pic of me with Sid back in July. He was down to around 6’5” at the end. Sid himself said he was a hair over 6’6” at peak. That would put Taker at 6’7” ish and Kevin Nash in the 6’9”-6’10” range.
I’m 6’1” BTW
Dago red said on 29/Sep/24
I’m saying 6’7” peak.
Derek said on 28/Sep/24
I have a pic with him back in July. Sid was around 6’5”. Glad I got to meet him before he passed. Very kind and gracious
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Sep/24
Terrible loss...so young and an absolute phenom in the ring. Rare to see a guy in wrestling his height actually tell the truth. Usually they add at least an inch to their claim.
A strong 6ft6 in wrestling gear will be at least 6ft8 though so not a total illusion.....
James B 172cm said on 25/Sep/24
Rob do you think before he died he was 6ft5 flat? Peak I reckon 6ft6.5 on the nose

Editor Rob
Yeah I think he had shrunk down to lower 6ft 5
James B 172cm said on 24/Sep/24
Shocked he died RIP
Jay said on 22/Sep/24
R.I.P Sid
bmb said on 24/Sep/23
@James B 172cm From what I have found so far. Bubba is struggling to look 6ft 3 there with Triple H. 6ft 1 is my guess so far.
Click Here
James B 172cm said on 14/Sep/23
Rob does Bubba Ray Dudley look 6ft3 with Sid? The WWE list him as 6ft3 191cm
Click Here

Editor Rob
He might be close to 6ft 3 there. Sid was raising eyes and a bit better posture I felt.
Wang hung said on 6/Sep/23
6’5 1/2 is correct
James.B 172cm said on 5/Jun/23
Maybe his proportions made him look taller?
Canson said on 5/Jun/23
@Rampage: yea he was def sturdier 6’6. My guess is that Hogan wasn’t quite. I can’t see him above 6’5.5” like listed but he was likely near what rob lists him peak height but not sure how long his prime lasted
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 3/Jun/23
Sid claimed 6ft6 barefoot taker 1inche taller 6ft7 kevin Nash 6ft9 big show 6ft11.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jun/23
One of the few brutally honest claims in wrestling. Most his height or even shorter boost themselves up to 6ft7 and even 6ft8 at times.
Definitely a sturdier 6ft6 than peak Hogan...
Slamo said on 19/May/23
Sid peak 6-6.5. Hogan peak 6-5. Warrior peak 6-2.
James B 5ft8 said on 16/May/23
Alex 6'0 said on 14/May/23
Listed peaks 6'6.25 and Kevin nash 6'9.5. Was there a solid 3 inch difference?
Could look less than 3
In the 90s when they wrestled Kevin was probably 6’9.25 and Sid might have been a full 6’6.5 so maybe more like a solid 2.5 inches between them.
Alex 6'0 said on 14/May/23
Listed peaks 6'6.25 and Kevin nash 6'9.5. Was there a solid 3 inch difference?
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 14/May/23
A amercan friend of mine said he meet hulk Hogan back in 1993 he is no more than 6ft4 1/4 sid 6ft6 1/4 taker 6ft7.25.
James B 5ft8 said on 14/Apr/23
Rob in 1989 do you agree Sid looked 6’6 with Scott Hall?
Here’s a pic
Click Here

Editor Rob
Yeah he's a big 6ft 6
James B 5ft8 said on 5/Apr/23
QM6'1.75"QM said on 4/Apr/23
Head, eye level, shoulders over Hulk Hogan. Not towering, but noticeable solid difference.
Click Here
Nothing less than 5cms.
Does Eudy he have footware advantage? If Sid was 6’6.25 then Hogan looks no more than 6’4 1/4 there.
QM6'1.75"QM said on 4/Apr/23
Head, eye level, shoulders over Hulk Hogan. Not towering, but noticeable solid difference.
Click Here
Nothing less than 5cms.
QM6'1.75"QM said on 4/Apr/23
He was a huge guy. At least solid 2in taller than Hulk Hogan back then.
James B 5ft8 said on 31/Mar/23
Rob do you agree his horrific leg break back in 2001 could mean that extremely tall people can have issues with there limbs etc?
Here’s the clip
Click Here

Editor Rob
For some it could alter leg length, but in many cases the bones can reheal and be of no real measurable difference.
berta said on 26/Jan/23
was the interview where he said the last time hew was measured from a long time ago or when he was older? I could believe he measured that couple years back. He could really look close to the average guess. 2 meters. But was in reality legit 199 is my guess.
James B 172cm said on 10/Jan/23
Rob he really could look 6ft7 with Ted Diabese.
Maybe he had on thick wrestling boots?
Hyper said on 19/Dec/22
I wouldn’t argue less than 6’6 1/4” since he measured it.
Plus, he’s honest about it. Genuinely a big guy. Sometimes, looks extremely imposing next to others.
Canson said on 18/Dec/22
@Alex: it could’ve been an inch or 2 cm. Possible that Taker was 6’7 flat at his low and 6’7.25 lunch like Rob lists him and Sid 6’6.25 at his low and 6’6.5 lunchtime. It’s just that the listings are possibly inconsistent as one may be a lunchtime and one a low
Canson said on 17/Dec/22
@Viper: because a bunch of trolls or inflators reside on this site. Now all of a sudden, people lie down about their height instead of up which is reality
viper said on 15/Dec/22
He measured 6-6 at his peak.
Why would he lie about that?
Alex 6'0 said on 15/Dec/22
6'6.25 could be spot on. Would make undertaker 6'7.25 peak. There looked an inch difference back then or slightly less but certain face off s seemed closer.
Eric Keown said on 14/Dec/22
Dude was only a couple inches shorter than nash. 6’7.5, a 6’8 peak in his early 20s wouldn’t surprise me. I know he now claims he was only 6’6, that clearly isn’t true at all. Probably is 6’6 now and has taken so many shots to the head forgot that he use to claim 6’8 (not billing).
James B 172cm said on 11/Nov/22
rob how much does there look between jbl and sid
Click Here

Editor Rob
Not that much between them, the angle I felt helped Sid in the initial square-up (because it's high up and he's a bit further away)
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 16/Oct/22
Rob do you think this listing is okay sid 6ft6.5 199cm taker 6ft7.5 202cm kane 6ft8 203.2cm barefoot peak heights do you agree with this claiming Rob.

Editor Rob
Many would argue when he said a fraction over 6ft 6, that 6ft 6.5 seems a likely figure.
James B 172cm said on 11/Sep/22
Rob are you still ok with leaving Sid at 6'6.25?

Editor Rob
At the moment yes, only a question if 6.5 was always the best fit or not.
James B 172cm said on 31/Aug/22
rob do you think if he was 6'6.5 he maintained that height for all of his 30s?

Editor Rob
Maybe he did, look how well he held up that decade with people.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 27/Aug/22
Rob you remember sid standing next to a 5ft8 guy and sid looked massive there at least 6ft7 wat do you think about this Rob. Or do you think sids was only 6ft6.25 at best and yes he claimed to be Just over 6ft6 barefoot.

Editor Rob
I don't think he's lying about measuring over 6ft 6 a fraction...I suppose you could argue that there is always room for a fraction mis-measure and 6ft 6.5 is an easily argued figure.
James.B 172cm said on 5/Aug/22
Interesting pic I found here rob of Sid squaring up to Scott hall in 1989
What do you think the difference looks to you? I think Scott hall might have hair advantage to.
JamesB 172cm said on 19/Jul/22
Canson- Sids peak height is really puzzling though. He could make Hogan look 6'4 1/2 and Kevin Nash 6'8.75
Lex Luger though looked a legit 6'3 squaring up to Sid in the early 90s.
Canson said on 19/Jul/22
@James B: I could buy 6’6.5 peak but 6’7 is high. He wasn’t as tall as Taker. 6’6.5 wouldn’t be at an extreme low and when he mentioned the football team he tried out for that wouldn’t have been an extreme low measurement. Maybe he gained a small fraction after that
Andrey200 said on 18/Jul/22
Rob, is his listed peak the most you can see him having been? Or is it based merely on his claim?

Editor Rob
He says he got measured over 6ft 6 a fraction...now if this guy really measured 6ft 7, surely he'd have said it.
JamesB 172cm said on 17/Jul/22
Ben Bell sids height and physique always amazed me.
The hair over 6'6 could have been later in the day at an extreme low. I'd put sid at just about 6'6 1/2 prime and heck he could even look 6'7 with Kevin Nash. If you believe Nash was 6'10 peak then 6'7 1/2 is debatable for sid.
Ben Bell said on 16/Jul/22
Sid was specific when talking about his height, “a hair over 6’6”.
I have to give him this as a measured peak. If he stood relaxed perhaps he could have stretched out taller but who knows, as it is for me his peak was 6’6.
He did seem to hold his height through his career, I’d guess he was 6’6 until retirement.
Meeting him at for the love of wrestling he 6’5 at best. Still a very large man and very personable.
I was on the isle for a UK your when Sid was the champ I was the guy he picked out of the crowd to do the fist bump with. He was huge then but 6’6 would seem about right.
He always looked 2” or so taller than Sting, 1.5” over Hogan. Personally I thought he was basically the same as Taker.
Like Orton at 6’4, Sid at 6’6.25 would be another guy I’d use to guess heights from.
The outlier for me is Nash, met him in 94 and 2019 and If I had to guess to an inch I’d have said 6’10 and then 6’9. But side never looked 4” shorter.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 6/Jul/22
A hunting friend of mine told me hulk Hogan was Just 6ft4 1/4 barefoot sid 6ft6.5 199cm taker 6ft7.25 201cm kane 6ft7.6 202cm.
James B 172cm said on 6/Jun/22
With Goldust in 1996 Sid didn’t look over 6’6.25 so Hogan looked no taller than 6’4 1/2 in comparison.
Ian Momoshiki said on 4/Jun/22
@Voorhees Myers Hogan was 6'6 during andre's time, at worst weak 6'6, during Sid's time, he's already on 6'5 area, or even worse after 1995,maybe like 6'4,5 area
Voorhees Myers said on 29/May/22
How can sid be a minimum of 1” taller if hogan was 6-6?? Some one is lying here.
Daniel Lee said on 10/May/22
6'6 1/8
James B 171.5cm said on 27/Mar/22
if sid was max 6'6.25 then 6'9 or 6'9.25 for a peak kevin nash might be closer to the truth maybe?
Mike voorhees said on 25/Mar/22
Pretty much confirms hogans height wasn’t that he claimed. Sid Imo was 6-6.25 max.
GS1981 said on 16/Mar/22
Miiiiiiighty_ I agree, although i suspect Hogan was never bigger than a strong 6ft 4, maybe edging into 6ft 5, no way was he ever 6ft 6/7/8 or the laughable 7ft as i have seen Hogan billed in Rocky 3, Sid with lifts looked at least 3" taller, so i think the guess of 6ft 6 1/4 is pretty spot on for his peak.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 8/Feb/22
Sorry but I don't buy this 6'6 prime claim.
Typical giant rounding down or saying 6'6 because it's a " benchmark height " the same way a euro guy would say 2M for anything from 1.98 to 2.02..
For example I have a very good friend who is very tall and claimed 1.92 but I knew it wasn't possible compared to me and my other friends.
So we measured him and it turned out he was 1.94...
I also have another friend who is 1.93 but casually rounds it down to 1.90 when saying his height ( on his own words " I say I'm 1.90 but in reality I'm really 1.93 ".. I remember at one point he didn't know if he was 1.90 or 1.93 because he had said it so much... and really doesn't care as he is quite towering lol )...
Him being 6'6 at his best just doesn't compute with all the other wrestlers height, starting with Hogan.
How can you have both Sid and Hogan at prime 6'6 height ? It just doesn't make any effing sense...
I also remember the pic with Mamun's cousin who is 6'6, and many other instances..
The face off with Sting too, sorry but I don't see "only" 4 inches here... And list goes on and on...
Now people saying he was 6'5... LOL This is just madness...
Also what was the " showboats " he refers to, and when was it ? Because he definitely has lost height especially after his awful leg break...
Canson said on 31/Jan/22
@MikeV10: possible but that would effectively make him 6’6 3/8 or 6’6.5 around midday. He’s gonna lose half inch just in two hours of being awake
MikeV10 said on 29/Jan/22
Maybe he got measured in the Evening , when be was 6.6,25 in the Evening he was at least 6.7,25 in the Morning and about 6.6,75 through the day. He always looked a strong 2 meter guy on TV
Canson said on 22/Jan/22
@Editor Rob: that may have been before. Showboats was a semi pro team I believe that he tried out for in Memphis. Maybe he was that height then or when he began wrestling. I don’t rule out 199 or so but not much higher and if he said 6’6 or a hair over I doubt 6’6.5
miko said on 21/Jan/22
When was his 6'6 measurement though?
If it's within the last 15-20 years then it will be out of his peak range. After his wrestling career and badly broken leg it's likely he'd lost a bit of height by the early 2000s.
I still think if you'd have put him under the measure tape in the early nineties he would've been 6'6.5 range. His footwear always looked normal.

Editor Rob
He was talking about the showboats, so I presume during his wrestling days.
James B 171.5cm said on 21/Jan/22
Rob Frank did see Sid at 6’5.5 max in street clothes.
Do you think it’s unlikely Sid was a 6’5 guy who wore lifts?
James B 171.5cm said on 9/Jan/22
Canson said on 9/Jan/22
@Public Enemy: he referenced when he was trying out for the Memphis showboats though. That was in his 20s being a semi pro sports team so it was at his peak before he began wrestling. That would likely have been his peak. It’s believable that he was 6’6 range being he does look slightly shorter than Undertaker. Taker was likely just a solid 6’7” peak height or maybe a hair over at best
His 6’6 measure throws a lot of other wrestlers heights into question for sure. I mean could he have already lost 1/8-1/4 inch from his peak when he wrestled in the 90s?
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 9/Jan/22
Takers wife said he is 6ft7 so sid 6ft6 barefoot peak. yes. Kane 0.75 taller 6ft7 3/4.
Canson said on 9/Jan/22
@Public Enemy: he referenced when he was trying out for the Memphis showboats though. That was in his 20s being a semi pro sports team so it was at his peak before he began wrestling. That would likely have been his peak. It’s believable that he was 6’6 range being he does look slightly shorter than Undertaker. Taker was likely just a solid 6’7” peak height or maybe a hair over at best
James B 171.5 said on 7/Jan/22
i bet rob if a prime sid was advertised as near 7ft some gullible fans might actually believe it.
he really could look monstriously big. maybe something about his build?

Editor Rob
I'm sure many wouldn't blink twice at such a billing.
CelebHeights visitors though? They'd be laughing at it 😅
Public Enemy said on 7/Jan/22
You raise a very interesting question. His claim could be his current height. We don’t know at what time it was taken. Did look a huge guy prime with massive musculature and still looked like a very tall man. Only my opinion but he looks underlisted peak.
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 7/Jan/22
this guy is the complete reverse of height enigma, he threw every height claim people release, i think he's at least 199 at his peak, i presume 199-199,5 and a tad above it with busting a gut, and with his enemy doesn't really maximize his posture like him, it would make him easily lookk 200-201 cm even though in reality he's 198-199
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 4/Jan/22
yes Rob a agree with you peak 6ft6 1/4 taker 6ft7 1/4 kane 6ft7.6 nash 6ft10.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 3/Jan/22
Rob sid was 6ft7 plus he measured up will face to face with kevin nash it looked no more than 2.5 3inches 6ft10 Diesel.and taker measured up better 1inche shorter.but nash climed 6ft11.5 barefoot many years ago a think all of this guys are taller than what they were or nash is lying what do you think about this Rob.

Editor Rob
Well, is Sid lying about measuring 6ft 6 and a fraction? It's rare to find a wrestler lie downwards, the majority would be inflating their height.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 29/Dec/21
Peak sid 6ft6 1/4 taker 6ft7 1/4 kane 6ft7.6 kevin nash 6ft10 big show 7ft0.
Canson said on 27/Dec/21
@JamesB: he had better posture than taker imho
James B 171.5 said on 25/Dec/21
it's rare canson that a 6ft6 could stand with such good posture like sid
Canson said on 24/Dec/21
@JamesB: the 6’6.25 is probably fair if he said a little over 6’6. Rob will keep him there unless Sid says out of his mouth that he was 6’6.5”. In reality Taker may have just been 6’7 peak
JamesB171.5cm said on 26/Nov/21
Rob if one day you decided to give Sid 6’6.5 would you bump undertakers peak back up to 6’7.5?

Editor Rob
not necessarily
JamesB171.5cm said on 20/Nov/21
Canson-incredible how Sid made hulk Hogan look like a 6’4.5 guy in the early 90s
Canson said on 18/Nov/21
I don’t rule out 6’6.5 but chances are it’s a bit under it he said a little over 6’6 or about 6’6”. Then again he may come out with 6’6 1/2” one day so we’ll have to wait to see if he gets specific
JamesB171.5cm said on 17/Nov/21
This guy must have been a lift wearer though
I mean how else could he look nearly 2 inches taller than hulk Hogan in the early 90s? Either than or Hogan was a 6’4 range guy who wore lifts to boost him up to 6’6?
Boxer said on 2/Nov/21
Hej Rob,
ist this list which is shown on the video realistic? Few heights I cannot believe somehow. Andre 2.25m, Ahmed 1.80m, Sgt. Slaughter 1.84m, Bam Bam 1.82. Seems a bit off, what do you think? I cannot believe Sids height too. Don't say you are wrong, always thought he was at least 6.8.
And height weight ratio on the list seems weird too. Nash 2.03 and 161kg. That's eather a lot to heavy or a lot to small. Heavy dude, but that's too heavy.

Editor Rob
Like any height list, you could agree with some and disagree with others...but the idea it's real measured heights always sounded suspicious.
James B 171.5 said on 20/Oct/21
I agree with what rob said in the video about sids height that he look at least 6'6.5 in the ring.
a prime sid defnintley could pull of looking taller than braun strowman
Jdubbz said on 14/Oct/21
@Editor Rob:
How tall do you think he looks in the photo with Mamun? I'm assuming Sid has roughly a 10" long head, so a head + an inch means he looks 6'7 in the photo. His shoes look maybe half an inch thicker, so I'm going to go with 6'6.5.

Editor Rob
6ft 6.5 would be a fair guess with mamun
James B 171.5 said on 14/Oct/21
rob loads more pictures where sid has over 3 inches on ted
just google them
James B 171.5 said on 13/Oct/21
rob not sure if camera or Ted's posture but do you agree sid looks over 3 inches taller here?
Click Here

Editor Rob
yeah he could pass for 6ft 7 range in some of that clip.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Oct/21
Solid 6ft6 guy should be towering in all instances...no reason to doubt his claim
James B 171.5 said on 12/Sep/21
Sid must have been the tallest looking 6'6 guy ever quite literally
Canson said on 26/Aug/21
A fraction over 6’6” could mean 6’6.5 too or 6’6 3/8” but also 6’6.25” like he’s listed is more like it
@Costa: he said that’s he’s “always” considered himself about 6’6”. So that implies his peak height.
Costa said on 25/Aug/21
How do we know Sid isn’t talking about his current height? He said the “last time I was measured barefoot”. That could mean a recent measurement. Maybe he really is taller than 6’6”.
Daniel Hammad said on 25/Aug/21
Rob could have pushed closer to 6’7.75 in his prime
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 9/Aug/21
Rob sid was taller 6ft6.75 200cm 6ft7 200.7cm taker 6ft8 203.2cm barefoot peak height.

Editor Rob
he seems adamant he got a fraction over 6ft 6, I am not sure he would be lying about that.
Ben Bell said on 19/Jul/21
Ricardo89 that’s Sid with his son Gunner and Scott Hall.
Sid has now said a couple of times 6’6. Once he said a hair over 6’6 barefoot.
6’5 when I met him in 2019. Still had good posture but you could see his body was broken down even though he stood fairly straight.
Hyper said on 8/Jul/21
Could you link me he source where he said he measured a hair over 6’6”?

Editor Rob
Somebody mentioned he clamed it, so I went to his podcast at the time, listened and transcribed it exactly like he said. Don't know episode number.
Also in the comments of my youtube video:
kyokushinkuma • 9 months ago
I asked him on his podcast yesterday, he said in his bare feet, he’s just over 6’6”."
and that's when I listened to the podcast and added the second quote.
Riccardo89 said on 9/Jun/21
Click Here
Who is the guy next to Sid
Riccardo89 said on 1/Jun/21
@Editor Rob, you did an interesting video on youtube about mug shots at differnt positions ecc ecc. How do you consider the one with Sid?

Editor Rob
He was pretty close to the board, and camera from what I see wasn't too low, but still I'd have thought it added 1/2 to 3/4 inch...which could be lost if not standing with best posture.
James B 171.5cm said on 16/May/21
Rob you originally thought that Sid could look bare minimum 6’6.5 in the wrestling thing.
Is that because a lot of the wrestlers heights were inaccurate to begin with?.
RP said on 17/Apr/21
You all do realize that Sid wore a lifted wrestling boot in the 1980’s & 1990’s (examine close up pics of them) This is why he always looked like a legit 6’7” to 6’7.5” guy. When he was actually a self admitted 6’6.25” barefoot guy.
Canson said on 11/Apr/21
@James B: not sure if Nash was still at his peak height here but if Sid didn’t have his head tilted up he would be around 3” shorter. My skepticism as to whether or not Nash was peak height here is due to taller guys losing peak height quicker in life. Nash imho is 6’8.5 max today. As for Sid, he may have been 6’6 1/8”. Just a hair over could mean that nor do we know when. I only throw that out because he looked close to Taker’s height who I believe was 6’7 peak
Click Here
James B 171.5 said on 10/Apr/21
Canson 6'9.25 for Nash does not make sense since there was less than 3 inches between them
Canson said on 9/Apr/21
@James B: that or maybe 6’9.25”. I don’t completely rule out the 6’9.5 but I doubt that was his afternoon
James B 171.5 said on 8/Apr/21
canson possible nash was 6'9 flat
Canson said on 8/Apr/21
@James B: I would give Sid the listed height 6’6.25”. I never saw the pic with Nash but Nash was never 3.5” taller. Maybe 3 at mosr
Canson said on 8/Apr/21
@James B: I would give Sid the listed height 6’6.25”. I never saw the pic with Nash
miko said on 8/Apr/21
Personally I've got Hogan at 6'5.25 peak and Sid at 6'6.5 peak.
Sid at a flat 6'6 puts Hulk well under 6'5.
James B 171.5 said on 7/Apr/21
canson you say 6'6 flat for sid but how tall would that kevin nash?
there did not look 3.5 between the 2 men
Resurrection of Edwards said on 3/Apr/21
syco sid isn’t an inch shorter than the undertaker.i simply rule that idea.the difference is 0.75 between sid and taker.attimes,undertaker has only looked 1/2 taller than sid.what is even surprising is undertaker and sid has both looked exactly similar at times.i’ll still lean towards taker being 0.75 or 3/4 taller than sid.sid at 6’6.25 and taker at flat 6’7 looks to be bang.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 2/Apr/21
Peak sid 6ft6 1/2 199cm taker was 1inch taller 2.5cm taker 201.5cm kane 203cm. Rob what do you think.
Covvvid1984. said on 30/Mar/21
Rob he basically proves hogan wasn’t 6-6 prime. Hogan was at 1” shorter closer to 2”.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 23/Mar/21
It’s possible he’s like me and is a fiend for rounding down. I rarely claim 6’3 even though I spend more time at 6’3 than 6’2
James B 171.5 said on 20/Mar/21
rob you cant rule out 6'6 3/8 for sid either?
6'6 3/8 could also mean a "hair over 6'6"

Editor Rob
it would be interesting to have seen just how big the fraction over 6ft 6 he really got..
Vincent Caleb said on 17/Mar/21
Average guess is ridiculous.
Leif said on 14/Mar/21
How tall is that black haired man standing next to him in the picture thst comes out in google?

Editor Rob
I'm not sure, but there is
5ft 8 Mamun that was a good head shorter than Sid.
James B 171.5 said on 13/Mar/21
Yeah I remember you did have him at 6’7 flat years ago but after showing you the video of him with lex Luger you downgraded Sid to 6’6.5

Editor Rob
he's managed to look as tall as 6ft 7 in the past, but since he insisted he measured just over 6ft 6, that mark is what he finally ended up on...though there is likely still a proportion who would argue 6ft 6.5 is believable for him.
James B 171.5 said on 12/Mar/21
You did have him at a legit 6’7 once though rob

Editor Rob
I can't even remember that one!
Aaron colton said on 10/Mar/21
Rob what is the highest height you have ever had Sid at

Editor Rob
from 6ft 6 to 6.75 has been his range
Tizwaxxx said on 22/Feb/21
6-6 flat barefoot. Definitely. Hogan was never 6-8 lol. In boots Sid imo was 6-7.25.
James B 171.5 said on 17/Feb/21
Rob has Sid had the record number of height upgrades and downgrades on this site?
Years back I remember he was listed 6’6 then up to 6’7.

Editor Rob
he's had a few 1/4's upwards and then back down to settle on 6.25
PuppeteerPaul said on 9/Feb/21
I'd give him 6'6 1/2 peak or at least vs Undertaker in the 90s. It's just that, like Andrew "Test" Martin, he was gifted with the 3 height-enhancing features like a) very high eyeline, b) tall shoulders along with huge traps and c) unreal long legs.
Basically, if Sid had a huge forehead like Undertaker, he would be 6'8 1/4 easy.
Michael Wilson said on 7/Feb/21
I myself am 6'6 and was fortunate to work in security in wwe for about 2 years. Ive escorted him to several shows and can legit say he was 6'6. Weve had some banter about being the same height. An absolute gentleman. But when the lights go on....show stopper...
Tizwaxxx said on 4/Feb/21
Always looked 1.5”/2” on hogan.
Big ed said on 30/Jan/21
He appeared taller than all 6'5ish wrestlers by 2-3" goldust jake hogan Godwin papa shango although looked close to 3" shorter than Nash who I believe was a legit 6'10 90s
Pdoggy said on 15/Jan/21
Sid was billed 6'9 wore thick soled black lifted boots to make him appear taller than Hogan. Reality he wasn't. They both peaked at 6'6
Hill 1968 said on 10/Jan/21
6ft6.25 peak he wore lifts in his boots to make him 6ft8.5 to match his 6ft9 billing that why he looked taller than hogan who was around 6ft5in 1992 already down one inch from is peak height of 6ft6 in late 70s early 80s
Canson said on 6/Jan/21
If Sid were 6’7 peak he would’ve claimed it
Big ed said on 5/Jan/21
Sid had to be 6'7 peak surely otherwise every wrestler has t go down like hall for instance or Godwin even hogan Sid clearly taller than all these by more than 1" so hard t call unless he wore boots to significantly make him taller. You are asked to remove footwear in a police station by the way
Dred_ said on 26/Dec/20
Click Here
Big Rob here he doesn’t look over 6ft6 with shows that moment. I doubt he is as tall as 6ft5 1/2 barefoot

Editor Rob
at that moment, if he was in shoes he'd be sub 6ft 6 barefoot...assuming his posture was fine.
Dred_ said on 22/Dec/20
Rob is today 6ft5 1/4 more belieavable for sid ?
He looked only 6ft6 with shoes in the mugshot and i doubf a normal shoes gave only 1/2 inch to sid

Editor Rob
he might still clear 6ft 5...how much exactly? a 1/4 or 1/2 inch I think...
Canson said on 7/Dec/20
@Vincent: it’s only because Rob had him listed 6’6.75 before his admission. That caused the current to drop as well. It caused Taker’s to drop as he was 6’7.5 peak previously. He “outed” everyone
Vincent Caleb said on 2/Dec/20
Average guess is ridiculous. 6’6.25 peak 6’5.25 current.
Kratos said on 2/Dec/20
Where is this claim ?
“I remember the last time I was measured barefooted, I was like just a hair over Six Six.”
I can’t find it

Editor Rob
Within his podcasts he mentioned the 6ft 6 a while back then a few months ago came out with the specific hair over mention when asked again.
Kratos said on 2/Dec/20
6ft6 1/4
Kratos said on 30/Nov/20
Is today taller than howard stern ?
Resurrection of Edward said on 16/Nov/20
@big lul
agreed with everything you said.your estimation looked fine.i fully agree dude.
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
@Big Lul: I may give Sid (current) the same as a peak Hulk Hogan 6’5.25-.5 would be my guess. Maybe just 6’5.25 worst case. I’d have a worst case for Taker 6’5.75 today but 6’6 may be possible. 6’5 did Sid could be an extreme low and 5.5 for Taker may be
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy: yea I think all of the bigger wrestlers lost at least an inch throughout the day. Taker, Big Show, Sid etc. I also say it because of the heavy weight that compressed their spine
Big Lul said on 15/Nov/20
@Resurrection of Edward
Do you think that Sid nowadays might just only be 6’5-6’5.25 max now since he barely looked taller than 6’4.75-6’5 shad Gaspard. But we always know undertaker nowadays he’s a max 6’5.5-6’5.75 guy, since he looked only an inch to 1.25 taller than 6’4.25-6’4.5 max Drew McIntyre and also the same height and or .25 shorter than Baron Corbin.
Sid peak: 6’6.25 and now 6’5-6’5.25
Taker peak: 6’7 and now 6’5.5-6’5.75
Resurrection of Edward said on 14/Nov/20
i mean to say peak taker at morning 6’8,afternoon 6’7.25 and at evening 6’7
morning 6’8
afternoon 6’7.25
evening 6’7
J2Frenzy said on 14/Nov/20
@Res of Edward I’m gonna make a couple of changes to your list, I think Taker lost a full inch and Sid lost 7/8 maybe
Resurrection of Edward said on 13/Nov/20
peak kane.
peak undertaker
peak sid
Canson said on 13/Nov/20
@JamesB: yes. Very massive being a 6’6” guy like Carmelo Anthony passes for being 6’8” when he’s not. He’s what Rob lists him
James B 172c, said on 13/Nov/20
Canson said on 12/Nov/20
@James B: but in his prime he was not 6’5.5”. Sid wouldn’t measure under 6’6” in his prime. He claimed to have measured a hair over which lines up to what Rob lists him. Edwards is referring to his current height if he thinks 6’5.5”. His peak is a possibility of 6’6” or 6’6.25 afternoon height meaning he would be 6’7” out of bed easily. While it’s not really relevant, many celebs here are not listed at their afternoon heights which is why everyone feels Sid was taller than he is
Canson it just goes to show though how massive a legit 6’6 is.......
Resurrection of Edward said on 13/Nov/20
Canson said on 12/Nov/20
@James B: but in his prime he was not 6’5.5”. Sid wouldn’t measure under 6’6” in his prime. He claimed to have measured a hair over which lines up to what Rob lists him. Edwards is referring to his current height if he thinks 6’5.5”. His peak is a possibility of 6’6” or 6’6.25 afternoon height meaning he would be 6’7” out of bed easily. While it’s not really relevant, many celebs here are not listed at their afternoon heights which is why everyone feels Sid was taller than he is
well said!agreed with everything you said my buddy.
Canson said on 12/Nov/20
@James B: but in his prime he was not 6’5.5”. Sid wouldn’t measure under 6’6” in his prime. He claimed to have measured a hair over which lines up to what Rob lists him. Edwards is referring to his current height if he thinks 6’5.5”. His peak is a possibility of 6’6” or 6’6.25 afternoon height meaning he would be 6’7” out of bed easily. While it’s not really relevant, many celebs here are not listed at their afternoon heights which is why everyone feels Sid was taller than he is
Resurrection of Edward said on 12/Nov/20
James Brett 172cm said on 11/Nov/20
ressurection of edward- well sid must be tallest 6ft5.5 guy i have ever seen if he was max 6'6
@james brett 172cm
agreed with everything you said dude.i was going to say the same.i might add,taker might have been 6’7 flat at peak given how he looked next to sid.
James Brett 172cm said on 11/Nov/20
ressurection of edward- well sid must be tallest 6ft5.5 guy i have ever seen if he was max 6'6
recapa said on 10/Nov/20
as listed.both.
Nik Ashton said on 8/Nov/20
@ Sree Smith - I like your name! How tall are you?
Ben Bell said on 7/Nov/20
For me Kane, Taker and Sid are all within 0.5”
Isaac Yankem and Taker had a stare down before the Kane lifts and they were pretty much bang on the same height. Just like Taker and Sid.
If I had to stretch to my very limit id say 6’7 for one of them but I think with Sid being a hard over 6’6 you’re looking at 6’6.75 max for Kane or Taker which you could round up.
Today Taker has retained his height better than Sid, Sid certainly stands more hunched.
The Sid 6’6 makes me question everything and downgrade all heights that I once was pretty solid on.
Canson said on 7/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy: he also listed himself at 6’8” in the caption above and they listed him at 6’9” previously. However, Rampage was referring to him coming clean about being a hair over 6’6”.
@JamesB and Edward: I wonder if his measurement was actually an afternoon height and not something earlier in the day. So I don’t rule out 6’6” flat but A lot of guys listed here are 1/2” above where they could conceivably measure of it were an afternoon height and Rob has reduced them as such once he has met or sees additional evidence. Unfortunately, Sid is no longer at his peak height. As for his current, I don’t rule out the listing above. He seems to have maintained more of his height than Undertaker or Hulk Hogan have
Canson said on 7/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy: he also listed himself at 6’8” in the caption above and they listed him at 6’9” previously. However, Rampage was referring to him coming clean about being a hair over 6’6”.
J2Frenzy said on 6/Nov/20
@Rampage he was billed 6’8 though
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Nov/20
He's one of the more honest ones, most guys his height claim 6ft7 or even 6ft8!
Sree Smith said on 5/Nov/20
Rob you said he is 6ft6and1/2 minimum then why you list him as 6ft6and1/4

Editor Rob
he could pull that range off, however he did claim to measure just over 6ft 6, so I don't think he's lying about that.
James B 172c, said on 5/Nov/20
Rob is a flat 6’6 not ruled out for Sid since he did look 1.5 inches shorter than Kane did next to mamun?
Unless of course you want to make a case for a 6’8 Kane......
Resurrection of Edwards said on 1/Nov/20
Imho sid really looked 1.5 inch shorter than kane mext to mamun.kane looked 1.5 inch taller than how sid stood next to mamun.
Bobadob said on 26/Oct/20
How can hogan be 6-6???? He was an inch under Sid. Downgrade hogan
Canson said on 21/Oct/20
@Kale185: yea if 6’6.25 was the afternoon height, he’d pull 6’7.25 in a regular shoe and near 6’8 morning in shoes.
Kale - 186.5 said on 20/Oct/20
Sid was 100% a 6'6 guy in his prime.
Due to his very large frame, I imagine he gave many people the impression he was in the 6'7-6'8 range
Canson said on 19/Oct/20
Editor Rob
I'm trying to look at the big picture, there are times I can see arguments for different figures...
Like I've said before, for many celebs if you have a ton of photos/footage, you can construct an argument for a low or high end of a potential range.
Sound advice, Rob. Hopefully it’s something we can all take into consideration
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Oct/20
@big lul
agreed dude but then again,camera angles might sometimes be tricky.it plays a great role in making someone seem taller/shorter.
Kan said on 11/Oct/20
Any idea Who looked taller next to undertaker in this staredown
Click Here

Editor Rob
With that angle, I'd have said Sid maybe
Big Lul said on 3/Oct/20
@edward to be honest in that stare down that taker and Strowman had in 2017 it only looked a .5 inch difference between the two men not a inch difference. And I do think that the last ride documentary proved my point.
Resurrection of Edward said on 3/Oct/20
@big lul
thanks dude 🙏 i too agree with your estimation dude.a good estimation overall.i can buy that.
Resurrection of Edward said on 2/Oct/20
James B 172cm said on 30/Sep/20
Rob do you agree that Sid is struggling to look over 6’6 here when squaring up to undertaker? Click Here
Editor Rob
Sid was raising his eyelevel in that staredown. If you threw a camera in the ring and swung it around you'd see them look similar, taker taller, even sometimes Sid a bit taller, but overall I still think Taker seems taller than Eudy.
then again,that doesn’t look like a inch difference,more like 0.75 or 3/4.taker might be an inch taller than sid when measured and i could be wrong but personally i can’t an inch difference though.i would put taker at flat 6’7 if sid is 6’6.25 but ofcource i could be wrong.

Editor Rob
Well since Sid did come out with the 'hair over' quote to back up the 6.25, Taker at 6ft 7 that moment is arguable, assuming same posture and neither lost height through injury.
Resurrection of Edward said on 2/Oct/20
Riky said on 2/Oct/20
Resurrection of Edward said on 29/Sep/20
my honest opinion on current height of wwe superstars.
thanks dude 🙏
Big Lul said on 2/Oct/20
@Riky and @Resurrection of Edward I agree with 98.9% of your estimates but here’s mine if you guys care to know.
Kane 6’6-6’6.25 (peak 6’7.25)
Strowman 6’6-6’6.25
Corbin 6’5.75-6’6
Undertaker 6’5.5-6’5.75 (6’7 max peak)
Orton 6’3.5
Drew McIntyre 6’4.25
Sid 6’5-6’5.25 (peak 6’6.25)
Big show 6’9-6’9.5 (peak 6’11)
Riky said on 2/Oct/20
Resurrection of Edward said on 29/Sep/20
my honest opinion on current height of wwe superstars.
Really good, I basecly agree with all of them while for Kane and taker I think they aren't taller than what you guessed them.
Kane 6'6"1/4 (peak 6'7")
Strowman 6'6"
Corbin 6'5.75
Taker 6'5.5 (peak 6'6.75)
Orton 6'3.5
Drew Mc. 6'4"
Sid 6'5.25 (peak 6'6.25)
Show 6'9.25/5 (peak 6'11")
Resurrection of Edwards said on 30/Sep/20
i’m sorry.i mean to say syco sid is today around 6’5 1/4 and the rest of my estimation is fine.
James B 172cm said on 30/Sep/20
Rob do you agree that Sid is struggling to look over 6’6 here when squaring up to undertaker?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Sid was raising his eyelevel in that staredown. If you threw a camera in the ring and swung it around you'd see them look similar, taker taller, even sometimes Sid a bit taller, but overall I still think Taker seems taller than Eudy.
Canson said on 29/Sep/20
@Edward: I agree with Christian. Very good estimates!
Resurrection of Edward said on 29/Sep/20
my honest opinion on current height of wwe superstars.
big show 6’9 1/4
dubba kato 6’8 1/4
kane 6’6 2/4
braun strowman 6’6 1/4
baron corbin 6’5 7/8
undertaker 6’5 3/4
syco sid 6’6 1/4
drew mcintire 6’4 1/4
randy orton 6’3 3/4
it could be wrong but again,that’s my personal opinion.afternoon height.
Resurrection of Edward said on 29/Sep/20
thanks dude!
yeah dude,i agree but again i have heard in bruce pitchard 1997 podcast “bad blood”somewhere.he claimed taker was 6’7 and kane was hair over 6’7 so i changed by mind.before,i had taker at 6’7.25 and kane at 6’7.5.yeah,i don’t rule out the possibility though.
Ben Bell said on 28/Sep/20
Latest episode he’s aled again and says a hair over 6’6 bare foot peak.
6'3 Julian said on 27/Sep/20
@Edward Kane, Taker and Cass should maybe be bumped up 1/4 inch on your list but the rest is fine
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Sep/20
Very good list of estimates overall.
Resurrection of Edward said on 26/Sep/20
my honest opinion and estimation on so called wwe’s giants
peak heights
big show 6’11.25
kevin nash 6’9/6’9.25
kurrgan 6’8.5
big cass 6’7.75
nathan jones 6’9
kane 6’7.25
undertaker 6’7
syco sid 6’6
hulk hogan 6’5.25
but that’s totally my personal estimation and ofcource it could be wrong.just saying.
Resurrection of Edward said on 24/Sep/20
@Big Lul
agreed with everything you said.taker might have been an inch taller than sid but at times it only looked a half inch between the guy’s.i agree with what you said,sid tilted his head up but taker was relaxed and taller than sid.
James B 172cm said on 23/Sep/20
Big Lul- in wcw there never really looked much between Nash and Sid.
Big Lul said on 22/Sep/20
When you compare both men to Kevin Nash who probably was only 6’9-6’9.25 max, taker most of the time if not all the time looked about 2 shorter which would put him at 6’7 peak height. And Sid in wcw looked 3 inches shorter than Kevin Nash but in wwe he looked 2-2.5 inches shorter than Nash which makes me wonder if Sid wore internal lifts to make himself look similar in height with Kevin Nash and undertaker. So Sid peak is most likely 6’6-6’6.25. Maybe 6’6.5
Big Lul said on 22/Sep/20
@Edward I also thought it was a .75-1 inch difference between taker Sid cause most the time Sid always had to tilt his head up to make himself look like the bigger guy but taker just stood relaxed cause he knew he the taller guy by a max inch. And also taker has a massive forehead( not Braun level) so I do think that’s why sometimes he could a little bit shorter. But I do agree with you with your estimates. Now I could Sid being 6’5-6’5.25 max and taker being 6’5.75-6’6 max and Kane being 6’6.25-6’6.5 nowadays.
Resurrection of Edward said on 21/Sep/20
even if taker was an inch taller than sid which i personally doubt he ever was.i doubt ever taker was an inch taller than sid.he may have been but i struggle to see that and at times it looked even half inch between the guys.my personal estimation are
kane 6’7.25/6’7.5
undertaker 6’7
sycho sid 6’6
Big Lul said on 21/Sep/20
@Canson and @Christian I agree taker was and probably at best 6’7 peak height he had a max inch on people like 6’6 inch King Mabel and Sid obviously. I felt like Sid always had to tilt his head up to look the same size if not bigger and we all know that just isn’t the case.
Peak Sid: 6’6-6’6.25 max and now 6’5-6’5.25 today because he barely looked taller than 6’4.75-6’5 inch shad Gaspard
Taker peak:6’7 and now 6’5.75-6’6 max
viper said on 15/Sep/20
The Mentors list has Taker at 198cm, so not far off.
It had Rock at 187cm, pretty close for him
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Sep/20
6'7" definitely ins't hard to believe for a peak Taker.
Canson said on 14/Sep/20
@Christian: that puts the spotlight on these other listings such as Taker. I don’t see more than 1” between Taker and Sid and even then I struggle to see a full inch most of the time. A peak Taker now that I look at it was no taller than 6’7” imho. Sid May have been 6’6” flat
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Sep/20
That happens with other celebs too, not just Sid. Even after Rob gives a celeb a major downgrade, the average guess remains the same or very similar.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/20
That's something that Nik would typically post, lol.
6'3 Julian said on 11/Sep/20
@Canson chill bro, it was just an observation
Canson said on 10/Sep/20
6'3 Julian said on 8/Sep/20
The average guess for his peak is exactly 6’6.99”!
Yea most of the peak and current votes came prior to his admission that he was “about 6’6”. Most people (me included) thought he was taller than that at his peak and still taller than he is now. I would’ve guessed a peak height of 6’6.5” peak and once had 6’6.75” but that goes to show a lot of these wrestlers were never as tall as they were advertised or even thought to be. Then you get someone like Hogan who some now believe was as low as 6’3” peak and as low as 6’1??? That one would get anyone’s attention.
6'3 Julian said on 8/Sep/20
The average guess for his peak is exactly 6’6.99”!
viper said on 31/Aug/20
IMO a good number of heights on the mentor list are correct.
Or at least nearly correct
James B 172cm said on 29/Aug/20
Rob I thought undertaker could look 6’7 compared to Sid
Riky said on 24/Aug/20
Editor Rob
The Mentor list is just a bit of fun, some of the heights never really made sense, though some of course you would agree on.
Yeah of course, I agree. Hart and Andre the giant are listed in a really funny way. But they would have, following the same logic, guessed Sid or Taker at 6'9" or 6'8". Find Sid at 6'6" in a such wrong and funny list confuse me.
Hotpots said on 23/Aug/20
Wwf 6-8 peak lol. 6-6.25 peak
Riky said on 22/Aug/20
Just a curiosity, but how in your opinion Mexican mentors guessed Sid at 6'6"? . How? They were right, but In 1996 everyone would have guessed Sid at 6'7", how they came across this decision? They knew about a measurement?

Editor Rob
The Mentor list is just a bit of fun, some of the heights never really made sense, though some of course you would agree on.
SeanR said on 12/Aug/20
Hi Rob,
I know this may sound strange but could Sid have been 6’6 3/8” at his peak? I know he said 6’6” in his podcast interview but just not sure he was at that exact height.
To be honest he looks like the tallest 6’6” person out there because he just gives off this look at being near 6’7”.

Editor Rob
I think he does remember getting measured 6ft 6...but that doesn't discount the fact that unless you saw the measurement, it may not have been bang on 6ft 6.
The big lul said on 5/Aug/20
To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised If Sid wore lifts. Sometimes when he and 6’9 peak Nash had a stare down he looked 6’7 when they stared off at the first in your house ppv.
So here are my estimates
Now:6’5- 6’5.25 max.
Canson said on 2/Aug/20
viper said on 1/Aug/20
I disagree a bit there Canson
Depending on the morning measuring
6-6 1/4 could be 6-5 7/8 afternoon.
Plausible to me imo
A morning 6’6.25 could mean 6’5.75 perhaps but my guess is his wasn’t a morning. Or else maybe 6’6 3/8 morning or 6’6.5 and 6’6 afternoon. He doesn’t look under 6’6
viper said on 1/Aug/20
I disagree a bit there Canson
Depending on the morning measuring
6-6 1/4 could be 6-5 7/8 afternoon.
Plausible to me imo
Canson said on 31/Jul/20
@Viper: I doubt Sid is a morning measurement. He looked too tall to only be 6’5 1/2” or 6’5 range peak height
Riky said on 31/Jul/20
Njp said on 29/Jul/20
Big show always had max 4 inches on guys like Taker.
We know for sure that Taker was max 6'7", so big show was max 6'11".
If Nash was 2 inches shorter its because Nash was 6'9"
David Wolberg said on 31/Jul/20
Unless he wore lifts in his wrestling boots, Sid Eudy's height during his wrestling career definitely appeared to be very close to a full 6'7. Going face to face with the Undertaker, he
consistently appeared to be slightly taller than the Phenom. I would guess that Sid Eudy's peak height was 6'6 and 3/4 inches tall. I would place his current height at 6'5 and a half.
viper said on 30/Jul/20
Miko trying to make a wrestler taller even after being measured at 6-6, probably in the morning.....
Njp said on 29/Jul/20
Riky said on 24/Jul/20
In my opinion Sid at 6'6" peak make things goes like this...
Sid 6'6"
Nash 6'9"
Show 6'10"3/4
Kane 6'7"
Undertaker 6'6"3/4
Hogan 6'4"3/4
Jake the Snake 6'4"1/2
Gonzalez 7'6"
Big show was a comfortable 7’ in his WCW days and Nash 6’10”. There’s several nose to nose confrontations where Nash is a good 2 inches shorter than The Giant. And this was before Big Show was wearing lifts
Kal Mar said on 28/Jul/20
Sid has said before that he was 6ft 6 inches barefoot, thus he could look 6ft 7 inches in wrestling boots against smaller guys, and about 6ft 8 inches against the larger guys like Taker.
miko said on 25/Jul/20
I'm having a hard time trying to see Undertaker ever standing an inch taller than Sid.
Both always had what looked to be equal footwear, and could both edge each other out in staredowns dependant on posture.
Sid was 6'6.75 and Taker 6'7.
viper said on 25/Jul/20
He measured 6-6 at his peak, most likely in the morning.
Never seen 6-7 in his life
Canson said on 25/Jul/20
@Editor Rob: how do we know he wasn’t just a flat 6’6” guy in his prime? It’s possible many of the others weren’t as tall as listed barefoot

Editor Rob
I think he could pull off looking above 6ft 6.
But one thing with measuring - the person doing it could say 6ft 6 but never mention the fraction, and that includes being under or over. They could simply call out the nearest inch.
Canson said on 25/Jul/20
@Riky: I’d add 1/4” to Show, Hogan and Taker. Nash I’m unsure of
Riky said on 24/Jul/20
In my opinion Sid at 6'6" peak make things goes like this...
Sid 6'6"
Nash 6'9"
Show 6'10"3/4
Kane 6'7"
Undertaker 6'6"3/4
Hogan 6'4"3/4
Jake the Snake 6'4"1/2
Gonzalez 7'6"
Aaron colton said on 23/Jul/20
Sid is probably 6,6 today but at peak 6,7 or 6,7.5
viper said on 21/Jul/20
I don't think I've ever heard of a football player being undermeasured before.
Most likely the 6-6 measurement was in the morning.
If he looked taller it was because of footwear imo
James B 172cm said on 21/Jul/20
didnt look over 6'6 compared to scott hall
Riky said on 20/Jul/20
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 17/Jul/20
I'm from Italy and it works a bit different in Europe as I think in general.
The 202 cm guy will claim 202 cm. The 197 cm guy will claim 2M. Easy.
Canson said on 19/Jul/20
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 17/Jul/20
Sid being 6'6 makes no sense, clearly rounding down here or bad measurement.
Why don’t you call him and go measure him. That sounds awfully silly being a bad measurement.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 17/Jul/20
Sid being 6'6 makes no sense, clearly rounding down here or bad measurement.
Please look at how much taller he was than Hogan, Jake the Snake etc.
Easy 2 inches and both were solid 6'5 if not 6'5.5" back then.
(I remember being shocked at how tall Jake looked next to Mabel in the 96' Royal Rumble..)
Also someone this big saying he is 6'6 could be evening height without even standing as tall as possible etc.
It's like here in Europe most guy within 2-3 cm to 2M tall will say they are " 2M tall " not 2m02 in example...
It's a common trend on tallish people ( especially girls who diminish their heights ).
I have a friend who claimed being 192cm for years despite being (imo) visibly taller than this, then one day he got measured on the stadiometer at occupational health and it turns out he was 194,5...
Anything below 6'7 for a prime Sid doesn't make sense unless he was a massive lift wearer.
MikeD said on 9/Jul/20
Listen to Sids podcast’ the episode 37 “ into the USWA” he clearly says he is 6ft 6’ also says billy gun known billed himself at 6’6 and was no were near that and a lot of wrestlers did that’ forward to 22 mins.
Ethan99 said on 6/Jul/20
peak height is hard to tell. can look half an inch to an inch taller than 6'6.5-6'7 peak taker. so maybe 6'7-6'8 range. Nowadays probably 6'5.
James B 172cm said on 15/Jun/20
Riky said on 15/Jun/20
James B 172
Usually in WWE the shorter guy wear lifts, most of all if the other guy is more than 2 inches taller. Or if his character needs to be near the height of the taller guy they let him wear lifts
Example: I don't think André wore lifts next to Hogan , but probably the opposite
Well if Sid did not wear lifts then he certainly could make Kevin nash look 6’9 tops
Riky said on 15/Jun/20
James B 172
Usually in WWE the shorter guy wear lifts, most of all if the other guy is more than 2 inches taller. Or if his character needs to be near the height of the taller guy they let him wear lifts
Example: I don't think André wore lifts next to Hogan , but probably the opposite
James B 172cm said on 10/Jun/20
yeah rob i mean lifts could be why you thought he was 6'7 in the past?
i think A train also wore lifts to appeare more huge as well in the early 2000s.
Canson said on 10/Jun/20
James B 172cm said on 6/Jun/20
rob its probably not unheard of if your measured 6'6.5 and just round down your height by simply saying your 6ft6.....i mean look at john cena who claims 6'0 when hes actually half an inch taller than that
There’s no proof that Cena actually does that simply because Rob lists him at 6’0.5”.
James B 172cm said on 9/Jun/20
rob do you think sid wore lifts in his wreastling boots next to kevin nash

Editor Rob
That's a question many would like the answer too...even I'm not sure on it!
Canson said on 9/Jun/20
@SeanR: I see that too
SeanR said on 8/Jun/20
A good comparison of Sid’s peak height would be with Dan Spivey.
When Spivey played in the NFL he was listed at 6’5”. Not sure he was ever bigger than that. When Spivey portrayed Waylon Mercy in Wwf in mid nineties, he looked a solid 4 inches shorter than peak Kevin Nash 6’9”.
I for the longest time thought Sid looked a legit 6’7” with his pics with Nash and Undertaker, but his pics with Dan Spivey look like he is barely and inch taller. 6’6” or 6’6.25” is a more realtstic peak for Sid.
James B 172cm said on 6/Jun/20
rob its probably not unheard of if your measured 6'6.5 and just round down your height by simply saying your 6ft6.....i mean look at john cena who claims 6'0 when hes actually half an inch taller than that

Editor Rob
I suppose you couldn't rule it out entirely. Although with Sid he was asked directly about his height, whether he looked at the stadiometer or tape measure or relied on the person calling 6ft 6 is unknown...I know if somebody measured 6ft 6.5 I'd mention the half to them!
Kane99 said on 3/Jun/20
It seems to me or Sid in the pic with mamoon looks a good 6ft7 man ? Assuming a 10 inches head for sid and mamoom a good 5ft8 man. I have to say 6ft6 flat for his peak would be the lowest claim for this guy. 6ft6 1/4 seems good for him than only 6ft6

Editor Rob
Wouldn't have thought as tall as 6ft 7, but 6ft 6.5 was always possible with Mamum.
Ben Bell said on 29/May/20
After meeting all these guys in the last few years at conventions I figured 6’5 Sid, Taker a little more but Nash was significantly taller. Even today he seems 6’9 in person, we’ll to me at least.
James B 172cm said on 29/May/20
rob do you think maybe 6'9.5 is to high for a peak kevin?

Editor Rob
I'm still ok with Nash in his prime over 6ft 9
Canson said on 28/May/20
@Viper: that’s how it sounds to me
James B 172cm said on 26/May/20
rob how many inches do you think there looked between sid and kevin nash?
it always fascinated me how there didnt look that much between them

Editor Rob
It could seem less than 3 inches.
viper said on 25/May/20
With the way Sid was talking in that interview it seemed like he was saying just a regular 6-6, not 6-6.5
Kane99 said on 25/May/20
I know you don't think a wrestler can lose that much, but you can't keep a wrestler taller than he is just because you think he can't have lost so much. I mean you watch the mugshot even years ago and you knew he measured 6ft6 with shoes, but you still left him 6ft6 barefoot, because as a peak height you put sid as 6ft6 3/4.
They are giant wrestler who have several injures. No one is surprised if they lost over an inch
Kane99 said on 25/May/20
Do you know a footwear that give only half of an inch ? Rember that wrestler jbl in 2002 looks exactly the same height if not taller than sid today in a mugshot.
I really believe that today isn’t over 6ft5 flat, like Ben bell said

Editor Rob
Wrestling footwear that gives half inch looks rare, unless it was in the style of boxing shoes, which have flatter heels. A fair amount of wrestlers look to have thickish heels on.
viper said on 24/May/20
Just adds more credibility to the Mexican mentors height list that was posted here.
It had Stone Cold at 183cm which I absolutely agree with 100 percent
ken6-3 said on 23/May/20
Almost every person or athlete I know, never use fractions. Maybe he really was 6'6 & half
Only people on here seem to use it or care about it. It seems everyone in the world rounds up at .50 or down below it. I dont think he is lying. He just never really cared.
Even these mug shot photos. Those are rarely balls on accurate. My department had a old maintenance guy put it up in our booking room. It showed me near 6'5" when I was 6'3"
"No reason for Sid to lie at all. If he says 6’6 then we have to go with 6’6. He never said 6’6 and half. He said 6’6."
Kane99 said on 23/May/20
If you remember this pic
Click Here
6ft6 in shoes make an argument for only 6ft5 today

Editor Rob
The angle of that photo also makes him look taller, he might only be standing 6ft 6 in footwear there.
Canson said on 22/May/20
I admire Sid’s honesty. He even said that Billy Gunn tried to list himself 6’6” and told Sid that he was 6’9”. Sid said himself that most wrestlers would do that
Ben Bell said on 22/May/20
No reason for Sid to lie at all. If he says 6’6 then we have to go with 6’6. He never said 6’6 and half. He said 6’6.
Good thing is his boots always looked flat and he had good posture.
A great guy to use as a scale for old school wrestlers.
6’2 Sting as well as there was bang on 4” between them
Back in the day.
James B 172cm said on 21/May/20
a prime sid really just 2 inches taller than randy orton.......
Kane99 said on 21/May/20
I don’t believe for 1 second that sycho sid in his peak was shorter than strowman and about the same height of baron corbin
Click Here
Click Here
Seems to tall next to 6ft2 legit guy.
Though I could believe that today lost over an inch more than 3/4 of inch
Kane99 said on 21/May/20
For sure if sycho sid was 6ft6 1/4 you downgrade viscera at 6ft6, crush at 6ft4 and other wrestler
Click Here
viper said on 20/May/20
I believe the Mexican mentors list had Sid at 198cm
viper said on 20/May/20
I always thought he was 6-6
miko said on 20/May/20
A flat 6'6/6'6.25 Sid makes no sense in reality. Unless he was a lift wearer.
I like Hogan but they were never close in height at all. It was a solid 1.5' between them, and Hulk is still listed as 6'6 peak on here. I doubt Hulk had lost anymore than a tiny fraction by 1991/1992 in his late 30's.
Guy Pacitto said on 20/May/20
Hmm, very interesting self admission, i always thought his peak height was much closer to 6'7, maybe some peak height downgrades are due for other wrestlers in the industry, i can't see Hogan sever been 6'6 peak height, more likely 6'5.
SeanR said on 19/May/20
If Sid is 6’6” that is bad news for practically everyone else he’s been in the ring with that is listed on this site. I see Undertaker height has been downgraded to 6’7” which is pretty spot on (I had taker at peak 6’7.25”).
So guys like Hogan, Nash, Sting will need a downgrade too.
I know Sid says he was 6’6” but maybe could have been 6’6.5”? Sid looked 6’7” at peak but I could have been wrong.
Ben Bell said on 19/May/20
When I met him last year I’d said he seemed 6’5 to me. I guess now I’m very confident in that.
Really cool guy.

Editor Rob
In your photo he could look 6ft 5plus, but then you would think Sid has lost an inch of height...I could still buy 6ft 6 and change as a full peak.
I know Sid once wrote down 6ft 8 for his height!
184guy2 said on 19/May/20
Just because someone claimed a certain height , doesn't really means she is that tall . She could be shorter but taller . It doesn't seems that obvious as is it .

Editor Rob
He always seemed over 6ft 6, so it is surprising he claimed to only measure 6ft 6...
maybe after a workout in the ring he got that figure 😮
Ben Bell said on 19/May/20
Click Here 22 mins. Sid saying peak measured height 6’6.

Editor Rob
I'll add that rather interesting quote, thanks for highlighting it. I suppose it is one of the most honest claims from a wrestler you'll hear!
If anybody forgot how tall Sid looked beside Mamoon:
6ft 6 vs 5ft 8
Ben Bell said on 19/May/20
Latest Sid podcast.. Sid says peak measured barefoot 6’6. From his own mouth. Peak height.
Chinybobs said on 14/May/20
Hogan must be 6-5 then. He’s 2” taller than hogan.
Big ed said on 4/Apr/20
The wall was meant to be 6'4 I Remember superbrawl 2000 he was announced 6'4
ced said on 25/Mar/20
Does anyone know how tall "The Wall" was in WCW? I thihk Sid and Wall had a few staredowns..
Big ed said on 24/Mar/20
Sid 6'7.25 peak taker nearly 6'8 viscera 6'6.75" Nash 6'10
Bob da cob. said on 15/Feb/20
His peak proves hogan was never over 6-6.