HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/May/15
Thomas says on 6/Apr/15
Click Here
Only 6-6,5 peak height for Sid doesn´t fit at all.
This means Taker´s peak 6-7
And this fits, Taker only looked 2cm taller at WM13 because of big footwear
Click Here
Click Here
Rob I agree with a tad under 6´7" for Sids peak, but can´t see Taker beeing a full inch taller, don´t you agree Taker should be downgraded too?
Click Here
Click Here
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The Ben said on 4/May/15
I've met Dibiase and I'd put him at 6'3. Sid must have been wearing lifts.
joe 193cm night said on 18/Apr/15
Peak between 6'7 (201) pu 6'6.75 (200)
Thomas said on 6/Apr/15
Click Here
Only 6-6,5 peak height for Sid doesn´t fit at all.
This means Taker´s peak 6-7 and Ted DiBiase´s 6-1/6-1,5
and Windham´s 6-4 (Rob has him at 6-5!). Nonsense.
p said on 28/Mar/15
played basket ball with kevin Nash he is a real 6' 11" for real.
James B said on 23/Mar/15
Miko then Lex Luger was at least 6'3 then?
miko said on 19/Mar/15
A 6'6 prime is completely impossible for Sid, he looked at times 2 inches taller than a peak Hogan an was nose to nose with 6'7+ Undertaker.
Taker was 6'7.5
Sid was 6'7
Hogan was 6'5/6'5.25
just because said on 18/Mar/15
Could his leg break have affected his current height????
Click Here pic of leg break not for the weak of heart

Editor Rob
some small difference is possible, depends on extent of damage. But then his other leg would be same so it would effect his hips if one leg ended up shorter...why some people have genuine medical reason for small or large lifts.
Jenny's Father broke his hip/upper femur just falling in his house about 5 years back. He has special NHS elevator shoe for one of his feet, about a 2-inch lift on the outside of his shoes...all down to the break.
James said on 9/Mar/15
Rob do you think 198cm peak for Sid could be closer to the truth? You yourself pointed out that the difference could look even just 3 inches between him and lex luger.
6'6.25 could be on the money for Sid?
James said on 9/Mar/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 28/Feb/15
James B says on 19/Feb/15
Rob do you think lex Luger could have been a fraction over 6'3 peak?
Looks ~1.5" shorter than weak 6´5" Scott Hall
Luger has a unusual low eyelevel like Taker.
Taking all that into account indicates that Sid Eudy was closer to 6'6 flat peak since he had barely 3.5 on Lex Luger.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Mar/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Feb/15
James B says on 19/Feb/15
Rob do you think lex Luger could have been a fraction over 6'3 peak?
Looks ~1.5" shorter than weak 6´5" Scott Hall
Luger has a unusual low eyelevel like Taker.
James B said on 19/Feb/15
Rob do you think lex Luger could have been a fraction over 6'3 peak?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Feb/15
Sid looked 6´6.5" with 6´2" Sting and 6´3.25" Lex Luger
James said on 18/Feb/15
looks 3.5 inches shorter than 6'9-6'10 kevin nash but then kevin is closer to camera
he looked dead on the same as undertaker though in those pics
dicksock said on 12/Feb/15
I definitely think Sid should be bumped back to 6'7".
miko said on 11/Feb/15
Sid claimed he was 6'7/280lbs aged 28 years old on his twitter account.
Sid wasn't an inch shorter than Taker, neither was he just half an inch taller than Hogan IMO.
James said on 9/Feb/15
rob would you feel comfortable betting money on 6'6.5 over a full 6'7 for sid? Next to Windham he does look more than 1.5 inches taller.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Jan/15
Windham was never 6´5", Rob should take him down to 6´4" as he wasn´t taller than 6´4" Dustin Rhodes and always shorter than his 6´5"range Dad Bob Windham
Michael said on 19/Jan/15
Rob has Windham at 1,96 (6-5) in a pic of ´96.
Click Here and
Click Here Today he is much shorter. Sid has about 6-7 cm (2,5") on Windham in ´91, so Sid´s peak of 6-6,5 (1,99) is ruled out.
Click Here
Sid´s peak must be 6-7,5+ (2,02+). That makes Takers peak 6-8+ (2,03+).
cdk28 said on 18/Jan/15
6'2 said on 11/Jan/15
putting hogan 6'4.5" prime is just not realistic he said he lost 3" of height over the years due to knee and back surgeries that wud put him at 6'1.5" and he had john cena by about 4-5" recently that wud put him at 5'8-9" putting referee earl hebner at 4'3 lol hogan 6'6" 80s by 92 was prob 6'5" shrtest possibly 6'3.5 after ops today around 6'4.5" looks to be right sid was 6'7 given the fact that spivey was a legit 6'6". taker prime 6'8". sid cant be anything under 6'7 he made harvey wippleman look like a child
dicksock said on 11/Jan/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 9/Jan/15
dicksock says on 8/Jan/15
Rob: How can you have Undertaker at 6'7.5" peak and Sid only 6'6.5" peak? It makes zero sense. They were virtually the same height in their primes. They were both 6'7". Please show me footage of Undertaker looking an inch taller than Sid. It doesn't exist.
Red: How can you than Hogan was only 6'4.5" in 1992? In 1995, he was at least 2" taller than solid 6'3" Lex Luger when Luger was in cowboy boots. You like to talk about how much of a lift Hogan got from his cowboy boots; what about Luger? Hogan was ~1.5" shorter than 6'7" Sid and 6'7" Undertaker in the early 90s. He was still at least 6'5" in 1992, guaranteed
I don´t see Hogan having two inches on Luger both in ringgear...
Click Here
Ok, well you're blatantly ignoring Luger's return in 1995. Hogan had 2" on solid 6'3" Luger when Luger was in cowboy boots...fact. In the video you posted, Hogan has around 2" on Luger. I don't know if you can tell, but Luger had much thicker heels than Hogan. Hogan's heels were flat in that video and Luger had thick heels. He probably had over .5" of footwear advantage. I guarantee Hogan was as least 6'5.5"-6'6" in his prime and Luger was 6'3"-6'3.5" in his prime.
James B said on 10/Jan/15
Could look just 6'6 compared to Luger but then like rob said taller guys don't stand as tall when squaring up to shorter men.
Alex2 said on 10/Jan/15
Anything below 6'7" peak for Sid is redicilous, Taker WAS a weak 6'8" peak there is too much evidence of this and Taker had around 0.5" on Sid. Rob this listing is wrong and I'm not sure why you've downgraded Sid. He was a strong 6'7" peak.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Jan/15
Taker 6´7.25"
Sid 6´6.75"
Lex Luger 6´3.25"
I couldn´t argue with...
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Jan/15
dicksock says on 8/Jan/15
Rob: How can you have Undertaker at 6'7.5" peak and Sid only 6'6.5" peak? It makes zero sense. They were virtually the same height in their primes. They were both 6'7". Please show me footage of Undertaker looking an inch taller than Sid. It doesn't exist.
Red: How can you than Hogan was only 6'4.5" in 1992? In 1995, he was at least 2" taller than solid 6'3" Lex Luger when Luger was in cowboy boots. You like to talk about how much of a lift Hogan got from his cowboy boots; what about Luger? Hogan was ~1.5" shorter than 6'7" Sid and 6'7" Undertaker in the early 90s. He was still at least 6'5" in 1992, guaranteed
I don´t see Hogan having two inches on Luger both in ringgear...
Click Here
Luger 6´3" , Hogan 6´4.5" fits very good with this vid.
Sid had rather two inches on Hogan than 1.5" ...
miko said on 9/Jan/15
In some instances it looked like Sid was edging Undertaker out, most of the time it looked VERY close.
Sid would have felt the taller man as his eyeline is higher plus he always raised his chin up.
Both were around 6'7. Maybe Taker was a hair over it and Sid a hair under.
Put it this way a prime 6'6.5 Sid is very bad news for the likes of Hogan as Hulk was around 1.5/2' shorter. Both men were in there primes too, no excuse for height loss.
Jadis said on 9/Jan/15
Apart from JBL (1 in), all around 1 1/2 in below peak actual.
dicksock said on 8/Jan/15
Rob: How can you have Undertaker at 6'7.5" peak and Sid only 6'6.5" peak? It makes zero sense. They were virtually the same height in their primes. They were both 6'7". Please show me footage of Undertaker looking an inch taller than Sid. It doesn't exist.
Red: How can you than Hogan was only 6'4.5" in 1992? In 1995, he was at least 2" taller than solid 6'3" Lex Luger when Luger was in cowboy boots. You like to talk about how much of a lift Hogan got from his cowboy boots; what about Luger? Hogan was ~1.5" shorter than 6'7" Sid and 6'7" Undertaker in the early 90s. He was still at least 6'5" in 1992, guaranteed.
James B said on 8/Jan/15
Could you imagine randy Orton being just 2.25 inches shorter than a peak sid? Or a 2014 Glenn Jacobs having a good 1 inch in him? A lot of wrestlers are not as big listed.
James B said on 4/Jan/15
6'6.25 peak is possible judging by how tall he looked next to lex Luger. Just goes to show how tall a proper 6'6 man is.
These days I think Sid is 6'5.5-6'6.
6'2 said on 3/Jan/15
it was published early on in his career think in a match with kerry von erich that he stood 6'7" dont think this was a billed height in fact most geniune early articles out of wrestling promotions would be true like 6'7" stood and 7ft andre and 6'10" nash were published out of wrestling promotions or advertising
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Jan/15
Duggan was 6´2" , 6´1.5" now
Lex Luger is a known 6´3" peak an Sid was max 3.5" taller in the middle of the ring
Paul said on 28/Dec/14
There is a good video on YouTube featuring Sid, Undertaker, Paul Bearer, Jake Roberts, Jim Duggan and a King Cobra, 1991. You cam compare Duggan (a known 6'3) to Sid towards the end of the video. Sid looks nearly 5in taller. Jake (6'5 or just over) also looks shorter here as El Diablo so he would have been using thicker boots at other times, accounting for the fact he often appeared to be in the 6'6-7 range.
Actually here it is:
Alex2 said on 19/Dec/14
Why has Sid been downgraded? Is this for real? He was EASILY a strong 6'7 prime if not 6'7.5 himself as Undertaker barely edged him out. Needs upgrading.
Ali Baba said on 17/Dec/14
[Editor Rob: frank eudy's account (which looks much more legit) said "@RealBHorowitz @SychoVicious haha that's too funny! I'm pretty sure dad isn't sending out tweets'"
I'd say it was bogus.]
Ali Baba said on 17/Dec/14
15 December at 7:19 PM Sid says his height is 6'6"
Ali Baba said on 17/Dec/14
From what I can gather his real account is @sychovicious

Editor Rob
frank eudy's account (which looks much more legit) said "@RealBHorowitz @SychoVicious haha that's too funny! I'm pretty sure dad isn't sending out tweets'"
I'd say it was bogus.
John B said on 16/Dec/14
Hi Rob I say it's the real Sid it says he has a 121 thousand followers, it has this black and white profile pic of him tell me is that the real one or imposter account?

Editor Rob
if it had any photo showing it was him, like some selfies or stuff like that it would be more believable. I would say it was a fake account.
John B said on 15/Dec/14
Tweeted Sid and asked what is his legit height to day he got back to me and said his 6'6 - 15 to 20 years ago he had to be a good 6'7 before that leg break..

Editor Rob
is that a real sid or an imposter account?
Mr T said on 13/Dec/14
Undertaker had to look UP at Sid when they went toe-to-toe at Sid's Raw comeback in 1997 so that would put him close to 6' 8" in real life
6'2 said on 9/Dec/14
6'7" peak nothing less if anything 6'7.5"
6'2 said on 4/Dec/14
how can you only give a 0.5" difference peak sid more than 6'6" peak hogan something wrong there
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Nov/14
Tuga says on 28/Nov/14
Now I agree with most of Rob´s listings, but peak hogan at 6'6 and peak sid at 6'6 1/2 doesn´t make sense at all
Big AGREE ont this, but Hogan is to high, imo never taller than 6´5.25" at peak, 1992 6´4.75-6´5", 6´3.5" 2003
Tuga said on 28/Nov/14
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 26/Nov/14
Can´t see any difference, to count every cm you shouldn´t cut one from Mabels pivot with your line 8Y :))
Come on Red, that´s to show off the difference after rotating the picture, just measure the line´s top :P
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 26/Nov/14
If there would be a valid point for 6´8" Taker I´m sure Rob would list him at 6´8" peak but there´s to much evidence he wasn´t that tall.
Glad you mention this, going back a few years people here talked about taker in ministry days looking 6'9 because of lifts, which was proven wrong.
Now obviously people will look in any certain moment taller or shorter than they are, why choose the shortest possible moments??
Click Here
Does this look like 6'7 vs 7'?
Click Here
I do realise taker has better posture and big show unlike his ring attire doesn´t have footware advantage, also the cut out doesn´t work perfectly since it would have to be scaled, you did the same with taker and khali and things don´t quite match up...
I do believe peak show had 4 inches on peak taker, 6'8 vs 7' then.
And what about possibly non peak taker:
Click Here
Next to kane:
Click Here
Non peak taker is nearly his height, put him with same posture as kane and he is at least same height, we know very well that kane still has footware advantage, so if taker was 6'7 peak, non peak 6'6 1/2(?)at the most, kane would problaby be 6'6 flat, if taker lost more height...we better not go there.
Now I agree with most of Rob´s listings, but peak hogan at 6'6 and peak sid at 6'6 1/2 doesn´t make sense at all, in his mega posture he would pull 2 inches over hogan, even hogan down a bit peak at 6'5 1/2 would make sid 6'7 1/2, so its a safe bet sid was not under 6'7 and could look 6'7 1/2, or how tall peak sting was for you?
Click Here
Now I´m not sure how much taker has lost, but unfortuanetly he´s far from his best shape, still 6'7 is minimum he looked next to lesnar still...
Some peak estimates of mine:
Taker 6'8 :P, nash 6'9 1/2 or hair over (6'10 absolute peak still possible), sid between 6'7-6'7 1/2 (still undecided, tip toes? footware?? lol), hogan at least 6'5 1/2 peak (maybe 6'6), big show 7´(maybe a hair over?), khali 7'1, kane 6'7 1/2? (footware always an issue here...).
Yes you can pic times where they look shorter, but this estimates are like having them as straight as possible for measurements purposes ;)
184.3cm said on 27/Nov/14
Just noticed this listing and erm i dont know about a 6'6.5 peak. This guy was mostly billed 6'10 and had easy height on a peak Hogan i would go with 6'7 range peak unless there is an official measurement thats been posted before?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Nov/14
Tuga says on 25/Nov/14
No its not :P
Click Here
We´re discussing to the cm here, so its a valid point, not
Can´t see any difference, to count every cm you shouldn´t cut one from Mabels pivot with your line 8Y :))
Click Here
Seriously I did a tilt correction in my old pic but not as much as you because we have no fix point to use, the frame doesn´t really work, how was the cam for the full pic tilted? We can´t say for sure. I went with what´s visible of their posture to evaluate the right(imo) tilt.
In your pic it´s the same outcome, Nash has 2.5-3 inches on Mabel, Nash had 1.75-2" on Taker.
Nash 6´9"
Mabel 6´6-6´6.5" with bigger footwear
Taker 6´7-6´7.25"
If there would be a valid point for 6´8" Taker I´m sure Rob would list him at 6´8" peak but there´s to much evidence he wasn´t that tall.
Tuga said on 25/Nov/14
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 24/Nov/14
Tuga says on 24/Nov/14
Red, the mabel diesel pic has to be roted a bit,
Lol c´mon that´s a silly excuse ;)
No its not :P
Click Here
We´re discussing to the cm here, so its a valid point, not overwhelming since its not that much of a difference ( I did say a bit:P) but its still far from being an silly excuse ;)
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 24/Nov/14
Tuga says on 24/Nov/14
Red, the mabel diesel pic has to be roted a bit,
Lol c´mon that´s a silly excuse ;)
Mabel was 6´6" and that´s what he looks there with a half inch footwearadvantage.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 24/Nov/14
Tuga says on 24/Nov/14
But now I see that you´re already considering peak nash at under 6'9
Posted this already at Nash´s page, I doubt Nash was peak starting wrestling.
He for sure cleared 6´9" as a young man.
As Big Daddy Cool he didn´t look over 6´9" next to Kareem.
As Vinnie Vegas he didn´t look more than an inch over 6´7.5"-6´8" Tyler Mane.
Tyler Mane looked taller next to Nash than Taker ever did.
I go with low height and my estimations are fitting with what we can see out of the ring.
Takers evening peak wasn´t under 6´7" and not over 6´7.5"
Therefore Sid´s evening peak between 6´6.5" and 6´7"
Nash wasn´t less than 1.5" taller than Taker and not more than 2"
Wich fits with Nash being 2"-2.5" taller than Sid.
I´m still not sure but for peakheight I could see Taker edging Kane atm.
Tuga said on 24/Nov/14
Red, the mabel diesel pic has to be roted a bit, I own the wwf magazine it came from, the pic is not straight, check your original pic.
About your ministry pic, taker also is leaning down and most of all mabel is closer to the camera, just look at his head size there!You can pause that video to give taker great advantage or to give visera the advantage.
Example: pause yt video at 0,34 sec, advantage taker :D
I´ll admit their kotr staredown could be better (raise the head mabel!!) but its still the best we´ve got so far.
But now I see that you´re already considering peak nash at under 6'9 so we better stop here, in a few years he´ll be under 6' LOL ;)
"low camera angles are useless or I measure the gap in this pic too ;) Click Here"
Now this is pointless (no, its part of the fun ;)), but 2 can play that game:
Click Here
Sid struggles to even match taker´s ankle! :P
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Nov/14
Click Here
Nash 6´8.75"-6´9", Sid 6´6.5" , Mabel same but footwearadvantage so max 6´6".
If Taker had 2" on Mabel he would have had two inches on Sid - impossible.
Taker with camera angle on top of their heads never had more than 0.5"-0.75" on Sid.
low camera angles are useless or I measure the gap in this pic too ;)
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Nov/14
Tuga says on 20/Nov/14
But we do have their kotr staredown, the classic proper middle of the ring staredown:
Click Here
Imo the line cuts Mabels skull and his posture is pretty bad, losing 1-2inches.
just like here
Click Here
Remember the Mabel Diesel staredown? Things would change bigtime if he stood like that next to Taker.
Tuga said on 20/Nov/14
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 17/Nov/14
I´d never argue with your estimations, just giving mine ;)
What´s the fun in that :)
Now, about our estimations, ddp with aikman may be or not in cowboy boots, but even if he is (we don´t know) he´s "giving" away height with his posture there, so either way he would be not at all shorter, check his page where that photo came.
About taker and mabel, watch their casket match, taker througout the match is very noticeable taller, but like the ministry video, which has the camera all over the place like backstage segments, its impossible to judge properly.
But we do have their kotr staredown, the classic proper middle of the ring staredown:
Click Here
Mabel could rise his head but taker himself is not at his best posture and notice taker´s wider stance in the video. All in all mabel will not be under 2 inches shorter even in bigger footware.
I agree with akebono selling bdv´s height, great you mention it, for example taker did the same with underfaker, and underfaker was wearing huge footware and taker had a very, very wide stance (there´s pics you know where ;))
Click Here
About tenta maybe he was a little under peak with mabel, but IMO he was/looked 6'6 peak, he was taller than hogan, who we have evidence of being a bit over 6'5 peak, so a 6'5 tenta would put hogan at under 6'5 peak.
CLEMENT said on 19/Nov/14
SID IS 6'5 1/2"TALL.
Kunoichi said on 18/Nov/14
Click Here
Tenta's height will be found and 198cm in this newspaper article.His height of sumo era there will be 198cm and 196cm.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Nov/14
Tuga says on 14/Nov/14
Ok Red, thanks for your opinion, I´ll have to disagree with some of course ;)
I´d never argue with your estimations, just giving mine ;)
Can´t see footwear in the ddp pics, he was often in cowboyboots...
Saw one match from Diamond Studd looking max 1inch taller than DDP but can´t find it atm.
I´ve never seen evidence of Taker having 2" on Mabel, ok Mabel had pretty big soles but in each staredown he has his head down, in ministry days he looked pretty close to Taker.
For Tenta he was often listed 196cm in sumo, so I think 197cm is pretty good, maybe down to 196cm in your pic, thx for sharing btw, Mabel´s little gap is imo footwearadvantage.
Akebono clearly tryed to sell BDVs height imo, BDV had enormuos soles facing him.
CLEMENT said on 16/Nov/14
SID 6'512"
KANE 6'512"
Tuga said on 14/Nov/14
Ok Red, thanks for your opinion, I´ll have to disagree with some of course ;)
I agree with 6'6 for tenta and mabel, mabel could even look a bit over that with akebono (plus footware), or like you say a bit under altough I couldnt make any decent comparisons in his match with omg, 6´6 is fair I guess, watch mabel vs taker again, taker has about 2 inches on him even in smaller footware.
Mabel and Tenta:
Click Here
Putting sid at only half an inch taller than tenta is not right(you do have a legit source for 6'6 tenta and lets be honest that´s what he looked), using hogan as a measuring stick, sid would clearly be over an inch taller than tenta, tenta barely edged hogan and sid in his mega posture would pull 2 inches over hogan.
Scott hall peak looked 6'5 range, lowest 6'5 flat, even today he can look your 6'4 1/2 estimate and I think for sure he´s not at his peak height, then also comes into play ddp, Rob has met and estimated 6'4 for him, even if Rob is off half an inch (if ;)), 6'4 peak is more than a fair estimate for ddp, peak hall was clearly taller than ddp.
Here´s ddp with troy aikman for example:
Click Here
With dennis rodman:
Click Here
Note: Ddp has bad posture with aikman, rodman is not standing at his tallest and ddp is.
So what do you think?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Nov/14
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 26/Oct/14
Now Red, you really got me curious over your estimates for john tenta, mabel (or viscera etc)and diamond dallas page, what would you estimate then?
Tenta and Mabel would be very close IMO 6´5.5"-6´6"
I always had Mabel a bit taller but had to find out he was even a bit shorter than OMG who was a bit shorter than 6´6.5" Studd
DDP was always a 6´3" guy
Tuga said on 11/Nov/14
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 26/Oct/14
Taker peak 6´7"
Scott Hall 6´4.5"
Sid Eudy 6´6.5"
Barry Windham 6´4"
Dan Spivey 6´5.5"
Lex Luger 6´3"
Now Red, you really got me curious over your estimates for john tenta, mabel (or viscera etc)and diamond dallas page, what would you estimate then?
Danimal said on 10/Nov/14
Sid and Taker in the early 90's in a staredown. Sid at that time was 6'7". They look dead even in height (20 + years ago):
Click Here
Paul said on 5/Nov/14
Peak normal daytime height about 6'7.75 ....now about 6'6.5 (i.e. up to 6'7 first thing in the morning and 6'6.125 late at night}
Paul said on 5/Nov/14
I think Rob has gone a bit funny, I think he's downgrading sometimes. Jason from Perth, Australia who used to post on this site was well known for that although funny thing is I think he and Rob would be actually quite close on some of these wrestlers. You have Hogan who few would dispute was circa 6'6 (yes 6'8 was kayfabe) albeit going back over 20 years compared here with Sid at for instance 09:25. Sid must be wearing one bad ass pair of boots if in reality virtually no taller.
Click Here
6'2 said on 3/Nov/14
taker was 6'8.5" peak sid 6'8" peak. wrestling boots 6'10.5" and 6'10".sid is about 6'6.5" today taker around 6'7.5"
James B said on 1/Nov/14
Scott hall always looked closer to 6'4 than 6'5.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Oct/14
I really doubt Barry was 6´5", he was always shorter than his father who looked about 6´5" himself next to near 6´6" Dan Spivey.
Taker IMO edged Sid by 0.5" - not a full inch.
Taker peak 6´7"
Scott Hall 6´4.5"
Sid Eudy 6´6.5"
Barry Windham 6´4"
Dan Spivey 6´5.5"
Lex Luger 6´3"
Mark said on 19/Oct/14
Both 6'6 1/2 for me. If there is a difference it's negligible.
CDK said on 14/Oct/14
SID 6'7" PEAK 6'8.5" IN BOOTS
James B said on 14/Oct/14
Taker must have been 6'6 1/2 all along then? Unless of course sid had footware advantage
miko said on 13/Oct/14
Sid at 6'6.5 is very bad news for Taker/Hogan/Nash.....
Even with a footwear advantage there was at least an inch barefoot between Hogan and Sid.
Tuga said on 13/Oct/14
Rob, current height is fine mas IMO peak height was at least 6'7 ( I would give him 6'7 1/2).
He was only around 2 inches shorter than nash, taller 2 inches than a still 6'5 1/2 hogan in the early 90s etc etc.
He looks "shorter" next to luger, but what about here:
Click Here
Dicksock, 1 inch beeetwen taker and sid isn´t impossible:
Click Here
Although I do estimate 6'7 1/2 for sid and 6'8 for taker, sid really stands tall in staredowns and footware is still an issue (check pic for ex.), Frank has mentioned sid not looking "that tall" in street clothes and he has met taker and believed he was 6'9 (which he most probably was in footware).
So sid at a flat 6'7 is very possible thus the 1 inch difference, 6'6 1/2 is too low.
tony t. said on 13/Oct/14
Exactly what I thought he was.
Vegas said on 12/Oct/14
Kiat says on 9/Oct/14
Oh dear, if Sid was only 6'6.5", then Hogan was only 6'4.5" or tops 6'4.75" back in 1992
we need consistency with the wrestlers listings. if sid drops then hogan, nash, taker, piper, vince etc must also fall in line.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Oct/14
James B says on 11/Oct/14
There was one photo from mania 1997 where taker looked 1.5 taller than Sid
Click Here ;)
Undertaker only looked marginally taller in the buildup to WM13, same as during their first encounter in 1989 where neither had a footwear advantage.
Some more stuff:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
They were close, giving the edge to Taker ~0.5" Whatever Sids height was...
dicksock said on 12/Oct/14
There is no way a peak Undertaker was 1" than a peak Sid. They appeared to be nearly dead even in height.
James B said on 11/Oct/14
Well like rob said he can even look just 6ft6 compared to Luger.
James B said on 11/Oct/14
There was one photo from mania 1997 where taker looked 1.5 taller than Sid
Red183 said on 10/Oct/14
Yeah 6'6.5" looks right next to Luger but regarding the 1989 staredown it makes Taker ??
Rob wouldn't Taker at 6'7" peak and 6'6.5" be a better fit to Sids listing
Kiat said on 9/Oct/14
Oh dear, if Sid was only 6'6.5", then Hogan was only 6'4.5" or tops 6'4.75" back in 1992, since he had close to 2 inches on Hogan. Is there a mistake here?
James B said on 7/Oct/14
6'5.5 today rob?
James B said on 6/Oct/14
rob you considering giving Sid 6'6 range peak? Or are you not convinced yet?

Editor Rob
I think putting him 6ft 6.5 might be ok
James B said on 3/Oct/14
Rob at 3:06 would you say there looks no more than 3.5 inches between Sid and Lex Luger?
It's possibdl though as well rob that maybe Luger is standing much better than sid since like you said taller guys don't stand as tall in staredowns.

Editor Rob
yeah definitely no more than 3.5, even just 3 inches there....
184.3cm said on 30/Sep/14
He did claim 6'8 a few times but probably gave height in shoes like alot do in the USA.
Danimal said on 29/Sep/14
aaronious says on 28/Sep/14
Sid was 6'8", Rob, same height as taker, in fact, taller in some angles, just my opinion
Sid was 6'7".
aaronious said on 28/Sep/14
Sid was 6'8", Rob, same height as taker, in fact, taller in some angles, just my opinion
PathfinderCC said on 28/Sep/14
Always stretching and tiptoeing in staredowns 6´7" peak height and 6´6" now is really really good choise
Steve said on 23/Sep/14
Sid was never under 6'7.5 in his prime.
James B said on 30/Aug/14
Actually there is a video here where Sid looks taller than taker but maybe it's the hair?
James B said on 30/Aug/14
But rob do you think 6'6 range peak is possible for Sid judging by that pic with undertaker?

Editor Rob
it is a possibility yeah, a full 6ft 7 for this guy peak is always something that is quite arguable
James B said on 29/Aug/14
He looked same height as taker cause he stood on tip toes
Click Here
Rob could 6'6.25 peak and 6'5.25 currently be more more accurate for Sid? Taker might have hadfootware advantage over Sid? Or maybe Undertaker was indeed 6'8.25?

Editor Rob
there is a chance he has lost something. A good chunk of wrestlers will lose height by 50, while some may manage to avoid much.
Alex 6'0 said on 18/Aug/14
Peak I agree on 6'7. At WM13 against UT he looked the same height or maybe a hair shorter. Today 6'6 looks right
6'2 said on 13/Aug/14
ya agreed sid may have been 6'8" if taker is 6'8.5" prime.can anyone remember in the hogan and sid build up feud to wm8 if they had a test of strength prior to wrestlemania?
James B said on 8/Aug/14
He looked a bit more than 6'7 in his wwe and wcw run.
Paul said on 19/May/14
Firstly I think Rob meant the other way round and secondly he would have been measured barefoot. He is never just 6'5 shoes on or otherwise. The photo is published on the web.
Clay said on 18/May/14
Looked all of 6'7 when he got back in the ring in 2010...
Paul said on 14/May/14
When Sid Eudy was arrested in 2006 he was actually measured at 6'6.5 (199.5cm) at 3 in the morning after what had evidently been a long day. (The top of his hair is just past 2.00m). Just shy of 2m would have been his lowest point (in 2006) and would have been around 201cm for normal daytime height. Wrestlers do tend to loose height and Terrence Bollea and Roddy Piper are good examples and in fact Sid was 202cm, maybe 203cm in the early 1990's.
Paul said on 14/May/14
When Sid Eudy was arrested in 2006 he was actually measured at 6'6.5 (199.5cm) at 3 in the morning after what had evidently been a long day. (The top of his hair is just past 2.00m). Just shy of 2m would have been his lowest point ( least in 2006) and would have been around 201cm for normal daytime height. Wrestlers do tend to loose height and Terrence Bollea and Roddy Piper are good examples and in fact Sid was 202cm, maybe 203cm in the early 1990's.
James B said on 30/Mar/14
I'd say in his prime Sid could pull of looking taller than just a flat 6'7. Maybe it was his build that could make him kook taller I dunno? Like people have been saying he did not look shorter than undertaker.
Overall I think Sid looked a solid 6'7.5 in his wrestling days or maybe even 6'8.
beefcake said on 20/Jan/14
sid was close to 6'8" peak. billed 6'9" 318lbs 1992. 6'10" 313lbs 1997. 7ft 330lbs 2000wcw. maybe 200cm today
Gregs1981 said on 3/Jan/14
Every time ive taken a mugshot its been without shoes. The reason is before u get ur pic taken u r put in a holding cell while paperwork is done, when u go in the cell they take ur shoes because they dont want u to have laces to hang urself or a weapon to. One time i took a mugshot with shoes and that was because as i was being led to fingerprinting/mugshot i grabbed them when i saw them outdide my cell and the officer allowed me. I would say solid 6'7-6'7.5 peak 6'6 barefoot now 6'7 with shoes. Also every pic with sid and taker,sid looks slightly taller,especially in the pic where sid has hockey mask on
Gregs1981 said on 3/Jan/14
Every pic ive seen with sid and taker, sid is taller by about a half inch
anon630 said on 16/Dec/13
I'm 5'10 3/4. Sid I would guess is about 6'4-6'6. Looks thin and frail these days. Met him a few months ago when he subbed for Superstar Billy Graham at a Resistance Pro event. It can be tough to gauge the height of some of these guys(just like when I stood next to a 6'5 IKEA bookcase box recently and I was surprised it was actually 6'5). He is definitely shorter than Nash, probably by a couple inches. I'd have to go back and see if I can find my pic with Sid.
clement said on 2/Oct/13
Big Sid is 6'6" tall.
miko said on 22/Aug/13
Sid with 6'2 Bully Ray from 1:45 onwards:
Click Here
Looks close to 6'7.
NCL said on 14/Jun/13
Here's a treat for you all that I just found, Undertaker and Sid vs Mankind and Goldust from a houseshow in 1996
Click Here
Can't really find a spot for a staredown between Sid and 'Taker, but 'Taker enters the match at 8:50 and he and Sid walk by each other quite a bit.
JT said on 3/Jun/13
Click Here No clue who the guy is. He could also be wearing big platform boots as well. If not, he may be close to 6'11".
cold said on 20/May/13
just came over this, as i already knew arrests always includes footwear.
Click Here
her cam:
Click Here
the girl claims in her webcam chat that she is 5'3, and also list her height as 5'3... but as we just saw, the mushot gave her 5'4
NCL said on 14/May/13
If you scroll down to 1-29-11 at 2:49pm, it refers to Sid as 6'7" and 290lbs in an article (right side)
Click Here
credit to ReturnofG
drummer777 said on 11/Apr/13
sid may have broke his leg but he didn't lose any inches or an inch in height from that injury.
BEASTMAN said on 25/Mar/13
Drummer777 says on 16/Mar/13
Taker is the same height as sid eudy, 6'6 at the most for both men.
They used to be almost the same height, but Sid lost an inch and is now 6'6. Taker is still 6'7.5 like Kane.
Click Here
Drummer777 said on 16/Mar/13
Taker is the same height as sid eudy, 6'6 at the most for both men.
logan noll 1996 said on 11/Mar/13
Taker is 6'8, Sid was 6'7 at peak. Both are the same in eye level but Taker has a longer head.
KingNick said on 22/Feb/13
realyfe says on 16/Feb/13
I met sid at the French riviera spa in Memphis,tn. He told me 6'8 himself and that taker was 6'9......his words not mine. That was two years ago.
Hope you dont mind a fan prying a bit - what was he like? How tall he look to you in your opinion?
realyfe said on 16/Feb/13
I met sid at the French riviera spa in Memphis,tn. He told me 6'8 himself and that taker was 6'9......his words not mine. That was two years ago.
Sharpshooter7 said on 14/Feb/13
I'd put Sid at a peak 6'7", Hogan at a peak 6'5.5", and Undertaker at a peak 6'8", with a slight Sid boot advantage explaining him coming off better on both.
BEASTMAN said on 30/Jan/13
Jake T. says on 3/Jan/13
A 3 cm lost is not much, after all these years in the ring and a broken leg. Anyway Sid is still a big man.
Sid's leg injury couldn't have triggered height loss, because it's only 1 leg. He could still use the other leg to stand up as high as possible. Only the impacts he endured while wrestling could have worn out his actual height. A shorter leg would only make him limp.
The Ben said on 11/Jan/13
Nash describes Shawn Michaels as 6ft2 (maybe 6'1, I cant remember). I'm sure he's described Hall at a larger height as well.
miko said on 10/Jan/13
Hogan is someone I admire actually, I'm not a big wrestling fan but he's certainly one of my favourites.
And of course Eudy in 2012 would be taller than an 80's Hulk. Eudy was 2 inches taller than Hulk 20+ years ago, and Eudy has lost about an inch. Hulk has lost about 2 inches since that time.
There would be close to 3 inches between them in 2012.
Drummer777 said on 9/Jan/13
Kevin Nash describes Hogan as 6'4
KingNick said on 8/Jan/13
Might we get lucky and Sid be at the 20th anniversary of Raw next week? He was there for Raw 1000
miko said on 29/Dec/12
To think the Eudy of today would still be taller than a peak Hulk Hogan.
Rikashiku said on 28/Dec/12
He might have been 6'7" peak. Now a days he doesn't look quite as towering. When he and other legends returned to go after Heath Slater, Sid looked barely taller than legit 6'4" DDP.
juju said on 24/Dec/12
maybe sid wore lifts in the ring? maybe he was never 6 foot 7? after all, he was billed at 6 foot 7. wrestlers are always boosted in height listings.
Damien Hall said on 20/Dec/12
Scott Hall (no relation by the way) height: 6 ft 4.75 in ( 195 cm )
peak height: 6 ft 5.5 in ( 197 cm )
---and some people say i'm tall at 6' 3". lol :-)D
sid said on 19/Dec/12
the biggest i have seen hulk hogan being billed at is 6ft 9 which is ridiculous.
Tuga said on 17/Dec/12
Frank says on 15/Dec/12
Tuga he was huge but its Funny Taker appeared much taller for some reason in person and i know there about the same height
Well, in their staredowns taker was still taller with sid having the better posture so that makes sense that taker looked clearly taller in a "normal" situation.
Red says on 16/Dec/12
I could also believe peak Sid was 6´6.75" and peak Taker 6´7.25"
Honestly Red, where do you get those figures, you have been on a downgrading route lately :)
Sid was a solid 2 inches taller than hogan who himself was nearly as tall as 6'6 measured tenta! Why not use people who were actually measured to estimate people they stand with?
Frank said on 15/Dec/12
Tuga he was huge but its Funny Taker appeared much taller for some reason in person and i know there about the same height
drummer777 said on 15/Dec/12
On here they give DDP 6'4, he looks an inch or 2 shorter than Sid. Sid has a bigger frame than DDP...Higher shoulders, I bet Sid is the same Height as John Studd.
Tuga said on 15/Dec/12
Ok Frank, fair enough, but its weird, if it was today, he has for sure lost height, but back in the day he was just huge.
KingNick said on 14/Dec/12
Sid without a doubt lost height - at least an inch or two. That mug shot is proof. He's can't be any taller than 6'6" now and he looks 6'5"-6'6" with 5'9" Roberts.
Here's something that may help - how tall is DDP? Sid and DDP side by side at 2:39
Click Here Sid is in wrestling gear keep in mind
I was trying to find a shot with Sid and JBL but the best I see is 3:44 and its not that good JBL has the camera advantage
Frank said on 14/Dec/12
Tuga he was right next to him he walked by me Yes he was a Big Man but he did not tower over me I was was with a friend who said the same thing
Vegas said on 14/Dec/12
sids in sneakers in this clip from 1991
Click Here
looks much taller than lou ferrigno same time
Click Here
Tuga said on 14/Dec/12
I don´t know how tall sid is today, but at his peak he was at least 6'7, even looked taller than that but his posture and probably footware helped.
From comparisons with hogan we do know he was over an inch taller than tenta who was a legit 6'6.
Frank, IMO seeing tall people from a distance doesn´t do them justice, you have to be standing next to them to realise how really tall they are, especially with someone who you are expecting to be a giant like sid.
Frank said on 13/Dec/12
I said this along time ago i seen Sid in Street Clothes he he did not look as tall as i thought he would be I said he looked 6ft 5 to 6ft 6
drummer777 said on 12/Dec/12
Sid probably more than likely put 6'8 on his Identification card....And the height chart shows him to be 6'5 or 6'6.
Vegas said on 11/Dec/12
i met roberts and he is ~5'9, thats after raw 1000 in july this year
Click Here
dicksock said on 5/Dec/12
drummer777 says on 5/Dec/12
judgeing from Sid's mugshot, I would say he is 6'5 1/2 or 6'6 barefoot and 6'7 in his shoes, Kevin Nash is 6'7 or 6'8...Big Show around 6'9 or 6'10..Shaq 6'10 1/2 or 6'11.
Whoa there! 6'7" for Nash, 6'9" for Big Show, 6'10.5" for Shaq?
Alex2 said on 5/Dec/12
drummer777 says on 5/Dec/12
judgeing from Sid's mugshot, I would say he is 6'5 1/2 or 6'6 barefoot and 6'7 in his shoes, Kevin Nash is 6'7 or 6'8...Big Show around 6'9 or 6'10..Shaq 6'10 1/2 or 6'11.
drummer777 said on 5/Dec/12
judgeing from Sid's mugshot, I would say he is 6'5 1/2 or 6'6 barefoot and 6'7 in his shoes, Kevin Nash is 6'7 or 6'8...Big Show around 6'9 or 6'10..Shaq 6'10 1/2 or 6'11.
Gumbel said on 3/Dec/12
those estimates look about right, good job once again Rob.
Alex2 said on 21/Nov/12
6'7.5" peak 6'6.5" now I think is more realistic.
James said on 13/Nov/12
Well I think he looked at least 6'6 when he recently returned too wwe. Even one of the commentators said "he has not got any shorter.
robbo316 said on 15/Oct/12
Thomas says on 15/Oct/11
some of the most ridiculous measurements Wrestling history:
Big John Studd 6'10 370 ( probably struggling to hit the 6'6 mark )
Just been watching Wrestlemania 2, and seeing William Perry who IS 6'2" I would say that Studd was around the 6'8" mark.
Ultimate Warrior 6'2 ( 6'4 and 6'5 in WWF )
WWF actually listed him as 6'2", I got his wrestling figure for my birthday one year, and it had his stats listed on the back: 6'2" 275lbs.
zandabar said on 27/Sep/12
I worked with Sid. He is definitely 6'7 or more barefoot, I am a legit 6'4 barefoot at 6pm, so I know he is a monster, I looked up at him, 4 or 5 inches.
dicksock said on 21/Aug/12
Rob: Are you going to change Sid's current height to 6'6" and give him a peak of 6'7" after viewing the mugshot?

Editor Rob
yeah, it is quite possible for a loss of height in big wrestlers like him.
Paul said on 18/Aug/12
I have just see this mugshot picture kindly posted by Beastman. Basically he is 78.25 inches tall there as I see it... if he had stood perfectly sraight as in military posture he could have likely got 78.5 inches. I also noted the time of day i.e. 01.34am. He probably had a long day and would probably have been back to 79 inches, 6'7 the following morning.
Twenty years ago, i.e. before injuries including a broken leg etc. I believe he was in the upper 6'7s.
Red said on 12/Aug/12
JT says on 11/Aug/12
if Gene was closer to 5'7" then ...
That´s not what I meant, Gene is not a full 5´8" imo, 5´7.5"-5´7.75".
JT says on 11/Aug/1
...that 6'5" guy looks exactly how a 6'6" guy would next to a 5'8" guy like Rob
To be fair, we are talking about a 6´5.25" guy coming out about 6´6" in such comparisons, but do we know how tall the 6´7" guy would look with the same posture?
JT says on 11/Aug/1
Red, for whatever reason...
Again, I used the Sid pic for a reason... Sid with the same posture as the 6´5.25"guy so it´s quite comparable
JT said on 11/Aug/12
Red, for whatever reason that 6'5" guy looks exactly how a 6'6" guy would next to a 5'8" guy like Rob.
Click Here He'd have a full head size (~10 inches) on Rob whereas guys like Hogan and probably even Studd never did on Gene. It's either this guy slouched, was leaning forward or back, etc. on the stadiometer and Rob did not see it or maybe he's leaning towards the camera in the full body shot and/or Rob's leaning back (although it does not look like it), which gave him an extra inch.
Rob has this guy at 6'7"
Click Here (he is standing a bit behind Rob) and this guy at 6'4 3/4"
Click Here if Gene was closer to 5'7" then everyone in wrestling needs to be downgraded by up to another inch.
Red said on 11/Aug/12
JT says on 10/Aug/12
He'd have a full head size on Rob even if he lowered his chin, so there's something screwy with how that pic came out.
Don´t know about how much you think he could lower his chin, is it impossible that the same thing happens in the Sid picture?
I said the heights based on that pic/comparison. I don´t think Gene O was Robs height, he looks more like a strong 5´7" imo.
Sid´s peak was 6´6.75"-6´7" imo, Taker´s 6´7"-6´7.25", Hogan´s 6´5"-6´5.25"
And that´s using Rob´s system of normal evening height.
JT said on 10/Aug/12
Red, that 6'5" guy comes out looking at least 6'6" in that one pic with Rob though. He'd have a full head size on Rob even if he lowered his chin, so there's something screwy with how that pic came out. I did some comparisons a while back of that pic and pics of Rob in essentially an identical posture with ~ 6’5” and taller guys and this guy was coming out at least 6’6” every time. If not John Studd is no more than 6'5" and Hogan 6'4"
Click Here
Tuga said on 10/Aug/12
Red, you can not be sure with just those pics, hogan was not 6'4 range, remember he was about tenta´s height and tenta was measured 6'5 3/4 so hogan was around 6´5 1/2 IMO, also for example sid measured at least as good next to nash as nba´s 6'7 1/2 oliver miller.
Danimal, again I don´t agree with your estimate for bret hart, I suggest you look up bret next to vince mcmahon for example.
Red said on 10/Aug/12
Think this is comparable and fits with the mugshot as a half inch heightloss is very believable and there´s no way in hell that Gene O is taller than Rob.
Click HereBased on this, Sid is max 6´6.5" (solid 199cm) wich puts Hogan at max 6´4.75" in 1992 and Taker at max 6´7"
Danimal said on 9/Aug/12
Bret wasn't 6'0". He was 5'11" (same height as a peak HBK).
Red said on 9/Aug/12
If Taker was 6´8" legit he was 6´9" in wrestlingboots - at least.
Why has he so much 6´8" billings at different personas? right - he was 6´8" in boots.
For the Tyson pic - Taker is closer to the camera and I don´t think Tyson has a good posture too.
Tuga said on 9/Aug/12
Red, Rob met bret hart, a non peak bret hart still at 6', you have to remember posture is important, its a nice picture you provide but the height difference is to large and taker has clearly a more relaxed posture (see the more bended legs)for you to just say he´s 6´7 max there, not to mention bret looks a bit closer to the camera, it all seems irrelevant, but 1 inch difference between our estimates can be easily misled by this and other factors.
And you haven´t adressed my comparison with the 6'6 guy, to be honest it seems wrestlers in general get the downgrade treatment possibly because of their exagerated billings...
As for taker, a non full picture with questionable angles or postures (like the old ones with jbl)is all is needeed to get the 6'6 estimates, but for example a non peak taker standing tall in the middle of the ring with easy 6'5 jbl gets ignored, yeah right.
Red said on 9/Aug/12
How can he be 6´8" if he looks barely 6´7" at his peak with Bret Hart?
Click Here
If Bret was 6´0" there, Taker looks 6´7" flat knowing about his long head, just looking at the pic he looks 6´6".
Remember some people here say Bret was only 5´11"...
Tuga said on 9/Aug/12
Red, sid and taker had many staredowns in the middle of the ring and even with sid stretching himself the most he can, taker was still taller.
Sid´s mugshot does not make it impossible for taker to have been 6'8, so sid has lost height for sure, just remeber he was just around 2 inches shorter than nash and according to a non peak nash mugshot nash would be around 4 inches taller today...
Yes, I still see a peak around 6'8 taker just like nash at around 6'10 and sid around 6'7 1/2.
And also for you to consider I posted a pic of mike tyson and taker from this year´s wrestlemania at taker´s page:
Click Here
he has a little more height on him that for example 6'6 Nonso Anoie has on Rob and tyson is 2 inches taller:
Click Here
how can taker be 6'6 range today?
Red said on 8/Aug/12
Tuga says on 8/Aug/12
There are loads of pics with both man, I´ll leave this one since they´re in street clothes: ...
Still fighting for a 6´8" Taker ;) You need a better one to convince me :)
What about the Eudy mugshot? If Taker was 6´8", so was Sid - no chance for both.
Nash and Nathan are about 6´9" in my book, I don´t think Nash lost much height, maybe due to his long legs.
Tuga said on 8/Aug/12
Look at this pic, Bearer was 5´10" and is easy two inches over Takers chin, wich means Taker needs an 11 inch tall head to be 6´7"flat, i think his head isn´t taller than 11".
There are loads of pics with both man, I´ll leave this one since they´re in street clothes:
Click Here
Now tell me if taker raises his head is paul bearer easy or not easy 2 inches above his chin?
I´ve notice you´ve been putting taker peak at this 6'7 lately, you might as well downgrade a lot of men them. A 6´7 man would never look as tall as taker did next to guys like nash, jbl, nathan jones, big show khali etc.
Nash is a good example, he would have to be peak 6'8 range, and we know that even today he is still in the 6'9 range.
drummer777 said on 6/Aug/12
Well according to sids mug shot,he appears to be 6'7 in shoes and 6'6 without shoes,according to spivey's mug he is 6'6, so they are all in that Height, Nash coul be about 6'7 1/2. But I'm not saying thats my final answer.
Remember they billed Sid as 6'7 back in the 80's and kept adding inches on after that. Hulk did have a billing of 6'6 back then when you watch the ole matches betwee him ad sid and knowing that Sid maybe at the most 6'6 so hulk wasn't even 6'6 back then before the spinal meltdown.
Red said on 6/Aug/12
sid says on 5/Aug/12
Red 6'6 is too low for taker, I'd say 6'7
Never called him 6´6", 6´7" seems right for his peak, maybe 6´7.25" never 6´8"
He was billed 6´8" as the Punisher and Master of Pain and during his feud with Kurt Angle.
So 6´8" range was his height in wrestling boots imo.
Look at this pic, Bearer was 5´10" and is easy two inches over Takers chin, wich means Taker needs an 11 inch tall head to be 6´7"flat, i think his head isn´t taller than 11".
Click Here
Here´s the vid
Click Here
Red said on 6/Aug/12
Danimal says on 6/Aug/12
Red says on 31/Jul/12
In 1992 my 6´5" stepfather told me that Hogan was about his height and I started to doubt. In 1993 we met Jake the Snake, he was about my stepfathers height so I knew Hogan couldn´t have been taller than 6´6".
Are you copying my story? I've stated for almost 8 years on here that I met Jake the Snake Robert with my stepfather in the early 1990's.
Lol funny thing - but no copy, sry I had a typo - it was spring 1993.
Click Here Here I´m, 14 years old and 5´8.5" with Jake in 1993
He fought Greg the Hammer Valentine, Main Event was Ultimate Warrior vs Hercules
Danimal said on 6/Aug/12
Red says on 31/Jul/12
In 1992 my 6´5" stepfather told me that Hogan was about his height and I started to doubt. In 1993 we met Jake the Snake, he was about my stepfathers height so I knew Hogan couldn´t have been taller than 6´6".
Are you copying my story? I've stated for almost 8 years on here that I met Jake the Snake Robert with my stepfather in the early 1990's.
Danimal said on 6/Aug/12
sid says on 5/Aug/12
Red 6'6 is too low for taker, I'd say 6'7
6'6" these days, after 25 years of abuse to the body. At his peak he was a strong 6'7".
sid said on 5/Aug/12
Red 6'6 is too low for taker, I'd say 6'7
Ali Baba said on 3/Aug/12
I searched as you suggested and found him. He has a total of 4 booking photos for many more arrests than that. It looks to me that the 6'1" listing for him is off by about 3". In one shot (the one with the t-shirt with the circular saw-like design) he looks to be 5'11" and his hair is at about the 6'00" mark. In the others he looks to be 5'10" with varying hair making him look a little taller. My guess would be that he was wearing shoes for the one picture. The listing is definitely off by a bunch though. I found one woman who was 6'2". She was a little on the scary side.
Red said on 2/Aug/12
Ali Baba says on 2/Aug/12
We all know that some law enforcement agencies give celebrities some concessions when they arrest them, so it's possible. Can't say for sure of course. I have checked a bunch of other
Mugshots taken at the same jail as Sid's and they all had the heights listed at what the picture shows, rounded to the nearest inch, but Sid's is off by 2 inches.
Search for Jeremy Jarrett, arested a few times, different heights in the
Mugshots 5´10", 5´11", listed at 6´1"...
Ali Baba said on 2/Aug/12
We all know that some law enforcement agencies give celebrities some concessions when they arrest them, so it's possible. Can't say for sure of course. I have checked a bunch of other
Mugshots taken at the same jail as Sid's and they all had the heights listed at what the picture shows, rounded to the nearest inch, but Sid's is off by 2 inches.
drummer777 said on 1/Aug/12
So ali do you think they would let it slide if nash stood on his tip toes for his mugshot?
Red said on 31/Jul/12
Ali Baba says on 31/Jul/12
I imagine it appears that I have some kind of issue with these guys possibly being taller than me, but I don't.
***Never thought this way
Ali Baba says on 31/Jul/12
I have an issue with people fibbing about their height, especially as bad as some do.
Yeah, they do it all over the world. Funny, all tall (6´3", 6´4")people I work with know and state their legit height, tallest at the moment is a 6´6.75" guy.
There´re much 5´11"ish guys who claim 6´1"-6´1.5" and 5´6" guys who claim 5´8".
Ali Baba says on 31/Jul/12
I have been a fan of the tall wrestlers since I was a kid and still enjoy watching the today.
***For me it really started with Hulk in Rocky 3, thought he was really close to 7ft. For that reason I didn´t really doubt Andres(7´4") and Hogans(close to 7ft) height when I saw their staredown at WM3.
In 1992 my 6´5" stepfather told me that Hogan was about his height and I started to doubt. In 1993 we met Jake the Snake, he was about my stepfathers height so I knew Hogan couldn´t have been taller than 6´6".
I´m still irritated about billed heights in Wrestling like Kane at 7ft...
Imagine if Sid was really in his shoes standing flat 6´6", we have to downgrade the most wrestlers of the past 20 years.
Ali Baba said on 31/Jul/12
I'm not sure about my highest and lowest height. I do know that at around 2 PM I'm about a MM under the 6'6" mark. That was measured at the doctors office about a month or so ago. It was actually my wife's appointment but she kept telling everyone I was 6'7" so I decided to prove to her I'm not. I also learned that the sandals I had that day can add over an inch. So in shoes I'm over 6'7", which is to be expected I guess.
I know guys in wrestling take some bumps, however they train to not get hurt or hurt their opponent. And Sid was never one to work hard like others do. The dude never left the ground until he jumped off the second rope and broke his leg. There's a difference between landing on a spring loaded platform and landing on anything you and I have available to us.
I imagine it appears that I have some kind of issue with these guys possibly being taller than me, but I don't. I have an issue with people fibbing about their height, especially as bad as some do. I have been a fan of the tall wrestlers since I was a kid and still enjoy watching the today. I've been told for a bunch of years "wow, you're really tall. What are you 6'9"?" or some other crazy guess. And the. I tell them how tall I actually am they look at me and tell me that's not that tall. Really??? I arrested a guy once who was most likely 6'9" but kept telling everyone he was 7'. I work with two guys who claim to be 6'6", but I am at least an inch taller than one and at least two taller than the other. So I guess it's just a lifetime of having to tell someone on pretty much a daily basis how tall I am, and then having them look at me like I'm crazy.
Ali Baba said on 30/Jul/12
I just noticed that Sid was only in jail for 12 minutes. He was booked and released on bail in just 12 minutes. That's a pretty good indicator that he did not have to take his shoes off for the process.
Red said on 30/Jul/12
Click Here
If Sid hasn´t lost height we have to downgrade a lot
Click Here
Peak Taker would be max 6´6.5" and Hogan max 6´4.25" at age 38.
I´m not saying it´s impossible, but IMO they were a bit taller.
Ali Baba said on 29/Jul/12
I spent over 10 years in the military doing things Sid never thought of doing and I've been a cop for almost 10 years chasing and fighting people (real fighting, not fake). I'm still 6'6" and have been since I was 15 or 16. My knees make noise and my back hurts sometimes but I haven't shrunk any.
Even Rob said the camera isn't level with the top of Sid's head and he is possibly a bit shorter than the angle shows.
Ali Baba said on 29/Jul/12
It looks like the camera is still below the top of Eudy's head, so the height is still going to show a tad taller than it actually is. 6'5.5" is very possible for Eudy. And he shouldn't have lost that much, if any, height by the age 45 (when this picture was taken). I'm 43 and haven't lost any noticeable height. I don't know what they had to do to fix the broken leg, but unless he actually lost bone material it shouldn't have affected his height.
KingNick said on 29/Jul/12
[Editor Rob: in that photo he probably would measure 6ft 5 if he had shoes on, or close to 6ft 6 if not...]
huh?? :>)
Thanks for the full link BEASTMAN! I really think Sid was 6'7.5" at peak - it's very possible he's 6'6" now especially after the leg accident

Editor Rob
you've got Eudy coming up to around 6ft 6 against the board. It's clear the camera is not at the top of his head so he's gaining some advantage aswell, how much is harder to tell.
Even without that, if the guy is in shoes then he's 'appearing' around 6ft 6 in shoes, if he's in socks then he's appearing near 6ft 6.
Danimal said on 28/Jul/12
6'7" peak. 6'6" today (age and broken leg).
Ali Baba said on 28/Jul/12
Beastman, in my experience the folks who do intake at the jails will take put down what the arrested person gives them for height and weight. They usually go to different stations; pictures with one person, fingerprints with another, etc. So Eudy probably told the person entering info into the computer 6'8". in my opinion (which doesn't mean much around here) this is a more accurate photo than Nash's mugshot. The angle is much closer to level than the one Nash has. Camera angle will skew the image a lot when it's super close like Nash's.
BEASTMAN said on 27/Jul/12
Here's the full page. I should've just provided this one from the start. But yeah, it says April 2nd 2006. I don't know why it lists him at 6'8" when the picture beside it contradicts that. So stupid.
Click Here

Editor Rob
in that photo he probably would measure 6ft 5 if he had shoes on, or close to 6ft 6 if not...
RP said on 27/Jul/12
Sid looked about 6'8" easy on RAW's 1,000th episode last Monday!!! Easy 6'8"...however... His boots did look to have HUGE heels on them.
BEASTMAN said on 27/Jul/12
KingNick says on 27/Jul/12
BEASTMAN says on 24/Jul/12
Has anyone seen this yet?
Click Here
Vegas says on 26/Jul/12
according to their police height charts nash is at least 4 inches taller than sid these days, sid had noticeable height on ddp this past monday on raw
Nice find BEASTMAN - do you know when the mugshot was taken?
I think he was 45 in the photo, so probably 2006.
Red said on 27/Jul/12
I would say there´s a 3 3/4" difference between Nash and Sid in their
Sid 6´6 1/4" and Nash 6´10".
I´ve no doubt that Sid has no footwear in his mugshot (except socks). Nash looked more like 2 1/2" or 2 3/4 inches taller in their staredowns so he is probably in normal footwear in his mugshot.
KingNick said on 27/Jul/12
BEASTMAN says on 24/Jul/12
Has anyone seen this yet?
Click Here
Vegas says on 26/Jul/12
according to their police height charts nash is at least 4 inches taller than sid these days, sid had noticeable height on ddp this past monday on raw
Nice find BEASTMAN - do you know when the mugshot was taken?
Vegas said on 26/Jul/12
according to their police height charts nash is at least 4 inches taller than sid these days, sid had noticeable height on ddp this past monday on raw
Red said on 26/Jul/12
BEASTMAN says on 24/Jul/12
Has anyone seen this yet?
Click Here
Great find. He looks 6´6"-6´6.5", no doubt he was a bit taller at his peak.
BEASTMAN said on 24/Jul/12
Has anyone seen this yet?
Click Here
Red said on 13/Feb/12
Click Here
Again, Taker and Sid at their very peak height and in comparable boots.
Sid looks taller because of his hair and higher shoulders but I think Taker has a few mm on him. Don´t think it´s a half inch
Red said on 9/Jan/12
logan noll 1996 says on 29/Dec/11
Mark Calaway(The Undertaker) is 6 foot 10. Sid's actual height is 6 foot 7 while his billed height is 6 foot 9.
LoL - NO!
Congratulations now you´re a
logan noll 1996 said on 29/Dec/11
Mark Calaway(The Undertaker) is 6 foot 10. Sid's actual height is 6 foot 7 while his billed height is 6 foot 9.
NeNa said on 14/Dec/11
the true says on 14/Dec/11
Sid actually looks taller than Mark Calaway (the Undertaker) in that picture with sid wearing a hockey mask. Sid is slightly taller than taker. just go to the undertaker page and see for your self.
6'7 seems to be right on spot.
I agree with 6'7" for Sid. BUT I'm pretty sure that the Undertaker ist the TALLER one of those two. The picture you are talking of is the only picture I know, in which Sid looks as tall as (I don't think taller than) Calaway. In every other staredown I know, Undertaker looks slightly (about 0.5") taller.
the true said on 14/Dec/11
Sid actually looks taller than Mark Calaway (the Undertaker) in that picture with sid wearing a hockey mask. Sid is slightly taller than taker. just go to the undertaker page and see for your self.
6'7 seems to be right on spot.
Richard said on 5/Nov/11
Always thought Sid was taller than 6'7". His height often billed 6' 11" or sometimes 6' 9".
Richard said on 5/Nov/11
Always thought he was 6 ft 11" though has been billed 6 ft 9". 6 ft 7" seems short though still very tall
Danimal said on 19/Oct/11
chriszaun says on 18/Oct/11
sid was 6 foot 8 peak,6 foot 7 today
6'7" in the 1990's. Today he's a bit shorter.
chriszaun said on 18/Oct/11
sid was 6 foot 8 peak,6 foot 7 today
drummer777 said on 16/Oct/11
Ultimate warrior more like 6'0 to 6'1 almost 6'2 Sting and warrior wrestled together early on, warrior and sting close in height. Flair is below 6'0.
Sting is 6'1 to 6'1 1/2.
When you look at boxing they have weigh ins and height checks, we don't see any of that in entertainment wrestling I wonder why..
Thomas said on 15/Oct/11
some of the most ridiculous measurements Wrestling history:
Ric Flar 6'1 246 (yeah right, a peak arnold was 6'1.5 and 248 )
Batista 6'6 and 320 (lol, the guy is barely 6'3, most 6'3)
Undertaker 6'10 ½ and 328 ( more like 6'7 and 285-290 in 1991 )
Kurt Angle 6'2 and 230 ( 5'10.5 at most)
wcw The Giant 7'4 and 540 ( peak 7 and at that time maybe 420 )
Kane 7' and 330 ( never close to 7 even in his highed heel boots, more like 6'7.5 )
Big John Studd 6'10 370 ( probably struggling to hit the 6'6 mark )
Andre the Giant 7'4 and 7'5 ( as we know more like 6'11 - 7'0 )
Hulk Hogan 6'8 ( more like a flat 6'5 )
other real heights:
Goldberg 6'2.25 (6'4 and mentioned as 6'5 when facing Nash, wcw Giant )
Brock Lesnar 6'2 (6'3 and a few times 6'4 )
Triple H 6'2.5 (billed as 6'4)
Sting 6'1.5 (billed as 6'3 and even 6'4 in WCW )
Lex Luger 6'2.75 ( billed as 6'5 )
Scott Hall 6'5.5 ( billed as 6'7 )
Randy Savage 5'11 ( 6'2 in WWF and 6'1 in WCW )
Ultimate Warrior 6'2 ( 6'4 and 6'5 in WWF )
Red said on 7/Oct/11
Danimal says on 2/Oct/11
Red says on 13/Aug/11
Here´re some comparison pics Supermum
Click Here
Click Here
Now put a 1979-1980 Hulk Hogan next to a 1992 Sid Eudy and watch that height difference narrow even more.
Yes, I think that´s true but Hogan lost maybe a half inch from his peak till 1992.
Taker peak 6´7.5"
Sid peak 6´7.25"
Hogan peak-6´5.5", 1992-6´5", 2003-6´3.5",
lowest around 6´3", today close to or dead on 6´4"
Vegas said on 4/Oct/11
yes danimal thats why sid was at least 2 inches taller next to mene gene and lance russell than a late 1970s/early 80s hogan and why in cowboys boots sid was much taller next to vince than hogan was in his cowboys
your obsession with making hogan taller in the 80s and shorter in 00s is fun to read though
drummer777 said on 3/Oct/11
Paul wight was Billed 7'4 7'3 7'2, and he is shorter than that, Sting is billed 6'3 and 6'2, sting is 6'1, Goldberg was billed 6'4 and he is 6'2. All of these guys are shorter than there billed height.
Hogan was billed 6'6 in 1982 and they billed him at 6'8, they also hyped Paul wight as being andre's son, and that was just a story angle because Paul wight was of similar height to andre.
Way back Mean Mark Callous was announced as 6'7, when you look at Sid and Undertaker they are the same Height, Spivey is listed as 6'6 in football when you see him side by side with Mark Callaway they look the same height.
Find a pic with Undertaker next to Bill Fralic, its like Studd being billed at 6'10, he was 6'5 to 6'6 next to fralic. They gave studd a 5 inch advantage.
Danimal said on 2/Oct/11
Red says on 13/Aug/11
Here´re some comparison pics Supermum
Click Here
Click Here
Now put a 1979-1980 Hulk Hogan next to a 1992 Sid Eudy and watch that height difference narrow even more.
dicksock said on 30/Sep/11
drummer777 says on 29/Sep/11
Undertaker and Sid are 6'6 at the most and they were billed 6'7, 6'8, 6'9 and 6'10, I remember watching wrestling way back and Mean Mark Callous was billed 6'7.
Show me a 6'7" billing for Mark. Just Sid was listed at 6'7" does not mean he was shorter than that. Tony Atlas was billed at 6'2" and he looked every bit of it. Randy Orton is billed at 6'4" and he looks closer to 6'5". Sting was billed at 6'2" and looks every bit of it. Paul Wight is billed at 7' and looks every bit of it. Seiji Sakaguchi, the famous Japanese wrestler, was billed to 6'5" and looked every bit of it.
I have to say I'm astounded that you think Aikman and Hogan are the same height. I agree, but a lot of other clowns on this site are claiming Aikman is 2" taller.
Danimal said on 30/Sep/11
drummer777 says on 29/Sep/11
Undertaker and Sid are 6'6 at the most and they were billed 6'7, 6'8, 6'9 and 6'10, I remember watching wrestling way back and Mean Mark Callous was billed 6'7.
WRONG. He was NEVER billed under 6'8"...NEVER.
drummer777 said on 29/Sep/11
Undertaker and Sid are 6'6 at the most and they were billed 6'7, 6'8, 6'9 and 6'10, I remember watching wrestling way back and Mean Mark Callous was billed 6'7.
Kane said on 24/Sep/11
@James no Undertaker's peak is 6'10 he's now 6'8-6'9 and Sid is actually 6'9 its on imd* and everything and Kane is 6'9 or 6'8.5.
drummer777 said on 26/Aug/11
If hogan was at least 6'7 he should be the same height as Sid. Hogan and Troy Aikman look the same height, Hogan likes to bend his Knees alot when he talks.
drummer777 said on 26/Aug/11
Tyler Mane droped himself from 6'10 to 6'8, Nash should be 6'8 as well if that is the case. Nash and Tyler look the same height in all there tag team events.
miko said on 24/Aug/11
Click Here
Check out 2:00 onwards, Gonzalez has a full head on Sid.
James said on 20/Aug/11
okay probably nothing less than 201cm for Sid.
Undertaker 201-202cm peak like a weak 6'7 1/2. Kane was a legit 6'7.5.
Terryman said on 15/Aug/11
whenever Sid went on a staredown with someone he always made sure he stood in his straightest posture ever(shoulders with taker...hint hint),I wonder why though?
NCL said on 14/Aug/11
Red says on 13/Aug/11
Here´re some comparison pics Supermum
Click Here
Click Here
Dude, great work as usual!
miko says on 12/Aug/11
Sid had the higher eye-line, both men probably think Sid is the taller man because of that.
Although I do think Taker was marginally taller (maybe 1cm), I wouldn't rule out both being the same height.
Sid is not over 6'7, and I don't believe Taker was anything over 6'7.5. He never looked a legit 6'8 unless in bigger boots.
I definitely agree that 'Taker either had Sid in height mariginally or they were the same height.
Mamun said on 14/Aug/11
Thank you sooooooooooo mush your Excelency King RED ! Your comparisons ARE the best in Celebheights.com . You have no idea how much I enjoy them !
Kind regards
Mamun said on 13/Aug/11
WOW Vegas ! We never agreed on the same thing ! This is History !
Mamun said on 12/Aug/11
It's nice to hear from you again my freind Red ! I agree to everything you have to say ! Is it possible my friend to post a still image at 2.35 seconds
in that video ? Sid's shoulder traps are way higher than UT !
miko said on 12/Aug/11
Sid had the higher eye-line, both men probably think Sid is the taller man because of that.
Although I do think Taker was marginally taller (maybe 1cm), I wouldn't rule out both being the same height.
Sid is not over 6'7, and I don't believe Taker was anything over 6'7.5. He never looked a legit 6'8 unless in bigger boots.
Red said on 12/Aug/11
Mamun says on 11/Aug/11
Red , in that vedio SID actually looked taller !
Hi Supermum,
I think Taker edges him regarding the top of their heads. Sid gains height from his hair and the mask. They look very similar in height and I think Taker is maximum 1 cm taller.
Bodywise, Sid was always the taller man, Taker has just a longer head and neck.
drummer777 said on 11/Aug/11
Sid 6'6 barefoot and 6'7 and a half in shoes depending on the heel size of course. Kevin Nash 6'8 and Tyler Mane 6'8 barefoot, Undertaker 6'6 barefoot
Barry windham 6'5 barefoot, Spivey 6'6.
James said on 11/Aug/11
Yeah Sid might be barely 6'7 like 200cm.
Mamun said on 11/Aug/11
Red , in that vedio SID actually looked taller !
Vegas said on 11/Aug/11
takers not half an inch taller in that video
drummer777 said on 10/Aug/11
Tyler Mane is 6'8, Nash looks the same height as mane.
Red said on 10/Aug/11
Kian says on 9/Aug/11
When he wrestled Undertaker he was 6ft9 in boots and looked 1.5 inchs smaller than Undertaker because Undertaker is 6ft9 but 6ft10.5 in boots.
They´re not their billed heights. Sid was barely 6´7" at his peak and Undertaker 0.25-0.5 inches taller because his head is longer.
Click Here
Kian said on 9/Aug/11
When he wrestled Undertaker he was 6ft9 in boots and looked 1.5 inchs smaller than Undertaker because Undertaker is 6ft9 but 6ft10.5 in boots.
James said on 17/Jul/11
a 6'7 mesomorph is intimidating
Terryman said on 23/Jun/11
2,01m 297lbs mersomoph.
Vegas said on 21/Jun/11
@ james, sid was billed 6'7 in his early wrestling days
Click Here
sid also looked very close in height with dan spivey circa 1990 (as did taker next to spivey btw) and spivey was max 6'6, sid also didn't have more than 4 inches on 6'3 max lex luger in 1991, in that video you posted sid easily looks an inch shorter next to nash than tyler mane did half a decade earlier
Mamun said on 18/Jun/11
In the movie " River of Darkness " Sid and Nash looked like they were the same height !
James said on 9/Jun/11
Rob do you think 6'7.5 or even 6'8 range is possible for sid?
If you have time watch this video and sid only looks 1.5 inches shorter than kevin nash who some say could have been 6'10.
Click Here

Editor Rob
some do believe he's that range, I'm not as sure he really is though.
James said on 8/Jun/11
he could look 202cm next to Kevin Nash back in 1998.
Cranberries said on 27/May/11
6'6.5" max IMO, considering the heel on them shoes.
Clay said on 18/May/11
All this talk of massive exagerations for wrestlers, yet tons are listed correctly as well.
Snausages said on 8/May/11
Sid was an oddball, he must have been the only wrestler back when, who was actually listed at about his exact size. I can remember watching matches of him back in about 1993 and he was billed at 6'7 307. He was at least that
Paul said on 2/Apr/11
202.5cm peak, 6'7 201cm today. He has been in the ring for over two decades.
Jake T. said on 30/Mar/11
Sid was most likely this tall years ago but for all the pictures I saw with Taker, Bryan Adams, Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash I think he is at the 200 cm mark today.6'6.75 in my opinion.
Tuga said on 24/Mar/11
Thats really fast, but it could be, the video I was refering was longer of course but that should be part of it.
NCL said on 22/Mar/11
Tuga says on 8/Feb/11
Since you´re here longer than me do you remember the video I posted from the wwe website with a different angle from their wm13 staredown? It was clear again by that taker is the taller man, not by much but still...
I think I may have found the clip you're referring to, it was very briefly on Raw last night, maybe someone can make a screen cap of it:
Click Here Pause at exactly 4:07, it's hard to catch, it's very fast.
Clay said on 12/Mar/11
When is this chick going to be in WWE? She would be nearly Khali's height in heels, LOL.
Vegas said on 5/Mar/11
isis the amazon college freshman listing age 18 or 19
Click Here
NCL said on 4/Mar/11
Tuga says on 3/Mar/11
NCL, you make good points, we have good middle of the ring fullbody staredowns between them and taker is taller.
Thanks my friend!
Tuga said on 3/Mar/11
NCL, you make good points, we have good middle of the ring fullbody staredowns between them and taker is taller.
James said on 27/Feb/11
WOW the undertaker looks different there
NCL said on 27/Feb/11
Oh just noticed something interesting too: look at the top of Sid's head where the mask is. I'm not sure how to word this but notice the white part of his mask goes INTO his hair a bit? That's probably where is headline is. I'm probably wording this horribley wrong but look at the very top of Sid's head - you can see a part of his mask is going into the hair
Click Here
NCL said on 27/Feb/11
Here's a fun little challenge: How's about some take this photo and draw a line from the top of Undertaker's head to Sid's and we'll see how much of the hair is just poof and how much is actually is his scalp
Click Here
James said on 26/Feb/11
Eh he doesn't look quite 6'7 in comparison to Mamuns cousin.
Vegas said on 24/Feb/11
aaronious show us a video where sid has dan spivey by 2 inches and spivey was at most 6'6, sid was wearing cowboy boots on family feud, nash in flat sneakers so a good 1 inch footwear advantage, any time sid and nash have had the same footwear on nash has had him by a good 2 inches, from the 3min mark onward sid and nash are side by side for a while
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