Roderick said on 3/Nov/19
Shaq was no doubt 7'1" minimum in his basketball shoes.
Canson said on 25/Oct/19
I doubt he was ever 420 when he played. 380 maybr
Roderick said on 20/Oct/19
I cannot imagine playing basketball at 420 pounds. I thought 230 was hard when I was in high school
joe### said on 17/Oct/19
New mr.olympia lol funny old man
Click Here
joe### said on 13/Oct/19
i think 7'0 flat that's what he measured at drafth and probably drops to 212.5cm at night
joe### said on 12/Oct/19
correcting me bol bol measured 7'0.75 and weighed 208 he needs to gain a few pounds there is more
joe### said on 10/Oct/19
not the best pic to compare height but bol bol was measured 7'0.5 looks taller than Shaq
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 9/Oct/19
Click Here
You might want to say Rob he wears a 58 inch chest, see 1:49.
Duhon said on 3/Oct/19
Yao, Shaq and Garnett
Click Here
Canson said on 29/Sep/19
@Viper: lol I remember him. Those were the days. The original ACC
viper said on 28/Sep/19
He transferred to another school and got down to 330.
He looked almost Svelte
viper said on 28/Sep/19
Hey Canson, you remember Nigel Dixon at Florida State olin the early 2000s.
6-9 420 pounds his first year. I have never seen anything like it since.
Once when he fell on a couple of Maryland players under the basketball I thought it was over for them, lol.
I can just remember him huffing and puffing down the court. Of course he had no stamina but to get any playing time at Florida State in the best basketball conference at the time at that size was incredible
Canson said on 26/Sep/19
He was close to 400 at one point. He admitted something like 375 in LA days
jordanft19 said on 26/Sep/19
Doubtful that he was or is only 303 lbs with his height and frame. I'd guess nearer 350 lbs
Canson said on 24/Sep/19
@Roderick: because most people here overestimate height
Shane Gray said on 24/Sep/19
@Questioner if Bronny is wearing his dad's shoes some of the Lebron shoes are really tall. I've heard for example that the 2016 Lebron shoe adds close to 2 full inches in height.
Shane Gray said on 24/Sep/19
@Roderick yea that is hilarious. I'm guessing many who voted did so before reading more avout how the standard here is afternoon barefoot height. Some others who may not realize most basketball listings are in shoes. And finally some votes from people who think they are voting on a shoe height.
Roderick said on 23/Sep/19
How is the average vote over 7'1"? Lol
Canson said on 8/Sep/19
Questioner said on 6/Sep/19
@canson honestly in that pic I see 8 inches absolute tops and 7.5 in reality whats going on is bronny wearing lifts as shareef isnt under 6'7.5"
I would’ve said In pics with Shaq, that Shareef is 6’8”. He has to be at least that to get a 6’11” listing (I would hope). A 6’8” barefoot for him is somewhat feasible being if he measured early in the day he may get 6’9” or very very close and may wear thick footwear to get 6’10.5 perhaps (depending on the shoe). Worst case 6’10 and they give him an inch
Questioner said on 6/Sep/19
@canson honestly in that pic I see 8 inches absolute tops and 7.5 in reality whats going on is bronny wearing lifts as shareef isnt under 6'7.5"
Canson said on 5/Sep/19
Questioner said on 4/Sep/19
@canson rob mentioned bronny is 5'11" range so what does that make shareef... Click Here
They’re both sitting but if I see Shaq with Shareef, he’s at least 6’7” range perhaps 6’8”
Questioner said on 4/Sep/19
@canson rob mentioned bronny is 5'11" range so what does that make shareef...
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Aug/19
Everyone has seen this Sim Bhullar/Shaq pic...
Click Here Shaq looks short, kinda like this pic w/ Yao Ming...
Click Here When the reality is this
Click Here , a Yao Ming who looks closer to 7'4" than 7'5".
Question: I heard that Bhullar was measured 7'3.5" (listed 7'5"). Was this a morning measurement?
Here's Bhullar and a guy, Abhishek Bachchan, who Rob says is 6'1.5", but might be more like 6'0.5":
Click Here ,
Click Here
Compare that guy to Shaq (2015)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
That guy w/ 5'6" Alfonso Ribeiro (2013)...
Click Here
If anyone is interested, I also posted pics of that guy w/ Kevin Durant and Magic over on Khali's page.
Questioner said on 24/Aug/19
@chris junior
Click Here
your pic looks close to 4 inches already and this one looks at least 4 so I would settle at 4 inches but not much above it what do you think though
Canson said on 23/Aug/19
@bigfarmansowhat: where did anyone here say that they have a 6’10” son? Better yet, where did anyone say anything about them having a son on this page at all?
Sotiris Gravas said on 23/Aug/19
On 21/Feb/19 I discussed shoe size... I spoke of an actor who wears bigger shoes to cover up what he feels are small feet, but couldn't remember his name, until now.
It's Cameron Mathison...
Click Here
I just bought two pairs of sneaks, size 15 and 16, and they're practically the same fit.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Aug/19
@Questioner Sir your proof as requested
Click Here its not over 4" even i know Shareef had those hair advantage. I maybe wrong for estimate 6'8 1/2 and i'm given the max follow on Shaq listed at 7'0 1/4. Truth i can buy Shaq being 7'0 max and Shareef 6'8 max.
bigfatmansowhat said on 22/Aug/19
He has been measured several times at over 7ft tall, it's documented. If you want to argue and say different show proof. Plus I love how so many on here are 6ft6 or have a 6'10" son etc, just stop it!
Questioner said on 20/Aug/19
@christian havent really gotten to talk with you in my short time on this site but its crazy how much they argue anything above a generous 6'10" for durant (though his 6'10" and 3/4 claim I think could be a legit measurement just out of bed on a really good day maybe he was 6'10 and 5/8" and just said 6'10" and 3/4) I think kd is around what rob lists him give or take an 1/8. I should mention though I think kd does appear legitimately 6'10" at times but I think its because his footwear looks suspicious and he has pretty good posture and proportions for nba standards at least which can skew things. I would love shareef to meet either of you and claim 6'10" he probably wouldnt even be 3 inches taller than you
@canson maybe I am being harsh and he could be the full 6'8" or a hair over but he looks towered my his dad at times among other things I think hes anywhere from 6'7.75-6'8.25" not above the latter but I would be surprised at being above the former
Canson said on 20/Aug/19
@Christian: it’s ridiculous. Most honest people guess him 6’9-6’10 that I know have met him. Maybe in a thick sneaker he passes for it. I think he’s 6’9.5 tops
Canson said on 19/Aug/19
@Junior: I have his son at 6’8”. I don’t think Shaq is even a full 7’0” at a low. Kareem was probably 7’1.75 at a low and easily had Shaq by 2” in his prime.
Canson said on 19/Aug/19
@Questioner: lol people already say Durant is 7’1”. Nick Wright did and they feel that it is “talking Durant up” calling him 7’0” or 7’1”. I don’t get it. He’s 6’9” range and just that. Don’t see a reason why people in real life and these commentators or other players feel that exaggerating someone’s height is a compliment.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Aug/19
Matter of fact, I once heard a guy who thinks that Durant's 7'1", lol. It's bad enough that some people estimate him at 6'11" or 7'0" and claim that the NBA underlisted him, but putting him at 7'1" is on another level.
Canson said on 18/Aug/19
I highly doubt that Shareef is anything over 6’8 flat at a normal low
Questioner said on 16/Aug/19
@junior your being very very safe with this one man. instead of continuing to argue show a pic where shareef looks 204 cm plus when they are standing evenly, not in motion, etc because im not seeing it we also cant see footwear
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/Aug/19
Going by listing here Shareef is probably 6'8 1/2 i have seem latest picture he look at most 3.75" shorter than his Shaq. The worst of worst Shaq is 6'11 7/8 and his son Shareef is 6'8 1/8.
Nik said on 14/Aug/19
352 voters agree with his claim! All the vowels appear in his name!
Questioner said on 13/Aug/19
@canson heres more
Click Here shaq looks almost 4 inches taller there and his necks is slightly tilted its crazy everyone is saying hes 7 foot now. nba height inflation is absurd the guys 6'8" range at most and listed at 6'11" bet if he met durant and was clearly at least an inch shorter everyone would say durant is 7'1"
Canson said on 13/Aug/19
@Questioner: I actually said max 6’10” for Giannis. I don’t have him as low as 6’9” he easily has 5 on Kobe but I said max 6’10” in my post there on his page. Meaning I could give him that but no higher. As for Shareef, it’s hard to tell from the pic with Giannis because of the distance from one another and we can’t see anything below the waist meaning legs and posture. But based on that Shareed isn’t 6’9” but not saying he isn’t. My guess is that he’s probably max 6’8” tho.
I agree with everything you said below regarding the pics with Shaq!
Canson said on 13/Aug/19
@Questioner: I actually said max 6’10” for Giannis. I don’t have him as low as 6’9” he easily has 5 on Kobe
Questioner said on 12/Aug/19
@duhon shaq is 7 foot at most these days
you do know shareef has a noticable camera advantage and shaq is borderline bent over yet he still looks around 2 inches taller than shareef. if shareed if 6'9"+ explain this pic with 6'11" max giannis and theres no growing excuse as it was taken not even a month ago
Click Here
giannis looks close to 3 inches taller in the 2nd pic and 4+ in the first (though he has a camera advantage)
also a lot of posters here are saying giannis isnt even 6'10" like @canson
not that I agree with him but that adds to the fire of shareef not being anywhere near
this was taken last year with christopher london and I doubt shareef has grown 2+ inches since then
Click Here
I cant believe I believed his 6'9" and 10 claims earlier this year let alone last.
your being very generous with shareef by using pics where we cant see full bodies to see what footwear they are wearing as well. I dont know why you brought up lebron are you saying I said shareef would be the same height because I never implied that I know hes taller than lebron so him looking bigger with shaq than lebron is a given. im just not buying over 6'8.25" generously.
I know shareef is young thats why I was fair and tried to find fair pictures at decent angles and most of all made sure to see they were taken within the past year. I actually have more within the past 2 years. but in all those pictures where shaq has decent posture he has minimum 4 inches on him. 6'7.5" is more likely than anything in the 6'9" range let along the 6'10" he claims
Duhon said on 11/Aug/19
Shareef is only 19 so it's difficult to say when he actually stopped growing but he looks a lot closer in height to Shaq in this recent pic than LeBron ever did when they played together for comparison
Click Here I'd say he looks more 6'9"+ range here.
Questioner said on 11/Aug/19
@canson also funny people use pics like this to say hes 7 foot now... even though shaq looks at least 2 inches taller here with a disadvantageous angle at that. and we cant see footwear.
Click Here
Questioner said on 11/Aug/19
@canson Im starting to think hes 6'8" max at first I was thinking maybe up to 6'8.5" but im starting to think thats generous as in a lot of pics the difference between me and my 6'2" friend is less than the difference between him and shaq. I pointed this out but he looks close to 3 inches shorter than giannis and can look as a much as 5 inches shorter than shaq at times
Click Here
I think absolute best case for shareef is 6'8.25" but honestly I personally think hes 6'7&7/8"
viper said on 10/Aug/19
Rob what would you say Shaq's head size is

Editor Rob
He doesn't have a big head, given his height, but 10 inch range is probably what it would measure from what I've seen
Canson said on 9/Aug/19
@Questioner: Shareef Abdur Rahim? I think he’s under 6’8”. He’s listed at 6’9” in the league when he played
Oh you mean Shareef O’Neal. 6’8” probably
Canson said on 7/Aug/19
Ewing is closer to the camera in that one pic
Questioner said on 7/Aug/19
im new to posting here but what do you estimate about shareef he claims 6'10" and is listed at 6'11" but thats crazy to me
he doesnt look much above 6'8" and sometimes looks weak 6'8"
Duhon said on 6/Aug/19
Patrick Ewing is looking at least 6'11" next to Enes Kanter here
Click Here
Canson said on 6/Aug/19
@Junior: KG is probably flat 6’11” at a low or he could go below to 6’10 7/8 maybe. I’ll stick to 6’11”. Shaq could’ve been 6’11.75 at a low but have been 7’ during the day
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 5/Aug/19
@Canson 6'11 7/8 is 213cm on the dot so you agree Shaq is this low? KG i atually buy him 6'11 1/8 (211.1) low because i remember when Shaq and him play together that was an inch between them but Shaq footwear was thick kinda like not under 3.5cm and KG often wear normal kind of basketball sneakers like abit over 1".
Canson said on 3/Aug/19
@Junior: peak Shaq that would be close. I estimate weak 7’0” especially since Kareem was around 7’1 7/8 and Wilt 7’0.75 or 7’0.5
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 31/Jul/19
213cm is what i aways thought on Shaq. 6'11 7/8th inches.
Canson said on 20/Jul/19
@Roderick: Shaq May have been telling the truth. He may not be 6’11” flat but he could’ve been 6’11.5-7’ at a normal low peak. As for Stern peak he could’ve been as high as 6’5.5 but 6’5.25 I think is where he’d fall. I think 6’6 out of bed 6’5.25 at a low. Today solid 6’5” at a low next to eric Gordon and Ryan Anderson
Roderick said on 18/Jul/19
Shaq did say he was 6'11" on the Howard Stern Show but he might have been
Howard asked Shaq how tall his girlfriend is, Shaq replied "5'8", 5'9"" and Howard told him thats a good size for him.
Howard asked Shaq if he hated being tall and Shaq said "I used to, but not anymore." And Howard said how dispite not being anywhere as tall as Shaq was, he hated being tall.
The black girl said how Shaq is probably the only person who doesnt lie about their height in the NBA and then they brought up a joke how Magic Johnson was one of them who did lie.
Shaq came to Magics defense by saying Magic was 6'9", but they of course laughed and Howard told Shaq that he was taller than Magic and he's only 6'5".
Shaq said "that means you're 6'9" then." And Howard kept insisting he was 6'5". Shaq asked Howard to stand up and Shaq said, "youre about 6'6 or 6'7" and Howard again said he was 6'5" and Shaq kept insisting Howard was 6'7" (in a laughing matter) and the girl said they were going to measure Shaq now bc they believed he might be lying about his height and then Shaq said "Alright, im 6'11".
They laughed and Howard asked him why so many people lied about their height in the NBA, and Shaq explained that the 7'0 mark is so desired for everyone and that everybody wanted to be that tall.
Also Howard was lying about being taller than Magic, bc in the clip of the two together, Magic clearly edged out Howard.
Canson said on 15/Jul/19
He’s at most 7’0”. Wilt had him by a bit and Kareem by 2”. There’s a fair chance he dips into 6’11” range in the afternoon and evening
Importer said on 11/Jul/19
Legit 6ft...cough..7ft
Space said on 19/Jun/19
I’m 6’1.5” and I look taller next to a true 7footer han The Rock does next to a true 7’0 Shaq. So, either Shaq is truly like 7’3”, or the Rock is shorter than everyone thinks.
Importer said on 18/Jun/19
Shaquille should play Halo's Masterchief in a movie imo. I mean he is an actor as well...
Jtm said on 15/Jun/19
to be honest he looks like he's tiptoeing in that picture with johnson lol.
Canson said on 14/Jun/19
Wilt probably only had Shaq by an inch. Kareem had him by 2”
Vegas' said on 13/Jun/19
Duhon Shaq looks 7+ inches taller than Magic there.
Here is video of Garnett and Shaq. While Shaq is closer for most of video he still makes a 6'11 guy like Garnett look quite short
Click Here
Shaq 2 inches shorter than Wilt..that would make him 6'10.5 as Wilt measured 7'0.5 in the 80s.
Canson said on 7/Jun/19
@Ellis: agreed on Shaq. He’s a good 2” shorter than Wilt who was 7’0.75
Duhon said on 7/Jun/19
Shaq still dwarfing Magic Johnson
Click Here
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 6/Jun/19
Camera advantage make Porzingis much taller. Shaq is 1" shorter than him.
Click Here If people don't know how to see it please suspect their footwear as the second possible which Shaq had the tendency sometimes to wear flat footwear now that gave a little under 0.75 inches.
Ellis 6'8 said on 4/Jun/19
@Sotiris Gravas: I agree on that, I hope you are talking about Shaq lol, he is 6'11.5-75 like I said before.
@Canson: I agree, I have Kristaps as a solid 7'2 in the morning, 7'1 for an ultimate low, he never really leaves that 7'1 range. I saw a picture of him and Joel Embiid, who him at a 7'0.5 listing is generous for a low, that would mean he is half an inch shorter than Porzingis which is not correct. I have Embiid at 7 for a low, maybe a touch lower, Kristaps is definitely taller.
Porzingis: 7'1.25(Maybe 7'1.5)
Embiid: 7 maybe a little lower, he is almost taller than every 7'1 listed player, some are the same height as him.
Boban: As listed, 7'2.25
Sotiris Gravas said on 2/Jun/19
@Ellis I doubt Porzingis was standing straight w/ Shaq. He's max 6'11.75", maybe as low as 6'11.5" IMO.
Canson said on 2/Jun/19
Kristaps May be 7’1.5 but I doubt over
Canson said on 30/May/19
@Ellis: shaq has admitted to being 6’11 range before but he looks a weak 7’ imho
Ellis 6'8 said on 28/May/19
At lows of course I mean. Kristaps is 7'2 in the morning I would guess, he is roughly 6 inches taller than me. Shaq is definitely still over 7 foot in the morning, he is still a 7 footer, he just dips a little under it at a low.
Ellis 6'8 said on 28/May/19
@Sotoris Gravas: How tall do you think Kristaps Porzingis is? You said maybe 7'1.25 barefoot. There are somethings going on in that picture, Kristaps looks like he is leaning in, where Shaq is standing upright. Porzingis is a huge guy, he is listed at 7'3 and he dwarfs Kanter in that picture. The verdict, I have a near two inch difference between Porzingis and Shaq. Porzingis is 7'1.25 and Shaq is roughly 6'11.5 maybe 3/4.
Kristaps Porzingis is not taller than Boban, I saw a game between Latvia and Serbia, Boban was a bit taller but not by much. I can't wait to see them play next year against each other, the two tallest in the NBA, if Tacko is not drafted, although I want him to be.
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/May/19
@Canson 6'9.25" Enes Kanter and height-loss Ewing...
Click Here His listed height was 7'0" and Google has him at 7'1", but was always 6'10" peak height.
Enes w/ Shaq...
Click Here
Enes w/ maybe 7'1.25" barefoot Porzingis...
Click Here
Shaq w/ Porzingis...
Click Here
Shaq w/ 8'11.09"
Robert Wadlow...
Click Here
Enes and Wadlow...
Click Here
Just for fun, 7'0" (not 7'2") Olivier Richters w/ Wadlow...
Click Here
Canson said on 15/May/19
For those who kept saying Ewing was 6’11, he was not much taller on stage tonight than Kyle Kuzma who was 6’8” morning height (6’7.5 likely in the afternoon). Ewing is likely what the poster Robert Broome pegged him at 6’9” and change today max 6’10 flat at his peak. Look closely when the last four teams remained and they were all on stage during the lottery
Jtm said on 4/May/19
interesting picture but also depends on the posture and footwear.
Duhon said on 3/May/19
In his playing days he always looked well over an inch taller than strong 6'11" kevin Garnett
Click Here Click Here
Canson said on 1/May/19
@Viper: it wouldn’t surprise me if he has always dipped a hair under 7’0”. Kobe at 6’4.75 looks about 7” shorter max at times not to mention when he admitted 6’11” range before
viper said on 29/Apr/19
He's still 7-0. Noel is getting a boost from his hair. It's an illusion
Jtm said on 25/Apr/19
has he lost height? he looks under 7'0 with noel.
Sotiris Gravas said on 23/Apr/19
Another look at maybe 6'9.5" afternoon-height Nerlens Noel and Shaq...
Click Here (Pic is slightly tilted.)
Canson said on 17/Apr/19
@Viper: which means he is likely closer to 6’9” since it was in the morning and no guarantee it was the full 6’10”. He doesn’t look anything near it on the court next to guys like Embiid
Vegas' said on 15/Apr/19
Nerlen Noel measured 6'10 barefoot and 6'11.75 in big basketball boots
Click Here
62B said on 14/Apr/19
While in the Army I met several people who surpassed the height standard, so I decided to look it up.I found this page
Click Here . It has a passage about how David Robinson was allowed in the Navy because he was 6'7" barefoot at the time of his physical, but grew to 7'1" in 4 years. I don't think this is an official Army website, but if David Robinson had been measured at 7'1" while in the Navy it would have been a barefoot measurement. Although in the US military a 7'0.5" measurement could get you a 7'1" listing as could a 7'1.5" measurement as they usually rounded up or down according to how close you were to the ideal weight for your height,when putting it in your file. Measurements would also most likely be morning. I'm not sure who was taller, Shaq or Robinson
Exile said on 9/Apr/19
Legit 7 footer.
Y07 said on 8/Apr/19
Hey Rob, i think i found the perfect example of what you will look like next to Shaq. I'm confident Sean Evans is definitely around 5'8", possibly 5'8 1/2" (can't really see the footwear unfortunately), after watching all the intros of him standing next with all the celebrities that came to the show. Here is the clip
Click Here. How tall do you think Shaq looks here?
Mickie said on 31/Mar/19
@cmillzz - I agree, I think Rob has Shaq listed perfectly. A hair over 7 foot.
cmillzz said on 26/Mar/19
I actually think there’s a better chance that Shaq’s peak height (if he’s even lost any height) was a fraction over 7’0 rather than under 7’0.
cmillzz said on 23/Mar/19
would have thought Ewing was closer to 6’11, but I guess 6’10 is possible too.
Canson said on 22/Mar/19
@Height: I think they would measure those figures at some point in the day. Likely a bit earlier tho. Ewing maybe. I have Ewing solid 6’10”.
Canson said on 22/Mar/19
@Height: I think they would measure those figures at some point in the day. Likely a bit earlier tho
Height said on 21/Mar/19
Mutombo: 7'1.25" or 216.54 cm
Shaq: 6'11.86" – 7'0" or 213 cm – 213.36 cm
Robinson: 6'11.66"– 6'11.75" or 212.5 cm – 212.73 cm
Ewing: 6'10.28" – 6'10.5" or 209 cm – 209.55 cm
Hakeem: 6'9.89" or 208 cm
cmillzz said on 18/Mar/19
7’0 is fine
rawdshaq said on 8/Mar/19
@Sotiris Now that I look it again you're right. I think Shaq is currently 7 feet and Kareem is 7 1/2"
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Mar/19
Click Here Shareef O’Neal should have stop growing but still look at least 3.25" shorter than Shaq. Go by listing if Shaq was 7'0 1/4 then his son should be 6'9 1/4 max although get both
6'9-6'10 listing from some sites.
Canson said on 27/Feb/19
@Rawdshaq: Kareem admitted he’s shrunken today tho and in that pic he doesn’t look 2” taller than Shaq. To be honest Shaq does due to the angle only. Peak though he was 2” taller minimum. Shaq May only be 6’11 range now
Sotiris Gravas said on 27/Feb/19
@rawdshaq Kareem and 7'4" Tacko Fall...
Click Here
Kareem and Artis Gilmore...
Click Here Click Here
Artis w/ Tommy Burleson and James Donaldson, all around 7'2" peak height...
Click Here
Burleson admitted that his true barefoot height was indeed 7'2".
In other words, Kareem is definitely not still a solid 7'1 7/8", as you put it. Which means Shaq is not as tall as you think. Rob still lists Kareem at that height as a form of respect. It's not his current height.
rawdshaq said on 26/Feb/19
@Sotiris That picture shows that Kareem is still 2 or more inches taller than Shaq. Kareem is still a solid 7'1 7/8" like he claimed
Sotiris Gravas said on 23/Feb/19
I feel bad for this 7'8" teen who suffers from Sotos syndrome. While I don't have this, "Sotos" is a diminutive/nickname of my first name. He wears size 24. Small world.
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Feb/19
I'm in a similar situation as you. I wear 14 but I can fit into 13.5's, but they're very rare to find. Most shoe brands don't even produce 13.5's.
Sotiris Gravas said on 21/Feb/19
Kareem might be 7'0.5" now... Here he is w/ Shaq (2019)...
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 21/Feb/19
@Christian Holy (expletive)! I just saw that 6'7" Kevin Love wears a size 19. Now, that's big.
Sotiris Gravas said on 21/Feb/19
@Christian Not really. I'm currently wearing size 15 sneaks, but I'm more 14.5. The thing is, different brands all fit differently, and as we age (I'm turning 47 very soon), our feet get bigger and longer due to weight gain and fallen arches. Also, some brands are bigger than others, made from a last w/ a bigger toe box, or made wider. Do you wear large shoes that impresses the ladies, LOL...? I heard that Andre the Giant actually wore wrestling shoes that were longer than necessary so as to give off the impression that he was indeed a giant.
At 6'7", Magic Johnson (no pun intended) wears size 14, and 6'10.25" Chris Bosh only wears size 14.5, same size as Bill Russell (6'9 5/8"). You'd probably be shocked that Kareem wore a size 16 and Wilt only wore a 15. (As shocked as I was 'cause I just looked it up, along w/ the term "toe box.") TBH, the only guy's shoe size that I always knew was Shaq's big 22 (22 actually being my second favorite number). Actually, that's not entirely true b/c I remember Andy Richter (peak height 6'1") saying on his show that he wears a size 14, to which Conan expressed surprise and admiration, LOL. (For what it's worth, I also happen to know that Taylor Sift's fave number is lucky 13.)
Now that I think about it, there's this relatively tall male soap opera actor, whose name escapes me, that is somewhat embarrassed about his size 9 -- spoke about it publicly -- and therefore wears shoes that might be 2 sizes bigger...
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Feb/19
What's your shoe size? I imagine that it must be huge since you're 6'7".
Canson said on 18/Feb/19
@Sotiris: if that’s a morning height for Sheed it’s not as early as some guys. He doesn’t look less than about 6’9.5 usually
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Feb/19
Just for fun, here's Shaq's shoe last in comparison to the one for Queen Elizabeth II:
Click Here
Whereas Shaq wears a size 22, Yao Ming wears a size 18 (same size as DeAndre Jordan and Kevin Durant). A lot of really tall guys don't always have big feet... Rasheed Wallace (6'9.75" barefoot morning height) wears size 13.
Imagine having to buy shoes if you're "The Tallest Man in America," 7'8.3" Igor Vovkovinskiy, w/ a shoe size somewhere between a 22 and a 26 (his feet and toes are unusually shaped due to having worn shoes that didn't fit, requiring 16 surgeries).
Luckily, Reebok "stepped in" to provide him w/ several pairs of size 2410E shoes at no charge (at a cost to them of around $25,000)...
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Click Here Click Here
This is what a size 12 looks like next to a Shaq 22 (16 inches long)...
Click Here
Canson said on 13/Jan/19
@Junior: agreed Melo is definitely a legit 6’6” at worst case
Canson said on 12/Jan/19
@Dream: the lowest I could buy for Shaq is upper 6’11” range since he stands to lose a lot at that size. He can look weak 7’ next to kareem or Wilt at times
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 11/Jan/19
Click Here Carmelo look at least 6'6 here by looking at the top of his head but 6'4 Keith Booth head is atually closer to the camera. Carmelo still having high chance to be 6'6 1/8 candidate at his low.
Dream(5'9.5") said on 9/Jan/19
@Trevor M
He measured 7'0". Those doorways are a lot higher.
Also, my dad saw Shaq at Disney World, and he said it was easy to see him out of a crowd, 'fifty' miles away.
joe### said on 20/Dec/18
Ops shaq 7´0-7´0.25
joe### said on 18/Dec/18
shaq 7´0-70.25
shareef 6´8
bol bol 7´0.5-75
Rising - 174 cm said on 17/Dec/18
I'm still sticking with 6'11" for Ewing. I wish there was a good pic of Ewing and Melo somewhere. That would answer some questions. I'm surprised there isn't since Melo was the biggest Knick star since Ewing.
Canson said on 16/Dec/18
@Rising: 6’10 flat is fair imho. He may dip below it late in the day which is how he got 6’9.75 but that’s close enough. I ageee on Melo. He’s not less than 6’6”. Better chance of being a little over than under it. He actually can look taller than 6’6” at times. He had about 1.5” on Kobe in pics and other times prob 3cm
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Dec/18
As for Ewing and Robinson, I'd be surprised if there was any more than an inch difference like the difference between their listed heights. Maybe it's just me, but Ewing gives a much shorter impression in his Georgetown days than the 90's, imo. I don't necessarily think he grew either, but 6'10" flat would be much easier for me to buy just seeing Georgetown Ewing.
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Dec/18
Duncan can look 6'10" sometimes. It was reported in papers though that Duncan surprisingly measured 6'11" without shoes. This was posted not long ago on one wrestler's page. Surprising that he measured taller than he had been listed. He would have been 20 when they updated the media guide in his senior season and 21 just before the pre-draft camp so actually more believable than Durant growing at 22+ since Durant looked a minimum 2" shorter than Dirk in the 2011 season. I don't know whether Duncan's was an early measurement, though. Possibly the same thing with Smith since he could have been rounded up from 6'9 3/8" or he just could have been an hour or so out of bed. Remember, it's not a big stretch for a near 7 footer to shrink 1.5" in a day. In short, I believe Duncan did measure 6'11"(or just under) since he was already the undisputed number 1 pick so no reason to falsify it, but if it was an hour out of bed then he'd be down to more like 6'10"-6'10.5" range later. Sprewell was reported to have measured 6'4.5" in 1992. I didn't know this when I saw him and just guessed 6'4". I didn't think he was under that, but I was more prone to overestimating really tall people rather than underestimating. I know I didn't think he was 6'5" like he was listed and I was probably inches away from him at one point.
@miller: Scottie is slouching and seems to be further from the camera. He also might have shrunk at nearly 50 in the pic considering his back problems, though I doubt he's under 6'7". I think Melo at 6'6.25" is spot on, though. Maybe shrinking slightly below that at his low, but I agree with Canson, not under 6'6" at any time of the day.
Canson said on 13/Dec/18
@Miller: I think Viper was saying Melo looked short in the pic. He’s said before that Melo is 6’6”. He looked 6’6 with Merriman. He also looks 6’6” in person
Canson said on 12/Dec/18
@Viper: agree on both Smith and Duncan. I think Duncan has always been 6’10” barefoot. And Smith a solid 6’9” barefoot. Maybe he was in between and got the boost to half but his low looked 6’9” next to 6’4” Latrell Sprewell
miller said on 12/Dec/18
Viper melo with 6.7 scottie pippen
Click Here
Canson said on 11/Dec/18
@Rising: from what I’ve seen Robinson would edge Ewing. I would’ve had 1.5” between them honestly. At least 1.25”.
Canson said on 11/Dec/18
@Viper: I would be very very surprised if Melo is under 6’6”. I doubt he’s any shorter than Scott Van Pelt. Maybe it’s that particular pic. Williams actually looks over 6’6” in that pic if Booth is 6’4” but I wouldn’t be surprised if he and Melo are similar.
@Rising: yea when I estimate it’s always at a normal low but not an extreme low as that’s not something you hit every day. So for me, I had Melo as not going below 6’6” in person at a low. I’m not sure about 6’6.25 but that’s a possibility. I would say Kmart 6’8.5 though if Melo is 6’6” flat then Nene could be more like 6’9.25.
Canson said on 11/Dec/18
@Viper: I would be very very surprised if Melo is under 6’6”. I doubt he’s any shorter than Scott Van Pelt. Maybe it’s that particular pic. Williams actually looks over 6’6” in that pic if Booth is 6’4” but I wouldn’t be surprised if he and Melo are similar.
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Dec/18
@Canson: Maybe as far as the Dream Team photo, but it does seem to me like the top 3 are all on the same rows. Karl Malone looks roughly 6'8" compared to 6'10" Laettner and if we see Ewing with 6'11" Greg Oden:
Click Here and then David Robinson with Oden:
Click Here It's not too far farfetched Ewing was actually close to Robinson's height, especially seeing the flat loafers Ewing wore while Robinson wore sneakers that day:
Click Here And 6'4.5" measured Jamal Crawford only reaches Ewing's upper lip here!
Click Here He looks like he'd have a full head on Ahmad Rashad as well if he stood straight. But as for Melo and K-Mart, that's close enough anyway. If you're going by low then 6'8.75" probably wasn't K-Mart's low, though it probably isn't near his high either so 6'8.5" is as good of a guess as any for his low. At least compared to each other, Martin, K-Mart and Nene's measurements all add up pretty well. Maybe not their low for any. I had Liam 6'3" flat, but that's because I had Chris 190 cm until Chris made a point of saying he was 6'3" rather than 6'2.75", but I can agree both are in that range. 6'3"-6'3.25" for Liam and 6'2.75"-6'3" for Chris.
viper said on 10/Dec/18
Melo is looking under 6-6 with 6-4 Keith Booth.
Click Here
Compare it with Booth and 6-6 Walt Williams.
Click Here
viper said on 10/Dec/18
I believe Maryland listed Joe Smith at his real height of 6-9 his freshmen year. He was measured at 6-9.5 the next year which is probably a round up from 6-9.25.
And also Wake Forest listed Tim Duncan at 6-10 at the same time, his real height. He was listed at that his entire time in college.
Canson said on 10/Dec/18
@Rising: the dream team photo isn’t any good imho because we can’t see ground level.
As for Kmart and Melo that’s definitely a possibility. Actually Kmart holds up ok against Nene in the pic below. Not sure if that’s 6’8.75 but I could buy as I mentioned before 6’8.5 for Kmart compared to Melo. Problem is Kmart’s stance inhibits being able to estimate them as well as we would like. But Melo also holds up ok with Nene. He doesn’t look less than 6’6” either imho. I don’t know if it’s a case where one or more of those guys actually is right st the measurement or if they’re all just within 1/4” or at worst 1/4” below it. But Melo is one of those guys like Liam Hemsworth imho. Looks 6’6” minimum despite a 6’6.25 measurement which could also be a max. which is what I guessed for Hemsworth that he’s 6’3” flat minimum 6’3.25 max
I can easily buy 6’9” range for Both Olajuwon and Ewing. Ewing is definitely closer to 6’10” than Hakeem but I could see both being in that zone. I guess if 6’9.75 is what I have for a low for Ewing then 6’10” is fair. I don’t think Ewing was less than that peak.
Click Here
Canson said on 10/Dec/18
@Rising: the dream team photo isn’t any good imho because we can’t see ground level.
As for Kmart and Melo that’s definitely a possibility. Actually Kmart holds up ok against Nene. Not sure if that’s 6’8.75 but I could buy as I mentioned before 6’8.5 for Kmart. Melo also holds up ok with Nene. He doesn’t look less than 6’6” either imho. I don’t know if it’s a case where one or more of those guys actually is right st the measurement or if they’re all just within 1/4” or at worst 1/4” below it. But Melo is one of those guys like Liam Hemsworth imho. Looks 6’6” minimum despite a 6’6.25 measurement which could also be a max. which is what I guessed for Hemsworth that he’s 6’3” flat minimum 6’3.25 max
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 9/Dec/18
I actually see a bigger difference in the 3rd photo, but I think that first back to back photo is the best one. I honestly can't see K-Mart any less than his measurement with Melo, but he could struggle with it compared to 6'9.25" Nene. I see Ewing 3.5"-4" taller than Magic in the Dream Team photo:
Click Here Ewing and Robinson also look pretty much the same height there. Ewing also didn't look much different with Oden than Robinson did even though Ewing seemed to have less footwear. I see a full 5" since Clyde is reaching Dream's eye level and I tend to doubt Dream only has the same length eye to head as Rob. It's not completely out of the question for Dream to shrink below 6'10", but I do think a solid 6'10" for him fits better. But for Ewing, I'd be very surprised if he were a flat 6'10" at any point.
Canson said on 8/Dec/18
@Rising: for Kmart and Melo I’m not sure if it’s that much. I would leave the door open for 6’6.25 for Melo but 6’6” is worst case imho. KMART can look 2.25-2.5 not close to 3 imho in the last photo. The first two maybe closer to 3”. KMART didn’t look as tall as NeNe in Denver and Nene was 6’9 range himself. I have Ewing at that height next to Magic Johnson if Magic stood straight it looks like it’s around 3”. 6’9.75 is where I have him no less thoug and Olajuwon is somewhere strong 6’9” imho. Yea Clyde wouldn’t be as high as a solid 5 below Dream but 4.5 is about right. His head is tilted and still the crown is close to his eye brows. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s 6’9.5 vs 6’5 or 6’5 vs 6’9.25. I have Carter at a solid 6’5 maybe 196 but that seems high to me. I think a classic 6’5 looks good for him.
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Dec/18
@Canson: I wouldn't guess Ewing below 6'10.5" myself. I could see him at that if Pippen really was a flat 6'7", but I'm not so sure about that. I always figured Clyde was about 6'5.5", but definitely somewhere in the 6'5" range. However, I see 5" between them. This full back to back pic is as good as it gets:
Click Here That's a 5" difference comparing them in pixels, which makes sense since I'd be surprised if Dream didn't have a 5" eye to head. Bare minimum 4.5" if Dream had a normal eye level, but Clyde reaches even lower in these pics:
Click Here Click Here I can't see Howard as tall as Dream either, not after he looked around an inch shorter with perfect posture side by side in that full pic during the photoshoot of Houston Rocket big men. Good idea to compare K-Mart to Melo. I found a very good back to back full pic and a couple of more media day photos:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Martin does look his 6'8.75" measurement next to a 6'6" Melo. As for Carter, I don't know. I lean towards the 6'5.5" measurement since he can sometimes look it, but other times looks a flat 6'5". He is a sloucher, though and he looked taller than Kobe:
Click Here You can tell he'll still be taller in that photo even without the tilt.
Michael 5'10", 178 cm said on 6/Dec/18
Shaq was a little bit shorter than Wilt in this prime, so this is a good listing for him atm.
Canson said on 5/Dec/18
@Rising: I have mine a bit less.
Mourning to me looks like he is favored (imho). He would be 6’8” range
Ewing (I agree close to 6’10) 6’9.75
Dream 6’9-6’9.5 (he looks same size as Howard) Howard can look taller in some pics as well that I’ve seen
Martin: not sure how tall he is. I could buy 6’8.5 or .75 some times but could buy 6’8” ish others next to melo. I can’t find a good pic of them together.
I have Drexler as 6’5” and Dream is 4” taller than he is. I also have Vince Carter as a solid 6’5” and he’s 4” shorter than Dream. Carter wasn’t quite as tall as a peak Dr J. He looked max 6’5” on the court imho. I never thought he was any taller than that even when he first came in I was in high school and began realizing how players were fudged as I played ball myself and was listed 6’4 when I was 6’2 range, 6’5 despite being 6’3” at one point then 6’5 at 6’4”.i was also 6’6 listed in college and am closer to 6’4”. Bet if I had gone to the Combine, if it were early morning or I had laid around all day until it LOL, I would either measure right at 6’4.75 or be rounded to 6’5 possibly depending on how early. This despite being 6’4.25ish
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Dec/18
@viper: I agree, it's weird, but Mourning measures up much better to Bosh at the recent HOF inductions:
Click Here No more than an inch shorter. At first I thought Mourning was favored there, but the difference in head size is believable rather than disproportionate because Bosh has always looked to me like a guy with a long neck and relatively small head. Also, Ray Allen measures up surprisingly well to Bosh at that event:
Click Here
@Canson: Martin is leaning more, but then Mourning looks clearly taller so at the absolute worst, they'd be the same height, imo, but I do think Mourning is the taller man from that and in general. I don't know the difference on the court between LJ and Mourning except that LJ always looked unusually undersized when playing the 4 and not even tall when at the 3 while Mourning was undersized for a center, but not ridiculously so even in the era of the 90's and early 00's when the NBA was still big. So I'd think there was more than just 3" between them. The absolute lowest I can see Ewing is a solid 6'10" at a low, but he didn't look 3" shorter than Mutombo so I really think he is or was about 7' in shoes. Similarly, I think Dream had to be 6'10" and certainly taller than Howard. I'd say that full pic is the best one of them and Dream's advantage is clear there, but Dream even edges Howard when Howard is visibly closer to the camera:
Click Here and another full pic where Dream is taller:
Click Here Dream also had more like 3" on Lebron and Pippen rather than just 2" and Clyde Drexler also consistently just reached Dream's eye level, but no higher and Dream's eye to head had to be about 5". Not as good of a pic, but 7'1.25" measured Hasheem Thabeet doesn't look like he'd be more than 3" taller:
Click Here As for Ewing, it's clear he had more height on Pippen and Magic during the Dream Team era than just 3", much less below that and he was only slightly shorter than David Robinson and an overweight, middle-aged Ewing with bad knees was still as tall as Greg Oden.
Canson said on 24/Nov/18
@Yusuf: KAT’s height is tough to gauge. I still think he’s 6’9 range. Look at him with Jahlil Okafor who shows 6’9.75 pre draft. Provided he didn’t grow. But for reference the pre draft measurement is early morning so Okafor likely isn’t much more than maybe 6’9.25-.5. It’s possible KAT or Okafor did grow a fraction as I doubt KAT is under 6’9”. I have him 6’9-6’9.5
Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 24/Nov/18
@Rising: with KMART not sure if that’s an afternoon height for him or if Mourning is really taller than him. Kmart appears to be leaning more than Mourning. As for LJ and Mourning that was their difference on the court was around 3” imho. I could see LJ at about Christian’s height 6’5.25-.375 at a low maybe just 6’5.25 but prob not less prob not 6’5.5 at a low either. As for Ewing and Dream, I have Dream 6’9” and Ewing at 6’9.75. I’ve seen pics where Howard looks taller than Hakeem as well. That’s a lot to do with camera tho as the one where Dream is taller if you switch them Howard will be taller
viper said on 24/Nov/18
Alonzo is weird. He certainly looks 6-8 max with 6-10 Bosh. Then he can look a good 6-9 with others.
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Nov/18
I have to disagree on a few things, but I'll agree Mourning looks more 6'8.5" than 6'9.5" in that pic if Bosh didn't grow past his 6'10.25" and I can't argue that is a good picture, but Mourning himself is leaning in with Martin:
Click Here Notice Mourning's completely bald head comfortably clears Martin's 1/8" or so hair. Maybe Martin is dropping a bit more, but with both leaning in, I'd still conclude from that Mourning is taller and certainly no shorter. And then there's the Russell pic. I take in game photos with a grain of salt for comparing height and the LJ pic is no different. You can see others where LJ only reaches his eyebrows or even his eyes. Here's one example:
Click Here LJ is also closer to the camera there, but like I said, I don't read much into in game photos one way or the other, otherwise, you'd have photos like this one:
Click Here
And I don't believe Ewing is a flat 6'10" because he's clearly taller than Hakeem, who is taller than Dwight and I believe a legit 6'10" himself:
Click Here Full pic, side by side, Howard standing perfectly and still visibly shorter. Now Hakeem and Ewing:
Click Here If Dwight really did grow to 6'10" then I'd give Hakeem more than 6'10" flat. Compare Mourning to Mutombo in your photos and he sure isn't more than 5" shorter and Ewing isn't 3" shorter. More 4" and 2", respectively. It's possible 6'9.5" was an early measurement for Mourning, but he'd still be more than just 6'8" flat in that case and he can look the 6'9.5" such as with Russell and Martin. And I do believe Mutombo is taller than Shaq, but come on, you know the angle in that pic is way too high. Even considering Mutombo is dropping some height, Mourning doesn't look as short as 6'8" in this media day photo with Mutombo either:
Click Here
Canson said on 23/Nov/18
@Yusuf: I’m not sure to the T. He doesn’t look more than 6’9-6’10 at his low
Yusuf b said on 21/Nov/18
Anyone know Karl Anthony towns eaxct height barefoot ? I feel like he’s 6’10.5 morning and maybe 6’10 flat in the evening ?
Canson said on 21/Nov/18
@Rising: I have to disagree. Martin is learning (arms behind back). If Martin really is that tall then they’d be awfully close. Most I could buy for Mourning is 6’8.5. LJ probably isn’t a full 6’5.5 at a low but he is at least 6’5 in person
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Nov/18
Shaq and Dikembe Mutombo (who Rob has at 7'1.25")...
Click Here
Also, Alonzo Mourning really is around 6'8", not 6'9". Here he is compared to 6'10" Patrick Ewing and Mutombo...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Alonzo and Rodman...
Click Here
Alonzo (w/ a little tiptoe action) and 6'10.25" Chris Bosh...
Click Here
I used to think Patrick Ewing was around 6'9" seeing him next to 6'9" Dwight Howard, but that's b/c Howard had actually grown to 6'10". Problem solved.
Sotiris Gravas said on 19/Nov/18
Shaq and Trump, from a different angle...
Click Here
This is a fun one of both men...
Click Here
In all seriousness, I'm assuming that Shaq has his shoes custom made. Obviously. That said, look at the size of those heels...
Click Here That's a GIGANTIC heel.
Rising - 174 cm said on 19/Nov/18
@Sotiris: There are many pictures of Shaq and Mourning taken on flat ground:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
The only time Shaq doesn't look a minimum 4" taller is when he's at some sort of disadvantage like being further from the camera. I don't believe Mourning is 6'8" flat either. For one, Trump has a camera advantage and Mourning is leaning noticeably yet Trump doesn't even reach his nose. We can assume Trump was about 6'1" 11 years ago. Mourning also clearly looks taller than 6'8.75" measured Kenyon Martin in this full pic:
Click Here It's also difficult to reconcile a 6'8" flat Mourning with this 2000 pic with Bill Russell:
Click Here
Mickie said on 18/Nov/18
I've also seen 7 footers IRL. One guy who was 7'0 and another who was 7'1" (a college basketball player). It's hard to even gauge their height. I'm 6'3" and some change, and I think my precision on guessing heights of people I meet in person who are between 5'6" and 6'7" would be better than heights outside that range.
Canson said on 18/Nov/18
@Sotiris: I agree that Mourning is 6’8 range not 6’9”. Drexler is 6’5 and that’s not as much difference as you would see between 6’5 and 6’9.5 (even if we called that a morning measurement still 6’9). With Donald trump that’s not a 9” difference it’s less than 8” imho. Larry Johnson is a strong 6’5 guy and was not 4” shorter than Mourning that’s 3”
Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 17/Nov/18
@Christian: exactly but a lot of shorter guys wish they were taller so they would encourage you to “be 6’7” or claim. They don’t know how much is enough or when to say when meaning they may disagree on 6’7” being undesirable whereas for me 6’6 is undesirable let alone 6’7+
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Nov/18
Yeah, 6'7"+ is seen as undesirable by most guys, but there are some who desire it like Ellis. He's already 6'6"-6'7" but wishes he grows taller.
Yusuf b said on 14/Nov/18
@Cansln: fair enough but don’t think of it that way. I say 6’4 is very huge as like you said you can go days without seeing someone taller than you 193-200cm is regarded as extremely big for me but 6’7 or over that’s when your height is just crazy big and women often find 6’7 and above very unattractive as it’s too big. The biggest guy I seen in a while goes to my college I don’t know his height never spoke to him but he looks within 6’8-6’10 range maybe 6’9 and he always gets looks and dwarfs everyone else, also a guy from my class is 6’4 and he was taller than 95% of people in college so I hope you can see why I regard 6’4 as extremely huge. There are also over 20,000 students in the college I attend so bare that in mind aha
michael loughrie said on 13/Nov/18
Shaq is a flat 7' 0".
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Nov/18
I can sometimes go two weeks or so without seeing anyone taller than me, and I live in the US.
Canson said on 13/Nov/18
@Yusuf: I view 6’4” as very tall but not extremely. I actually view 6’3 up to about 6’6 as just that “very tall”. I think extreme is once your around 6’6.5 or 6’6.75 (2 meter territory). 5’8/5’9 is about average in Virginia. I have always viewed 5’9” for a male as “very neutral” which is how Matt99 who is 5’9” himself and Bobby and Greg who are both a bit above average see it
viper said on 13/Nov/18
2800 is probably right.
Tallest guy I've seen in years was 6-11.
Right down the street actually.
Yusuf b said on 12/Nov/18
@Canson: yeah true your 6’4 right the average is like 5’8-5’10nowadays depending on which state or country. I am from the UK and tbh the average is 5’8-5’9 the way I see it as I see a lot of Men within that range. So yeah it’s believable that you can go days without seeing someone taller than you lol. If you go Netherlands though it’s almost impossible to go a day without seeing a single man talker than you as they are giants and ranked number 1 for countries with tallest people . But yeah 6’4 is still very very huge tbh
Nik said on 12/Nov/18
@ Yusuf b - I would have thought that there were more than 2800 seven footers in the world, but not many more!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Nov/18
You would have a better chance of seeing a 7 footer if you visit taller countries, or in a big international airport. But still, it's extremely super rare.
Canson said on 11/Nov/18
@Yusuf: I’ve met some in my lifetime but not a significant amount. I can go days without seeing someone taller than me as is unless I see three friends of mine who I see weekly or biweekly
Yusuf b said on 9/Nov/18
@Canson @Christian: it’s crazy if you’ve actually met 7 footers because I read this article which stated out of 7.6 billion people in the world population only around 2800 are 7 foot or greater. Just 2800?? Crazy fact I know but you meeting some is even crazier.
Canson said on 19/Oct/18
@Viper: if he did then that’s his low most likely. That was why I guessed 6’10.5ish because I’m also a hair over 6’4” and don’t know how much advantage one of us had in footwear which is possible. I could’ve overestimated him by half inch since he’s some 5-6” taller than me
viper said on 16/Oct/18
Mike Mardesich measured 6-10
Canson said on 15/Oct/18
@Christian: yep. I’ve seen Gheorge Muresan in person once. I didn’t shake his hand but he was right in front of me. I couldn’t even size him up but I wasn’t around him long enough. I’ve played ball with some guys that are in excess of 7’0”. Matt Slanika who once tried out for Maryland was 7’2” or 7’3”. Then Mike Mardesich. Although I don’t believe he’s actually 7’0”. Probably around 6’11” maybe 6’10.5. I’ve also seen a guy a few years ago that walked into a restaurant when my wife and I were in there and he said he was 7’3”. My wife made fun of me and so did my friends as we were standing next to each other and was close to a foot taller than me. I’ve seen a few others in passing as well and even playing ball against. Jim Mcilveine is another but I was a kid then so didn’t know much about height. I had to have been about 13
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Oct/18
Have you ever met someone who's around 7 foot in person? I only have twice, once a 6'11"-7'0" guy and a 7'1"-7'2" guy in an airport.
Canson said on 13/Oct/18
@Christian: wouldn’t surprise me if he’s the tallest person anywhere he goes except when he’s on the basketball court in his playing days or in a practice or team atmosphere provided a teammate is taller than he is. Only time this would happen when he played is if he were playing on the WC all star team with Yao as his teammate
Tall Sam said on 12/Oct/18
Wouldn't surprise me, as "only" a 194-195 cm guy, I'm usually the tallest in a crowd, Shaq is probably tallest in pretty much every crowd that doesn't have to do with the NBA.
Canson said on 11/Oct/18
@Rising: doubt it. I can’t see Russell having lost more than maybe 1/2” or 3/4”. Still looks about 6’9” today
Dream(5'9.5") said on 11/Oct/18
Agreed. I think anything over 6'5" or higher would be a disadvantage, let alone 7'0"er even higher. It would suck if I couldn't enjoy any sweet rides and rollercoasters.
My step-dad did say he was a 7 foot guy. I have to ask him again, but I remember he said that Shaq was too easy to find in the crowd, even from a far distance (I'm not sure if my dad said Shaq was fifteen or fifty feet away from Shaq him. My memory is bad. He also said it's been a while since that day, and he probably wouldn't remember much).
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Oct/18
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Shaq was the tallest Disneyland visitor that day. I wonder if he was barred from riding on certain roller coasters or other rides because of his height.
Canson said on 9/Oct/18
@Rising and 184guy: I only can because “a little over 7’0” could mean a bit under if he measured later in the day. But not sure what time of the day Shaq measured. A guy his size could vary greatly. I think for all intents and purposes, 7’0” is fair enough for him because if he’s under it’s prob not by a lot
Rising - 174 cm said on 9/Oct/18
@Canson: It probably wasn't more than 3" before Russell was into his mid 60's, but it looks more like 4"+ in the 2005 all-star photo since Russell has to look up.
@184guy2: They looked the same exact height to me:
Click Here Someone(Vegas or JT?) mentioned a 7'0.5" figure for Khali and I can believe that, but I'd give Shaq the same then. Especially seeing Shaq with Big Show in 2009:
Click Here and Khali with Big Show in 2008:
Click Here This listing is fine too. Btw, how tall was Big Show in 2008-2009? 6'10.5"? 6'11"? Either way, Shaq didn't look under 7' with him.
184guy2 said on 8/Oct/18
Yeah Rising
I don't think that there is a possibility of Shaq being a mm under 7' but to me he is shorter than a guy like the great Khali , so 214cm makes sense
Canson said on 8/Oct/18
@Rising: I’ve never seen a pic with Russell and Shaq where it’s more than 2-3” difference.
Dream(5'9.5") said on 7/Oct/18
I think this listing works fine.
I remember my step dad told me he saw him at Disneyland in person. He said Shaq was easy to see out of a crowd even from a far distance. I’m not saying Shaq is taller than 7’1”. I’m just saying a strong 7’0”er like Shaq will always stand out, unless you put Yao Ming, Shawne Bradley, and Sun Ming Ming in the mix.
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Oct/18
Shaq has more than 2" on Russell even there and I'm almost certain the camera angle is making Shaq look shorter along with Shaq probably bending his knees and relaxing his posture to put his hands on John Wooden. Walton winds up looking the tallest there and Wilt is at least as tall or taller than Kareem and we know that's not the case. Shaq's frame looks way too small there as well compared to literally anyone in the photo including Wooden so I'm certain he's at a disadvantage. Here's Russell in 2005 looking up at Shaq:
Click Here Look at a 45 year old Walton with Shaq in 1998:
Click Here Shaq looks an inch taller. Now look at 62 year old Walton and 43 year old Shaq in 2015:
Click Here Shaq was always very close to a head taller than Dwyane Wade, even when he was out of basketball shoes:
Click Here Click Here If Shaq were really 6'11" range then Magic would be the 6'5" max guy Howard Stern thought he was:
Click Here There's no possible way Magic was any less than 5" shorter than Shaq.
Canson said on 7/Oct/18
@Rob: the same can be said about the combine measurement. Taller is better so would that have affected him measuring? I doubt someone can purposely get shorter but they can wear thicker socks or lie down before measuring. If he is shorter than normal it’s probably just an extreme low which isn’t any different than someone measuring at their morning height

Editor Rob
It certainly would make some guys burst a gut for a measurement, and I'm sure a few over the years might have been tempted to put a lift in their sock so they'd go on record at a taller height.
Canson said on 6/Oct/18
Click Here
Looks only 2” taller than Bill Russell
Canson said on 6/Oct/18
@Christian: some look close to 2” under like Lillard. He doesn’t look more than about 6’0” or so. People use the easiest escape route to make people the listed height or pre draft height that they were assessed, just like you saw with the one poster the other day where he told me Russ is 6’3” because Curry measured 6’2”. It’s never that the guy just isn’t as tall as they are stated to be
Canson said on 5/Oct/18
@Editor Rob, Duhon, and Christian: here is what I’ve been saying all along about pre drafts in basketball. Chane Behanan from Louisville. For the NBA pre draft he was “supposedly” measured at 6’6”. Since the NBA doesn’t do 1/8” increments he may have been between 6’5.75-6’6 at that time of the morning of his measurements. However, he exceeded the PBA Basketball height ceiling of 6’5 by 1/16” later on that year. That just shows that the NBA measurements are higher than a normal walking height as the 6’5 1/16 is likely his normal height
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
Almost an inch is a big discrepancy. But if there was a height limit would that have effected the guy when measuring.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Oct/18
Not only that, but some players get measured earlier/later in the day than others. So some look as tall as their measurements, while others look as much as nearly an inch below.
Canson said on 2/Oct/18
@Duhon: that may actually be the case for Carson Wentz. His specifically said morning measurement at the Senior Bowl and it was identical to his combine measurement. Whereas Nick Foles is slightly shorter. My guess is Wentz may not drop below 6’5 whereas Foles may be 6’4.5 (1/2” under the combine measurement) at his normal low. I know in my case measuring an hour out of bed I’m 6’4.75 and around 6’4.25/6’4.3 at a low
Canson said on 2/Oct/18
@Duhon: I think Rob is 5’8.75-.8 out of bed and 5’8 1/8 at a low
Duhon said on 1/Oct/18
Early morning measurements shouldn't be a dis-qualifier. Everybody shrinks differently through the day if they do shrink. I believe Rob himself stays consistent at 5'8" throughout the whole day based on his measurements he's done.
Canson said on 30/Sep/18
@Tree: your comment makes no sense. 1.5inch mistake not happening on this site? Rob has plenty of people overlisted by an inch or more including Shawne Merriman and most others by half inch. Even the later players like Steph Curry and James Harden received their height early morning so they aren’t as tall as listed in reality.
Canson said on 30/Sep/18
@Tree: your comment makes no sense. 1.5inch mistake not happening on this site? Rob has plenty of people overlisted by an inch or more including Shawne Merriman
tree said on 27/Sep/18
I dont know about current height but peak was minimum 7ft
tree said on 27/Sep/18
@Canson there is no proof he is under 7ft tall man.He was listed at 7ft1 here for years,1.5 inch mistake is not happening on this site.
Dude looks legit 214cm
Canson said on 25/Sep/18
@Rising; only thing is that JO actually played center during his career so he wouldn’t be under listed or have the same reason KG had of only being listed barefoot. If anything he would be listed at 7’ if he were 6’11”. I have him 6’10” barefoot 6’11 in shoes. I don’t think he’s as tall as Garnett. He may be fractionally taller than Rasheed Wallace who I have more 6’9.5 barefoot
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Sep/18
6'10" flat looks too low for Jermaine, imo. The pic with Reggie is very good to judge the difference. I would have thought Jermaine was 6'10" max before considering how big his forehead is, but he's the equivalent of a smaller NBA big men since your forehead doesn't help you. Either way, Shaq has easily 2" on the other O'Neal. Pierce is no higher than the bottom of Shaq's nose so he measures up similar to Wilder, but that's gotta be 7" on a man Shaq's size or certainly more than a flat 6". Garnett is shorter than Brook Lopez and can look more than just an inch shorter than Shaq so I don't know. I think Shaq has to at least be a more solid 7'0" or basically what Rob lists him. He's shorter than Mutombo, but much taller than all of these other guys. I've only ever seen Z at 7'2" and 7'3". I assume he's the lower figure, but a guy his size probably shrinks a good 1.5" so it gets tricky.
Canson said on 22/Sep/18
@Rising: I actually have Garnett a full 6’11” at a low. As for Jermaine O’Neal 6’10. Reggie has admitted before he’s between 6’5-6’6”. My guess is he’s 197cm range and Metta maybe 6’5.25 at a low best case. As for Shaq I buy him being a weak 7’ (6’11.5-7’) and Big Z 7’1.5 barefoot. Could’ve sworn i saw a listing for that before. Z looks around Zinger’s height where he’s listed 7’3 and measured 7’1.75 but looks closer to 7’1 than 7’2 with Carmelo Anthony
Canson said on 20/Sep/18
Is that Paul Pierce next to them? If so Shaq is not even 7’0” tall. People who’ve met Pierce here have pegged him 6’5.5 as opposed to 6’6” even at a full 6’6 he’s still not
Canson said on 20/Sep/18
@Flex: lol you’re joking right?
Rising - 174 cm said on 18/Sep/18
@Canson: They both said that. It sounded like Howard was going to say he was as tall as Magic before he was cut off, but after Robin said it, Howard repeats it saying "I was taller than Magic!"
And Shaq is a legit 7 footer. I thought he might have shrunk, but the photo with Wilder shows he's still 7 feet. Wilder has about 1 cm or so less footwear, but he's at the bottom of Shaq's nose! And Wilder is actually standing slightly in front of Shaq. Shaq was never much shorter than 7'2" minimum Zydrunas Ilgauskas:
Click Here He's actually standing slightly behind Z there too. Look at how small Jermaine O'Neal looks compared to Shaq. Jermaine's massive forehead gets him pretty close to 6'11" as you can see here with maybe weak 6'6" Reggie:
Click Here and around 6'5.5" Metta/Ron Artest:
Click Here The Artest pic isn't as good, but they'd have to be above Jermaine's eyes to be less than 5" shorter and that's clearly not the case. Worst case, Jermaine is in the 6'10" range. Of course, some of that height was meaningless for basketball. Shaq was always noticeably taller than Garnett as well:
Click Here Even if some of that is Shaq's orthotics, they're not particularly close. Garnett may be closer to 6'10.5" at a low and 7'0" in the morning.
FLEX said on 17/Sep/18
Shaq looks 2 inches shorter than 7'6'' listed Mamadou N'diaye
Click Here
Monkey knees said on 15/Sep/18
As an NBA and WWF/WWE fan, its clear Shaq doesn't hit the full 7ft mark. 6ft 11 max.
Canson said on 11/Sep/18
@Rising: did Stern say that or was it the lady? He’s definitely not as tall let alone taller than Magic. Magic had him by minimum 4cm. I’d have a peak Magic 6’7-6’7.25 and Stern 6’5.25 peak
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 11/Sep/18
@Canson One thing for sure that Shaq real height barefoot is not going to be a full 7'0 most likely 6'11 1/2 and with thicker monster size footwear on the court look an inch topped 6'11 Garnett.
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Sep/18
Shaq was trying to defend Magic's height in that Stern video and they were joking that Shaq wasn't going to question his boss' height claim. Howard had claimed to be taller than Magic and Shaq then tries to judge Howard's height from across the room while sitting down. Not much from that video should be taken seriously other than Howard at least being right that Magic is nowhere near 6'9".
Canson said on 9/Sep/18
@Junior; I’m not even sure Stern was 6’5.5 peak maybe 6’5.25
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 7/Sep/18
Peak 6'5 1/2 Howard Stern make Shaq confuse he is 6'11 (supposed 6'11 1/2).
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Aug/18
Wow, Shaq still looks like a legit 7 footer next to Wilder even accounting for the footwear advantage. Guess he hasn't lost much yet.
Canson said on 15/Aug/18
@Duhon: Shaq appears to have footwear advantage but you’re right. I would put Shaq 7’ ish next to him. My guess is Wilder is probably more a solid 6’6” at a low
Duhon said on 12/Aug/18
Big Deontay Wilder looking little next to Shaq
Click Here
Canson said on 4/Aug/18
@Rob: how about a page for Joel Embiid. His height is very much debatable since you have a 6’11 measurement but a 7’2 (in sandals) claim and he looks somewhere around 7’0 And even could look 7’0” and change like Duhon said
Canson said on 4/Aug/18
@Duhon: I would say peak that they’re close. I’m wondering if Shaq has lost height today. I think at his peak he may have been a legit 7’0” and Embiid 7’0” as well. 6’11” doesn’t add up for Embiid as he looks 3” taller than guys who are legit 6’9”. My guess is he grew an inch or so after he was last measured
Canson said on 4/Aug/18
@Duhon: I would say peak that they’re close. I’m wondering if Shaq has lost height today. I think at his peak he may have been a legit 7’0”
Duhon said on 2/Aug/18
@Canson would you say that Embiid is the same height as Shaq? Both appear to be strong 7'0"+ verging on 7'1". Like Embiid is often referred to as 7'2", Shaq used to be referred to as that from time to time as well during his playing days.
Canson said on 31/Jul/18
@Duhon: Garnett doesn’t appear to be standing straight in both of their pics. With Mutombo maybe he can look 7’0” plus but could be camera angle. I do think he’s a legit 7’0 however
Canson said on 26/Jul/18
@Rising: I agree. Hibbert could be that. Shaq as well. I’ve always pegged him around 7’0”. I would say possibly even 7’1” out of bed and 6’11.5 at a low. But yea with that type of loss maybe a 7’0” claim is fair. Whereas for me, I believe someone my size 6’4-6’5 would be normal at a low. Meaning someone waking at 6’5-6’5 1/8 in my case and dipping to 6’4 1/4-3/8 at a low so I claim 6’4 especially since I can reach 6’4.25 often and other days maybe 193.8-.9 if I don’t have much of a day on the feet
Canson said on 26/Jul/18
@Rising: I agree. Hibbert could be that. Shaq as well. I’ve always pegged him around 7’0”. I would say possibly even 7’1” out of bed and 6’11.5 at a low. But yea with that type of loss maybe a 7’0” claim is fair.
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Jul/18
@Canson: Yeah, the 2013 Knicks were a solid team, but they were best playing small spacing the floor with shooters around Melo making them no match for Indiana's massive frontline. Hibbert was a good rim protector then and Melo's biggest weakness was finishing at the rim. A lot of these newer stars would struggle against big, physical teams. Amare was really good his first year before the Melo trade. That was among the best I've seen him play from an all around standpoint and D'Antoni's style worked before the trade, though I've never been a huge believer in him. He did have a good thing going with the '05-'07 Suns, though and who knows what happens in '07 without the suspensions.
I tend to agree with Mickie on this one. The 6'11.75" is a possible low for him, especially these days, but I doubt that had anything to do with the Howard Stern claim even if that's the case. A lot of NBA players do claim 3/4" whether Garnett, Barkley, Durant or even more specific figures like Kareem claiming 7/8" and Wilt claiming 1/16". A poster here RP claims Shaq was measured twice at 7'0 5/8" and 7'0 7/8", which I guess is what Rob is referring to above. Those figures wouldn't be that difficult to believe as earlier measurements since a man Shaq's size could easily shrink 1.5", especially after an NBA game. Most don't realize how insanely strenuous an NBA game is and Shaq use to play basically the entire game around 2000 except for when he was in foul trouble or it was a blowout. In short, he could be both 7'1"+ early and below 7'0" late. With more normal size people, it doesn't make much of a difference if you use midday or low, but it's trickier with 7 footers. I consider him 7'0"-7'0.5" range, though. A guy like Roy Hibbert is only 7'0.5" max so that shows you how big this is compared to most of the current league.
Canson said on 24/Jul/18
@Mickie: he probably is over 7’0” in the earlier hours of a day and 6’11.75 is very possible at a low which may be why he claimed 6’11”.
Mickie said on 24/Jul/18
Actually, I'd say Sabonis may be more 218 cm in the evening comparing him to other big men.
Mickie said on 24/Jul/18
Shaq 214 cm
Yao 224 cm
Sabonis 220 cm
Bradley 227 cm
Sampson 216 cm
Wilt 216 cm
Kareem 218 cm
Easton 223 cm
Canson said on 23/Jul/18
@Mickie: I think 7’ fits him the best but at the same time believe he dips under at a low. 6’11.75
@Rising: very well said! Don’t forget Franchise in the mix along with Penny. Carmelo and Amare could’ve worked had Melo bought in. He couldn’t run like D’Antoni wanted him to whereas stat was accustomed to that pace In Phoenix. They showed promise under Woodson for the one year I’ll give him that
joe### said on 23/Jul/18
Bamba measured 6'11.25
Mickie said on 23/Jul/18
Shaq is listed perfectly by Rob. I think anything in the 7'0" to 7'0.5" range is believable for him but no taller. He's taller than KG, yes and I believe looked slightly taller than Khali, especially with posture was accounted for. So I don't think he's less than 7'0" - 7'0.5" range, but next to Wilt, Kareem, etc it's obvious he isn't really a full 7'1" either. Plus he reportedly measured just over 7'0", so that's very important to remember.
Canson said on 23/Jul/18
@Viper: the only ones that I know exist are the Pre draft and those are available there
Rising - 174 cm said on 22/Jul/18
I agree with Canson on the height difference between Shaq and Yao:
Click Here With that said, Yao's height is a bit of a mystery to me. I read in one article that Yao wasn't even at the Chicago pre-draft camp and they simply wrote a height for him. On the otherhand, Yao's trainer Anthony Falsone claimed Yao was 7'5" barefoot and 7'6.5" in shoes when he began working him in 2002, but Falsone then claimed Yao had grown to 7'5.75" barefoot and 7'7.25" in shoes by the fall of 2004. I don't know if that's true, but it's more believable to me than some other players who claimed to have grown. Here's Yao with 7'1.25" Mutombo around the exact time Falsone claims to have measured Yao:
Click Here Shaq is still easily taller than Mo Bamba, though even with the lean. Especially when you consider footwear. But yeah, I had
blocked Isiah out of my memory, along with Eddy Curry! The organization is so dysfunctional that guys like Phil Jackson, Larry Brown and Lenny Wilkens can't even have success here. I admit to being excited about the Marbury trade at the time it happened, but how stupid do you have to be to pair Eddy Curry and Zach Randolph? And that's on a team that still had Marbury and Jamal Crawford! The only thing I can figure is Isiah was confident he could lobby for a rule change to play with 4 basketballs.
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
@Rising; I feel for you. Between Dolan Isiah and Zen, they have set you back. That whole scandal in the 2000s didn’t help matters at all and Isiah stayed through that fiasco
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
Shaq is clearly over 4” shorter than Yao. Maybe closer to 5” That’s not 3.5”. Take into account Yao’s head size
viper said on 21/Jul/18
Anyone know where you can get 2018 measurements from the different basketball camps that draftexpress had
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
@Flex: Bamba isn’t standing straight and Shaq has camera advantage. Why are you always trying to make Shaq taller than he is? He’s 7’0” tall
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
@Flex: Bamba isn’t standing straight. Why are you always trying to make Shaq taller than he is? He’s 7’0” tall
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
@Viper: yea I agree on Smith. Antonio McDyess is also said to be 6’9.5 at the Pre draft. He looks 6’8” range imho
Jrbowe42 said on 20/Jul/18
He seemed to be around the same height as a mid-40s Wilt Chamberlain, who had probably lost maybe half an inch by then. He‘s probably around 7‘0.5-7‘1“ flat.
FLEX said on 19/Jul/18
correction: Shaq is 2 inches taller than 7'0''3/4 in shoes Mo Bamba
FLEX said on 19/Jul/18
Shaq is 2 inches taller than 6'11''1/4 barefoot and 6'11''3/4 in shoes Mo Bamba (Shaq wears a flat shoe and Mo Bamba is in Basketball sneakers)
Click Here
Shaq is 2 inches taller than 212cm Vlade Divac and 3.5 inches shorter than Yao
Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 19/Jul/18
Current day, id peg him at just UNDER 7 foot now!
Canson said on 19/Jul/18
@Viper: you know I never realized that! It’s because they’re in the East that their 45 win season look good!
viper said on 18/Jul/18
The Wizards are stunningly bad. Haven't won 50 games in a season since 1978
viper said on 16/Jul/18
I believe Joe Smith is just 6-9 like he was listed in college. He was measured at 6-9.5
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Jul/18
@Canson: I agree with a lot of your post. Robinson looks slightly taller than Oden, though so I don't think he's under 6'11.5". 6'10" is a reasonable guess for Ewing. I still see him taller, though in part because he looks the same as Oden and similar to how Oden looked next to Robinson. He looks basically right between Mutombo and Mourning in their pics together. Maybe he's 6'10.5" at his low, but I wouldn't go much below that personally. He's probably lost some height by now, though.
@viper: Sadly, that's probably true and I'm a Knick fan. Dolan is the worst owner imaginable. Porzingis is just about the only bright spot for the franchise in quite a few years. Those 90's teams were very good and missed their shot. One reason, I have the utmost respect for Olajuwon.
viper said on 14/Jul/18
Knocks are the worst franchise in pro sports. Haven't won a title since 1973 in the biggest media market
viper said on 13/Jul/18
We need a Ewing page
Canson said on 13/Jul/18
@Rising; yea sometimes they did I agree! As for Pip, I could buy 6’7.5 being the measurement earlier in the day and him being maybe between 6’7.25-.5 and got boosted up and be 6’7” at a low perhaps. The thing with him is he has had back probs going back to 1988 or 89 so he may have lost height back then. I could believe a peak pippen edging Lebron as LBJ likely is a weak 6’7” at a low whereas im not sure about magic. Magic could look a strong 6’7” peak (similar to kevin Love in height who I also believe is a morning height as he’s also described 6’7” by people who have met him so maybe 6’7.25). With Admiral and Ewing I would have to say Robinson is taller than Ewing. I would have Robinson around 6’11-11.5 whereas Ewing I still believe he’s around 6’10”. I do agree Oden is 6’11” though as he’s 2” taller than Durant
Rising - 174 cm said on 13/Jul/18
Mourning's 6'9.5" might be a morning measurement or "Mourning" measurement. Bad jokes aside, there's no evidence anyone was measured in shoes at the pre-draft camp before '99 or 2000 so if a measurement seems high, it's likely earlier in the day. He was only 18 in 1988 so some growth in possible between then and 1992. He looked about 6'9" flat with Mutombo. I can even see arguments for slightly below that, but I'd guess he was similar to Dwight. But even if we gave Mourning 6'8.5", Ewing still looks at least 2" taller. Here's Zo with Bill Russell back in 2000:
Click Here I think about 6'9" is pretty fair. But even if he were 6'8.5" at his low, he'd almost certainly measure at least 6'9.75" out of bed and pre-draft measurements are often said to be in the earlier part of the day.
Canson said on 12/Jul/18
@Viper: not sure on Thompson’s height either. I have my doubts about Mourning being 6’9.5. He measured that in shoes at Gtown and didn’t appear any taller now than he did as a freshman. Looked the same in pics. 6’8.5 max as he’s admitted he Is 6’8” not 6’9”
Rising - 174 cm said on 12/Jul/18
@Canson: Good post finding those earlier heights and measurements. That actually shows that they did sometimes list 1/4" in some earlier measurements. I did remember seeing one or two like that from '87 with Pippen mentioned at 6'7.75", but I'd think that would be an early measurement or possible misprint as it looks high, though I do think Pippen would have edged out Lebron in his prime and very possibly Magic. 6'6.25" seems low for Oakley, but 6'7"-6'7.25" seems plausible. Many power forwards are in the legit 6'7" to weak 6'8" range barefoot. Starks was much shorter in person than Sprewell for instance. Good find on Xman, those 90's Knicks like Mason forwards weren't tall, but strong, physical and tough. As for height differences in games, it depends on the angle as they sometimes use a high angle for closeups which will minimize height differences so the best height comparisons are often photoshoots off the court and behind the scenes footage like you saw with the Dream Team or awards/ceremonies before and after the game. As for Ewing, we agree Jordan is around 2.5" shorter than Pippen so compare Ewing to Pippen:
Click Here They're a bit farther away than I'd like, but neither seems much closer to the camera, both standing well enough and look at how the top of Ewing's head is out of frame while Pippen's is nowhere near it. Even at 6'11", Ewing honestly makes Pippen look 6'6.5" tops there. You can tell there's a sizable difference in the pic you posted as well even with the tilt from right to left favoring Ewing. As for Robinson, I think he's 6'11.5" minimum and he's only slightly taller than Ewing. You can see this in the Dream Team photo with both absolutely dwarfing Magic in the back row and Robinson was only a hair taller than Greg Oden while Ewing looked the same height. Dream doesn't look above 6'9.5" there if Horry is only 6'8", but Horry is standing noticeably straighter so I'm not sure what the difference would be in multiple photos with the same posture. Horry always looked more noticeably shorter on the court to me during their Houston days. Strangely, Horry gave the illusion of being taller in his Laker days after he bulked up to play the 4 around '98ish. I won't argue with 6'8", but we should remember there's reason to be skeptical of pre-2000 draft heights and even some post-2000. Other than that, Dream looks 6'10"+ to me in most comparisons and outside of Elie's 6'9", I've heard almost everyone else say 6'10" for Dream for decades. The 6'9" was likely just Elie's guess and it doesn't mean we have to take it precisely or literally. Estimates like that can sometimes be used to prove a point whether it's Mutombo saying Larry Johnson was only 6'3" or Kobe saying T-Mac was 6'9". Again, Drexler doesn't make it above Dream's eye level:
Click Here The lowest I can see Ewing is 6'10.5", but he looks a legit 6'11" to me with a massive wingspan. He often slouched, but he's standing straight in the dream team pics and some of the others I've posted.
@viper: Thompson was listed 6'10" when he played in the 60's, but Ewing is clearly a bit taller in the series of pics and this is even with a camera advantage for Thompson in some pics as his head winds up looking too big compared to Ewing's to believe that's completely representative. The difference became more noticeable by the early 2000's, but Thompson probably lost height by that time.
viper said on 11/Jul/18
Don't know how tall Thompson is, but they look about the same height. On first glance you would think Thompson is taller
Canson said on 10/Jul/18
@Rising: Oakley was 6’7” I agree. Not 6’8”. He could look taller than pippen to be honest at times. I’ve actually seen a reference to him measuring 6’6” range but I think it’s a mistake. It’s below. I think they meant to say that he measured half inch taller than the guy (Randy White) that they compared him to because 6’6.25 looks low. That’s unless Starks was only something like 6’1.75 as opposed to 6’2” because that can look less than 5” at times. I could buy that Oakley Is 6’7. Perhaps he grew from 6’6.25 or it was a misprint and they meant to say 1/2” taller. He honestly looked the same as Pippen at times and half inch taller sometimes but never shorter. But with Starks he has him by 5+ some pics and in others it’s not even 5”.
Click Here
Oakley also had height on Xavier McDaniel. Xman admitted to only being closer to 6’6”. I wouldn’t rule out 6’5.5-6’5.75 to be honest. McDaniel didn’t look much taller than Jordan at times and was a lot smaller than Tom Chambers who was 6’9” ish
Click Here
With Ewing and Oakley I only see 4” in those two pics that you posted but no others. I never see but 2-3” in others and in game it never looks that high. It’s at most 3” difference with them. I’ve always given Ewing 6’10” but him being under would be something like 6’9.75 or something like that which is hardly noticeable. He’s not 6’11” though. Robinson had height on Ewing as well and he’s 6’11” range. But also you mentioned Starks may appear taller than normal although if he’s 6’2” that looks about right but him possibly appearing taller could reflect the camera advantage that the people to the left in the pic have. There’s no way that Ewing would really have that much on Oakley. I can look at someone like Kevin Willis (6’10) and he’s the same height as Ewing virtually. Look at the pic I posted below. Everyone to the right has camera advantage. Pippen would be close to 4” taller than Jordan and he isn’t. Barkley appears taller than Pippen when he isn’t. He’s at least 2-2.5” shorter in real life.
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I don’t see Jordan having any significant camera advantage on Ewing in that pic that I posted. Not nearly as much as in the previous pic. The only thing that would change it is posture. Ewing with Oakley is usually around 2-3” difference. Starks looks how he should with Ewing in that pic not an inch taller. Starks was an honest 6’2” guy while Ewing was under 6’10 6’9.5-6’10 barefoot. 6’10 is an absolute max as that’s what I had initially heard he was but if Olajuwon is 6’9” range which I don’t have a reason to believe Mario Elie is lying then Ewing can’t be over 6’10”. You have to admit in this pic Olajuwon doesn’t look anything more than 6’9”.i doubt Thorpe is really taller than him but at the same time I also doubt he has more than maybe an inch to inch and a half on Horry being everyone toward the right is favored a tad. Horry has a 6’8” flat pre draft. I doubt he’s much less but doubt he’s any higher either. I’d give him that as it looks a good afternoon height possibly.
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Rising - 174 cm said on 9/Jul/18
@Canson: Jordan has a more noticeable advantage in that Olympic pic than Ewing has in the one I posted since they're side by side in the photo I posted, but the camera is on Ewing's side. They're also standing better in the '03 pic I posted. I can't see less than 6". I'm not sure the difference between Jordan and Oakley is as big as it looks here:
Click Here but Oakley was definitely several inches taller. Some of my friends use to see Oakley when he had a car wash on Atlantic Ave in Brooklyn. With Phil Jackson:
Click Here I think there's a chance Oakley was closer to 6'8" than 6'7", but he's nothing under 6'7". Ewing is a lot taller:
Click Here Click Here Admittedly, 6'2" Starks looks an inch taller than he should in the first pic, but the farther apart two people are, the more the margin of error.
Ewing under 6'10" would make Oakley under 6'6" and Jordan under 6'4". Similarly, Hakeem at 6'9" would make Clyde 6'4" max. Even if Mourning is only 6'8.5", Ewing is still more than just 3 cm taller. The difference is at least 2". The difference between Hakeem and Clyde doesn't look much different than the difference between Dwight and Harden, whom you can also see posing back to back. Bill Russell interviewed Ewing back in the 80's so it's a shame they didn't stand next to each other since we agree on Russell so that might help settle this.
Canson said on 8/Jul/18
@Rising while I don’t think it’s as much as 6”, I could say maybe 5-5.5” difference. Jordan at 6’4.5 maybe Ewing 6’9.75 imho
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Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Jul/18
@Canson: I don't know if it's to the same degree. The camera is on Ewing's side making him closer and probably giving him some advantage, but Reagan was standing in a row of his own in front of Ewing and Thompson. I'm not sure it made that big a difference there either, but I easily see more than 9" between Ewing and Reagan:
Click Here Ewing's head is easily in the 10"+ range. I can't see any way Ewing is less than 6" taller than MJ. It looks more than that in the photo, but that could be the advantage.
Canson said on 7/Jul/18
@Rising: But in your pic, it’s no different than what you mentioned to Viper. Ewing has a camera advantage on Jordan as he’s closer and further up. Now I will say sometimes standing further back won’t make the difference but for MJ it does and even there Ewing would look 6’10 range if MJ is 6’4.5-6’5 as opposed to 6’11+. I ageee Jordan is a weak 6’5 and always has been. He would likely measure closer to 6’4.5 Imho, but if we were talking a combine measurement in the morning, he would measure higher. He would probably be something like the 6’4 7/8 he measured which in the NBA would just be 6’5” since they don’t do 1/8” increments. Imho Ewing would measure 6’10 and change around the same time.
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Jul/18
Reagan stood in front of both Ewing and John Thompson for those photos and Ewing was taller than Thompson. It's much tougher to pinpoint a man nearly 7' tall using a 6'0" man for reference and Ewing is slouching throughout that photoshoot. Ewing always looked 6'11"+ with 6'4.5"-6'5" MJ:
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Canson said on 5/Jul/18
@Rising: I disagree. Dream doesn’t have 5” on Drexler. That looks 4-4.5” in the one where they’re back to back. With Carter it’s similar but you could be right it may vary. When I assess here I do so based on an afternoon height. At that, I can’t see Carter anything over 6’5” flat and perhaps could be something like 195-195.5 range (slightly taller than Kobe) as they can look the same at times. For Drexler, it’s tough to pinpoint exactly what he is. I would say that he’s not quite 197cm guy but maybe 196cm at a low or 196-196.5 (6’5.25 perhaps). He honestly looks 6’5” at times as well. The tallest I could see Dream being is 6’9.5 but even at 6’9.25 that would make him 6’10.25 maybe .5 in shoes. If measured in the morning yes he may be close to 6’10” which may be why he claims 6’11”. Dream did not even look as tall as Tim duncan if you compare them with David Robinson
Canson said on 5/Jul/18
@Viper: agreed! I know from people who went to Gtown in the 80s one is a good friend. He said he was “about 6’10” max no taller
viper said on 4/Jul/18
Ewing doesn't look any taller than 6-10 with 6-0 Ronald Reagan on the cover of Sports Illustrated. In fact you can argue 6-9 range
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Jul/18
@Canson: It does vary to some extent and I see your point there to some extent, but that pic appears tilted from left to right. I wouldn't see Dream taller there anyway and I'll concede the difference might be smaller than an inch, but I do see him taller in the two full pics I posted indoors and I remember people remarking that Dream was taller when Howard worked with him in the 2010 offseason. Here's another pic indoors, albeit not full:
Click Here Dream is in the background yet they still end up about the same height so it definitely looks like Dream would be taller if he stepped forward there.
As for Carter, maybe his 6'5.5" measurement was earlier, but Dream looked about 5" taller to me or minimum 4.5":
Click Here The difference with Drexler might be a bit bigger actually and that doesn't vary much:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Hakeem looks easily 5" taller than Clyde to me.
I think the margin of error is greater when you can't see their whole bodies, though. Look how tall Dream looks here with T-Mac:
Click Here That type of pic is similar to the one you posted of Zo and Haslem, but Zo looks at least 6'9" there to me anyway, but it wouldn't surprise me if the difference was only 2" in general. Zo looks 6'8.5"-6'9" range with Mutombo, but Ewing looks at least 2"-2.5" taller than Zo in the same pics. Ewing is closer to Mutombo's height than Zo's.
One thing is sure, 6'9.5" Zo and 7'0" Shaq do not add up:
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If you're saying Zo is a weak 6'9" at best or looks to be one then I think we can agree on that, but Ewing is easily more than an inch taller. I wouldn't be surprised if Dream dipped below 6'10", especially now, but I can't see Ewing shrinking that much. I think estimates can easily be off an inch. If someone who is say 6'4"-6'5" meets Ewing and Ewing is looking down and lowering his eye level to speak to them then they could easily guess him shorter, especially in the 16 years since Ewing has retired and put even more weight on his bad knees. Ewing slouches at times as well. Even if Dream were 6'9.5" at his low, that still keeps Ewing above 6'10" throughout the day and Zo would really have to drop below 6'8" for Ewing to drop below 6'10". As for Zo growing, well he was only 18 during the '88 Olympics when he was supposed to be about 6'8" so he was a bit younger than guys like Durant and Anthony Davis were when they entered the NBA. Like those guys, Zo had a huge wingspan which allowed him to be a dominant NBA center back when the league was still big and physically tough so maybe he did have a bit of room to grow, but 6'9.5" must be a height earlier in the day. If he were 6'8.5" at his low for instance, you'd expect him to be about 6'9.75" out of bed.
As for Smits, well a legit 7'2"-7'2.5" is really big. Probably taller than 7'4" listed Ralph Sampson, at least as tall as 7'3"-7'4" listed Sabonis and similar to 7'3" listed Ilgauskas so other than the Yao, Manute Bol, Bradley types, the 7'2"-7'3" guys will tower above the rest.
@Junior: I don't think he claimed it twice, but yeah, it's not a believable claim at all and that's probably why he hasn't repeated the claim since. A barely 17 year old Shaq was already specifically claiming that he was not 6'11", but 7'0" in 1989.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 3/Jul/18
It's weir he claim 6'11 to Howard Stern twice on his show. The low ball will get every player down an inch and a 1/4 off Rob listed them.