Shane said on 15/Jul/21
@Canson: please see my comment under Alex's. Thanks my friend.
Shane said on 15/Jul/21
@Canson: please see my comment under Alex's. Thanks my friend.
Canson said on 14/Jul/21
@Alex: maybe it was. I could see an even 7’ but I doubt any higher at his peak. Remember that KAJ and Wilt were both taller than he was and Shaq’s shoes looked very thick
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Jul/21
6'11.75 either sarcasm or an extreme low. 7'0-7'0.25 id say. Nowadays i can see 6'11.5
Shane said on 7/Jul/21
@Canson That chart thing on TNT was super cool and I'd pay to have had a camera shooting at proper angle even with top of head. Camera was lower than him noticeably, so it's hard to tell if he was actually above that line for sure -- and, if so -- exactly how much. All that said, Shaq did always wear very thick shoes. I'd like to have some of those old Shaq shoes evaluated to see how much they added but some were VERY THICK. And I'm thinking as big as Shaq was and as smart as he is, he wore some thick orthotics as well, so he likely got more height out of his footwear than most players.
Mickie said on 6/Jul/21
I believe Shaq is taller than Pau Gasol who interestingly many on this site seem to believe is 7 feet.
Canson said on 2/Jul/21
@Chaos: lol yea AI is 5’10-5’11 imho. The 5’7 was keeping up with Duhon
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 30/Jun/21
Canson said on 29/Jun/21
@Chaos Control: you mean the 5’7 Iverson lol
The site says he’s 5’11 and we were taking 2 inches off, but thanks to your guess he’s now 5’5
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 30/Jun/21
@Canson I don’t know anything about basketball outside of Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Yao Ming, Lebron and Shaq to be honest so half my guesses are just made up (and most of the basketball pages I comment on are ones that popped up as random celebs). Don’t know anything about American football either, that’s another sport where random celeb teaches me about their athletes
Canson said on 29/Jun/21
@Chaos Control: you mean the 5’7 Iverson lol
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 29/Jun/21
@Canson well we all know that Yao is really 5’1, so Shaq could be as low as 4’10....
Canson said on 28/Jun/21
@Duhon: 😂. I could believe Barkley 6’4 range (albeit 194-195) but not Shaq at 6’10”. That would mean Garnett Dirk and Gasol were all taller. Maybe Shaq had mega lifts on the court that still enabled him to play without breaking an ankle 😂
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 28/Jun/21
Duhon said on 26/Jun/21
Yeah and Kevin Garnett is 6'8" and Kobe is 6'2" right Alonzo...
Don’t forget the famous 5’9 Allen Iverson or the 7’3.5 Yao Ming
Alex 6'0 said on 27/Jun/21
They said he was measured just over 7'0 so the 7'0.25 listing could be spot on. It wasn't like an out of bed height. At worst couple hrs up.
Duhon said on 26/Jun/21
Yeah and Kevin Garnett is 6'8" and Kobe is 6'2" right Alonzo...
ALONZO PICHARDO said on 25/Jun/21
shaq is 6'10 ... barkley another guy they list at 6'6' says himself he is only 6'4" .. they exaggerate athletes attributes all the time ...
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 25/Jun/21
I actually think he’s exactly 7’0 on the dot
Alex 6'0 said on 24/Jun/21
Maybe 6'11.75 extreme low or he was joking.
Alex 6'0 said on 19/Jun/21
I've always thought 7'1 but the official measurement just over 7'0 proves no more than 7'0.25 this listing here.
Canson said on 18/Jun/21
Shaq also admitted 6’11 3/4”. That seems more likely. He would still be 7 at lunchtime in his prime if he even came down that low at lunch. He may have been 7’0” afternoon
Chris Junior Hernandez said on 15/Jun/21
I doubt Shaq lost anything yet. Maybe he was always 6'11 3/4 in the evening/night. Someone like KG solid 6'11 not below and Tim Duncan solid 6'10.
James Kellogg said on 14/Jun/21
Shaquille O'Neal is not his stated height of 7 feet 1 inch. I heard and saw him admit to it many years ago. You referenced a story about the Howard Stern show. Well that story is more than just a story. It is unquestionably true. I saw the program. As you are probably aware, Stern's old show used to be filmed and shown on television. That is where I saw the program that you referred to. When O'Neal appeared on the show, Stern asked to measure his height and O'Neal became visibly embarrassed. It was rather amusing. When challenged, he admitted that he was under seven feet in height. He either said that he was 6 feet 11 inches or 6 feet 11 1/2. I forget which. I will throw in another detail in an attempt to demonstrate that I am not making this up. During the show, O'Neal picks up Stern's side kick, Robin Quivers and holds her in his arms. Quivers comments on what a huge guy O'Neal is.
Canson said on 10/Jun/21
@184guy: remember Shaq claimed 6’11.75 too. They can look close in height if they’re only maybe 1/4” apart. I’d give that 1/4” to Shaq over him. 7’0” vs 6’11.75
184guy2 said on 7/Jun/21
He can look similar to Embiid , but I really don't think they are under 7' , even tho Joel measured 6'11.75
Not necessarily straight up posture
Lava said on 29/May/21
Shaq: 212 cm.
Big Show: 207 cm.
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 26/May/21
213.5 peak 212.5 current change my mind
Canson said on 25/May/21
Avg guess is high. He was never 7’1 barefoot. Didn’t even measure that at the combine.
Canson said on 23/May/21
@Height: yea similar to Vlade Divac in height. Maybe up to 7’0” flat as he could look it sometimes but then looked 2” shorter than KAJ other times
Canson said on 22/May/21
@Jam, Recapa, Matthew Lean: Shaq isn’t a spring chicken anymore. He claimed to have only measured 6’11.75 before and may be that now or slightly lower today and 7’0” in his prime. 4” could be right if he’s 6’11.5 though
Height said on 22/May/21
More 6'11 3/4 to 7'0 flat in his prime and maybe even 6'11 1/2 like Bill Cartwright.
Rahul roy said on 21/May/21
@ recapa, dont watch basketball but he is our ( indian) descent. Yeah saw him measured 7 foot 3.5" . So he is that height obviously. I think camera positioning important for height guesses. So sim has a camera advantage
recapa said on 20/May/21
@Matthew lean he meausred at 7ft3.5 barefoot in case you are wondering.
Jam said on 20/May/21
Sim Bhullar was measured 7'3.5 without shoes but does look taller than that next to Shaq.
Danimal 176.7cm said on 20/May/21
Rob, just over 7'0" could be 7'0 1/8". Why did you go with 7'0 1/4" for his peak height? He even claims to be 6'11 3/4" and has even said he's 6'11.5". I'm still baffled that the average height listing for him is just shy of 7'1" in the comments. Do people not realize that almost ALL basketball players get measured in the basketball shoes, which gives minimum 1.25-1.5" of height to their barefoot height?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't guess him under 7ft, but just over could be 1/8th or 1/4...I went with the 1/4
Matthew Lean said on 15/May/21
@Rob Paul How tall is the guy next to Shaq? His name is Sim Bhullar.
Click Here

Editor Rob
he can seem a comfortable 4 inches taller, but with what looks worse posture, so I don't disagree with the description 7ft age 19 he claimed to be 7ft 3.
recapa said on 10/May/21
i think that 7 foot flat listing would be the catch for his peak since most of us suspected that he have shrunken a bit .shaq is a prime example of what would a legit 7 foot giant looks like.
177cm said on 3/May/21
He was a solid 7 footer in his prime but I think he’s a little below it now. The man himself said he was 6’11.75” in this clip:
Click Here Shaq’s an honest man and doubt he’s lying when he says that he’s under 7 ft
Dred_ said on 17/Apr/21
Rob who do you think is taller between shaq and big show both in their peak ? There is a chance that show measured just over 7 ft like he said many times, maybe in his 20’s
Canson said on 15/Apr/21
@Junior: yea he looks similar with Joel Embiid. The lowest I could see for Embiid for an afternoon is 6’11.5” although 6’11.75 looks good too. If anyone had the edge it’d have been Shaq though. Shaq may have been 7’0” even in his prime but no higher (afternoon height)
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 14/Apr/21
However he isn't what Rob listed him for afternoon height. The lowest i did say he would measure right at 6'11.8" same like the 7foot vlogger guy Big Beau who did a measurement at night with his roommate.
Matt Denton said on 24/Mar/21
He sarcastically said he was only 6'11" in an interview with Howard Stern, and Wilt was in heeled dress shoes in that pic beside Shaq (who was wearing basketball shoes). There's a pic of Shaq standing beside a cutout of
Robert Wadlow (tallest man in recorded history) that has a feet and inches marked beside it, and has his weight and head shifted to one side and is still around 7'2" with his shoes on.
heyyyyyyyy said on 12/Mar/21
hes 7 foot 1 to me
Canson said on 11/Mar/21
@Chaos Control: it probably was at a low. He does usually look near 7’0” but interestingly enough he’s shorter than Wilt who claimed to measure 7’0.5”
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 10/Mar/21
I’m sure that the 6’11.75 was at a low, which makes him exactly 7’0 by this sites standards
Canson said on 9/Mar/21
@Junior: he measured around 6’11 in college I think so maybe he stuck with it. The TNT measurement he had shoes on and they probably didn’t properly account for with the chart so while he’s around it (7’) it’s not over I doubt
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 9/Mar/21
Shaq most interesting quote of all:
"I'm Six-Eleven...I just play like I was Seven Three...I'm Six Eleven and Three Quarters, I'm telling you."
He could be measure as low as 6'11 3/4 at night if 7'0 1/4 refer a morning measurement but is still simple to round him up say as 7'0 Shaq. The flat 6'11 i totally don't buy it but maybe a year before he drafted in NBA he was that mark for a mid day or lowest height.
Jtm said on 9/Mar/21
I still don’t get this upgrade. He was measured 7’0 flat and even claimed 6’11.5 last year. I could accept a full 7’0 in his younger days but no more. He’s probably 6’11.5 now.
Duhon said on 8/Mar/21
@recapa Shaq tends to consistently come out taller next to David Robinson
Click Here
FriedChicken said on 7/Mar/21
Bringing up the height chart again on inside the NBA thing. Doesn't that show take place at 8 PM to 2 AM? So wouldn't shaq be at a low?
recapa said on 6/Mar/21
i wonder who was taller between shaq and david robinson.
Canson said on 25/Feb/21
Just over 7’0”? Hmm wonder if that was in the morning? And how far over
Alejo said on 17/Feb/21
@recapa: I think Olajuwon is 6'10" barefoot, same as Tim Duncan, while Ewing is 6'11" barefoot.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 17/Feb/21
@Canson I’m not busting the guy for having an alt account again
Canson said on 15/Feb/21
@Chaos Control: lol I wonder if he’s Tarinator
recapa said on 15/Feb/21
@ROB?How tall would you guess his shareef o,neal is .he is listed at 6ft9 .here with his dad who i assume that he is still around 7foot.
Click Here

Editor Rob
he can look near 6ft 9 there with Shaq
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 12/Feb/21
@David are you really 7 foot? Thanks to prior experiences with certain “7 foot” liars on this site before I’m not very trustful of you
David G said on 10/Feb/21
I think he is 7 feet, just the same height than me.
recapa said on 31/Jan/21
@Rob,how about adding another interesting name who is considered one of the best centers ever olajwoon who was said to be 6ft10 instead of the 7 foot that he was listed at .to help you here he is with
Click Here with 6ft9 dwight he seems to edges him a bit and here with ewing
Click Here who was rumored to be 6ft10 too and he looks it .i have him at 6ft9.5 .what do you think rob.
Elias b said on 31/Jan/21
Hey Rob, yes Shaq is a legit 7 Foot guy for sure but i have a question for a long time. What do you think how many people are 7 foot in the world, estimation is ca. 3000, seems possible ?

Editor Rob
yeah probably around 3000
Canson said on 28/Jan/21
@Rising: yea he’s claimed 6’11.75 too. I think the fair listing here may be 7’0” flat
Rising174cm said on 27/Jan/21
It's possible he was 6'11.5" in college and grew to 7'0.25" range by the draft since he was barely 20 when drafted. Although a 17 year old Shaq did tell Dick Vitale that he wanted to correct the record and say that he was 7' even and not 6'11" so who knows?
LSU alum said on 26/Jan/21
I know no one will believe me, but Shaq's last season at LSU, the team had two listed 7 footers. Shaq, and Gert Hammiack. Just prior to the season the newspaper in Baton Rouge ran a story that lead off with this byline, no 7 footers here. The story went on to say that Shaq and Hammiack measured 6'11"1/2, and 6'10"1/2 before the season, and that their listed heights was in shoes, because no one played basketball barefooted. It's possible.he grew after coming into the NBA, but not probable. Also at the time Shaq was drafted, Draft Express stated on it's site that heights were taken from media sources, and they did not measure the players.
JayHay said on 20/Jan/21
At 48, he’s probably lost half an inch. I’d guess 7’0” flat at a low now.
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 18/Jan/21
@Mickie Shawn and Khali look about the same, but footwear cannot be seen. One thing I did notice is that Khali has a much longer torso than Shaq and shorter legs
Mickie said on 13/Jan/21
I really do think Shaq edges out Khali
Click Here
Canson said on 10/Jan/21
@Chaos Control: agreed!
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 6/Jan/21
@Canson I’m also really skeptical about the real height of “seven2tall”. I think he could be anywhere as low as 6’11 and be inflating for attention. I’d like to see an official barefoot measurement video because if your whole social media identity is based on height then it should be verified. Him lying would only make the “6’4” guy even shorter
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 30/Dec/20
That “6’4” guy is probably shorter than me, or maybe the same height. @Canson you’d likely tower over him
Canson said on 29/Dec/20
That guy doesn’t not physically look a legit 6’4
Lins 5'11.25 said on 28/Dec/20
Rob, do you think the guy on the left really has 6'4 ?
Click Here
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 25/Dec/20
@FriedChicken maybe he’s not really 7’2? He could well be 6’11 up to 7’1, and claiming 7’2 because most people can’t tell that difference plus Shaq is known for lift wearing so he could be 7’2.5+ in shoes
FriedChicken said on 24/Dec/20
The 7'2 guy said shaq was taller in person so i bet it was more than the camera angle going on there unless he has poor height perception.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Dec/20
And thenyou have the opposite extreme, where people lose as much as 1/2" within the first hour. I typically lose around 0.3" within that time window., so between 1/4"-1/3".
Duhon said on 22/Dec/20
The man on the left claims to be 7'2", how tall do you think he really is next to Shaq?
Click Here

Editor Rob
maybe the angle has helped Shaq.
I think if I was a 7ft 2 guy and had that as my twitter/insta/youtube handle and comparing heights I'd also make a video showing I was the height I claimed.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 22/Dec/20
@Vincent I drink maybe 2 litres of water a day and a little over 0.5l of milk
@Christian not quite sure why my loss is more spread out. Maybe it’s a weight or body type thing
Canson said on 22/Dec/20
@Jimmy Lee: Shaq’s case is very interesting. He wears orthotics which is one reason why his height can look all over and on TNT when he was next to the chart it almost appeared he slouched. I think in his prime an afternoon 7’0” looked about right. Rob has Kg listed at 6’11.25 although 6’11” flat looks more like it to me especially being how small he looked next to Embiid. I would give KG 6’11 flat in the afternoon as a best case. Shaq could pull off looking over 7’ at times but next to Murillo, Wilt and Kareem he looks smaller. He can really look his claim at times although I’m not sure if that’s something he came up with after he retired (6’11.75). He did claim 6’11 ironically when he played but that looked too low. I could believe 6’11.75 but I’d need to see him barefoot next to the others to believe it.
Jimmy Lee said on 22/Dec/20
Since we are discussing height loss and in the comment section of Shaq. I've seen multiple photos of Shaq and WWE's "Big Show" who I feel personally could be 6'10, if standing very straight. But, I feel he could also be 6'9 or maybe over throughout the day. I compare these two because of their girth and size.
Shaq wears shoe inserts in maybe almost all of his footwear, Big show clearly only wears lifts during his matches, or any other WWE promotion.
While taking a look at the picture with Shaq and Big Show on the red carpet at an event, Face to Face, Shaq seems to have atleast 4 inches on Show or maybe 3.5 if Shaq is 7'1 in shoes, then that makes Big Show easily to clear the 6'10 mark, with good posture considering he is standing straight there.
Do you believe Shaq could be 7'0.5 and 7'1.5 in shoes if noticeable, He also measures up almost the same with 6'11.5 Kevin Garnett in shoes also.
Canson said on 21/Dec/20
@Chaos Control and Jimmy Lee: that’s interesting. I know from hearing from Rob too, that his pattern is similar to mine. I lose my morning height very quickly. Christian is similar in that he’s roughly an inch taller than me (1”- 1 1/8”) and his pattern more closely aligns with how I lose it although it’s a bit slower pace. He loses more like 1/4” maybe 1/4-.3 after an hour and I lose a full cm when I am on my feet for the first hour. I tested the other day and woke up to a tiny hair over 6’5 (just below the 1/16 mark) which comes out to around 195.7 and was down to just over 6’4 5/8” (pretty much exactly 6’4 2/3”) after the first hour. Then was just over 1/2” after 2 (194.4 roughly). I lose a lot slower after that though being it’s only another 1/4” or maybe a hair more some days. Then again some days I only wake up right at 6’5” now a days. Not sure if it’s dependent on how much sleep and how I sleep. I’m not sure about Vincent’s pattern but if it’s similar to mine he would be 6’5.5 out of bed and 6’5 1/8” after an hour and then 6’5 after 2 and 6’4 7/8 lunch 6’4.75 afternoon. It’s possible your back muscles are stronger. I know Rob has mentioned that some people hit the mark I would at 2 hours (1/2”) or Christian at 3 hours (roughly); at 4 hours after waking only losing 1/2”. I’m not much over that as my normal time for 5/8” loss is about hour 5. Then again if I hit the gym or workout in the morning before I go to work which I’ve done quite a lot since the pandemic began. I have gotten up a few times at 330 am and will workout for an hour by running etc or going and doing cardio and mild lifting and will be close to my low by the time I go into work at 730 or 8. This includes being on my feet the whole time. Then measure at work around 6’4 1/4-3/8.
But in Jimmy Lee’s case, his extreme low has a greater difference from his out of bed than mine does. I’ve never lost 1.25”. The max for me is something like 1.04-1.05” as I lost 2.6cm one day to come down to 6’4” flat which is the lowest I’ve seen since being this height. Ironically that’s my ideal height too as I wish it were my normal low. But only talking about .25-.3 higher so not a terrible height being almost 194. I think for a very good very tall height actually
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Dec/20
Your pattern's unusual, I must say. Your loss is very spread apart.
Vincent Caleb said on 21/Dec/20
@Chaos Control 6’2.5”:
Do you have excellent posture and drink lots of water? That could be the reason.
Jimmy Lee said on 21/Dec/20
@ChaosControl I lose height differently also. I do heavy lifting throughout the day, and I maintain 5'11.75 throughout the day, and morning. By night time, I am only down to 5'11, and my extreme low would be 5'10.5, By heavy lifting, I'm talking 200 to 300 pounds of heavy bricks, cinder blocks, wood, etc.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 20/Dec/20
@Canson we must lose height differently. I’m 6’3 out of bed, which I hold till probably 9am, then I get down to 6’2.75 which keeps up till 1pm, then Ihit my afternoon height of 6’2.5 and it maintains till 6pm, then I drop to 6’2.25 for the rest of the evening. If I play rugby or something my extreme low is 6’2 - I never go under it
Vincent Caleb said on 19/Dec/20
Yeah no way Shaq only loses 1/2 or 3/4 of an inch lol. At least an inch maybe 1.25. Average guess sucks btw.
Canson said on 19/Dec/20
@Jimmy Lee: we agree on his afternoon height. I just have his morning a bit higher than you do
Jimmy Lee said on 18/Dec/20
@Canson I understand what you have typed, but as far as what I was saying about his height. I do not see him losing more then one inch. I have noticed that Shaq hunches over to sometimes, which would bring him down (in shoes) to 7'0, with the shoe comfort inside his shoe to help the comfort of his feet, which is most likely an inch and a half thick judging by the size of his foot, He would be 7'1. Barefoot, I believe he is a slightly low 7'0, dropping him down to 6'11.75 at night
I say this because he has the porpotions and size of a 7'0 man, so him dropping down to 6'11.75 as a regular morning, evening, and night height is crazy. I belive his barefoot heights reads as follows.
Morning: 7.0.5
Evening/Noon: 7'0 - 6'11.75 (range)
Night: 6'11.75
Canson said on 17/Dec/20
@Jimmy Lee: height loss doesn’t work that way. You lose the first half inch at my height (6’4.25) in the first two hours as I’m 6’4.5 by then and 6’4 3/8 after 5 hours. And 6’4.25 after 7 or so. I don’t dip below that usually unless it’s extreme activity like being on feet for long periods of time where on a very rare occasion I’ve seen 6’4 flat but that’s with me literally trying to get down that low to test it. But You have guys here that are taller than me by an inch or two or 3 that lose a full inch so Shaq by deduction would lose more than they would. Minimum for Shaq would be 3 cm but it could be as high as 1.5”. 7’1 out of bed more than likely and down to 6’11.75. He could be a case where he loses later into the day and even dips below that mark at an extreme low
Jimmy Lee said on 17/Dec/20
I understand your point. I do agree with him losing a quarter, but maybe not a full inch. I could see Shaq barefoot morning height as 7'0.5, and His evening height as 7'0, and maybe that would last for an hour or so, and bring him down to 6'11, if he were barefoot.
But, considering he wears lifts, He is all day at 7'0, or 7'0.5
Canson said on 15/Dec/20
@Fried Chicken: even if he were 6’11.75 at night, that would make him at most (due to how much he loses) maybe 7’0 during the day. Night and afternoon don’t vary for everyone. I maintain 6’4.25 from early afternoon through evening unless i hit true compression (extreme low). That’s from being on feet or doing strenuous activity but out of bed I’m 6’5”. In Shaq’s case I could buy 7’1 out of bed and 6’11.75 perhaps
FriedChicken said on 14/Dec/20
Shorter people vary 3/4 throughout the day Jimmy, 6'4 and up can vary up to an inch usually i believe. Someone who's 7 ft tall and weighs well over 300+ pounds is going to lose at least an inch and a quarter.
Canson said on 11/Dec/20
@Fried Chicken: I get a chuckle every time I hear someone say a guy who’s close to 7’0 downplays his height (when he’s 6’11.75) or Charles Barkley at 6’4.5 or 6’4 5/8 downplays his. Yet you don’t see anything with a 6’3.25 guy claiming 6’4” (but he measured it out of bed). Or “Conan is 6’3.75 and Liam Neeson is 6’4”. It’s always that someone who’s under the mark is entitled to round up or that there’s less difference between the two than there really is or that he would hit such and such out of bed. I feel a guy who’s maybe 6’4.75 has as much right to round down as a person rounding up. I wouldn’t personally do it but that’s their right. However, if at a size like 6’4.75 and you don’t want to claim 6’5, I would go with 6’4 1/2-6’5 range or say 6’4.5”. I also don’t get how most people on here will say “well he doesn’t look as low as 1/2” when in reality if we go with afternoon heights, it’s hard to distinguish it.
Jimmy Lee said on 9/Dec/20
He may lose height throughout the day, but it is definitely not an inch. Shaq stands very straight, on "Inside the NBA" He was deliberately walking hunched to make it seem he was below the mark by a lot when in all reality he is directly at the mark.
I disagree that he drops down to 6'11 3/4 during the day, He most likely goes from 7'0.5, to a very weak 7'0 throughout the day, and 6'11.75 at night.
I understand your statement, but I disagree.
FriedChicken said on 6/Dec/20
He isn't deliberately downplaying himself, Jimmy, he may hit 6'11 3/4 later in the day peak and the 6'11 is a round down. Someone his size is going to lose a lot throughout the day.
Jimmy Lee said on 28/Nov/20
For everyone using his "6'11.75" or "6'11 and three quarters claim" As someone who studies basketball, Him downplaying his height down to that would be to make him sound and look like a better player.
Realistically, He is 7'0 and maybe over, by a half of very halfed quarter.
Peter193 said on 28/Nov/20
214cm without shoes!
Canson said on 28/Nov/20
@RJT: it looked at most an inch to me with he and KG. But Shaq did wear orthotics. But maybe 7’ peak 6’11.75 now
RJT said on 28/Nov/20
@Canson & Editor Rob
While I don't rule out 6'11.75" for his current height considering of his age and weight, I doubt it for his peak height.
If Shaq was "only" 6'11.75" then KG need to be downgraded as well, Shaq had easy 1 inch on KG.
Click Here
Pic was from 2010-2011 season when Shaq was 38 and KG 34.
Canson said on 27/Nov/20
@Editor Rob: he actually said “I just play like I’m 7’3” after Ernie Johnson alluded to him being 7’3 to Russell Westbrook’s 6’3”. Not to mention, Ernie appeared to be questioning or verifying whether or not the height chart (took) or what it was that they used was accurate

Editor Rob
if the height chart was accurate I think he could have been near 7ft 1 in footwear, however maybe if the camera was higher up shaq wouldn't have looked like he comfortably cleared that 7ft range.
Canson said on 26/Nov/20
@Editor Rob: you should add where he claimed 6’11.75 on TNT

Editor Rob
I'll try to add a condensed quote
J2Frenzy said on 23/Nov/20
Robert Wadlow would probably have to bend down to dunk a ball!
Duhon said on 21/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy I've never seen Shaq out in boats he either wears dress shoes or sneakers depending on where he is.
J2Frenzy said on 20/Nov/20
@NCL with the Wadlow statue I think he had boots on to get him as tall as possible next to the almost 9 foot Robert (not that footwear advantage matters with this difference)
NCL said on 19/Nov/20
Pause at 21 seconds:
Click Here Shaq looks to be 7’2” to me in his shoes. Could that be wrong? Just the camera angle? Looks 7’2” in shoes here
Click Here
FriedChicken said on 19/Nov/20
When i said 1.25 i meant that as in like a max. And now i think 1.5 is the max
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Nov/20
I don't really see him losing more than maybe 1.25"-1.5" in a day though.
FriedChicken said on 15/Nov/20
I underestimated the amount of loss someone shaq's size will have throughout the day.
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
@Christian: it’s all good!
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
@Duhon: well said!
recapa said on 14/Nov/20
7ft.25 peak ,6ft11.75 today.shareef seems to be about 6ft8 or a little above it .4 inches shorter than his father peak.
Duhon said on 13/Nov/20
@Canson I think when Big Show was young in his WCW years he was likely around 7". He became quite obese when he got to the WWE/F and that accelerated his loss in height to today. I wonder if acromegaly giants like Show and Andre lose height easier than natural giants?
I think Shaq has held onto to his height better as he kept his weight more in control. I believe he's in better shape now than a few years back.
J2Frenzy said on 13/Nov/20
@Christian I just feel that when both of them guess a guy their guesses are suspiciously close. I mean I could be Glenn for all you know, and my 6’2.5 claim is part of how I hide it (I’m not, but you see my point cause I know you’re a smart guy)
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Nov/20
Not out of the realm of possibility. Anyone can make up a claim and get away with it, because it's the Internet.
Canson said on 12/Nov/20
@Duhon: maybe not today but his prime, would you have had Show at 7’0”?
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Nov/20
My bad
J2Frenzy said on 11/Nov/20
@Christian maybe their claims are part of the cover up
Duhon said on 11/Nov/20
@Paul agreed. Shaq to me is what I think of a prototypical 7'er. Next to "7 footers" like Hakeem and Pat Ewing (or Big Show) you see the difference a true 7' man has.
Canson said on 11/Nov/20
@Christian: that wasn’t me. Was J2Frenzy that asked if they were the same person
J2Frenzy said on 11/Nov/20
@Paul Feasal but Dwayne Johnson isn’t 6’5 though.
Paul Feasal said on 10/Nov/20
Shaq was 7 ft and a half inch when he was drafted for his barefoot measurements. Shaq legidimatly looks over 7ft and is way taller then many other NBA players who were listed at 7ft. There were many players who were 6'10 that were listed as 7ft. Look at it this way Dwane the Rock Johnson is to Shaq shoulders and he is listed at 6'5. Barkley has 4 to 5 inches on the Rock. Also keep in mind many of the scales that are used to measure height at doctor offices are off. The best way is a tape measure and wall. I have seen my height vary in the military from 5'6 and a half to 5'8 and three quarters barefoot because they are miscalculated. Went to get measured for truck driving school with a measuring tape and the wall and was 5'9and three quarters. Thats were you get peoples height all over the place. I have even seen tape measures a half inch off.
FriedChicken said on 10/Nov/20
Prime: 7'0.25
Current: 6'11.75
J2Frenzy said on 9/Nov/20
Canson I might make an alt called Yao is 5-1, because it’s clearly his height and he’s wearing 28 inch lifts
Canson said on 9/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy: lol I’m going to change my name to Yao is 8 feet tall
Canson said on 3/Nov/20
@Christian: or Durant being 6’11”? That myth was debunked when he only measured 6’9.5”. He was one of the players that they were targeting because they thought he downplayed his height. Turns out he didn’t and he could’ve even been under that Mark in reality if it were later in the day. Anthony Davis measured 6’9.75 and looked taller than him. Lebron I think got away with it there esp when it’s clear he’s not nearly as tall
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Nov/20
Where did you get Lebron at 6'9" or Harden at 6'6"?
FriedChicken said on 2/Nov/20
You do realize shorter people will perceive taller people even taller than they really are right? When i was younger i thought my 6'4" cousin was 6'6" - 6'7" because of perception. When i got taller i realized he was a bit shorter than that.
Realist said on 1/Nov/20
Shaq ia 7'1 I don't know why people always try to rip the guys off my brother is 6'0.5/6'1 and he's seen an NBA player listed 6'5 and the guy was huge looked over 6'5 anyways I was measured at 4 pm at 5'9 and I had no shoes on and was bald headed. I am claiming 5'9.5 out of bed of course. Anyways most of the guys like DUrant are 6'11 or Dwight Howard is 6'10 Lebron is 6'9 James Harden is 6'6 Kawhi Leonard is 6'7 if any of you guys seen NBA players in person then you would know how tall they are.
Vincent Caleb said on 1/Nov/20
Orthotic footwear is not going to give much height. Only certain types will give a full cm boost. I have worn them in the past due to high arches, and the difference was minimal. At max a quarter.
Canson said on 31/Oct/20
@Duhon: Ewing claimed to be 6’9.75” before. I would have pegged him as 6’10” next to Shaq
Duhon said on 29/Oct/20
It's funny Shaq was listed as only an inch taller than Patrick Ewing and even with that high top haircut and shaq being bald it's obvious there was a much bigger difference
Click Here
FriedChicken said on 29/Oct/20
I feel like he may have lost a some height. He's well in his 40s, and has a very heavy weight build, plus he's ridicously tall and people of such height will succumb to such loss more (unless you're Bill Russel). Also he doesn't have as much height on KG compared to when he was younger. Maybe 6'11.75 nowadays?
Canson said on 27/Oct/20
@Junior; yea in his case we aren’t sure. I do know that Rising made a good point once about his footwear being thicker when he got to LA. I know based on past experience, I’ve worn an orthotic and the one I have only adds 1/4”.
recapa said on 27/Oct/20
213-214cm for peak shaq i thought.he is shorter than the like of mutombo,kareem and wilt chamberlin and taller than the likes of vidac and david robinson and bill walton
FriedChicken said on 26/Oct/20
At his height. 1.25 inch disparity throughout the day is expected i believe.
J2Frenzy said on 26/Oct/20
What are orthotics?

Editor Rob
Little inserts
Like this to help various foot/leg issues
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 26/Oct/20
@Canson Common kind of orthotic don't give much height increase more than small fraction but there were also some thicker orthotic which boost up an easy 3/8 inch or 1cm if include thick socks and basketball shoes could easily get a measurement 4cm taller. Shaq always look 1" on solid 6'11 KG in his hey days, but truth if put them both barefoot back to back that would be as low as 1.5cm difference between them with no surprises.
Canson said on 24/Oct/20
@Mickie: shaq sometimes wore padded footwear in his career I noticed and said he wore orthotics before
Canson said on 23/Oct/20
215-216 out of bed 212-213 at a low
Mickie said on 22/Oct/20
My guess is Shaq would edge out Pau Gasol by a fraction. Shaq at 7'0" or 7'0.25" and Pau more like 6'11.5" - 7'0" range. I also think Shaq looked slightly taller than Dalip Singh, another reason why I don't really go with a 6'11" Shaq. Although I don't discount the possibility that at his lowest height, maybe he could go into the high 6'11" range. That's as low as I can see him possibly being (at his prime, and I don't think he'd have lost much height yet).
Canson said on 22/Oct/20
@RJT: 7’0 tops maybe 6’11.75 like he claimed
RJT said on 21/Oct/20
Click Here
Good pic to gauge Shaq's height down. Seem like he's the shortest among those centers.
Matt logan said on 21/Oct/20
I guess you have a point there maybe more like 6'11 to 6'11.5 these days
Canson said on 21/Oct/20
Shaq is still near his peak height. He’s still taller than guys like Garnett etc. too much to be 6’10-6’11
Matt logan said on 21/Oct/20
Shaq was measured at 6'11.75 in shaqs prime now probably 6'10.5 to 6'11 flat now
Canson said on 18/Oct/20
@Duhon: I’ll definitely say Bosh isn’t under 6’10 on a normal day. I bet he wakes to 6’11” or even a fraction more
Duhon said on 16/Oct/20
I think Bosh is a strong 6'10". He was one of the few players to always list himself by his barefoot height before they bumped him up another inch when he joined Miami.
I would be careful using the all-star line up photos to accurately gauge height. One player standing slightly forward or slightly behind can cause one to appear shorter or taller like Bosh and Dwight in that one below.
Robbe said on 14/Oct/20
Bosh looks comfortably over 6'10 in most pictures. Here with Chris Andersen, who is not under 6'8.5. Makes Bosh 6'10.5 there.
Click Here
Bosh with 7ft Pau Gasol. Looks maybe 6'10.25 there.
Click Here
Compared to Carmelo Anthony, Bosh looks visible taller than Giannis Antetokounmbo.
Click Here
Pictures can lie, i know, but i believe Giannis is shorter than Bosh. Giannis is overlisted on this site. Pau Gasol and Shaq are about the same height.
Canson said on 8/Oct/20
@Duhon: I wonder how tall Bosh actually is. At times he can look over an inch taller than Howard then only slightly taller at times. I almost wonder if Howard isn’t just a solid 6’9”
Robbe said on 4/Oct/20
Yeah, 7ft listed Brook Lopez seems to dwarf 6'11 Kevin Garnett, but appears the same height as 6'10.25 Chris Bosh.
Click Here
Judging heights from team photos can also be tricky due to they hardly ever stand exactly the same distance from the camera. Dwight is most likely slightly closer, that's why he looks the same height as Bosh. 5-10cm closer adds easily an inch, or more.
Duhon said on 3/Oct/20
@Robbe that's an odd photo. Dwight himself comes out looking taller than Bosh when he's at least an inch shorter.
Look at any photo of Shaq with Kevin Garnett and he comes out at least an inch taller.
Canson said on 3/Oct/20
@Robbe: he does look that there
Robbe said on 3/Oct/20
Shaq looking 6'11.75 with Dwight Howard and Chris Bosh
Click Here
Canson said on 16/Sep/20
@Fried Chicken: yea he showed 7’ 5/8” on the draft too. But Barkley also showed 6’4 7/8 in another article. He wasn’t I doubt or else he wouldn’t claim 6’4.5 or 6’4.75”.
FriedChicken said on 15/Sep/20
I saw another measurement saying 7 ft 7/8ths but that's obviously earlier in the day because it clearly doesn't add up with Dikembe and Wilt.
Canson said on 7/Sep/20
Interesting article here. Reinforces a lot of what Rising Force said previously about Shaw’s footwear post Orlando days and even mentions that Jordan wears an orthotic. Maybe 6’11.75” isn’t wrong after all
Click Here
Jason Jeffers said on 6/Sep/20
6’11.5” evening height, and closer to 7’ 0.75” out of bed. Could easily be possible.
6'3 Julian said on 6/Sep/20
Could be claiming his evening height
Duhon said on 5/Sep/20
Shaq is a teaser/troller you have take what comes out of his mouth with a grain of salt. I feel Shaq is a prototypical strong 7'er. He doesn't look anything less than that next to 6'10" Hakeem
Click Here
and Hakeem doesn't look anything less than 6'10" next to minimum 6'9"-6'9.25" Dwight Howard
Click Here
6'3 Julian said on 5/Sep/20
I was just suggesting something
Canson said on 5/Sep/20
6'3 Julian said on 4/Sep/20
Maybe he doesn’t claim 7 foot because it looks too artificial. If you say 7’ flat, nothing else added in it can look like you just picked a tall height and stuck with it. If you claim 6’11.5 or 6’11.75 it looks more honest
Maybe he claimed it because he measured it. Not everyone here is as tall as Rob lists them
6'3 Julian said on 4/Sep/20
Maybe he doesn’t claim 7 foot because it looks too artificial. If you say 7’ flat, nothing else added in it can look like you just picked a tall height and stuck with it. If you claim 6’11.5 or 6’11.75 it looks more honest
Canson said on 30/Aug/20
@GreyV: 6’11.75 is possible. Although on Inside the NBA he looked the full 7’0” when he was on stage. Not sure how accurate that was though
GreyV said on 27/Aug/20
Considering his odd claims of being 6'11", do you guys think it's possible for him to be 6'11" 3/4 at his lowest now?
I mean, it's not as common I guess, but there are people who round down their heights, which I think is more honest.
He's definitely not 7'1", considering he's clearly shorter than Wilt. I don't really care about shoe heights though, even though he might be that tall on shoes.
With that said, he always looked a bit taller than Bill Walton, who's sort of an enigma, so idk. I'd say 7'0" flat for him.
Duhon said on 24/Aug/20
To be fair Shaq was 303 lbs as a rookie and that was the slimmest he ever was in his NBA career. He got as high as 370 lbs-380 lbs, however that is too much weight for an NBA player.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Aug/20
If even a guy like Shaq was 303 pounds it goes to show you how insane Eddie Hall at 433 and Thor at 454 pounds was!!
Canson said on 27/Jul/20
I would say Robinson is the shortest of the 3 or very close with Divac. Probably 211-212 range like Christian described him next to his Friend
Canson said on 27/Jul/20
Duhon said on 20/Jul/20
6'11.5" Vlade Divac, 7'0.25" Shaq, 7'5.5" Yao Ming, 6'8.5" Peja Stojacokvic. Click Here
I agree about Divac. Shaq I have at 7’0” flat max though and Yao 7’5” max. You may be right about Peja as he looked the same as Webber when they played and Webber was measured 6’9” (possibly rounded up) or in the morning. Mo Cheeks implied Webber is between 6’8-6’9 before when mentioning why Dalembert was going to start over him. I’ve also seen Stojacovick 6’8”
Duhon said on 20/Jul/20
6'11.5" Vlade Divac, 7'0.25" Shaq, 7'5.5" Yao Ming, 6'8.5" Peja Stojacokvic.
Click Here
Canson said on 19/Jul/20
Height said on 18/Jul/20
Very similar in height to Vlade Divac, David Robinson and Brad Daugherty all of them in the 212cm ballpark with Daugherty being the closet to 213cm.
Well said. The most I could ever see for peak Shaq is a solid 7’
Height said on 18/Jul/20
Very similar in height to Vlade Divac, David Robinson and Brad Daugherty all of them in the 212cm ballpark with Daugherty being the closet to 213cm.
Canson said on 9/Jul/20
@Fried Chicken: that’s no more downgrading their own (Shaq) because Barkley is around 6’4.5 than a 6’3.5 guy claiming 6’4” and upgrading. A guy who is 38 and 9 months doesn’t claim 39. They claim 38
FriedChicken said on 7/Jul/20
Kinda weird how him and Charles Barkley downgrade their own heights. Shaq initially claiming 6'11" then going on to 6'11" and 3/4 like he's purposely avoiding that 7 ft mark.
Charles Barkley doesn't claim 6'4" flat but he doesn't bat an eye at people calling him it. He doesn't correct them or anything, he just nods his head. In the inside the NBA video, he said "yeah I'd stand right between Russel Westbrook and James Harden", the chart having Westbrook as 6'3 and Harden as 6'5, which is overlisted but it's clear he meant to be in the middle.
Sometimes i wonder if they do it just to mess with the shorter people claiming to be taller than what they are.
Canson said on 3/Jul/20
@Junior: Shaq exaggerates. But he has claimed to only be 7’4” himself so that tells you that 7’8” that someone is claiming here is way off. I don’t see him over his original listing of 7’5”
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 24/Jun/20
Strange that Yao Ming claim to Shaq that he is 7'4 but Shaq say that Yao is more like 7'6.
Nik said on 20/Jun/20
I've read that most of his children play basketball!
Rajiv roy said on 20/Jun/20
Rob paul, how tall is dale steyn compared to shaq? You can find their photo in google.

Editor Rob
Could look 5ft 11
Turtle master said on 20/Jun/20
I am 5’5 I think shaq is 7 feet 1/2 when he played for the magic back in his prime in 1994 or 1993. 6’11 is a ridiculous claim tell big show about that cause I think he’s 6’11 now. I don’t think shaq tends to be 7’2 only when he is wearing thick Jordan sneakers.
Canson said on 18/Jun/20
@Duhon: he doesn’t quite make it in the chart on the left (the Inside the NBA shot), but he makes it on the other one you posted. Now the one from TNT I’m not sure if that’s accurate as far as the chart accounting for his shoes but it may be being Harden and Westbrook both were their heights. 6’11.75 that he claimed that night may sound odd but if he’s 7’1” in shoes I could see it especially if the chart is off. For all intents and purposes 7’0.25 may be ok to start especially since we don’t know how thick the footwear is
Duhon said on 17/Jun/20
Shaq seems to consistently come out to 7'2" in shoes with these height charts
Click Here
Duhon said on 17/Jun/20
Shaq shouldn't be compared to guys like
Tyson Fury of Kevin Love who are over-billed by multiple inches. Shaq is a strong 7'er he's not far off his NBA listing.
Harry Sachs said on 13/Jun/20
It is funny how some people still keep listening Shaq at 7'1 when tons of pictures show Shaq at his peak was shorter than the 7'0 1/2 Wilt Chamberlain. Kind of like people still believe
Tyson Fury is 6'9 or the Undertaker is 6'7 now and 6'8 1.2 in his prime even though the Undertaker is shorter by a few inches to the measured 6'7 3/4 inch Kevin Love. I guess some people just need to believe their TV heroes are taller than they are.
Alexander17 said on 12/Jun/20
7 ft 3/4 in.
Mickie said on 11/Jun/20
I can agree with Shaq being roughly an inch taller than KG. I wouldn't say it was less really.
Sunny 1990 said on 10/Jun/20
He’s clearly over 7 feet with shoes on. See this picture he’s posing against a height chart he’s clearly 2 inches over 7 feet.
Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 23/May/20
Shaq i always thought looked easily over 7'0. Years ago is when i found out NBA would round up the measured height. I had heard shaq was measured 6'11.5 barefoot. Uncertain how true that is. Id think he was 7'0-7'0.5
Canson said on 22/May/20
@Duhon: it always looked around an inch. Maybe Prime Shaq 7’0” and KG 6’11 if going off afternoon heights
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/May/20
Understand they're once teammates and look alot 1" apart. Why i say look less than 1" is because Shaq footwear seem legit thicker than KG shoes on the court. I would have rule out it's strong 1/4 more thickness. You can google it and see more full picture of KG and Shaq.
Duhon said on 16/May/20
@Chris Junior I think Shaq has always had at least full inch over KG. He has always looked taller and with men that size a noticeable difference in height would take at least an inch.
Click Here Click Here
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 14/May/20
I still don't see Shaq is a full inch taller than KG. I can buy 6'11 1/4 for KG than Shaq being 7'0 1/4. The oldest listing is 7'1 for Shaq if i'm not wrong before Rob change it to 7'0 then came 1/4 upgrade.
Canson said on 3/May/20
In his prime 7’0” Flat is possible for his afternoon but not higher
C Brady said on 1/May/20
Rob, you said that Shaq looks a bit shorter than he actually is when standing in front of the height board in that TNT NBA video? I am not understanding this?

Editor Rob
Posture wise, I thought he was holding a little back.
Pierre said on 30/Apr/20
@Duhon =Yes this pic. Sorry but I see his head easily closer to 6"0' than to 5"11' here by watching the distance between the other graduation above his head.
Duhon said on 29/Apr/20
@Pierre this pic?
Click Here His head is clearly below the 6' line there. He looks 5'11" in shoes, which is what someone 5'10" would measure at. Not sure what the pictures are tying to prove?
Pierre said on 27/Apr/20
@184 guy @Duhon = you have to watch all the pics in my link = in the first pic you watch when you click on my link the guy shrunk with a big space between his own legs then this example is not good = the pic under this first pic in the same link (the pic with the same guy very close to the scale and back to the scale show he's clearly very close to 6"0' in shoes when better posture....while his doctor measure him 5"10' barefoot...(he explain that under the pics)
184guy2 said on 26/Apr/20
When you weight 300lbs + and have an extra long spine , jumping in the court during 20 years , it's very likely to lose something
184guy2 said on 26/Apr/20
You must be blind , the guy it's clearly under the 6foot mark . Re-check yourself
Duhon said on 24/Apr/20
@Pierre in neither picture does that guy 5'10" guy hit the 6' mark like Shaq hits the 7'2" mark, his head is clearly below the 6' line while Shaq's head was right on the 7'2" mark.
Click Here The guy looks like he hits 5'11" there which would make sense for a 5'10" guy in shoes.
Pierre said on 22/Apr/20
@Duhon = Maybe the scale is a bit advantageous = here is a 5"10' guy measured around 6"0' in shoes with the scale =
Click Here .Suppositions = If only the base is false the error at 7"0' mark is around the same as at 6"0'mark,if all the graduations are too short the error at 7"0' is bigger than the error at 6"0'(only suppositions)
cmillz said on 21/Apr/20
So 7’1.5” in shoes and 7’0” barefoot seems about right. Not convinced his shoes would give 2 inches of height.
Duhon said on 18/Apr/20
In the Wadlow pic he hits right at the 7'2" mark in shoes there highlighted:
Click Here It's not a new pic btw it's been around for years.
viper said on 18/Apr/20
Shaq's shoes can give 2 inches of height
Canson said on 18/Apr/20
@Viper: that was several years ago if it’s the shots with Show that I’m thinking of. I don’t think he’s lost a lot if he has any, but I don’t rule out something being he’s 49 years old with lots of mileage on his body. I don’t rule out 6’11.75 peak afternoon but also don’t rule out 7’. A guy that size likely does wake up to 7’1” range. His shoe is another variable. I remember Rising once pointed out that he wore a thicker or bulkier shoe with the Lakers and I agree. He could’ve been referring to the inside of the shoe though
viper said on 18/Apr/20
Shaq hasn't lost anything.
Look at him with Big Show
viper said on 18/Apr/20
Shaq is 7-1.5 in shoes in the Wadlow pic
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 13/Apr/20
This photo pretty much confirms that he wasn’t any shorter than his current listing during his peak:
Click Here
Canson said on 12/Apr/20
@Editor Rob: do you think a solid 7’0 for him?

Editor Rob
A big question is whether Shaq has lost a bit of height. I think today he might measure a bit less than he did 20 years ago.
Tall Sam said on 12/Apr/20
Actually with the strain of a career in athletics and his weight lifting, losing height is certainly a possibility for Shaq as he's now in his late 40s. For instance, Dwayne Johnson (2 months younger than Shaq I guess) is about the same age and has a "current height" listing.
Harry Sachs said on 9/Apr/20
Shaq is in his 40's. I doubt he lost any height. Shaq has always been around 7'0 if no slightly under.
Sal said on 6/Apr/20
From the McDonald's All American game in high school. In a pregame interview he said he hit 7' though when he had just measured in prior to the game upgrading his listed height from 6'11"
Canson said on 29/Mar/20
He actually claimed 6’11” again before they measured him. Ernie thought he was 7’3”. Then after he stood there he claimed 6’11.75.
Start from 6:00 onward in the video
@Editor Rob: using that height chart, do you think it’s accurate? And he himself has on shoes standing there but do you think it’s enough to account for that?
Click Here
cmillz said on 28/Mar/20
Always been around the 7ft mark
cmillz said on 28/Mar/20
I don’t think he’s lost any height.
Jason Jeffers said on 28/Mar/20
@Rob, what are the chances of Shaq being 7ft 1, an inch above the magic 7ft mark, meaning 6’11.5” barefoot? To me it seems very feasible with the 6’11.75” measurement from an earlier part of the day?

Editor Rob
Wouldn't go that high for him...
Canson said on 28/Mar/20
@Rob: so you aren’t buying 6’11.75? That’s near the 7ft line but I would say his footwear looked 1”? What would you say?

Editor Rob
He could have looked almost 7ft in the clip, but I don't know if he will measure that mark today.
Paulo said on 26/Mar/20
Click Here
Rob, what exact measure did you give here?

Editor Rob
Well I don't think his sneakers looked big, and given he's in front of the board I could see him near that 7ft line if actually standing tallest and measured. I think he likes the idea of 6ft 11 and 3/4.
Canson said on 18/Mar/20
@Rob: is he a candidate yet for peak and current?

Editor Rob
He might have lost something, how much is the question. We're not talking a late 40's man like Big Show, who has clearly lost a fair amount of height.
Jean214 said on 15/Mar/20
6'11.5(212) Today and 7'0.5(214.6) at Peak
Jean214 said on 15/Mar/20
Rob did you saw that video ?
Click Here
What are you waiting for a change ?
He had Big shoes on 1.5-75, very thick, lets Say it give him 4cm/1.5 inches
He look 214-5 with it max, just over 7foot, lets Say he didn't pose straight, and the camera is distant, he is at max 7'1 with it if he pose well. So 6'11.5 / 212cm at nearly 50 years old isnt a severe judgment
He is what he look like, and he said it "6'11.75"

Editor Rob
He could have lost a fraction by 50.
Canson said on 15/Mar/20
I wonder if he was measured early morning at his combine at 7’0.25-7’0.5 range which constitutes a little over 7’0” and dips to 6’11.75 by afternoon which is why he claims that mark. I don’t rule out height loss at age 48 but he also looked similar with a guy like Vlade Divac who only measured 6’11.5” when he was drafted
Jean214 said on 14/Mar/20
I saw a site one day who said he was measured 7'0.75(215.3) at a camp around the Time of his draft
He could have been around 7'0.5 (214.6)
at the beginning of his carrer, and has shrunk(with his stature and weight) to 6'11.75 (212.7) today
Lost 0.75 inch since his 20
Very strong 212
Weak 213
Jean214 said on 14/Mar/20
Shriking to 6'11.75 today, he said it !
Click Here
Weak 7 footer today
RoelC said on 14/Mar/20
Big Tyr said on 10/Mar/20
@wingspanpro Good find! Shaq himself said he was 6'11.75. Shaq, "I'm 6'11.75 I'm telling you."
The video wingspanpro referenced: Click Here
Maybe Shaq's height should be lowered to 6'11.75 since he said that himself.
Agreed, although in the full video the announcer asks Shaq if he's 7'3" and Shaq replies, no I'm 6'11".
Later on he says he's 6'11 3/4". Was he rounding down before?
Charles Barkley claims in the same video he's 6'4".
Canson said on 12/Mar/20
He’s similar with Joel Embiid if that’s the case. People assumed Embiid was 7’2 too until he was measured
Big Tyr said on 10/Mar/20
@wingspanpro Good find! Shaq himself said he was 6'11.75. Shaq, "I'm 6'11.75 I'm telling you."
The video wingspanpro referenced:
Click Here
Maybe Shaq's height should be lowered to 6'11.75 since he said that himself.
FriedChicken said on 8/Mar/20
Click Here Says he's 6'11 and Three Quarters here. He honestly looks like it he's wearing pretty big shoes.
Ellis said on 6/Mar/20
@Wingspanpro: That's a good find, I guess Shaq is 6'11.75 then, he is wearing big shoes, in that video with the shoes, he looks to be just under 7'1, but the shoes look like they are over an inch. So that concludes that he is 6'11.75 at a low.
@Rob Paul: I saw a video of Shaq and Giannis, and I would say the difference was about two inches at 2:58(
Click Here), so Giannis has got to be around 6'10ish, 6'10.25 at a low. Also, if Anthony Davis got 6'9.75, then he can't be 6'10 at a low.
Wingspanpro said on 5/Mar/20
peak height 7'0.5
now 6'11.75
Click Here
miko said on 24/Feb/20
Easy 7'0.5 range peak.
I would be surprised if hes lost any height, although his posture isn't what it was.
I don't see much of an issue with him rounding up to 7'1.
Canson said on 20/Feb/20
@Height: agreed after seeing another article or 6’11.5 for Divac.
Canson said on 20/Feb/20
Click Here
I guess the 6’11 listing was on a basketball card that was probably a round down from the listing when he was drafting.
Canson said on 20/Feb/20
@Height: that’s odd. I’ve also seen 6’11” listings for Vlade along with 7’0”
Height said on 18/Feb/20
Vlade Divac who is a legit 212cm–212.5 cm sometimes looked taller than him when matched up. So 7 feet (213.36 cm) or even a hair under at 213 cm seems more reasonable than the current listing.
Canson said on 14/Feb/20
@Jason Jeffers: personally I’ve always suspected he’s below 7’0 by a hair. Maybe Shaq has lost height too as he’s almost 50. But for Kareem 7’1 7/8 peak and today he could be 7’0.5-7’1” range which is expected. And yes he has height in Shaq. Maybe not the full 1.5” but I could see 1.25” maybe. I could say 7’1 and 6’11.75 respectively or 6’11.5 and 7’0.75 respectively
Jason Jeffers said on 13/Feb/20
@Canson, yes Kareem was a whisker shy of 7’2” peak height, but we must remember he is now approaching 73 yrs of age and is at least an inch less than his peak (7’1” absolute max today). He has even confessed this personally and to loose only an inch at that size and age is way less than would be expected. He has also been side by side with Shaq in the last couple of years and still has Shaq by an absolute minimum of 1.5”, suggesting Shaq could easily be in the 6’11-6’11.5” range. What’s your thoughts?
Canson said on 11/Feb/20
Solid 7’0” max should be his listing if Kareem is 7’1 7/8 peak. That’s about 2”
Canson said on 11/Feb/20
Solid 7’0” max should be his listing if Kareem is 7’1 7/8 peak. That’s 2”
Big Tyr said on 5/Feb/20
Actually,maybe closer to 6'7.
Big Tyr said on 4/Feb/20
Maybe 6'7 - 6'8 for Shareef is good.
usa said on 27/Jan/20
you'ren't 6'5 3/8 more like 5'5 3/8 lol
Roderick said on 3/Jan/20
He was never over 7'0" and he could be 6'11.5" today
Daycringeothon said on 28/Dec/19
Shaq’s wingspan anyone? I’m guessing 7’6”-7’8” range. Manute Bol had either 8’4” or 8’6”. Scottie Pippen has about 7’3” at 6’7”. Gheorghe Muresan a mere 7’10.5” reach.
Canson said on 15/Dec/19
@Big Troy: I think both are very close in height. If Shaq edges him it’s not by an entire inch. Shaq has always been a weak 7’ imho
Big Troy said on 13/Dec/19
@Canson: Yeah, I saw that comment too. Check out this video:
Click Here At around 3:24, Shaq and Kevin Garnett are side by side and Shaq doesn't look taller. Kevin actually looks to be a little taller. They are also both wearing very similar footwear too. And if you go to the comment section, people seem to agree that they look around the same height. Maybe Shaq is just 6'11. What do you think?
viper said on 2/Dec/19
Nigel Dixon was 6-9 420 pounds at Florida State
Canson said on 1/Dec/19
@Big Troy: Robinson was 6’11 range. I remember Christian mentioned in a pic with a friend of his that Robinson was 6’11 range. That’s how he looks with 6’10 Tim Duncan too
Big Troy said on 28/Nov/19
I'm not sure how tall David Robinson is, but in this video
Click Here he looks literally the same height as Shaq. Assuming David isn't over 7ft since he seemed to measured just 7ft fairly often. And assuming the 7ft measurement was earlier. They both look maybe between 211.5 cm and 212.75 cm but likely not 213 cm. 6 ft 11.5 for Shaq is pretty safe.
Canson said on 5/Nov/19
@Roderick: yea in sneaks but not barefoot
Henry said on 4/Nov/19
It is possible to play basketball even well over 400lbs.
Here's the proof.
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