Nik Ashton said on 20/May/20
@ Sandy Cowell - The people in the know do think that Dominic is 5’11.5” which ain’t that far from 6’0”, I would be interested to know if he does claim to be 6’0”! Mark does sometimes make Dominic look really average even taking into account how tall Mark is however Dominic is one of those people who are difficult to gauge, sometimes he can look average and at other times he looks solid tall!
I will look out for him in “Inbred”, he can be a really good laugh and what could be funnier than a pub called the “Dirty Hole” (“Dirty ‘ole”)? I’m not surprised Jim enjoyed watching it, I know that this film will be right down his alley!
I too hope that Dominic had a great 50th Birthday on the 15th April, he adds so much to the lives of many with his great acting!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/May/20
@ Nik - .....but Dominic is nearly six foot! You should see him in the comedy horror film 'Inbred', which shows from time to time on the Horror Channel. It's a real hoot! 😂😂😂
They drink in a pub called 'The Dirty Hole'! I bought Jim a copy one Christmas and he loved it! 😃👍
5ft11.5, and a belated birthday wish for him. He turned 50 on the 15th of April - and I missed it! 🎂
Nik Ashton said on 3/Jul/19
@ Sandy Cowell - Dominic Brunt looks small when he is compared to Mark Charnock!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jul/19
Yes, Rob! Next to Mark Charnock, everybody looks small, only with Sandra, the difference wasn't quite so vast! 😉
Nik said on 28/Jun/19
I like her hair and her smile and it is fantastic to find out how tall she is!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Jun/19
Right now, I am so excited that I forgot to give Sandra some emojis, so here they are:
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Jun/19
Oh how exciting, Rob! Thank you so much! You found her height - I couldn't find it anywhere!
This fantastic woman is also a singer, and has done backing vocals for Kate Bush, and more besides. How about that people?

Editor Rob
The thing is, when you act opposite someone like mark charnock, he makes most people look small or average!