Comentarista said on 11/Aug/22
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jul/22
Well done, Lee! 👌🏼
I didn’t notice her in comparison to Fiona, so that says it all.
I’ll give Fi-Fi 4ft11.5. 💐
Leesheff85 said on 8/Jul/22
Rob can you please add a page for paige sandhu she definitely deserves it for playing the fantastically demented meena and she's won several soap awards for her performance as well as appearances in endeavour and doctors. she's only 25 too so can have many more performances coming her way. my guess is 5ft 6 next to 4ft 11 wade and towered over her on screen sis in the court scenes. 5ft 6 is the lowest I'd buy for her

Editor Rob
Yes I'll add her.
Leesheff85 said on 1/Jul/22
Rob going by photos of paige sandhu(meena) and her would you say paige looks around 5ft 6 I would say her and Me would be the same height barefoot

Editor Rob
Wouldn't have guessed under 5ft 6 for her.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/21
What a terrible situation Priya has found herself in.
After having been badly burnt in that unnecessary fire, the girl doesn't know where to turn, and has resorted back to her eating disorder. Lady doctor Manpreet seemed to be the only person who understood, and now she's mysteriously 'disappeared'.
Let's hope that help for Priya, not to mention Manpreet, soon arrives - and quickly. 🤞
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Oct/21
This week's Emmerdale episodes have been too tense for words!
What was the point of going on a survival 'course' anyway? Now Priya, who's returning from the shops to replace a bottle of wine, risks bumping into that dreadful psycho killer, Meena, who is trying to murder blonde-haired Andrea, having banged the Mum-of-one's head and left her helpless and dazed to burn in a fire. 😢
Will small but bright and able-bodied Priya be able to get help for Andrea in time? I'll have to wait until the second instalment of the Soap at 8 o'clock to find out what happens. It's at times like these when it helps to be tall and strong; little Priya would never be strong enough to carry actress Anna Nightingale, who plays Andrea, to safety. I found 5ft6 for Ms Nightingale and she weighs 62kg, some three stone heavier than Fiona and around seven inches taller.
Fiona can have 4ft11.25. Yes, I've decided to go lower than last time.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jan/21
'Twas good to see Priya and Debbie sort out the problem of being two-timed by love rat Al Chapman! 😝🖕 The girls clearly like and respect each other, and it's not worth losing a girlfriend by fighting over a man who cannot possibly be in love with either of them or he wouldn't be doing the dirty on them.
It's difficult to tell Fiona's true height because she's always in high heels, but I'm going with 4ft11.5 this time round.
Nik Ashton said on 8/Dec/20
It’s cool the guy was shorter than Fiona!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Nov/20
Albeit fictitiously, I'd just like to send my Best Wishes to the sensitive little brunette on her recent engagement to Al Chapman, played by Michael Wildman, who stands over a foot taller than Fiona!
4ft11.75. 🌹💍🥀
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Jan/20
Bless you, Priya, for crying for Graham.
A quality 4ft11.75. 😁💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Sep/19
Well, Nik, I'm not doing Comment No. 13! 😮
Nik said on 4/May/19
4'11" is the popular call!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Apr/19
That new step sister of hers gets right on my t!ts. Her laugh would be enough to drive me round the bend, and when she tries to purloin Priya's friends, is it surprising she retaliates?
All credit to the 4ft11 bundle for apologising to her for biting her head off! She admitted to being jealous, which is a very human emotion, and in my experience, those who deny ever feeling it are twice as bad as those who come clean.
Just like last time, Fiona gets 4ft11.25. She may be petite, but she walks tall! 😊💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Mar/19
Priya showed her nice, humane and sensible side in yesterday's 'Emmerdale'. You only have one set of parents, after all, even if they are fictitious Soap ones!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Dec/18
Being small doesn't stop Priya from being a bossy interfering cow! Yes, I have the hump with her for inadvertently causing Graham's accident. Hiding someone's car keys isn't going to stop an alcoholic getting what he wants! He will give up when, and only when, the desire to do so comes from within.
Okay, so she meant well, but a sympathetic ear might work better.
Priya, I mean Fiona, can have 4ft11, though with those high heels she wears, she can probably reach the dizzy heights of 5ft2 or 3!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Oct/18
Fiona makes Andrew Scarborough look positively tall, but his stony-faced expression and powerful performance last week proves that a very tall height is not necessary when it comes to chilling an audience to the core!
I'm in agreement with John Stannard, whose comment from the 1st March of this year put into question that Fiona might be a weak 5ft. I've thought that for a while myself; granted, she does wear shoes with heels all the time, and I'd love to see her coming out of a gym one day, with trainers on, but I feel the average of just below 4ft11 is a little too low. Therefore, I will today give Fiona 4ft11.5.

Editor Rob
She might be what you call a 'tall 4ft 11er', in heels she can pull off looking like she might be 5ft to 5ft 1 range at times.
John Stannard said on 1/Mar/18
I would've guessed a weak 5ft0
Mark M said on 19/May/17
She must wear high heels on Emmerdale, although soap actors often seem to be on the short side. She looks so good I'd never have noticed her height anyway.
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Dec/16
@ Rojina - Hello! I agree; I think she could pass for a bit taller and she certainly doesn't look as light as 91lbs!
She looks positively glowing with health and very pretty with lovely shiny hair, which is supposed to be an indication of good health!
It's amazing what a good pair of heels can do!
Rojina said on 19/Oct/16
Would never have guessed