How tall is Claire King

Claire King's Height

5ft 7 ½ (171.5 cm)

English actress, best known for playing Kim Tate in the soap opera Emmerdale, Karen Betts in Bad Girls and Erica Holroyd in Coronation Street. She once mentioned "I do look a lot bigger on TV...I've got more of the hourglass, you see. I've got broad shoulders, and the bosomy bit means I can look a bit Dolly Parton top-heavy. I'm a 12 on top, 10 on the bottom. A 36 - 26 - 36 shape....I'm over 9 stone. I know that's not bad. Those charts say I'm supposed to be 10 to 10 1/2, but that would be horrendous as far as I'm concerned. I'm 5ft 8ins."

How tall is Claire King
Photo by PR Photos
I'm cast the way I am as a strong woman because I'm 5ft8in, I have broad shoulders, I'm not petite, small and mousy. It doesn't bother me, there's nothing wrong with typecasting - people make fortunes out of it.
-- Daily Mirror, 2017 (Aug 20)

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Add a Comment29 comments

Average Guess (22 Votes)
5ft 7.89in (172.4cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jan/23
I have seen a nice side to Kim Tate.

Maybe I’ll change my mind as I catch up with the old Emmerdale episodes, and I know I will, but surely she should realise that it’s far more enriching in life to be nice to our fellow members of the human race.
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Oct/22
Thank Heavens Kim is still alive, but with a bump on the head such as she suffered, she’s not out of danger so she should try to make her way straight down the hospital, in case of a delayed reaction. You can’t be careful enough with head injuries.

The storm is still going strong. Let’s hope there aren’t any more victims. Poor Harriet didn’t make it…..
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Oct/22
Was last night’s ‘Emmerdale’ meant to be our celebratory Birthday present? Well, it wasn’t a very nice one, and disturbing from start to finish.

I sincerely hope that Kim isn’t dead, but she took a terrible thump to the head when that vehicle exploded, and she landed on that rock. Who couldn’t see that happening?

Kim Tate might have a ferocious reputation, but I’ve seen a lot of good in her over the years.

5ft7.5. 🤞🌹
Sandy C said on 21/Jul/22
Kim shouldn’t have been so hard on Amelia when she realised that the youngster had been taking a silly syrup to expand the size of her butt. It would have been most unusual in my day, but fashions change.

The poor girl is clearly insecure and probably had body dysmorphia. She needs help, not scolding.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Mar/22
How kind of Kim Tate to give her stepdaughter the money to pay the drug-dealing 💩head, and fbiological father to her son, the money to ‘buy off’ his drugs debt.

At last her little boy will have a decent father.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Dec/21
Another nice thing Kim has done - putting a dispondant, crying Lydia before her date. Bravo Kim!

5ft7.5. 😄👌🎄
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Nov/21
I felt genuinely sorry for 'Granny Kim', having to say goodbye to her beloved granddaughter, Millie, in tonight's Emmersnail episode. 🐌 She did it with so much grace as well, for the sake of the child. 👧 I was a quite speechless. 😢

It looks as though 'Granny Hazel' 🌰isn't exactly an honest person, harbouring an enormous secret. Kim doesn't feign to be someone she's not.

Well done, Kim. for keeping your cool. It cant have been easy.

Claire gets 5ft7.5. 🌹👱‍♀️💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Oct/21
In comparison to Meena, Kim is an angel! At least she has ethics.

5ft7.5. One can tell she's tall when she speaks to men over 6ft. She doesn't have to look THAT far up to engage with them. I do!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Jun/21
That was a cheap trick to pull of Kim Tate, faking her own death to persecute her son! 😖

I'd be very surprised if someone could die from a build-up of valium in the system. Basically, it DOESN'T build up, but it is very addictive.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/May/21
I'm feeling really rather sorry for Kim Tate as this new Soap story unfolds. Who is trying to poison her? Surely
it can't be Gabby after Kim has welcomed her into the family? Gabby is having her grandchild incidentally.

Claire/Kim gets 5ft7.5. Her posture is good. 👱‍♀️💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Mar/21
I'm watching an old Emmerdale for a change and it's really quite funny. Kim Jane Marchant is up in court with her husband - for insurance theft of a horse called Orsino - good name! 🐎🙊😹 So she was a naughty girl back then too. There are a few more serious offences to be taken into account, of course, but I'd rather stick to the amusing one.

Height-wise, she looks exactly the same - tall.

5ft7.5. 😁👌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Feb/21
I'm seeing a nice side to Kim Tate at the moment, supporting young Gabby, who wants to keep her grandchild.

Claire gets 5ft7.5.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jan/21
My heart's gone out to her this morning on 'Classic Emmerdale' as her baby James is very ill in hospital.

She seemed a lot more gentle and womanly back in the 1990s and it suited her, but nowadays we still see a glimmer of sensitivity shining through. She remembered Graham on Monday....

5ft7.5. 😁
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Sep/20
I tuned into Classic Emmerdale purely by mistake this morning and saw Kim Tate try - and think she succeeds - to kill her husband and the father of their small son, Jamie, who has by now grown up into an extra tall man and stars on the shows of today. Just as the closing music was starting up, it was evident that the husband's fingers were flickering - GOOD! She doesn't give a hoot, so how many times has this sort of thing happened before? 🦉

😝🖕 What a callous cow! 🐮

I'm discovering why Kim Tate had such an evil reputation those days more than ever, that's if and when I catch the repeats. She reminds me of a tall Toyah Willcox actually...

5ft7.25, and no flowers for you, mate! Just something with which to help them grow....

Nik Ashton said on 9/Feb/20
Look at this:

Click Here
Editor Rob
Brendan claims 5ft 11 and 3/4's.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Feb/20
What a shame Kim Tate wasn't driving faster when she bumped into that evil, dangerous rapist and murderer Piers!

She seems to be under the impression that she's astute, but she couldn't tell that tall, beshaggled Piers wasn't on the level with her....

What's going to happen now? 😟

Claire gets 5ft7.5.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Jan/20
What an inconsiderate 🐄! All she is worried about is whether Graham's murder is pinned on her.

There is quite a difference between her Kim and Graham, or Andrew Scarborough, but I will still give her 5ft7.5 because I reckon Andrew is taller than a flat 5ft9.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Dec/19
Whatever has happened to good manners these days?

When Kim Tate drank a toast, she saluted HERSELF first, then her husband. We were taught that it was bad manners and BAD ENGLISH to list ourselves first and our marks would have been docked if we'd put ourselves before others in a written essay!

I'd expect nothing less from selfish 5ft7.5 KT though. Claire's next guess is remaining the same, but realistically, I think she's nearer the average of 5ft7.25 by now.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Nov/19
I'm watching Classic Emmerdale right now and it's Christmas 1993. I've been enjoying the festivities and fantasy-tasting their Christmas dinners. 😋🎄

Kim was a nice little thing back then! What happened?

There's been a frightful explosion and animals are lying dead - how terrible. I know it isn't real because rigor mortis doesn't set it that quickly.

Height-wise, Claire looks exactly the same as she does now!

She can have 5ft7.5 again.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Nov/19
Kim Tate's jealousy is so unattractive. If she really loved Graham, she'd be happy for him to have found a truly nice girl.

Csimpson6ft said on 29/Jun/19
She might be no more than 5'7 flat today, but at peak id say she was 5'7.5.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Mar/19
This picture is deceptive! In 'Emmerdale', she is destroying as many lives as she can. I don't like her character of Kim Tate at all. 😝

You can see that Claire is a tall lady when she talks to the just-short-of-6ft Cain Dingle-Dangle, played by Jeff Hordley. He towers over the average female cast member, that's for sure!

5ft7.5 for Ms King.
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Oct/18
I never saw 'Emmerdale' when Claire's character, Kim Tate, was in it. Now she's back, and ruining the lives of some of my favourite people, including Debbie and her ailing daughter, Sarah, who's 13 and needs a heart transplant.

This ethicless woman hasn't even started yet. We've only seen her sitting in a car, newly released from prison, with Graham (Andrew Scarborough). I think tonight she'll really begin her reign of terror, or maybe tomorrow, when they'll be a double helping of episodes, like last night.

We can then see her stand, and observe how tall she is. She's a woman in her 50's, so she might have lost a little height.
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Sep/18
I should have mentioned that the ad is for October's 'Emmerdale'. I have never watched it with Claire starring, but I believe she played an evil piece of work. I did see her in 'Coronation Street' though!
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Sep/18
That frightful advert with Claire wearing a scary, gold expressionless mask really gives me the shivers! But you CAN see that she's really quite tall, especially for a woman.

This time round, she gets 5ft7.5.
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Mar/17
Claire talks about her 36-26-36 figure as making her look bigger on TV! She has a great figure and EVERYONE looks bigger on TV! Height-wise, I don't think Claire is as tall as 5ft8. I didn't watch 'Emmerdale' properly when she was in it but I'm seeing her now in Coronation Street and I think she's a very elegant 5ft6.75.
Rojina said on 20/Nov/16
I hazarded a guess at 5"7
K said on 4/Jun/07
I met the lovely Claire King just a few weeks ago, and I would say we were virtually identical in height (in similarly sized shoes). I am 5ft 5.5 inches!
Anon said on 24/Apr/06
I saw her last year at York races and she wasn't as tall as I expected her to be.I'd say just under 5'7'' or even 5'6.5'' would be correct.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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