Sandy Cowell said on 2/Mar/23
Evil Stephen, who is trying to get business advancement by putting LSD or something similar in Carla’s tea, has spiked the wrong cup. Whose is it? I sincerely hope it’s his own!
He’ll get caught out sooner or later. It’s a Soap and nothing stays secret for long!
Ah, fantastic - he’s away with the fairies and having horrific hallucinations AND HE NEEDS TO MAKE A SPEECH! 😵💫
Serves him right!
Alison gets Five Four. 💐😁
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/May/22
“All my patients receive the same excellent standard of care - even recovering alcoholics.”
That is what Carla’s husband’s doctor said to her.
Why say that? One and a half weeks before my ex died, he was in hospital and I begged the doctor to keep him in the hospital. “We can’t waste a hospital bed for him just in case he drinks.” replied the doctor, after which he asked me if I was anorexic. I said that I was worried about my bloke, and the stress effects my appetite.
My ex lost custody of his two kids, and even the right to see them, due to something that his second wife did. Then he hit the self destruct button, more so than ever when his mother died.
Alcoholism is a terribly sad illness, and each and every sufferer is drinking to drown out a tragedy.
Lovely, caring Alison gets 5ft4. 💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jun/21
@ Arch Stanton - I never knew that on the fast food front, Arch, but I believe that alcohol does. 😩
It's all very well to give government guidelines on how much alcohol is ideal, but for a heavy drinker, this amount is just a tease and will inevitably lead to more, in which case, it's best to abstain.
Apart from seeing what happened to others, I saw a guy actually go jaundiced and was in shock when I visited him in hospital. You'd never believe a human being could turn that colour. In spite of this scare, he continued drinking and ended up dying in the December of 1992.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Jun/21
Good point Sandy, notice they don't ban alcohol or fast food which kill many more times people annually than COVID!
I'd noticed that between Alison and Kym too. Both are hot northern lasses and about 5 ft 4!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jun/21
What a controversial part to play, being in love with a gravely ill alcoholic and rowing with the wife of the brother who could possibly save her husband, Peter, but fears going under the knife for this dangerous procedure - that of donating a piece of his liver.
You have to understand Carla's point of view but Sarah has a very valid point as well.
What beats me is that drinking yourself into an early grave is legal.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Jun/20
What on Earth is going on with Carla and that disgraceful blackmailing woman? She'd better sling her hook or suffer the consequences of Peter's wrath. 😝
Lovely Alison gets 5ft4. 🌞
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Dec/19
Alison's character, Carla, is really showing her soft side now, supporting her best friend Michelle in her time of need. The two dark-haired actresses were sharing a hug, and both raven heads were the exactly the same size from the ground!
I find it hard to believe that Alison has ever weighed as much as 151 pounds; I've only ever seen her looking svelte. Not skinny and drawn but appealing, healthy and womanly!
Five Four.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Apr/19
Ah! I'm really feeling for 5ft4 Alison's character Carla right now. She blames herself for that perilous accident as it is, but does everyone else have to call her a 'murderer'? The most she could be accused of is criminal negligence.
Let's hope this serves as a warning to anyone who runs a business and has people's lives to look after...
Nik said on 29/Mar/19
It's incredible that she was described as being 5'3" in a Daily Mail article!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Mar/19
This picture really shows off Alison's beauty!
5ft4 😊💖👍
lollipop95 said on 28/Sep/18
Gives a much taller impression on screen! I would have though she was 5'6-5'7
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Aug/18
Alison and Kym Marsh always seem to copy each other's hair! They had black hair together and now it's a tawny brown sort of colour - and the same length! I just had to check to see if they are the same height, and yes, they are! Thought as much...
They play sisters-in-law. They could play sisters! 👩👩
Five foot four; no less, no more!
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Apr/18
I loved the way Alison's character Carla Connor, didn't cower when confronted by a tall schoolboy who was first of all, giving her the eye and then getting threatening. But then Carla wouldn't, would she? She could have passed for much taller than 5ft4 in that scene!
But why this woman thinks that the sun shines out of that awful spoilt brat Simon's 🐝-hind, I will never know! I wrote this little stinker off ages ago! Perhaps giving him a job that she so kindly has done in her office will be his saving grace! We have all that exciting stuff to look forward to! I think we'll be getting far more trouble from Simon, and the well-meaning Carla will be one of the victims! I do hope not!
Today, on this Easter Sunday, Alison can have 5ft4, though I'd be the first to admit that whatever it is she possesses to make herself come over as so much taller and brilliantly confident, if you could bottle it, I'd buy 10 bottles - easily! 🐥🐰🍫 👍😊
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Dec/16
This woman is a knockout and always looks her best on Coronation Street. I genuinely thought her to be about 5ft6, but I do think she spends a lot of her time in heels.
I'm surprised to see her listed as 5ft4 or even 5ft3 in the Daily Mail!
She's another soap star actress who is smaller than I thought, but she is still mighty elegant!
Jim hopper said on 14/Dec/16
She is not 5-4". 2" below it defo.
Nik said on 28/Oct/16
Rob, do you or Jenny watch the soaps ?

Editor Rob
for the last few years I haven't watched them, only clips on youtube and the odd episode once in a while.
Nik said on 28/Oct/16
Some interesting comments at the bottom of this page. Also I Didn't know she was involved with DAZ adverts. Always looked taller than this on corrie and thought she was about 5'7 until I once found out different. She always gave me a tall impression but I must have been wrong.

Editor Rob
maybe her look/personality can give a taller impression.
victor balfour said on 11/Mar/16
I saw alison king in submerged last night and she's a better actress in films than she is in corrie and she is is very small but i have always fancied alison king
Rojina said on 29/Dec/15
She looks around 5"7 to me
Piers said on 15/Dec/14
Saw her in the Sainsburys near the studio. She had flats on but I was still surprised at just how small she is.Could even be 5'3'.
Edwin said on 15/Dec/14
Alison played in the Corrie v Emmerdale netball game last year. She was Goal Shooter of all positions and was head and shoulders shorter than the girls she was up against. Quite funny to see her trying to mix it with the big girls. I'd agree 5'4" at very best. Pretty lady all the same.
cd said on 8/Dec/14
I believe I asked Rob about Chris Gascoyne maybe a year or so ago, and he thought he might be near the 5ft 8 his agency give him. I'm thinking maybe he's a 5ft 7.5 guy...
Connor183 said on 5/Dec/14
@Arch Stanton So Alison was in Submerged i remember now, i haven't watched that film in ages thats why i forgot.
Joe said on 3/Dec/14
Could we see a a page for Chris Gascoyne, he is listed as 5,8 but doesn't look it to me looks a 5,6 guy
Arch Stanton said on 3/Dec/14
I reckon Seagal probably saw Tomb Raider and said he wanted an English Lara Croft look-alike in the film or something. I noticed she had her hair tied back in the film like Lara. I reckon that was the reason she got the role!!
Arch Stanton said on 3/Dec/14
Haha see 7:20. There's two names you'd never expect would meet let alone star in a film together!! Alison King and Steven Seagal LMAO
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 3/Dec/14
BTW I'm liking your "intelligent" "you may be interested in" banner option with photos. An excellent way to improve traffic and site navigation. Hope to see some of the classic actors with that sort of thing too.

Editor Rob
thanks there are already some done, but it's another long term way to improve little bits here and there, and of course I need to make sure photos are usable.
It all takes time though, but then this site is my job so I want to keep making it better even little small additions helps in the long run...
Arch Stanton said on 3/Dec/14
@ Rob. Hehe you're not wrong!!!! I've always thought she's super hot (probably one of the hottest women on British TV) but I did catch Corrie a few times a few years back and just thought she looked rougher than she used to that's all with a smoker's voice.
Connor183 said on 3/Dec/14
Rob Alison was in Submerged? that Steven Seagal film? i dont remember her being in that, 5ft 4 looks about right.

Editor Rob
yes she is, not a 1-scene or anything, but a few of them.
cd said on 2/Dec/14
My mum grew up living next door to her and is good friends with her sister (although unfortunately I have never met Alison ;) ). Anyway, my mum is 5ft 3 and said Alison was about an inch taller, 5ft 4 range is just right.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Dec/14
She still looks better than 99% of people though!!
Arch Stanton said on 2/Dec/14
Requested her ages ago. Was extremely fit at one time in the late 1990s/early 2000s before the surgery, now looks a bit haggard without makeup. Agree on 5 ft 4. At one time she was best known for the Daz advert!!

Editor Rob
arch, I'm sure if you saw her today standing at your bedroom doorway with a nightgown on you wouldn't be saying 'not tonight alison' ;)