Canson said on 5/Dec/24
@Viper: he’s a bit below avg height. maybe he’s a bit insecure
viper said on 2/Dec/24
He said to CNN that he doesn't get bothered he's "5'9" and people call me short".
Lol If he was 5-9 people wouldn't call him short. Funny
Broken Arrow said on 28/Nov/24
He’s 5’6 in bare feet.
Debbie Matthew said on 25/Jul/22
He's 5'8"
Heightist9999 said on 7/Dec/21
Clearly and comfortably measured himself in the 5ft 8 range. That would make Bieber nothing under 5ft 7.5
Warren said on 7/Sep/21
Almost 5'8" for his maximum but not full of it.
Zac Efron 173-174cm
Ryan Seacrest 171-172cm IMO.
Jonos said on 30/Jun/21
He dwarfs an officially recorded 5'9" Willem Dafoe(even though he is claimed by as belonging to the 5'7" category) and gets shortened by a strong 5'7"-8" Jackie Chan. Geez I'm confused. I'm still going with my instinct.
MJKoP said on 27/Jan/21
Can't believe nobody has shared this video. He claims 5'8.5 at the beginning(juxtaposed to his 5'7 listing on Google), but apparently measures himself at 5'8 by the end(after initially clocking in at 5'9.5 with the tape scrunched). Still, no feet are visible despite him having taken off his shoes(so no way of knowing if he stood on a platform or his tiptoes). He calls some colleague of his who gives him 5'11(!), but for all we know this entire segment could've been scripted.
Regardless, Rob might wanna add some quotes or the link to the description. It's no
Jake Gyllenhaal on Conan, admittedly! :D
Click Here

Editor Rob
had never seen that clip so you can get a sookie award for linking it.
it was good of Ryan to attempt to hold a tape up!
...I mean he's got a pretty small head to begin with, but if the tape wasn't bent at the bottom (hard to tell) then he really looked like he'd be in the 5ft 8 range...
BenSolooo said on 29/Nov/20
I can’t tell exactly how tall he is. I do think he will maybe wear slight elevators once in a while, but I could be wrong. Honestly I would say from 5’7 - 5’7 3/4 everything could be possible. With his shoes on and his Hairstyle he could probably appear about 5’9. I think I will go with 5’7 and a 1/4.
Danman said on 16/Oct/20
5 7 and a half ain't even short he can look 5 9 if he wants which is average short is below 5 7
Thunar said on 20/Sep/20
I went to Kelly and Ryan on Veterans Day. He came out to run a promo for the show with the Veterens in the lobby. I am 5’7.5”. He is shorter. We were wearing the same type of shoes. Wing tips will a heel. He cannot he taller than 5’6”.
khaled taban 175.3cm said on 27/Jul/20
Closer to 171cm
Nik said on 22/Feb/20
@ Person111 - Well if this is so men in the 5'10.5" - 5'11" range should be considered tall!
Person111 said on 9/Jan/20
@Nik Ashton, that's because people don't just go up to someone and tell them they're short. 5'7.5 is still an objectively short height for a male. Not prohibitively short, but still short.
Nik Ashton said on 5/Jan/20
He’s my height and people don’t call me short!
memem said on 1/Jan/20
i think he can look more 5'7" to 5'7.5 range thus 5'7.25 from me
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Dec/19
🎂🎈🎉🎁 Happy Birthday Ryan! 🎁🎉🎈🎂
Many Happy Returns to Ryan Seacrest who turns 45 years old today.
5ft7.5. 😁👍
Nik said on 1/Dec/19
Cool guy, cool height, cool name!
Nik Ashton said on 6/Oct/19
I share his height and I’ve never been called shorty! I am so proud to give Ryan Seacrest his 700th comment!
TheBat said on 4/Jul/19
5'7.5" is accurate.
sefeoij said on 30/Jun/19
I believe Seacrest doesn't wear lifts (as evident by his noticeably short stature next to Jimmy Fallon), but I don't believe for one second he's 5'8", even with shoes. Barefoot, he's probably less than 5'6".
Kepps said on 14/Jun/19
Who cares how tall Ryan is?? Who cares how tall anyone is??? Why do you people talk like it’s shameful to be short? And why are you trying to downgrade people’s height? No, Ryan is not 5’4”. Ridiculous. All of you.
Laws said on 27/May/19
JD 5'9" said on 18/Mar/19
If this is his real height, then he's one of the few celebs who isn't as short as most expect. 5'7.5" isn't that short. I always figured he was 5'6" flat.
Sue in San Diego said on 24/Feb/19
He just interviewed 5'7" James McAlvoy on the Oscars red carpet. Ryan's at least 2" shorter (5'5").
jriggs said on 8/Feb/19
Low cut shoes, hard to hide lifts in those shoes so he is Justin Bieber height or a bit more
Click Here
Lawrence said on 6/May/18
And he's clearly wearing lifts in this pic..look how bloated the top of his feet/shoes are in this pic
Lawrence said on 30/Apr/18 mean anything under 5'9" and the more horsey the face and the bigger the forehead etc and usually people under 5'9" are not good looking men. As soon a man 5'11 and up doesnt really matter how looks because that nice bih strong body will compensate. My opinion is men under 5'9" are really not good looking at all not only face/head structure wise but also body wise. Also keep in mind that being under 5'9" you will even feel shorter many many times along taller women. Me being 5'8" when ever i go out be it a store or a casino
...5 times out of 10 i feel SO short walking past taller women than me...its an aweful aweful powerless feeling. Makes me want to fight physically with men AND women. Kinda lol.
Lawrence said on 29/Apr/18
No way seacrest is 5'7.5"! Have u seen him lately on american idol?? Omg he looks VERY short almost like a dwarf beside almost ALL contestants. And we arent talking about 4 inches shorter...he looks almost 6 to 8 inches shorter tham almost everyone. Im going with 5'6" or 5'6.5" with him. He must have been wearing lift kinda shoes in the past because now he looks VERY diminutive on the show. Watch it and you will know what im saying!
Tallish89 said on 27/Nov/17
Interview where Ryan Seacrest poked fun of Justin suddenly being taller in boots
Ryan Seacrest: *sarcastically asking him do you have boots on? Or are you taller than me?
Bieber: I have boots on, but I am taller than you.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Just google Justin Bieber with Ryan Seacrest 171cm
Pictures of both wearing low cut shoes
Click Here
Click Here
Same height if not a bit taller than Justin Bieber 171.5cm
Nik said on 28/Oct/17
@ Lorelei
MJKoP said on 27/Oct/17
Lorelei said on 23/Oct/17
Most good-looking men are shorter than 5 nine. The taller the man, the more horsey the face.
As a weak 5'7er, I can say that's utter horse s***.
Lorelei said on 23/Oct/17
Most good-looking men are shorter than 5 nine. The taller the man, the more horsey the face.
Jug said on 20/Jul/17
One of the idol candidates (one famous for being an audition reject) lives in my neighborhood in Manhattan and he is about 5'5. I have stood next to him a couple of times. He was maybe an inch shorter than Seacrest on the show. 5'7 is pushing it. Seacrest has to be closer to 5'6. Also compare him with Sacha Baron Cohen on the red carpet. Remember that? Haha.
MJKoP said on 18/Jul/17
Shawn said on 12/Jul/17
Click Here
Pretty funny video from over 10 years ago on American Idol. Watch the very beginning of the video. The girl calls out Ryan on his 5'9" claim.
That girl is nowhere near 5'9" herself. I've highly suspected Ryan of wearing lifts for quite some time now, but anything he could squeeze into those dress shoes wouldn't come close to compensating for the enormous heels she's rocking. Put them back to back barefoot and I can almost 100% guarantee Seacrest would be taller. Shows he isn't nearly as height-conscious as most people make him out to be or he would've challenged her further, but he really didn't care. Also shows that the girl is just an arrogant, insecure, jealous hater.
Shawn said on 12/Jul/17
Click Here
Pretty funny video from over 10 years ago on American Idol. Watch the very beginning of the video. The girl calls out Ryan on his 5'9" claim.
RisingForce said on 14/May/17
I use to think he was a flat 5'7", but I can't see him much shorter than 5'7.5". 171 cm minimum and 172 cm max. Here he pulls off the same as height as Mario Lopez in similar shoes:
Click Here Posture seems decent. Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if Ryan and Simon are the same height. Simon can look as tall as Lopez, but it's clear he's a bit shorter and Simon goes to bed wearing heels and lifts and has the posture to match. Simon will never let himself be photographed without lifts with Ryan. The difference would be very small, that's for sure. Also, Seacrest looked taller than legit 5'7"
James McAvoy on video, so that's another example to those who think McAvoy is taller than he claims. Simply an honest 5'7" and Ryan is a guy who is reasonable rounding up to 5'8", but pushed his luck with 5'9".
Leo2001 said on 18/Apr/17
Looks the same height
Click Here
Bee123 said on 8/Apr/17
He never said that he's shorter than Bieber.
In the interview he asked bieber you have boots on & I don't. Are you taller than me? Bieber said yes I think I am. Seacrest then laugh and said I guess you are.
Pictures of Seacrest show him edging out Bieber in low cut shoes by atleast a inch!
Johnson said on 28/Mar/17
He is honest he is taller than 5'7.5 just look at his frame. He is 5'8.5
He is similar to Bieber. Bieber is 5'8.25 minimum
Click Here
Jake said on 19/Feb/17
If he actually is in the strong 5'7" to weak 5'8" range, then I begin to question why he always gets made fun of for "being short. Sure that's below average but it isn't that short.
Addison said on 20/Jan/17
5'9 steve aoki on the left, 5'7.5 listed louis tomlinson on the right? either louis is 5'9.5 or ryan is 5'5-5'6
Click Here
MJKoP said on 23/Dec/16
He's clearly a minimum of 6'6" next to 6'4" Joel McHale. ;)
Click Here
MJKoP said on 30/Oct/16
And on top of that, Seacrest HIMSELF stated that Justin Bieber was taller than him. And I think Ryan would be one of the last people on the planet to concede that he was shorter than someone if he wasn't. Instead of going by a picture, I'd go by words straight from the mouth of a guy with an obvious height complex who has spent ample time on numerous occasions with the Biebs.
MJKoP said on 26/Oct/16
To me, he never looks under 5'8", but a Playboy model(whose name I forget) who lived and SLEPT(sans intercourse) with Ryan Seacrest said in a Howard Stern interview that Ryan was shorter than she is. I looked her up and she's listed everywhere as 5'7". Given the circumstances I just described, they MUST have been in each others' presence both while being barefoot at at least some point in time, if not quite often. If what this woman says is true, Seacrest must be a seriously heavy "lifter".
Kei said on 7/Sep/16
How can you have both Justin Bieber and Ryan Seacrest at 171cm?
Click Here
The only time Bieber looks to have an edge on Ryan is if he steps forward in the photo.
Mike Jones said on 27/Aug/16
Next to 5'7" McAvoy, assuming similar footwear no lifts on either.
Click Here
Sheila said on 10/Jan/16
Watching Golden Globes. When
Zendaya walked up to Ryan for her interview...she was like a giant!!! I don't believe that Ryan is 5'7". Maybe 5'4"
hey rob said on 21/May/15
seacrest is taller like he says he is (at 5'8 range), or bieber listing becomes a little questionable again...
Robby D said on 9/Feb/15
I watched the Red Carpet prior to the Grammy Awards 2015 and Pharrell Williams and Keith Urban were both 2 - 3ins taller than Ryan Seacrest and Williams wore flat sneaker style shoes. Rob, you have to downgrade Seacrest, he is 5'7" maximum, probably less from what I saw tonight.
Luigi said on 16/Jan/15
and what about harvey levin?
Tony said on 5/Sep/14
If you look at that photo with Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Kimmel is also there. Kimmel claims 6'1" but this site has him at 5'11.5". Based on Kimmel I don't see Seacrest at 5'8".
Robby D said on 21/Jul/14
The Exorcist. Interesting photo and if Ellen is 5'7" then based that photo I would say Ryan is about 5'7.5", however, I have my doubts about Ellen's height. She has claimed both 5'8" and 5'7.5" yet she looks more like 5'6" to 5'6.5" to me.
The Exorcist said on 23/Jun/14
He's very similar to (5'7" listed) Ellen.
Click Here
Broke said on 29/May/14
He has a small head. Is it under 9 inches maybe?
allyooped said on 27/May/14
what he lacks in stature is made up in cash...just saying.
Dracula said on 8/May/14
He's actually Kind of short. For an American guy. At least he's taller than Bruno Mars... What's his real height anyway?
Realist said on 10/Mar/14
Height after waking up 172. Night height 170-171.
MD said on 31/Jan/14
Saw some Grammy pics of Kendrick Lamar with Miguel and Pharrell. Pharrell looked a good three inches taller than Miguel, and Miguel looked a good two inches taller than Kendrick. The 5'6" listings you see on the internet for Kendrick are complete bunk, and another example of the two-inch rule. I always knew he wasn't 5'6". He never looked it.
ian said on 28/Jan/14
He towers over Kendrick Lamar.
MD said on 16/Jan/14
Anyone have any pictures of him at the Golden Globes red carpet? I had the program on, but mostly for background noise, so I didn't really notice him look particularly short. Maybe somewhere in between 5'7" flat and 5'7.5" might be a better listing.
leonari said on 12/Jan/14
Watching the red carpet at the globes. Seacrest doe not look a mm above 170. If that. Looked the same height as Jonah hill.
the shredder said on 22/Nov/13
I'd give him 5'8 if it was not for the 5'8 guy Rob met edging him out.
Dan said on 29/Sep/13
Looking through all the pics and vids makes me come to the conclusion that he's probably more likely to be 5'7"-5'7.25" barefoot.
Robby D said on 22/Sep/13
I believe him when he says he doesn't wear lifts but here's the deal. He said he was 5'8" barefoot and 5'8.75" in the shoes he was wearing on that particular night. Now he claims 5'8.5". I assume when he referred to the shoes he was wearing he meant, dress shoes. Now what dress shoes have only 1/2" or 3/4" heel? Even flat Converse are around 3/4". I saw him interviewing celebrities before the Emmy Awards tonight and again he looked up to all of them. Oddly enough the only one he seemed to be similar in height to was Michael Douglas who is listed at over 5'9".
Robby D said on 6/Aug/13
I always agreed with Leonari regarding Seacrest's height. I thought he was about 5'7" barefoot but well proportioned to give the impression he might be taller when seen alone. However, recently seeing him looking up at alomost every male and female he interviews, I am now thinking he might be nearer 5'6"- 5'6.5" barefoot. No disrespect to him intended but 5'8.5" is not that short and anyone of that height would not be looking up to everyone nor receiving the height jibes that he does.
leonari said on 26/Jul/13
Ryan on a Radio show claimed 5'8.5 and mentioned that figure several times. Never is he 5'8.5 barefoot. NEVER.

Editor Rob
this girl
Aubrey Cleland thought she was a little over 5ft 8 herself...doesn't give ryan's 5ft 8.5 claim much solidity!
john said on 3/Apr/13
Rob, ether Jack Black needs an upgrade or Ryan seacrest needs a down grade. they look pretty much identical in height in this video when they stand up at 2:48
Click Here

Editor Rob
ryan looks taller from what I just watched...and it's on a small screen, a 1 inch difference can look very small on a 5-inch video ;)
Lll said on 21/Mar/13
Yeah, that was weird last night on idol.
Probably 5'8.5" in shoes.
tim said on 16/Mar/13
I think he might be almost 5'8" in the morning, but after that he goes down to a firm 5'7"
mo said on 15/Mar/13
ryan seacrest is a little hollywood guy. 5'-7" on a good day (with shoes) if you watch him on AI he is shorter than anyone on the show, with
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/13
He's short. ALl I know. I'm like 6'1" maybe. or above 6'
Arch Stanton said on 3/Feb/13
", I'm 5' 8" but my shoes tonight make me 5'8" and three quarters. " Mmm so he's claiming 5 ft 8 barefeet, rounding up then isn't he.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Feb/13
5'8.5" I believe him, in shoes. He was probably measured around 174 in shoes and rounded up to claim 5 ft 9, much like Tom Cruise. I actually think they are genuine about it but they imply that's their barefoot height, most Americans claim shoe height.
LeeLee said on 30/Jan/13
He looks about 5'7.5"-at most 5'8"
Mathew said on 11/Oct/12
5'7.5" is pretty fair for Seacrest. It was always obvious he wasn't 5'9".
Shaun said on 5/Sep/12
He looks the same height as Tom Cruise. 5'7.5 looks right.
matt678 said on 17/Aug/12
5 foot 7 or 5 foot 8 is correct
Ka said on 12/Aug/12
leonari: sure thing! This guys is as listed. I don't understand why he claimed a bunch of different height, especially when he revealed his real height, then fudge it up again. He isn't short, even at barely 5'8. I'm 5'8 flat and I would think twice at claiming morning height or big rounding up
leonari said on 11/Aug/12
Ka: I totally agree!!!
Marc said on 10/Aug/12
i herd bo bice is 5ft9 and next to secrest they dont look like they have a big height difference
Ka said on 9/Aug/12
I swear, when this guy stands alone, he can appears 5'9-5'10, good proportion, slim, small and short head, and good fitting clothes. Optical illusion though, as 5'8.25 Trevino got him a little bit
Robby D said on 1/Aug/12
During the Olympics in London, Seacrest was standing alongside Al Roker who also claims to be 5'8" and they looked the same size. Needless to say Roker is another one who people believe exaggerates his height.
Mathew said on 31/Jul/12
the shredder says on 30/Jul/12
5'7.5 is better , taller then an honest 5'7 MCavoy and it fits his 5'8.5 , 5'8.75 in shoes !
I'm willing to believe up to 5'7.5", but I don't think he is more. If he is 5'7.5", yes he would hit 5'8.5" - 5'8.75" in normal shoes.
the shredder said on 30/Jul/12
Rob , he is claiming 5'8.5 ?
the shredder said on 30/Jul/12
5'7.5 is better , taller then an honest 5'7 MCavoy and it fits his 5'8.5 , 5'8.75 in shoes !
Mathew said on 29/Jul/12
He's always seemed 5'7" to me. I can buy 5'7.5" max.
the shredder said on 10/Jun/12
Rob , could he be 5'7.25 ? even though he is taller then McAvoy and is shorter then 5'8 Michael Trevino and this was Mike's footwear that day ...
Click Here

Editor Rob
it's not impossible, Trevino I let Jenny go to greet him first and I couldn't tell any difference so I think he's a good 5ft 8 guy
the shredder said on 6/Jun/12
Your right , most be the shoes because he is clearly taller in this video ... 5'7.5 for him .
Click Here
the shredder said on 6/Jun/12
Rob , do you agree that Seacrest looks only 5'7 here ? I think his new 5'8.5 claim is in shoes ... google the pic with him and James Mcavoy who claims 5'7 because that site is not showing , but you can see it on google images . I'd say the only way seacrest is more over james barefoo is if james has bigger shoes .

Editor Rob
could be shoe difference. McAvoy always looks a 5ft 7 guy
Jacob said on 1/Feb/12
I saw him in tennis shoes at the AI auditions. I was about 2.5 inches taller than him and I am a legit 5'8.75 before bed at night.
MD said on 30/Jan/12
Why would you post that? Seems like a waste and spam.
Anonymous said on 29/Jun/09
I'll say:
Ryan: 5'6.5" - 5'7" (169 cm - 170 cm)
Randy: 5'7.75" - 5'8.5" (172 cm - 174 cm)
Simon: 5'7.75" - 5'8.5" (172 cm - 174 cm)
J.J. said on 27/Jun/09
Adam Lambert is more close to 6'1" either 6'0.5" or 6'0.75" but Kris Allen is 5'6" definately.
Phil said on 22/Jun/09
I found something interesting about Kris Allen's height!
Click HereClick on the link and listen to the audio. This is a radio interview where Kris claims 5'7". Hmm, I dunno, I think this is a case of rounding up. I just can't buy 5'7" for Kris. On Ellen, he didn't even reach her height, he was like an inch shorter.
Phil said on 22/Jun/09
In either case, you would be shorter than Ryan. 5'3 would put you at his eye level and 5'4 1/2 would put you a half inch below the middle of his forehead.
As for Danny Gokey, if you're 5'3 flat, then I think you would be about an inch below his eye level. If you're 5'4 and a half, then you would be an inch above his eye level (his eyebrows). In any case, you're shorter than Danny. :) My estimate for him is 5'8.
Overall, at a nice height of 5'3-5'4 1/2, you are shorter than both Ryan and Danny. :)
Have fun at the tour!
Doug said on 17/Jun/09
Barefoot I would have estimated 5'7"-5'7.5" for Seacrest.
Doug said on 17/Jun/09
Seacrest at 5'10". LOL. Yeah and Cruise is also 5'10"! I wonder who would be taller, Seacrest or Cruise. To me they look a very similar height and both get flack for being short.
MD said on 9/Jun/09
Bree, I'm afraid you're incorrect. Adam is not just 5'9", not in any universe.
Anonymous said on 9/Jun/09
I've seen him IRL and he seemed super tiny to me. I'm 5'5" and he was around my height, maybe 5'6" or so but 5'9"? No way.
T.J. said on 9/Jun/09
Adam Lambert is 6'0"
He looks that also if around Ryan if 5'7.5" is Ryan's true height
Bree said on 8/Jun/09
I've met Adam Levine. I'm 5'9. It was before he was famous. He was my height - exactly eye level. They all wear lifts. Seacrest's varying heights is due to soles/lifts. Find pics of him on a beach flat foot.
Phil said on 1/Jun/09
MD's right, the official average height in the U.S. is 5'9.4". That, and I've seen the averages for younger white and black men to be right on with the statistics.
the shredder said on 1/Jun/09
Rob , if you ever added " The Glasses Guy " Danny Gokey , what would you add him at ? And do you think the tall guy Adam Lambert is a full 6'1 ?
MD said on 1/Jun/09
Kim, that simply isn't true. Even if you include the older generations and all ethnicities, the average height in the U.S. for a man is still 5'9.4" according to the most recent government statistics. You take only younger white and black men, and bother their averages are over 5'10". Many people don't seem to realize this, for some reasons, but the info is readily available.
Phil said on 31/May/09
It's more 5'10" than 5'7"/5'8" and 5'7" is already short. Most men are 5'6" min and taller, so 5'7"/5'8" isn't the average. You can see this with the guys on Idol, where guys like Kris and Ryan come off as short.
Paula Abdul is 5'0" barefoot.
Kim said on 30/May/09
average height for a man is 5-7/5-8. so he is average. not short.
mmajunkie said on 30/May/09
paula abdul is 5'2, kris allen looked like he was maybe 1 inch taller than her in a pic on aol, ryan is at most 3 inches taller than than kris so at best he would be 5'6.
the shredder said on 30/May/09
Rob , what do you think about Kris Allen being listed 5'8 ? lol He is the shortest of the guys , and Danny , the guy with the glasses is listed 5'10 on the internet , lol ! What do you think there height range is ?

Editor Rob
the glasses guy is more 5ft 8 than the 5ft 10.
lily said on 28/May/09
kris allen is listed as 5'8 so that they could prove ryan is 5'10.
no one's gonna believe it though.
RisingForce said on 28/May/09
Seacrest's 5'9" claim is funny enough, I doubt he'd claim 5'10". I'd bet that Ryan is a flat five seven.
leonari said on 27/May/09
Kris Allen 5'8"? hahahaha. Seacrest claims 5'10 " now? Where? Incredible these guys.
Kris Allen has the look of a below 5'6 "guy. Cool guy nonetheless.
the shredder said on 27/May/09
No Evan , He told the blind guy that he was 6'10 240 lbs , he was kidding ! If you do want to here a BIG JOKE though , is that Kris Allen is listed 5'8 and Danny Gokey is listed 5'10 on the internet ! LOL I guess Adam is 6'3 and Ryan is 5'9.5 , lol !
Evan said on 27/May/09
Ryan Seacrest says he's 5'10" during the Larry Kings Live interview. Do you believe him?
the shredder said on 27/May/09
LOL , Kris Allen is listed 5'8 on the internet , he is clearly the shortest of the guys !
the shredder said on 27/May/09
Rob , if Adam is the 6'1 that he claims where does that put Kris and Danny ?
here is a good photo of them , type 86471021 in gettyimages !

Editor Rob
I think the guy in glasses is near 5 inches shorter.
the shredder said on 26/May/09
Phil , your right on , I hope Rob looks into these guys ! Kris Allen 5'5.75 , Danny Gokey 5'8-ish , Adam Lambert the 6'1 that he claims ?
Phil said on 24/May/09
Kris isn't anything over 5'6", I can buy 5'5.5" for him. Danny can look 5'7.5" and 5'8" flat. He appears to be more 5'8" though, as he gives a 5'8" impression and has the proportions of a 5'8" guy. Adam appears to be the standard tall guy at 6'1".
Mathew said on 24/May/09
Danny 5'8" and Kris 5'5.5" maybe?
the shredder said on 24/May/09
I think Danny is a good 5'7.5 or 5'8 more 5'8 , Adam could be 6'1 , Kris I don't think is as short as 5'5 , but could be as tall as 5'6.5 !
MD said on 23/May/09
Kris Allen strikes me as being somewhere between 5'5" and 5'6". I saw a pic of him with Ellen, recently, and he looked as if he was at least an inch shorter.
Dylan said on 23/May/09
Seacrest definately looked taller than Kris Allen, if we knew his height we would probably have a better idea of Seacrest's height.
KiLLing Joke said on 22/May/09
Next to Jay Leno
Click Here
ice said on 22/May/09
I'm seriously surprised you have him at this height. I believe he is a strong 5'7, but a 5'7 none the less. This is too high. As for the other idols, Adam claims 6'1. It was on his myspace, before he began editing his profile for the show. I seriously think Kris 5'5.5" Danny appears to be about 5'8 flat.
Mathew said on 22/May/09
This Danny fellow seems 174ish. Seacrest, 170.
Phil said on 22/May/09
I'm with shredder, I'd like to see Kris Allen on the site! I'll put in a request for him.
Phil said on 22/May/09
I'm not sure if Danny is slouching or not, but I see him as more of a 5'8" guy still in those pics. He never looks 5'9" next to Seacrest.
Peggy W said on 22/May/09
Hey, what is wrong with a short guy. I think Kris Allen is sexy no matter what size of a man he is.
the shredder said on 22/May/09
Rob , can you add Kris Allen to the site ? He is the short guy that won American Idol !
MD said on 21/May/09
Danny has a tendency to slouch. Gokey is a lot closer to 5'9" than he is 5'8":
With 5'11" Lionel Richie:
Click HereWith 5'8.5" Randy Jackson:
Click HereWith 5'8.5" Cowell in his massive boots:
Click HereGokey is still taller and as tall as all of the judges and the announcer even with his slouch and their obvious suspicious footwear.
Beckster said on 21/May/09
Kris looked to be the same height as Keith Urban and he's probably 5'6 max
the shredder said on 21/May/09
No MD , He does not look that much taller , Danny Was next to Lionel Richie and looked 5'8 ! Shocking Kris won , A real " Dark Horse " for sure !
MD said on 21/May/09
Danny is a good two inches or so taller than Ryan and that's even in Ryan's obvious funny footwear.
the shredder said on 20/May/09
This is what I think !
Danny 5'7.5
Adam 6'0 or 6'1
Kris 5'6 !
the shredder said on 18/May/09
Rob , what do you think about Those guys heights next to Seacrest ?

Editor Rob
one looks roughly same, other guy maybe a good 4-5 inches taller, and other guy looks possible 2 short. It's hard sometimes with small images.
Phil said on 18/May/09
the shredder, here's what I think:
Adam - 6'1"
Danny - 5'7.5"
Kris - 5'5"
Phil said on 18/May/09
Rob, I think David Cook and David Archuleta would be nice additions to the site.
Dylan said on 18/May/09
Shredder - I know your question was to Rob and not me but my own estimation of those heights would be, Adam 6'2", Danny 5'9" and Chris 5'6.5" maybe 5'7", just my opinion.
the shredder said on 18/May/09
Rob , I don't care if you add these guys are not , but I do want you to tell me what you think these guys height range are roughly next to Seacrest ? ... Adam is the tall guy , Chris is the short guy , and Danny is the guy with glasses !
Click Here
the shredder said on 17/May/09
Rob , how come you never added David Cook to the site ?

Editor Rob
I wasn't really familiar with him.
slipknot said on 15/May/09
Seacrest looks 2-3 inches shorter than 5'6.5 Katy Perry wearing 3-4 inches heel.
Click Here
Leung said on 11/May/09
Rob, how do you justify 172cm for Seacrest? I think you are being overly generous. Tom Cruise and Ludacris are proper 172cm guys and they have both got Seacrest covered no sweat.
Dylan said on 10/May/09
I agree Leonari. He is well proportioned and whenever he appeared on television by himself I never contemplated him being short, until I saw him next to others and I was amazed how the majority of people towered over him. If he were to claim a realistic height it would not be so bad but to say he is 5'9" is ridiculous.
leonari said on 10/May/09
Seacrest is a prime example of a 5'7" guy with good proportions and slim built. He can look average standing by himself. Put him next to a 5'10" or 5'11" guy and reality is striking.
RisingForce said on 9/May/09
yeah leung, because if he's wearing lifts next to ben stiller or Akon then he's in trouble. he was struggling with 5-7 next to Akon. 5-7 flat.
Jordan LaDiva said on 9/May/09
Ryan is a good 5' 6
light said on 6/May/09
casey, who are you kidding?
Jacqui said on 6/May/09
Well Ryan was standing next to Gwen Stefani tonight on American Idol and she appeared about 1/2 taller than him in flats.. according to this site she's about 5'6
Keith said on 6/May/09
gees-- i thought he looked 5'5 ish. Just compared to some people that go through the show...
Leung said on 5/May/09
I agree Dylan, Seacrest generally appears like a regular 5
Dylan said on 4/May/09
I don't think he does wear lifts. I think he is about 5'7" barefoot and the shoes he wears do not seem to give him much height advantage, unlike Tom Cruise who is probably about the same height as Seascrest. Cruise definately wears lifts, which is why he never seems to be dwarfed by people. If Seacrest were wearing lifts he would look taller than he does alongside everyone else, unless of course he is below 5'7"(which I doubt)and wears lifts.
James said on 1/May/09
This guy wears lifts and still gets owned by almost every person on American Idol. He may be 5'9 in lifts.
Phil said on 30/Apr/09
I saw Jamie being 2 inches taller than Ryan.
yoyo said on 30/Apr/09
he can't be 5ft9. lowest he could be 5ft7.5(171cm).
C said on 30/Apr/09
Anyone catch Jamie Foxx on American Idol with Ryan? At one point his eye level was at the top of Ryan's head, almost dwarfing him. Then they changed positions, posture and camera angle and Jamie was only about 1-2" taller. I'm not sure which represented the best angle or posture, but it seemed like 5'9" Jamie was easily taller than Ryan by 2-4".
casey said on 29/Apr/09
When Ryan was in Detroit for the NCAA Final 4, my friend's daughter had her picture taken with him. She is 6 foot. They were exactly the same height standing side by side.
lily said on 24/Apr/09
archie did look 5'5-5'6 to me. looked really tiny next to anoop desai. but he's only 17. he's got time to grow.
Phil said on 23/Apr/09
Did anyone catch David Archuleta on Idol this week? He looked 5'5" to me.
ACG said on 23/Apr/09
Ally: was that really necessary?
Ally said on 23/Apr/09
Well I for one think that people should be a little kinder to this extremly sexually confused and conflicted man. He has much bigger things to worry about than his height.
RisingForce said on 17/Apr/09
I'd appreciate it if someone could find videos of the episodes that MD is referring to. That'd be very interesting to see.
JTRoN said on 16/Apr/09
Phil, so Seacrest at 5'7.75 would mean he's about 5'8.5 or maybe 5'9 with normal shoes (does he wear lifts) when it comes to males he's shorter, when it comes to the females he's eye level or shorter, so does this mean all these girls are 5'6 and up all wearing heels? He moves around a lot, almost in a way that he seems intimated by others heights and probably embarrassed of his own. Anyway watching Idol the other day with my family I was thinking to myself how he seemed so short and then family members even noticed it and started joking about his height without me even saying anything. My point is, its noticeable that he's shorter then the contestants. I just can't see a 5'8 guy looking that short against people all the time, and the contestants can't all be tall, I'm sure their mostly of normal height as well yet towering over him.
Dylan said on 16/Apr/09
Rob - What would it take for you to lower Seacrest's height to 170cm?
Phil said on 16/Apr/09
"I noticed he's NEVER taller than anybody on the show"
Come on, you know that's not true. Out of the Top 13 contestants on the current season, Ryan is taller than all 5 of the girls (even Megan - you have to take heels into account) and 2 of the guys. That makes it a total of 7 out of 13 contestants. And most of the contestants are males this season! At the worst, Ryan will usually end up taller than 1/3 of the contestants. Last season, he was only taller than 3 girls and 1 guy in the Top 12. At his height, it's expected that half of the contestants will be taller and half will be shorter.
JTRoN said on 16/Apr/09
I can't believe he's listed as this height, never knew his height till checking this site but from watching American Idol I noticed he's NEVER taller than anybody on the show, I made it a point to pay attention everytime he's beside someone to see if he's taller, but he's always same height or shorter, even the females! seriously I had him down at 5'7 for sure, his shoes seemed suspicious to me too, theyre so long for his proportions, made me wonder if he's hiding lifts....I'm goin with a strong 5'7
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/09
Seacrest at 5'9" would make Ben Stiller 5'8.5". Seacrest looks like a weak 5'7" to me. He can look under 5'7" at times.
Tony said on 14/Apr/09
i believe 5'9 he was hardly shorter than Quinton Terrintino on american idol tonight
Heightgirl said on 14/Apr/09
I forgot to mention that on last weeks Idol, Simon called Frankie Avalon and Ryan Seacrest "Twins". lol
cookie man said on 12/Apr/09
I met Ryan Seacrest two years ago at the Palm restaurant and he posed for a photo with me. I towered over him. I am 5'11. He is 5'7 nothing more.
Heightgirl said on 8/Apr/09
Little Frankie Avalon was on idol tonight and next to Ryan he seemed only an inch shorter. Frankie was never much taller than 5f3 Annette Funicello back in the day and he may have shrunk now. Plus, Annette seemed a bit shorter than 5f3... say 5f1.5. Ryan might only be 5f4 barefoot and 5f5 with shoes on.
Phil said on 31/Mar/09
Overall, I have Matt at 5'10" and Danny at 5'7 1/2".
Phil said on 31/Mar/09
MD, assuming that Ryan does wear lifts: I'd put Matt at 5'11" and Danny at 5'8 1/2"-5'9".
Assuming that he doesn't wear lifts: I'd say Matt is 5'10" and Danny is 5'7 1/2"-5'8".
I'm not sure how much lifts would really add, though.
MD said on 30/Mar/09
What do you have Matt and Danny at? Given that Ryan wears lifts so often, I can never really tell the height of the contestants.
lily said on 30/Mar/09
i believe u MD.
about alexis grace: she looks like 4'11 to me. any ideas???
Phil said on 28/Mar/09
I don't think Kris reaches 5'6". The max I'd give him is 5'5 1/2", but I think he's a solid 5'5". Kris is a solid 2 inches shorter than Ryan.
I have Megan in the 5'5"-5'6" range, and then Lil and Allison are both 5'2".
MD said on 28/Mar/09
Lily, Adam Lambert is said to be 6'1"/6'2", and he looks it.
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/09
What ever is hight is, he can stand on his money and be taller than everyone put together on this page!!!!!!
lily said on 28/Mar/09
Click Herei believe paula is 4'11.
lily said on 28/Mar/09
adam lambert is 5'11. he doens't seem like a 6' to me.
anyways, my guess: kris allen is 5'5-5'6. becoz he does look shorter than ryan seacrest.
RisingForce said on 27/Mar/09
That's because Ryan is 5'7". No way is he close to 5'8". He can give illusions of being 5'6". In chunky shoes he was barely taller than 5'6"/5'6.5" Ben Stiller!!
Ashley said on 26/Mar/09
The other day when I watched AI I noticed how tall Adam was, and assuming that Ryan is 5'7" I estimated Adam's height to be 6'1" come to find out, Adam really is 6'1" so I think Ryan is 5'7"
the shredder said on 22/Mar/09
Rob , what do you personally think is Minimum for him ? He seems shorter then 5'8

Editor Rob
I don't think he's as low as 5ft 7 flat.
Phil said on 22/Mar/09
My first guess for Adam was 6'0", but he may be closer to 6'1".
How tall would you say Anoop is, 6'0"?
leonari said on 22/Mar/09
I agree with rising. Has a thin frame and is well proportioned for his height.
someone said on 22/Mar/09
how tall do you reckon that adam guy from the new idol season is?
the shredder said on 21/Mar/09
He does not look 5'7 or 5'8 , I say he is between them !
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
I really think that 5'6.5" is possible for Seacrest as his shoes looked suspicious next to Ben Stiller and he looked 5-6ish next to Akon. But 5'7" flat makes the most sense.
I don't know how anyone can still think he's 5'8", I'd imagine that nobody believes his 5'9" claim.
Akshay said on 20/Mar/09
Funny i never felt he was short..looks 5-8 to me all the time..yeah when i saw him interviewing tyra banks he looked 3-4 inches smaller and she was wearing slippers then. This guy is cool!!
Leung said on 19/Mar/09
Leung says on 14/Jan/09
Based on height's from this website let
RisingForce said on 19/Mar/09
Leung's post on January 14th says it all, Seacrest is 5'7". He gave the illusion of 5-6ish if Akon is 5'10".
Doug said on 18/Mar/09
5'9" is a hilarious claim certainly. He barely looks over 5'6" to me, oh Stiller is 5'7" apparently.
susani said on 13/Mar/09
Yes, Ryan Seacrest is most definitely short.
Big T said on 13/Mar/09
I'm still stuck on Seacrest having minimum 1 inch on Ricky Gervais.
the shredder said on 12/Mar/09
Rob , what do you think is the shortest ?
the shredder said on 12/Mar/09
Rob , is legit 5'7 possible ?

Editor Rob
I don't think he's that low.
billybob said on 10/Mar/09
he says he is 5'9''?!?!?! that is so cheap!!!
leonari said on 9/Mar/09
I agree with Rising. No way is he almost 5'8". A flat 5'7" is fair.
RisingForce said on 9/Mar/09
Seacrest's 5'9" claim gets funnier and funnier. Ben Stiller is 5'6", maybe 5'6.5" on a good day.
Seacrest is closer to the camera and barely taller than Stiller.
Click HereBut wait, it gets better. Seacrest's shoes had big heels on them.
Click HereRyan really needs to be downgraded to 5'7".
Phil said on 8/Mar/09
I think 5'7" makes sense. He has a solid height difference over the short female contestants. Ryan looks to be similar in height to the shorter males and then you will have the taller males who have 5 or 6 inches over him. The taller contestants look 6'0"-6'1".
Look out for Danny Gokey, Kris Allen, and Jorge Nunez, who are the closest in height to Ryan. Lil Rounds and Megan Corkrey are probably good female comparisons.
Jim said on 7/Mar/09
5'7.75" would seem to be excessive for him. I am forced to American Idol on an alomst daily basis by the missus. If he's 5'7.75" then the average height of the American Idol contestant would be about 6'5", both boys and girls. I don't think that is very likely. He's 5'4" at best, and that's after a good night's sleep.
don said on 11/Feb/09
On E! News today by accident the camera man showed Ryans feet standing next to Giuliana Rancic (5'8/9). He was wearing big boots and she was in flats and they were the same height. this guys tiny
MD said on 10/Feb/09
I've been saying it all along, but I'd even be willing to give him 5'6.5" just to be nice. The fact is that he's 5'6" and with lifts he can look 5'8".
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/09
I guessed 5'6". He looks incredibly tiny next to women when they're wearing heels. Even small women are eye-level with him in heels.
theenforcer said on 10/Feb/09
Seacrest is on the Grammys red carpet right now and every female artist is just towering over him. Yes they all are wearing heels, but Katy Perry, Taylor Swift were taller and even Miley Cirus was slightly taller. he should put some lifts on or something
For awards like the grammy's all the women wear 4 -5 inch heels. Why does he need to wear lifts? He's a big success without being tall, a bigger success than anyone who has posted on here. I bet you'd all love his job!
Leung said on 9/Feb/09
Yeah at the Grammy
Phil said on 9/Feb/09
"I'm pretty sure even tiny duffy stood taller than him at the grammys, and her heels weren't that big."
I think that would be saying that he's 5'4", and that can't be right.
"and even Miley Cirus was slightly taller"
If that's true, then it makes him 5'6" or 5'6 1/2".
sarah said on 9/Feb/09
He is no way 5 ft 9! I'm pretty sure even tiny duffy stood taller than him at the grammys, and her heels weren't that big. All the women towered over him, how embaressing! He's still a cutie though.
edd said on 8/Feb/09
Seacrest is on the Grammys red carpet right now and every female artist is just towering over him. Yes they all are wearing heels, but Katy Perry, Taylor Swift were taller and even Miley Cirus was slightly taller. he should put some lifts on or something.
Dude said on 1/Feb/09
I don't know where you got that extra .75 from got a good eye but guys like Searest and're just a tad off by their proportoins and the fact that Seacrest here wears nothing but dress shoes and thick sole shoes/boots...I have a hard time thinking Seacrest is even 5'7 when comparing him to the JOnas brothers where none of them are 5'8...everyone is fooled by their footware...They can be a weak 5'8 in their boots that they always wear though..
Aaron said on 31/Jan/09
Scanning the internet I came up with four heights for Ryan Seacrest, 5'9"(his own estimation), 5'8", 5'7" and 5'5", I would go with 5'7" personally, I actually wonder whether he is joking when he says he is 5'9" because a few years back there was a female contestant who remarked how incredibly short he was and that she would not date guys in his state if they were as short as him. He asked her how tall she was and she said 5'9" and he replied "I am 5'9" too" to which she laughed and said, "You're not." I honestly cannot believe he is serious when he says he is 5'9" in front of millions of viewers.
G*Money said on 31/Jan/09
I met Nick Lachey several year's back with his honey Jessica at a Cincinnati Reds Game...Nick is nowhere near 5'9" and Jessica's lucky if she's 5'3". Nick absolutely wears lifts and Jessica has never been seen in anything but spiked heels. There's nothing wrong with being short...just EMBRACE IT!
Jordan LaDiva said on 24/Jan/09
I have actually seen Ryan in person before, I am 5' 9" and I was wearing about 3 inch heels, so I was standing about 6' 0", and Ryan is short, I don't even think he is 5' 7", he
Anonymous said on 21/Jan/09
I dont if you guys watched the new years ball but, he was shorter then every single one of the Jonas Brothers and even looked like Seacrest was wareing shoes with some lifts.
Anonymous said on 17/Jan/09
5'6.5 sounds more plausible.
Leung said on 15/Jan/09
Complex, it
Complex said on 15/Jan/09
I do agree that he's 5'7 flat tops but you know what's so wierd is that he was a tad taller than katherine heigl in heels on knocked up, that was so strange, maybe camera angles or something I remember seeing that he had some form of solid white tennis shoes on, lifts maybe I dunno, that's just wierd. But i agree, 5'7 max or dead on...
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
Which is why Seacrest is 5'7" max.
Leung said on 14/Jan/09
Based on height's from this website let
leonari said on 14/Jan/09
Lebensdorf: Agreed.
Lebensdorf said on 14/Jan/09
Five-foot-seven even. No taller.
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/09
172 is off for Ryan. a tad over 170 is possible. Cruise is taller
Big T said on 12/Jan/09
He was an inch taller than Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes. Either he's a strong 5'8" or lifts.
RisingForce said on 11/Jan/09
Seacrest is 5'7". He's always appeared like a short guy, shorter than 5'8". I never once got the impression that he was over 5'7".
MT said on 9/Jan/09
Why are they trying to make Ryan look taller than Giuliana? Its so ridiculous how they try to make him look taller with stools, steps and they know it is so fake. Giuliana is tall and they shouldn't try to fake it out like that. You can tell it bothers her.
MD said on 31/Dec/08
Just watching Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest, and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg (5'6") was standing right next to Ryan, and was a half-an-inch shorter than Ryan, at most. Ryan is not over 5'7".
glenn said on 13/Nov/08
5-10 for lopez is will see my pic one day.
leonari said on 12/Nov/08
Lopez is 5'10 or close to it. He has weird bone structure. As if he was closer to 5'8". Don't get me wrong the man has one of the best physiques in hollywood these days, but if you think about it: He is probably as tall as SLY. But Stallone at his age was even more ripped and defined but he looked "thinner" cause his bones were thinner (watch Rocky 3 for proof). Therefore SLy in my opinion always taller than Lopez. RFS:Seacrest is not below 170 cm. That can be ruled out. A guy below 170 will probably always look short even when standing on his own. Seacrest when not near a taller guy can appear average cause he is above 170 cm and well proportioned. Not a big lift wearer if you ask me.
the shredder said on 12/Nov/08
Rob ,. do you think 170-171cm is closer ? ... He looked about 3 inches shorter then Mario Lopez !

Editor Rob
it's not ruled out
anonymous said on 12/Nov/08
He was shorter than ellenby an inch and she is reportedly 5 foot 7. He's short. In the emmys, he was about 12-15cm shorter than 5 foot 8 heidi klum with 12cm heels on. I would say 5 foot 6-7. No taller, he's a short guy.
RFS said on 9/Nov/08
5'9" with LIFTS
He can't be 5'7" if people rag on his height so much (same with Tom Cruise). 5'7" isn't bad. He's probably just under the 170cm mark.
Maria said on 1/Nov/08
At the TCA's Miley wore high heels that were at least 2 inches thick. She's 5'5". So that would have made her AT LEAST 5'7". But compared to David, she was either a lil bit shorter or the same height. So I'd say like 5'7".
Phil said on 12/Oct/08
I see three inches between them. It would really help if we can get a take on David A's height or Jason Castro's, because that might help out a bit.
I'll guess that Seacrest is in the 5'7"-5'7 1/2 range.
In the upcoming season, it would be ideal if there were average height females to compare him to.
Maxwell said on 8/Oct/08
OK-- he needs a downgrade. Really. See this video:
Click HereSanjaya is not very tall, and this is easily seen from that part of the video where he's rehearsing with Jennifer Lopez. He has shoes with flat soles here.
In the actual performance, Sanjaya is in sneakers. Not thick-soled Nike ones, but regular Skechers type, so that would've given him about an inch more? But still, he looks about 4 inches taller than Seacrest. And it isn't far off that Seacrest wears lifts on AI.
Leung said on 22/Sep/08
frank says on 22/Sep/08
he can't be 5 7 because on the emmys he looked taller than jeff probst from survivor and he is 5 9
what are you talking about? Seacrest was the easily the shortest of the reality tv show hosts on stage during their skit. Even the short old guy (don
frank said on 22/Sep/08
he can't be 5 7 because on the emmys he looked taller than jeff probst from survivor and he is 5 9
Georgia said on 8/Sep/08
I know someone who went to highschool with him in Dunwoody. He said he is truly the nicest guy and about 5'7".
Phil said on 1/Sep/08
For those who have come across Idol 7 contestants on the tour or anywhere else:
Do you know how tall are the following Idols:
David Archuleta - people say 5'4"-5'5", fans say 5'5"-5'7"
David Cook - people say 5'10"-6'0"
Ramiele Malubay - she says she's 4'11", but she looks 4'8"-4'9"
Jason Castro - reported at 5'7", but I'd guess 5'8"-5'9"
Phil said on 10/Aug/08
Average guy is about 5'10.2" A girl being 5'3" is equivalent to a guy being 5'8" and a half. Now with that said, that means that 5'7" is definitely on the short side, as anything below 5'8.5" is probably short.
Anonymous fan said on 9/Aug/08
If he actually is 5'7 that's only 1 inch shorter then the average guy it's like a girl being 5'3 it's really not short it's basically average
Phil said on 9/Aug/08
"If your 5'7.5 do you just round it to 5'8?"
It should really be rounded down to 5'7". You can't say 5'8" because you don't reach 5'8" in any way, but you do reach 5'7". If it was at least x 3/4", then you can round up (x+1") because you are closer to the higher inch.
5'10"-5'11" seems to be the middle and/or average height from what I see as you go out. Anything under 5'8" is definitely considered short. 5'8" itself would blend in in certain situations, but come off as a bit short in others. 5'10" may not be "spectacular", but it is very respectable and not bad at all.
I'm thinking that Ryan is really 5'7" as he was 2 inches shorter than 5'9" Sanjaya. I don't see how you can get around that. Anyone know how tall Giuliana Rancic is? Ryan looks 1/2 inch taller than her.
Realme2008 said on 5/Aug/08
5'8-5'11" falls under average in my opinion. Anyone shorter than this is short.
jd said on 5/Aug/08
5 foot 7
JJ - 5 8 IS short for a guy. Even 5 10 isnt spectacular by any means
Dan said on 31/Jul/08
what about 5'7.5 mellow?
mellow said on 30/Jul/08
im sorry guys but 5'7 is short. thats 2-3 inches below average. im 5'10 and on average people are an inch shorter or an inch taller than me. 5'8 isnt so bad but im sorry 5'7 is short.
Dan said on 29/Jul/08
If your 5'7.5 do you just round it to 5'8?
JJ said on 25/Jul/08
I don't get people why do you call a 5'8" guy "short". Seriously?
Bruce said on 9/Jul/08
george michael looks a solid 4 inches taller than him in that picture posted by MD
angel said on 24/Jun/08
dustin breeding is 5'10
myk said on 20/Jun/08
is katherine heigl really 5'9"? coz in knocked up she was as tall as ryan seacrest and ryan was wearing chucks...go figure...these guys really drive me crazy!
MD said on 18/Jun/08
With Mike Myers, who's given 5'7", here. In fact, I think he was even in moccasin-type shoes, here:
Click Here With George Michael given 5'11" here:
Click HereClick Here