Phil said on 13/Jun/08
According to someone who has seen Andrew, Cook's brother, Andrew is 6'0". David looked 5'11" next to him.
Viper said on 8/Jun/08
Cook is only 5-9? He looks cloesr to 6-0 to me. Unless he wears some big footwear.
Markus said on 7/Jun/08
Archuleta looks 163-164 cm (and I'm glad he didn't win). Cook is definitely 177-179 cm in case Seacrest doesn't wear elevator shoes (which I don't believe, because it wouldn't make sense compared to some other contestants).
I think Seacrest is a weak 5'8'' guy for sure. And it's not a bad height at all, not even for a male.
phil. said on 6/Jun/08
met all three of them. archuletta is 5'4'' MAYBE. seacrest is 5'6-5'7. He is NOT 5'8''. Cook is in the 5'9'' range.
LILLEE said on 4/Jun/08
seacrest was the same height as blake lewis so david archuleta can't be 5'6.5" if blake is 5'7" thats insane.archie is more like 5'4- 5'5" tops
Nik said on 2/Jun/08
I met the both Davids. i am 5'7'' soo Next to me I will guess Archie is 5'5'' and Cook is 5'9'' or 5'10''
wents chick said on 2/Jun/08
who cares if david archuleta is "short" he is gorgeous!!!! and he definately should have won. he is everything you would ever want in an idol. he's talented, funny, and humble. now cook might be a good singer but he's totally arogant. Go archie!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said on 31/May/08
okay this is annoying me. this site says he is 5' 7'' he says he is 5' 9''. my friends at school say he is 5' 2'' and cook is not 6' 2'' he is like 5' 10''. also my friend told me david a( im his huge fan) is 5 foot!!!! i dont think so he is prob like 5' 5''
MD said on 30/May/08
He's not even 5'7.75", though.
Aimie said on 30/May/08
yeah right I don't think he is 5'9. That would make all idol contestants giants.
Stephanie said on 29/May/08
He looks short in comparison because the women are in heels and most of the boys/men on the show are taller than he is. But 5' 7.75" isn't bad at all.
the shredder said on 25/May/08
yea , I don't think David Cook is over 6'0 ... Ive seen him listed 6'2 in some places which is B.S. !
tall said on 24/May/08
6'0 Hayden Christensen towered over Seacrest here. Maybe 4.5 inches and Christensen is wearing running shoes and Seacrest is wearing dress shoes. They both seem straight at some point.
Click Here
Lindsay said on 24/May/08
I say Cook is 5'11" to 6'0". I don't think he is over 6'0" though. So glad he won!
Markus said on 24/May/08
I'd say Cook is more like 5'10''-5'11'' (cowboy boots).
Jake Is Back said on 24/May/08
I'd go more 5'11" for Cook than 6'.
Antron said on 24/May/08
no 3inch lifts RL, or rather, the most he (or anyone) can really get out of lifts is about 1.5in. So I think he may be like Tom Cruise where he is 5'7" and looks 5'8" or so all the time because he's in lifts. I saw him in LA and he was slightly taller in boot-like shoes than me (169cm)in flip flops. No way is he 5'9" though.
As far as Cook, he does look about 6'0 all the time, but he is usually in cowboy boots as far as I can tell. So I'll say maybe 5'11" barefo
David A. is most likely 5'5." No taller.
Viper said on 24/May/08
Yeah, I agree with that estimation for Cook. Hes close to 6-0.
Jake Is Back said on 23/May/08
Barefoot, I'd say Myers is taller than Seacrest.
Clay said on 23/May/08
Cook looks like a solid 5'11' - 6'0''.
Jake Is Back said on 22/May/08
I watched the Mike Myers part again
Click Here (go to 3:30 if you want to skip to the Seacrest comparison) Mike Myers was nearly the same height as Seacrest, maybe Myers just a tad shorter but as you can see he has flatter shoes than Seacrest.
RL said on 22/May/08
Seacrest wears about 3" lifts in his shoes. The distance from his knees to the floor looks way out of proportion. He MIGHT be 5'5".
Brah said on 22/May/08
5'11" George Michael also appeared about 4.5 inches taller than Seacrest last night on Idol.
I did not know how tall Michael was, and am surprised that he is only 5'11".
Brah said on 22/May/08
Actually, I thought at times, Mike Myers was either the same height as Seacrest or Seacrest was slightly taller.
However, Myers seemed to wearing flatter shoes as well.
Viper said on 22/May/08
Man, Rob needs to bring this guy down to 5-7.
Jake Is Back said on 21/May/08
Mike Myers actually looked slightly taller than Seacrest on tonight's show.
MD said on 18/May/08
Archuleta has got to be 5'5", tops, because Ryan is significantly and notably taller than him.
Brah said on 18/May/08
Archuleta is like 5'5"-5'6".
aaa said on 18/May/08
I saw David Archuleta seemed shorter than Ryan Seacrest. What is David Archuleta's height.
Peetie said on 14/May/08
He look 5'6.5'' for me because blake lewis is ONLY 5'6'' and he's not different from Blake L. And He's a lot shorter than Jordin Sparks.
Somehow , Jordin Sparks is 5'9.5''-5'10'' max. but she looks 6'0'' with heels like Gwyneth P. who tall 5'9.5'' but looks 6'0.5'' when wear heels.
Leung said on 11/May/08
You shouldn
anjiluhmarie said on 10/May/08
either ryan isnt 5'9, or mariah carey isnt 5'9, like everywhere states, because when she was on the show, she was in heels, and she was shoulder to shoulder with ryan
MD said on 9/May/08
Yes, I saw that, and it surprised me. He absolutely dwarfed him, and Adam Levine isn't all that tall (5'11").
Trixie said on 8/May/08
Last night, Maroon5 frontman TOWERED over Seacrest.
AM said on 6/May/08
Obviously there's not going to be that much of a big diff between them if she was wearing flats..... And I LOOOVVEEE ryan seacrest. I dont care what anyone says.
MD said on 5/May/08
You're taking into account her heels, aren't you? I still don't think he's anything over 5'7".
JJD said on 5/May/08
I always thought Seacrest to be less than 5'7" honestly...he was dwarfed by Jordin Sparks (who is 5'10" I think) the height disparity looked to be more than 3 inches to me.
gothie79 said on 5/May/08
I always thought Jason was taller than David C. :o
btw david cook has myspace?!.
Anon2008 said on 30/Apr/08
You're right Phil about the height fluctuations. If you saw last night, Cook didn't look as tall as he usually does next to Seacrest and Castro looked taller than Seacrest.
Anon2008 said on 29/Apr/08
Weird, Cook looked no more than 5'10" next to Seacrest tonight (4/29). He usually looks taller. He probably rounds up half an inch like I sometimes do.
Brah said on 29/Apr/08
David Cook lists his height as 5'11" on his myspace. That looks about right on Idol.
Anon2008 said on 28/Apr/08
Anyone want to take a gander as to what David Cook's height is? In relation to Seacrest, Cook looks maybe 6 feet, but he seems to wear cowboy boots. And Sam if you saw idol gives back which was on recently, you see Williams shorter than Seacrest... lifts for Seacrest maybe? Eh.. Williams is probably shorter still.
sam said on 26/Apr/08
robin williams and seacrest are both hovering around 5'8. cowell might be a smidge taller
Phil said on 23/Apr/08
What I see is that Ryan's height fluctuates very often. Here are a couple of examples based on my observations:
1. Ryan was either 2 inches taller than Blake Lewis or 1 inch
2. Chris Daughtry: 1 inch shorter than Chris or the same height
3. Jason Castro: Anywhere from an inch shorter to an inch taller
4. David Archuleta: Either two inches or three inches taller
Charley said on 23/Apr/08
I did not realise that Jason Castro was only 5'7", he was definately taller than Seacrest!
MD said on 22/Apr/08
Just for reference, here he is with contestant David Archuleta, however tall he is. It's worth also remembering that Ryan probably has in lifts, especially on the show.
Click Here2.
Click Here3.
Click HereWith contestant Jason Castro:
Click Here2.
Click Here
Brah said on 21/Apr/08
What's also strange is that the contestant Jason Castro is listed online everywhere at 5'7" and he called himself short. Yet, on every show, he is taller than Seacrest by an inch or so!
Jake Is Back said on 19/Apr/08
Bang on 5'7", I agree.
MD said on 18/Apr/08
Yeah, Seacrest is not anything over 5'7", but I've come around to the point that he's nothing under that, either. Why he remains at almost 5'8", though, is beyond me. There is nothing to support that knowing that he wears lifts.
glenn said on 18/Apr/08
i couldve sworn williams was 5-8 in the early 90s.he is indeed 5-6 now.
Leung said on 17/Apr/08
Forget about the comparison with Robin Williams, he is not a reliable point of reference because we can not pinpoint his height. In his youth Robin Williams really did look close to 5
Charley said on 17/Apr/08
I agree that Seacrest is taller than Williams, however, when Glenn met Williams he said he did not look over 5'6".
Charley said on 17/Apr/08
The more I see him on TV next to others, the shorter he seems to look. I definately do not think he exceeds 170cm, having him as 172cm is ridiculous in my opinion, I think the editor should downgrade him by 2cm.
the shredder said on 17/Apr/08
Williams taller then Seacrest ??????????????? PLEASE fedEx me what ever your smoking !
Rob , does Seacrest look smaller ??????
Click Here
Editor Rob
seacrest looks taller.
TM said on 15/Apr/08
Earlier posters must have been watching a different TV than me because Robin Williams(5'7) looked taller than Seacrest. As soon as I seen that I thought there is no way he is the height posted here. If you look at the pics of him beside sanjaya and after how short he looked beside Robin Williams I put this guy at 5'6. Giving him 5'7 would be generous, this height needs downgraded some.
Brah said on 15/Apr/08
A 3 inch women's heel would give around 2.5 inches. If she is 5'5.5" then she is 5'8" in heels.
If Ryan was a half-inch to inch taller, he was 5'8.5" to 5'9" in dress shoes.
So, barefoot, he is around 5'7" and change.
Phil said on 14/Apr/08
Kady Malloy, herself, said that she is 5'5.5", and she was about a half-inch to an inch shorter than Ryan. If she comes up to about 5'7.25" in 3 inch heels, then Ryan is probably 5'7.75".
Brah said on 11/Apr/08
Hmm, upon further inspection, Seacrest probably is closer to 5'7" than 5'8" (I originally thought Rob's 5'7.75" listing was a good estimate).
But now, I can see 5'7" to 5'7.5" max suits him more.
Sanjaya is a definite 5'9, he claimed he is 5'9" and he was noticeably shorter than Leno.
Next to Sanjaya with Converse, Seacrest looks even less than 5'9" with shoes on!
Miranda said on 11/Apr/08
dude, Ryan Seacrest IS 5'7.
Click HereSimon Cowell is 5'9 and is taller than Ryan by 2 inches.
Randy is 5'8 and Paula is 5'4 (with heels) and 5'2 without.
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/08
i'll bet he's 5'8, stands a little rigid though...still most like that height
Jake Is Back said on 10/Apr/08
Just to remind everyone why I don't believe in the 5'8" Seacrest hype...
Next to 5'9" Sanjaya (check out the foot wear in the second one):
Click HereClick HereNext to 172 - 173 Chris Daughtry:
Click HereClick Here
the shredder said on 10/Apr/08
Yea I notice that myself ... He looked about 2 inches over Robin Williams and I do think Ryan is 172cm ! Williams might be 5'6 nowdays ?
C said on 10/Apr/08
He looked at least 2 inches taller than Robin Williams on Idol Gives back. Very strange, because he really looked tall in that scene? Could Robin be shorter than 5'7"?
Jake Is Back said on 8/Apr/08
I think he truly is about 5'7", a moderately short guy.
sam said on 7/Apr/08
i think he truly is about 5'8, not really a short guy...
Leung said on 30/Mar/08
tallgirl says on 29/Mar/08
he is tall some people think 5 9 is short for a boy even though i am his height lol but for a boy i htink that is tall lol because a lot of girls are like 5 feet and like 5 4 so he isnt short
haha someone saying Seacrest is tall, now that is definitely the first time I have heard that. Tallgirl, if you are 5
tallgirl said on 29/Mar/08
he is tall some people think 5 9 is short for a boy even though i am his height lol but for a boy i htink that is tall lol because a lot of girls are like 5 feet and like 5 4 so he isnt short
the shredder said on 29/Mar/08
I think rob has him right , I was looking at pics of him next to brain dunkleman who is listed as 5'9 on celeb fit club and looks 5'9 and ryan next to him is shorter , sometimes looks 5'7.75 exactly !
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here ryan is a 172cm guy !!!
Brah said on 27/Mar/08
I think Paul is a strong 6 feet. I saw his height listed as both 6'0" and 6'1" last year, so I went with the lower figure.
Yeah the difference looks around 5 inches most of the video. Though, at the 5:26-5:28 mark in the video, the top of Seacrest's head looks a little above Paul's eyeline, so more 4 inches.
Jake Is Back said on 26/Mar/08
Watching the video again, I think even if Paul's a 6 footer Ryan could still be only 5'7" flat. In many shots he falls just below Paul's eye line pointing to a 5" difference. He can't be 5'6" though if Paul's 6'.
Jake Is Back said on 26/Mar/08
The guy in the video with his shoes off had Ryan by 4" - 5". If he's actually a legit 6' Ryan is 5'7" - 5'8". Although I wouldn't be suprised if the contestant was really more 5'11" - 5'11.5", as that would correspond more to a 5'6.5" - 5'7" Seacrest which he has looked on many occasions. One things for sure, even though he's self concious about his height to some degree, Ryan is a lot less so than Simon (who would never go barefoot).
Phil said on 23/Mar/08
I thought Paul was 6'1".
Brah said on 22/Mar/08
Yes, I remember that Jim. We discussed Seacrest going barefoot last year on celebheights.
The Asian guy is Paul Kim, he is 6 feet tall.
It was after seeing that on TV that I concluded that Seacrest is about 5'7.75" barefoot like Rob has listed him at, and is 5'9" in shoes. So he claims his height with shoes on.
Brah said on 22/Mar/08
Anne Hathaway was wearing high heels. Of course she would be taller than him. Most of the women on American Idol also wear 3 inch heels. That is why he is often shorter than average height women on the show.
Jim said on 22/Mar/08
Click Here that is a clip from last year of american idol, fter the asian guy sings, ryan walks on stage barefoot because the singer sang barefoot, and ryan was around 4 inches shorter, but I dont know how tall the singer is. Atleast this shows ryan doesnt try to hide his height as much as we thought. I wonder if simon will ever go in public barefoot.
Victorian said on 21/Mar/08
Anne Hathaway was 2-3 inches taller than him at the oscars. He seemed to have only one inch of a difference with patrick dempsey though.
Jim said on 21/Mar/08
OK I found it the clip.
Click HereGo to the end of the video when Ryan goes on stage. Their obviously both barefoot and ryans head looks like it reaches pauls eyes, so I would say ryan is around 4 inches shorter. Dont know how tall paul is though. Atleast this shoes ryan isnt as self-consious about his height as we thought. Simon would never go anymore barefoot.
Jim said on 21/Mar/08
How tall is that one korean guy who was the first one eliminated in the top 24 last season? He looked fairly tall, about a 6 footer to me. Anyways he sang the song barefoot, and then ryan went on stage barefoot as well and ryan was like around 3 inches shorter give or take. someone find the clip.
Jake Is Back said on 19/Mar/08
Daughtry was taller than Seacrest. Lewis was sometimes shorter than Ryan by 1" - 1.5" but sometimes actually looked just as tall as Seacrest (maybe he forgot his lifts). Sanjaya was nothing less than 2" taller than Seacrest (both claim 5'9").
maximus said on 18/Mar/08
Most people claim their height in shoes....I have met guys that stated they were 6'2 and where only a little bit taller than me..maybe an inch or two...... I would say 98% of all people add a least an inch or two to their actual height. I'm 5'10 1/2 to 5'11 barefoot depending on when you measure me. Definetly 5'11 for a few hours in the morning...later down to 5'10 1/2.
MD said on 18/Mar/08
ACG, ever heard of lifts. lol Seriously, you didn't even mention that. And, I'm pretty sure it was last season where he even inadvertantly admitted wearing them when standing next to a barefoot contestent.
Brah said on 17/Mar/08
Blake Lewis claims 5'7" and Ryan Seacrest is about one inch taller. Chris Daughtry claims 5'8" and Seacrest looks about the same height. Sanjaya is 5'9" and looked 2 inches taller. David Archuleta claims 5'6" and Seacrest looks 2 inches taller.
In conclusion, he looks close to 5'8" on the show. He claims 5'9" because he counts his shoes. I have met many people who claim their height in shoes.
Leung said on 17/Mar/08
Yes ACG you are the only person that believes Seacrest's claims of 5'9". How can you possibly see 5
SportGirl said on 14/Mar/08
on AI ryan looks way shorter! if he's 5'7 or 5'9, he's taller than me...?
MD said on 13/Mar/08
Yeah, I really don't know how much more proof we need to see. He's 5'7", and not anything more than that. And, quite frankly, he has good proportions, so he shouldn't be ashamed because he doesn't particularly look short when standing alone.
Bosco said on 13/Mar/08
another celeb who's 5'7 flat and wont admitt it...
but hey its hollywoodland, everybody are taller than 6' feet haha
he's 5'7 flat
Leung said on 12/Mar/08
Height Fiend,
Your denial makes it sound as though you are ashamed of your height. 5
Leung said on 12/Mar/08
Lmeister is right, without doubt Seacrest is short. Lmeister you are also taller than Seacrest because he is only 5
Lmeister said on 12/Mar/08
He is short no matter what ppl say. I'm also 5ft8 (5ft7.5 in the evening). I don't understand short guys making "excuses". It really sounds that ppl have a lot of height related problems some feel superior and some feel inferior, cause their height. The height doesn't really makeup good personality and good looks etc...
filipino guy said on 12/Mar/08
I think for Ryan to look taller(close to 6 flat), he should wear 3 to 4 inches of high heels designed for girls. I'm sorry Ryan, but I stand above 6 feet.
jovendelacruz said on 12/Mar/08
In my opinion, he is a bit short (172 cm) for an American guy. I stand 6'1", given a chance to meet him in person, I believe he would just within my eye level.
WantingtoBe6FT said on 11/Mar/08
I'd say this height is dead-on for Seacrest. And what's interesting is that I never really notice much of a difference between him and the contestants. I wouldn't exactly call him "short"
Brah said on 11/Mar/08
Yes, in my opinion 5'7" is short. Most young guys I see nowadays are 5'10" and taller. It is VERY common for me to see a large group of 5 to 8 young guys hanging out and they are all 5'10" to 6'2".
Height Fiend said on 8/Mar/08
Brah im 5'7 and im not short! In YOUR opinion i am but in reality when i walk down the street im not much smaller or taller than alot of people, id say 5'7 is lower average. 5'6 - 5'8 is lower avergage . 5'9 - 5'11 is average. Anything 6 foot and over is tall and anything less than 5'6 is short. But then, that is just an opinion.
Jake Is Back said on 7/Mar/08
While I am of the opinion Seacrest is no more than 5'7" barefoot, I would not call him 5'4" - 5'5". He was about the same height, he was a full 2" shorter than Sanjaya last year (5'9") but he wasn't 4" - 5" shorter.
Brah said on 6/Mar/08
5'4 to 5'5", get serious. Then that would make Blake Lewis (who is 5'7") 5'3" then. And David Archuleta is only 5'2" then.
Have you watched this year's American Idol. 90% of the male contestants were around the same height as Seacrest, some even shorter. I guess 90% of the male contestants this year are 5'2" to 5'6".
5'7.75" (which is still short) for Seacrest is as accurate as you get.
Some people have no common sense.
JohnD said on 4/Mar/08
I agree with most others...Really, if he actually IS average (at 5'9"/175cm) he'd be saying he's 5'10" or 5'11"...
Take a look next to John Mayer(6'3" or so)...flat ground, probably same shoewear...have to account for Mayer's slouching down to hear/intimidate Seacrest... ;)
Click Here
Jake Is Back said on 29/Feb/08
Look at him next to Sanjaya or Blake Lewis (both from last season) he's 5'7" flat.
Hollie said on 29/Feb/08
I just watched Katharine McPhee perform the song "think" on american idol and she took her shoes off and was standing right next to him and he looked at the most one inch taller. So...I'd say that 5'7.75 inches is correct.
Leung said on 28/Feb/08
chris175, from what you have written I gather that you are happy with Rob
chris175 said on 28/Feb/08
i disagree leung, i believe cruise wears big lifts:
Click Here and how can you say that im "wrong" lol, its not like as if anyone here really knows, i could be wrong but who knows really. what do you think rob?

Editor Rob
I see papers doin such things on occassion. That right shot is awful. The left shot she's got a looser posture from what I remember looking at those event shots.
Leung said on 28/Feb/08
chris175 you are wrong, Seacrest vs Cruise, I'm sure that Cruise would win the battle of the little men. You see Seacrest is 5'7" flat, whereas Cruise is 5'7" plus change, Cruise is only a tad under 5'8".
Seacrest can only dream that he was as tall as Tom Cruise.
Jake Is Back said on 27/Feb/08
Nah man, Sanjaya was 5'9" and he had 2" on Ryan. He was no more than 5'9" either, compared to Jay Leno.
chris175 said on 27/Feb/08
he is not shorter than 5-7, i keep thinking that if seacrest and tom cruise stood next to each other barefoot, seacrest would be taller and they are both listed as 5-7.75. could be closer to the 5-9 that he says than people here think
Jake Is Back said on 27/Feb/08
Yes he's been known to wear lifts. Almost as bad as Simon Cowell.
Hopegal said on 26/Feb/08
Seems like he's wearing lifts or something because he's as tall as most of the performers this season. Or the performers are shorter this season?
Anonymous said on 26/Feb/08
He's 5'7" barefoot, max imo. Sometimes he looked as short as Blake Lewis. 5'7" isn't really all that short anyways.
Tom said on 22/Feb/08
With normal men's shoes he is probably about 5'8". You can tell from his stature and how he appears next to some of the taller contestants. I don't think he is trying to make people think he is taller either. He's pretty honest about his height. Who cares, anyway?
Robin said on 20/Feb/08
i'd say hes around 5'71/2. simon is definetly around 5'9. lol but he does those wears big platform
shoes :P
Paul_Pierce_4_ever said on 20/Feb/08
Click Hereyeah.... that's about an inch right there
Brah said on 20/Feb/08
Ryan Seacrest must be happy. This year's crop of Idol contestants is shorter than before. He was about the same height as most of the male contestants and even taller than a couple.
norwegian said on 20/Feb/08
I think Ryan can be 5 ft 7.75 in. with his shoes on. He's probably about 1 inch shorter. He's no 5'9".. but I think he's right about being average! There is a rage of what average is. 5'7" isn't a really weird height.. if you see a guy that height on the bus you're not thinking "wow he's not average".. You find 5'7" guys all around. It's below the calculated average height.. that doesn't mean it's not average;)
Have you seen Ryan on this season of American Idol? Does he seem taller to you (shoes?)? Or is the contestents shorter than usual?
Aaron said on 10/Feb/08
He was also looking down on 5'7 Keira Knightley so this seems about right.
Aaron said on 10/Feb/08
He was a fair bit taller than Daniel Radcliffe at the BAFTAS. And he was a bit taller than Sienna Miller (dunno if she was wearing heels).
chris175 said on 8/Feb/08
this guy is built very similar to myself, he could well be 5-9 but doesnt look it at all, although i would also say that he could be as low as 5-6! seems to have a pretty good straight posture all the time, longer neck and shorter body can make him look short big time, im goin with robs listing though ;)
scotty said on 7/Feb/08
He always jokes about his height and his stature and build reminds me a lot of myself, so I would guess he is 5'6 give or take a little, definitely not 5'9, there would be no reason to joke about being short at 5'9, a lot of leading Hollywood guys are in the 5'9 5'10 range.
sam said on 6/Feb/08
even in the pic with scott foley, looks short but not that bad considering how big those heels on that girl is and those dudes look pretty big. kinda short but could be 5'8. remember a lot of people can make average height guys look short.
Jane_Fonda said on 4/Feb/08
I saw an interview he did with gael garcia bernal for babel on the red carpet and he looked about half an inch taller then gael which would make him 5'6" and 3/4, he really shouldn't be marked this high unless you want to upgrade Gael?
johnson said on 4/Feb/08
Seacrest has at times looked tiny on American Idol, a legit 5-9 guy would occasionally look short, but never tiny, so in my opinion he is probably 5-7ish.
internet_hey said on 1/Feb/08
if he stepped back and lined up with the japanese backup dancers he would be barely taller than them!
Leung said on 31/Jan/08
That photo is a shocker, Seacreast is really struggling for height in that photo. Akon is only 5
jcoltrane said on 30/Jan/08
After measuring the photo linked below, he definitely seems to be 5'7.5"-5'8", though he could easily be wearing lifts.
Click Here
D'woody said on 28/Jan/08
Went to high school with him - he was same height as me back then, so 5'8"-5'9". Also, he played football and I don't remember him being a tiny guy for the team.
Nataliee said on 27/Jan/08
If you look at that picture , I really don't think he is over 5'6''?
Standing next to Scott Foley
Click Here
campesino said on 17/Jan/08
i've seen blake lewis in person, he's about 5'5"-5'6". so ryan is probably 5'7" and 1/2 :P.
Lebensdorf said on 17/Jan/08
I would say that he's a solid 5'7'' and no taller. He's quite lean and elegant and very well-proportioned, so he looks taller than he actually is. In fact, standing alone, with no references, he could pass for 5'10'' or a bit more. But next to Randy (who is 5'8'' or so), he looks to be nearly an inch and a half shorter. I noticed this last night on the show; I thought I'd give my two cents.
AIrules said on 15/Jan/08
Lol, if he's really 5'5", then Blake Lewis must be 5'3" and Simon/Randy would be 5'6". I think he is around 5'8" - 5'9" cause he seems to be taller than Blake around 1" or 2", and Blake Lewis is 5'7"... so yeah Ryan can't be 5'5", unless he's wearing 4" - 5" heels.
the shredder said on 14/Jan/08
Then just give him 171cm lol !
the shredder said on 14/Jan/08
Rob , what do you think is Max and Min for Seacrest ? ... your HONEST opinion !

Editor Rob
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/08
no way he's 5'8, he's shorter than that, he's like 5'5 or 5'6 tops.
the shredder said on 12/Jan/08
Yea he is not 5'9 , but I do think he can be as tall as 5'8 1/2 ! ... He is atleast 5'7 ... Most likely 5'8 !
Antron said on 11/Jan/08
Just found a pic of Seacrest with Zac (5'8") Efron.
Click HereSeacrest (closer to the camera,wearing a suit and wearing dress shoes at the very least if not lifts) looks about .5-.75 inch taller than Efron dressed casually. Zac actually has a slight lean and his shoulders look about even with Seacrest's so even the slight advantage Seacrest has could be negated even more. To all those who think this guy is really 5'9" he's not.
Antron said on 11/Jan/08
I think he's about 170cm and wears lifts. I actually think Tom Cruise is slightly taller than him. It would be great to see a picture of them together, though I doubt such a pic exists.
ACG said on 11/Jan/08
please tell me that you guys aren't seriously talking about a peak height for seacrest. the guy is barely 30 ffs.
Caesar said on 9/Jan/08
El says on 7/Jan/08
Seacrest may have been 5'9" at his peak, around age 21 or so. He said he was overweight as a teen. When he started losing weight he may have lost height as well. I think 5'7.75" is reasonable. Blake Lewis is 5'7" and Seacrest is not much taller. Sanjaya is like 5'9.5"
Self-admitted 5'8 Chris Daughtry had a clear inch over Seacrest. Seacrest may be a strong 5'7, but no more. A Glenn picture could prove me wrong (as it did in upgrading Damon, Cruise and Farrell), but not much else.
El said on 7/Jan/08
Seacrest may have been 5'9" at his peak, around age 21 or so. He said he was overweight as a teen. When he started losing weight he may have lost height as well. I think 5'7.75" is reasonable. Blake Lewis is 5'7" and Seacrest is not much taller. Sanjaya is like 5'9.5".
Socom said on 6/Jan/08
I agree with Viper. Don't drag people down with you just because you wish you were 5'9 Seacrest. There is a definate height complex with this guy.
Viper said on 5/Jan/08
Ryan saying hes 5-9 and short gives other people at a real 5-9 a bad name.
Anonymous said on 4/Jan/08
Absolute bs anon. Ive seen him on the tonight show look almost as tall as leno. He is not that short. He could be 5'7 min if he wears big lifts. He might be over 5'8. Hes not that short.
5'6 and under is completly impossible. No chance whatsoever. Would be great to see an comparison to glenn.
I personally think hes 5'7-5'8.5...somewhere in there but no shorter unless he had 5 inch lifts on leno lol.
Anonymous said on 4/Jan/08
I don't think that the height 5'9 is short at all.... is it?
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/08
HAHA, omg I gotta laugh my ass off, hes not 5'9 at all like he said, nor he's like 5'7 or 5'8 listed. He's like 5'5 or 5'6 the most.
Maddie said on 1/Jan/08
If you watched the ringing in of the New Year, he stood right next to Carrie Underwood, who is 5'3 and was wearing spiked heel boots and he was taller than her.
B-nn said on 30/Dec/07
I think everybody knows he's kinda short, nevertheless he's doing a great job hosting shows...
f8E0R123N said on 24/Dec/07
im 5,11 and i stood right next to him in a store in california, i was wearing sk8 shoes which are basically flat and he was wearing 1 inch boots. i had at least 5 inches on him. i'd have to say hes about 5 foot 6, mebe 5 foot 7 max.
Bidel said on 18/Dec/07
Ryan and Teri Hatcher 5'6
Click Here
Socom said on 7/Dec/07
I believe this listing to be accurate. 5'7.75 seems right
observer said on 8/Nov/07
Brian Seacrest was interviewed on ABC's late night news show. Seacrest was shown with his E! female co-anchor. She took her heels off right before the taping of their show and said it's because Seacrest is only 5'9" tall.
In general, I've noticed that shorter guys add to inches to their real height when they state their height.
Brandon said on 29/Oct/07
I am exactly 5'7 3/4 and I know I am taller than Ryan Seacrest, he seems shorter than that unless everyone on American Idol is like 6 feet tall!
Leung said on 25/Oct/07
Due to his good body proportions he doesn
Lmeister said on 24/Oct/07
That's true Brah he looked average. Actually he even was wearing normal sneakers when standing next to Kathrine Heigl(5'9''ish)and didn't look noticeably shorter.
Brah said on 23/Oct/07
I also noticed that he did not look short in Knocked Up. One thing I notice about Seacrest is that he has a tiny head! If he stands alone, this can work for him, because his body ends up looking longer than others of similar height who stand alone. Example, Jeremy Piven, who has a huge head and always looks short.
leonari said on 22/Oct/07
Saw seacrest in his cameo appearence in Knocked up and he doesn't look short... I am as tall as he is but I have the feeling I would look shorter on screen... If he is truly below 5'8" than the man has amazing proportions giving him the ability to look a strong average height when standing by himself...
myspace celebrity said on 17/Sep/07
i think this sounds much more accurate than the height i recently heard of (5'4) i think he looks this height next to jordin blake (i hear shes about 5'10)
Bad Radio said on 18/Aug/07
i can relate to the 'siblings' part..i have four brothers who range from 6'1 to 6'5. I'm 5'11 and get the brunt of the "short jokes".Now they have insecurities about themselves too..i could be a jerk and point them out , but i know it'll just hurt them..and i can't do that...even though they are dicks to me.
Jon Doe said on 1/Aug/07
Bad Radio people do that though,I've never just met someone and pointed out something i've seen as a flaw in their appearance before after just meeting them but every time i meet one of my half brothers or sisters they comment on my short stature and giggle a little and i just feel like leaving.And they're usually not that tall themselves,and why does every girl have to date a guy who's atleast average height no matter how tall she is?A woman can still pass on her short genetics to her son you know?I don't know why woman are always blaming the men for their children's height.
sam said on 6/Jul/07
he's just a smidge shorter than average height celebrities like steve carell. I'd bet he's about 5'7
internet_hey said on 4/Jul/07
we make fun of Seacrest because of his persistant claims that he is 5'9" and of average height when he clearly isn't.
Leung said on 25/Jun/07
yeah I saw Knocked Up too, Seacrest probably dreams that they could find a way to make him look that big on American Idol
Jackie Treehorn said on 22/Jun/07
Saw Knocked Up...He does look so large there that I had to look this page up. I always thought he was smaller (an apparently is). Must be special camera work or some huge shoes.
Leung said on 18/Jun/07
Rob, I’m also curious how you came up with the 5’7.75”?
Matched up against legit 5’7.75”-5’8” guys, Ryan Seacrest will get beat every time for height. Like the majority of people here I see him as 5’7” max.
Robert.R said on 18/Jun/07
I would like to know where the 5'7.75" listing on this page came from. I have seen him listed as 5'9", 5'7" and 5'5" never 5'7.75".
Part_of_the_Solution said on 18/Jun/07
I also agree 5'7 really is MAX for Ryan too.
Part_of_the_Solution said on 17/Jun/07
I put this comment through a couple days ago but for some reason hasn't showed up..?
Click Here
teri hatcher is listed as 5'6 on this site and others...
Robert.R said on 17/Jun/07
I think you are absolutely correct Aaron.
Aaron said on 17/Jun/07
Robert. R, I watched the finale too, but I forgot to pay attention to seacrest's height (I was way too into the show to pay attention to his height), but if that's true what you said that will help put these 5'8/5'9 claims to a rest. To me, he has such a small frame and tiny head and even with his high heeled shoes and whatever he's packing in them, he still doesn't look very tall. Rob, 5'7.75"? There's no way he's just about the same height as you. You look way taller than him from all the photos I've seen, and that's with your normal footwear vs his lifts. 5'7 max in my opinion.
derek said on 14/Jun/07
Has anyone seen his small part in the new movie "Knocked up"? He look to be atleast 5'11 and looks huge (height wise) probably due to huge lifts....
rg said on 29/May/07
Ryan is 5'5".. Jordin looks to be about 6 inches taller than that.
Robert.R said on 29/May/07
I don't know if anyone on here agrees with me but on the final of American Idol, Blake who is supposed to be 5'7" and was wearing flat sneakers, seemed slightly taller than Seacrest.
anonymous said on 27/May/07
she is certainly not the 6`1 she claims.
Laura said on 27/May/07
Isn't Jordin 5ft10? without heels, in which case with heels Ryan would be about 5ft7/8
Bman said on 27/May/07
Based opn American Idol..when he stood at side of Jordan..she towered above him..It would have made her about 6'3" which she he is short 5'5"
Leung said on 24/May/07
Everyone looks tall standing next to Seacrest. Even my Aunt who is only 5'5" would look taller than Seacrest when she wears her heels.
Anonymous said on 24/May/07
"I'm 5'9" and people call me short" UMMM!!! WOW!!!
1) Ryan Seacrest is not 5'9 as he said nor he is 5'7 as listed.
2) Ryan Seacrest is short.
3) Ryan Seacrest is as short as Tom cruise, no offense to all you people.
trueheight said on 24/May/07
wow, sanjaya looks like a shrimp next to Leno but he looks tall and limber next to seacrest
AirSky said on 24/May/07
When I saw Sanjaya doing the Top Ten list on David Letterman, he looked about 5'10". I thought he was much taller. But I think it's because he's rake thin and has long limbs (apparently). Ryan Seacrest doesn't look over 5'8", I think the listing here is correct
volpe said on 23/May/07
last night on american idol he was about 5 inches shorter than jordan (in heels)
Leung said on 20/May/07
Actually the beard is an excellent ploy, it will draw attention to his face and people will focus less on his lack of height :)
DB said on 17/May/07
not only is he short but conceided. hes not much to look at and the beard must go.
Anonymous said on 17/May/07
Actually, I workled with Haley Scarnato at Six Flags and I am 5'8" and she is 5'8" flat footed! On Americna Idol, she was taller than Ryan (in heels)just about the same as she was taller than me, he is probably 5'8" too!
MD said on 14/May/07
Actually, here is the video, and it appears my recollection was a little off. Sanjaya looks only as tall as 5'8.5" Donny Osmond (if not slightly shorter), and more around 3 inches shorter than Jay (who is probably in lifts):
Click Here
If this is the case, than Ryan may be as low as I originally predicted (5'6"-5'6.6")
MD said on 14/May/07
Well, Sanjaya is 5'9" TOPS, so he could actually be an inch or so shorter. It really depends on how tall you think Jay Leno is. Sanjaya only seemed to come up to just a bit above his eyes, so it looked like 2"-2.5" difference, to me. Either way, this makes Ryan 5'7" at the very top of the scale.
Viper said on 14/May/07
I thought Sanjaya was a short guy. Around 5-7
l.t said on 14/May/07
MKE says on 10/May/07
I'm 6 foot 3 and my husband is 5 foot 7,
that's pretty funny, just the huge difference :]
Leung said on 13/May/07
Good stuff MD and Paddington.
Here’s my contribution,
Question: Why does Seacrest look 5’7” next to 5’9” Sanjaya?
Answer: Because Seacrest is 5’7”
MD said on 12/May/07
Yes, Sanjaya isn't anything over 5'9", especially seeing him on the Tonight Show with 5'11" Jay Leno. It's funny how Ryan made him look tall when all he is is average height:
Click Here
Paddington said on 12/May/07
Sanjaya claims 5'9", which is surprising because I thought he was about 5'11" compared to Seacrest. This makes me think Seacrest is 5'7" tops.
Mark said on 10/May/07
If anyone watched American Idol when Jessica Alba stood next to Seacreast, she was at least a half a head taller than he was. If she is 5'6.25" as listed on this site, even with 3 inch heels she'd come in at less than 5'10". So either she's taller, was wearing enormous heels for some reason, or Seacreast is more in the 5'6" range.
Rachel said on 10/May/07
My boyfriend is 5'5'' at most and I'm 5'9". People tease him about my height but he affectionately calls me is Amazon princess. Height isn't an issue with me. The shortest guy I ever dated was 5'2" and the tallest was 6'8".
AJ said on 10/May/07
Wauw, this goes to show that size does matter......I am 5 ft 7.75 myself and am considered short but am just fine with my height. I met Ryan once and noticed we were just as tall....therefore, no doubt for me that Ryan is not 5,9.
Urvashi said on 10/May/07
I don't thing height have anything to do with Ryan becasue Rayan is a smart nice looking guy. He is cute...........I am married and I am 5 feet tall my husband is 5.10 but he never care you need to look as a person not how they look.
MKE said on 10/May/07
I'm 6 foot 3 and my husband is 5 foot 7, our kids are 6foot4,6foot1 and 5 foot 6
Does it really matter how tall a person is? What kind of person are they? Maybe that's why America has so many single people. Always looking for that perfect height weight looks, whatever. How about take interest in people for who they are, and not what they look like. Think of how many wonderful people you may have missed out on becaused you judged on looks alone?
Victorian said on 9/May/07
I disagree with the heeled boots thing John Doe, in my opinion it shows that a man is insecure about his height and thus about himself.
Regarding the 'that's just the way it is' thing, don't you think that it's wrong for people to think that way? If everyone keeps thinking like that (including short people), it will stay like that, yeah. But just because everyone (or 'just' a majority) keeps thinking like that, doesn't mean that this type of mentality shouldn't change.
Oh yeah, I just used Rod Stewart because he's a lot shorter than his girlfriend. And she's still wearing heels on top of that notion, but apparently he isn't one of those guys who feels so insecure about the increased height difference that he 'forbids' her to wear high heels. Or OTOH one could also say that she's an openminded gal, who isn't afraid to tower over her boyfriend.
To me they are setting a good example to the rest of the world, but Hollywood isn't ready yet to follow suit. Nor is the majority of people in general (apparently), but such mentality changes always take a looooooooong while.
Everyone is entitled to their own preference though, but people should realize that there is more beyond your personal wishes. That can be great too, as long as you're open to it. The plus side of this is that you have a wider array of choices, downside of it is that society may look strange towards the relationship between you and your partner.
But if the main reason behind a relationship with someone is to look good to society instead of being with that one, it has no valid ground don't you agree?
Another thing to consider is that everyone says that 'people will look strange at me'. And with 'people' they mean everyone else. And if everyone keeps saying that the problem is everyone else, then it's obvious that we're our own problem. So we're the only ones who can change. And, with this way too long post I was trying to say that Seacrest could be one of those people, amongst others of course.
(Sorry 'bout the rant John Doe, kinda let myself go there.) :)
Jon Doe said on 6/May/07
Ron Stewart aint even short though Victorian, and wearing heeled boots helps with first impressions, I mean c'mon if you were a short guy and went up to someone and just simply said "hello" they'd right then and there just start making fun of your height, that's just the way it is.
Cæsar said on 2/May/07
Of course "people call him short" at 5'9 because he is nowhere close. 5'8 Chris Daughtry is a minimum one inch taller (and that is being generous to Seacrest) as seen in any google pictures and for those who watched AI last year. Seacrest is 5'7 at most and possibly as short as 5'6 and 1/2.
Viper said on 29/Apr/07
Phil, what do you think of his comment saying hes 5-9 and people call me short, LOL.
Leung said on 29/Apr/07
nice one Phil, unfortunately his “frail little body” is earning about $30M/year more than you or me so I guess he gets the last laugh :)
Phil said on 28/Apr/07
I'd say his frail little body comes in at about 5'6". He doesn't have much of a handshake either. I thought I was going to rip his arm out of the socket. Simon really seemed nice in person
Sarah said on 20/Apr/07
Well, I myself am 5'6.75 and standing next to Ryan he was taller than me... probably about 2 inches taller than me. Pretty weird, because I always expected him to be sooo tiny. He does have a really small build and he's pretty thin... but he really isn't that short.
CoolJ said on 20/Apr/07
shredder.. Banderas had boots on with pretty large heels when standing next to Seacrest. He didn't stand up straight though.. if he did, Banderas probably would've had 3" on him.
Nevertheless, take both their shoes off and 5'7.5" seems about right for Seacrest, but hard to gauge.
the shredder said on 19/Apr/07
WOW . Antonio Banderas was good inch or 2 taller then him . Ryan is about 5'8 with shoes on . Claming 5'9 was a bit too far . I can say now that I think Rob should put him down to 5'7.5 or 5'7 flat .
omar said on 18/Apr/07
if he claims to be 5'9'' then sanjaya must be 5 11
Leung said on 17/Apr/07
Good points Victorian. Yes Rod Stewart does pretty good for himself, he dates tall, hot models. On the other hand Seacrest has a fetish for older petite women, such as Sheryl Crow and Teri Hatcher. But even then Seacrest still struggles to look taller than these diminutive women.
Victorian said on 17/Apr/07
What's his problem anyway? I mean look at Rod Stewart and his stilt-legged girlfriends. He doesn't give a crap about what people think, cause well nobody cares that he's shorter. Or look at Usher, a similar kind of situation.
Surely there are a lot of heightists out there, but by wearing lifts on many occasions you are just reinforcing their vision: 'tall is good, short is bad'...and he isn't even that short to begin with.
Oh yeah....I'm still sticking with 5-6, 5-7 tops for this guy.
Anonymous said on 16/Apr/07
if he is 5'8 or 5'9 he would be average male height in the us, so he would not need to wear male high heels like he does. hes only 5'5 tops
Robert.R said on 16/Apr/07
I still say 5'7" maximum without shoes, 5'8" maximum in ordinary shoes minus lifts.
Parker said on 15/Apr/07
Looked about the same height as Jennifer Lopez in their footwear on American Idol. Jennifer had about 4 inch heels on so could have been standing at 5'9. So Ryan 5'9 in shoes hence his claim of 5'9 - 5'7/5'8 my guess
Aaron said on 13/Apr/07
Seacrest needs to be downgraded. He looks shorter than a lot of the girls on American idol--granted, girls naturally wear heels and platforms that can give 2.5" to 3" over barefoot height, but seacrest also wears footwear to enhance his height. Who knows what kind of lifts that little guy puts in his shoes? And on top of the possibility of lifts, the heels on his boots probably give 2" or so as it. So, this height listing needs to be downgraded. In my opinion, he's probably closer to 5'7" give or take half an inch (leaning towards taking the half inch).
the shredder said on 9/Apr/07
I just went with 5'8 because Im not sure about 5'9 or 5'7 , but after I saw him next to 5'6 Gwen in her heels making her look 5'10ish ... I really can't see him past the 5'7.75 that Rob has him at ! ... Im going with 5'7.5 !
MD said on 8/Apr/07
Yeah, Sanjaya looks tall when he's not compared next to anyone because of behing skinny and long-limbed. I'd never guessed how tall he was, and it's good to know to help with the comparison. In my opinion, he easily has Ryan by 2 inches. And can even be seen with bad posture.
With good posture, though, the angles aren't great.
Click Here
with bad posture.
Click Here
Just look at the shoulders.
Robert.R said on 8/Apr/07
me: I agree entirely. I did not know how tall Sanjaya was until you mentioned it, however, I did notice that when he was next to Seacrest who was standing upright as usual, Sanjaya was stooping slightly, yet still looked considerably taller. Therefore, if Sanjaya is 5'9" Seacrest is 5'7" maximum!
me said on 4/Apr/07
sanjaya malakar is 5'9 according to his myspace...i belive him because i have a friend with his same exact built, posture and everything... though he appears to be shorter than i (5'8. anyway sanjaya has so so posture and ryan has excellent posture and sanjaya is still my conclusion 5'7 tops.
Leung said on 4/Apr/07
no worries MD :)
The important thing is that we all agree that Seacreast is 5'7" at the most.
MD said on 4/Apr/07
I guess I made the mistake. lol
MD said on 2/Apr/07
Leung, 4 inch heels don't add 4 inches. This is a mistake many people make. Rob can probably explain this better.

Editor Rob
the white ones, these look like they have close to a 1 and 3/4 front platform although its a kind of slanted platform, but they will give quite easily a net gain of 4 inches, they'd be advertised in shops as 5, probably 5.5 inch heels
GrannyJules said on 1/Apr/07
Seems like the only one shorter than Ryan on this year's competition is Melinda. If Ryan is 5'9" then Jordin must be 6'1"!!! None of the competitors look very big until they get next to Ryan. Heck, Gina looks like a huge woman next to him! I bet he is like 5'4" tall and probably weighs about 140.
Leung said on 1/Apr/07
Nice pics MD, ok so let’s do the maths:
Stefani is 5’6” plus add her 4” heels brings her up to 5’10”. Akon is 5’10” and with the sneakers he is wearing he would be standing about 5’11.5”
Taking into consideration Akon’s shaved head I say that Akon is standing about 1.5” taller than Stefani, therefore 5’6” for Stefani and 5’10” for Akon in my opinion are pretty accurate.
Gwen has got at least 2 inches on Seacrest, therefore Seacrest is about 5’8” in shoes. Normal dress shoes are about 1.5” over barefoot so that would mean Seacrest is about 5’6.5”. I actually think that Seacrest is not quite as short as 5’6.5” but 5’7” is definitely the maximum I would give him.
Anyone that thinks Seacrest is anything taller than 5’7” is getting fooled by his puffy hairstyle.
Me said on 31/Mar/07
Does anyone know how much Seacrest weighs? He seems not just shorter than almost all the contestants, at least this time but he also seems slight, slim whatever. I know a lot of the girls/women are big, strong, healthy girls but when he was standing next to Jordan I thought: It's as someone photocopied them but photocopied Ryan Seacrest reduced to 65%.
Viper said on 31/Mar/07
Parker, its amazing how the press describes Rod stewart at 5-5, when in reality he towered over Seacrest.
MD said on 31/Mar/07
Rob, how tall do you think Ryan looks with 5'10" Akon, here, and 5'6" Gwen Stefani?
Click Here
Click Here
Jesse said on 29/Mar/07
People wouldn't call him short if he was 5'9!! He's probably 5'7 and that with his shoes.. Cant remmeber guy who stoot next to him and were shorter..
C said on 29/Mar/07
Even a morning radio show hosts were commenting on Ryan. The hostess said something like "I'm 5'8", and I met Gwen - she was shorter than me. But did you see Ryan, who was like 3 feet shorter than her? There's no way he's 5'8."
Robert.R said on 26/Mar/07
You obviously saw a different clip to me then Parker. It was so brief it was not easy to tell. One thing I am certain of though is that he was no taller than Blake who was wearing flat shoes and Blake claims 5'7" though he could be shorter.
Parker said on 26/Mar/07
I always think its interesting how people see different things. I also saw American Idol and saw Ryam greet Lulu and bend down to give her a peck. In my eyes he had at least 3-4 inches on her, and she had minimum 3 inch heels on. He looked significantly shorter than the 5'11 Rod Stewart when he was on AI, so I think he's in the 5'7/5'8 range, a la Cruise.
Robert.R said on 23/Mar/07
Incidentally, I noticed on the latest episode of American Idol, after Lulu sang, "To Sir With Love", Seacrest came on to greet her and although we only saw them together briefly, they did appear to be the same height, in fact Lulu might have had the edge slightly. Now I know she was wearing high heels but I know for a fact that Lulu was 5'2" in her prime and Seacrest also had footwear. If, as Seacrest claims he is 5'9" then Lulu would have had to have 7" heels to have been the same height as him minus footwear.
C said on 21/Mar/07
I saw AI last night...when Ryan was with Blake, they looked to be very close in height. I don't know what kind of footwear Blake has, but he even looked a tiny bit taller in some views - but that may have been due to the camera angle.
Evanna said on 21/Mar/07
Yesterday I saw a rerun of the last Idol night on ITV2, and Ryan was commenting on Melinda Doolitle's high heels, and then Simon interrupted him with a comment about Ryan being an expert on heels!
Robert.R said on 20/Mar/07
I saw Blake who claims 5'7" next to Seacrest on the latest edition of American Idol. Blake was wearing flat white shoes and he looked the same height if not a little taller than Seacrest.
cool1988dude said on 15/Mar/07
Does anyone have a clip of Ryan's barefoot antics on Idol? Because I think It's 5'9"
Robert.R said on 14/Mar/07
I see your point Sigh, however, the whole point of this site is about debating the height of celebrities, hence the name "Celebrity Heights"
MD said on 13/Mar/07
You guys are right. Blake makes him look average. lol
Robert.R said on 13/Mar/07
I agree Leung, Blake Lewis did not look 5'7" even with his hair spiked up, 5'5" is more accurate which as you say brings Seacrest back to 5'7".
Leung said on 12/Mar/07
With Blake Lewis on the show Seacrest can truly say that he isn’t the shortest guy on the show. Blake Lewis looks more like 5’5”-5’6” to me. And Seacrest is still 5’7”.
Viper said on 11/Mar/07
SG, how in the world can you say hes average height? The guy looks short in every photo, video, ect.
Brah said on 10/Mar/07
Looking at the end of this video, Seacrest looks an inch taller than Blake Lewis who claims 5'7", but we don't even know what's in his shoes.
Click Here
SG said on 10/Mar/07
He is most likely average height (just like he said). But for the most part this guy is a big star on one of the top shows on Television, if not the top. I am 5' 10" with normal shoes on and I would give up 2" to be where he is today.
MD said on 9/Mar/07
One minute Ryan and Simon and Randy all look the same height, the next, they dont...
Click Here
This is getting ridiculous. I wonder how many feet of lifts and oversized heels there are between the three? lol
MD said on 8/Mar/07
I'm not so sure, anymore, that he even manages to look a full 5'9", even in shoes. Or, else he wouldn't be getting the short comments. I mean, this contestant, Blake Lewis, I believe, claims 5'7" (
Click Here
Click Here
Not the best photo, but even on the show, Ryan doesn't ever appear more than a quarter inch taller than him, if anything, at all. Again, I don't think he'd be getting the short comments if he really looked 5'9" in shoes.
Viper said on 7/Mar/07
Technically 5-9 is average in the U.S, so he really shouldnt be getting short comments at all, maybe by pretty tall guys or something.
Brad said on 6/Mar/07
Lacey wears big heels and his ex from Texas is alarmingly short to those who don't know so nobody said anything about NL's height. Seacrest is 5' 7".
MD said on 6/Mar/07
I think to believe that he is only fudging his height 1.25" when we give most other's the two inch rule, is ridiculous. If anyone is to boost his height two inches or more it seems like Ryan would be one of those persons. He's so incredibly height concious.
Ellie said on 6/Mar/07
Totally. I mean 5'9" is only one inch below average, so it's not that short to make fun of (which is why ryan is lying and is really 5'7"). i mean, you don't hear anyone making fun of 5'9" nick lachey about his height!
Robert.R said on 6/Mar/07
I would say you are absolutely right Viper.
Viper said on 5/Mar/07
I think Cruise and Seacrest are the exact same height at 5-7.
Robert.R said on 5/Mar/07
I agree with what you are saying Joey. Alot of the time it is Seacrest himself who brings up the subject, that is why I think his claims of being 5'9" are his idea of a joke otherwise it is a complete contradiction.
joey said on 5/Mar/07
Seacrest confuses me. He always mentions height. Everytime he is next to a woman who is taller, he always mentions it rather than ignoring it. If I were short, I wouldn't try to remind everybody how short I was all the time. But on the other hand, he
lies about his height all the time. At times he is poking fun at his lack of height (showing he is not insecure) then he goes and lies about it.
Leung said on 4/Mar/07
Parker, I am very confident in saying that Tom Cruise would have the edge on Seacrest.
Compare Tom Cruise to guys that are 5’9”-5’10”, there is very little difference.
Compare Seacrest to guys that are 5’9”-5’10”, and there is always 2 or 3 inch difference.
Tom Cruise looks short compared to tall women.
Seacrest looks short compared to most women.
Even though Cruise is considered diminutive I still think Seacrest has virtually no chance of beating him in a tall-contest.
Parker said on 4/Mar/07
Woldn't be suprised if he was exact same height as Tom Cruise. Saw him being interviewed by Cat Deeley in 3 inch heels on American idol - looked about 3 ins shorter. Could be 5'9 in standard shoes.
MD said on 3/Mar/07
'Finally' because you're among the very few who think he's actually 5'8"
Lmeister said on 3/Mar/07
Finally someones seems to think that he is 5'8''ish...
trueheight said on 3/Mar/07
the reason he looks like a shrimp is because he his skinny, not the other way around. He's prolly 5'7 barefoot but he's got really slight shoulders and a small head