the shredder said on 2/Mar/07
I think hes 5'8 ! 5'9 seems high and 5'7 flat seems low ,so Im going with 5'8 ... no more then that though !
jonathan said on 28/Feb/07
Well i say oppose to being thin which would make him look taller.
Leung said on 26/Feb/07
With his recent barefoot display on Idol we thought that maybe he was going to change and start being honest about his height. But it appears that Seacrest has returned to his old ways and is claiming 5’9”. You are fooling no one Seacrest, we all know that you are 5’7”
Victorian said on 25/Feb/07
Hmm......saw him on E! (Red Carpet interviews) today standing next a couple of actresses. Beyoncé for instance seemed just about 2 inches taller than him which would put him at 5-7 max. It may have been the angle, but other height comparisons during the interviews made me lean more towards 5-6 for him. That's why I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, but only as high 170 cm.
Ellie said on 25/Feb/07
on the red carpet, he said jokingly to giuliana depandi and debbie matenopolis, "i'm 5'9" and 140 lbs" when making fun of himself for how short he was next to celebrities. but 5'9" for a man is nearly average. then we was interviewing ellen degeneres, who's 5'7", and he was 0.5" taller. I think it's pretty safe to say neither ellen or ryan were wearing heels. so he is 5'7", definately not more than 5'8" (and that's a stretch). he should just come clean instead of lying
Scott said on 25/Feb/07
Seacrest has just said on a pre oscars tthing thats on the tv that hes 5'9 140 pounds but he interviewed james mcavoy and he was smaller than that guy whos listed at 5'7 and has said so himself.why does he keep changing his mind!
Viper said on 22/Feb/07
Rob does need to bring him down to 5-7. I mean EVERYONE agrees with that.
Leung said on 22/Feb/07
Jake, there is nothing mysterious about that second photo. The answer is simple, Seacrest is either on his tiptoes or standing on a step ladder. His cheeky grin is a giveaway that he is up to mischief
MD said on 22/Feb/07
Jake, it's not mysterious. Ryan just admitted he wears lifts, and I'm sure he wasn't just talking about shoes.
Rachel said on 22/Feb/07
NO WAY is Ryan 5 foot 9 - or even 5 ft. 7 for that matter.
I played college b-ball, and its a well-known fact they listed us at
least an inch taller in the program - I'm sure HOLLYWOOD is no different.
Bombay Rocker said on 22/Feb/07
Either nick is wearing lifts or he 5 feet 10 as he says he is or ryan is like 5 feet 7, maybe even less.
MD said on 22/Feb/07
More photos for reference.
We can't see 5'9" Nick Lachey or Ryan's footwear.
Click Here
Click Here
Jake said on 21/Feb/07
Oh, wait. Hold on a second...
Notice how Ryan is 1" - 1.5" shorter than the 5'8" Randy Jackson, (Putting him at 5'7" max.)
Click Here
And suddenly looks 1 - 1.5" taller (If Randy straightened up a bit) than 5'8" Randy Jackson, (putting him at 5'9" min.)
Click Here
Mysterious? I think so...
Scroat-ee said on 21/Feb/07
I bet he's 5'6" without his "LIFTS" which he admitted in a froidian slip on Idol last night.
Leung said on 21/Feb/07
I think Seacrest has been reading this website and realised that he needed to overcome his height insecurities, therefore we saw his barefoot antics on Idol.
Hey Ryan, props to you! It takes a real man to face their insecurities like you did when you appeared barefoot on Idol. Being comfortable with oneself is a really attractive trait, women will dig you.
Ok so now all you have to do is get Simon Cowell to take off his high heels and step on stage barefoot. Once again, props to you Ryan.
Dmeyer said on 21/Feb/07
he is thin, so he could look taller.
Jake said on 21/Feb/07
I was surprised to see him go barefoot. If that guy is indeed 6'1" he is no 5'6" - 5'6.5" guy like I suspected. He does hold posture real well and still looks a noticable amount shorter than average, (for men.) I think he's 5'7".
Jim said on 21/Feb/07
I think Ryan is 5"8. He really does look close to or about average when I see him on idol.
Lmeister said on 21/Feb/07
At least some ppl are seeing my point. He isn't 5'9'', but he is hair over 5'7''...
C said on 20/Feb/07
When standing barefoot next to Paul Kim, Ryan said "now I'm short...without the extra lift." I wonder what he meant by that; normal lift of shoes, or did he admit he wears lifts? He appeared to be ~5" shorter than Paul, who my newspaper claims to be 6'1". If Paul Kim is 6'1", then Ryan would be around 5'8".
Brah said on 20/Feb/07
On tonight's American Idol, Seacrest did something funny.
One of the contestants, Paul Kim, likes to sing barefoot. At the end of his song, Ryan came up to interview him and he was barefoot too as a joke! Towards the end, Seacrest said "Now I look short, without the lift"! Hmmm, considering he got on stage barefoot in front of everyone, maybe he's not as height-obsessed as we think. He was actually 2 to 4 inches taller than some of the male contestants, and 2 to 4 inches shorter than some of the others. Maybe he's 5'9" shoes.
MD said on 20/Feb/07
Wow, anyone see Idol, tonight? Ryan had his shoes off in barefeet (long story), and he literally said "now I'm short...without the lift" or something very close to that. That's a shocker.
leonari said on 20/Feb/07
sorry guys but anybody considering 5'9' short is a stupid delusional fool! and there are random idiots on this site who keep repeating and repeating this non-sense.A real 5'9' man is totally average!! many 5'7 or even 5'6 guys (JaRule) claim to be 5'9'...maybe thats the reason some guys say 5'9' is short. But I must say if a womans average is 5'4'' and a 5'9 guy has 5 inches over her he towers over her seriously...please guys.get real and stop posting this nonsense.thanks
yeah seacrest is 5'7''.
daver said on 20/Feb/07
i think his shoes are normal i'll give him credit for that
i do think that he is no more than 5'7" though barefoot because he so often looks smaller than the average male idol contestant if he was around 5'8" the difference wouldn't look so big
and he occasionally looks average or even above average but that is only when he is around women contestants who are pretty short, like 5'1"
Viper said on 20/Feb/07
Here is his most ridiculous one to date:
"I'm 5'9" and people call me short" What he meant to say was "I'm 5'7" and people call me short"
Robert.R said on 19/Feb/07
I think Leung is absolutely right and I agree with MD, Seacrest would not be the topic of height debate if his claims were more realistic.
MD said on 18/Feb/07
Ryan wouldn't even be getting any attention, here, if his heights claims weren't so ridiculous. His claims are easily one of the more noticable and hilarious on the site.
Leung said on 18/Feb/07
Ace, Seacrest is 5’7” end of story. 5’9” is his height when he has 2 inches of footwear under his feet. Seacrest suffers from what is referred to as “little man syndrome”, which is a case of someone that is really insecure and unhappy about height and have to lie about their height, these people tend to also get agitated or angry when someone points out their lack of height.
The following Seacrest quotes clearly show his height insecurities:
“I’m average height”
“at least I’m taller than Tom Cruise”.
“your short, I’m average” (retort to Shakira)
“where I’m from (Miami) I am considered average”
Robert.R said on 17/Feb/07
I would say maybe 5'9" in lifts, 5'8" in ordinary shoes, 5.7.5" in trucks and 5'7" without footwear and I think I am being generous!
Ace said on 15/Feb/07
It seems as though the majority of people on here want him to be short, lol. I however hold an opinion a little less biased. He has stated he's 5'9", and he probably is un-lifted, everyday shoes. I think with out shoes hes probably just a shade under 5'8", with 5'7" being the shortest and 5'8" being the tallest possible. Is there any photos that can proove that he is in fact under 5'7"? Because i mean, i watch the show and i do notice how many people rag on him about his height. However, if you look at some of the contestants that are like 2 or three inches shorter, if Ryan is indeed 5'6" or 5'6.5" the contestants are only about 5'3"ish. Sundance is a contestant who seemed to by significantly shorter than Seacrest, i doubt he 5'2". I have noticed that for the most part Ryan's shoes seemed to be pretty "normal"

Editor Rob
he had the audacity to wear chuck taylors once...I mean chucks, barely more than 1/2 inch! Imagine Simon Cowell ever wearing such shoes!
Robert.R said on 15/Feb/07
The way I see it is this. 5'9" is not that short, certainly not for everyone to continuously point it out to you as they do Seacrest and secondly if he was 5'9" than that would mean nearly everyone seen with him must be over 6'including alot of the women. I did not see him beside John Mayer who I agree is about 6'3" but if as Denise says, he didn't look short compared to Mayer then I can only assume Seacrest was wearing lifts because he looks short compared to everyone else and they can't all be over 6'3"!
Denise said on 11/Feb/07
I just saw him beside john mayer and he is 6'3-4 and he didn't not look to short compared to him. I think he could be 5'8-5'9
iris said on 9/Feb/07
Poor Seacrest...he is involved in showbiz basically interviewing people(american idol and E channel) so he constantly is in contrast with other people´s heights (he even has a box to stand on with red carpet situations).. I would agree that 172 is a bit over the top. I would give him 170 cm.
Robert.R said on 31/Jan/07
In view of all these comments Rob, don't you think you should reduce this guy to a more realistic height? Like 5'6.5" - 5'7".
Leung said on 30/Jan/07
Yeah that was Seacrest, everyone looked tall next to him including most women
H.O. said on 29/Jan/07
I just watched Ryan doing interviews prior to the SAG Awards. He interviewed Eddie Murphy, who is like 5'10" or 5'9", and Ryan looked about 3 - 4 inches shorter than him.
Scarlet said on 22/Jan/07
He was at the GG. He stood next to Brad and Angie and was four inches shorter than Angie in heels and even more inches shorter than 5'11 Brad. I would put Ryan at 5'5 barefeet.
J-Dog said on 20/Jan/07
Hey C I saw the same part of the segment, and that guy was way shorter than Ryan which is rare as Ryan seems to be shorter or at eye level with most people. I see guys like that all the time, guys that I am clearly taller than that "think" they are taller than me which is really funny (guys around 6' or 6'1" which I am taller than) I can tell honestly if I am taller or shorter than someone and that guy was like 5'3.5" or something.
I too find Ryan being near 5'8" hard to believe. Anyone have picture evidence of him being shorter? I just find it hard to believe that that many people over so many seasons would keep saying this to him if it wasn't true. I know Randy Jackson is at 5'8" and he seems bigger. From pictures by Randy he looks about the same height coincidentally. But Ryan Seacrest loves big clunky boots and has the straightest posture I have ever seen, it blows Tom Cruise out of the water.
Robert.R said on 19/Jan/07
Rob at this moment in time I am watching the new series of American Idol here in the UK and I just cannot believe this guy is anything over 5'7"! How he can continuously claim to be 5'9" is totally beyond me. I wish we had a photograph of Glenn with him because all the people he stands alongside, including the females are taller than him.
C said on 19/Jan/07
I saw the segment too and thought it was pretty funny. There was one family, (or group of friends) in that segment, that was interesting. The guy in the group claimed he was the same height as Ryan. Yet Ryan was clearly taller than him...maybe by 2-3"+? So I'm wondering...maybe Ryan is slightly below average to begin with, but maybe there's also something about him that makes him appear shorter than he actually is? Just a thought.
youngbutgood said on 19/Jan/07
This guy is definately 5"7 or shorter. I saw that segment where they were talking about his height and I usually see him wearing chunky boots.
Viper said on 19/Jan/07
Seacrest can look average on TV though.
MD said on 18/Jan/07
Joe, are you not looking at the photos? He's clearly shorter than 5'8.5".
Jake W. said on 18/Jan/07
I agree he's 5'7", maybe even 5'6" and change. He's trying to claim he's "average height", or 5'9", for some reason.
Joe said on 18/Jan/07
The average height for white males in the United States is roughly 69.5 inches.
The average height for males of any race/ethnicity in the United States is roughly 68.5 inches. So if He is 5'9 he is average, 6' 1'' would be the average height of a Dutchman. More to the point though, your height will change over the course of a day due to the effects of diurnal variation, usually decreasing roughly an inch by nightfall. Furthermore poor posture such as a hunched back or tilted hips can easily reduce your height by as much as an inch. Then considering the height distortion created by the various styles of shoes on the market it is probably safe to say that those pictures dont prove much of a point. After all Tom cCruise looks suspiciously taller then Katie Holmes in their wedding photo. I would guess he's slightly shorter then what he reports, probably 5'8.5'', roughly average for a male in America.
J-Dog said on 17/Jan/07
Yeah that quote is true.
The girl asked him "Do you like Spanish girls" he leans in and says "Yes" Quickly. Then she says ohh you see I noticed you are short and I am short so... Then he chimes in quickly and says "Actually you are short and I am average height".
It does seem very reactionary of him, but I am sure he hears it all the time, when you are a guy it's treated like a sin to be shorter than average. If this many people are saying this to him it makes it hard for me to believe he is 5'8" basically because I know 5'8" guys and they aren't called short too much but then again Ryan is on TV and people assume you will be bigger in person.
I would say given the comments he would be a flat 5'7" who knows?
MD said on 17/Jan/07
This has happened more than once. He continually insists he's of average height. He's not.
Leung said on 17/Jan/07
Yeah the "I'm average" phrase is a Seacrest favourite.
C, that Shakira story is hilarious but it sounds exactly like the type of response Seacrest would give. Whenever someone mentions that he’s short Seacrest gets really defensive and insecure. When a girl comments on his height he would look much better if he responded with something funny like “yeah it really adds to my cuteness factor and that’s why so many women find me so adorable”.
Viper said on 17/Jan/07
Ryan Seacrest is not average, lol. Wow, he must think people who are 6-1 are giants.
UNK said on 17/Jan/07
Did he really make that comment? That proves he has a height hang-up for sure. If he were actually average height, he would have laughed with her or at her.. never would have got defensive.
The guy is an idiot. If people are continuely calling you short, than most likely you are short.. no statsicts about what's average is going to change that. I could see if it was one time, but enough people have commented to make him say that quote on CNN, Rob has above.
C said on 17/Jan/07
I thought it was funny when that one girl who sang "Hips Don't Lie" said to him "You and I are both short." He fired back right away "You're short, I'm average." Although it's just what he says, I don't know if he can be shorter than 5'7"...can you really be that dilluted to continually announce you're average, yet 5'6" or under?
Leung said on 17/Jan/07
Ludacris’ posture looks equally relaxed. Seacrest’s eye’s are level with Ludacris’ nose, if these guys were the same height they would be eye level with each other.
Against someone like Jason Priestley I think Seacrest might be in with a chance, but I’m sorry Seacrest is no match for Ludacris.
MD said on 15/Jan/07
Ludacris is clearly taller, camera angle or not.
Viper said on 15/Jan/07
This guy needs to be downgraded big time.
Leung said on 14/Jan/07
Rob, how come Ludacris and Ryan Seacrest are both listed as 5 ft 7.75?
In the photo that MD posted it is obvious that if Seacrest took off his baseball cap then Ludacris is clearly at least 1” taller.
Tom Cruise, Ludacris and Ryan Seacrest are all listed on this site as 5 ft 7.75, I’ll agree with Cruise and Ludacris, but Seacrest I believe is shorter than both these guys.

Editor Rob
he looks a little closer although can't see either footwear, seacrest can look slightly more relaxed posture.
MD said on 13/Jan/07
Meant to say 5'7.75" Ludacris.
Robert.R. said on 11/Jan/07
I noticed Bryan Adams is only listed as 5'7.5", surely he is taller than Seacrest.
Anonomuss said on 10/Oct/06
i stood right next to him at LAX for 30 min or so. im 5'1 (5'4 with my shoes) and he was only about an inch taller than ME, if that! He's no taller than 5' 5" guaranteed. my brother is 5'6" and was taller than him.
Jake said on 6/Oct/06
This tends to suggest to me that Tito Oritz is shorter rather than that Ryan Seacrest is taller.
MD said on 2/Oct/06
Yeah, but all of the other photos show otherwise. You have to take the video in context of all of the other photos and sightings. He's been described quite a few times in magazines as 5'7"

Editor Rob
post 1995-6 journalists have become more sloppy with height references. Prior to this, there was more likelihood of a height being obtained from studio bio or from star, regardless of whether that is correct or not. Nowadays its easy to use the web...including some of the heights that might be off a little on here!
remember, I managed to get Tom Cruise 5ft 7.75 in a newspaper...
Parker said on 2/Oct/06
If Tito Ortiz really is 6'2, Ryan doesn't look shorter than 5'9, and doesn't look shorter than 5'8 against Leno. I think 5'8/5'9 looks fair for him. Certainly not shorter than 5'7.
MD said on 1/Oct/06
Strange, because he doesn't look that short there...
Height Detective said on 30/Sep/06
Here is a video of Ryan Seacrest on Leno , and he stood right next to him so you can compare their heights. Plus , in this video Ryan interviews UFC fighter Tito Ortiz ,( 6.2 ) and they stand without shoes putting some fake fight in the ocagon , they are both without shoes nor socks no elevators or lifts here
Click Here
Jake said on 29/Sep/06
This guy is no more than 5'7".
MD said on 28/Sep/06
Editor Rob, please take a look at this one, again.
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/06
How about 'take home size'? That's from the blond guy of Queer Eye.
Leung said on 25/Sep/06
Anonymous, that
Viper652 said on 25/Sep/06
Why Rob has not downgraded Seacrest to 5-7 is the ultimate mystery.
Anonymous said on 23/Sep/06
did yu see how iddy bitty he was next to tyra banks on her show?
Mr. E said on 22/Sep/06
I'm with Leung...Seacrest has looked short standing next to several already short celebs. He's calling himself 5'9", which looked bad, especially when Rod stewart was at least two inches taller. Seacrest is 5'7" tops.
ThisGirl said on 21/Sep/06
Ryan Seacrest is actually NOT that short at all. He's on the Tyra show right now... Tyra is like 5'10" and she's wearing 6" heels... so of course she's taller than Ryan by about 6". So if she's 5'10" he must be about the same height.
Leung said on 6/Sep/06
This guy looks no more than 5
Viper652 said on 5/Sep/06
Leung, If Seacrest is the same height as Priestley, then he is more 5-6.
Brad said on 4/Sep/06
Same height as Priestley? JP is 5' 6" on a very good day. No wonder Beck laughed and went "ohhh, okaay".
sidewinder said on 4/Sep/06
please knock this guy down an inch :o
Leung said on 3/Sep/06
Why does Seacrest claim to be 5
Viper652 said on 3/Sep/06
Honest to god Rob, downgrade him to 5-7.
MD said on 2/Sep/06
He' STILL stuck at 5'7.75", I see.
Brad said on 1/Sep/06
He came on Glen Beck's show today and said 5' 9". Beck laughed. He's 5' 7", if that. He and Richard Marx still think they are not short.
Anonymous said on 30/Aug/06
I think he's 5' 6.75" tbh, I think you're being generous. Even Cowell owns this guy heightwise, by a solid 2 inch usually, and Cowell is a weak 5' 9". Both wear big footwear, so it should be even on this count.
Doug said on 30/Aug/06
5ft 7 if he's lucky
Jake said on 23/Aug/06
This guy is so annoying. He's 5'7" at best and is now claiming to be 5'10"!:
Click Here
Editor Rob
he's not claiming 5ft 10, the people magazine writer decided to give him an inch on top of his claim, might have been a joke, probably same writer gives rod stewarts 5ft 6
MD said on 15/Aug/06
And yet it's a fight to just get him down to 5'7.5". Geeze. It's been obvious from day one that he is an honestly short guy.
Jake said on 15/Aug/06
My personal favorites are the ones next to 6'2" Donald Trump and the one next to 5'2.5" Jennifer Love Hewitt - in this one there looks to be a 1" difference at most. This means that she must be wearing over 5" heels if Ryan is 5'7.75".
MD said on 28/Jul/06
No, Rob2, I mean I wish I could find more pictures as that's the ONLY thing that's going to convince Editor Rob to bring this guy down to at least 5'7".
Viper652 said on 28/Jul/06
Seems like Ryan is 5-6 1/2.
MD said on 22/Jul/06
I can't seem to find anymore pictures, but he really is only 5'7" at the very top of the scale, and I strongly believe more likely 5'6.5" barefoot. And, I'm not kidding. When in his heeled shoes it seems he can get up to 5'8"-5'8.5", but says 5'9". Put that with the "2-inch" rule and it would seem that 5'7" should be the top of the scale, not 5'8".
MD said on 7/Jul/06
Back stage, that shots actually doesn't show that much of a difference, but there are quite a few I've posted showing him to be 5'7"
Rob, do you want to look into this one, again? Really, he's no more than 5'7" and that's being generous. The almost 5'8" listing is ridiculous.
BackStageJim said on 27/Jun/06
Take a look at this from Ryan own site:
Click Here He is next to 5'9 Nick, so Ryan is about 5'6 in shoes!
C said on 18/Jun/06
Even as a big NASCAR fan, I have a hard time judging drivers' heights. I do know that their heights are sometimes exaggerated about an inch or two. Bobby Labonte, in the second picture, gets listed at 5'9", but he is not quite that. Here he is with 5'7" Jeff Gordon and 5'11" Kenny Wallace.
Click HereAnd here's Gordon with 5'6.5" Regis
Click HereBobby Labonte appears to be about 5'7" based on these, and seems to be the same height as Seacrest.
Jake said on 27/May/06
I noticed Seacrest wore heels on the final episode.
5'10chick said on 26/May/06
this height is correct to me
MD said on 22/May/06
Which is exactly why Simon is can get to a max of 5'9" with his lifts on, but he's another guy I feel very strongly is notoriously height concious. I'd really guess that he and Ryan are about the same height, barefoot.
MD said on 18/May/06
Another 5'7" in print. He looks it, and no more. This is one I feel very sure about.
john link said on 16/May/06
I don't get this, in this picture he looks the tallest?? weird but Viper 652, if you are looking for a guy shorter than Tom Cruise, look at Daniel Radcliffe. Dan is 5'4" maximum.
Viper652 said on 26/Apr/06
He might be shorter then Tom Cruise.
UNK said on 25/Apr/06
In a recent Us Weekly (Nick Lachey on the cover shirt less) there is an atricle on celeb work outs "Stars Secret Fat Pasts". Ryan Seacrest is one of them. Here is a quote from the article...
"Indeed Seacrest tipped the scales at around 175 pounds in his teens. After becoming frustrated with his size and the taunts of peers, the future E! News Anchor resolved to lay of the nachos and afternoon snacks. What about these days? The five-foot-seven star tells Us he weighs a healthy 157 pounds. "I currently work out five days a week with a trainer"."
BTW - Us Weekly usually rounds up or is accurate with heights. In the same issue they call: Kristin Cavallari - 5'2", Beyonce - 5'7", Mariah Carey - 5'9", Kelly Osbourne and Eva Longoria - 5'2"
radio_man said on 25/Apr/06
he's 5`7 (170Cm or 171Cm) tops
In american idol he said once: I^m taller than Tom Cruise!
I`m pretty sure they are the same height, Seacrest is not 5`9!
Viper652 said on 22/Apr/06
Yeah, Im starting to think Seacrest is 5-6, 5-6.5 at best.
Jake said on 21/Apr/06
I hadn't watched the show in a while, but I caught the Rod Stewart episode. I always thought Seacrest was a weak 5'7" or 5'6.5", and I thought Rod Stewart was a legit 5'7". I was shocked to see Stewart so much taller than him, I guess he really is 5'10", and Seacrest, well, 5'6.5".
Parker said on 21/Apr/06
Here's just what I've ben talking about for Rod
Click Here5'5 - Someone's having a laugh!
Parker said on 21/Apr/06
I saw something in writing the other day on Rod, it was talking along the lines of talent does not equate with size - just look at the 5'5 Rod Stewart..........Just shoes you once you start a myth (Alan Ladd was 5'3 and had to stand on boxes in his film) its with you forever. Bet 60 years from now some people will still be describing Rod as short!
Glenn said on 21/Apr/06
Didnt see it,but Rod can look between 5-10 and 6ft depending on footwear.these 5-5 to 5-7 rumors of Rod are absurd.he is 5-10.

Editor Rob
I think the papers continued it for a few years...honestly the 5ft 5 and 7 have been mentioned lots of times and many people will believe that
CoolJ said on 19/Apr/06
Anyone see Rod Stewart with Ryan Seacrest tonight? Rod appeared to have 3.5" on him easy.
MD said on 19/Apr/06
I really think that the heights of Simon and Randy are also greatly exaggerated, especially since neither of them is ever seen without lifts, boots, or cowboy boots.
Just a picture:
Click Here
Mr. R said on 18/Apr/06
On a rare moment of boredom the other night, I caught that Fox TV juggernaut Anerican Idol the other night. Ryan looks so tiny compared to the men! A few weeks ago, I was wandering through Hollywood a few weeks ago, I came upon the opening party for Idol. I saw all of the contestants as they arrived, even though I had no idea who they were. The one that sticks in my head is the tall blond guy with the long hair and the moustache. He walked right past me, and he was about 6-2. When I saw Ryan next to him the other night, he completely dwarfed him! Based on my experience, even 5-7 might be a little high!
MD said on 15/Apr/06
He really does seem about 5'7" tops the more and more I see him, and in shoes, nonetheless. I'm stilled baffled why Rob still has him hanging on above 5'7" and so far above 5'7".
Leung said on 30/Mar/06
Yeah Seacrest does seem insecure in the pressence of taller women. Even though he doesn
andrew said on 29/Mar/06
Is it just me or when Seacrest is standing next to the contestants after they sing he seems to try and look taller, like putting his head up or going on his toes all the time.

Editor Rob
only watched a couple of shows this season but I noticed him doing that mostly with the 2 taller girls, looking about as uncomfortable as Sly Stallone beside Yao Ming
LEE said on 22/Mar/06
I'd deffo say he was no more than 5'7" I'm 5'7, we look bout same height. But he is always wearing elevated shoes. I don't have to i'm fine with my height. I guess he just feels small
Jake said on 12/Mar/06
I'd say a weak 5'7".
Dominic said on 12/Mar/06
Id say an even 5'8.
Chaplyn said on 12/Mar/06
Ok so what's his height barefoot?

Editor Rob
I'll add Glenn+Randy Jackson next week...that may or may not help ;-)
Cady said on 10/Mar/06
He is not 5'9" yayo you are crazy!
yayo said on 10/Mar/06
He's 5'9 get over it
Mike said on 9/Mar/06
I heard from someone who worked with seacrest (girl who is probably 5'6" or 5'7") that seacrest is shorter than her. In any case definitely not 5'9"
J. said on 9/Mar/06
This article, which playfully pits him up against Survivor host Jeff Probst (who they give 5'9"), says he's 5'7":
Anonymous said on 8/Mar/06
You guys are all brain dead not to know that Ryan is 5'9". 100%.
Jake said on 8/Mar/06
All of you who say Ryan is in the 5'6" - 5'7" range are correct, in my oppinion. To me next to Ayla, if she was 6'3" in heels, he is 5'8", maybe 5'8.5" in shoes. I didn't see his shoes, but he can't be in the 5'8" range unless he was barefoot, which I am pretty sure he was not.
C said on 8/Mar/06
I know there will be many posts about this, but Ayla said she was 6'3" will her heels. Ryan looked to be 6-8 inches shorter in my least trying to gauge from her eye level to his eye level. So that could mean he's around 5'7"-5'9" with shoes. He does appear 5'6ish at times (although I think he's 5'7"), but I really want to see indisputable proof...since he claims he's 5'9".
TallJohn said on 7/Mar/06
On Idol last night Ayla admitted to being 6'3 with the heels she was wearing which seem right if shes 6'0. Ryan looked 6-7 inches shorter, making him 5'8/5'9 with whatever shoes he was wearing. So If he was wearing normal shoes, he is 5'7. If he was wearing bigger heels, than 5'6 is his height.
trueheight said on 5/Mar/06
I'm 5'9 and my g/f is 5'2 even, and she never even comes within 3 inches of me even in her large 4in heels
Jake said on 5/Mar/06
I was looking at an old post of mine and it makes reference to a picture I didn't post. It is Ryan and Jennifer Love Hewitt, who is 5'2.5". Ryan looks about an inch taller. Even if her heels are a massive 4" and his are 1" this still puts him 5'7" at best, more 5'6.5".
matthew said on 5/Mar/06
yehh after looking at the picture with ryan and Maroon 5 , excluding the footwear , ryan does look neither 5-8 or 5-9 , near adam levine who is about 5-10-511.
Horatio said on 4/Mar/06
That girl Ayla Brown is always seen wearing 4 inch heels on American Idol. I'm not sure why tall girls feel the need to wear heels like short girls do, and then later complain that they have trouble finding a man their size. But anyway, without the heels she'd be a bit taller than Seacrest but not necessarily dwarf him. I think Seacrest is probably a bit under 5'8".
trueheight said on 4/Mar/06
thought he was 5'9? he looks the same as Simon
Jake said on 3/Mar/06
He is not 5'4", but 5'6" - 5'6.5" I could see, no more than 5'7".

Editor Rob
he liked standing beside Sway...he has a good few inches on that guy, who I wonder how tall he is!
but he stood beside the '6ft' Ayla girl, who had heels and I couldn't see a 5ft 6 guy...
Stephenie said on 3/Mar/06
5' 4.6" is average for girls in the 16-29 age range. Yes, most of them are taller than he is, but they're also in heels! So they look about 5' 8" and he is slightly shorter, putting him at 5' 7".
MD said on 2/Mar/06
Forget about the 5'4", don't even pay that any mind. But, he is definitely 5'7" tops.
C said on 2/Mar/06
I do agree that Ryan is short, but I don't agree that he's 5'4". Ayla is probably 6'2"+ in heels, and would obviously dwarf a 5'7" guy. If Ryan really was 5'4", then that Jose "Sway" guy would be around 4'11", maybe 5'0". I highly doubt that man is under 5' tall. My brother's friend used to be in a group with "Sway" so if it would clear things up, I can ask him an estimate of his height.
CoolJ said on 2/Mar/06
Ayla Brown is 6'0 tall.. and that's a b-ball listing.
kc said on 1/Mar/06
on idol he said that hes 5'9 but he does look really short. my gusses is thats he really is about 5'7
Jake said on 1/Mar/06
I think its time to re-list Ryan...
Zippy said on 1/Mar/06
He's 5ft 4in period! Almost every girl on Idol is taller! Let us not forget that 99% of actors add 2-3 inches on their true height!
Man said on 1/Mar/06
On American Idol last night, that Ayla girl was almost 8 inches taller than him. He stood on his toes and she was still 2 inches taller.
CoolJ said on 1/Mar/06
Check out Seacrest next to Trump
He looks like A BOY
Lawrence said on 27/Feb/06
Cool J, you are insecure of your height and your sexuallity. I am not homosexual. You must be brain dead not to realize that Ryan is 5'8.5-5'9".
Amanda said on 24/Feb/06
Looking at him next to Simon Cowell, he can't be more than 170 cm. Simon is 174-175 cm tall and he looks about two inches taller than Ryan in the pics of them together.
I think it's interesting that he claims to be taller than Tom Cruise, but from what I can tell, Tom is 5' 8" (he's not quite as short as people think) and Ryan is 5' 7". That's why Tom looks only slightly shorter than the average 5' 10" man but Ryan is shorter than almost of all the contestants on this year's American Idol, even the girls.
MD said on 22/Feb/06
They did have heels on, to be fair, but all proof points to him being significantly below average height for a guy. To answer your question, Lawrence, you need do nothing more than look through the photos I've linked to. I'd even go so far as to say that he is a solid 5'7" or 5'7,5" barefoot, and nothing more.
CoolJ said on 22/Feb/06
Lawrence, because the guy is obviously self-conscious about his height.. oh and he's obviously lying too.
Are you his gay lover? He's not 5'9, or anything close.
Lawrence said on 21/Feb/06
oh ya and if you watched today's American Idol show (tues. Feb.21/06) ryan is out-towered by most of the girls but he says "at least I am taller than Tom Cruise" yet Celeb height lists Cruise at the same height as Ryan(5 ft 7.75") Why would ryan lie that he is 5'9" and why would you go ahead and list him at 5'7'75"?????
Lawrence said on 21/Feb/06
If Ryan Seacrest admits to CNN that he is 5'9" tall why are you saying otherwise? (5 ft 7.75)
AC said on 21/Feb/06
5'6.5. He is not taller than Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise looks a little taller.
MD said on 4/Feb/06
More like 5'6.5" but close. Simon can appear 5'9" at most in his boots, and Seacrest always looks 2" shorter them him except when it's obvious Seacrest is wearing lifts and looks just about as tall as Simon. Ryan always appears to be a solid 5'7"-5'7.5" in regular shoes, so that would make him around 5'6.5" barefoot.
Also, he was about as tall as Bo Bice, runner-up last year, and he's supposed to be 5'9". It's obvious when he wears lifts.
Viper652 said on 3/Feb/06
So Seacrest could be 5-6??
American Idol: The Great Equalizer =-) said on 2/Feb/06
I'm sure someone has already mentioned this but... at least 2 weeks ago when the new season of "AI" started there was a point in the show where Seacrest was talking to the grandmother of a young boy who Simon had chewed out (of course =-)As they were talking Simon came out, had words w/ the grandmother and Seacrest and then left. Upon his leaving Seacrest made a remark about Simon saying; "He is allot shorter than you would think isn't he?" The grandmother replies "Yes, I thought he would at least be 5'8".... And Seacrest is quite a bit shorter than Simon so...I can't say exactly how tall he is but I don't think it's anywhere toward 5'8.
CoolJ said on 2/Feb/06
Also remember, that a 4" heel does not necessarily make you 4" taller.
Anonymous said on 29/Jan/06
man you seriously need to downgrade this guy, he
C said on 28/Jan/06
Just to clarify the original conversion, Ryan mentioned something more like "well, you are in like 8 inch heels." Of course, this is an exaggeration, but shows it is not 100% verified that she was wearing 3" heels. Nobody mentioned that. I'm no expert with women's shoes, but they did seem like they could have even been up to 4"...but minimum 3"...they were long and spikey. Either way though, I'd agree that he isn't a full 5'9" even if she had 4" heels on.
Dominic said on 26/Jan/06
Ha, if she meant that she was 5'9 in her heels then ryan seacrest would be 5'5-5'6, and thats not his height.
MD said on 26/Jan/06
I believe he is 5'7" most definitely. The girl obviosly meant that she was 5'9" in her heels, and she still was noticable taller than Ryan. Dare I say it was even more than a 2" difference.
Anonymous said on 26/Jan/06
Nope... there is NOTHING that says 'your name'.
There is 'Add a Comment about their height' in white type highlighted in Blue.
Right underneath, there is just a blank box with
'Your Comment' on the left
and 'Submit Ccomment / Clear Form' beneath that.
Then the posts start right underneath.
I'm Using Mac OSX computer if thats applicable to the problem.

Editor Rob
ah, it may be to do with mac...normally there's a bit saying: 'your name' above 'your comment' might be not showing on mac internet explorer...I'll have a think
Anonymous said on 26/Jan/06
...oh and I don't see any 'anonymous' to delete!
anonymous just shows up when my comment posts!

Editor Rob
the bit where it says 'Your Name' and has anonymous already there, you can delete that and enter your own name - the site will then remember your name when you make another post if you understand?
Anonymous said on 26/Jan/06
Ryan Seacrest in normal 1" heel shoes should be 5'10" and the girl should in 3 " heels should be 6'0" so she should not look more than 2 inches taller if they are both 5' 9" barefoot.
If he appears 3-4" shorter then Ryan is about 5'7"-5'8" barefoot... so that seems about right.
Ryan looked about 6 inches shorter than her but maybe thats the camera angle because I think a guy has to be at least 5'7' to even look 5'9" on screen.
Anonymous said on 26/Jan/06
No, she looked about six inches taller... I mean she was really looking dooowwwn at him and she laughed and told him that he wasn't 5' 9" and Ryan didn't respond to that.
3-4 inches would mean that the top of his head would be at least above her eyes... he was almost under her nose.
Dominic said on 25/Jan/06
Him and that contestant would have been the same height if she didnt have heels, her heels were about 3 inches and she was about 3 or 4 inches taller in them than him.
MD said on 25/Jan/06
That was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. lol I kept love how he was insisting that he was "average height for a man" and how he was "5'9."" with the 5'9" girl standing right beside him being probably a full 2" taller than him. She was in heels, but Ryan was clearly 2" shorter than she.
CoolJ said on 25/Jan/06
HAHA an Idol contestant confronted him last night and called him short.. saying he was 5'9 like the contestant.. After she challenged him "No you aren't", he said.. "Well you got me there" and looked terribly embarrassed.. Haha
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/06
On American Idol TV last night:
Tall girl contestant looking down on Ryan while waiting to audition...
Contestant: You are really short.
Ryan: Well You ARE in 3 inch heels...
Contestant: I'm 5' 9"
Ryan: Well, so am I...
Contestant: Haha, no you're NOT....
Ryan: (...quickly cuts her off ) I'm average where I come from...
Contestant: Where is that?
Ryan: California
Contestant: Oh no, I don't want to go there and only find short men to date...
Ryan: (interrupts her and jokes to the camera)... "see how we're getting along!"
Contestant goes into room to audition.
To be fair, She WAS wearing very high heels though and I would have loved to see her stand next to Ryan in regular shoes...but it was funny.
CoolJ said on 19/Jan/06
I think 171cm is a max for this guy.. but I won't fight over 1cm.
MD said on 18/Jan/06
Now, Cowell definitely wears thick-soled shoes, and I'm almost certian he wears lifts (that's just the kind of person he is). But they are both relatively short, and Ryan is no way taller than 5'7" barefoot, and maybe that tall in shoes.
CoolJ said on 18/Jan/06
Saw them on the TV last night.. standing next to one another.. Cowell looked to have about 3" on SEacrest.
Andy said on 18/Jan/06
Simon towers over Ryan by 2-3" and he's 5-8.......Ryan is 5-5 to 5-6
MD said on 4/Jan/06
Well, I'm not sure how reliable this site is, but it's clearly semi-mainstream:
As I suspected all along, and from many pictures, this man is 5'7" barefoot. He may be able to creep up to near 5'9" in some seriouosly heeled dress shoes or boots. This also means you have to downgrade Ryan Cabrera since he is obviously nearly the exact same heights as Ryan Seacrest as judging by a pretty good photo I had already posted below:
He's 5'8" alright, but once again, it's the hair.
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Oct/05
Another idol, Anwar Robinson said in an interview he was 5ft 10...a height which he was using before famous on erm, some profile thing.
MD said on 8/Oct/05
Ok, if we accept the 5'9" as fact, how much taller does he look over Seacrest?
Viper452 said on 5/Oct/05
Hey, Im right 99.999 percent of the time :)
CoolJ said on 4/Oct/05
Viper is finally right about one.. or close enough.
Viper452 said on 3/Oct/05
Seacrest looks 5-7 to me.
CoolJ said on 3/Oct/05
Rob, he can't get away with that lie on here!!!
I firmly believe this guy is under 5'8"
CoolJ said on 25/Aug/05
5'6"? He really is small.. and although I doubt 5'6.. I dont doubt 5'7"
CelebHeights Editor said on 25/Aug/05
From television withoutpity forum: "What cracks me up about him is that he insists that he's 5 foot nine inches tall. I've met him. I'm 5 foot 6. And he's a tiny, tiny man"
JoJo said on 4/Aug/05
Remember that American Idol DVD TV commercial featuring Ryan Seacrest and a group of people waiting in line to get the DVD. Not only most of those people seem much taller than Seacrest, also near the end of the commercial, you can see William Hung standing next to Seacrest and Hung seemed to be a bit taller. So how tall is William Hung?
J. (The real one!) said on 25/May/05
Hmm ... I was watching a TV program a few nights ago that pertained on the hysteria around American Idol. There were several shots of the American Idol quartet together at a press conference and it's very clear that Seacrest is nowhere near 5'9". He was shorter than both Randy and Simon (although he had on those clunky boots) and barely taller than tiny Paula (who had on 3" heels). He's a skinny 5'7", maybe. He's similiar to another diminutive Ryan ... Phillippe in that he's a smaller guy who tries to pass for average. Plus his comment about how people call him short was a giveaway at his lack of size!
MD said on 24/May/05
Maybe this one should be changed now since he's obviously not 5'9" even in normal shoes.
Scotty said on 17/May/05
Theres no way he's 5'9" Carrie Underwood is 5'4" and she was the same height as Ryan on stage. She wasn't wearing real high heels either. He is 5'7" tops maybe shorter
MD said on 21/Apr/05
Simon is definitely around 5'9" and from many pics we've seen Simon looks at the very least an inch taller than Ryan. I'm guessing Ryan's really around 5'7.5" - 5'8"
ritch said on 21/Apr/05
When Ryan was standing next to Constantine he said "yes, I'm short". So he even calls himself short. Average height for a man in the US is 5'9". If he truly is 5'9" he is not short. I think he is fibbing about his height because the girls even measure up to him!
melbell42 said on 18/Mar/05
I'm sorry. He's SO LYING! As a person who IS 5'9", I can say with some measure of authority that he is NOT 5'9". ...but short guys always lie about their height by at least and inch...usually two. Short guys never believe me when I say I'm 5'9". "NO WAY! You're at least 5'11" I'm 5'9" and you're taller than me." That's the speech they make you memorize before you join the short men club. The problem is that eventually they actually start to believe it.