big kid said on 5/Apr/23
I’m glad that you stayed stiff on your Andrew Tate at 6’2 and not downgrading him. At first I really thought he was 6’1.5 but the more I look at him he has a build of a 6’2 guy in my opinion.
Jdubbz 199cm said on 5/Apr/23
James B 172cm said on 31/Mar/23
I saw a guy 7feet or taller once out with his girlfriend in public. She looked embarrassed
Why would she be embarrassed? She wouldn’t be his girlfriend in the first place if she were embarrassed of his height.
georgett said on 5/Apr/23
Rob how tall is Kate Hudson in those heels? Also the lady that they are hugging is Gwyneth Paltrow
Click Here

Editor Rob
I'm thinking at least 4.5 inch of actual height, maybe almost 4.75 as the platform is decent and heel angle reasonably high too.
Andrea said on 5/Apr/23
Gerald, 184 is a joke for Salvatore, just like 180 for Marco! Interestingly, they were listed at 180 and 177 in a sort of reality show they did sometime ago... Where they came from I don't know, but that's the kind of range I could see them, AT MOST. Salvatore in particular can actually look under that a lot in photos.
Henrik said on 5/Apr/23
Hey Rob, I think you said on YouTube that old video cassette (VHS) boxes are good objects to use for measurement and on par with stadiometers. When I use a VHS box, I think I get about 0.5cm less than when I use an old computer software/game big box. I'm not sure if the VHS box is fully reaching the very top of my head. Do you think the big box might be overmeasuring? I feel like it *should* be more accurate but I'm not the expert with access to a stadiometer. 🤔
The big box gave 187.8-9cm, the VHS box 187.3-5cm (yeah, it did fluctuate a little between measurements).
I believe I did measure precisely 188cm on the dot at noon, 4-5 hours after being up, the last time I was measured under a stadiometer which was quite a few years ago (so there may be a lapse in the memory, I guess).

Editor Rob
the actual video cassette itself is perfectly fine as it's solid. Its just over 7.25 inches long for a VHS so as long as your nose is pretty close to the wall it will hit the high spot.
oren metser said on 5/Apr/23
Rob, do you agree with the notion that tallness/ shortness both begin around 2 inches above/ under the standard deviation from average?

Editor Rob
That might be the limit.
Henrik said on 5/Apr/23
Can you even get "banned" from this site? We don't have user logins here. Other than Rob not approving posts coming from your IP address, I suppose. You'd have to use a way to block access to the site in your browser.

Editor Rob
You can have your isp blocked. It's rare though and never lasts.
oren metser said on 4/Apr/23
Hey Rob, just to get an accurate and specific final listing on this website. What would've been my measurement on this page(just reminding you our previous conversations that I'm the guy who measured 181.5cm or 5'11.5 at 18:30 , after having wokenup around 8:10). The previous night I went to bed at like 00:30.
Moreover, On to same day I drove to the beach back and forth each time about 20 minutes or half and hour, swam for approximately 40 minutes. Later on I ran for 35 minutes at the gym, drove my car to take my grandparents' home , back and forth for about 40 minutes.
On a different occasion I measured just over 1.82m (182.1-182.2cm 5'11.75 to be precise, about an hour out of bed).
Having done these two measurements and the activities , what would be my final specific listing in your opinion? 5'11 1/2 5'11 2/3 or 5'11 3/4?

Editor Rob
5ft 11.75 would be a realistic listing
Abdul(177cm) said on 3/Apr/23
Hi Rob. I have in the last while been visiting your site many times per day, so I’d like to request to get a ban for a while. Maybe for a few months, because I am also starting to find the site bored too. So I want to take a break + getting a temporary ban.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Apr/23
Hi Rob, Jenny and all visitors,
I was on my way to the outside toilet when I noticed the two foxes who hang out together at the back. There were some dark grey little tiny animals with them and then I realised that they’ve had cubs! I’m very excited, having never seen foxes this small. I put some food out but Melazier ate it! I’ll have to make them some catfood sandwiches, as cats don’t tend to like bread…..
Have a happy week everyone! 🦊🦊💐🤗👌🏼 XXXXX

Editor Rob
That's great to see cubs. Strangely not seen as many foxes around our garden the last few months!
Gerald S said on 3/Apr/23
Rob, any ideas on French actor Mathieu Amalric? He is listed most places as 5’6” which seems legitimate.
John marks said on 3/Apr/23
Rob , how many cms would a ASICS gel lose , I checked my height other day and it increased it by 2 cm, so if I keep wearing them for another year would soles lose more ?

Editor Rob
That's going to vary amongst models. A lot of these sneakers can have hollow sections and lose a cm after a few years.
The gel pair I have, well I can't find them so haven't worn them much...but knowing the problem with sneakers and age, by the time I find them and wear them, they'll probably only last a few months!
Black phoenix said on 3/Apr/23
I think 5'8 and 3/8 is the perfect for you not any shorter please
georgett said on 2/Apr/23
Rob how tall this lady looks to you?
Click Here
Click Here
she was way taller than Amy Lee in person

Editor Rob
Wouldn't have thought over 5ft 6
avi said on 1/Apr/23
@James B 172cm said on 31/Mar/23
7'0 is freakishly big
I'd say most girls will be turned off by thst unless they themselves are freakishly tall.
I think the tallest person I ever saw was 6'10 area
Definitely no one over 7'0
As Rob says if you go to an airport or bigger city statistically you will see some 6'7-6'9 guys and rarely a 6'11-7'1 guy will pop up.
They say there are only a few thousand 7'0+ people
I think the number must be 3,000-4,000 especially since a lot will have some medical condition.
avi said on 1/Apr/23
Can you add Jim Nabors and Bob Crane one day?
They are famous sitcom actors
Jim Nabors played Gomer Pyle in Gomer Pyle USMC show which is a spin off from Andy Griffith show. He was also I'm the earlier Andy Griffith episodes before Gomer Pyle.
He is listed as 6'0 and 6'1
I think
Here is a video with Don Knotts and Andy Griffith:
Click Here
You can see Nabors is almost an inch taller than weak 6'0 Andy Griffith (possibly closer to 5'11.5)
And he is 5-5.5 inches taller than Knotts
I think 6'0.5 or 6'0.75 is fair for Nabors.
Bob Crane was in Hogan's heroes
He is listed at 5'10 which seems fair
Sean Forrest said on 1/Apr/23
Hiya Rob, some measured a lot of times standing tall same stance for an hour and lost 9mm all together down to a unusual low, but kept fluctuating up and down 3mm between measurements near the end at night. Would their true height listed on here be 3mm more than the lowest measurement? Thanks again.

Editor Rob
I'd typically say a 1/4 inch over lowest evening is a fair listing.
Also repeated measurements over a short period might cause some fatigue and lose you height quicker. Maybe the strain on the back?
Tawehret said on 1/Apr/23
Hey rob, I reckon this is a goodie, there’s a youtuber who’s gotten into beef with pemguinz0 his name is sneako, how tall do u think he is? He’s a friend of Andrew tate

Editor Rob
Not looked at him much at all.
ZDA said on 1/Apr/23
Hi Rob, how is 181cm guy viewed in Scotland, amongst the general population?

Editor Rob
Tallish to many.
Jessie Pinkman said on 31/Mar/23
Rob, do you think lifting your heels for multiple reps once a week can shrink you taller? I do stretches and i read that this can be harmful in the future

Editor Rob
I doubt it...always good to keep up a stretching routine.
James B 172cm said on 31/Mar/23
I saw a guy 7feet or taller once out with his girlfriend in public. She looked embarrassed
Jdubbz said on 30/Mar/23
@big kid:
More like a 6'5.5 - 6'6 woman, but I agree that's still super rare. I've seen one man taller than 7 foot, but never a 6'6+ woman.
Sam83 said on 30/Mar/23
Hi rob, thank you! Do you think pairs like these, because of the platforms, could give up to, or over 5 inches please? Thanks
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
1st no, second yeah, 3rd looks 4.6-4.7 range.
bmb said on 30/Mar/23
@Rob Hi. How tall do you think the guy on the right is? I believe I was 5ft 9 3/8" at the time, So about 5ft 9.5in. So 6ft 3? 6ft 3.5?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Could imagine almost 6 inches between them.
big kid said on 29/Mar/23
I never seen a 7 feet tall man in person my life. A 7 foot guy is equivalent to a 6’6.5 female which I never seen either
John marks said on 29/Mar/23
Hey Rob, what’s the average growth rate per year for males during puberty ?
Sam83 said on 28/Mar/23
Hi Rob, I came across these the other day, looked super high! How much extra height can/inches do you think they would give someone please?
Click Here
There was also this style too
Click Here

Editor Rob
They both should be getting near 4 inches, especially the 1st model I feel that has better chance of a little bit over 4 inches.
Anthony taylor said on 27/Mar/23
Click Here
Rob how tall do you think niko omilana looks here as he is barefoot do you have an estimate or prediction into how tall you think he is or might be?

Editor Rob
6ft 4, he claimed that about 18 although more recently said 6ft 5!
Gerald S said on 27/Mar/23
A flat 6 feet would be the absolute lowest I could buy for Esposito, but he could be no more than that. I do think his posture can often be improved.
Anthony taylor said on 26/Mar/23
Rob do you believe that sultan kosen is current tallest human in the world and do you think or believe that there are more people that are taller than him are still alive and living but are refusing to get verified by the Guinness book of records and don’t won’t to be in the headlines or want any spotlight?

Editor Rob
Seems that he's still tallest, but I'm sure at one stage somebody will exceed him.
John Mark said on 26/Mar/23
hey, I measured 179.6cm at 7 am after around 7 hours or under sleep(not fully sleep) and then measured at 5 hours, around 178.5 cm(I was riding my electric scooter, so I ways standing always),
Can i say im 178.5 cm?

Editor Rob
If you want to round to 179 it's not an issue, maybe in feet/inches go with 5ft 10 and a half.
John motson said on 26/Mar/23
Rob do you see any 7 footers in public on a daily basis and if so when did you last see one and how rare is it to find guys like this in public?

Editor Rob
Rare to see somebody 6ft 8 or over up close in my town. Can't remember anybody as tall as 7ft apart from in England at conventions or airport.
Gian 181cm said on 26/Mar/23
6ft4 I don't rule it out, 6ft5 I would say it is. 6ft3 1/2 - 6ft4 are interesting guesses. He is considered very tall even with the average player being around 5ft11.
Thanks Rob.
georgett said on 26/Mar/23
Hi Rob, lady claims she is 178 cm and her boyfriend 183 cm
Click Here
Does it look right to you?

Editor Rob
She looks 3 inches taller, but I can't see those heels giving nearly 6 inches (for the heights to match).
Would be interesting to see them without shoes!
Kevin in Europe said on 26/Mar/23
Hey Rob! Can I ask your guess on Sam Altman(Co-founder of OpenAI)? He seems like 5'9

Editor Rob
I've no idea this moment!
Gian 181cm said on 25/Mar/23
Rob, if the guy on the right claimed 6 ft 1/2, how tall would the man on the left be? He claimed 6ft5 but I believe he doesn't have all that, he doesn't look much taller than his fellow goalkeepers who are 6ft2 1/2
Click Here
I imagine some height between 6ft3 - 6ft3 1/2

Editor Rob
In that single moment, he looks 6ft 4 at most, but it might be different if they stood on solid ground for a pose.
Rapha said on 25/Mar/23
@Sandy. Sorry for my late reply. I agree with you that height in our societies are a variable that is important.
I believe that for men, it would be more important in professional life than for women I read an article that stated the maximum income a man can get in a company would be around a height of 190 cm.
If you are taller you will not earn but of you are shorter than 190 cm , your salary will decrease for every cm by 1%.
I do not think this apply to women and I am not sure how accurate that is. That would mean that a 190 cm man will earn 20% more than a 170 cm a man, obviously qualifications and experiences are equivalent for both participants.
Tawehret said on 25/Mar/23
Hey rob are men from ages 18-30 178 cm as their average height? Or is it 5’8?
How tall do you think the average height for men will be 18-30 in 100 years?

Editor Rob
In the UK it's quite close to that figure (178cm) for that age range.
bmb said on 25/Mar/23
@Rob I have a question? I had 3 friends. A. was 5ft 11 on the nose, B. is 5ft 10 3/4", and C. is 5ft 6 7/8". All measured during evening hours. What would you classify them as?

Editor Rob
I'd probably just class them 5ft 11 and 5ft 7
AaronZamora said on 25/Mar/23
Rob, can you add a page for Caleb Plant and David Benavidez? They have a huge fight tomorrow. I say 5’11 and 6’1 is a good shout. I would also want a page for Ryan Garcia and Tank Davis I give them 5’8-5’8 1/2 and 5’3-5’3 1/2
oren metser said on 24/Mar/23
I got another question.. my cousin measures in the evening 1.88m or 6'2 on the dot at 18:30 . He woke up at about 9 o'clock or so. Is it possible he's 1.90m or 6'3 out of bed? I told him once that if he measures 6'2 in the evening, then he's at least 6'2.5 or 1.89m, or could even legitimately scrape 6'3(1.90m). What's the most legitimate claim in your opinion Rob. Thanks for your feedback!

Editor Rob
Highly likely he is near 190cm range out of bed. Many with those stats would go with the middle value, or near mid-day which would be 189cm.
Anthony taylor said on 24/Mar/23
@Alex 6’0
How tall are both of your parents and tall was you before you hit your growth spurt?
Rapha said on 24/Mar/23
oren metser said on 23/Mar/23
Thanks Rob for responding to my question. I , on another occasion, managed to reach even 182.2cm or 5'11.75 , about an hour out of bed . I think your recommendation is the finest of all. I'ma stick to either your verdict( nearly a legit 6 ft , a fraction shorter than 6 or alternatively 1.82m. TTYL!
Editor Rob
The vast majority of guys who are 5ft 11.5 would want to round up.
If I were that range if not claiming 5ft 11 and a half I'd go with 'almost' 6ft.
@oren. I agree with Rob. In imperial measurements, I would also claim 6 feet. Additionally, you are certainly 6 ft or 183 cm straight out of bed 👍
Discord said on 24/Mar/23
Rob, i just discovered old army passport of my late grandfather, and he was measured 170 cm during the army at age 21, and grew to 173 cm in his adulthood! Just like my father who was 175 cm in the army at age 18.8, and now is 178 cm. Do you think i have high chances of growing near 181?

Editor Rob
Could be in the genes!
bmb said on 24/Mar/23
@Rob By very late evening hours with proper measuring utensils. I am 5ft 9 5/8". Do you classify that as 5ft 9 3/4" or a weak 5ft 10?

Editor Rob
Yeah you fall into weaker 5ft 10 range, but most people who meet you are likely going to guess you at 5ft 10.
oren metser said on 23/Mar/23
Oren Metser.Resuming to our conversation, I'm assuming I'll stick to my 1.82m claim , since I once even manage to get 182.2cm an hour and a half out of bed. I definitely think if I had to state my height as an imperial measurment I'd say - a weak 6 ft/ nearly a legit 6 footer/ about 6 ft. Thanks for your feedback Rob! Keep standing tall.
James.B 172cm said on 23/Mar/23
Rob was the average height for 18-20 year old range in the UK back in 2008 5ft10 or more 5ft9?

Editor Rob
Don't think the stats have shifted much over last decade, so near 5ft 10 then.
5'10-Abdul. said on 23/Mar/23
Today I trained in the gym. I trained my chest and shoulders, and took many sets and reps too, and I also ran for 5 minutes . I trained for an hour or so. And I showered too, and after all of that I managed to measure 5’9 5/8 as my extreme low.
If my normal low is 5’9 3/4 or 177.3 cm, then is it normal that I maybe on intense days can get to 176.5 cm?
dreus23 said on 23/Mar/23
@Gerald S
Interesting! I know he's claimed 185 and 183 cm in the past but I'm not sure he's always looked it. He's clearly a big guy with a strong presence but look at him here for example
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
I agree he's taller than D'Amore but I'm not sure about 4+ cm of height difference. I don't think I'd argue much over 183 cm but I can't see him under 180 cm
Maybe 182 cm?
oren metser said on 23/Mar/23
I think Rob should get an upgrade of 174cm 5'8 1/2
oren metser said on 23/Mar/23
Thanks Rob for responding to my question. I , on another occasion, managed to reach even 182.2cm or 5'11.75 , about an hour out of bed . I think your recommendation is the finest of all. I'ma stick to either your verdict( nearly a legit 6 ft , a fraction shorter than 6 or alternatively 1.82m. TTYL!

Editor Rob
The vast majority of guys who are 5ft 11.5 would want to round up.
If I were that range if not claiming 5ft 11 and a half I'd go with 'almost' 6ft.
Alex 6'0 said on 23/Mar/23
Socks i don't think add any height because your weight is all pushing it down. A thick wool sock i can see a mm
vY said on 23/Mar/23
Robby Harris said on 22/Mar/23
What is your shoulder width, Rob? And how does one measure it? From the underlying bony structures / bicromial width?
I’m willing to bet Robs shoulder width is 17.5-6 inches. Guys between 5’6-5’9.5 who have normal shoulders will be in the 17-17.5 range. Guys between 5’10-6’1.5 will have 18-18.5 on average. These are just starting numbers. My dad is 5’9.5 and his shoulder width is 17.5 inches and I’m 6’1.5 and mine is 18.5 so that can help prove these numbers even more. Here’s a couple videos that i used to help measure mine.
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
Just asked Jenny to check, she held it more straighter than the video and said 18 at those points it suggested.
Progking185 said on 22/Mar/23
@ZachCatselbow yeah that is probably about the normal height range I guess. Maybe 6'3 instead of 6'2 as I think that is a kind of regular tall height, around 6'4+ definitely very tall
Uncle Paul said on 22/Mar/23
@vY - it varies by race.
White American males: 5'7"-6'1"
Black American males: 5'6"-6'0"
Asian/Hispanic American males: 5'4"-5'10"
This is for young males, based on CDC data, with a standard deviation (~3 inches) on either side of the mean as the bounds for normal heights, rounded to the nearest inch
oren metser said on 22/Mar/23
Averaging out, 5'8.5 or 174cm is the fairest, 5'9 or 175cm would still kick in
oren metser said on 22/Mar/23
Hey Rob , I gotta ask you what height is the fairest to claim if on a given day I measured 1.815m or 5'11.5 at 18:30, went to bed at around 00:20 and woke up at like 8 or 8:10?That day, I swam at the beach for 30-40 minutes, went for a run for 35 minutes. I'm used to claiming 1.82m or a fraction shorter than 6'0.. In your opinion, what's the fairest claim, according these details- 5'11.5 , 1.82m or just bump my height up to 6 ft? N.B I also once measured in the morning 182.1cm or 5'11.7

Editor Rob
You could always say almost/about 6ft if you like.
Robby Harris said on 22/Mar/23
What is your shoulder width, Rob? And how does one measure it? From the underlying bony structures / bicromial width?

Editor Rob
I cannot remember mine, but seeing a couple of different types out there, curved across shoulder and then straight.
Gerald S said on 21/Mar/23
Salvatore Esposito always struck me as a strong six footer. He is listed 184cm on e-talenta and I believe it:
Click Here
D'Amore was about 4 cm under Esposito on Gomorrah.
vY said on 21/Mar/23
Rob I think i ask this question before but I don’t remember ur answer but does lifting weights at the gym affect height loss with age and make you shrink faster?

Editor Rob
It can be many years of big loads on the spine, and poorer techniques that can raise the risk of disc damage.
Discord said on 21/Mar/23
Click Here
I actually have measured my height today with measuring tape, it was done around quarter to 2pm. Out of bed for 5+ hours. How tall would you guess it?

Editor Rob
Would have thought 178cm there.
vY said on 21/Mar/23
Zach Catselbow said on 19/Mar/23
Hey Rob, for American males, what would you say “normal height” is? I would say 5’4” to 6’2”.
I would say 5’4-6’5 for men in America in my opinion. If I see someone taller than 6’5 in public ill usually look twice at them or point them out to whoever I’m with maybe. And if I see a guy under 5’4 I’ll also look twice maybe because it’s rare to be an adult under 5’4 also
avi said on 20/Mar/23
Have you ever seen any studies on how countries like Holland and some of the Balkan countries with alleged areas that have a 6'1-6'2 average (e.g dineric alps) will affect health and if any concerns?
If the stories are true that average height in Holland is roughly 6'0 (and some anecdotal mentions of 6'2 average in Dineric alps) there would be a larger population of 6'3-6'6 guys than normal statistical average.
Based on years of research it has been proven cancer is higher along with risk of blot clots, joint/back pain etc
I wonder if Holland and other areas will experience a higher percentage of these issues as time goes by.
It seems the most ideal height for men is 5'10-6'2.
I think 6'3-6'4 gets too big and there is proven issues with being those heights (in general) as cited above.

Editor Rob
I can't remember specifically reading about the health/height topic in those countries.
avi said on 20/Mar/23
@Zach Catselbow
Definitely not 5'4
I would say 5'6-6'3
With a more narrow range of 5'7-6'2
Generally most fall in here.
There are a good amount of 5'5 men but most men will get to at least 5'6-5'7
Maahin Chowdhury said on 20/Mar/23
Bit of a silly question but do socks add a couple of mm to our height?

Editor Rob
2mm is a thick sock, 0.5-1 for a lot of them.
dreus23 said on 19/Mar/23
@Gerald S
What do you say about Salvatore Esposito being 5'11.25? Definitely 5'11 range though I think
Zach Catselbow said on 19/Mar/23
Hey Rob, for American males, what would you say “normal height” is? I would say 5’4” to 6’2”.
Canson said on 19/Mar/23
@Editor Rob: how about a page for Brock Osweiler? He was listed 6’8” in college but says he’s 6’7” and that he’s a hair over 6’7”. He measured 6’6 7/8 at the combine and there are pics with he and Peyton Manning when he was his backup. Chances are the over 6’7 was very early morning at ASU and that he’s 6’6 7/8 after being up a couple of few hours. I’d bet 6’6 5/8 at a low is a best case. He isn’t even 2” taller than Peyton but this measurement is probably ok. It does look about 1.5” at least
Click Here
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Mar/23
I must say. Safia is the funniest person I’ve ever met in my whole life.
And she’s a GIRL!
We talked for five. hours over the phone yesterday and the laughter couldn’t be stopped!
Now I have to feed my cats!
Anthony taylor said on 19/Mar/23
Click Here
Rob how tall do you think Karan Singh is here he is listed as 7’9 but what do you think what is your prediction or estimate into how tall you think he is or might be?

Editor Rob
Hard to be precise, but it wouldn't be a shock if he's currently near that range. In some little videos on youtube he looked extremely tall beside other men and also has a very long head in comparison!
Matt99 said on 18/Mar/23
Hey Rob, if I’m 5’9.5 range 4 hours out of bed what would you list me as? 5’9.25?

Editor Rob
Still a chance somebody you might end up with the 9.5 figure
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Mar/23
Hi Rob and all!
I woke up this morning and went into the lounge. There were cats EVERYWHERE! I opened up a glass cabinet and big Lossalum tried the go inside. There are glass bits, many of which are older than me, if that’s possible! Lossalum is big and heavy and hard to lift. I was in so much of a shock that I belched seven times in a row trying to lift him!
Now the furry members of my family want foooooood! They have some nice stuff as well and they know it….. 😸👌🏼
Mr-174 said on 17/Mar/23
Hey Big Rob. When I measured myself almost 2 years ago it was 1 Hour after bed and I was 173.5cm I felt really insecure. Whenever I would tell people I’m 5’9 I always felt like a fraud.
I just turned 22 A month ago and decided to finally measure myself and it shows 174cm 9 hours after bed. I can’t say I’m any happier but at least it’s progress.
Is that a notable amount of growth for someone in theirs 20s? I always had bad posture and recently just started correcting it 3 months ago by just sitting properly straight in my chair (no posture exercises or stretching) Did that play a role to my height gain?

Editor Rob
Might have been a final little bit of height and you are now probably looking about 5ft 9 to most folk.
Gerald S said on 17/Mar/23
Rob, how about a page for Italian actor, director and screenwriter, Marco D’Amore, from the popular tv series Gomorrah, at 5’10.75”?
He starred in movies including Perez, Un Posto Sicuro and L’immortale. He is listed as 180cm almost everywhere.
w/5’7” Luca Zingaretti (another great potential addition)
Click Here
w/Zingaretti, Simona Tabasco & Giampaolo Fabrizio
Click Here
w/same as above
Click Here
w/Zingaretti, Tabasco & Fabrizio
Click Here
Canson said on 17/Mar/23
@John Mark: I’d claim 178. That’s even number and it’s a little above your low
Canson said on 17/Mar/23
@Editor Rob: how about a page for Brock Osweiler? Measured 6’6 7/8 at the combine and claims 6’7 or a little over 6’7” despite a 6’8 listing previously. He had pictures with Peyton manning being he was once his backup
This is very telling although not 100% accurate because it’s also in the morning.
Click Here
vY said on 16/Mar/23
@ dreus23
No I’m done lol my growth plates closed when I was 17 1/2 that’s when I grew my last inch. I started puberty at 12 so if they stayed open longer than it is not normal
bmb said on 16/Mar/23
@John Mark You're probably that mark during lunch hours anyways. So if you want to claim that mark? Go for it.
Zach Catselbow said on 16/Mar/23
Hey Rob, measured myself for the first time in a while. After a long day of school about a bit over 13 hours of awakening I got 167.4 cm, so I’m assuming this is my low. What do you reckon I wake up at, I’ve never really been able to do a proper morning measurement?

Editor Rob
It's unlikely you'll shrink below that. Enough to go with 5ft 6 as a comfortable claim.
georgett said on 16/Mar/23
Rob how tall does Zendaya look here?
Click Here

Editor Rob
She can seem 6 inches taller than Jacob, but not that big a heel really.
John Mark said on 16/Mar/23
Rob, if I wake up 179.6cm and after 12 hours measure 177.8-178.1cm, Can I claim 178.5 cm or just 177.8 cm?
5'10 dudie said on 16/Mar/23
Good day, Big Rob. For someone who wakes up at 5'10.5, and goes to bed at 5'9.75, is 5'10 a claimable height?

Editor Rob
With those stats I would say it's perfectly fair claiming it.
5'10-Abdul. said on 16/Mar/23
Discord said on 14/Mar/23
I just know he consistently claimed to be 178 cm and looks so next to my 177 cm uncle, i also saw his medical file where he was measured 178 cm and 94 kg just bit over 2 years ago at age 48. I believe he could measure close to 5'10 1/8 to 1/4, the latter is strong possibility when he was younger definitely, as he is 50 years old right now. He also grew over an inch after age 18-19,(measured 175 cm in the army at age 18 years and 8 months) which is age i am at right now, do you expect me to eventually grow to 5'11?
I’m sure you might grow a bit taller, but it’s complicated to say how much growth you have left. Try to take the Tanner stage calculator…
dreus23 said on 15/Mar/23
I actually thought you looked taller than him there, and he's at best the same height as you. Your eye level seems to be similar but looking at the back of his head it seems you're a bit taller. I don't really know why people think you look downright "shorter" than him if I'm comparing you to the right person
I feel like that's such a myth though. I mean, it's definitely backed by science, but I know girls who grew an inch or more after turning 17, and typically science says that girls completely stop growing at 15 or so. I also know a guy who grew from like 5'5-5'5.5 to at the very least 5'6 multiple months after turning 18. You and I seem to be in a similar situation though, I measured around 5'6.5 age 17 and now age 18 I measure around 5'7.5. You'll probably reach 6'2 by the time you're done and I'll probably be 5'8
183cmErzhan said on 15/Mar/23
I'm Yerzhan, I'm from Kazakhstan, my height is 183 centimeters
5'10-Abdul said on 15/Mar/23
vY said on 14/Mar/23
Editor Rob
Of course, but you will be in the minority if you gained anything like 2-3 inches at that stage.
To grow anything after turning 18 is very rare probably like 2% do. I know ur nephew lewis grew after 18 I think but I bet he started puberty later than the average dude maybe
It is not unusual to grow taller past the age of 18, and it's not only 2% of males who grew just a bit past 18.
May I ask if you can prove by any academic evidence that only 2% of males grow at least a bit past 18?
From my own experience then i started puberty at 14, and since i turned 18 i have grown like 3 cm of height, and by the tanner stage calculator i am at stage 4.5, so i still have a bit of growth left + also to fix my posture and anterior pelvic tilt and so on, and current im 19 and 4 months old and i am still growing steadily.
vY said on 15/Mar/23
I didn’t realize until I was like 20 how small the male torso was compared to women. I never noticed the V that the male torso has
bmb said on 15/Mar/23
@vY 2% is a bit pessimistic I'd find. I want to say 10-15% maybe. And anything more than half an inch after 18 would probably be rarer I guess. For evening hours, I was 5ft 9 when I turned 18, I was 5ft 9¼" a year later, 3 years later I was 5ft 9⅜", Now I'm about 5ft 9⅝".
georgett said on 14/Mar/23
Rob how tall does this actor look to you?
Click Here

Editor Rob
First thought was about 6ft there.
Jdubbz said on 14/Mar/23
vY said on 14/Mar/23
Editor Rob
Of course, but you will be in the minority if you gained anything like 2-3 inches at that stage.
To grow anything after turning 18 is very rare probably like 2% do. I know ur nephew lewis grew after 18 I think but I bet he started puberty later than the average dude maybe
No way growth after 18 is that rare. Maybe only 2% grow a SIGNIFICANT amount after 18, but just growth in general? Guys usually grow until 19-20.
Jawilder said on 14/Mar/23
@Discord Y’all looking identical
Discord said on 14/Mar/23
I just know he consistently claimed to be 178 cm and looks so next to my 177 cm uncle, i also saw his medical file where he was measured 178 cm and 94 kg just bit over 2 years ago at age 48. I believe he could measure close to 5'10 1/8 to 1/4, the latter is strong possibility when he was younger definitely, as he is 50 years old right now. He also grew over an inch after age 18-19,(measured 175 cm in the army at age 18 years and 8 months) which is age i am at right now, do you expect me to eventually grow to 5'11?
vY said on 14/Mar/23
Editor Rob
Of course, but you will be in the minority if you gained anything like 2-3 inches at that stage.
To grow anything after turning 18 is very rare probably like 2% do. I know ur nephew lewis grew after 18 I think but I bet he started puberty later than the average dude maybe
(Billythetreesurgeon) said on 13/Mar/23
Hi Rob forgive me if this has been asked before, but should a weak 6ft man feel tallish sometimes in the United Kingdom? Regards,Bill

Editor Rob
I believe overall they should feel tallish.
5'10-Abdul. said on 13/Mar/23
Discord said on 12/Mar/23
Click Here=
Rob, do you think my father is taller than me or are we practically identical?(second slide)
He is full 1 cm taller than his 177 cm sibling, so he would be 5'10.25, i presume?
Hi there, I think your dad is a fraction taller than you. I’d say your father is 177.6 cm, and you seem to be 176.5-177.5.
Anthony taylor said on 13/Mar/23
Do you remember how tall was big alexes parents?
Vick said on 13/Mar/23
Hey Rob,
How are you doing with inflation? Where I’m at it is hurt so many folks right now

Editor Rob
Definitely on the energy front is where we notice big jumps. Since I'm at the shops everyday, I'm thankfully able to go between 4 different stores and keep eyes on prices and still find some bargains, so food wise it's not as bad as many folk will be experiencing.
I have cut down a lot of frivolous spending over the years.
Discord said on 13/Mar/23
@Editor Rob
He had headwear in that picture which added over an inch, so i believe it would've been harder to guess either way.
Click Here=
Here is the picture with full body length(third slide is better for comparison), next to my father is his sibling(grey jacket) who is 177 cm, and has home slipper in that pic whilst others are barefoot, and next to him is his son who is 183 cm.

Editor Rob
I'd expect you could measure very close to your Father, although it's always possible at his age he lost a fraction in height.
Jawilder said on 12/Mar/23
The three most popular celebrities on the site right now are listed 5’11.
Zach Catselbow said on 12/Mar/23
Hey Rob, what would say average height is for males in India and China?

Editor Rob
5ft 6-7
Discord said on 12/Mar/23
Click Here=
Rob, do you think my father is taller than me or are we practically identical?(second slide)
He is full 1 cm taller than his 177 cm sibling, so he would be 5'10.25, i presume?

Editor Rob
Although the top of head isn't quite visible, you seem eye to eye with him!
VST said on 12/Mar/23
Hi Rob, how tall do you think the Barcelona's player Gavi is?
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Mar/23
@ James B - Apparently, my great grandmother was actually TALL! I don’t know how tall that would have been for those days, but my Mum reckoned she was about 5ft7, which for the 19th century, was indeed rather tall, and not too bad for this day and age either….. 😉
5'10-Abdul. said on 12/Mar/23
Hi Rob, I hope you are doing well.
I have a nice question about the height of former ‘UFC champion - Matt Hughes’..
Click Here
How tall do you think he is?
And could some height loss happen for him since he is 49 or near 50, and did he lost height after the train accident he experience some years ago??

Editor Rob
Could be weak 5ft 9. I don't think he had damaged his spine bad enough (to result in earlier height loss).
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Mar/23
@ James B - How very interesting, and no, I had no idea whatsoever!
Apparently, I had some German nobility in my blood, but they gambled their titles away. That’s an addiction I don’t share! 😉
5'10-Abdul. said on 12/Mar/23
God bless you all.
bmb said on 12/Mar/23
@Mr. Carty Of course, I must've gained at least an inch since. If said I was 5ft 8 5/8"-3/4" when I turned 17 (Unfortunately my memory is a bit foggy, but my guess would probably be in that range). My roommate on the other hand, gained at least 8-9 inches of height by the time he turned 17, since he is a late bloomer. So it all depends. Some don't gain anything at all.
bmb said on 12/Mar/23
@Mr. Carty Of course, I must've gained at least an inch since. If said I was 5ft 8 5/8"-3/4" when I turned 17 (Unfortunately my memory is a bit foggy, but my guess would probably be in that range).
James.B 172cm said on 12/Mar/23
Sandy-Did you know me and Kate Middleton share the same great great grandmother. That would make her my second or third cousin by blood.
vY said on 12/Mar/23
Mr. Carty said on 10/Mar/23
Can you still gain height at 17?
I did but only 1 inch. From 6’0.5-6’1.5

Editor Rob
Of course, but you will be in the minority if you gained anything like 2-3 inches at that stage.
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Mar/23
@ Rob - You read so many comments yet you remember that! You have an excellent memory, which is more than can be said for me; I lost my phone last night for AGES. It showed up this morning in my latest Graze box, next to the snack I loathe, as it’s flavoured with onion! 🧅😦

Editor Rob
Actually there is one thing my memory is struggling with - names of real people.
I think because I've been spending over 20 years online dealing with famous names, both on CelebHeights and other past websites, it's a case of my memory becoming overloaded with them!
bmb said on 11/Mar/23
@Rob I wonder. Do people with excess mass have a better chance of shrinking to their absolute lowest height than say (in general terms) people at a healthy weight?

Editor Rob
Greater mass may place more stress on the discs, but it's something that I think is a bit of an unknown, in terms of what percentage effect it will have.
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Mar/23
Indeed I did, Rob! 💦☹️
@ James B - I live in West Wickham, Kent. I managed to walk from London’s East End to Bromley one Christmas Eve in order to give my Mum her presents. She never forgot it! A cab driver didn’t charge me from Bromley to West Wickham because he saw the amount of gifts I was carrying and thought it was sweet!
His gift to me was a free cab fare. Normally on Boxing Day, it’s double the price.
Cheers James and always nice to hear from you! 😁👌🏼
@ Jdubbz - Hey! My phone knows your name now! I’m going to do my utmost to take supplements to regain some height!
Only today I was in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil, and I looked up to the shelves, realising that I’d have to stand on something to get anything down. It made me feel really quite useless!
Tablets - here I come! 😀🌈🦴👌🏼
James.B 172cm said on 11/Mar/23
Rob are people from Europe like the UK less likely to inflate there height compared to Americans?

Editor Rob
Would be an interesting study to perform worldwide. Ask how tall the participant is, then measure barefoot. I believe one of the UK studies did in fact include the question and found something like a half inch inflation on average.
Nik Ashton said on 11/Mar/23
Jdubbz said on 10/Mar/23
John Mark said on 7/Mar/23
Hey rob, I am 179cm, from 12-14 i grew from 145 cm to 167cm(22cm) then 14-22 i grew only 12cm. Around 14 I felt really hot in the neck/upper spine from some condition(potentially ocd).
Does hot temperature stunt growth rob?
You were 4'9 at 12 and grew over a foot after that, and you're complaining about stunting your growth? Jesus Christ dude lol
Mr. Carty said on 10/Mar/23
Can you still gain height at 17?
Jdubbz said on 10/Mar/23
@Sandy Cowell:
Calcium tablets are great, as are other supplements that help with bone density (vitamin D3 + vitamin K2 , magnesium). Bisphosphonates are much stronger and should be a lot more effective for you than simple supplements, but combined they should help quite a bit!
James.B 172cm said on 10/Mar/23
Sandy-Where do you live near London? I live approximately 35 miles from central london in hampshire
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Mar/23
@ Rob - For us down the south of England, the snow was vile
in December. There were emergency vans travelling up and down the road, and our water tank burst, which was frightening. I’m glad spring is on the way! I think I’ve given up loving the winter season!

Editor Rob
Yes, I remember you mentioned about the Tank catastrophe!
5'10-Abdul. said on 10/Mar/23
Hi Rob.
Does this stadiometer look accurate?
Click Here
I tested it in my high school, and it got me at only 5’9 1/8 by pressing it on my head, but at home when I press a can on my head, then I manage to measure a few millimeters over 177 cm.
The stadiometer in my high school was exactly the same as the one I showed in the link from screenshots I found. And the rod was made out of plastic, and it also measured me at 5’9 5/8 by standing tall. But I did stand tall before my second attempt.
I wouldn’t consider that piece of stadiometer any accurate.
With the can against the wall I always measure between 177 and 178 at my low, and at my extreme low I can get 176.8-177.0 cm.

Editor Rob
It looks like it should be reasonable, but if you could bring a tape measure and run the tape from the part your heels sit right up to the bar, it will reveal if there's any error.
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Mar/23
@ Rapha - I cannot ever remember NOT being interested in height because people are treated according to their height and size as a whole. I can’t say I’d like to be a height which makes me stand out, but it would seem that I stand out for being short. I live near London in quite an affluent area, and I’d definitely say that it’s a rarity to go out and find more than one person who is shorter than I am. Last time I nipped out, I didn’t see anyone, and even two elderly dog walkers I spoke with were taller.
In many respects, I’ve found it imperative to feel the necessity to ‘make up for’ my lack of height by trying extra hard - at school, for instance. The kids in my (private) school were definitely above average, though one girl was an early developer, and a little shorter, but exactly 40 pounds heavier than my 81 pounds. I weighed this when I took my mock ‘O’ levels, and felt the cold something dreadful. I did six hours of homework a night.
I’ve survived on milk-based products throughout much of my adult life, but it hasn’t helped maintain my calcium levels. I’m going to try the calcium supplements that Jdubbz has recommended. I’d LOVE a couple more centimetres!
Thank you very much indeed for your reply, Rapha! 😆👌🏼
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Mar/23
@ Jdubbz - I have been prescribed some huge calcium tablets, but they aren’t very nice to take. I used to find some nice, soft strawberry ones at one time, but I have lapsed with them too. I’ll try to find them online. I’m going to write down bisphosphinate on my calendar and ask my doctor for them. The thought of actually gaining height sounds brilliant, and 2cm would make a very pleasing difference.
Thank you so much! 😁👍🏼
Nik Ashton said on 9/Mar/23
Nik Ashton said on 9/Mar/23
@ Sandy Cowell - I love to see animals standing on two feet and I had the pleasure of seeing Jasmin doing this at Whitby once! It’s great to see animals dancing to music too on their dancing feet!
Feeding the cats and watching The Chase is a pretty good combination, what a great way to spend your time!
I know that your cats think your telly, it’s aerial, and your phone are toys, they don’t realise they are your pleasures and they probably think they are there for them! 😂😂😂
I bet they like to fart about with the aerial but I know you won’t want them to! Cats have been known to climb onto tv’s, you probably have experience of this! Cats and control boxes are a pretty interesting combination too!
Anthony taylor said on 9/Mar/23
Rob do you remember how tall big Alex who is 6 ft parents were or have you forgotten and what year did you first meet him and what time was his measurement taken?

Editor Rob
If Alex ever reads this message, maybe he can answer it!
Jdubbz said on 9/Mar/23
@Anthony Taylor:
He looks between a half inch and an inch shorter so let's say 3/4" shorter. That makes him 6'4 - 6'4.25.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Mar/23
You’d never guess what, Rob….. it’s been snowing down south! The snow has settled, but it isn’t as bad as it was in December, thankfully. ☃️
My little kittens are getting used to the stuff!
Is it snowing where you are?

Editor Rob
I'm replying a couple of days later (where we had a little bit of snow), but this winter we've barely had any. A few days at most!
vY said on 7/Mar/23
vY said on 7/Mar/23
Hey Rob I’m curious what shoe size would size 11 UK be to a US Shoe size?
Editor Rob
12 US. Always 1 size up for the UK to US equivalent.
Thanks for clearing that up. I don’t know why google and Quora has such a struggle giving me that answer

Editor Rob
I should mention the 1 size difference is for Men. If it's women, then it's a difference of 3.
So Jenny size 5UK is 8US.
For Women dress sizes it's 4.
Jenny wears a 12UK top, that would be US 8.
Savagetez said on 7/Mar/23
Rob Just if you do how much people as of now do you have lined up to add on

Editor Rob
There's always names floating about in my mind.
Rapha said on 7/Mar/23
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Mar/23
@ Rapha - What a lovely reply from you - thank you! As for losing an inch from morning till evening, I was extremely active back then, walking anything from 8 to 21 miles per day.
I was in favour of going for my morning height, and it wasn’t until I discussed height with my ex-Army fella that it dawned on me that it happens to everyone. He reckoned that we should claim the height between our morning and evening heights, which makes sense and sounds fair. However, I still waived the idea and stated my morning one.
I realised that I was losing height back in 2013, when I was finding shorter heights on computer weighers unfailingly. Now my height loss is so noticeable that I can’t reach things from the same cupboards as I could used to.
I could never get into the habit of measuring myself every single day as it would put me on a downer! You can’t cure osteoporosis but keep the damage to a minimum by taking calcium supplements with vitamin D.
@Sandy. I hope that you can keep the damage to a minimum with osteoporosis.
I can understand that you rejected the idea of claiming your evening or midday height. By claiming your morning height, you were not lying.
I have couple of friends i have told about the shrinkage duribg the day. Most of my friends were strangely not aware of it and once I asked them which height someone shall claim , all of them uniformly said the morning height and tallest you can measure.
Somehow it makes sense that they said so, on the other side I can understand why people do not claim it here on the website as you are losing the morning height quite fast once you stand.
Since when are you interested in height Sandy?
John Mark said on 7/Mar/23
Hey rob, I am 179cm, from 12-14 i grew from 145 cm to 167cm(22cm) then 14-22 i grew only 12cm. Around 14 I felt really hot in the neck/upper spine from some condition(potentially ocd).
Does hot temperature stunt growth rob?

Editor Rob
I've never read anything about temperature stunting growth. 12cm after 14 is still a fairly noticeable amount.
Jdubbz said on 7/Mar/23
@Sandy Cowell:
Hi Sandy, are you on any sort of medication for your osteoporosis? It may be a long shot, but my mom has it as well, and suffered from noticeable height loss until she started taking a prescription bisphosphonate. She has still lost an inch overall compared to her peak height, but that's because she's 59. I believe she regained around 2cm from treatment.
Anthony taylor said on 7/Mar/23
Click Here
How tall does Niko here with stormzy
georgett said on 7/Mar/23
Rob check this
Click Here
who is taller?
vY said on 7/Mar/23
Hey Rob I’m curious what shoe size would size 11 UK be to a US Shoe size?

Editor Rob
12 US. Always 1 size up for the UK to US equivalent.
georgett said on 6/Mar/23
Rob would Uma be taller than 188 cm in those heels?
Click Here
Zach Catselbow said on 6/Mar/23
Hey Rob, what height would you say is the lower end of short and upper end of very short for males?
Savagetez said on 6/Mar/23
Rob my friend is 6'0 5/8 in the morning and 6'0 flat at night what would you list my friend at?
Savagetez said on 6/Mar/23
Hello Rob what is the biggest upgrade and downgrade you have done on

Editor Rob
Been thousands of edits to listings over 18 years, probably some 2 inch changes, not including the idea of peak/current.
Rare for a height typo to occur, but there have been a few like entering 5ft 5 instead of 5ft 2, usually I'd catch it!
georgett said on 6/Mar/23
Rob if melissa barrera stood next to a 185-6 cm guy in those heels how much shorter would she be?
Click Here
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Mar/23
@ Rapha - What a lovely reply from you - thank you! As for losing an inch from morning till evening, I was extremely active back then, walking anything from 8 to 21 miles per day.
I was in favour of going for my morning height, and it wasn’t until I discussed height with my ex-Army fella that it dawned on me that it happens to everyone. He reckoned that we should claim the height between our morning and evening heights, which makes sense and sounds fair. However, I still waived the idea and stated my morning one.
I realised that I was losing height back in 2013, when I was finding shorter heights on computer weighers unfailingly. Now my height loss is so noticeable that I can’t reach things from the same cupboards as I could used to.
I could never get into the habit of measuring myself every single day as it would put me on a downer! You can’t cure osteoporosis but keep the damage to a minimum by taking calcium supplements with vitamin D.
Cheers Rapha! 😁👍🏼
5'10-Abdul. said on 6/Mar/23
Mr. Carty said on 5/Mar/23
Rob,I'm 5'10 3/4 right out of bed and at night I'm a flat 5'10 or a tad over it. Do I claim my lowest height or not. I'm new to this website.
Claim 5’10 1/4.
(Billythetreesurgeon) said on 6/Mar/23
Hi Rob, what is a better indicator of true height, after a day of really hard work, for instance digging soil all day, or on a less labour intensive day just walking about and doing paperwork?

Editor Rob
I'd go with a normal day, rather than really tough/extreme work.
Discord said on 6/Mar/23
Hello, Rob. One of my ex classmate was measured both 190 and 191 on separate occasions? 191 once and 190 cm twice, all medical were passed around same time during school physical exam. Since he was both 190 and 191. Would you say he is flat 6'3?(190.5)

Editor Rob
Yes it's fair enough. He could also have been closer to 190cm and then 191 and just gets rounded to nearest cm.
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Mar/23
@ 5ft7 and a fraction - Hi! I have two regulars in my back garden and I’ve seen as many as six in my front garden at the same time. It’s too cold to sit with them at the moment, but I do put food out whenever possible.
Cheers to you, 5ft7 and a fraction! 😁👍🏼
Rapha said on 6/Mar/23
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Mar/23
@ Rapha - I used to think that only one’s height in the morning was our correct one. I’d go along to the swimming baths to weigh myself and in the morning, I would be 5ft3 and in the afternoon, I was 5ft2.
Now I’m only 5ft in the morning, or 152cm, which I believe is 4ft11 and 7/8ths, but WHAT A MOUTHFUL! I’m not saying that every time I’m asked about my height, which tends to happen when I ask someone else’s height. I’m sticking to 5ft until I find out otherwise. I have a form of osteoporosis, by the way.
Cheers, Rapha! 😁
@Sandy. Thanks for your message. I also thought the same as you, that the morning height is the correct one. After all, why not claiming the tallest you can measure?
Nowadays, i agree with the opinion of Rob, thst any height you can measure barefoot is a height you can claim so it does not have to be your tallest height.
So you dropped an inch of height from morning to evening?
Sorry to hear that you have osteoporosis, i hope it will get better.
Zach Catselbow said on 5/Mar/23
Hey Rob, how tall do you think the shortest pro tennis player Olivier Rochus is? He’s listed in a bunch of places as 5’6”, but I also saw a couple say 5’5”. What do you think?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't be surprised if Olivier fell under 5ft 6.
Progking185 said on 5/Mar/23
Rob idk if I asked before but are tape measures generally all accurate for height? Ive used a few sturdy metal tape measures and think its very accurate maybe like 1 mm off at worst. Other tape measures maybe a bit of error though
Progking185 said on 5/Mar/23
Rob idk if I asked before but are tape measures generally all accurate? Ive used a few sturdy metal tape measures and think its very accurate maybe like 1 mm off at worst

Editor Rob
From experience, yes the vast majority will be very accurate.
However, there of course will be rare exceptions. Manufacturing defects or anomalies might result in the odd dodgy version out there somewhere!
5'7 and a fraction said on 5/Mar/23
@Sandy Cowell. Two foxes you say? I'm glad I'm not the only one who's garden is being invaded by those animals at the moment. Especially at this time of year!
Mr. Carty said on 5/Mar/23
Rob,I'm 5'10 3/4 right out of bed and at night I'm a flat 5'10 or a tad over it. Do I claim my lowest height or not. I'm new to this website.

Editor Rob
Some folk would go with low or not bother with a fraction, whilst others might go with the middle ground. In your case for a large chunk of the day you will be strong 5ft 10 range.
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Mar/23
@ Rob - I also saw the video of Jenny with your lovely little child. I’m assuming he’s a boy from his clothes, but he’s so pretty with his curly locks that he could pass for a girl!
Hasn’t he got loads of energy? He’ll be keeping you two fit, that’s for sure! 👶

Editor Rob
She :) 👍 Now aged 20 months and a chatterbox!
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Mar/23
@ Rapha - I used to think that only one’s height in the morning was our correct one. I’d go along to the swimming baths to weigh myself and in the morning, I would be 5ft3 and in the afternoon, I was 5ft2.
Now I’m only 5ft in the morning, or 152cm, which I believe is 4ft11 and 7/8ths, but WHAT A MOUTHFUL! I’m not saying that every time I’m asked about my height, which tends to happen when I ask someone else’s height. I’m sticking to 5ft until I find out otherwise. I have a form of osteoporosis, by the way.
Cheers, Rapha! 😁
Nik Ashton said on 4/Mar/23
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Mar/23
@ 5ft7 and a fraction - I was hunting around for Rob’s video on Greg when I found his one about the fox cubs playing in the snow. It’s all set to music and absolutely adorable!
🦊🦊 I have two noisy foxes in my garden right now, and they’re HUNGRY!
Glacierrr said on 4/Mar/23
Hi Rob, how accurate are these type of stadiometers
Click Here
I believe that these stadiometers can make some mistakes

Editor Rob
It claims within 1/4 inch accuracy, but that might presume the person stands correctly. I feel if you lurch forward/back you increase the chance of an error.
dreus23 said on 3/Mar/23
Rob, I have this height mark that's from May 2022, and a few days ago I noticed that it nowadayd reaches just around my hairline (or a bit under it) when I stand tall. I know it's best to just measure myself, but I don't have a tape measure with me right now lol. What kind of height difference would you say that could be? I don't know how tall that mark is, but I'd spontaneously guess it's 169-170 cm

Editor Rob
You could expect 3cm, but yeah grab a tape measure from somebody and check for sure!
Savagetez said on 3/Mar/23
Rob sometimes when I comment it never shows up? Is that a common thing? Sometime I will re comment and it will work?

Editor Rob
I might not have as much time to reply to every comment, and at the moment I'm under the weather so not on computer much.
Concerned Citizen said on 3/Mar/23
Hi Rob, I thought you should know that your photo is being used on this scam website pushing fake height increasing pills:
Click Here
Scroll down through the "Before & After" photos. Your photo is the second one from the bottom.

Editor Rob
Yeah, it's not the first or last time I've seen fake Grow Taller websites using my photo!
When you are online you might over time you find photos appear on many sites or forums etc.
Rapha said on 3/Mar/23
Hi Rob
Would you agree that someone can claim any height he or she measures barefoot even if it is directly out of bed or late in the evening?

Editor Rob
If you can measure a height barefoot, it's valid. The question becomes should you preface the claim if it's a morning height?
Personally if I were to claim 175cm, which I can measure first thing, I'd say 'first thing'.
5'10-Abdul said on 3/Mar/23
I think he is 180 cm at his low, and 182 right out of bed, so a 5’11 1/8 listing would suit him better than a 5’11 flat listing. That is just my personal opinion, LOL.
vY said on 3/Mar/23
Rob don’t u think it’s pretty easy to tell apart a 5’9 guy from a 5’10 guy? To me a 5’10 guy has totally different proportions to a 5’9 guy what do u think

Editor Rob
In person it's easy enough, but like I've said, sometimes proportions in photos can easily make somebody shorter or taller.
Gian 181cm said on 1/Mar/23
Rob, would you put the heights listed below as classic or solid?
Morning: 6ft 3/4
Noon: 6ft 1/4
Afternoon: 6ft
Evening: 5ft11 3/4
5ft11 3/4
Morning: 6ft 1/2
Noon: 6ft
Afternoon: 5ft11 3/4
Evening: 5ft11 1/2
5ft11 1/2
Morning: 6ft 1/4
Noon: 5ft11 3/4
Afternoon: 5ft11 1/2
Evening: 5ft11 1/4
5ft11 1/4
Morning: 6ft
Noon: 5ft11 1/2
Afternoon: 5ft11 1/4
Evening: 5ft11 1/8
Morning: 5ft11 3/4
Noon: 5ft11 1/4
Afternoon: 5ft11
Evening: 5ft10 3/4
I am rounding off of course, if someone at noon is 5ft11 7/8 consider 6ft, or if someone wakes up 6ft 5/8 consider 6ft 3/4 etc.
And I'm also not saying that you need to have these heights to fit in, probably anyone with the listed measurements of 5ft11 3/4 can consider themselves a weak 6ft.
5'7 and a fraction said on 1/Mar/23
@Rob, like your video on Greg. Very good impersonation.

Editor Rob
Hah, I had forgot about GSuave! Is he a Cop yet?
Yeah those type of videos are trickier to make as the timing in your head is always off from the reality.
I'm pretty sure I remember even with the Tarinator one I had to slow one half down a couple of times too!
5'10-Abdul. said on 1/Mar/23
Savagetez said on 28/Feb/23
Rob I saw you downgraded Tommy Fury to 5'11 but How about 5'11.25? I thought he was a little over 5'11 but not over 5'11.5 which I thought was the absolute MAX. I never thought he was under 5'11 though. I say both Tommy Fury and Jake Paul are both 5'11-5'11.5? Do you think both could be slightly over 5'11? I think both could be 5'11. I don't think Paul or Fury is under 5'11 flat.
I think he is 180 cm at how low, and 182 right out of bed, so a 5’11 1/8 listing for him would be better than a 5’11 flat listing.
Sam83 said on 1/Mar/23
Hi rob, thank you for looking. I guess the height difference between someone 5’7/5’7.5 in those shoes, or those boots, compared to a barefoot 5’11 would be quite noticeable then, especially if the shoes get the 5’7 to around 6’1!? Thanks

Editor Rob
Well it might be near an inch visibly (assuming 5ft 11er is wearing a standard shoe).
Anthony taylor said on 28/Feb/23
Rob how many hours of sleep did you normally get during your childhood especially during school days and holidays like what was your time schedule and also did your siblings grow past the age of 14 and did you do any physical activities during that time to help increase your height as well as your siblings and how tall was your uncles and cousins?

Editor Rob
I remember my Father's brothers were around my height in their peak years, and my Mother's brothers were taller like 5ft 10.
My sleep was ok I felt.
Savagetez said on 28/Feb/23
Rob do you think a 5'11 and 6'0 people can look similar? I would say sometimes yeah. A 6'0 person could look maybe 5'11.5 and maybe a 5'11 person could 5'11.5. I would say yeah overall at times but an inch is still notice although 5'11 and 6'0 is not a super crazy difference. Do you agree with what I said Rob?

Editor Rob
Yeah, it happens at all heights. Just a slight change in proportions or clothing can effect how tall others perceive us.
Savagetez said on 28/Feb/23
Rob I saw you downgraded Tommy Fury to 5'11 but How about 5'11.25? I thought he was a little over 5'11 but not over 5'11.5 which I thought was the absolute MAX. I never thought he was under 5'11 though. I say both Tommy Fury and Jake Paul are both 5'11-5'11.5? Do you think both could be slightly over 5'11? I think both could be 5'11. I don't think Paul or Fury is under 5'11 flat.

Editor Rob
It's a possibility for both really.
georgett said on 28/Feb/23
Rob how tall does Taylor compare to the tall actress ?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Not sure what Jane's footwear is like, it seems thin to me. Taylor looks to have a typical heel and losing a little more posture than Jane and Dua. I could still imagine her as 5ft 9 range there.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Feb/23
Bunney - That’s a rather fabulous name! 🐇🐰
5'10-Abdul. said on 28/Feb/23
Bunney said on 27/Feb/23
Hello Rob, I hope you’re doing well. I Am 180 cm in the morning and my low is 178cm. I claim 179cm is that the right claimed height?
I would claim 5’10 and a quarter with those stats.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Feb/23
@ Nik - I like the CGI videos of dancing animals. I’m feeding my cats right now and watching The Chase, but even the smallest cat can get in the way of the aerial and mess the picture up - and they DO THAT FREQUENTLY!
@ Rob - Meeting David on Saturday night was an unbeatable experience. He was definitely a kindred spirit and being a fellow Aquarian, he’ll have been a humanitarian. When I lived in the East End, I used to make the vagrants sandwiches and give them a pound for a bottle of cider. They were always very grateful.
I’ll never forget him and those huge blue eyes!
Sam83 said on 28/Feb/23
Hi rob, do you think 6 inches extra height would be possible from these please? Was just wondering if the height difference from someone 5’7 in these next to a person 5’11 would be quite noticeable.
Click Here
Would these ones give 5-5.5 inches do you think?
Click Here

Editor Rob
That first pair of heels looks thick enough in the platform and angle to get almost 6 inches in full height. At least 5.5-5.6 at worst.
Bunney said on 27/Feb/23
Hello Rob, I hope you’re doing well. I Am 180 cm in the morning and my low is 178cm. I claim 179cm is that the right claimed height?

Editor Rob
That's what many people with those stats would claim.
Nik Ashton said on 27/Feb/23
@ Canson - I have sent Sandy a message passing on your regards and she appreciates them very much. 👌
Hope you are keeping as well as possible in the wonderful country that is the US of A!
Nik Ashton said on 27/Feb/23
@ Hey Sandy!
I bet your cats had dancing feet! They will love music just like dogs do but it will be a good idea to close your phone up in future, you don’t know what they will do with it next time! 😂😂😂
I bet their paws are very useful for them! I like your “yeah man” by the way.
David sounds like a thoroughly decent person, he obviously could tell you are a friendly person and he wanted to help you out. It’s so nice when people choose to put the welfare of others above anything else.
Cheers mate! 👌
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Feb/23
@ Canson - Thank you, and I send you mine!
georgett said on 27/Feb/23
Hey Rob, in this video
Click Here At 11:09 minutes lady claims she is 170 cm barefoot
Guy claims he is 180 cm and that she is shorter than 170 cm
Do their claims match?

Editor Rob
Not much between them, but a big footwear difference. If he's 180, I can't see her barefoot being much under 170cm.
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Feb/23
Yes, Rob, it was a fantastic encounter a couple of nights ago.
I remember my Mum was rather scared of gypsies, but I am not, and even went out with one when I was 30. He was 14 years my senior. The reason my mother was scared of them was because a gypsy had knocked on the door of her mother’s neighbour, and the neighbour sent her away. The following morning, the perfectly fit lady could no longer walk.
I’m aware from my lifetime’s experience that gypsies are capable of seeing things like auras, not to mention our futures. I met a woman who worked in my local veterinary’s who could see our guardian angels. She said mine was a man. In truth, angels are sexless, and do not possess genitalia. Now I wonder if that applies to demons? Maybe they were sentenced to a eternity of going to the toilet for wanting too much; that would serve them right! 🚽👿
Anyway, the excellent film by Stephen King, entitled ‘Thinner’, is all about a gypsy’s curse.
The guy, David, who I met the other night was totally pure of soul. 😇

Editor Rob
Kind acts from strangers certainly brighten your day.
Savagetez said on 26/Feb/23
You have a big schedule Rob!!

Editor Rob
This is true.
The toddler will be going to nursery in 2024 so at that stage I should have more time available to work online and maybe even do more youtube videos again. I doubt I'll be doing much on there this year.
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Feb/23
Hey Nik: 😁👌🏼👌🏼
That’s a double potency ‘yeah man!” I’ve just come from the bedroom and the cats had been listening to a U2 concert! That’ll teach me for leaving mr phone open and going to bed! Their paws are very efficient little things….
🐾🐾🐾🐱 Cheers, my friend!

Editor Rob
An interesting encounter with David btw!
Canson said on 26/Feb/23
@Nik Ashton: please give Sandy my regards.
5'10-Abdul. said on 26/Feb/23
Click Here
How tall is the prime minister of Denmark, she stands at the far left, and next to her you see the queen of Denmark, and after you see the Indian president, and you see the son of Queen of Denmark, and I don’t know the other one. Probably her wife or girl.

Editor Rob
Maybe 5ft 4 range and could have lost 2 inches by 80's now.
Abdulrahman said on 26/Feb/23
Emil said on 25/Feb/23
Have you ever tried to measuring yourself back to the wall with an aerosol can? I've found that I under-measure myself by around 1 cm by doing that.
I’ve been experiencing the same by measuring backwards with a can, and it does irk me that I get under measured by that way. But I trust the facing the wall Method as 100%, and I am indeed 5’10.

Editor Rob
It's certainly a lot easier for people to face a wall and hold the can. I feel there's less chance of error that way, or interfering with your posture.
Caner y?lmaz said on 26/Feb/23
Rob, How tall is Mihaylo Mudryk being a player of Chealse?
And should we think player's listed height as morning heights so, they fall under it right?

Editor Rob
Most players will get measured sometime in the morning. I see Chelsea screwed up his height on their page, saying "HEIGHT:
1.75m (5ft 10in)"
Not seen him beside other players much to really tell which is right, but on the pitch looks average for sure.
Gerald S said on 26/Feb/23
Rob, I found a brilliant height quote from Charles Aznavour:
“And I can’t change my height. Five feet four is five feet four. I’m not made of rubber. I have decided to accept it and make others forget it”.
Click Here
Maybe list Aznavour as 5’3.5”, Rob?
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Feb/23
Hello all!
I’ve recently returned from an incredible experience while out going to the shop. A guy had followed me to the shop. He’d said he was following my aura. I was at the back of the shop when he called over to me. Then he said he didn’t want to frighten me, but he felt compelled to say hello.
I asked him his name and he said, “To you I’m God!” and I said that I don’t like that sort of thing as I’m religious. Then he said that he is too, and that he’s a gypsy boy. His real name is David, and he has the most amazingly huge blue eyes. I asked him his height and told him I needed to know because I write on Celebheights. He said, “At the moment I feel 5ft10, but I’m 5ft8.”
That was incredibly useful for me to know because he had to bend down to talk to me, and I had been wondering of late how I’d compare to a 5ft8 person now. David joked that I was 4ft nothing and I said I’m 5ft in the morning, so less later on, and I weigh six and three quarter stone, which was my weight earlier this month.
David was a very generous guy and offered me anything in the shop! I chose some cigs, some catfood and an ice cream. He’d already given me his last five fags, bless him. He carried my bags until we reached the pub and even offered to pay for a cab, but I didn’t need one as I don’t live far from the pub.
Meeting him was a very special experience, and reminded me that we must never give up on the human race. With his big blue eyes, he was my David Cronenberg for the night, and I told him so. He’s an Aquarian, like me, and I hope to see him again. No, he wasn’t God, but he was an angel to me!
Savagetez said on 25/Feb/23
Rob we have had multiple discussion on the Usos on different wrestlers pages. Now can you look at the Usos with more people and potentially add them. We seem to think Jimmy Uso is 6'1 and Jey Uso is 6'0 So maybe if you do add the them you can start them off at that?

Editor Rob
I'll give Jimmy a page
Savagetez said on 25/Feb/23
Rob what does your celebheights day look like and how does celebheights look on your end?!!

Editor Rob
Well I can split the week into two.
On days we aren't looking after the toddler in our home, I would:
Be up 6am, do some comments and page edits before breakfast.
Away to shops 8-9.30. I do our own shopping, plus parents'
10am maybe a bath, then another hour before lunch.
After lunch I have 2 hours to do some more computer work and fit in any chores around the house.
Between 3-6pm I go to my Parent's and help them out. Cooking them dinner, chores and an hour of that is fully cleaning, applying ointments/bandages to Father.
Then I come home for my dinner and watch a few shows.
I have my own Content/Editing system to manage the site.
Emil said on 25/Feb/23
Have you ever tried to measuring yourself back to the wall with an aerosol can? I've found that I under-measure myself by around 1 cm by doing that.

Editor Rob
Yes, I can get pretty close to facing if I take care doing it and don't arch backwards (which can lose you height).
Daniel Lee said on 25/Feb/23
Did you recover your lenght's wingspan?

Editor Rob
I'm not sure what you mean.
Daniel Lee said on 25/Feb/23
@Rob what is the exact average wingspan for a 5'8 flat guy? Mine is 5'9.5"

Editor Rob
It's within typical range, but of course there are ethnic differences in wingspan ratios. Here's a little
Graph from a paper about it.
Also as people shrink, their ratio might increase a bit with age.
Abdulrahman said on 25/Feb/23
bmb said on 24/Feb/23
@Rob Since I am 177cm at my low. How tall would I be by the time I am 80, what is the expectation if I wouldn't care much about posture correction? 5ft 8? 5ft 7.5? 5ft 7?.
I am 177 to 177.4 at my low.
And my extreme low is 176.8 cm.
I think you’d be 5’8 by 80.
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Feb/23
🐭 Eek! Correction Time! 🐭
I should have written, ‘It’s been awful seeing opportunities and not being able to write them down’.
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Feb/23
Hi Rob, Jenny, Nik and all CH Visitors,
I’m back thanks to Nik and Rob’s help. It was a mere case of clearing my cookies 🍪🍪🍪, a process I hadn’t done since I got my new phone. It’s been awful not being able to see opportunities and not write them down, but I can now.
Yes, it takes going without to appreciate what you have!
Wishing you all a very happy weekend,

Editor Rob
Glad you managed to sort it!
Nik Ashton said on 25/Feb/23
Progking185 said on 24/Feb/23
@Savagetez you may get called 6'1, as legit strong 6'0 guys often are guessed as taller. Also you may be close to 6'1 morning, and are a bit over that in shoes.
bmb said on 24/Feb/23
@Rob Since I am 177cm at my low. How tall would I be by the time I am 80, what is the expectation if I wouldn't care much about posture correction? 5ft 8? 5ft 7.5? 5ft 7?.

Editor Rob
You'd probably expect 172-3cm by that age.
eduardo said on 24/Feb/23
Hi Rob, how old were you when you had your growth spurt?

Editor Rob
At 13-14 I put on a few inches to hit 5ft 8.
Nik Ashton said on 24/Feb/23
@ Rob and all users - I want to pass on the message that my good friend Sandy Cowell is unable to comment at the moment, I’m working with Rob to try and find solutions for her. Sandy passes on all her love to everyone in the celebheights community and she hopes to be back as soon as possible.
Lots of love from Sandy and I. XX 😃 XX
Bare feet78 said on 24/Feb/23
Hi Rob, hi folks,
When I was mustered for the army at the age of 18 in 1996 I stood 174,0 cm a couple of hours out of bed.
This was a long time ago. Much havier and "apperantely" older now, I usually wake up at a bit over 175 (almost 5 9). I do shrink quite a lot within the first hour: 1cm.
After 3 hours I stand 5 8 3/8, so almost 174 cm, and this is the height I usually claim.
After 6 hours (eg. lunchtime) I stand almost 5 8 1/4, and my regular low after 12 hours is a tad above 5 8 (very rarely a tiny bit below that mark).
I know, an honest claim would be more 173 than 174 but I guess this is a height misdemenour (;) and Rob lets me get away with it?
By the way: is 172cm 5 7 or 5 8? The US Army for instance does round up (over 5 7 1/2).

Editor Rob
172 is closer to 5ft 8 than 7. Your stats are quite similar to my own!
Jdubbz said on 24/Feb/23
Hi Rob, when looking at how head size and facial proportions (mainly eye level and chin to eye length) scale with height, is it fair to say that chin to eye length grows more/faster than eye level? Especially for men? Most of the super tall guys I see (6'7+) have a noticeably longer eye to chin than eye level, but I'm not sure if that's just due to gigantism or if it's a common thing.

Editor Rob
From observations, that is a trait I've seen often in very tall men.
Gerald S said on 24/Feb/23
Dear Rob, could we please have a page for French actress Blandine Bellavoir? She’d be a great addition.
She is commonly listed as 170cm but I think more like 5’6”. Maybe 5’6.25”?
Some photos to see for yourself:
With 6’2” Samuel Labarthe:
Click Here
With Labarthe:
Click Here
With Labarthe and 5’10” Elodie Frenck:
Click Here
With Labarthe and Frenck:
Click Here
With Labarthe and Frenck:
Click Here

Editor Rob
Hard to see her as tall as 5ft 7
Bani said on 24/Feb/23
Rob I am actually closer to 166 cm in usual days in the evening, but after gym workout session i meseure myself and I found 165.3cm , that mean I am weak 5'5??

Editor Rob
I'd class you as a classic 5ft 5, certainly wouldn't be calling you a weak one!
Savagetez said on 23/Feb/23
Rob how tall do you think wwe would billed me as knowing I am 6'0.25?

Editor Rob
If somebody claims a specific fraction, it is given consideration especially if the person can seem near the mark.
Sometimes though an actor uses the fraction as a decoy, like me claiming 5ft 9 and 5/8ths. It would be obvious I'm not that tall, but some would think I'm being so precice I must be honest!
Anthony taylor said on 23/Feb/23
Rob was lewises sleeping pattern good during his youth like how many hours of sleep did he normally think he got and like what was his time schedule did he wake up late and go sleep late as well as big Adam?

Editor Rob
I believe he had more late nights in his latter teens than Adam did.
JohnWick15 said on 23/Feb/23
Hello Rob !
I’ve done an experiment and checked my height all day. If i was on your website? What will be my listing ?
Morning : 187.5-6 - 6ft1 6/8 or 7/8
5 hours : 185.8-7 - 6ft1 1/8
9 hours : 6ft1
10 hours : 185.2-3
Absolute low : 185
Absolute low and running 2 hours : 184.8
What do you think ?
Thank you very much !

Editor Rob
Really could depend how you appeared in person. I doubt I'd guess you sub 6ft 1 based on those stats, whether you get 6ft 1.25 I'm not so sure.
John tom said on 23/Feb/23
I ran one hour to my doctors appointment and was measured 179cm( woke up and ran to the appointment)
Can I claim this height as I was running?

Editor Rob
An activity like jogging will put stress on the joints, so it likely shrank you faster than if you were to simply walk for an hour or two.
Brent teegan said on 23/Feb/23
Rob, how much difference does 5 hours sleep make compared to 9 hours for morning height ?

Editor Rob
For me it's only a few mm difference.
Savagetez said on 22/Feb/23
Rob do you see a big difference between 5'11.5 and 6'0.25?

Editor Rob
It's noticeable to me because often I am looking barely over the chin of the taller person when they get close to 184cm.
James.B 172cm said on 22/Feb/23
Rob I know this guy who is into bodybuilding who lists his height in cm as 166 yet always claims to be 5ft6.
Do you think maybe he’s got the maths wrong?

Editor Rob
Yeah, some people can mix up the conversion.
Gerald S said on 22/Feb/23
Rob, surely American acting legend Paul Dooley must be overdue for a page?
5’9” range might be the ticket for his peak. He made his 95th birthday today!
Roger Rodrigues said on 21/Feb/23
Rob, taking into account Sharon Stone height (5'7 / 1.72), can we say that this guy in the photos is 5'11?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
He can look 3-3.5 inches taller
Zach Catselbow said on 21/Feb/23
Rob: Not sure he's a full 5ft 7...seems a bit shy of it.
What were you thinking for Nishioka? 5’6 1/2”? 5’6”?

Editor Rob
From a brief look I thought 5ft 6.5.
Anthony taylor said on 21/Feb/23
Rob how tall do you think enzo Fernandez is from Chelsea?

Editor Rob
My first thought is 5ft 9.5
Abdulrahman said on 21/Feb/23
John marks said on 20/Feb/23
I am 179.5-179.8 in morning and go down to 178-177.8 in evening, can I still claim 179 cm rob?
If I were around those heights, then I would definitely stick to a solid 178 cm claim. I am lower than your numbers, but I stick with a very strong 177 cm.
Zach Catselbow said on 20/Feb/23
Hey Rob, how tall do you think Japanese tennis player Yoshihito Nishioka is? ATP lists him at 5’7”.

Editor Rob
Not sure he's a full 5ft 7...seems a bit shy of it.
Abdulrahman said on 20/Feb/23
ZDA said on 11/Feb/23
In the U.K. The overall average range is 170 to 180cm with 175cm being the mean average range.
181cm transitioning into the tall range whereas 169 cm transitions into the short range.
182cm pretty much 6ft is the start of tall range : 182cm-185cm standard tall range.
186-190 solid tall range.
Would 190-195 be very tall, and 195-200 be gigantic in the UK?
John marks said on 20/Feb/23
I am 179.5-179.8 in morning and go down to 178-177.8 in evening, can I still claim 179 cm rob?
georgett said on 19/Feb/23
Rob how tall does Rihanna look compared to Britney ?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Seems a solid 3 inch difference there, both girls in relatively similar high heels. Although I'd say Rihanna might be dropping a fraction in posture compared to Britney.
Abdulrahman said on 18/Feb/23
Click Here
I’m very surprised over that the ‘Boxer’ Carl looks so similar to you. How was your reaction back in 2011 when you meet him? Did you got shocked over that someone can look so similar to you?
And is he the big Rob at nearly 6’ft tall? 😁😁

Editor Rob
Yeah he could look like a relation! Remember I joked about it in this short
Youtube Clip.
Abdulrahman said on 18/Feb/23
I got sick yesterday evening by getting nausea and by throwing up many times during this night, even though I managed to keep sleeping and sleeping until I reached 8-9 hours of sleep or so. And I’ve just felt sick, and I can’t even eat, I can only drink water, tea and juice.
But it’s so hard to eat, I don’t have the lust for it.
Mr, have you felt the same way before?

Editor Rob
Sounds like some sort of bug or food poisoning.
Whenever I get ill, I rest a lot in bed and take multivitamin for a few days and plenty of water. I tend to find I recover quicker.
5'7 and a fraction said on 18/Feb/23
@Rob Am I right in thinking next year it will have been 20 years since celebheights was created?

Editor Rob
It will be 1st October 2024 when it reaches that milestone.
James.B 172cm said on 18/Feb/23
Rob tricky question but I used to know this guy who mostly claims 6ft5 but he did say once he was “6ft4 1/2”.
What could that indicate his height maybe? I am guessing 6ft4 or maybe 6’3

Editor Rob
Specific claims like that could be an indication of a real measurement, however there are some people who use the fraction as a form of sleight, making their claim seemingly believable.
georgett said on 18/Feb/23
Rob how tall is Chiara with those shoes?
Click Here=

Editor Rob
Would expect she measured 6ft 1 range in them. If you took the camera down to ground level, I believe the heels would appear thicker than they look when the camera is over 5ft.
Vick said on 17/Feb/23
Hello Rob,
Would a 5’7.25 eye be considered low for a solid 6’0?

Editor Rob
5ft 7 would be low range for that height.
vY said on 17/Feb/23
Rob in this video the guy at 1:13 claims 5’10 and honestly looks it with girl he’s with who claims 5’8. He told the girl his shoe size is 7 they are in the UK so that would be 7.5 U.S. Isn’t that a shock? That’s the smallest feet size I’ve ever heard of for a guy of that height.
Click Here

Editor Rob
Would be near 8US, which is small at 5ft 10.
185cmJeff said on 16/Feb/23
Progking185 said on 15/Feb/23
@georgett yeah that's pretty tall I think that's anywhere 6'2-6'3 in shoes, 6'1 range barefoot maybe.
Yeah I’m around that in shoes with my ultimate lowest being 185cm so during the day my eye level is hovering just below 5ft9.75 mark in 1 inch footwear so I would say quite tall here in the u.k
Progking185 said on 15/Feb/23
@georgett yeah that's pretty tall I think that's anywhere 6'2-6'3 in shoes, 6'1 range barefoot maybe.
Savagetez said on 14/Feb/23
I already said I am 6'0.25 but I round down and just claim 6'0. Do you think I can get a away with a 6'1 claim?

Editor Rob
A 6ft claim would probably get a few people being surprised, and I bet many guess you 6ft 1.
I'd claim whatever you feel comfortable with as long as you can actually measure it barefoot.
georgett said on 14/Feb/23
Rob with an eye level (with shoes) at around 5ft 9.5-10 range does the person appear tall?

Editor Rob
Yes that person will be viewed as tall by most folk.
Abdulrahman said on 14/Feb/23
Hello Rob.
How are you doing?
My mother turned 57 years old for 3 days ago, and at her age is it common for her that she have lost 1.0 to 1.7 cm of height?
And what’s the exact height loss at the later 50s for a woman If she doesn’t have any health issues ?

Editor Rob
If you reached that age with less than 1cm loss, you've done well. Near 2cm would be a common amount lost by then.
Savagetez said on 13/Feb/23
Rob when you list somebody at 6'0 and another person at 6'0.25 how do you decide because in photos between those people if they have equal footwear and equal posture and hair length is equal than imo it's very hard to tell an quarter inch. I am 6'0.25 and have a friend who is 6'0 and a person tires to tell who was taller but couldn't tell.

Editor Rob
Sometimes I might think a person can look 6ft or 6ft 1/2 inch, and end up going with the 6ft 1/4 listing.
It's a bit like odds, if I think the chance is greater of over 6ft than 6ft flat I could go with that fraction.
Abdulrahman said on 13/Feb/23
If you have over 1.000 votes of how tall you are, does the average number as ‘173.6 cm’ cover your afternoon measurement?

Editor Rob
More like 11-12 range.
vY said on 12/Feb/23
Hi Rob My Dad is 5’9.5 and his shoulder width is 17.5 inches and I’m 6’1.5 and mine is 18.5 inches. So exactly 1 inch longer. His Head size is 9.25 inches and mine is 9.6 inches. So do you think you can say that for every inch of shoulder width somebody’s head should be around that much bigger?

Editor Rob
I'd expect there is some correlation between it, but how strong it is I'm not sure.
Maahin Chowdhury said on 12/Feb/23
What is your extreme low? Do you go down to a flat 5’8?

Editor Rob
It could be an extreme low, going beyond normal dehydration and long working day.
georgett said on 12/Feb/23
Rob take a look at this,
Click Here=
Harry looks noticeable shorter than Trevor who is 180 cm

Editor Rob
Flooring might not be equal there.
Savagetez said on 12/Feb/23
Rob am I allowed to recommend any people that I would love you to add to Celebheights?

Editor Rob
People mention names on different pages. If I can find time to look at them I will. Sometimes I don't know much about a celebrity to begin with.
Savagetez said on 12/Feb/23
Do you consider 5'11 3/8 a weak 5'11.5 and 5'11 5/8 a solid 5'11.5?

Editor Rob
Usually I'm thinking more in terms of the whole inches like 5ft 11 or 6ft, but at half inch ranges you could class those figures as being weak/strong 11.5.
Gian 181cm said on 12/Feb/23
I agree, that's what I said on the other page, the only disagreement is that my solid height range is 184-190cm, as 184cm is the 90th percentile.
181cm is the 80th percentile, so I agree it's a transition zone.
Sam83 said on 12/Feb/23
Hi rob, thanks, sorry, the second pair was this style I think:
Click Here
Would the height difference in pairs such as this and before be noticeable if 5’11 was barefoot and 5’7 in the shoes, be noticeable? Thanks

Editor Rob
Because of that thick platform, the heel should be giving around 5 inches.
Abdulrahman said on 11/Feb/23
Hi Rob.
I went out from 1 pm until 5:30 pm, and from 5:30 pm until 8:15 pm I was home for relaxing, and from 8:20 pm until 4:30 am I was out in bars, clubs and in restaurants as well. And after such a intense day where I’ve walked 27 km and have taken 34.000 steps. Then in the end I can confirm that I measured a smidge under 177 cm at my extreme low after a very long day. I measured bang on 176.8 cm.

Editor Rob
Seems you are still holding around 177cm range at normal low then.
Bani said on 11/Feb/23
Hi rob if I am 167.1 in the morning first thing sometimes higher if I sleep good 167.4 and at night 165.7 cm and in a very actif rough day at my low 165.3 , what is my real height then, and what height is a very short guy you would consider?

Editor Rob
You're a solid 5ft 5 guy. If you went with 166cm as a claim, that would be perfectly fine.
ZDA said on 11/Feb/23
In the U.K. The overall average range is 170 to 180cm with 175cm being the mean average range.
181cm transitioning into the tall range whereas 169 cm transitions into the short range.
182cm pretty much 6ft is the start of tall range : 182cm-185cm standard tall range.
186-190 solid tall range.
Abdulrahman said on 11/Feb/23
Hi Rob. I have a funny question.
When you were around 18-30 years old, did you went out and used your spare time to get into bars and night clubs?

Editor Rob
If the pub had a pool table, I'd enjoy that more than the drinking. I rarely drank anyway, and haven't touched alcohol for years now. Also managed to bin the Soda completely last year, something I wish I'd done in 20's.
I remember going more to youth nightclub about 16-18 rather than in 20's.
James.B 172cm said on 11/Feb/23
Rob is a solid 1 inch (3cm) a bigger difference between 2 people than many would imagine?

Editor Rob
I think it can depend on head sizes.
If you have a smaller headed person who is an inch taller than a large-skulled person, the difference will seem greater than if it were 2 large-skulled people standing together.
Henrik said on 11/Feb/23
Hey Rob, I noticed that I seem to get a somewhat higher measurement when I'm placing myself more tightly against the door/wall, so that my feet and nose touch it, basically. This gets me an extra 0.5-1cm, so that I am on the dot 6ft 3 in the morning and 6ft 2 flat before bed (the loss is a whole inch throughout the day). Otherwise, I usually get 187-187.5cm by the evening and 189.5-190cm in the morning.
I'm using an 8" long box and a tape measure.

Editor Rob
8 inch box should still touch highpoint if within 1 inch of the wall, but maybe the floor isn't as level as it looks.
Jackie Lee said on 11/Feb/23
Rob do you recommend the stadiometer this guy in the video uses or seca 213?
Click Here

Editor Rob
That looks like a diy project. I suppose if you are accurate in construction, it should do a job, but a lot easier with something like a $100 seca.