Bobby said on 23/Dec/22
@Peter 180 cm
Anything between 179 and 177 covers my typical range, so I go with 178 cm.
Abdulrahman said on 23/Dec/22
Yuval said on 22/Dec/22
Where are you from?
Hello mate. I am from Denmark, I was born and raised in Denmark, and I consider myself as a Dane, but my parents are Kurdish.
Beau Dare said on 23/Dec/22
Rob, Just a note to wish you and your charming wife a Happy Holidays and to thank you for all of your clever wit and humour that highlights your remarkable Scottish site. A million best wishes..

Editor Rob
Thanks Beau, I appreciate that and wish everybody Happy Holidays!
Here is a recent photo of
Jenny and Nipper...
vY said on 22/Dec/22
Tarif is starting to claim 7 feet again
Yuval said on 22/Dec/22
Where are you from?
Peter 180cm said on 22/Dec/22
You can claim and consider any height you measure barefoot,otherwise it's just rounding up/down. In my case, anything between 179 and 181 covers my height. Obviously I'm not considering 181.5 or almost 182 since that's very exaggerated.
Abdulrahman said on 22/Dec/22
Yuval said on 21/Dec/22
Hell no, I'm 5'8 and I feel short sometimes here. Israel is rather medium height country, only the women are short. 5'3.5 is the real average here, 161cm. A lot of girls are 5'0-5'2-A lot
Okay, cool. I understand now, mate. And I appreciate the respond too.
Black Noir said on 22/Dec/22
Hey rob, are u more a vampire fan or werewolf fan? There’s more vampire movies then there are werewolf movies. Apparently Ryan gosling is going to play a werewolf sometime in future

Editor Rob
Yeah there's a lot more Vampire movies out there, I do enjoy the genre up to a point - The Twilight saga is something Jenny liked, but I would never watch again.
Jdubbz said on 22/Dec/22
Leighton Tang said on 21/Dec/22
I think you might mean a 250cm+ guy because that would be about 51cm taller than you and you are about 51cm taller than the girl Also one such person does exist right now (Sultan Kosen) measuring 251cm.
Nope, I meant 260cm+. I'm not going by the raw difference in inches, but rather percent difference. I'm 34.4% taller than a 148cm girl, so a guy who is 1.344x my height would be 267cm. Remember that each additional inch gets less significant the taller you are. That guy would have to be just over 8'9, and I doubt anyone in the world is that tall. That's getting into Robert Wadlow territory.
Rapha said on 22/Dec/22
Jdubbz said on 21/Dec/22
I’m assuming you’re talking about straight out of bed morning height and not something like 1-2 hours out of bed, which is more reasonable. Sure, you can technically measure yourself at your out of bed height, but for only like 5-10 minutes before you start shrinking. If you claim an out of bed height and other people claim a late morning or afternoon height (when they would get measured at the doctors), you’re surely not going to look as tall as you claim. The “you measure it so it’s technically true” argument doesn’t make any sense to me. You can also measure yourself on your tiptoes, and it’s technically a measurement of your body at its longest. Out of bed height is extremely transient, and it’s unlikely anyone will actually see you at that height. That’s why it’s inflated.
@Jdubzz. Yes , i am talking about out of bed height. I m not entirely agreeing with you, obviously we all know here that we shrink quite fast the first 2 to 3 hours out of bed but still the question persist as if you could claim that height without lying or inflating your height. I would say that you can claim that height. Would i claim it? No , because of the reasons you also mentioned. Would i critize someone who claims out bed height? No either. I agree that most people do not see you at your highest height.
Would you say that someone could claim out of bed height when the person specifies early on the morning?
And another question i have, would say that an average of your out of bed height and your low evening height is an accurate claim ?
When you say that going on tiptoes and that would be the longest you can measure. I do think that you were kidding because obviously you can not measure that height barefoot.
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Dec/22
Hey Rob, Jenny and all of you,
I’ve just seen the bulk of a really scary film called Demon Eye and it was a SHOCKER, showing on the Legend/Horror Channel.
While watching the credits come up at the end, something made me Laugh Out Loud: they stated the firm who provided the TOILET FACILITIES! 🚽
Well, I’ve never seen THAT before…..😂😂😂👌🏼

Editor Rob
Certainly something I've never read on the credits!
Yuval said on 21/Dec/22
How do you handle this site Rob?
Every time I make a comment it takes one day until it shows, so who does this job of confirming every single comment? Seems like a lot of work for one man.

Editor Rob
I moderate comments as best I can, without it, there'd be too much spam and nonsense.
A lot of time this year I'm putting my PC off at 3-4pm.
Yuval said on 21/Dec/22
Hell no, I'm 5'8 and I feel short sometimes here. Israel is rather medium height country, only the women are short. 5'3.5 is the real average here, 161cm. A lot of girls are 5'0-5'2-A lot
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Dec/22
They turned my water off, Rob, and now I’m having to buy the bottled variety. 💦
Canson said on 21/Dec/22
Abdulrahman said on 19/Dec/22
Canson said on 18/Dec/22
Bobby said on 17/Dec/22
@c-mo 176cm
Yes, you do. You constantly talk about how your height is "decent" and play it up as being "good" even though you live in Germany, where the average German man is 180 cm tall. I know you're not German, so you're below-average height in Germany. Now, I know you're going to ask, "how is saying my height is decent or good the same as saying above average?"
@Bobby: it’s a waste of time and energy talking to C-Mo about this. He has spent his time on this forum trying to rationalize his height being good or bad. No such thing as good or bad height.
@Editor Rob: problem is some people wear orthotics that can add 1/4” more. So you may see a person at 6’0 7/8 in the shoes Vick refers to here and assume he’s 6’1 in the shoe since there about the same and then list them in as 6’0.5” when they’re really 6’0 1/8 yielding a 6’0.25 lunchtime in reality

Editor Rob
A small percentage of people will indeed have a little something in their footwear, which is impossible to tell.
Jdubbz said on 21/Dec/22
I’m assuming you’re talking about straight out of bed morning height and not something like 1-2 hours out of bed, which is more reasonable. Sure, you can technically measure yourself at your out of bed height, but for only like 5-10 minutes before you start shrinking. If you claim an out of bed height and other people claim a late morning or afternoon height (when they would get measured at the doctors), you’re surely not going to look as tall as you claim. The “you measure it so it’s technically true” argument doesn’t make any sense to me. You can also measure yourself on your tiptoes, and it’s technically a measurement of your body at its longest. Out of bed height is extremely transient, and it’s unlikely anyone will actually see you at that height. That’s why it’s inflated.
Leighton Tang said on 21/Dec/22
I think you might mean a 250cm+ guy because that would be about 51cm taller than you and you are about 51cm taller than the girl Also one such person does exist right now (Sultan Kosen) measuring 251cm.
Youcef dk said on 21/Dec/22
hey rob paul i hope you are well i have a question do we lose height if we sit down. all day ?

Editor Rob
The act of being upright (including sitting) puts strain/pressure on discs, though some positions and types of seats will be less straining than others.
I found the sofa (couch) a lot better than the office chair.
Abdulrahman said on 21/Dec/22
Yuval said on 20/Dec/22
Rob, what is a normal height difference between men an women? I thought it was 4-5 inch, But where I live, Israel, men are 5'9.5 and women are 5'4.
Isn't that big diffrence? Almost 6 inches.
Hello friend. Are Israelis really 5’9.5 on average, that seems a bit too high, despite that Israelis is a beautiful and diverse country?
I would have thought that the average in Israelis overall is 5’8 for men and 5’3 for women. But I guess it depends.
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Dec/22
@ Rob - A tank is far worse than a burst pipe! It’s as well I was on my own as my brother would have panicked.

Editor Rob
I can imagine, I'd have panicked too...I get annoyed at a gutter leak, let alone a tank blowing a leak! Hope it gets sorted for you.
AK World said on 21/Dec/22
Hi @Rob,
How tall does this guy look with Jordan Henderson?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Roughly 6 inches shorter I'd guess. Jordan could be 6ft 1.
jokey said on 20/Dec/22
Editor Rob I don't have the proportions to really pull off looking much taller than I am.
the first time i have seen your videos i thought you were about average, like close to 5'9, 5'8.5- 5'8.75 max. So i wasnt surprised to see you measuring this tall in your videos, i have kinda expected it.
But i was a little bit shocked after i realized that you are just 173cm, when browsing your celebs listings a few years ago i thought "it says 5'8 rob and 5'8 jenny...did he forgot to put the 0.5 inch?"
Abdulrahman said on 20/Dec/22
Can you add Yoel Romero to the site in the future ?
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Dec/22
Please, Rob, can actor Peter Egan have a page? He was great in A Touch of Frost, the episode entitled Private Lives, and looked big and powerful.
I found 6ft2 for him.
Jdubbz said on 20/Dec/22
@Gian 181cm:
Ahhh, short girls. They tend to be the worst guessers of height. I’ve had one (who was around 148cm/4’10) guess me at 188cm and 206cm the same day. Literally 18cm apart. In her defense, it would be extremely difficult for me to accurately guess the height of a 260cm+ guy, if one even exists right now. The only people who guess my height accurately within a few cm are guys your height or taller. Especially other 190cm+ guys, which makes sense.
Yuval said on 20/Dec/22
Rob, what is a normal height difference between men an women? I thought it was 4-5 inch, But where I live, Israel, men are 5'9.5 and women are 5'4.
Isn't that big diffrence? Almost 6 inches.

Editor Rob
5-5.5 inches is a common range.
Rapha said on 20/Dec/22
Peter 180cm said on 19/Dec/22
@ Rapha Because it is. You always lose it no matter what and it's not an accurate representation of your actual body length since it's caused by the effects of lying on a surface for alot of hours. You can claim it if you prefer a taller height but that's just it. You will still measure 1-2cm less at the end of the day.
@Peter. I agree that you are at the end of the day shorter and i agree that it is not a representation of what you measure during most of the day but does that mean that it is an exaggeration of your height? In my eyes no because you can measure that height and it is a valid measurement. An exaggeration would be a height that you can never measure barefoot and that is not the case.
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Dec/22
Hi Rob, Jenny and all,
On Saturday just gone, I didn’t just have a burst pipe, but
a burst tank. I woke up to the gushing of water, and I couldn’t even find my phone. I found it in the end beside the toilet so I phoned for help. The fire brigade came and made the place safe.
I have never felt so scared and helpless in my life. I was terrified for my cats above all else.
The chaps were very nice and I had a chat with a dreadlocked guy called Jude. He said the song ‘Hey Jude’ had followed him round all his life and I told him about the history of the song, which was written by Paul McCartney for John’s son Julian.
I had a bit of sleep last night but had a nightmare about Ozak getting hurt on her face. She wants kittens!
My best to you all,

Editor Rob
Hope the tank didn't cause huge problems, nothing worse after cold snap for a pipe to burst!
Peter 180cm said on 20/Dec/22
@Gian 181cm. I get what you're saying. Every centimetre counts when you're under like 1.90,over that the person doesn't really care that much it seems. I prefer claiming 1.81 sometimes other than 1.80 because it sounds better,it is realistic enough since it's my morning height anyway and besides most people have guessed me around 182-183 so it's still not a bad claim. I also have long arms and a lankier frame the past 2 years so i probably look slightly taller than i measure.
Gian 181cm said on 19/Dec/22
@Peter 180cm
I've already received guesses of 190cm, it was a short girl who said (155cm maybe), it can happen xD.
I usually have good guesses like 180cm or 182cm, sometimes 185cm, more than that is unusual, but it can happen. There are cases that guys increase their height and end up increasing mine. It is very rare for a guess of 181cm, 183cm, 184cm, they usually say numbers ending in 0, 2 or 5.
Height is often the object of concern or accuracy of the claimant himself, for example if I am 181 cm or 182 cm I will not say 180 cm, or if I am 191/192 cm I will not say 190 cm, this 1-2cm difference is important for us, there are cases where the person increases 1-2 cm too (but the concern is to make the height subjectively better).
Peter 180cm said on 19/Dec/22
@ Rapha Because it is. You always lose it no matter what and it's not an accurate representation of your actual body length since it's caused by the effects of lying on a surface for alot of hours. You can claim it if you prefer a taller height but that's just it. You will still measure 1-2cm less at the end of the day.
Peter 180cm said on 19/Dec/22
@Rob Then she must have no perception of height at all. Thing is,outside of a site like celebheights people don't pay much attention to height,to the point of guessing someone to the cm.

Editor Rob
This is true, some don't care or are rarely thinking or guessing how tall somebody is.
Abdulrahman said on 19/Dec/22
Yuval said on 18/Dec/22
Hey Rob,you said before you have done
Growing at 14 age. Was that all, or you gained few more cm after 14? I myself was 166 at 13 and 173 at 14, my finel height. Always felt I began too early causing me to finish early
At 13 I was 155 cm, and at 14 I was 159 or 160 cm.
Yuval said on 19/Dec/22
So finishing at 14, isnt that much earlier then average? I have read that early puberty can lead to decrease in finel height as an adult. How tall are your parents?

Editor Rob
They are age 86 and 77, so have lost height. I talked about it in a
Peter 180cm said on 18/Dec/22
@Rob You've been guessed as 6ft? Lol some people really are bad and clueless with heights and dimensions. 10cm over your actual height? That's impossible,she must have been drinking right?😛

Editor Rob
Some folk do indeed struggle with height guessing and in that case was inches off the mark. The lady in question is a Teacher and definitely was sober!
Yuval said on 18/Dec/22
Hey Rob,you said before you have done
Growing at 14 age. Was that all, or you gained few more cm after 14? I myself was 166 at 13 and 173 at 14, my finel height. Always felt I began too early causing me to finish early

Editor Rob
Yes, at 14 I did measure 5ft 8 so was done by then.
Rapha said on 18/Dec/22
Peter 180cm said on 17/Dec/22
@ Yousef We always lose our exaggerated morning height,no matter what. You'd just shrink less if you're just sitting all day basically relaxing. Maybe as much as 1cm less.
@ Peter. Why do you call morning height exaggerated?
viper said on 17/Dec/22
Rob, can we get a page for Tory Lanez.
The arrest report has him at 5-3. He does look pretty short
Vick said on 17/Dec/22
Hello Rob,
If a 6’0 man wore 5/8 inch footwear what would you estimate his height in person?

Editor Rob
If I'm guessing height I'd always be looking for footwear difference between myself and the person and account for it.
Joe Ponce said on 17/Dec/22
Can you add Chandra Bahadur Dangi to the website, @Rob? He was the shortest man ever with a height of 54.6 cm (1 ft 9½ in)
adrianposter said on 17/Dec/22
Rob, would the can against the wall method of measurement cause a slight overmeasurement since your arms are upwards causing your body to tilt up a little bit?

Editor Rob
For some people they might find it helps them achieve their maximum posture.
jokey said on 17/Dec/22
@Rob do people sometimes guess you taller than you actually are? Have someone ever guessed you as high as 5'10?

Editor Rob
Recently even my Mother seems annoyed that I'm growing taller...
From her perspective, in the last month she's mentioned on a couple of occasions how tall I'm looking beside her, but it's just the fact she's 5ft 3 these days...and is more aware the difference is bigger and that she's lost height.
I don't have the proportions to really pull off looking much taller than I am, however one crazy estimate was 6ft as I don't think the girl pays much attention to height.
Peter 180cm said on 17/Dec/22
@ Yousef We always lose our exaggerated morning height,no matter what. You'd just shrink less if you're just sitting all day basically relaxing. Maybe as much as 1cm less.
Peter 180cm said on 17/Dec/22
@ jamien jackson You're 178 range at your low so you should claim 179cm and feel confident about it. Don't let others try to tell you must be taller though,always correct them xD.
Jdubbz 198.8cm said on 16/Dec/22
Youcef dk said on 15/Dec/22
hey rob paul i have a question do we lose height if we sit down. all day ?
If you’re not completely horizontal, you WILL lose height. It happens the second gravity starts compressing your discs.
Abdulrahman said on 16/Dec/22
Today I’ve been out of the home for 8 hours, I was out in the city centre, and I was at a restaurant with a friend, and I watched a movie with a friend. After the long day I measured my height to be 176.5 cm, but after a shower I measured 176.4 cm.
@Rob would you consider me as a very strong 5’9.5 or just a solid 5’9.5?

Editor Rob
Enough to say strong 5ft 9.5 based on what you've said in the past as well.
Yuval said on 16/Dec/22
Hey Rob, if someone has a small head, how much his height can difffer from guys with medium heads ans same shoulder height? Like 1-2cm?

Editor Rob
If you add in a higher eyelevel than average, you might be talking a visual appearance of 2-3cm taller than reality.
Rapha said on 16/Dec/22
jamien jackson said on 14/Dec/22
Hey rob, first thing in the morning I'm 5'11 and 5'10 1/4 before I go to bed. How tall can I claim?
@Jamien. I would go with 5.10.5 or 179 cm. This height you can maintain for the first 4 to 5 hours in the morning and therefore it is a fair enough claim. Some people would claim the highest they can measure so in your case 180 cm but that is not a height you can measure for long time in the morning but for argument sake, you could claim that height either. What i would not claim is your evening low height.
Sam83 said on 16/Dec/22
Hi rob, thanks for looking at those, that’s interesting to know- I’m sure shoes are getting higher!! I also saw these, which with the platform, I would guess gives over 5 inches?
Click Here
Someone in the 5’6 range like big Iona may get over 5’11 in these?!

Editor Rob
Because of the platform, which looks more than a flat 2 inches actually, I could see that model providing you with just over 5 inches total. I don't think quite as much as 5.5 though.
jokey said on 15/Dec/22
@Rob what height did you claim when you were not really interest in height? Always 5'8?

Editor Rob
Yes, always 5ft 8, though the occasions it came up were not really that often.
Youcef dk said on 15/Dec/22
hey rob paul i have a question do we lose height if we sit down. all day ?
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Dec/22
I agree that Charles Aznavour needs a page. I have no idea as to his height whatsoever!
Jawilder said on 14/Dec/22
Awww love the pictures. Thanks for sharing Rob, she looks just like her Jenny 😁.
Jdubbz said on 14/Dec/22
@Cooper Clarke:
No problem man, I'm happy to help. I'm glad you were able to get a more accurate measurement. 22cm head length and 11cm eye level sounds way more realistic for your height than 20cm head length and 10cm eye level. 22cm, though still a bit smaller than average, is really normal for a 169cm guy, whereas 20cm would be absolutely tiny. I have seen adults with 20cm or smaller heads before, but the common theme is that they were all women 5 feet tall or under, lol. Your height to head length ratio is actually not too dissimilar from my own. Mine is 9.6-9.7" at 78.25" tall, so definitely on the smaller end for my height.
My father is 5'6 now (5'7 in his prime), and I suspect his head length is very similar to yours. He looks a lot taller than he really is (at least from a distance) because of it.
Sam83 said on 14/Dec/22
Hi rob, thank you for looking. Do you think pairs like this which are 6.5 inches, could maybe give around 14cm extra height?
Click Here

Editor Rob
You should be able to get a solid 5 inches of actual height from those heels, a bit more if size 7-9 range.
Peter 180cm said on 14/Dec/22
@Rob So basically 182-183cm. Yeah that is a very good height visually speaking,as it is considered a milestone in imperial system using nations such as the UK and the US. I can hit that range in boots or bigger sneakers,i know the feel xD.
Alanna said on 14/Dec/22
Click Here
How tall would you say singer Bry is? He claims 6’6”

Editor Rob
May well be his claim.
Sinclair said on 13/Dec/22
Yes, Charles Aznavour would be a fantastic addition, Rob.
I might go along with 5’3”, he looked no more than that in La métamorphose des cloportes and Sammy did have about an inch on Aznavour in photos.
Kajqnab said on 13/Dec/22
Hey how tall do you think richard kuklinski the hit man is cause I dont believe he is really 6’’5 what do you think?

Editor Rob
I'm sure on one arrest photo he's got a 270lb 6-4 listing on his clapperboard...that would be more believable than 6ft 5.
Abdulrahman said on 13/Dec/22
eclipse said on 12/Dec/22
Nice to meet you too man! You do slightly lose more height than me but yes our heights are very similar. Bobby said his usual low is 177.5 which is exactly like mine, so he’d classify as a weak or almost 5’10 guy like me, hence why I said we’re height twins. He might be taller in the morning though, who knows.. But for most of the day we’re the same exact height.
Yeah, I pretty much agree . 😀
Peter 180cm said on 13/Dec/22
Hey Rob. If you chose to be a different height for the purposes of this site and for life in general would you choose 180cm? It seems like the sweet spot for most people under that height.

Editor Rob
I always say a good visual height for comparison to both men and women is around 6ft.
Jawilder said on 13/Dec/22
@Rob there is no way that is real. That’s too great 🤣🤣🤣. Yeah Rob, I know 👍. Post some photos with you and the cute little baby. Very wholesome!

Editor Rob
Here is recent photo of
Nipper, getting into Christmas Spirit.
Cooper Clarke said on 12/Dec/22
@Jdubbz 198.8 cm Ok, just measured again with a tape measure instead of a ruler which I previously used. Turns out my head size is actually around 22 cm and my eye level is 11 cm. When I saw that my eyes were around the 11 cm mark I immediately realised that my last measurement I did might've been well off. I placed my chin on the metal bit at the start of the tape measure. 22 cm is probably closer to the truth and more reasonable here, maybe a little bit under it at lowest. So my head size is actually around 8.5-8.75 inches, which is the mark you said it could be if it's under 9 inches. Even I kinda had doubts myself that my head was really as small as 8 inches, and I figured that I might've done the measurement wrong. Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.
Youcef dk said on 12/Dec/22
thank you rob paul for answering me, I just have one last question is it possible to lose 3 cm in height for a guy who is 171 cm in the morning because once when I got home from work I measured myself at 167.6 , while every next time i measured 168.7 while walking all day i'm obsessed so is it possible to lose 3.3cm or is it just my posture that wasn't right?

Editor Rob
Yes, not impossible, but more common to lose near 2cm.
eclipse said on 12/Dec/22
Nice to meet you too man! You do slightly lose more height than me but yes our heights are very similar. Bobby said his usual low is 177.5 which is exactly like mine, so he’d classify as a weak or almost 5’10 guy like me, hence why I said we’re height twins. He might be taller in the morning though, who knows.. But for most of the day we’re the same exact height.
Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 12/Dec/22
Choi Woo-shik might be a good add, Rob? Has been in huge hit films like Parasite and Train to Busan. Gets 181 cm listings and that could be spot on.
Abdulrahman said on 12/Dec/22
Do you also have sometimes where you don’t manage to sleep a lot too? I’ve only had 3 hours of sleep from last night, and I’ve been tired the whole day. Well it’s current a little bit before 7 pm here, but if I end up sleeping alot, then I might have trouble falling to sleep again during the midnight.

Editor Rob
I rarely have a problem falling asleep, but I'm doing a fair amount of stuff each day so by evening I am quite tired.
Maybe if there are worries on the mind, that can have some impact on sleep.
dreus23 said on 12/Dec/22
@Jdubbz 198.8cm
I'm between 5'7-5'7.5 and my head size is 8-8.5 inches. I measured my feet as 9.5 inches short. I guess I'm a semi-dwarf lol, my head and feet haven't really grown since I was maybe 12
James B 172cm said on 12/Dec/22
Rob is it quite typical for 6ft3 guys to inflate there height to 6ft5?

Editor Rob
You'll find height inflation at all sorts of height, but would 2 inch inflations be more common in those under 6ft, than those over?
Ashutosh said on 12/Dec/22
Hey Rob a question can we guessing height perspective from selfie pics i know camera angle different and might people more shorter or taller than actual they not but i need your opinion on this thanks

Editor Rob
Yeah, selfie photos can be problematic at times.
Jdubbz 198.8cm said on 12/Dec/22
@Cooper Clarke:
Yeah if you're confident that you're 5'6.5, an 8.0" head is really rare for a guy. It's even rare for a woman of that height. I would try measuring it again and seeing what you get. Measuring head size can be trickier than it seems. The most important thing is to make sure you're looking straight ahead, as looking even slightly up or down can shorten or elongate your measurement by a decent bit. When I measure my head, my actual length is 9.6 - 9.7", but I can get measurements as low as 9.2" or as high as 10.2" if I tilt my head down or up by a lot.
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Dec/22
@ Rob - There are a couple of enormous great ravens frequenting our gardens. I wouldn’t like to meet one close up - they’re sickeningly massive! We also have crows and magpies but the ravens are new round here. After seeing the Omen trilogy, I’m 💩 scared of large blackbirds!
BTW, the first bird to be mentioned in the Bible was a raven.
Abdulrahman said on 12/Dec/22
Youcedk said on 11/Dec/22
hello rob paul, my name is youcef and today I come to you because I have a question so here is the morning when I get up I measure 171 cm and in the evening I measure 168.7 cm while standing for 8.5 hours I would like to know if I was going to settle down more or is it absolute height?
Hi. You have used DK in the end of your username. Does that mean you are from Denmark like myself?
Abdulrahman said on 12/Dec/22
Hello, Eclipse. It is nice to keep in touch with you.
I would think that our heights compared to each other would be very identical, since we both are 177 cm in the metric system. I would write that my typical low is 176.6 to 176.8 cm, and my extreme low is 176.2 to 176.4, so it is indeed very close to yours. I technically have a morning height of 178.4 to 178.6, but due to anterior pelvic tilt which I unfortunately have, then I tend not to measure my morning height, since i shrink fast in the morning. I personally do think that Bobby have a similar height to ours , but i also think that Bobby is obviously taller, since he measured a little past 179 cm in the morning, but we should keep in mind that his measurement tape might be a little incorrect, so his tape could undermeasure him by a few mm. And from what i know, then i am not sure if Bobby stands his absolute tallest, but i think his potential morning height is 179.3 to 179.5, and his low is likely to be just about 5 '10 on the dot, so i would definitely consider my good friend as a solid 5' 10. I think we are all three fractions away from having the exact heights.
Anyways, it is nice to meet you, we haven't quoted each other before, or i don't remember if we have during the past, but thanks for the quote and post too, Mate.
Cooper Clarke said on 12/Dec/22
@Jdubbz 198.8 cm I'm not sure if my head was measured wrong or if my head really is tiny. I could have done the measurement wrong or maybe misread it. But I know for a fact that I'm the height I got measured at, as I've compared my height to other people a number of times and consistently find that I am a couple inches shorter than most males, but nowhere near as short as 5'1. As for my head size compared to other people in photos, I'm not very good at estimating other people's head sizes myself, so I'm not sure if my head really is much smaller. Might be a little bit, like maybe 8.5 inches but I would never have guessed as small as 8 inches. But when I did the measurement with a cm ruler, it looked like the top of my head was around the 20 cm mark at most.
Sam83 said on 12/Dec/22
Hi rob, do you think someone of 170, would edge out someone of 181 who is barefoot, in either of these please?
Click Here
Click Here
I’m guessing this final pair they certainly would, how much height do you think these would give please?
Click Here
Than you

Editor Rob
Yes, that first pair will edge out the 181cm guy. The last pair should get the 170cm person to an easy 6ft (or just over) range.
Youcedk said on 11/Dec/22
hello rob paul, my name is youcef and today I come to you because I have a question so here is the morning when I get up I measure 171 cm and in the evening I measure 168.7 cm while standing for 8.5 hours I would like to know if I was going to settle down more or is it absolute height?

Editor Rob
That will be a typical low, but an absolute low after say 12 hours of being up and activity during the evening, could be 2-3mm less than that.
Harambe Lives On said on 11/Dec/22
Current Rob is always 173.5-173.6 in his vids, so I'd say 5'8.25-5'8.375 is a fair listing. Tbh Rob, I'd get rid of 1/8 inch listings (round up if they're close to the nearest inch and down otherwise). You're, at worst, 5'8.25 so go with that. There was a time when you were 5'8.5 too

Editor Rob
There's only a few 1/8ths left on the site nowadays, including myself.
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Dec/22
My Verillo has been soaking his paws in the cats’ drinking water and now he’s trying to crawl onto my lap. “Go away Verillo!”
…..or words to that effect! 🐈⬛
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Dec/22
Thanks Rob! I’ll feel better when I get some painkillers. I’ll never forget the pain of the crack turning into a break. It’s hell to breathe and swallow and sneezing is a nightmare, as indeed it is now.
On a rather brighter note, I had a funny dream just now that there were birds flying about in my room and fish were swimming with no water! 😂😂😂

Editor Rob
Birds flying around my room would definitely be more nightmare territory.
I think I was traumatised the one time I opened the bathroom door and a Pterodactyl was flapping about...well ok, a large Crow, but the bird looked a lot bigger up close than I imagined.
Progking184 said on 10/Dec/22
@Vick 6'0 is maybe a bit below at night, like 1/8 or 1/4 inch, but otherwise 6'0+ throughout the day. A solid/strong 6'0 doesnt drop below 6'0, maybe on certain days though at a extreme low
James (178.3cm) Jones said on 10/Dec/22
what height do you usually claim rob? morning, afternoon, or evening?

Editor Rob
I go with metric these days, 173cm, just over 5ft 8, which is nearer my low than my morning (which is very close to 175 on average).
eclipse said on 10/Dec/22
We have a very similar range from what I’ve seen, I wake up at 178.6 and for most of the day I’m 177.5, my normal evening low is around 177.2/177. My extreme low is around 176.5/176.4, do you claim 177? I claim both 178-177.5, I just say I’m around 5’10 or weak 5’10, it doesn’t matter to me. Me, you and Bobby are height twins lol
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 10/Dec/22
Editor Rob
You could lose half your total shrinkage during the day within that time frame.
Interesting, so the mayority loss 0.9 mm after 2 hours out of bed. What about 5 hours out of bed?, the official height for a lot of us. Thanks for answering.

Editor Rob
You could be losing about 3/4's of total shrinkage by nearer lunch
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Dec/22
I had another fall and this time, I’ve cracked a rib. 😎
It’s happened before and then I had another fall and the crack turned into a break, taking the best of a year to heal completely. It’s very difficult to breathe now.

Editor Rob
Ouch, hope you get better!
Jdubbz 198.8cm said on 10/Dec/22
@James B 172cm:
2 inches? Unless by very tall and overweight you mean nearly 7 feet tall and way over 300lbs, no way. You’d need absolutely horrific posture to lose that much height relative to measured height. Most overweight very tall guys don’t have great posture, but nowhere near bad enough to lose a full 2”.
I’m very tall and technically overweight (according to BMI at least) at 6’6 and change and 240lbs. My posture is pretty decent, and my walking height is within a cm of my measured height.
James B 172cm said on 10/Dec/22
Rob a lot of very tall guys who are overweight walk around 2 inches shorter than they measure because of poor posture.
Would you agree?
Sinclair said on 10/Dec/22
Hi Rob,
It feels great to be back. Thank you for posting my comments again. I’ll try to be less excessive with my posts in the future, I suspect that may have been why I was banned.
Long live CelebHeights and the Jean Gabin page I pushed for, over weeks and weeks.
Grandpa said on 10/Dec/22
Hey Rob! Today I measured myself at 182,1 cms of height. That was about 2 hours after waking up in the morning. These 2 hours I spent mostly on foot. Washing dishes and stuff. So, do you think 182 cms would be a good claim of mine, even though someone could measure me at like 181,3 cms in the evening? Thanks.

Editor Rob
Yeah, I think that sounds reasonable.
Maybe if you went for a 10am appointment you would end up getting measured between 181.5-2 zone and they'd simply give you 182...
In imperial, you are a 5ft 11.5 guy.
Abdul-DK said on 10/Dec/22
Hi Rob. This question might be a little odd to ask, but I will ask anyway.
When you went to university did you felt that the average height amongst students would have been 5’10?
Because I read a lot on Reddit that the average in UK is 5’10 instead of 5’9, so would it mean that only the young generation living in UK averages at 5’10 or about it? And did you felt average in campus at 173.5 cm?

Editor Rob
I didn't pay as much attention to height back in the late 90's, except noticing nobody really changed in height much after 19. Both Universities I attended were within the city centre of Glasgow, so you were always amongst students and people going about their daily business.
Jdubbz 198.8cm said on 9/Dec/22
@Cooper Clarke:
Do you have a noticeably tiny head compared to other guys? either in pictures or just when looking at yourself in the mirror? If not, odds are super low you have an 8" head. Unless you are an extremely short man, that head length is very rare for a guy. It could be under 9" like 8.5 or 8.75", but 8" flat is very improbable.
Abdul-DK said on 9/Dec/22
I also had a day where I in total walked 17/18 km, and I got home and measured 5’9.5, or 176.5-176.6 cm. So sometimes my height can vary depending if I walk fast or slow.
vY said on 8/Dec/22
Jdubbz 198.8cm said on 8/Dec/22
Oh ok. I still don't think the average male head size is a full inch longer than the average female head size, but I get what you mean.
It is. My sisters head is exactly 1 inch shorter than mine and she is 5’8 so my height equivalent to female at 6’1.5. So that confirms it even more.
Vick said on 8/Dec/22
Hello Rob,
How many hours in the days would you consider someone a legit 6’0, 5 hours or 7 hours?

Editor Rob
If they barely fall under it by afternoon, I'd say that person was a decent Six Footer.
Cooper Clarke said on 8/Dec/22
@vY yeah, if my head size really is 8 inches max then I've obviously got a small head for my height, because I know for a fact that I'm not 5'1, or anywhere near it. I was measured at the doctor's at bang on 5'6.5 at 12pmish, and I also measured around that height when I did it against the wall, so I highly doubt that the measurement itself was off by much.
James B 172cm said on 8/Dec/22
Rob if your 172.7cm in the early morning what is your true barefoot height?

Editor Rob
I could see many guys with that morning height ending up being measured 171-2 range (for appointments) and rounding to 172.
But remember any height you can measure barefoot without going on tiptoes, one foot etc is a valid measurement. It's just very few people in your life see you at your highest measurement out of bed.
Even Jenny rarely sees me at 175cm, as I rise earlier than her!
Canson said on 8/Dec/22
@Editor Rob: I lose 2/3 of mine in 2 hours on the days I only lose 3/4”
Jdubbz 198.8cm said on 8/Dec/22
Oh ok. I still don't think the average male head size is a full inch longer than the average female head size, but I get what you mean.
vY said on 8/Dec/22
@jdubzz im not talking about the head size of a man and a women of the same height, rather height equivalent so 5-5.5 inches. So like for example the average female height is 5’4 and the average male height is 5’9.5 so the the 5’4 girl will have a 8.25 inch head and the guy will have a 9.25 inch head.
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 7/Dec/22
@Rob How many height we lose after 2 hours out of bed?

Editor Rob
You could lose half your total shrinkage during the day within that time frame.
Abdul-DK said on 7/Dec/22
Today I measured 176.5 cm, or bang on it. And I’ve walked 17 km today.

Editor Rob
That's a good few hours of walking.
Jdubbz 198.8cm said on 6/Dec/22
I don't think the average guy has a head a full inch longer than the average woman. Unless you're just comparing the average guy to a 5'1 woman, and not the average woman.
vY said on 5/Dec/22
Cooper Clarke said on 29/Nov/22
Hey Rob, I just measured my head length at 8 inches (20 cm) and my eyelevel at 4 inches (10 cm). (approx) If you were to guess my height just based on that alone (without knowing my real height), how tall would you guess me at?
Editor Rob
If that is a true measurement, I'd expect below average height by several inches.
However, if you were nearer average it would be a benefit in appearing taller, because of proportions.
The average Male head is 9.1 inches long and the average female head is 8.1 inches long so I would guess you are a 5’1 girl
Abdul-DK said on 5/Dec/22
Hi Rob.
Today after school I measured my height at 176.7-176.8 right between those numbers. And I was awake for like nearly 9 hours. And I also had walked 7000 steps roughly 6 kilometers during the time I left home at 7 am , and the measurement took place around 3:15 pm, and I woke up at 6:24 am.
After I was home from 3 to 7 pm then I chose to leave home around 7:15 pm, and I came home at 9:10 pm, and then I measured my height and only measured 176.4 by standing my tallest, I could be roughly 176.5 cm, but I wasn’t noticing it clearly. But then after a few attempts of measuring my height to be sure, then I already shrunk to 176.2-176.3 cm, is it normal to lose a few mm within a few minutes of standing?
And I had walked 6 km , so in total I have walked 12.1 km, and I have moved 15000-15500 steps.
I felt that I was weirded out for losing a few mm so fast.

Editor Rob
You may have been placing your body under more stress when measuring height, not quite being able to stand as tall as you did when getting 176.4cm.
Black Noir said on 5/Dec/22
Hey rob thank you for getting back to my other two responses I appreciate it a lot, I screenshotted and saved to my phone. There’s an interviewer u might’ve stumbled across called Chris williamson and he talks with interesting people. He was on love island too, how tall do u think he is? I think he claims 5’9

Editor Rob
Wouldn't have guessed shorter than 5ft 9
Leighton Tang said on 4/Dec/22
What happened to the Sookie's den page?

Editor Rob
Was retired, along with a few other pages.
Abdul-DK said on 3/Dec/22
@ Riedl181 said on 2/Dec/22
Hey Rob, I have an unusual long Torso which is probably the reason I loose one good inch over the day.
First thing I measure 183,5cm, on my very low 181cm. I`ve never measured below 181,5cm six hours out of bed. Though I am not a strong 5ft11,5-guy, can I categorize myself as a solid one?
I’d claim 182 cm with your stats, and yea you are a solid-tall guy .
Gian 181cm said on 3/Dec/22
In my opinion you are a classic 5'11.5/182cm guy, 6'0 1/4 upon waking and 5'11 1/4 at the extreme low are measures of guys 5'11 1/2.
The beginning of tall height in UK/USA.
I wouldn't claim 181cm with your measurements, my extreme low is 180.6cm, and I could go with 180cm but I prefer 181cm.
Abdul-DK said on 3/Dec/22
I appreciate your respond, and I fully agree with you.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/22
@ Rob - I read shortly after my question regarding my reply to Bobby that some comments went missing. Message received and understood! These things happen! 😆
@ Bobby - I’ll reply to your thoughtful comment to me as soon as possible.
@ MJKoP - Great to see you popping in!
Abdul-DK said on 2/Dec/22
Hello Rob. Do you know how tall the UFC champion , Alex Volkanovaki is? And will he get added sometime in the future?
I think he is 166.5-167 cm, a very weak 5’6 and a very strong 5’5. Is that a good range for his height ?

Editor Rob
Weak 5ft 6 might be on the money for him.
Black Noir said on 2/Dec/22
Hey rob, how much height do u think my aunt is losing in the front pic here? She said it’s ok to show the pic it self deleted in 3 days.
She’s the smallest one in the front but how much height do u think she’s losing plz?
Click Here

Editor Rob
I'd have thought near 3 inches with that pose is a good possibility.
Christopher K said on 2/Dec/22
Rob, if one gets measured at 10-10:30 AM after being out of bed for 2.5-3 hours, can they claim that height?

Editor Rob
Of course, there's no worry about that.
Riedl181 said on 2/Dec/22
Hey Rob, I have an unusual long Torso which is probably the reason I loose one good inch over the day.
First thing I measure 183,5cm, on my very low 181cm. I`ve never measured below 181,5cm six hours out of bed. Though I am not a strong 5ft11,5-guy, can I categorize myself as a solid one?
Nik Ashton said on 2/Dec/22
Andrea said on 2/Dec/22
Rob, can you consider and give these people a page?
- Jack Nance: best known for starring in Eraserhead, he also appeared in many other Lynch's movies. 5'5 range looked possible, maybe 5'5.5, but I doubt much more than that.
- Ricardo Darin: probably one of most famous actors from Argentina, he regularly gets listed at 172, although I've read he's claimed 177 himself (whether he really did I don't know)! From what I've seen, I really wouldn't have gone much over 172, although he can actually seem over that with Messi here:
Click Here
- Noemie Merlant: she gets listed at 176 on this agency
Click Here , although that does look a bit optimistic if you see her with someone like Kit Harington
Click Here or Cate Blanchett
Click Here Maybe 5'8 range is possible, but I certainly doubt over.
- Renate Reinsve: I've already requested her, but I'll try again. As I've said before, I'm not sure I would have guessed her quite as tall as the 178 she gets listed at in The Worst Person in the World, but with Emma Stone and the girl from Squid Game for example she can actually look very tall here
Click Here (arguably more than that in fact)!
Also, it's been a while since you've added Italian names... What about Alessandro Borghi (for me one of the best actors of his generation)? I can tell you he has claimed 186, although he never quite looked that tall to me. In shoes he may well have measured that, but more like 183-4 barefoot IMO.

Editor Rob
I remember I'd saved Nance resume a couple of years ago but forgot to add him. I could believe close to 5ft 6 and shrunk a bit by 90's.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/22
Rob! Did you receive my reply to Bobby? Thanks!

Editor Rob
Unfortunately not.
Cooper Clarke said on 1/Dec/22
@Rob Yeah, I'm not even sure myself that I did the measurement correctly. Either I measured it wrong, or my head is really small for my height, because my most recent measurement was 168.9 cm (at 12pm) and I believe the average for that would still be close to 9 inches, maybe a bit under at worst. (Since the average head length for a male is about 9 inches or just over, and I'm a couple inches shorter) Something just doesn't add up here. The eye level is only half an inch off the average here though, so maybe that isn't too far off. If the measurement was correct then guess that's just a 'tall proportion'.

Editor Rob
I'd always check a couple of different walls to eliminate anything like floor/wall discrepancies.
MJKoP said on 1/Dec/22
I'm dying:
Click Here

Editor Rob
Moving this post to my page as Sly would be embarrassed!
Wow, NSFW warning!
And it ain't a fake account - "Hairy like Bigfoot" - the real G exposed 🤢 A right dirty pervert 😨
James B 172cm said on 1/Dec/22
Rob I was measured back in 2015 at 171 1/2cm on a gym wall tape measure a few hours out of bed.
Can wall tape measures be inaccurate?

Editor Rob
Odds of errors on wall-mounted tape measures increase compared to traditional stadiometers.
Editor Rob said on 1/Dec/22
Apologies, but any comments submitted over last 24 hours were lost.
Abdul-DK said on 29/Nov/22
@ Ricardo Torres said on 27/Nov/22
Hi rob, my back is hurting a little after many hard days ive noticed im dropping 3mm more than my normal low these days even though i still hit my max morning.Is this normal?
That might be sore/tender you’ve received from the back muscles, maybe you’ve trained your back too much with extra pressure.
Cooper Clarke said on 29/Nov/22
Hey Rob, I just measured my head length at 8 inches (20 cm) and my eyelevel at 4 inches (10 cm). (approx) If you were to guess my height just based on that alone (without knowing my real height), how tall would you guess me at?

Editor Rob
If that is a true measurement, I'd expect below average height by several inches.
However, if you were nearer average it would be a benefit in appearing taller, because of proportions.
Matt99 said on 28/Nov/22
Hey Rob, I think I’ve gained a small fraction! I got back into fitness four months ago by running 5k at least 4-5 times a week and my morning height used to be 177-177.2cm and now it’s 177.5-177.8cm so a pretty solid 5’9 7/8 to flat 5’10. My low is more 175.7-176cm than 175.3-175.5cm, so I wonder if that’s my last bit of growth?

Editor Rob
Maybe the fitness regime helped your body a tiny amount.
James B 172cm said on 28/Nov/22
Rob would you classify a true 6ft3 in the UK as massive?

Editor Rob
Maybe if you have a great physique at that height, you might find people referring to you as Massive.
Jdubbz said on 28/Nov/22
Hi Rob:
Is it weird that my height loss has changed over the last several months? I used to lose a full inch and go from 6'7.25 to 6'6.25, but now I seem to have lost a quarter inch off my morning height and shrink to the same low. I would think it had to do with activity levels/sleep, but this has been consistent since June and my lifestyle hasn't changed at all. I only lose 3/4" now. Is it just an age thing?

Editor Rob
If you were in late 30's or 40's that fraction difference could be age related, but at your age I'm not sure!
Jdubbz said on 28/Nov/22
@Peter 180cm:
I agree, "height by association" is a really common thing. I was just under 6'3 when I was 17-18, and after I turned 18 I started claiming 6'4. I even had that on my driver's license.
I didn't think I was lying since I assumed I grew that year and I was an inch taller than another guy I knew who claimed 6'3. I was called out one day by my roommate's girlfriend (who apparently had a legit 6'4 brother) and got measured at a physical shortly after. Nope, still 6'2 3/4". I'm so glad I actually grew a few years later.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Nov/22
@ Abdul - I would like to see my brother get back to the way he was a few years ago, but he needs help first. My very grateful thanks to you for your lovely, caring nature.
Sandy XXX
Nik Ashton said on 28/Nov/22
Ricardo Torres said on 27/Nov/22
Hi rob, my back is hurting a little after many hard days ive noticed im dropping 3mm more than my normal low these days even though i still hit my max morning.Is this normal?

Editor Rob
Could you have done a little damage to a disc or muscle which is effecting your ability to normally stand at your tallest?
Rapha said on 27/Nov/22
Hi Rob
Would you say that a 2.2 cm shrinkage per day is an average shrinkage?

Editor Rob
Close to 2cm seems quite typical from all I've read, so 2.2 is within typical bounds.
PAIN said on 27/Nov/22
Hi Rob my height is 179.5cm but I say 1.80/5'11 my head size is around 21cm/21.5cm and my eyes level is 169.5/170cm more or less the question is I have high eyes level?

Editor Rob
It looks like your eyelevel is higher than average, so you might be guessed 180-181 by many people.
Darksol64 said on 27/Nov/22
Hey Rob, we had a discussion last month about my height and leg-length discrepancy, where my bedtime height is 6'2 1/8 on my left leg and 6'0 7/8 on my right leg, a whopping 1.25 inch difference.
One more question out of curiosity, in your opinion of this picture of me would you say I look like I have the frame/proportions closer to a 6'1 guy or a 6'2 guy? Or in the middle?
Click Here

Editor Rob
From that angle I'd have thought you looked 6ft 2-3 at least...low angles sometimes can help elongate people, by making the head a little smaller.
Abdul-DK said on 27/Nov/22
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Nov/22
@ Abdul - My brother starts on me as soon as he’s up. He broke the front door last year and expects me to sort it out and pay for it. When he came out of the psychiatric institution last year, he was worse than ever. He focuses all his failings on my parents and me and had pie-in-the-sky ideas of becoming a world famous runner, so that he could buy female killers out of jail. He’s particularly fixated with a young woman who, with her boyfriend, killed her mother and sister. How can he possibly look up to someone like that? He wrote her lots of letters.
He’s not just autistic, he has a personality disorder. He accepts no responsibility for anything he’s done and has been to my account, checked my income and stolen from me. He’s rinsed my account out twice.
I get criticised for writing on Celebheights and watching films. I said to him, “You are a bully and a control freak,”and he replied, “Good!”
I’ll be phoning his support worker later. Thank you for writing to me, Abdul!
I am very sorry to hear that. I hope you can avoid all the trouble so you can stay safe 😀😀
Abdul-DK said on 27/Nov/22
James B 172cm said on 26/Nov/22
Rob the guy who made the short comment to me is visually impaired since he’s missing an eye sadly and his good eye is deteriorating to because of a genetic eye disease
I would personally not consider you to be short, I’d say your height isn’t bad either. Your height is a fine one😀.
I’ve encountered many guys around my age who have claimed to be anywhere from 174-179 cm, and they were around my height and shorter, so I’d say if you are 172 or 173 cm earlier in the day, then you can have the chances of looking taller. There’s good ways out there, mate. 😀😀😀
Jdubbz said on 27/Nov/22
vY said on 21/Nov/22
Is it strange that my Wingspan is 6’0.5 and I’m 6’1.5 in height? I’ve heard of very few people who’s wingspan is less than their height. My foot size is 10.5 so
It's definitely less common than the other way around (an inch longer than height), but it's not strange at all. The average man has a wingspan 1-2" longer than his height, so one inch less than height is relatively common. Mine is about a half inch longer than my height.
Zach Catselbow said on 26/Nov/22
Hey Rob, how tall would you say Mexico’s Hirving Lozano looks? I’ve seen him listed 175 and 176 everywhere online.

Editor Rob
Insigne he doesn't look far off 175
Grandpa said on 26/Nov/22
Hey Rob, today I measured myself at 5ft 11.75in about 5 hours into the lazier day. Usually I'd be around 5ft 11.5in tall at this time and a hair above 5ft 11.25in at my low. So, would you list me as actors like Benedict Cumberbatch or Patrick Wilson based on that, or as something else? Thanks!

Editor Rob
Yeah, I'd probably go with 5ft 11.5
James B 172cm said on 26/Nov/22
Rob the guy who made the short comment to me is visually impaired since he’s missing an eye sadly and his good eye is deteriorating to because of a genetic eye disease
Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 25/Nov/22
JJ Feild certainly deserves a page, in one of the Capt. Americas, has a major role alongside Chloe Grace Moretz at the moment as well...He's a bit taller than Benedict Cumberbatch.
Dan ?ik?s said on 25/Nov/22
Hi rob im 182,5-7 cm evening heigth and after a lonh sleep 184,3 morning height what should i call my height are im a strong or weak six footer

Editor Rob
You don't really fall much under 6ft at night, like 2-3mm...wouldn't call that weak, neither strong, but just a classic 6ft
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Nov/22
Hi Rob, Jenny and all!
I have just woken up from a really hilarious dream. I had gone round to decorate some lads’ Christmas trees and when I arrived, I noticed that they were almost bare! I said we need some lametta for these trees because they won’t hold normal decor, and they provided it. 👌🏼 There were figurines which were all nude and anatomically correct and I couldn’t stop laughing! 😂
One of the fellows spoke entirely in rhyme and he instructed me not to go into any of the other rooms because they were occupied by an ageing dog per room who had, in each case, messed on the carpet, but it was too late because I’d already explored and found that out for myself! 😤 The boys were filling the washing machine and chucked my soiled items of clothing in with their dirties!
I met a bloke in 1983 who, when he spoke, made sure everything rhymed. I’ve done it too, but it can be hard work, though not always. It’s most entertaining for those on the receiving end. 😁👌🏼
I felt so good when I woke up that it was just as though I’d had the experience for real!
My best to you all, and wishing everyone a great weekend.
James B 172cm said on 24/Nov/22
Rob last night I described as “Really short for a guy” by a bloke who is only 5ft11 himself.

Editor Rob
Has this guy never seen men under 5ft 7! There's several million in the UK 🧐
He might be on the wind-up!
The Height Guy said on 24/Nov/22
I have lost height Rob, i used to measure 179.3 cm at night now i measure 177.4 cm at night same time same routine throughout the day, and im only 24 i wonder why that's happened

Editor Rob
Nearly 2cm is something that I'd actually go and see a Doctor about.
Abdul-DK said on 24/Nov/22
Gian 181cm said on 24/Nov/22
I didn't fail my first test, my friend failed 4 times and today he drives better than me.
Oh, that’s nice!!!!!!!!!
Gian 181cm said on 24/Nov/22
I didn't fail my first test, my friend failed 4 times and today he drives better than me.
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Nov/22
@ Abdul - My brother starts on me as soon as he’s up. He broke the front door last year and expects me to sort it out and pay for it. When he came out of the psychiatric institution last year, he was worse than ever. He focuses all his failings on my parents and me and had pie-in-the-sky ideas of becoming a world famous runner, so that he could buy female killers out of jail. He’s particularly fixated with a young woman who, with her boyfriend, killed her mother and sister. How can he possibly look up to someone like that? He wrote her lots of letters.
He’s not just autistic, he has a personality disorder. He accepts no responsibility for anything he’s done and has been to my account, checked my income and stolen from me. He’s rinsed my account out twice.
I get criticised for writing on Celebheights and watching films. I said to him, “You are a bully and a control freak,”and he replied, “Good!”
I’ll be phoning his support worker later. Thank you for writing to me, Abdul!
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 23/Nov/22
@Rob Have you ever measured other good stadiometer like Seca 213 model?

Editor Rob
In a hospital setting I've seen a few other Seca models, one was a telescopic version which measured my Mother, you could hold onto the sides - for patients who struggled to stand.
Most I've seen are the classic 213 or Leicester (hopkins).
Rapha said on 23/Nov/22
Hi Rob
Would you go as far as saying that claiming your out of bed height is being dishonest?

Editor Rob
It's a valid measurement of your height, but in first hour of wakening we lose a big chunk of our total shrinkage.
If I were to claim a morning height I'd say it as something like '5ft 9 first thing'
Peter 180cm said on 23/Nov/22
@Editor Rob Claiming height by association is very common,even if someone already knows their height.It's like they feel flattered claiming those extra 3-5 centimetres. I think we've all done that for some time.
Abdul-DK said on 23/Nov/22
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Nov/22
I fell on the floorr as night. My brother didn’t help me up and
said I should die.
“You’re just like your mother!” he said. She had a hip replacement as well.
I am very sorry to hear that you fell, If I were a witness I would have immediately helped you. And I would have told your brother to not say such evil things to a dear miss. I would have stepped in.
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Nov/22
Thanks again, Rob!
I had many attempts yesterday to heave myself up but my leg and hip weren’t having it, so I went down again and again. Now I’m covered in bruises - countless of them, including on my head. I fell between a cupboard and the wall, a load of DVDs falling on top of me. My boyfriend has always been right about people; he used to interview and employ soldiers for the Army, after all, so he had to have a keen eye for good personalities. He reckons my brother is dangerous.
I have three successful and stable half-brothers though, thankfully. My full brother is extremely jealous and resentful of them.
Abdul-DK said on 23/Nov/22
Hi everyone. I want you guys to read this message, since I require attention, and that I don’t bear any shame or embarrassment over something that resulted to happen today.
Today I had my practical driving test, and I failed it, LOL! It is what it is, I failed and I don’t fail to admit it. I want you guys to know that I am not embarrassed. That was all, have a nice day everyone. Peace and love! 😀

Editor Rob
Can be a nervous situation taking those tests! Good luck the next time.
Canson said on 23/Nov/22
@Editor Rob: to clarify, here in the states, a lot of people are measured early morning versus 5 hours out of bed. Many do it in the morning especially if they are getting blood work since they have to fast. So if someone is measured an hour out of bed, they can be up to maybe 3/4” taller than they would be later in the day if they’re substantially taller and if they say lay down on the bench for a period after they get to the doctor when they are still coming down. Some are maybe 1/2” or 3/8” taller but that’s still too much to claim imho if they’re say 5’11 at the end of the day but claim 5’11 1/2 and round to 6’
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Nov/22
Thank you, Rob!
The fire services are excellent, that’s for sure, and so friendly, despite doing such a dangerous job. Did you know that in the late 19th century, buildings were never higher than 100 feet because the ladders didn’t reach any higher than that mark? Sensible really…… 😊

Editor Rob
One thing I always have around is a wee fire extinguisher. Something you hope never to use, but can save us.
Also a shame to hear your brother isn't helping you, I remember in the past you mentioning the situation and I understand how difficult it is dealing with family in these circumstances.
Heir of Darkness said on 22/Nov/22
Rob, when it comes to people adding 2-3 inches to their actual height, do you think most of them are just blatantly lying, or they just don't know how to gauge height at all?

Editor Rob
Whilst a small proportion of people won't have measured (or remember/care), I believe a big majority will know what height they've measured.
In some situations it will have been in footwear and they simply go with that.
In other scenarios, some people claim height by association - John claims 6ft 2 and I'm 2 inches smaller, therefore I must be 6 foot...not realising John is 6ft and inflating 2 inches.
Peter 180cm said on 22/Nov/22
@ Vick Yes they did. I've also heard 185 a fair few times and 181-182. Funny thing is i do look about 181 most of the time next to known-height surfaces and other people. Must be my long neck to blame or my thick hairstyle after 15 days or so.
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Nov/22
I fell on the floorr as night. My brother didn’t help me up and
said I should die.
“You’re just like your mother!” he said. She had a hip replacement as well.
Gian 181cm said on 22/Nov/22
My wingspan is about 6'0.5, and I'm about 5'11.5. It also varies 1 inch, but my wingspan is greater.
If it was about 1 inch smaller I think it would be normal too. We have practically the same shoes, but I vary between 10-10.5
Abdul-DK said on 22/Nov/22
@Gian 181cm said on 22/Nov/22
are you watching the world cup games?
Today Denmark plays, I was following the Argentina game and making fun of them 🤣
Hello mate. No, I am not interested in football/soccer. But I always stand and hope Denmark will exceed luck and victory!
Gian 181cm said on 22/Nov/22
are you watching the world cup games?
Today Denmark plays, I was following the Argentina game and making fun of them 🤣
Vick said on 22/Nov/22
Peter, have other people guess you taller at 183 cm before?
vY said on 21/Nov/22
vY said on 21/Nov/22
Is it strange that my Wingspan is 6’0.5 and I’m 6’1.5 in height? I’ve heard of very few people who’s wingspan is less than their height. My foot size is 10.5 so
Editor Rob
Jenny's wingspan was an inch shorter (at her peak)
Wow I just measured my sisters wingspan who is 5’8 and her wingspan is 5’7 as well. Interesting.
Peter 180cm said on 21/Nov/22
@vY I have a 6'4-6'4.5 wingspan,equivalent to someone of your own height or abit taller.Anything's possible in biology.
Peter 180cm said on 21/Nov/22
@ Vick 3 inches is insane but not uncommon.Most people add 3-4cm usually,and im guilty of that.I used to think i was 183 a few years back before measuring accurately and accepting the reality.
Abdul-DK said on 21/Nov/22
vY said on 21/Nov/22
Is it strange that my Wingspan is 6’0.5 and I’m 6’1.5 in height? I’ve heard of very few people who’s wingspan is less than their height. My foot size is 10.5 so
My wingspan fully stretched out measures 171.6-171.8. And I am 177. So it’s normal to have short arms, it’s not unheard of having t-Rex arms.
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Nov/22
It certainly did that, Bobby!
Hey Rob, Jenny and all,
I had to have the fire brigade out on Saturday night. There was smoke coming from behind my bedside cabinet and I threw water on it but still it persisted. When the alarm went off, I called them. They were very nice indeed and I had an ambulance come too. My blood sugar is very low and I should eat more,
My priority was to get all the cats to safety. That was a very frightening time. After they’d left, I played The Move’s song, ‘Get the Fire Brigade’.

Editor Rob
Glad you got them out quickly and are safe!
vY said on 21/Nov/22
Is it strange that my Wingspan is 6’0.5 and I’m 6’1.5 in height? I’ve heard of very few people who’s wingspan is less than their height. My foot size is 10.5 so

Editor Rob
Jenny's wingspan was an inch shorter (at her peak)
Zach Catselbow said on 20/Nov/22
Hey Rob, I know that you class 5’7” as the border between the end of average and the start of short, but what do you see it as? Do you see it as more short, or more average?

Editor Rob
If in Scotland, I'd still view it as that crossover, but maybe tend towards viewing it as lowest end of average, rather than outright short category.
Once into 5ft 6 range, I think the vast majority will describe that height as being short.
Rapha said on 19/Nov/22
Hi Rob
Last time I slept for 12 hours and my morning height was 2 to 3 mm higher than when i sleep for 9 hours. Did you also make the same experiment?
Do you think that this is possible that we gain more height , even after an 8 to 9 hours sleep ? It could well be that we gain even more height after laying for 16 to 20 hours or do you think that is not possible?

Editor Rob
For me a proper 9 hour sleep usually gets me near highest morning height. Beyond that, not really seen anything extra.
Vick said on 18/Nov/22
Hey Rob,
Have you ever found yourself in situations where people added 3 or inches to their actual height? How’d you react?

Editor Rob
It's a rare occurrence to hear that...2 inches is something I've picked up on a fair few times.
However, I might raise an eyebrow or simply if the topic is about height mention I'm 173cm and leave it at that.
Bobby said on 18/Nov/22
@Sandy Cowell
I am ordinarily not a humorous fellow, but I have comedic moments. Mostly, I think humour is the soul of quick wit.
Rob's sass also never ceases to amaze me.
I am overjoyed that I can provide a modicum of good humour to enliven your day.
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Nov/22
@ Bobby - Your comment ‘I have it on good authority……’ was a beautifully written piece of English, but side-splittingly funny as well! 🤣👍🏼
Rob’s reply was most amusing too! 😋
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Nov/22
@ Gian - Absolutely no problem! You write very good English.
Gian 181cm said on 18/Nov/22
@Sandy Cowell
Oh yes, I knew it, I just changed the words xD, English is not my native language, sorry and thanks for reminding me Ms. Sandy.
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Nov/22
@ Gian - Thank you so much for saying such nice things to me. How kind you are! By the way, I’m a female Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Nov/22
@ Abdul - How very sweet of you to thank me! 😁👌🏼
Abdul-DK said on 17/Nov/22
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Nov/22
AB-177CM - You are refreshingly polite, which is very pleasant! 😄
Thanks! 😀
Abdul-DK said on 17/Nov/22
Gian 181cm said on 16/Nov/22
I agree with Mrs Sandy Cowell, you are a very nice person.
I'd say the Range 5'11-6'0.5 is good but your height is also solid, I'm not much taller than you.
I appreciate it , and you are nice too, mate.
Abdul-DK said on 17/Nov/22
Hi everyone. As I can see I’ve received a few messages here, regarding someone who used the @ and tagged me. But I had difficulties to enter the site for two days. I attempted multiple times myself to enter the site, and to sign in by making a username and writing my email down, but I got rejected, since I saw a message like new users are hold down, like right after I attempted to sign in. And my chrome was down too, so I am using a different chrome browser, since there’s two apps on Apple Store named chrome.
James B 172cm said on 17/Nov/22
I have had more than my fair share of short insults.
I have short legs and a long torso which i guess could make me look shorter than 5ft8.
Gian 181cm said on 17/Nov/22
@Sandy Cowell
I'm sure Mr. Cowell, and I see many of your comments on the CH pages, you also seem to be very friendly and help keep CH active in a positive way.
Have a great day xD
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Nov/22
@ Gian - AB-177CM is indeed a nice fellow. Good manners and politeness cost nothing and make a person stand out for all the right reasons.
Maahin Chowdhury said on 16/Nov/22
Rob, I may have asked this question before but did anyone ever call you short at 5’8? Because my friends said that 5’8 is quite short even tho it’s only an inch below average in the UK.

Editor Rob
Outwith the Internet I've heard Jenny being described as Tall more often than I've heard somebody refer to me as short.
Gian 181cm said on 16/Nov/22
I agree with Mrs Sandy Cowell, you are a very nice person.
I'd say the Range 5'11-6'0.5 is good but your height is also solid, I'm not much taller than you.
Italian guy said on 16/Nov/22
I think 6'4 could be something like 95-96 percentile for younger people in western countries.
AB-177CM said on 16/Nov/22
Gian 181cm said on 15/Nov/22
Thanks for the reply, good to see you too bro.
I consider you a strong 5'9 too, a very weak 5'10 is valid too.
Sometimes I think my height in inches would be 5'11.25 but 5'11 3/8 can be used too, I think of course only on the internet, personally I would just say "a little more than 5'11" xD
I appreciate your response. And yeah, a little over 5 '11 is the height that i have dreamed to be LOL. Anyways i am fine with my height, but the height of being 180-184 cm was always a dream since i was a kid. haha..
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Nov/22
AB-177CM - You are refreshingly polite, which is very pleasant! 😄
Kylo said on 16/Nov/22
Rob, if I took a picture with someone and the top of my head went up to the area in between their lips/nose what would the height difference be approximately?

Editor Rob
Could be somewhere around 7 inch range
Spud said on 15/Nov/22
Glad you're back Rob. Can a foldable measuring stick give wrong results? I measured myself on a foldable measuring stick and it always comes out as 173cm. I measure myself properly with measuring tape doing your wall trick and both getting help and I get 175cm.
Why does a foldable measuring stick give someone almost an inch less?

Editor Rob
2cm is a big difference. I would always use a tape measure before a foldable ruler, although you would think the margin of error is still going to be small with the foldable ruler.
I suppose if the end is broke off, that could cause 2cm error!
Rapha said on 15/Nov/22
Hi Rob
Do you think that a 182-183 cm guy would ever be called the tall guy in the UK?
I mean by that, would he be noticed because of his height?

Editor Rob
Yes I've seen guys in that range get called tall by others, although once into 6ft 1-2 range the frequency of being called tall increases dramatically.
Gian 181cm said on 15/Nov/22
Thanks for the reply, good to see you too bro.
I consider you a strong 5'9 too, a very weak 5'10 is valid too.
Sometimes I think my height in inches would be 5'11.25 but 5'11 3/8 can be used too, I think of course only on the internet, personally I would just say "a little more than 5'11" xD
AB-177CM said on 15/Nov/22
Gian 181cm said on 14/Nov/22
How would you define a strong 5'11?
I wake up at 5'11 7/8 - 6'0 (depends on the day as morning measurements are not my strong suit lol) and my extreme low is 5'11 1/8.
I claim 181cm :v lol
Hello Sir. it's nice to keep in touch with you, and i've missed to read/answer posts from you to be honest, (-;
How I would define a strong 5 '11 is a good question. I would define it as measuring 5 '11 flat at someone's low beyond someone's normal low, or measuring 5' 11 at someone's extreme low. So I would say you are a strong 5’11. Yesterday I measured bang on 176.7 cm after being awake for 8 hours, and the measurement took place right after school / without any relaxing or laying down, but from coming right home and dressing to my home-clothing. So I'd consider myself as a very strong 5 '9, and a very weak 5' 10. So in conclusion, you are a strong 5’11.
Gian 181cm said on 14/Nov/22
How would you define a strong 5'11?
I wake up at 5'11 7/8 - 6'0 (depends on the day as morning measurements are not my strong suit lol) and my extreme low is 5'11 1/8.
I claim 181cm :v lol
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/22
On the day after our Queen died, I wasn’t in any mood for laughing. However, I couldn’t suppress this opportunity: I had to go to the vet’s and started talking to a couple of ladies. One of them had a poodle with a sore on his stomach. I said to her, “There seems to be a nasty looking gash on his undercarriage.”
She said, “That’s his penis!”
I’m afraid I just fell about! 🐩
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/22
Hi Rob and all!
I’ve been offered a Sylvanian Families toilet - for the little animals. It’s advertised with a little critter looking over the top, the way children do at school, watching his friend on the loo. I don’t miss that part of school one iota!
(Billythetreesurgeon) said on 14/Nov/22
Hey Rob I generally measure a little above 182cm late afternoon but my eye level to the centre of my pupils is only a hair above 5ft 6 or 5ft 6 flat at that point. Shoulder height 5ft 1 - 5ft 2… Going from eye level what would I be guessed at? The lowest I’ve been told by anyone in 16 years is 5.11 to 6ft… Will I feel shorter than I really am because of my low eye sockets ?

Editor Rob
You sound like you've got a lower eyelevel, but the fact you still get guessed 5ft 11 to 6ft shows it's not having a big effect.
I doubt I'd guess you a low 5ft 11 because I might be able to spot that your eyelevel is lower and account for that.
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/22
I’m pleased to hear it, Bobby! 🤣👍🏼
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/22
Hey Rob!
I’ve just been notified that my Google time is up 66%. I wonder why?

Editor Rob
That's a big jump!
vY said on 14/Nov/22
I think the average bone structure of a 6’2 guy is 19” shoulder width. 9 3/4” inch head length. Size 11 foot.
AB-177CM said on 14/Nov/22
‘Dan ?ik?s said on 12/Nov/22
Hi rob i was measured 183,8 cm at the doctor 3 hours of waking up then i was at 6 o clock in the evening measured at doctor 182,5cm and home when i measured myself close to midnight i was 182,7cm what height should i claim to be ejats height should i say i am. After anlong sleep inwas almost 184,5 cm
Please don't get offended, sir. But you aren't a strong or a legit 6 footer. Because the requirements to be a strong 6 footer in my opinion is to not measure below the mark at someone's low, and a very strong 6 '0 is when someone measures it at their extreme low/ absolute lowest. But I would claim being 183 cm/6’ft. Your height is similar to a user who felt insecure of being exactly as tall as you. I am not going to name the person, because I need to respect his privacy, but I think he is currently banned, or he is taking a break from visiting this site, sir.
Italian guy said on 14/Nov/22
@Rob If at 6'4", I still see a "small" portion of men taller (2-3 on average) is normal or means that I live in a taller city?

Editor Rob
In a bigger city, even at 6ft 4 you'll find a small proportion taller.
Lankyweasel635 said on 13/Nov/22
Hey Rob.
Figured I'd give you another update from my height adventures.
Every since my musculoskeletal condition was aggravated in Jan 2020, depending on how severe the in-between shoulder blades musculoskeletal compression is, I have noticed that my usual night time low can have more of a range to it.
And since it's been probably at least a year since I did so, decided to see how a full day would go a couple months ago, and checked daily low the last few days.
Couple months ago:
Awake 4am
Three days ago:
Awake 6am
Two days ago:
Awake 6am
Awake 6am
Awake 6am
(And this is with a lower back injury).
The absolute max my 16-hour after being awake height has been in the past two years is 6'3-3/4" and the absolute low was 6'2-3/4" from severe compression.
Still lose more height than most, but noticed that most of it is lost within the first few hours of the day, and that the loss throughout the rest of the day is minimal, unless compression issues rear their ugly head and affect things.
But all in all, while it looks like I could be on the verge of losing my extra half inch, at least I am still maintaining a solid 6'3"+ and change, and it's just the amount of change that fluctuates because of my musculoskeletal condition issues, and I'm usually still 6'3-1/2" most days most of the time, :)
Future results are to be determined.
If you have any comments, okie dokie, if not, no worries.
Regardless, hope all is well with you and yours, and keep on having fun with this lighthearted website about height.
Have a great day.
Stay safe and stay awesome.
Gerry :)

Editor Rob
In your case, there is a bit more variety in your evening height range.
Mine is currently quite consistent within a small 2mm range.
Progking185 said on 13/Nov/22
@JDubbz around 6'3 should feel tall pretty much all the time, on occasion of course yeah there could be a bunch of very tall guys around. But to most 6'3 is borderline very tall and standout
avi said on 13/Nov/22
Hope all is well.
Have a 5'5.3 refrigerator.
Seems it comes to my nose
At 5'11.5- 5'11.75 does that seem about right for normal size head/facial proportions
When I measure top of my head to bottom of nose it seems 6.5 inch difference

Editor Rob
6.5-6.75 is a common range to end of nose.
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 13/Nov/22
@Rob i made a list of chinese actresses months ago, do you have that list?

Editor Rob
No, but there is always new names to add in the future.
Bobby said on 13/Nov/22
@Sandy Cowell
I have returned from whence I came.
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Nov/22
Bobby is back - hooray!
Abdul-DK said on 13/Nov/22
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/22
@ Abdul - Cheers, and here’s wishing you a great weekend! 😁
Thank you, and have a good weekend too. 😀😀
Dan ?ik?s said on 12/Nov/22
Hi rob i was measured 183,8 cm at the doctor 3 hours of waking up then i was at 6 o clock in the evening measured at doctor 182,5cm and home when i measured myself close to midnight i was 182,7cm what height should i claim to be ejats height should i say i am. After anlong sleep inwas almost 184,5 cm

Editor Rob
You fall into strong 6ft range. 183 is a very solid claim, some guys with your stats might go with 184 if that is what you get about 4 hours out of bed.
Zach Catselbow said on 12/Nov/22
Me: Hey Rob, long time no comment! I’m pretty sure I am done growing at 5’6” (167-168 cm) now and I want to get your input on how short that is for an 18 year old male in the United States (on a scale of 1-10).
Rob: I think you'd find folk classing it as something like a 3.
What would say that is in terms of percentile?

Editor Rob
Under 15.
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/22
@ Abdul - Cheers, and here’s wishing you a great weekend! 😁
Abdul-DK said on 12/Nov/22
I would consider someone who measures 6’1 5/8 or 6/8 at their low as a weak 6’2.
Abdul-DK said on 12/Nov/22
@Editor Rob
Did you played the resident evil games, when they got released during the late 90s to early 2000? The new remake versions looks very cool with amazing graphics and animation.
So which resident evil game is the best one, or do you recommend me to start playing? 😀😀😀

Editor Rob
Yes the original game and probably up to the 3rd, after that I didn't play any more of them.
James B 172cm said on 12/Nov/22
Rob at 6ft1 in England in everyday life you will defnintley notice a fair few men who are taller than you. Would you agree?

Editor Rob
Yeah, you walk through a town you will see a proportion taller...
Jdubbz said on 12/Nov/22
@Heir of Darkness:
6'3 in most Western countries is definitely pretty tall. That being said, there are moments where a 6'3 guy might not feel tall. I was 6'3 after high school/during early undergrad, and I remember seeing a quite a few guys who were taller than me. Not by much, but even an inch or two was very noticeable.
Of course, there were times where I actually got towered over. It's a humbling experience to be 6'3 in a group of super tall guys (mainly athletes). That essentially never happens anymore at my current height, but it goes to show that the "I'm 6'1-4 but don't feel tall" comments may not be all that far fetched. People are getting taller and taller these days and 6'3 is really nothing special anymore.
Isaiah said on 12/Nov/22
Rob, for your final answer do you think my father could be 5ft 11.5 or a 6ft guy
Click Here

Editor Rob
In the previous photos, he could look both figures, but maybe ask to measure him and you'll know for sure!
Harold Green said on 12/Nov/22
@Leighton Tang
There are a lot very well known celebrities that are more popular than some of the recent additions in my mind that hasn’t been added yet. These are Chris Hansen, Maury Povich, Nikola Jokic, Jeff and Matt Hardy, Rich Piana, Mike O’Hearn, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, Tristyn Lee, Ranboo, Kyle Lowry, Hu Bing(Model), Yuji Nishida, Ted Williams(Baseball Player), Patrick Mahomes, Shohei Ohtani and there are many more I can name but I don’t want to overload too much text in the comment so I will just leave it at that. I know that Rob doesn’t have a lot of time to try and add a lot of these celebrities as he is busy with his personal stuff but I will wait patiently for him to add these celebrities. You will never know, he will add them eventually but I was happy that he did add one celebrity that I did comment/request which is Carlos Alcaraz and I hope Rob will keep on adding new celebrities in this amazing website.
Abdul-DK said on 12/Nov/22
@ Maahin Chowdhury said on 11/Nov/22
Rob, what is a good and healthy weight range for a weak 5’11 guy like me? I’m somewhere around 9-9 1/2 stone I don’t know exactly what my weight is since I haven’t weighed myself in a while and I look pretty thin so I don’t think I’m in a good weight zone for my height.
I weigh 12.7 stones, and I am comfortable with my weight. I don’t feel that I am overweight.
Isaiah said on 12/Nov/22
Rob, I usually spend 2 to 3 hours everyday playing video games and doing homework on the couch with good posture. I go on walks for hour and a half. I go on 3 to 4 walks everyday. I back home and spend another 2 to 3 hours doing homework on the couch rather then sitting on the chair and I usually try to lay down for an hour to take a break from sitting down or I just go outside for hour and half and I was wondering if my routine is good because I try not to spend 10 hours everyday on the couch.

Editor Rob
Getting a few walks a day is good, the more we walk the better for our health.
Canson said on 12/Nov/22
@Rapha and Editor Rob: that’s my definition of weak. 6’1.5-.75 range at a low for a weak 6’2 with 6’1.5 being the lowest for their low. The problem is a guy who is 6’1 3/8 at a low would class as 6’1 1/2 too and I consider a guy who is 6’1 5/8 at a low 6’1 1/2 as well since my range for 1/2 is 3/8-5/8”
Progking185 said on 11/Nov/22
@Rapha weak 6'2 is more like 6'1.5 night yeah. 6'1.25 night is a 6'1.5 guy during the day.
Zach Catselbow said on 11/Nov/22
Hey Rob, long time no comment! I’m pretty sure I am done growing at 5’6” (167-168 cm) now and I want to get your input on how short that is for an 18 year old male in the United States (on a scale of 1-10).

Editor Rob
I think you'd find folk classing it as something like a 3.
FloJ said on 11/Nov/22
Rob just one more question. If the son is 14 cm taller than mother and 4.5 cm taller than father. Would that still be considered an above average result?

Editor Rob
I think that's probably a bit above the average expected.
Rapha said on 11/Nov/22
Rapha said on 11/Nov/22
Hi Rob
What is for you a weak 6’2 guy or 188 cm guy? What will be the lowest height that this person will be in the evening?
Editor Rob
Maybe if they fall to 6ft 1.5 range at night...
@Rob. So someone who wakes up at 188 cm is for you more a strong 6ft 1.5 guy?
Editor Rob
Can depend in total shrinkage. You might find the case a 188 guy could fall to 185.5 and another falls to 186.5-7 the former case, I'd say more a strong 6ft 1, in the latter still a quite weak 6ft 2.
@Rob. And what about a guy who has a 2 cm shrinkage which is the usually the average shrinkage , so in that case going down to 186 cm at night.

Editor Rob
In that case he's more 6ft 1.5 guy.
Maahin Chowdhury said on 11/Nov/22
Rob, what is a good and healthy weight range for a weak 5’11 guy like me? I’m somewhere around 9-9 1/2 stone I don’t know exactly what my weight is since I haven’t weighed myself in a while and I look pretty thin so I don’t think I’m in a good weight zone for my height.

Editor Rob
That is indeed quite thin, 10 - 10.5 might be a goal compared to current weight.
My own Father at roughly 5ft 7 (albeit with bad kyphosis) nowadays weighs around 9 stone 2lbs and he's skinny.
Heir of Darkness said on 11/Nov/22
I feel like once you're 6'3, almost everyone would agree you're tall (except maybe some Europeans), not freakishly tall, but solid tall. I mean even just going by this site, you'll see that there's a noticeable drop-off with the number of celebrities starting at the 6'3 range. Here, you won't see much of a difference in numbers when it comes to 6'0 to 6'2 celebs, then when you check the 6'3 celebs, you'll see the decline in numbers.
What do you think of my observations, Rob?

Editor Rob
At 6ft 3 you're getting into higher 90's percentile.
Rapha said on 11/Nov/22
Hi Rob
What is for you a weak 6’2 guy or 188 cm guy? What will be the lowest height that this person will be in the evening?
Editor Rob
Maybe if they fall to 6ft 1.5 range at night...
@Rob. So someone who wakes up at 188 cm is for you more a strong 6ft 1.5 guy?

Editor Rob
Can depend in total shrinkage. You might find the case a 188 guy could fall to 185.5 and another falls to 186.5-7 the former case, I'd say more a strong 6ft 1, in the latter still a quite weak 6ft 2.
Abdul-DK said on 11/Nov/22
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Nov/22
@ Abdul - How very kind of you; it’s cheered me no end that you enjoy reading my comments. There is no website like this and it’s the only one for me. I can’t be bothered with any other social websites whatsoever, Abdul! All the very best, Abdul!
Sandy. 😃👍🏼
Thanks and you too. 🥹🥹😀😀😀😃😃.
Rapha said on 10/Nov/22
Hi Rob
What is for you a weak 6’2 guy or 188 cm guy? What will be the lowest height that this person will be in the evening?

Editor Rob
Maybe if they fall to 6ft 1.5 range at night...
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Nov/22
@ Abdul - How very kind of you; it’s cheered me no end that you enjoy reading my comments. There is no website like this and it’s the only one for me. I can’t be bothered with any other social websites whatsoever, Abdul! All the very best, Abdul!
Sandy. 😃👍🏼
@ James B - Thank you for saying thanks! Indeed there is no feeling as great as getting fit, and staying that way. Kind regards go your way, James!
Sandy. 😄👍🏼
Putrescent said on 10/Nov/22
Hi Rob, what would you list me as if after 16,000+ steps on the go all day (slightly inadequate hydration and 6-6.5 hours of sleep), followed by less than an hour of lying down at home, I measure 178-178.1cm?

Editor Rob
Maybe you could get 5ft 10.25, but if this was near your low then 10.5 is a figure you might end up measuring at 11m for an appointment at the Doctor's office.
Abdul-DK said on 10/Nov/22
@Editor Rob
How tall is the Turkish born German actor named ‘Numan Acar’?
Click Here
On the link he is portrayed with actor Mahershala Ali and Damson Idris.

Editor Rob
Might have went with 181cm there...I saw he had 182cm on his e-talenta page (either from him or his agent).
Leighton Tang said on 10/Nov/22
@Harold Green
Which celebrities haven't been added yet?
Isaiah said on 10/Nov/22
Rob, in this photo I’m wearing airmax 95 and my father is wearing vans do you think he looks about a solid 3 inch’s taller than me
Click Here

Editor Rob
Maybe a little less than 3, although maybe if the camera was higher it would look a good 3 inches.
James B 172cm said on 10/Nov/22
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Nov/22
@ Abdul - Never has a truer word been spoken. I’ve missed this site like mad - and I’ve missed you too!
@ James B - It’s good that you take a keen interest in keeping yourself in excellent shape and in tip-top health.
Thanks sandy
AB-177CM said on 10/Nov/22
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Nov/22
@ Abdul - Never has a truer word been spoken. I’ve missed this site like mad - and I’ve missed you too!
I appreciate your credit, and I have missed reading your cozy and exciting posts. I really like the stories you write. They make my day get better. And yeah, I've missed you also. And I am legitimately considering this site as my favorite, since the environments are kind and respectful, but on other forums it is likely to encounter unwanted experiences like getting bullied or harassed.
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Nov/22
@ Abdul - Never has a truer word been spoken. I’ve missed this site like mad - and I’ve missed you too!
@ James B - It’s good that you take a keen interest in keeping yourself in excellent shape and in tip-top health.
Isaiah said on 9/Nov/22
Rob, can people in their 20s shrink from bad habits forever like Jenny because. I tend to fall in to bad habits sometimes and I try doing good posture routine and I was wondering if I should be worry about bad habits at my almost 20s

Editor Rob
Jenny's 'bad habits' were more to do with doing a lot of craft work, which like I've said is bad for upper spine. The hours of bending spine to work on cards etc took it's toll. She has 2 other sisters in early 50's too and they've only lost 1/8th or so, whilst Jenny is nearer an inch loss.
Harold Green said on 9/Nov/22
Good to see the comments are back, I have seen a lot of new celebrities added and thankfully Carlos Alcaraz got added so thank you very much for adding him. There are still some more very well known celebrities that hasn’t been added yet but eventually it will come. Although I have seen a lot of votes coming from the newly added celebrities while the comments are off have been guessing the height lower than Rob’s listed height and the average guess is way below Rob’s billed height . I don’t know why they did that but I would’ve agreed with some of the recent listed height from Rob.
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Nov/22
Hello Rob and good evening!
We’ve just had Darragh Ennis on The Chase and he cracked a joke about Bradley’s height, and not for the first time either. Having read two heights for Darragh, which are 5ft7 and 6ft2, I’m now inclined towards the 6ft2 for him. I’ve also come across a quotation wherein he remarked how fed up he was of
reading that he was short.
Please could you look into this and, perhaps, give the newest Chaser a nice, shiny page on your terrific website? Then we’ll have ALL the Chasers! 😄
James B 172cm said on 9/Nov/22
rob sorry i know i have askes this sort of question before but what is a good weight range for a 5ft8 guy who works out and does weight lifting?

Editor Rob
165-170 could be a solidly built 5ft 8 guy with decent muscle and reasonably low bodyfat.
Abdul-DK said on 9/Nov/22
I missed to comment on this forum, finally it became a possibility. I have seriously checked this site daily for like nearly 3-4 weeks, and since the opportunity to comment got deactivated, then I’ve experienced that my days have been more or less bored. Because this site is my favourite.
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Nov/22
Eek! 🐁
Make that Ric Ocasek, with a ‘c’!
Nik Ashton said on 9/Nov/22
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Nov/22
@ Hght181 - I’ve noticed that the leaves are turning Autumn hues and when I look out of the window, I see them blowing down from the trees. Some of my cats try to catch them, like so:-
Have a happy weekend, and enjoy your sillier moments; I know I’ll be relishing mine! 😀
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Nov/22
Hi Rob!
One massive great and warm welcome back! You have been sorely missed, so much so that it ACHED!
Thanks for the many new and fabulous stars, especially for Ric Okasec. I’ve been playing their music all week, and sending some songs to Nik.
What a wonderful Wednesday morning surprise!
Cheers to you and Jenny, and to your parents.
Sandy XXX 😆👌🏼

Editor Rob
I heard a Cars song the other day and realised, he was still missing from here!
Editor Rob said on 25/Oct/22
Apologies that comments are currently off. Voting is still active.
Vick said on 17/Oct/22
Alex, i was looking at a pant chart and I guess guys our height we're 32-34 range inseam. Btw is your eye level 5’7.5?
Hght181 said on 17/Oct/22
@Sandy Cowell
I noticed the tree leaves turning early, and the chilly autumn crisp out there 🦊