English actor, best known for playing Johnny Connor in Coronation Street, Dave Mathews in Family Affairs and DS Richard Haskins in Prime Suspect. In the 1990's he had his height listed as "5 feet 8 inches" in casting directories.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Nov/21
@ Rob - I'll enjoy checking him out in 'Prime Suspect', which I had all lined up to watch the other day, but then I received my copy of the third Conjuring film, and that took precedence!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Oct/21
I saw the omnibus Coronation Street this morning and I can honestly say that I'm missing Johnny Connor already. Richard's portrayal of him was a delight. Just the same as when they wrote Andrew Scarborough's gritty character out of Emmerdale, I'm going to have to watch videos in order to see Richard or Andrew. I have all the Prime Suspect episodes on DVD which star Amanda Burton,. with Richard featuring as a police officer in the series, and Andrew also starred in it, but only in one episode, playing a crooked bloke who's not to be crossed. 😳 No, Richard plays an infinitely nicer guy in that!
BTW, Richard is in the movie 'Love Actually', alongside a whole host of other stars, and he appears in a 2005 film called 'The Tragedy of Richard III'.

Editor Rob
I caught an old Prime Suspect not that long ago and I think 5ft 7 range is what he could look, not convinced as tall as 5ft 8 like he claims.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Oct/21
That was unexpected to lose Johnny from 'Coronation Street' yesterday. 😢
5ft7.25 for Richard's peak height and 5ft6.5 for nowadays.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jun/21
Richard seems to have lost weight since he's come out of that stinking prison. It's hardly surprising really, is it?
Richard starred in 'Prime Suspect' with Helen Mirren, playing a policeman. He looked around 5ft7 or just over that so he gets 5ft7.25 for his peak and 5ft6.5 for today's height.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Feb/21
You can't help but feel for Richard's 'Coronation Street' character, Johnny Connor. Already plagued by hallucinations while in prison, a young fellow prisoner of his has been found dead in his cell, probably from suicide.
This is reminding Johnny of when his own Street son, Aidan, took his own life, and he feels somehow responsible because he turned down the offer of a game of pool with the youngster. Poor fellow, whose visions will later include one of his own late son. With his eyesight failing and his MS worsening, prison is not the place for him. He poses no threat to society.
Peak height - 5ft7.25; today - 5ft6.5.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jan/21
BTW, Richard, who plays Johnny, gets 5ft7.25 peak and 5ft6.75 for these days.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jan/21
What a cruel nurse Johnny had yesterday, saying he's fit enough to attend court with MS for something he did years ago and had no idea the outcome would be so drastic. That shouldn't have been me - I'd never be so heartless. 😝🖕 The man confessed, for crying out loud!
Jenny was right to call her Nurse Ratchet!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Oct/20
This poor man, who is suffering from MS, is being manipulated and blackmailed by that hateful crook, Scott. If I happened to be in his shoes, I'd open up to my wife and tell her about my past. I'm sure she'd forgive him.
Thugs like Scott belong back in prison, and on medieval food rations! 😝 Better still, he should be fed with Blackadder's cook Baldrick's 'Rat Au Van'!
No, come to think of it, rat au van is MUCH too good for him. 🖕
Richard gets 5ft7.25 for his peak and 5ft6.5 for his height these days. 😉
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Sep/18
Richard said in yesterday's first episode, "I'm the Quiz Master General!"
It reminded me of the Vincent Price 17th Century-based 'Witchfynder* General' from the Michael Reeves film!
Richard looks 5ft6.5 in the double episode I have on now and I can believe 5ft7.25 for his 'Prime Suspect' days.
* Those days, there were no hard and fast rules as to how to spell words. The dictionary didn't come along until the late 18th Century, and I have seen finder spelt 'fynder' many times in old scripts!
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jul/18
@ Nik - That's where the hair dye comes in handy, and it's not just women who use it!
Watch out for another one-off showing of 'Prime Suspect', as it is bound to happen again some day soon! It was such a good series, they can't keep it hidden away for long!
Nik said on 3/Jul/18
@ Sandy Cowell - No, I don't think that Richard was ever 5'8" although he probably did top 5'7", just look at the average vote! 5 voters think that Richard's peak height was 5'7.25" but it is unlikely that he was ever taller than this!
It must have been great to see the younger Richard Hawley in "Prime Suspect", unfortunately this was not a regular occurrence. It seems like Richard has not lost much height and as for his hair having more pigment in his "Prime Suspect" days, mine used to have more pigment too! Ha ha! 🐽!
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/18
@ Nik - Who said he was 5ft8? Oh, he was written up as such! I don't believe it either - not even in the 90's. 🙄
Since Richard has been in 'Coronation Street', ITV3 had a one-off showing of various 'Prime Suspect' stories. I was ever so pleased, and I hoped it would become a regular thing, as with 'Inspector Morse' and other classic crime dramas, but no, it was never to be more than a rare treat.
That was when I noticed the younger Richard Hawley, and I thought, "Of course! I knew I'd seen him many moons ago!"
One thing I must stipulate is that he didn't come over as noticeably taller in that, but his hair had more pigment!
Cheers Nik and have a good week!
Nik said on 30/Jun/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Blame my 🔥 autocorrect! Aren't those lovely names for animals? Cat, bunny rabbit, and hamster!
5'8" is a bit of a stretch for Richard! He should be 5'6.5" and proud, great actor and cool guy!
Sandy Cowell said on 29/Jun/18
@ Nik - Jemny sounds like a potential cat's name, or possibly a name for a bunnyrabbit or hamster! 🐈🐇🐿️
CD said on 29/Jun/18
He can look as short as 5ft6 but when standing tall I think would measure close to 5ft7, he could at times look just 2 inches shorter than Shayne Ward in Corrie. Therefore I'm inclined to say 5ft6.75 today and possibly a little over 5ft7 at peak? What's certain though is he's never seen 5ft8!
Nik said on 28/Jun/18
@ Sandy Cowell - I still cannot believe he is on!
I could buy anywhere in the 5'6" - 5'7" range for Richard's current height but he generally gives me the impression of being in the middle of thst range, your prediction of 5'6.25" is certainly very realistic! I am not totally sure but I went with Rob on this one!
He may be smaller than Liz when she is wearing heels, but I tell you it is not by much! He also seems a similar height to Jemny when she is wearing heels, I would love to know how much heel Liz and Jenny both wore! Finally he seems a similar height to Eva, maybe they are both wearing flats!
lee168cm said on 27/Jun/18
Rob would you say he's shorter than Catherine tylesdale in corrie? Personally I think hed be a bit taller than her

Editor Rob
I'm not sure he would measure taller than her.
Nik said on 27/Jun/18
Look who's here Sandy!
It is great to welcome this wonderful actor to celebheights and I have got to say that he thoroughly deserves to have his own page on this website! Richard is widely down as being 5'7" across the internet but I do think that this is a tad high for his current height, however I get the impression that he is above the 5'6" mark! I think that Rob is fairly accurate with this listing for Richard's current height and I see nothing to suggest that Richard is currently either above or below 5'6.5"!
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Jun/18
Yeah! Thank you Rob! He's playing such a large part in 'Coronation Street' at the moment that I thought he needed a page. I also noticed a much younger version of Richard Hawley playing alongside the great Helen Mirren last time I watched 'Prime Suspect', so he's been an actor for a mighty long time and 'Coronation Street', I suppose, are very privileged to have him.
One thing you can't help but notice is how, when he stands next to the high-heeled women in 'Coronation Street', he does kind of blend in! Then when they take their shoes off he suddenly looks a little taller then them, so I think Rob, that 5ft6.5 is a fair old shout for this fella, as his elegant daughter, played by Alison King and his more recently introduced daughter are both around the 5ft4 mark and the former, in heels, has on occasion, literally looked down to him.
He is listed as 5ft7 on the source I found via Google, so that must be his peak height. Now I must check out the height of his recent one-nighter Liz (naughty Johnny!) because she DEFINITELY looks taller than him in heels! I seem to recall she, or Beverley Callard, is around the 5ft5 mark - tops, but I can't swear to it.
Thank you so much for this thoroughly worthy addition!
I think I will change my mind and put 5ft6.25 for his today's height.