Sandy Cowell said on 23/Nov/22
Perhaps, Rob, we could have a page for previous Coronation Street serial killer, Richard Hillman, played by Brian Capron, who was a teacher in Grange Hill. I’ve read 5ft9 for him.
Stinky Pat Phelan can have 5ft11.75.
Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 12/Aug/22
His on-screen wife is just two inches off him, so that might make people think he's shorter
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Sep/21
Trust Eileen to walk in just as her son was about to hoover up the remains of her late husband, Pat Phelan!
After the evil $hite he got up to, I think it was more befitting for his ashes to be pooped on by a passing dawg!
🏺🐩💩...😂😲🤭🤣 "Isn't that a POOdle?"
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jul/21
Not long ago, Connor was the second tallest Coronation Street character, second only to Jimmi Harkishin. Look what's happened over the course of just three years....!
😲 👁️👁️
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Apr/21
Connor starred in an old 'Law and Order UK' the other night, defending a bent and biased copper, played by Jamie Foreman, who couldn't be bothered to act quickly enough when one of his colleagues was shot, causing his death - just because he happened to be gay. So another disgusting part to Connor's credit! 😝
He was certainly tall, so I'm not disputing 6ft. If anything, he looked a touch more.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Aug/19
Connor even plays a meanie in other programmes!
I can see he is a big boy, or I don't think he'd be assigned these parts. What am I saying? Didn't Richard Attenborough play the murderous guy in Millington Road? AND Tim Roth!
6ft. I bet he's really quite nice if one met him!
Csimpson 6ft said on 27/Jun/18
6'0 at his peak and 5'11.75 now is possible
Nik said on 16/May/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Wowza! 😁!
I don't think that those soap writing powers will mind being carted off to Cloud Cuckoo land if people are watching their soap, to be honest though I have seen many eventualities in soaps that are a lot more far fetched than this one! Yes, we just love it, and there will be a lot of teeth chattering going on across Britain!
Sandy Cowell said on 14/May/18
@ Nik - Wow! He's on his way and my teeth are chattering in anticipation! 😨
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Apr/18
@ Nik - I was thinking the other day that he could possibly come back out of curiosity to see his grand son, but then I thought better of it! All that family stuff the guy came out with before Eileen pushed him in the sea might have been sincere at the time, but I doubt whether he'd risk his 'second chance' for a glimpse of his daughter and her baby, knowing full well that they are going to absolutely loathe his guts!
Mind you, as you so rightfully say, this is a Soap, and you can't ever rule out even the most far-fetched of eventualities! Whatever they, the powers that write our Soaps, and the implements with which they use, will often get well and truly carted off to Cloud Cuckoo Land, and let's face it - don't we just love it?
✏📠 ✒📖 🔮 🔜 📺 👍😯
Nik said on 11/Apr/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Good morning!
In soap operas people often do act out of character or do unexpected things and this is because the producers are only thinking of creating an interesting storyline! Therefore he may return to the cobbles if the producers think it will make an exciting watch, even though nobody in real life would be foolish enough in his position to do so! Also I remember conversations in the past where my parents have said about soap stars acting in a way that doesn't reflect their general characters, the producers mustn't always bear this in mind!
Phelan sure is disturbed, it is strange that he thinks like he does when the reality is that he is actually inferior to other people, he has created this reality but the worst thing about everything is that he took people's lives.
I was always hoping that Gary and Tim would pounce on him in the "Rovers Return" and rearrange his facial features, I am not a person who believes in violence but I would make an exception for the likes of Patrick Phelan! This could still happen and it would be greeted with a huge round of applause from everyone in the pub!
If he does not appear again in "Coronation Street" then the producers might as well have written him out for good, they could introduce him at anytime and I could see them biding their time until the right opportunity arises!
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Apr/18
@ Nik - I sincerely hope he does return, if only out of curiosity, but let's face it, would anyone in his position?
His 'speech' of being the creator, destroyer and so on and so forth, just before he hit the waves, did prove to us that he believes himself to be a little super-human, infallible and God-like! I thought, "You really are disturbed, aren't you?"
Perhaps this side of his personality gets the better of him, and Gary and co. DO get their chance to work on his facial features! (I liked that idea!)
If that does happen, I bet they make us wait - in typical soap opera style! It was such a good twist though that it would be almost criminal to waste!
Only time will tell! 😱
Nik said on 6/Apr/18
@ Sandy Cowell - I know!
When he was disappearing under the waves near Whitehaven I don't think that he knew or cared about what was in store for poor Eileen, that is because he only thought about his own skin. Unfortunately Eileen is left to face all sorts of possible criminal charges and she is struggling badly to cope in the face of her current circumstances. At least she referred to herself as Eileen Grimshaw rather than Eileen Phelan but it would have been good for him to have faced the music, a chinning from Gary and prison food would have been good for starters!
There are so many people who I would have loved him to have faced before being banged up, Gary, Tim, and his daughter Nicola Rubinstein, to name a few! If it is possible it would be good to see Phelan back on "Coronation Street", the arrogant, smarmy, bullying, alter ego person that he is, so we could see him get his comeuppance! He could always go back onto "Coronation Street" and have Gary and Tim organising his facial surgery! If it is the end of an era at least we can say that we have been gripped by this storyline and by Connor's great acting!
We also got to find out that he is somewhere around the 6 foot level, he ain't 5'11' or 6'1"! You never know, we may see him on the cobbles again!
Cheers Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Apr/18
@ Nik - Would you believe his cheek? He survived after all that and now he's left poor Eileen to face the music.🎶
Unless he amasses a great deal of money and undergoes major facial surgery, I doubt very much that we'll be seeing him again! He will probably start up somewhere else, but I doubt that we'll be seeing this 6ft piece of nastiness darken the cobbles again! 😤
Or will we? 👍
Anyway, I enjoyed the twist and reckon it was definitely one of the best ever! 😊
Nik said on 1/Apr/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Happy Easter!
I have made regular visits to this page over the last few days and I couldn't believe it when I saw your comment, the very first I have seen that was sent on this Easter Sunday!
I agree that the ending has been an anticlimax and I would have loved to have seen him get some much deserved flack, both from Eileen and from everyone else on the street! It would have been nice to see him arrested, and in his case the key thrown away!
I certainly think that Connor is 6 foot range, having seen him in comparison to other actors and actresses he could be a fraction above or a fraction below, so it's 5'11.85" - 6'0.15" for me! I used to think he was smaller but I have changed my mind on observation!
I can't wait for Rob's new "Comments page"!
So at 16:22 this afternoon, Cheers!
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Apr/18
@ Nik - So they kept the storyline going for over two more months!
I am watching Sunday's omnibus and he is just beginning to argue with Eileen! I found the whole end to this murderous plot a complete anticlimax! Soaps seem very fond of killing off the baddies! I'd much rather Phelan had faced the music rather than disappearing beneath the waves!
Bah! No Easter lambs for him either! 😝
He can have 6ft0.25! I believe he could have been 6ft1, and could still be in access of 6ft! Although, at just under 5ft10, Eileen can look him pretty much square in the face, there is a noteworthy height difference, 2.5 inches a possibility!
Nik said on 9/Jan/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
What a surprise to see you on this page this Tuesday afternoon! Sorry for the late reply!
Yes, Phelan sure is a stinker and I think we can expect him to carry on like he is until he gets banged up, unfortunately this cold and calculated man seems to be quite happy killing people in order to save his own skin. What he did to Luke is devastatingly evil and shows it is very difficult to get the better of him until he is in a Police cell. The sad thing is that soap stars are being written out or are leaving on the back of his deeds but this storyline does make excellent TV viewing, the characters that he has murdered would be leaving Coronation Street anyway however it is not nice the way they are departing this soap.
If the actor who plays Luke is leaving Coronation Street then there is no way he will survive this attack but if this is not the case, then who knows?
You shouldn't be soft with Phelan and think that he will change, this will never happen as he is one fine example of a r*n*, it's good of you to have believed that he may have changed however you must be losing this belief now. He is a very smarmy, false, and calculated individual who thinks nothing of performing the evilest crimes, you couldn't have been more correct in saying that you can make amends for crimes such as money crimes, there is no coming back from what he has done and I think we both realise that he is a lost cause.
I think that I will offer this gentleman 5'11.75! This is an improvement on what I originally thought, and he could easily be 6 foot but 6'1" is out of the question! There is no way I would call a man like Phelan a gentleman but I can offer this compliment to Connor!
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Nov/17
@ Nik - Hi! I wonder if yesterday's offerings messed with your head as much as they did mine? Yes, I actually thought that Phelan HAD turned over a new leaf what with giving away £5K to the victims of Vinny's and his rip-off! Then when he was sharing a bottle with Anna, and warbling on about the importance of 'family', I was even more inclined to believe he wanted to repent, but that simply wasn't to be, was it? WHAT A PITY!
You know something Nik? I don't ever seem to learn! I'm terrible that way! I am far too soft like that in real life as well!
Cheers! Enjoy your evening! 😊
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Nov/17
@ Nik - It's good that Phelan is back now from his holiday! Straightaway he is head of the storyline, as expected, with wife Eileen!
Yesterday I saw Eileen, or Sue Cleaver, guesting briefly as a doctor's receptionist on 'A Touch of Frost'! It was a very small part, and she had shoulder-length red hair, was a bit slimmer but seemed much the same height! It is possible that she could have been a touch more, but as I said, it was a fleeting appearance!
The soaps have just started, so I will be back with the second segment later!
Cheers for now!
Nik said on 9/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hey!
Your autocorrect is starting to become a bit of a comedian, he ought to be in centre stage at the Appolo! Heat and Satsuma tips is so funny!
My Health and safety tips are about encouraging everyone to careful and prudent about everything that they do and making healthy choices everyday in terms of diet and nutrition.
The gentleman who plays Craig, Colson Smith, has also attended "New College" in Pontefract, he may still be studying there but I am not sure! My niece Lucy has just started at "New College", I was a former student there about 25 years ago!
Nik said on 9/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hey!
It's Craig Tinker! The problem is no sooner do the names come on at the end of the programme than they disappear! Colson, 19, is about 2 years older than Lucy, who will 17 tomorrow!
Well Satsuma is an apt word for your autocorrect to come out with. My health and safety tips emphasise the importance of taking care at all times, using kitchen knives, going up and down clear stairways and carefully, turning things off at night.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Nov/17
@ Nik - I see! Is he Faye's boyfriend then? That will be easy to check out tonight as his name will come up at the end!
I look forward to your next instalment of Health and Safety Tips!
(My autocorrect thought they should be Heat and Satsuma Tips!)
Enjoy today! 🙋👍
Nik said on 7/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
Colson Smith is a couple of years older than Lucy, you will be interested to tind out who he is! He is 19 years of age!
Have a great evening!
My Health and Safety tips, part 4, will be rolled out on the "Gemeral Height" page shortly!
Nik said on 6/Nov/17
Sandy Cowell - Hi!
I won't spoil things for you by saying who Colson Smith plays, that's if you haven't already Googled his name yet! I didn't know this actors name until recently when I found out on the Internet, his name did ring a bell when I found out that this actor played the part of the character on "Coronation Street"!
I found this comment from you in the last half hour and now I am providing an immediate response, ironically while "Coronation Street" is on! I also provided an immediate response to Canson's comment on the page of Charlene Tilton, they both appeared on the "Comments page" too with only 3 other comments between them! I am caught red faced sometimes by comments that I have not replied to, there is one I have seen tonight from Jinny on the page of Davina Mcall that I have not replied to, she doesn't agree with my first comment by the way!
You are probably right in that Phelan and Eileen's holiday will probably spin out a long time, it seems like the producers want to keep this storyline going as long as possible! This has made me think about the annoying adverts that always seem to crop up just at an exciting point in a quiz programme!
My brothers dogs Jasmin, and Ginger, are both scared of fireworks like your cats are, they have both been known to hide behind the settee or under the bed on bonfire night! Jasmin is also like Cordercy, in that she hates hoovers, lawn mowers, and even razors, She even once bit a lawnmower once when mark was mowing the lawn, which he doesn't enjoy doing! I was there to see it too!
I think the taxi driver who wouldn't let you have Cordercy on the seat was a meanie! He was happy to take the full fare though, wasn't he? You did right not to give him a tip! This reminds me of the taxi driver who brought my Mum and I home from the shopping a few weeks ago, he didn't even wear his seatbelt and he just ignored the constant beeping noise telling him to get his seatbelt on.
Well, you did right to make Jim wait while you had finished your comment! It seems that you both like to give each other a bit of stick, and why? Because it's fun and having a laugh is good for you! It certainly helps me as a sufferer of OCD, which as you will know is not much of a laugh, thus meaning I spend a lot of my life being serious, but I do have a laugh sometimes too!
We have also got part one of my reply to chew on, so there is a lot to keep us interested on this page! There is the "Latest celeb photograph" to comment on!
I am still interesting in observing how much height difference there is between Phelan and Eileen, there doesn't seem a lot to me!
Have a great evening!
CD said on 4/Nov/17
Rob, what would you guess for Oliver Farnworth who played Andy? Funny thing is in one episode Phelan described Andy as about 5ft 10, McIntyre obviously claims 6ft 1 but there certainly isn't 3 inches between them! His agency listed him as 5ft 11 and I would actually say he is closer to it than 10 (but maybe a weak 5ft 11). What do you think?

Editor Rob
would have thought he looked over 5ft 10, he has a skinny look, but I can't see him only 5ft 10!
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Nov/17
@ Nik - The fireworks are driving my cats nuts tonight - and my brother, who hates them! I have put Cat Nip* out for the cats but it does nothing for Christopher so I have invited him in for a film to take his mind off them!
I'll reply to your very interesting 'Part 1' later on.
It is well worth mentioning that Connor McIntyre looks just as tall in 'Coronation Street'
as he did in that episode of 'Wire in the Blood', which is from about 9 or 10 years ago. It isn't unduly surprising really because he is still fairly upright and has suffered little shrinkage for a chap in his late 50's, it has to be said!
I hope you enjoy firework night!
😫😵 🎆🎉🎇🎊 😗😅😆😄😮😜
My autocorrect tried to call Cat Nip..... CAT NIK!
May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy and SAFE firework night! 🎆🎊👍 🏥❌
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Nov/17
@ Nik - How about this for some interesting information:
I was watching a 'Wire in the Blood' yesterday night and Connor McIntyre showed up! The episode is 'Case III, from Series VI' and it is called, 'From the Defeated'! It doesn't take much working out that Connor hardly plays a very nice person!
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Nov/17
@ Nik This is my reply to Part 2 of your reply to me!
You have an excellent memory, remembering about the swearing in German matches over the phone with my Dad! They also take place in our texts!
As for remembering each and every soap character, it isn't at all easy, I totally agree! At the moment there are loads of girls with long, dark hair on Coronation Street, so mistakes aren't difficult to make! A while back, I was having difficulty telling the dark-haired guys with stubbly beards apart, especially as they were of similar height! When I say 'loads', I mean 3 plus! I have grown used to them now though!
Guess what? I have 'Coronation Street' on now and Anna has just been hauled in by the Police and told that an earring of hers has been found in a Soliciter's office where she claims never to have been. She realises straight away that Phelan has planted it! If that doesn't prove that he is cunning and scheming, as well as murdering and perverted, then nothing does! He **its on his own doorstep in every way possible and accuses those he has fallen out with without a blink of an eye! One day, I bet Eileen feels that wrath!
I look forward to his return next week! Then we can all shout and swear at our TV's again!
Cheers Nik! 😊🙋😊
Nik said on 2/Nov/17
Sandy Cowell - Hello again!
Phelan may have some degree of humanity in him as seen by the tears he shed when he had killed Andy and Vinny, however he is a ruthless and evil man, as you know, because of his attitude that his own actions are the most important ones to take, whatever damage they cause. He still keeps on doing these awful acts and he seemed happy to enjoy visiting the "Rovers" with Eileen ... and the lady who my Mum and I thought was his daughter!!! We kept saying that we thought it was strange for his daughter to drink with him after she had rightly bad mouthed him to Anna, now the puzzle is solved because the woman he drank with in the pub was not his daughter - thanks for pointing that out!
My Dad used to say all sorts of words to describe the evil sorts like Phelan, just like your Mum did. Mentioning about the German swear words has reminded me about the telephone conversations that you and your Dad have where you swear at each other in German! Yes, I knew the German swear word for s**t, but I don't know any other German swear words, I could find out though, couldn't I? Ha ha. Don't worry, I will!
Now onto Connor Mcintyre's height, I don't think he is as tall as a lot of people think he is, and he doesn't appear that much taller than Eileen to me, he seems to be nearer in height to her than the two-and-a-quarter inch difference that there is meant to be between them! That is one thing we can both study in the future when the pair of then are seen together!
I had a good day thank you on the 31st October, it was Jadmin's 9th birthday on Halloween!
Nik said on 2/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
It is so important when someone has a physical or mental impairment that the specialists who have dealings with them understand fully what treatment, and how much of that treatment, should be given and the importance of that treatment. It was vital that your doctor found out why you relied on the pain killers as much as you did so that they could then know whether it was an addiction, which it obviously wasn't. Doctors need to know the full extent of the patients problems, why they need help/ medication, and how much of it should be given to the patient to best manage their problems and their overall life. Thankfully that is now the case for you and your doctors are on your case properly and taking your need for pain killers seriously in view of how bad your back problems actually are, thus meaning they will be formulating the right amount of tablets for you in view of your problems and the strength of the tablets. Have you started attending a new pain management clinic yet?
It will be good when you do start to go to the meetings again because you will be able to tell them when you are having more difficulties with the pain than what you normally have and they will be able to offer expert advice on what to do to get through these difficulties. You are In the best possible position to deal with your circumstances as you consume a good diet full of the right things and you have a positive outlook to life with good people in your life and an exciting website to enjoy frequenting on a daily basis! Obviously it is important to rest as much as you can too for large periods of each day.
I think it is great that you like a Yorkshire soap and that you now watch it every day after not watching it regularly until recent years. It is also great when the soaps embrace real life issues and help people understand and do the right things in tackling real life issues for themselves and other people in their lives.
I have done this comment in 2 parts, the next part is about Phelan, and his height also! I have things to say on both these matters! My next part will probably hit South Glasgow tomorrow morning!
Nik said on 2/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
I will answer your comment on this page shortly!
CD said on 1/Nov/17
@Rampage nah Dev and Luke in the show are taller (both probably 6'1" range).
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Nov/17
Tallest person on Corrie
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Oct/17
@ Nik - Hi there! Sorry for the delay in replying!
So your Dad used to watch the soaps with your Mum and you! That is nice to hear! I myself have a soap fan of a Dad! At least I did when I was staying there for a few months in 2005! We watched them all together and I, for the first time ever, started watching 'Emmerdale', though that stopped when I came home for quite a few years. I was drawn to it again when they were running a story about a woman with a painkiller addiction. I thought that I might myself have one, or at least that's what my doctors said, until it (both the pain and my need for painkillers) got worse and worse and the extent of the damage was diagnosed after a hospital examination. Since I have been attending these 'pain clinic' meetings, whatever they are called, it has been decided that my problems are NOT addiction related but down to genuine pain and anxiety! I was pleased about that, especially when a letter was written to my doctors to say just that! They hadn't treated me seriously, you see, but now that a hospital specialist has told them what is what, action is being taken! So I know that a storyline from this particular soap helped me! Who knows how many others have been helped to recognize something is a miss with there lives?
Now over to the subject of Mr Phelan:-
I said recently that he is a sociopath, but now I am beginning to think he isn't, so that makes his crimes kind of worse. He DOES know the difference between right and wrong, as demonstrated by the tears he shed after shooting poor Andy and then when he got back to the pub for a drink with his wife, he told Anna Windass: 'you shouldn't have said that!', meaning that what she'd said contributed to his actions. The other girl with Eileen is NOT his daughter, by the way Nik, but I can see the similarity! His daughter is the girl who just told him that she knew she was conceived because her Mother was raped -
by him - and also she believed Anna's story that she had been raped by him as well! That contributed to his angry outburst and inevitably the slaughters. A sociopath wouldn't be able to reason like that! Maybe there's a bit of megalomania in him, which would explain the fact that he thinks he is so important that any actions of his are justifiable and reasonable human behaviour! Hitler was one such person! 😛
Finally, my own Mum used to sit by the TV and call evil criminals like Pat Phelan all sorts of unprintable things! She blamed her children for bringing these words home from the school playground, and yes, we did so, without knowing what the blazes they meant! Being German, the only swearword she used when she came to England was 'scheiss'! That is, as I am 99.9% sure you will know, the German word for 'sh*t'! 😂😂
Cheers Nik!
Have a great evening! 👍
Subwoof said on 30/Oct/17
His onscreen daughter is almost as tall as him.
meson777 said on 29/Oct/17
iam 184 6f 1.5 morning 6ft 0.5 night . Whenever i see 6ft1 claiming guy iam always taller . peoples 6ft 1 =5ft 11-6ft
177cm said on 29/Oct/17
-6' peak
-5'11.75 now
Weak 6' range is what he looks next to other listed corrie cast members. Add a quarter inch to account for his age, could've been a stronger 6 footer in his youth. Robs listing is fine maybe needs a peak height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Oct/17
Maybe a strong 6ft at peak, Rob?
JEFFERS said on 29/Oct/17
Rob, Connor will be going by his height as a younger man most likely. He is 57 yrs of age now and will have lost a good half inch. 5ft 11.5 would be more appropriate don't you think?

Editor Rob
he could have lost 1cm, whether he is 5ft 11.75 and was over 6ft I am not certain of.
Anonymous said on 28/Oct/17
Yeah I noticed a lot of 6 foot guys like to say 6'1. Lmao
Anonymous said on 28/Oct/17
He looks differnt in real life to phelan.
Csimpson6ft said on 28/Oct/17
Yeah I agree Chris 6ft at peak maybe but he is more like 5ft 11.75 today
Nik said on 28/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
Yes, I did watch yesterday's episode of "Coronation Street" and it has become clear that Phelan is pure evil. No sooner had he appallingly got Andy to shoot Vinny than he turned up at the "Rovers Return", and after exchanging unpleasant words with Anna he went over to have a drink with Eileen and his daughter as if nothing had happened, I don't think that Phelan has any remorse in him.
I couldn't believe it when I saw that Rob had given Connor a page this morning, I channel hopped in order to try and find "Emmerdale", which I failed to do, but I did notice that the "Coronation Street" omnibus was on ITV3 but I decided not to watch it, something I regret now.
So Connor is faced with playing the part of one of the most evil characters to ever grace our soaps even though, as we know, in real life he is a decent and respectable person. Some of the words my Mum used to describe Phelan today are unprintable, but, like your Mum said, "the soaps are not real"! That is exactly the thing that my Dad used to stay to my Mum but he still watched the soaps avidly!
In a sense the soaps aren't real, but they do portray real life situations and cover real life issues so there is a big sense of reality to them, and they are real to the viewers as well whilst they are been broadcast. People also get very passionate about the soaps and there is nothing wrong with that at all.
Cheers Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Oct/17
@ Nik - Look at him in that picture, looking every inch the kindest gentleman ever!
Talk about appearances being deceptive.....!!! 🙈
Nik said on 28/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
Thanks for that, I hope you have a fabulous weekend too!
Speak later!
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Oct/17
@ - Nik
Hi! I didn't half think it amusing this morning when I visited Celebheights to find Connor McIntyre was staring out at me! Wasn't yesterday's episode a shocker? I know it is only a soap opera, but it still gets to me - ha ha ha! My Mum used to say I was too emotional for my own good sometimes as I sat snivelling at the TV screen, or "It isn't real!" But then she was just as bad herself all too often!
I would SO have preferred for poor Andy to have survived after all he'd been through. I was so upset seeing him lying there as Phelan had the nerve to say a prayer for his two victims and toss them into the river. Although he forced Andy to shoot Vinny, his former 'partner in crime', there is no way the Law could have found him guilty and he certainly wouldn't be responsible in God's eyes either. His heart was a kind one.
I really am getting carried away, aren't I? What I should be saying is that if a crime like that was committed in real life, of course! The soaps are good though for being so thought-provoking. They tackle illness, as we were recently discussing on Sally's page, as well as moral issues, and even ones as extreme as we saw with Phelan this week.
Now guess what? I am about to see the whole week's offerings in one fell swoop on ITV2!
Have a lovely weekend Nik - and your Mum too!
Sandy 😊😁😉 xxx
CD said on 28/Oct/17
Probably a weak 6ft today but a decent 6ft in his 20s and 30s is believable.

Editor Rob
he's one of those guys who probably has lost 1/4 or so, though I don't know if he would have lost as much as an inch...
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Oct/17
Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! HISS!
Well, eh, yeah, this nasty piece of work did come over rather burly yesterday when he was killing that poor innocent lad he'd put through hell!
Then, standing menacingly next to Anna Windass when he got back to the pub, he did make her look tiny!
I give this prized stinker, but strangely good actor, 6ft!
😈 😝