How tall is Sue Cleaver

Sue Cleaver's Height

5ft 9 ¾ (177.2 cm)

English actress, best known for playing Eileen Grimshaw on TV soap Coronation Street. On her resume she was listed 5ft 10

How tall is Sue Cleaver
Sue and Natalie Gumede
Photos by PR Photos

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Average Guess (42 Votes)
5ft 10.01in (177.8cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Nov/22
I was upset to see Sue leave the Jungle this week as well as Boy George. The two were such a laugh.

Sue didn’t seem as tall as Lioness Jill Scott.
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Nov/22
Sue clobbered little Vicky Entwistle in this morning’s Classic Coronation Street for stealing her man, Dennis, and split her lip. That was rather unfair considering the size difference!

RoryS said on 12/Nov/22
5'9.5 to 5'10 seems about right
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/22
The story on ‘I’m A Celebrity….’ of Sue being adopted and how she found her birth mother was very touching. That’s what is so pleasant about the annual programme. You see as the famous folk get to know each other and bond, often making lifelong friends.

5ft10. 💐
Sandy C said on 8/Aug/22
I really don’t think Sue has lost any height since her early Coronation Street days. If anything, she looks taller, but then she was hanging out with taller ladies back in the early noughties.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/May/22
Sue is now in Classic Coronation Street.

Obviously, she looks younger, but as for shorter, it’s hard to say. If she’s lost any height, it isn’t noticeable.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Jan/22
🎄 I wasn't sure whether I was too late to see the Christmas Coronation Street 2021, but it's showing this morning - a whole week later. 👏😁

Poor Eileen received a FUNERAL from her boyfriend! BoyFRIEND, I ask you? That sounds like the deed of a prankster to the audience! It's the sort of gift that nightmares are made of - YUCK!

So that's why George was asking after her height. Creepy....😟

5ft10. Here Eileen - I think you need a stiff one after that:- 🥃
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Oct/21
I've just noticed Sue in the factory for the very first time in Classic Coronation Street. It's the late 90s, and I don't think she's lost any height since those days.

5ft10. 💐😉
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Sep/21
🎂 Belated Birthday Wishes to Sue, who turned 58 on the second of this month.
Here's wishing her a healthy, happy year ahead. XXXX

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Sep/21
Sue's Eileen showed a really sweet side to her personality recently, willing to make a speech when she thought that the ashes of an old lady had been unclaimed. She was in the process of writing the heart rendering essay when her friend, the undertaker, for whom her son Todd works, confessed that they were the ashes of her late, abusive, murdering husband.

Some people could grow bitter over such an experience, but not Eileen. She's kept her heart of gold. 💛

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jul/21
@ Nik - That enormous great undertaker is vast in every way and has to be at least 6ft. I find him quite charming and agree Tony deserves a page at some stage convenient to Rob.

I like Gareth Pierce and want him to have a page! He might be a bad boy, but if he was really bad, he'd have given that little blackmailing weasel a clip round the ear by now. I can't stand the little toad, but I do like Todd, warts and all!

Gareth is a Welshman, effecting a northern accent. Impressive, ja? 👌

Sue gets 5ft10. 💐 Her 'son' gets 5ft8. 😁👍 I get a slap on the wrist for sleeping in and missing the Coronation Street omnibus. 👅
Nik Ashton said on 16/Jul/21
@ Sandy Cowell - That enormous great undertaker is listed as 5’4” online so with that in mind it would be great if Tony Maudsley was one day given a page on celebheights! Sue rarely looks short in the company of anyone and she didn’t look that much shorter than Connor McIntyre when he was in 'Coronation Street', she is taller than the average guy and both her sons too!

Many thanks for supporting me in my pursuit of a page for Gareth Pierce, I reckon he could be close to 5’8” too!

@ Nik Ashton - And I play up front for Ajax! 😂😂😂
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jul/21
That enormous great undertaker that Eileen has been hanging around with makes her look positively petite, and Sue is the tallest actress on 'Coronation Street'. I must say, that's a first!

I, too, would love to see Gareth Pierce with a page, Nik. I reckon he's around the 5ft8 mark.

5ft10. 😁💐
Nik Ashton said on 14/Jul/21
If Todd is 6’4” then Eileen could be 6’6”!
Nik Ashton said on 8/Jul/21
@ Sandy Cowell - The new Todd is listed as 6’4” online! 😂😂😂
That’s one reason why Gareth Pierce needs a page and another reason he needs one is because he’s famous enough for one now, Gareth’s character Todd has been in Corrie for years and he is currently a notable character in the soap!

Also what you said on 20/Oct/20 is so funny, I like it when someone says “it stink” or “it stinks”!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Feb/21
Eileen ran over a bouquet of funeral flowers while she was reversing the funeral car in tonight's 'Coronation Street'. That's bad enough, but to come out, jokingly, with, "I haven't run over David the Dog, have I?" was disgusting.

Usually, Eileen IS funny, but there's nothing amusing about running someone's beloved pet over.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Nov/20
Ha ha! Both Sue's soap sons are shorter than her. How unusual! The father was tall too....

I'm growing quite fond of the new Todd, by the way. I think he's about 5ft8 and a bit.

Sue gets 5ft10. 😁👍💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Oct/20
When Todd thanks his Mum, Eileen, for helping to solve the spurned lover, Mick, situation, she retorts with, "Get in the shower - YOU STINK!"

Well done Eileen! We even saw a nice side to Mick coming to the surface! 👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Oct/20
Poor Eileen, having to deal with that crook brought to her door by her son Todd, albeit inadvertently. She's coping better than I would!

5ft10 for Sue Cleaver. 😁👍💐
Nik said on 28/Mar/20
I would love to see a photograph of Sue Cleaver together with Liv Tyler! It's great to give her her 28th comment on the 28/Mar/20, she has 28 votes!
Nik said on 8/Feb/20
She is probably taller than most of the men on Coronation Street!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Feb/20
🎶 Come on Eileen! 🎶 You really HAVE to poke your nose in as far as Tim Metcalfe's father's abusive marriage is concerned! Put that horrid Geoff Metcalfe in his place - you're much bigger than that worm of a man!

5ft10 for Sue! 😁💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jan/20
I'm watching the Classic Coronation Street version and I blinked twice when I saw Sue Cleaver on an episode playing a nurse just now. What surprised me was not any radical change to her height whatsoever but how much taller Ken Barlow (William Roach) was some 25 years ago. It makes sense!

Sue gets 5ft10.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Sep/19
🕯️🎂💐🎉 Happy Birthday Sue! 🎉💐🎂🕯️

Sue Cleaver, who has long been one of 'Coronation Street's' biggest stars, turns 56 today. I wish her a splendid time!

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Aug/19
Just as poor Eileen has the chance for some happiness, even if the bloke she's losing her heart to, is dodgy - AGAIN! -
he gets shot right in front of her. How awful! 😧🔫😪

The event was freakishly carried out with The Hollies' 'The Air That I Breathe' playing in the background....

Eileen gets 5ft10. She really does look it, and I reckon she's quite a bit taller in the morning. 🌄
Nik said on 7/Aug/19
She looks roughly the same height as Jan!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Aug/19
Eileen may be the tallest woman on Coronation Street, but it hasn't helped her with her choice of boyfriends. I didn't think it was a good idea taking in that ponytailed Pole, Jan, but she looks for the good in people, bless her. Look at the many lads she's put up over the years! Most have been trouble-free, but there was something iffy about that recent one, who then turns out to be involved in the business of human trafficking. 🙄

I think Sue Cleaver looks 5ft10.

@ Gladstone Screwer - Pukka name for the smarmy shop keeper! 😂👌
Nik said on 5/May/19
@ Sandy Cowell - Poor Eileen, she can hold her head up high though!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/May/19
How DARE that boring redheaded receptionist deflate Eileen like that! She's got more personality in the toenail on the second biggest toe of her left foot than you have in your entire package! 😝

Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jan/19
I saw Sue in a Celebrity edition of 'The Chase' in the early hours this morning standing with John Thomson, Carol Vorderman and someone else whose name I forget!

She had her hair curled and looked very attractive in a navy blue outfit, and as for the cash build-up round, she answered every single question right accept for the last - which was most impressive.

She was much taller than Bradley and about a third of a head taller than everyone else, so I'm assuming she had some kind of heel on. With a smart outfit like that, it goes quite without saying.

The brainy foursome beat Mark Labbett and he was very good humoured about it.
Each won £25,000 for selected charities.

After what I saw last night, definitely no less than 5ft10. 😁👍
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Aug/18
I might have got that wrong; it could have been alcohol that Sean pilfered. Sozzles about that! 🤗🍺
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Aug/18
I'm so glad She's character, Eileen, is back! I didn't half miss that woman and her humour!

Back she is though, tall as ever and every bit as funny! "Yeah, he is right Sean, you do pong a bit!"

Little does she know that poor Sean (Antony Cotton) is homeless, and being very brave about it. He's even lost his job now, the unfortunate lad, for helping himself to some money, which I'm sure he had every intention of paying back. Good Heavens - he was beaten up recently and mugged, and however tall and muscle-bound he is, about average I'd say, he didn't stand a chance because he was set upon by at least two thugs.

Well, as soon as Eileen finds out, she'll put him up again, I have no doubt about that!

I haven't changed my mind from the last time, and will offer Sue 5ft10.5 again. Imagine how tall she'd be in high heels?
🤣 There's a thought....!
Sandy Cowell said on 26/May/18
Isn't Sue the tallest of all of those who are lined up on the cobbles for next week's preview? She certainly looks it! She can have the maximum I've gone for - 5ft10.5!
Editor Rob
Good to see you able to post this!
Rojina said on 23/May/18
I had her down as 5ft 7
Nik said on 5/Nov/17
@ Gladstone Screwer - Hi!

I think there are other people who think she is taller than her stated height, you are not alone! However I'm with Rob on this one!
Nik said on 28/Oct/17
5'9.5" - 5'9.75" makes a lot of sense!
Max said on 27/Jun/17
5ft 9 is liable
Adey P said on 25/Jun/17
I think she's taller than 5ft 10 and plays it down as any taller could actually be detrimental and regarded as too tall. I think you're looking at a woman who is 5 ft 10.5 to 5 ft 11. She pretty much always wears flats and is as nearly as tall as the taller male actors.
Nik said on 24/Jun/17
Maybe 5'9"!
Csimpson 6ft said on 22/Jun/17
Maybe 5ft 9.75 would be an accurate listing
Amy said on 21/Jun/17
Rob I saw her on Corrie getting married to Pat phelan she was in Heels how tall would you say Pat Phelan is off Corrie on his resume he claims 6"1 which is believable but I thought 184 range?
Editor Rob
6ft 1 might seem a bit much, but that guy's posture at times isn't great, can seem 5ft 11.5-6ft half the time.
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Jun/17
Yes, I do actually believe she is as tall as 5ft10! I have often wondered about her height, and as Sue is on our screens 3 times a week plus both Saturdays and Sundays in the soap omnibuses, it isn't as though we don't get enough opportunities to check her out and compare her to the members of the cast we DO know the heights of!
She is the tallest woman of the existing cast, and I have know qualms in giving her 5ft10! Her part doesn't call for glamorous high heels either, but still she comes over supremely tall!
Arch Stanton said on 21/Jun/17
What I guessed, I noticed she was a big lady on Corrie a while back and looked around this. Saw her in a 90s film recently too and she towered over the other women.
Editor Rob
one of those women who probably doesn't seem tall, but get her under the stadiometer and might not be much under 5ft 10 today, though I can understand how she looks 5ft 9ish too.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Jun/17
Much taller than I thought...I guessed a short plump woman
Nik said on 20/Jun/17
I think that she is 5'8" - 5'9", what her height is exactly, I do not know!
Nik said on 20/Jun/17
I think that you have gone too high to be honest Rob. Thanks for adding her!
CD said on 19/Jun/17
Certainly the tallest female cast member in Corrie, visibly taller than her on-screen sons (Bruno Langley and Ryan Thomas). She's not far off her resume listing but could be between 5ft 9 and 10.
Editor Rob
always possible she could have lost 1cm by now I suppose.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.