British actor best remembered for roles in films such as The Fallen Idol, Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, The Heiress, The Wrong Box, Dragonslayer and The Time Bandits. In a biography - 'An Actor's Life' - the author described his height as being
"Six feet tall."

Paramount Publicity Photo from 1948
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Oct/20
At least half an inch over this peak...looked a solid 6ft in his 70’s
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jun/20
This guy looked 184-185cm more than 183cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Sep/16
Rob, could he have been over this peak?
He looked this mark in his 70's

Editor Rob
would need to see him again in 30's with well known people.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Dec/13
Looks about this in A Long Day's Journey into Night.
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/06
its been a long time since ive seen the film, but wasnt he a few inches shorter than c aubrey smith in the four feathers?
Frank2 said on 4/Mar/06
Richardson was six feet. Gielgud was five-eleven, the same height as James Mason. And yes people, I also knew Mason. He and my dad were good frinds. I even have a couple of rolls of 16mm kodachrome sound film that my dad took of me with Mason and his daughter Portland when I was about three and she was two. The last time I ran into Mason he was at the Motion Picture Academy samuel Goldwyn theater for a screening of Odd Man Out. that must have been only ayear or so before he died. At that screening he still looked to be a solid five-eleven since we stood together and spoke for a few minutes. God! He was a great actor! Sadly, Portland died in 2004 at age 55.
Anonymous said on 27/Feb/06
hard guy to get an exact height for. he looks to have a couple of inches on john gielgud in pics, and most descriptions describe him as tall, one from a biography refers to his "six foot frame" while discussing rehersals from a play in the 70s
Anonymous said on 14/Jan/06
not sure, but your right, height loss differs from person to person. really need to se an old film he was in to get an idea of his peak height
D said on 1/Jan/06
if he was about 5'11"/6' when he was 80, he proberly wouldve been about 6'2"/6'3" when he was younger, as everyone loses a few inches when they reach their 60s or so