Rory said on 5/Sep/23
Rampage, this is a pretty good video to see Andrews with Christopher Lee and Oliver Reed together at 3 min 15. Also check out 2 min 2 sec, I think personally I can see Oliver Reed 5ft11,Andrews 6ft and Lee 6ft4 5. I wouldn't rule out 6ft0.25 for Andrews but that's the maximum,I'd still settle for a flat 6ft personally.
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Sep/23
Rob, could Eamonn Andrews get a page?

Editor Rob
Not so sure about him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Sep/23
Rory, watch Patrick MacNee's episode from 1984 -
Click Here Now both guys at this point were in their early 60's and possibly could have lost a fraction. I'd still said 6ft range at least for Eamonn while Patrick was maybe more 5ft11 flat (peak minimum 5ft11½). Many have argued Cooper to have been the full 6ft2 (I think 6ft1¾ was spot on peak). Like you said though, bad posture, hunched over and may not have been standing at full potential height. I think Eamonn in his prime likely cleared 6ft perhaps by as much as half an inch but full 6ft1 is pushing it. He'd have looked a lot closer to Cooper in height if that was the case.
Click Here
Rory said on 3/Sep/23
For me I think Andrews was at the very least 1.5 inches shorter than Cooper,he also looked under 3 inches taller than Aspel incidentally too. So I am starting to think he was six foot at best,however one thing to bare in mind is he was already in his fifties and sixties when this is your life was on,and as you say his posture wasn't ramrod straight so there could have been some height loss/hidden height going on. I think maybe I'd list Eamonn 6ft and someone like Wogan 5ft11.75 for me.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Sep/23
Rory, that mark I can accept as well for Eamonn, not under 6ft though. He was comfortably taller than Wogan and Forsyth. Definitely not 2in shorter than Henry Cooper, 1in maybe. I notice he hunches quite a bit. 5ft10 is ridiculous
Arch Stanton said on 1/Sep/23
Yeah maybe 5'8.5 is a better shout.
Rory said on 31/Aug/23
Seeing a bit more of Eamonn Andrews I'm not sure where 5ft10 comes from,that's way off but 6ft1 is too much. I get a strong six foot impression from him,I think 6ft0.25 could be close.
Rory said on 31/Aug/23
Click Here
Look at 1min to 1min 40 there by the way on Eamonn Andrews. With 187 Henry Cooper,he's looking about 182-3 there so I think you can safely rule out 6ft1.

Editor Rob
Even 181cm range I'd have said.
Rory said on 31/Aug/23
I think with Clint it can be harder to ascertain how tall Aspel looked as the difference between them was so sizeable, but I did feel he probably looked shorter than Dennis Waterman on the same show who was no more than 5ft9 so I think 5ft8.5 is closer. Looked that range with guys like Mccartney,Harrison and Michael Caine too.
Gerald S said on 31/Aug/23
Rob, might 5’8.5” be fairer, as discussed on the Clint Eastwood page?

Editor Rob
It looked possible, at least weak 5ft 9.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Feb/22
Rob, could Irish presenter Eamonn Andrews get a page?
He also hosted This Is Your Life
Click Here w/h Aspel
Click Here w/h Bruce Forsyth
Click Here Click Here w/h Tommy Cooper
Click Here w/h Parkinson
Click Here Click Here Click Here w/h Wogan
Click Here This Is Your Life w/h Muhammad Ali (first 2:00) also Henry Cooper (33:00-34:00 mark) and Joe Frazier (38:00-40:00 mark)
I've read as low as 5ft10 and as high as 6ft1. Looking at these, I'm inclined to believe that he was closer to the latter but maybe more 6ft0½-6ft0¾ range, not as sure he was a solid 6ft1. He's taller than Wogan (arguably 5ft11¾), taller than Forsyth (arguably 5ft11¼), more than 2in on Parky & Aspel and holding his own with Tommy Cooper. In the This Is Your Life clip, again doesn't seem much shorter than Ali or Cooper and has 2in on Frazier
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Dec/21
Well, Gladstone, he looks record-breakingly good! ⏳
Michael can have 5ft9, peak height. 😁
Gladstone Screwer said on 30/Nov/21
Michael is probably under 5’8” at 115 years of age !
Very suave, handsome man.
Nik Ashton said on 24/Nov/21
@ Rob - How tall is John Craven?
I’d love to see him with a page! 🥛
Michael is very tall for his age!

Editor Rob
Well here 21 years ago is a clip of
Craven and Aspel and he could be a couple of inches taller there. Both unlikely at full peak Craven looks to have lost another inch to 1.5 inches since then.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 21/Nov/21
I've got him confused with John craven lol. They look similar
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 21/Nov/21
5'9 Peak but watching country file ATM and he looks 5'8 at best nowadays
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Nov/21
Oh, and I forgot to mention Tunman and MSJC.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Nov/21
Thanks Canson! 😃👍
I forgot to mention MJKoP, who I only remembered as Adam. I've had some great chats with him in the past.
Canson said on 31/Oct/21
@Sandy. Same to you
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Oct/21
@ Arch - I've seen that one, whereby the biker gives a lift to a spectre, only to find there was nobody there! That would have really screwed with my head, wouldn't it with yours? 😟
I looked for the series 'Tales In The Night' yesterday evening and, alas, I didn't get any results. I won't give up searching though. In the meantime, there are plenty of Michael Aspel's 'Strange But True' episodes on the internet to get into - thanks for that, Arch!
I knew a guy back when I was in my 20s who was actively into the supernatural. I asked him, "What sort of magic are you into?" He replied, "Grey. A bit of both."
He had the Aleister Crowley tarot cards entitled 'The Sacred Heart of the Golden Dawn' and a scary book called 'Konx Om Pax', which he left round my place in the Spring of '83. I read a bit of the book and it was absolutely evil. I phoned him up, telling him to pick his perishing book up post haste, after an experience which I'm about to relate.
I'd put the book in the tiny room adjoining my main living quarters as I was truly scared of it. One night, I left the rock group Genesis playing while I went to sleep. I dreamt that an ethereal-looking, blonde-haired child came out of the spare room and walked over to my record player. She picked up the needle, slamming in on my record over and over again. The commotion woke me up, the record still well and truly stuck. I went to check the disc, only to find that it was perfect and scratch-free. My whole person had goose pimples and I went icy cold.
I saw another frightening incident, but I'll put that on hold for now as it takes quite some explaining. Then, six years later, I had some beautiful, comforting experiences surrounding the death of my boyfriend's Mum while I was friends with a married couple who practiced spiritual healing. So reassuring were they that they just confirmed to me what I was brought up to believe, and that's that we go on.
Have a great weekend, Arch, Rob, Nik, Tall, Bobby, Littlelee, Beja 74, Christian 'n' Canson, Andrea, ChaosControl, Gladstone and every single visitor to Celebheights! 😁 XXXXX 😉
Arch Stanton said on 27/Oct/21
I haven't seen that one Sandy, sounds interesting! The melted earphones on the back of the bike was eerie wasn't it! There was also an episode about a monk in a brown robe being seen on the bypass, a poltergeist in an old rectory and one about a message coming from a few centuries in the future I remember. I wish they'd resurrect the series.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Oct/21
I saw it earlier, Arch - very scary!
Another freaky series I used to watch was called 'Tales In The Night', in the late 80s. One of the scariest of the stories was about a young Roundhead, who for some 350 years, had been hiding away from the Cavaliers in the English Civil War and had no idea he'd been killed. The householder of the premises had sensed a presence in one of her upstairs rooms and it was always freezing cold there. She informed a priest who called in an expert on the subject, who then performed the necessary ritual of prayers and SAW the boy, (the expert, that is) who was only about 17 or 18, walk into the loving arms of his parents.
I've heard that when you pass into the next world, some family member(s) always comes to pick you up. My Mum, aged just four, remembered when her father died. He reached out and spoke to his Mum in her mother tongue, closed his eyes and passed on.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Oct/21
Haha Sandy, that was one of my favourite series of all time!! My sister and I would get excited watching it every week and be totally spooked out by the music. This was real spooky, the South African phantom hitchhiker,
Click Here Highly recommend everybody to try to find episodes online and watch it was amazing!! I thought Aspel mioght have been 5'1o-11. Elegant looking chap, nice voice.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Oct/21
I remember Michael's series 'Strange But True'. It was thoroughly absorbing, and a complete change to the sort of programme he usually introduces.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Oct/21
Ha ha - I remember only too well when Michael used to read the news, which I only watched because I had no choice in the matter at a very young age! 😝
I liked 'Ask The Family' and 'This Is Your Life' and Michael's chat shows. I'm very pleased to see Mr Aspel has now got a page and to find out that he's 5ft9.
😃📙 - Big and red!