Parker said on 25/Nov/24
Ejel Khan said on 25/Jun/09
Corbett is only 4'10.5". I remember watching a TV show in the 90's, where he appeared with Dudley Moore. Moore stated, he was 5'2.5", and never lied about his height. Both stars stood against one another. The difference was 4". All those short jibes, have got to Corbett. I think he's resorted to wearing lifts, now. He seems taller now, than in his heydey. Claimed 5'1", mainly in the past.
I saw that this is currently posted on youtube. Go to 52 minutes on the video
Click Here
There does look a 4 inch height difference between the two

Editor Rob
Moore has a thicker heel there, but yeah it's still hard to imagine him a full 5ft.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Sep/23
If I’ve mentioned this before, I apologise! Little Ronnie used to support and help out, an animal charity called Last Chance. I used to do home checks for them. Every so often, I’d be greeted by the would-be pet owners with a lavish meal and so much warmth that it brings a tear to my eye to this day.
I couldn’t fail anybody. After all, people who take on rescue animals have good hearts, and the homes they had to offer were lovely.
If I remember rightly, Ronnie C had two daughters.
5'2 compact said on 12/Aug/22
5ft2 guy here 5ft max probly shy of it
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/May/22
Here’s another man who, though short, made the most of what he had, and became a comedian.
I remember him dressing up as Rupert the Bear for one of his sketches in The Two Ronnies, the show of which would be the highlight of our Saturday nights.
For years I thought Ronnie C was 5ft1 due to the litter advert, “Litter isn’t much fun when you’re only 5ft1”, depicting Ronnie immersed in people’s litter. It was around 1980 that these adverts were on British billboards. Well, he might have been that height when he got up, but does it matter? 😁
A life well lived, leaving a legacy of laughs.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 5/Feb/22
He generally looked 8 inches shorter than Barker. 4'11.75-5' peak.
Jayk said on 29/Jan/22
dude is not even a strong 5ft. 4ft11.75
Ian C. said on 26/May/21
I can see that if a man is as short as Corbett it would be less of problem emotionally than if he were, say, five foot seven. You really can't do much about your height after you've finished growing, so a very short man is not being constantly told, as a fat man is, that he can change his body shape if he just tries hard enough. And if you're really, really short there is no sense trying to get away with seeming taller by wearing elevator shoes. You can just relax and be as God made you.
Also, a man that short might be exempt from bullying, because even the nastiest bullies would figure that there was no fun to be gained by mocking somebody who was already so badly handicapped.
Notice how often actors who are five foot nine lie about their heights. This is because they can sometimes get away with the lies, so they're tempted to try lying. Corbett may have decided to add an inch, but what would be the point? Maybe he just wanted to be taller than five foot, in the same way that a man who is almost six foot wants to be taller than six feet.
Aj06 said on 14/Dec/20
im 5'1.5 I would say ronnie is probably a 4'11 3/4 max probably slightly smaller cool dude though.
Gladstone Screwer said on 23/Oct/20
Have to say Ronnie’s claim of 5’1 1/2 was rather ambitious. He probably never quite reached five feet, to be fair.
Nik Ashton said on 8/Jul/20
@ Rob - How tall is the lady in the above photograph?

Editor Rob
decent heel and Ronnie lost height by then, I don't think she's over 5ft is his daughter I believe.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Oct/19
There was just a little kid on 'Small Talk' who thought that it took only a week for a baby to gestate - and they drank lager throughout this time!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Sep/19
I never knew that Ronnie C was Scottish!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Sep/19
Ronnie looked tiny when he walked onstage just now to introduce 'Small Talk', which is showing on the Challenge channel. When the children were asked what myopia was, there were various impressive responses, (I didn't know when I was that tiny!), but one funny little fellow came out with, "You have to wear glasses so your eyesight smells better!"
Ah, nice! 👓🤓🌹
No more than 5ft for Ronnie at this stage in his life.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/19
I like that Greatman! You're great!
Little Ronnie helped a charity very close to my heart. It's called 'Last Chance' and re-homes neglected animals, mainly dogs. I used to do home visits for them.
It was lovely to meet so many animal-loving people. 🐈🐕🐩🐱 XXXX
Little Ronnie can have 5ft0.5.
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jan/19
I've been watching 'Small Talk' on the 'Challenge' Channel and all the children are in boxes, so it's not possible to check how close to the kids, aged from 5-8, Ronnie is. I think even he would look tall next to them!
I think it's fair to give him 5ft0.5, average height of the day. 5ft1 in his prime and first thing in the morning.
Greatman said on 17/Oct/18
The tallest short man in human existence.
lee168cm said on 6/May/18
How tall is the woman with him in the above photo if he's 5 ft tall maybe 5'9"
Slim 182 cm said on 26/Jul/17
70 kg
It looks like
Kevin Hart isn't the shortest comedian!
even said on 25/Jul/17
a weak 5 footer
even said on 18/Jul/17
most likely 4'11.5"
Sandy Cowell said on 23/May/17
I thought Ronnie was famously 5ft1! Remember those litter adverts? If you're not old enough to, I'll describe away as best I can!
Ronnie was on many a billboard with a pee'd off look on his face with the motto 'Litter isn't much fun when you're only 5ft1!'
Ronnie was a famous supporter of one of the charities I used to do home visits for. (I'm still a member and supporter now!)
He had his picture in one of the recent newsletters.
I agree with Lawrence that he was an excellent entertainer! My teenage years were thoroughly enhanced on the humour front every Saturday, when the family would gather round the TV to watch 'The Two Ronnies'!
I will give little Ronnie 5ft0.25!
RIP Ronnie.
Lawrence194cm said on 19/Apr/16
This man was a true legend and a great entertainer. I love the old classics like lower class, middle class, upper class sketch always makes me chuckle. I actually met Ronnie once back in 1992 by complete accident. I have to say I think his height has always been understated to keep with his stage persona of being wee. Ronnie even being old at the time came up to chest which must put him at a minimum of 5'2". It's a pittance I know but every inch counts as the commentariat at CelebHeights know all too well. Requiescat in pace Ronnie legendo you've been a credit.
SHORTY said on 4/Jun/15
Did he ever go into detail to describe why he never grew taller than this height? Was it simply genetics at play?

Editor Rob
I've not read anything about him saying if he just had smaller parents and therefore ended up small or another reason like malnutrition, illness as a youngster etc.
Parker said on 22/Dec/12
Ronnie with Gerri Helliwell in 4 inch heels
Click Here
Copnovelist195 said on 9/Nov/12
I love Ronnie Corbett and I was on the same set as him a couple of years ago working on a film called Burke & Hare. I'm sorry, but Ronnie Corbett only came up to my elbow and I would put him at about 4ft6 only.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Nov/12
Click Here
No chance of him being 5'1.5" as he claims. Arnie said himself he is not much taller than Danny Devito and estimated him at 4'9.5" but I think he might have been joking, or not. I think 4 ft 10 actually looks nearer. Isla Fisher and Andrea Corr are normal looking and are 5'1" he looks like a dwarf literally.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Nov/12
Click Here
Claims "5'1 and a half. Arnie takes the piss and says he's 4'9.5" and a potential Twins 2 co-star LOL.
Sarah said on 19/Oct/11
Who cares how tall he is he's funny and nice i met him once and if anyone dislikes or judges him just because he's short ur pathetic
laura said on 25/Dec/10
stood next to him on a bus in London and at exactly 5.0, i had to look down slightly at him! one website says he's 4.65 and others at 5.1, guess he could be shrinking a bit as he gets older!lol
Ian Fawn-Meade said on 16/Dec/10
I measured Ronnie Corbett in Brighton! He was at a cocktail party and someone (rather cruelly) asked him to stand alongside my wife (4'11") She was the same height (without shoes)
Ian Fawn-Meade said on 16/Dec/10
I measured Ronnie Corbett in Brighton! He was at a cocktail party and someone (rather cruelly) asked him to stand alongside my wife (4'11") She was exactly his height
Parker said on 26/Jun/09
I remember the programme your refering to Ejel,It was Bruce Forsyth chat show. Pity there's no way to se it now. Moore was certainly taller but I don't think it was as much as 4 inches. Moore always wore heeled boots that would have probly taken him to 5'4. So I do think 5' or thereabouts was reasonable for Ronnie...don't know what he'll be now pushing 80 years of age.
Ejel Khan said on 25/Jun/09
Corbett is only 4'10.5". I remember watching a TV show in the 90's, where he appeared with Dudley Moore. Moore stated, he was 5'2.5", and never lied about his height. Both stars stood against one another. The difference was 4". All those short jibes, have got to Corbett. I think he's resorted to wearing lifts, now. He seems taller now, than in his heydey. Claimed 5'1", mainly in the past.
Ian said on 18/Sep/08
Less than 5ft now in my opinion. 4ft 10 is what I think. His feet don't reach the bottom on a seat. In (Is This The Way To) Amarillo he comes up to Peter kay's 5ft8 shoulder.
DelGirl said on 11/Jul/08
Ronnie rocks, but a bit short for a man because i'm only twelve and i'm 5'7
G-MANN said on 3/Feb/08
Remember he's well over 70 now. He could have been 5 foot 1 when he younger but he's probably lost an inch or so.
luke connolly said on 30/Sep/07
his own book says hes 5 ft 1.5 inches and thats his autobiography"

Editor Rob
he's a very funny guy. The 2 Ronnies was great stuff, up there with morecambe and wise.
But he's having a laugh claiming that height.
CarsonLee-x said on 31/Mar/07
Aww, he's my height =]
alto said on 16/Feb/07
Corbett I feel is 5'0, because Barker is at least a foot taller (like Wogan)
chris said on 10/Nov/06
he's not 5 foot 1. I caught him recently on Ricky Gervais's 'extra's' in a great piece of visual comedy standing next to Gervais and Merchant.
mlp said on 17/Sep/06
said he's 5 foot 1 and a half in the newspaper
chris said on 30/Jul/06
My parents have seen him and he is very tiny indeed. Much shorter than my mum who is 5'2", he has a sense of humour about it though and seems like a very nice man. Seeing as he is not getting any younger he should be downgraded a couple of inches really as most people shrink when they get older.
Beth Woods said on 27/Mar/05
Ronnie and I starred in panto together in the early '90's. He was a model pro but hated being upstaged. We're the same height but he wears built up shoes!
British Guy said on 20/Mar/05
This Guy Is Great!!, Not So Sure Of 5'0 Though, I Was Like A Giant Next To Him, I Am 17 And Only 5'7!!