Sandy Cowell said on 29/Apr/23
I’ve been watching the Frost episode ‘The Things We Do For Love’.
Frostie said that when his house burnt down, the chief superintendent objected to his choice of bedroom, saying that he was ‘lowering the tone of the place’ 😹
He was sleeping in a prison cell! 😂😂😂
5ft5.5 peak and 5ft4.5 today. 😁
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 25/Apr/23
Any idea on how tall Grandad was in OFAH Rob? I thought he could look a good 2-3 inches taller than Del Boy so 5'7.5 maybe?

Editor Rob
In the 70's he had himself down as 5ft 10 in the casting directory. By Only Fools era, I think he'd shrank in height, but I think still looked maybe 3 inches taller than David.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Feb/23
Every cloud has a silver lining….,
I couldn’t find my remote this evening so I had to stick to the TV. I found a smashing programme all about David Jason, which covered all his programmes. One actor said that the character he is most like is Inspector Jack Frost, who was pensive, considerate and serious.
Lovely jubbly!
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Feb/23
🎂😂🎈🎁 Happy Birthday David! 🎁🎈😂🎂
A Very Happy 83rd Birthday to David Jason, who celebrated his special day two days ago - the 2nd February.
⭐️ David blew the raspberries for The Two Ronnies’ ‘Phantom Raspberry Blower’.
John Cowley said on 15/Jan/23
Hey Rob, you should have a page on Tessa Peake-Jones who plays Raquel. It’s claimed on various sources that she is 5’8” and I don’t believe a word of it. She seems about Davis Jason’s height, what do you think?

Editor Rob
Looked shorter than Jason from what I remember, albeit sometimes wore flat footwear. Doubt she was over 5ft 4.
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Dec/22
I’ve just watched the best A Touch of Frost that I’ve ever, EVER seen. It was called ‘Private Lives’ and centred round the life of a prostitute, whose husband had thought she’d give up the career. The acting was fantastic!
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Dec/22
I’m watching an episode of A Touch of Frost called ‘Appropriate Adults’. Jack has just interviewed a cheeky young scamp and reference is made to a particular type of car. The boy replies, “Yes, I know that sort of car. I nicked one like that a few months ago!”
Well, that couldn’t have been more blatant! 😂😂😂
Peak height for David: 5ft5.75 and an inch less today.
Clare Buckley said on 4/Aug/22
No way that little fella is taller than the wife
Mark M said on 24/Jul/22
David has barely looked taller than 5ft4 in anything I've seen. Of course, what he lacks in height he more than makes up for in personality and talent. One of my all time favourite people!
Sandy C said on 17/Jul/22
A Touch of Frost, episode ‘House Calls’.
While explaining to his lady Police partner, Jack Frost, played by Sir David Jason, reads the graffiti written on one of the houses. “Gas Off, Water Off….. the only thing that’s missing is ‘Sod Off!’”
Good old David, always making light of a rough situation. That’s what makes A Touch of Frost so very watchable. He was a revelation in this drama, proving that he can turn his skills to serious acting as well as comedy, but the fun side of him shines through too, of course.
Peak height - 5ft6 and today 5ft5. I know he’s getting on now, but he’s always been a super fit chap.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/May/22
What a lovely way to start the day - with a Christmas edition of The Darling Buds of May!
Right now, David is standing with some children, finishing off the Christmas tree, which has the delightful colourful lights, which I find preferable to the white ones. 🎄
I’ll give him the same height statistics as I did the last time:
5ft6 peak and 5ft5 for today’s height.
Toby Barrett said on 23/Nov/21
who says short men arent talented 5'4 now maybe 5'5 peak or slightly under
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Nov/21
On Sunday afternoon, just as 'A Touch of Frost' was starting, I asked my Jim whether he was still fond of the programme. He said, "I've never seen him in anything cr@ppy! I watch him when I can."
Well, neither have I, but this has to be his best.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Oct/21
I watched the Frost episode 'Appendix Man' this afternoon and LMAO when David's Jack Frost grabbed with his bare hands a large handful of Toulon's chips to make a sandwich for his two slices of buttered bread!
This particular episode is well worth viewing if you wish to see the actor actually looking DOWN to people for a change. One is an actress, who I've also spotted in an episode of 'Inspector Morse', and then there was a guy as well. Furthermore, I noticed that the annoying journalist, Sandy Longford, is about the same height as David, which is something I'd never picked up on before, no doubt because he makes me squirm so much and want to kick him up the @rse!
David gets 5ft6 for his peak and 5ft5 for today's height.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Aug/21
"Hey Barnard - come here!" says Inspector Frost (David Jason) as he falls into black sacks filled with rotting waste. "I don't see why I should be the only one who stinks!" 😆
I've been comparing the heights of David and Matt Bardock, who played Clive Barnard, and they seem pretty neck-and-neck most of the time, but if there's a difference, it's a slight one, the taller of the two being Bardock.
I've checked out his height and found 5ft7. He was only 22, pushing 23, when the first episode of 'A Touch of Frost' first went out, so he'll have been at his full height. David was around 51 back then, and might possibly have lost a bit, though not much. He looked fit enough to me, and was still able to run and climb.
Based on this evidence, I'm going for 5ft6 for David's peak. It is, after all, what I'd always read for him. For today's height, I'm giving him 5ft5. He became a Dad again at 60, and if that doesn't keep you fighting fit, then nothing will!
👶 "Whaaaagh!" .........🏃♂️
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Aug/21
⭐ One thing David's Inspector Frost has in common with Inspector Morse is a hatred of computers, favouring 'good old fashioned Police work'.
You have to be acquainted with computers if you're in ANY line of work - virtually - in this day and age!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Aug/21
Only the other day, I was wishing that 'A Touch of Frost' would be on again because, second only to 'Inspector Morse', it's my favourite cop drama.
Incredibly, it was on that very night! How's that for an amazing coincidence?
I see above that David has been described as 5ft7. Well, I have never come across that one, but I have seen 5ft6 for him, which could easily have been his height first thing in the morning or even midday in his prime. David performed his own stunts so he'll have been superbly fit.
Nowadays, I reckon that the octogenarian is just under 5ft5, so he gets 5ft4.75 and 5ft6 for his peak. 😄👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/May/21
David's Inspector Frost is working with a new female sergeant and she is described by one of his colleagues, Jim, as "the one with the long hair and the big...."
Jim then does a little mime.
Far be it for Frost to have an attitude like that. He respects his fellow officers for the results they achieve and rarely do you hear him making sexual innuendos. Okay, I've heard it just once....! 😉
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/May/21
I'm watching the Touch of Frost episode 'Widows and Orphans', and though I've seen it before, I haven't seen it as often as many of the others.
Elderly women are being targeted by a thoughtless piece of cr@p 💩, and the last one beaten up badly, and then the blood cleaned up thereafter. Now it seems to be the male next door neighbour. His partner can hear the old lady's cat miaowing so she, lovely young girl that she is, lets herself in with the spare key outside.
5ft5.75 peak and an inch less today.
One thing I find so fetching about David's Frost is the empathy shown in his eyes, and the way he speaks to the elderly - everyone targeted by crime, in fact.
David became a father again at 60, and I saw an interview with him joking about the dirty nappies and sleepless nights! He's a first class, genuine man, and one whom I imagine wasn't changed by his fame. 😁👌🏆
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Feb/21
😲 Correction Time! 😲
The episode was called 'Care and Protection', and NOT what I wrote!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Feb/21
I'm watching the first ever episode of 'A Touch of Frost' - a detective programme which started in 1992. David has maintained his comical streak, but the series is deadly serious as well.
Inspector Frost has a young new helper, called Clive. He dresses smartly and is reprimanded by Frost. "Don't wear anything you wouldn't mind a drunk being sick over..." Clive is told! 🤮
The young cop is instructed by Frost to climb through a window, which involves breaking it first, He cuts himself, and is told by Inspector Jack Frost, "Don't drip blood all over the floor. There's a good boy!" 😅☹️...📺😂😂
The same-heighted duo become good friends, and have to move in together when, in a later episode, Frost's house burns down. The reason this series worked so well is because it combined humour with the realities of life. Frost's wife died in this first episode, from cancer, and Frost relates how his winning of a George Cross was really akin to a suicide attempt when he heard his wife had cancer and he had to put an end to his affair, and support his wife for the 18 months she had left. The couple didn't get on.
The realities of life, eh? Although David is held in high regard for his comedy, I think this was his shining moment.
⭐ The episode is called 'Care In The Community'.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Feb/21
🎂💝🎊🎈 Happy Birthday David! 🎈🎊💝🎂
A Very Happy 81st Birthday to the ever-loveable David Jason! May he have many healthy, fruitful years ahead of him, which he so richly deserves.
5ft5.5 peak and 5ft4.75 now. I care not in the least how high he stands from the ground - the guy's a laugh a minute, and a VERY good actor, having had a successful go at all genres. He's a fit guy, and no stranger to doing his own stunts. Love him! XXX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Mar/20
I'm watching an episode of 'A Touch of Frost' called 'Fun Time For Swingers'! Very funny, but fun for who? The bloke that's just emerged from a cubicle looks unlikely to have seen his whatsitsname for years, judging by the size of him! I recognize him from 'Z Cars', which I used to watch when I was little, but he has grown in the sort of way that I think most blokes would find uncomfortable. I'd rather be David Jason's height, 5ft5 or so, and be as fit as he is, with a great sense of humour! 😄👍
I was always under the impression that David was 5ft6, and that's because I'd read it! Consequently, I thought Ronnie Barker's height was around 5ft9+. The two used to star together in 'Open All Hours' and 'Porridge', and David's acting expertise showed through in 'Porridge' because David played a very convincing little old man, getting the voice right, the stoop, the lot! You'd never have guessed that this was a man who did his own stunts....
What a great actor he is, and I just adore him. Whichever role he takes on, be it comedy or serious, his humour shines through and you can't help but think that this is a man you'd love to meet. 😁🤝😀
Peak height - 5ft5.25
Today - 5ft4.5
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Feb/20
🎂🎈 Happy 8️⃣0️⃣th Birthday David! 🎈🎂
A Very Happy 8️⃣0️⃣th Birthday to David Jason, together with many, many thanks for all the excitement and laughs he has afforded us over the years.
Peak height - 5ft6 😁
Today - 5ft4.75 😁
Paul Wood said on 23/Dec/19
I agree that it's unlikely that David Jason was ever 5ft 6in, maybe about half an inch shy and he just rounded up.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Jun/19
One of the most poignant, hard-to-watch 'A Touch of Frost' episodes is called 'No Other Love'. It surrounds two different plots, one involving the fatal stabbing of a moaning, badgering husband by his 75-year-old wife and the other about an abusive ex-army grandfather, who interferes with his granddaughters, getting one pregnant. The inadequate ex-soldier shoots dead Inspector Frost's partner and friend, DC Barnard, (Matt Bartock) in the final showdown.
Frost then resigns, weeping as he puts his George Cross into his brave friend's coffin. "That bullet was meant for me, you silly sod."
I first saw this with my Mum. We were both in tears.
5ft6 peak, 5ft4.75 today.
Rory said on 29/Dec/18
I think there's a good chance of 5ft5.5 peak, he looked that range with Ralph Brown in an episode of frost and he was 55 by then too. He always seemed to stand with good posture in Frost actually meaning he could pull off 5ft6.
lollipop95 said on 31/Jul/18
How tall do you think his daughter is Rob? I think she's 17 now
Click Here

Editor Rob
His daughter might be close in height to him
Sandy Cowell said on 14/May/18
David Jason doesn't look as short as 5ft4.5 in 'A Touch of Frost'! He looks around the 5ft5.5-6 mark, but whatever his height in this, he gets by on his ingenuity and blindingly good humour! "Do you mind if we come in? No? Good!"
He says this at the door of the mother of a known young criminal without awaiting a reply - hilarious!
Today David gets 5ft4.5 for today's height and 5ft6 for his peak.
lee168cm said on 15/Mar/18
How tall would you say James Baxter is from still open all hours? I'd guess 5'6" he does look a bit taller than David but not much not over 5ft 6 and a half if David is 5 ft 4 and a half now

Editor Rob
5ft 6.5 might be a reasonable shout for him.
Danimal said on 3/Mar/18
He's almost 80 years old Rob. He most certainly has lost more than 3/4". Closer to 2" height loss for him.
Mr S said on 10/Feb/18
Hi Rob, considering he is nearing 80 do you think it might be time for a peak/current?

Editor Rob
Yes, he looks nearer 5ft 4 range, could have been a strong 5ft 5 peak.
Anonymous said on 13/Oct/17
I renmemember being a massive height difference with my older brother when i was younger.Now there is still a bit of height difference between us.I can't understand it when u get brothers were they r both the same height,age,looks ect.
glenys said on 11/Aug/17
I thought David Jason was shorter.
Kramer said on 22/Jul/17
Looks at least 3inches shorter than Barker in porridge.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jun/17
@ Mark M - Yes, it certainly does seem to work that way with comedians! Or they may well be massively fat!
Mark M said on 1/Jun/17
I always felt he was about 5ft4, the same height as my grandad and Reg Varney. Funny how a lot of the best comedy characters are either tiny or gigantic!
the average short said on 4/Jan/17
Was watching a few episodes of ofah over christmas and these are my guestimations
Del Boy - 5'4/5'5
Rodney - 6'0
Boycie 6'1
Trigger - 6'1/6'2
Denzel - 5'10
Uncle Albert - 5'2
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Nov/16
I definitely remember hearing that David Jason was 5ft6. I loved him in 'Only Fools and Horses' but he really did excel himself in 'A Touch of Frost.'
I remember watching the first episode with my Mum and laughing as it is funny in a wonderfully sarcastic way and my Mum said 'It's nothing to laugh at! The chap tries to go into serious acting and you just sit there laughing at him!"
She was quite wound up about it! I said back "It is meant to be funny! David Jason is a very funny man and anything he stars in is bound to have overtones of humour!"
I then continued with my chortling!
It seems likely that David Jason has shrunk over the years and 5ft5 is believable for him now, or possibly half an inch more. I know that he was a trained gymnast and you can't be one of those without being physically fit and that means looking after yourself. That is why I don't think he'll have lost a great deal of height!
Tubbs said on 24/Jul/16
My dad met him in 1988, Jason was making a promotional video for the company my dad worked for, he said he was 5'6", so maybe peak he wasn't lying....
Martin Parsons said on 4/May/16
Bare in mind Lyndhurst was only 19 in the first series, so he may still have been growing, also baring in mind that am average door way is 6'6"/6'7" I'd say it goes like this:
Lyndhurst 6'1"
Chalis 6'2"
Lloyd Pack 6'2"
Broadbent 6'2"
Jason 5'6"
So there are a lot of tall actors in OFAH, I'm 6'2" myself and it's not often I look up to anyone!
mick said on 5/Mar/16
in ofah you can clearly see that boycie played by john challis is always taller than nicholas lyndhurst but this site seems to be saying that lyndurst is taller than challis which i would seriously doubt.
BrandonB said on 13/Oct/15
Peak height Rob?...

Editor Rob
his own 5ft 6 claim I'm not so sure, you could say he might have been 5ft 5.5 range
Larry said on 10/Sep/15
I don't think Sir David Jason was ever 5'6".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Apr/15
Rob, any chance off adding Lyndhurst?
John said on 20/Nov/14
Lyndhurst is six foot.
chris said on 9/Nov/14
How Tall is Nicholas Lyndhurst, listed as 6'2, maybe 6'1 is possible, watching only fools he often looks a tad shorter than John Challis?
Joe said on 27/Oct/14
Would you say he's lost any height now Rob ? with him
Being in his 70s and compared to when
He was younger

Editor Rob
he could be down a bit 5ft 4-5 range
Mike said on 29/Mar/14
Nicholas Lyndhurst is six foot.
Danny said on 19/Mar/14
Yeah rodney 6.2 del boy.5.5 boyce 6,2.5 factd
Burt said on 18/Mar/14
I saw Roger Lloyd Pack on stage in 1986 and he was 6'2".
Michael Hock said on 15/Feb/14
Jason is more like 5'3"
Eamon said on 6/Jan/14
I'd be surprised if Jason is even 5'5" these days. His shows were seriously strange though - a white man running a corner shop in England (!), white people in Peckham (!) etc.
bob said on 5/Jan/14
can you give nicholas lyndurst a page plz rob
Ben said on 1/Jan/14
Roger Lloyd Pack was 6'2" at his peak. Nicholas Lyndhurst was only six foot.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Dec/13
Roger Lloyd Pack 6ft2.5(189cm)
Jim Broadbent 6ft2(188cm)
Nicholas Lyndurst 6ft2(188cm)
John Challis 6ft1.5(187cm)
Tony said on 20/Dec/13
Del boy : 5'5
Rodney : 6'2
Trigger : 6'3
Boycie : 6'4
Denzel : 6'1
The Exorcist said on 12/Dec/13
Rob, do you think David looks 5'5" in this photo with Danny Dyer?
Click Here

Editor Rob
at his age he could be heading towards 5ft 4
Bran said on 3/Dec/13
Big fan of only fools and horses, I think Lyndhurst was 6ft1, but if he was 6ft2 which he looks proportionally then trigger and Boycie must have been near 6ft4
Scott five eleven said on 15/Oct/13
Paul barber who played 'denzil' always seemed 5'10 to me. He was shorter than 'rodney' but a few inches taller than Del Boy.
Scott five eleven said on 7/Sep/13
Have seen all the only fools episodes and will make this judgement :-
Del boy - 5'5.5
Rodney - 6'1
Boycie - 6'2
Trigger - 6'1.75
Slater - 6'2.5
Uncle albert - 5'3
James said on 1/Sep/13
Nicohlas Lyndhurst 6'1
David Jason 5'6
John Challis 6'2
Roger - Lloyd Pack 6'2
john said on 11/Mar/13
rodney and boycie are not the same height. in episodes of ofah you can clearly see that john challis is taller than nicholas lyndhurst.
Trenton said on 14/Dec/12
Jim Broadbent claimed 6'2, and at his peak this seems reasonable, since he was around half an inch shorter than Hugh Bonneville (listed as 6'1.75)--and that was in his early 50's. So I'll use a 6'2 Broadbent as kind of my benchmark. This is my opinion based on that and watching a lot of OFAH.
Slater: 6'2
Trigger: 6'1
Boycie: 6'0.5
Rodney: 6'0.5
Denzel: 5'9.5
Del Boy 5'5.5
Scott said on 15/Oct/12
Yeah I'd have said David Jason was 5'5 and Nicholas lyndhurst was 6'1. There's no doubt that lyndhurst was over 6 foot tall. David Jason is a complete legend whatever height he is. Comic genius.
sc said on 10/Jun/12
5'5" nowadays but I think 5'6" at his peak. In his boigraphy it mentions 5'6" and also in Open All Hours he doesn't look much shorter than Ronnie Barker who was almost 5'8"
Gaz said on 28/Jan/12
Jim broadbent is 6'2.5"
John Challis and Roger Lloyd Pack are both 6'2"
Nicholas Lyndhurst 6'1"
David Jason 5'4"
Buster Merryfield 5'2"
fricanman said on 29/Dec/11
Watched OF&H this afternoon. Episode where Del's arch enemy - Slater (Jim Broadbent, listed 6'2")- organises school reunion at the Nags. Rare opportunity to have all main cast standing together in a small area. I put the characters in this descending height order from those scenes. Slater easily tallest, Rodney just shading Boycie who just had it over Trigger, all couple of inches taller than Denzil and the ensemble towering over the wonderful but diminutive Del! There are a lot of very tall cast members for a show set in urban London given their age group, but that adds to the comic effect for me, especially Rodney and Del as brothers!
Incidentally some of you probably already know that Jim Broadbent was the early favourite to play Del and the BBC considered David Jason a bit of a risk, it certainly would have been a very different dynamic and , even though Jim is a great actor in both comic and straight parts, you can't help feeling that OF&H would not have been so enduring if the BBC had had their way!
hs2011 said on 27/Dec/11
Watching OF&H, Lyndhurst looks ~8 taller than David Jason so 6'1" range is probable for him.
Yaspaa said on 22/Dec/11
6'1 looks more likely, and Jason was never 5'6...ever.
miko said on 21/Dec/11
I've watched every Only Fools and Horses episode, and Lyndurst was certainly not taller than John Challis or Roger Lloyd Pack.
From the episodes I've seen Lloyd Pack looked a solid 6'2, Challis a hair shorter at maybe 6'1.5 and Lyndhurst maybe a hair over 6'1.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Dec/11
Really, just 6ft1? I took him for a 6ft2-6ft3 guy at least
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Dec/11
Rob, how tall would Nicholas 'Rodney' Lyndhurst be?

Editor Rob
6ft 1 range is possible, although I didn't find what he claimed himself yet
Shaun (the real one) said on 25/Oct/11
That's OK Rob, I know i'd never said any of those things. I think Jason was 5'6" peak. Weak 5'5" now.
Shaun (the real one) said on 24/Oct/11
Rob just so you know the Shaun who posted here with ridiculous comments is NOT me, your regular who posts on the height challenges and popular pages. I would NEVER claim to be anything more than 6'1.5" midday and have NEVER claimed to be taller. This clown here is just using the same name. I think the February and March posts were from me and then some **** **** took my name.

Editor Rob
all the comments by Shaun are from the same person, who changed his name to Mr Bond or TallGuy/Taller than You, I think he's still mr bond.
thorterr said on 1/Jul/11
shaun shaum shaum ,first you said your 6ft 1 then 6ft 2 now 6ft 3,did you have your beetle crushers on when you did this?ok so you maybe a few millimeters taller than me ,but lets say all my family are roughly 5ft 6 (no its not the milkman)and your family mightbe in the 6ft 6 class therefore id be a giant in my surroundings and you would be small,your posture might be bad as your 6ft 3 lying down and 6ft 2 a night,thats a good inch
thorterr said on 23/Jun/11
oh your a heighist shaun ,,tut tut ,,ill not lie about my height ,,i couldve said i was over 7ft ,,im only 6ft 2 ,,same as you ,,your equal,but off to buy those 2 inch walking boots ,,,just to be a little taller than you,,and i stick by it ,,nicholas lyndhurst is 6ft 1
thorterr said on 28/May/11
shaun please we know your 4ft 8 and would always want to be 6ft 1 ,im 6ft 2 so will be looking down on you anyway
Lurkio said on 27/May/11
People want David Jason to be taller as they like to look up to there idols and would love rodney to actually be 6ft2 or 6ft 3 as it would make Jason look taller than he actually is.
Me and my brother both met nicholas lyndhurst a few years back, i am 6ft and my brother 6ft1... And Lyndhurst was the same height as my brother, have photos to prove.
My brother was wearing trainers and Nic was wearing brown shoes.. about 1 and a half inch heels.
so would say he is 6ft1 max, due to him being skinny and frail looking he looks taller.
Look at only fools and horses and you will see that david jason is the shortest adult character in the show..
There is a photo with him standing exactly the same height as Karen David who is listed at 5ft1 and a half, she is wearing high heels, no more than 4 inches high... that makes jason 5ft5 and a half..
check out this link...
Click Here
Bon_ said on 24/May/11
Lyndhurst is closer to 6'1 I reckon, Jason never more than 5'4 - 5'5 range.
Shaun, didn't you say that you are 6'1?
thorterr said on 24/May/11
boycie,trigger and del boy is listed on celebheights why not rodney,,can we have a petition on celebheights to get him listed? please vote ,his height is very debatable
thorterr said on 13/Mar/11
rob can you put nicholas lyndhurst(hes famous enough) in your listing ,im saying hes just an inch shorter than jim broadbent
ali said on 11/Feb/11
in a 1983 episode of only fools and horses you can see that jim broadbent is clearly taller than nicholas lyndhurst by 1 or 2 inches. so either jim broadbent is over 6'2 or nicholas lyndhurst is under 6'2.
Dan. said on 7/Jan/11
I have heard David Jason was 5ft6 years ago and when watching a touch of frost i was thinking, man 5ft6 guys look short dont they? I assumed he was 5ft6 cos i heard it. But im not suprised if he is a bit less than that and as short as 5ft5. When watching Frost i thought he was about 5ft5 but i could be wrong of course.
Bruce lee was 5ft7.5 and i was thinking he looks more than an inch taller than him, if David is 5ft 6 in frost.
Mr 5ft10.25 said on 28/Dec/10
there was always a very noticeable height difference between David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst (6ft) on OFAH.
kp said on 24/Nov/10
my friend met david jason 2 yrs ago vry nice guy david jason is 5ft 8
Anonymous said on 9/Jun/09
Rodney as a character always slouches though so it's hard to judge.
matt said on 6/May/09
Davis jason 5 foot 6, Nicholas lyndhurst is 6'2, del and rodney best ever, only fools and horses was legend comedy, the best british comedy ever.
Del and rodney are both legends ,ofah, the best
Jon said on 6/Apr/09
He is 5'6, Only fools and horses was the best imo, Anyone know the height of Jack Smethurst who played eddie on Love Thy Neighbour?
Alexandra said on 16/Mar/09
Thanks dave
Anonymous said on 14/Mar/09
I would say the average guy is 5'9, but yes he is short. Who cares? His role as Del Boy wouldnt be the same if he was 5'10 or 11. He is a legend and well respected actor. But about his height, in his prime he was about 5'6, couple of inches taller than 5'4 Buster Merryfield
Fat man said on 4/Mar/09
Maybe nowadays he is only 5'5" but in his prime looked a definate 5'6". All other sites record his height at 5'6".
Waxwork fan said on 1/Feb/09
I was in a Madame Tussauds waxworks and Iam a short ass ( 5 `-6 " ) and I was about 2" Taller than his wax model (which is supposed to be real life size )when I stood next to him , My guess is then hes `5-4" Max .
dave said on 31/Jan/09
Average height is 5'10, david jason is 5'6 so he is not average height, he is smaller, he is a small guy, Nicholas lyndhurst is 6'2.
Alexandra. w. said on 11/Jan/09
True british legend
does it matter how tall he is?
Alexandra said on 19/Dec/08
I asked a question on the 03/08/08, but still no one has answered it
bruce lee said on 26/Oct/08
nicholas lyndhurst in my opinion is exactely 6'1'' barefoot he did once say on a programe about fools and horses that he was 6 plus. so 6'1'' sounds fair in my opinion.
john said on 12/Oct/08
rodney is defenitely shorter than trigger so i would say rodney is 6'1''.
Anthony Hopkins said on 3/Aug/08
I'm a big fan of Only Fools and Horses and i reckon he's 5'5
Daii said on 3/Aug/08
The guy who played Boycie (John Challis) has at least an inch more over Nicholas Lyndhurst (Rodney). Nicholas being 6'2 must mean that John Challis is at least 6'3, and he does look it standing next to most.
I would say that David Jason is 5'6 though, not 5'5
Alexandra said on 25/Jul/08
He isn't that small but he isn't that tall. But is he average?
kev said on 10/Jul/08
david jason is 5'5, nicolas lyndhurst is 6'2, anything over 6'1 is tall in general, ray romano is 6'2 1/2,only fools and horses and raymond are the best but no.1 ofah.
daii said on 16/Jun/08
hes 5'6. rodney is 6'2 and easily has at least 8 inches over him!
Matthew said on 28/Oct/07
Rocky is right, the episode with Jim Broadbent is on with the microwave oven...he, boycie, and trigger are all taller than Lyndhurst, Lyndhusrt is 6 foot, david jason 5'5 i reckon.
oz said on 11/Oct/07
he never looked 5'6 to me he looked shorter like 5'4 maybe,in regards to the height different sites have different height so how can they state he is 5'6 anyway doesn't look it for me
Mr.Venable said on 2/Oct/07
In an episode of "Do not Adjust Your Set" the announcer introduces Sir David Jason as 5'5 . I think it's more correct , even 5'8 Terry Jones was much bigger than him in the show .
David said on 11/May/07
5ft 6, you can easily compare him with Ronnie Barker in Open All Hours.
matt said on 4/May/07
david jason is about 5'6 at best he is dwarfed by nicholas lyndhurst who is 6'2,and he wasn't much taller than the uncle who was only like 5'4.
paul said on 12/Apr/07
david jason is 5'5 or 6 , i guess lyndhurst must have at least 7 inches over him, the great buster merryfield ( albert )was 5 '4 so just compare those two but i would guess 5'5 possibly, he is dwarfed by guys like trigger 6'3, boycie 6'2, roy slater 6'1
richard said on 30/Sep/06
rodney should be no taller than 6 2 i ve seen him, i m 6 5 and i was taller than him by say 3 inches
Rocky said on 6/May/06
Im a big fan of OFAH and have to agree with the previous poster Lyndhurst looks about 6'0 compared to the rest of the cast, he is atleast an inch shorter than 6'1 Jim Broadbent and definitely shorter than Boycie and Trigger, he's just very very skinny and David Jason is very small so this gives the impression of Lyndhurst being a 6'2+ bloke, David Jason is certainly no more than 5'6 possibly 5'5
TheMan said on 10/Apr/06
I have a strange statement to make i think lyndhurst is only about 6,0. See Boyce and trigger were taller than him. But when i saw Boyce on the paul ogrady show he looked short like normal height to Ogrady. Where Lyndhurst is so skinny and always next to the short David Jason who is probably no taller than 5,5 he looks gigantic in heights. But agaisnt most of the other people he's shorter or like nomralish height. I always thought lyndhusts must of been 6,2+ but due to this theory im begginging to belive he's like 6,0 what do you guys think?

Editor Rob
I don't know how many open all hours episodes I've seen but in those shows he was shorter than Barker, I think 2 inch, but even back then Barker maybe was a weak 5ft 8. I mean, in that pic of
John Cleese Barker and the 5ft Ronnie cleese looks easy 6ft 5er
Hugh Grant said on 8/Apr/06
I saw him on michael parkinson and he looked more than 4 inches shorter than Parky who is said to be 5ft 10 inches.
Tubbs said on 5/Jan/06
Yeah, Nick is 6'2, he's always looked shorter than Boycie, played by John Challis, and Challis is down at 6'1 on here. Also, Trigger is taller than both of them, I reckon about 6'3.5, and Jim Broadbent, whenever he was in Fools and Horses as Slater was around the 6'1.5 mark. Maybe they decided to cast tall actors against the 5'6 Jason on purpose for some reason.
Luis_Garcia said on 25/Dec/05
Lyndhurst is 6'4 though!

Editor Rob
he looked near enough same height as the guy who was Boycie
Mitch said on 27/Oct/05
He's not that tall! No way, have you seen him against Nicholas Lyndhurst?
British Guy said on 23/Jun/05
Luvvly Jubbly!!
Right On The Button Here!!
Wonder If The Old Codgers Still Running T.I.T
A Credit To British Television A Talent To Be Treasured.