How tall is Kevin Nash - Page 13

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Average Guess (495 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 9.65in (207.4cm)
Current: 6ft 8.7in (205cm)
cantstop25 said on 6/Feb/08
yes alex but morgan appeared the same height as jones when they were in streets, i think there both a strong 6'9"
Gollum said on 6/Feb/08
Gonzales 7'6
Andre 7'1.5
Silva 7'2
Khali 7'1
Reeis 7'1
Show 7'0
Nash 6'10
Kurgan 6'11
Hatstacks 6'8
Elmer 6'9
Morgan 6.9
Jones 6'10
Studd 6'7
Undertaker 6'8
Kane 6'8.5
Sid 6'7
Viscera 6'6.5
Kamala 6'7
Abyss 6'5
A train 6'6.5
JBL 6'6
Hogan 6'6
HHH 6'2.5
Ortan 6'4
Batista 6'3
Rock 6'3.5
Goldberg 6'3
Hall 6'5
Austin 6'1.5
HBK 5'11.5
Cena 6'0
Test 6'5
Alex said on 6/Feb/08
Actually I remember in late 2003 when Morgan and Jones were in WWE together Jones was actually a little taller, around an inch so I'd upgrade Morgan to 6'9. They were in the ring together with Lesnar and Big Show that time. Jones was closer to height with Big Show then Morgan was as well.
Vegas said on 6/Feb/08
alex; why do you have 2 inches between nathan jones and matt morgan, they look the exact same height to me in photos and video, jones is struggling big time to even look 6'9 in alot of video/photos from what i have seen recently; hogan at 6'3 flat today is selling him a bit short imo

i have watched alot of edge in dress shoes over the last few weeks, at this moment in time he looks every bit a legit 6'3 to me, here he is in low dress-shoes next to one of the major brothers who is in gear, remember jason estimated these guys at 6'2 in person, edge has 2 inches on both majors in dress shoes Click Here
Alex said on 6/Feb/08
I'd say

Kevin Nash-6'10 peak, 6'8.5-6'9 today
Matt Morgan-6'8
Big Show-6'11-7'0
Undertaker-6'6.5-6'7 today, 6'8 peak
Big Daddy V-6'6
Andre-6'11 peak
Nathon Jones-6'10
Scott Hall-6'5 peak, 6'4 today
Hulk Hogan-6'5.5-6'6 peak, 6'3 today
Danimal said on 5/Feb/08
Mr_6'5 says on 4/Feb/08
Danimal, you clearly misunderstand what the word "ESTIMATION" means.

Fair enough
Alex2 said on 5/Feb/08
Mr 6'5 those estimates are all over the place, some are way too low and others are too high, heres mine :)

Kevin Nash: 6'9 Today, 6'10 peak
Matt Morgan: 6'8.75"
Big Show: 7'0" (hows he lost height at 34???)
Khali: 7'1.5"
Kane: 6'8.5-6'8"
Undertaker: 6'8.25 PEAK 6'7.5" Now (looks full 6'8 sometimes)
Big Daddy V: 6'6.5"
Andre: 6'11.5 peak
Nathan Jones:6'10"
Batista: 6'3"
Triple H: 6'2.5
The Rock: 6'3.25"
Randy Orton: 6'4 (possibly more)
Abyss: 6'5.5"
Scott Hall: 6'5" Dead on
Hulk Hogan: 6'6"-6'7" PEAK 6'4 Today
Mr_6'5 said on 4/Feb/08
Danimal, you clearly misunderstand what the word "ESTIMATION" means.
Danimal said on 4/Feb/08
Mr_6'5 says on 4/Feb/08
ok here are some of my estimates for the debated guys on here. I wanna first say I firmly believe Kevin Nash is no more or no less than 6'9'' today. Back in his WCW and WWF days, I'd say more or no less than 6'10''. He always seemed to be about 2 inches shorter than 7' Big Show.

Kevin Nash: 6'9'' peak 6'10''
Matt Morgan: 6'8''
Big Show 6'11 peak 7'
Khali 7'
Kane 6'7'' peak 6'7.5''?
Undertaker 6'7.5'' peak 6'8''
Big Daddy V 6'6''
Andre the Giant 6'10'' peak 6'11.5
Nathan Jones 6'8.5''
Batista 6'3'' at the most
Trile H 6'2''
the Rock 6'3''
Rany Orton 6'4''
Egde 6'3''
Abyss 6'5'' maybe 6'6''
Scott Hall 6'6'' maybe 6'5''
Hulk Hogan no more than 6'4'' but likely less...maybe 6'3''

Are you biased?? I like how you put everyone's peak and current height, YET, you just give Hogan's present height, when it was clear that he was 2-3" taller in his prime. Also, Scott Hall was NEVER over 6'5".
Mr_6'5 said on 4/Feb/08
ok here are some of my estimates for the debated guys on here. I wanna first say I firmly believe Kevin Nash is no more or no less than 6'9'' today. Back in his WCW and WWF days, I'd say more or no less than 6'10''. He always seemed to be about 2 inches shorter than 7' Big Show.

Kevin Nash: 6'9'' peak 6'10''
Matt Morgan: 6'8''
Big Show 6'11 peak 7'
Khali 7'
Kane 6'7'' peak 6'7.5''?
Undertaker 6'7.5'' peak 6'8''
Big Daddy V 6'6''
Andre the Giant 6'10'' peak 6'11.5
Nathan Jones 6'8.5''
Batista 6'3'' at the most
Trile H 6'2''
the Rock 6'3''
Rany Orton 6'4''
Egde 6'3''
Abyss 6'5'' maybe 6'6''
Scott Hall 6'6'' maybe 6'5''
Hulk Hogan no more than 6'4'' but likely less...maybe 6'3''
JT said on 3/Feb/08
Click Here 204 cm. (6'8 1/3") as of September 1990.
Mark said on 3/Feb/08
Akebono was billed as both 6'8 and 6'7 in WWE so realistically will be most 6'7.
LV said on 2/Feb/08
6'8.5" makes sense for Morgan, but what's up with that Akebono picture? We need to see the full picture because I'd be Morgan has a 1"-2" footwear advantage.
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/08
If Nash played basketball at the University of Tennesee for 3 years and was listed at 6'10 that should be good enough for anybody for a peak height, and no less than 6'9 now at almost 50. However, that means he was probably never any taller than 6'10 also.
Kevin said on 2/Feb/08
I used to know morgan back when we wrestled up in michigan, we still keep in touch, he's about 6'8.5''
Big Show said on 31/Jan/08
JT says on 31/Jan/08
Big Show says on 30/Jan/08
Not necessarily JT. A 6'8 guy would also probably duck under a 6'10 or 6'11 door....

Not always. Guys that tall have a pretty good sense where their head is vis-a-vis a doorway. They know from past experience when they have to duck (and how much to duck) and when they don't. Have a 6'0" guy walk under a 6'0" door and he'll probably duck way too much since he's not used to it.

Well I'm not 6'8 so I wouldn't no that, but what you say sounds reasonable. I guess people who are that tall are used to duck when they walk through a doorway.
JT said on 31/Jan/08
Big Show says on 30/Jan/08
Not necessarily JT. A 6'8 guy would also probably duck under a 6'10 or 6'11 door....

Not always. Guys that tall have a pretty good sense where their head is vis-a-vis a doorway. They know from past experience when they have to duck (and how much to duck) and when they don't. Have a 6'0" guy walk under a 6'0" door and he'll probably duck way too much since he's not used to it.

Morgan was standing right next to the door before exiting the room. He would have hit his head on the doorway had he not ducked a bit. So Morgan is only 6'8"? With Akebono, who's undoubtedly barefoot Click Here If they are the same height, Morgan
nick said on 30/Jan/08
lol, nash is definetly taller than matt. His legs ar 2 feet apart and his posture was't great at all and still was the same height. Id give nash .5 3/4 over 6'9 matt at exactly 4:10 you just know that nash is no shorter and appears like the taller man also at 4:14 he looks to be the taller man,
Gollum said on 30/Jan/08
Big Show you are just coming up with some great stuff man, can I send you some pics to post.
Red said on 30/Jan/08
nick, I meant Magic
Frank said on 30/Jan/08
It Looked too me Nash was Taller and Nashs posture was terrible
Alex2 said on 30/Jan/08
JT in yout photo i must say Nash has one of his legs bent, id still give Nash 0.5" over Morgan, id put nash at 6'9.5" or 6'9.25" today and Morgan 6'9" tops.
Alex said on 30/Jan/08
Big Show, exactly. Sometimes you will be a good few inches or even more shorter than a doorway or whatever and still thinkyou may have to duck while you don't. You know those signs in parking lots that say 7'0 clearance? I swear they arne't no 7'0. More like 6'8 or 6'10 tops.
Big Show said on 30/Jan/08
JT says on 30/Jan/08
Click Here I saw a video of a barefoot Morgan having to duck under a door (usually 6'8" here in the States), so he could be closer to 6'9".

Not necessarily JT. A 6'8 guy would also probably duck under a 6'10 or 6'11 door. It's common human behaviour as your eyes are deceiving your brain, I myself would probably duck under a 6'3 door even though I'm no 6'3.
Big Show said on 30/Jan/08
Click Here

Here's the full staredown between Morgan and Nash. You have a good standoff at 4:22 where Morgan looks like he's the taller of the two. But I have to agree with Red there, Morgan's boots look thicker than Nash's.
JT said on 30/Jan/08
Click Here I saw a video of a barefoot Morgan having to duck under a door (usually 6'8" here in the States), so he could be closer to 6'9".
nick said on 29/Jan/08
red i was stating that nash was a tad over kane in his 2 inch lifts
Alex2 said on 29/Jan/08
I do remeber seeing a non TNA, WWE rare Morgan interview where he states "exactly 7'0", no more, no less" lol, i think the reason Morgan said he was bigger is because TNA billed him 1" taller than Nash. TNA have him at 7'1" lol.
Gollum said on 29/Jan/08
Nash and Nathan Jones must be around the same height because both are around and inch or so on Morgan.
Red said on 29/Jan/08
But take a look at morgan
cantstop25 said on 29/Jan/08
actually nash had the camera in his favor the whole time, but he still appeared taller, however towards the very end morgan appeared taller, strange.
JT said on 29/Jan/08
Click Here
Click Here
Mark said on 28/Jan/08
Morgan appeared bigger than Nash to me. Nash was looking up to Morgan. Morgan even said he was bigger. Did look noticably larger imo.
Alex said on 28/Jan/08
Morgan is minimum 6'8 I say so that would make Nash 6'9 or just under.
Mamun said on 27/Jan/08
Thanks Danimal !!!!!

Alex2 said on 27/Jan/08
Nash appeared to have 0.5"-1" on Matt Morgan last night on TNA.
Danimal said on 27/Jan/08
Mamun, you are not wrong. That was Kevin's (Fred Savage) older brother (Wayne) on the T.V. show Wonder Years (1988-1993). Amazing show.
Big Show said on 27/Jan/08
MagicTouch says on 25/Jan/08
Nick, Kevin Nash never stacked up to the big show as much as Kane did in KOTR 2000, Kane must have worn the biggest lifts in any part of his career that night. It is a shame the video of this staredown is not on youtube anymore.

Here I've uploaded it again.
Click Here

I have every single WWE PPV match of Big Show and most of his WCW PPV as well, so if someone needs something uploaded, please let me know and I'll upload it.
Mamun said on 27/Jan/08
I could be wrong but I think that guy is the actor from the tv series the
wonder years . He plays the big brother of Fred .
cantstop25 said on 26/Jan/08
whos this little guy standing next to nash?

Click Here
MagicTouch said on 26/Jan/08
Wow, never saw Big show raise his head that high from the video, it was cut out. But looking at it again, I say it is 3 inch gap, which is about the same as Nash when he has his stare downs with the Big show so I stand corrected. But of course, this isnt to say Kane is tall as Nash, he wears massive lifts so its not a real comparison.

Red, the only one on a "mission" is you, well I guess you are one of these people who cant stand being proven wrong after you got owned the Undertaker forum. LOL
Red said on 26/Jan/08
MagicTouch says on 25/Jan/08
Nick, Kevin Nash never stacked up to the big show as much as Kane did in KOTR 2000...

And again wrong, like Vegas pics prove.
Are you on a mission to belittle Nash?
Red said on 26/Jan/08
Vegas nice pic
Alex said on 26/Jan/08
Vegas, perfect picture of Kane in his old lifts. Today he honestly wouldn't come as close to Big Show in height like that. Today its more 4-5 inches difference while there it appears 2-3inches. But I've seen Kane look barely 2 inches shorter than Big Show at times too.
Vegas said on 25/Jan/08
full length shot almost fully erect big show has more height there on kane than he did nash Click Here as you can see wight bends his head/neck downward before the camera zooms in Click Here
Red said on 25/Jan/08
It was KOTR 1999
Click Here

They look close, but BigShow
MagicTouch said on 25/Jan/08
Nick, Kevin Nash never stacked up to the big show as much as Kane did in KOTR 2000, Kane must have worn the biggest lifts in any part of his career that night. It is a shame the video of this staredown is not on youtube anymore.
nick said on 24/Jan/08
well i disagree magic for one reason, kane was only a bit taller than the undertaker at that time so i would still put nash at the same height or a tad over
Alex said on 24/Jan/08
I'd say peak was 6'10. Today I honestly could go as low as 6'8-6'8 1/2.
MagicTouch said on 24/Jan/08
Kane/Jacobs never wore any noticable lifts when he was Issac Yankem, so he was only around 6'7.5 - 6'8 at the time. If had his kane lifts from the late 90's and early 2000 he would be a bit taller than Nash. Considering Kane had only less than 2 inches off Big show at KOTR 2000
Big Show said on 24/Jan/08
Wow, never knew there was a match between Nash and Kane from the mid 90's. Although they don't have a clear standoff at any point during the match, Nash looks like he's the largest of the two.
Red said on 24/Jan/08
Click Here
Nash vs Kane( Isaac Yankem)
Red said on 24/Jan/08
2:40 - 2:55 staredown between Taker and Nash
Click Here
JT said on 23/Jan/08
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Alex2 said on 23/Jan/08
Yea Nash really needs an upgrade, big time.
Alex2 said on 21/Jan/08
I guarentee Nash has minimum 1" on Mane today.
JimmyDavid said on 21/Jan/08
Here it is: Click Here
Red said on 21/Jan/08
Click Here
At tha Beginning you can compare Nash well to 6
cantstop25 said on 20/Jan/08
well danimal there is no wya in hell that nash and mane wiegh the same nowadays if nash is only 275 as you claim then man is way below that. Nash has atleast 50 pounds on mane nowadays if you compare the two
Alex2 said on 20/Jan/08
I just cant see any possibility Nash is anything under 6'9" today, Rob should make a "peak" height for him as he was definatley 6'10" at one point.
Danimal said on 20/Jan/08
I am calling his CURRENT weight, NOT his peak weight. I due believe he was up to 310-320 pounds in his wrestling days as Diesel. Today, he is less.
Alex said on 20/Jan/08
Nash was more 2 inches taller than Sid, not 3.
I think Nash was about 6'10 back then but today is 6'9 tops. He has lost a little height.
Dave said on 20/Jan/08
i remember that LV, and you made a good point, nash's shoes ALWAYS looked thin soled, unlike eudy.... i always noticed this about nash, and i believe that if he had wore lifts like kane hed be near or over 7 feet! lol. 6'9 nowadays, solid 6'10 a few years back
LV said on 20/Jan/08
For everybody on here who thinks Nash is 6'8" (Click Here). Explain how Nash is a solid 3" taller than a legit 6'7" Sid?! Plus, Sid always wore thick-soled boots and Nash never wore big boots.
Alex said on 16/Jan/08
Nash is under 300lbs now. He looked 280-290lbs in person to me in late 2006. But he was easily 300-305lbs back then.
cantstop25 said on 16/Jan/08
nash and mane were probably the same wieght when they wrestled, but nash was much more impresivley built, if you look at mane nowadays, hes lost a lot of weight, and nash has got a ****load of weight on him nowadays. Though your right nash does have skinny legs, but in his oz and vinnie vegas days the man was definitelly a legit 300 pounder
nick said on 16/Jan/08
Danimal your just plain wrong. Well under 300 pounds? 275? no way. Have you ever seen a guy 6'10 im almost 6'3 and i feel like a child. I weight 227 pounds, believe me he is over 300 pounds. I have a couple friends who are 5'10 5'11 and weight in the 250 to 275 range and look casual.
Danimal said on 15/Jan/08
Nash does NOT have a wide frame kid (Alex2). Mane and Nash were around the same size when they tag teamed together. Nash has NO leg width. NONE. He is well under 300 pounds. I believe that Mane is about 270-280 pounds and could be more.

Googlefan, Viscera cannot be the same height as Kane when at Takers peak he was taller than Viscera and Kane is taller than Taker. Viscera is 6'6".
tuga said on 14/Jan/08
I could see Nash at 6
cantstop25 said on 14/Jan/08
yes mark but it is possible, you cannot finalize a man height based off of 1 photo. in most instances nash looks in the 6'10" range
Alex2 said on 13/Jan/08
Here is a video of Nash in WCW as Vinnie Vegas, it shows him with Eric Bischooff and Harley Race in a interview, he clearly has over 1 foot on probably both of them. Click Here
Alex2 said on 13/Jan/08
I think 6'9 for Nash today is about right, but Rob should make a peak height for him of 6'10.25, i find this quite accurate, but there is no chance he was 6'9 peak i don't think, and Mark i was also referring to Mane's build, i think hes no more than 250lbs, he is quite skinny compared to Nash
Mark said on 13/Jan/08
Cantstop25. As I said earlier thought people would either say poor posture or lifts etc. That quite franky will be impossible to either prove or disprove so would go round in circles. Believe Nash, Mane, Morgan and Jones between 6'8-6'8 3/4. Appreciate won't be too popular as people who think Taker is 6'8 will feel aggrieved. Taker doesn't look a 6'8 man, only with big boots!
cantstop25 said on 13/Jan/08
I remember seeing that picture, I would say nash actualy looked slightly taller like .5", but that was just one photo, and they could have easily have put him in lifts to make him look the same size, seeing as theyd probably want to play it all off as two seven footers
googlefan said on 11/Jan/08
alex i think someone needs to lay off the rock! haha no nash is probably 6'10'' ish, kane and taker are roughly the same so both about 6'8'' maybe a tad over but less than 6'9'', and big daddy v 6'7 1/2, with boots around the 6'9'' mark as well, hes around kanes height nowadays..
Mark said on 11/Jan/08
Alex 2. Can't believe you took that seriously, irony obviously lost on you as was making a joke about comment prior to mine. I've seen pictures on these pages showing Mane same height as Nash, tho I'm sure some people with it not fitting in with their views will dis it talking about crazy height loss etc. Personally think Nash is b/ween 6'8-6'9 but open to other viewpoints as not certain. Think Viscera roughly 6'5 1/2-6'6 for what it's worth.
Mark said on 7/Jan/08
I would say V is more 6' 2 1/2. Cant recall many people mention that 6'8 acknowledged Tyler Mane is same height as Nash.
googlefan said on 7/Jan/08
ya id give big daddy v a legit 6'2. that would make taker 6'2 1/2, batista 5'9'', orton 5'10''. and nash would be at least 6'4... right gama? hahaha gimme a break
Alex2 said on 1/Jan/08
Here is another comparison with a 6'10 tennis player and another 5'8 tennis player which is basically what this photo is, this shows us that from Nick's straightend out photo with mamum hes 6'10 mimimum there Click Here
JD said on 1/Jan/08
Looks 6'10, possibly taller.
charlie said on 29/Dec/07
Saw Kevin Nash at a gym in Daytona Beach where I used to live about 8 years ago. Was a very nice guy, asked me for a spot when he was warming up with about two bills on the bench press. His training partner showed up or i would have politely declined:) Gave me the impression of a 6'9" or 6'10" kinda guy. A mammoth human being, very large uppper body. Again though, very polite and friendly. I had no idea who he was, as I don't follow wrestling too much.
nick said on 25/Dec/07
Click Here
I straightened out nash in this pic. To nash's defence he looks well over a foot taller, actually around 14 or 15 inches taller. But he is closer to the camera. Nash i think can still be a 6'10 or 6'9.5
Viper said on 23/Dec/07
Keyshawn is 6-3 1/4 actually.
Alex2 said on 22/Dec/07
How tall is Shaq 6'11?
tim said on 22/Dec/07
vegas how u gunna tell me shaq and nash are definatly like the same height shaq is not 7ft
Alex2 said on 22/Dec/07
Anyone who says Nash is anything under 6'9 im sorry is stupid, hes huge! You dont necasseraly shrink 1 1/2 by 48, He literally has Kurt Angle by 1 foot if you look.
Vegas said on 22/Dec/07
i know nfl and mlb certainly tack on extra inches because here 6'7ish dennis rodman has 4-4.5" on 6'4 nfl listed Keyshawn Johnson to his left and about 3" on 6'6 mlb listed Dave Winfield, rodman also has a footwear disadvantage over everyone there Click Here|1&axs=0|78440092|0&id=78440092
Dj said on 21/Dec/07
WWE, NFL, NBA...probably other leagues do the same thing, tack on extra inches in height and pounds in weight.
Alex said on 21/Dec/07
Yea, Nash could have easily said 7'0-7'1 to fans but instead he says 6'10-6'11 which seems more honest. 6'10 peak is very possibly and today down to 6'8 1/2?
Danimal said on 20/Dec/07
Frank, Nash has said both 6'10", 6'10.5" and 6'11" and this was at at time they were billing him at 7'1" in the WCW.
Frank said on 20/Dec/07
Nash said himself he was 6ft 10 and this is when they were saying he was 7ft
He a Big Dude i see him 2 times and 6ft 10 is very possible
Vegas said on 20/Dec/07
tim you said on shaq's page that shaq is 6'10 and now here that nash is 6'11??? no way is that possible, shaq has about 3 inches on nash, big show had 3 inches on nash in numerous videos so i assume shaq has that much again
tim said on 20/Dec/07
Naw Nash is about 6'11 he is a big dude i meet him 2 months ago at a tna ppv he had about 6 inches on me and im 6'5
Mr, 6'5'' said on 16/Dec/07
We need a Matt Morgan page, I think that him and Kevin Nash are the same height, only a matter or maybe few centimeters, I think Morgan page would be good
cantstop25 said on 12/Dec/07
yes but if that is the case why must he downgrade all of them based off of 1 photo
Danimal said on 12/Dec/07
When I first came on this site 3 years ago, editor Rob knew nothing about wrestlers and their heights. I think Rob JUST goes by pics that are sent to him, where as most of actually have seen countless matches and backstage footage of these guys for years. I don't think he takes their heights nearly as seriously as we do.
cantstop25 said on 12/Dec/07
I agree sprint, bu I dont feel it is right for nash to have been downgraded either, kareem had very good posture in his photo...not to mention the fact that there is a picutre of nash next to kareem where he is fact looks 6'10"!!!
kareem looked huge next to mamum that it made everybody else seem shorter inludign "7foot" tiny ron(Karem dwarfed him in comparison!) adn that 7'8" guy..yet for whatever reason the only people downgraded were the wrestlers
sprint84 said on 12/Dec/07
A few things about Nash and Schwarz:

1. In any picture with this big a height difference, pinpointing an exact height is impossible (like estimating the height of a skyscraper by comparing it to a lamppost). The best I think anyone can reasonably say is that both Nash and Schwartz are 11-15 inches taller than Mamun, putting them anywhere tween 6'7" and 6'11".

2. While Nash's knee is slightly bent, he is also (relative to Mamun) closer to the camera than Schwartz (not to mention Schwartz is also leaning). Point is, neither was posing for the purpose of having his height estimated.

3. As stated by a previous poster, this picture is taken at a very low angle (from below Mamun's chin), making Nash seem even larger and taller than he already is!

A quick glance at the photos would lead you to believe that Nash is significantly taller than Schwartz. But acting like you can figure out Nash's or Schwartz's height TO THE INCH based on these pictures is ridiculous.
Jason said on 11/Dec/07
Dave says on 10/Dec/07
''regardless the fact remains nash is clearly 1-3 inches taller than scwartz in these pics, that cannot be denied!, imagine both ment standing fully erect, nash is taller by a fair bit!''

Yeah, whatever UBD is, Nash is taller. I can agree with that much.
Dave said on 10/Dec/07
regardless the fact remains nash is clearly 1-3 inches taller than scwartz in these pics, that cannot be denied!, imagine both ment standing fully erect, nash is taller by a fair bit!
Jason said on 10/Dec/07
Schwartz standing straighter than Nash?! Sure looks like the other way around to me. This one's also taken from a lower angle.
Dave said on 9/Dec/07
btw, this new pic with manmun and schwarts makes nash look VERY strong against manmun..... this guy claims 6'10 and so does nash, if nash is 6'9 then the schwartz guy is no more than 6'6..... meaning, schwartz is about 6'7, and nash is every bit of his 6'10 claim, just look at the pics!.... nash's height looks a solid 6'10, and he needs upgraded, i have not seen ONE piece of evidence to suggest nash under 6'10!!!!, and this new pic where this guys listed at 6'8 puts nash at an easy 6'10.... just compare them, either nash needs an upgrade or that guy needs a serious downgrade, because theres no way one inch between them, more like 3 if they both stood straight.

6.9.5 BARE min for nash, more like 6'10 in reality.
Dave said on 9/Dec/07
very good point cantstop, and i never noticed it before..... either way, its obvious to me that nash could easily be his 6'10 claim ith ease, especially in his prime.
cantstop25 said on 8/Dec/07
look at nash's picture with mamum take a close look at this left leg its clearly bent making him look shorter.
mike m said on 5/Dec/07
nash has always appeared to me to be very tall,even during his run in the deisel shawns body guard, he was listed at 7,0".on many occasions nash has admitted he,s 6,10" so who are we to argue.
Vegas said on 3/Dec/07
i don't think you can count the crown as the top of lawlers head, both shawn and bret are clearly 1" taller than lawler there, maybe more based on eyeline positions
Danimal said on 3/Dec/07
JT, that pic you just referenced shows that Bret is around the same height as lawler (which he is out of ring gear) and Michaels SLIGHTLY taller (but not by a whole lot.
JT said on 3/Dec/07
A decent shot of Nash from 1995 with around 12 inches on 5
winst27 said on 1/Dec/07
If Nash stood up straight he'll have about 14-15 inches on Mamun there...
omar g said on 1/Dec/07
my friend who is 6'8 stood next to kevin nash,and he had an easy 2 inches on him.this was around 1995ish.he was about the same height as undertaker.maybe 1/4 taller.the doa looked pretty tall in person.does anyone know their legit height?
Alex2 said on 30/Nov/07
Nash in that picture is slouching and i think if he stood straight would be around 6'10.5-6'11 easily.
Alex said on 29/Nov/07
Nash I think was 6'10 at his peak but looked 6'8-6'8 1/2 in person to me last year but I wasn't on level ground with him though as he was higher up from me on a stage.
Frank said on 25/Nov/07
Paul, he looked 6ft 10 easily too me when i seen him
Paul said on 25/Nov/07
Well you know Frank that Nash said many times he was between 6'10-11 in the 1990's.
Frank said on 24/Nov/07
Nash look about 1.5 inches taller than Taker (When Taker stands up Straight)
anonymous 1 said on 24/Nov/07
kevin nash 6,10",taker 2 -3 inches shorter 6,7" the same with kane too, 6,7" to 6,8",big show 6,11"- 7,0". dalip singh(aka the great khali)7,0" -7,1".
lsu alum said on 24/Nov/07
i can find no consistency in vegas's comments,lets get this right.he's an expert on both pro wrestling,and pro basketball,even though he has probably never played any sports.but he can look at a picture,and with a 100% accuracy can tell the persons height,hm
Paul said on 23/Nov/07
Nash at his best. Working some magic.
Click Here
Frank said on 23/Nov/07
I met Janetty and he was not 6ft he was about 5ft 10 1/2 to 5ft 11 topps
Danimal said on 22/Nov/07
When The Rockers started, they had Janetty at 6'0" and Mischaels at 5'11", when it was clear that Michaels was at least 2" taller than Janetty, so I agree with you Vegas.
cantstop25 said on 22/Nov/07
I could actually see lance cade at a legit 6'5" he towered over edge
Vegas said on 22/Nov/07
Orton is no less than 6'3.5" when he stands fully tall; as for others in the WWE, Mark Henry is no doubt his correct billing, regal his, the hardys very close to their 6'1 listings, the coach his, young harry smith looks very close to his 6'5 listing, there are quite a number who are within 1" of their correct listings like JBL, chavo, carlito, cade, simmons, todd grisham etc, michael cole is underlisted at 5'7 just looking at him next to mysterio in the middle of the ring, i can't see mysterio as short as 5'1 :)

i can find no consistency at all in pro-wrestling listings, two guys i know are listed at 5'10 in their local fed, yet one guy is 2" taller, the shorter guy has admitted to me he is just 5'8 but that they overbill him in height and underbill him in weight at 190lb, he is about 220lb in reality and gaining all the time.
Alex said on 22/Nov/07
Orton is the only one to be exact who I think is his exact height listing. Cena is very close to it. I actually thought Big Show was about his too when he was there. Everyone else was off at least 2-3 inches.
Dave said on 20/Nov/07
i agree with both of your comments alex, orton is genuinely tall, he is certainly a legit 6'4er..... and cena is a 6'1 guy.

And there is well over a foot between nash and manmun.... 6'9 for nash nowadays, and 6'10 peak, easy.
Alex said on 19/Nov/07
Its easily over a foot between Nash and Mamun.
lsu alum said on 18/Nov/07
in the pictures he towers over oliver nba players oliver miller,and magic johnson.nash i a legit 6'10"
Supermanfan380 said on 17/Nov/07
in all fairness, looking up actualy lowers the top of your head, but I agree, Nash is a LOT taller than him, any possible way you slice it.
Alex2 said on 17/Nov/07
One way or another Nash is a true giant.
anonymous 1 said on 16/Nov/07
perfect example of just how tall nash is ,just look a t him face to face with angle,angle is around 5,10" and nash has at least a foot on him.
Mr_6'5 said on 15/Nov/07
I think Nash has at least an 11 inch head, maybe 12. just compare the two. And not to mention Mamun is looking up, I'd say based on this picture above, Nash easily has 13 maybe even 14 inches on the Great Mamun. So I'd give Nash at least 6'10'' maybe more if he stood up straight
Alex2 said on 14/Nov/07
Nash at absolute lowest he could be is 6'9.5 why is it always wrestlers that get downgraded on this site? footballers dont, nba guys dont but always wrestlers do??
anonymous 1 said on 14/Nov/07
nash imo looks to have well over a foot on mamun, i,d go as far as to say that nash could be 6,11" there in that pic.
Dave said on 12/Nov/07
i agree with anon 1, nash has a few inches on taker quite easily.
lsu alu said on 11/Nov/07
nash only 6'6" mamun must be shorter that danny devito not!
lsu alu said on 11/Nov/07
nash'speak height was 6'!0'with age and settling he may be a little shorter,but 6'6"thats insane,i think gammas taken to much gamma rays
anonymous 1 said on 9/Nov/07
nash has about 2- 3inches on taker.
anonymous 1 said on 9/Nov/07
nash is not below 6,9",taker was billed at 6,10 for many years, to me he did appear that way at one time,but now i know different ,on the the other hand nash has claimed himself to be a legit 6'10" which i honestly believe.
Viper said on 8/Nov/07
Big Ben is 6-1 according to Gamma
Anonymous said on 7/Nov/07
Vegas, don't forget the 2 comparison pics of a PRE-1990 next to 6'5"+ Hilbilly Jim and then comparing that with them in a more recent pic, where Hogan looks 6'3" and very little change. We can also compare a PRE-1990 Hogan next to Vince, where Hogan had about 4" on him and then we see Hogan having 1.5" on him in 2005 with Sly?

Prime Hogan - 6'5"-6'6"
Hall - 6'4.5"-6'5"
Present Hogan - 6'3 1/4"
Anonymous said on 7/Nov/07
No, a broken down 1990 Andre still had about 2" on a minimum 6'8" Tyler Mane. A peak Andre would have 1-2" on 6'10" prime Kevin Nash.
Viper said on 7/Nov/07
There was some guy on Sly's page a while back who said there were rumors of the Rock being 5-10.
Vegas said on 7/Nov/07
i want to see what gamma_2008 estimates for poor dave batista, john cena and even worse lance storm........... based on his estimation of khali.

6'2 big daddy v is the best one so far, i want some of those 6" lifts he wore next to max starks in those photos of the two, lol
LV said on 7/Nov/07
Well the Rock MUST be 5'9" by his logic.
Alex said on 7/Nov/07
HHH 5'10? LOL
Viper said on 7/Nov/07
I want to know how tall gamma thinks the Rock is.
Vegas said on 7/Nov/07
proof that triple h is about 5'10 Click Here
Vegas said on 7/Nov/07
no way hall has 2" on hogan today. danimal have you watched the video of hogan and mr t where hogan has about 7 inches on t as of december 2005
anonymous 1 said on 6/Nov/07
imo andre and nash would be just about the same in height.big show a tad taller
Danimal said on 6/Nov/07
Hall did not have an inch on a prime Hogan. Sorry, but the height advantage would have gone to Hogan up to 1990. Since 1999-2003, I would give the advantage to Hall. As for today, it would be interesting to see Hall have close to 2" on Hogan.
Vegas said on 6/Nov/07
press release from 1980, ten long years before kevin nash decided to become a wrestler Click Here nash is barely able to walk any more and still he has inches to spare on legit 6'7+ guys. like viper said nash is 6'8 minimum and 6'10 maximum back in the day.

Scott hall 6'1, lol, guess that makes jerry lawler about 5'6 max Click Here and william shatner about 5'3-5'4 because lawler had him by 2-3" easy in the mid 1990s. hall was between 6'4 and 6'5 barefoot (6'4 would be my best guess for hall). Hall was billed at 6'9 in AWA during the 1980s, a 6'1 guy getting away with 6'9, not even at a blindmans convention could someone pull that off, lol. Halls driving licence is on the net somewhere (i will try to find it), clearly stating 6'5 and 230lb when at the time in WCW he was billed at 6'8 270lb. I guess he did have to get medically measured/weighed for that.
Dave said on 6/Nov/07
Mr E.... agreed totally....

Scott hall is AT THE VERY LEAST 6'3 flat..... but realistically hes 6'4 flat.... he was well built but ALWAYS looked long, he always looked a legit tall guy, and being well built often makes you appear shorter not taller. Nash is NO WAY 6'6.... im sorry but these claims are ludicrous.... until these people present some EVIDENCE to suggest nash only 6'6, be quiet.... because there is OVERWHELMING evidence on this page to suggest nash is 6'8-10.... and theres very little even which suggests him as low as 6'8 in my opinion.
Mr. E said on 6/Nov/07
I'm sure someone has already beat me to it, but Gamma_2008, you are a blithering idiot and it's my fault for letting your stupid claims piss me off. First, you said that Big Show was 6'8", Taker and Kane were 6'3" or 6'4". Then you went on to claim that Sid was 6'4" and now Nash 6'6" and Scott Hall 6'1"? When we all said that if you downgrade Nash to 6'6", you'd have to downgrade everyone. We said that as overwhelming evidence to Nash (and others) being within an inch or two of their claims. No one meant to go ahead and seriously downgrade every WWE/WWF guy three inches. What we are debating is realistically 6-8.5 to 6-10. Don't just post a bunch of crap just to create a buzz for gamma_2008. It's just plain immature and stupid.
Gamma_2008 said on 6/Nov/07
JT, I would say Hall is around the 6'1 - 6'2 mark without footwear. He he very well built so can appear to be bigger than his height suggests.
Dave said on 6/Nov/07
good point with scott hall.... the man is at least 6'4... at least.

He always looked a genuine tall guy, and the fact he was comfortably taller than the rock by over an inch and a half when nwo invaded wwe in the early 2000's... seals the deal for me. Also, he never ever stood straight, was always bent in some direction or just with lazy posture, but when he stood straight up in the early nwo days, he was taller than a much younger hogan by almost a full inch, but im 100% sure that hogan is a little shorter now.
JT said on 5/Nov/07
Nash in 1998 with close to 5 inches on Scott Hall, with both in sandals (Click Here) (Click Here). I guess that makes Hall 6
Mamun said on 5/Nov/07
I agree with all of you my friends that nash does look 6'8" in my picture
and even taller in person . It's the picture with my cousin that kills
everything !

Alex said on 5/Nov/07
I also think the lowest Nash would be is 6'8. My exact estimate of him in person was 6'8 1/2 but he wasn't on level ground as me and was 15-20 feet away.
Gamma_2008 said on 5/Nov/07
Of course Kevin Nash is around 6'6 without any footwear.

He can easily stand over 6'8 with sneakers (sole of a size 16 is very thick) and some lifts.

Put a 6'8 with shoes/lifts in the ring, and bill him has 7 ft. How are you guys who see him on TV going to tell whether or not he's 6'8 or 7 foot? 4 inch gap on a very large man as he is.
Anonymous said on 5/Nov/07
Danimal says on 4/Nov/07
5'7 JLA says on 3/Nov/07
I thought so kevin doesnt look 7 ft these days look here
Click Here

These days? That's like 5-6 years ago dude.

Maybe you need to take valum dude!
Danimal said on 5/Nov/07
Viper says on 4/Nov/07
There is no way Nash is only 6-6 now. The lowest he could be is 6-8.

Why? Cause that's what the Mentor had him at?
Dave said on 5/Nov/07
LV im sorry.... those comments i made are directed at Anonymous, i just looked down and saw the LV in capitals. Apologies.
Dave said on 5/Nov/07
LV: soooooo you are telling us that football boots with cleats (standing on grass that is, meaning the advantage of the spikes are taken away as they are stuck into the grass) and maybe an insert.... give nash enough height to be considerably taller than a legit 6'7 guy?!..... (giving of course that nash is as low as 6'6).... Heres a brief outline of what you are trying to say: 6'6 nash towers over 6'7 Godsey, similar or the exact same footwear was worn but somehow 6'6 guy gives off the impression of someone 6'10.... scientists baffled.

Look LV, dont make yourself look so obviously biased and opinionated.... it doesnt look good.

Also, what big sneakers with inserts on this planet could EVER give you a 6 INCH height advantage?.... i know you were joking but those inserts give you an inch MAXIMUM... also hes shoes could not be that much bigger than a normal pair, just slightly because of his big feet....

Nash is a 6'8 minimum.... even today. He is NEVER 6'6 LV. You are simply wrong.... on this page alone there is enough evidence by far to suggest hes over 6'8 legit. Look at the pic with manmun for gods sake, even slouched hes this tall.... imagine he was stretched like tiny ron in his pic with manmun.... and imagine he raised his head in the similar style to manmun.... inserts or not he is 6'8

(btw, i done a little reasearch on that pic with those 'inserts'.... this was during his knee surgery rehab time, and when i myself had a serious knee injury because or rugby, i was given inserts like this for my shoes... so the pic is being misused possibly.... and besides.... WHY would a guy as obviously big as he is use inserts?.... it doesnt compute. Nash has said himself of many occaisions his favourite footwear is sandals.... as they are very comfortable for his feet. Now why would a guy so image consious as to wear inserts for going out to the mall, wear footwear which gives you the smallest height boost possible most of the time???!?!?!?..... that doesnt compute either

Nash 6'8 minimum..... based on recent evidence i still put him at 6'9 in peak, maybe even more.
Big T said on 5/Nov/07
6'10". A man of that size would have at least a 10" head, and you can imagine in that photo that if someone's head came up to Nash's chin, they would look a solid 6' next to Mamun. Nash looks clearly at least 6'9" in all his pictures near other wrestlers and athletes, and the pic with Oliver Miller is very telling.
Vegas said on 4/Nov/07
Anonymous says on 4/Nov/07
LV - hey genius he's wearing football cleats and has a long history of using big boots and thick soles, not to mention the pic down there of the inserts in his shoes. nash is 6'8 max and more likely 6'6 now. learn how to read, mamun even said himself that nash was wearing thick soled shoes, plus inserts and there you have it. i think i should start walking around in 6 inch heels so i could say myself 6'6, because apparently no one on this sit takes any note of FOOTWEAR

so kevin nash is 6
Viper said on 4/Nov/07
There is no way Nash is only 6-6 now. The lowest he could be is 6-8.
JT said on 4/Nov/07
Anonymous, Godsey's wearing cleats too and they are standing in the middle of a grass football field. Post some pics of Nash wearing big-soled wrestling boots in the ring.
Danimal said on 4/Nov/07
5'7 JLA says on 3/Nov/07
I thought so kevin doesnt look 7 ft these days look here
Click Here

These days? That's like 5-6 years ago dude.
Mr. E said on 4/Nov/07
#1, cleats do not give you a height boost. Anyone who has played a cleated sport will tell you that the profile of a cleat is low for added stability. Lower to the ground for better mobility. Second, his inserts for his basketball shoe were more than likely orthotics, which correct pronation issues that lead to knee and hip pain. Nash more than fits the bill for an orthotic wearer. As many sane individuals have said on this site, we are playfully sparring over the issue of Nash being 6'8" to 6'10". 6'6" shouldn't even be mentioned here. While I think that Nash is a shade on either side of 6'9", I think there can be a case made for his peak height being over 6'10". Based on the many pics I've seen, Nash measures up well to most "big" guys. Secondly, if any of you 6'6" claimers out there want to post that height for Nash, that means you need to downgrade EVERYONE that Nash has stood next to. Anonymous, you can't just look at one picture and say "There you have it". I couldn't imagine you sitting on a jury.
LV said on 3/Nov/07
5'7 JLA, you make no sense. We're aren't arguing that he is or ever was 7'0" but that he was 6'10" peak and still close to that now. That video had very bad camera angles. If you watch it towards the end, he isn't much shorter than Big Show.
5'7 JLA said on 3/Nov/07
I thought so kevin doesnt look 7 ft these days look here
Click Here
Ted said on 3/Nov/07
Nash looks up to 4" taller than that 6'7 guy Godsey
Paul said on 2/Nov/07
Trust me, never mind 6'8, Nash is well over 7ft here with the inverted popcorn cone stuck on his head, mark my words.
Click Here
Gamma_2008 said on 2/Nov/07
Nash is around 6'6 - 6'7 in recent years

In his peak, in the mid'90's, he would be towering most wrestlers at 6'8.
mike m said on 31/Oct/07
after looking at nash with angle on tna,i,d say there was a 12 inch difference between the two.angle being 5'10" would most definitely place nash at a legit 6,10".
LV said on 30/Oct/07
As I've said before and I'm a HUGE Indiana Pacers fan. I've seen nearly every game since the early 90's. I think Jermaine is very close to his 6'11" listing. He was actually listed at 7'0" for a few seasons (actually that's when Brad Miller joined the team and they were both listed at the same height for about 2 years). I always found it funny that his height fluctuated between seasons. Anyway, great find Vegas. That clearly shows Oliver Miller being much taller than the 6'6"+ Reggie Miller and Kevin Nash looks as tall as J.O.
Anonymous said on 30/Oct/07
with out a doubt there is a 3 inch difference with godsey and nash.
JT said on 30/Oct/07
Here are a couple Vegas though they
Vegas said on 30/Oct/07
JT; do you have any good pics of Jermaine o neal next to shaq??

here is jermaine o 'neal next to reggie miller who is 6'6; i remember someone here claimed oliver miller was more than likely 6'6 when they saw him next to nash lol Click Here big big big difference between reggie miller/o'neal and oliver miller/o'neal
JT said on 29/Oct/07
Good find Vegas. (Click Here) O
Vegas said on 29/Oct/07
here you go LV; Oliver Miller and 6'11 listed Jermaine O'Neal (without the hat they would be the same height i suspect Click Here
Danimal said on 29/Oct/07
Nash has claimed both 6'10" and 6'11" for his real height, at a time where they were billing him at 7'0"-7'1". This however is MANY years ago. He may and probably has lost height since those day. Not under 6'9" and a lot of change today.
LV said on 28/Oct/07
There is no debate here, just some people flaming! How many times do we have to post the pictures of him with Oliver Miller (Click Here), Gary Godsey (Click Here), and Magic Johnson (Click Here) for you people to see he's clearly 6'10". Each one of those guys is NO SHORTER THAN 6'7" MINIMUM and Magic has all of them by 2"-3". He has the least amount of height on Oliver Miller but he is likely the tallest and was listed at 6'9". I'm having trouble finding other pictures of Oliver Miller but here is is with 6'10" Olajuwon (Click Here). I realize its not a great picture. Can someone find a better one to backup his height?
supes78 said on 28/Oct/07
Nash is 6'10" as he claims. He's never wavered from that even when WWE & WCW were billing him at 7foot+. No one's posted any convincing pics to prove he's any shorter and 6'8" is laughable.
Danimal said on 27/Oct/07
Nash was nothing less than I truly believe that a PEAK Nash was 6'10.5" and a PEAK Big Show was 7'1" (or just under).
JT said on 27/Oct/07
This gives you a rough idea how Nash, Giant Gonzalez (7'6"), Yao Ming (approaching 7
JT said on 27/Oct/07
A few pics of Nash with 6
Supermanfan380 said on 26/Oct/07
It is possible that Nash and Morgan are barefoot the same height. Both were listed at 6'10" when playing ball, and it is possible that TNA is trying to bill him as "taller" than Nash, but we really do not have a perfect picture to judge to less than 1" off.

They may have heels on Morgan to make him look even taller than Nash, but but they may be close to the same without it.

Morgan may not be any shorter anyhow, and we still do no thave any pics of the two together.
Vegas said on 26/Oct/07
nash/kareem comparison, mamun is standing as tall as possible with nash, lifting his head up (yet has a relaxed posture with kareem) which makes it very difficult to match up photos, there is roughly a 5.5" difference Click Here
Dave said on 26/Oct/07
morgans fotwear is HUGE in tna.... HUGE heels.... Nash IS the taller man, but TNA are trying to pass off morgan as the taller. Id asy morgan 6'8 and nash anywhere between 6'8 and 6'10

Also, @ LV nash certainly has lost height, remember hes had knee operations, and unless a guy is close to his height he never stands straight in pics.
Mr. E said on 26/Oct/07
After seeing the Impact bad angles, Morgan looked a shade taller than Nash. Footwear? Or is Morgan a legit 6'10" guy? Nash had dress shoes on and Morgan's footwear has been suspect since he showed up in TNA.
LV said on 25/Oct/07
After seeing that picture of Mamun with Kareem on the front page, its obvious something is alittle off in the above picture since we've have a picture of Nash and Kareem together and Kareem is maybe 4 inches taller. It just doesn't add up because Kareem completely dwarfs Mamun in that picture and Nash barely has a head on him. Maybe that just shows that a younger Nash was taller than an older Nash (Kenny Rogers).
Mamun said on 24/Oct/07
KingNick ! This is between you and me dude and don't let anyone know !
It's not that I like Superman but I am Superman !

Regards ,
Alex said on 24/Oct/07
Nick, the 6'5.5 claim for UT isn't as bad as the 6'2 claim for him last year.
KingNick said on 24/Oct/07
I've just been skimming through this page WOW. Now you guys know how I felt when someone implied Andre the Giant may have been 6'5". Someone now is claiming UT is 6'5.5" and I'm doing my best to not throw a coniption fit again.

Mamun ... I get the feeling you like Superman???
ck said on 24/Oct/07
The 6'6" comments can not be taken seriously. The person who made them has no credability and is a joke. Nash is NOT 6'6" and never has been. He is between 6'9" and 6'10" tall. PLEASE stop making ludicrous and false height claims.
Vegas said on 24/Oct/07
mamun; i actually said "99.9% of sports listings worldwide are within 1" of accuracy imo" which means someone listed at 7'1 could very well be 7'0 in reality. That figure should have read "within 1.5 inches of accuracy". there is always going to be 1 or 2 guys where this is not the case i suppose and they are out by more than 1.5".

I did an experiment a few months ago with 40 players of miami hurricanes football team to see how how much a certain team exagerrates. out of the 40 players none were measured less than 1.5 inches of their listed heights at the nfl combine; quite a few were listed below their actual barefoot heights. One guy; Greg Olsen listed by Miami at 6'5 but was actually measured barefoot at combine at 6'5.8"

Click Here fourth name down Brennan Curtin listed at 6'7 by Notre Dame, actually measured barefoot at 6'9.2 Click Here so downgrading happens in sports too
Dave said on 24/Oct/07
At 'cantstop' i think that has to get the vote for the most hilarious post on this site.... Vegas: THANKYOU man.... someone with half a brain, those photos perfectly show nash to be 6'9-6'10 LEGIT and he doesnt just use silly pics with silly estimation, he uses objective pics of related people from the same time period (the same movie to be exact) and PROVES that nash is as tall as he was billed later in his career (6'10) and this was recent, nash might have even been taller in the 90s, THANKYOU VEGAS, for a great post which gets rid of these frankly RIDICULOUS estimations of a 6'6 MAX nash, Its always easy to downgrade the big-men, as wwe exaggerates horribly (and ill admit that) But nash is NOWHERE near 6'6. Anyone can see this.
Mamun said on 23/Oct/07
Vegas I would like to ask you a question my friend ? You say sports Listings
are 99.99% legit ???????????? My friend they had Shaq listed at 7'1" in the
early days of his career . But is he really even 7' if you take off those
monstrous NBA shoes ? If you or any other person here tells me that the
shoes he wears doesn't really matter or add up to his height , then I am
jumping off the Empire State Building and I am going to land on my nose and
make sure that my nose doesn't bleed too . How is that for a bet my friend .
I don't think your going to win this one !

Regards and waiting for your reply ,
Kevin Durant said on 23/Oct/07
JohnP says on 22/Oct/07
Kevin Durant, you do know that NBA players are measured in shoes, right? Even though 6-3 is too short for being have measured at 6-5 1/2 in shoes, he is maybe 6-4 1/2 most likely, or maybe 6-4 at the lowest bare foot.

Larry Johnson is measured at 6'5.5" (With shoes) and 6'6.75" ( with shoes) they just rounded his height to 6'7" because he is playing the PF position in the NBA.
Mr. E said on 23/Oct/07
cantstop25, you had me rollin! Facts: Nash really didn't stand at his tallest with 5'10" Kurt Angle. (he didn't need to) Nash had hoop shoes on while Angle looks to be wearing a boot similar to otomix weightlifting flat boot. Still I think Nash (the 6'9" to 6'10" Kenny Rogers) had easily a foot on Angle. Oops, I forgot, to steal from cantstop 25, the 6'6" Kevin Nash has a foot on the 5'6" Kurt Angle, not to mention the 6'4" undertaker, the 6'3" Sid Eudy, the 6'9" Big Show, the 6 foot Hulk Hogan, the 6 foot Bill Goldberg, the 5'11" HHH, the 5'7" Shawn Michaels, are we getting stupid enough yet? Oh yeah, the 4'11" Rey Mysterio.
Dave said on 23/Oct/07
because magic is at the very least 6'5.... and nash is at the very least 6'9
Viper said on 23/Oct/07
Why does 6-1 Barry Bonds look sub 6-0 with Magic?
cantstop25 said on 23/Oct/07
guys nash is 6'6" look at him here next to 6'3" magic johnson
Click Here

6'3" magic with 5'8.5" Barry Bonds

Click Here

Barry with 5'6" Wayne Gretsky
Click Here

5'3.5" Lance Armstrong
Click Here

Lance with 4'10" Bob Costas
Click Here

everyone in this picute is legally a dwarf
Click Here
Vegas said on 23/Oct/07
anonymous you are the same guy who posted as lebron23 over at insidehoops i bet ;)

if barkley is 6'3 then i am father christmas and the tooth fairy combined and shaq is barely 6'9 despite having the footwear advantage too Click Here
Anonymous said on 23/Oct/07
there's an article where they say players feel barkley was AT MOST 6'4 meaning 6'3 is not impossible
Viper said on 23/Oct/07
MJ is taller than just 6-3.
Gonzalo said on 23/Oct/07
There is no way Michael Jordan is just 6`3. That
Anonymous said on 22/Oct/07
LV says "Michael Jordan is 6'3" by your dullard logic."

taken from michael jordan's offical page on, go check it out

"He attended Laney High school in Wilmington, North Carolina, but as a 5-11 skinny sophomore, he was cut from the varsity basketball team. The summer before his junior year, he grew to 6-3 and began his path to super-stardom."

now the interesting thing to me is, nowhere in that article form my skimming does it say anything about growing anymore since the spurt to 6'3(i did only skim through and didn't find anything, if anyone who read the whole thing does find anything i will immediately admit my error.) this is just speculation, but it's not entirely impossible mj is 6'3, though rob has him at 6'4.
Viper said on 22/Oct/07
If thats the case about the NBA then the Big Show being fudged by 4 inches is not out of the realm of possibility. Though I still think Ben Wallace is no shorter than 6-7.
JohnP said on 22/Oct/07
Kevin Durant, you do know that NBA players are measured in shoes, right? Even though 6-3 is too short for being have measured at 6-5 1/2 in shoes, he is maybe 6-4 1/2 most likely, or maybe 6-4 at the lowest bare foot.
bennyboobooboobooboo! said on 22/Oct/07
I agree. those listings are rediculous. try sid 6'7'', taker 6'7.5-6'8'', kane 6'8'', nash 6'9'', brian adams 6'5''. maybe like a 6'4.7'', fetus 6'5.7.
cantstop25 said on 22/Oct/07
no way is larry johnson only 6'3" if anybody ever watched space jam he banged his head on some bar alongside ewing and bradley, no way would thye do that with a 6'3" guy lol
Kevin Durant said on 22/Oct/07
Vegas says on 22/Oct/07
you can change your brian adams estimate anyway kevin durant, he wasn't 6'7 Click Here

Thanks for the correction i was typing so fasts and listed him at 6'7" but my estimation he is 6'5".

Anonymous says on 22/Oct/07
"Viper says on 22/Oct/07
I beleive Wallace was measured at 6-7. I find it hard to beleive the NBA would fudge a player by OVER 3 inches."

larry johnson was listed 6'7 but is only 6'3 so there goes your theory

Larry Johnson was measured at 6'5.5" in the NBA Draft Camp and here is my link to prove it.

" True blue-chippers: Larry Johnson, Charlotte - Everyone worried about his height, 6-5 1/2, but these barrel-chested guys..."

Click Here
Alex said on 22/Oct/07
Larry Johnson only 6'3? He never looked 6'7 to me, maybe because of his heavier build but I would say he's not under 6'5.
Vegas said on 22/Oct/07
next you will tell us that charles barkley is really 6'3, lol
Anonymous said on 22/Oct/07
"Viper says on 22/Oct/07
I beleive Wallace was measured at 6-7. I find it hard to beleive the NBA would fudge a player by OVER 3 inches."

larry johnson was listed 6'7 but is only 6'3 so there goes your theory
Anonymous said on 22/Oct/07
Viper says on 22/Oct/07
I beleive Wallace was measured at 6-7. I find it hard to beleive the NBA would fudge a player by OVER 3 inches.

Maybe they still Fudge his height because you can actually see that he is closer to 6'6" than 6'7".

Viper, i remember one NBA player who was listed at 6'9" in College and when they measured him in the 1998 NBA Draft Camp he was 6'5" (barefeet). I am talking about a legit 6'5" and that player is none other than Reuben Patterson of the Los Angeles Clippers.
Vegas said on 22/Oct/07
you can change your brian adams estimate anyway kevin durant, he wasn't 6'7 Click Here
Viper said on 22/Oct/07
I beleive Wallace was measured at 6-7. I find it hard to beleive the NBA would fudge a player by OVER 3 inches.
Kevin Durant said on 22/Oct/07
Viper says on 22/Oct/07
So now we have Ben Wallace at 6-5 3/4 and Kevin Nash at 6-6. LOL. I bet even Jason is laughing his ass off at these low estimations.

Ben Wallace is not taller than 6'6" i have posted some photo evidence that he is shorter than 6'7". He was listed at 6'9" in the NBA Website which is probably not true, and he is much shorter than his listed height. As far as Kevin Nash is concern i believe he is a legit 6'9" probably during his prime he is a legit 6'10".

So after a month of posting in this site here are my estimation on the height of some of the wrestlers in both the WCW and WWE.

Kane- 6'8"
The Undertaker 6'8.5"
Sid Eudy- 6'7"
Big John Studd- 6'7"
Brock Lesnar- 6'2"
HHH- 6'2"
Booker T- 6'0.5"
John Cena- 6'0.5"
Diamond Dallas Page- 6'4"
Scott Hall- 6'5"
Kevin Nash- 6'9"
Big Show- 6'11-7'0"
Batista- 6'3"
Sting- 6'2"
Kurt Angle- 5'10"
Samoa Joe- 5'11"
Vince Mcmahon- 6'1"
Stonecold Steve Austin- 6'0.5"
Andre the Giant- 6'11"
Brian Adams- 6'7"
Festus- 6'5.5"
Jesse/Ray Gordy- 5'8"
Brian Lee/The Underfaker- 6'3"
Goldust- 6'4"
Randy Orton- 6'4"
Dusty Rhodes- 5'11"
Jeff Jarrett- 5'10"
Lance Hoyt - 6'7"
Abyss- 6'5"
Dave said on 22/Oct/07
i dont even take that 6'6 estimation seriously at all.... because its simply silly.... THE LOWEST i could possibly see this man is 6'8 as hes over a foot taller than manmum, over a foot,... and as i said earlier, if nash is 6'6 then taker is 6'3-4 MAX.. And those of us here who are objective and fair know that its simply not possible for these 2 men to be this height.
Halb said on 22/Oct/07
I don't think Nash is any lover than 6'9.
Viper said on 22/Oct/07
So now we have Ben Wallace at 6-5 3/4 and Kevin Nash at 6-6. LOL. I bet even Jason is laughing his ass off at these low estimations.
derek said on 22/Oct/07
I see your point Mamun... but Nash's head looks at least one foot higher than yours if you look at it....
Frank said on 22/Oct/07
Mamum thanks for your answer but your cousin looks taller than 6ft 6 compared too you and i fully understand what you are saying when i Met Vince he looked about 6ft 3ish but when i got the pictures back he looked 6ft 1 1/2 to 6ft 2
I asked Taker how tall he was and he told me 6ft 9 and he looked it from my eye level he looked hugh and so did Nash but Sid for some reason did not look as tall as Taker & Nash did.....I believe you got a picture with Tyler Mane i hope Rob would post that also
Vegas said on 21/Oct/07
Anonymous says on 21/Oct/07
that pic with magic is not a good one, nash is in wrestling gear

lol. you need glasses.

magic 6'7 college listing, nash 6'10 college listing, in the photos there is 2.5" difference, coincidence???

Mamun i mentioned this before on andres page; very rarely do photos tell you anything, i have posted photos where i looked 3" taller than my brother (who is actually taller than me in reality) and taller than my legit 6'3 friend. you yourself thought bill wennington looked under 6'7 next to hulk hogan (which shows how unreliable photos are at times).

Nash for example is not standing straight with you, his posture and yours is like night and day, but then again he doesn't have to stand tall with you, if you were 6'8 instead of 5'8 then you would see him standing tall imo.
LV said on 21/Oct/07
Anonymous, first of all, post your real identity. We've had problems on this site of people posting as anonymous and then supporting "somone else's opinions". Second, that regarding the picture of Nash and Magic Johnson, he is NOT in wrestling gear! They are all in street clothes. Are you even looking at these pictures objectively?
iamtall said on 21/Oct/07
do he wearing a lifts
Alex said on 21/Oct/07
6'6 for Nash is too short. 6'8 is the shortest I'd buy that man at.
Danimal77 said on 21/Oct/07
I once saw a behind the scenes documentary where he stated that he had to have his neck fused, which DOES chop off some height. Just look at Hogan for that.
Mattiew_^ said on 21/Oct/07
People claiming Nash is 6'6 are insane .

I'll soon go back to my parents and bring back my pics with him in 1995 , so you will be able to compare my pics when he is standing next to a 5'11 guy to Mamun's .
Mark said on 21/Oct/07
6'6 is too short. Realistically 6'8 being true reflection. Around 2' taller than Taker and 2/3 shorter then Wight.
Mamun said on 21/Oct/07
Well Frank your not going to believe what I am about to tell you . Do you want
to know the name I gave to my 6'6" cousin ? Giant Killer !! let me tell you
why . He and I always had arguements about him being taller than people like
Hogan, UT, Sid and Kevin Nash . He always said he was taller and intially
claimed he was 6' 10 " . Of course when your only 5'8" you won't be in doubt.
Then when I measured him I said " what in GOD'S name " , Your supposed to be
6' 10" dude . But my surprise didn't end there . He still went on saying he
was taller than these people . Well I told him noway and made a bet . There was only
one way to find out if your taller than 6' 11" UT ( That was his Initial
height in WWF ), 6'8" SID or 7' kevin . So began my 10 year quest . My first
surprise came in 2nd dec 1996 , when I met SID . I swear to you one thing .
When I saw him and took the picture , I thought not less than 6'9" . But after
developing the photos I got the shock of my life . I said it just can't be !
Sid has to be at least 2 inhes taller than my cousin . But I just couldn't see
that when I was comparing the photos . An even bigger shocker came in 2004 &
2006 after I met Kavin & Kane . Both these men appeared to be 7 ft and I was
sure they would have my cousin by at least more than 3 inches in height. Why can't I see that in these photos ? This was my conclusion Frank . You see when
you Body build and you start developing huge chests and high Traps , anyone
below your shoulder level would see you as a much taller person than you are
cause your shoulders and chests are higher than normal . And for someone in
the 5'7" to 5'8" ranges like me , anyone over 6'4" with huge shoulders and
chests would look like 6'9" . Because our eye level is always below their
shoulders . If my cousin joined the WWF and put on 80 pounds of muscle mass,
I think Vince would had him promoted as being 6' 11" . Because if you compare
the images carefuly , I don't think even Kavin Nash would be some one of much
taller height . Of course my cousin won the bets and he is happy . You had
asked me about my opinion Frank and I had given it to you . I don't think too
many good people here would agree with me . But that's the very reason why we
have this site isn't it ? To debate !

Kind Regards , Mamun
LV said on 21/Oct/07
Anonymous, apparently you're the idiot. Did you not look at my previous post with Nash looking inches taller than legit 6'7" guys? Please justify how you still think he's 6'6"? I guess Magic Johnson is 6'4" and Michael Jordan is 6'3" by your dullard logic.
Anonymous said on 21/Oct/07
that pic with magic is not a good one, nash is in wrestling gear and we already know the footwear that they have often exceeds clownish proportions
Frank said on 21/Oct/07
Mamum give us your estimate on how Tall Nash,Kane, Taker and Sid looked too you??
Mamun said on 21/Oct/07
About his shoes , Well he wasn't wearing Cowboy Boots for sure . what he was
wearing with me in that picture was just big size 17-18 casual shoes with
significantly thick soles . I was just wearing size 11 not more than 1 inches
casual shoes called Scatchers . His soles were a little higher than mine . To
give you an idea about the size of his soles you can take a look at those
shops were they have a Big and Tall section and then check out those shoes .

Regards Mamun
Anonymous said on 21/Oct/07
totally agree that he's 6'6 range. has stocky proportions and might look bigger but he doesn't look like that channing frye pic with glenn at all, and frye is leaning in his pic a lot towering over a more believable 5'8 person glenn.
Alex said on 21/Oct/07
Godsey could be as short as 6'6. Still its puts Nash at 6'8 1/2 there. But thats if Godsey is 6'6, if he's 6'6 1/2 or 6'7 then Nash is 6'9 at least then.
Alex said on 21/Oct/07
JT, Morgan and Nash look the same height in your comparison but Morgan's boots are easily giving an inch more to his height than Nash's sneakers. Nash would have an inch on Morgan in reality.
Anonymous said on 21/Oct/07
"IF nash had a totally straight head, hes almost 6 inches taller.... are you blind by any chance?"

yeah i'm sure he raised his head the one millimeter it's tilted he'd make 7' LOL what are you talking about? there's not a 6 inch difference there. if you guys wanna believe all the height listings that you see for athletes and wrestlers and all that fine, but the pro sprots leagues, especially nba boost heights. there's a center named jason collins who claimed 7ft but was no more than 6'8. why wouldn't a boxer flub his height? nash looks nothing more than 6'6 in a lot of pics. but you guys wanna buy him at this height lol i dunno what to tell you, other than he isn't
Dave said on 21/Oct/07
im sorry, but nash at 6'6 is ridiculous, even 6'7 is totally wrong, because IF nash is 6'6. then kane and the undertaker are about 6'4 MAX.... because nash is about 2 inches taller than them both.... 6'6 and 6'7 are TOO LOW for a man this tall looking
Kevin Durant said on 21/Oct/07
Kevin Nash is a minimum of 6'9" and i cannot see him under 6'8". Magic Johnson was measured at 6'7.25" in the 1979 NBA Draft and they upgrade him to 6'9", so that they can billed him as one of the tallest PG in the NBA.
Atoadaso said on 21/Oct/07
Morgan has a big height advantage in footwear, look at the size of those shoes compared to Nash', 1.5" advantage or so, cause those are huge.
Big T said on 21/Oct/07
6'10''. Some people on this site seem incapable of believing that ANYONE is 6'10''+.
LV said on 21/Oct/07
You guys that think Nash is 6'6" or 6'7" are idiots! Gary Godsey is no way shorter than 6'6" and is usually listed at 6'7" (he was listed at 6'8" and 6'9" in high school in Florida). Nash is 2"-3" taller here (Click Here).

Also, Magic Johnson was listed at 6'9" in the NBA but truly is no shorter than 6'7" (Click Here). You people are so frustrating, open your eyes!
Alex said on 20/Oct/07
Vegas, watch TNA bill Big Show at 7'0 still. That would be funny while having Morgan at 7'1.
D-Lurker said on 20/Oct/07
Dave says..."Who here genuinely agrees that on this pic he looks 6'6 max? "

not me :).tna stats made me think a lil, however

Vegas' shots is a lovely counter argument to 6'6"..6'8"
JT said on 20/Oct/07
Click Here
Alex said on 20/Oct/07
At least 11 inches on Angle. 6'9 there.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.