How tall is Kevin Nash - Page 11

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Average Guess (495 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 9.65in (207.4cm)
Current: 6ft 8.7in (205cm)
Annoyed said on 19/Feb/09
Nash calling himself "6'10" " strange, as he usually says 6'11" or 7'0" !
Da Man said on 19/Feb/09
Anonymous says on 17/Feb/09
"Talk about looking WAY TOO DEEP into things. The stare down is what it is: Taker barely taller than the MAX 6'6" A-Train."

If we were to take every single photo at face value, Austin could be as tall as Taker.

Red says
"Big Show 7
Danimal said on 19/Feb/09
Hall refers to Nash in one of their shoot interviews as having been a 6'11" guy in his socks when he first met him. I think Nash grew from 6'10" to 6'10.5"-6'11" during his college basketball days. I also believe that Big Show was a STRONG 7'0.5"-7'1.25" guy during his WCW days (early to late 20's).
gazz said on 19/Feb/09
On nash's RF shoot interview in 2007 he referred to himself as 6'10 twice, shawn micheals 6'1 and scott hall as 6'5/6'6
Red said on 18/Feb/09
Annoyed, yeah thats my current etimation for their peak heights, but I
tuga said on 18/Feb/09
Red says on 17/Feb/09
tuga, you don
Annoyed said on 18/Feb/09
Red says on 17/Feb/09
tuga, you don
willy79 said on 17/Feb/09
Nash being anything under 6'10 is crazy, he still at his age has an inch over 6'9 Matt Morgan.
Red said on 17/Feb/09
tuga, you don
Anonymous said on 17/Feb/09
Da Man says on 16/Feb/09
It also looks like Taker is selling A-Train's size there. He's got a really relaxed posture, knees slightly bent, etc. Taker could probably squeeze out another 1/2"-1" there with Albert.

Talk about looking WAY TOO DEEP into things. The stare down is what it is: Taker barely taller than the MAX 6'6" A-Train.
JD said on 17/Feb/09
nash was definitely a strong 6-10 peak. likely 6-10.5 now seems around 6-9.5
nick said on 17/Feb/09
it is very safe to put nash at 6'9.5, it would only make the website more acurate
Da Man said on 16/Feb/09
It also looks like Taker is selling A-Train's size there. He's got a really relaxed posture, knees slightly bent, etc. Taker could probably squeeze out another 1/2"-1" there with Albert.
tuga said on 16/Feb/09
Vegas says on 14/Feb/09
nash and giant bernard (aka a-train) staredown from last month Click Here

Nice video Vegas.

Red, the camera favors nash HEAVILY...taker and nash had a staredown and there was no 2 1/2. And how do we know giant bernard has boots as big as his staredown with taker?
Click Here
Look between 2:21 and 2:22...are you going to say nash is taller than big show???

Click Here
Pause at around 1:18 or 1:19, both men are at same distance from camera and its also not tilted as you can see from the urn behind.

Anyway nash is still close to 6'10 imo, maybe half an inch less, what really would be great would be a staredown between khali and nash...
Atoadaso said on 16/Feb/09
wow albert has got some massive chunky shoes in that pic with Nash. Big time footwear advantage.
Red said on 15/Feb/09
great find Vegas, time to upgrade Nash or downgrade Taker, Nash is 2.5" taller than Taker
JT said on 15/Feb/09
The high camera angle will favor Nash but the height advantage over A-Train (who also has a footwear advantage) is still significant Click Here

Compare that to this: Click Here Click Here

IIRC, Nash had (or claimed) 13 or 14 knee surgeries as of the mid-1990s.
Danimal said on 15/Feb/09
Starting to believe that Nash was a strong 6'10" or weak 6'11" in his prime (which would have confirmed a 7'1" Big Show in the mid-late 90's). Today he appears to be a strong 6'9" or weak 6'10". I see him having lost around 1" or slightly more than that in height since the 1990's.
Vegas said on 14/Feb/09
nash and giant bernard (aka a-train) staredown from last month Click Here
Vegas said on 14/Feb/09
nash was being listed at 7ft in 1995, it wasn't until wcw in summer of 1996 that he got listed at 7'1. as far as knee problems he already had numerous by 1995, countless knee injuries/surgeries ended his basketball career in the early 1980s
Annoyed said on 13/Feb/09
In Vegas's Video, Nash looks HUGE compared to vince ! Was this when he was being billed 7'1" ? or just 7'0" ? He looks a STRONG 6'10" there! Also, notice how flat his shows are. And this was before his knee and neck issues, what a big man he was.
TELLEM said on 13/Feb/09
looks 2 inches shorter than mcmahon and plus he's in wrestling boots.
Vegas said on 12/Feb/09
another nash/bulldog segment from summmer 1995 good comparison there between bulldog and 6'1 vince Click Here
Danimal said on 11/Feb/09
Red says on 11/Feb/09
great find tuga

Mane has clearly the bigger footwear and Nash is still taller.

Nash 6
tuga said on 11/Feb/09
Red says on 11/Feb/09
great find tuga
Mane has clearly the bigger footwear and Nash is still taller.
Nash 6
Annoyed said on 11/Feb/09
good vids tuga, Nash and Tyler are only lined up when they first walk out, the difference looks a good 2" - 3 " in Nash's favour, after that, perspective gets in the way as does posture but at this point we see at least 2". I think Mane was the legit 6'8" he has claimed and is listed at here, maybe only 6'7" though , either way, still puts Nash in the 6'9" - 6'10" brackett.
Red said on 11/Feb/09
great find tuga

Mane has clearly the bigger footwear and Nash is still taller.

Nash 6
tuga said on 11/Feb/09
Here go 2 "vinnie vegas" videos:

Click Here
Tyler mane does look almost as tall as nash, but is it me or he has bigger footware??

Click Here
Vs British bulldog, looks a foot taller...
Annoyed said on 10/Feb/09
In my opinion Hall was always a good 6'5". Any lower than 6'4" seems remarkably unfeasable.
TELLEM said on 9/Feb/09
i agree with ola, and put a randy "macho man" savage page. by the way, was scott hall really ever 6'5? i'm starting to think the highest he ever was was a strong 6'4
Red said on 9/Feb/09
Razor was a weak 6
Dan said on 8/Feb/09
Do you guys say Scott Hall is much shorter in the WWE days than in the WCW NWO and Razor Ramone days? When he was Razor and in the NWO, he looked very tall. Though i say he looked about 6'4 or so, he looked a whole lot shorter when he was with the WWE. He looked like he was about 6'2 only when confronting Austin.

How tall was Hall during the Razor ERA, NWO ERA and then the WWE ERA? Her certainly looked like he got shorter.
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/09
Yes, Nash sometimes appears taller than Morgan.
Red said on 2/Feb/09
mmmh, I think if he
Danimal said on 1/Feb/09
6'10" peak - 6'9" today.
nick said on 1/Feb/09
6'10 peak, 6'9 1/4 now
Red said on 30/Jan/09
I think a Randy Orton page is more important than a Hall page. Hall is slouching in most pics/vids, while Orton has staredowns with great posture.
Annoyed said on 27/Jan/09
6'10" peak at least.
Clay said on 26/Jan/09
Rob needs to fix this and add peak 6'10 for Nash.
Steve said on 26/Jan/09
Yes I agree with you Dave about that site,its a bit ridiculous about heights.Nash is undoubtedly taller than both Tyler Mane and Kane.And I would bet that Nash had 6ft 10in peak height.
Anonymous said on 20/Jan/09
I think it is very safe to say that Nash was a peak 6'10" and the very least we could do is a peak listing and a current listing. Nash looks to wear orthotics....which isn't so uncommon being that he's had 27 different surgeries....he may be 6'9" now, but I'll take a bet of a 6'10" peak any day. There is just way too much evedence on the side of 6'10" peak than against. He measures up well against others, has not been, that we know of, a lift wearer, and is photgraphed with many "name" tall celebs....give the man his due and at leat give him a 6'10" peak. Honestly, this site gives Hogan a 6'6" peak....which is rather sketchy in my opinion......even in the NWO days I think Nash had Hogan by at least 6".
Alex said on 19/Jan/09
Most sites have him born in 1962 though.
Anonymous said on 18/Jan/09
I heard that about nash too, someone told me it wasn't uncommon to see him in bare feet like a lot because of how flat his feet were
Clay said on 17/Jan/09
The Undertaker must have been dumb as a stick to be held back in school for four years Danimal...
Annoyed said on 14/Jan/09
dave says on 13/Jan/09
well steve thats a bit silly considering nash is taller than both of those men.... and before people start sayin ah but the pics suggest same height, nash NEVER wore lifts, this is something he can never be accused of, look at ANY ring pic of him, NO LIFTS, and it has been said this is due to he has very flat feet and the arch wrecks his knees.

and that site is clearly wrong, mane nor jacobs are 6'10, whereas theres EVERY bit of evidence to suggest nash was in his prime.

Ownage anyone!?? Kidding but fair play to Steve for having a go. Nash was a 6'10" flat peak guy in my opinion, Dave your right about his knee's although i dont know about his feet, I think its just his knees are bad and he can no longer straighten them.
Danimal said on 13/Jan/09
Big T says on 13/Jan/09
lol Ola

Undertaker was born in 1965, fact

It's not a FACT, but based on his H.S. graduation, it is very plausible.
dave said on 13/Jan/09
well steve thats a bit silly considering nash is taller than both of those men.... and before people start sayin ah but the pics suggest same height, nash NEVER wore lifts, this is something he can never be accused of, look at ANY ring pic of him, NO LIFTS, and it has been said this is due to he has very flat feet and the arch wrecks his knees.

and that site is clearly wrong, mane nor jacobs are 6'10, whereas theres EVERY bit of evidence to suggest nash was in his prime.
Big T said on 13/Jan/09
lol Ola

Undertaker was born in 1965, fact
Alex said on 12/Jan/09
Test is actually 6'5 I've heard. I wont go lower than that for him.
JT said on 10/Jan/09
There has been some reference to Nash being 6
Annoyed said on 10/Jan/09
nah Dave, i looked at them and they are very good pics, if you go even further down, you might get some comments from me where I posted LOADS of pics of the guy looking AT LEAST at 6'10" . Go check em out
Vegas said on 9/Jan/09
Ola; this is his high school page, waltrip hs in houston texas, they say he graduated there in 1983, people normally graduate high school at 17-18 not 22-23 if he was born in 1961 Click Here thats him in 1983 on the highschool bb team, no way is everyone 5 years younger than him there Click Here he had a ton of makeup on in his early wwf days so he looked older.

Annoyed; Nash was decribed as 6-10 a few times in wrestling e.g. his wcw debut as one of the master blasters jim ross describes him at 6'10 and later against big show (giant in wcw) circa 1997 he is introduced by michael buffer as standing 6'10. i never remember nash being listed at 6'9.5 in wrestling though
dave said on 8/Jan/09
did people just competley ignore the 2 pics going towards proving nash's height down there?!... or are you more interested in written claims from some mag which knows no more than us about these wrestlers... and btw, its totally skewed.... if anything kane is taller than taker, and is a bigger framed man in general.... sid is shorter than both of them btw.

someone look at my links below, its a really interesting shot.
sid said on 8/Jan/09
Danimal those are bull **** stats, In college glenn jacobs was listed at 6'8. It wasn't rocky mountain, it was smokey moutain valley smv. taker was born in 65, kane is taller then sid, who is 6'7, kane 6'8
Big T said on 7/Jan/09
I dunno if I would trust that Danimal, because Calaway is born in 1965, not 1961

Click Here
Danimal said on 7/Jan/09
If anyone is interested, I have an issue of TOXXXIC magazine from 1999 where they go into wrestlers biographies and they don't do Kayfabe stats. They give HONEST backgrounds on the wrestlers OUTSIDE of the ring. For Undertaker they call him by his real name and they list all his gimmick names. They state that his official date of birth is March 24, 1961. They go onto say that he made his debut in the CWA/USWA in 1989 and was a very large man standing an official 6'8" and weighing around 300 pounds.

They go onto Sid's profile. They state that he was born on July 4, 1960 and grew to be 6'8" and weighed as much as 318 pounds when he made his debut in 1987.

Lastly, they give a biography on a Glenn Jacobs (kane), who was born in Spain, born to Jewish parents. They state that he tag teamed with Al Snow in Rock Mountain Wrestling and they show a full body picture of the two of them, where Glenn is really NOT towering Al Snow. They state that he is a BIG man standing 6'7" and has gone up to 345 pounds, but weighs around 323 pounds at the current time.

Lastly, they did a profile on Kevin Nash, stating that he was 39 years old at the time this was published and is one of the tallest wrestlers at the moment, standing at an official 6'10".

WOW...WOW.....WOW.. This was at a time when ALL these men were being BILLED at 2-3" more than this magazine states. I believe this was their TRUE stats. When I get a scanner, I WILL scan these pages, but this is SO cool. Okay, before you start flaming me, I AM a 4 year veteran to this website (celebheights).
Tim said on 6/Jan/09
In the WCW about 10 years ago, Nash's height was listed at 6 ft 11 in. They always "fudge" the numbers in wresting, making them taller than they really are. I would say Kevin is 6 ft 9 to 6 ft 9.5 .... His buddy Scott Hall is around 6 ft 5 to 6 ft 5.5
dave said on 5/Jan/09
Interesting pic of Kevin nash and HHH (ROUGHLY 6'2 barefoot)

I watched the vid, both men had very similar footwear and there was NO lifts, street shoes only, both men wearing generic black shoes

Nash looks a STRONG 6'10 here, with HHH coming up underneath his nose if both men are straight

First link is unedited, second link has line drawn.

Click Here

With height line:
Click Here

Nash is clearly about 6'10 here IMO, opinions?
sid said on 5/Jan/09
Eric 1 I remember that eric, Nash looked 3 inches taller, maybe cause test was in ring gear, made him looked 6'7, test is 6'6 barefeet
Eric 1 said on 5/Jan/09
I agree that Nash is easily 6ft10.5 to 6ft11 in his prime. But right now I would give him 6ft9. Maybe snudge over 6ft9. In 2002-2003 kevin nash had a fued in wwe against a 6ft6 Test and for some reason they look to be the same height in the fued maybe Nash had only an inch on him . I want everyone to watch that match and explain to me what the heck is going on cause Test wasnt wearing any monster boots or anything?? I dont know if its due to Nash maybe loosing height or was it that Test is taller then 6ft6???? Dont know .
Alex said on 5/Jan/09
I've heard Kevin Nash has told fans he's 6'10 when asked his height and he was billed at 7'0-7'1 at those times too. He could easily just tell his billed height if he wanted.
Danimal said on 5/Jan/09
I've heard both 6'10", 6'10.5" and 6'11" legit for his peak height. I'd say he was a strong 6'10" peak and today is floating around 6'9".
Annoyed said on 4/Jan/09
I'd say a flat 6'10 peak but 6'9" now. I posted loads of pics, ths man was/is HUGE. Only the Undertaker staredown suggests he is smaller but there are variables we cant factor and ive seen him with Taker in DVD's and he comfortably had 1.5" - 2" .
Alex said on 4/Jan/09
Today 6'8 1/2-6'9
Neon said on 3/Jan/09
6'11'' at peak, now 6'9.5 / 6'.9''
Danimal said on 31/Dec/08
In this recent Shoot interview Hall states that Nash was 6'11" in his socks when he met him. Why am I believing him? Click Here
king kong bundy said on 31/Dec/08
peak at 6-10.5, now more around the 6-9 mark
Freddy said on 28/Dec/08
yoyo says on 24/Dec/08
Nash could looks taller than 7ft claim BigShow sometimes.

There are plenty of clips with show next to nash, show has atleast 3 inches on him.
Outlaw said on 28/Dec/08
Kevin Nash lives within a few mile radius of me and my family has been friends with him for probably around 10 years. I used to do pull-ups on his arms. He's currently 6'10," and maybe 6'11" at most. He's quite frequently seen around here, as my sister goes to the same gym as him.

He's no doubt, any lower than 6'10".
Danimal said on 24/Dec/08
I believe that Nash would have had a solid 2" on Taker at their respective PEAKS in the early-mid 1990's. 6'7.5"-6'8" for Taker and 6'9.5"-6'10" for Nash. I believe that Nash has chopped a full inch off of his height now at 50 years of age. He also suffered from MANY knee surgeries and neck surgery. I believe that Taker lost even more than an inch since the 1990's.
yoyo said on 24/Dec/08
Nash could looks taller than 7ft claim BigShow sometimes.
imoen-mania said on 14/Dec/08
I believe Nash is a little shorter than 6' 11" Sarevok
Click Here
supermanfan380 said on 8/Dec/08
I always thought Jones looked about 2" than UT (although there are no really good shots of them head to toe, or with a decent camera angle, some of them would go back and forth by a huge margin depending on where the camera was), and 1" more than Morgan. I have the entire team Lesnar angle on DVD, the smackdowns proceding it, and Jones looked a bit taller than Morgan, but hard to tell. Seemed like 1" to me. Both of them looked about 2-3" shorter than BigShow. Anyhow, I did not know Morgan actually said 6'10", I could have sworn that he said 6'8" or 6'9". Big dude there.
Frank said on 7/Dec/08
Supermanfan i would say Taker and Jones were very close in height maybe an inch
difference for Morgan No way 2 to 3 inch difference Big Show had Taker by
3 inches in some photos some it looked close to 4.. Nash had Taker by about 1.5 inches at best when Taker stood up Straight
Anonymous said on 6/Dec/08
there is a photo of jones and morgan standing side by side in a room and morgan is taller by a hair, morgan claimed 6'10 on tough enough btw
supermanfan380 said on 5/Dec/08
I agree with ichiban, on Nash being about 6'10" when he was younger. These days I think 6'9" is fair. He is only 49 years old, and likely has strong bones considering that weight training actually strengthens them. If he has lost any height it would be due to injuries, which hurts his posture.

I would put Morgan at about 6'9" which is the same as Nash with less than perfect posture. I think Nash would have been about 1 or 2 inches taller than Morgan Barefoot in his youth.

As far as Jones and Morgan together, Jones always looked a little bit taller than Morgan to me. When they were a tag team, Morgan's shin-high boots (he wears different ones now that are knee high) always looked to have thicker soles than Jones
Anonymous said on 4/Dec/08
NashOwnsAll says on 3/Dec/08
So if an old Kevin Nash is 1 inch taller than Matt Morgan, and could be even taller when he was younger (1.5 - 2 inches?) that's also saying Matt Morgan is he same height as Undertaker who was 6'6 - 6'7.5 as claimed by many here.

except morgan was the same height as nathan jones who was clearly taller than taker. morgan and nash are the same height
ichiban said on 4/Dec/08
Kevin Nash was 208 cm barefoot at peak, i believe he is 205-206 cm nowadays. His lost an inch or a bit more than an inch!
sid said on 3/Dec/08
JT Nash mixed up with Kane pic. nash looks like he has 1'5 inches on kane.. there. and 2 inches on taker
sid said on 3/Dec/08
Annoyed I read it again.. and it said If nash stood up straight he would have more then 2 inches on sid and kane. wrong. more like 1'5 to 2 max on kane.. since nash might have shrunk.. he would have 1 inch on kane today probablt
dave said on 3/Dec/08
taker is about 6'7.5.... anything less isnt high enough, ive met the man
Annoyed said on 3/Dec/08
Nice one Sid but read my post again, it was pure speculation I didnt mean to cause offence......
NashOwnsAll said on 3/Dec/08
So if an old Kevin Nash is 1 inch taller than Matt Morgan, and could be even taller when he was younger (1.5 - 2 inches?) that's also saying Matt Morgan is he same height as Undertaker who was 6'6 - 6'7.5 as claimed by many here.
Paul said on 2/Dec/08
I like your phantom overlays JT. Sid looks up to 6'8 to me when compared to Sting.
sid said on 2/Dec/08
Annoyed your wrong nash has 3 inches on kane no way so bogas.. more like 1'5 to 2 inches on kane 2 the max. kane is 6'8 nash is 6'10. if anything they would be a inch differnt today since nash shrunk to 6'9 kane 6'8 barefeet.
Annoyed said on 1/Dec/08
if nash would straighten his head up, he would comfortably beat Sid and Kane by anywhere from 2.5" to 3" ! !
Paul said on 1/Dec/08
Sting is 6'2 and has Spikey hair. Sid can still just about look directly over the top of his head (which is fractionally below Sid's eye level) so add another 5.5in or so.
JT said on 1/Dec/08
Nash and Sid in stare downs with Sting. Click Here Sting's legs were also bent a bit with Sid. IMO, this is probably how the two would actually measure up if they ever had a formal stare down where we could see their stances.
Paul said on 28/Nov/08
Yes I agree CoolJ, 6'9 1/2 maybe 6'10. He was 6'10 1/2 some years ago.
JT said on 28/Nov/08
Here's a rough idea how Nash (age 35-36) and Kane would match up, using Vince as a constant. Click Here Kane may not have his Munsters on since it looks like Nash could have him by well over 2 inches if he straightened up.

Here I used Mamun as a reference Click Here with Nash again having the poorer posture of the two.
CoolJ said on 26/Nov/08
Looks a strong 6'9 in this photo if you ask me. Maybe 6'10"
Anonymous said on 26/Nov/08
nash looks to have lost minimal height throughout his wrestling career if you compare him to angle (not even good posture there with angle) Click Here or sting today and sting back in 1996, there is a good sting/nash staredown at hog wild 1996

weren't both nash and morgan listed at 6'10 in basketball, why is it so hard then to believe both men might be the same height??
dave said on 26/Nov/08
anon.... it doesnt make a difference..... BESIDES... your skewed pics were purposely picked to prove a point, those pics DO NOT change the FACT that morgan is standing straighter than nash, yet nash is STILL a touch taller....

fully erect nash would be taller.... theres NO evidence to support otherwise.

someone back me up please, i cant be the only one with eyes.

nash is the taller man (despite being almost twice morgans age and despite having numerous knee surgeries)

and when nash was morgans age, he would have been comfortably taller than morgan.
Anonymous said on 25/Nov/08
dave says on 25/Nov/08
and in those pics (especially the second one) nash isnt even close to straight with his neck and shoulders, by contrast if morgan tries to stretch himself out any more than he already has in these pics he might rupture a disc in his spine (jk).....

completely wrong, this is morgan standing fully tall, notice the incredibly long stretched out neck there Click Here

now morgan and nash, morgans neck is nowhere near fully stretched there Click Here
dave said on 25/Nov/08
anon, the two men are not the same height, if nash was totally straight necked, hes taller, and lets not forget that nash is almost twice morgans age and has had more knee surgeries than morgan has had hot meals.

nash IS and 200% WAS the taller man, end of.

and in those pics (especially the second one) nash isnt even close to straight with his neck and shoulders, by contrast if morgan tries to stretch himself out any more than he already has in these pics he might rupture a disc in his spine (jk).....

even at 50 and with multiple surgeries.... nash is taller, even in the first pic where nash isnt even totally straight, hes taller...... meaning with better posture and a healthier body, nash was comfortably the taller man, by a solid inch. anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves, the facts and eveidence are plain to see.
Frank said on 25/Nov/08
I stll say Morgans boots looked bigger than Nash's
JT said on 25/Nov/08
cantstop25 says on 24/Nov/08
"Big Show had more height on Morgan than he did on Nash, so this makes sense."

thats not true at all morgan was nearly eye to eye, with show when they feuded...

Nope. Click Here Click Here Plus, Morgan has a better posture in both screen caps. If they ever looked around eye to eye in the WWE, Big Show must have been slouching.

The soles on Morgan
cantstop25 said on 24/Nov/08
"Big Show had more height on Morgan than he did on Nash, so this makes sense."

thats not true at all morgan was nearly eye to eye, with show when they feuded...nash was dwarfed by show in wcw, and looked about the same height has morgan compared to show in the wwe...and they also looked the same height last thursday, and I agree with anonymous morgans boots looked plenty normal
Ben said on 24/Nov/08
Bret hart in his book describes nash as 6'9... he also says scott hall is 6'7 and Warrior 6'2.
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/08
nash and morgan are the same height and there is nothing wrong with morgans boots, i was watching impact tonight in hd and at one point it zooms in to morgans heels which are no bigger than nashs and much smaller than kanes, morgan also does moves in that match that would be impossible in lifts
Atoadaso said on 22/Nov/08
Nash has a minimum 1" on Morgan. You can't get any clearer than that. He is a good inch taller in their respective footwear - of which Morgan clearly has an advantage, as has already been pointed out. I don't see any height loss for Nash greater than 1". He is higher than 6'9" as listed here, clearly.
JT said on 21/Nov/08
Initially Nash appears taller (Click Here) but they then appear around the same height (Click Here) (leaving aside Morgan
Anonymous said on 21/Nov/08
I say Nash is NOT over 6'9" today and could be as low as 6'8.5" today. Peak height of 6'9.5"-6'10" for sure.
dave said on 21/Nov/08
nash is the taller man, even now, by at least a cm, so back in the day nash would have an inch easy on him....

not just this, a younger nash would have a similar figure, look at the old footage, he looks sooooo much more slender.

either way, this piece of footage goes VERY well for a 6'10 peak nash.

*also, look at morgans boots, a little kaneish there, you can tell by the high arch on the top of the foot (watch any kane match) where its been raised slightly due to the larger heel... and look at nash's.... perfectly flat, and its well known and documented that nash never wore lifts due to knee problems and he has notoriously flat shoes..... barefoot even nowadays nash is the taller man, no doubt. so back in 99ish nash, id say a lear inch+ diff.
cantstop25 said on 21/Nov/08
they looked the same exact height to me, nash has a longer head, so if nash didnt have his head tilted upward he likely would have appeared shorter then morgan, but since he did they were eye to eye. Morgan has a longer figure in general though which is surprising because nash has a long fifure espeically when compared to the big show
Rory said on 21/Nov/08
nash and morgan staredown Click Here
icehole73 said on 21/Nov/08
I gave a one inch advantage to Nash last night. If Kevin is 6'10" that puts Morgan at 6'9". Since nobody thinks Morgan is only 6'8", Keving needs to be upgraded. Also Kevin looks more jacked than ever!!!!
Frank said on 21/Nov/08
I was Watching TNA and Nash and Morgan had a staredown and they were both the same height but Matt Morgans Boots were Bigger than Nash's so i would say Nash could be 6ft 9.5 now with a Peak height of 6ft 10
dave said on 20/Nov/08
agreed sid, kane IS taller than takerr.
sid said on 19/Nov/08
TallGuy your lying.. glen jacobs is inch and half taller. your saying taker taller then glen jacobs.. bull. jacobs is taller then calloway. why come and lie
TallGuy said on 18/Nov/08
Hey guys i noticed all the debate over wrestlers height's well ive met plenty of the big guys, im 6''6 when im not slouched and 6''5.5 in bare feet.

Id say nash is 6''10/11 because he towered over me when i met him.
and i whitnessed two guys mesure paul white because they didnt believe he was 7''2 turned out he is 7'0 bang on, Glen jacobs is about an inch taller then me he is roughly 6''7/8ish and mark calloway is taller than me by a margin id say 6''9 tops poss 6''8. the biggest blooper is andre my dad was taller then me at 6ft9 back in the day and he met andre and there more or less the same height allthough he said andre couldnt stand up right due to the emmence pressure on his back, so he said he must be 6''11. But the one you all seem to worry about is sid eudy let me tell you sid is one big mofo, 6''7/8 id say he appears far far bigger due to his long legs. But i stood next to giant ganzalez one year when he wrestled in wcw along side paul white and jorge gonzalez was stupidly tall, he mesured at 7ft6 at his peak. I hope that helped its all fact, i have a habit for meeting tall guys when i go to meet the wrestlers. But most of them or usually an inch under there billed heights at most, its because they get mesured with boots on.
Annoyed said on 15/Nov/08
you are clearly right tuga. Sid at any less than 6'7" peak is really really pushing it.
tuga said on 14/Nov/08
Danimal says on 13/Nov/08
Tuga, I think there was more like 2 1/4" between Hogan and Sid in 1992.

Could be barefoot, but in their staredown in the ring it was closer to 3 inches, but I
Danimal said on 13/Nov/08
Tuga, I think there was more like 2 1/4" between Hogan and Sid in 1992.
Annoyed said on 13/Nov/08
Sid at 6'6" peak is outrageous and the frothings of a malcontent trogolodyte devoid of any discernable ability to process or assimilate light reflecting off matter ( vision ) . Sid is around 6'7 and has always been around 6'7" . 6'8" is more likelly than a flat 6'6" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Id say Sid was 6'7" peak and is 6'6.75" now but maybe 6'6.5" at the absolute bare minimum!!!!!!! In all likely hood though, the man is 6'7" , you dont stack up that well against Taker, Kane, Nash, Hogan etc no matter what theyre heights are if you are only 6'6". Now toddle on....goodness. :P ;)
tuga said on 13/Nov/08
Vegas says on 13/Nov/08
a tops 6'6 sid would equal a barely over 6'6 peak undertaker though in 1992

I agree, both barefoot taker was not over 1 inch taller I guess.
Big show has posted a vid at andre
Vegas said on 13/Nov/08
a tops 6'6 sid would equal a barely over 6'6 peak undertaker though in 1992
Danimal said on 12/Nov/08
Annoyed says on 12/Nov/08
Nash would be 7'0" in big boots only back in 92. there is nothing to suggest he was this tall. He was huge yes, but no taller than 6'10" IMO. Perhaps 6'10.75" in the morning but Never 7'0" at any stage. Big Show is a legit 7 footer witht he possibility of once being 7'1" but he has always been 2 to 3" taller than Nash ( sometimes more as Nash is rarely in anything more than 1/2" flats ) 7'0" was also his billed height. If the 2 inch rule applied here he would be 6'10" if his billing was 7'0". Can easilly pull off looking 7'0" though.

Nash was billed at 7'1" in WCW at a time Big Show was being billed at 7'4". There was a legite 3" height difference seeing Nash was listed at 6'10" in College Basketball and Big Show at 7'1" in College Basketball. That I believe was their TRUE peak heights. Today Nash appears to be MAX 6'9" and Big Show MAX 7'0".
Annoyed said on 12/Nov/08
Nash would be 7'0" in big boots only back in 92. there is nothing to suggest he was this tall. He was huge yes, but no taller than 6'10" IMO. Perhaps 6'10.75" in the morning but Never 7'0" at any stage. Big Show is a legit 7 footer witht he possibility of once being 7'1" but he has always been 2 to 3" taller than Nash ( sometimes more as Nash is rarely in anything more than 1/2" flats ) 7'0" was also his billed height. If the 2 inch rule applied here he would be 6'10" if his billing was 7'0". Can easilly pull off looking 7'0" though.
Andre said on 11/Nov/08
Nash is 7 feet tall i asked him once back in the 90'2 at an autugraph session and sid is 6 foot 9
dave said on 10/Nov/08
vegas, good vid, also notice just before nash pushes him etc, sids boots look much bigger than nash's.... besides its well known that kev used very very little height boosters due to his knees, besides his boots always looked pretty flat. But sids look reasonably big there.
Annoyed said on 9/Nov/08
also the angle on the luger clip is SHOCKING and creates false perspective, best one is the Adams clip, Adams was a comfortable 6'5". ( WHY PEOPLE SAY ONLY 6'4" I JUST ACTUALLY DONT GET ). But Sid has around 2.25"-2.5" inches on adams. Hogan is wearing 1/2" flats in the video and Hogan was likely 6'6" peak ( with a possibility of 6'5" ) Piper was 6'0" flat peak. In the Hogan/Sid video, the angle is waaaayyy off but it looks like a 3" difference BUT bear in mind, Sid has a 1/2 inch footwear advantage with hogan in 1/2" flats, and Sid has angle advantage. I'd bet the ACTUAL difference between the 2 there would be around 1.5" - 2 " . But with angle this is nigh on impossible to judge.

The angle is also way off ont he nash sid staredown, it looks around 2" in Nash's favour there but because of the angle, it is too hard to tell. One thing is for sure, in the video with Hulk, 2 videos with Nash and the video wth the Undertaker all on this thread, Sid is one truley gigantic man who stacks up well against the recognised big men.
Annoyed said on 9/Nov/08
thats cool vegas but personally id disagree on Sids height, I think 6'7" is the MINIMUM he was. he was just too big.....ok 6'6.75" at a stretch. But id say 6'7" peak ( maybe a touch bigger, this guy is roughly the same height as the undertaker, see the video i posted in a recent comment ) . The only thing adding to sid was his footwear , he was never in any less than 1" boots ( usually 1.5" ) whereas Nash has a tendancy oward 1/2" flats and is very seldom seen in boots. I thnk taker also dabbled in 1/2" flats during the Ministry era........could be wrong on that. But yeah vegas, some good vids and pics but id disagree with your Sid estimate and personally id give him 6'7" minimum, he was one of the first real " Big Men" billed at 6'9" and 6'10" his whole career. Id take into consideration other wrestlers footwear, camera angles and momentary posture lapses to account for sid's random height decreases. Id say, whatever Sid is, Nash is 3 " taller ( remember what an inch looks like on these men ! )
Vegas said on 9/Nov/08
the other sid/nash staredown Click Here
dave said on 9/Nov/08
vegas, i agree... brian adams was 6'5 as far as im concerned, and theres very little to suggest otherwise.....
Vegas said on 8/Nov/08
couple of sid staredowns, i think anything over 6'7 for sid is too much, i have at 6'6.5-6'7

with 6'3 lex luger Click Here

with brian crush adams whom many here have no taller than 6'4 (personally i think he was a little taller than 6'4 myself) Click Here

another sid and nash staredown (sid had a clear 5 inches+ on ted dibiase before this match)

sid and hogan with hogan towering over piper there Click Here
John said on 8/Nov/08
Regarding Kevin Nash's Height - I met the man breifly in 1988 walking out of a hotel in Atlanta with a gym bag. I'm 6'2 barefeet and I would have said looking at Kevin Nash back then he seemed to me anywhere between 6'10 - 6'11. I cannot tell you how tall and wide he was, a collosus of a man. His height now, when I saw him on t.v in the late 90's watching bits of WCW he seemed shorter, by how much ..who knows.
tuga said on 8/Nov/08
Annoyed, in that video there
Danimal said on 8/Nov/08
Alex says on 4/Nov/08
How much height did Nash have on Sid? 2 inches?

3" imo. Peak heights were 6'10" and 6'7" respectively.
Annoyed said on 7/Nov/08
Annoyed says on 6/Nov/08
in the old days there seemed to be 3" or 3.5" to 4" , but Sid usually had much bigger boots than Nash.

more than 2 inches in that staredown ( also try and remember what an inch looks like compared to these two ) , also Sid has a footwear advantage, Nash is wearing his standard 0.5" flats and sid is in 1" - 1.5" boots. Id say Sid is stading a clean 6'8" in Boots there , Nash is 2.5" at least ( closer to 3, but lets cut down t the minimum 2.5" ) taller which would put nash at 6'10.5" there.

So if we go solely on that staredown , with Sid in his 1"-1.5" boots and Nash in his 0.5" flats in Tuga's video. with Sid being AT LEAST 2.5" shorter, in this footwear we get this :

If Sid is 6'7" Barefoot Peak, Nash would be around 6'10" barefoot peak ( meaning he would be closer to 6'11" in the morning ! )

If Sid is 6'6.75" barefoot peak, Nash is 6'9.75" barefoot and peak. ( closer to 6'10.75" in the morning )

If Sid is 6'6.5" Nash would be 6'9.5" ( closer to 6'10.5" in the morning )

If Sid is 6'6" barefoot peak , which is starting to get very very doubtful, Nash would be 6'9" peak ( closer to 6'10" in the morning )

any less than 6'6" AT ANY POINT for Sid is beyond a joke. He says 6'7" himself, looks 6'7", has been billed at 6'9" and 6'10" his entire career ( and i advocate the 2 inch rule in wrestling as a common thing ) I would say Sid was no less than 6'7" peak !

Here is a video, and although they dont line up it is a good comparison between Sid and the Undertaker who I believe is 6'8" but is 6'7.5" MINIMUM ...looks to me like there is little or no difference, check out when taker lines him for the tombstone at 8:49 Click Here
tuga said on 7/Nov/08
Vegas is right, a 6'5 sid is insane...
Vegas said on 6/Nov/08
lol a 6'5 sid would equal a 6'3 or lower hulk hogan in 1991, a 6'5.5 max undertaker, a 6'0 max sting

as for nash that he was taller than 6'9 listed nba players in his prime, we know for sure he was taller than 6'10 nba listed danny manning, if we could find out how tall manning is barefoot we would have a good idea of nashs height in his 30s Click Here
Annoyed said on 6/Nov/08
in the old days there seemed to be 3" or 3.5" to 4" , but Sid usually had much bigger boots than Nash. I think Nash was 6'10" peak and Sid was 6'6.75" - 6'6.5" but now, i think Sid has lost less height - now its prolly 6'9" to 6'6" so about 3 inches. Sid is not any less than 6'6" at any point in his life and is most likelly 6'7" peak. Look at any Sid video or Pic.
NashOwnsAll said on 6/Nov/08

Some people here are sure Nash is 6'10 minimal.

Some here say Sid is actually 6'5

So work out the maths.
Alex said on 4/Nov/08
How much height did Nash have on Sid? 2 inches?
dave said on 2/Nov/08
james......... sid has never looked as low as 6'5....... please give evidence to support your claims, the lowest this man has EVER looked (based on pics) is 6'6+
Annoyed said on 29/Oct/08
no no James, I am a party member and campaigner but I live in Glasgow, Scotland so I dont exactly spend alot of time around parliment. Politics doesnt pay the bills so I have to work from home or attend rally's in Glasgow and campaign online. I also have a Blog on the Government website and host a podcast series aswell. On the subject of Nash, I personally think Sid was around 6'7" peak ( billed at 6'9" and 6'10" ) and nash was comfortably taller than him ( as much as 3 inches most of the time ) Sid could be 6'6.5" but my own opinion is a 6'7" at least peak measurement. Goodness even an outside shot of 6'8" for Sid but id say 6'7" peak - 6'6" now and nash was 6'10" peak and is 6'9" now.
Annoyed said on 27/Oct/08
yeah james, id buy that. He could definetly have shrunk to 5'8.5" in fact, natural height loss can hit 2" and more according to the most recent studies at Glasgow University but id imagine for a man in his fifties, the height loss would be 1" , but i suppose coupled witht he fact he can barelly straighten his kness, as a heavier man his height loss is also increased , yeah id buy 6'8.5" nowadays, goodness if he wasnt still taller than Kane i would even buy 6'8" ! lol But one thing is not in doubt, at his peak, before his knees went, this was one big big man, billed at 7'0" and 7'1" & 7'2" his entire career.Other than on One occasion he has always been much taller than Taker and Kane, he was billed at 6'10" in college and in the wwe dvd about his time at wwe he is a good 2" on Taker and other than the ONE now famous staredown he has alays comfortably beaten Kane and Taker and like anonymous said below: "Anonymous says on 23/Oct/08
agreed annoyed.... nash doesnt look under 6'10 ANYWHERE there.... hes a massive man, and a much more convincingly tall man than the likes of kane or undertaker, they never look this tall next to people."

I cannot see any less than 6'10" peak but he could be as low as 6'9" - 6'8.5"
Annoyed said on 26/Oct/08
i would never say 6'6" for nas as that is really really ridiculous, he mayhave given that impression at an angle, with poor posture but this man is genuinely alot bigger than kane and undertaker, look at the pics i posted, especially the one with christian and the one with DP and the Marines. Nash has lost 1" - 2" TOPS but more than likelly just around an inch. 6'10" Peak . 6'9" now.
dave said on 25/Oct/08
@ danimal - i do believe that big show was over 7feet tall in the wcw days, if you take a look at him, his posture is much better, and he just seems a little bit more elongated.... and i think anything below a 6'10 nash at peak is silly.... hes clearly this tall, and theres VERRRY little to suggest anything under that at peak height.
Drexyl said on 24/Oct/08
Nash was easily 6,10" at his peak. Maybe even a bit more.
Danimal said on 23/Oct/08
If Nash was 6'10" peak then Big Show WAS 7'1" in the WCW. Both men seem to have lost 1-2" since the late 90's.
Anonymous said on 23/Oct/08
agreed annoyed.... nash doesnt look under 6'10 ANYWHERE there.... hes a massive man, and a much more convincingly tall man than the likes of kane or undertaker, they never look this tall next to people.
tuga said on 23/Oct/08
Anything below 6'10 for peak nash is ridiculous, he could have even been a bit taller than that.
Annoyed said on 23/Oct/08
here is some various pictures of Nash at various ages and sizes, the only common theme is, he is MASSIVE! no wonder they billed him at 7'0" to 7'2", he was truley massive in his day. Shame he doesnt look anywhere near as big nowadays.

Nash during a rare moment of perfect posture next to 6'0" Christian: Click Here

Nash with a bunch of Marines its safe to assume not all these Marines are under 5'10" lol lol Click Here

Nash just lookin HUMUNGOUS Click Here

Nash with Konnan ( lol konnan )Click Here

Nash with 6'3"-6'4" DDP Click Here

These pics are inconclusive and not to back up any height estimate, they just go to show this is one truley giant man, billed between 7'0" and 7'2" his entire career. a 6'10" peak and 6'9" now is the most likelly . One thing is not in doubt, a huge huge man.
Alex said on 8/Oct/08
By 2000 and after Nash wasn't at his peak anymore I dont think. So Nash could have been 6'9-6'9 1/2 in 2002 putting Kane at 6'7 1/2-6'8. I think now if Nash and Kane faced off, Nash would be maybe just an inch taller. But if you look at Nash in TNA he looked at least 6'9ish.
Da Man said on 7/Oct/08
Alex says on 6/Oct/08
"A 6'8 Kane would result in Nash being 6'10 back in 2002."

I don't think there is quite 2" between them. I'd say 1-1.5".
Alex said on 6/Oct/08
A 6'8 Kane would result in Nash being 6'10 back in 2002.
dicksock said on 4/Oct/08
My dad actually met Nash in 1997 in Las Vegas. He said he appeared to be at least 6'10. My dads best friend is 6'8 and he said Nash was def taller than him. And wasn't Nash listed at 6'10 in basketball? He may be down to 6'9 now, but in his prime he had to have been at least 6'10. He had like 2 or more inches on the undertaker as well.
Alex said on 1/Oct/08
Kane could be tall as 6'8. I wouldnt doubt that but over that I dont think he is.
dave said on 29/Sep/08
steve, are you on crack?!..... big show is the heavier man, and is also fairly oldish, and with his size has SURELEY lost height, i mean, look how tall he was as the giant.... and not just this, obviously nash has lost height, but once more i think its the fact nash's posture sucks so much these days that makes him appear a little bit shorter.
Annoyed said on 29/Sep/08
theyre some really good estimates there Clay, i could believe all of them as ive seen enough to buy all those.
dave said on 28/Sep/08
its simply ridiculous and innaccurate to put kevin nash any lower than 6'9..... theres NO evidence to suggest it, and the man has never ever looked that short!
dave said on 28/Sep/08
well annoyed, stone cold is a comfortable 6'1++ i met him, and im 6'1 barefoot, and he was taller than me :)
Ben said on 28/Sep/08
Just watched the Outsiders shoot interview with hall and nash, hall says nash is 6'11 3/4 in his socks... Scott hall also lists himself as 6'5 and says when the shoot steroid testing caame in in 1992 he wnt from 285lbs to 260 and stayed there right through wcw.

I recall nash one time in wcw saying he was "six ten, sexy, and just to sweeeeet" i believe six ten could be right but im not convinced about the "sexy" and the "just to sweeeet" is obviously not true.
johnny said on 27/Sep/08
I have a message from the master:
"Soon, I will rise again!"
Clay said on 27/Sep/08
Khali - 7'1.25
Show - 7'0
Nash - 6'9.5
Kane - 6'8
Taker - 6'7.5
Da Man said on 26/Sep/08
Viper, how tall do you think Nash is?

I believe Kane 6'7" is the minimum possible, and likely a full 6'8".
Viper said on 25/Sep/08
Shaq is one of those rare guys who was his actual listing.
Big Show said on 25/Sep/08
Danimal says on 24/Sep/08
Then STEVE, by your logic, Nash was only 6'8"-6'9" barefoot, seeing his college basketball listing was 6'10" (3" under Big Show's and he looked it in the WCW).

And not to mention Shaq, who's college listing was also 7'1.
Steve said on 25/Sep/08
Danimal,Big Show probably wore bigger boots than Nash.And also Nash isnt in his prime now he is solid 6ft 9in,and Big Show is in his prime.
Viper said on 25/Sep/08
Kane is 6-7.
Alex2 said on 24/Sep/08
M.o.r.g says on 23/Sep/08
~Kane is probably about 6'6 when he's at home and kicks his boots off haha.

Ehh no! And you SERIOUSLY failed to be funny! Just go away.
Danimal said on 24/Sep/08
Then STEVE, by your logic, Nash was only 6'8"-6'9" barefoot, seeing his college basketball listing was 6'10" (3" under Big Show's and he looked it in the WCW).
M.o.r.g said on 24/Sep/08
Those boots easily add 2 inches to kane so you're the one who needs your head sorting out if u really think kane is bigger than 6'8 XD kane was barely taller than triple h and goldberg.noobs.
sid said on 24/Sep/08
M.o.r.g 6'6 is too low for kane, kane's 6'8 barefeet when he is at home, with ring gear he's 6'9, check ur eyes, he's taller then taker, which taker is 6'7, kane 6'8
Mr. X said on 23/Sep/08
Danimal I agree with you on Big Show's college listing of 7'1"
Steve said on 23/Sep/08
Big Show was listed as 7'1 while playing basketball at Wichita State University. The 6'11 is stated on a website for tall people, but it's not backed up with evidence, nor has it ever been. Every single article of Big Show's basketball career on University refers to Wight as 7'1.

Steve it is YOU who is wrong. Big Show was listed as 7'1" in College, not 6'11". These links have been provided to this site in the past. That could have been his measured height in shoes which would have put him at 6'11"-7'0" barefeet.

Well Danimal arent we talking about there heights without shoes,when i said Big Show was 6ft 11in I refered to his barefoot height.I also think he is 7ft - 7ft 1in in shoes.
Dave said on 23/Sep/08
M.o.r.g, re read your ridiculous statement and go look at manmuns pic with him.....

hes never ever ever as low as 6'6..... 6'7 is his lowest.
M.o.r.g said on 23/Sep/08
~Kane is probably about 6'6 when he's at home and kicks his boots off haha.
Alex2 said on 23/Sep/08
God Nash WAS 6'10" prime, without a doubt!
Clay said on 22/Sep/08
The great Khali has at least an inch on Wight, sorry bud, and he was 5.5 inches taller than Kane who is 6'8, and who wears huge boots.
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/08
shock of electric.... could be footwear, anything, besides, mnamum and nash are side by side, with nash clearly not totally upright, imagine how much bigger nash would look if they squared off and nash was straight
Mr. X said on 22/Sep/08
Danimal, I agree with you on Big Show being listed 7'1".
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/08
id love to know what heights these two men are, they met nash in street clothes, and dont just focus on how much he totally dwarfs them, also look at the scenery around them, especially on the diesel era pic, the overhang of the hotel reception is waaaaaay lower than his head.... now, i know these pics mean NOTHING, but looking at them, no one here can debate this man looks to be very near a legit 6'10..... especially when compared to some of the other contenders in this height bracket, who never look this big.

Click Here

Click Here
Shock of Electric said on 22/Sep/08
You have to wonder why Nash looks shorter compared to Mamun than he does to say, Kurt Angle, who is obviously taller than Mamun. Kevin Nash, even based by the pics presented here where the comparisons are sadly misrepresented by the posters, no less than 6'10" as he is clearly 9" taller than Vince, for example.
Danimal said on 21/Sep/08
Steve it is YOU who is wrong. Big Show was listed as 7'1" in College, not 6'11". These links have been provided to this site in the past. That could have been his measured height in shoes which would have put him at 6'11"-7'0" barefeet.
Dave said on 21/Sep/08
big show is right, the real big show was billed at 7ft 1 in university......

and we should mention nash was billed 6'10!!! and once 6'11!!!!!! when he was in college.... and he was taller than men billed 6'8 in photos by at leasy 2 inches.

and manmun, what do you mean?!.... i thought nash was already with tna :S....
Big King said on 21/Sep/08
6'9" for Nash is ridiculous. Nash is at least 6'10".
Mamun said on 21/Sep/08
Nash has just signed with TNA after turning down WWE !
Big Show said on 21/Sep/08
Steve says on 19/Sep/08
Big Show is on college listed even as 6ft 11in and i think thats his true height.

Big Show was listed as 7'1 while playing basketball at Wichita State University. The 6'11 is stated on a website for tall people, but it's not backed up with evidence, nor has it ever been. Every single article of Big Show's basketball career on University refers to Wight as 7'1.
sid said on 21/Sep/08
Atoadaso Click Here
sid said on 21/Sep/08
Atoadaso you got to put it on Click Here then copy the link with the pic and paste it on here
TELLEM said on 20/Sep/08
@ 1:15 wrestler ricky morton from the rock n roll express states that kevin nash "is about 6'9)
miko said on 20/Sep/08
Nash could be anywhere between 6"8.5 and 6"9.5.
Atoadaso said on 19/Sep/08
sid, can you tell me how do I post links here? I see plenty of 'click here' links, i'm not sure how I make one. Thanks.
Dave said on 19/Sep/08
well saind danimal
Steve said on 19/Sep/08
Mr. X says on 13/Sep/08
here are my wrestler heights list
Kevin Nash 6'10"
Big Show 7'1"
Khali 7'2"

Mr. X you are wrong
Height for Nash seems ok but thats his peak height.
Big Show is on college listed even as 6ft 11in and i think thats his true height.
Than Great Khali isnt 7ft 2in because he had barely one inch on Big Show,i would say he is 7ft-7ft 1in.
Danimal said on 19/Sep/08
Dwight Yoda says on 15/Sep/08
I am 6'10.75" tall ( 210 cm ) Yes, I actually stand around 6'10.5-6'11" and to bill Kevin Nash and Kane at 7 feet and Undertaker 6'10 1/2" would be bogus. I would tower over those three even Kevin Nash by slightly. If only we could all get together in even size footwear.

sid said on 18/Sep/08
Atoadaso show us this photo, of nash and this 6'8 guy
Big Show said on 18/Sep/08
Doesn't anyone have the match between Nash and Kane from the mid 90's. I know they had a match on some one/off PPV somewhere in the 90's, when Nash was still Diesel and Kane was Isaac Yankem. When Glenn Jacobs was Isaac Yankem he wasn't wearing lifts so it would be a good comparison between them.
Atoadaso said on 18/Sep/08
How does somebody 'tower' over another by 0.5" inches? That is what I would call the same height, just by looking at the two. My definition of towering over somebody is being able to see over the top of their head, which is around 5". And I doubt you are that height anyways, there is a plethora of people on this height who claim to be around or over 7' and nobody will ever provide a picture to back their claim.

Anyways, on a forum there is a guy claiming his height as 6'8". In his profile he has a picture of him and Kevin Nash in street clothes, and Nash is 2" taller. This is a recent photo as Nash has his grey hair and goatee. I see no evidence to support any height loss of Nash so i'd say he is still within 1" defiance of 6'10".
sid said on 17/Sep/08
Dave nash has a inch on kane, when i saw them wasnt much diff , yes i have have met kane, and seen nash here in vancity 2001, not met seen kane up close, seen nash bit futher away, not much diff, nash had about a inch on kane, and even on tv there wasn't any diff, when kane teamed up with hogan and the rock, nash with nwo crew, a inch diff.
sid said on 16/Sep/08
Mash looked 1 inch taller then kane 2001 tank top era, taker looked 2 inches shorter then nash. kane looked taller to nash then does the taker.
sid said on 16/Sep/08
Dwight Yoda Kane and nash would be around the same height maybe a inch diff, you wouldnt tower over kane or nash, your all in the same height catnot much, you probably have a inch on kane, and 05 cm on nash
Dwight Yoda said on 15/Sep/08
I am 6'10.75" tall ( 210 cm ) Yes, I actually stand around 6'10.5-6'11" and to bill Kevin Nash and Kane at 7 feet and Undertaker 6'10 1/2" would be bogus. I would tower over those three even Kevin Nash by slightly. If only we could all get together in even size footwear.
Dave said on 15/Sep/08
i agree da man, but when you see them wrestling, to me at least... nash is clearly the taller man by more than an inch, also, when nash sizes up to anyone, theres always a bigger difference than when kane does, besides, all you have to do is look at the nash/giant size-ups (big show clearly stood straighter at this time also)..... and the non-ridiculous-lift-99-king of the ring kane/big show size-ups.... and nash is most certainly closer to big shows height. also, kane never made the undertaker look as small as diesel did in that wrestlemania match they had.
Da Man said on 14/Sep/08
I don't recall Kane and Nash ever sizing up to one another. Kane didn't come across as 2 inches shorter than Nash in the match with the Rock and Hogan vs. NWO.
Mr. X said on 13/Sep/08
here are my wrestler heights list
Kevin Nash 6'10"
Big Show 7'1"
Khali 7'2"
Dave said on 2/Sep/08
true that guy is only about 4 inches shorter, but that guy looks like a very tall man.... and not just that, nash looks easily taller than the door, by a little bit actually
Alex2 said on 1/Sep/08
Sid, yea I agree also that guy hes stood by only looks 4" shorter than Nash he must be minimum 6'5.5" also this is recent and I think Nash could be 6'9" now but without a doubt 6'10" peak.
Sid said on 31/Aug/08
Heres kevin nash meeting a fan at there homes, he looks 6'10 there he def looks taller then the door, check the video Click Here
JT said on 28/Aug/08
I think you're right Robby. I thought that guy looked a little too thin for Adams, but I did not think Watts was still with WCW in 1998. IIRC, Watts was QB for the University of Louisville and was pretty tall (around 6'5"). He stunk as a wrestler. His dad is Cowboy Bill Watts, who's around 6'3", and who obviously got him the gig with WCW.
Dave said on 28/Aug/08
@ Big Show.... first pic hes clearly leaning towards an standing straight hogan
and in the second pic hes clearly and inch taller, also, hogan wore big lifts, so he might even be over an inch taller.
Robby said on 27/Aug/08
JT says on 25/Aug/08
Brian Adams looked a solid 6'5". With 6'8" Karl Malone Click Here With 6'3" Lex Luger Click Here He and Bryan Clark were basically the identical height. Undertaker had Adams by around 2 inches in the WWF. JT in your first picture the one with DDP, Malone and others. that's not Brian Adams. its Erik Watts. Click Here
TELLEM said on 27/Aug/08
alex2 if luger is over 6'3 then sting is over 6'2
Dave said on 27/Aug/08
And ola, i firmly believe that both clark and adams were firm 6'5's..... have you ever seen them irl?.... and not only this taker had a max of 3 inches over them at any time (and hes anywhere between 6'7 and 6'8 peak). i see verrrrrry little evidence suggesting them under 6'5 (back in the day)
Dave said on 27/Aug/08
no he didnt, buuuuuuut he could pull it off against some wrestlers, and he was a legitimatley tall guy, 6'4 in my eyes... even when i met him last year (hes 50 now!) he lookaed at least 6'3.5 in near enough the same shoes as i was wearing, and its not strange that he would have lost a cm or two, if i was generous i could have given him 6'4 when i met him. Im sure he was a clean 6'4 back in the day, hence why he got the 6'6-6'7 billings, (up until he was occaisionally standing beside nash of course! then they bumped him down to 6'5.
Alex2 said on 26/Aug/08
Ola Luger was NOT below 6'3" and likely 6'3.5" Actually JT I see a little over 2" on Luger there maybe 2.5". I say Clarke would edge Adams by a little so I Id say Clarke 6'5.5"
Big Show said on 26/Aug/08
Click Here
Click Here

Like I said, Brian Adams looked around the same height as Hogan in 1998, who I think was around 6'4.5 at the time.
Clay said on 26/Aug/08
Hall never looked the 6'7'' billing.
JT said on 25/Aug/08
Brian Adams looked a solid 6'5". With 6'8" Karl Malone Click Here With 6'3" Lex Luger Click Here He and Bryan Clark were basically the identical height. Undertaker had Adams by around 2 inches in the WWF.
TELLEM said on 25/Aug/08
scott hall looked below 6'5 plenty of times...i think he was mostly always 6'4
Big Show said on 25/Aug/08
duttyboy says on 25/Aug/08
Bryan Clark is Wrath and he is 6'8 and Scott Hall is 6'7.

Sorry I meant to say Wrath is about the same height as Brian Adams.
duttyboy said on 25/Aug/08
Bryan Clark is Wrath and he is 6'8 and Scott Hall is 6'7.
Alex2 said on 23/Aug/08
I think Nash needs to be upgraded to his real height, 6'10
Joe said on 23/Aug/08
Click Here
Mr. E said on 21/Aug/08
I saw some photoshopped pics of Andre and Big Show, with Big Show looking slightly taller. Has anyone done some comparison pics with Nash and Andre?
JT said on 17/Aug/08
Click Here Bret's on his tippy toes a bit too. Bret was about the same height as Roddy Piper around this same time period. Bulldog sometimes wore casual boots in the mid to late 1990s but there's no evidence he wore lifts in the 1980s to early 1990s. If someone has pics proving otherwise, post away.
TELLEM said on 16/Aug/08
Click Here @ 1:48 seconds is a pretty good view of gene okerlund, dynamite kid and british bulldog...bulldog most likely had on lifts later in his career
Clay said on 15/Aug/08
I can believe Bulldog at 5'9''. He wore rediculous lifts.
TELLEM said on 15/Aug/08
maybe mean gene was 5'7? look up the british bulldogs on google images....bulldog having only an inch over dynamite kid (5'8) is a give away that he was 5'9
Frank said on 15/Aug/08
Jt, Sid did look 6ft 5 to 6ft 6 when i seen him in street clothes that i could have been wrong but I do Know Bulldog was a good amount shorter than me
JT said on 15/Aug/08
Danimal says on 14/Aug/08
....MET HIM. He was 5'9". PERIOD. Frank has also met him and gives him the same if not 5'8".

So Bulldog was 5
Alex2 said on 14/Aug/08
Vince at peak was MINIMUM 6'1" and likely 6'2".
Danimal said on 14/Aug/08
JT says on 14/Aug/08
Click Here Click Here Bulldog had boots with a decent size heel here but no more than 1 inch. Whover's claiming 5'8" or 5'9" for Bulldog either did not get an accurate look at him or is a pretty poor estimator of heights. He's within 2 inches of Vince. If Vince was 6'1" then and 6'2" in shoes, a 5'8"-5'9" Bulldog has to be sporting 3-4 inch lifts (which is absurd), since he's within 2 inches of Vince.

MET HIM. He was 5'9". PERIOD. Frank has also met him and gives him the same if not 5'8".
Frank said on 14/Aug/08
JT, All i know he was a good amount shorter than me and im 5ft 11 1/2 I was right next to him and he was in street clothes going into Madison Square Garden for a match 5ft 9 no taller than that
D-Lurker said on 14/Aug/08
I don't know if Nash is under 6ft9 today, he still (as of maybe half a year ago, the last time i watched tna) holds up well against Matt Morgan, who at the time i believe was wearing the bigger footwear!!.6ft10 prime is so easy with this mans frame, i have never doubted it.
JT said on 14/Aug/08
Click Here Click Here Bulldog had boots with a decent size heel here but no more than 1 inch. Whover's claiming 5'8" or 5'9" for Bulldog either did not get an accurate look at him or is a pretty poor estimator of heights. He's within 2 inches of Vince. If Vince was 6'1" then and 6'2" in shoes, a 5'8"-5'9" Bulldog has to be sporting 3-4 inch lifts (which is absurd), since he's within 2 inches of Vince.
Danimal said on 13/Aug/08
Robby says on 12/Aug/08
should be noted that vince was wearing dress shoes and Bulldog was wearing wrestling boots. Nash 6'10" Vince 6'1" Bulldog 5'10"

Bulldog was 5'9". Met him in 1995.
Frank said on 13/Aug/08
Ola i met Bulldog and Danimal is right 5ft 9 is about right but he could have been 5ft 8ish He wore lifts in the ring thats for shore I met Vince and he looked tall and i have the picture to prove it(Maybe he was wearing Lifts ??)
Annoyed said on 13/Aug/08
Ola dude that is more than nine inches, closer to ten. i KNOW vince is over 6 foot ( anyone doubting this is just....well ) but wether or not 6'1" is debatable, maybe 6'0.5" or maybe he IS 6'1" . Either way, anything less than 6'10" for nash ..........well i aint seein it. i went from 7'0" tp 6'11" and now i am sticking with 6'10". Bad posture, age ( he is 50 !! ) , and unable to completely straighten his knees anymore he is prolly closer to 6'9". Dont know how much height loss he will get from crooked knees and posture but he was 6'10" peak and i have no doubts anymore. To think i almost went 6'8" peak at one time.
Robby said on 12/Aug/08
should be noted that vince was wearing dress shoes and Bulldog was wearing wrestling boots. Nash 6'10" Vince 6'1" Bulldog 5'10"
Alex2 said on 12/Aug/08
Vince IS a legit 6'1" If not more!
Supermanfan380 said on 12/Aug/08
Nash looks every bit of 6'10" next to Vince there. That was back when Nash was still young and had likely not lost any height at all, and still at his peak. (that is if he really has lost even a full inch by today).

In those pictures Nash
mike said on 12/Aug/08
i,d say the difference imo is more like 9 inches between nash and vince.if vince is a legit 6,1" then tha tplaces nash at excactly 6,10".
NashOwnsAll said on 11/Aug/08
If you have no photographic evidence or video footage, then everything you say is a claim.

If someone on here has a video of aliens dancing on your roof and conveniently has no means to show it to support that claim, then that is a good as a lie.
Annoyed said on 11/Aug/08
NashOwnsAll says on 11/Aug/08
You said this a few posts down on the 9th August: "despite the pics of nash in slippers still having over an inch on a booted undertaker"

If it wasnt in that staredown, what other staredown are you refering to? Or are you making more stuff up again?

Nashownsitall i thought you made some good points and seemed quite reasoned but that is just childish and offensive, ive said in other boards regarding this. Its a dvd or vhs called " history of wwf " or sumthing and when it gets to the diesel years ( a bad time apparently ) u see them back stage and nash is walkin about in slippers, taker is standin with percy pringle and th difference looks ABOUT an inch or more, there isnt a staredown or any head to head and they arnt standing straight and other mad wrestlers are about but im just saying. But as reasoned as i thought you where, to call me lying and making stuff up without asking me is childish and just offensive. its a Glenn move for goodness sake! I do believe other people who have said in pics between the two that nash was in slippers because why would people lie to justify a height estimate, it is sad, wrong and pathetic. I did beleieve Nash was 7'0" BUT i reviewed the evidence and have seen enough of him to know he was never near that and 6'10" was his height at his peak. But with age, bad posture and his inability to fully straighten his knackered knees, i now believe he is 6'9" . I think judging his height based solely on one single staredown without neck angles and footwear alternates being taken into consideration and also magazine interviews and their own testimonies is wrong. BUT NASHOWNSALL please do not jump the gun on people and tr and stay logical and reasoned, maybe i am wrong and takr is only one inch shorter than nash, maybe taker is 6'7" and nash is 6'8! or maybe taker is 6'8" and Nash is 6'9" ! who knows, but dont base everything on ONE SINGLE PIC and ignore testimoney, eye witness accounts, iinterviews and dvd footage. just cause something isnt on YouTube or Google Images doesnt mean it isnt there. search Militant Love Baby who are a LEGITIMATE and real band who have even done movie soundtracks but yet somehow dont exist on Google. ****, i apologise if somehow i offeded you but man calm down.
NashOwnsAll said on 11/Aug/08
You said this a few posts down on the 9th August: "despite the pics of nash in slippers still having over an inch on a booted undertaker"

If it wasnt in that staredown, what other staredown are you refering to? Or are you making more stuff up again?
Red said on 10/Aug/08
Nash was 6
Annoyed said on 10/Aug/08
and btw, i didnt say Nash was wearing slippers in that staredown ffs, better get some english lessons.
JT said on 10/Aug/08
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
Click Here
That's pretty close to how Andre measured up to McMahon in wrestling gear. This site has Nash and Vince 7.5
NashOwnsAll said on 10/Aug/08
Diesel wearing slippers now was he? Diesel and Undertaker only had one stare down and the footage of that staredown does not show the footwear they were wearing.

So how did you conclude what footwear they were wearing? Or are you just making these things up?
Dave said on 9/Aug/08
annoyed..... i salute you.... fianlly someone with an objective mind, i mean,.... theres countless evidence to support nashe being MORE than 2 inches taller than taker, then one or two measly circumstantial pics suggesting closer to an inch difference and then people are all over it like a pack of rabid dogs.... nash was 2 inches taller than taker back in the day, comfortably... and taker ALWAYS wore bigger boots than nash, ALWAYS!!! and nash sizes up considerably better against big show than the likes of taker and kane..... in his day the man must have been a solid 6'10.... he must have been! i mean... he looks every inch of it! and as annoyed said, there have been backstage pictures and footage showing a sandaled nash with a trainer wearing taker, and still taller by over an inch! nash's peak height MUST be 6'10, theres not NEARLY enough evidence to suggest otherwise, whereas by comparison theres tonnes of evidence supporting his own 6'10 admission!, get over it!.... now looking at him today compared with 12 years ago, the man has clearly lost his upright and straight posture, and is clearly struggling with his legs, which hes had multiple operations on. I dont see how loosing an inch can be disputed here.
Supermanfan380 said on 9/Aug/08
Unless we see PROOF that he is shorter, or at least was at his tallest he should be listed at 6
Annoyed said on 9/Aug/08
awe my god, what is wrong with you people, what is with this fervant desire to downgrade people beyond all logic and reason!!! discounted is all the videos and pictures that show nash was closer to 2 inches taller than undertaker , despite the pics of nash in slippers still having over an inch on a booted undertaker, despite common knowledge and Nash's own Honesty about his height and the fact the mans messed up knees, multiple operations and 50 years of age with poor posture, there is NO doubt over his peak height, he WAS 6'10" !!!!!! He is prolly 6'9" max nowadays but come on!!! Nash was frequently billed at 7'2", 7'1" and 7'0" his whole career, he stands up incedabley well against actual 7 foot athletes and is a genuinley huge looking man who doesnt beat around the bush with his height. a 6'8" man CANNOT pull off a 7'2" billing, a 6'8" man cannot pull off a 7'0" billing ( hence anes quick demotion to 6'11" !!! and the Takers 6'10" billing!!! ) god a 6'9" man even struggles with a 7'0" billing! But NO , One time he looked only an inch taller than taker so he MUST be alot shorter than he is belived to be. SORRY NO, Nash was 6'10" and is at LEAST 6'9" now. But you know, i know this site well, i will admit when im wrong and have no problem with it ( ala my stallone opinion, goldberg and Austin ) but no-one else seems to have that ability. NASH WAS 6'10" and is now no less than 6'9" !!! Get over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alex2 said on 9/Aug/08
Ola says on 8/Aug/08
Dave, yes i believe! since he was just over 1 inch taller than undertaker. NOT more than 1 1/2 for sure, so i guess its safe to give nash 6'9 TOPS

Dave said on 7/Aug/08
who here really thinks that kevin nash's peak height was only 6'8 3/4?!?! thats just dumb.... look at old pics/vids of nash, a man who was frequently billed at 7' and over, and a man who is known for being brutally honest to the extent of rudeness and who confessed hes 6'10!..... he was a comfortable 6'10 when he was younger, and i dare anyone to say that nash has not lost nearly an inch!!!! his knees are destroyed and after multiple surgeries hes clearly shorter, and not just this, the man is 50.
Alex2 said on 3/Aug/08
Ola says on 28/Jul/08
So we are to believe that all those guys lost 1 1/2-2 inches? thats ridiculous! and very laughable! none of them didnt even lose 1, maybe a half! wrestlers like big show isnt even 40 yet but he has lost 1 1/2 inches? lol!

Nash Prime - 6'8 3/4 Today - 6'8 1/4
Big Show Prime - 6'11 1/2 - Today - 6'11 1/2
Taker Prime - 6'7 1/2 - Today - 6'7
Kane - 6'7 or 6'7 1/2 hard to say
Khali - 7'0.5
Hogan Prime - 6'4 - Today - 6'3
Andre The Giant Prime 6'9 3/4 - Near Death - 6'8 3/4
Sid - 6'6
Haystacks Peak - 6'6 - Later - 6'5 1/2

Ehh no!

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.