How tall is Kevin Nash - Page 15

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Average Guess (495 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 9.65in (207.4cm)
Current: 6ft 8.7in (205cm)
Alex said on 23/Apr/07
Vegas, your friend did look legit 6'4 though. Thing is here is that even with your own friends, people still argue about their heights and even weights when you are their friend and know their stats. Its not like its about a celebrity where you both can argue because neither of you know for sure. On the Nathon Jones page some months ago you probably remember where I posted 2 pics of 2 heavy kids I'm friends with and some people were off by as much as 50lbs underestimating, same with your friends height.
Viper said on 23/Apr/07
Hill is 6-7 in reality.
Arjun said on 23/Apr/07
McGrady does look taller AT THAT particular angle, Hill's head and body tilt make him look shorter there.At that particular head position of Hill and McGrady, the very top of McGrady's head is just a smidge higher than that of Hill. Does'nt mean Hill is shorter, it just means he looks slightly shorter in this particular leaning position.
Jason said on 22/Apr/07
Going just by that photo (I don't know how tall McGrady is exactly), Hill would clearly pip him. Hill's upper body is leaning about 20 degrees more than McGrady's and his head is virtually on it's side...
Vegas said on 22/Apr/07
LV coming from a guy who considers cinderblocks and doors as a fool proof way of measuring height i find that last statement of yours funny. there is your photo again zoomed up Click Here I honestly couldn't give a crap about mcgrady or hill. Both guys look nearly exactly the same height there. Your whole point was that hill is 1" taller than mcgrady despite both being listed at 6'8, so hill is a legit 6'8 and mcgrady isn't, how exactly does that work again??? Both are 6'7 imo barefoot.

Viper for someone who was out by 2.5" on my the height of my friend I think you are probably drunk all the time when you post here. Of course my friend wasn't listed on the Mexican mentor list so you were confused and decided to pluck a number out the air for him :)

Look guys I may be the human punching bag on this site but smart ass remarks aimed towards me does not make you guys rite. Following the lead of Danimal only lowers my opinions of you.
LV said on 22/Apr/07
No Vegas, your line doesn't even touch his hair. He has a small afro going on and I only brought that line down a fraction of an inch. You're saying his hair gives him no height at all? I certainly didn't take 1/2" from him. I'll wait for other's opinions because your hipocracy knows no bounds on height topics. You'll biasedly argue with anyone who doesn't agree with you.
Viper said on 22/Apr/07
LV, I think Vegas is drunk half the time with these picture estimates.
Vegas said on 22/Apr/07
Mcgrady's hair isn't giving him any height there and yes my line does go right to the top of mcgrady's head and it is your line that is biased because you are after chopping a good 0.5" off McGrady for no reason.
LV said on 22/Apr/07
Vegas, even the line you drew is biased. It's not even touching his hair for God's Sake! Zoom in on the picture and re-draw the line keeping in mind you have to take alittle height off for his hair and Hill is slightly taller WHILE LEANING. Click here (Click Here).
Vegas said on 22/Apr/07
McGrady is taller than Hill there yes Click Here if Hill stood up straight then he would maybe be the same height as McGrady. Why would I be biased against Grant Hill, LV?? I just call what i see in pictures end of story.

No way is Luger 3" taller than Yoko even in wrestling boots, try maybe 2" max.

If Viper is saying Yokozuna is 6'1 i think it is safe to add at least another inch to that figure :)
Viper said on 21/Apr/07
Nash looks 6-8 with 6-1 Yoko.
Jason said on 21/Apr/07
Yep, a solid 6'1'' for Yokozuna.
JT said on 21/Apr/07
Yokozuna could be 6’2” barefoot, maybe more. I just threw 6’1” out there since he looked around 3 inches taller than ~ 5’10” Owen Hart (in shoes) in the pic someone posted (though we could not see the footwear). Here’s Yokozuna with Hogan (Click Here) Hogan’s on his toes, and it looks like Yokozuna’s right foot is on the ground plus he’s leaning forward. I don’t recall Hogan towering over Yokozuna at that Wrestlemania when he wrestled in the low-heeled cowboy boots and spandex pants. Yokozuna’s legs may have been so large (from fat and/or extra padding) that he normally did not stand with his feet close together.
Derek said on 21/Apr/07
I remember when Yokozuna teamed with Owen Hart, Yoko was about 2-3 inches than Owen, and that's with Owen in boots. I think Owen wore lifts since he was one of the shorter wrestlers. If Owen is 5'8", he's 5'9" in boots and about 5'10"-5'11" in lifts. If he's 5'9", that's 5'10" in boots and 5'11"-6'0" in lifts. Either way, Yoko was at least 6'1" and could have been 6'2". I personally think Yoko was 6'1" and some change.
Vegas said on 21/Apr/07
mcgrady is slightly taller there LV in your picture and I posted a picture on Triple H's page of Mcgrady looking far from 6'8 with 186cm (6'1ish) legit Tony Parker Click Here

How tall was Yokozuna anyway I wonder, he had 5"+ on barefoot Mr Fuji who was only 2" shorter than Roddy Piper in the mid 80s

Here is yoko with lex luger who was listed at 6'3 with two different football teams over two different decades Click Here
With 6'7 Undertaker Click Here
LV said on 20/Apr/07
Here is Grant Hill looking taller than the 6'7" T-Mac...and Grant Hill is leaning (Click Here).
Anonymous said on 20/Apr/07
Nash looks 6-8 with 6-1 Yoko.
Vegas said on 20/Apr/07
One thing no one on here can argue is Tenta's weight of 423lb seeing as he is being weighed in that picture. It seems Tenta was very close to his billed WWF weight of 450lb
Viper said on 20/Apr/07
Grant Hill IS under 6-8, Im 100 percent correct on that.
JT said on 20/Apr/07
LV, just "refresh" the page and the pic should open.
LV said on 20/Apr/07
Thanks Viper. It's great that you "think" Grant Hill looked 6'7 1/2" when you met him. I'm glad you can see a 1/2" height difference and also remember it 13 years later! Get real. I'll rely on the fact the the NBA measures him and then you can tell he's shorter or taller than others players on known height.

Thanks for the Tenta picture JT. I can't get the Nash/Yoko pic to work.
Alex said on 20/Apr/07
Anyone could have came on here acting as a mentor giving a random list of heights for wrestlers. Didn't it have Andre at 7'4 yet Big Show at 6'11? LOL

Viper, Hill is listed at 6'8 so he's probably 6'6.5-6'7.
Vegas said on 20/Apr/07
Tenta told Richard in an online forum that he was 6'7, obviously that is wrong but 6'4.5 or 6'5 wouldn't surprise me. JT if Tenta was taller than Hogan in 1990 then he was most def over 6'4.
Viper said on 20/Apr/07
"Pippen is 6'7" at the shortest. He was fractionally shorter than Grant Hill, who is a legit 6'8"."

Grant Hill looked more 6-7-6-7 1/2 when I met him back in 1994.
JT said on 20/Apr/07
Lousy angle but here’s Nash with Yokozuna, who I think is around 6’1” barefoot (Click Here)
JT said on 19/Apr/07
Here's the link, LV (Click Here) Tenta and Hillbilly Jim do look the same height (~ 6'5") on Jim's site but we can't see the footwear. It looks like a recent pic as well. Tenta may have already been diagnosed with cancer at that point though that would not have necessarily affected his height. I do remember Tenta being a little taller than Hulk when they first wrestled.
LV said on 19/Apr/07
Can someone please post the sumo article where Tenta was measured at over 6'5"?

Vegas, you don't think those boots have a very generous sole versus a normal pair of wrestling boots? Just because he's wearing boots doesn't mean he's going to hurt himself. Military personel wear boots doing physical activities all the time and don't get injured.

I think their WCW height difference was 3". Big Show was about 7'1" in bigger boots and Nash just over 6'10" in flat-soled wrestling boots. The staredown picture of the two isn't the best because of the angles of their heads. If they were both standing as tall as possible, Nash would be 3" shorter.
Viper said on 19/Apr/07
Vegas, the mentors list gave Big Show 6-11.
LV said on 19/Apr/07
We're close to an agreement on Nash, Vegas. I still think he's closer to 6'10", I'd say he's 6'9.5" barefoot. I don't buy the fact that every tall guy Nash has his picture taken with have exaggerated heights. It's blatantly obvious tactic that people use to make Nash appear shorter. Anybody can do it. I can say your 6'4" friend is only 6'2", making Big Show 6'9" or 6'10". That doesn't mean I'm right, but if I think Big Show shorter, it makes sense. Magic Johnson was billed at 6'9" his entire career and there is no way he is shorter than 6'7".

I'm confident Tenta was closer to 6'6" than 6'4". He was a big guy and not much shorter than Kurrgan (I have no idea how tall Kurrgan is, maybe 6'8"?)

I've seen numerous pictures of Big Show's WCW boots and they are not standard wrestling boots. They gave him an inch over the boots he wears now either that or he's shrunk alittle.
Vegas said on 19/Apr/07
LV i think Powerslam listed Tenta at 6'4 but I am starting to question that listing myself. he looks the exact same height side by side with 6'5 Hilly Billy Jim, not in front like Hogan was.

LV there have been plenty of pictures of paul wights boots in wcw posted on this site and they were far from commando boots, and he wasn't 7'1 in wcw. Nash was no more than 6'9 in the 1990s, 6'10 is too tall for all we have seen of him in the ring. Yes he was ~2.5-3" taller than Magic, Rodman and Godsey but one could argue those guys are closer to 6'6 or 6'6.5" rather than 6'7.

I think we need to stick with 6'9 for nash as it is. before his many operations yes he may have been 6'10 but thats just a "maybe" or an assumption and we can't work on maybes here i am afraid. We can only go on what we see and what we see the majority of the time is a 6'9 Nash.
mikeV10 said on 19/Apr/07
found a little staredown video from Nash vs SID : Click Here
i think there is 2-3 inches difference ???
Halb said on 19/Apr/07
Viper, are these pics of a short Bossman on this page? I have thought Bossman was 6'4 for some time, but ppl are saying he is shorter than Rock??
Jason said on 19/Apr/07
Powerslam magazine said Bossman was 6'4''.
Jason said on 19/Apr/07
I think Bossman was 6'3''-6'4''. Akeem looks about 2 1/2 inches taller.
Jason said on 18/Apr/07
Well LV, you said on the Undertaker page Luger was listed as 6'4'' in football, measured at it, and looks it. Mistake? Hmmm...

It's relevant because it affects your credibility. I don't really mean to offend you ... but others here are entitled to their estimates as well. There really is no concrete proof either way for many of these guys, and at the end of the day we're discussing the most trivial of things here...
JT said on 18/Apr/07
Bossman was around 6'4".

Pippen is 6'7" at the shortest. He was fractionally shorter than Grant Hill, who is a legit 6'8". You can see that Pippen is close to 6'8" in this pic with Kareem (Click Here). Rodman is probably a 1/2 inch shorter than Pippen and no less than 6'7" himself.
Danimal said on 18/Apr/07
Bossman was 6'4", being billed at 6'6"-6'7". He was 2" shorter than 6'6" Akeem (One Man Gang).
Viper said on 18/Apr/07
Its possible Kevin Nash might have worn small lifts.
Vegas said on 18/Apr/07
very good point lv i forgot about that pic and all the work i carried out drawing that white line :P If Rodman is 6'6 then MJ is 6'4 and Pippen is 6'6 too as Pippen and Rodman are the exact same height there.

I see a bossman height debate brewing! Just after watching a video of him and Akeem together. he didn't seem any more than 3" shorter it could have been less in fact. When they tagged together they were known as the "twin towers", would mcmahon call a 6'2 guy a tower???
Alex said on 18/Apr/07
Bossman is more 6'4 in my opinion.
Alex said on 18/Apr/07
I wonder how heavy Nash is then. He's obviously lost some weight over the years. He was a little over 300lbs at least back then. Today looks a little under 300lbs.
mike m said on 18/Apr/07
have to agree with you vegas his knees are bent,rodman is basicly standing straight up.tna now lists nash at 7'0" actul height(6'10")the man has said it over several occasions.
Jason said on 18/Apr/07
Exactly, Viper. And Miller was 300lbs also...
Arjun said on 18/Apr/07
Vegas, the "nashrodman3" pic is better, Nash looks 3" taller there definitely. I don't see a full 3" in the other one, "nashrodman2" though, only around 2 - 2.5 max there.
Jason said on 17/Apr/07
Also, from Rob on the Lex Luger page:

[Editor Rob: ok, thanks vegas for digging that up, I hadn't even realised he was old player...there's another note from 1986 aswell

"In '78, Larry Pfohl was the starting right guard for the Hurricanes. A sophomore transfer from Penn State, he was the biggest (6-3, 252 pounds)"]
Jason said on 17/Apr/07
And even the Showboats list may be padded. They also have Reggie White at 6-6 on there when the NFL had him at 6-5.
Jason said on 17/Apr/07
LV, you also told us Lex Luger was listed at *and* measured at 6'4'' when he played pro football. Well, here he is listed by the Memphis Showboats as 6'3'' in 1984 at age 26: Click Here Where is this 6'4'' listing and measurement?
Viper said on 17/Apr/07
Oliver Miller is 6-7, Im willing to bet a ton of money on that. Jason, you are 100 percent correct in that Nash might have a little something extra in his shoes with Miller. I remember that videopic you linked sometime back where Nash barely had 2 inches over Rodman, and you didnt even see a full 2 inches yourself. And for some of you guys who think height matters that much in the NBA, wingspan and reach is a lot more important. Hell youve got 6-9 guys with longer reaches than many 7 footers. I dont know what Miller's reach is but I bet its pretty long. Longer than your average 6-7 guy. The guy was also broad.
LV said on 17/Apr/07
Typo...obviously I meant Nash is taller than 6'8 1/2". Whoops.
Vegas said on 17/Apr/07
Click Here there is Nash and Rodman side by side with Nash having his arm around Rodmans shoulder. Yes he is slightly ahead but nash's leg are also bent slightly. i see more than 2" there and cap is going to give nash max 0.5", more likely 0.25".

Nash didn't have miller by 2-3", it was more like 1.5", maybe 2" at a stretch.

Viper you cant believe Miller is 6'7??? He is still listed by the NBA at 6'9!!! 6'7 is chopping off 2" from his NBA height and you still want to see him shorter. What was Miller doing the day he got measured, wearing stilts???

nash closer to camera in tyler mane photo Danimal???? Funny that Mane's arm and hand are ahead of Nash's!!!! They are side by side, Nash just has a bigger head, look both of their chins start at the exact same spot, their mouths are level, shoulders level, its only when it comes to the eyes that Nash gets taller.
Viper said on 17/Apr/07
I can beleive that Miller is 6-7 though.
Danimal said on 16/Apr/07
That pic Vegas provided to compare Nash and Mane is invalid, because Nash is clearly closer to the camera, but Vegas won't point that out when he is trying to prove his point on something.
Alex said on 16/Apr/07
Oliver Miller is more 6'7 probably.
Nash is 6'8-6'8.5 today but as he looked to me a couple months ago in person, but was over 6'9 for his peak height.
anonymous said on 16/Apr/07
nash has 3-4 inches on Rodman.
JT said on 16/Apr/07
I took Vegas’s group NWO photo (Click Here) and compared it with a full-body shot of Scott Hall from a similar low angle. Since the consensus here is that Hall is between 6’4” and 6’5”, I made him the equivalent of 6’4.5” and matched the photos up. In the group photo (which first needs to be rotated 4 degrees to the right), Big Show comes out to about 7 feet even with Nash around 6’9”. Since the photo angle is low, each would be a shade taller since the higher the “object” is at that angle, the smaller its height will appear. X-Pac comes out to 6'0" but he's closer to the camera and therefore is probably in the 5'11" range. IIRC, Alex on this site saw X-Pac in person and estimated him at around 5’11”. Also, Nash has a clear head (~10 inches) on X-Pac so he’s going to be at least 6’9”.
LV said on 15/Apr/07
#1.Mane says he's 6'8" now and has said he was 6'10" in the past. He may have been slightly taller in his prime. If you recall, he was always referred to as 6'10" during X-men b/c they put him in 4" lifts to play Sabretooth to make him 7'2". If he were 6'8", they would have only made him 7'.
#2.Nash is taller than Mane.
#3.He's at least two inches taller than a legit 6'8" (he's no shorter than this and was listed at 6'9" in the NBA) Oliver Miller (Click Here). I don't think I need to elaborate any on this point. If you want to argue that Nash isn't 6'10", prove to me that Oliver Miller isn't at least 6'8"!
#4.He's at least 3 inches taller than 6'7" Magic Johnson (billed 6'9").
#5.How can Nash only be 2 inches taller than the supposed 6'6" Rodman, yet is 2" taller than the legit 6'8" Oliver Miller?
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/07
Nash had Rodman by 3" Viper did you not see my pictures there a while back??? Why do you still say 2"?? And by 1998 with Rodman, Nash was certainly not at peak height no more, he had probably lost close to 0.5" by then.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/07
I think Andre was a 0.5" to full inch taller than Nash in his prime based on the photos/videos I have examined. I have Nash at ~6'9 and Andre at 6'10. personally I don't think Andre was shorter than 6'10 in his prime though, surely not??? By WM3 though, Nash was def as tall if not taller than Andre with Andre struggling around the 6'9 mark

It would have been very interesting to see Nash and Andre in the ring together doing a stare-down, end all the debates methinks
Viper said on 15/Apr/07
I think Nash should be downgraded to 6-8 1/2, his most realistic peak height. He only had 6-6 Dennis Rodman by no more than 2 inches.
Vegas said on 15/Apr/07
nash is def taller here Click Here with Mane only looking about 6'8 if Nash is ~6'9

I can only find his myspace page though Halb. Now if we are to truly believe myspace then Shad from Cryme Tyme is 6'7, Davari is 179cm (~5'11) and Mikey from Spirit Squad is 179cm too (all legit myspace pages btw) though based on my pic above 6'8 for mane seems about rite i guess.
mike m said on 15/Apr/07
nothing taller?if i,d say nash has him by 2 inches.Tyler Mane 6'8" Nash6'10"

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.