berta said on 25/Feb/23
always looks tall. i think she have pulled of 174-175 alot. The listign is good.
Mya said on 7/Jul/22
I'd say she's 5'9. She looks very tall next to Gerard Butler, who's listed as a little over 6'1 on here.
Click Here
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she's wearing what looks like 3 inch heels which, at 5'9, would make her 6'0 and just a bit shorter than Butler if she stood up straight. In the last photo she's wearing flats.
JayJay said on 15/Jun/22
5’8” flat.
David Tang said on 30/Dec/21
hey rob if Rosario is 5'6 3/4, shouldn't Heigl be given a boost?
Jkenn said on 12/Nov/21
David Tang said on 11/Aug/21
David Tang said on 21/Jul/21
rob why not giver her at least 5'8 3/4. she does look like it.
David Tang said on 6/Jul/21
heyyyyyyyy said on 29/Mar/21
slim 6'1 said on 30/Jan/21
In suits she just didn’t fill in the void that Meghan Markle left
slim 6'1 said on 18/Jan/21
I take that back, somewhere in the 174cm range
Nik Ashton said on 29/Sep/20
She’s taller than Rob Paul!
Mimi said on 25/Jul/20
At least 173cm for her possibly even close to 5ft9.
Davidjr said on 20/Jul/20
She is a great actress I give her 5 foot 9 inches or 175 cm tall she is a little bit tall comparing with the Media of her country
Jam Cherry said on 4/Jun/20
I always thought she’s 5’9” but I’ll agree with her claim at 174 cm
JohnMoore-162cm said on 28/Apr/20
I believe her claim is very accurate. Katherine Heigl is 5ft8 1/4" to 5ft8 1/2" , over 5ft9 morning height for sure ..
Nik Ashton said on 14/Aug/19
I would love to see her pictured with big Rob! I like her name!
khaled taban said on 17/Jun/19
She is 173-174cm, 175 out of bed.
Nik Ashton said on 20/Apr/19
It looks like she veers (autocorrect tried to change it to beers!) towards honesty!
Manolo said on 15/Aug/18
Probably 5’8” flat.
MAD SAM said on 21/Jul/18
Always thought her as a 5’9” woman, I guess 174 cm is perfect listing !
Tall Sam said on 26/Feb/18
I believe her self-claim is accurate.
We've all heard about her prima donna behavior in the past but she was and is still a very attractive woman and was fairly talented I think. The sea changes in Hollywood with the horror stories coming out of women being objectified, harassed, underpaid (in comparison to male actors, not overall!) and belittled and labeled as "difficult" when they complain makes me wonder how many of women like Heigl were torpedoed by their own choices versus some horrific sexiest silent blacklisting by some powerful sleazeball. In Heigl's case, she probably really did act like a pill to too many people but it makes you wonder.
Robot Explosion said on 25/Dec/17
She towers over 5'7" Rosario Dawson, in the movie I'm watching now. So yes she's a solid 5'9".
Junior said on 30/Oct/17
Must be a full 173cm (5'8) lowest and maybe closer to 5'9 out of bed she claim and claim her morning measurement 5'8.5".
Arch Stanton said on 22/Sep/17
Yes, it's surprising KH as to me she seems fine in interviews I've seen. They say that about Halle Berry too though.
KH said on 19/Sep/17
5'8 I think is most likely based on the heights she has given herself personally. The vast majority of people exaggerate there height a little. If someone tells me three heights for themselves over time all in an inch range Im going to go with the lowest every time. She has looked significantly shorter then male co leads in films like Seth Rogen and Gerard Butler. Still noticeably shorter then Butler in heels that probably gave at least 3 inches of height. It's a shame she is pretty much universally disliked in Hollywood because to me she is one of the best looking women in the world today I'd like to think she was sweet lol.
S.J.H said on 20/Feb/17
Look at her with ashton kutcher i"ll say 5'8 and not more
Not Rick said on 18/Feb/17
That's 4 inches Rick. Go back to school mate
Rick said on 7/Feb/17
Glow, what do you mean by ''equivalent''? Do you mean man must be taller than women about 6 inches? or do you mean the perfect height difference between couples?
There is no such thing as perfect height difference between couples. I am 6'3.25 (192cm) and my girlfriend is 5'11(1.80). Thats 5 inches differens but she can reach max to 190 with high heels as Rob has mentioned that platform shoes increases height around 4 inches or so. We are not looking awkward tho when she has high heels, I was still taller than her like 5 cm.
pantea said on 24/Oct/16
i think 5.7 and enything above that for women and 5.11 for men is pretty to people.and no matter if someone think thats average.5.7-5.8 is prettiest height for women.long legs,tallish,but not huge.and for men 5.11-6.1 is perfect size.who says taller is better?a woman with 5.9 just for modeling or with a 6.3 guy looks good .i mean how many of guys are 6.2-6.3 ?so...
mrtguy said on 25/Jun/16
5'8'' exactly
truth said on 2/Jun/16
Solid 5'8.
Jen said on 13/Dec/15
Looks a solid 5'9
linke said on 11/May/15
Glow says on 2/Jul/13
Actually Luna, 5'9" for a woman is about the equivalent of 6'3" for a guy.
5'9 for a woman is more like a 6'2 guy.
J.Lee said on 13/Jan/15
Rob, look at these pics. David Duchovny is 6 ft 0.25. That makes her 3.75 inches shorter than him. But does she look taller than him in these pics?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
she might have a little camera advantage in one shot, hard to say how much exactly. I think both their heights are ok
Silent_D said on 12/Jan/15
I think 174cm is more reasonable but i'm not sure malin akerman is a full 173cm though.
lollipop95 said on 2/Jan/15
The average height difference depends. In Ireland, the average female height is 5'5(same in UK, unless it changed) so a 5'3 woman would the same as a 5'7 man
Jack said on 26/May/14
@Glow, close but you're off by an inch.
In USA, average female height is 5'4 and average male height is 5'9.
So that makes the difference between the genders at 5 inches not 6.
A 5'8 man would therefore be the equivalent of a 5'3 woman not a 5'2 woman.
Just said on 27/Jan/14
@Silent d She can't be only 5'8, because Malin Akerman is 5'8. In "27 Dresses" Katherine is clearly taller than Malin.
Just said on 15/Dec/13
She's tall. I always thought that she's 5'9.
divincodino92 said on 17/Nov/13
Could be 170-171 Rob?

Editor Rob
I'd be surprised if she was just that.
Sarlon said on 19/Oct/13
Is more easy to say there is a 1.07-1.09 height ratio between sexes.
jordydecke said on 9/Sep/13
just to add to the comments about male and female heights here - girls tend to grow faster than guys when it comes to height. I (being a guy) was about 5'2 or 5'3 most of the way through high school, easily one of the shortest in the whole year group but when I passed 16 I began to grow and now I'm 23 and a strong 5'11. So I'm sure some of the guys will catch up but on the whole people are definitely getting taller. I'm one of the shortest of my friend group - surprising as I'm only a shade under 6' but most of the guys are about 6'1 and 6'2 and it's surprisingly noticeable.
Glow said on 2/Jul/13
Actually Luna, 5'9" for a woman is about the equivalent of 6'3" for a guy.
If you go by average heights in most western countries, all you do is deduct the six inches from the male height to find the female equivalent. It should be as follows:
5ft Female = 5'6 Male (think Tom Cruise)
5'1 Female = 5'7 Male
5'2 Female = 5'8 Male
5'3 Female = 5'9 Male
5'4 Female = 5'10 Male
5'5 Female = 5'11 Male
5'6 Female = 6 ft Male
5'7 Female = 6'1 Male
5'8 Female = 6'2 Male
5'9 Female = 6'3 Male
5'10 Female = 6'4 Male
5'11 Female = 6'5 Male
6ft Female = 6'6 Male
...And so on.
I've stood next to men who were marginally shorter than me (I'm 5'9") and thought how petite they looked...short legs usually and small bone structure, often a bit diminutive, making them their gender's equivalent of a slightly petite woman. It's not an insult but it just put it in perspective.
Poppy said on 14/Jun/12
This conversation is silly. The average height for women in 2012 is 5'4.3" tall. I'm 5'8", and people frequently comment saying I'm tall. I suppose being slender in addition to that does help the illusion of great height, but no one can argue 5'8" is average when it is nearly 4 inches taller than what average truly is. I'm not a giant, I'm not insanely tall, but I am relatively tall in comparison to those around me and to the average height. I'm not yet 16 years old.
Silent d said on 6/Feb/12
5 foot 8. Girls are getting taller now. I heard it is the hormones in junk food.
Chiara said on 25/Jan/12
I have to agree with Luna. Im exactly 5´11 (180 cm) and 18 years old and in my classes (Im from germany so im mostly with the same people in different classes)
although im the tallest girl there are quite a few girls (I think like 4 or 5) who look to be above 173 cm (5´8) and my best friend is also just 1 cm below my height but i dont really feel that tall. Also there are just 3 guys who are taller than me so i think girls are getting taller these days or something.
Kik said on 25/Jan/12
I don't know where are you from, but in my country 175 is tall and definitely 175 tall girls do stand out in a crowd. But it is you right to consider yourself small or tall or very tall, that is not my business.
Luna said on 21/Jan/12
Get over yourself. Just accept the fact that not everyone thinks you are tall. I see lots of girls at uni around 175. It may be tall for a 50 year old woman, but it is only relatively tall for a young one. And no, 5 ft 9 doesn't stand out in a crowd. Not to mention that 6 ft 2 is much taller for a man than 5 ft 9 is for a woman.
I am taller than you and I don't even consider myself "very tall".
And why are you accusing Kostas of
trolling? He is just stating his opinion. Try to be more open-minded.
TruebloodFan said on 28/Dec/11
@drop-dead cool says on 12/Oct/11
in the scene from the ugly truth she seemed quite shorter than Butler barefoot,I guess you are talking about when they were in the lift together,well she had her shoes back on in there,thats why she looked almost the same height as him
a guy calling 176cm woman tallish is a
troll. an inflation of height.
you haven't read my post at all. I'm neither a woman nor am I 5'9.3. lol
what am I saying? that 175cm is very tall for a woman? of course it is. it's an equivalent to a 6'2 man. usually, in small groups of people, the 5'9 woman and the 6'2 man are the tallest in their categories. 5'10 for woman and 6'3 are rare heights. Viper is 6'3. ask him does he feel average height.
you're correct as usual, m8.
Luna said on 12/Dec/11
Claes, I beg to differ. All heights are good for an actress/actor.
Claes said on 8/Dec/11
she always appear to be between 5'8 too 5'9. I think 5'5 too 5'8 is a good height range for an actress. JMO coming from a 5'6 guy.
Silent d said on 31/Oct/11
Five foot 8.
drop-dead cool said on 12/Oct/11
@TruebloodFan in the scene from the ugly truth she seemed quite shorter than Butler barefoot,I guess you are talking about when they were in the lift together,well she had her shoes back on in there,thats why she looked almost the same height as him
fact said on 25/Sep/11
a girl with 5'7" already tall but not very tall. very tall is above 5'11" for a girl. she is tall but not tall at all
Kostas said on 15/Sep/11
oh,whatever...if it can feel average it is tallish,i say...if you are tall then you always feel tall,no matter what...
Chameleon said on 14/Sep/11
No, im not even 6'0 without shoes so wtf is that about?! Anyway, a 175/176 girl is tall generally speaking doesnt matter if it can feel average.
Kostas said on 14/Sep/11
oh,and what makes you say that 6'1 is a great height for guys?hmm,maybe cause you yourself are 6'1?
Kostas said on 14/Sep/11
I never said it isn't a good height, I just think it is debatable whether it is tall or not...some people consider my friend tall,others disagree...but at 178+ no one can deny that you are tall if you are a woman
Chameleon said on 13/Sep/11
My 175-176cm sister can feel anywhere from average to tall, she does look tall to me but noway near very tall unless she wears high heels. Great height for a girl imo, just like 6'1 for guys.
Kostas said on 9/Sep/11
oh,and by the way:truebloodfun, if i were a 5'8 woman who suffered from the same complex as you,why would i want to make someone of that height appear less tall?that would be against my interests!
P.S.according to most data,174 is 95th percentile for women...anyway,only 178-9 look tall to me,the ones shorter than that are only slightly tall...and 172 and under is average...
Kostas said on 9/Sep/11
Kostas said on 9/Sep/11
TruebloodFan:wow,you wrote a whole paragraph about this.
5'8 girl who finds herself average?lol,that doesnt even make name is kostas,which is a male name,not miranda...and just so you know, i have a friend that is your height,and another one that is exactly my height and you can't even tell the height difference...
you are a height obsessed woman who probably has some inferiority complex cause she is not as pretty as some other girls,and therefore likes to use her height as a mean to feel superior in some me,i have met lots of people like you
my cousin is 179 cm-she looks tall,a 173-176 woman looks tallish - personal experience...176 very tall?make me laugh!its a little under average male height,how can that possible be tall?
this data is outdated by the way...oh,and 176 is 5 ft 9,not 5 ft 9.5
Bill said on 29/Aug/11
Just an opinionn, but the taller the woman, the more beautifull. Just look at Anne Hathaway!
TruebloodFan said on 29/Aug/11
@Kostas says on 15/Aug/11
lmfao. don't lie and misinform the kid. 176cm 95 percentile for a woman. that's not tallish,
troll. I bet you're not a 173-4cm guy. Probably more likely a 5ft6 guy who has 5ft7 friend who calls herself 5ft9 and then believes her cause he gets away with his 173-4cm claim. Or you're a 5ft8 girl who finds herself 'average'. If you were an actual 173-4 guy, you wouldn't call it tallish. it's strong tall, bordering very tall. try sleeping with a 5ft9.5 woman and live with her for 3 months like I did this winter, then come back here and tell me if it's tallish.
the difference between 174 and 175 when it's about women is bigger than when it's about men.
ginp1 said on 16/Aug/11
i think it's really kool to know that there are lots of people the exact height as yourself.
Kostas said on 15/Aug/11
@sara: I'd say a woman that is 176 cm is tallish, not exactly "tall". But I understand why someone of your height would feel tall at that age. And before anyone asks, I am a 173-174 cm guy.
@TrueBloodFan: I don't think the difference between 5 ft 8.5(=174cm) and 5 ft 9(=175 cm) is THAT huge...
yvonne said on 29/Jul/11
i think she is 5'9 in greys anatomy she looks ataller than almost all the women there, and in the ugly truth too :) she is 5'9. I am 5'9 too so there katherine we have something in common
Ann said on 23/Jul/11
Heigl is short! :D I'm 18 yrs old n 185cm tall so everyone yappin' n worried about their "unusual" height PUHLEASE! If ya're tall just keep yourself slimm n enjoy being different, people'll remember ya better than just some ordinary gurl.
TruebloodFan said on 28/Jun/11
@sara says on 12/Mar/11
im 15 almost 16, and i am about 176cm, is that really tall for someone my age?
Cuz at my school im taller than most of the guys in 10th grade, will they grow? Or am i just freakishly tall???
yes. it's quite tall, but not too tall. my high school sweetheart was the same height as you at your age and she stopped growing. I was 4cm shorter than her back then, 3cm today.
you'll always be taller than 40-50 per cent of men. don't be mistaken. when you see a guy who's your height, he's average, you're tall. the women height average is about 12-13cm(5inches) under men's average. you're an equivalent to a 6ft2 man, so no, you're not freakish tall at all.
Tyler said on 15/May/11
5'9" flat.
Heather said on 20/Apr/11
I am a tick under 6 feet tall, trust me that is TALL for a woman. I was always a good 4 inches taller than my classmates...
Viper said on 17/Mar/11
Looks no taller an 5-8
sara said on 12/Mar/11
im 15 almost 16, and i am about 176cm, is that really tall for someone my age?
Cuz at my school im taller than most of the guys in 10th grade, will they grow? Or am i just freakishly tall???
K4 said on 2/Mar/11
prov1210 says on 28/Dec/10
I'm 5.9 & 1/2. Sometimes I say 5'10. I always wished to be taller. I always loved being the tallest girl. Now a days, 5'10 is not very tall. Man, what happened? Are people growing taller?
Not really. It's becuase people wear heels, lifts, high hair, getting their bodies in shape and even clothing is what's giving the delusion. Prov1210, you don't wanna be taller than 5-10, cause over is a male height.
Sherif samy Egyptian said on 12/Feb/11
I think from this Two pictures We Can Say Subtract her Height that shown in the second Picture 172 From Her High Heel Sandal that may be about 6 or 7 cm So Her Real Height will be 165 or 166 cm .
TruebloodFan said on 9/Feb/11
strange...I always thought she was 5ft9 at least. she was barefoot next to Gerard Butler who was in shoes in one of the final scenes of 'The Ugly Truth', in the hotel and she looked so tall. he was just a bit taller I was surprised, and I'm pretty sure Butler is a tall man, 6ft a minimal minimum for him. She looks so tall in every movie. 174 doesn't fit her.
E said on 29/Jan/11
in knocked up there is a scene with her standing next to seth rogan and she looks nearly 5 inches shorter or more... If he is 5'11" than she is no more than 5'7"... if she really is 5'8.5" that rogan is 6'1.5" which we all know is not true...
Anonymous said on 16/Jan/11
5,10 not very tall???? A woman of 5,8 is allready very tall. Avrg height in countro is about 1,63/65
prov1210 said on 28/Dec/10
I'm 5.9 & 1/2. Sometimes I say 5'10. I always wished to be taller. I always loved being the tallest girl. Now a days, 5'10 is not very tall. Man, what happened? Are people growing taller?
Golden_Boy said on 8/Dec/10
Funny, the things you say when you're tired and it's past your bedtime. Tee hee! I meant that, when I'm confident I say I'm 5ft9 and when I'm not so confident I say I'm ABOUT 5ft9, maybe 5ft8. Although I guess officially they consider your height what you measure at the doctor's during an earlier part of the day. Recently at the doctor's I measured 175.1 cms at around 12 pm, and that's what the doctor wrote down, but my height definitely DOES NOT stay that during the later part of the day.
Golden_Boy said on 7/Dec/10
Height can be a strange thing. Being between 174-175 cms myself I've found it difficult to pin it down: it fluctuates pretty much without any logic attached to it. In the morning I can measure between 175.6 to 176.4cms and at night from 174 to 174.3. An even stranger thing is that sometimes I can measure 174 during the day and 174.3 (again) at night. It's like my body goes through cycles of expansion and contraction. I used to think that having a good rest can "recover" my height, but that's not necessarily the case either. My height also doesn't correspond to how I feel; e.g.: when I feel tall I actually measure shorter, etc. Since I tend to measure (on average) mostly between 174 and 175 cms I tend to think of myself as 174.5 cm. LOL, but it's easier to say 5ft 9 or when I'm feeling confident I say 5ft 8.
Doug said on 23/Mar/09
Looked a decent height compared to 6'4" Steven Seagal. Sometimes looks nearer 5'9"
Matrix said on 23/Jan/09
This is strange about the morning, noon and height ordeals. I know there are scientific facts and studies, but not everyone is alike in this world. Myself included, I am 5'10" morning, noon and night. My once-best friend is 6'2" morning, noon, and night. One of my "girl" friends is 5'2" morning, noon and night. Some people do not realize this, but weight has a lot to do with height fluxs, too! What I mean with this statement is the fact that when most people lose weight they also increase in height. My grandfather was around 6'1" when he died, but before he was diagnosed with cancer, he was only 5'11" and when the cancer finally caught up with him, he lost around 40-60 lbs and gained 2" in height. Every time I would look up at him, I thought I was standing in a hole! I just was not used to him being this height! I have known others that increased their heights when they lost weight, too. During the day some people can gain 3 or 4 lbs and then they could begin to slouch and there heights can be shorter in the after effect. I remember an episode from Roswell season 1 when "Katherine Heigl" has these dreams about Michael she then wants to forget about so she gets Alex to be her boyfriend, and then in one scene we the two walking to her bedroom with her high-heeled boots off and being carried by Alex. Hanks' height is said to be 6'1.5" and he was wearing regular shoes that day so his height would be approx 6'2.5", and Heigl was barefooted, and they seemed to be only around 4"- 4.5" difference. So, that would make Heigl approx. 5'9"- 5'9.5", so tell me what are your opinions.
anthony said on 11/Jan/09
She has the perfect for being a woman. Standing on 5'8", man she's making me admire her more. Hey! Katherine was 5'7" before when i saw her in Prince Valiant's movie set before... and she was age 14 at that time, I guess.
Realme2008 said on 27/Dec/08
She really does look 5'8", and that's what I think she is. She even she said she was 5'8" several times.
Kelly said on 23/Oct/08
I'm 5'8" and when I met her we were both wearing 3 inch heels and staring eye to eye. She's 5'8".
anonymous said on 14/Oct/08
I watched 27 dresses and she looks about 175cm no more or less. James marsden's probably about 178cm. She is pretty tall. She is definately not shorter than 170cm.
simran said on 13/Sep/08
ive met her twice and shes about 5'8
Anonymous said on 29/Aug/08
check her height in Under Siege 2 - she's standing next to Steven Seagal and looks much shorter than him
Realme2008 said on 12/Aug/08
She isn't 5'10", and that's obvious. She's shorter than Patrick Dempsey and Justin Chambers on 'Grey's Anatyomy', and they are both closer to 5'10" then she is. Also I believe she wore small heels in '21 dresses' when she was with James. She also was shorter than James Marsden in that movie if you really payed attention.
Anonymous said on 29/Jul/08
shes way taller than 5'8...she was at least the same height if not more than james marsden in 21 dresses and he's like 5'10
Anonymous said on 24/Jul/08
5'8.5? my bf met her last year. she looked 5'10 in flip flops!!!
Realme2008 said on 18/Jun/08
She could be 5'8.5". I mean what's half an inch really? She doesn't look that much taller than T.R. Knight who is 5'7" himself, so this is a good height listing for her. Also she's noticeably shorter than Justin Chambers. A good inch and a half. He's 5'10" right?
Iano said on 16/Jun/08
Yeah she looked a solid 5'9 when i saw her in new york
Linds said on 26/May/08
she is always taller than Leslie Man in knocked up
Ally said on 30/Mar/08
Definately 5'9
Robin said on 31/Jan/08
ya, 5'9 looks about right.
tim said on 12/Jan/08
she is about 5'9 definately
Sam said on 4/Jan/08
she must be 5'8-5'9 at least.i'd say more around 5'8.
Gago said on 27/Dec/07
Worked with her on Knocked Up press junket, very cute and funny, in heels she was 181 and I agree on 5'8.5.
Peetie said on 21/Dec/07
She looks 5'11'' with heels, may be barefeet about 5'8.5''.
dmeyer said on 9/Dec/07
5'8.5 seems right for her
Bad Radio said on 9/Dec/07
5'8 is what it said on her driving licence.
Alex said on 20/Sep/07
Demeyer, I remember the movie My Father the Hero when she was 14-15 years old and then she looked 5'9 to me there. 5'9 is still my guess for her height.
dmeyer said on 22/Aug/07
about 2.5 in shorter than me 5'8.5 fits her close enaugh
dmeyer said on 12/Aug/07
she dosnt look under 174 cm on the show waths funny i met tr give me impresion of 5'6.5 but then gave me impresion of 5'7 and helen looks taller on the show
Dash said on 11/Aug/07
You can watch carefully on the third season after the one night stand with "George" she gets to stand next to him a lot and she is at least 2 inches higher I'll say 5'9" defenitly
Alex said on 19/Jun/07
Dmeyer, when I first get up I'm 6'1 flat but very fast like maybe even 10 minutes I'm down to 6'0.75 then not long after down to 6'0.5 then I'll be 6'0.25-6'0.5 around 12-1PM then 6'0 flat by the evening/night. But it all depends on how much sleep I get or how long I am on my feet because I think I've gotten as low as 5'11.75 at night when on my feet a long time but thats rare that I get that low. I think overall my height would be 6'0.25 though but I'll say 6'0.5 most of the time.
stupid said on 19/Jun/07
I am katherines cousin. shes 5'9 no doubt about it
dmeyer said on 18/Jun/07
mid day i could be 5'11.25 not 5'11.5 the first 1 cm you loose go very fast like rob is 174.2 for 8 seconds just kidding first hour you will loose 0.25 in and then then another 0.25 late morning early afternoon so at 1 pm i could be 5'11.25 and 180 to 180.34 brfore bed 5'10.87 to 5'11 but the first half in goes fast i will be 5'11.5 midday if i took a nice nap
Alex said on 17/Jun/07
Dmeyer, so you're a stong 5'11 meaning you're probably 5'11.25-5'11.5 midday and 5'11 flat by night.
dmeyer said on 17/Jun/07
most morning i am 5 ft 11.75 after a short night 5'11.6 normal night 5'11.75 on a very good day 6 ft in the morning once in a while 6 ft is rare but at times 5'11.85 on a very good day 6 ft
B said on 16/Jun/07
Yeah I consider myself 5' 91/4'' that's what I am from 12pm in the day time to 5pm in the evening, at 10pm at night im 5' 8.875'' or 5' 87/8'' so a good 5' 9'' I agree that mid day height is the most accurate.
Heigl dose appear 5' 8.5 but maybe rounds up, may be thats why she says 5' 9. I would just like to say that I am new to this site and a big fan now, hey rob when was this site created?

Editor Rob
it went live back in 2004, just about 3 years old now. Nobody would question you saying 5ft 9.
Alex said on 14/Jun/07
Dmeyer, you may be 6'0 right out of bed or 183cm since you use that system.
Alex said on 14/Jun/07
Katherine I would bet is 5'9 out of bed and 5'8-5'8.25 by evening/night. So you get 5'8.5 as her midday height. Midday height really is the best to go by. I'd say if you're up 5 hours thats mostly your real height.
xaoxio said on 13/Jun/07
Rob: it would be really good if you list people using their afternoon height.
What do you think?
We are all tired to guess: is this morning, afternoon or evening height of a celebrity.
I guess it's reasonable to take the average height of a man or woman as the right one!

Editor Rob
for the very most part they should be construed as afternoon, although what I say is there might be cases where the listings would be more fitting to early morning.
from mid afternoon to evening, I don't think the dropoff is much, at least from what I've been monitoring.
dmeyer said on 13/Jun/07
i thaught we were all talking night height on this site if we are talking 2 pm height i could consider myself 5'11.2 180.848 wish is very mush 181 all the coment i did lately were night height a lot of people need a 0.25 in upgrate or downgrade

Editor Rob
some listings might fit a mid-day, even morning sometimes, a good number are evening. In this case I'm talking about how 174cm could fit earlier in the day.
Alex said on 12/Jun/07
Dmeyer, you looked like a 5'11-5'11.5 guy with Ben Stiller. Whats your midday height?
Her at 2-2.5 inches shorter than you puts her at 5'8.5-5'9. Heck 5'8.5 and 5'9 isn't easy at all to tell the differenece from on TV. But if she has said both 5'8 and 5'9 most likely she's 5'8.5
dmeyer said on 12/Jun/07
i might be close to 181 if she is 174

Editor Rob
you could say 174 not at night for heigl, but more mid day. At night, maybe the 173 fits her from your perspective, her range being 173-4.
dmeyer said on 12/Jun/07
ok 174 but no more since she seemed more than 2 in shorter tham me so 2.5 in shorter
dmeyer said on 12/Jun/07
i met all the greys cast several times isiah and dane are both about 185 cm like 6'0.75 dempsey and chambers are just about 5'10 heigl and walsh are 5'8 to 5'8.25 oh seems 5'6 pompeo seems aldl under 5'6 tr is exactly 5'7 wilson is 5 ft pickens is 6 ft or aleast 5'11.75 one think about all of them is that all their shoes are normal i have seen them seating only dempsey wears show that give him a 0.25 boost
dmeyer said on 12/Jun/07
rob to me she looked proper 173 cm when i met her we were both in sneakers wath do you think of that i agree on screen she look 5'9

Editor Rob
I'm not convinced flat 173...I think between her 173 and 5 claim is pretty reasonable.
Alex said on 5/Jun/07
5'11 flat with heels which look to be 3-3.5 inches so 5'9 does seem most accurate. In the movie My Father The Hero she looked this height too and she was only 14 there too. Plenty of girls will stop growing at 13-14. I remember the from the girls taller than me in my grade, the time we got to 10-11th grade I was taller than them.
Stretch said on 1/Jun/07
Katherine Heigl is one of the few actresses who actually wish to be shorter than their actual height, perhaps out of casting concern due to the large number of short leading men in Hollywood. By all standard of comparison she is 5' 9" in bare feat.
Gago said on 19/May/07
I escorted her for the Knocked Up movie press junket, this girl is pretty and she says truth about her height, with heels she was 181-182cm, without she'll be 175 for sure
dmeyer said on 24/Apr/07
to me she looks 5'8.25 strong 173 in person no more
Viper said on 24/Apr/07
Shes pretty amazing to look at.
Realme said on 24/Apr/07
Definitely the tallest girl in heels on Grey's!
Click Here
She is noticeably taller than Kate Walsh who is listed as 5'8.5", and Sara Ramirez who is supposedly 5'9", but looks 5'8" to me.
dmeyer said on 11/Apr/07
i met all of them and several times oh is close to 5'6 pompeo is 5'6 no more possibly a hair less tr night is 5'7 heigl is a lidl under 5'9 5'8.25 to 5'8.5 cambers is just about 5'10 dempsey is very close to 5'10 he looks 5'10 but wears shox so about 5'9.75 since he can look 178 proper also i saw him in low heeled shoes so 5'9.75 177 for him isiah is a shoking 185 cm at the very least 184 strong but this guy is about 6'0.75 i can buy 6'0.5 to 6'1 walsh is 5'10 in heels when she wears snickers she is 5'8.25 to 5'8.5 since she looks more than 2 in shorter than me pickes is 5'11.75 to 6 ft and dane is 185 cm he claims 6'0.75 also he wears the same puma with 0.75 in heels all the times so can look 184 strong but is 185 when he weard 1.5 dress shoes he looked 186 cm so he is 185 cm chambers could be 5'9.75 but is close enaugh 5'10
AirSky said on 9/Apr/07
From Grey's Anatomy and other productions, I've always pictured this:
Sandra Oh = 5'6"
Ellen Pompeo = 5'7"
T.R. Knight = 5'8" (or 5'8.5")
Katherine Heigl = about 5'10" (could be shorter, heels are tricky)
Justin Chambers = 5'10"
Patrick Dempsey = about 5'10.5"
Kate Walsh = 5'10"
Isaiah Washington = close to 6'1" (?) (I think he's taller, possibly 6'3")
James Pickens Jr. = Washington's height, or a tad shorter = 6'
Click Here
Mind you Katherine Heigl always looks a tad taller than Justin Chambers on Grey's Anatomy, what would make her at least 5'9.5", Chambers being likely a 5'10" or a tad over

Editor Rob
dmeyer met a number of those people, heigl can't decide what to say, one moment 5ft 9, the next 5ft 8.
dmeyer said on 13/Mar/07
when i met her she was a lidl more than 2 inches shorter than me
Realme said on 12/Mar/07
Realme says on 21/Feb/07
The only thing I don't understand is how she is taller than T.R. knight by a inch or possibly an inch and an half who is listed as 5'8" Unless she really is 5'9" or he really is 5'7"? Also she is about two inches shorter (not three) than Justin Chambers. He even said that they were about the same height in a Grey's podcast. Also she seems slighty taller than Madison (Kate Walsh) in Grey's who is listed as 5'8" So I'm confused??? Maybe she is just one of those girls who downgrades her height?"- I knew she was 5'9"! Even Justin Chambers said it was kind of hard picking her up (In the season 2 finale, because he has bad back), and despite how vuluptous Izzie's character is she is about his height.
Mariah said on 12/Mar/07
Pinballwizard: We loves us some sexy Katherine—when do we get to see you on the big screen again?
Katherine Heigl: Soon, I hope…I wanna be doing the movies. It's all about doing the big projects.
ConCepT: If you were to fight Christina Aguilera, would you kick her ass?
Katherine Heigl: Hell yeah! I'm 5' 9". You're buff…
Katherine Heigl: She's like 5' 2". But, I'd never do that, 'cause I'm a lady…
Mariah said on 12/Mar/07
Click Here
Ok I Agree With that Heigl And TR aren't the same height . But TR at least 5.8 and Heigl atleast 5.10 after looking at this photo Beacause Pickens is listed at 6 feet
dmeyer said on 12/Mar/07
wath ican say is that tr is aleast 10 cm shorter than me and i am 180 so he is max 170
Realme said on 12/Mar/07
"They should be closer to 5.9(TR) and 5.10(Heigl)."-- Oh, no T.R. is definetely no 5'9" have you seen the man?! He is 5'7.5-5'8".
Realme said on 12/Mar/07
I don't think T.R. Knight is 5'6.5, because that would make him the same height as Ellen Pompeo, which he is not. Also Sara Ramirez is listed as 5'9", and she plays his wife on the show. She has about the same height difference as Katherine Heigl has when she stands alongside T.R. (About an inch to an and a half ). It would make sense that T.R. is 5'7.5"- 5'8", and Katherine Heigl is 5'9". Also Mariah Justin Chambers is 5'10"-5'10.5", and there is very little difference between them. 1.5- 2 inches tops! 5'8.5"- 5'9" tops for Heigl!
dmeyer said on 11/Mar/07
rob i met tr a few times i aint sure he is as tall as 170 more like 168 169 cm he looked 5'6 but didnt have great posture so 5'6.5 for this guy
Mariah said on 11/Mar/07
(Look at my pic down the page)
If pompeo is a half inch shorter than 5.7 than TR and Heigl cant be 5.7 , 5.8:isch
They should be closer to 5.9(TR) and 5.10(Heigl).
dmeyer said on 10/Mar/07
i worked with both tr anf heighl the diiferance is more than 1 inch

Editor Rob
tr could be closer to 5ft 7, I've not added him yet
Realme said on 10/Mar/07
In that picture Katherine Heigl is taller (About an inch), and they obviously angled the picture to make her seem shorter than T.R. when she is taller than him.

Editor Rob
good to see someone understands this!
on an aside not to do with this page, someone's been putting something in the water, as there's a lot more insane people trying to submit random jibberish comments these days. I despair sometimes...
Mariah said on 7/Mar/07
Click Here
T.R And Heigl are about the same height T.R even looks a half inch taller ...
Anonymous said on 1/Mar/07
i stood next to her once, i would say there is no way she is any taller than 5'8"
Anonymous said on 1/Mar/07
I got a question. I got measured in gym class as 5'10" once, and about two months later I got measured at the doctors at 5'9". Is it possible I got mismeasured? Does this occur often, and another dumb question but... which one seems more accurate/reliable. If anyone could answer I'd greatly appreciate it.
Luckyplayer said on 1/Mar/07
If you watch scenes with her and Dempsey together. Do you see a difference? You have to look closely, because they look the same height. Yeah, a little it's about a half an inch. Katherine is 5'9", and Dempsey is 5'9.5
Luckyplayer said on 1/Mar/07
Ellen Pompeo is listed at 5'6.5", so she isn't that short.
me said on 24/Feb/07
TR Knight is probably shorter than 5'8". In one scene when Meredith and Izzie were standing next to each other both wearing low heels they looked almost the same height (and Ellen is pretty short, I know because I stood next to her once), so I doubt katherine is any taller than 5'8"
Realme said on 24/Feb/07
Mariah says on 13/Feb/07
On the 8th of february she said on Good morning america that she was 5.8--
She also said Mariah in the same interview that Isiah Washington was 6'2", but yet he is listed as 6ft 1/2. That shows that she is not good at judging height. She also is probably like most girls and wants to make herself seem smaller (shorter) than what she actually is. I do believe she is 5'9", because Kate Walsh is listed as the same height (5ft 8.5), and she's is taller than her when she is not wearing those heels she is know to wear in the show and T.R. Knight who gets listed at 5'8"
Realme said on 21/Feb/07
The only thing I don't understand is how she is taller than T.R. knight by a inch or possibly an inch and an half who is listed as 5'8" Unless she really is 5'9" or he really is 5'7"? Also she is about two inches shorter (not three) than Justin Chambers. He even said that they were about the same height in a Grey's podcast. Also she seems slighty taller than Madison (Kate Walsh) in Grey's who is listed as 5'8" So I'm confused??? Maybe she is just one of those girls who downgrades her height?
dmeyer said on 20/Feb/07
she seemed 5'8 but i had 1 cm shoes advantage so 174 but no more could even be 5'8.25 but 174 is close enaugh
Mariah said on 13/Feb/07
On the 8th of february she said on Good morning america that she was 5.8 ...
Anonymous said on 30/Jan/07
I really think she's 5'9, because she seems about half a inch shorter than Patrick Dempsey (5'9 1/2). Just watch Grey's Anatomy. She basically never wears heels, because she's an intern. She is about an inch to and inch and half taller than T.R. Knight, and he is listed at 5'8"
dmeyer said on 25/Jan/07
she could be a 5'9 morning but i am a good judger for 5'9 since am 5'11 she was about 3 in ches shorter than me also i had 0.25 shoes advantage so possibly 174 but no more
dmeyer said on 25/Jan/07
i met her i expected he to be tall and she was 5'8 possibly 5'8.5 but at 5'11 she was more than 2 inches shorter than me so 5'8.25 5'8.5 maybe but not 5'9 i was by her for 2 hours basicaly she wasnt a full 5'9

Editor Rob
see 25/Apr/06 comment, she's also said 5ft 8
dmeyer said on 25/Jan/07
i met her i expected he to be tall and she was 5'8 possibly 5'8.5 but at 5'11 she was more than 2 inches shorter than me so 5'8.25 5'8.5 maybe but not 5'9 i was by her for 2 hours
Realme said on 19/Jan/07
I was listening to a Grey's Anatomy podcast where Justin Chambers (Alex) says that despite how beautiful and voluptuos the character of Izze is, she (Katherine Heigl) about his height. He also said that the scene in the season finale where he has to pick her up, and carry her over to a couch became difficult for him ,because he had been in a car accident and has bad knees. If you ever pay close attention Justin Chambers is about 5'10"- 5'10.5", and it does make sense that she is 5'9" Also Dmeyer, Katherine does not tower over all of the Grey's Anatomy cast. She is shorter than all of the guys (Except for George) Burk, Derick, Alex, Mc.Steamy, and the chief on Grey's Anatomy. She's about the same height as Addison.
DMEYER said on 20/Oct/06
she towers over evrybody in greys they must be short a part of the cast
Alex said on 24/May/06
Rob do you have the mugshot picture?
She says 5'9 and looks it. I remember in my father the hero made like 12 years ago she did look only a little shorter than her dad in the movie who is 5'10.
nj said on 3/May/06
How old was Katherine in that Teen magazine interview, Rob?

Editor Rob
I think it was june/july 2000, near enough same time she said '5ft 9' in maxim
Editor Rob said on 25/Apr/06
"I'm 5'8! There's no way I'm going to way 95lbs" -- Teen magazine.
Brett said on 21/Apr/06
I saw her at the Australian open in 2003, and she appeared near 6'0" tall in a pair of stilletoes, so I suppose she would be around 5'9" or so barefooted, seeing her heels were pretty sizely
Kats said on 25/Mar/06
I'm going to assume the height chart is accurate, although I do have to wonder... it being a movie and all. Assuming it is, then she is 5'9. Her shoes made her two inches taller and at the 5'11 mark on the chart.
CJ said on 12/Oct/05
In that mugshot pic, she's right at, maybe a hair over the 5'11 mark. I wouldn't trust the mugshot photo. It's a movie, who knows how accurate that height chart was? Everytime you see her at an event, she is usually one of the tallest women there. I would think 5'9 is pretty accurate.
Anshelm said on 10/Jul/05
She was listed at 5'8" as a 14 year-old model, so 5'9" sounds very plausable. I always thought she looked big compared to other actresses, but I haven't made any estimates myself.
Z2 said on 10/Jul/05
Katherine Heigl's height looks to be 5'7"ish because in the 2005 movie, "Romy & Michele:In the Beginning", there is a scene where the two are dancing(barefoot) and Heigl is a hair taller than her co-star Alex Breckenridge(who is 5'7").