English actress, known for appearing in TV show Just Good Friends, Secret Army and films Dracula (1979) and Champions.
In the Telegraph she once mentioned her height, saying
"I'm five foot one and a half inches tall and have problems with German cars".
I like the fact I'm in proportion for my height.
I'm only 5ft 2in tall and I'm grateful I don't have
a very long body or a big head!
It gives the illusion that I'm taller so I'm quite lucky!
-- The People, 22 Oct 1995
Sandy Cowell said on 29/Apr/23
I’ve just seen Jan in an episode of Tales of the Unexpected. Called ‘Death Can Add’, Jan came to an unfortunate end - yuck!
I recognised her but wondered whether she’d have been old enough to star in a show which dates back to the 70s, but she is. She’s one of those small people who never seems to age.
5ft1.25. In my 70s magazines, I’d read that she was 5ft1.
P.K.W. said on 26/May/22
I doubt whether Jan was much over 5ft back in the 1980s when she was in her late 30s. Perhaps this height of 5ft 1.5in was taken from her youth, and probably even exaggerated then.
In Just Good Friends she has at least a 3-4in heel in all standing scenes and still looks tiny compared with the majority of average height actors.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Mar/21
I remember in 'Anne of Green Gables' that the girl who played Anne (Kim Braden) had naturally red hair and freckles, but she didn't like her colouring - what a shame, as it's lovely! Her best friend, Diana, played by Jan, had dark hair, which Anne so admired that she decided to dye her own hair 'black', as she called it. Instead it went green!
I assume she might have used black henna because that really IS green!
The series was made in 1971, but released in February 1972. It's based on a children's classic story, and that particular series is now considered lost, which is a pity because I wanted to buy it and do some reminiscing. I'd also have appreciated the opportunity to compare Jan with Kim Braden. Both played schoolgirls, and judging from their uniforms and the fashions of the adults, it's a tale based in the late 19th - early 20th century. It's before they had treatment for the illness croup, but as Anne has experience with this, she cures a child of the horrid, dangerous cough, for which she receives a great deal of appreciation.
Robbe said on 10/Mar/21
Rob, you should add legendary BBC drama Secret Army. I remember Jan best from that serie. Never noticed she was that short. Probably due to i watched mainly at her pretty face lol 😍

Editor Rob
Jenny remembered both that show and Good Friends, I never remembered watching any repeates of Secret Army myself.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Mar/21
The first time I saw Jan acting was in a kids programme called 'Anne of Green Gables', in the very early 70s, probably 1971. Only recently, I caught her in one of the Brian Clemens 70s Thriller series, in a episode called 'File It Under Fear', in which she starred alongside Maureen Lipman as a young library worker. Maureen towered over her, and was the main star, Jan probably playing considerably younger because of her height.
I have no problem believing 5ft1.5. I never watched 'Just Good Friends', but I did read articles about it, including one which mentioned Jan's height, which was 5ft1. 😄💐