Gerald S said on 9/Jun/23
Rob, please add Green Fire and The Swan to Kelly’s credits.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jun/23
I believe Alfred Hitchcock had a crush on Grace!
5ft6.5, so rather tall for her time.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Jan/23
Katy Jurado was noticeably taller than Grace in High Noon. Rob has her at 5 ft 6..
Elene said on 3/Sep/21
So beautiful,she looks full 5’7 to me like Audrey hepburn
David Tang said on 15/Aug/21
Hey rob just a quick question. when doing height, do you ever take into account that height fluctuates. like lets say the guy your pictured next is 6'2.75, wakes up 6'3.5. but lets say he the next day only loses a 1/2 from 6'3. what would you give him?

Editor Rob
a guess is a best estimate maybe based around say lunchtime rather than out of bed or late evening.
but with any guess, I think there is a margin of error. Sometimes I feel the margin seems quite small like plus or minus 1/4...other times, I may not have looked much at a celeb and you could have an inch margin of error...
In person, footwear is one thing that sometimes is under-appreciated for creating or removing fractions from how tall somebody looks.
David Tang said on 12/Jun/21
She was a tall beautiful princess. i Could buy 5'7, maybe 5'7.5
5'6.5 might have been her height at night. she woke up to 5'7 at least.
Slim 6'1.5 said on 29/May/21
Yeah @Nik
169cm is common for both genders
It’s tallish for women and kinda short for men 👍
Nik Ashton said on 26/May/21
5’6.5” is a common height for both men and women.
5'10 Dude said on 23/May/21
Too tall? Nonsense. She was above average, but I think of 5'6½ as a fairly typical height for a woman. Even back then. Grace Kelly was absolutely beautiful.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Feb/21
Shows you how short men were on average back then! I never thought of Grace as tall range let alone too tall, Doris Day and both Hepburn's seemed tall range on screen but Grace not so much, more tallish back then. Doris Day in particular was a woman who could give the illusion of 5 ft 8 due to heels and posture around taller male actors.
Beau Dare said on 23/Sep/19
I recently saw Hitchcock's classic Rear Window,and in the scene where Grace Kelly and Thelma Ritter are standing side by side, Grace looked about 6 inches taller than the 5'1/2" Ritter. Grace was about 5'6 1/2". As an actor who has worked in both Hollywood and London, England, I see Grace's influence, to this day, where actresses and models walk and move like Grace, with her effortless elegance and style.
Allie said on 22/Dec/18
She was active during the 50s. Even Lauren Bacall iirc said she was pretty tall in the acting world despite being only an inch taller.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Oct/17
5ft6½ too tall, lol
anon said on 20/Sep/17
@Scarlett Rose but marilyn's height was reported by the coroner, so it's probably one of the most accurate heights on this site. grace kelly is also a good 10cm shorter than princess diana, but still considered tall for her time and especially for an actress.
Scarlett Rose said on 15/May/17
Grace Kelly was definitely a tall woman. Like Princess Diana - there was not much difference in their heights - both women had long arm spans, which is an indication of someone's natural height (without heels). Cannot say the same about Marilyn Monroe who, it is said, was 5 feet, 6 inches tall, although she never wore heels shorter than four inches high.
Beau said on 14/Jul/16
Grace Kelly was probably 5' 61/2", but more importantly, she moved with such elegance and grace, that she inspired a generation of ladies, who walk and act as lovely as her, to this day... Grace was one of a kind, and a very intuitive actress.
Arch Stanton said on 22/May/16
5'6.5 is probably a perfect height for a woman LOL.
jtm said on 2/Dec/15
why? she claimed 5'6.5.
M said on 1/Dec/15
Yes she was definatelly 5'7" . Very beatiful women.
Sam said on 30/Jul/15
As if her height was an imperfection!
Rob, could you add to her credits: Mogambo, The Country Girl, The Bridges at Toko-Ri and High Society to her credits?
All these films were generally well regarded at the time of their release but have aged badly, at least in comparison to her Hitchcock films, which were her indisputable career pinnacle.
Melissa Azoreana said on 3/May/15
In an article of Daily Mail as of 2010 it says: "Although visibly exquisite, Grace was not without imperfections. Her height – 5ft 6 1⁄2in – was considered on the tall side for an actress at that time (...)."
Sam said on 21/Nov/14
Yeah, she did look this range. I just drove by her childhood home the other day.
Arch Stanton said on 4/May/14
Sue, Bing lived in lifts, which was why he looked about 2 cm taller than Sinatra in that film when in reality I think Frank might have edged him out barefoot.
She doesn't look over 5 ft 6 next to William Holden in The Country Girl though
little sue said on 27/Dec/13
Grace's shoes in High Society were kitten heel so would only give about 1 to 1.5 in extra height. I reckon Crosby and Sinatra had some sort of lift to give them a taller appearance next to Grace.
Arch Stanton said on 26/Dec/13
I think I've established that Bing was wearing custom golf shoes given the way his feet were almost popping out of them but he still manages to look a lot taller than he really should next to Grace who in heels should really look taller!
Arch Stanton said on 26/Dec/13
Rob have you seen High Society? Bing looks easily 2 inches taller than a heeled Grace Kelly but in the scene where they take photos he's on his toes!! Grace is also barely taller than Frank Sinatra in heels and Sinatra's footwear looks normal! She's wearing heels which I think give about 2 inches. 5'6.5" barefoot certainly looks questionable next to them.
Arch Stanton said on 30/Apr/13
Spot on I'd say. I came here guessing she was 5 ft 6-7 range. She can look tallish on screen in decent heels.
Robby D said on 28/Sep/12
Rob, the title of the book I read was, "Grace - The Secret Lives of a Princess. An Intimate Biography of Grace Kelly by James Spada." She mentions several times throughout the book that her height was 5' 6 1/2" and ironically when she first started as an actress she lost out on several roles because she was considered too tall for the actors she was playing opposite. It did not say how tall Prince Ranier was although it did infer that at 5' 6 1/2" she was taller than him.

Editor Rob
ok thanks I will mention that at the top now.
little sue said on 23/Sep/12
I'm sure I have read 5ft 6.5 in a couple of biographies I have read of her, its been years ago so I can't remember which books.
Robby D said on 21/Sep/12
I just read her biography in which she stated her exact height as 5'6 1/2.

Editor Rob
do you have title/author of it thanks?
Littlesue said on 26/Dec/10
I've just watched High Society and there is a scene where she is dancing barefoot with Sinatra, he is a couple of inches bigger but wearing stacked heel shoes. She was incredibly skinner which made her look a lot taller
east meets west said on 18/Dec/10
According to several biographies I've read of Princess Grace/Kelly, Prince rainier was only 5'7" tall. This makes her about the same height or slightly less (according to one source, 5'6 1/2").
claudia said on 28/Nov/10
standing next to the prince of monaco, there is bot much between them, i cannot find how tall he was but from this you can appreciate her height, although you must take into account she was probably wearing small heels, probably at a height of two inches.
Stephanie said on 26/Apr/09
Juney, that link says:
Early in Grace Kelly's career, when she was auditioning for plays, many casting directors found her to be too tall (she was reportedly 5'6"-5'7").
east meets west said on 4/Apr/09
Yes, she was 5'7" at the most, very slightly less by the time she died.
Juney said on 29/Mar/08
This website
Click Herestates that according to Grace Kelly's comp cards as a fashion model, she was 5'9.
Perhaps back then it was fashionable for women to be on the small and dainty size. 5'9 is fairly tall for a woman by todays standards, I can imagine what it was back then. Maybe they deliberately listed her as shorter?
Anonymous said on 21/Aug/07
3 days ago I was in Monte Carlo and i saw her exhibition, marking the 25th year of her death, which showed all facets of her life, from when she was a kid to when she died. I would recommend it to anyone, as it was really very well put together and showed personal parts of her life. Anyway, there were mannequins which had her most well know clothes on, and my sister, who is 5 ft 7 1/2, said all her dresses would be of a perfect length for herself, and the mannequins themselves were about my sisters height, so about 5 ft. 7 is correct.
vivi beard said on 11/Apr/07
When Grace is pictured next to the Prince in small heels she is shown as somewhat shorter than his 5'6". Maybe he wore lifts! I have met people who knew her and they say she was very tall. You can see this when she stands next to Princess Diana.
Editor Rob said on 27/Apr/06
In 1991 book 'Her life and Loves', "Rainer was 5ft 7, the same as Grace, although Margaret claimed her daughter was actually closer to 5ft 8"
cicilolo said on 2/Apr/06
Yeah she's defintley 5'7.
Cliff said on 23/Dec/05
She was about this height. Just watched "Mogambo" on DVD and she was around five inches shorter than Gable, and about an inch taller than Ava Gardner. "Mogambo" is a remake of "Red Dust" wich Gable made 21 years earlier with Jean Harlow, who looked like a small child standing next to Gable (but was still much better than Gardber in the role!)