Arch Stanton said on 23/Apr/24
5 ft 2 and a half and using the two inch Hollywood rule of adding two inches!
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Apr/23
But, cheeky though it is, he did say it!
Arch Stanton said on 15/Apr/23
Funny Sandy, given that she was taller than his own father who was a real dwarf!!
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Apr/23
Richard Burton called Liz ‘a black-haired dwarf’!
Arch Stanton said on 3/Apr/23
Haha, right :-) If you'd written "from" '55 to '63 I'd have known that! She was looking lovely in Last Time I Saw Paris in '54 too Sue. I think it might have been the short hairstyle that didn't bring out her best features in the 50s, she was tanned in Cat On a Hot Tin Roof and looking hot despite the short hair. I've haven't been able to find Butterfield 8 online. Enjoyable film, but hard to get even on DVD.
little sue said on 30/Mar/23
Arch I meant 1955 to 1963 not age 55 to 63, she had a good look what ever her age, is there no comment section on here anymore as it doesn't come up for me?
Arch Stanton said on 14/Mar/23
@Little Sue, she had great hair in the 80s and looked like she had lost weight from her plumper period in the 70s, she did look very nice, but hard to see her as "hotter" then. Mayabe you could say she was at her most "handsome" then.
little sue said on 8/Feb/23
I thought she was hottest maybe 55 to 63, she had filled out a bit and had moved on from the China doll stage, what ever age she was gorgeous. I've seen Suzanna York described as 5ft 4 a few times in Ladies Mags, maybe she had the "two inch rule" online place too.
Jtm said on 4/Feb/23
Arch Stanton said on 14/Dec/22
Rewatched Zee and Co. the other day, one of the her best performances IMO opposite Michael Caine. To be fair, she didn't seem a foot shorter than Caine and definitely didn't seem 4 inches shorter than Susanna York. She was definitely hotter in the late 60s and early 70s than in the 40s and 50s.
caine claimed he was 6'1 in autobiography and several evidencehe wasn't ever above it regardless what you and many others posters believe and he's too tall to compare with anyway.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Feb/23
She's described as "only five feet two" here:
Click Here
"Monty was also impressed with Elizabeth, at least physically. He could see the value of such a woman in the role of Angela. She gave his character, George, something to obsess over. He would tell Mira that he had never before seen anyone who was so petite, so delicate. Her skin was like porcelain, and she had big blue eyes framed by pronounced, perfectly shaped eyebrows. She stood only five feet two, but her posture was at once regal and sensual.
“How did you ever get into movies with a face like that?” Monty finally joked."
Arch Stanton said on 2/Feb/23
Me too Little Sue, good to see you posting again. I think 5 ft 2 and a half and she was going by the two inch Hollywood rule.. The average guess is nearly an inch lower than Rob's listing..
little sue said on 28/Jan/23
Watched a few of her films over the Xmas period, still going with 5ft 2 maybe 5ft 2.5. The Burton diary quote of her being 5ft 4 is probably what she told him, her pics with other actresses like Eve Marie Saint and Joan Collins who were 5ft 4 show her clearly a couple of inches shorter.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Dec/22
Liz was once one of the biggest celebrities in the world and would be easily be in the top 20 most visited. Only one person other than me has commented in nearly 2 years!
Rewatched Zee and Co. the other day, one of the her best performances IMO opposite Michael Caine. To be fair, she didn't seem a foot shorter than Caine and definitely didn't seem 4 inches shorter than Susanna York. She was definitely hotter in the late 60s and early 70s than in the 40s and 50s.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jun/22
Nah, she never looked 5 ft 4. 5 ft 3 is the very most I would guess, I still think 5 ft 2 and change is more accurate.
Allan Trivette said on 13/Oct/21
Numerous sources, including Richard Burton at least twice in his published diaries, said Elizabeth was 5' 4" tall. Most sources claim her to be around the 5' 2" measurement. As became publicly known toward her final years, Elizabeth had scoliosis (curvature of the spine). This became visibly obvious the last decade or so of her life. I have the studied opinion that in her younger years, before the scoliosis took hold, she was 5'4", but as the scoliosis took over, her height decreased over several years to the most often quoted 5'1"-5'2".
Arch Stanton said on 10/Jul/21
I'd say Liz was average height for her generation.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Jul/21
She wasn't the best actress in Hollywood, and not the tallest or prettiest actress in Hollywood either. Like Sinatra, she just had that big star quality about her, a certain type of charisma. There's a lot of celebs who talk about Liz with very found memories, Colin Farrell said she was a very special type of person. I think of Liz Taylor much like Sinatra, overrated, yes, but had that larger than life presence and could turn heads just be walking into a room.
prokrabsgod2 said on 27/Dec/20
Rewatched Giant recently
Think she looked about the same height as Mercedes McCambridge (would probably suggest adding Mercedes to here), obviously way shorter than Rock Hudson in that film, looked shorter than James Dean too, probably missing a few people in comparison
Ian C. said on 29/May/20
Taylor was the first movie star to be paid (in 1962) a million dollars for a movie. I do not understand why, as she really doesn't have much more to offer than Natalie Wood Or Janet Leigh. She's just a standard pretty girl. You can't think of any of her movies that would have been harmed very much with a different actress playing her part, whereas Marylin Monroe and Barbra Streisand had several movies each that would have been inferior with other actresses in their roles.
And, at five foot three, she was actually below average, physically. So I just don't understand her appeal.
Arch Stanton said on 6/May/20
LOL, you think she was as short as Judy Garland Marilyn?? 5 ft 2 and a half in my book. I've spent a fair amount of time looking at her over the years. :-)
Marilyn said on 25/Apr/20
Without a doubt Liz Taylor was 5’ to 5’ 1 1/2...She was
not 5’2 or up. No one would call her a dwarf if she were
5’2 to 5’4..... I remember an actor saying she was a tad under 5’....She was very petite too, and her legs were short. So, she was easy 5’..........
Gladstone Screwer said on 18/Apr/20
In Michael Caine's autobiography, he says the first time he met Taylor, she was alarmingly short, and had to stand on a box in their scenes.
(That's a quotation from the book). So she was probably barely over five feet.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/20
Elizabeth passed away nine years ago today. Is it really that long?
My Mum died on this day too and it was on Easter Sunday. That was twelve years ago to the day.
5ft3. 🕯️XX 🕯️XX
Arch Stanton said on 7/Mar/20
She didn't do much for me in the 40s and 50s when young, seemed spoiled and a bit of a brat, and looked more like Marty McFly's mother in Back to the Future LOL, but she was smoking in her 30s and 40s when she had longer hair and a fuller figure
Click Here , looking her best there.. I still think 5'2.5 is more accurate.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Feb/20
Elizabeth Taylor would have today turned 88 years of age. What a shame she's not here to have celebrated her Birthday.
5ft3, but I have read 5ft4. I know that Richard Burton described her as 'a black-haired dwarf'!
Mister lennon said on 15/Aug/19
The very max height difference that i have seen between was 1 inch for elizabeth. And that was sometimes. They were very close in height.
Annettemarie said on 14/Aug/19
So if Debbie Reynolds was 5’ and usually seemed about an inch or trifle more SHORTER than Elizabeth, that makes me believe that Elizabeth was about 5’ 1’, or 5’ 1 3/4”, at the most.
Annettemarie said on 14/Aug/19
So if Debbie Reynolds was 5’ and usually seemed about an inch or trifle more SHORTER than Elizabeth, that makes me believe that Elizabeth was about 5’ 1’, or 5’ 1 3/4”, at the most.
Mister lennon said on 13/Aug/19
Elizabeth was in the 5'1-5'2 range. No more.
Debbie in the 5-5'1 range. Maybe close to 5'2.
I have seen both of them together. And they were very close in height. Sometimes they looked the same. Sonetimes elizabeth looked from half an inch to almost an inch taller. Sometimes even debbie looked a little bit taller. Both very close in height. But , for sure, none of them were taller than 5'2.
Haniel 5'10" said on 7/May/19
No way! She was exactly 5'2. And not attractive.
Dorine White said on 16/Apr/19
5ft 2 ....Elizabeth Taylor was certainly the most beautiful women ever, just exquisite ! No amazon women could compete with her , anyway the saying is as I recall, good things come in small packages,her undeniable beauty had her receive many diamonds , rubies, emerald as herself they all come in small packages, but more important than all her outward beauty...her inner beauty, she was remarkable... she truly had an extremely kind heart , empathy was her finest gift ♥️
Allie said on 22/Dec/18
I wonder if it wasn't for her health problems would she still be alive today? Her mother lived to be 99, her brother is currently still alive and almost 90 and several of her grandparents lived to be in their late 80s/90s I believe.
Beautiful woman and one of my favorite Golden Age actresses! I'd say 5'2-3.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Mar/18
Still think 5'2.5 is spot on having seen virtually all her films.
Anonymous said on 21/Dec/17
No taller than 5'2
James said on 8/Dec/17
Taylor was 5'2". It's strange that Burton called her a dwarf when he was short and always wore built up shoes.
old hollywood said on 16/Oct/17
Elizabeth Taylor was certainly less than 1.60 . The most 1.57 .
Arch Stanton said on 13/Jun/17
"Richard Burton called her a 'black-haired dwarf"
Interesting, seems as his own father was shorter than 5'2!! that's a dwarf!!
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Apr/17
I have only ever read that Liz Taylor was 5ft2 or 5ft4, never 5ft3! Richard Burton called her a 'black-haired dwarf', and I hardly think 5ft4 qualifies, so she can have 5ft2!
Arch Stanton said on 29/Oct/16
@Rob, I really think when she said 5'4.5 barefeet she was sticking solidly to the 2 inch rule. Watch Ivanhoe or The Only Game in Town and you can see it.

Editor Rob
2.5 isn't discounted, I can see an argument for it.
mister_lennon said on 3/Oct/16
That is a good estimation. I think that she was 5'2 and a half too.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Oct/16
I say 5'2.5!
littlesue said on 7/Jun/16
If you look at all her publicity pics and in her films she wore heels but never the very high heels they wear today, Just similar to the other actresses. During the 60's she wore the lower kitten heels which were fashionable at the time. I said in the thread below that she must have been measured with that big high hair she had in the 80's to reach the 5ft 4.5 mark although this height was listed back in the 50's at 5ft 4.5 it was probably in her heels. In her very slender days she could look 5ft 4 as she had that long slender rib cage but when she rounded out in the 60's she looked more like a 5ft 2.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Jun/16
I'd say she was definitely applying the "2 inch" Hollywood rule in saying she was 5'4.5 barefoot!
Arch Stanton said on 6/Jun/16
I think she wore big heels a lot, which with her presence and bust gave the impression of a taller woman. That film with Mia Farrow was an excellent example of how she could go from looking like a 5 ft 5 lady to 5'2 range by just footwear! 5 ft 3 I think would have been more morning height. I'd thought she was even 5 ft 4 for a while but when you see her barefoot and really look at her it's difficult to see above 5 ft 2 range.
mister_lennon said on 21/May/16
The mistery of this is why she is still listed as 5'3 when is very clear that she was only 5'2 and there are tons and tons of proofs of it. She never looked 5'3 or 5'4, only with high heels.she was clearly 5'2 and she looked it and there are enough proofs of it. Why still with the 5'3 listed?
Arch Stanton said on 19/May/16
She was absolutely stunning in the early 70s in particular, in the 1960s and 70s she was at her finest IMO.
Arch Stanton said on 19/May/16
@Rob, do you think 5'2.5 might be a better shout? I've been watching her a lot of late and when she's barefoot and lying on the bed she looks quite small. 5'3 is quite small but really seems more 5'2 and change. She wore big heels and decieved people into thinking she was taller. I caught one scene where I think her and Mia were both barefoot and Mia actually looked almost 2 inches taller when stood straight!! I think when she claimed 5'4.5 she was sticking to the two inch rule and was in fact 5'2.5 which looks about right I think.

Editor Rob
5ft 2.5 is of course arguable, I'd never rule out that figure.
Arch Stanton said on 18/May/16
Then she takes her shoes off and drops 3 inches haha. Then Mia looks 1.5 inches taller!
Arch Stanton said on 18/May/16
Oddly looked a good inch taller than Mia Farrow in Secret Ceremony. Liz was looking 5'5 range in comparison!! Must have had on big heels..
mister_lennon said on 11/May/16
Vivien was about 5'2 and a half or 5'3, and that was at her peak. So if an older vivien had liz by an inch, peak liz was about 5'1 and a half or 5'2?
littlesue said on 1/May/16
I've just been given a picture of a young Liz standing next to Vivien Leigh, they both in long evening dresses so can't see the shoes but would assume they both wearing high heels, Vivien clearly taller by at least an inch. I forgotten how to put photos up as I would post it.
mister_lennon said on 18/Apr/16
And shorter than 5'4 and 5'3
jprettyyyy said on 17/Apr/16
lets us all agree she is definitely shorter than 5'5
Arch Stanton said on 1/Apr/16
@Rob, you should see Ivanhoe sometime, Joan definitely looked a bit taller! I think 5'2.5 might be nearer, 5'2.75 is possible, we don't have many of those!

Editor Rob
I did add her quote about being 5ft 4.5, it isn't impossible 2.5 range.
Arch Stanton said on 28/Mar/16
I still reckon 5'2.5 is on the money, Joan Fontaine definitely edged her out in Ivanhoe, but I know I'm never going to convince Rob to change this listing haha! She could give the illusion of 5 ft 4 in some films but as Burton said she was too "short in the leg" to be that.
TJE said on 10/Mar/16
You know she never had to wear mascara.
mister_lennon said on 10/Mar/16
Sorry, but elizabeth was only 5'2, not 5'3. And she was only half an inch or an inch taller than debbie reynolds. Even in some pictures, they look about the same heigth.
So, peak heigths:
elizabeth taylor: 5'2 or 5'2 and a half.
debbie reynolds: 5'1 and a half.
Kit and Kaboodle said on 7/Mar/16
I met Elizabeth and Debbie Reynolds. Debbie was very petite and would have guessed her to be 5'1". Elizabeth seemed a couple inches taller. I am almost 5'11" and she was in heels and would have guessed her to be 5'6 or 5'7 in heels. So, I would say 5'3 would be about right. Sooooooooo gorgeous. No pic ever did her justice. Her coloring was incredible.
littlesue said on 19/Jan/16
Lol, you should know never to argue with a woman as we always right!!!! She did look very petite round Beatty who looks a good foot taller, high heels were only about 3 inches in the 60's too so not a lot to gain from there.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Jan/16
I got a good look at her a month or two back with Beatty in The Only Game in Town. That was only 1970 but I thought she really seemed quite small at times. I always think of her as 5 ft 2 range now. And I say that having seen most of her films now. I'd previously thought 5'4! Little Sue was right all along I think!
littlesue said on 23/Jul/15
I would say smack on 6ft for Wilding Arcg
Arch Stanton said on 13/Jul/15
Rob can you add Michael Wilding? He was in films like In Which We Serve, Stage Fright, Under Capricorn, The Egyptian, The Glass Slipper, and Undercover, worth adding, about 6 ft I think but might be wrong.
littlesue said on 9/Jul/15
Typical 60's backcombed style Arch!! lol, I agree 5ft 2.5 in her youth, maybe 5ft 2 after 40 and in her old age about 4ft 11.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Jul/15
Not so nice in The Comedians, awful Liza Minelli type haircut!
Arch Stanton said on 27/Jun/15
I always see her at 5'2.5 now, having seen most of her 40s, 50s and 60s films.
littlesue said on 3/Jun/15
Yes Arch thought she looked good in that, preferred her more rounded look although it did make her look shorter, when she was very slender in her 50's she could look more average height.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jun/15
The hottest I think I've seen her look was in The Sandpiper. 1965 she was at her peak in looks and hotness IMO. Maturer, and carrying more weight with larger breasts than when younger and straighter hair.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Feb/15
Liz and Monty did have very similar traits, even biographers have commented on it. But he really looks the spit of Monty to me. More than just the same colouring. The shy expression and the way the mouth is set in the EXACTLY photo I sent, to me it's one of the strongest resemblances I've seen to anybody. It's one of the things you notice most about Clift in his films, that exact same shy expression! Always looked like a lost sheep LOL.
littlesue said on 22/Feb/15
Sorrry can't see it at all besides the colouring. Her son looks like liz's dad and Micheal Wilding. I'm sure someone would have brought this out over the years. The lad was born within the year of her marriage when she was loved up, if it was so she would have found someway to marry Monty as she would have been horrified at the thought of being an unmarried mother. She got pregnant with Mike Todd before her divorce from Wilding so she got Todd to pay Wilding off to get a quick divorce and used the excuse the daughter was about 3 months prem. Think Mia's son is just like Mia, she still bitter about Woody bunking off with the daughter so will do anything to descredit him.
littlesue said on 21/Feb/15
No, the colouring but he got that off Liz, he has Wildings long face, especially looked like him as a child also
Arch Stanton said on 20/Feb/15
The resemblance is so close that in that photo of him with the long hair that street outside with his face reminds me exactly of Monty Clift as the priest walking down the street in I Confess!
Arch Stanton said on 20/Feb/15
Rob can you see what I mean about the resemblance of her son to Monty Clift?
I mean ever with long hair back in the 70s
Click Here the facial resemblance is unmistakable. Michael Wilding his apparent father
Click Here Click Here Monty Clift. Hmmm, not convinced Sue! Almost as convinced as I am with Woody Allen being Ronan Farrow's father!

Editor Rob
yes I can see that.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Feb/15
C'mon he looks just like Clift!
littlesue said on 17/Feb/15
Lol, nothing like Monty!! can see Micheal/Liz all the way!!
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/15
Click Here He looks EXACTLY like you'd expect the son of Liz Taylor and Monty Clift to look like LOL.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/15
I think Liz once claimed that Monty only had eyes for the guys and wasn't interested in her but c'mon look at the guy, it's Monty's son without a doubt,nothing like Michael Wilding, the spit of Monty. It's like that Mia Farrow's son and Woody Allen vs Frank Sinatra... Obvious to me...
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/15
@Sue, do you think it's obvious the real father of one of her sons is Monty Clift rather than Michael Wilding?
Click Here He's the spit of Clift!!
Arch Stanton said on 3/Feb/15
Some of the top ones off my head would be something like 1. Virginia Woolf 2. Butterfield 8 3. A Place in the Sun 4. Father of the Bride 5. Giant 6. National Velvet etc.
littlesue said on 2/Feb/15
Top 10 films would be National Velvet, A Place in the Sun, Giant, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Virginia Woolf, loved Liz in the overdramatic films too like X Y and Zee, Nightwatch also a good 'whodoneit'. The best book I read is 'Forbidden Love' based on the life of Burton and Taylor x
Arch Stanton said on 1/Feb/15
Also, what biographies would you really recommend?
Arch Stanton said on 1/Feb/15
Sue, what's your Top 10 Liz Taylor films?
littlesue said on 16/Jan/15
Lol, Arch!! 5ft 2 supposedly, 'Squat Olympic weightlifters'!! remind me never to bump into you, someone once told me I had the build of a Russian shot putter, lol
Arch Stanton said on 16/Jan/15
Little Sue, some input on Debra Paget required. I thought she looked noticeably shorter than 5'3". She reminded me of one of those squat Olympic weightlifters!
littlesue said on 13/Jan/15
Arch the pic was lower down this page, I have the Edith Head book, she designed many things for Liz, she quotes in this book Liz was 5ft 2 and this was back in the 50's. I think maybe an early morning height of 5ft 2.5 for Liz in her youth. She looked about an inch shorter than Joan Fontaine in Ivanhoe. She claimed 5ft 4.5 in her weight loss biog so if doing the Hollywood '2 inch rule' that would be about right.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Jan/15
Edith head does say " She has aged gracefully," so presumably she measured her at 5'2" flat in older years. I still think 5'2.5" might be spot on for peak.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Jan/15
Rob, a stylist here claims she was 5 ft 2
Click Here She'd have measured her up for things. Perhaps it was her as an older women who'd lost a bit but I do think 5'2.5 might be on the money. With her figure and heels she could seem 5'4" at times, but I have seen her barefoot or in low heels in a few films and thought she was more 5'2" range. @Sue where was that photo with Eddie Fisher on the seafront again? She was also noticeably shorter than Joan Fontaine in Ivanhoe wasn't she Sue?
Arch Stanton said on 10/Dec/14
@ Sue and Sam. Any idea on Jeanne Crain? Please provide input on Crain page. She doesn't look 5 ft 4 and a half in Pinky. Petite frame.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Nov/14
Sue, your two cents is required on the Sissy Spacek and Janet Gaynor pages.
Arch Stanton said on 26/Aug/14
Yeah Sue, she always looked 5 ft 4-5 to me too.
littlesue said on 22/Aug/14
Claire looks similar height as Maggie Smith and Ursuala Andress in Clash of the Titans
Arch Stanton said on 18/Aug/14
Sam and Sue, any idea on Claire Bloom? I thought she looked 5'4-5'5" in a lot of films I've seen her in but actually googling her and Richard Burton she looks noticeably shorter than that. She didn't look that low in films I've seen her in.
Click Here Looks shorter than Charlie Chaplin but can't see footwear or ground. 5 ft 2 might actually be possible.
Arch Stanton said on 13/Jul/14
Rob any chance of adding Claire Bloom? Very surprised she is missing. Was 5 ft 5 ish I think. English actress best known for roles in films like Limelight, Look Back in Anger, The King's Speech, The Haunting, Charly, A Doll's House, Hamlet, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, Crimes and Misdemeanours and Clash of the Titans.

Editor Rob
I'm not sure what she was...I saw someone transcribed a 1952 article from time and it mentioned (presumably around the time of Limelight) that "She gives her measurements as 5 ft. 2, 112 lbs"
Arch Stanton said on 13/Jul/14
Rob can you add a photo?
Arch Stanton said on 13/Jul/14
Sue what did you think of Claire Bloom? Another actress I have a thing for.
Arch Stanton said on 21/Jun/14
She absolutely adored Monty Clift didn't she? You can tell they had a strong connection in Raintree County, it's the happiest I've ever seen her look. Managed to look about 3 or 4 inches shorter in heels.
littlesue said on 10/Jun/14
Can only find one pic of Peggy Dow, she looks about 5ft 5 next to the 5ft 8 Richard Conte
Arch Stanton said on 10/Jun/14
Sue any guesses for Peggy Dow? She was gorgeous, a pity she didn't become a bigger star. She didn't look short next to Jimmy Stewart, maybe 5'5-5'6", she did have a heel on?
mister_lennon said on 9/Jun/14
Liz taylor was as low as 5'2, stanton. All the pics proofs it.
And yeah, Julie was and is so cute and beautiful. Im in love with her, and with Helen Mirren too. For me, Julie CHristie is the most beatiful woman ever on screen and Helen Mirren is the sexiest woman ever on screen. I love both of them. they are my girls, you know.
Arch Stanton said on 5/Jun/14
Julie Christie I'm in love with for sure! There's far more to her than just being sexy though, she's very attractive in a myriad of different categories! I mean the ones you look at and feel purely animalistic for LOL, and Julie is too nice looking to feel quite like that with! I can imagine Sue that Elizabeth Taylor was quite a complex woman but was quite childlike with her emotions and probably very difficult to live with for too long! If Eddie was 5'4" range though she even looks struggling with 5'2", I can't see her that low though generally but I'm convinced anyway she's not close to 5 ft 4 as I'd long though.
mister_lennon said on 4/Jun/14
Anyways, my two all time favourites are Helen Mirren and Julie Christie. I love both of them.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Jun/14
Pfeiffer is too skinny though and I've never found Audrey Hepburn even remotely sexy, too waif like and demure and innocent looking, but she was very beautiful.
For me photographs don't always reflect how they come across in film. Liz and Ursula for instance seem far more potent in films than they do in photographs. Height though really has nothing to do with how men perceive them.
littlesue said on 2/Jun/14
She was around 7.5 to 8 stone when she younger and about 9 to 9.5 in the 60's so maybe two stone heavier! she looks about 2.5 to 3 inches taller than Jane Powell.
mister_lennon said on 2/Jun/14
well, yeah, i think jane powell was about 4'11 or 4'11.5. Debbie Reynolds, who was about 5'1 or 5'2, had easily about 2 or 3 inches on her also. Another proof that liz was 5'2.
My list of sexy women are helen mirren, julie christie, michelle pfeiffer, liz taylor , audrey hepburn, and maybe jean simmons and gina lollobrigida.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jun/14
Powell is about eyebrow level. Maybe 3.5 inches on Powell.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jun/14
She looks gorgeous in A Date with Judy, probably 3 or 4 stone lighter than in the 60s though!. Not so hot in Father of the Bride though! Hard to believe she was only 16 or 17 when they made Judy!! What would you say Sue about 3 inches on Jane Powell in Judy? Jane Powell was 4'11" - 4'11.5" I think.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jun/14
One of the most unattractive actresses to me who was supposed to be hot during that period IMO is Katy Jurado. Ugly and beastly! Brando obviously thought otherwise though!
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jun/14
I think 60s Ursula Andress is the sexiest actress I've ever seen. She was crazy hot in the 60s. Followed closely by late 60s Faye Dunaway, then a 90s Sharon Stone, then a 60s Liz, then a 60s Claudia Cardinale, then a 60s Anita Ekberg etc! I didn't really find Sophia Loren that sexy. Liz definitely comes close to the top though. She's unsurpassed, at least in the glamour side of things and presence as a woman.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jun/14
True. Another Liz by the name of Lizabeth Scott also had magnificent looking breasts, not as large as Liz's but wonderfully pert!!
mister_lennon said on 26/May/14
Well, another proof that she was only 5'2 tops at peak. joan Collins is about 5'4, and at leasst 2 inches on her. Liz was not more than 5'2.
Great pictures, littlesue. By the way, she looked so hot and pretty and the red costume and in the pink costume. So a beautiful and sexy woman. Her cleavage and her breasts were wonderful, you know. A little woman, but what a hot little woman. Her breasts were two masterpieces, you know.
Arch Stanton said on 24/May/14
Yeah I prefer her in the 60s when she was plumper. She didn't look too great in Father of the Bride!
littlesue said on 24/May/14
Yes it was after the first spell in the Betty Ford clinic, she lost weight and had a lot of surgery done, in her book she reckoned she measured at 5ft 4.5 in the clinic, with that hairstyle she probably did, lol
Arch Stanton said on 24/May/14
Still, she looks like a Lamborghini of a woman in the single shot of her in that rose pink/red dress, even if a bit scary/intimidating!!
littlesue said on 22/May/14
Thought she was a bit too thin with that big hair lol, looks 5ft 2 next to George Hamilton, the hair and heels must give her a good 5 inches!!
Arch Stanton said on 22/May/14
Yikes, she looks 5 ft 2 tops in that photo LOL! How hot does she look in the tanned photo and pink dress though!!
Arch Stanton said on 22/May/14
@Sue She's barefoot next to Spencer Tracy in Father of the Bride and looks a good 6 inches shorter. Tracy was 5'9" so in footwear he'd have been 5'10".
littlesue said on 16/May/14
Here is Liz with Joan Collins, scroll down the page to the bottom, Joan looks about 1.5 to 2 inches taller though they both rocking the big hair
Click Here
mister_lennon said on 4/May/14
yes, little sue is right. Mike Tood, elizabth's husband before fisher, was only about 5'5 or 5'6 at the very most, and Fisher was always shorter than him.
Arch Stanton said on 4/May/14
LOL she must have thought Rock Hudson was a giant then!
littlesue said on 2/May/14
Yes he was tiny, the most I have seen recorded for him is 5ft 4.5, the hubby before Mike Todd was only about 5ft 5 too
Arch Stanton said on 2/May/14
Was Fisher really that low? I didn't think he looked that short.
mister_lennon said on 1/May/14
In that picture posted by littlesue, Fisher has two or three inches on her. She looks about 5'1 or 5'2 in that pic, that was her real height.
Thank for the picture, little sue.
littlesue said on 29/Apr/14
Click Here
with 5ft 4 Eddie Fisher
jtm said on 25/Apr/14
still think this is generous but better than the height she was listed for so long.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Apr/14
But then again Olivia de Havilland always looks noticeably shorter than 5 ft 4 to me in films...
Arch Stanton said on 24/Apr/14
Thanks for both Rob. Yeah the more I see of her the more it's difficult to believe over 5'3". I think 160 is within possibility, but I think 5'2.5" would be spot on.
mister_lennon said on 24/Apr/14
Yeah. At least, its closer to the truth.
littlesue said on 23/Apr/14
Well its a start, lol
mister_lennon said on 22/Apr/14
please, rob or somebody, could post her real height that was 5'2.

Editor Rob
well I can go to 5ft 3 flat
jtm said on 22/Apr/14
Arch Stanton says on 22/Apr/14
Thanks for that, much appreciated.
what a disappointment. i thought she was finally downgraded to her real height.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Apr/14
You missed BUtterfield 8 (with a capital U) though which she actually won the Best Actress Oscar for though! Perhaps take out Reflections and replace it?
Arch Stanton said on 22/Apr/14
Thanks for that, much appreciated.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Apr/14
RIP Mickey Rooney BTW! Still, he had rather a good life and innings didn't he....
Arch Stanton said on 20/Apr/14
Rob can you add a few of those films when you have time? I'm not sure she was as low as 5'2" flat but I think she could have been 5'2.5-5'3" range. In Cleopatra she looked about that too,. I've seen most of her 50s and 60s films now and I find her one of the most captivating actors and actresses in Hollywood history. Still, she couldn't save Reflections from being crap, even if she looked very hot in it. I found her at her most attractive in the 60s than earlier on when she was curvier and more powerful in demeanour. I didn't take much notice of her height before and in casual appearance I thought she was around 5'4" but as Burton said she was "rather short in the leg" and it looks very questionable to me. 5'4.5" is impossible I think.
littlesue said on 20/Apr/14
Yes Arch, at last you admit nearer to 5ft 2, lol. Thought she looked good in those early 60's films too, filled out a bit and not the 'chocolate box' beauty of her teens.
Arch Stanton said on 19/Apr/14
Rob can you add films like Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, BUtterworth 8, Giant, Courage of Lassie, The Last Time I Saw Paris, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The VIPs, and Reflections in a Golden Eye?
Looks 5'2" range in Reflections in a Golden Eye. At her hottest ever though IMO..
Arch Stanton said on 17/Apr/14
In The VIPs she's in heels and looks 4-5 inches shorter than Burton. The more I see of her the more I'm leaning of max 5'3.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Nov/13
Yes, he certainly milked it for all he was worth! Although Ava Gardner and others haven't exactly raved about his prowess in the sack, Frank Sinatra on the other hand..
little sue said on 21/Nov/13
Well being short never did Mickey any harm!! some of the women he bedded! Ava Gardener, Lana Turner to name just a couple!
Arch Stanton said on 20/Nov/13
Seeing her next to Mickey Rooney, I'd say she was 4 ft 10 range in National Velvet. How embarrassing for a grown man of 23-24 to only be a few inches taller than a 12 year old girl!
Arch Stanton said on 20/Nov/13
Hehe she looks about 4 ft 8 in National Velvet but she was only about 12 when it was shot!
little sue said on 18/Nov/13
Its best judging peopl'e height when they standing next to someone an inch or two smaller or taller not 5 or 6 inches. When she is walking up the Isle with Spencer Tracey in Father of the Bride he looks about 5 inches taller, if he 5ft 9 Liz would be about 5ft 4 in her high heels so that would be about right.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Nov/13
Yeah, see the final scene out on the castle courtyard that's easily an inch. I'd say Fontaine looks about 4 cm taller for whatever reason. Liz looks 5'4 range next to weak 5'9" Spencer Tracy though in Father of the Bride and Father#s Little Dividend.
mister_lennon said on 14/Nov/13
Liz taylor always was 5`2, as little sue has said. Little sue has just nailed it exactly. She is shorter than 5'3 people like Joan Fontaine or Gina Lollobrigida. She is shorter than 5'4 people like eva marie saint, joan collins or eddie fisher. How on hell she could be 5'3 or 5'4??? 5' 2 at the very much at her peak. 5 at her last days.
One proof more, debbie reynolds, who was not more of 5'1 at peak is always half an inch shorter than Liz, maybe a full inch shorter in a lucky day. Not more. Even in some pics they look the same or liz being so slightly taller, very sligthly taller.
If little sue could post those pictures, it could proove even more than words.
little sue said on 14/Nov/13
Maybe not 1.5 inches but around an inch. I will have to try and learn how to put some pics on here as I have some really good ones of her photographed next to 5ft 4 people like Eddie Fisher, Joan Collins. Arch you should watch Raintree County, she is along side a 5ft 4 Eve Marie Saint and clearly looks two inches shorter.
Arch Stanton said on 13/Nov/13
She's right Rob, 5'3" Joan Fontaine looks about 1.5 inches taller than Liz doesn't she Sue. That's odd.
Arch Stanton said on 13/Nov/13
I agree Sue she looks tiny in Ivanhoe and looks more 5 ft 2 next to 6'3" George Sanders.
little sue said on 13/Nov/13
I have her in a picture face to face with Gina, they wearing similar boufant hairstyle and same dress and shoes, Gina about an inch taller
Arch Stanton said on 12/Nov/13
Click Here
Proportionally she looked nearer 5 ft 4 than 5 ft 2 IMO. She did look a lot shorter in comparison to Rock Hudson than Gina Lollobrigida did though. I'll try to watch Ivanhoe this evening.
little sue said on 11/Nov/13
She 5ft 2. 5 max, don't know where you can see the 5ft 3 plus, she a good 4 to 5 inches shorter than Newman in Cat, I'm watching it now! She was always described as short or petite, no one would describe a woman of 5ft 3 plus petite 40 or 50 years back as it was above average then. Watch the film Ivanhoe, her and Joan Fontaine in scenes together wearing identical slippers, Joan taller in ever scene and she is 5ft3 max.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Nov/13
She about 3 inches shorter than 5'9.5" Paul Newman in heels. I think he's spot on, 5'3" flat is possible but she definitely doesn't look under it in her films to me.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Nov/13
@Liz visit the tiny url website, you'll soon figure it out.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Nov/13
The confusing thing though is that she looked a lot shorter than Gina Lollobrigida next to Rock Hudson and Lollobrigida was supposedly 5 ft 3.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Nov/13
Spot on IMO. Always looked close to 5 ft 4 just shy. Looks 5'3.5 in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Not as low as 5'2"!!
mister_lennon said on 23/Sep/13
Yeah, i think so, little sue. But if you could put those pictures, it will proove that her height was 5'2 at the very max.
little sue said on 18/Sep/13
I shall have to learn how to put pics up on here!! I have a few pics of Liz and Eddie on the beach both in flat thong shoes, he is a good 3 inches taller than Liz, I think we fighting a loosing battle mister_lennon!! lol
mister_lennon said on 16/Sep/13
She usually used high heels, you know. But not way for 5'3. 5'2 at the very max.
buff said on 13/Sep/13
You have to remember that male celebrities used lifts in their shoes, as well, to appear taller than their mates. Eddie Fisher was known for that. I saw her in the very early 1960s and guessed her around 5ft. 3in. I am 5'10 and although petite,she couldn't have been much less than 5'6. The most beautiful woman I ever saw and I worked in the business for 34 years.
constance said on 26/Aug/13
5' 2" to 5' 3" in her prime is about right.
mister_lennon said on 31/Jul/13
5'4 , maybe on a box. She was a weak 5'2, its fully prooved in all her pictures. As little sue has said, 5'4 or 5'5 people towered over her, like eddie fisher or joan collins.
weak 5'2 at peak, 5 or 5'1 at her last years.
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jul/13
Spot on I'd say, weak 5'4". She had sapphire blue eyes and could looks like they had a violet tint. Didn't think much of her as an older lady, but seeing her in the 50s "I'd have loved to" put it that way...
little sue said on 11/Jul/13
I agree that she was only around 5ft 2 but I can't see any hazel eyes?? they were sapphire blue, no one can have true voilet eyes.
mister_lennon said on 11/Jul/13
Please, its time to downgrade her. The 5'3 and a half is just a joke. She was 5'2 at the very max. All the people has said it.
Vicky said on 10/Jul/13
She is really 5'1or at the most5'2. I stood next to her and was much taller and I am 5'4". She used to wear very high heels. But gorgeous! However she had hazel eyes flecked with turquoise. The
Violet was a myth for production and Hollywood build up!
Cliff said on 13/Nov/12
Hey Rob, I think it may be time to downgrade her. Very few people who knew or saw her in person thought she was taller than 5'2" - 5'3." I think 5'4" is out of the question.
little sue said on 7/Aug/12
Still think Liz needs a downgrade, I have brought all the books that have come out since she died and they all say she was 5ft 2.
mister_Lennon said on 23/Dec/11
In fact, she was not more than 5'2, even looking 5'1 sometimes. Agree with Little Sue.
little sue said on 22/Dec/11
Dennis, Mike Todd was only the same height as Eddie Fisher, about 5ft 4 or 5ft 5. Liz was a bit smaller that Todd and Fisher in her highest heels. I would'nt have put Liz under 5ft 2 though, maybe at the end of her life she was only around 5ft, but about 5ft 2 in her prime. I have loads of pics to prove Liz was around 5ft 2 but unfortunatly don't know how to post them on here.
mister_Lennon said on 22/Dec/11
And I repeat that Liz and Debbie looked the same in a lot of pictures. In a pair of them, Liz looked taller but we can see their footwear. In the most of them, they looked the same or Liz slightly taller, never two inches taller. Liz was about a weak 5'2 or a strong 5'1 girl. In her movies, everyone towered over her.
Dennis said on 22/Dec/11
Mike Todd was supposed to be 5'7 or 5'8. If you see them together she is almost as tall as he is. I know she has heels on, but, if you look at footage taken at premiers, she is as tall as he is. I am 5'll and she certainly seemed taller than 5'2". I was standing near her, and, I stood next to Debbie. Debbie was tiny. I still say Elizabeth was a couple of inches taller.
little sue said on 7/Dec/11
There was'nt a lot in it. I hae a pic of Liz when she married Mike Todd and Liz, Mike, Debbie adEddie are stood together, Liz looks about an inch taller in the pic. I'v seen the shoes she wore that day and they were about 3.5 inches, can't find a pic of Debbie's heels though. I'd say both of them were comfy with their height and I have seen both of them wearing flats and small heels. Liz's daughter with Mike Todd looks barely 5ft.
mister_Lennon said on 7/Dec/11
Debbie at 5'1 and Liz at 5'2 sounds right, but i have seen tons of pictures of both of them together and never a full inch between them. Only half an inch as the absolute max height difference.
little sue said on 6/Dec/11
Debbie was never more than 5ft 1, Liz was about an inch taller. Look at pics of Liz with Eddie Fisher, she is still smaller than him in her high heels and he is listed on here at 5ft 4.
mister_Lennon said on 5/Dec/11
Dennis, i know what picture are you talking about. In that picture, Liz and Debbie look the same. Maybe Liz a little bit taller, but only a little bit, and their postures are bad in that picture. In the other picture that you are talking, yes, Liz look a little bit taller, but only a little bit, and again, bad postures. But i have seen pictures of them looking the same, or even Debbie looking a little bit taller.But never 2 inches between them, not even 1 inch. What i want to say is that they are very close in height. Both 5'2.
Dennis said on 5/Dec/11
Mr. Lennon, There is a pic taken at a night club with Eddie in the middle and Liz and Debbie on either side. Liz looks taller. Another with Liz and Mike Todd and Eddie and Debbie, both in heels, and Liz is a bit taller. I also saw Liz with Eddie in the very early 60s with Eddie in person. She was very petite, but I would have guessed her between 5'3 and 5'4. She was so gorgeous I could have been in a trance. He was short also. I met Debbie years later and she was tiny.
mister_Lennon said on 25/Nov/11
Dennis, they were about the same height. Liz never looked a couple of inches taller than Debbie. With high heels and Debbie in normal shoes, maybe, but in equal conditions, they were around the same height.
Dennis said on 25/Nov/11
I saw her in photos next to Debbie Reynolds and she was at least a couple of inches taller. Debbie lists her height at 5'2", so Elizabeth had to be around 5'4.
gregory lehmann said on 15/May/11
What made 5'3" Taylor heavier to me was her coughing asthma made her look bloated.
littlesue said on 1/May/11
I have a few pics of her standing alongside Joan Collins, one from the 50's and one from the early 80's. They have similar heels of about 3.5 inches and Joan is clearly taller by about 1.5 to 2 inches in both pics. Does'nt Joan was always touted at being 5ft 6 in the early days but she has admitted that she was 5ft 4.
jtm said on 20/Apr/11
well i highly doubt she was ever 5'3.5 let alone 5'4.5. rob do you think is possible to downgrade her to at least 5'2.5? i think that could have been her morning height when she was younger.
jtm said on 20/Apr/11
rob don't you think this 5'3.5 listing is too high? frank2 and many others that worked with her claimed she was never taller than 5'2 and even that 4 letter site has her at 5'2.

Editor Rob
she lost height as she aged. I am pretty sure she actually claimed 5ft 4.5 very early in her career.
Waitaminute said on 2/Apr/11
My mother, now 75, was 5'0" at her tallest, 4'11" now. There's my reference point.
My wife and I stood next to Elizabeth Taylor at Elaine's restaurant in Manhattan in 1986. We were struck by her natural beauty - and her height. Allowing for heels we put her at 5'1" to 5'2" back then. Surprising but true.
littlesue said on 1/Apr/11
why not ask the same question if she was 6ft 6??, you could say extreme tallness is a deficit to beauty!!
komanda said on 30/Mar/11
First, Liz Taylor was 79 not 89.
Also, I have a, perhaps, strange question. If Liz Taylor looked exactly how she looked but wad only, let's say, 4 feet tall would she still be the celebrity she was?
It appears to me that height is a major aspect of beauty, and extreme shortness is a deficit to beauty.
david blazek said on 24/Mar/11
As a pre-teen,the beautiful woman against all to come would be meassured.Simple as that...RIP
episteme said on 24/Mar/11
Read some italian articles about her (RIP Liz), and she's described as 1.57 m (5'2 inches). She looked this height.
Takoda said on 24/Mar/11
R.I.P to one of the most beautiful, stylish icons I've ever laid eyes on. May you rest in peace. 1932-2011. People seem to gear towards tall beauties, although, I am under 5'5. I think women are beautiful no matter what height we are. So, open your eyes because we come in all shapes and sizes. You will always be remembered Elizabeth!!
Takoda said on 23/Mar/11
Elizabeth taylor passed away. She will always be remembered for her beauty and strength. She never felt bad about having many loves, and felt comfortable with herself and never lost her dignity over opinions of others. She was truly a beautiful confident soul. 1939-2011. Gone too soon at the age of 79 of a congestive heart attack. R.I.P. Elizabeth!!
Roxana said on 23/Mar/11
I just read today Wednesday March 23th Elizabeth Taylor Died at 89 years old. So beautifull woman and great actress. :(
MichelleP said on 14/Feb/11
I am currently reading a biography on Elizabeth Taylor and at the point I'm at, she has just lost weight and weighs 125 and in the book, people are describing her as "swollen and chunky". At 5ft 4.5, she wouldn't look swollen or chunky, she would look great. I think she had to have been shorter in order for her to look chunky at 125 lbs.
Littlesue said on 26/Dec/10
I'd agree that Liz was the ideal beauty of the time but I don't think its the last 10 years that we have had 'tall and skinny' models. The 'glamour' models were maybe smaller and curvier but the fashion models have always been tall and skinny. I remember reading that the Dior fashion models from the 40's and 50's were not allowed a waist bigger than 20 inches!! Womens shapes have changed over the years due to diet and now we have less of the more hourglass shape and more of the athletic with thicker waists and squarer hips, you can still have thin versions of this shape though
TI said on 25/Dec/10
She was the ideal beauty in her time. Back then small and curvy women were models. Only in latest for 10 yeras or less the fastion world made some cheanges started giving us us tall skiny models.
TI said on 25/Dec/10
Dude said on 21/Nov/10
I saw her and Eddie Fisher in the very early 60s. Both were short, but, I would have guessed her at 5'3. However, she was so staggeringly beautiful, her face was the focal point. In all my years in Hollywood, I never saw a lovelier woman. Natural beauty.
RC said on 7/Jul/09
what's the big deal anyway .....she managed to reach heights without having a model's height so stop being so jealous!
east meets west said on 4/Apr/09
Your readers are all correct. She was no more than 5'2" at the most.
Anonymous said on 18/Jan/09
I never understood how in some sites they dare to write: Elizabeth Taylor height: 5.4.Oh please ! She was very short, no more than 5.1 1/2 or 5.2 being too generous with her !
Yvonne said on 9/Dec/08
I have met her and stood right with her. She is tiny. I am not really tall - 5 feet 4 inches - she is at most when she was not in a wheel chair about 5 feet 2 inches and in her prime - flawlessly beautiful - like nothing I have ever seen!
Mister Lennon said on 23/Nov/08
She has been always very short. Look at her movies. Everyone was towering over her.
John said on 10/Nov/08
I believe Liz Taylor's height was minus 1". The cast and crew was constantly stepping on her by mistake. That is why she wore those huge gemstones ; for protection.
Mister Lennon said on 18/Sep/08
No way that she was or is 5'3. She is 5'2 at the very max , and being very generous with her. Look at her pictures with debbie reynolds when both of them were younger in the 50s and 60s. Reynolds was a clear 5'1 or 5'1 and a half, and they look the same. 5' 1 or a weak 5'2 for Liz. Now probably less, like 5'0 or so.
Here is the proof:
Click Here
Louisa said on 21/Aug/08
I'd always read she was 5'2", which is my height, so surprised to see on here 5'3.5" !!! As far as beauty--there could be all kinds of arguments--she's very pretty--I don't know if Vivien Leigh was more beautiful--same kind of pretty type--was told by someone who met Liz, her complexion is/was flawless--you can't see any pores--and her eyes really do have violet in them--which frankly I've never seen on anyone.
Anon said on 30/Jun/08
errrm no way. I always thought 5 ft 2 was a bit genorous for her. They probably over exagerated her height to fit in with her whole 'most beautiful woman' thing. No taller than 5 ft 2.
lrua said on 5/Jun/07
Liz definitely looked like a 5'2" girl when young, now 5'0", Richard Burton wasn't tall either at 5'8" , I have a 1970 episode of "Here's Lucy", 5'6" Lucy looks big next that them.
kathy said on 25/May/07
i must say that it is a bit irrational calling liz 'the most beautiful woman' in the world. quite honestly, there were better looking actresses than this overrated violet eyed woman. and yeah she is about 5'4.
glenn said on 13/Mar/07
wow.rex harrison.thats sick.where?
Brad said on 13/Mar/07
I met Rex Harrison at age 10 and was really tall....even in heels she looks small.
Mr.Venable said on 12/Mar/07
Taylor was 5'2 at the very max . In the last scene of Ivanhoe she's clearly at least one inch shorter than 5'3 Joan Fontaine
Anonymous said on 8/Dec/06
She must have been smaller than 5'3.5 if they had to stand her on something to do certain scenes and she wore huge heels. 5'3.5 is virtually average for a woman. So I think she's probably really 5'2 or something, maybe even 5'1 like the first comment said (because celeb heights usually tend to be increased rather than decreased).
Editor Rob said on 27/Apr/06
"She's not very tall and every time we did a scene they used to stand her on something. There we are on our first day and I'm looking just slightly above her eyeline, which makes me about 5ft 6" - Michael Caine.
nikki said on 17/Mar/06
Elizabeth was absolutely the most beautiful woman in the world and so perfectly petite I think she was 5'2" as well, as in Cleopatra she wore huge heels under her dresses and still looked tiny compared to Rex Harrison maybe he is really really tall.. I don't know
Viv said on 16/Mar/06
Frank2 - I believe you on this one. I watched "Father's Little Dividend" (1951) with Elizabeth, Spencer Tracy and Joan Bennett. Joan Bennett is listed as 5'3" everywhere I've seen and, in that movie in the scenes where I could guage both Elizabeth and Joan's heel sizes and posture (perfect posture, I might add), Elizabeth was about 1" shorter than Joan. I firmly believe her to be 5'2", as well.
Frank2 said on 16/Mar/06
Liz is or was 5'2". I don't know what she is these days after so many back operations. My mom was 5'4" and knew Taylor and was taller.
rose said on 16/Jan/06
I really really think she looks shorter than 5'4" even in the 1950's I have a book of photographs by Bob Willoughby and she is always the shortest female in the photos isn't 5'4" average? Next to Burton she also looks about 5'3"
Morgan said on 1/Jan/06
She really did look 5'2" at times in a lot of photos and her films (particularly Cleopetra)as a big fan of hers I find it hard to believe she was ever 5'4". I've also read she had to stand on a box next to some particularly tall leading men- would someone 5'4" (5'7" or 5'8" in 3 or 4 inch heels) really have to do that but 5'4" is her 'official' height and she's sticking to it!!
Viv said on 31/Dec/05
People who have met her or seen her are generally astounded by how "tiny" she is. I've heard these people guess her height anywhere from 5'1" to 5'3" (Keeping in mind, these sightings being from the 1950's-60's - she's probably lost a bit of height by now). One thing many people mention is how tiny her features are, as well. She may be (or, have been in the 1950's/60's) 5'4", but her tiny features made her look shorter. Or, she may very well have been 5'1"-5'3". My guess is 5'2" in the 1950's/60's.
Serena said on 26/Oct/05
I always thought she was 522 as I've always read that in magazines. Maybe I'm wrong but. . . . . people lie especially about height!!
CelebHeights Editor said on 6/Oct/05
Time Magazine, 1949: "5 ft. 4½ in., 112 Ibs"
bree said on 13/Jul/05
1963 movie life yearbook said she was 5'1"...